#diy office visit
@elderberriesandarsenic @bitter1stuff
The abundance of technology and lack of humanity causes a longing for the past makes me feel like a fucking Luddite!
(Continue to read for Gen X bitching)
For the last couple of years, I have not been able to see that well through my current classes prescription. Every time that I would come close to getting a new prescription, I would face another eye surgery.
After the Corneal transplant, my surgeon refused to give me another prescription until a year had passed. Because, he said my eyes were changing too rapidly. In the meantime, I cannot see with this prescription at all. I only live about 7 blocks from my school and yet driving there every morning is. Terrifying, because I cannot see well enough. Every time I would go back for a checkup. I would beg the surgeon for refraction. Finally, the last time I wore the surgeon down and he said while he would not provide it. I was welcome to go to one of those cheap eyeglass places and get a temporary pair.
The place where I live does not have one of those places.
And it takes an act of God to get hubby to take me anywhere. So we waited until we were taking a trip to sea his mom, my MiL, four hrs away during Spring Break. And in an unfathomable display of generosity, he offered to take me on the way back to get my glasses.
We stop in Odessa and as luck would have it, there was a Stanton. Optical across the street from our hotel.
I go in and am given an iPad where apparently I have to write down my entire medical history by answering questions in a font so smallI cannot see it because my glasses are crappy.
It blew my mind that a place that people go to because they can't see was making people fill out their own paperwork on. Technology that was so small.
After playing around with it and having my information LIST 3 TIMES &HAVING TO START OVER, I figured out that I could adjust the font size---- but no one told me this.
In the end I had to just hand it over to my husband and have him fill it out!! All of this would have been completely avoided if they had an option for paper. RED FLAG #1
Because I didn't have an appointment. I waited about an hrs & a half. As people were going ahead of me, I am noticing the very young attendant that is taking them into the exam room is asking every single person the exact same saying set of questions quite robotically.
Finally is my turn and as soon as I walk into the exam room red flags are going off AGAIN because nothing in that room looks like what you would need for a glasses refraction.
As someone who has had to go to an ophthalmologist three times a year since the age of 5 ,I know these things.
So the girl who starts bounding off her questions. Did I want glasses or contacts?
How many hours did I spend in one of the computer?
I told her 5.
About 30 seconds later she says "Okay. So you say you spend about 10 hours in front of the computer?"
I didn't bother to correct her and then she starts telling me about all the different type of lenses they have, so I ask her how much those lenses would cost and she tells me that she doesn't know. But after I get my prescription, I can discuss that with people up front.
So you only have one job --that you do with as much passion as an android and you know nothing about the other parts of your organization?
She then tells me she needs to take a measurement of my eye, which I would understand for contacts but i'm getting glasses and i'm not sure she understood me when I told her this the first time.
So she tells me to look into this machine, which I've looked into many, many times and each time that I have. They have put the picture in focus for me.. This time the picture state blurry
The girl then announces that the machine could only take a measurements of NORMAL eyes and since I'd had so many surgeries & eyetrauma, it could not take a measurement of mine. And I would have to be referred to a doctor.
I'm thinking okay......... well where is he?
"Oh, there is no Doctor actually here because we don't do actual glasses examinations, we just do virtual glasses ambinations.
Anyway, that's when I left.
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diabeticgirl4 · 2 years
I'm thinking I kinda should probably go back to therapy bc my mental health is uh. Rly Bad rn lmao, but the place I went to last time is doing only virtual visits which don't work for me, but also last time I wasn't going anywhere bc I didn't have a good handle on my mental health/goals in general, and if I'm being honest that aspect hasn't changed much so I doubt trying the same thing will yield different results? That being said, idk what else to do? Journaling? That's supposed to help right? I want a magic fix-all that will make all my problems go away but that's not a thing that can actually happen (OTL) so I'm trying to figure out next best thing lol. All I know is my mental health is uh. a LOT less than ideal, and I would like it to. Not be like that anymore. :/
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moralesmilesanhour · 1 year
genre: fluff, first meeting
format: bullet points/flash fiction(?)
pairing: miles (1610) x reader
summary: you encounter miles for the first time after a rodeo.
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Sweat collects around your hairline underneath your wide-brimmed hat as you watch horses and bulls alike kick up dust around them.
Your voice risks going hoarse on account of all the cheering you and a friend do for your cousin once it's their turn to give chase.
After the rodeo, you spot your aunt having a lively chat with a tall, sturdy man that you later learn is Jefferson Davis Morales: a police officer from Brooklyn visiting family for the summer.
You groan the moment the woman makes eye contact with you, knowing she's about to wave you over.
The conversation is cordial; you shake hands and tell Mr. Morales a few white lies about how your academic life is going, and he goes on about how he has a son your age that they "had to practically drag down here" to attend.
"Miles–where'd that boy scurry off to? Miles!"
"I'm right here, dad."
A lanky boy with a deep russet-brown complexion materializes beside his father. He looks about as enthusiastic to be a part of this conversation as you are, shifting uncomfortably in leather boots that look new.
"Since we're in the area for a couple weeks, you might as well make a new friend, don't you think?"
Miles' eyes settle on you, wide and shiny like a deer in headlights. Each time your eyes meet, his gaze flickers down to his boots or some other part of your face. You would later find out that his hundred-yard stare just came with the territory and that he wasn't actually terrified of you.
"Oh, Y/N, Jeff was just tellin' me about how Miles is the artsy type like you are. Why don't y'all run along and get to know each other?"
Miles give you a tight, apologetic smile, and you give him a shrug.
"Wanna grab a bite to eat?" He asks. "Sure, if you want."
The two of you enter an awkward conversation over hot dogs, slowly realizing that your DIY projects and paintings were definitely not the same 'artsy' as his quick sketches and graffiti.
"So, like, what are you planning on majoring in?"
"Physics, probably. You?"
"Nursing. What's drawing you to physics? I don't hear that one a lot."
Miles' face lights up as he explains the ins and outs of Princeton's "cutting-edge" science program, and something about electrons that you won't even attempt to understand. He stops himself when he notices the smile playing on your face.
"...Sorry. You probably don't wanna hear all of that," he laughs nervously, tugging at the collar of his tassled shirt. You chuckle.
"I won't lie, none of that was really comprehensible to me, but you looked cute explainin' it."
Miles looks a little like his father when he smiles. Part of you wants to poke the dimples that appear in his cheeks.
The day ends with you exchanging phone numbers. Apprehension settles on Miles' features as he returns your phone to you.
"We'll only be here for like, two weeks, though."
"You'd better make sure to call me, then," you say with a wink.
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lvpislvzuli · 2 years
The Ultimate List of Modern AU Headcanons for the Sully Kids (and Spider)
— her favourite colour is green
— wears knit cardigans and floral converse shoes
— had a frozen yogurt phase
— collects rocks and crystals
— presses flowers in notebooks
— paints her toenails ten different colours
— cuts her own hair, DIY bangs
— always has headphones on. listens to Florence and Lana religiously
— has a crush on her childhood best friend and fellow orphan, Miles “Spider” Socorro
— but she is taking that secret to the grave
— visits the botanical gardens on weekends. Spider always goes with her
— eats toast with strawberry jam for breakfast every morning
— makes her own rings, bracelets, and anklets
— hates crowds and will actively avoid them
— not a strict vegetarian but she prefers to not eat meat
— she never takes off Grace’s necklace and always asks Norm for stories about her when he visits
— she also keeps all of Grace’s published books on botany on her bedside table
— has a part time job at the local produce shop
— not sporty but she loves roller skating
— is attempting to teach Lo’ak to roller skate but it’s going poorly
— babysits Tuk for Jake and Neytiri on their date nights
— Tuk insists they do makeovers and Kiri agrees even though she hates wearing makeup
— she is very quiet at school but is the brightest student in her year
— the other kids used to bully her until she and Tsireya became friends, but they still think she is weird
— her favourite subject is art but she wishes there was a botany class
— climate activist
— never posts on social media but she does scroll
— always likes her siblings’ and Spider’s Instagram posts
— retweets Greta Thunberg
— orders a strawberry shake from McDonald’s
— loves anything strawberry flavoured
— still has sleepovers with Spider even though they are probably getting a bit old for that
— loves watching Studio Ghibli movies and her favourite is Princess Mononoke
— can play some piano but cannot sing to save her life
— her bedroom is filled with plants and she hangs wind chimes beside her window
— which just so happens to line up perfectly with Spider’s bedroom window next door
— she’s a morning person and is always the first one awake in the Sully house
— her favorite season is spring
— hates overhead lights and prefers lamps
— binge read the entire Rainbow Magic series in middle school and wished there was a fairy named for her
— a “YOLO!” kid
— he met Spider when they were seven and nine during the first week of school
— they had both been sent to the principal’s office for disrupting their classes
— it turned out that they lived next door to each other but had never met before
— so he introduced Spider to Kiri and Neteyam, and the rest is history
— picks up casual shifts at Domino’s Pizza
— will tell anyone who orders pineapple on their pizza that there is something wrong with them
— middle child syndrome
— vehemently defends his belief that vanilla is the best flavour
— on the school swim team but is always late for training
— eats cereal out of the box
— his favourite colour is orange
— looks identical to a teenage Jake
— always in detention for talking back to his teachers
— he brought home a stray dog and tried to smuggle it into his bedroom but Neytiri caught him immediately
— convinced his parents to let him keep the dog
— he named him Payakan
— is attempting to read Dune by Frank Herbert but gets distracted whenever he picks it up
— tripped over his own feet the first time he saw Tsireya
— she tutored him for an English exam—the only exam he’s ever gotten an A on
— when he finally asked her out he was shocked that she said yes
— it took him a while to warm to Tsireya’s family who thought he was trouble at first
— his phone is always, mysteriously, at 13% battery
— orders a Big Mac, a large fries, and a vanilla shake from McDonald’s
— plays the drums and is actually good
— formed a band called The Outcasts with Spider and they practice in the garage on Friday nights. Kiri sits and listens to them
— he lives on energy drinks and Doritos
— loves jet skiing and surfing. all water sports
— often tries to sneak out but Tuk always catches him in the act
— bad at making friends but great at making enemies
— posts selfies on Instagram but they’re always blurry
— will accidentally burn his toast but still eat it, plain.
— feels misunderstood by his parents
— “I’m just a kid” by Simple Plan
— secretly admires Neteyam but will never admit it
— on weekends he takes Tsireya shopping at the mall and holds all of her bags
— his favourite movie is The Karate Kid
— insists that she put the star on top of the tree at Christmas
— loves pink lemonade and bubble gum ice cream
— spends her pocket money on temporary tattoos
— has recently started playing club netball. Neytiri and Jake attend every game
— she will stay up to catch the tooth fairy but always ends up falling asleep
— prefers waffles over pancakes and chocolate syrup instead of maple syrup
— her favourite colour is rainbow
— Lo’ak tells her that rainbow is not a colour
— Tuk tells him that vanilla is not a flavour
— they argue a lot
— she is friends with everyone at her elementary school and always has a birthday party to attend
— but her best friend is Popiti who lives down the street
— she and Jake watch Saturday morning cartoons together
— orders a Happy Meal from McDonald’s
— rides a bike with a basket and handlebar streamers
— always asks Neteyam to read her a bedtime story, but she will wake Kiri up if she has a nightmare
— Neytiri has to find creative ways of sneaking vegetables into her meals
— she is terrified of needles
— Halloween is her favourite holiday and she was once sick from eating too much candy
— she has a pink glitter lamp in her bedroom and her bed is covered in plushies
— Tsireya introduced her to Taylor Swift’s music and now she is obsessed
— writes with glitter pens
— has a pet bunny named Bugs because she is a huge fan of Looney Tunes
— loves spending time with her grandmother who teaches her how to embroider
— wants a unicorn ice cream cake for her eighth birthday party
— has to wear contacts because his eyesight is actually pretty bad
— no one knows where that gene came from
— but he still has excellent hand-eye coordination
— and is a pro at tennis
— straight A student
— all the teachers love him
— is impeccably dressed at all times, except on weekends when he comes downstairs to breakfast in his pyjamas
— loves to read and always carries a paperback with him
— doesn’t like McDonald’s
— once travelled to Vietnam on a school trip and came back “cultured”
— the peacekeeper sibling
— hated sitting at the kids’ table at parties and always wanted to sit with the grownups
— he will discreetly check up on his siblings at school
— Jake takes him fishing on the weekends
— Neytiri likes to brag about how clever and kind he is when he is within earshot, which embarrasses him
— always chosen to be team captain in gym class
— is friendly to everyone he meets and always thinks the best of people, but is ready to throw hands the second someone insults his family
— sticks to a daily routine and feels unsettled whenever it’s disrupted
— very neat. maybe a little OCD
— he was a well behaved child and has never thrown a tantrum
— always tells the truth and can tell when someone is lying
— his favourite colour is purple
— has a pair of glasses for when his contacts bother him but he only wears them at home
— he is naturally smart and doesn’t have to study to get good grades
— had a hardcore photography phase and still uses his camera
— loves eating spicy food, which is one of the few things he has in common with Spider
— always wins at Monopoly
— prone to rolling off his bed during the night
— lives with the McCosker family next door to the Sullys
— but he might as well live with the Sullys because he spends all of his time with them
— will sneak out of his house through his bedroom window, jump the fence between their houses, and climb through Kiri’s bedroom window while she keeps watch
— he once got a subtle mullet on a dare but he hated it
— was a barefoot kid
— plays the guitar and sings
— (everyone was shocked when they realised Spider could sing really well)
— skateboards
— his favourite colour is blue
— orders chicken nuggets, fries and a Coke from McDonald’s
— doesn’t have much of a sweet tooth
— has a part time job at a local mechanics garage helping to fix cars
— never does homework but still gets decent grades
— doodles on every page of his textbooks
— a Star Wars kid. had lightsaber fights with Kiri and Lo’ak in their backyard
— will wash the dishes for Neytiri whenever he stays for dinner
— is saving up his money to buy a truck
— watched Tarzan on repeat as a young kid and it still shows
— his hair is long and always a mess
— wears sweatpants and owns three shirts
— posts memes on Instagram that no one but Kiri and Lo’ak understand
— he once punched a guy at school for harassing Kiri and was suspended for a week
— his adoptive father grounded him for a month
— “Teenagers” by My Chemical Romance
— loves rock climbing. Kiri always tags along to spot for him
— doesn’t like celebrating his birthday, but Kiri always writes him a heartfelt letter which he saves and often rereads
— he can’t sit still for more than five minutes
— and he bounces a knee whenever he is sitting
— there is a faded scar above his eyebrow from the stitches he needed after falling from the monkey bars in middle school
— he once started a food fight in the school cafeteria
— loves roller coasters
— and is a bit of an adrenaline junkie
— would eat nachos at every meal if he could
— picks up interesting rocks he finds that he thinks Kiri will like for her collection
— he once went camping at the beach with the Sullys and it was the best weekend he’s ever had
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mysticetus · 1 year
on the topic of diy hrt as ive seen it going around the dash a few times, i want to offer what i can in terms of help as i got on hrt in secret while still living with my parents. i cant give advice for paths i didnt take (getting the hrt itself online) but i can detail the process i experienced so you know what to expect if you pursue.
i highly recommend seeing if there is a planned parenthood in your area and if it offers gender affirming hormone therapy. i had a couple things that made this an option for me that may be barriers for others - i was over 18, and they do not offer informed consent to minors. i also had a job that allowed me to pay for the visit and the prescription. lastly i forced myself to learn how to drive so i could get to the planned parenthood and the pharmacy.
for cost, i recommend checking beforehand if planned parenthood accepts your insurance. They did not accept mine so i had to pay out of pocket for the appointment. Luckily they have a sliding scale system that charges based on your monthly income. The amount changes (and this may vary by region as well), so you can call them for a cost estimate. As someone going for testosterone, my visits have cost between $39 and $63 out of pocket.
For me getting HRT occurred in 2 phases: A telehealth call where they told me about the effects of HRT and then had me digitally sign an informed consent form. And then an in-person visit to my local PP office to get my blood pressure and hemoglobin (finger prick) checked. I then walked out with a T prescription.
For bloodwork, planned parenthood offers this service as well but it was a “strongly recommended but not required” option for me. I did eventually get my levels tested through PP but it cost me ~$40 because of lack of insurance. i later learned i could get my bloodwork done for free at quest diagnostics, for which PP sent in an order that automatically went into quest’s system and all i had to do was make an appointment online filed under “all other tests” … in my area quest can be found in grocery stores. I recommend looking into quest for bloodwork if your insurance would cover it.
Estrogen and progesterone are not controlled substances (often used in birth control), but testosterone is since it can be abused as a steroid. so if you are pursuing T this may present challenges - in my experience it makes it hard for me to change pharmacies without calling planned parenthood first, and you need to present ID when picking it up.
At first i swore by gel and not injectable because i was afraid of accessing needles, and i used goodrx coupons to get gel at a reasonable price. I do not recommend this as it is not sustainable, goodrx coupons are great but always changing. Unfortunately if you do diy hrt you are probably going to be doing injections. i tried for several months to get gel in a sustainable way but the only way i was able to do this was when i had insurance that would cover it (which i since lost access to).
You can get needles and syringes in bulk (100 for like $10) on amazon. Your prescription will probably include an order of needles and syringes but pharmacies are generally not awesome to get them through, because they tend to cost more and be out of stock…. for subq i use 25g 5/8” needles to INJECT, and 18g 1.5” needles to DRAW. i use 1 ml syringes with a LUER LOCK. make sure the needles and syringes have the same locking mechanism so they can connect to each other. the alternative to a luer lock is a slip tip, which you do not want.
Even though on the bottle it says INTRAMUSCULAR USE ONLY, i and many other trans people do subcutaneous as the needles are smaller and less painful. “subq” injects into the layer of fat beneath the skin and releases the hormones slower over time. I personally inject into my stomach in the area below my belly button - i pinch the fat and inject at a 90° angle. there are detailed videos on how to do a subcutaneous self injection on youtube, and here is planned parenthood's guide.
if you are scared of needles, i am too - i used to black out when i had to get a shot. i can say that subcutaneous rarely hurts and its definitely tolerable to me. i know its freaky to inject into your stomach but the fat layers there make it pretty painless. if you pinch your fat your nerves focus on the pressure your fingers are making, and as long as you hold the needle like a dart and inject quickly you barely notice it.
For questions i recommend looking on reddit. there are many subreddits dedicated to DIY hrt as well as logistical questions in the context of navigating pharmacies and doctors. And, i am always happy to offer what help i can.
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We have been honing our salvage game for sometime now and this has got to be one of the most immediately functional pieces that we've been able to add to the land, for free, from the side of the road.
This beautiful desktop piece had no legs and is only missing one drawer. Titan built in the legs with painstaking measurements, and I decked it out with all of our DIY Veterinary supplies. Because honestly, buying needles and supplements and medicines on yr own dime is a hell of a lot cheaper than a veterinary visit to the farm. And cheaper than losing livestock. Though we do want to try to have a vet visit happen at least once a year if not quarterly.
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The craftsman turning barstool work chair we got for $10 at a neighbor's yard sale the first year we moved here. They're flying trump signs now...I haven't been back to a yard sale there since. However, the chair has let me perch and be versatile when I've been on my feet for too long. (Also, the wheelchair is on its way!)
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Anyway, super excited about the barn office, veterinary office, and the ISO section is included in here as well.
Feeling a bit more capable, day by day,
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storyofwhoiam · 19 days
🧑‍🎤zombie - the cranberries
@strxngertogether | Send a song title + 🧑‍🎤 and I'll give you an outline of an OC based on that song | always accepting!
Conall Heffernan
[30-55, Close Protection Security Officer, cis man, he/him, heterosexual?, fc Jason O'Mara]
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Conall was born and raised in County Donegal, Ireland, during the years of Northern Ireland conflict. Growing up in a large Catholic family with many elder brothers, Conall was deeply influenced by the violence and political unrest that defined his childhood. His family was no stranger to the conflict — one of his brothers was killed while fighting for the Irish Republican Army, and another was interned without trial. These experiences shaped Conall’s early disillusionment with the cycle of violence that seemed never-ending.
Conall was the youngest of his family, with a larger age gap between him and his next oldest brother. As a result, the later years of his upbringing included those with more hope of peace. Conall later joined the Irish Army. He served in a conventional infantry unit before advancing to the Army Ranger Wing, eventually earning him the rank of Captain.
After several years of military service, Conall transitioned to close protection security work. A staunch republican, Conall believes in Irish reunification and holds strong anti-colonial sentiments. Initially, he worked for a private security firm, however he later shifted toward working with international human rights organisations and bodies that share his values.
Conall remains close to most of his family, visiting them whenever possible. Outside of his work, Conall enjoy personal fitness and various DIY projects, finding relaxation in simple pleasures.
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letterlocking · 5 months
Thank you, everyone! Surprise: It’s happening! Our book is coming out. Letterlocking: The Hidden History of the Letter by Jana Dambrogio, Daniel Starza Smith, with the Unlocking History Research Group. Publication date: March 4, 2025. Publisher: The MIT Press. 320 pp, 8x9 inches, 261 color illustration. Hardcover ISBN: 9780262049276, $40.00. Pre-order @mitpress @penguinrandomhouse @amazon @barnesandnoble @bookshop_org @Indiebound @indigo @booksamillion. 
Description The rich history of a centuries-old document security technology—folding and securing a letter into its own envelope for delivery—and a comprehensive guide to learning how to make your own locked letters. Before the invention of the gummed envelope in the 1830s, how did people secure their private letters? The answer is letterlocking—the ingenious process of folding, slitting, and securing a letter with a strip of paper and sealing wax so that it becomes its own envelope. The practice, used by historical figures ranging from Elizabeth I and her spymaster to Japanese samurai lords, and nearly entirely forgotten, was an everyday activity for centuries, across cultures, borders, and social classes. In Letterlocking, Jana Dambrogio and Daniel Starza Smith, experts who have pioneered the field over the last ten years, tell the fascinating story of letterlocking within epistolary history, drawing on real historical examples from all over the world. Letterlocking will be accompanied by a website, freely accessible scholarly articles, and instructional videos and diagrams, as well as foldable, tear-out sheets with instructions on how to fold and lock a letter. 
Thank you, @barnesandnoble for offering a pre-order discount to your members April 19, on our book “Letterlocking: The Hidden History of the Letter” #BNPreorder 
#mitpress #letterlocking #amsr #origami #documentsecurity #letters #correspondence #fold #diy #security #seal #secret #love #write #encryption #spies #invisible #teaching #instructions #book #publication #launch #video #share 
Alt text: A sparkling star made of magenta and yellow. In the center the date: March 4, 2025. Blue background with white lettering that says, "Letterlocking, The Hidden History of the Letter by Jana Dambrogio, Daniel Starza Smith, with the Unlocking History Research Group. Pre-order now @mitpress @penguinrandomhouse @amazon @barnesandnoble @bookshop_org @Indiebound @indigo @booksamillion
Thanks to Eirene Pianeta for sharing the gif design template in Canva. 
Citation information: Authors: Jana Dambrogio and the Unlocking History Research Group. Title: "Surprise: It's Happening! Letterlocking: The Hidden History of the Letter. Pub date: March 4, 2025, USA (2024))." Letterlocking Instructional Videos. Unlocking History number 6261/Letterlocking Unique Video number: 0304. Date filmed: April 19, 2024. Duration: 1:52. Date posted: April 19, 2024. Video URL: [Insert URL]. Date accessed: [Date].
Copyright 2024. Jana Dambrogio and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). All rights reserved. The following copyrighted material is made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/. Contact the MIT Technology Licensing Office for any other licensing inquiries.
To find out more about letterlocking, visit http://letterlocking.org and follow us on social media @letterlocking.
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lavenoon · 2 years
Another thought, what if Robin wasn’t a field agent? What if they were someone like command centre or backup?
Just assisting Dawn/Dusk over an earpiece, knowing their an animatronic but never seeing them. So Robin at home knows both their neighbours but they don’t realize that’s the agents they’ve been helping due to never seeing them + work has some sort of voice scrambler just incase someone hacks that frequency :)
Or to turn this around, Dawn/Dusk are command centre/ backup or whatever and they get to work with star agent Robin in the background. Helping them over an ear piece and yet again never seeing them due to always being in an office and talking over a head piece.
So Y/N knows their nice neighbors Sun and Moon, who are kind of cagey about their jobs, but it's fine, because there's so much else to talk about!
Field agents Dusk and Dawn still need to cover up gadget noise and can explain it with DIY, and Command center Dusk and Dawn may have a little home set up for urgent calls to take that uh. Okay vc planning makes me say there's now the podcast happening. A podcast that is more popular than anticipated but also way too personal so it doesn't amass too much of a following, but the people who do listen may develop some sort of parasocial relationship or the other gfhdjs
The podcast is kind of all over the place - they tried to scramble for a topic and kind of settled on electronics and life as an animatronic in a society still kind of adapting, like raising awareness about systemic inequalities and stuff? But kind of just trailing off into anecdotes about their previous jobs (since they job hopped a lot) and what their experiences were, maybe with early pre reveal guest appearance of Eclipse sharing his own experiences as a disabled animatronic. It's a good timeline for their brotherly relationship but also means there's a lot of heart to hearts they need to edit out of the fucking podcast FGDHJS
Y/N listens to it to fall asleep <3
(But also this Eclipse gets to meet Y/N pre-reveal as long as he promises not to mention the secret aspect of his job - he can introduce himself as researcher, and not talk about Sun and Moon's jobs, but otherwise there's room for interaction there! Supervised by Sun/Moon probably, but some actual small talk during potential visits!)
So, let's go:
Command center Robin and Field agent Dusk and Dawn: Robin, while an allover competent agent, is just a tad too reckless for the higher ups to tolerate and got demoted to Command center work until they learn to take the job seriously. Leaves them a bit miffed at any field agents they interact with, whoops! Different flavored idiots when Dusk and Dawn just think "jeez this guy is rude" and Robin jealous of these guys they end up paired with a lot because wow they sure are living Robin's dream life :/ Meanwhile they all get along splendidly as neighbors!
The reveal could be that the voice distortion breaks or the boys (well, one of them) just lose the device but have something urgent to share and just think ah, screw it, it's not like one time will hurt, or like the command center agent will know their voice! They know they're revealing one of their voices, yeah, sure, but it's a risk they're acutely aware of and deem acceptable in the situation. Command center Robin just gets fucking whiplash hearing their friend's voice from the guy they have been short with out of bitterness the entire time and still has to scramble to actually respond to the situation at hand. They're too scared to tell Sun and Moon - because they're already on the supervisor's shit list, that's why they work in CC! But they're kind of jumpy at home and zone out a lot more, something Sun and Moon notice, and unrelated to that it's strange but that CC agent suddenly is a lot... nicer? But also more subdued? I'd see the reveal going just a little like in the Fallout drabble - the boys confront Y/N about how out of it they are these days, and Y/N just... Kind of vaguely admits that they learned something they shouldn't about coworkers they were maybe (very vaguely) venting about before, because they were so jealous and now they just realized how rude they've been all this time and it shouldn't have taken this kind of mess and - and what kind of mess is that, exactly? And Y/N just admits that they know Sun and Moon are Dusk and Dawn - and then breaks down, pleading with them to please don't tell the higher ups, they didn't mean to find out, they didn't mean to mess up - and after the initial shock and cognitive dissonance trying to align the grumpy CC agent with their nice neighbor they just shush them and explain that hey, they were the ones knowingly engaging in that risk, that's not on Y/N, and if anyone would lose their job it'd be the boys - Y/N interrupting with a very insistent "I don't want that either!" and they just all figure it out from there, reassured that any bitterness was just superficial and not personal at all <3
Field agent Robin and Command center Dusk and Dawn: Dusk and Dawn start out as CC agents, similarly to the other alt timeline - the agency puts them not quite in the field yet, just to see if it's even worth the risk of allowing a whole family to join their ranks. And they do well enough! Eager to please and prove themselves, but also cheeky enough to try and break down the walls of the rather blunt and awkward field agent they often get paired with. For the sake of this timeline Robin isn't limited to either break ins or undercover work, so both boys gets attention. Robin of course isn't aware these two CC agents are one animatronic, much less that they're their neighbors. It's kind of strange, because they can't quite get behind these CC agents trying to... be funny? Flirty? Befriend them? But they're also kind of lonely, something they realize even more once they befriend Sun and Moon (who honestly just encourage them to befriend those two coworkers that seem to try really hard to get on their good side, relating to those poor sods for a change instead of being jealous, but being just as stupid as always still)
In this reveal scenario, it's Robin whose voice distortion device breaks, and who takes the risk of just opening communication channels anyway, maybe throws in a nervous joke about "ah well yes, I thought we were kind of ready for next base, scandalous, I know" and the boy in question just. Makes the immediate executive decision (after a short second of processing that yes, this is real and happening) to turn off his own voice distortion (as soon as Robin is safe enough for the surprise not to put them at risk of course), and then Robin just buffers before they start yelling through comms - just what the hell, what kind of coincidence, how didn't they all notice before? They aren't mad and the boy on the other end is just laughing his non existent ass off at the situation, but then they just vaguely end the conversation about how they'll talk later (work communication is not the right channel to discuss explicitly breaking work rules), and then later back at home the laughing and yelling just continues before they come up with the funniest way to tell the poor guy still in the dark about the situation, because now they're all friends and all menaces and whoops! Shenanigans <3
Also post reveal sleepover where Y/N just has to go "okay so ik it was a coverup and not actually real but it is real to me and I maybe listen to your podcast to fall asleep. And now it's a habit and if you don't want me to put it on that's fine but also please don't stop talking? Just... you can talk about anything I just want to listen to your voice" and they're so stupidly shy about it while Sun/Moon just fucking melts on the spot, finally channeling the unbridled affection into their voice as they get to talk to them directly and maybe also stroke their hair or hold them in their arms maybe ---
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storyspothub · 7 months
Achieve a Brighter Smile with Professional Teeth Whitening in Brooklyn
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A bright, white smile is the universal symbol of health and beauty. It's no wonder then that the quest for teeth whitening solutions is an industry worth billions. But what makes teeth whitening important, and how can you achieve that coveted Hollywood sparkle in the bustling borough of Brooklyn? This post is your comprehensive guide to navigating the world of teeth whitening in Brooklyn, from professional services to DIY home kits.
Why Teeth Whitening Matters
For many of us, discolored teeth are often more than just a cosmetic concern—they can greatly impact our self-esteem and the impressions we make. Teeth whitening is not just about vanity; it can significantly enhance your oral health and overall well-being.
Aesthetic Appeal and Confidence
Teeth whitening is proven to increase confidence and self-esteem. A bright smile is often the first thing people notice, and it speaks volumes about your self-care and attention to detail.
The Oral Health Connection
Whitening your teeth can motivate you to take better care of your oral hygiene. Those who whiten their teeth may be more inclined to brush and floss regularly, and visits to the dentist for check-ups often follow suit.
Teeth Whitening Options in Brooklyn
Brooklyn offers a multitude of options for those looking to brighten their teeth. From professional in-office treatments to the convenience of at-home kits, the choices are as varied as the borough's cultural landscape.
Professional Services at Aesthetic & Implant Dental Arts
Aesthetic & Implant Dental Arts sits at the forefront of modern dentistry, offering professional-grade teeth whitening. Their in-office treatments are tailored to your needs and are performed by experienced dentists in a comfortable environment.
At-Home Kits and DIY Remedies
The at-home approach is gaining popularity for its convenience and cost-efficiency. Local pharmacies and online retailers offer a range of whitening strips, gels, and even light-activated devices. Additionally, the DIY route is ripe with natural remedies that harness the power of household staples and organic products.
Benefits of Professional Whitening
When it comes to teeth whitening, the professional route offers several distinct advantages that are hard to ignore.
Expertise and Personalization
Professional dentists have the knowledge and tools to tailor a whitening plan for your specific needs, which can include addressing issues like tooth sensitivity or existing dental work.
Safety and Comfort
Safety is a top priority in professional settings. Dentists can monitor your progress, ensuring that your teeth and gums aren't being harmed, and can provide immediate assistance if needed.
Long-Lasting, Dramatic Results
In-office treatments provide dramatic results that are more uniform and longer-lasting than at-home solutions. The investment often pays off with a brilliant smile that can last for years with proper maintenance.
DIY Tips for Teeth Whitening
If professional services are out of reach, there are still effective ways to whiten your teeth in the comfort of your own home.
Natural Remedies
Natural teeth whitening involves items often found in your kitchen, such as baking soda and activated charcoal. These can be used in moderation to help remove surface stains.
Best Practices and Precautions
In any at-home whitening endeavor, it's crucial to follow best practices and know the limits. Overusing abrasive substances or failing to address underlying dental issues can lead to damage and discomfort.
Testimonials and Reviews
One of the best ways to gauge the effectiveness of a teeth whitening service is through the experiences of others. The satisfied customers of Aesthetic & Implant Dental Arts share stories of renewed confidence and beaming smiles.
Positive Feedback
Customers attest to the professionalism and personalized care they've received, as well as the remarkable transformations of their smiles. They remark on the positive impact it’s had on their professional and personal lives.
                              A brighter smile can light up a room, but it also carries a weight of confidence and self-assurance. Your dental health and appearance are crucial components of your overall well-being. Brooklyn offers a mosaic of options to those looking to enhance their smiles, so why not take the step toward a more radiant you?
Sparkling into the Future
Teeth whitening are a gateway to better oral care and overall comfort with your appearance. In a city like Brooklyn, which teems with opportunities and diversity, a bright smile can be your greatest asset. Whether you opt for the expertise of a professional service or the comfort of an at-home kit, prioritize your dental care and unlock the power of a shining smile.
Transforming your smile is a personal commitment, and with the right resources and care, it’s a goal within reach. Choose what suits you best, and begin your teeth whitening journey in the heart of Brooklyn. The satisfaction of a sparkling smile is an investment that pays dividends in every smile you share.
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beensoon · 7 months
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■紗剪刀Thread Clippers BBB
Product Name : Thread Clippers
Item Number:BS-701
Professional quality seamstresses/ tailors thread snips. These make light work of machine sewing and embroidery.
This item is extremely sharp. Use with caution. Hand and eye protection is recommended at all times
Good quality spring-actioned Thread Snips to remove all unwanted threads from your work.
After sewing up a storm, we are all left with several loose thread “tails” from changing colours or moving to a new line of sewing. With these spring-actioned Blue Thread Snips, you are able to effectively and quickly remove all unwanted threads from your work. Featuring an ultra-sharp tip, these snips are a valuable tool in any sewers arsenal.
A must-have tool for all sewers, embroiders, and quilters.
Color: Blue
Material: Alloy Steel
Brand:BS (original BBB)
Blade Material: Stainless Steel,Metal
Product Dimensions: 4.25"L (10.6 cm)x 0.98"W
Style: Classic
Item Weight: ‎0.6 Ounces (16gram)
Made in Taiwan.
Product Details
EASY TO USE: With small size, it is easy to carry. It can fit your palm well, get close to where you really want to cut, and clip it preciously without being stuck. When cutting, just press the handle, which is easy to open and close.
WIDE APPLICATION: It can be used in our daily manual works, such as sewing, cutting thread, embroidery, knitting, clipping plastic paper, office paper and other office supplies, cutting fishing line and other DIY projects.
SHARP AND DURABLE: It is extremely firm and sharp, as the blade is made of high-quality high-carbon stainless steel, while the handle is made of one-piece, elastic metal material, fixed by a metal ring in the middle. Thus it is not easy to break.
PRODUCT INFORMATION: Overall size: 4.25×0.98×0.59 inches, blade length: 1.49 inches, single weight: 0.6 ounces
IMPORTANT NOTES: To prevent it from rusting in transportation, we smear it with oil. You may think it looks a bit dirty. So after receiving it, you should wipe it clean with tissue before use. Besides, it is very sharp, so please make sure that they are away from pets and children.
 The scissors are designed with a unique pinch design that allows them to operate like tweezers, making it easier to get to hard-to-reach places. While they don't come with a blade cover, they do come with a plastic sheath for storage and safety. Many customers have expressed their appreciation for the snips, claiming they are sharp and easy to use. One user claimed it was perfect for snipping off thread from freshly sewn garments, while another said it was great for cutting beading thread.
Measuring just 4.25' long, these thread snip scissors from the Beensoon are compact and easy to use. Their sharp pointed blades make them idea for beadwork and projects where you don't want to have to grab a traditional scissor. They cut a variety of cords and threads. Thread Snips 4.25 Inches Long,
We have confidence that you will be satisfied with our quality products, services and price. We look forward to your favourable reply and we hope that will be trust upon to kindly patronage our product. For more information please visit our website at http://www.beensoon.com.tw
■Thread Clippers BBB
(Scissors , Sewing Scissors, Yarn Scissors , Thread Snips, Thread Snippers, Blue Thread Clippers Metal, Sewing Scissors for Fabric, Thread Yarn Embroidery Clipppers Cutter, Small Snips Trimming Nipper, Great for Stitch, Art Craft, Mini DIY Supplies, Mini Sewing Scissors, Beading, Embroidery Multi-Purpose Small Thread Cutter, Suitable for Making Handicrafts, DIY Supplies )
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bayisdying · 2 years
Lucky Penny - Chapter Fifteen
A/N: Y'all better schedule a dentist appointment for this chapter. It's so sweet and fluffy.
One Month Later:
The last month had been full of healing.
Lucky had been completed her physical therapy, and came off of neurological watch. She was healing physically and mentally at a very successful rate.
But her body wasn't the only thing healing, while their relationship wasn't bad by any means, her mom and her definitely had their issues. They were too alike and both were far too stubborn to back down in a fight.
Mickey had the idea of doing a small garden in the backyard, kind of like the one that was in the backyard of Baylie's childhood home. He showed up one day with Delilah in the passenger seat and all the gardening essentials in the back.
He watched as the two women worked in tandem, planting the colorful flowers that he didn't know the names of. It made him smile to watch as they laughed together.
Her mom saw how important flying was to her daughter. Knew now why she chased the skies, to be closer to William. It almost comforted Delilah to know that even in death he was still looking out for their little girl.
And Baylie had always understood her mother's hesitancy to accept her career path, but a near death experience made her understand it on a much deeper level. She had left so soon after William had passed so tragically, and her mother had to pick up the pieces all alone. She could never truly make up for that time, but she'd do her best now.
After all the flowers were planted, her mother ran to do a quick errand. When she returned she had a few solar lights for the garden to light it up at night. But she also gave them a "DIY Stepping Stone" kit for them to put their handprints in the garden.
That night as the garden began to glow with the color changing lights, Mickey held Baylie close, feeling the happiness radiate off of her once more.
Admiral Kazansky had been a surprising help in her recovery as well. He had been there for Maverick through the death of Goose. He had seen the look of pure despair in his friend's face that he now saw in the young pilot's. He had offered her to come over to his house and into his office. His wife always had fresh cookies or brownies, and made a great cup of tea. He allowed her to just talk about anything and everything. Unlike the Navy issued shrink she had been seeing since the mission who asked her dumb questions and made her feel like she couldn't really talk about anything.
She grew to love the warmth the office had, the smell of old leather and whiskey comforted her.
He reminded her alot of William when she really thought about it and she told him once all about the man who had raised her. Ice had listened to all the stories of her stepdad with a smile on his face. It reminded him of when his own kids had been younger, and how grateful he was to still be there for them. It also broke his heart that Lucky didn't get a long time with the man who clearly had loved her with all his heart.
He ended every visit with a bear hug, where he let her decide when the hug was over.
She liked to think that William wasn't jealous of the Iceman walking in to the hole in her heart that he had left.
Another thing that had changed in the past month, was the relationship with Fanboy. There wasn't the threat of a deployment tearing them apart again. They could spend all the time in the world together.
They went on date nights, and tried new things. Roller skating had been the best, Mickey wasn't too bad at it, but Baylie had skated circles around him. A talent he had no idea she had. They tried new restaurants, always trying bites of each others entrées, and dessert was a must.
The two almost always ended up at the Hard Deck, dancing to the jukebox (or Rooster playing the piano) and being totally oblivious to the fact that everyone who knew the couple were staring at them, totally in awe of their love.
Lucky had also finally told Fanboy about the child she had lost. He hadn't been upset that she never told him. He was just upset that she had been hurting and he had no idea. Of course he was sad that they could have a little one running around by now, but he would rather have her be okay. They could try for a baby whenever they wanted to and they had decided that maybe they wanted to.
The two had always been madly in love, but this had strengthened that love and they couldn't imagine being with anyone else at this point in their lives. It was the two of them against the world.
Lastly, while she wasn't yet cleared to fly herself, they hadn't said she couldn't backseat in a plane.
She went up with Coyote as her pilot, as he had already been cleared to fly. The rest of the Squad, including Maverick, had gone up too. It was like music to their ears as Lucky talked to them over the comms.
"Lucky?" Coyote asked, pulling her mind from out of the clouds.
"What's up Coyote?"
"I'm glad you went back for me."
She smiled.
"I'm glad I went back too."
Her healing may be far from over, but she'd get there. She had the best support system a girl could ask for. Both here on Earth and up above the clouds.
A/N: SEE I can write fluff, and it's gonna get even fluffier. Wedding planning is next ;)
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jstoys · 1 year
Sex Ed 2023
   What's new in sex? A lot, actually — and the news is definitely not what you might expect. Right now, sex is more daring, more complex, and more surprising than ever. From rethinking one of the biggest taboos (we were shocked!) to virtual sex (not kidding), this is need-to-know info about getting it on. Want a grown-up lesson in sex ed? Keep reading to get schooled.
1. Think Kink
One of the last sexual taboos is having a major moment — bondage tape, handcuffs, and all. BDSM (that's bondage, discipline, submission, and masochism, for folks keeping score at home) may not be mainstream, exactly, but it's inching out of the underground. Harvard has its own officially-recognized group for students interested in kink, while social networking site FetLife nearly doubled its membership in the last year. And, tourists can visit the San Francisco offices of Kink.com, the subject of a James Franco-produced documentary that premiered at Sundance.
"There has been a growing interest in alternative practices like BDSM, pegging, and non-monogamy for several years, and that growth has only increased," says sex-positive writer and activist Tristan Taormino. "Coupled with more mainstream media coverage of these issues, I think we're likely to see more people come out about their sexual identities and practices that don't reflect the cultural norm."
So, is everyone getting kinky now? Not so fast, says sexologist Dr. Jill McDevitt. "I think mainstreaming of S&M will be a long road, mainly because it's misunderstood," she says. "I'm not sure 50 Shades of Grey has helped with that, because it largely misrepresents BDSM as abusive and controlling — which it's not." So, even though pop-culture interpretations might not always get kink right, one thing's for sure: Collectively, our sex lives are a lot less vanilla.
2. Adult Social Media
This may come as surprising news, but pornography is popular on the Internet. (Shocking, we know.) The newest developments are less silicone, more Silicon Valley. Whereas adult entertainment used to revolve around high-gloss pay-for-play sites, some start ups are creating XXX versions of popular sites that don't allow T&A in their TOS.
Snatchly, for instance, is basically Pinterest for porn; instead of hair-braiding DIYs, though, its boards include "Amazing Boobs" and "MILF." Then, there's Offbeat, a crowdfunding site for adult projects. It's like Kick starter, but it has funded projects such as an online game for flurries and a NC-17 take on World of Warcraft.
The 'net effect: more X-rated entrepreneurs. "The Internet has radically shifted the ability for independent porn producers to exist, and sites like Offbeat help promote a different financial model and encourage people to take the reins of production," says Taormino. And, she says, this is just the beginning: "Indie porn has been on the rise and will continue to be
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doubleunion · 2 years
Join us! Double Union applications are now open!
Double Union is accepting new member applications. Read on for more information about our application process and our community space for nonbinary people and women. Please share this post with friends or community groups who might be interested too!
To apply: go to the membership info page and click on the pink “Apply to join” button.
What is Double Union all about?
We are a community workshop that centers women and nonbinary people who are trans, cis, intersex, queer, straight, and not-fitting-into-those-labels, no matter what you look like. You don't have to prove you belong here.  Today we have about 150 members and are planning to accept many more. Our space is located at 77 Falmouth St. in San Francisco, on a side street near 5th and Folsom in SOMA.
Double Union is a great spot for reading, coding, writing, making art/crafts, or for quiet coworking. The space is an ADA-compliant street-level room, about 775 square feet, with a mini-kitchen and a bathroom. There are couches, tables, and chairs that members frequently reconfigure to fit the needs of workshops and events.
We carefully try to minimize risk of COVID-19 transmission by having mask and vaccination requirements, air purifiers, and a CO2 monitor to help us ensure good ventilation. See summary here.
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DU members host a wide variety of events in our space (you can see photos and announcements of past events on Instagram). Some events we’ve hosted include: feminist book club, game nights, mending workshops, working on income taxes together, researching ballot items to prepare for voting, lockpicking workshops, and circuit hacking.
Members have joined our community for a variety of reasons. DU might be for you if you:
Have a small living space and are interested in having an alternative space to spread out while working on creative projects.
Are new to the area and are interested in finding a place to work on and talk about shared interests with new people.
Work remotely and are interested in an alternative to working at home or coffee shops.
Are job searching (including under/unemployed) and may be interested in collaborating with other people who are also job searching.
Just want to meet people or make stuff for any reason.
Equipment and materials
Besides events, members can visit the space at any time to use the shared tools and equipment. Inside the space, Double Union’s equipment includes:
sewing machines, serger, coverstitch machine, large ironing board
Glowforge laser cutter
black-and-white and color printers
adjustable-height sit-or-stand desks and adjustable office chairs
standard tools like: drills, files, saws
two 3D printers
Silhouette Cameo vinyl cutter
Roland CNC machine
screen printing items (exposure unit, large paper cutter, screens, squeegees, drying rack)
library with a focus on books on: programming, design, how-to/DIY, feminism, zines
mini kitchen (sink, microwave, electric kettle, refrigerator and freezer)
big paper cutter, lots of paper, long stapler for zinemaking
We purchase additional equipment and tools according to member interest.
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How much does it cost to be a member?
Double Union is a volunteer-run non-profit. Dues are sliding scale: $10 to $100 per month (you choose what to pay based on your financial situation, and you can change the amount whenever you need to). We also offer scholarships ($0 dues) for members who can't afford to pay. We use Stripe to automatically process credit/debit cards.
How to apply
Go to https://www.doubleunion.org/membership and click on the pink “Apply to join” button!
After clicking the button, the next page will ask a few questions about you and your interest in DU. We don’t make decisions based on accomplishments, interest in tech, or income level, but we’d like to know who we’d be sharing our space with.
As part of the application process, we would like applicants to have met at least one current DU member, so if you haven’t met some already (such as at past events), try to meet members (such as by attending an upcoming DU public event). We plan to respond to your application within six weeks or sooner.
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Here are some upcoming events open to prospective members
Please feel free to come by if you’ve applied for membership or are interested in applying. The address, directions and other details are here: https://www.doubleunion.org/visit
Saturday February 4th, 11-2 pm - Mending time: bring your clothes and socks with holes or rips
Sunday February 5th, 1-4 pm - Have fun with stamps and markers: Make a card (or cards) for someone.
Saturday February 18th, 11-2 pm - Make your own fridge magnets using our laser cutter
There will be more upcoming events announced on this blog, our announcements mailing list,  Instagram, and Twitter!
Have questions?
Email the membership coordinators: [email protected] - we’re happy to help.
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christinahobbsofc · 2 years
Luxury Travel Trailers For Couples
Luxury Travel Trailers For Couples Luxury Travel Trailers For Couples. Life on the road includes things like waking up to the sunrise, drinking coffee with the dew on your toes, and spending hours in a car with nothing but the great outdoors. An RV-based vacation is unquestionably a memorable one, conjuring up nostalgic memories of old-time Americana and singing your favorite songs around the campfire, guitar in hand. Thanks to the rise of high-tech, incredibly luxurious camping trailers akin to stylish apartments...but with the benefit of having wheels attached, even those who ordinarily wouldn't consider one for their upcoming trip are now giving it another thought. image of Luxury Travel Trailers For Couples Modern luxury travel trailers can be found with offices fit for a digital nomad, bedrooms on the second floor, indoor bathrooms, and all the connectivity you could want. Living off the grid doesn't necessarily mean living in tents; rather, it can provide a window into a refreshing contrast where the biggest challenge is deciding which breathtaking location to visit next in your luxurious camper. The top 15 trailers for camping # Name Best for 1 Bowlus Best overall 2 Living Vehicle Best high-end 3 Winnebago Best value 4 Airstream Best for remote work 5 Timberleaf Trailers Best teardrop 6 Homegrown Trailers Best teardrop with bathroom 7 Land Ark RV Best high-ceiling 8 Happier Camper Best lightweight 9 Bruder X Best off-road 10 E-RV Best all-electric 11 Polydrops Best small 12 Jayco Best mid-priced 13 Grand Design RV Best for families 14 Taxa Outdoors Best pop-up camper 15 Tiny Camper Best DIY   To find out exactly what to consider before buying a trailer, see our special buyers' guide for travel trailers after the list. If you prefer to have everything integrated into a single vehicle, you can also look at our list of the best camper van brands of the year. Bowlus: Best travel trailer overall When you first enter your Bowlus travel trailer, be prepared to feel a little daunted by the possibilities that are racing through your head. The Terra Firma travel trailer is the pinnacle of mobile living, offering all the amenities you'd need to seriously consider making the switch to a full-time mobile lifestyle. Terra Firma has it all, including tastefully neutral interiors, a separate hotel-style shower, and plenty of room for lounging, sleeping, and strategizing your next project. Make coffee with the two-stage water filtration system after waking up in the Zen Master Bedroom. The convenient features of this camping trailer allow you to bring along even a furry friend, including a coordinated pet bed, bowls that slide out of a drawer without a hitch, and remote temperature monitoring. Use the Find My Bowlus GPS tracking when you set out on foot for the day. Best for: Feeling almost more at home here than in your own home. UNDERSTAND BOWLUS - Counts as up to 4 Dry Dimensions: 3200 lbs (1452 kg) - GVWR: 4,000 pounds (1814 kg) - starting at $265,000 Excellent luxury camping vehicle Your experience camping in a Living Vehicle camper isn't exactly "roughing it." Living Vehicle's Max model truly maximizes the best of outdoor living, indoors, and is probably the closest thing you could find to staying in a hotel with the added benefit of being able to watch your every move. Anyone who is serious about camping trailers will fall in love with this completely customizable unit. It is spacious and comfortable, loaded to the brim with technology like enormous TV screens, stocked chef's kitchens, and opulent amenities. It is equipped with everything from air conditioning to solar power. A washing machine, Hi-Fi stereo, and mobile connectivity are available. Living off the grid is possible, but you can always reconnect to the grid when you need to. Even better, it has a cutting-edge security system built right in. As a result, you won't be concerned about leaving your mobile home for the day to go exploring. Best for: Creating vogue-worthy camping vacations. - Counts as up to 4 Dry : 11500 pounds (5216 kg) - GVWR: 17,000 pounds (7711 kg) - starting at $319,995 Best value travel trailer is Winnebago. If you want to travel in true Americana style, a Winnebago is hard to beat, and the Winnebago Micro Minnie is unquestionably your best bet for a trip on a tight budget. Because everything you require for a small trip is included in the Micro Minnie, essentials aren't sacrificed. It's one that prioritizes quality over quantity, just as the name implies, but it still manages to fit in plenty of galley space, a sink, double-door refrigerator, microwave, and even a cooktop. You won't ever feel too hot or cold in the middle of the night thanks to the roomy mattress and the cross-ventilating windows, and the breathtaking surroundings will always be there as soon as the first rays of light enter the room. The outdoors are as comfortable as the inside thanks to patio speakers and a power awning with LED lighting. Best for: Saving money so you can use it for decorating. - Approximately 2 Dry 3360 lb. in weight (1524 kg) - GVWR: 5,000 pounds (2268 kg) - Starting at: $23,808 The most adaptable travel trailer for remote work is an Airstream. Waving goodbye to a life surrounded by bricks and pursuing one surrounded by nature and woodland will help you realize all of your digital nomad dreams. Or whatever else your heart desires, like beaches or cityscapes. The beauty of Airstream's Flying Cloud is that you are free to do all of the aforementioned things and more, choosing to live on the road rather than having to constantly remember a set of house keys. With flexible floor plans for any number of passengers and the option of a small office, this camping trailer is made to make life simple. It is decorated in soothing neutral tones with cozy accents for a stress-free experience. It is fashionable and useful. The Flying Cloud from Airstream includes all the necessities in addition to multiple USB ports and a pop-up USB/AC outlet powered by the onboard 1000-watt power inverter. Even a swivel chair is in the office space. Best for: Trying to make your beach, mountain, or river view appear in the Zoom meetings' background. - Counts as up to 6 Dry Five thousand pounds (2268 kg) - GVWR: 6,000 pounds (2721 kg) - starting at $83,300 The best trailer brand is Timberleaf. Even when the scenery around you is picturesque enough, Timberleaf's eye-catching orange camper is a talking point of your journey. This teardrop trailer, which was made with excellent craftsmanship and skilled woodworking, is endearing and humorous. It is a camping trailer that returns camping to its fundamentals by eschewing frills in favor of maintaining a compact and reliable design. The Standard, All-Road, and Off-Road versions of the Classic Teardrop Trailer are available to accompany you wherever you go. Each has unique features, such as wheels made for rough terrain and a fully insulated cabin to block out the wind, heat, and cold. Despite its adorable appearance, this camping trailer is a serious piece of equipment. It has a large skylight, plenty of room for relaxation, and is decorated with tonal wooden shades. If orange isn't your preferred color, the trailer itself is available in a range of vivid hues. Best for: Imagining that you are the star of your own old-fashioned holiday film. - Approximately 2 Dry 1 500 pounds (680 kg) - 3500 lb GVWR (1587 kg) - starting at $8,500 Homegrown Trailers: The top bathroom-equipped teardrop trailer Up until you wake up in the middle of the night unwilling to leave the trailer to use the restroom or locate one, living in a camper seems like all fun and games. Here we have Homegrown Trailers. It's the best teardrop trailer available for those who want comfort and style because it combines all of the best features of camping trailers with all of the comfort necessities and more. The Timberline trailer accomplishes all of this and then some more. Enjoy all of the amenities it has to offer, including hot water from the indoor shower, freshwater from the sink and shower, and a sizable kitchen for cooking up a storm, either by plugging it into the grid or by using its solar-powered energy. Additionally, it uses energy-efficient construction techniques and is primarily made of sustainable materials. It is a camping trailer made with sustainability in mind. Best for: Traditional camping with modern conveniences. - Counts as up to 4 Dry Weight: 4250 pounds (1927 kg) - GVWR: 5,000 pounds (2268 kg) - starting at $74,995 The best high-ceiling travel trailer is the Land Ark RV. Unsure if you'd prefer to stay in a home or a luxurious camper? Pick both. The Drake model from Land Ark RV aims to address all of the aforementioned issues in a modern and stylish camping trailer that takes outdoor recreation to a whole new level. You might wake up in this place and mistakenly believe you are in a hotel because it is so effectively constructed to look like a high-design home. With its two stories and neutral, light wood interiors, it welcomes guests in comfort and style. This camping trailer begs to be customized, ideally with Instagram-friendly pillows, cozy throws that are the size of a queen, and adventure around every corner. In search of stories, it is a trailer. This camping trailer is one of the most desirable ones on the market thanks to its energy-efficient insulation, heating and air conditioning, custom cellular shades for privacy, and high ceilings. Best for: Waking up in the morning without worrying about hitting your head. - Counts as up to 7 Dry : 16700 pounds (7574 kg) - GVWR: 21,000 pounds (9525 kg) - starting at $159,900 Best lightweight travel trailer for a happier camper Happier Camper sets the tone for how you'll feel on your upcoming adventure: over the moon, giddy with anticipation, and fully conscious that everything you could possibly need is hidden away in its special location around you. Happier Camper's Traveler camping trailer is fully prepared for travel and is ideal for all kinds of adventures, whether you're sightseeing or working, sleeping or cooking. This 5,000 lb travel trailer seems much larger than many others on the market thanks to two separate living areas, an integrated bathroom, and a kitchenette. Its carefully curated space makes use of the company's Adaptiv technology to convert living spaces into offices, dining rooms, bedrooms, and lounges in a matter of minutes. No matter how far the trip, your Traveler will be prepared thanks to fiberglass shells, a honeycomb floor grid, custom hardware, and robust parts. Best for: Less-concerned with maximum weight capacity and smaller towing vehicles. - Approximately 2 Dry 1 800 pounds (816 kg) - 2500 lb GVWR (1133 kg) - Starting at $49,950 Best off-road camping trailer: Bruder X There are camping trailers made for idyllistic excursions through the woods, and there are country lanes that wind their way down to the seashore. Then there are expedition trailers, which are built with a little more sturdiness in mind and are appropriate for all of those off-road excursions you'd previously overlooked. The latter is the EXP-6 of Bruder X. This is a camping trailer with a twist: a sizable, solid, and all-around impressive beast of a trailer that boldly forges into uncharted territory without so much as lifting a finger. This off-road trailer is modern and gray, fitting in seamlessly with any setting. It can level out and change its height to suit the terrain with the push of a button, making it sufficiently adaptable. The EXP-6 can even be managed by a modern cabin management system using a smartphone. There are courtesy lights, storage lockers, a washer, and even an outdoor hot and cold shower out back. Best for: Unrestricted adventures. - Counts as up to 6 Dry Weight: 4850 pounds (2200kg) - GVWR: 1146 4 pounds (5200kg) - Price: best all-electric travel trailers start at $180,000 There are two types of off-grid living: traditional off-grid and E-RV off-grid. This is the first fully electric camping trailer in the world, and although it almost blends in with its surroundings from the outside, the interior is still roomy and ultra-modern. This eco-friendly RV trailer also doesn't do things half-heartedly. It can simultaneously charge all of your electronics, keep you warm enough, and save you money on gas refills. You can set up camp in the middle of nowhere without having trouble finding electricity because it uses clean solar energy. Additionally, since gas fumes are no longer necessary, it is better for the environment. You'll appreciate the E-efficiency RV's even more if you're staying somewhere that forbids open flames. Your E-RV keeps charging even while you're out exploring thanks to a variety of solar panels on the roof. Best for: Elevating the concept of "off the grid." - Contains: Up to 3 Best small travel trailer: Polydrops When it comes to cramming a lot into a small space, Polydrops' P17A camping trailer is small but mighty. For anyone new to the industry who wants to get a handle on owning a trailer before committing to a larger size, the P17A is one of the best small camping trailers. It combines all the necessities and is highly engineered and entirely electric. After reading the complete list of energy-saving features this camping trailer has, you'll see how its futuristic design puts it ahead of the curve in both the world of camping trailers and electric vehicles. These compact campers have solar panels, LiFePO4 batteries, and air conditioning for maximum comfort without saying goodbye to environmentally friendly transportation. Additionally, its aerodynamic design makes towing it simple, even for less experienced drivers. It has a modular design with a kitchenette, tiny closet, bathroom, and sleeping area that you can customize to suit your needs. Ideal for: Demonstrating that good things can come in small packages. - Approximately 2 Dry 1,200 pounds (544 kg) - 2000 pounds (907 kg) - starting at $24,990 Best mid-range camping trailer: Jayco You've dabbled in the world of vacation trailers, but you're not quite ready to commit to a massive model. The best mid-sized trailer can be found from Jayco. Our favorite, and not just our favorite, Jayco's Jay Flight 2021 has consistently been voted America's best-selling RV. These are the top travel trailers for people who want to leave on a trip without having to worry about anything. Complete with not only the necessities but also the amazing-ifs. The Jay Flight 2021 is ideal for virtually any type of traveler thanks to its excellent design, weatherproofing, and abundance of editable floor plan options. Do you need more beds? They could be incorporated in the center. Would you prefer additional storage and fold-out sleeping areas? Not a difficulty either. This camping trailer is a win-win for almost everyone thanks to the built-in LED TV, smartphone-controllable system, and fully furnished interiors with an oven. Best for: Luxurious essentials with a touch of high quality. - Counts as up to 5 Dry : 5560 pounds (2521 kg) - 7500 lb GVWR (3401 kg) - starting at $36,389 The ideal family travel trailer is one from Grand Design RV. A family camping trip can go one of two ways: either it's one that gets recorded in the memory book with amusing tales, activities that bring back fond memories, and the commitment to repeat it all the following year, or it goes horribly wrong and you swear you'll never bring it up again. What is the best way to guarantee the former rather than the latter for your family vacation? To make camping trips less stressful, do it in a family-friendly camping trailer. The Reflection Travel Trailer from Grand Design RV is opulent yet practical: a trailer that is reliable and strong while still being fashionable and comfortable. Instead of a straightforward bed and sink pull-along trailer, it's a roomy RV camper that almost feels like a small apartment. You won't ever feel anything less than refreshed and satisfied while staying in one of these travel trailers thanks to the abundance of electronics they contain, including a Bluetooth sound system, LED TV, motion sensor lighting, and more. For those picture-perfect family vacations. - Counts as up to 5 Dry : 8096 pounds (3672 kg) - GVWR: 9995 pounds (4533 kg) - starting at $60,375 Best pop-up camper: Taxa Outdoors A Taxa Outdoors Mantis pop-up camper is the best way to return to the fundamentals when it comes to small travel trailers. There are high-tech, futuristic trailers available, but if you're looking for relaxed, real, small camping trailers, the Mantis is the best choice. The Mantis still has all the amenities you could possibly need for a peaceful few days spent getting close to nature, despite not being overflowing with electronics. A large cafe breakfast table in the morning, a mini-conference room in the afternoon, and even a board game setup in the evening can all be found inside this trailer, which is known as the brand's largest pop-up to date. Due to the camper's pop-up design, it also has a private outdoor seating area where you can unwind in the evenings while taking in the sounds of nature and catching up with loved ones or friends about anything and everything. Best for: Quick, uncomplicated trips that don't require much planning. - Counts as up to 4 Dry 29,722 pounds (1348 kg) - 4200 lb GVWR (1905 kg) - starting at $42,990 Best homemade camping trailer: Tiny Camper Spend the days before the trip deciding what to pack or what might or might not be included. Rent or buy a camping trailer. Replace those conversations with ones about how to design the interiors, what features you need and don't need, and how to best individualized your new temporary residence by building your own camping trailer. The memorable building process of a DIY camping trailer is half the fun, and Tiny Camper's DIY camping trailers make this process incredibly simple. They can also be tailored to your exact specifications, taking into account both your idealized and practical trailer-building skills. Choose from a variety of different frameworks, electrics, plumbing, or cabinets to start from scratch, or move on to the next step with a fully prepared package. Then comes the enjoyable part: color schemes, extras, and special touches. Best for: Making things that are just as enjoyable to do as traveling. - Sleeps: Three dry Weight: based on the DIY construction - Dependent on DIY build, GVWR - Starting at: $10,531 Travel trailer buyers' guide Before selecting your next camping trailer, there are many factors to think about, including how often you'll use it, the type of terrain you'll travel over, the features you might need, and the capacity for you and your camping companions. Before choosing your new camping trailer, read on to learn everything you need to know. Towing restrictions In general, a camping trailer will weigh more the more advanced it is and the more space it has. Make sure the vehicle you'll be using to tow the trailer is capable of doing so before you purchase it. Always compare the weight of the camper trailer to the towing capacity of your tow vehicle and try to leave a little room rather than selecting something that exceeds the maximum weight limit. Featured interiors You only really need a comfortable bed and some sort of living space if you intend to use your camping trailer as a base for exploring the outside world. If you intend to live a nomadic lifestyle as a digital nomad, you should look for additional features such as a dedicated office or working space, or at the very least, a separate living space, as well as lots of storage space. Read the full article
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