#most people have mid to dark brown eyes
asitrita · 4 months
Reasons why Doffy alway uses sunglasses (yes, all of them):
He always needed them because he has severe light sensibility (photophobia).
He did get hurt by that arrow, he miraculously didn't lose his eye, but he has a small scar and is almost fully blind on that eye (he can barely see some shadows and distinguish some objects) plus he has corneal opacity.
Though he has the eye shape of his mother's eyes, he has ice blue eyes, very similar shade as his father's, and he hates it when he sees himself in the mirror.
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attapullman · 7 months
Bob From Stats | Robert "Bob" Floyd
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Summary: College is a wild time, but absolutely nothing could prepare you for the quiet guy from Stats riding around campus as a cowboy. Or what a good kisser he is.
Word Count: 4.9k
Warnings: f!reader, smut, 18+ ONLY as always, dry humping, alcohol, drunken party games, mentions of studying because that gives me PTSD, semi-exaggerated Greek life for theatrical reasons
A Note From Mo: Somehow my frat!Bob, drunk Bob is Rhett, and 7 minutes in heaven ideas all rolled into one fic - wild! Massive shoutout to everyone who listened to me talk about Stats Bob (who is now officially my #2 Bob, I love him) and for supporting this here lil blog. May you find a hobby-horse-wielding future WSO to sweep you off your feet too!
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“I hate this. I’m going to quit school and become a stripper.”
Anna gives you a wry look. “That joke was only funny the first time you said it.”
“So you admit I’m funny!”
The two of you have been spread out in the library the majority of the evening. Textbooks, snacks, and highlighters littering the glossy dark wood. You’re on hour five of assignments and your brain is pounding against the front of your skull. Your other classes aren’t too bad, a bit time consuming, but Statistics is a foreign language. Thinking in probable numbers? It was one thing when the nice guy who sat behind you helped explain concepts, but Anna does not have quite the same analytical mind.
The sky outside is an inky black and the library is quiet except for your frustrated huffs. It’s Saturday night. The rest of campus is indulging in cheap beers at Barney’s, slinking along Greek Row, or enjoying tonight’s episode of Saturday Night Live. It’s time to get out of here and crawl into your soft bed. Torturing yourself with Stats homework will be just as painful on Sunday.
“If I buy us a pint of chocolate chip cookie dough, can we blow this off and hang out back at the dorms?” Anna is nodding before you’ve even finished. Stuffing notebooks into backpacks and capping pens low on ink, you’re strolling down the library stairs not even five minutes later.
As the balmy evening campus air hits your face, you already feel fresher. Campus is quiet, late enough that most people are settled into their Saturday night plans. As the two of you near Greek Row, there’s a comfortable silence as you appreciate the breeze through the trees and the warm glow of campus housing windows.
That is, until a low whoop rings out. An undercurrent of boisterous cheering and what sounds like stomping feet. You exchange eyes with your roommate. What is that?
As if summoned, a group comes galloping through the neatly trimmed cypress trees around the corner. They’re stomping their feet in a rhythm, hands held mid-air to imitate holding reigns. Drunken laughs ring out between cries of “Whoa!” and “Steady there, Lucky!” To round it off, the leader of their horse play (literally) is full-on cosplaying as a cowboy, his jeans tucked into boots and a Stetson perched atop his head. 
Wait, is he holding a hobby horse? It’s been decades since you’ve seen those horse heads stuck on a stick. The stuffed felt Appaloosa head is reigned in the cowboy’s hands, where he pretends to spur it back into action. 
Just when you think you’ve seen it all.
The group continues its way toward you and you’re equally secondhand embarrassed and amused. As they grow closer you recognize a few guys from the Pi Kapp house and wave. But it’s Anna who makes the most shocking discovery when Mr. Cowboy tilts his brim up.
"Is that Bob from Stats?" 
It takes a second to look past the brown felt hat and the hobby horse he's taking for a spin, but that's definitely the same pink-cheeked Bob Floyd who has lent you a pencil all semester. 
“Howdy, ladies.” He tips his hat to you, all toothy grin and droopy drunk eyes. "Can I offer you a ride?"
You stare open-mouthed. Shocked. That slow rancher drawl is new. The unbridled confidence is new. Actually, the entire getup is new. For nine weeks you’ve seen him in the same trucker hat and sweatshirt combo while going over homework answers together. What is going on?
He’s clearly in the middle of his house party crawl, bright blue eyes half open behind his metal frames. Just as gorgeous as ever as a tendril of sandy hair curls against his forehead. Normally your reaction to him is tender, a puppy dog crush. But this wild, inebriated version of him? You’re hot under the collar.
“You think there’s room on your horse?” Ever since that first Stats class he’s made your brain feel like it’s on RedBull. The way he noticed you missing a writing utensil and offering you his extra. His kind smile when you get a homework answer completely wrong. Anna hasn’t noticed your crush, but it feels obvious with the way you can barely keep eye contact with him yet are unable to look away. Especially with that stupid cowboy hat on.
He bites his lip, considering your response, and his buddies all razz him as he drawls out, “There will be if we squeeze in.”
The wink makes your mouth dry.
Someone from the back of the group complains of the cold and the group prepares their steeds to head back to Pi Kapp. Anna explains you’re headed back to the dorms, tone deaf to the sexual tension, and Bob nods with his brow furrowed. 
“Another time then.” His white tshirt practically glows in the moonlight. “Have a good night, chickadees. Get home safe!”
With another tip of his Stetson to you, Bob Floyd gallops away toward another keg. 
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You’re sprinting across campus, cursing how late your meeting with your advisor went. There was ten minutes to get across campus and he had spent four of those questioning whether you really needed another semester of French. You make it into the lecture hall with a minute to spare, finding your preferred spot in the lower rows where you can actually see the board. Right in front of Bob.
“What? No cowboy hat for class?” His cheeks flame red, the hope you’ve forgotten about his Saturday antics lost. He looks like himself today, his signature trucker cap keeping the hair off his face. Those friendly ultramarine eyes shyly focusing on his notebook because god forbid he makes eye contact after you’ve seen him gallop across campus on a fake horse. 
He rubs the back of his neck over his soft-looking crewneck, an awkward smile playing on his lips. “It’s at the cleaners.”
You give him an amused grin before settling yourself into one of the classically uncomfortable lecture seats. Anna waves to you from where she’s rushing in, historically always late. The professor is shuffling notes at the podium as she collapses into the seat next to you, nodding her head in greeting to you and to Bob. She raises her eyebrows to you, a “remember when Bob was dressed as a cowboy” gesture, and your lips twist happily. 
“Alright, class, who’s ready to talk probability?” The collective groans and hollers mark the start of lecture. You flip open your notebook and start digging around for a writing instrument in your bag. Like usual, you seem to be missing a pen or pencil when you need one most.
A tap on your shoulder. You turn and lock eyes with the frat boy-turned-cowboy with the shy smile. He holds out a pencil to you. Taking it sheepishly, you mouth a thank you and turn back to lecture. After nine weeks it shouldn’t be this embarrassing, but every week he’s given you a pencil since you whispered shoot! a little too loud on Week 1.
Risking a quick glance back at him, engrossed in the Empirical Law of Averages while he twirls his pencil, you’re not sure you can survive the rest of the semester.
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By the end of the Stats lecture on Thursday, you have one brain cell to your name and seven pages of notes. What a brutal class. Midterms were quickly approaching and not a single professor had any mercy. As you pack up your stuff - including the borrowed pencil that would promptly disappear before next class - you make a study plan with Anna for that evening. She brings the chips, you’ll supply the vodka.
“Are you two not hitting the houses tonight?” He looks uncomfortable having interrupted the two of you.
Bob shifts his backpack to his other shoulder, adjusting the collar of his navy blue sweatshirt. Other than when he’s kindly exchanged homework answers before class - or been drunkenly galloping across campus - the two of you don’t speak much. The odd quip here and there, but overall the two of you exist in pencil-sharing quiet. “Everyone’s having pre-midterm parties before buckling down to study.”
“Oh, that sounds fun!” You look at Anna encouragingly. As needed as a vodka-infused study session was, one night out couldn’t hurt. And it was Thursday. No classes tomorrow meant you had three days to buckle down and attempt to understand anything you’ve learned this semester. 
She eyes you warily, but agrees that Greek Row sounds like a better option than highlighting textbooks. Bob flashes you his timid smile beneath the brim of his cap. “It’ll be a fun night. Maybe I’ll see you? If not, have a good weekend!” 
As he starts to walk out, a feeling takes over you. “Bob?” You watch him slow down and turn, wide blue eyes watching you from behind those unconventionally cute glasses. “You’ll be at the Pi Kapp house, yeah?” He nods. “Cool. See you around!”
Despite standing next to it the entire conversation, neither of you notice the pencil sitting on the desk, left behind as you head out for your respective weekends.
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“What did you say?” You’re practically yelling to be heard over the EDM that Sigma Chi is blaring. They’ve turned their house into a rave with glow sticks, body paint, and music so loud your eardrums must be burst. The beer is warm, your arm has supernaturally purple paint smeared across it, and Anna has been unsuccessfully telling you a story for ten minutes.
Huffing, she grabs your arm and drags you toward the entrance, tossing your cups onto a random hallway table where a heated makeout session is taking place. They move out of the way just enough so the two of you can slip out of the old colonial house and out into the cool night. The ringing in your ears subsides slowly as you lean against the columns of the front porch. 
“House number three? Also sucked. Three strikes and you’re out? Can we go home?” Anna grabs your wrist and pouts. She wanted movie night with vodka and a pizza from Pietro’s. You wanted to blow off steam.
But Alpha Sig had mostly been freshman and Phi Delt, while not a terrible party, had the most smarmy men on campus. The bleeding eardrums of Sigma Chi was preferable to pushing off men in polos just to grab another drink. You just wanted a semi-decently flavored alcoholic beverage - maybe three - while chatting with some friends. You weren’t asking for much.
Allowing Anna to drag you in the direction of the dorms, ready to admit defeat, you slow to a stop seeing the bricked entrance to Pi Kappa Phi. Bob’s fraternity. A few minutes wouldn’t hurt, right?
It takes a little convincing, but soon you’re in the warmly lit foyer of the Pi Kapp house. The vibe is more relaxed than Sigma Chi, with a keg in the corner, an array of liquor bottles in the kitchen, and hip-hop softly filling the house. You’re impressed they’ve even gone the extra mile with multi-colored string lights across every surface to brighten up the otherwise dark house. 
“Yooooo, how’s it going?” A drunken loaf of snapback and Deep Eddy envelopes you in a hug. It’s Tyler, one of your freshman seminar PK friends. Exchanging pleasantries - the best you can with someone that far gone - he drags you further into the house. Miscellaneous groups of Greek and geed litter the hallways. Anna sees her friends from Delta Gamma and ditches you, promising to get home safe. Tyler continues on his mission to god knows where.
At least he’s considerate enough to stop in the kitchen so you can grab a whiskey lemonade to sip.
Eventually you’re spat into a sitting room of sorts, groups crowding the ring of sofas while drunkenly jeering at the game. You set yourself on the arm of one, trying to make sense of the theatrics. The latest victim laughs out a “Truth!” before everyone giggles wickedly. Are they playing truth or dare? 
Your eyes gloss over the group, trying to figure out who else you know. A few PK’s you recognize, a girl who smiles but looks unfamiliar, and…a cowboy hat that is a dead giveaway.
Standing up and walking around the group, you tap him on the shoulder. The biggest blue eyes meet yours, a surprised smile splitting his face. 
“You made it!” That deep drawl is back and that tingle reappears on your spine. Bob jumps up from the couch, beer bottle dwarfed in his hand, and comes to stand with you. “You having a good night?”
Ironically, your night is much better now that you’ve found him. He’s back in his cowboy gear, a worn denim shirt tucked into his jeans and those same cowboy boots scuff against the hardwood. You’re tempted to steal the felt hat from his head just so he looks a little bit more like Bob from Stats. 
Squeezing your eyes shut, letting the alcohol be an excuse, you succumb to the obvious question. “I need to know - what’s with the…cowboy?” You gesture up and down, drawing a chuckle from him.
He blushes under the felt brim. “You know I have a slight accent, yeah?” You attempt to stifle your laugh as he incidentally talks in a thicker accent. “When I was a pledge they started calling me cowboy. Saw the hat while I was in town one week, ended up leaning into the joke.”
“And the hobby horse?”
He beckons you closer, bringing his lips to your ear. “Stolen from my little sister over summer break.”
There’s that wink again making your knees weak. He pushes his glasses back up his nose and takes another sip from his beer. Despite the party raging around you, nothing else seems to exist past him asking about your night and if you want another drink. You’re wrapped in the warmth of his words, itching to snuggle into his broad chest. 
The spell is broken when “Cowboy Bob!” rings out from the crowd. The entire room is turned to you two. “Truth or dare, man?”
In the background of your intimate conversation with Bob, the truths and dares have reached full raunchiness. People have been stripped of clothes and dirty secrets. A bead of sweat gathers at Bob’s collar, aware that neither option is safe. 
His worried gaze flits to you, as if you hold the correct answer, before tipping his hat back and exhaling, “Dare?” 
It’s gutsy, but if there’s one thing you’re learning about the quiet guy from Stats, he’s full of surprises. The crowd bubbles with excitement, anticipating what dare will be dealt out. Next to you, the wannabe cowboy looks more annoyed than anything. He was enjoying talking to you not in a classroom and with a little liquid courage.
An evil smile crosses the dare-dealer’s face. He knows Bob and isn’t blind to what’s going on. He’s gonna help his buddy out on this one.
His arm stretches out and he points (with the red plastic cup in his hand) to the coat closet at the end of the hall. “Hmmmmm, I dare you to, hmm, play Seven Minutes in Heaven with…” It’s no surprise when the cup-turned-pointer lands on you.
Ice water down your back wouldn’t be as panic inducing. It’s hard to tell who swallows harder, you or Cowboy Bob. Every instinct is telling you to run, but that little voice in the back of your head wins out. As Bob starts to tell you it’s okay, they’re joking, you don’t have to, you grab his thick wrist and give him a nervous smile. You don’t even care what the punishment is for not completing a dare, this stupid drunken game has given you an opportunity.
The dealer of the dare follows the two of you down the hallway, leading the whoops and wolf whistles. Bob’s cheeks flame scarlet in the low light. You keep your chin high and eyes forward. He can definitely feel the way you’re trembling around his wrist.
Whether in anxiety or excitement it’s hard to tell.
The inside of the closet is dark, the faint light under the door casting only the faintest of shadows. Your heart is pounding, blood pulsing through your ears. Bob rubs his lips together nervously. It’s all you can do to not run your tongue along them. 
“We don’t have to do anything, we can just talk.” The way he prioritizes your comfort makes heat pool between your legs. The brim of his hat is as far back as it can go, his eyes tracing the lines of your face as he gauges your emotions. He’s welcome to figure them out, you’re unsure of them yourself. 
His large, warm hand rubs your forearm comfortingly, your skin too cold without his touch. You’re suffocating under his sweat-and-bergamot scent, citrusy and warm.
You bite the bullet. “What if I want to?”
His breath stops. Fingers find yours in the dark, interlocking on either side of your hips. Eyes you know are the deepest blue lock onto your gaze, a million emotions passing behind his irises. Face descending upon the space between you, tentatively showing his intentions. You meet him in the middle, caution out the window.
The kiss is gentle, puzzle pieces slotting together for the first time. He tastes like malt sugar and peppermint. Mouth warm and soft, enveloping you fully in his comfort. It’s even better than what you’ve imagined for the past nine weeks.
Bob begins to pull away, ever the gentleman. Your hand finds his collar, holding him in place. “Not yet, we still have, like, five and a half minutes.”
Despite the low light, his smile lights up the closet.
His lips return to yours in a rush, swallowing your mouth in a passionate heat. The press of his body to yours is delicious. Hands previously at your side meet your hips, lightly squeezing as you moan into his mouth. You reach up and hold the back of his neck, bringing him even closer as your lips toy with the tiniest bit of stubble along his jaw.
“You know,” he starts, holding the moan in the back of his throat. “I’ve wanted to kiss you since September.”
You pull back momentarily, a crinkle upon your brow. “Bob, we didn’t start Stats until January.”
He kisses the confusion from your face, his hands wrapping further around your body. “And you looked very pretty in that green dress at the homecoming barbecue.”
Bless your love of school spirit and free food. “Why didn’t you? Kiss me?”
“I don’t normally make a habit of kissing girls I don’t know. And clearly it takes an entire fraternity for me to get you alone.” The way his chuckle bounces against your skin has you squirming. Your schoolgirl crush on him wasn’t one-sided, and suddenly you’re hot for teacher. 
You capture him in another kiss, tongue searching the seam of his lips for entrance. He obliges immediately, groaning as you explore his taste. Four hands roam skin, finding purchase in anything and everything. Your body has a mind of its own as you press against him, chest heaving with your passion. The right shift of fabric on fabric reveals that he’s equally as affected by the chemistry.
Reluctantly, he pulls away once more, threading his fingers across the back of your neck. Takes a moment to capture his breath as he sees the lust in your eyes. A deep breath. “As much as I like you, I don’t want to do anything if you’re drunk.”
Soft fingers follow the line of his arm to where it wraps around your waist. How is he this impossibly sweet? Thoughtful, respectful, and looking hot as sin with swollen lips. It’s unfair.
“I promise I’m not.” You stroke the back of his hand. “Please kiss me?”
His large hands unwrap from your waist and travel down, shifting behind your legs and pulling you up, resting your back against the wall. You tangle your legs around his waist as best you can in the small space, relishing his firm body pressed deliciously close, warm and solid. Kisses smeared across lips and jaws as noises crescendo. You’re panting as you trail down to his impossibly long neck, desperate to cover it in affection.
You’ve barely explored the expanse of skin when the door flies open, the boisterous party sounds flooding in. Reality strikes like a slap across the face. The truth-or-dare ringleader takes you in - legs wrapped around Bob and hands creeping toward your ass - and whoops in delight. Who knew Cowboy Bob had it in him!
“Time’s up, lovebirds!” He crows and reaches forward to slug Bob lightly on the shoulder. 
Not skipping a beat, Bob shoves his friend back and throws up his middle finger. “Fuck off, Milburn.” 
The closet door slams shut, blanketing you again in the intimacy of the moment. You’re looking at him with unsure eyes and he’s praying the moment hasn’t been ruined. He’s waited seven calendar months for this opportunity and his fingers are so close to enjoying the plump squeeze of your ass.
“We can go back to the party if you want?” Your voice is so small, nervous outside of those bold seven minutes. Tentative breaths exist between you. 
In lieu of an answer, he bows his head to give you a searing yet gentle kiss.
That cramped coat closet suddenly is an inferno, his tongue slipping inside your mouth and groaning at the burning sweetness of your taste. Your hands grip his shoulders as you fight for dominance, fingers tangling in denim. Hips brushing together, still clinging to the idea of this being innocent. 
An innocence immediately lost when Bob strikes up the courage and palms your ass. Soft and pliable and perfect to squeeze in his palms. He remembers the exact day you came to class in the tightest jeans known to man (laundry day) and the way he had dug his pencil in his palm to avoid a semi as your curved ass met the lecture seat. Something unavoidable now as you squirm against him, moaning your pleasure against the pulse in his neck.
Nothing has ever felt as good as rubbing against Bob Floyd’s clothed bulge. One glance down and you’re dizzy with arousal. Rutting yourself against him as best you can with your limited mobility, sloppy kisses exchanged as the two of you can barely keep your mouths closed. It feels so good, too good. 
Lost in the moment, one hand slips below the hem of your skirt, warm skin on skin. Any noise from outside the closet dims to a hum. Two hearts beating rapidly as desire fully consumes, directing lips to too hot exposed skin. You murmur your need in his ear. You don’t care where you are, you need him.
Bob tucks a finger under your thong, feeling the slick coating your folds. The whine that leaves him is desperate and gruff. He groans against your throat. “Shit, I don’t have a condom.”
Undeterred, your lip catches between your teeth, core muscles contracting as you grind your hips forward. “Doesn’t mean I can’t go for a ride.”
He’s immediately on board, teasing you briefly before extricating his hand to support you better against the wall. His hands practically swallow your ass, flooding you with lust. You thrust your chest against him, desperate to touch every spot on his handsome body as your hips begin to grind. 
His hands are sweltering as they trail down, effortlessly clutching the back of your thighs to give you leverage. Your clit finds friction against his jeans and your mouth hangs open as you buck frantically into him.
“Look at you move, cowgirl,” he breathes out, infatuated. The nickname spurrs you on, whimpering against his lips.
One hand clutching his bicep, holding on for desperate life, while the other snakes its way atop the damned cowboy hat that’s stayed on the entire encounter. Gripping the top of it and holding fast as you ride his clothed bulge with everything you’ve got. Denim and lace against your clit, rubbing deliciously as your brain fuzzes. His hot mouth focused at the hinge of your jaw, sucking soft bruises into the skin; moaning when you brush him just right. 
“I’m close,” you whisper against his cheek. Time has stood still, but it’s embarrassing how close he’s gotten you to orgasm with just his clothed cock and strong hands. 
He ruts his hips forward, meeting your thrusts in heavenly synchronization. You’re panting as the pressure on your clit catapults you, so close to the ultimate prize. Whispers of you can do it, cowgirl, cum for me, doing so good riding me, just a bit more, cowgirl fizzle your senses. 
It’s intense, the blinding pleasure coursing through your body. Prolonged by the thick bulge still rutting against you, ready to burst itself. Lips tickling your ear as he praises you. You want to live in this perfect moment of bliss. A moment only perfected when Bob’s fingers grip too hard and his hips stutter up into yours. His all-consuming orgasm only muffled by the skin of your shoulder as he rides it out. 
The rhythmic slowing of your breaths is all you can focus on. You breathe in, he breathes out. Small smiles and a blush barely visible in the low light. 
Delicately, like he knows you might break, he releases you back to the ground; taking his time to smooth down your skirt and straight out your top. Your own hands reach up to his chest, fixing the fabric that had bunched up in your passion. Adjusting his fogged glasses to look into his beautiful eyes.
It doesn’t matter how much you clean up, one look at you two and anyone would comment you’ve been ridden hard and put away wet.
With one final kiss to your lips, you feel something land on your head. The brown cowboy hat with the rip along the edge. Cowboy Bob showing off his cowgirl.
You tentatively open the closet door, eyes adjusting to the normal light. Painfully aware of the wet splotch on the obvious front of his jeans, Bob holds your body against him as a human shield. The party is still going strong - your antics have not interrupted anything - and you slip toward the front door without notice. Well…mostly, as a few wolf whistles reach your ears.
“It’s not that late, you want to go back to mine? I’m just off Thornton. It’s quiet since everyone is here.” His eyes are so hopeful in the dark night. So desperate for you to say yes. For you to be his cowgirl beyond tonight.
You wrap your arms around him and pull him close, careful to avoid the spot where your bodily fluids have drenched his jeans. “I’m in.” Your smile is blinding. “We have about nine weeks of Stats to make up.”
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The brick is uncomfortable behind your back, but it’s hard to care when his lips feel so good. Broad shoulders shielding you from the hallway, trucker hat turned around and glasses in his pocket so there’s not an inch between your faces. Agreeing to meet outside before lecture was such a good idea.
Despite spending most of the time between Thursday night and Tuesday afternoon in Bob’s apartment trying every position in the book (with teasing hollers from his Pi Kapp roommates adding to the soundtrack) you can’t help but steal these five minutes. He looks so cute, to not kiss him would be a crime.
Bob squeezes your hips, lips trailing down your jaw. “What’s on your mind, cowgirl?”
“I’m trying very hard to convince myself that we pay a lot of money to attend this school and should go learn about statistics. Even though I really only want to head back to my dorm and see how sturdy that loft bed is.”
From where his nose traces your ear, a guttural whine leaves him. “You can’t say something like that and expect me to go to class.”
You pull back to look at him, fingers tickling the close cropped hair at his neck. God, he makes it so hard to want to be responsible.
“Let’s make a deal, okay? We’ll go to class, learn, and tonight you come over and for every study guide question you get right I’ll take off a piece of clothing. Sound good?” He’s practically panting as he smothers your mouth in another kiss. He’s really good at Stats. A steady stream of students files past Bob’s back, a sign that class is about to start.
You press another kiss to his lips. “Let’s go or we’ll miss out on seats. Plus I need to dig through my bag for a pencil.”
“Do you think you actually have one today?” He smirks, amused. The eighteen pencils he’s lent you say otherwise.
Your cheeks are hot under where he kisses them. “Uh…if I don’t can I borrow one? If you have one, that is.”
He lets out a soft chuckle and holds you closer, rubbing your noses softly.
“You do realize I’ve been buying pencils all semester just to give to you, right?”
Turning his cap around - insides fully melted - you know you’re in this rodeo for the long run.
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asvterias · 1 year
𝖯𝗋𝖾𝗍𝗍𝗒 𝖡𝗈𝗒 ~ 𝖩𝖺𝗂𝗆𝖾 𝖱𝖾𝗒𝖾𝗌
Part 2 | Part 3
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Warnings: Jealousy & Allusions to Sex/Sexual Thoughts
Pairings: (FWB) Jaime Reyes x (FWB) Black!Fem!Reader, Best Friend!Milagro x Best Friend!Reader
Summary: Being friends with benefits with Jamie is hard to keep undercover, in hopes of Milagro never finding out. The number #1 rule is to be strictly sexual and not explore romantic feelings for the other. What happens when that rule is broken?
Word Count: 2.5k+
Tag List: @drqcrys @mageneire @websterss @pxachy-tea @moralesszz @odiesdayoff @allthingsvicf @tinkerbelle05 @alienstardust @lemonyboy97 @alastorhazbin @writing-fanics @veronicarose20 @conicoroahre @gay-dorito-dust @presidentbarbieirl @kayla2233454-blog @sodacatz @n7cje
Author’s Note: Watched the Blue Beetle movie recently and I was hooked on Jaime Reyes. This is my first time writing for Jaime Reyes, so he might be a little out of character but hopefully you like it!
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Spanish Translations
“Por qué me estás mintiendo, Jaime?” — “Why are you lying to me, Jaime?”
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Sneaking around can be full of excitement alongside the adrenaline of the whole ordeal. You and Jaime were secretly fooling around, being extremely cautious around his sister who was also your best friend. You didn’t even know how you ended up in this complicated relationship with Jaime Reyes. It started with two people under the influence of alcohol, both with the straightforward intention of getting laid and it ended with a confused hangover and a hurried conversation of forgetting about the whole affair.
At first, you two had avoided each other like the plague, sometimes accidentally crossing paths whenever you visited the Reyes residence or from basic errands that needed to be fulfilled.
Then the longer you two distanced yourselves from each other, the more agonizing it felt for the both of you. One day, Jaime snapped which led up to you two heading to bed for a passionate night. The morning after having sex, you two discussed your unofficial relationship and coming to terms with being friends with benefits and nothing more than that.
It was a simple and easy rule to follow, right? Wrong! How very wrong that you were! Too bad that you were breaking the rule. How could you not fall in love with him? With those beautiful doe dark brown eyes, his long curly hair, and his alluring personality, not to mention being completely star-struck when riding his di—
Oh, his voice…him speaking Spanish to you while in the most intimate positions has you craving for more.
You always missed the comfort of his arms at night as you watched him get dressed and leave, heading back home to avoid suspicion from his family. If Jaime’s family ever caught wind that he was not technically single, they would go ballistic, eager to meet the person and neither of you wanted that unnecessary attention.
It was finally official, you certainly loathed mornings, especially when Jaime spent the nights before. There were rare moments when he’d be able to stay the night with you. Luckily for you, today was one of those rare days.
Normally, he would claim that he’s the big spoon, but his sleepy smile widens when you’re the big spoon instead. His favorite sleeping position is lying on top of the softness of your breasts. Sometimes he would wake up face first right in the plushness of your breasts, that was always a good way to start the morning, wasn’t it? Your hands would subconsciously tangle themselves through his thick curly hair, softly massaging his scalp, sending him into a peaceful sleep.
You stirred yourself awake, no longer feeling the presence of Jaime lying on top of you. You tiredly stretched out your limbs, wincing at the soreness from your breasts down to your mid-thighs. Jaime certainly wore you out last night.
Very faintly, you heard the quiet shuffling and muttering of words. Regretfully, you slowly open your eyes, your eyelids still heavy as you rub the sleep out of them.
“Hmm…morning Jaime.” You yawn, scratching your braids through the satin red bonnet.
“Did I wake you?” He mutters walking over, giving you a quick kiss on the forehead, and continuing the search for his belongings. You assumed that he just came out of the shower. He wore a towel around his waist, dripping wet, glistening over his abs and that sight made you think unholy things. There was no way that you were still thirsty for him. Come on, you’re still recovering from last night and you were greedy for more the following morning?! Have some self-control, for once!
You shook your head, disposing of the lustful thoughts. “Wanna stay for breakfast?” You suggest, nervously gnawing on your lower lip.
“I would love to, but I have to quickly run an errand for my mami and then head over to work with Jenny.” He dried himself off, putting on a pair of boxers and an undershirt.
He opened your closet, digging out his ironed suit that you prepared a few days ago.
“When are you off this week?”
“Today and Sunday are my only days off this week.” You inform him, watching him get dressed, “I could run the errand with Mrs. Reyes, so you’ll get a balanced breakfast before heading to work.”
“Oh, really thanks (Y/N).”
“Anytime, pretty boy.” You reply, taking your bonnet off. Jaime blushes at the nickname, feeling giddy whenever you use that phrase. “What time do I need to leave?”
“About a quarter past eight..” He murmurs observing his watch.
“Speak English, please.”
“It’s 8:15 and my mami needs to leave around 9:30.” He advises, looking at your vanity. “Where’s my necklace?” He turns to you.
“You have to come get it..” You tease, wiggling the piece of jewelry in your hand. He chuckles at your playful yet seductive tone.
Crawling to you across the bed, he gives you a soft kiss making you caress his face. The slow sensual kiss lasted a few seconds, and even though you wanted to stay in the loving moment, air had become difficult to maintain, both of you pulling away from the kiss. You flutter your eyes open, catching him staring into your eyes with a hidden glint that makes you flush, which makes those butterflies run wild in your stomach.
“Come here, I’ll help you put on your tie.” You offer, shuffling towards the edge of the bed.
He sighs, allowing you to fix the tie underneath his collar. Your faces were so close that you could have fainted right then and there, completely embarrassing yourself on the spot. You started to worry, wondering if he felt you staring at him. Turns out, he was admiring you and he wasn’t ashamed of it. Once you finished his tie, you cleared your throat and smoothed over his suit, straightening out invisible wrinkles.
The Mexican boy faces you again. “What time do you get off on Saturday?”
“Probably by 10 or 11 pm.”
“Perfect! I’ll see you Saturday night.” He promises, giving you a reassuring nod.
“Yeah,” You agree with a lovesick smile on your face, “I’ll see you Saturday.”
You handed him the necklace but he stopped you, “Keep it, it looks better on you anyway.”
You tilt your head to the side, feeling yourself tingle with goosebumps as he appears from behind you and he gently brushes your braids away. You gathered your braids together, bunching them up into a messy makeshift ponytail, giving Jaime area to put the necklace on. Once he clasps the jewelry on your neck, you release your braids as you grin at him.
Smiling sweetly in response, he steals one last kiss from you and hurriedly leaves, shutting the front door. Even though you two were friends with benefits, he still was the kind and sweet man that you knew all those years ago.
You sigh, lingering your fingers on the necklace, fawning over the mere kiss that he shared with you. It was an empty kiss so it should be treated as meaningless, but it hurts your heart for you to wish otherwise.
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Later that evening, Milagro helped you pick out an outfit for your blind date. Jaime tagged along with Milagro, under the impression of wanting privacy from his family.
You and Milagro picked out a nice evening dress, concluding that it was the perfect dress.
“You look so sexy in this.” Milagro squeals, momentarily catching Jaime’s attention. His eyes shift from his sister to yours, scanning the outfit that you are wearing, shamelessly checking you out. You did a little twirl to display the entirety of the dress, your eyes solely locked on Jaime to figure out his reaction. She was right, you looked so sexy in the dress. Maybe too sexy for another guy.
He noticed the mischievousness in your body language and decided that two could play that game.
“So…” Jaime ponders, lightly gritting his teeth, using his phone as a distraction, “What do you know about this guy?” His question was directed to you, attempting to conceal his jealousy. Slow and steady wins the race.
You turned to Milagro who spoke for you, “Duh, dummy, we don’t know who it is, that's why it’s called a blind date.”
“Wait! You’ve never even met this person before?” His eyes widened in surprise, processing the newfound information.
“Jaime, are you slow or something?” His sister asks. She rolled her eyes and continuously tapped her forehead, “Think, dear brother. Just think.”
He fakes grins at his sister and looks back at you. “It could be dangerous for you.”
“Okay, and I have a taser in my purse if anything goes wrong. I can take care of myself.”
“Why are you so interested in my best friend’s love life all of a sudden?”
“Just looking out for her.” He mumbles.
“Hmmm…” She sounds skeptical, surprisingly trusting her brother’s word.
All of a sudden, Milagro’s phone rings, indicating that her pizza order is ready. “I’m gonna pick up the pizza. Be back in 30 minutes.” She grabs your car keys and her wallet, leaving the apartment.
As soon as the door slammed shut, Jaime spoke his concerns for you.
“So…you’re going out with someone else.”
“Yeah, I am.”
“Then you should also know that I’m going out with someone else.” He boasts proudly with a tight-lipped smile.
“Oh, really?” You bite the inside of your cheek as jealousy boils through your veins at the thought of Jaime seeing someone else. Surprisingly, you managed to keep your jealousy at bay, refusing to let Jaime have the upper hand here.
You realized what he was doing, and he wasn’t going to win. It was so obvious that he was lying to you. So he decided to stretch the lie, just to witness your breaking point, “Her name is Maria Gonzalez, her family just moved to the neighborhood and we hit it off great. I also have her number.”
You remained nonchalant, continuing your mascara on your left eye, “Okay…good for you then?”
“That’s all you have to say?” He scoffs, folding his arms.
“Well, what do you want me to say? You want me to act jealous and forbid you from seeing this other girl?” You click your tongue, “Now that you mention it, no new family is moving into your neighborhood otherwise Mrs. Reyes would have told me, and I would have offered to decorate welcoming baskets with her and Milagro.”
Shit! You caught him in his lie. His eyes widened in surprise at your quick response to his lie.
As a matter of fact, he was more proud than scared of your realization of his lie. Your intelligence and ability to understand between the lines were one of the many traits that he loved about you. Intelligence is the glue that holds it all together, not that there aren’t many more characteristics from you that he adored. He would never put any other characteristic above the other, harboring his mutual love for all of them. After all, you attended Harvard, majoring in nursing, and left with multiple degrees.
“Por qué me estás mintiendo, Jaime?” You looked at him through the mirror with a pointed look.
Switching back and forth between English and Spanish daily was a neat trick that you mastered with ease. To be honest, Spanish was a beautiful language, and you just wanted to experience the full meaning of it.
You learned Spanish for your best friend and her family, wanting to connect with them on a personal level. At this point, you became fluent in Spanish and could hold decent conversations with the Reyes family in their native language. The Reyes family even made jokes that you would someday marry a Latino.
“I don’t know..” he shrugs his shoulders, “Maybe…I’m just confused right now.”
“May I remind you that you wanted us to be a casual fuck from time to time, and besides we also agreed on seeing other people.”
“Yeah, but—“
“Yeah, but what? You want to change your mind now?”
“Actually, I do.”
You paused from doing your mascara, making eye contact in the mirror with him. Of course, you weren’t expecting that answer. His statement rendered you speechless, allowing the silence to overtake the room. You gulped silently, intently watching him stalk toward you, almost in a patronizing manner to tease you even further. You were frozen, unaware of what he might do to you and it somewhat turned you on. The small thud of the mascara tube dropping on the vanity brought you back to your senses.
“…We shouldn’t do this, Jaime.” You lightly warn the boy. Jaime remains silent, making you consistently aware that he is gorgeously checking you out from behind. He made you so flustered to the point that you were stupidly smitten with him that it was almost ridiculous. It was a miracle that you couldn’t see a black girl’s blush.
“Milagro‘s gonna be back soon.” Your tone was soft.
The air was still tense as he nodded, his eyes still intently focused on your physique. Nervously, you began to play with your braids as your body squirmed under his gaze. The things that Jamie made you feel were out of this world. You held your breath, dilated dark brown eyes studying his every move that he made. It was the familiar gust of his infamous cologne that gave his sudden presence away, noticing his breathing was lingering on you. You shudder, minor goosebumps forming on your arms.
“Then, we just have to be quick, don’t we?” You swear that you could’ve felt his hard dick straining against his pants.
“Listen here Jaime—“ You were cut off by his hands roughly wrapping around your throat, raising your head, catching an upside down angle of the 22-year-old. A warm pair of lips was planted onto yours, reclaiming full jealousy as he slipped his tongue in your mouth. In a matter of seconds, the inviting kiss escalated into sexual tension, quickly heating the aura of the bedroom.
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© asvterias, 2023. please do not plagiarize any of my works.
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flowerbetweenfangs · 5 months
Cream Filling: Chapter One
Warning: Use of drugs and dubcon.
(MC is dosed with an aphrodisiac and is all too willing... But you know)
This was originally posted on A03 and is my most popular work, so I thought I'd put it here.
I hope you enjoy.
Lightning flashed overhead, lighting up pitch black streets for an instant. Elle Shepard nearly slipped on a horribly placed patch of mud. Windmilling, she caught a streetlight and came to a stop. A crack of thunder made her let go. Another bolt struck, enveloping the buildings and pavement in a brightness that was almost blinding, before a loud boom shook the windows.
Finally, she came upon a neon sign, showing a drink being shaken, then poured into a martini glass. The glass then changed to a coffee mug, the shaker into a pitcher. The words read: Ramses Brew, Bar and Café.
Pushing open the door, Elle stepped inside and pulled down the hood of her raincoat. Closing her umbrella, she stuck it in the container with the rest. Music played, pool balls cracked, conversations blurred together in one continuous hum. A bartender passed out drinks, moving with inhuman speed.
Walking up to the bar, Elle took a seat on the stool near the end. Reaching into her bag, she pulled out a stack of papers and set them on the polished wood.
“What will it-” The bartender flinched at her, their nostrils flaring. Their voice sounded like many people talking at once.
“Oh, you’re the human.” They reached into their pocket and pulled out a phone. Tapping on the screen, they sent a quick message and put it away. They dropped their voice and leaned in closer to her. “Sorry, our drinks are a little too strong for your kind.”
They were most likely a demon, with horizontal lined pupils and a pair of antlers. Their sunken face showed a skeletal structure that was more deer than human, with a slight brown fuzz instead of fur. Their hands were coal black, their fingers tapering off to a clawed end.
“Can I just have water?” She swallowed, her mouth suddenly dry, her heart fluttering. Focus! The job was more important than a one night stand.
“Of course.” They bowed their head, before going to a new arrival at the bar.
Sighing, Elle debated pulling her hood back up when she felt the eyes on her. No, she’d have to get used to the stares if she wanted to get this job. A human woman, with dark hair and hazel eyes, wearing dress pants and a button up peach blouse. No horns, fangs, scales, or a tail. Not even markings that would signal she was a mage or tied to someone with magic. 
Swinging her leg back and forth, Elle sipped at her water, looking around the bar. There was a pair of trolls playing pool. A pair of drow were in the corner, looking like they were discussing more… Intimate plans. A human looking man sat on the couch, a cane between his legs. A spread of cards were on the table in front of him, small black wisps curling around them. He seemed to be the shortest occupant, he was probably a head and shoulders taller than her. 
“Ms. Elodie Shepard?” The voice made her turn.
An angular face stared at her. It was human in appearance, but black scales appeared like freckles, shimmering in the low light. A pair of ram horns curled around cheeks, the ends sharpened and looking ready to puncture anything that got near them. He was dressed in a white button up shirt and a red vest, with a black tie. He was young, appearing to only be in his early to mid 30s.
“Yes!” Elle held out her hand. The speaker took it in shimmering black hands that were very large compared to his body. They left a residue on her skin that she tried to discreetly wipe off when he turned around, looking at the loft above. "But please, call me Elle." 
“Let’s go talk more privately.” He walked to the bottom of the stairs, unclipping a chain that indicated the area was closed until the morning.
Elle nodded and followed him. Stepping aside, he allowed her to go first and clipped the sign back in place. Once the links were formed, a small bit of magic rumbled through the floor, making Elle’s knees weak. Gripping the handrail, she kept herself from falling and quickly climbed up.
Once they were in the loft, Ramses clapped his hands and a few candles lit. The light was warm and calming. There were a few couches set up, with a coffee table between each pair facing one another.
Taking a seat, Elle set her papers on the table and cleared her throat. Even with the water, there was still a tickle in her throat.
“Alright,” The man sat down. “So, as you may know, this is my business. Ramses Sesbrun.” He pushed his glasses up his nose. “I appreciate you coming out so late, but since demons don’t do so well in sunlight…” He shook his hand back and forth like he was tipping a scale. “I still have a limited staff, so I don’t have much of a day shift.”
Elle nodded. “It’s fine. I’ve got this.” She reached into her shirt and pulled out a silver chain, with wire wrapped around an obsidian stone.
Ramses flinched at the charm, before clearing his throat. Elle quickly stuffed it into her shirt and shuffled her papers.
“Alright. So as you may have noticed, we have a bit of a uniform.” He gestured to his attire. “It doesn’t matter if you prefer skirts or pants, just make sure it’s got a white button up shirt under your apron and a tie or scarf.” Inhaling sharply, he adjusted his glasses again. “We have a very diverse staff. If you do get the job, expect to work with all kinds of people.”
Elle simply nodded. “I know it is probably a strange thing, getting a human to apply.” The thought of being around so many demons and patrons of the “other side”, it was somewhat exhilarating.
“A little. But your safety is promised here,” Ramses insisted. “I’ll do what I can to make sure that you and your fellow employees are comfortable in this environment. Everyone here is just looking for a place to unwind.” He smiled at her, showing his teeth were fangs.
Shifting uncomfortably, Elle gave a smile. Those fangs looked like they could leave some decent hickeys. Wait, no, she had to remain professional. “Erm, not to sound too forward, but the job posting mentioned pay?” Right. Stay professional.
“Oh, right.” Ramses picked up a staff of his own papers from a table next to the couch. Flipping through the stack, he left small black thumbprints on each page. No wonder he needed help with the kitchen and other places. He probably couldn’t even touch the food he served his customers.
Finally, he stopped at what he was looking for. “I know the pay is high, but that means I’ll be expecting more from you. But if what I’ve heard about humans is correct…” His cheeks flushed. “Sorry. I don’t mean to rely on stereotypes, but I know humans are known for getting things done faster.” He clicked his mouth closed, not wanting to insert his foot into his mouth.
“Then you’ll be happy to know I fall into that!” Elle said quickly, hoping her tone didn’t sound too desperate. “I promise I’ll be fast and get the work done!” She clasped her hands together. “I just really… Need a job.” A job that seemed to offer a lot of eye candy...
Ramses nodded, taking her papers and flipping through them. “I’ve already read what you sent me, but I just want to make sure…”
He made a couple more noises of affirmation, before setting the now spotted pile down. “I don’t know if you’ll have a uniform on standby, but I think we might have something in your size. If you are willing to come in tomorrow, then I can have Wrecks and Horac show you the ropes.” Tapping a finger to his lips, Ramses’ brows knit together. “You don’t have Arachnophobia, do you?”
*** “Welcome to Ramses!” Elle called out, bowing her head. When she straightened, she ignored the look of befuddlement from the new arrivals. “Just two?”
After seating the pair, she bid farewell to some patrons as they left. They acknowledged her, but seemed more confused than anything else in her presence. When the door closed behind them, she went to quickly clean their table.
Despite looking bulky, the maid outfit they had provided her was light and cool, with a long skirt, deep pockets in the apron. She’d brought her own tights and comfortable shoes. Her hair was tied into a pair of buns to keep it out of her face.
The morning rush was a surprise. Most demons were supposed to be unable to walk in sunlight, but that didn’t stop the clientele from coming in, carrying parasols, charms to protect them, and even wrapping themselves in bandages.
The newly arrived pair were dragonborn, who had quickly fallen into an in depth discussion about maidens and maids. When she approached them with her notepad, pencil to the paper, they quickly quieted.
“Can I recommend one of our Ashburnt Scones?” She asked. “They’ve got an arsenic glaze!”
After taking down their order, Elle quickly scampered to the kitchen and placed the paper on the counter.
“A pair of Coalpressed Muffins with Ashen Dustings!” She called out.
The Drider at the stove nodded, pulling out some blood red pancakes with a tar like topping that he set on plates, the two smaller legs at his waist doing small clean up details. A pair of triple lens spectacles balanced on his nose, which he was constantly adjusting to allow a different pair of eyes to see. Despite his name being “Wrecks” he actually seemed rather dexterous and nimble.
The second was the boarman, Horac, who was frying several cuts of meat and eggs. He seemed immune to the open flames, casually reaching across them to turn over a large slice of ham. Elle tried to not think too hard about the implications.
“Breakfast rush is almost over, rookie.” He said, his voice barely audible over the chaos of the kitchen.
“Thanks!” She took the plates and lined them up on trays, before rushing back out to the main room with the orders.
“I can’t believe a real life human is here,” A goat headed man said as she passed.
“I know. And so fast, too.” Their companion appeared human, but their teeth were too sharp. Enough to pass the line from sexy to frightening.
Just smiling, Elle passed over their food, which they quickly began to ravenously tear into. The remarks, while strange, seemed mostly positive.
By the time the morning rush was over, Elle’s feet were killing her. She collapsed into a chair once the last customer left.
“Elle, can you tell Ram I’m coming in late tomorrow?” Horac said, not giving further details as he went out the back. The bell chimed as he left.
“Sure.” She merely lifted her hand to give a wave he wouldn’t see.
“I’m going out for a smoke,” Wrecks said, his voice jolting through her. He hadn’t spoken all morning, only cooked and passed the orders to Elle. The dishes and counters were clean, so she wasn’t going to complain.
Once the ache had mostly gone, she got up and went to change the menus over. The bell chimed again when her back was turned, and she quickly turned back around.
The newcomer had silvery hair, a pair of fox ears twitching on his head. His eyes were closed, his mouth pulled into a vulpine grin.
“Welcome to Ramses!” She tried to pour in the sugary sweetness that customers loved. “I’ll be with you in just a moment.” Hopefully, Wrecks wouldn’t mind serving up breakfast still. “So, he did have a human on his payroll.” The new patron muttered to himself. “How quaint.” A bushy silver tail waved behind him.
Elle felt herself blushing. “Can I get you anything? Our Blasterjelly rolls are a customer favorite, along with our Hadesfire Pomegranate Tea.” She reached for a menu to shove in his hands. His gaze seemed focused on her, despite his eyes being closed.
“No,” He held up his hand. “Thank you. You served my friend earlier.” Reaching into his sash, he pulled out a box about the length of his hand, the width of two put together. “He’s too shy to show his gratitude in person, so he sent me in his stead.”
Setting the box on the podium, he turned on his heel and gave a backward wave, the bell chiming as he left.
Frowning, Elle used her pen to open the corner of the box. Inside, she saw a small flat pastry, the side of one showing a beet colored paste. Picking it up, she realized they were covered with powdered sugar. Setting it back down, she closed the box and stuffed it under the podium. How odd she’d been given a human friendly dessert.
“Ready for round two?” Wrecks asked when he came back in, wiping his hands on a towel.
“You know it!” She brushed back her hair, pushing the fox man out of her mind.
The bell chimed, a trio of trolls coming through, looking like they’d gotten off a construction job. A goat headed woman burst through the door behind them, looking frazzled. By the end of the second shift, Elle was nearly laying on the table. Her feet and back ached, her hair was a mess, and the uniform was rumpled.
“And my favorite part of the day…” Wrecks said, flipping the sign to indicate they were closed until the bar opened. He laughed to himself as he went to tally up the totals.
“Count this for me to make sure my math is right.” Taking the cash from the drawer, Wrecks slid it to her. He poured himself a sludge looking coffee, enough steam and heat coming off it to fog up his spectacles. Sweat trickled down his brow.
Elle’s stomach growled, and she found herself blushing. While his lower half made her nervous, his upper half was certainly handsome.
Right. Focus.
“Oh, right.” Wrecks paused. “You can’t…” He struggled to find the words. “Eat anything on our menu, can you?”
“Not without getting violently ill,” Elle admitted, before remembering the podium. “Oh! Right!” Rushing to it, she pulled out the box. “I was going to pack my lunch, but I woke up late!” She’d actually slept in her car because she was terrified of missing her first shift. It wasn’t like there was anyone waiting for her at home. And driving nearly half an hour both ways seemed like a poor use of her time.
Sitting next to the money, she took out one of the cakes and took a bite. Powdered sugar flew around her in a cloud, sending residue all over the uniform.
Keeping the cake in her mouth, she nursed at the paste and counted out the cash, keeping notes. Once she finished, she paused over the calculations and finished eating. Then, she quickly ate a second, barely tasting it as it went down.
“Get some actual food,” Wrecks chided. “I can smell the sweetness from here. Where did you get that if you didn’t pack your lunch?”
“Apparently one of the customers really liked my service and gave me a gift.” Elle shrugged. She looked down at her tips for the day, her breath catching in her throat. How much money did this damned clientele have!? Pulling out her wallet, she quickly signed off on the amount and collected it. Looking down at her uniform, she excused herself to the bathroom.
There was no way she was going to risk getting it dirty and looking unprofessional. If she was going to be making money like this every day, she was going to take this job seriously. Going to the restroom, she did what she could to clean up her uniform. No way was she going to take a dock in her pay to pay for the outfit.
Her face felt hot. Slipping off the apron, she unbuttoned her blouse and splashed water on herself. Looking in the mirror, she saw her cheeks and neck were crimson. The blush spread even further, hidden by her shirt.
Slipping off her blouse, she stared at the sleeveless shirt, which only showed off more of her flushed skin. It was still hot, but more bearable. And she was NOT undressing more. Splashing her face again, she got her hair damp. Slicking back her loose bangs, Elle took in a deep breath.
When she walked out, she saw Wrecks looking at the cakes. Holding one between his thumb and forefinger, he squeezed it. The paste oozed out, dripping onto his fingers. He had his phone to his ear, waiting for someone to answer.
Elle was about to complain he’d ruined part of her gift, but his expression was serious. It sent a twinge of worry through her, followed by another hot flash. This one made her head spin, and she quickly sat down.
“Where did you get these?” His voice was sharp.
“Some guy dropped them off. Um… Foxy.” She started to recall his face, but all it did was cloud her mind with other details she’d overlooked. The way his collar bone peeked out over his robe. How veiny and strong his hands looked. His lips, perfectly glossy, the fangs peeking out with his grin.
“Shepard?” Wrecks asked.
“Hmm?” She smacked her cheeks to try and refocus. “Where was I again?”
Before Wrecks could answer, the person on the other end picked up.
“Yeah.” Wrecks tossed her a damp towel.
Wiping it across her sweaty skin, Elle began to inhale deeply. She felt hot all over, her body starting to shake. Every fiber of her clothing brushed against her, scraping her raw.
“I’m sure it was him,” Wrecks’ voice sounded like it was coming from the other end of a tunnel. “Bet my first born on it. I could smell fuckery on the box.” He looked over to Elle, licking his lips nervously. “She seems fine now, but I don’t want to touch her, could you get a hold of a human doctor?” He paused, nodding along with the speaker, small grunts escaping his mouth.
“Alright.” He hung up, inching closer to Elle.
“That was Ramses. He’s on his way.” He pulled another towel off the counter and soaked it in icy water, before passing it to Elle. “Those cakes were laced with… Something.” He frowned, brows coming together.
“I guess it was Tanpopo’s way of saying hello…”
“Who?” Although Elle was sure she had a good idea who the Drider spoke of. Her insides twitched, needing to be filled. Sweat trickled down her neck and back. Slowly, she laid down in the booth, her legs facing the wall.
“An asshole who runs the bakery down the road.” Wrecks jerked his thumb behind him. “He thought it would be funny to “prank,” He added air quotes. “Some of our staff last year by spiking some cakes and tea with Hellfire Mint.” Three pairs of eyes watered at the memory. “Most of them were fine, but one of our hosts got sent into early labor and had to go to the hospital.”
Fanning herself with a menu, Elle panted. “I wish I’d been warned.”
“Well, there hadn’t been any problems since then,” Wrecks explained. “Horac was a pretty decent deterrent.”
Elle’s mouth was suddenly dry. The heat was becoming unbearable. Her legs refused to budge, each breath making another flash of arousal go through her. “I’ll get you some water.” Wrecks excused himself, quickly coming back with a glass. He passed it to her. “Now, I’m not sure how long this is supposed to last, but Ramses seemed pretty sure he knew what it was.”
Their hands touched. Elle let out a cry, dropping the glass. She shook, nearly convulsing as the need seized her.
Wrecks jumped back, his legs skittering across the floor, unable to gain traction.
Elle was on her feet, grabbing the front of his vest and pulling him to her. Their lips nearly brushed.
“No no no no no no!” He said rapidly, using his front legs and arms to push her away. “It’s flattering, but you are in no condition to be initiating this!”
His skin was scalding hot against hers. She grabbed his clothing so tight she thought it would rip. Pulling him close again, she ignored the impact of his front legs against her skirt.
“I’m terribly sorry, Shepard.” Wrecks said, before she suddenly couldn’t move.
Looking down, she saw she was covered with white bindings. Webbing kept her still, binding her legs together below the knees, and her arms below the elbows. He then pushed her back into the booth.
The bell chimed. Nostrils flaring, Elle thrashed around to try and sit up as the scent of Demon hit her.
“Oh, thank Arachne.” Wrecks backed away. “You made good time.”
“Of course.” Ramses' voice thundered in her ears. Elle’s lips parted slightly as she continued to wriggle around, trying to get free of her bindings. “Leave us. This is easier if there’s only one target.”
Wrecks didn’t have to be told twice. He picked up his scant belongings and quickly scampered out the door.
Ramses stood in front of the booth, his crotch the perfect height for-
And he was gone.
The door locked.
Then, he was back.
“You’ve ingested Asmodeus Fruit,” He explained, pulling out a knife. “Better known as Lustberries.” Looking at the blade, he set it down on the table. “Hold still.” His visible skin was wrapped in bandages. To protect him from the sun?
The order made Elle still, the only movement was her shaking with desire.
“I’m going to cut you loose. But you have to promise me you’re not going to jump on me. Okay?”
Despite the words barely registering, Elle nodded, her body still trembling.
Ramses cut the bindings, his bandaged hands brushing against her. Unlike with Wrecks, it didn’t send a jolt through her. But his scent, the way he panted with exertion… She found herself leaning forward.
“KNIFE!” He yelled, shoving her back. His hand hit her protective charm, and both of them went flying back. She hit the wall hard, and he slid into the front counter in front of the kitchen. Wincing, he slowly got back up, rubbing the back of his head.
“Are you okay?” Her legs were still bound. She started to climb out of the booth.
“Stay!” He commanded, getting up.
Elle’s legs became weak, and she nearly face planted on the floor. Catching herself, Elle held onto the corner of the table. Her charm hung low. 
Ramses rushed over, cutting her legs free.
“Now. Listen.” He shook his finger in her face.
Nodding, Elle leaned forward.
“Go to the loft.”
She rose up, the charm snagging on the corner of the table, the wire wrapping coming undone and the stone falling to the ground, sliding under the booth. 
Her feet slapped against the floor, she nearly tripped over the chained sign as she ran. But she was up the stairs, lungs and chest heaving. Collapsing onto the couch, she felt the heat rolling over again, almost unbearable. Clothes continued to rake against her skin so roughly she thought it would make her bleed. Her hands went to her top, trying to pull it off.
“Okay, Elle. I need you to listen to me.” Ramses said, coming up in the loft. “Normally this stuff wears off after a few hours. But it’s demon fruit, so humans suffer-” He let out a surprised noise as Elle rushed over to him.
When her hands touched his shirt, she realized he wasn’t wrapped under his clothes. Working her fingers through the gaps between his buttons, she touched her fingertips to his bare chest. The heat of his skin made her shudder.
Dropping to her knees, she started to unbuckle his belt.
“Elle!” He said sharply. “Hold on!” Grabbing one of her buns, he held her head in place. Lips parted, she looked up. Panting, she reached for him. Despite denying her advances, his erection was growing quickly.
“Here.” He pulled out a vial, a white liquid inside. “Drink this first. I know it’ll be nasty, but-” As he spoke, the white liquid suddenly yellowed and seemed to become crusty.
She grimaced.
“I know. But the other cure is… Not ideal.” He offered her the vial. Uncorking the top, he pressed the glass to her lips.
Slowly, he tilted it. Once the liquid touched Elle’s lips, foul gelatinous sludge tried to worm its way into her mouth. Pulling back, she sputtered and coughed. Eyes watering, she shook her head.
There was glass breaking, and the liquid spilled all over the floor. The fog was gone, but Elle suddenly felt so hot she started to claw at her clothes.
“You’re going to hurt yourself!” Ramses grabbed her arms, straddling her. His erection dug into her as he pinned her to the floor.
“Elle, listen to me.” His breath was warm against her skin, caressing skin, the wetness from it sliding down her body. 
Closing her eyes, Elle thrust against him. Ramses let out a distressed yelp, before gripping her tighter.
“Fuck me…” She moaned, rubbing against him. A wet spot was left on Ramses pants, although she wasn’t sure if it was from him or her.
It was getting so hot she felt like she was going to pass out, black spots filling her vision. Her clothes felt like they were tearing large chunks of her skin off.
“I’m… So sorry.” Ramses picked her up off the floor, setting her down on the couch.
“For what?” She grabbed his shirt, pulling him down. Their lips almost touched, but he turned his face so she kissed his horn.
“You’re in no state of mind…” He knelt between her legs. “Just let me try something.” Taking her tights, he clumsily pulled them down. Catching the waist of Elle’s panties, Ramses left her completely bare. At the sight, averting his eyes, Ramses cheeks turned crimson.
“Yep…” He struggled to find the words. “That’s certainly Asmodeus fruit.”
Elle touched herself, spreading the soaking lips wide. Grinding against the couch, she felt herself drenching the fabric.
“Okay.” Ramses draped her legs over his shoulders. “I’m going to try something. If it doesn’t work, then we have one option left.”
Elle nodded, but her mind was buzzing. Grabbing Ramses by the hair, she shoved him into her drenched folds. Whatever response he had was muffled, making her shiver.
His tongue began to trace her lower lips, before he slipped it inside. Ellen held his head in place, biting her lips as he continued to lick. Reaching up, he seized her thighs and spread her legs wider. His breath made her tingle.
Closing her eyes, Elle focused on the sensation, the heat now concentrating in her lower half. Ramses’ head bobbed back and forth, the sounds of licking and sucking so loud in the empty loft. She let out several moans, trying to lock her legs around his head.
Keeping her legs open, Ramses continued to lick, before exposing her clit and swirling his tongue around it. Elle moaned, releasing his hair and grinding against his face. “Come for me, Elle.” He groaned into her, his breath so warm. “Come for me, please.”
Letting her head lull back, Elle moaned and grabbed the couch tight enough to feel the fabric start to rip. She felt the orgasm start to build, each lick eliciting another cry from her. Eyes watering, she nearly screamed when Ramses plunged his tongue inside.
But before she could release, it was like slamming into a brick wall. White filled her vision as the heat became a searing pain. A scream escaped her and she shuddered, falling to the side.
“S-stop…” She panted, tears streaming down her face. “It… It hurts.”
Ramses pulled back, his bandages around the lower half of his face now loose. They were soaked with Elle. Small bits of skin were visible. Despite the pain in her lower half, Elle grabbed Ramses by the shirt. She then climbed on top of him, rubbing her aching groin over his crotch.
“Fuck me, please.” She begged, continuing to grind against his hardness.
“Hold on.” Ramses pushed the table to the other couch, his glasses askew. Picking Elle up, he placed her on the couch. Unzipping his pants, he let them fall to the ground. His fully erect cock came forth, beads of precum dripping from the tip. Elle leaned forward, wrapping her lips around it.
Ramses let out a surprised moan, knees nearly giving out as Elle sucked. Once the few drops of precum were swallowed, the heat drastically reduced. Panting, Elle pulled back and let her tongue swirl around the tip.
Then, she felt herself blushing. The reality of the situation began to crash around her. Pulling her head back, she quickly let go of Ramses cock and put her hands at her side.
“Um…” The wetness between her legs was almost unbearable. “I’m… Sorry.”
“It’s fine.” Ramses panted, sitting down on the table. “It wasn’t your fault. I understand if you want to leave now.”
Elle stared at his cock, swallowing hard. It was glistening with her saliva. She should leave. This was not only inappropriate, but they were both in a bad spot. But her body was literally hurting with need.
“Ramses.” Her face was probably tomato red. What had she just done? Ramses probably thought… “This wasn’t your fault.”
“I know. But I should have warned you.” He was attempting to put his dick back in his pants, which seemed to be a challenge.
“Erm…” She prodded her forefingers against one another, biting her lower lip. “This is super inappropriate. But is the antidote for this fruit…” Her voice trailed off as she became more flustered. “You know, demon semen?”
Mutely, Ramses nodded. “I didn’t want you to either get too excited or too disgusted.” He looked up at her when she stood over him. “Because I’ve been told it can be rather potent.”
“So, are you sure you gave me enough of a dose?” She lifted her skirt, showing him her wetness. “Because I would, uh, prefer not to go back to how I was.” Her legs shook, the blush filled her entire body.
Ramses’ eyes went wide, and he took off his glasses, setting them down on the table. “I’m not sure. It’s not an exact science. But…” He was cut off when Elle kissed him, straddling his lap.
“Oh.” He kissed her back, looping his hands around her waist.
“Elle,” He said, his voice muffled by her mouth. His pupils dilated slightly, the blood vessels thickening.
“Hm?” She pulled back, her arms around his neck.
“If you want to wait, the lust will wear off.”
Elle thought about it, but shook her head, “I want to do this.” She nibbled at his exposed skin, hands running up and down the nape of his neck.
“Very well.” He stood, keeping her legs wrapped around his waist.
Setting her back onto the couch, Ramses straddled her, pinning her arms above her head against the armrest.
“Are you still hot?”
She nodded.
Taking Elle’s shirt, he slid it off and let it fall to the floor, leaving her in only her skirt.
“Aren’t you?”
“Sunlight.” He gestured to the windows.
“Consider this… Paid overtime.” Nudging her legs open, Ramses lined himself up, prodding against her slit. Each touch made Elle gasp, grinding against him.
Then, he slid inside. Elle gasped, instantly clenching around him. Ramses gripped the back of the couch, letting out a surprised whimper. Leaning down, he wrapped his arms around her and began to thrust. Once her arms were free, she let her hands explore him.
The touch seemed to encourage him further and he hilted himself.
Elle screamed in pleasure, digging her nails into Ramses’ shirt. Covering her mouth with his, Ramses began to pound into her, each thrust making her see a flash of color.
“God,” He said between thrusts. “You’re so tight.” His breath was warm against her face and neck. Leaning down, he nibbled her neck. “I…” The blush returned to his face.
Elle pulled him back, their lips meeting again. Pushing her tongue into his mouth, she let them dance as he found his rhythm and continued to pump back and forth. Each moan encouraged him, and he went harder.
As the thrusts went deeper, Elle cried out, her back arching. She ran her hands down Ramses shirt and vest, the fabric chafing against her skin. Unlike her own clothing, it pushed her closer to the edge, but she felt herself hitting the wall again.
Her breasts began to bounce, and Ramses groaned, his legs and buttock suddenly clenching.
“Please!” She begged, squeezing him tightly. “Finish inside me!”
“Fuck!” Ramses yelped, before he released, the fluid spilling out of Elle. Panting, he shuddered, placing his hands on either side of her head. Sweat trickled down his face. Clenching, he thrust against her as he emptied everything inside.
The orgasm finally came, and Elle clenched, wrapping her legs around his and pulling Ramses close. Shivering, she panted and closed her eyes.
“I think… That’s enough.” He slipped out of her and sat up on the couch, his softening cock still shimmering with her wetness.
Elle shuddered, then slowly sat up, rescuing her shirt from the floor and holding it up to her chest. She was covered with the strange black residue from his hands.
“I am very sorry about that.” Ramses zipped his pants up and buckled his belt. “I completely understand if you want to quit.”
“Umm…” Elle worried at her lower lip. “You see, I didn’t exactly dislike it and I really need this job.” She couldn’t even look at him without blushing.
“I could tell.” Ramses eyes went wide and he put his glasses back on. “Although I’m not sure how much of that was me or the Fruit.” He rubbed his face. “I’m going to kill that fox the next time I see him.”
Elle swallowed hard, thinking of the cakes. “Um, before you get all worked up, shouldn’t you get ready to open the bar?”
Ramses rubbed his face with a sigh. “I’ve got some time.” He looked her over. “I know you live farther away, but do you want to get cleaned up at my place? Er, not that I’m inviting you back over for...” He let the silence hang in the air. 
Sighing, Elle nodded. “One thing at a time. I need to get this ‘antidote’ off me before it leaves a stink.” The scent of sex was already making her dizzy and flushed.
Helping her up, Ramses helped her dress and helped her back down to the main gathering area, collecting the charm from the floor. Stopping at the umbrella holder, he pulled out a parasol and opened it. When he took a few steps outside, he suddenly staggered.
Wrapping his arm around her, Elle helped him walk.
“It’s not too far," Ramses explained. “Erm, so, about what happened.”
“My lips are sealed,” Elle mimed locking her lips and throwing away a key. “As long as you don’t tell the others about me trying to blow you. And everything else.”
Ramses stifled a noise and looked away. “It’s fine. Just erm… Expect a bonus on your first check.”
“A bonus?” Now she was starting to feel like it was some sort of hush money.
“I take… Very good care of my employees.” Ramses frowned. “It’s hard to keep them on.” Swallowing hard, he sighed. “Elle, what I did back there, I promise I’m not normally like that. I know demons have a reputation for being sinners, but I don’t want you to feel I took advantage.”
“Too bad, I had a lot of fun.” Elle blushed at her words. “Sorry, was that too much?”
Ramses bit at his lip. “No, but I am your boss. I don’t want rumors to spread.”
“I understand.” She felt the rest of the heat finally leave her body, leaving her head clear. “But don’t… ever be afraid to ask. I um, headed after this job for a reason. Not just for the pay.”
Ramses hid his face and nodded.
If every day was going to be like this, then this new job was going to be interesting. She’d have to apologize to Wrecks tomorrow.
At least there was hazard pay.
(You can read part 02 here!)
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livwritesstuff · 4 months
this one is in honor of the 2-year anniversary of st4 (literally last week but my life is a whole whirlwind atm)
It occurs to Eddie one night as he’s putting his and Steve’s daughter to bed that it’s been twenty years since everything in Hawkins, Indiana went to shit (for him, anyway).
Not down to the day, obviously, but it’s mid-March of 2006 and, honestly, mid-March is the only calendrical detail he ever really retained (too preoccupied with the whole on the run thing to be paying attention to the date, which he thinks is fair enough).
It’s kinda crazy, when he thinks about it, because he really didn’t see himself coming out of those god-awful days alive to tell the tale. Here he is though, twenty years later, alive and truly well.
Steve beats him to bed that night (probably because he’d called dibs on their youngest, Robbie, that night, leaving Eddie to wrangle Moe – the difficult one of the pair when it came to bedtimes because, frankly, her ability to argue her way into extra stories is getting a little frightening), already sitting under the covers with a magazine by the time Eddie retires to their room.
Their room.
That’s one of those things Eddie wouldn’t have believed if he’d heard about it while he was bleeding out in the Upside Down twenty years ago. 
The Steve of it all really is the most improbable – that’s Eddie’s opinion anyway.
Surviving a swarm of hungry bat demons? No problem.
Bagging (i.e. marrying the fuck out of) Steve Harrington? Totally out of the question.
Here he is though, defying all the odds.
“You know what I realized?” Eddie asks as he climbs into bed beside Steve.
“Hmm,” Steve replies, not looking away from his magazine. His glasses are slipping a little as he reads, and Eddie reaches out to nudge them back up the bridge of his nose. The gesture has Steve raising his head to look at him.
“What’d you realize?” Steve asks.
“It’s been twenty years since all that shit in Hawkins.”
Steve’s gaze slides off somewhere behind Eddie for a moment.
“Shit, you’re right,” he says, “Crazy.”
“That’s what I said,” Eddie grins. Steve isn’t matching his expression though. Rather, he’s looking at him somewhat pensively, dark brown eyes roaming over his face.
“Hey,” Eddie says, because he gets it. They can make all the jokes they want about how wild that time was, but it doesn’t ever take away the horrible things they'd seen, the horrible things they'd been asked to do.
Eddie’s glad he survived and all, but people don’t always talk about how the after of surviving isn’t necessarily a walk in the park either.
He runs a hand through Steve’s hair, grazes the tips of his fingers over the barely-raised scars on his neck left behind from whatever went down at the Creel House in the Upside Down, “I love you, Steve.”
“Love you too,” Steve replies, gripping a hand tight around Eddie's thigh, "So much."
"So fucking much. Sucks we had to go through all that shit to get here, but...I'm glad we're here."
And Steve only nods as he wraps an arm around Eddie's shoulders to pull him in close.
"Yeah," he eventually says, pressing a firm kiss against the side of Eddie's head, "I'm glad we're here too."
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cod-dump · 7 months
Nikpricegraves thoughts, special delivery!
Nik getting more grey in his hair, and neither Price or Graves wants to bring it up, because they don't know how Nik feels about it. They dom't want to make him feel self-conscious.
So they wait. And Nik finally brings it up, very casually (fronting like hell) musing aloud that he might color the grey so people don't think their evac pilot is too old.
And maaaaybe Price and Graves wanted their responses to be a liiiittle more restrained, a little more level-headed. But they weren't.
Price: You are not TOUCHING that silver--
Graves: Like HELL you're--absolutely not!
Price: Anyone lucky enough to have you picking him up has no right to complain about that!
Graves: And it's sexy as hell anyway!
Price: Exactly, you're fuckin gorgeous.
Nik: ... Thank you?
Nik was a very confident man. He was sure of himself, comfortable in his own skin and almost never doubted himself. But seeing the thin stripes of silver in his hair… he wasn’t too confident on it. The reality of him being old was setting in and he wasn’t very happy about it.
Nik never gave the thought of him getting old much thought considering he didn’t think he would get this far, especially not with his constant flirting with death. He never thought about how he would feel about growing grey, and now that it was here, highlighting his temples? Nik felt his heart squeeze, uncertainty making his chest tight.
Worse part was that neither his husband or boyfriend had mentioned anything about the grey, which just added to his uncertainty about it. He’s caught them whispering about it, both immediately cutting themselves off upon noticing him. He’s caught them staring, again no comments about it. Nik knows they had noticed it, of course they did. They notice everything new or different about him, most of the time even before he’s noticed it.
He didn’t like their silence and was choosing to assume the worst. But he kept quiet, just like how they were choosing to stay quiet. The topic of greying hair wouldn’t come up until one night while they ate dinner. He couldn’t help but stare at their own hair, how he would’ve noticed if John had started to grey (surprising he hadn’t by this point). The silver would’ve been noticeable amongst his dark brown hair, within his beard. It would be undeniably attractive.
Phil greying would been less noticeable considering his golden hair. There would’ve needed to be quite a few grey hairs before it was obvious and even then it would blend nicely with the gold strands. It would add to the American’s charm. Both would carry silver has crowns yet… Nik couldn’t determine that about himself. Couldn’t see himself with it, even as it took residence within his hair.
“I think I need to start investing in hair dye.”
The speed in which Phil turned his head to look at him made Nik fear he would break his neck. John just froze mid bite, eyes looking up to stare at him. Nik kept his usual level of smug confidence about him even though he wasn’t feeling anything remotely similar. Phil swallows his food, taking a deep swig of his water before he glares at him.
“Over my dead body.”
Nik blinked in surprise, his facade cracking.
“Nik, my love, if you do that you’d break my heart,” John added, staring intensely at him.
Nik looked between his partners before he cleared his throat, “Right-“
“Nikky, I’m serious,” Phil said firmly, “That silver is so fucking hot and if you dye it I’ll probably cry.”
“I second that,” John said very seriously.
Nik couldn’t help but laugh at their seriousness. Phil stood and walked behind him fingers going into his hair which of course caused Nik to lean back and practically melt. John stood as well and walked over.
“Should’ve known something was up when you hadn’t said anything. Big, bad Nikolai, insecure over some grey hairs.”
Nik huffs, closing his eyes as Phil continued to play with his hair, “I am not insecure.”
“You just said you wanted to dye it.”
Nik huffs, he could hear Phil’s smirk. He mustered up an unamused frown, which was immediately chased away by a well placed kiss from John. Nik was choosing to be annoyed in order to hide how relieved he felt about their approval. The two would probably pry that confession out of him later when it wouldn’t add onto their smugness over his unusual lack of confidence.
“You might want to prepare for when we return from leave, the boys are definitely going to say something when they notice.”
Nik snorts, “If they have a problem with their transport getting grey then they can cry about it.”
“Cry and complain, with bad jokes on the side.”
By the time they returned from leave, Nik would regain his rock solid confidence. And some jokes of his own because what is an old man without his jokes?
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adoreeenina · 4 months
For You, I’ll Risk It All
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Part one: High School Crush
-Series Masterlist-
Relationship: DBF! Hank Voight x Plus Size! Olinsky! Reader
WC: 7.3k
Series Summary: He is corrupted and vicious, nothing but a dirty cop. At least that's what you've been told by your mother. You hated him and you weren't afraid to show it at the slightest, but that all changed when he protected you from going to jail when you were 18.
Coming back from New York after five years, you decided to live for yourself for once.
You didn't expect it would start by falling for Hank Voight.
You know your dad's best friend.
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Being one of the well known detective’s daughter has its perks, the main one is protection from anyone and anything, the second anyone hears your last name, they quickly back off, knowing what to come of them if they even lay a finger on you; but it also has its downfalls. One of them involving dating.
Anyone who you brought home were intimidated by him almost immediately, you’re pretty sure they know about your fathers being a dirty cop, or atleast the whispers.
Yes. You knew about it, you always known since you were thirteen. You remember the late night arguments between your parents, you would be sitting down on top of the stairs and listen. They weren’t exactly being quiet, atleast your mother wasn’t. Your father trying to calm her down or atleast keep it quiet before you or your sister wake up. Since then, you try to keep your sister Lexi in the dark as much as you can, she doesn’t need to know how many people your father killed.
And that’s where Hank comes in. You haven’t met him yet or seen him. Your mother always mentions him in almost every argument she has with your father. Blaming him for getting your father involved in his dirty work and maybe one day getting himself killed because of it. And that thought scared you.
You were sixteen when you met Hank for the first time. It was the middle of your summer break. Your sister wanted to go to summer camp and your mom volunteered to be one of the chaperones, and the offered you to be home alone most of the time when your father works.
On the rare days when your father gets those days off, he spends them with you. You were having a movie night. Your father let you choose, you decided on a horror movie, Conjuring. You were in the kitchen making popcorn, one with kettle corn powder and the other with white cheddar.
You were making your way to the living room when the door bell rings. Startling you, you pause mid step, you look up the stairs where your father is doing god knows what.
Then you remembered your dad ordered pizza from the closest pizzeria 15 minutes ago. Your stomach grumbled when you thought of food, and you couldn't wait to dig in.
Walking the rest of your way to the living room, you place the bowls of popcorn down on the coffee table. Grabbing money out of your dad’s wallet, you quickly walk over to the front door.
Opening the door, ready to hand the delivery person the money, but pause when you see an unfamiliar man you’ve never seen before.
The man before you stood about 5’10, cropped black brown hair that was greying from the temples upwards and brown eyes that considered you carefully. He had the jaw line of a Greek God.
He looks down at you with a raised brow in confusion. Why the hell is he looking at you like that? If anyone should be staring like that should be you.
He scans you and you only just now realize what you are wearing. Or lack of what you are wearing. In your blue Cookie Monster pajamas shorts and an oversized black shirt that hangs on your left shoulder.
Feeling a little selfconscious by the way he’s looking at you, you subconsciously pull down your pajamas shorts down.
Pushing your feelings aside, you cross your arms across your chest and glare at the man trying to be intimidating but it only amuses him.
“Can I help you?” You ask not caring how rude you might’ve sound.
You could’ve sworn you saw the corner of his mouth twitch as though trying to stifle a smirk, after silently considering you for a few more painful seconds, he decided to speak.
“Hank Voight. I’m looking for Alvin.” your brows raised up slightly at the name.
“Sorry. you must got the wrong house. I don’t know any Alvin.”
He hums in the back of his throat, the only acknowledgement he gave to your answer.
If he is who he says he is, you don’t want him here at all. You only know what your mother said about him. He’s nothing but a dirty cop. Your mother would be infuriated if she were here.
“You sure?” He squints at you, obviously giving you a chance to be honest with him.
You give him a sarcastic smile, “I’m sure.” taking a step back, you grab onto the door to close it, “Sorry you didn’t find what you were looking for” you fake being sympathetic. “Bye bye.” you wave as you close the door with a smile.
“Y/n!” You hear your dad’s fast footsteps rushing behind you to stop the door from closing, grabbing the door to allow it to fully open.
“What?” You faux innocence. Your dad looks down at you with a stern look obviously not buying it.
Turning to face Hank with apologetic grin, “Sorry. My daughter can be a little asshole.”
“Dad!” You gasp with a glare his way.
Hearing Hank chuckle under his breath made you snap your head at his direction and glare.
Spurred by annoyance, you contemplate just slamming the door to his face, the scolding you might get be damned.
“Why the hell is he doing here?” Your face scrunch up as you wave your arm at Hank’s direction.
“Alright, Y/n that’s enough.” your dad grabs you by your bicep and tugs you away from the door.
“You know mom won’t like it if she finds out he’s here.” you whisper. Your dad sighs, glancing at Hank before dragging you to the kitchen.
“That’s why we won’t tell mom.”
“Look sweetheart-“
“Are you leaving?” You cut him off. His face softened hearing the distressed pain in your question.
“You promised you would spend the day with me. I miss spending time with you, I never get to see you. All you focus on is your stupid job…. Is this why mom made you move to the garage?”
Alvin was lost for words. He should’ve known better he’s oldest daughter would’ve caught on with all the fight and late discussion he had with Meredith. It hurt him the way Meredith looks at him but it hurts even seeing the broken look in your eyes.
“Y/n.” he reaches his out to you, making you take a step back. Feeling betrayed and hurt.
“Actually, You know what dad? You can do whatever you need to do. Clearly I’m not your first priority.” pulling your arm out of his grip, you move past him, and grab your phone from the table.
“Y/n!” Alvin calls behind you, but you ignore his calls, not giving a glance towards the door, knowing Hank is still there waiting. You rush up the stairs to your room, slamming the door behind you.
You might’ve been dramatic, overthinking, or overreacting, but since that day, your relationship with your dad hasn’t been the same. You’ve always been daddy’s girl, so it hit you pretty hard not having that kind of relationship with him anymore. But you were tired of being put a side and not being a priority, you miss spending those days where it’s just the two of you, it could be him taking you shopping,or taking you to the ice cream parlor, or just taking to the park.
Now, it’s like you don’t even have a father, at least one that’s present in your life. Not only is your relationship with your dad went downhill, your mom isn’t any better.
Your mother can be a bit overbearing at times. At least with you. Mostly about your weight. She always been pretty brazen about her opinion on your body. Telling you to lose weight by going to the gym, go on a diet, even going as far to suggest some supplements she seen on TikTok that could help you(which you know are BS).
You’ve always been a big girl, even when you were a little girl. Though you went through puberty pretty early in your life, your curves came in and shaped your body beautifully.
You love your body, you might get a little self conscious about it from time to time but what girl doesn’t? You learned pretty early on you might not be everyone type but you might be someone’s type and that was enough to give you confidence about your plump figure.
Now how your luck has it, you actually know Hank’s son Justin and adopted daughter Erin Lindsay though you didn’t know it at the time. You went to school with them, Erin is a little older than you but Justin is the same age as you.
Now back to your father’s best friend. After your first meeting, you started to hold a little grudge against him.
But it seems like luck isn’t on your side when you keep crossing paths with him once or twice. More since you became close friends with Justin and Erin. Though you you try your best to never interacted with him. Yeah, you might’ve been a little brat about that.
Once Erin graduated, she went straight to the Police Academy, wanting to follow Hank’s footsteps. That left you spending most of your time with Justin. Who would’ve thought you spending so much time together would’ve led you to lose your virginity to Justin Voight.
But sadly it wasn’t mind blowing like you had thought. Your girl friends always talked about how their first time was magical, even went into to much details. Now that you think about it, maybe it was all bullshit to make themselves look better in front of your friend group.
Though you can’t put the full blame on Justin, he has a decent size penis and tried to make you feel good, even tried to put your pleasure over his own. It wasn’t bad but it wasn’t good either. After that, you two decided to just stay friends and act like it never happened, which you were glad it didn’t mess up your friendship.
There’s also one big thing you learned about yourself pretty early on… you liked men. Older men. Old enough to be your father.
You always knew you liked older men but being under aged is what stopped you most of the time. You were flirted with by older men more than boys your age.
And you liked it. You liked it a lot.
You liked the attention they’ve given you, they were shameless and wasn’t afraid to get what they want. They didn’t care about how much you weigh or what size of clothes you are.
You didn’t know what to was about men that really turns you on. It could be the deep voice. Salt and pepper hair. The way men could get protective of you. Or maybe it could be they are experienced.
You need a man who can teach you a thing or two.
Now, you did an amazing job of avoiding Hank but that couldn’t be avoided when you were eighteen.
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Justin💙: Party 2night?
You: Fuck Yes!!! You’re picking me up, right???
Justin💙: What about your parents?
You: Told them I’m going over to your place. Besides they won’t even notice. Mom is out with Lexi and Dad is most likely drinking and watching TV
Justin💙: You sure?
You: It’s the only way I’m going
You: What should I wear?
Justin💙: Something Sexy🥴🤤
You: I’m serious Justin😂
Justin💙: What are my options then?
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Justin💙: Fuck🫠😩
Justin💙: The red one. Definitely the red one
Justin💙: And wear those heels that makes your legs look so sexy🥴
With a smile, you toss your phone to your bed and make your way to your bathroom to take a quick shower.
Today is supposed to be the best day. You’ll graduate the end the week. Which means you’re done with the people you could care less from High School completely.
Tonight you’re going to party. One of your classmates is having at party at his place while his parents are away for their anniversary.
Getting out the bathroom in only a robe and a towel over your head. You sit down in front of your vanity and do your makeup as natural as you can, you’ll be sweating and drinking, you need your makeup to last all night and not look cakey.
You look at the time and quickly put on a pair of biker shorts and a zip up hoodie. Grabbing your backpack, you place your dress, heels, and purse inside, along with your perfume and extra makeup to finish yourself up.
Justin will be coming by to pick you up in his car. Everything was set and making it home from school the excitement made you zone out.
Your phone flashes signaling you Justin has texted you.
Justin💙: I’m outside
Throwing your bag over your shoulder, you race down the stairs.
“Where are you going?” Your dad stops you before you could reach the door. He is sitting on the couch with his feet prompt up on the coffee table with a beer in hand, watching TV.
“Over to Justin’s. I told you already.”
“He’s picking you up?”
“Just the two of you? Alone?”
“Dad.” you groan, “I’m eighteen, you don’t have to worry about me anymore.”
“That may be true.” you watch as he gets up from the couch with a grunt and stands in front of you, “but you’ll always be my baby girl. No matter what.” He smiles sweetly at you.
You give him a sincere smile. Even though your relationship has been somewhat strained, moments like these is what you cherish the most.
“I love you. C’mere. ” he pull you in for a bear hug.
“I love you too, dad.” you smile into his chest. Alvin presses a kiss on your head then leans his head back to look at you.
“What?” You question. He tilts his head with furrowed brows.
“Are you wearing makeup?”
“Dad!” You whine as you cover your face to hide how embarrassed you are.
Your phone rings once more, another message from Justin telling you to hurry your ass up.
“I gotta go. Justin is waiting for me.”
“He’s outside?”
“Mhmm.” you hum, looking down at your phone messaging Justin back. Your dad nudges you to the door.
“Bye dad.” you peck his cheek.
“Bye baby.”
“Hey, Justin!” Your dad waves once he opens the door allowing you to leave.
“Hey, Mr. Olinsky!” Justin waves back through the open window of the car.
“Better take care of her!”
“Oh I will. Don’t you worry!” Justin winks at you.
“Oh my god.” you roll your eyes at Justin, waving bye at your dad, you get in the back of Justin car.
“Why you sitting in the back?” Justin looks at you through the rear view mirror.
“Hey! Eyes on the road, pretty boy.” you reach from the back seat and hit the back of Justin’s head “I’m changing.”
“Why don’t you wear the dress under your clothes like any normal girl”
“Cause I’m not normal, you should know that by now.”
You unzip the thin jacket you have on and pull it down your shoulders. You’re wearing an adhesive bra, to hold up your heavy breast while wearing the dress that reveals your shoulders.
“Fucker!” you hiss. Zipping open your backpack, you grab your dress, putting the sleeves of your dress on first, “I said no peaking.”
Justin lets out a low chuckle, keeping his eyes on the road once more.
Placing the dress over your head, you tug it down to your waist. You pull down your shorts and throw them in your backpack, then tug down the rest of your dress down to your mid thigh. Lastly the best for last, you strap on your heels.
“What did you tell your dad, when you left?” You ask to break the silence.
“Nothing. He’s working late. He doesn’t know I’m gone.”
“My, my, what a naughty boy you are, Justin. I might have to punish you.” you lean forward against the center console to look at the side profile of Justin.
“Shut up.” he laughs.
“You know… I might not like your dad but I can’t deny that he’s hot.” you tease.
“Of course you would say that.” Justin face scrunches up in disgust making you laugh, “I forgot how you prefer older men.”
“Yep! And it’s thanks to you.”
“Hey! I wasn’t that bad!”
“You weren’t good either.”
“You’re such a fucking bitch.” Justin shakes his head with a laugh.
“Yeah but you still love me though.” you smile smugly at him.
“Unfortunately.” you slap his shoulder making him recoil away from you with a smile.
Justin parks the car a little further than the house since the road was already cut off from how many cars were parked. ‘Rack City’ by Tyga burst through the loudspeakers, you could feel the vibration in your entire body.
Justin being the gentleman that he is with you, opens the door for you. He helps you of the car and steady you in your heels. He tugs down the back of your dress as he closes the door. You thanked him.
Justin places his hand on your lower back and guides you to the house full of people.
“Woo!!! Senior graduates!!!” You hear someone cheers running into the house.
“Woo!!!” Justin mimics next to you, he wraps his arm around your shoulder pulling close to his side.
Entering the house, the place is decorated in the school colors of blue and black streamers, paper graduation caps hanging from the end of a stream decorates in various places in the ceiling, different color lights shine brightly in different rooms of the house. The party is awesome.
“Yo, Justin! Glad you could make it bro!” Mickey steps in front of the both of you, he hands Justin a drink.
“Wouldn’t miss it.” Justin chugs down whatever alcohol was in the cup like it was nothing.
“N/n you look scrumptious as ever.” Mickey smirks at you.
“Bite me.” you roll your eyes, showing your disinterest at his attempt of flirting.
“I will if-“
“Hey what did I say?” Justin points a threatening finger against Mickey’s chest.
“Sorry.” Mickey raises his hands up, palms out.
Yeah, Justin is over protective of you, that’s much is clear. He’s basically one of the reasons why no one never really picked on you. They were afraid of Justin, he has just as much of a reputation as his father.
The last time a guy tried to pick on you ended up with a concussion and Justin suspended.
Not only is he over protective of people picking on you, he’s also over protective when it comes to guys flirting with you. He acts like an older brother wanting to protect his younger sister’s innocence, which is kinda weird to you since he was the one that took your virginity.
“Y/n!!!” You hear someone suddenly screech and jumps on you wrapping their arms around you.
“Bitch!” You groan at the added weight. You thank the lord for Justin holding you up if not you would’ve fell and everyone would’ve gotten an eyeful.
Recognizing the blue hair, you instantly knew it was Gwen.
Gwen pulls herself away from you, her hands on your shoulder and her eyes gaze up and down at your figure with a smirk.
“You look hot, babe.”
“Thanks Gwen.” you laugh at her bluntness.
“C’mon the others are waiting for you.” she grabs your wrist to tug you along with her.
“Hey!” Justin shouts offensively, throwing his arms up.
“Relax, pretty boy. We’ll be by the pool so you know where she’s at. Geez he acts like he’s your boyfriend or something.” Gwen rolls her eyes.
You smile sheepishly at Justin who doesn’t stop glaring at Gwen. You let Gwen take you to the back of the house where the pool is.
There you meet up with Daniel, Jacky, Sean, and Kate.
“Y/n Olinsky at a house party. Never thought I’ll see the day. I didn’t take you the type to be into this kind of thing. I thought clubs will be more your thing.” Daniel grins.
“Hey if theres alcohol involved I’m coming.”
“Speaking of coming. Here.” Kate hands you a red cup, “its squirt with tequila.”
“You’re the best.” you take the drink and chug it down, wincing a little at the after taste of the tequila but that’s to the soda it keeps it at bay.
Two hours into the party, you’ve danced with your friends, watched the guys play beer pong, and the people who are at the pool.
You, Jacky, and Gwen decided to take a break from the party and sit down on the steps of the porch to get some air that doesn’t smell like sweat and alcohol.
“What you planning on doing after high school?” Ask Jacky before she sips the rest of her alcohol.
“I don’t know about y’all but I’m ain’t going to college. I just want to travel around the world with my cat. I could do it, you know. I could just get a random job, buy a bus, buy the supplies, and just remodel it. I could just work online.”
“That’s sounds badass.” you respond to Gwen.
“What about you?” Gwen turns the question to you. You shrug.
“I got accepted in NYU Groosman School of Medicine.” you mutter. You hear the two girls squeal making you wince.
“Dude isn’t that your dream school?”
“It is.”
“Then why does it sound like you aren’t excited about it?”
“Maybe because I don’t want to go to the medical field. The whole reason I even applied was because I wanted to get out of here and be on my own. My mom wanted me go to a college close by but I want to be independent and be on my own.” you sigh.
You’ve been understandably stressed out. You wanted to get out of your parents house and be independent but you also don’t want to be away from home. You don’t want to leave Lexi alone with your overbearing mom, you know your dad would be there but he’s too busy with work to be at home most of the time.
You didn’t think you’ll be accepted to NYU. It has a reputation of being one of the hardest colleges to be accepted in. The only reason you applied is because you were good in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Calculus. Your teachers always encouraged you in the medical field so that’s what you did but now you’re starting to regret your decision.
“You know what you need?” Gwen looks directly at you.
“What’s that?” You answered, taking a sip from the cup in your hand.
“To get laid.”
The way that you choked on your drink was undignified and most unlady-like.
You glare at Jacky and at Gwen who was smirking. Jacky patted your back, sympathetically.
Surprisingly, the thumping music vibrated through your body, calming your mind. The alcohol also helped!
“First of all,” you clear your throat, “I get laid plenty, thank you very much. Second, how did we go from talking about our future to getting me laid?”
“Your still fucking that fire fighter?” Question Jacky
“Oh yeah.”
“I wonder what your dad would say if he ever finds out.” teases Gwen with a knowing smirk
“He will say nothing cause it’s none of his business.” you roll your eyes.
“Not if he finds out which one it is.” Jacky grins down at her cup.
“Maybe.” you shrug
“Dude, what is it with cops and firefighters having a war against each other?”
“Right? What’s up with that?”
“Who knows.” you shrug, “i think-“
“Shh!” Gwen shushes you, “ya hear that?”
Just as when Gwen says that, you hear the distance sound of police sirens. Leaning forward, in the distance you see the red and blue flashing lights.
Just like that everything runs into chaos. Everyone runs around trying to get out of the house and make a run for it.
Everyone is drunk as fuck to even run straight. So were you but you were sober enough to get up and run in the house to look for Justin.
“Justin!” You shout over the crowd of people. You stand on your tippy toes to look over the crowd but couldn’t find him.
"Y/n, what are you doing?” Mickey suddenly appears in front of you, his eyes wide. He quickly takes your hand. "We gotta go."
“But Justin-“
“He’ll be fine. C’mon there’s no time.” you nod, letting him pull you out of the house.
The house is still half empty of drunk teenagers as the cops surrounds the house, but that doesn’t stop Mickey from making a run for it with you behind him.
“Freeze! Stop where you are!”
“Shit!” Mickey curses.
“Hey Cal, there’s alcohol surrounding the place. These kids been drinking.”
Of course someone called the cops on the party, what a cliche.
“Arms in the air and turn around. Slowly.”
Doing as your told. Two cops you don’t recognize, walks towards the two of you.
One reached for the cuffs at his belt, quickly grabbing you by the elbow and cuffs your wrist in front of you. He grabs you by your elbow leading you to a police car.
“Hey!” You whine from the tight grip of his hand on you.
“Keep moving.”
“Calm it, I’m in heels, asshole.” you snap at him.
Opening the door, the cop pushes your head down as you get in, the other cop pushes Mickey in next to you.
“Fuck. My dad is going to kill me.” you quietly groan, throwing your head back. You look out the window seeing some other kids being dragged into different cop cars.
The drive to the police station was a blur. The same cop drags you out of the car with Mickey behind you.
Seeing the familiar silver haired woman with her normal stern face in the front desk, you keep your head down so she won’t recognize you.
“You have to be so rough?!” You glare at the cop as he pushes you down on a chair and cuffs your left hand on the armrest, “is that really necessary?”
The cop ignores you, he walks away with your confiscated purse in his hand.
“Hey asshole, watch it!” you turn your toward the noise to see Mickey being dragged, the cop shoves him down in the chair next to you.
“Both of you wait here till we get back.”
“Like we have much of a choice.” you bite back. The cop gives you a look before leaving.
“Fuck man.” Mickey groans next to you.
“Tell me about it. I had to get arrested wearing this.” you point at your red dress. Compared to the plain looking police station, you stand out like a sore thumb.
“Could be worse.” Mickey smirks down at you.
“Oh yeah? Like what?”
“You could look like him.” Mickey points at what looks like a man in women’s clothing. Is that a prostitute?
“Oh my god, Mickey! Don’t point!” you scold him and pinch his side with your hand that isn’t restraint.
“Ow okay!” he laughs as he tries to get away from you.
“Hank, you’re still here?” You overhear Trudy, you lean over slightly to see none other than Hank.
“Fuck.” you groan.
“I thought you left with the others.”
“Nah. I needed to get some paper work done first.”
“You know him?” Mickey looks between you and Hank.
“Yeah that’s Justin’s dad also my dad’s best friend. Quick make yourself big so he won’t see me.”
“Babe,” Mickey deadpans at you, “your dress is a far cry compared to everything here. He’ll notice you even if I try to cover you.”
“Shut up and do as your told.” you shove him.
“Alright.” the police officer from before walks up to the two of you. “I’ll need your name”
“Y/n.” he writes it down.
“Last name?”
You hesitate, “Olinsky.” you mumble.
The police officer pauses, he gazes down at you before letting out a hearty laugh, “Olinsky? You’re Alvin’s daughter?” You wince at how loud he’s being, “No fucking way.”
Well so much for being discreet. If Hank didn’t know you were here now he does.
You shift in your seat uncomfortably, your eyes gaze around the room before hiding your face behind you hand. Trying to make yourself small as possible.
“Y/n?” You hear the all familiar gravelled husky voice of Hank. You look up to see Hank gaze on you with a raised brow. You two make eye contact for a split second, before you break it.
“You got to be fucking kidding me.” you mumble, sliding down your chair slightly and cover your eyes with your hand.
You want the floor to swallow you whole.
“What’s going on here?” Hank question the officer.
“Someone called about a house party. These kids been drinking.” You roll your eyes at the officers matter of fact tone.
“Is that right?” Hank gaze goes back to you, his expression hard to read, making you feel uneasy.
God kill me now. Please.
“Apparently this one right here is Al’s daughter.”
“I’ll take her off your hands and take it from here.
Mickey sits quietly next to you with raised brow, astonished. He looks at you and mouths ‘what the fuck’.
“Uhh Sarge, I don’t think-“ one hard look from Hank made him reconsider. “Okay. No problem.”
“Uncuff her.”
“Sure. Okay.”
You watch silently as the officer stumbles a little with the keys and takes off your handcuff. You sigh as you rub your wrist in relief from its tight bounds.
“Let’s go.” Hank gestures for you to get up with his fingers.
“Did you have anything with you before you got arrested?”
“Yeah my purse. It has my phone and wallet in it.”
Hank turns to the police officer.
“Where’s her purse?”
“It’s confiscated in a storage location.”
“Get someone to bring me her belongings and her arrest charges. I’ll be in my office.”
“Yes Sarge.”
He grabs you by the elbow, more gently than the cop did and . You both barely made it half way to wherever he planned on taking you when you start to protest.
“Hey! Wait a second! I’m not going anywhere with you.” you yank your arm out of his grip.
You watch the way Hank clenches his jaw as he looks at you, losing his patience with your bratty attitude, but you don’t shy away from his stare.
“For once, be a good girl and do what I say. Al might tolerate your attitude but I surely won’t.” Hank retorts, his eyes never leaving yours, a shiver going down your spine at his dark tone.
“Now move it, princess.” you roll your eyes at the pet name and begrudgingly let Hank lead you with a hand on the small of your back.
Hank leads you up the stairs to the bullpen and into his office. Opening the door, he allows you to enter first before he does and closes the door behind him.
“Sit down.” At his sharp tone, you oblige instantly with no arguement from you.
Besides your dad, Hank could be scary at times but you do have a tendency of pushing a little too far.
Hank not once takes his eyes off you, he stands in front of his desk. Hank leans back against it with arms cross against his chest.
“Does Al know where you are?”
“What do you think?”
“What the hell were you thinking?”
“Excuse me?”
“You could’ve gotten yourself arrested. You going to graduate on Friday and this is how act? You could’ve ruin your chances for college education.”
“Why does it matter to you?”
“Al told me you got accepted into NYU. You really want to ruin that by getting arrested for underage drinking?”
“Who are you to be getting after me? You’re not my dad.”
“No I’m not. But I am someone who cares about you. I know you don’t like me, Y/n. You made that perfectly clear. But your Al’s daughter and my son’s friend. I protect my own and that includes you!”
You and Hank don’t break eye contact. Both waiting for the other to break first.
“Sargent.?” someone knocks on the door before opening it and entering.
“Yeah?” Hank switches his gaze away from you to the officer who just entered.
“Here’s her belonging and her case file you asked for.” the officer hands hank a yellow folder and your purse.
“Is this all?”
“Yes sir.”
“Thanks.” the officer nods and leaves, closing the door once again.
Hank walks around his desk looking through the file before slamming it shut and throw it the trash making your eyes widen.
Did he really just throw away your arrest charges down the trash?
Hank drops down into his chair behind his desk, not taking his eyes off you. Almost challenging you to say something.
“Why?” Is you could ask.
“Consider this me offering you a truce.”
“Truce? For what?”
“I want us to get along. And I’ll start by doing this.”
You didn’t know what to say. You didn’t think he would basically erase your arrest charges. If anything you thought he would use this to blackmail you or something.
“Are you going to tell my dad?”
He leans back in his chair, fingers interlacing across his mid-section as he considers you for a few moments before replying.
“Why not?”
“What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.”
Wow. You didn’t expect that. Hank just keeps surprising more and more. You assumed he would call your dad the second he saw you handcuffed in the police station.
“How much did you drink?”
“You’ve been drinking haven’t you?”
“How much?”
“If you’re asking if I’m drunk. No I’m not. I only drank two or three cups but they weren’t strong. I was tipsy when the cops came. I got sober pretty fast when an officer roughly pushed me in the police car.”
“Who what?”
“The officer. Who was the officer that arrested you?”
“I don’t know. He had a pornstache that you see only in bad pornos.” you shrug.
Hank smirks amused at your answer.
“You still feel a little tipsy?”
“A little.”
“Okay.” suddenly Hank stands up from his chair and walks around his desk, grabbing your purse along the way and hands it to you, “let’s go.”
“Wait what?” You were taken back. You stumble over yourself trying to stand up.
“Where we going?”
“To sober you up.”
“I said I was a little tipsy.”
“I don’t care. Let’s go.” once again Hank places his hand in the small of your back to lead you out of his office. He turns off the light and closes the door, locking it.
You walk close behind him down the stairs. Hank stands on your right side, guiding you to the front entrance.
“Heading out for the night, Trudy.”
“Alright. See ya in the morning.”
Stepping outside, he leads you to his SUV. Walking to the passanger side, Hank opens the door and helps you before closing the door behind you once you sat down comfortably.
You reach for the seat belt buckling yourself up, you sit silently watching out the window with your purse on your lap.
The driver side door opens and Hank gets in. He takes a deep breath before shoving the keys in the keyhole and turn on the SUV.
The entire drive was in complete silence. You start to feel a little awkward being in close proximity with Hank. You never been alone with him before.
“Where we going?”
“There’s a diner close by that’s open 24/7.”
“Why we going there?”
“You need something in your stomach other than whatever alcohol you were drinking.”
“Why do you care so much?”
“I told you, I protect my own and that includes you”
For the rest of the ride you kept your mouth shut. Arriving the diner, Hank gets out first, walking around the front of the SUV and opens the door, holding his hand out to help you down.
Such a gentlemen. Now you know where Justin gets it from.
Once the both of you enter the diner, you both get seated in a booth. Hank sitting across from you.
Looking around the place, it’s practically empty, reminding how late it must be. You have yet to check the time.
A woman in her late 30s maybe mid 40s walks towards your table, “Hello, my name is Rachel and I’ll be you waitress” she place down two menus infront of you and Hank.
“Before we start, will the check be separate or together?”
“It’ll be sep-“
“Together.” Hank cuts you off. Your brows raised as you look at him.
Not only did this man saved you from getting arrested, he’s also buying you food.
“Okay, want to start off with drinks?”
“You have sweet tea?”
“Mhmm, we do”
“I’ll take that”
“I’ll get the same thing.”
“Alright. You two ready to order or do you want time to look at the menu.”
“We’ll take the cheeseburger with everything on both and fries.” Hank tells the waitress. She lets out a soft okay, writing it down. She grabs the two menus before leaving, letting you and Hank be alone once more.
“You’re buying me food too?”
“I’m a gentleman.” he retorts making you shake your head with a laugh.
“Well now I know where Justin gets it from.” you grin at him, you place your elbow on the table with your on the palm of your hand.
“Speaking of Justin, was he at the house party with you? You two always been thick as thieves for as long as I can remember.”
“Will he get in trouble if I say he was?”
“Only for leaving you alone to get arrested.”
“He didn’t leave me alone.” you defend Justin, “we were separated with our different group of friends when the cops showed up. I was looking for him but Mickey stopped me and tried to get us out of the house but the cops caught us.”
“The boy that was sitting next to you at the station?”
“Here’s your drinks,” the waitress comes back with two cups of sweet tea, “and your burger and fries.” she places down two plates in front of you and Hank, “enjoy.” she leaves.
“My dad told you about me going to NYU?” You mention, stuffing a couple of fries in your mouth, remembering Hank mentioning it back at the station.
“He did. He’s really proud of you. Had the biggest smile on his face when he told me.”
You couldn’t help but smile at that. You knew how excited your dad was about you being accepted to one of the best colleges, you also knew how he didn’t like how you would be moving far away from home but he won’t voice it. He knows this could be big for you.
Your mom is whole another story. She’s been trying to change your mind from going since you gotten the letter.
“Same can’t be said about my mother.” you mutter, taking a sip from your cup.
“Yeah Alvin told me about that too.” Hank sighs, shifting in his seat.
“She’s unbearable. Did my dad tell you she blames him for me leaving?”
“She what?” His eyes widen, telling you your dad hasn’t said a word about it.
“Yep. This whole time I thought my dad was the problem but it turns out it’s my mom. Or both.” you shrug
“Is that why you sneaked out to go to a party?”
“Technically… I didn’t sneak out. My dad saw me leave… but he was drinking when I left but he wasn’t drunk.” you tried to plead your case.
“Did you tell him you were going to a party?”
“No.” you play with your straw.
“Did he see you leave in that?” he points at your dress.
“No.” you mutter in between sips.
“Then you were sneaking out. Did Justin park at the end of the street to pick you up?”
“That’s such a fucking cliche,” you laugh, “he parked in front of my house. My dad saw him and even said hi.”
You smile when Hank lets out laugh and shakes his head at you.
“Why are you being nice to me? I’ve been nothing but a bitch to you since the moment we met.” you start to feel guilty.
Even when you started to hang out with Justin and Erin more, you would sometimes go over to their house. Hank for the most part would stay out of the way but he’s been nothing but kind and caring to you when you stayed over. Now you feel like a complete bitch.
You really let your mother’s words brainwash you into thinking Hank is the devil or something. But he’s far from it. At least with you.
You’re not naive, you know what Hank does in the dark where no one sees, but that’s doesn’t stop him from being gentle and caring to the people he holds dear to him.
You’re surprised one of them is you.
“I know your mom don’t like me. Al mentioned once or twice she argues a lot about me involving him in certain situations. I’m not denying they aren’t true but-“
“It’s okay.” you cut him off, “You don’t have to explain yourself to me. I’m not a kid anymore, I know what’s goes on around me. I know you and my dad -maybe your entire squad- do behind the scene. I know you’ve killed people. it doesn’t scare me.”
“It should, sweetheart.”
“But it doesn’t. You only do it cause you care. You don’t hurt innocent people. You just take justice in your own hands. You just do what others aren’t willing to do. I could respect that.”
Hank hums, considering you for moment before speaking.
“You’re something else, you know that.” he grins making you smile.
Finishing off your meals, Hank pays for both your meals. Once again being a gentleman, he walks you to the passenger side and opens the door for you to get in.
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Hank slows down and parks in front of your house. You look out the window to see all the lights in the house are off, telling you everyone should be asleep by now. Giving you the chance to sneak in without being seen.
“Listen,” hearing Hank’s voice, your turn your to look at him, “I know you’re scared about moving away from home but do me a favor.”
“What kind of favor?” You squint your eyes at him.
“Take care yourself in New York.” he says softly and he genuinely means it by the way he looks at you.
“I will.” you gently smile at him. Hank shifts in his seat and opens the center console, grabbing a card handing it to you.
“What is it?”
“My business card. It has my office and my personal number. Don’t be afraid to call me if you need anything.”
“Thank you, Hank.”
“Go inside. You should give Justin a call to let him know you’re alright. He’s probably worried about you.”
“I will.” You smile before leaning over and giving him a small kiss on the cheek, “Goodnight, Hank.”
“Goodnight, sweetheart. Take care.” You nod before getting out of his SUV. Hank softly smiles as he watches you round the SUV.
“Hey!” Hank calls for you, making you turn around. “don’t tell your dad you were with me.”
“It’ll be our little secret.” you wink. Hank shakes his head amusingly. He waits a little longer till you enter the house. The second the front door closes, he drives off.
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(This took so long to write but I’m happy how it turned out. Please don’t be shy to let me know what you think. I love reading your comments.
Can anyone guess who the fire fighter reader is sleeping with? Anyone who guesses right gets a cookie🍪)
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buckets-and-trees · 8 months
The Only Way of Knowing You [Nick Fowler x Reader]
Title: The Only Way of Knowing You Characters/Pairings: leshy!Nick Fowler x curvy female!Reader Word Count: 7.8k
Summary: When you visit a cabin, you're drawn more and more to the forest, the flora and fauna, and a handsome stranger you cross paths with in the woods.
Content Warnings: explicit smut - nipple play, vaginal fingering, unprotected vaginal intercourse, initial consent to questionable/dubious consent ending, kidnapping, intimidation, implied stalking and explicit stalking, human to monster transformation, monster fucking
Logistical Notes: Very belated, but this is my addition to the Enchanted Birthday Fest and my humble gift to all of you who come around and read what I write. Incorporating Mania (obsessive love - stalking) for @the-slumberparty's Eight Types of Love challenge. Thank you @goldylions and @sgt-seabass for blasting this with your beta energy. It certainly benefitted from your poking, prodding, and polishing.
Narrative Notes: There's a lot of leshy lore that's evolved over time since differing versions existed across Europe and you've got modern media takes. I took pieces that stuck out to me as I combed through. The most significant trait I adopted was that a leshy king could shape shift into human or animal and would adopt disguise to hide, adapt, or even lure people into the forest.
↠ Masterlist | Aspen's Ask Box | Field Guide to the Forest
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You gasped and stopped on the trail.
“A dog,” you whispered to no one but yourself, a grin splitting across your face.
The wilderness of the forest around you rose into a small, banked ridge on the left. You had only just heard the rustle of leaves that drew your attention over to that side to see the creature. You couldn’t tell the breed for sure – all dark fur, pointed ears, looking something between a husky and a wolf – but with him being so calm and willing to come this close to the path when he’d undoubtedly heard you walking, you assumed he couldn’t be too wild or feral. He had piercing blue eyes that locked with yours.
You were so tempted to try to call him over, but if he was wild, it was probably better not to, and if he belonged to someone, you didn’t want to lead him away from where he needed to go.
So, after another beat, you continued along your path.
After the four hour drive to your destination with some of the team from your office, as soon as you had unloaded and eaten lunch, you had been eager to get away to stretch your legs and to have some time away from everyone else, and you had some time before the rest of the team arrived for the work retreat your boss had put together. You had six days of training, strategizing, and team bonding ahead of you with a professional consultant and facilitator flown in who had built the agenda. There were breaks built throughout the day, and as you set off for this first walk, you imagined both the physical movement and the time away from the group would help keep you focused, energized, and from actually strangling your co-worker Rachel who regularly burst into song during casual conversation. 
You saw the dog again as you took the same path the next day when your group took a mid-morning break. This time, he walked alongside your path, keeping his distance off to the side, but only kept pace with you for about five minutes before wandering off.
You were hopeful to see him when you headed out in the afternoon.
But instead of the dog, you encountered a man in almost the same area, approaching you on the path.
The man was dressed in sturdy hiking boots, dark jeans, a dark green flannel over a white shirt, and a tan jacket over that. He was tall, well-built, with short brown hair, and entirely too handsome a person to encounter in real life, especially with his devastatingly blue eyes – eyes that were the same color as the dog.
You groaned internally for comparing his eyes to the dog’s.
“Hello,” he said, nodding at you a few paces before you were about to pass each other.
“Hello,” you managed to return – it was mostly automatic, but the intensity of his gaze almost prevented you from the customary politeness of fellow trailwalkers.
After he passed, you shook your head. No need to be flustered by the momentary passing of a stranger.
You looked back over your shoulder, and then your heart thudded to discover that he was looking back at you, too. He smirked, turned, and kept along his way.
You shook your head at yourself and then kept on your way.
The walking path through the forest was narrow in parts, wider in others, and rambled on for a mile or so before it split, allowing its travelers to eventually circle clockwise or counter-clockwise around a still, blue body of water that was bigger than a pond but not quite large enough to be classified as a lake. The trees ran right down to the water in many areas, and the path, as it circled, sometimes came very close to its edges, and in other places only came within ten or fifteen meters of the shore.
On day three, you saw the man in the morning, and the dog in the afternoon.
The man, the same you saw before, came towards you after he'd done a circle around the lake. You reached the two forks before having to directly pass him, to which he waved and said hello, the same casual niceties. 
In the afternoon, the dog approached you slowly but directly, and you knelt happily and held out your hand to encourage him to close the gap. He did, and after a quick sniff, let you pet him and scratch his ears.
“No collar?” you asked as you pet and admired his smooth, shiny coat.
After a minute, you stood and said, “You seem pretty familiar with this forest, well-fed, and so friendly. I don’t need to worry about you, do I?”
He circled you quickly, wagged his tail, and you laughed. “You want to join me for my walk this time?”
He trotted ahead a few steps, then looked back at you and waited.
You laughed. “I guess I’ll join you for this walk then.”
The two of you kept pace with each other all the way around the small lake, and then shortly after you got back to the main forest length, he trotted off the path into the forest again with only a small look back and a happy bark before bounding away.
That evening, because you had gone on so many walks, the rest of the group at the cabin decided to take an evening stroll around the lake. The planked wooden path made an adventure after dark doable enough. You didn’t see either of the strangers – dog or man – but there were a few times you had the keen sense you were being watched. In the dark it was impossible to tell, but the feeling came and went.
The next morning, you made your way down the deep forest path without encountering anyone and took the right fork to make your way around the lake.
At nearly the same place the dog had approached you the afternoon before, the man came striding your way from off the path.
“Hello,” he greeted as soon as he’d stepped out of the trees.
It was evident he intended to speak to you.
“Hello,” you said, trying to be friendly, but unsure how this would unfold, and a little nervous over engaging with the stranger.
Your heartbeat sped up the closer he got, but not because he was still a stranger, but because you were reminded he was altogether too handsome of a stranger. This was made even more obvious than your brief passings the previous two days, as now you could only stand still and watch as he approached you.
You remembered he was tall, but today he seemed taller. Those blue eyes had you rooted to the spot where you stood, and his face had a small but easy smile. You tried in vain to keep your heart from racing the closer he got.
“I’m Nick,” he offered, once he was close enough for conversation.
You gave your name in response.
“Nice to actually meet you,” he said as he stepped up onto the boardwalk. “You’re not from around here. Staying in one of the vacation cabins?” he guessed.
You nodded. “And you are from around here?” you surmised. “Do you live here? Work here? Both?”
“I suppose you could say both.” A calm but crips breeze swept through the trees around you, rustling through the leaves. 
“Oh, are you the caretaker?”
“Guardian, caretaker, king of the forest,” he joked.
You laughed, and it was an easy laugh.
He echoed your laugh. “What, you don’t believe me?”
“No, of course, I do,” you said.
“If you let me join you, maybe I can prove my place here in the forest, share some of the history of the land, and some of my expert knowledge.” He raised his brow in a questioning look.
You were torn equally between hesitance and intrigue, but you were more unsure of how to decline, nor did you actually want to, so you nodded, and the corner of his mouth ticked up. He swept his arm to the side, gesturing at the path, and as you started walking, he fell right in step with you.
“So, what brought you to the forest?” he asked.
You explained how your boss had booked the large corporate retreat cabin for your team, planning many days of bonding and strategy conversations and leadership workshops with the consultant flown in from New York City.
As you walked together, he made good on his promise to tell you more about the forest and the lake. He pointed out some of the flora and fauna, showing his care and consideration for the wildlife and growth of the wilderness.
“It must be nice living out here.”
“You would like it.”
You looked over at him, finding he was already watching you, and then turned your head back to the path. “I think I might. Being out here the past few days has me contemplating quitting my job, selling off most of my stuff, and just finding a small cabin in the woods and writing or something.”
“You should.”His concentrated attention both unnerved you and put you at ease at the same time. It was a strange feeling. There was something within you that wanted more time with him like this, but it was silly to want. This was only your first conversation with him. You wouldn’t be spending day after day stumbling into walks with him any more than you would be abandoning your city life to embrace a secluded existence in a cabin in the forest.
But it might be nice, you thought.
“If only,” you finally sighed.
He was quiet for a moment. Then he cleared his throat. “When are you supposed to leave?”
“The day after tomorrow.”
He hummed in thought. “That seems like an awfully long cabin retreat for a team of colleagues.”
You laughed. “It certainly is. My boss has too much money and got very excited. It’s mostly a good office of people, and there are about ten of us here, but I definitely like my time away from the group – we’ve been encouraged to spend our breaks however we need.”
“And you took to your walks in the woods.”
“Mhmm,” you hummed and smiled softly. “Oh, actually, do you know about the black dog running around out here? I’ve seen him every other day, but not yet today.”
“He caught your heart, didn’t he?”
You grinned and nodded. “Does he have owners out here, or is he wild? He doesn’t have a collar.”
“No owners.”
“Not unlike you?”
“Oh, have I caught your heart, too?”
Your jaw dropped slightly, and you tried not to let your pace falter. “I–”
He gave a chuckle, but he also let his fingers brush against yours as you continued to walk side by side. “Don’t worry, if I didn’t want to see you, I would know how to go unnoticed by you in this forest.”
“Oh.” It was a small response, especially compared to the burst of warmth that bloomed in your heart, but you weren’t quite sure how to respond. You were flattered with the flirting and his insinuation that he did want to see you. A whisper in the back of your mind wondered how many years he must have walked these woods to know its secrets and be so confident that he could wander it undetected, but he gestured for you to listen to the faint call of a pair of birds nearby. He identified them as veery thrushes, and  then you were carried along into learning about them and some of the other animals that inhabited this area of the forest during the rest of your short morning walk. 
Nick came across you walking again in the afternoon. He told you more about the forest and its history, but more and more he started to ask more questions about you.
You liked that he asked about you.
It seemed impossible that this unbelievably tall (was he even taller than he was before? Surely he wasn’t), dark, handsome man was so keen on your company, but you couldn’t help but take to him, and to the warmth of the attention he shined on you like the sun that filtered through the leaves of the trees to bathe the rest of the flora in the forest.
It may have been silly to dream about him that night when you went to sleep, but you had no real control over that, and although this whole excursion was for work, a small, inconsequential crush on someone you would never see again when you went home was fine.
The next morning, you didn’t run into him during your walk, but you were happy to run into your furry companion again, and he stayed right at your side while you took the loop around the lake. You were only a little sad there was no sign of Nick, but even though he clearly spent a lot of time there, you couldn’t expect him to always be in the woods.
So, when you were just starting along the path for your walk and hear footsteps coming up behind you, you eagerly looked over your shoulder, only to see two men walking some twenty to thirty yards behind you. You sighed and kept walking. You hadn’t seen a great deal of people on the trail over the past few days, but these weren’t the first strangers, as it was an area with enough scattered cabins throughout the forest to merit the establishment of the sturdy planked path in the first place.
But as you continued on, the men seemed to keep pace with you, speeding up when you did, and slowing down and maintaining some of the distance when you tested it, and that made you nervous. You would feel better even just to see the wild dog so you could call him to you. You were sure he would deter the men. But there was no sign of him either.
As you approached the fork that created the lake loop for the path, you didn’t know which to hope for – that they would take the other path and you would have to potentially pass them, or take the same one as you and you could hope that they would keep their distance.
They went the same way as you.
And they started to close the distance.
You thought you were imagining it at first, but when you increased your pace, theirs quickened even more, and there was no more of the hum of talking between them.
You didn’t want to panic and run. They both had a height advantage with longer legs, and if you could simply continue to walk more quickly, you could at least stave off the need to run until there was no more choice – because you were sure the second you ran, they would follow suit, and you didn’t know how long you’d last.
Especially now that your heart was already racing.
“Hey sweet thing,” one of them called out.
You focused on keeping your quick pace and didn’t look back.
“Nice day for a walk,” the same gruff voice added.
Still you refused to engage. You expected this now and then in the city, but it wasn’t supposed to happen out here. You didn’t have a phone to suddenly get on and call someone or keys in your pocket to thread through your fingers for makeshift protection. 
“Nice day for more than a walk, don’t you think?” the second man chimed in.
“Yeah, maybe a little afternoon delight.”
Your skin crawled. 
“A little fucking,” the second one jeered.
Maybe you did need to run. 
And then suddenly at a bend in the path, you turned and there he was.
Your heart leapt in relief, and you rushed to him.
He had to have instantly seen the panic in your eyes as his own blue eyes changed immediately into a dark storm, and he looked beyond you as he quickly strode forward to meet you. He saw the men immediately as they, too, turned around the bend, and you heard their footsteps slow immediately.
Nick pulled you into his side, wrapping a protective arm around you.
“Afternoon,” one of the men said, both of them nodding, trying to pass off casual greetings as if they hadn’t been closing in on you, making their intentions clear.
“Turn around, pack up, and leave this forest,” Nick said, voice flat and threatening.
“Hey! Look, man,” the other started, but Nick cut him off.
“Turn around, pack up,” he repeated, enunciating each word with more fury, “never come back.”
They stopped walking, putting them only ten yards away.
“Now,” Nick growled.
A ripple of fear shot through you at his tone, and it wasn’t directed at you. There was a sudden groaning and crashing of trees in the distance that only added to the tension of the moment, and then the two men turned around and retreated.
“I know where you’re staying. Don’t make the mistake of thinking my directions are idle or that I won’t check to make sure you’re gone,” he spoke loudly enough for them to hear as they got further away.
With them no longer in sight, Nick turned his full attention to you, taking both your hands in his. “You alright?”
You took a deep breath in then let it out to release the tension from the fear-driven adrenaline and nodded.
He murmured your name, pressing in concern, ducking slightly to gaze directly into your eyes.
You smiled softly at his worry, the seeds that bloomed earlier in your heart coming to life and blooming a bit more. “I’m fine now,” you reassured him, giving his hands a gentle squeeze.
He narrowed his eyes.
“Really,” you promised. “Not the first intimidating creeps I’ve ever encountered.”
“Okay.” His face relaxed, but only a fraction, and you had the impression it was only to help ease your tension. “If you’re sure.”
You nodded. 
He dropped your hands, and you reminded yourself not to let your face drop as he did.
“Sorry I didn’t meet up with you earlier, I-“
You cut him off, “I wasn’t expecting you to meet up with me, and I don’t always get to steal away for these walks at the same time.”
He nodded. “I know. But I want to show you why time got away from me.”
His face split into a bright smile. “Follow me,” he said, turning around and trekking into the trees. 
You trailed behind him as the ground gently sloped toward the lake. The trees and underbrush were abundant yet thin enough to allow the two of you to pass through. The wooden path varied in how close it was to the lake as it wound around, and here it was less than a minute before you could see the water’s edge. Nick abruptly stopped and put his arm out for you to also stop.
Since he’d been walking so quickly, you did bump right up against his arm with a small mumbled, “sorry,” and he turned his head to smile. Then he turned to look ahead and pointed to a cluster of rocks right at the shoreline.
You squinted to study them, and then you gasped when two little furry heads popped up over the top of the rocks.
“Otters!” you whispered.
“Yes,” Nick confirmed. “Freshwater river otters. I think we’ve got a clan of at least four that have only appeared today in the lake. Probably migrated down the river from the lake further up. They’ve been getting a bigger tourist draw up there, and I imagine they don’t want to be constantly disturbed by humans encroaching on their habitat.”
He took slow, measured, unassuming steps closer, and you tentatively followed. The two otters both perched up higher on the rocks, giving tiny yelps.
Nick motioned for you to kneel as he did. He held out his hand toward the pair of mammals.
“They’re a curious and friendly species,” he said, and even as he said the words, the two darted up and over the rocks, coming closer by a few feet before pausing. The slightly larger one gave a little trill and took a couple more hops forward. Its companion sauntered right up next to it, but then took a few more steps forward, bopped its nose against Nick’s hand, huffed and turned away, darting right down the bank and into the water, gliding smoothly away. The other came forward, gave Nick’s outstretched hand a little more of a sniff, then turned its head to you, and edged your way. You quickly but carefully stretched your hand out, received a couple of sniffs, and then this otter also snorted and trotted away and into the water, trilling as it slipped into the clear water.
“No fish, no interest,” Nick said, and the two of you laughed.
He moved to sit on the ground, and you sat next to him. The pair of otters re-emerged, swam up to shore, and dove back in and out of the water frequently as the two of you watched and talked.
You only stayed there for a short space of time, and then Nick seemed to sense without you needing to prompt him that it was time to get back to your walk. He stood and gave you a hand up. He held onto your fingers for just an extra moment, looking at your hands together, before letting go and brushing himself off. You did the same, and then fell into step with him, heading back to the path.
Easy conversation, just like the day before, continued to flow between you. He appeared to have endless questions about you, and again his rapt attention was its own warm, addictive rush, and that thing in your heart continued to grow, vines starting to sneak out of your heart and around your chest.
Suddenly he stopped, and you stopped another step ahead and turned to look back at him. “What is it?”
“We’re at the spot that leads up to the cabin your group is staying in,” he answered, a broad smirk on his face.
“Oh,” your cheeks heated, and you ducked your head to laugh. “Oops.”
You didn’t want your last walk with him to suddenly be over.
“You’re quite taken with all of this, aren’t you? The forest calls to you.”
You let out a wistful sigh and looked back up at him. Damn those impossibly deep blue eyes. You were overcome with a terrible ache that radiated from the base of your throat and the top of your chest, and you desperately tried to tamp down the thick emotion.
“But I have to go home tomorrow.”
“Come walk with me tonight.”
You bit your lip.
“Come on,” he urged you. “It’s your last night, and it’s a full moon. You have to see the forest bathed in the full moon's light. Come with me.”
“Yes,” you heard the word tumble out of your mouth, unable to deny him.
His eyes darkened and sparkled. “I promise you’ll see things you’ve never seen before.”
Though Nick wasn’t far from your thoughts, you focused well enough on your last evening with the group, engaging in dinner and the evening’s bonding activities. Wine and mocktails were poured for a final night looking up at the stars around a fire in the firepit on the balcony, and you made sure to enjoy that time, too. You had liked some of your coworkers before the retreat, but now you had a better understanding and appreciation for all of them.
However, once it got closer to ten, you anxiously started taking stock of the minutes passing away further into the night. Two of your group said goodnight at ten, but that was too early. You determined you would do well to stay with the balcony group until at least half-ten so you didn’t get too anxious about seeing Nick later.
At ten-thirty, a few more peeled off from the group, and so you retired to your room so that your timely departure didn’t seem unnatural to anyone.
You showered and messed with your hair for a bit but didn’t bother with makeup since it was after dark. You put on your favorite pair of joggers, a crewneck, and good walking shoes. You certainly hadn’t anticipated taking to the forest with so many walks each day, it wasn’t anything like how you were at home – busy with work and taking care of your life in the city – but it had been so natural to take to the outdoors while you were here. This final walk before your party went home in the morning wasn’t going to be like any of the others. You tried not to feel foolish for indulging in a walk at midnight with the hulking man with the most captivating blue eyes you’d ever seen who could easily take your breath away and whisk you off your feet.
But you had said yes because when else would you ever do something like this?
The answer was never.
And there was no harm in taking a handsome man up on his offer for a midnight stroll in the moonlight.
You put on the watch your grandmother had given you and the simple necklace you typically wore. They weren’t much, and you told yourself you didn’t need to dress up anyway, but they were small touches all the same.
Looking briefly in the mirror, you smoothed your hand down over the front of your shirt and took a deep breath. It’s fine, you thought. He’s seen you plenty before now, and it’s going to be dark, and it’s only a walk anyway. You checked your watch, and it was just a few minutes before eleven-thirty, which is when Nick had said to meet him.
You slipped quietly out of your room, down the stairs, and out the back door. The full moon was bright out here so far away from any city lights, illuminating the familiar path from the cabin that would take you down to the main boardwalk trail.
So many times Nick had simply appeared in the forest, but he was waiting for you right at the end of the path. Your heart raced just a little as his lips turned up in a smile.
“Hey,” you said softly.
“You came.”
He studied your face intently. You were unsure what he was looking for and simply focused on returning your gaze as unassuming as possible, telling your heart to settle and stop beating so fast. Yes, he made you feel things, but one of those things over the past few days had also been a sense of calm and safety in his presence, and you concentrated on that.
After another moment, finally, you responded with a simple, “I said I would.”
The corners of his mouth turned up. “Then let’s go.”
You fell easily into step with him, the trail so familiar now, though it had been less than a week, and knowing this ramble down to the lake and back, your chest started to feel thick in anticipation of missing it already. As you walked and talked, you thought you were keeping pace with Nick, but maybe you were more tired than you thought because it seemed like you were working to stay in stride with him as you hadn’t had to before. Either that or his legs were longer than before, but that – of course – was an impossible thought.
You shook your head.
Nick paused and turned. “What are you shaking your head at?” he asked. “I’ve lost you, haven’t I?” His tone was soft and teasing.
“Sorry, I got distracted, and my imagination got a little carried away with impossibilities.”
He cocked his head slightly. “Maybe more is possible in this forest than you might think.” His eyes danced with a hint of mystery.
“Is that so?” You played into his mischief.
He leaned closer. “This is an old forest, and it’s a full moon. Anything could happen on a night like tonight.”
Your body seemed drawn into him, leaning closer as well. “Anything?”
“Anything,” he whispered, and his eyes flicked down to your lips.
The moment hung between you. You tilted your head up, and your eyes fluttered closed. You could feel the warmth of his breath on your face.
And then he tugged on your hand, yanking you out of the moment. “Come on, pretty girl, we’re almost there.”
You sighed, letting out the breath you didn’t know you’d been holding.
But with how tightly his hand held yours as he led you off the boardwalk and into the trees, you didn’t feel too disappointed.
He was quiet now, but he also kept you close as he led you through this part of the forest. The trees were more thickly woven together here, with girthier trunks, and you couldn’t help but feel how they were older the further you wandered in. There was no trace of a path now, but Nick kept a confident pace, clearly knowing each inch of the forest intimately, and his surety allowed you to let yourself be swept away further and further along.
His steps were swift but nearly silent, and you tried to walk as quietly as possible. The sounds of the forest at night were soft but present – soft wind whistling through the trees, the song of nocturnal birds, and the chirping of crickets. The light filtering through the branches was minimal, and it had to be tricking you because you knew he was tall, but it felt like he was somehow taller tonight. It had to be the nature of how you were keeping so close just behind him, focused on the square of his shoulder and the gentle pull of his arm leading you.
He wasn’t taller now than he was earlier today, was he?
“Just up ahead,” he said, looking back over his shoulder at you, one of the easy smiles that made your heart sigh painted on his face.
His pace quickened, and your anticipation built as you hurried to keep up.
Seconds before the tree line broke, you heard the rippling sounds of water before emerging into a glade. Nick stopped a few steps into the clearing, and you came to stand right next to him. The first thing to draw your eye was a stream running into a small pool. The meadow on the side of the stream where you stood sloped gently down to the water, and it was covered in blankets of wood anemone, reaching right down to the bank and springing up and sprawling away again on the other side. The trees surrounding the glade were certainly some of the tallest you’d seen in the forest, and they rose as giant sentinels toward the inky black sky, which was studded with stars around the bright full moon.
As you looked up and around, the coupling of the simplicity and the majesty of it all had you enraptured, and you let out a soft sigh of contentment.
Nick brought your hand up to his face, pressed a kiss to the back of your hand, and your heart stuttered in your chest. You turned to look at him. His eyes almost appeared to glow an even brighter blue.
“I said it earlier, but this forest calls to you, doesn’t it?”
Your brows furrowed.
“Close your eyes,” he said.
You did.
He dropped your hand, and you let it fall to your side.
“Take a deep breath,” he whispered.
You inhaled slowly, letting the breath fill your belly and lungs, fresh, clean, and calm. You tipped your head back, your face craving the moonlight in that moment.
Although you didn’t hear him move, suddenly you felt the warmth of Nick standing behind you. “Now, listen and feel,” he murmured softly in your ear, his breath warm against your skin. You shivered but remained rooted to the spot. His fingers brushed along the backs of your hands and began to trail slowly up your arms. Your whole body was humming at his touch.
He pressed one soft kiss to your neck, and you sighed and let your neck fall to the side. When his hands landed on your shoulders, he pressed another soft kiss at the bottom of your neck, then turned you to face him.
“You should stay with me.”
Before you could respond, he took your head in both his hands, cradling your jaw. He searched your eyes for any hesitancy, but you knew you couldn’t summon any, nor did you want to. Instead, you pushed up on your toes, seeking his lips, and he met you halfway, claiming your lips with his.
Your hands came up to clutch at his wrists as he held your face, and you leaned in, longing to feel your body close to his. His tongue teased at the seam of your mouth, and you let him in, allowing the kiss to deepen, to sear into your very soul. His left hand moved, quickly coming to press at the small of your back, drawing you flush against him. One of your arms wound around his broad chest, and the other came up to mirror how he was cupping your cheek, feeling the trace of stubble along his jaw with your fingers. You stroked his tongue with yours, moaning into the kiss, and he reciprocated stroke for stroke. You quickly became so consumed by his kiss, feeling lightheaded but not sure if it was him or a lack of air, because you couldn’t tell if you were still breathing. It was a fevered kiss driven by something you’d never felt so strongly before, and you needed more.
Nick sank to his knees, and you went naturally down with him. He sat back on his heels, and you followed, perching in his lap. He held you there, your core over his groin, for a delicious moment, and then suddenly he lifted you up and laid you softly but swiftly onto the soft flowery bed of the meadow, his lips never leaving yours. You gasped and giggled against his mouth.
“What a lovely sound,” he said tenderly. He pulled back just enough to look into your eyes, a satisfied grin on his face.
Whether it was smug or sweet, you weren’t sure, and you felt your cheeks growing warm under his hungry gaze and his soft praise.
“I wonder what other lovely sounds I can draw from you,” he added as both of his hands moved to your hips. He began kissing you again, having only given you a moment of reprieve, then his hands slid slowly up your waist, skimming up over your ribs, pushing up the fabric of your sweatshirt. When his thumbs brushed up against the underswell of your breasts, he pressed back and forth a few times, teasing you, drawing a little whimper, before he let his thumbs run up and over your nipples. They were both peaked, and you shivered in pleasure, the teasing through the fabric of your bra its own unique sensation, but you were eager for more, so you moved your hands to begin quickly unbuttoning his flannel. He took the hint, helping you by shrugging off his jacket, and when he leaned up for a moment to pull off his flannel and remove the t-shirt he had on beneath it, so you shifted beneath him to pull off your sweatshirt and reach for the clasp of your bra, tossing that to the side as well.
You hadn’t hesitated to rid yourself of your clothes, but you were hit with the rush of baring your chest to him now as – with his own clothing discarded – he froze and looked down at you from above. You flushed with heat, but as you moved one hand to tentatively cover yourself, he grabbed it in his, drew it up to his mouth, and kissed your palm.
You were aware of every imperfection as his eyes roved over your body, but when he looked into your eyes and said, “gorgeous,” his face was so serious, so hungry, you didn’t question that he meant it.
He lowered himself back down over you, supporting himself by planting one forearm on the ground next to your side, and this time his lips sought your chest. He kissed down your sternum, then took one breast in his mouth, and palmed the other with his free hand. You moaned as he sucked one nipple and rolled and teased the other with his fingers. You arched beneath him, your body responsive to his diligent ministrations. He switched to the other breast, flicking his tongue over the nipple before lapping and sucking at it. You hadn’t cum before from nipple play alone, but he had you wondering if you might as the pleasure mounted.
You trembled and whimpered beneath him, and as you began to writhe more desperately, he took his mouth off your breast with an audible pop. He moved back up your body, and his hand cupped your face again, his thumb brushing the apple of your cheek, urging you to open your eyes and look at him.
“Tell me you never thought about it, about staying here with me after I left you earlier today,” he said.
You were already breathless, or else the powerful drive in his deep blue eyes would have stolen your breath once again.
“You must let me have you,” he implored.
You couldn’t answer, but only because you were overcome by the desire in his eyes. For you.
Your name fell from his lips, and his voice was soft, deep, and controlled, but you could still feel the edge of the desperate plea as he uttered your name.
“Yes,” you keened, and you rocked your hips up against his.
“Say the words,” he said. “Say my name and tell me I can have you.”
He slipped his hand down, hooked two fingers into your waistband, and pulled teasingly along the edge from your hip to just below your navel. The torturous movement along your soft skin only drove the hunger that was building for more.
He had to know how he was mounting and playing with the anticipation. But if he needed you to say it, you’d say anything to get what you wanted right now under the light of the full moon from this inimitable figure of a man, nearly unreal in his beauty.
“Nick, you can have me!” You cried.
He wasted no time in pulling your trousers and underwear down in one go. You tried to kick off your shoes, but slightly struggling to do so, his hands helped remove your shoes and socks more deftly, and he was able to more easily toss it all away. And as your legs settled back down on either side of him as he knelt above you, you realized he was suddenly somehow as naked as you – though you didn’t know how he managed that so quickly, so quickly it felt like magic. Everything about tonight felt illusory, and yet it was all tangible and indisputable, and you gave yourself over to it. When else would you ever find yourself in such an enchanted set of circumstances like this ever again?
So what if it felt like a dream?
You took a deep breath and let your fingers tangle in the grass and the stems of the wood anemone. Your eyes traveled up his thighs to a cock so thick and long and hard for you, then up further, over his hips, defined abs, chiseled chest, and broad shoulders, and you whined. Every inch of him ignited heat through your body, and when your eyes met his again, your pulse stuttered.
You could dream like this for one night.
Keeping his eyes locked on yours, Nick settled back on his haunches and pulled your thighs up over his, drawing you up over him, angling your lower half up as an offering, and his piercing cerulean gaze moved to your core, fully on display. His fingers brushed over your lower stomach, the touch so light it tickled, and you jerked, but his other hand held your hip firmly in place. His fingers parted your folds without hesitation, and he licked his lips.
“Such a pretty, wet cunt, my little nymph,” he said, and you felt both shy being so exposed to him, and desperate for him.
“Nymph?” you couldn’t help but question, surprised by the pet name. 
“Mhmm,” Nick hummed. He traced your wet folds with one finger, in no rush. “You belong to this forest.” He spread your wetness along those lips with the attention of an artist to his canvas. Then he slipped two fingers inside your cunt.
You gasped, and your eyes fluttered closed.
He pushed them all the way in, then gave a few slow, shallow thrusts in and out.
You never wanted to wake up from this, but you needed more.
“Nick, please!”
He withdrew his fingers and then pressed them to your lips. “Taste your sweet nectar, nymph.”
The digits easily slipped into your mouth, and the urge to suck was a near primal reaction. He applied gentle pressure on your tongue as you sucked, and it only drove the craving in your core further. You were entirely lucid, and yet you felt thoroughly intoxicated by him, by everything around you.
“Open your eyes,” he said, and you did.
You swore he could see into your soul when he looked at you so intensely, but rather than fear, it soothed your nerves. It also more deeply stoked your desire for him, and as much as you wanted to linger in this moment, there was an undeniable pull you couldn’t ignore.
“Kiss me,” you breathed.
He shifted to lean down over you, remaining rooted between your thighs but shifting forward so you were nearly chest to chest. He bore his weight on his forearms, caging you in. As he settled, lips only a breath away from you, you felt the weight of his large, thick cock rest on your stomach. You lifted your head to pull him into the kiss you wanted. You ached for him to fill you up, but you also wanted to give everything just to this kiss for a few beats longer.
It was like he was drinking you in. One of your arms came up around his back, the other brushed up along the side of his arm, seeking and ultimately finding his hand, and your fingers instinctively entwined together.
He moved his other hand down briefly to guide the head of his cock to your weeping hole, and you gave a little moan into his mouth as his head entered you.
As he seated his cock fully inside of you, the tip nudging your cervix, you had to break off your kiss to concentrate on breathing. Nick dropped his forehead to yours, seemingly unable to refuse some form of intimate closeness as he rocked into you again. “You can feel it,” he spoke, the warmth of his breath still close to your mouth.
“Yes,” you panted. Your legs wrapped around his torso. He resumed thrusting, slow, deep thrusts.
“I can feel it, too,” he murmured along your jaw. “You’re answering the call of the forest.”
“Mhmm,” you hummed, hardly focused on what he was saying, but the deep warmth of his voice made the words swell through your mind.
He continued his unhurried thrusts, almost methodical in nature, and after a few more minutes, his cock began to swell inside you. And it continued to grow.
You moaned – or groaned – you couldn’t decipher if what you were feeling was real and whether it was painful or pure ecstasy. Your hand clasped his more tightly, and his answering squeeze was accompanied by tendrils of vines sprouting and circling around your hand and down around your wrist.
“What?” Your eyes flew open, and then you gasped. “Nick!”
He was transforming before your eyes. His face remained familiar, but a crown of horns appeared around his head, and emerald moss and glossy leaves intermingled and sprouted throughout his dark hair. Two enormous, magnificent antlers had emerged from his temple and were still slowly growing, just as he was still slowly growing inside you as he continued his steady thrusts. His shoulders broadened, and you knew he was growing in stature. 
You trembled beneath him, tears springing to your eyes, in danger of spilling over.
“I told you, my little nymph: I’m the king and guardian of this forest – it speaks to me like it wants to speak to you. You’re answering the call, and I can’t,” he paused to groan, and with a shiver, you felt the ridge of his spine shift from skin to a supple tree bark. “It’s midnight, and with you giving yourself to me and the forest, I can’t hold back my true form.”
He began to thrust more quickly in and out of your cunt, a few of the strokes a little erratic. You whimpered, overwhelmed, and a few tears spilled over your cheeks.
“No, none of that,” he scolded, but kissed away the tears. “You didn’t want to leave, and now you don’t have to, nor can you.”
His free hand moved between you and found your pulsing, puffy clit, applying immediate, furious little circles that refused to let you feel anything but pleasure in response to his ministrations. His lips reclaimed yours once again, and as your body continued to tremble, his thrusts sped up even more, your channel never more full, making the mounting wave of pain and pleasure so exquisite as the waves grew that you let out a sob as your orgasm crashed over you.
Unrelenting, as your cunt contracted around him, Nick more demandingly sought his own release. He moved both hands to grip your ribs below your wrists and railed into you with abandon, punching the air from your lungs over and over, and ultimately pushing you into a rushed second orgasm only seconds before he roared his own ecstasy, his hips stuttering as he spilled deep loads of his seed inside of you, a warmth you could feel permeating you.
And then Nick petted your face, showering kisses softly over your lips, cheeks, and eyelids before ultimately resting his forehead on yours, and gently caressing your neck.
“You don’t know how long I’ve waited for you, for this, and now you're mine forever.”
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↠ Masterlist | Aspen's Ask Box | Field Guide to the Forest
If you enjoyed this at all, read the other two fics from the Enchanted Birthday Fest! They're both exquisite!
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fanfictionvibesworld · 7 months
(A/n: sorry for the late updating my little warriors. You see I am working on some books on my new Wattpad profile. That's where most my one shots and stories are. If curious about where I am and Wattpad my username is @fanficvibs16)
Words: 1.4k
Were the story lies
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Summery:Human Alastor x child reader
⚠️Warning: Some cruising, Arguments 
The date was 1910 in Louisiana, New Orleans. In this decade it was all about change. Everything was changing. The technology, communication, transportation, and of course society. But that doesn't mean it's always a good thing at times. This day was Normal though as the bir—
" God, You're just being just...so difficult to deal with let alone be married to!"
A woman exclaimed loud as it came from a cozy small cabin that was surrounded by lovely trees and plants. Isolated from the outside world. Let's see what's happening shall we?
The man and woman was in the living room of there vintage cozy cabin as the fireplace was roaring behind them. The woman was standing up in the middle of the living room with arms crossed and eyebrows furrowed looking at the man that was sitting down on a leather comfortable recliner chair as he looked like he didn't give "zero fuckes" about what the woman was on about this time. The lanky tall man replied
"If you think I'm so difficult to deal with then you should be looking at a mirror, you're no better then I "
The man stated calmly as he didn't raise his voice at her like she did to him but his words at most times cuts deeper under other people's skin more. Even without the intention. The woman looked more pissed with his response. These arguments back and forward were becoming more of a reoccurring thing these days. All of this started to be more frequent when....SHE was finally here.
" You know what, I'm so sick and tired of this just.... Chose! It's either me or them!"
The woman now in rage said as it hit a boiling point for her. She was giving him suddenly a choice that he had to make.
He was caught off guard instantly as for the first time in his life.... He was speechless. He didn't expect that it would come to this. He abruptly got up from his chair, His signature brown suit followed with him as he looked at her dead in the eyes. The woman took a step back out of reflex and her eyes held some fear since she knew what he could DO and what he WAS. He was now losing his cool a bit as the man's voice became deeper as his usual permanent SMILE was still on display as always
" have you lost your mind, choice. What kind a choice is that? What kind of MOTHER does that."
The man finally exclaimed to the woman more so now we can tell wife. It was the first time that he acted like this and with actual emotion, he always filled with personality was most of it was cold like ice. In reality why he responded like that was because.... She sounded just like... Father ....... He HATED his Father and refuses to talk about what really happened to this day even if he was now in his mid 20's. His permanent smile  was stretched across his face as one of his dark brown eyes twitched in  irritation.
The woman was silent as a mouse. She knew what she said was wrong and probably messed up in someway but she can't take it anymore not with him or anyone. The woman was now looking down at the floor at her feet as the fireplace behind them roared higher than before. She should be ashamed but at the same time she could really care less, she spoke up in a low tone that sounded like a whisper
" Chose ALASTOR "
" Get out of MY house "
The man said but now known as Alastor. His tone was dark and cold.  He looked down at the woman as she was still looking at the ground as his predatory eyes are watching her every move. He was incredibly pissed. But still he had  that permanent and unsettling SMILE. He should just kill her, here and now but...... didn't want to waste any more of his time.
The woman was so glad that she was still even standing and not dead as then she kept looking at the ground. She just decide to turn around and start to walk to the front door away from him in the living room. She opened the front door as before she even took a step outside  spoke without turning back to him
" You'll regret this "
The woman uttered out as then she didn't even care to stay to hear his response as she then walked out the front door and slammed the door shut as  she left the man standing in the middle living room as the fire was dialing down a bit from the lack of firewood being put in the fireplace.
Long silence filled the cabin as there was unsettledness to it, as it was too quiet. Alastor, after a while of all that  let out a very deep, sigh as he was processing everything him and his (problem no more) wife fought about and her actually leaving
He moved from his spot for what seemed like ages he was standing there, even though that wasn't true.  He walked down the hall outside the living room down to the bedrooms of the house, his brown polished shoes clicked on the ground as he walked. He then stoped in front of one in particular room as it was just like the rest the doors as  it was oak wood but the inside was definitely different from the rest. He turned the old gold color knob as he turned the knob to open the door
In the room was a sight many would think was either a bold face joke or a disbelief sight even for him. The walls were an emerald green with a white ceiling and even a painted forest on one of the walls. Against that forest painted wall had a beige color crib with white small mattress and a blanket. Hanging above the crib was  hanging down as it was baby deers play spiny toy
Alastor walked in the room more as he walked in the room as he actually made an effort to not make his presence known. He walked up to the crib as he looked down. In there was a small red bundle in the middle of crib. Alastor paused for a moment as he hesitated. He then just went for it as he bend down and took the red bundle in his skinny but muscular arms as he hold the red bundle,  it was clear that he didn't really know what he was doing but at least was making an effort
Alastor looked down at the bundle as he took one of his hands as he moved some of that fabric away from the bundles face is what came into view was a precious baby as it had the same mix skin that he had but also had natural rosy cheeks. The baby was though awake as it was looking up at Alastor with there colored eyes with a somewhat chubby face
Alastor just looked down at the baby's with a non readable expression. Alastor never was one to think of to be a father to anyone and even to himself. He to be honest hated children and thought they were just a bunch of germ infested animals that the parents had to deal with until they were adults. It was that but this probably came from his past trauma that was unresolved that he had from his own childhood. By those descriptions one can tell by just that he doesn't like kids. He also was a busy person that didn't like his time passing by  like a waste of time
This was different. Something that he can't quite put his finger on  what emotion that was emotion or won that he ever used. Doesn't know why he didn't hesitate to pick this baby instead of his own wife but it was done and over with. It's just..... ever since he saw that babies face..... was like a flashlight in his dark cave that he calls his own. He never thought that he would be a father actually scared that he would end up like his Father
Alastor then suddenly smiled down at the baby. This smile was different though. It was more.... comforting and genuine which he hasn't shown in a long time while not even to that wife of his
" Well, I guess it's just you and me now. My little  Fawn"
The baby in his hold of course Didn't know what he said, since he was adult and they were just a child but that didn't stop them from giving him a gummy small back at him. Oh how alike they are already huh?
(A/n: if wanted to see the full story on this as it is a part of a story that I am actually making go check out my Wattpad is wished. I hope you all have a good night/afternoon/morning. Bye! 
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xanqels · 1 year
For I Have Sinned.
DarkCorruptedPriest!Joel Miller x Innocent!Reader
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Summary: Father Miller sets eyes on you, and decides then and there that you are to be ruined by him.
Parings: joel miller x f!reader
Warnings: SMUT!!! No outbreak au! reader is a virgin and very naive, loss of innocence, corruption kink (he’s into taking her vcard), blackmail, dubcon, virginity loss, fingering, slight humiliation(?), bit of mocking, pet names (darlin’, baby, sweet girl etc), dirty talk, using the lords name in vain, unprotected piv (wrap before you tap), power imbalance, oral (f receiving), age gap (reader is mid to late 20s, Joel is late 50s), Joel is an asshole in this, mentions of god/the bible/sinning. Conclusion: Joel should not be a priest. if there’s any i’ve misses please let me know.
Word Count: 4.9k
A/N: I would like to thank @chloeangelic for inspiring me to write this and also giving me some encouragement, and I’d also like to thank @toxicanonymity for inspiring me to write dark!joel and creating the joelkemon universe. Also I do apologise if the timing of the story is a bit everywhere, this is my first fanfic!! any and all criticism is welcome with open arms.
He still remembers the first day he met you.
You and your family had brought him a pie, a cherry one. They wanted to welcome him, congratulate him for becoming the new priest in their humble town. A sweet gesture from such a perfectly sweet girl and her devout family.
He remembered your face, he could draw it from memory if he wanted to - if he could draw, that was. The perfect mix of beauty, grace and innocence stood before him that very day and he was hooked. Hooked on your gaze, your smile, your scent, but most of all, your innocence and blind naivety to the world.
He knew then and there, that you were his to ruin.
Every Sunday from then on, his eyes were stuck on you, what you were wearing, the way your cheeks flushed when your eyes met his. Everything about you was mere perfection. A sight of innocence, of naivety that he couldn’t wait to take hold of and ruin for every other man.
He wanted his name to be the last thing on your lips at night, and the first thing to be spoken in the morning. He wanted to curse your mind with images of him, to make you worship him instead of God. And so, in his mind he curated the perfect plan to get you alone.
“Go forth, knowing that you are cherished,” His voice, a deep texan accent, talking to the congregation, “chosen and empowered by the Creator of the Universe.” But why did it feel as though he was talking to purely you? His words, so enchanting you lingered on every line he spoke. His sermons were fresh, new and slightly modern. A stark contrast from Father Rafferty’s sermons.
“May his grace be upon you. Now and forevermore.” He looks up, eyes scanning the room before landing on yours. Dark brown iris’ peering into your soul, as you feel your cheeks flush. He likes the way your cheeks blush when you look at him. You want him. You need him, he tells himself. “Amen.” He states as you look away, the rest of the congregation, including yourself muttering a simple ‘Amen.’
As you and your family stand up in preparation to leave, Father Miller approaches you, a wide smile on his lips with his Bible and rosary beads in hand. “Mr and Mrs Spencer.” He says, shaking your fathers hand. “How lovely it is to see you again.”
“Well, Father, we could never miss one of your services.” Your mother speaks as you look idly at the floor, eyes tracing over the darkened, dented wood from where people have walked over time. You tune out the conversation, feeling ashamed for dropping Father Millers eyes earlier, and feeling so stupid for blushing.
“Won’t you, honey?” Your fathers voice snaps you out from your thoughts, eyes wide as you look between the three of them. “Pardon?” You ask, heart thumping in your chest.
“Father Miller wants you to help him decorate the church for Easter Sunday. There’ll be plenty of other people there. I think it’d be an excellent idea.” Your father says, as your eyes dart to Father Millers. He smiles, a sweet smile. A comforting, pleasant smile which puts you at ease. Those dark chocolate brown eyes, soft and kind.
You nod, and he clasped his hands together in glee. “Well, perfect. It’ll take a little while, but there’ll be plenty of breaks and we’ll provide food. Hopefully you don’t mind me keeping your daughter occupied for the entire day.” Father Miller says, and your parents don’t seem to mind. Just as long as you’re being the perfect catholic girl you’ve always been. Just as long as you’re kept out of trouble, and as long as you help Father Miller with whatever he needs.
A devout catholic you were. Born and baptised, risen in a strong catholic household and desperate to please the priest. You’d do anything he’d say or ask, as long as it wasn’t a sin, and Joel knew that. He knew how desperate you were to please someone so close to God, his messenger, how you itched to be as pure and holy as one could be. He knew he’d got you wrapped around his little finger
And so, the plan was set in motion. And at 11am on the following Thursday, you were there at the church doors, pushing the solid oak open as you walk into the dim room, the only form of light being the candles Father Miller had lit and the sun shining through the stained-glass windows.
Expecting to be met with various murmurs and fellow church-goers, you find the place empty. Completely deserted, almost, until your eyes lay on him. Tall, stoic and his gaze piercing at you, taking you in. Your small frame, your long white dress, the way your hair lay against your shoulders. The image of innocence.
He smiles, that same sweet smile that he gave you the previous Sunday. “You made it.” He says, walking towards you with his arms out, almost as though he was going to envelope you in a hug.
But he didn’t. He clasped his hands together, rubbing his palms together. “Father Miller.” You exhale softly, eyes scoping the otherwise empty church. “I thought we were all meeting here at eleven. Where is everyone?” You ask, twirling a strand of long hair around your index finger.
He shrugs. “‘m afraid I don’t know. I did invite them.” He says, lying through his teeth. You wouldn’t know that, of course. Too naive to think any differently, to even have a thought that Father Miller may just lie to you. Truth is, he didn’t invite anyone else. Not a single soul. It was only you and him.
You frown, clearly unhappy with the way no one else seemed to turn up but you. The way they so blatantly chose to ignore Father Miller’s need for help. “But you asked for help, surely they should’ve come.”
“Perhaps they got busy.” He lies, looking around the church, eyes glaring at the empty walls. “Anyways, this place won’t decorate itself.” He grins, turning and walking towards the back, hand gesturing for you to follow.
And you do, obediently. Into the back room of the church, full of foldable tables and chairs, boxes of decorations and broken pews. It’s dark, and smells of dust and mildew. The smell violates your nose as you try to adjust to the light, and then Joel flicks a switch, and a singular, dim lightbulb sparks to life.
You grimace at the surroundings. Untidy, dusty and slightly damp. There’s a dark oak table in the corner of the room, covered in cardboard boxes that are filled to the brim. Obviously this room hardly gets properly taken care of, but in a small town like yours, you aren’t surprised. Most of the things that enter this room hardly come back out, unless needed. But, you aren’t here to judge, you’re here to help. Help this poor, middle-aged priest who blessed the community with his sermons and his striking good looks… wait what?
You sigh as you approach the table full of boxes, slender fingers prising open the lids and rooting through the boxes of old memories and décor.
Behind you, Joel was hungrily glaring at your figure. The way you got to work without any questions. So submissive, so silent. Oh, how he can’t wait to hear you moan his name. To cum all over his cock, to..
“Father Miller?” His thoughts are cut off by your melodic voice drifting through the air. “What exactly are we looking for?”
He chuckles, slowly approaching the table. “Sweetheart, it’s not Sunday, and we’re not in a sermon. Please, call me Joel. Let’s drop the formalities for now.” He smiles, looking down at you, and then, his hand is on your lower back. Hardly an inch above your ass. “Just some decorations. Some banners, the candles, my white robe should be in here somewhere.”
You gasp, the feeling foreign and leaving a strange feeling in your loins. You look up from the boxes of discarded mess, eyes meeting his. “Father Miller..” You start, but he glares at you, eyebrows raised. You squint your eyes shut and scrunch your face up, mentally cursing at yourself for not using the name he’d asked you to use. “I mean, Joel..” You clear your throat. “Why would your robe be in here? Surely it should be at your house, or somewhere safe atleast?” Your eyes slowly open, meeting his again.
He looks at his hand, gliding it up and down your back slowly, as though he was comforting you. “Well, William – Sorry, Father Rafferty left it in here for me. Just haven’t had chance to come rootin’ through the boxes.” He hums, a low tune, a soft one. “So, Sweetheart, tell me.. have you ever sinned?”
The abrupt question makes you freeze up, frown at the thought and straighten up slightly, eyebrows furrowed. “What sort of a question is that?” You ask. “Of course not. Well… I don’t think I have.” You say, wracking your brain for an answer. It’s normal for him to ask these sorts of questions, right? He’s just looking out for you. To make sure you’re on the right path, that you’re pure and holy. You’ve never even looked at another man in a sinful way, let alone kiss one. Sure, you might think the odd boy is cute, and maybe you’ve looked at Father Miller – Joel in a different way, and that’s made you feel sinful. You have to admit though, his scruffy salt and pepper beard, dark eyes and calloused hands are no match for any of the local boys. Joel was beautiful. Handsome, even. But he was thirty years your junior, and the priest. It’d ruin his career and his relationship with God, yours too. You couldn’t do it to yourself.
“You’ve never kissed a boy?” He asks, curiosity peaking. You knew kissing wasn’t a sin, but it’s not like you needed to worry about it. You shake your head, saying nothing. “Would you like to kiss one?” He asks, his body suddenly moving to engulf yours, his crotch right against your ass as he wraps his arms around your waist. You shudder at the movement, his breath hot against your ear.
“Father, I’m not sure this is right.” The formalities are back, you’re unsure, nervous and confused. Never once has he acted this way towards you, so flirtatious and curious. And yet you find yourself wanting more. A burning forming deep inside of you.
“Joel.” He corrects. “And it’s alright, darling. Won’t do nothing you don’t want me to do.” He grabs your hips and turns you around in his arms so you’re facing him. He places his index finger under your chin, lifting your head up to look at him, his eyes piercing yours.
You swallow thickly, eyes scanning his features. His scruffy beard is stark in contrast to his combed-back hair. The weathering on is face is showing, proving his age, showing how wise he is. He’s gorgeous, for an older man. You never would’ve assumed he was in his fifties, had he not told you. You bite your lip, weighing out the pros and cons in your mind of potentially giving your first kiss to this man.
“Just tell me what you want, Darlin’.” He speaks, “it’s not a sin. Well, it’s definitely not a sin if you kiss me. We won’t be doing anything wrong.” He urges, watching intently as your tongue pokes out and swipes against your lower lip. You nod, if anyone should know about sin it’s him. If anyone should know what’s right or wrong, it’s him.
He doesn’t waste a second, closing the space between the pair of you, his lips pressing against yours. They’re plump and warm against yours, and you’re not sure what to do. You try to copy his movements, lips moving when his do. It’s hard and confusing at first, but you manage to get the hang of it slowly. It’s innocent at first. Soft, sweet and oh, so innocent. But the more he presses against you, the more your back presses against you solid oak table. The sharp edge digging into your back, the pain making you gasp. Joel takes this opportunity to slide his tongue between your lips. A wet, warm foreign feeling in your mouth.
It’s a long kiss, deep and hungry. His tongue prodding and attacking your mouth every so often, and you could swear you feel something warm and tingly in your lower stomach. You’re stood awkwardly, hands by your sides with absolutely no sense of direction, that is until Joel takes your hands and places them around his neck. You allow it, and as you settle in, his hands find their place on your waist, calloused fingers digging through your cotton dress.
You wince as he nips your bottom lip with his teeth, and you pull away, a string of saliva still connecting the two of you. His eyes dark with a newfound fire in them, and something you can’t quite put your finger on.
“Fuck angel, you taste so good.” Joel whispers, his hand coming up and brushing through your hair as he takes your form in. Slightly plumped lips, red and glossy from your shared saliva, eyes wide and still in shock from the moments. “I can’t get enough of you.”
He leans in again, and even though you expect for him to kiss you again, his lips find a new place – on your neck. His beard tickles the sensitive skin, his lips trailing down your neck to your collarbone, which only just peaks out of your modest dress. Your breath catches in your throat, the fire in your stomach growing strangely stronger, more apparent. You sigh out as he plants a wet kiss against your collarbone, his tongue gliding from your collarbone up to your earlobe.
“Such a good girl.” He murmurs in your ear, his fists grabbing your dress and starting to pull it up. You gasp, placing your hand on top of his to stop him, shaking your head.
“No.” You state. “That’s a sin, I can’t go any further, Father. It’s not right.” You tussle in his grip. “I’m waiting until marriage like I should, like God said I should.”
“Oh, sweet girl.” He purrs, slowly shaking your hand off his. “It’s not a sin if you do it with me. It doesn’t count.” He lies, tugging your dress up so it’s just above your waist. He slips his free hand into the waistband of your panties, hissing as his fingers are met with your arousal. “Oh, baby.” He purrs, his finger skilfully prodding your clit. You whine in his arms. “You’re so wet, so desperate.” Wet? That’s what it is? You’re aroused? By this? That strange, unfamiliar feeling in your gut was caused by him?
His fingers swipe your clit, moving at different angles until your face twisted in pleasure and your mouth drops open. A strangled moan comes from the back of your throat, a noise you didn’t even know you could make. A noise you shouldn’t make, but you can’t help it. You can’t stop the chorus of moans falling from your lips, and to Joel it sounds just like a hymn sung in church. So beautiful and melodic to his ears. He loves it.
His index finger trails down, making you frown at the loss of pleasure, prodding your tight hole. You gasp, immediately itching to get out of his grip again. His grip only tightens, and he pulls his hand out of your panties. He looks at the wetness on his hand in the dim light, admiring the shine and your embarrassed face. “Nothing to be embarrassed about, Sweetheart.” He winks before popping his fingers in his mouth and sucking your juices clean off them. You at him in both shock and awe as he reaches behind you and clears the table off, boxes falling on the floor with decorations scattering around the room.
He lifts you up, your dress still hiked around your waist as he places you on the table, stepping between your thighs. “You gon’ show me all of you, pretty girl?” He asks, caressing your face with the same hand he just sucked clean. You felt sick to your stomach, but at the same time, you yearned for more.
“Forgive me, Father..” You mutter quietly to the man himself upstairs, as you nod your head and lift your arms up. Joel takes complete advantage of this, removing your dress and discarding it on the dirty floor. You know it’ll be dirty and possibly ruined when you retrieve it after, but you’re sure you’ll make something up to appease your parents.
He whistles lowly at the sight of you in your underwear, and since he asked if you would show him all of you, he doesn’t ask if he can unclasp your bra, he just does it, hardly giving you time to react. The cool air immediately makes your nipples harden, stiff peaks standing to attention, desperate to be touched. To be manhandled and played with. He discards your bra ontop of your dress, his hands coming back and cupping your boobs.
You bite your lip at the new sensation as he fondles them “Do you trust me?” He asks, what a stupid question – of course you do. You nod, and he removes his hands from your breasts, his fingers sliding into the waistband of your panties. You lift yourself off the table slightly, after a glare of expectance from Joel, and he pries your soaking wet panties from your body, the soft pink colour now darker where wet.
“Oh, Darlin’.” He groans as he fingers the damp patch, and your cheeks grow hot again. “I’ve hardly even touched you. Hardly even shown you what a good time I can give ya.” He grins, a devilish grin, as he stuffs your soiled panties into his back pocket.
You shiver in anticipation, any worries of sinning or ruining yourself for marriage being long gone. After all, Father Joel Miller said it was okay, and that it wasn’t a sin asking as you did it with him, and he wouldn’t lie to you, right?
He kneels down in between your legs, groaning as his knees click, a sign of his old age. It should snap you out of this, remind you this isn’t who you are, but it does the opposite. Makes you yearn for him, crave him. He grabs your thighs and thrusts you closer to him so your ass is just barely on the table. With one arm wrapped around your waist, he uses his free hand to gently spread your lips, your pussy shining with arousal in the dim light. Glistening, calling for him, he exhales shakily. “Gotta stay still for me, Baby, okay?”
He dives forward, your soaking cunt spread open for him still, and he places a gentle, chaste kiss on your clit. A simple movement that has you jolting, and him chuckling at your reaction. A low, monotone tune.
“God girl, you’re a nasty little thing, huh?” He doesn’t even give you time to answer before he licks a straight line from your tight hole up to your clit. Your moans have his cock rock hard, painfully stretching against his pants. If he doesn’t get to fuck you, he’ll definitely masturbate to the thought of your moans, the way your cheeks were red and eyes glossed over.
He repeats it a couple of more times, licking stripes up your pussy, purely doing it to wind you up and tease you further, as if you weren’t already a soaking mess for him. He takes pity on you and your whines, leaning forward and wrapping his plump lips around your clit, ravenously devouring your pussy as though he hadn’t eaten for days.
It’s pleasure unlike anything you’ve felt before. So intoxicating and mind numbing, you could live on this feeling. Your hands grip the edge of the table, knuckles turning white as you moan, your hips subconsciously rocking and grinding into his mouth. “Joel.” You groan, and he only hums in response, noisily lapping up your leaking juices.
He brings his hand down, the one that was spreading your lips, and gently prods his middle finger against your tight hole. He gently pushes it in, despite your slight squirming and whines, holding it still to allow your pussy to get used to this new feeling, to this intruder. Then, he’s slowly thrusting his finger into you, all the while he’s completely devouring your pussy.
The feeling burns slightly, but is quick to wear off as it soon turns to pleasure, his finger hitting a certain spot that makes you see stars, that makes you unaware of how loud you are, how pitiful you sound. You don’t even realise he’s brought his second finger into the mix until the burn returns and you feel yourself being stretched out further.
You cry out, your hand shooting to his wrist. “Stop.” You command, voice wavering. “Too full.” He pulls his head away, chuckling lowly at the command.
“Too full?” He asks, “How do you expect me to fit my cock in your pretty pussy if you won’t even let me put my second finger in?” He raises an eyebrow. “I thought you were my good girl, are you not? Look at how wet you are, how well you’re taking my fingers.” He gently pushes his fingers in further as he speaks. You look down, the sight simply sinful. Your tight pussy engulfing his large calloused fingers, your juices all over his fingers and knuckles.
“Slowly.” You demand, gently releasing his wrist, and thankfully, he does. He pushes his fingers in, and you’re full. Fuller than you were before, and you didn’t even know that was possible. To feel so filled up and yet.. good? It’s slow, the way his fingers thrust in and out of you, inching deeper every time. It’s progress when the burning subsides, and you nod at Joel.
“Better.” You confirm, and he doesn’t need to ask twice.
His fingers slowly pick up the pace, his tongue attacking your clit again, your hips grinding against him, desperate for more friction, and you don’t even realise you’re doing it.
The burning in your lower abdomen grows stronger, more apparent. Like you’re building up to something momentum, something life changing. “Joel.” You moan. “Fuck, oh God.” You curse, not caring for the moment who hears you curse, or use Gods name in vain. You’ll pray later.
He pulls his lips away from you, smirking up at you. “Gonna cum, baby?” He asks, but you’re unsure. “Let go, Sweet girl. Show me how you cum all over my fingers. Show me how bad you can do.”
Your mouth drops open as his fingers hit that special spot, eyes seemingly rolling into the back of your head as it washes over you. The best thing you’ve felt in your life, crashing over you again and again. You see white flashes, and you feel like you’re on cloud nine. You don’t even realise that you’ve grabbed Joel’s wrist again to keep him in place, your hips rocking back and forth on his fingers.
You’re sweaty, beads of sweat have fallen down your chest, your thighs, and when you come to, you feel filthy, sinful, wrong. Like you’ve just had a piece of you taken. You look down, mouth dropping open as you gently release him from your ironclad grip. “I’m so sorry.” You blubber.
He pulls his fingers out of you, grinning wide at his accomplishment. “Look at that..” He pops his fingers in his mouth, sucking them dry. “Not so innocent, huh? You naughty girl. I heard you curse Gods name.”
“Please don’t mention that to anyone. It was wrong of me. I’m sorry, that shouldn’t of happened.” You plead, the thought of what the community may do to you scares you. You’ve seen what lengths they go to in order to shun someone. “I’ll do anything, just don’t tell them.”
He smirks. “Well, you could do one of two things. You could get on your knees at home and pray to God that he’ll forgive you, although there’s a very low chance of that happening, you sinful little minx.” He chuckles at your sorrowful face. “Or, you can turn around, bend over and let me fuck the sin out of you. I’m sure he’ll forgive you if every drop of sin has been eradicated from your body. Your choice.” He stands, groaning softly as his knees crack again, that reminder of his age causing your pussy to pulse in arousal.
You sigh, wordlessly standing up on wobbly legs. You turn around, gently laying your sweaty body against the table. Your stomach covered in the wetness you’d left behind, the rest of your body being welcomed by the coolness of the wood. “I want him to forgive me.” You squeak.
A feeling of pride in his chest, he smiles. You hear the sound of his belt unbuckling, and then the rustle of his pants as he pulls his cock from out of his boxers. He holds his hand out infront of you. “Spit.”
You gather all the spit in your mouth, spitting it into the palm of his hand. You wonder what he’s going to use your saliva for. “This isn’t going to hurt more than your fingers, is it?” You can hear him stroking himself with your spit, a wet, sloppy sound. You can’t help but wonder what his cock looks like. Is it big? Is it thick? Is it tanned like his sunglowed skin?
“Different for everyone, Angel. Shouldn’t hurt for long if it does.” He says, his free hand adjusting your form slightly. He stands behind you, getting himself into position. “The fact you just came should make it so much easier, and less painful.” He gently pushes the tip of his cock into your tight hole, hissing.
You cry out, the burning sensation stronger than ever as you feel yourself being stretched out around his thick cock. Tears prick your eyes. It’s unpleasant, you feel like you’re being ripped into two, like his cock is going to break you. “Too big.” You cry out again.
He tuts. “You said that about my fingers.” He rolls his eyes. “Too big.” He mocks in a slightly girlish tone. This isn’t the Miller you know. This is someone entirely different. His whole demeanour has changed in a matter of seconds, from the second you bent over for him, he’s far more dominant. “We got my fingers in, didn’t we? Just breathe.” He reaches his freehand down, rubbing your clit in small circles to get you to ease up.
You do as he says, taking deep breaths in through your nose as he continues to stretch your tight hole out around him. It takes what seems like forever before he finally bottoms out, and you hear him sigh. He stays still for a moment, allowing you to adjust before starting to slowly thrust into you.
The burn takes a while to ease off, but when it does and you finally get to embrace the feeling of being truly full up, you’re in shock. You thought two fingers was full, you were wrong.
“This pussy is so fucking tight.” He grunts, his hips slapping against yours as his pace speeds up. “Should’ve fucked you sooner, Pretty girl.” You moan in response, table creaking as he fucks you against it.
“Deeper.” You blurt out. Your body and mouth no longer felt like it belonged to you, it belonged to your lust. Your desperation to cum all over his cock again.
He obliges. “So fucking needy.” He scoffs, but smirks as your moans turn into callings of his name and strings of curses, the tip of his cock nudging that oh so sweet spot you’ve learnt to appreciate in what feels like seconds.
The sounds of skin slapping, moans from you and grunts from him echo around the room, bouncing off the walls and right into your ears, reminding you how your innocence is gone, how you’re no longer pure. How sinful you’ve become, something you’ve lived your entire life avoiding. Something you were taught to never even think about happening, something you were taught to shun others for. And now look at you, what a hypocrite. Bent over a table, being fucked by a man, who despite being very attractive, is decades older than you.
That same feeling is forming in your stomach as he fucks you harder, faster, deeper than before. He’s chasing after his own orgasm too, he can’t help but crumble when it comes to you. You’re just too perfect, and your pussy is his own personal brand of heroin.
It comes abruptly, without any warning, attacks you and your senses. You’re blinded by stars, head dizzy and body feeling heavy.
He gasps, grunting loudly. “Oh, you dirty girl.” He moans, his thrusts becoming sloppy and shallow. Your pussy strangles his cock as you pulsate around it, and it pushes him over the edge.
You can feel him spilling his hot cum inside of you, his cock pulsating in response to your pussy pulsating around him. He collapses on you for a minute, his clothed chest against your naked, sweaty back. You stay like this for a while until you clear your throat and he gets up, his dick now soft as it slips out of you, a mixture of your juices trickling down your legs.
He steps back to admire the view. Your ruined pussy, pumped full of his cum, pulsating around nothing. He hums as he tucks himself back into his pants, tutting at the small wet patch near his zipper. “Messy girl.” He mutters.
You gently push yourself up, grimacing at the feeling of the mixture of your juices trickling down your soft, shaky thighs. You bend over slowly, picking your discarded bra up from the floor and putting it back on. “Can I have my underwear back?”
He shakes his head. “They’re mine now, Angel.” He gives you a cheeky grin. You groan and point down to the mess trickling down your legs, and his response to that is to give you an old rag from one of the boxes.
You clean yourself up the best you can with the resources you’re given, but it’s not enough. He’s pumped you full of his cum and it’s still trickling out. You just decide you’re going to have to pray for the best. You pick up your once pristine white dress, now crumpled and dirty from the floor. You pour, seeing as it was picture perfect only this morning. You sigh, placing it over your head.
“Now, come on. We’ve got a church to decorate.” He winks at you, grabbing a box of decorations and walking out of the room, leaving you alone with your thoughts and feelings.
Tags: @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin
A/N: sorry but i think it’s absolutely ironic that I’m posting this on the day i’m actually going to church (christening).
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planetkiimchi · 2 months
train crush | n.yt
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featuring: yuta x gn!reader
word count: 4008
summary — you have a small crush on the red-haired man you saw on the train ride to work, but you don't even know his name. luckily, fate has its ways to bring you together with this stranger on your commute.
Y/n, Wednesday, 7:59am.
Squeezing onto the train filled with other people, you fight to catch your breath as the train sets off. Huffing, you brush your baby hair out of your face, adjusting the collar of your turtleneck. You unzip your down jacket, trying to cool your body down—the train is much too warm with so many people in it.
Just then, a flash of bright red catches your eye. You notice a young man, about your age, standing out from the crowd. Maybe it’s his red hair, swept into a ponytail, or the silver jewellery decorating his ear, but he catches your attention immediately.
Which is strange, because you live in Japan. It’s always at least semi-crowded, and everyone’s hair is dyed, so there’s no reason for this man in particular to be so interesting. It’s odd, because you wouldn’t claim to recognise everyone on your commute to work, and you could swear you’ve never seen him before, yet you feel a sense of… well, familiarity perhaps, when you see him.
Red, which is what you’ve coined him in your head for now, looks up. You avert your gaze, but not fast enough. Seeing you looking at him, his mouth forms the slightest of smirks. You turn away, pressing the back of one cold hand to your cheek, not even surprised by how warm it is.
Desperate to hide your blush, you face away from Red for the remainder of your commute, but not without noting that he hasn’t yet gotten off when you reach your stop.
As you step off the train, you wonder if you'll ever see him again.
Yuta, Thursday, 7:39am.
For the first time in his life, Yuta is standing at the platform instead of running to catch his train before the doors shut. Yuta oversleeps most of the time, too exhausted from the night before to wake up on time. He often finds himself rushing to the train station, legs going as fast as they can carry him, boarding the train while panting, hair in a total mess.
Today, his hair is in a ponytail again. He pops an earbud into his ear, playing music to pass the time.
When the train arrives, he’s lucky enough to get a seat before they’re all filled, and a sense of warmth fills his body. Perhaps this is what it feels like to have an organised life? He wouldn’t know.
His train arrives every ten minutes, so oftentimes when he misses the train that will get him to work on time, he’ll have to wait for the next one. He’s not sure when the last time he was punctual for work was.
He’s wrapped in his thoughts when the doors open, and a few people squeeze their way onto the train. He looks up briefly, noticing the same person entering the train again.
Yesterday, he’d felt someone staring, and when he looked up, he saw a commuter with dark brown eyes and disheveled chestnut brown hair. They made eye contact with him before turning away with flushed cheeks, not once looking back at him.
Interesting, he hums to himself. Mystery Worker is dressed in formal clothing, a tidy blouse paired with plain black trousers, the black turtleneck they’re wearing underneath their shirt peeking out from their collar.
Mystery Worker purses their lips, glancing at the screen at the side of the train. As their head lowers back to their phone, they pause mid-movement, then squint in Yuta’s direction.
Feeling their gaze on him once more, Yuta’s hand self-consciously goes to touch his red hair—he rarely regrets it, but after two times of Mystery Worker being intrigued by it, he wonders if it was really a good decision to dye his hair red.
Mystery Worker smiles, subtle but unmistakable, and Yuta finds himself smiling back.
Y/n, Friday, 7:59am.
It’s the last day of the work week, and you’re celebrating it by starting your day off with a flask of hot coffee. You’d brewed it early that morning, determined to find a way to get yourself through the day, and what better way than to give yourself a shot of caffeine?
Humming, you tap your foot rhythmically against the floor in time with the music streaming from your headphones. Right on time, the train moves into the station, the familiar warning to “mind the gap” preceding the opening of the doors.
You step onto the train, getting jostled around as people enter after you, and you’re grateful to find yourself near a pole. You reach out and grasp it to keep your balance, forgetting about the flask in your hand. It falls to the ground, making a loud sound that causes heads to turn.
Your cheeks flush red hot as you bend down to pick it up, thankful that you’d screwed the cap on tightly. You bow your head to the commuters near you in apology, breathing a sigh of relief when most of them turn back to their devices without giving you any more thought.
A light chuckle draws your attention, and your eyebrows furrow in irritation as you pinpoint the direction of the laugh, directing your glare to…
Oh. It’s Red, holding one white earbud in his hand and staring blatantly at you, phone forgotten in his hand. He tilts his head at you in greeting, and you frown back at him, unhappy that he was laughing at you.
Setting his phone down in his lap, he raises both hands in apology, and you continue to frown for a few more seconds, just for the effect, before rolling your eyes and shrugging.
He’s clearly taking that as “apology accepted”, because he smiles at you and points to your flask.
Coffee? he mouths, and you nod in response.
He nods in approval, putting his earbud back in and going back to his phone.
Yuta, Monday, 7:35am.
Yuta finds his days are gradually starting earlier. For example, last night he slept at 10 after coming back from dinner with his parents, and he woke up at 6.45am today, which is honestly a great improvement from the usual 7.15.
He even had time to enjoy breakfast—a raisin bun with cream cheese—at home, instead of chomping down on it on his way to the station. His walk to the train station today is slow, leisurely, even, a stark contrast to the hurried run-walk he usually does while trying not to choke on his food.
He strides into the train station with two minutes to spare, which is the exact duration of the escalator ride from the street level to the underground floor, where the platform is located.
The door opens, as if on cue, and he walks in, leaning comfortably against a wall in the corner.
He’s never really thought about it, usually too preoccupied with thoughts on how he can reach work on time, but now he has the luxury of the full 18 minutes of the train ride and nothing to do.
Reaching up to pull the hair tie from his hair, he decides he can try to learn how to braid his hair.
It has never occured to Yuta how difficult it is to braid hair. He’s seen his mother do it before, with her long hair that cascades past her shoulders tidied up into one neat braid, and she always braided Haruna’s hair in two French braids before school. These gave him the wrong impression that braiding hair was easy, but as he quickly finds out, it is not.
He clumsily tries several times to split his hair into three segments, but they’re quite disastrously not equal, and no matter how hard he tries, he can’t seem to braid his hair.
Fifteen minutes pass without him even noticing, and he’s still stuck trying to remember how his mother’s hands went over each other, and failing to recreate it on his own hair. He sighs in exasperation, letting go of a fistful of hair and sulking.
The train comes to a stop and Mystery Worker walks in, all poised. Today, their turtleneck is a dark shade of red—maroon, Yuta thinks it’s called—and they meet Yuta’s gaze as if on instinct. His pout slips off his face and he smiles sheepishly at them.
They raise their eyebrows in question, and Yuta points towards his hair, repeating what he’s been doing for the entire ride. Mystery Worker laughs, but not in a mean way, more like in an amused manner.
Muttering “excuse me” under their breath, they squeeze past the other people on the train, coming to Yuta. He not-so-nonchalantly realises that he’s still leaning against the wall, and that in this position, Mystery Worker is taller than him.
“Hi,” Mystery Worker says, and Yuta is so caught off guard that he almost forgets to reply.
“...Hi,” he replies breathily, cursing himself for the tone in which he said it.
Mystery Worker points to his hair. “Do you… need help?”
Yuta nods. He offers the hair tie to Mystery Worker, turning his head so they can reach his hair. Mystery Worker moves to stand behind his head, fingers deftly moving through his hair, braiding it into a bun, which they then tie up without struggle.
Yuta opens his mouth to thank them, hand reaching instinctively up to touch it. His bangs are still loose, and he runs his fingers lightly over the loose braid, a smile slowly blossoming on his face.
“Thank you,” he says softly.
Mystery Worker shrugs. “No problem.”
The train comes to a stop, and Yuta frowns. Has it been two stops already? It must have been, because Mystery Worker nods towards the door, and says, “That’s my stop.”
“Wait!” Yuta calls after them, volume low. “I didn’t catch your name.”
“L/n,” Mystery Worker tells him. “And yours?”
“Nakamoto,” Yuta says. Before he can say anything else, L/n is gone.
Y/n, Tuesday, 8.27am.
You’re running through the different ways you can make up the fare for today’s taxi ride. ¥4650 is a lot for you, especially since the week has only just started, and you still need enough money for your meals for the rest of the week.
You close your eyes, breathing heavily and deeply through your mouth before opening them again. You stare dejectedly out the window, unable to stop thinking about the feel of Red’s hair in your fingers. It’s getting so bad, you couldn’t even stop thinking about it last night, to the point that you only fell asleep at midnight, and you woke up late today at 8am.
The taxi you called was a last resort, but there was no way you were getting to work on time otherwise. You’d gotten ready in less than half an hour, which was record time even for you.
Worst of all, you can’t even see Red—no, Nakamoto, today. And it’s all because of your stupid overthinking tendencies. His voice still rings in your ear, low and clear, against the background noise of the whistling train.
What if he thinks you’re not on the train because of him? After all, you braided his hair, then rushed off, too embarrassed to be in his presence. Worse still, what if he doesn’t notice? What if all the previous times he’s met your eye were flukes, and you’re just another passerby in his life?
Maybe he doesn’t actually remember you, and you’re making a big deal out of nothing. You were so stupid not to have gotten his number, and now you might never see him again.
Yuta, Wednesday, 7.35am.
Yuta arrives extra early at the station, which by his definition, is about 4 minutes earlier before the train’s designated arrival time.
He’s still unable to get L/n out of his mind, the way they easily braided his hair before going off for work. He replays the last moment of them leaving over and over again, berating himself for not asking for their number.
L/n wasn’t on the train yesterday, and maybe they were sick or something, but it’s making him worried. Were they uncomfortable getting so close to him? Did he cross a line? Or worse, do they not find him attractive at all and think he’s attention-seeking?
Yuta’s fist clenches, and he makes a conscious effort to unclench it. But then he just feels more uncomfortable, so he scrunches the fabric of his pants in his fist until the train arrives, letting out a long breath to calm himself down.
For the first time since Yuta moved to Fushimi, he stands near the door that opens at Shijō station, pressed up against the plastic screen separating him from the people in their seats. People move past him into the train, and he can’t help but fidget with his earrings all the way to Shijō station, waiting until the doors open.
The tightness in his heart loosens the moment he sets eyes on L/n, who’s wearing a navy turtleneck and a worried expression that turns into relief the moment their eyes meet.
They make their way to him, maintaining a respectful distance, and bow their head slightly in greeting. “Hi.”
He dips his head back. “Hi.” He tries not to sound too desperate as he asks, “You okay? I didn’t see you yesterday.”
L/n bites their lip, staring at the wall behind Yuta. Yuta’s wearing his platforms today, so he notes with a hint of triumph that he’s taller than them, even when leaning against the plastic screen.
“I overslept,” they say simply. “I couldn’t take the train, or I’d be late, so I called a cab instead.”
Oh? Yuta thinks it’s pathetic how happy he feels hearing that. Instead, he opts to say, “Did you get to work on time?”
L/n nods. “Yes.” Then, shaking their head slightly as if to rid themselves of a thought they’d rather not have, they ask, “How are you?”
Yuta shrugs, straightening up and bracing the palm of his hand against the screen, reaching for the pole to keep his balance. “Okay, I guess.” He decides not to tell them how his life has taken a rather drastic turn in the past week. He’s been waking up earlier, excited by the prospect of seeing them on the train, determined not to miss his train.
Yesterday, when they weren’t there, his heart dropped. If they hadn’t come today, his not-very-hard-earned habit of waking up early might go away, and his life would return to the dreary routine he was used to.
That would be a most unpleasant outcome, which is why he is glad that they are on the train again today.
“Oh.” He attempts to keep a casual tone as he says, “I forgot to get your number the other day.”
He’s not very good at hiding how gleeful he is when they reach into their bag, pulling out their phone and opening LINE.
They pass their phone to him, and he types his full name and number in before saving the contact.
“Nakamoto Yuta?” they ask to double-check, and his heart melts at the sound of them saying his name.
“Yes,” he nods.
L/n hums to themselves, then says, “I’ll contact you.”
The doors open at this perfect juncture, and Yuta manages to wave at L/n before they turn and leave.
Y/n, Thursday, 7.59am.
When you board the train, you have to take a good, hard look at the commuters before you finally spot Nakamoto. He's seated next to another man about his age, also sporting red hair just a couple shades darker.
Nakamoto glances up, waving at you, and you take a few steps closer to him.
"Hey, stranger."
You almost do a double take before realising he's teasing you. "Hey, Nakamoto."
The disarming, guileless grin on his face almost fools your heart into calming down, until he jokes, "Didn't recognise me?"
"No." You immediately add, "I mean, your red hair is just so distinctive, I'm used to catching sight of it even on a crowded train. So it kind of threw me off, I guess, seeing two people with red hair sitting side by side."
Perhaps it's your delivery, or the way you wave your hands in front of yourself as you defend yourself, but Nakamoto laughs.
"I believe you," he assures you, and you let out a sigh of relief. "Have you eaten breakfast?"
Nodding, you pull out your bento box from your bag. "I made lunch," you explain. "It's chicken katsu don, and I had some rice left over, so I decided to make corn mayo onigiri."
Nakamoto nods approvingly. “Sounds yummy.”
The conversation proceeds the same way it did last night, polite “how are you”s are exchanged, and there’s discussion about the weather this morning and the wave of tourists that have been seen around the city center lately. You work near the Kyoto Imperial Palace, which can be considered a tourist spot, so you’re no stranger to tourists. Lately, though, you’ve definitely seen a lot more tourists—maybe they’re here early, at the end of winter, waiting to see the cherry blossoms.
An announcement reminds you that you’re reaching your stop, and it feels faster than it usually does. You wave goodbye to Nakamoto, who asks, “Same time tomorrow?”
You laugh and nod. “See you!”
Yuta, Friday, 7:53am.
It’s been 9 days. Not that Yuta is counting. He just happens to know that they first met on a Wednesday, and that today is Friday, and that it’s been more than a week since he started leaving the house on time. He just happens to know. Not that he’s keeping track, no, of course not.
(He likes to lie to himself sometimes. It helps him feel better.)
Momoka has perfect timing, because she calls just as the train reaches Shijō station, and he presses his phone to his ear. L/n walks in, lips lifting into a smile as they catch sight of him. They hurry over, watching him speak to his sister in Japanese so quick it’s a mess of words, but Momoka understands, of course.
My sister, he mouths at them. “Hold on a second,” he tells Momoka, and he’s met with obedient silence as he pulls the phone away from his mouth, speaking to L/n. “Do you want to say hi? She’s my older sister.”
L/n shrugs. “Sure.”
Yuta passes them the phone, and they greet Momoka politely. He can’t hear Momoka’s response, but L/n briefly introduces themselves and explains how they got to know Yuta. A smile plays on his lips, watching how earnestly L/n speaks over the phone.
“Here you go.”
Yuta receives the phone, and Momoka is already screeching in his ear. “Have you made your move? Yuta, how did you manage to find someone so sweet just by going to work? This is so unfair.”
Yuta doesn’t typically blush, but he thinks that he might begin to if Momoka keeps this up. Lowering his voice, he chides her, “Onesan, can you lower your volume? They’re literally right next to me.”
“Oh, right, sorry. Still, I think you should ask them out! They sound like they like you, at least as a friend.”
Yuta refrains from rolling his eyes. He’s not above taking advice from his older sister in a pinch, but he can’t help but find that she’s being a bit nosier than usual. Perhaps after he graduated from university, she’s become more worried about them drifting apart, so she always makes a point to ask him how he’s doing.
“I’ll consider it,” he tells her, before hanging up.
L/n watches him curiously, raising an eyebrow in question, and he tries to play it off by saying, “Do you have plans for tonight?”
L/n shakes their pretty head, hair falling into their eyes. They run a frustrated hand through their hair, sighing in irritation, apologising softly. “‘M not sighing at you,” they clarify. “My hair’s just not cooperating with me today.”
Yuta opens his mouth to say no, it’s fine, but L/n is already moving on. “Anyway, I don’t have plans, so…”
Yuta rushes to fill the silence. “Would you like to go to Kiyamachi with me for dinner?”
L/n grins. “I thought you’d never ask.”
Y/n, Friday, 6.21pm.
The wind is frigid, but not half as cold as it was a month ago. Already the winter is coming to an end, and the melting snow and warmer temperatures begin to usher in the start of spring.
Spring in Japan comes with the ever-famous cherry blossoms, though the number of foreigners flocking to take pictures at all the popular tourist spots makes it less special than it was when you were younger.
The night is young but the sun has set, and there’s a sort of stillness in the night, even with the bustling city life and the crowds of working class people seeking warmth in small, crowded restaurants, indulging in a hot bowl of ramen after a long day.
You blow on your hands, rubbing together and placing them over your ears, which are as cold as ice. Shuffling your feet, you glance up at the sky, wondering when the last time you saw stars was. Your train of thought is interrupted by a pointed cough, and you tilt your head back down, meeting Nakamoto’s eye.
“Hey, stranger.”
You grin at the nickname, which is already starting to grow on you. “Hey, Nakamoto.”
He extends a hand out to you, cocking his head to one side. “Come with me?”
You take his hand, finding that his palm is warm, almost as warm as the heat pack in your pocket. His breathing creates little puffs of mist in the cold air, and you move closer to him, matching his pace as he begins walking.
The lights seemingly grow brighter as you draw nearer to them, the alluring smell of fried meat and sweet desserts filling the air. It only gets stronger, the smell of spices and the sound of crackling fire overwhelming your senses the further you walk into the street.
Like a little kid, Nakamoto draws you towards a stall selling takoyaki, pointing out the items on the menu as you nod along. You place your free hand over your ear, trying to warm it out, and Nakamoto notices.
Chuckling softly to himself, he grabs your hood and pulls it over your head, not caring that it seems to mess up your hair.
“I look like a little kid,” you complain, and he raises both eyebrows.
“Better than freezing to death, no?”
You pout, and he briefly smooths your hair before turning back to the stall owner and ordering a plate of takoyaki for the two of you to share. You offer to hold it, inwardly glad for the warmth of it against your palm. Nakamoto offers to feed you, using the sticks to bring the takoyaki balls close to your mouth, one hand underneath preventing the sauce from getting on your clothes.
The two of you walk around, peering at the food people are selling—occasionally letting out cries of “it’s so expensive”—and buying some dango, yakitori and crepes to share.
Under the stars obscured by light pollution, in the cold Kyoto winter on some night in February, you mumble a few words of thank you to the man you’d never expected to become a part of your life.
“You can’t thank me like that and still address me by my last name,” he says, eyebrows raised. “I don’t even know your first name yet.”
“It’s Y/n,” you say.
“Y/n.” He tries the word, rolling it around in his mouth. “It’s a pretty name.”
“Yuta sounds better.”
Yuta leans in, eyes sparkling at the mention of his name, so close to you you can barely breathe. “Say it again?”
Heart pounding, you repeat his name, over and over again until he’s satisfied, eyes shining brighter than the stars.
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first-edition · 11 months
Fox and the Hound
Sandor Clegane x reader
Chapter 4
1 - 2 -3 -4
Sum-Joffrey wants to send a message to your family after your brother embarrasses him, so he marries you off to his most unwanted man in his court, the hound. But will this marriage truly be a statement for an eyesore, or will it grow into something more. 
Cw for chapter, cussing, 18+ language and themes, insults, fighting, gossiping, alcohol consumption.
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Standing next to the hound you watch as Marcella cries as she's rowed out to seat the larger journey ship. Tommen cries as his sister leaves his sight past the rocks. Joffrey rolls his eyes at all the attention she's getting.
Your ladies stand a distance away from the hound and yourself not wanting to be near him. He looks down to you briefly before Joffrey gets bored and walks up the stairs calling him along with him. 
“Come, dog!” he spits out hound follows him with an eye roll. 
“My lady you've been invited to a tea party in the garden with a few of the fellow court ladies' ' your lady in waiting says about to lead you out. 
“Can it wait.” you ask, looking at a cersi whose tears fall silently. She doesn't answer when she sees Sansa follow after her ladies. Your eyes avert to the water again, the light splashes of the water against the rocks before you watch cersei exit the ceremony following shortly after her. 
Your ladies continue to follow you as you walk through the garden. You huff and stop turning around to them. 
“Will you please possibly go do something else besides follow me like abandoned dogs on the street! I don't need to be followed everywhere I go” you snap at them. They curtsy and scurry off. You sigh, shaking your head. You turn back again seeing the other ladies and Sansa sitting under the gazebo giggling and drinking tea. 
“y/n how lovely for you to join us. We've saved you a seat as well as a cross stitch fold.” lady tyrell says as a guard pulls out the spare chair for you and you take a seat in between lady nighall, and lady cricket. You nod at her smile and a servant pours a cup of tea for you. You take the cross stitch in hand and work on it to occupy the time before the ladies barrel you with questions.
“You wed the hound, sandor clegane yesterday, how exciting.” lady ebsings speak. She's a skinny woman with dark black hair that she keeps in a high ponytail. Her dresses are always too elaborate to function yet she finds a way somehow. She married a man who's rich because he's the top ship seller. 
“Yes I did.” you reply. 
“And what I mean can't be much of a fun experience between a king's guard and a legitimate princess.” lady cricket, a larger woman with brown hair she keeps half up and half down always with a decorative hair pin holding it back. She wears green dresses even though it clashes with her skin tone. 
“It's…new. Being married isn't something I would have thought about for a while but the king thought we’d be a good match so we were wed.” you answer. Lady Tyrell gives you a small smile and nod knowing it was fully forced although liking the way you answered the question. 
“Oh come now spare us the sugar and get to the gritty, the consummation…he’s big?” Lady Nighall retorts, a woman of particular size but on the older side around her mid 40s who doesn't get much action as her husband is flaccid all the time so she indulges herself in self pleasure and pleasure houses as she is the country side's top broker for silver coin. You don't answer her question however. 
“you , did, consummate correct.” She digs for answers.
Once again the uneasy feeling erupts from your stomach as all anyone ever wants to talk about is if you and sandor have bedded. Opening your mouth to tell the truth you're sick of people asking so you lie. 
“Yes…he's very adequate.” you say into your teacup trying to fake a description of the act of sex. You sip on your tea before placing the cup back onto the tray. They all accept Sansa and Lady Tyrell, giggle and quickly speak about their husbands in bed for a short period of time. 
Your eyes attached downwards at the table of various sweets and tea. Lady ebsing speaks once again. 
“A-and how…was he.” she smiles at you. 
“Adequate.” you answer once again. 
“Oh come now you're a deflowered princess with a large husband. I was so sure he might split you in two or least break your neck while holding onto you.” she says as they continue to go back to gossip. 
“The hound is a big ugly brute. I'm surprised. After all, if he were to get married he doesn't deserve a small thing like yourself. No wonder all the maidens fear him. His best quality I guess would be being able to kill a man.” lady nighall says. I look up seeing him standing behind her. 
“Sandor.” you say. 
“I know his name, my dear. I just chose not to use a name. Did you know his mother wouldn't even look at him? Mhm heard that from the grape vein.” she says, sipping her tea. 
“My apologies for disturbing your chatter.” Sandor says through gritted teeth as he had to listen to everything that bitch said about him. His deep gruff voice hitting the ears like a clash of steel. 
“OH!” Lady nighall squeals, dropping her tea cup, spilling the tea on her dress. 
“Damn! Sneaking up on a woman is never a good quality” she exclaims 
“Apologize” he says knowing he's not really sorry. 
“Are you alright sandor?” you ask him. He nods before turning to Sansa who is still scared to look at him. 
“The king requests your presence my lady” he says as she nods and stands. 
“Thank you for having me, it was lovely.” she says and stands before walking off a guard that was standing post walks behind her. 
“Lady nighall maybe instead of indulging yourself in the insulting of other maybe you can focus more on the coin you spend daily to indulge yourself in lord baelish's pleasure house, or more rather hoe he indulges himself in you.'' Sandor retorts. Lady nighalls mouth opens in a gasp. 
“And close that yapper its using up more words than the kingdom” he says which makes her shut her mouth. And the other ladies snorted a giggle at his comment. Nighall looks at you square anger on her face as the hound begins to walk away. 
“I apologize for him.” you say getting up, gathering your skirt and running after your husband.
“Sandor!” You yell gathering your dress chasing after him. 
“Sandor, I'm talking to you!” You yell out to him.
He grumbles, continuing walking away. You stop, stamping your foot against the ground and shout at him.
“SANDOR CLEGANE! YOU STOP THIS INSTANT” You shout. He stops and turns to you before walking back to you. 
“Go back to picking flowers and sewing with the other ladies. I bet there will be more gossip about fox and hound eh!” He barks at you.
“You made me look rude, you should go and apologize to her.” you say 
He scoffs 
“Apologize? APOLOGIZE? My whole damn life I've been apologizing to highborns like yourself not as if any of you are worth it so speaking my mind once in a while..yeah I'll do that especially to over entitled cunts who drown themselves at pleasure houses.” he barks out. 
“Why are you always so hateful!” You snap back at him. 
“You’ll be glad of the hateful things I say someday! When I’m the only thing in your way of a good life and a bad one.” he says.
“I’ve got 3 bad things in my life and if you think you're one of them you’re wrong! I didn’t choose to marry you, but Fuck I’ll make the most of it!” You yell at him. Looking him dead in the eyes. Never in his life has he had someone yell at him and look at him square. His look softens ever so slightly. 
“Go finish your tea party. Eat your cakes and don't spill on your shiny gown and dont fucking call me that.” He spits out before turning away from you walking off. 
“GAH! I hate you!” You huff and turn walking away. Back to the other women. 
You ignore the hound for the rest of the day purposefully feeling your distance when Joffrey and Jaime knight the new king's guard, when you see him following the other guard to look the opposite direction pretending not to notice him. You don't know how much good he will care about it, you're damn sure getting a reaction out of it. 
Night falls and for the second time sandor does not join the room, the mester came to watch the consummation but you had him sent away wanting no one in the room and nothing. Sitting in the bath the water filled in oils and scents making the room smell nice as well. You sigh dipping into the hot water dunking your head under the water. The quiet of nothing for a few seconds before you come back to the surface. 
Moving your wet hair out of your face. You sit to the side and rest your head on your arm and you and your other out of the bathtub letting the water dripping off your finger tips onto the stone flooring. 
The memories of a happier time flood your mouth, your brother and you walking and laughing in the gardens. Him teaching you to ride a horse. Your family in your home's castle. All things you'll never get back. Confined to hatred and stone walls of kings landing. 
The next day you continue to ignore the hound. Although has busy supervising the training of the new guards you pass by the courtyard you can feel his eyes on you. 
“Marriage troubles already?” meryyn says to him as sandor huffs at you. 
“Shut the fuck up trant.” he grumbles. 
“What's wrong clegane aren't performing well.” merryn laughs sandor walks towards merryn and grabs his collar. 
“You dont fucking shut up ill turn your insides to out side do you understand!” he tells me. Before dropping him into the mud. The other men stop to watch merryn trant get told by the larger man. Merryn gets up and draws his sword to sandor. 
“Oh what? You're going to pull out your little sword on me?” Sandor is annoyed with his temper tantrum. 
“Go on then swing it. Show everyone what a big strong man you are!” hound yells at trant. Who then swings his sword missing sandor everyone laughs as merryn only prompting him to swing again missing sandor for a second time.
“Fuck sake.” Sandor rolls his eyes at him, grabbing his sword out of Trant's hands, throwing it to the side and landing a punch on his face. Everyone oohs at the site of merryn getting his ass kicked. He gets up and charges at Sandor with a yell barreling into him pushing him back, tackling him. 
“You fuckign fat ugly cunt!” Sandor yells at him and pushes him over, holding his face into the mud. Jamie walks over with his arms crossed as he chuckles at Merryns struggle. 
“Don't pick a fight you can't win.” Jamie says as Sandor gets up, spitting out the mud that got into his mouth and wiping it off his face. 
“Dumb cunt.” Sandor says before spitting out more mud. 
You stand in the throne room staring at the iron throne alone, your handmaidens out of your sight finally. Nothing but peace and quiet as you stare at the throne. 
“Beautiful isn't it.” you hear a voice turning to see lord baelish. 
“My lord.” you say nodding your head. 
“Princess.” he answers, taking his place right next to you. 
“It was forged after all the battles against the Targaryens were done. People say that the throne room used to be covered in swords from all the battles, they would melt the swords right down onto the stairs” he says holding his hand out. 
“Where are they now? The other swords?” you ask in wonder.
“Removed when the chair had a new sitter. Children running around. They say servers would trip and impale themselves so often they had to train staff to a speciality. Out of all the brutality the targaryens ensued…they cared for the weary.” he says you continue to look at the throne. 
“You are lady clegane now, yes?” he says
“You were at the wedding banquet, surely you must know.” you say reluctantly. 
“You don't sound pleased.” he says
“I…it's just for the past few days that's all anyone speaks of my being lady clegane the princess away from home…i just…” you trail off. 
“Just what my lady?” he asks. 
You're about to open your mouth to speak again but the door opens and you both turn around seeing sandor half covered in mud. 
“Speak of the demon himself, what brings you? Here to collect for my lady wife?” Baelish says. 
“Fuck off you grey haired squirrel” sandor grunts as he walks twords your way. 
“Why are you muddy? Are you alright?” You ask. 
“Becuase merryn fuckign trant dosnt know when you keep his greasy fucking tits out of the way. Picked a fight while over seeing guarding fucking cock sucker. He says passing you both.
“Don't keep us waiting to tell if you win?” Baelish asks. 
“Fuck…off.” he huffs walking down through the hall to the council room. Also reminding lord baelish why he was walking through the throne room. 
“I beg pardon my lady, I wish you a good night.” he says bowing before following after sandor.
Chapter 5 here
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morgansman · 1 month
I noticed a debate about Arthur being dark blonde or light brown. I would say both.
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As seen in this photo, Arthur has some darkish brown and light brown to burnt blonde looking color to it.
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Same with his hair. And before you argue that I'm using mods in these that change his hair I'm not, I only have an online content unlocker and I do not have a rampage trainer so mods that mess with his hair are very unlikely.
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Also, the darkest color Arthur's hair can be ingame is dark brown, which is due to darker lighting. But my proof is inaccurate at best as photobleaching is a thing. And if you don't know what it is the photochemical alteration of a dye or a fluorophore molecule such that it is permanently unable to fluoresce. Or fading for short.
I saw a debate on Reddit. Yes, Reddit. But it was about Arthur's eye color, I always thought it was blue until I checked this, now the thing about blue-eyed people is that their eye color can appear different per se. I can prove this I am blue-eyed. For example, my eye color looks purple sometimes, some dude said it was rainbow once kinda weird. But it can also look green at times just like Arthur's in this photo.
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But this is caused by the light brown pigment of whatever the fuck interacting with the blue light in your eyes or whatever. Which causes it to look green or speckled. Also, I have proven before that Arthur has blueish-greenish eyes. Yes, that's real.
no debate about Arthur solos. has around 6'0, 180lbs but if you want me to go deep into this. According to a video I have found and some other evidence Arthur's quickdraw is around .23-.27 seconds and the blink of an eye is .25 seconds, so before Ellie could get close she'd already be shot. Anyone who says otherwise might just be a dumbass.
PART 4 : Ending some bickering between John and Arthur fans.
It is persistently debated about who is the better gunslinger between Arthur and John, or fighter in general. It's not a fair comparison, it's like comparing apples to oranges, both have their specialties, and both have their advantages over the other. In terms of gameplay, they are indistinguishable. But in terms of lore, most will say that Arthur would win in a brawl and John would win in a regular duel. There isn't much debate about whether or not Arthur would win in a brawl, most would agree on this, though the second one is a bit more controversial. But it is reasonable to suggest that in John's prime and after all of his experience and training with Landon, that he would be a quicker draw. But the comparison still isn't fair nonetheless. Arthur isn't a gunslinger, though he may be extremely quick, he prioritizes accuracy over speed, and that is his specialty. Arthur is a sniper, he is a rifleman, he would pick off enemies from an extreme distance and John would clear them out with extreme speed. Arthur is better in terms of accuracy, but yes, John would likely win in a duel. But so what? Duels aren't all that common and it likely wouldn't be the circumstance in which they would fight. However, if it came down to it and they were both in a battle close to mid-range with guns, John would still likely win because even if Arthur can hit a vital headshot with great accuracy, John can still hit his shots almost as well, and do so quicker. This is assuming that they are both in their prime, of course, because if we are referencing Arthur while he has TB or while John is still an oaf and doesn't have the same versatility with guns then it wouldn't really be fair. Additionally, most John fans will mention that John had a better arsenal, but what relevance does that have? Did he find a time portal in 1911 and teleport back in time to 1899 just to shoot Arthur or something? If they were to fight, it would be in the same period, so arsenal doesn't matter.
PART 5 : Naming my son. ( made my Vern's brother Mike. )
Hey, I'm Michael, and I also manage the RDR2 FANCLUB Blog. I had a debate with my wife the other day about whether we should name our child Arthur ( comical I know. ) or Iroy both are good but I need your opinions. also, @arthursdoll you're a pretty good friend of my brother so I'll let you decide :)
PART 6 : John Marston who?
rip van winkle.
PART 7 : Ending another stupid Reddit thing.
" When do you think Dutch went sour. "
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Dutch wasn't necessarily always a good figure in the game, he didn't really start out as one and this is speaking from someone who's played it 16+ times. Oh and by the way if you couldn't tell Vernidia isn't explaining this one. But you have to take something into account so let us start with the.
Death of Davey Callander. The death of Davey surely played an impact on the choices that Dutch throughout the story. So did the death of Jenny I suppose, both weren't really introduced.
Chapter 2. Chapter 2 played a big part in the game, it was one of the LARGEST chapters. And if you watch the hidden dialogues in chapters 2 and 3 between Dutch and Lenny and Hosea and Lenny, it looks to me like they were grooming him to become Dutch’s next “consigliere”.
Trolley incident, and ETC. The trolley incident happens during the trolley mission where Dutch hits his head, an injury possibly played a part during this, I don't quite know. But there is an obvious change in Dutch after he hits his head during that mission.
FORGOT SOMETHING. Arthur mentions in Chapter 1 Colter that he never saw a side of Dutch that he's seen before, this is when he killed that girl on the ferry job in Blackwater.
The Bank heist went wrong. The bank heist surely played a huge part in the game it contained the death of Hosea and Lenny. And after these deaths you can see a sure change in Chapter 5.
My conclusion is he went “Sour” during the ferry heist but didn't quite reveal his true colors until Chapter 4-5.
PART 8: When Dutch shot at John in rdr1 did he mean to kill him?
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Yeah probably.
Made by Vernidia, Mike, and Scooter
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rae-unbeloved · 1 month
His full name is Nicholas Odasies Dimitriou
He's aspec, not sure what but prolly aroace
His Nationalities are Scottish (father & half mother) & Greek (other half mother & one grandparent :3)
Btw he's an ISTJ-T (I did a personality quiz and just answered what i think nico would say)
Just a description of his appearance really: Brown, fluffy hair that comes off his shoulder's but isn't quite mid-length, usually in a ponytail. Grayish blue eyes, althogh one eye (left) is lighter than the other, has a beauty mark on the left side of his face and a mole just below his right eye, somewhat dark eyebags, is 5'3 and just doesn't have a single thought behind his eyes, either that or many many, very terrible thoughts.
He really likes nature, specifically magpies, birds as a whole and flowers/plants.
He stayed in Scotland with his whole family, his mum dying when he was 9 and his dad was rarely at home so he had to learn to take care of himself and his sister, his sister also taking care of their little brother. They lived in Scotland for another year before moving to America for both convenience as they moved in with their maternal aunt, and due to the fact that their father had gotten a deal for his job there.
His sister died a day or two after his 13th birthday, causing Nico to spiral slightly from the grief as his sister was also the family member who of which he was closest to and actually took care of him when others (Aunt & dad) didn't, his sister gives him a locket before she dies and it becomes his most prized possession of which he always keeps with him.
(Btw his mum, sister and inevitably aunt all die of the same/similar diseases that run in the family, along with shit immune systems<3)
Nico ends up running away from his aunts and joins the continental army (Which is, along with others, one of the many 'bad' decisions he makes while griefing his sister's death) he manages to join by completely bullshitting his age (saying he's 16 when in reality he's 13)
While in the army he's generally quite quiet and in all ways could be described as a fucking loser loner<3
When outside of training/just in any freetime he gets, he literally just studies plants and birds, he found out that magpies really like him, so instead of speaking to other people he just speaks to the birds, mainly magpies obviously (also if they aren't in this part of America then shut, i'm still including them, it's either that or bluejays but ik more abt magpies)
Uhhh, during the war he gets caught in some kind of fire, somehow escaping with just some burns on the right side of his face, hands/arms and a few on his legs<3
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qrosewinter · 8 months
Prev - Next
Description :Part 1 - Part 2- part 3..To be continued.
Summery: Where a girl from New Zealand goes to brooklyn to live with her Auntie and Uncle, mets a brooklyn boy with secrets and a voice like honey with pretty hazel green eyes.
Where a brooklyn boy mets a girl from New Zealand with an accent he's never heard before, who he can't seem to forget.
The start of the most unlikely relationship between two people starts to bloom, between a brooklyn boy who's just a little misunderstood.
And a Polynesian girl struggling to find who she is in the concrete jungle of NYC so far from home.
Will this relationship bloom or stay untouched? Maybe we should let fate take the lead for this one.
Fic summary: slow burn, obvious to flirting, a little bit of angst, romance, revenge, anger.
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WARNINGS ⚠️: Horrible attempts at slang, Horrible attempts at Spanish, Swearing, Weapons, Gore, Drugs, Alcohol, Mature themes, Spelling mistakes.
Be warned terrible attempt at slang for miles and Spanish, but we do be trying 🥲, this is literally my first time at trying out writing a fic and trying to finsh it too, so feed back would be nice and any ideas you may have ill take into consideration too!
Also I will be leaving little hints on what the chapters are about using small poems or quotes, so be sure to read those. It'll be a little insider on what (Y/N)'s past maybe even about Miles too, and even a little hint on what the chapter could potentially bring in the future 👀
chapter 1: Bumpin' into a stanger.
"Two souls don't find each other by simple accident" -Unknown
"Ion want to hurt you ma" he said to me his forearm against the wall next to my head as he caged me between him and the wall.
But I couldn't make out his face, it was to dark on this street, the nearest street light was to far away to give me even a slightest glimpse his face hidden in the shadows.
The only thing I could make out where his lips. They looked so soft and plump.
"Who said I'd let you?" I couldn't help but fire back as my heart pounded in my chest, and I was sure if he leaned in any closer he'd hear it.
He chuckled softly, the sound like liqud honey, but also slightly deep and so undeniably fucking attractive "you ain't got no idea who I am, do you mamas?"
"What?" I said confused, my head tilted back to look up at him even though I couldn't see his face. my hands felt sweaty and clamy as I rubbed them against my upper thighs against my jeans to wipe it away.
He kissed his teeth as he huffed a little amused "Fuck, Chica" he said smoothly his voice touched by an accent.
Spanish, I think? I wasn't sure, couldn't bring myself to pay attention, now with how he moved just a little closer, now pressed up against me.
And jesus, did that voice have my knees weak and threatening to give out under me.
"qué me estás haciendo" he mumbled leaning in closer to me and my pluse quickened my breath hitching as his lips got closer to mine.
I held my breath as his lips brushed against-
"Y/N GET THE FUCK UP YOUR GONNA BE LATE" a voice yelled, snapping me out of my dream.
My eyes shot open in fright, I shot up in bed but well ended up tangled in my sheets and tumbled out of the bed "Fuck!" I cursed as I hit the ground and I groaned.
"Well what are you waiting for young lady, get up. ka tohe koe i tenei reiti." Came my Auntie Lily's voice from the kitchen as she grumbled to herself.
My Auntie Lily's like me, she's from new Zealand too, but ended up moving to brooklyn after she met my uncle and fell in love with him.
My auntie lily has beautiful long black wavey hair hair that stops mid back, light brown skin, and dark brown eyes. And still even in her mid-thirtys she's still very beautiful.
I heard the sound of shuffling feet filled the apartment of everyone wide awake and getting ready for the Day.
I groaned from where I lay on the floor in a tangle of blankets my cheek squished against the carpet, I lay there for a few minutes before I pushed myself up and untangled myself from the blankets.
"Fuckin' mornings" I grumbled under my breath as I sluggishly made my way to the bathroom I was thankful I had in the bedroom my Auntie let my have.
The room was still plain and empty of decorations seeing as I only just got to America two days ago, and well its only been two days since I've been in new york, so I was still getting used to things here.
I made it into my bathroom and sighed running a hand through my messy hair and looked up in the bathroom mirror and grimaced a little, because well I'd seen better days for sure.
I had dark bags under my eyes, my skin looked a little oily and kinda dry in some places as I rubbed my finger tips over my skin to get a better feel, seeing as I didn't get to do my skincare before I left to get on a plane here to New York, and well fuck the 16 hour flight I had to take here and the stuffy plane filled with assholes.
And well having to get used to an 18 hour time difference was hard too, but slowly and surely I was getting used to it but not as fast as I needed too seeing as I had only been here for about two weeks.
I thought rolling my eyes to myself, then I glanced at my piercings I had and hummed in thought, thinking of the last time I cleaned them.
I had a septum piercing nothing fancy just a sliver one, then snake bites on both sides of my bottom lip and yet again nothing fancy just plain old silver seeing as I could never get the right lip rings for them, either to big, to small or just not comfortable, course I had a tongue piercing but that was just an impulse decision to get it, a plain old sliver bar with red and white stripped balls on each end.
And finally I had both my first and second lobes pierced, for my first lobe it was just a plain old sliver hoop with safety-pins hanging from them, because I remembered reading somewhere that they meant something like being a trusting person always here to listen and help so I thought why not and added them, then for the second lobe was a sliver stud shaped like a small Angel wing with a little white crystal in the center, a gift from auntie Lily for my 18th last year.
And I grimaced as I ran a hand through my hair, it felt greasy and sweaty seeing as I didn't get to wash it for the past few days being tired and trying to adjust to being in such a new place, and well it didn't look any better either and was in some need of some good TLC.
With a slow deep sigh I turned on the shower to warm leaving it to warm up as I walled into my room over to my drawers to get some clothes and underwear.
I pulled out a fair of black cargos, and a black halter crop top I had cause it was right there and I didn't want to go digging for any other shirt feeling to lazily to look for something different.
I pulled out a pair of black ankle socks and threw them on my bed to put on after my shower, then a plain pair of black panties and a bra to match nothing fancy, along with throwing a black oversized varsity jacket I had with red accents on it, onto my bed too.
Before I moved off to the bathroom with my clothes to wash up, and get my day started even though I wanted to crawl into bed and die.
(About 30 minutes later)
I walked out of my bathroom feeling fresh and brand knew after washing up, doing my skincare, and putting some products in my hair and clipping it back in a messyish bun to keep my damp hair out of my face, but still I had a few stray hairs framing my face and curling gently against my cheek.
I slipped my socks on then my old warn black Nikes with white accents, i so happened to buy myself back home after going on a day out with my sisters, I'm our small town, cause why not and I needed some new shoes and by looking at these ones I'd need to get some new shoes later on too.
I quickly swiped on some of my vanilla oil perfume putting some just below my ears, then my collarbones and then finally my wrists before setting it down, slipping on my jacket then my cross body bay I got on sale it was a small black Nike cross body bag with about four different pockets.
the one right on the front of the bag had about three different lip balms in it, the one right on the back and some cash and my credit card in it, and on the inside it had my portable charger and a small charger cord in it for both my phone and well my earbuds, the other little pocket didn't really have much in it on the inside just my apartment keys and some lose change I had.
I didn't forget to slip my phone into my back pocket while putting my JBL earbuds in my bag too after taking the earbuds out of the case.
Bought them myself when they were on sale, cause I had a Job back home, made decent money too, got paid 25 an hour just to clean some rooms on the weekend or even ever school was out, I always put half of what I had away in my savings and the rest I kept for myself to spend on what I wanted or needed.
And as I walked out of my room I swiped on some coconut lip bam cause my lips felt dry, as I started to walk for the door, after shoving it back into the front pocket of my bag.
"I'm off! Bye Auntie!" I called out to my Auntie as I slipped out the door.
"Bye have a good day!" I heard her call out after me as I slipped out the door, putting my ear buds in my ears, and tapping the side of the right one once to press play as the song 'Baby by me by 50 cent and Ne-yo' filled my ears as I walked down the apartment hallway.
down the stairs and then finally the apartment building and down the street to get my schedule from the new school I was starting in a few days, but first I was having a little meeting with the principal so he could show me around first.
~Have a baby, have a baby by me, baby, be a millionaire, have a baby by me, baby be a millionaire, have a baby by me, baby, be a millionaire, be a millionaire, be a, be a millionaire~
I hummed along under my breath as I walked down the street hands in my jacket pockets as I walked, bobbing my head a little to the beat of the music as it played in my ears blocking out the sounds of the city around me.
Taking in the sights around me cause I haven't actually stopped to take the time too really look at everything, all I really knew what this was Brooklyn, a little run down but still in its own way beautiful, graffiti here and there on the sides of buildings, a few old looking stores, people going about there day, and well a few shady people lurking around alleyways, but I knew better then to look at them so I didn't.
But the people here had spirit for sure, I could here the mix of New York/ Brooklyn slang, home cooked meals being made, the sounds of people taking even over the sound of music in my ears, the mix of American and Latin culture being thrown around with Spanish too, a language I didn't quite understand but was still beautiful nonetheless, the beautiful blends of skin tones ranging from dark mahogany skin to light skinned brown with a few pale skin tones and tanned.
~Have a baby by me, baby, be a millionaire, have a baby by me, baby, be a millionaire, have a baby by me, baby, be a millionaire, be a millionaire, be a, be a millionaire~
I stopped at a crossing as I pulled a hand from my pocket to press the button on the pole to the traffic lights before stuffing it back in my pocket, waiting for the red light to turn green.
~I don't play no games (I don't play no games, so when I'm in that thang (when I'm in that thang), come see what I mean (see what I mean), see what I mean, ow (See what I mean)~
Once the light turned green I walked across the crossing with a few others, dodging out of the way of people almost brushing against me cause they weren't looking where they were going and I did not want them touching me.
Personal preference really, I wasn't overly fond of being touched. Never been an overly touchy person either, hug's definitely weren't my thing unless I was close enough to you to be comfortable hugging you. Then again it took me nearly four to five years being comfortable to hug my own friends back home. But like I said it was personal preference.
I kept walking feeling glad I had gone with my Auntie when she had first signed me up for my new school, and that new school was brooklyns Visions Academy I was lucky enough to get into. I know you've got to be well really smart to get in and I wasn't exactly the smartest, but they started up an art program I managed to get a scholarship for to be able to join the school I think so far I was one part of the first ten students to get the art program school.
But most of all I was glad I went with her on that car ride to the school because I was so anxious and paranoid I was gonna forget the way to school, that I had before hand set up the directions on my phone incase I did forget the way there, or maybe I was just overthinking making myself anxious and paranoid.
And I had tried my hardest to memorise the way there and back home too....yeah I'm definitely just overthinking again, a very bad habit of mine I couldn't shake off.
~Said lil' mama put me on (baby put me on), bet I'll have you gone (bet I'll have you gone), come see what I mean ( see what I mean), see what I mean (see what I mean), come see what I mean, come on~
I walked down two more streets before turning a corner and spotting the school up a head with students lingering outside or making there way into the school as I walked up to it.
I took a deep breath in and tried to shake off my social anxiety as I got nearer to the stairs leading up to the school.
"That's a lot of people outside" I muttered to myself, but I cleared my throat and tried to ignore the lingering feeling of anxiety prickly at my skin.
I made it up to the stairs of the school and walking up them and passed people as I walked through the school doors ignoring there stares, and if there where whispers I was glad I couldn't hear them over the music in my ears blocking out all noise, forcing myself to focus on the music then the stares burning themselves into my back as I clenched my fists in the pockets of my jacket.
~first it's her neck, yeah then her back, yeah I'm a freak, I get into all that, girl I perform for ya, like a porno star, 'til you had enough, then I just need a little bit more~
I was lost in thought and the music playing its up beat tune in my ears a much needed distraction from my anxiety as I hummed along lowly under my breath as I looked down at my feet as I shuffled down the schools hallway to the principals office, having memorised the way there the first time I was here.
Weaving through people and trying my damn hardest not to bump into anyone, or get in anyone's way as I slid past a group of people just standing in the hallway talking to each other, a group of girls not really caring they where in the way of others getting to there lockers and trying there hardest to balance books in there arms as they headed to class a little early .
And seeing as I wasn't looking up or paying much attention being to busy daydreaming as I weaved through and around people, I manged to walk into someone, bumping into a hard chest.
'Good job (Y\L), did the one thing you were literally trying not to do'
And I winched in embrassment as I pulled away tugging an earbud from my ear and shoving it in my pocket "Shit I'm so sorry" I apologised to the person infront of me I had just walked into.
~I don't play no games (I don't play no games), so when I'm in that thang (when I'm in that thang), come see what I mean (see what I mean), see what I mean, ow (See what I mean)~
~Said lil' mama put me on (baby put me on), bet I'll have you gone (bet I'll have you gone), come see what I mean ( see what I mean), see what I mean (see what I mean), come see what I mean, come see what i mean~
I glanced up to see who I bumped into, another apology on my tongue, but it died when I got a look at the guy infront of me, but that felt wrong to call him a guy or even a boy, cause he looked like a man and held himself like one too, like someone who had to grow up just a little to fast making him so much more mature for his age then others.
He had dark skin but not to dark skin it was like the perfect mix between milk chocolate and dark chocolate somewhere just in between, he had barely noticeable freckles I could only just see being so close to him dotting his nose bridge and cheeks, his features where soft yet sharp in some places making him look more mature then he should for his age but he still had that soft boyish look under the stoic expression on his face, his lips looked soft and plump if not just a tiny bit chapped.
His hair which looked like he had 4B textured hair in dense coils was braided back, in two braids down the back of his head and only just brushing past his shoulders, a hairstyle that suited him but I could tell by the way his hair was just slightly frizzy and looking like his hair may have grown out just a bit, he was in need of a touch up.
he was taller then me thats for sure, I was 5ft6 and he looked around 6ft something and towered over me so I really had to tilt my head back to look at him, sure I wasn't exactly tall, but it was clear he got his tall genes from maybe his father? Or even his mother, but I wouldn't know, this was literally the first time I'd ever met him.
But what really got my attention was his eyes, they were a Hazel colour with hints of green in them but one eye his left had more green in it then the other did, but it was very subtle unless you where up close to him. His eyes reminded me of a forest the brown of the tree trunks with the green of the leaves or even moss, reminding me a little bit of home.
And for a moment I felt just a little ping of something I couldn't identify, maybe homesickness? Or maybe just missing the vast green of the forests, mountains and trees I was used to seeing. Compared to the concrete jungle that was NYC so vastly different.
He had on the Visions Academy uniform, his tie was hanging loosely from his neck like he just loosened it or just didn't bother to really out it on properly, the sleeves of his white button up rolled up to his elbows his school jacket nowhere in sight probably in his bag or even in his dorm, the dark navy blue trousers that went with the uniform fitting him quite well too.
Expect his shoes were Nike airs purple and white with black accents, that well made him stand out a little. But even then his school uniform didn't hide the fact he was lean, not just hard muscle, not lean enough to show he was always busy physically in the way of going to the gym or even maybe another kind of activity just as physical for him to keep his figure just right, not to much muscle, but not quite just skinny being just bones and all, it was a perfect balance in between the both of them.
"It's aight ma, don't sweat it" he said, his voice was deep but not to deep, and the way his words rolled off his tongue like honey and a hint of an accent I couldn't really place at the moment with music still playing in my ear, and the noise of students walking around us.
He had a hand on my waist having set it there when I had bumped into him, a reflex probably to make sure either he didn't fall over or to make sure I didn't ass over either.
His hand on the bare skin of my waist peeking out just under my crop top, his hands felt rough calloused just enough so it was clear he did hands on physical work but not to rough to the point it felt like the skin on his palms were gonna scratch my skin, it was a strangely pleasant feeling feeling the rough skin on my own.
And for a moment that threw me off, I hadn't ever liked someone's touch before, not even my own mothers. So for the fact I didn't mind his touch, that this feeling wasn't like the usual feeling I got when someone touched me. That it didn't feel like my skin was crawling and making me physically uncomfortable....was strange, so very, very strange to me.
I blinked a little in surprise, 'Ma? Well that's a new one' I thought to myself before I shook it off and cleared my throat stepping back away from him shoving my hands back in my pockets.
"Sorry again, I should have paid more attention" I said to the mystery man in front of me with a small awkwardly apologetic smile.
'Jesus I feel fucking awkward as hell right now, get a grip (Y/N) stop being a little bitch'
"Mm, ain't nothin' ma, just look where you goin' next time" He sounding almost a little amused, but if he was I couldn't tell over the rising anxiousness and awkwardness as he looked down at me as he seemingly shurgged off the situation, his hand fell from my waist dropping back to his side.
"Uh yeah, I'll remember that" I said a little awkwardly cause well I wasn't a people person and clearly didn't get out much to be standing here trying to have a normal conversation.
"Well I better get going, have a good day, and sorry again for bumping into you" I said to him automatically falling into a more polite tone, one that had been drilled into me for years back home by my parents, family and everyone I basically knew.To always been polite unless given a reason not to be polite to them, just like I was told to be respectful, until they didn't have the right to earn such respect for me if they couldn't give it back in return.
AI stepped away with a small smile and a nod to the man I bumped into as I started to walk away.
"See you 'round ma" he called out to me as he watched me leave, as I continued to walk down the hallway to the principals office, taking my earbuds from my pocket and shoving it back in my ear as I walked just a little faster away from him, feeling so goddamned embarrassed and awkward.
(Miles's POV)
Miles watched as the girl who had bumped onto him apologised one last time so politely making him almost, almost crack a genuine smile for the first time in along while, even told him to have a good day before she left and he couldn't help but be amused by that.
And a small smirk tugged at his lips as he watched her walk away, his eyes trailing over her from her hair clearly damp from a shower clipped back messily to the clothes she wore.
Black varsity jacket with red accents on the collar and chuffs of the sleeves, black cargos that hugged her lower body just right, he paused for a moment to look at her ass, as she walked, and yeah those cargo's definitely hugged her just right.
She had an accent too, one he didn't recognise, but it sounded like a mix of two completely different accents that seemed to blend so easily together when she spoke, her voice wasn't like the other girls voices in this school.
Coming out a tad soft and like honey when words fell from her pierced lips and slightly high pitched from embarrassment and being a tad awkward.
But what he noticed the most was how when she spoke her two uniquely blended accents just come out more pronounced with certain words as she spoke, sometimes sounding more like the other the blended together.
But it was clear she wasn't from Brooklyn not with that accent and the way she acted either, but the biggest give away was how jetlagged she still looked, along with her features that looked unique, unique in the way that showed where ever she was from she was a perfect blend of two cultures, and that was enough for him to know she was new to his city.
She was also not bad looking either, she had pretty (E/C) eyes, a pretty little body too softly curved in the right places. He remembered too how soft her skin felt against his rough palm, the tingling feeling it left behind on his palm from were his hand had been on her waist.and unconsciously he clenched and unclenched the hand that had touched her soft skin.
But he also remembered the smell of her perfume once he got a whif of it when she had been just inches from him, it smelt like vanilla and something softer, something sweet kinda like marshmallows. it wasnt strong like most perfumes that stung his nose and over powering his nose with the harsh smell of someone drowning themselves in there perfume. it was soft and subtle, Not over powering the soft scent of coconut sticking to her skin mixing in so well with the vanilla.
Miles turned around and walked off to his Spanish class his backpack slung lazily over his shoulder "Interesting" he muttered to himself under his breath as he kept walking, a barely visible smirk on his lips as he walked shoving his hands in his pockets, as he lazily strolled to class.
Next chapter
Hope you enjoyed that let me know of there's any spelling mistakes 🙃
Translations: qué me estás haciendo = What are you doing to me?
ka tohe koe i tenei reiti = Your gonna be late at this rate
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yandere-paramour · 4 months
Can we hear more about Asteria and Jaime? What are their interests?
Just to reiterate for new people who don't know, Asteria and Jamie are Atalanta's parents. When Asteria was in her mid-20s, she accompanied her mother on a business meeting with another prominent family. She met the heir of their business, technically her own counterpart, but once she saw the beautiful second son, she had to have him. Jamie was more than a little freaked out by the domineering heiress suddenly very, very interested in him, but the Montclairs made an offer of marriage, and his parents (eager to get in with the Montclairs) agreed and basically sold him off without his consent. He's tried to run a few times but when he tried to take Atalanta and run when she was 4, he got put in solitary for a month and never fully recovered. He doesn't try to run anymore, he's a model husband.
Asteria is very similar to her daughter. She likes to exercise and looks pretty damn good for her late-40s. However, her sport of choice is tennis. She practices tennis every day and often plays with Jamie too. Her hair is slightly past her shoulders and she keeps it immaculately curled. It's the same color as Atalanta's, and they have basically the same face and build, but her eyes are dark brown. She usually wears similar suits to Atalanta, but as she's grown older, the suits are becoming just grey and black with multicolored blouses. And unlike Atalanta, she ALWAYS wears heels, making her 6 feet. She's extremely charming and vibrant, the epitome of a high-society lady, and she's only complete with her perfect husband in her arms. Her mom waited a long time to pass the company onto her so now she's holding on a little longer before she passes it to Atalanta, but now she really only does remote paperwork. She has her own personal assistant and her main hobbies are yoga, book club, and brunching with the girls. She has many friends, both from school and the business world, and she meets with them for lunch and brunch often. She kisses her perfect husband on the cheek (he needs a lot of rest), and heads off.
Jamie is pretty, delicate, and effeminate. He has dark brown wavy hair (Darker than Atalanta's), and large hazel eyes that he passed onto his only daughter. He has an average build with little muscle (Asteria likes him soft) and he's about 5'9". He usually wears soft sweaters and trousers, most usually soft colors like blue, green, grey, maroon, and violet. He's a very soft-spoken man. He doesn't talk much anymore, and when he does, his voice is kinda high and soft. He's gotten to the age where he needs glasses to read and his hands are soft and warm. His main hobbies are reading, taking (supervised) walks in the manor's garden, playing chess, painting, sketching, and baking. Asteria is a stricter yan than her daughter, so she only allows him to have soft hobbies. Anything more strenuous than a game of tennis, he's not allowed to do. He doesn't really have many friends and he doesn't go out much, especially when separated from Asteria. He has a manservant (Carter Thatcher) he's close to who takes care of him. Carter is loyal and kind and looks after his master and keeps him company. Jamie is kind of fragile so he sleeps a lot and is often depressed, so Carter makes sure he eats and takes his medication and tries to keep active.
(You know, I really enjoyed writing this. From now on, feel free to send in questions/comments/asks about Asteria and Jamie.)
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