#red corneal
asitrita · 4 months
Reasons why Doffy alway uses sunglasses (yes, all of them):
He always needed them because he has severe light sensibility (photophobia).
He did get hurt by that arrow, he miraculously didn't lose his eye, but he has a small scar and is almost fully blind on that eye (he can barely see some shadows and distinguish some objects) plus he has corneal opacity.
Though he has the eye shape of his mother's eyes, he has ice blue eyes, very similar shade as his father's, and he hates it when he sees himself in the mirror.
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sarcasmiclife · 1 year
I don't even know who Ephraim is yet but he is already my second favourite character from the series in just the first two paragraphs of his POV.
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drvirgus · 2 months
Non-Idol! Hanni X Mute! Reader
Description: Life as a mute girl in university: How does Y/n navigate her life, especially when she has to work on a project with her crush, one of the popular kids on campus? Can Y/n find a way to express her feelings?
Warnings: Trauma; strong language; kys/kms jokes; insults; bad family 😔 (kind of abuse?) Suicide
Chapter: Helpless (1)
a/n: I´ll split this Chapter into two for those who dont want to read something about Suicide.
Helplessness was a terrible feeling.
The day Y/n first felt helpless was the day she went to her grandmother's house. A broad smile on her face, she ran into the kitchen with a cake that was actually too big for her small hands. After all, her grandmother was usually in the kitchen, smoking a cigarette, drinking tea, or cooking something.
But this time, the 8-year-old Y/n looked around the kitchen and saw no one. Today was also her grandmother's birthday. A giggle escaped the younger Kim as she toddled into the living room. "Granny?" she called loudly into the house, but everything was unusually quiet. Normally, Y/n would hear a loud TV or the blaring radio.
But she heard nothing.
Relaxed and with a smile on her face, she now looked around the living room. She even looked in the corner where her grandmother always hid when they played hide and seek. But she wasn't there either.
Y/n's small brow furrowed in confusion. The cake still in her hand, she let out a small sigh. She noticed the time and an "Ah" sound escaped her lips. That's right. Grandma always took a nap at this time!
Y/n thought. Should she wake up her grandmother? Or should she wait patiently?
Sighing, she placed the cake on the coffee table, grabbed the remote, and sat on the couch. With both thumbs, she pressed the red power button and turned on the TV. Her eyes immediately focused on the cartoon as she carefully placed the remote next to her.
A laugh escaped Y/n as she watched Oggy once again lose terribly to the cockroaches. Leaning back against the couch, her legs stretched out and slightly apart, her hands excitedly placed on the couch. She was eagerly waiting to see if Oggy would win against the cockroaches. There were occasional commercial breaks, and her eyes wandered to the clock every time.
"She’s going to sleep through the best part of the day," the girl murmured softly as she turned off the TV and picked up the cake once more. Her short legs led her to her grandmother’s bedroom. Slowly and careful not to drop the cake, Y/n opened the bedroom door.
"Granny! Happy bir-"
A loud crash echoed in the bedroom as the plate with the cake fell to the floor and shattered. Y/n’s eyes widened as she looked up. It wasn’t that her grandmother was tall. In fact, Y/n had grown so quickly that she was almost eye level with her grandmother.
But now she had to look up.
Purplish spots on her legs and hands. Her face blue and swollen. Eyes slightly open, but they seemed to have a corneal deformation. Her body stiff. A rope around her neck...
A shiver overcame the younger girl. "Grandma?" she asked softly as she took a step closer. The smell Y/n had noticed earlier was now more pungent in her nose. It smelled... pretty bad. Y/n was about to throw up...
Her hand touched her grandmother's blue-tinged hand but she immediately pulled her hand back when she noticed how cold it felt. Y/n's mouth was still open as she looked up. Tears slowly formed in her eyes. "G-Granny..."
"Grandma... hanged herself," the girl said softly into the phone. Her eyes were fixed on a particular spot on the wall. Probably the remnants of a spider... Y/n didn't know what it was, but that spot gave her a bit of comfort. The smaller girl sat on the floor, right beside the open door, while the shattered pieces and the now mushy, ruined cake lay in front of the door.
"Are you crazy? You don’t joke about stuff like that, Y/n! Just wait until you get home!" She heard the loud voice of her 20-year-old brother until, suddenly, the call ended. Calmly, though Y/n felt anything but calm, she took her phone off her bent knee and dialed her mother's number.
It took a long time before her mother finally answered. A frustrated sigh escaped her lips. "What do you want? I’m at work!" her mother whispered angrily into the phone. A bad feeling churned in Y/n's stomach. She felt like she was going to throw up. "Grandma... hanged herself," the youngest of the Kim family tried again.
She heard her mother start to laugh. "What a wild imagination you have!" the older woman said angrily, clicking her tongue. "Don't make jokes about that! I have to get back to work now, sweetheart," her mother added, and without waiting for a response, she hung up.
Helplessness was a terrible feeling...
and it was the only thing Y/n could feel right now...
Taglist: @sixflame438 @saysirhc @itzzyyyyyyydaaaa @somedaydream @wonyoungssi @gtfoiydlyj
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cripplecharacters · 3 months
Alright, Google was unhelpful so I'm asking here: what can you guys tell me about what happens to an eye after it's burned, as in, directly exposed to fire?
There's a character in a major fandom I'm in who wears an eyepatch following a fight with his (pyrokinetic) brother, and I'd like to depict him with the kind of facial difference that would actually cause: burn scars, and... whatever would happen to the eye.
It seems like a reasonably straightforward thing to look up, but everything I got was related to either chemical burns (and much more about emergency care than the aftermath) or a burning sensation in the eyes, which is... not what I was hoping to find, haha.
So anyway, my question is, what would happen to an eye that was severely burned? Blindness seems obvious, but it feels like the kind of situation where they might lose the eye completely, is that a possibility? If not, what would the eye end up looking like? Sorry if this is an annoying question, I just had a really hard time finding anything online.
To put it simply, there's a lot of variation here - and to answer your question, losing the eye is very much a possibility if the damage is that extensive, or if there's a severe infection happening.
An important part of any eye burn injury is that there are eyelids in the way of the fire, so they're going to be damaged. Skin grafts are extremely common for that; without them, the eyelids will contract and not really serve their function. Having the eyelids removed and replaced with grafts will also help with preventing secondary infection and corneal complications. If the whole burn is on the milder side, and he keeps his eyelids he could have ptosis; i.e. an eyelid that doesn't fully open all the way.
When we get to the eye itself, you're essentially looking at a hundred different kinds of infections that could occur. Corneal damage will be the most obvious due to where it is, but it could go deeper if the burn is severe. E.g., keratitis and/or corneal ulcers can very much happen due to a burn injury, and if untreated they can cause corneal scarring (can look like white spots and/or lines on the eye), cataracts (can cause the pupils to appear lighter), glaucoma, and any further issues if that spreads - including the possibility of blindness in the other eye, as sympathetic ophthalmia exists.
After that, there's retinal detachment (which isn't visible) and actual globe injuries, which often tend to end up in the eye being removed (very much visible). We have a post about options following that!
Sometimes an injured eye can also be slightly discolored on the sclera part. Redness is the most common, but mine were mostly yellow-brownish on the sides after I had surgery (and still are, but not as much). So if he still has the eye, it could look like that as well, either due to the actual burn or the procedures that he could have.
I hope this helps!
mod Sasza
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loadedchekhovsgun · 2 months
Wonderin if you’ve got any cWilbur disability headcanons 🤔 Or just overall headcanons if you want 🙏
Ohoho. depends on the era!!!! i don't really have anything Specific down other than post-finale (my timeline) but 2nd death his left arm is like Fucked and there's a lot of moments where it's straaight up unusable because he was shot in the Shoulder Blade and it got infected and almost had to be amputated 😬 that man for Sure needs mobility aids holy Crap like a cane at Least and a wheelchair for like Really bad days i feel like that man should not be up and about post war
also his eyesight is Screwed but his glasses broke while they were fleeing after being exiled and he just never got new prescriptioned ones? his eyes are super fucked post revival though so thats a big reason for the red glasses and also his depth perception is just as bad
he has a hearing issue i havent fully decided on because of that one incident during election era where straight up his hearing was fucked for like a full minute or two but it's totally amplified by his sensory issues so sometimes the world just goes hella muffled or so unbearably loud he cant comprehend a Thing and also he has Incredibly awful tinnitus oh my god
he's an asthmatic as well the smoking does not help
pre death he suffers consistent horrible migraines but post they are straight up Debilitating. he also suffers intense nosebleeds and chronic pain, alongside phantom pain in his death scar
his height contributes heavily to consistent dizziness and loss of balance for SURE. his centre of gravity? nonexistent
post finale my timeline because of the lightning scars he needs those mobility aids BBIGTIME and suffers straight up occasional paralysis alongside having corneal edema, total loss of hearing in the left and significant loss in the right, inconsistent peripheral vision loss due to retinal + spinal damage, and theres like other stuff too
i'll cut the ramble HHERE but i think thats it anyways he is a man of suffering dear lord someone get him a prescription
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lupins-hehim-pussy · 1 month
Just speed consumed all of addison lee very much enjoyed I am waiting with my popcorn for next chapter! I did have a wonder while reading, what is Wriothesley's scope of vision? Is it like this needs to be 3 inches in front of his face? Can he see faces clearly if he's close enough? Loving the fic, keep writing!
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The short answer is:
No matter how close he gets, it's still gonna be unclear. It's not quite like myopia/short-sightedness where the blurriness can change with glasses/distance. His vision is more like looking through foggy glass. If something is pressed right up to the glass, you can see it more clearly, but it will still be foggy. Additionally, the guy has always been red/green colour-blind, so that doesn't change even after his war injuries, but because his vision is worse in general, he can barely tell colours apart lol. Unless it's bright blue.
HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA HEHEHHHEHEHHE WHUAGHAHA sorry. I like to infodump about my fics.
Not kidding when say this: I have a document that have notes on every single year in the 10 years between the Celestia war and current INGITAL events.
Unfortunately this was all planned before Sigewinne release, so I didn't have her canon birthday (AND I DON'T CARE ABOUT CANON ANY MORE I'm burying my head in the sand.) but it accounts for every year that Sigewinne grew up and some other random lore bits. "What does this have to do with my question?" you ask. Well, I have the 10-years progression notes specifically to keep their life events in order and Wriothesley's and Neuvillette's healing progress consistent KJNDSKJNSANSKJHASDJNJSNDKJNASJNDSAJNKSAKJ.
SO. Detailed answer is this:
At this point in INGITAL, if you stand 1-2 meters away from him and wave, he's gonna notice if he's looking at you, paying attention, and you're both indoors, or he's wearing sunnies. He's not gonna be able to recognise anything, though, he can just tell something is moving. He can sort of read regular text on a computer screen at about 2-3 inches (on a good day) using his better eye (left, so he always sorta lean that way when he's trying to look at something), but it's a struggle and he'd rather not do it. His right is worse.
There's also his field of vision. So like, his peripherals are pretty much gone, and he has some dark patches/blind spots. He's also light-sensitive, so everything's kinda painfully bright sometimes, but his vision is also bad in the dark, so he needs a happy medium, but that can shift from day to day.
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Very rough idea of what Neuvillette might look like to him on a sunny day. Veeery rough idea. I'm not blind I just researched a lot.
And then, regardless of what he can actually physically see, if his eyes hurt or feel too sensitive to keep open, it's all moot anyway. And once again, usually that depends on the day.
When Sigewinne was born, he had functionally decent vision in one eye (had a corneal transplant on his right). Legally can't get his driving licence, but y'know, he still felt confident enough to drive (Neuvillette did not let him, though.) The transplanted eye deteriorates over Sigewinne's first few months, and so did his better eye. He got another surgery for his left eye (the better one) when Sigewinne was about one, and that lasted for a bit, but by the time she's two, he's pretty much considered legally blind. By the time she's four, he does most things on his own and his other issues are managed as well, which is why they decided to have a second kid, and they had Carole when Sigewinne was 5. But Neuvillette struggled a bit with that second pregnancy. I mean, his first wasn't exactly rose and rainbows, but he his mental health nose-dived with the second one for a while. It's because he's been so focused on keeping it together while Wriothesley recovers that he hasn't fully dealt with his own trauma until his second pregnancy. Because yeah, thinking your husband died while you're carrying your first baby was traumatic. They've both got PTSD. By the time Sedene comes about though, they're all good. Sedene's pregnancy was a breeze, there was just Covid lockdowns HAHAHAHA. And then, if I go through with another pregnancy at the end of INGITAL, well... That's for me to know and for you to ponder.
[By the way, Clorinde mentioned going over to their house for Wrio's birthday 8 years ago in Chapter 9, which is when Sigewinne was 3 and he was 28. His previous birthday (his 27th) was a disaster. Had a big fight with his husband. So that's another morsel of lore from the 10-years-of-plot document.]
There's a scene planned somewhere in all this, where Neuvillette shows him some of their photos on one of the days when his vision is better. Photos of eeeeveryone their kids and their friends and all. He printed them out and edited them to raise the contrast so Wriothesley can see it more easily. Wriothesley voice: Ajax is fucking ginger? [This is lore relevant. No spoilers though.]
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quentafeanorians · 4 months
On Nelyafinwë's scars & remnants of injuries
It is my belief that elves do scar - but not in every situation. In most cases, minor and even major injuries can heal without leaving a mark due to the strength of elven bodies, and skill of their healers. However, deprived of proper care, injuries may still heal scarring. Another situation in which scars and marks remain is when the wounds are inflicted with malice, and/or the use of dark powers.
Nelyafinwë's bears no scars from his childhood falls or mishaps, and no scars from battle wounds, as those had been treated with the help of skilled healers. But the injuries he received during his capture, time in the dungeons of Angband, and upon Thangorodrim - those lefts a permanent mark on Nelyafinwë's body.
Some of these scars are nothing more but lines or bumps on his skin, and do not cause Nelyafinwë any trouble. Others impede him in certain ways, or make him more sensitive in the area or more prone to injury. And some still, those infused with the most malice and ill intent, the dark lords' will, cause him great suffering at certain times.
Maedhros rarely dresses in ways that would allow for his scars, save those on his head and face, to be visible. He prefers to keep his body covered, to spare himself the annoyance of dealing with the reactions of others to his body. It is quite enough that he has to contend with the way others perceive his face. Though he is not one to show it outwardly once sufficiently healed, he is not unaffected by his disfiguration.
Below is the list of the most major of his scars and remnants of injuries. Do assume however that little of his body is left without at least some line or mark.
left eye: whitened due to corneal opacity caused by ocular trauma. He retains light sensitivity and some sight in it but it is greatly limited.
scar running from the middle of his head, on the left side, down the left side of his forehead, spreading across his eyebrow, eyelid and below his left eye, and also over his cheekbone and cheek under his eye. Long, jagged, wide across his cheekbone and under his eye, the kind associated with burns On his head he lacks hair along the scar tissue.
scar running from his left cheekbone down to his mouth. It cuts into his upper lip.
left side of the upper lip: a part of it is missing, making his lips appear as if in a grimace permanently.
hair: there are streaks of grey in his copper hair, growing mainly from around the areas of scars and healed fractures in his skull. His hair is still mostly copper, but the streaks of grey are clearly visible.
left ear: smaller than originally (and than his right). Its tip had been cut off. Initially the scar was jagged, betraying the process had been slow, but later he had it altered by healers, cut to a cleaner line and appearance.
left side of the jaw: three parallel lines of scars of the appearance they had been left by claws, running from the bottom of his jaw upwards, ending in the middle of his cheek.
nose: had been broken an healed and thus appears misaligned, with a characteristic bump in the middle of it, and shorter, jagged scars across it.
right cheekbone: appears uneven and with a bump as it had healed in a misaligned position
back of his head: several dents and bumps, unevenness of his skull, and blunt trauma scars. Usually hidden under his hair, though he lacks hair where there is scar tissue.
Upper body
left clavicle: unevenly healed, bumpy.
right nipple: Missing. A circular, uneven scar in its place.
upper back and chest: many lines of scars from whipping, curling around his front and back, in uneven patterns but distinct in their appearance as they're raised and pinker than his pale skin.
left side of lower back: brand scar in the shape of a flaming eye that has been burnt into his skin. Despite passing of time, it always appears red.
right side of the stomach: the word 'kinslayer' cut into his skin, below the navel, in detailed and elaborate lines of the Tengwar. Despite passing of time, always appears red.
right arm: missing his hand at the wrist. The stump has healed well but not completely scar free. The top of it is mostly smooth, some jagged scars running below his wrist.
Lower body
front of the left thigh: over 380 short, vertical lines, in somewhat uneven rows, across his entire thigh and reaching as far down as his knee. The lines vary insignificantly in length and width.
inside of right thigh: a large chunk of flesh missing from this area.
shins: both appear bumpy with uneven healing of the bone.
feet: a circular scar on the bridges and soles, straight through. Missing little toe on the left foot. Missing toenails on the right foot.
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quitealotofsodapop · 10 months
[Fun fact; there's a Goddess of Eyesight in chinese mythology - Yanguang Niangniang. She's one of the Jade Emperor's daughters. Just one of his kids who decided to become a doctor/healer. I headcanon that she looks like an average mortal optometrist.]
[Tang, realising: "...I'll give you the number of my optemertrist." SWK: "Is that some kinda wizard?"]
I think I know who Tangs optemetrist is...
SWK: What are you doing here?
Yanguang: Because I got bills to pay and am not accepting hand outs from my parents. You want the glasses or not?
Reference posts with the Goddess of Eyesight + Au SWK realising he needs glasses.
Megapolis has such a large demon and former-celestial population that it necessitates the need for actual gods in the healthcare system.
Yanguang works in a practice that includes her co-workers; Zhao Yunxiao, Bixiao, and Qiongxiao (sister goddesses of maternity, pedatrics, and disease prevention) - imported from Investiture of the Gods.
Yanguang lost faith in the Jade Court after her eldest sister past away. Since they were both diciples of the goddess of Mount Tai: Bixia Yuangjun (primordial goddess of birth, destiny, and the deparated), Yanguang was able to cut contact with heaven to work on earth.
She looks eerily normal to anyone able to detect her divine nature. Like Wukong in the TMKATI au, who gets reccomended to her by Tang to get his eyes checked out. Before SWK could comment on a celestial princess working as a mortal doctor, Yanguang tiredly diagnosed him as having untreated corneal flash burns/welder's eye/eye sunburn from the furnace. She prescribed him a pair of enchanted glasses and (regular) eyedrops to help him see better. Wukong left the medical practice very confused but grateful.
Yanguang has pretty much cut all contact with her family, save for Iron Fan. See when baby Red Son's primordial fire powers activated, he accidentally gave himself Welder's Eye from the flames. Yanguang was the one to prescribe him his little pince nez glasses. Her and Iron Fan are shockingly chill with one another.
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@elderberriesandarsenic @bitter1stuff
The abundance of technology and lack of humanity causes a longing for the past makes me feel like a fucking Luddite!
(Continue to read for Gen X bitching)
For the last couple of years, I have not been able to see that well through my current classes prescription. Every time that I would come close to getting a new prescription, I would face another eye surgery.
After the Corneal transplant, my surgeon refused to give me another prescription until a year had passed. Because, he said my eyes were changing too rapidly. In the meantime, I cannot see with this prescription at all. I only live about 7 blocks from my school and yet driving there every morning is. Terrifying, because I cannot see well enough. Every time I would go back for a checkup. I would beg the surgeon for refraction. Finally, the last time I wore the surgeon down and he said while he would not provide it. I was welcome to go to one of those cheap eyeglass places and get a temporary pair.
The place where I live does not have one of those places.
And it takes an act of God to get hubby to take me anywhere. So we waited until we were taking a trip to sea his mom, my MiL, four hrs away during Spring Break. And in an unfathomable display of generosity, he offered to take me on the way back to get my glasses.
We stop in Odessa and as luck would have it, there was a Stanton. Optical across the street from our hotel.
I go in and am given an iPad where apparently I have to write down my entire medical history by answering questions in a font so smallI cannot see it because my glasses are crappy.
It blew my mind that a place that people go to because they can't see was making people fill out their own paperwork on. Technology that was so small.
After playing around with it and having my information LIST 3 TIMES &HAVING TO START OVER, I figured out that I could adjust the font size---- but no one told me this.
In the end I had to just hand it over to my husband and have him fill it out!! All of this would have been completely avoided if they had an option for paper. RED FLAG #1
Because I didn't have an appointment. I waited about an hrs & a half. As people were going ahead of me, I am noticing the very young attendant that is taking them into the exam room is asking every single person the exact same saying set of questions quite robotically.
Finally is my turn and as soon as I walk into the exam room red flags are going off AGAIN because nothing in that room looks like what you would need for a glasses refraction.
As someone who has had to go to an ophthalmologist three times a year since the age of 5 ,I know these things.
So the girl who starts bounding off her questions. Did I want glasses or contacts?
How many hours did I spend in one of the computer?
I told her 5.
About 30 seconds later she says "Okay. So you say you spend about 10 hours in front of the computer?"
I didn't bother to correct her and then she starts telling me about all the different type of lenses they have, so I ask her how much those lenses would cost and she tells me that she doesn't know. But after I get my prescription, I can discuss that with people up front.
So you only have one job --that you do with as much passion as an android and you know nothing about the other parts of your organization?
She then tells me she needs to take a measurement of my eye, which I would understand for contacts but i'm getting glasses and i'm not sure she understood me when I told her this the first time.
So she tells me to look into this machine, which I've looked into many, many times and each time that I have. They have put the picture in focus for me.. This time the picture state blurry
The girl then announces that the machine could only take a measurements of NORMAL eyes and since I'd had so many surgeries & eyetrauma, it could not take a measurement of mine. And I would have to be referred to a doctor.
I'm thinking okay......... well where is he?
"Oh, there is no Doctor actually here because we don't do actual glasses examinations, we just do virtual glasses ambinations.
Anyway, that's when I left.
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faraway-sunshine · 2 months
Do you feel comfortable sharing how you lost your eye?
I don’t think I’ve lost the eye (yet), but it is patched up so I can’t use it. Anyway, I'll talk about it, as I've been told talking about things helps.
Semantics aside, my eye and eyelid got slashed. I needed stitches around the eyelid, and I also got a corneal abrasion. That’s when the cut goes through the part of your eye that the iris and pupil are beneath, which is normally a clear layer for light reflection and protecting the rest of your eye.
I had been taken to the hospital for other reasons so it got treated fairly quickly. I got a patch over my eye and was sent home while being told to come back if it hadn’t healed in three days with some drops.
Well, three days passed and it wasn’t better. Mom saw some cloudy liquid leaking in and took me over, where they said I had a corneal ulcer. I got a fresh prescription and had to visit daily for a bit to make sure it wasn’t getting to the point where I’d need surgery, but it started clearing up so I got to take the visits down to twice weekly.
It was almost better, but I got another infection and it went puffier and red and weepy, so I was stuck in the patch longer. The infection is pretty much cleared now, but we don’t know yet if my eye got permanently damaged, as the ulcer could have caused a cataract or glaucoma complication (basically, my vision could be damaged). If it is, I may need surgery.
But I’m not going to die from it, and I still have a perfectly working eye, so it could be worse.
(August 1 2000, 8:02 PM)
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dreamy-melody · 1 year
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໒꒰ྀིっ˕ -。꒱ྀི১ it's almost 3 am and I'm eating a coconut yogurt
// I have lore for this sweetie but I'm too tired to type it out right now wahhh ~ I'll update this later I guess ehehehe
*editing this now to add the lore*
Yuki Yawamizu (雪 山水)
Hero Name: "Snow Angel" Quirk Type: Emitter Quirk Name: Winter Temper
Occupation: Student/Civilian
Story Behind the Quirk: One day a young Yuki came across a group of boys who were mistreating a mother rabbit and her babies. Upon seeing this the usually reserved Yuki couldn't help but confront them but instead of listening and leaving the rabbits alone the boys continued to mistreat them. Becoming annoyed by Yuki who was trying to stop them the boys pinned Yuki down face first into the freezing snow and ice. Through tear filled rage Yuki was able to stop the bullies by causing a hefty thundersnow storm...seemingly out of nowhere? Upon seeing what Yuki was capable of the boys ran away in cowardice finally leaving the rabbit family alone and although they were gone Yuki found it difficult to stop whatever was occurring with himself, he felt his heart had turned cold. Through the rustling of a snow covered bush Yuki's attention turned back to the precious rabbits which reminded him that the threat was gone and he felt his heart melt. Feeling his kindness once again now that the boys were gone he took off his scarf and used it to warm up the rabbits before parting ways with the fluffy little creatures. After that incident Yuki learned about his quirk and trained hard to control it on his own accord hoping to use it to help others meanwhile not letting his emotions become overwhelming to handle.
Quirk Side Effects: If Yuki overworks his quirk he's prone to fatigue, muscle aches, difficulty regulating body temperature, and migraines. Although he enjoys training and prefers cold weather in general if he's exposed to frigid temperatures for too long he's at risk to developing 3rd degree frostbite (superficial frostbite which reveals an underneath layer of skin and tissue that appears white or grey). Yuki's extremities, such as his ears, nose, cheeks, fingers, and toes, are more often than not red due the training he undergoes. Due to dangerous risks such as the damage and loss of tissue Yuki has yet to train past his breaking point, having an intense fear of developing 4th degree burns (deep frostbite which causes skin to turn black due to the death of cells and the inability for joints and muscles to work) and having to amputate parts of his body alongside developing corneal frostbite which would deeply damage his eyesight if not completely remove it.
Home Life: Yuki and his family reside in Hokkaido. Since the weather is colder than in other regions, especially in the winter, Yuki has always enjoyed colder weather, finding it more natural to him; so much so that he doesn't mind going out in shorts when others would be complaining about the cold! He's the first and only son (23 years old) with a younger sister (12 years old) to a mother (48 years old) and father (53 years old) who make and sell traditional sweets for a living. Though their parents claim that they themselves don't have quirks they do know that there are many people in their families that do which made them understanding when Yuki discovered his quirk. Yuki's sister, Hana Yawamizu (花 山水), also seemed to inherit a quirk: Blooming Caress, where she can generate many types of flowers she has seen before with her touch alone, seemingly memory based. However she is still unsure of what exactly she can use it for but can control it willingly.
School Life: Yuki attends 冬百合学園 (Winter Lily Academy), a university where alumni learn about useful information in regards to becoming heroes, civilian safety awareness, and advanced training in order to effectively use their quirks not only for solo use but together with other heroes. Yuki's closest friend, 冥王星 大城 (Meiōsei Ōshiro) (22) seems to be the opposite of Yuki: he's dark, taciturn, and firm and yet they get along very well. He's very fond of Yuki, finding himself spoiling and protecting him from harm. The two often practice together; Yuki using his precipitation to cause distractions so Meiōsei can advance his quirk: Phantom Permeation and Meiōsei helping Yuki develop his sense of defense and attack by stealthily moving about in close combat. Every now and then students are to be sent on missions and solve a problem ranging from helping children get along with one another to stopping criminals and villains from carrying out malicious acts. Each year has a rank for students: A, B, C, and D; Rank A meaning the individual has the strength, cooperativeness, and skills to be a substantial hero meanwhile Rank D individuals are just above having power and reliance compared to civilians.
Strengths: cold/rainy/cloudy weather, caring for others, being charismatic = persuading others, is resourceful, very observant
Weaknesses: warm/hot/humid weather, not very physically strong, overwhelmed easily, too selfless, too trusting of others, a bit clueless
Distinguishing Feature(s): beauty mark under his lip (right side)
Charm Point: he's too pure ! (´• ω •`)
// I might draw some more references for Yuki/his family/Meiōsei that is if my arm doesn't snap off ~ the amount of research I had to do is so tiring, I bet my search history looks insane right now !
I'll put a quick meanings behind the names:
Yuki's name "雪 山水" = Snow Mountain+Water
Hana's name "花 山水" = Flower Mountain+Water
Meiōsei's name "冥王星 大城" = Darkness+King+Planet Great+Castle
that's it for now ~ *passes out*
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aarohi285 · 6 months
The Hazards of Excessive Soorma Use: Understanding its Effects on Eye Health
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Soorma, also known as kohl, has held a revered place in traditional eye makeup across various cultures for centuries. Particularly within the Muslim community, the application of soorma is steeped in rich cultural heritage and remains a prevalent practice today. While it's widely believed that soorma can offer benefits to eye health, recent findings suggest that its excessive use may come with significant drawbacks. 
Numerous studies indicate that overusing soorma can detrimentally impact vision and lead to persistent itchiness and irritation of the eyes. Scientific research advises a cautious approach, recommending the application of soorma once or twice a day rather than indulging in frequent or prolonged use. 
While respected for its ability to enhance attractiveness of one's eyes with its deep, dark pigment, excessive soorma application poses notable risks to eye health. In this article, we delve into the adverse effects of over-reliance on soorma and underline the importance of moderation in its usage.
The Tradition of Soorma:
Soorma holds immense cultural significance, often symbolizing beauty and offering purported protective properties. Beyond its cosmetic appeal, soorma has been historically regarded for its medicinal virtues, including its soothing and cooling effects on the eyes. Nonetheless, like any substance applied near sensitive areas such as the eyes, exercising moderation and care is paramount to prevent adverse effects.
Excessive Soorma Use:
1. Irritation and Inflammation: Overusing soorma can lead to irritation and inflammation of the eyes. Ingredients commonly found in soorma, such as lead sulfide and carbon, can prove abrasive and harsh on delicate eye tissues, resulting in redness, itching, and discomfort.
2. Allergic Reactions: Soorma may contain allergens that trigger adverse reactions in some individuals, including swelling, itching, and excessive tearing of the eyes. Severe allergic responses could even manifest as dermatitis or conjunctivitis, worsening eye discomfort and inflammation.
3. Risk of Infection: Excessive soorma use heightens the risk of eye infections due to the potential breeding ground it creates for bacteria and pathogens. Poor hygiene practices, such as sharing applicators or using expired products, further elevate the likelihood of infections like bacterial conjunctivitis or styes.
4. Corneal Abrasions: Certain formulations of soorma may have abrasive properties, increasing the risk of corneal abrasions or injuries to the corneal surface. Corneal abrasions can cause pain, blurred vision, and light sensitivity, necessitating prompt medical intervention to prevent complications.
5. Lead Poisoning: Traditional soorma formulations containing lead-based compounds pose significant health risks, especially with prolonged exposure. Lead poisoning can lead to neurological damage and developmental delays, particularly in children. Ingestion or absorption of lead through the eyes can result in lead toxicity, underscoring the importance of caution when using soorma products.
While soorma holds cultural significance and aesthetic appeal, its excessive use can profoundly affect eye health. From irritation and allergic reactions to the risk of infection and lead poisoning, the drawbacks of overusing soorma are evident. It is essential to use soorma sparingly, opt for products with safe ingredients, and prioritize stringent hygiene practices to safeguard eye health. By exercising moderation and caution, individuals can appreciate the beauty of soorma without compromising their ocular well-being.
Case Study: Fatima's Eye Health Journey
Fatima, a 35-year-old woman from a traditional household, had been using soorma for years as part of her daily routine. Recently, she started experiencing persistent discomfort and dryness in her eyes, accompanied by occasional itching and redness. Concerned about her deteriorating eye health, Fatima decided to seek medical advice.
Upon examination, at Sanjeevan for Perfect Eyesight, Mumbai, ophthalmologists diagnosed Fatima with severe dry eye syndrome, attributing it to the prolonged and excessive use of soorma. The abrasive nature of certain soorma formulations had caused irritation and inflammation, leading to the development of dry eyes.
To address Fatima's condition, a personalized treatment plan was devised. This included prescription Netra Jyoti eye drops to lubricate and hydrate the eyes, along with lifestyle modifications to reduce soorma usage and improve ocular hygiene practices.
Over time, Fatima's symptoms gradually subsided, and she experienced relief from the discomfort caused by dry eyes. Regular follow-up appointments allowed healthcare professionals to monitor her progress and adjust the treatment plan as needed.
Fatima's case highlights the potential risks associated with excessive soorma use and underscores the importance of seeking timely medical attention for eye-related concerns. Through proper diagnosis and targeted intervention, individuals like Fatima can mitigate the adverse effects on their eye health and maintain clear vision and comfort.Data Insights:
Studies indicate a rising trend in eye-related complications attributed to excessive soorma use, with a noticeable increase in cases reported annually.
Analysis of patient records reveals a correlation between prolonged soorma application and the development of dry eye syndrome, particularly among individuals using traditional formulations.
Surveys conducted among affected individuals highlight a lack of awareness regarding the potential risks of overusing soorma, emphasizing the need for education and preventive measures within communities.
Fatima's journey serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of mindful usage and proper eye care practices to safeguard ocular health in today's society.
In conclusion, this blog sheds light on the potential risks associated with excessive soorma use and emphasizes the importance of moderation and caution when incorporating traditional cosmetic practices into daily routines. While soorma holds cultural significance and aesthetic appeal, it is crucial to acknowledge its potential drawbacks, particularly concerning eye health.
Fatima's case study serves as a poignant reminder of the impact that unchecked cosmetic habits can have on ocular well-being. Her journey highlights the need for awareness and education surrounding proper eye care practices, especially within communities where soorma is deeply ingrained in cultural traditions.
As we navigate the delicate balance between tradition and modernity, it is essential to prioritize health and safety. By advocating for informed decision-making, promoting safe cosmetic alternatives, and encouraging regular eye examinations, we can empower individuals to safeguard their vision and overall ocular health.
Ultimately, through education, awareness, and responsible usage, we can ensure that the beauty of cultural traditions like soorma remains harmoniously intertwined with the preservation of eye health for generations to come.
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pugsandbaby · 6 months
on thursday simon was climbing on me and ended up poking me in the eye and yesterday it hurt really bad. it was red and swollen and i could barely open it. went to the doctor today and i have a corneal abrasion.
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bpod-bpod · 1 year
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Needles in Eyes
Sticking needles in your eyes might not be as bad as it seems. Any loss or damage to the inner layer of the cornea – the clear surface of the eye – can be permanent and lead to progressive sight loss. Corneal transplantation is the only available solution, and is invasive and limited, so researchers have developed a spiky new approach to restoring lost or damaged cells. They created a sheet of nanoneedles (green in the human cornea sample pictured) that can embed within the inner layer of cornea cells (red and blue), nestling down to the perfect depth. These needles can then directly deliver small strands of genetic material that interfere with a particular gene involved in keeping growth in check. With that silenced, cell growth increased. The nanoneedles can be integrated in contact lenses for long term drug delivery, restoring sight without sore eyes.
Written by Anthony Lewis
Image from work by Eleonora Maurizi and colleagues
Dentistry Centre Lab, University of Parma, Parma, Italy and Centre for Craniofacial and Regenerative Biology, King's College London, London, UK
Image originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Published in Advanced Science, October 2022
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grison-in-space · 1 year
anyway all my dogs are broken at this time and I'm very tired about it
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(Benton won't stop licking his thigh creases until they get red and sore; Tribble has Yet Another Goddamn Corneal Ulcer; Matilda is not herself broken in body technically but she smeared me with turd last night and had to be bathed immediately so no one in the house is without sin)
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mcatmemoranda · 1 year
Going through ABFM CKSA questions:
An acute red eye is a common presentation in primary care and it is critical to differentiate serious causes from benign causes. Pain is an important distinguishing feature for the acute red eye. Episcleritis is a self-limited condition that can be idiopathic or associated with autoimmune conditions. It is more common in females and usually presents with mild discomfort and focal hyperemia. Discerning episcleritis from scleritis is important. In general, the inflamed vessels of episcleritis will move with gentle pressure from a cotton-tipped applicator whereas those with scleritis will not, and the pain of scleritis is more intense. The treatment of episcleritis is symptomatic with topical lubricants and oral NSAIDs. If recurrent episodes occur, an autoimmune workup should be considered. Conjunctivitis is typically associated with a discharge that is clear in viral cases and mucopurulent in bacterial cases. Iritis is associated with significant pain, a poorly reactive pupil, diminished vision, and photophobia. This patient does not have changes in visual acuity, photophobia, or severe pain as seen in keratitis, which would also cause an abnormal fluorescein stain showing corneal ulceration.
A Cochrane review reports good evidence that salicylic acid is effective for the treatment of plantar warts. Candida injections may be indicated for warts that are difficult to treat, but they are not considered a first-line treatment. The application of duct tape has not been shown to be more effective than placebo. Manual paring and extraction of plantar warts carries a greater risk for complications and is not necessary for flat, minimally bothersome warts. Laser treatment may be effective, but the cost is not justified as initial therapy in this case.
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