#red rising fanfiction
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vesperpharsalius · 6 months ago
You (17M) kneel before him (16M) at his bedside while he weeps over his dead brother that you killed. You wipe away his tears, rest your forehead against his, whisper words of comfort and affirmation onto his lips, and bury your fingers inside his beautiful curls that you’re obsessed with. You crawl into his bed and embrace him, letting him sob into your chest and convulse for hours, safe and secure in your arms. You snuggle him, nuzzle him, and tenderly stroke his hair as you coax him back from the brink of self–destruction.
You do not think is—in any way, shape, or form—gay. You believe this is a normal interaction between two boys who have known each other for two days.
You are Darrow O’Lykos and you are not bisexual and you are certainly not attracted to Cassius au Bellona—or any Gold, for that matter. What would give anyone that impression?
Chapters 10–12 up now! To all my loyal readers, tysm for your patience! Please enjoy your feast.
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puiubellona · 25 days ago
A young Lorn au Arcos as seen in my WIP fic The Disappearance 🤭
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uhhhh-em-draws-stuff · 8 months ago
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Throughout her life, Chloe’s parents would always start humming and singing a specific song. The song they had their first dance to when they fell in love at castlecoming. She had never gone more than a week without hearing the song or hearing about the events that came with it. As much as it could annoy her, it gave her hope that she, too, would fall in love while dancing to the song at her own castlecoming.
But here she was at her own castlecoming, leaning against the wall with Red in the dimly lit hall. Chloe had Red’s red suit jacket draped over her shoulders in an attempt to warm up after they turned the air conditioning up to cool the room down. Her red headed friend didn’t want to wear a dress, and the only way her mother allowed that was if Chloe picked it out for her, not trusting her daughter to dress herself. She was fairly merciful in picking out her outfit. However, she did throw in a red bow tie for good measure.
Chloe internally groaned. ‘Great!” she thought. She turned to her friend and said “The one song my parents wanted me to dance with someone during, no one in sight.”
She felt Red’s eyes on her. A moment of silenced passed, followed by another.
Before there could be a third, Red was fully turned to her with an extended hand.
“…..may I have this dance?”
Chloe blinked at her in shock. RED asking HER to DANCE? SLOW DANCE? To THIS song? What is happening?
She quickly regained her composure and slipped her hand into Red’s extended one.
“You may.”
Chloe rested her free hand on Red’s shoulder while Red’s slipped around her waist ever so slightly under her own suit jacket.
“So this is love, mmmmmmm~”
This might have not been how she imagined her castlecoming dance partner, it could’ve been someone much worse. She was glad it was Red. Even if it was just platonic. Even if her friend looked so beautiful in her suit. Even if her bow tie was so endearing to her. Even if she felt giddy when Red offered her her jacket. Even if Red’s dark eyes were staring into hers like there was something she had yet to realize. Even if-
‘I’m in love with red’
“So this is love~”
And she thinks she’s okay with that. She decides that’s a problem for later, just enjoy the dance now.
“Thank you so much, Red.”
She let go of Red’s hand and wrapped both arms around her neck and leaning into her, in a hug like position.
“So this is what makes life divine~”
She felt Red stiffen at sudden contact. After a moment she felt arms wrap around her midsection and a head lean into her shoulder.
“I’m all aglow, mmmmm~”
And maybe this was love.
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bananaactivity · 7 months ago
PROGRESSSS on maleficent and hades the punk gothic duo 😝🙏
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I didn’t change Hades much because he matches D3 Hades really well but for Mali I gave her the iconic thin brow look 😻
I unwrapped her horns because like there’s no way a boss queen like that would cover up something that strikes fear into people.
She’s wearing a short form fitting leather dress with a flowing sheer top part thing and you can bet a million dollars she has on ripped tights and big chunky boots.
I feel like now she looks more like Mal from the trilogy… but I want Mal to be in less purples. INKNOW I KNOW THE PURPLE IS ICONIC. I don’t care that much tho fr…
She is holding Hades ember in her hand, not for any real reason other then it looks cool. I don’t have a story planed for them yet but I know that it’s one about there relationship woes and triumphs. Hades also doesn’t completely abandoned Mal.
I actually wanna give Mali her pet raven she has in every property except in Descendants. Again these aren’t done yet 😔🙏 but it’s much more cool to work on them the other things I didn’t finish ☝️🫠
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thehaemanthus · 1 year ago
ohhhh my goodness, the premise is insane and the consequences of this are chilling who is darrow without his past, his rage, Eo's dream, his family's love?
The Mark of Wolves - Red Rising fic
All my people sing of are memories. And so I will remember this death. It will burden me as it does not burden my fellow students—I must not let that change. I must not become like them. I’ll remember that every sin, every death, every sacrifice, is for freedom.
But Darrow forgets. He forgets everything. Red, Gold, the mines, the Sons of Ares, his mission, his family, his purpose, his dreams, his past. Eo. So what does Darrow become?
Drabble I: Darrow
He tells me his name is Cassius. Cassius au Bellona.
“Cassius,” I repeat, hoping that at least the taste of his name would bring me some familiarity. It doesn’t.
“Do you remember me?”
I study him—his golden curls, his shining eyes, the cleft in his chin. He’s a boy on the cusp of adulthood, a young man of infinite beauty. He’s not someone you can easily forget. And yet, the sight of him sparks nothing. “Should I?”
He flinches. I didn’t mean to hurt him. You shouldn’t hurt young, beautiful things. He waves away my hesitant apology and calls me Darrow. Darrow au Andromedus. It leaves me indifferent.
I sit cross-legged with my back against the wall. Cassius mirrors my position across from me, and next to him is a slight long-haired boy who’s kept silent until now. He leans forward. “I’m Roque au Fabii,” he says and when that, too, gets nothing from my side, he asks, “What about your family? Your parents? Your home?”
I frown in concentration.
Cassius perks up. “You’re from Yorkton. Your mother’s name was Lexus, I believe.”
I shrug.
"And your father... Your father's name, I mean..." Trailing off, he turns to Roque for help, but all Roque does is shake his head. It’s clear none here knows me all that well.
Roque sighs, “It seems you’ve lost your memories.”
I feel lost.
I woke up surrounded by forgotten faces and with no idea who I am or who I’m supposed to be. Questions tumble through my brain, the next one louder than the one before.
They try to explain the situation succinctly.
It’s our third day at the Institute on Mars,
So, I’m trapped in the savage wilderness, where society has been reduced to young Golds giving in to their primal instincts, and I don't even know what Gold is supposed to mean.
“I do wonder sometimes,” Roque begins after Cassius has recovered, “as to the purpose of all this. How can this be the most efficient method of testing our merit, of making us into beings who can rule the Society?”
“And do you ever come to a conclusion?” Cassius asks.
“They have us here because this valley was humanity before Gold ruled. Fractured. Disunited even in our very own tribe. They want us to go through the process that our forefathers went through. Step by step, this game will evolve to teach us new lessons. Hierarchies within the game will develop. We’ll have Reds, Golds, Coppers.”
“Pinks?” Cassius asks hopefully.
“I … don’t know about Pinks,” Roque says. The idea of a Gold being a Pink offends him. I don’t know enough to form an opinion. “But … the rest is simple. This is a microcosm of the Solar System.”
Roque notices my blank look. “Darrow… do you know what the Society is? The colors?”
I shake my head. “What’s a Pink?”
Roque snorts.
Cassius buries his face in his hands.
Roque is finishing his summary of  the Red class when he’s interrupted by two pairs of voices and pounding feet. The girls have returned.
“Has he woken up?” is the first question the shorter girl asks as she steps through the doorway.
The lean, long-limbed girl that follows closely behind her, whistles. “Wow, that looks gorydamn nasty!”
She means the wound on the side of my head—a horizontal, freshly stitched and swollen scar. Nine stitches. Cassius is in the middle of cleaning it with salt water.
I stare at them, suddenly conscious of the fact that I’m wearing nothing but my underwear under the light blanket. Cassius said they’d washed them and hung them to dry in the sun outside.
"What?" asks the lean girl.
"What?" I say.
"What?" she repeats.
Cassius lifts his eyes to heaven. "Great ancestors, spare me."
"He doesn't remember you, Quinn. Or anyone, for that matter." Roque clears his throat. “We believe he suffers from amnesia.”
“Believe?” Cassius gives a harsh laugh. “He doesn’t recall his mother from Jove. It’s a fact, my goodman.”
Quinn gapes. "Nothing?"
"Not a gorydamn truth," Cassius says. I admire how his hands stay steady and gentle despite his heated tone. "We just had to explain to him what the Society is."
Quinn gapes some more.
The short-haired girl brings me a cup of water. “Little sips,” she advises, smiling kindly. She introduces herself as Lea.
“We were deciding who was right to lead us. The discussion quickly devolved into . Titus waited until we had our backs turned.” He nearly growls. “The coward.”
“What happened exactly,” I ask him, “Cassius?” But he remains tight-lipped, the anger obvious in the way he works his jaw. He finishes putting the bandages in place, squeezes the back of my neck and leaves the room. 
We stare after him.
“Did I do something?”
Lea shakes her head. “You should eat your berries, Darrow. You need the energy.” 
After some hesitation, I fall upon them. I didn’t realize how hungry I was.
Quinn takes over. “We were leaving. Titus grabbed the standard and attacked. Caught you—” she points at my temple, the wet spot underneath the bandages, “Right there.”
“I saw it all happen. Titus was aiming for Cassius,” sweet-featured Lea adds, “You saved him, Darrow. You pushed him out of the way, left yourself open. That’s how Titus got you.” She shivers. “Your blood splattered all over us. It was everywhere. We thought you’d died.”
“It was chaos,” Quinn agrees, her gaze faraway. “We fought like hell. Cassius threw himself at Titus with a roar. I grabbed a chair and started swinging at anyone who came close. Got Vixu-something in the chest. He was down for the count after that. Lea did the maddest thing. She hit and bit Titus’s hand until he dropped the banner.” She laughs when Lea blushes. “By then, you’d recovered enough for us to retreat. Roque knew a shortcut through the empty stables. Cassius’d left Titus’s face a gory mess and we covered our retreat.”
“I can’t believe I forgot the standard,” Lea groans, hiding her face in her hands. 
“At least you remembered to grab us some grub instead. I carried that chair out of the gorydamn castle!”
They devolve into giggles.
Roque finishes quietly. “You passed out after a mile. Cassius carried you the rest of the way here. You were unconscious for twenty-seven hours. The rest is history.”
It’s strange how that sentence is true, especially for me. My history boils down to the past hours spent in their company. Anything before that is an empty void.
Cassius walks back in and throws a pile of damp black and gold fatigues on my lap. He seems in an even worse mood than before, although none of his ire is directed at us. “Darrow, get ready, my goodman. Proctor Mars wants a word with you.”
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descendantsramblings · 6 months ago
Love the morgie and hook dominant!reader, maybe another headcanon version with submissive!reader, sfw pillow princess vibes?
Sfw pillow princess is the funniest statement I’ve ever read but also I have NO CLUE how to describe what you’re asking for otherwise. I can absolutely do that love, I love playing with the dynamics of hook/reader/morgie they’re literally my boys
James Hook x GN! Reader x Morgie le Fay
No Pronouns Used
Warnings: SFW Dominance, vomit mention, pet names, mentions of makeout sessions but absolutley no detail what-so-ever, neck kiss mention, jealousy mention, hot type of possessive tendencies (not yandere shit), mentions of Hooks and spells being used violently
Word Count: 1.7K
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Anyone who was anyone was well aware that Morgie le Fay was head over heels for you from the second you started at Merlin Academy. 
Which is what shocked everyone when his roommate asked you out, nobody thought that Hook would betray him like that 
Of course the rest of the school wasn’t aware that he had asked Morgie out too, for the same night, same time, and same place
James Hook has always been a man who knew exactly what he wanted, and what he wanted was you and Morgie. He had no shame in taking what he wants, and both of you were well aware of that
It was a shock to Morgie when James said they had to go pick you up before they could go, and it was a bigger shock when you had both guys who caught your attention standing outside of your door. 
Not that Morgie could complain, even if his crush on you was more noticeable, he’d had a thing for Hook for years. Probably since the day that they moved into their freshman dorm. 
And you weren’t one to complain either, having two extremely attractive guys fawn over you felt extremely good
Hook pulling out your chair for you, Morgie ordering for you when he could tell you were nervous about talking to the waiter
They were taking care of you, had you right where they wanted you. And it felt amazing, you needed it to be more than just one night 
Lucky for you, neither boy had any plans of letting that night be the only one. There would be many more dinners and picnics and walks and whatever else they could think of to pull a smile out of you
The three of you made it official by your third date
It didn’t take either of them long to realize that you were putty in their hands when they did anything someone could consider as an act of dominance, and they surely did like that 
Like you were their little doll, theirs to touch and tease and dress up, they loved that
Hook Focused Headcanons 
Obviously, as the Captain of a pirate crew, James is used to being dominant in his life
But with you (and Morgie if the boy is also leaning towards being more submissive that day) he gets to be gentle in his dominance, and by god does he like that
His Hook pretty much stays tucked into one of your belt loops, holding you against him.
Lips constantly brushing over your temple or forehead, not pressing against them but leaving the ghost of a kiss on you. As if you’re fragile in some regard. 
He can get more aggressive though, especially if you’re being bratty or someone else upset him
You’re no stranger to having kiss reddened lips from your place against a wall if he sees fit
But more so, he loves being able to be gentle with you
If you need help with something and he can tell, it’s “Love, let me help you” before you can open your mouth to ask for it
If you wear makeup and you’re getting frustrated with it, he’ll kneel in front of you and take over for you, damn near cooing at you about how pretty he thinks his partner is
He loves getting to introduce you and Morgie to people, “This is my partner, (Y/n) and our boyfriend, Morgie” he’s so proud of it
You spend an ungodly amount of time perched on his lap in the hideout or the courtyard (with Morgie’s hand tightly grasped in yours) 
James isn’t much for holding hands, but as long as you’re okay with it he loves PDA. Again with the belt loop agenda, but also kissing your forehead/temple/cheek, and lap sitting, and kissing you at school dances. He’s got part of himself touching you pretty much at all times
 Pet names fly off of this boy’s lips on basically every single sentence he lets out and you eat it up every single time
He likes to use different ones to see what you react to better, he takes a mental note on nicknames you seem to prefer. 
If you’re clingy, he eats it up he adores feeling needed
Hook loves to pick out your outfits for you, especially when he can get you in colors that he and Morgie prefer to wear
After the first date, he continued to pull your chair out for you and scoot you back into the table any chance he got 
Morgie focused Headcanons 
You’re significantly more likely to be a brat for Morgie because he’ll put up with more before putting you in your place (unless Hook gets tired of it first and beats him to it) 
Morgie isn’t huge on PDA but he loves to hold your hand. He actually prefers to hold one of yours in both of his, as if you’re absolutely precious
He carries your bag/books for you in the halls when you’re on the way to class
Morgie is really big on planning dates, he loves it. You and Hook just have to dress appropriately and show up, he’ll handle the rest
Has never and will never forget an anniversary or birthday, Morgie is on that. 
Even though he’s not big on PDA, you best believe he’s kissing you before you part ways, just a little peck on the lips.
He’s really intune to your emotions, the slightest hint of you being any form of upset will lead to him opening his arms with a “Come here, Baby” 
Puts your shoes on for you (+ties them if they need it) 
Literally doesn’t let you carry anything, not because he thinks you can’t but because he doesn’t think you should have to 
 He’s a lot less likely to get aggressive with you (he will with Hook if James deserves it) but when he does, by god have you earned it
On nights where you end up staying with them without intending to, it’s always because of him. Morgie is no stranger to laying on top of you and dotting kisses on your neck and shoulder until you agree to stay the night with them
He has your go-to orders memorized, and unless you mention wanting something different that day he orders for you without having to ask
Big fan of buying you flowers, your nightstand never goes bare 
He fixes your clothes or hair anytime he can notice them out of place as if it’s second nature for him
If you’re telling him something and get flustered and look away, he’s no stranger to tilting your chin back up and telling you to look at him. 
Often is the one telling you to go to bed, he wants to sleep and also knows that you don’t sleep enough 
He will tell you to ask him nicely if you ask for something while being bratty, and you’re not getting it until you ask nicely or get it yourself 
Back to both of them 
They will find any reason to have you stay the night with them (“It’s raining you can’t walk back to your dorm in that, Baby” “It’s far too cold for you to go back to your dorm, Love, you forgot your jacket.” “You know, Darling, we have plans early tomorrow, you may as well just stay here and we can get ready together”) 
They’re not above referring to you as Theirs to others, no one gets to have the idea that you’re open to more than just the two of them
You haven’t had to actually get up and get something for yourself the majority of your relationship,they have you so incredibly spoiled
Both boys have a tendency to slide a hand on your back to guide you through crowds
They’re big on praise,both to you and from you. If you like something they’re doing, tell them
If you’re getting sick, Hook is holding your hair (or rubbing your back if your hair is shorter) while Morgie is getting 2 wet rags (one to wipe your mouth, the other for the back of your neck) 
When they get you to sleep over, more often than not you fall asleep listening to James’ heartbeat with Morgie spooning you so incredibly warm and wrapped up in them 
Or you’re the middle spoon, Hook curled up in your arms with Morgie’s face nuzzled into your hair
Rarely (as Hook hates to be the big spoon) you’ll fall asleep with your face nuzzled into Morgie’s chest, his arms stretched around you to rest on Hook who’s spooning you. All six of your legs creating a tangle
They don’t get jealous of each other (obviously) but by god do they get jealous of other people
If a prince gets a little too comfortable and starts flirting with you, there’s suddenly two guard dogs on either side of you, their hands wandering over you as they’re glaring 
Which will end up with you in their dorm or a dark corner, them taking turns with your lips while the other whispers in your ear about how you’re theirs (Not that you need the reminder) 
Rarely, when Morgie is feeling especially submissive, you two are the brat duo of James’ nightmares (he finds the both of you playing your attitudes off of each other mind-numbingly hot but be he wouldn’t admit that with a sword to his neck) 
 Hook rarely gets submissive but more so needy, laying down and looking over the two of you before demanding that you “Come cuddle” 
Pirate ship dates where Hook is steering and Morgie is rubbing sunscreen on your back 
Swimming with them is the absolute worst though, Hook loves to play colors and think of the most ridiculous colors to keep dunking you in the water (Who in their right mind thinks of burnt-sienna while playing colors) And marco polo with Morgie leads to him cheating every single time 
They’re without a doubt protective over you, especially if you’re not a villain. No one is making their partner feel out of place
And if someone threatened you? That golden Hook or Morgie’s book of spells would be put to good use, no one is going to threaten you and get away with that 
They’re obsessed with you, you hung the stars to them. They’d do whatever you wanted to make sure you were happy, to ensure that you don’t want to leave them (not that you’d ever so much as consider it)
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ladydigianna · 6 months ago
ours || poly! uliana's crew x reader
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|| pairings: uliana x reader, hook x reader, morgie x reader, hades x reader, maleficent x reader, maleficent x hades
|| poly, fluff, jealousy
|| from the author: my favorite characters from rise of red mwa mwa
-fic under the cut-
The corridors of Merlin’s Academy were alive with activity, filled with a mix of students from different backgrounds—royals, villains, and everyone in between. You walked through the halls with a confident stride, a natural result of your royal upbringing. Yet, behind that confidence was a heart that had been captured by a rather unconventional group.
Uliana, Hook, Morgie, Hades, and Maleficent—they were your everything.
Your relationship with them had started slowly, each bond forming in its own time, like pieces of a puzzle falling into place. Uliana, with her sly smiles and endless charm, was the first to draw you in. Hook followed with his reckless grin and roguish wit. Morgie’s quiet strength, Hades’ surprisingly warm heart, and Maleficent’s fierce protectiveness—all of them had captured your heart in their own unique ways.
And they had captured each other’s too. Love flowed freely between all of you, a beautiful, tangled web of affection that defied the expectations of the world around you.
But today, something felt off.
You were outside by the fountain, chatting with your friends—Bridget, Ella, and Charming—when you noticed Uliana, Hook, Morgie, Hades, and Maleficent watching from a distance. Their expressions were tight, their postures stiff. Something was wrong.
After saying goodbye to your friends, you made your way over to them. “Hey, what’s going on?”
Uliana’s usual smirk was missing as she glanced at the others. Hook was the first to speak, his voice laced with a rare vulnerability. “(Y/N), why are you with us?”
You blinked, confused by the question. “What do you mean?”
Morgie sighed, crossing his arms as he leaned against a tree. “You’re a royal, (Y/N). You have everything—the status, the friends, the perfect life. Why would you want to be with a bunch of misfits like us?”
The words hit you like a punch to the gut. You looked around at them, seeing the insecurity and doubt in their eyes. Even Maleficent, usually so composed, looked unsure, her gaze fixed on the ground.
Hades was the one who broke the silence. “You could have anyone, (Y/N). Why choose us? We’re not like you. We’re... not enough.”
Your heart ached at the sight of their pain. You stepped forward, reaching for Uliana’s hand first. “You’re all more than enough for me. I don’t care about being a royal or what anyone else thinks. I care about you—all of you.”
You turned to Hook, placing a hand on his cheek. “You make me laugh like no one else can.”
Then to Morgie, brushing your fingers against his. “You’re strong and steady, always there when I need you.”
You faced Hades next, cupping his face in your hands. “You have the kindest heart, even if you try to hide it.”
And finally, to Maleficent, who met your gaze with uncertainty. “You’re fierce and protective, and I love that about you.”
You took a step back so you could see all of them at once. “I love you all for who you are. That’s why I’m with you—because you make me feel like I’m home.”
Uliana was the first to react, pulling you into a tight embrace. “I’m sorry,” she murmured into your hair. “We were just... scared, I guess.”
Hook joined in, wrapping his arms around both of you. “Yeah, we’re idiots.”
Morgie, Hades, and Maleficent followed, surrounding you in a warm, protective circle. “We’re lucky to have you,” Morgie said softly.
“And I’m lucky to have you,” you replied, squeezing them all tightly.
The tension melted away, replaced by the comforting warmth of being with the people you loved most in the world. Whatever doubts they had, you were determined to dispel them, to show them every day just how much they meant to you.
The next day, everything seemed to return to normal, or so you thought. You spent the morning attending classes, and during lunch, you hung out with your friends—Bridget, Ella, and Charming. They were laughing about something when Bridget’s expression grew serious.
“(Y/N), can we talk for a second?” Bridget asked, her tone low.
You nodded, curious but not alarmed. “Sure, what’s up?”
Ella and Charming exchanged glances before Ella spoke. “It’s about Uliana, Hook, Morgie, Hades, and Maleficent. They’ve been... well, they’ve been pulling pranks. Mean ones.”
Your stomach dropped. “What do you mean?”
Charming sighed, running a hand through his hair. “They’ve been targeting other students. Specifically, other royals.”
“They’re trying to prove something,” Bridget added, her voice gentle. “I don’t think it’s malicious, but it’s definitely causing problems.”
You felt a mix of disappointment and frustration. This wasn’t like them—not the people you knew and loved. But you also remembered the conversation you had with them the day before, how they had expressed their insecurities about your relationship. It all made sense now.
“Thanks for telling me,” you said, your voice steady. “I’ll handle it.”
You found them later that afternoon, gathered in their usual spot. They were laughing, clearly pleased with themselves over something. But when they saw you approaching, their smiles faltered.
“(Y/N), what’s wrong?” Uliana asked, noticing the serious expression on your face.
You crossed your arms, not bothering to mask your disappointment. “I know about the pranks.”
Their reactions varied—Uliana looked guilty, Hook tried to play it off with a grin, Morgie and Maleficent avoided your gaze, and Hades sighed deeply.
“Why?” you asked, your voice filled with hurt. “Why would you do something like this?”
“(Y/N), it’s not a big deal,” Hook started, but you cut him off.
“It is a big deal, Hook. You’re hurting people because you’re insecure. You’re trying to prove something that doesn’t need proving.”
Uliana frowned, her guilt turning to defensiveness. “They had it coming. Those royals look down on us. They think we’re nothing but trouble.”
“And you’re proving them right by acting like this!” you shot back. “You’re better than this. All of you are.”
Morgie finally spoke up, his voice subdued. “We just... we didn’t want to lose you. They have so much to offer, and we’re just...”
You softened at his words, your heart aching for them. “I chose you. I choose you every day. But this? This isn’t the way to handle it.”
Hades, who had been silent until now, stepped forward, taking your hand in his. “We’re sorry, (Y/N). We didn’t think it would get this far.”
You squeezed his hand, looking at each of them in turn. “You don’t need to prove anything to me. I love you for who you are, not for what you think you should be. I don’t want to see you hurting others because of your insecurities.”
Maleficent finally spoke, her voice low but sincere. “We won’t do it again. We’ll make it right.”
Uliana nodded, her earlier defensiveness melting away. “We’ll fix this, (Y/N). We promise.”
You let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding, feeling the tension leave your shoulders. “Thank you. I don’t want to see you guys hurt anyone, but I also don’t want to see you hurting yourselves with this kind of behavior.”
They all moved closer, surrounding you in a group hug that felt as warm and comforting as ever. Uliana pressed a kiss to your temple, Hook wrapped an arm around your waist, Morgie rested his forehead against yours, Hades held you close, and Maleficent gently touched your cheek.
“We love you, (Y/N),” Uliana whispered, and the others murmured their agreement.
“And I love you,” you replied, your voice thick with emotion. “We’re in this together, okay? No more doubts, no more pranks. Just us.”
They nodded, and you knew they meant it. The love you shared was stronger than any insecurities, any doubts. And together, you would face whatever challenges came your way, hand in hand.
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somedudenamedanthony · 7 months ago
AU where rather than Killing Ella, Bridget just imprisons her in a tower and occasionally visits her to rant and argue but Just Can't Kill Her As Much As She Wants To And It's Driving Her Insane because she's clearly still in love and Ella doesn't mind it as much as she wants to because she's also super still in love and it's toxic yuri where they would sometimes get too close and Ella would smell Bridget's rose perfume and Bridget sees the flecks of gold in Ella's eyes that she swears weren't there when they were young and she'd know because she was always looking at her eyes and they kiss in the middle of an argument and it was an accident but Ella wants it and Bridget wants it and it's terrible and beautiful and nobody cqn know
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crowpickingss · 7 months ago
Hiiii can I maybe request a hook x gn reader where some princess gives him a love potion and true loves kiss comes in clutch?
True Loves Kiss
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hook x gn! reader
summary: hook asks bridget for a love potion to give to you. Instead of making you fall in love it makes you fall asleep
warnings: magic
a/n: love this request hope you don’t mind I changed the princess to bridget I felt it suit her more
The first time hook saw you his heartbeat went crazy. He would often watch you from around the corner or through his spyglass. One day while he was watching you at your locker Morgie approached him.
“Spying again I see” Hook jumped when he heard his friends voice “What no, I’m just picking Uli’s next target” Morgie lightly punched hook in the arm “Yeah sure, look I’ve seen you spying a lot” Hooks cheeks turned pink
“Look I’m not judging, but if your this obsessed I would ask Bridget” Hook audibly groaned “Why Bridget, she’s so annoying” Morgie laughed at hooks annoyance “She makes love cupcakes, give one to y/n and boom you two are in love”
The next day hook reluctantly knocked on Bridget’s door. When she opened the door she was surprised to see hook “Look Bridget I wouldn’t normally come here but, I need a favour” Ella appeared behind Bridget “Why should she give you a favour, for all we know your going to use it against her” Hook bring his hand to his hip “I won’t I promise, I just need one of those cupcakes..”
Bridget smiled and welcomed him into her dorm “Which one, I have lots” Hook tilted from side to side in embarrassment “I need uh the love one..” Hook stood silent as Bridget gave him one cupcake “Just give this to the lucky person and make sure that you are the first person they see” Hook nodded and left Bridget’s room.
After the last class he found you sitting by a tree reading a book. He approached you holding the cupcake “y/n, did you want this Bridget gave it to me but I don’t want it” You looked up from your book “Yeah sure” He watches in anticipation as you take the cupcake and bite it.
He looks into your eyes as the form hearts “Hook I-“ His smile quickly fades when you fall asleep right then. He grabs your shoulder and shakes you trying to wake you up. In a slight panic he picks you up and carries you back to his and Morgie’s shared dorm.
He places you down onto his bed and runs to ask Morgie for help “Morgie there you are, you’re stupid plan didn’t work” Morgie turned to face hook a bit confused “What do you mean” Hook grabbed his hand and dragged him over to you “See, I asked Bridget for the stupid cupcake and now they are asleep” Morgie chuckled “Have you tried waking y/n up” Hook looked at Morgie with an angry look “Y/n won’t wake up, I’ve been trying for a while” Morgie’s smirk dropped.
Hook and Morgie both walked over to Bridget’s dorm “Oh hey boys, everything alright” Hook pushed past her and entered her dorm “Your cupcake didn’t work” Bridget looked at hook in confusion “What do you mean” Hook groaned “I mean the person who I gave it too fell asleep” Bridget giggled but stopped when she saw hook glaring her down “To wake the person, they need a true loves kiss” Hook rolled his eyes
“Can you stop messing with me and actually tell me how to wake them up” Bridget smirked and crossed her arms “That is the reason, have you never heard of it” Hook shook his head and shoved Morgie out of Bridget’s room and back to their room.
When they finally arrived hook approached your sleeping body and leaned down. Took a deep breath and kissed you on the lips. He moved back and watched as your eyes returned to normal and as you woke up. You looked over to hook and stood up “Thanks for the cupcake” He stopped you before you left
“Do you feel different” He held a firm grip on your shoulder “No?” He sighed but let you go “Bye James, I love you” His head turned to face you as you walked out “Love you too?” He turned to Morgie “What just happened” Morgie laughed “Your greatest wish I guess”
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oxymoronicdumbass · 3 months ago
you think i’m crazy about this show now? HAH you should see my AO3 account! …but on second thought, maybe you shouldn’t…
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vesperpharsalius · 16 days ago
hey, i'm new to here so i dont know if someone asked you to same question so, sorry to bother. may i ask if you countinuing your fic ice and fire? as i say i'm kinda new and i dont know your update schedule or smth. have a good day!!😚
Well... welcome to my corner of the hellsite! Happy to have you. Please always feel free to send me messages and asks; my inbox is always open—and I don’t mind repeating myself in the slightest, lol. A fan could never bother me.
So, there really is no underestimating or underselling how passionate I am about Ice and Fire and Alis Aquilae, generally, which is the collective name for my planned Bellonaverse. Words, quite simply, fail me whenever I try to convey the depth of my obsession.
Let me just say this—if, for whatever reason, this project is abandoned, it will be for one reason and one reason only: I am dead. Mourn me. Remember me fondly. Because nothing but death itself could keep me from finishing it—and, indeed, it may very kill me. I have reached a terminal level of freak and am likely committing acts of hubris in this endeavor from which I may never recover. But goddamn it, kitten—we are finding this Northwest Passage and exploring Darrow’s southwest passage, too.
The good news is that the bulk of I&F is already rough–drafted. When I first started posting, about fifteen months ago, I thought it was closer to being done and that I’d only need to do some final touches on each chapter before I published it, and… yeah. No.
Extensive rewriting and revising and polishing has delayed progress significantly; I never thought it’d take more than a few months to finish this, tbh, and it’ll be two years, come July. And, hell, I’m not even halfway through; fourteen—out of 150? To say nothing of the supplementary fics that I’ve planned for AA, written from the perspective of other characters that will complement the main trilogy; these will be about 50k apiece. 
Which is not exactly… inspiring.
I also completely underestimated how distracting feedback would be. It’s difficult—almost impossible, really—for me to focus on I&F itself when I have so many wonderful comments and messages and asks that I could be answering instead, because I enjoy discussing my fics far more than I enjoy writing them, if I’m honest.
It’s the instant gratification of it all. And, y’know—the praise kink. It’s kinking. 
That said, I’ve decided to change the paradigm a bit. What I’m going to be doing hereafter is batches of twenty–five; so, I’ll write twenty–five chapters, release one (or maybe two) a week, go on hiatus while I write the next twenty–five chapters, and so on. The first batch will be much smaller, only eleven, as I’ve already posted fourteen. 
The hiatuses will only apply to the trilogy, though; I’ll throw y’all a different bone to chew on while you’re waiting. The first one will be the final chapters of MTB; after that, though… we’ll start digging into AA’s supplementary fics that I promised and some independent Cassius–centric stuff, too.
Hopefully, this will increase my productivity to a more satisfactory rate and give y’all some consistency in your lives. Really, it’s cruel what I’ve done: all this suspense, these empty promises of updates and responses and sex so torrid that a single read will permanently alter your brain chemistry and damn you straight to superhell.
They should try me at the Hague for this.
At my current pace, I should be able to wrap up I&F by the end of 2025 and get started on the sequel, which is still in the conceptual phase right now. At the very least, though, this series will be ongoing for the next three years.
So. Here’s hoping y’all don’t get too sick of me. 
You can expect Chs. 15–25 of I&F to start getting posted in a few weeks. I’m gonna chain myself to it. I may or may not release Ch. 15 on its own, as it’s 95% done; right now, I’m inclined to save it for the group. 
But... you never know. I have been known to lie.
Thank you for the ask, for your patience, and for being such a good sport as I edge you. What can I say?
In typical Cassius fashion, he’s taking his damn time.
Stay tuned. 
Update: I lied. Ch. 15 is live.
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uhhhh-em-draws-stuff · 7 months ago
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The reunion from @corgiplays’s snowboarder Chloe x mountain rescuer red who had a fling years before
I just wanted to say I really enjoyed the first chapter!
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bananaactivity · 5 months ago
Core 4 AU Redesigns
Finally… I have them all.
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+ Ben :3
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These guys are all 21-22, they attend Auradon University including Ben who is not king yet.
Feel free to ask me about them in the ask box if you’d like >:3
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marigoldwriter · 7 months ago
I'm going to post something that anyone who's reading 'Where are the Stars? I'll Sing them Lullabies' will like.
Glassheart's daughters' appearances.
They were drawn by @werewolfvanillapotato, right at the beginning of the fanfic's development, therefore, they're just initial appearances.
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(The first one is Letty, the middle one is Rosa, and the last one is Cherise)
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descendantsramblings · 7 months ago
Sunday Night
Morgie le Fay x Pixie!Reader
Pronouns Used: she/her/hers
Summary: After his friends let him down Morgie runs to his girlfriend for comfort and she convinces him to come try meeting her friends instead. (slightly inspired by that post about how Morgie would be sweeter than Bridget if the AKs took him in instead of the Vks)
Warnings: Sfw dominance (she does undo his scarf and shirt for him though), reader is a touch possessive, Morgie is a touch insecure, a few swears here and there, Uliana and the crew treat Morgie awfully, a touch of angst/ hurt/comfort, the reader snaps and then literally throws Uli, literally so many pet names (Mainly used by the reader), Morgie has mommy issues (If Morgana won't properly baby Morgie his gf will).
Word Count: 3.6K
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Left, right, down, flick! 
      On any normal Sunday night, Morgie would be tucked around his girlfriend as she did her weekend homework. Sat in her lap with his legs dangling behind her and his face tucked into her neck as she worked, whining for her to finish her work faster. Her reading the things she was studying out loud to him if they both took the class, in hopes of helping raise his grades (something he’d hate to admit was actually working).  He’d laugh when she was finally done, dragging her to the bathroom connecting her dorm to her neighbor’s with excitement so they could do skin care together. Sundays, to the pixie, were for preparing for the week. They existed to prepare yourself for what the week had ready to throw at you, both physically and mentally. For her boyfriend, Sundays were for being babied by his girlfriend, and she’d never tell him otherwise. It was her favorite part of their relationship and anyone who knew her knew it. She’d grown too used to the feeling of having gentle kisses placed on her shoulder and neck while she worked; to sit there without them was driving her crazy. Maybe she owed her boyfriend an apology, always teasing him that she couldn’t focus when he was sat on her lap. Turns out, Morgie might have been the only thing keeping her focused. Somehow the pixie had made her one hour of homework turn into two and a half as she kept letting her eyes flicker to her door. Willing her boyfriend to appear behind the wood.
    Left, right, down, flick! 
   Finally she succeeds in making the stupid pillow in the center of her bed fly back to its set spot on the headboard. It wasn’t exactly the spell in how they’d do it for the test on Tuesday but she hoped it would be close enough. Morgie would’ve cheered for her by now, groaning out a teasing “finally” beforehand. She didn’t realize how much she’d miss that with him gone for only one weekend.
    It made her feel selfish in a way, she got an invite to the birthday party that Morgie was throwing for Uliana tonight. But he knew the second he extended it that she’d never take it.  Maybe if the party was for Hook she’d be there, she might even grin and bare it for Maleficent if she had to. But her hatred for the sea witch stopped her from being willing to go, even in support of her sweet boyfriend. (Y/n) regretted that now, realizing just how much her Sunday nights depended on him. Sundays were supposed to be the day that she excitedly waits for all week, instead it left her feeling lonely. The Black Lagoon wasn’t that far, she could go now. It wouldn’t draw too much attention if she just slipped in now. There’s a moment, as her lip rests between her teeth and her fingers drum on the desk in front of her that she considers this. How long was Morgie planning to keep the party going? Did she have the time to get an outfit on and get to the Lagoon before it was over? With the way Hook partied, there had to be. But how would Uliana react if she showed up without a gift? Did she really want to deal with that? And what would she even wear? One of Morgie’s nice button ups should be hanging in her closet, surely she could find something to do with that if she wanted to. 
     Her fleece blanket starts to slip down her shoulders and she reaches up to grab it, pulling it back up her arms, solidifying her choice for her. She wanted to be with the person she loved, even if she had to deal with assholes too. Not that she’d get the time to get ready though, instead stilled as a shallow knock hits the hollow wood of her dorm room’s door. 
     She could recognize the sound trying to be the way that her boyfriend knocked. The familiar two knocks, pause, one knock, pause, three knocks that she heard multiple times a week but it was too timid. (Y/n) pauses, heading to her door with furrowed brows. Her eyes drink him in, looking over the person she had just longed for with a new heat bubbling in her chest. Hazel eyes gleamed a little too green in the bloodshot and wet sockets that held them, making the color stand out against a splotchy red and tear stained face. “Oh, Darling,” she reaches out for him, pulling him in the room and closing the door behind him. Morgie opens his mouth to respond, letting it fall closed when the only thing he can manage to get out is a voice crack. He sits down on her desk, hands pressed to the cold, polished wood as he lets out a slow, shaky breath. She slots herself between his legs, soft hands cradling his face as she wipes away the stray tears that still clung to his soft, heated skin. The sorcerer's hands slot onto her waist, clinging to her as if she’d float away. Or maybe using her touch to ground himself, she couldn’t be quite sure if she was honest.   
     “What happened, sweetness? Who upset my boy?” The corners of his lips flicker up for a moment as she coos at him, eyes scanning over her face. “She,” his voice cuts out and he pulls her closer, letting his forehead lean gently against her shoulder, “Why do I try?” Her arms wrap around his shoulders to hold him, one hand resting on his back while the other softly scratches at his scalp. Morgie relaxes slightly into his girlfriend’s touch, fingers toying with the hem of her pajama top as he tries to steady his breathing. “What did she do, Darling?” (Y/n) does her best to keep her voice gentle, her focus had to be on him right now, not whoever hurt him. 
     “None of them showed up, they were all at Uliana’s dorm instead. They all forgot I planned a party for her,” he pulls back slightly from her shoulder so he could look at her, “They all forgot about plans we’d had for a month and then didn’t even invite me to their other plans.” Uliana hadn't forgotten, that's something the pixie was sure of. Her hand on the back of his head slides down to cup his jaw, forcing him to keep eye contact with her. “Oh Morgz,” she breathes, doing her best to keep her face even as she looks him over, “You put so much effort into that party.” He lets his eyes flicker from hers, “I just want them to see me. Wanted to, I don’t know.” He nearly whines as she lets go of his face, hands instead moving to his scarf. Undoing the fabric and placing it down on the table beside him. Fingers moving back to his neck, with her thumbs brushing over his now exposed flesh in gentle circling motions. An action that made him relax into her touch with a needy whine and closed eyes. 
     “I hate the way they treat you,” her voice is soft, eyes ghosting over him, “You’re too sweet to hang around villains.” He hums, “It’s better than when the hero kids were just staring at me all the time. They’re the only people who would take me in. Ya know, my mom and all.” Hazel eyes flicker back open to look up at her again, “Other than you. Sometimes I don’t know why you want me around when even my friends don’t.” That one was a stab into the chest, they’d made him so insecure that he didn’t even think she wanted him around? Because what? His shitty friends that treat him like a dog didn’t? That was her boy, how dare they make him feel that way? 
      “Oh no Sir,” (Y/n) gasps, her hands falling down to the buttons on his shirt, “Don’t you dare think like that.” “Why not?” His eyes are still glassy as he stares at her, voice weak and soft. Her fingers start to work over the buttons and Morgie leans back to give her better access to them. “Because,” she hums, leaning down to press a gentle kiss to his collarbone, “Unlike those idiots,” another kiss is pressed to his shoulder as she pulls the fabric off them, “I know that you’re better than how they have ever dared to let themselves see you.” She presses a kiss to the column of his neck, “I know that you’re funny,” another kiss to his jaw, “And gentle,” his cheek, “Kind,” his forehead, “and so much better than they are in every way.” As she got further up on his exposed skin she could taste the salt that lingered on it, a mix of the misty air at the black lagoon and the tears staining his cheeks. She presses her lips to his nose next, “I know you deserve more than your friends, and your mom, have ever given you.” Another kiss to his other cheek, “And I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that I will want you forever because I am so proud to be your girl.” A final gentle kiss to his chin, “Because I am so proud of you.” 
     His hand slots forward against her jaw, pulling her down into a real kiss. It’s needy, lips working against each other’s with passion. Rough and emotional and raw as if he needed her. He did, he knew without a shadow of a doubt that he did need her. The way her hands rested on him like his body was made for her to hold onto, how her voice sounded like an angel’s choir. Everything about her seemed to set him on fire, and he loved to burn. She was proud of him. She took pride in people knowing he was hers.  “Do you,” he’s a touch breathless as he pulls away, letting a hand fall to one of hers that rests on his bare chest, “Do you mean that?” She hums, nodding her head as she softly cradles his face, “I’ll mean it forever, Darling.” His face leans against her palm, nuzzling against it. “How about you get some of your pajamas out of the drawer and come meet me in the bathroom to do skincare, huh? Let me get you all cleaned up?” 
    He nods, letting his grip slip off of her, his eyes following her as she walks away. Paying close attention to every detail of her as if trying to mark her into his memory. The black and gold shorts she had on, the forest green tee shirt that nearly covered them, decked out in colors he loved as if she was dressed for him. Surely that was one of his shirts, not that he’d complain.  She could take all of his clothes if she wanted, he’d get more. Drinking in the soft bounce in her step that made it seem as if she’d take flight at any given moment. Sometimes he saw himself as lucky that she couldn’t, he could barely get close enough with them both bound to the ground, he’d hate it if she was able to fly. “I can feel your eyes on me, Sweetie, best get changed.” He nods seemingly to himself as he slides off of the surface and over to her dresser, toeing off his shoes as he goes. Hands reaching out for the top drawer of her dresser, grabbing a golden toned tee shirt and dragging it over his head. He shuffles through the drawer as he uses one hand to undo his pants, letting them drop as he finds the pair of sweat shorts he’s looking for and pulls them on. 
     Morgie makes a b line from her dresser to her bathroom after that, letting his hands slot back onto her waist the second he reaches her. “Took you long enough, Darling,” she turns in his arms with a wet rag, softly brushing it over his face. “I wanted to make you miss me.” She hums, dropping some of her face wash into her hands and rubbing them together before touching them to his face. Her fingertips work soft circles over his skin, gently rubbing off the salt on his skin. He leans into her touch, enjoying each and every gentle touch or teasing word that she’d give him. Any ounce of praise or affection had him falling deeper and deeper for her. “I missed you all night, no need to prolong it,” she presses a quick peck to his lips as she finishes rinsing his face off, “There we go.” He smiles, reaching behind her to grab her face mask brush and the small container. “Can I put yours on?” She bites her lip, eyes flickering from the arabian mud mask he’s delicately holding to the excited look on his face. “Do not get it in my eyebrows this time, Morgz.” “Ma’am yes ma’am,” gives her a playful salute, smiling as he watches her climb up on her sink, beckoning for him to start. 
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    “You staying with me tonight?” (Y/n) finally asks as she taps his eye cream onto his under eyes. Usually it wouldn’t be a question, Morgie loved to sleep over and she loved to have him. It wasn’t like there was much time to be all over each other in any other scenario. The VKs hated that they were together at all, let alone how much she “babied” him. So on the rare occasions he got her to come hang out with them the most they did was sit with interlocked pinkies or his arm around her waist or shoulders when he much preferred to cling to her. And with the way that his friends acted towards hers, Morgie was scared to be around them for too long. But with how upset he’d been, (Y/n) didn’t want to make any assumptions, his friends could be a touchy subject.
     “Do you want me to?” She smiles, wrapping her arms around his neck, “If it was up to me, we’d be roommates, Sweetie. You know that.” Morgie nods, his lip finding its way between his teeth as he looks up at her from his place between her legs. “Sweetness,” she coos, prompting him to look her in the eyes. “Can I request something from you?” “Anything,” he moves closer, his hands falling lazily to her hips as he hangs onto her words. “How about you ditch your friends tomorrow? Come hang out with me and my friends.” He doesn’t respond, pulling away from her. “Morgie.” He looks to her with big eyes, “Can we go lay down please?” 
    (Y/n) slides off the bathroom counter with a sigh, following him to her room. She lays down, opening her arms for him to come lay on her chest. Morgie’s face fits into the curve of her neck, as if he was built for it, arms wrapping around her to pull her as close as he can. Humming as he feels her hand softly start scratching at his scalp, pressing a needy little kiss to her neck. “Pretty boy,” her hand slips up under his shirt as she talks, tickling his skin. “Yes, baby?” “I’m serious, you should come out with us tomorrow. You’re not a villain, why keep hanging around them if they don’t even treat you right?” “Because, my mom is a villain.” She tuts, gripping his hair slightly to pull his head back. Eyes searching his as he patiently waits on what she has to say. “Morgie le Fay, you are not your mother.” He opens his mouth to argue but lets it fall back closed. Instead settling back into her neck. “One day, and if they hate me then I’m staying with my friends.” 
     She hums, deciding not to argue with him. Her friends would love him, sure Ella might have her qualms but Bridget accepts everyone with open arms. And Charming was cool enough, he could get along with anyone. He could have better people hang around him than a sea witch who uses him and her crew of lackeys. But the conversation dies, (Y/n) instead focusing on scratching his head, humming to him as she soothes her lover to sleep. Morgie tries to ignore the nerves in his stomach, falling into a tranquil state as his mind begins to focus on her. He notices the way she hums “So This Is Love”, a sweet little love song that he’d only ever admit to her was his favorite. His girlfriend had him exactly where she wanted him and they both knew it. 
                           ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
    Morgie came to realize how ridiculous his nerves were when he actually sat down with her friends at lunch the next day. “Ladies, Charming,” she bows to both of the playfully before putting an arm around her boyfriend’s waist, “Hope you don’t mind but I wanted to bring my boyfriend today.” Charming gives him a slight nod, as Bridget reaches over to place a cupcake in front of the boy. “Oh,” he takes it, eyeing the pretty pink frosting and chocolate pearls that decorate the top of the  rich red cake, “Thank you.” “Of course,” she chirps, sitting back in her spot between (Y/n) and Ella, “(Y/n) talks about you all the time. I’m so glad you finally decided to give us a chance. She’s always going on and on about how sweet you are and how your friends don’t deserve you.”  His eyes cut to her, taking in the soft blushed hue that warms her cheeks. “Bridget, please,” she whines, letting her face nuzzle into his shoulder. 
     “You talk about me when I’m not around?” Ella rolls her eyes, “She never shuts up about you. You’re like,” she waves her hand as she talks, “Her only conversation topic.” (Y/n) pulls away from her boyfriend’s shoulder to glare at her friend, “As if you’re any better without Charming around.” “Hey!”  Her friends are more playful than his, teasingly pushing each other, but never enough to hurt them. Sharing snacks and homework answers, warning each other about stupid questions on tests. Is this what normal friends were like? Morgie couldn’t help but fear that he’d been missing out. 
     “There you are,” the thick accent causes all five of them to turn. The villains are standing behind them, looking over the couple with distaste. “What exactly do you think you’re doing here?” Uliana raises an eyebrow as she stares him down. “I,” he tries to explain himself but he has no clue what to say to her. “Well? You what?” 
     “He’s ditching you,” the words are so perky and sugary sweet you’d think she didn’t know what they meant, “Isn’t that your little group’s thing? Ditching people and leaving them out?” Uliana laughs, shaking her head as she turns to the pixie, “No one was talking to you. And even if I was, what I do is not your concern. He answers to me, he should be with my group. Not running around with your pathetic little friends.” There’s a visible shift in her as she untangles herself from Morgie, back straightening and shoulders stiffening. A grin that rivaled only the Cheshire cat stretches across her face, body turning in her seat to properly face the little group. “Pathetic?” “Yeah,” she says as if talking to a toddler, “Pathetic. I’m sure Morgie would need the definition but I thought you were smarter than that.” 
     Uliana doesn’t see the soft silver glow around the girl’s hand as she lifts it. “You wanna see pathetic, Uli?” She flicks her wrist up, sending the sea witch floating up into the air. “What’s pathetic,” she  rotates her wrist to flip the girl upside down, “Is needing to be cruel to everyone, including people who only want to please you, just so you can feel good about yourself in comparison.” “Aye Lass, put her down,” Hook interjects and (Y/n)’s head shoots to the side to look at him. “You wanna join her, fishbait?” His hands fly up, stepping back in surrender.  So she turns her attention back to the sea witch as she moves her hand, angling Uliana to the bushes on the edge of the courtyard. “You’re so insecure that everyone in this school can feel it. Maybe this year can change that for you, happy birthday,” she flings her wrist forward sending the sea witch flying into the bushes. Her friends run after her, leaving the lunch table in the dust as they go to check on her. 
     “(Y/n)!” Bridget’s voice rings out, making her turn back to her own friends. “You could’ve hurt her!” “Oh please, Bridge, she’ll be fine. It’s amazing she even went that far with how gently I threw her. She needed someone to knock her down a peg.” Her eyes flicker to Morgie, his hazel eyes a mix of worry and adoration. “Plus, she called the people I love pathetic. No one is going to disrespect the people I love.” He reaches out for her, face leaning on her shoulder as he clings to her, “She’s gonna make your year awful now, you know that, right?” She laughs, snaking an arm around him, “Of course she is. Unlucky for her though, I have someone who knows her way of thinking on my side. And even if I didn’t, she’s as scary as a seapony.”
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ivorydragoness44 · 7 months ago
Teen!Hades x Reader: Peculiar
Word Count: 586 Warnings/Notes: n/a Summary: The Reader is enjoying a quiet spot at Merlin’s Academy. While they are busy reading, Hades shows up.
~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~
  Absolute silence. A rarity at Merlin’s Academy as it hosted a flood of students. From royalty to ordinary citizen and beyond, everyone was welcome to learn.   Outside, you found yourself relishing in the absence of the usual chatter. In the shade of one of the small hallways, arching between the courtyard and the indoors, you read a book. The bench you were sitting on was not the least bit comfortable, but you did your best to ignore it. For the chance to catch up on a book that you had been craving to read all day? You took it.
  Turning a crisp page, you smiled to yourself at the words. What you did not expect was to actually hear any.   “And you’re reading…again.”   Hades. You had missed his approach. The potted tree blocked your view into the courtyard.   “Yes, that does tend to happen, doesn’t it?” You asked, not looking up at him. A ghost of a smile etched over your lips as he stood in front of you.
  One moment, then two. Hades remained quiet, stoic. Sometimes it was rather uncharacteristic of him.   You read through another paragraph before you peered up from the pages. “Did you need something?” You asked.   He shrugged, lips pressed together in a thin line. With his thumbs resting idly in his jacket pockets, there was not much else that he did.   Shaking your head with a small smile, you returned to reading.
  The dragons were not exactly how you had imagined they would be. However, you did have to consider that perhaps the author had never seen one in person either. Works of fiction each held their own interpretations.
  Double checking the previous page, you almost paused reading entirely. The fellow student standing within arm’s reach was becoming oddly distracting for someone who remained utterly still.   Shifting his weight in his boots, Hades looked in either direction, inspecting. Deeming it a suitable situation, he sat down beside you. He leaned back against the stone wall and shot you a look.   You were giggling to yourself. The feeling of his gaze bore into you from the action, but you did not care. If he had actually meant any ill will to you, it would have been obnoxiously obvious by now.   Despite the look he gave you, he said nothing. At least not verbally. He bumped his knee to yours once.   Apparently, as the circumstance would have it, Hades wanted to spend time with you. Even if you were reading. Despite any fiery igniting of his hair, he could be quite patient.
  Reaching the end of the chapter, you placed a bookmark between the pages and closed the book. You put it next to you before straightening up on the bench. It took a moment, but you managed to dig up a piece of foiled gum. Holding it up between you and the young god, you paused in waiting.   Surprised that it was still held within your grasp, you turned your head to look at him curiously.   Hades rose a skeptical eyebrow.   “It’s mint, Hades,” you assured and smirked. “You know…spicy cold.”   He rolled his eyes. “Please don’t.”   Likewise, your brows raised teasingly. “Please?”   He sighed, tilting his head back against the wall. Looking directly at you, he said, “You’re hilarious, you know that?” His voice was thick with sarcasm. Even so, he plucked the piece of gum out of your hold.   “You’re welcome,” you laughed.   “Yeah, thanks.”
  And so went the peculiar friendship that you both somehow understood.
~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~
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