#red chiffon blouse
prettiesforyou · 8 months
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Go green.
26 notes · View notes
maknaesdancersrappers · 2 months
devoted 2.
part 17.
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Overall warning/s: kinkier smut (eg. voyeurism, exhibitionism, etc.) character death, dark themes
Chapter warning/s: vulgar language, violence, self harm, stalking, kidnapping
Just how devoted is Jaehyun to you?
prev: part 16
wc: 6.9k nice
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November 8.
You carefully swept the doe foot applicator of your favorite gloss over your lips, smacking them together to even out the product. It had a soft strawberry scent and flavor that gave your lips just the right amount of sheen. This was the last part of your makeup routine, satisfied with how you kept your face as bare as possible but covered any blemishes and brightened up the darkness under your eyes. 
Today was your first date with Jaehyun.
The first semester was ending which meant you weren’t going to be classmates anymore. For the longest time, you were both meeting up at the library or the quad to study — even if it was for different subjects. But a few days ago, Jaehyun ran after you when class finished as you were rushing to your next one for a quiz, and he asked you out on a date.
You were elated, bashfully accepting his invitation and completely distracted for the entire day at the thought of going on an actual date with your crush. You initially believed that the feelings were one sided, he didn’t seem to be interested in you and was just naturally friendly. You’ve seen him around campus hanging out with other people — mostly girls, so you didn’t feel necessarily special when he met up with you at the library.
Your phone chimed as it received a text and you peered down to see the notification.
I couldn’t wait. I’m outside your dorm to pick you up.
You let out a quiet sound of surprise, rushing outside to the living room of your shared apartment to look outside the window there that was right above the entrance of the building. You saw Jaehyun leaning against the brick half wall that enclosed the property your dorm was in. He was on his phone, probably waiting for your reply.
Instead, you gathered up everything into your purse and ran out the door.
“Hey.” Jaehyun greeted you with a smile when you called out to him. He was in ripped, baggy jeans, a white shirt that fit just right, and a neutral cardigan. You felt relieved to know that you dressed just as casual as he did by sporting tight fitting, but stretchable jeans and a nude chiffon blouse.
“Hi.” You breathed, hoping it wasn’t obvious you were excited. “H-how… how did you know where my dorm was?”
His forehead scrunched ever so gently, “You mentioned it in passing when I offered to walk you home one time.”
“Oh.” You do recall him offering to walk with you back to your dorm multiple times, especially when it got too late that the librarians themselves were the ones kicking you out. You were too shy to let him, mostly because you also didn’t want to bother him with his own journey back to his place.
“Well, shall we? There’s this cafe I’ve been meaning to try in town.”
You nodded your head, taking a step forward but faltering when he just continued to smile down at you. “Is something wrong?”
He shook his head, ears a little pinker than usual, “No, sorry. Nothing’s wrong. You just look extra cute today.”
You could feel your face burst into heat at his words, “O-oh, thank you…”
Jaehyun chuckled, holding out his hand to you.
For a split second, you were scared that your palms started to sweat out of nervousness but not wanting to delay the date any further, you placed your hand on top of his. He threaded his fingers with yours and squeezed your hand, nudging you towards him.
“Let’s go.”
You’ve walked beside Jaehyun multiple times already but this time you’re walking hand in hand with him — and he’s even swaying your conjoined hands! You were screaming inside at how cute he was to do this. He gave off such a cool vibe that you didn’t think he had such an adorable side.
Autumn has started and the weather was perfect to be outside, the leaves were turning to beautiful shades of reds, oranges, and yellows. It was nice to take a stroll under them right now and it feels quite cozy, especially with Jaehyun.
He filled up the silence growing between you, not that it bothered you, with small talk. He asked about your morning and the day before, if you had any plans for the holiday break. You told him that you were going back home to your parents over the holidays and was unsure if your parents had plans to celebrate.
You could feel his thumb gently smooth over your skin as he talked about his plans over the break, mentioning how he’s going to be helping out his dad in his business.
The cafe you both arrived at was smack dab in between a bookstore and a mom-and-pop store. There were little to no patrons in the cafe from the looks of it and it still had some streamers and balloons from their opening.
“Good morning! Welcome to Cafe Hue.” One of the three workers on duty, the cashier, greeted as you entered.
You offered a smile and glanced briefly at the interior — a habit you picked up in middle school that pushed you into taking interior design. For its namesake, the overall interior was a crisp white with loud, brightly colored decors dotting the shelves. There was room for improvement with the choice of furniture, but it still works.
“What would you like?” Jaehyun asked, pulling you out of your reverie by softly squeezing your hand.
You looked up at the chalkboard menu, giving each item a thought until you settled on a hot cup of French vanilla tea. Jaehyun relayed your order to the cashier, who’s eyes seemed very eager to meet his gaze, and added his own order of an iced americano.
“Do you want anything to eat? We can share something if you’d like.”
“I don’t mind a slice of cake or muffin.”
Jaehyun bobbed his head, “Anything in particular?”
“What would you recommend?” You directed the question to the cashier giving heart eyes up at Jaehyun. She shifted her attention to you, a full second of annoyance flashing in her face before plastering a model customer service smile.
“Everything is freshly baked, our baker’s favorite is the basque cheesecake, but personally, I love the chocolate carrot cake.”
“Both sound good, so I’ll leave the choice up to you.”
The cashier’s smile brightened as she returned her attention to Jaehyun, who seemed oblivious to it.
“Then a slice of each.” He didn't wait for her to tally the order and pulled out his wallet, brandishing a black card from within and placing it on the counter. She seemed astonished to see the card in front of her, but it only took a second for her to punch your orders in while repeating it out loud to confirm. Jaehyun nodded and she swiped the card.
“Have you always been a tea person? I could have gotten you tea instead of coffee all this time at the library.” He inquired, pursing his lips ever so slightly at you.
“Not necessarily.” You shrugged your shoulders, “My mind has strongly associated coffee with productivity and since we’re not here to study, I’d rather have tea. I like both, equally.”
Jaehyun finished paying for the order and guided you to a seat by the window. He helped you into your seat briefly before seating himself.
There was a palpable pause when he looked at you and it almost became awkward until he coughed and glanced away, ears visibly red.
“I’m sorry,” He cleared his throat, “I’ve never really… taken anyone out on a date before.”
The admission made your brows shoot up a little, “What? You’ve never dated anyone?”
He shook his head, “No. Wasn’t really interested… until I met you.”
The confession made your heart skip a beat and the faintest heat rose up your cheeks. “Oh. Uhm,” You stuttered, “I… I didn’t expect that from you.”
He sighed, “I get that a lot — not to be vain or anything. I was just never interested in the dating scene.”
“Haven’t girls asked you out? None of them caught your eye?”
Jaehyun shook his head again. “They all seemed… pretentious? No, too eager? Like I’m prey or something.”
You’re still having a hard time believing that this gorgeous man has not dated at all — let alone having you as the first person he’s ever expressed interest in. “What makes me different?”
Slowly, a small smile formed on his lips, “That’s what I’d like to know.”
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You woke up startled, as if your body reminded you that you were in no position to be sleeping in. Honestly, you don’t even know how you fell asleep. You remembered looking around the room in hopes to find a way out, but everything was sealed shut with bolts or protected with grills. You discovered that despite being kidnapped, you were still provided other basic necessities. The other door led to a small ensuite bathroom; just one solid square where there were no partitions or dividers between the shower and the toilet. There was even a drawer full of clothes in your size (that you found mildly disturbing).
It almost felt like Yuta wanted you to feel like you were just away from home instead of being used as bait in a trap.
“Jaehyun.” You mumbled, covering your mouth with your palm. Yuta was right. Regardless of your current relationship status, Jaehyun would do anything in his power to find you and you don’t even want to think about what he could possibly do to Yuta when he gets his hands on him.
All you could do was hope Jaehyun won’t be careless in this situation.
You looked around the room as if you would find something new, but it was more bare than a real estate showroom. Yuta seemed to have cleared the food he had brought in for you last night while you slept, and thinking about it now, you were growing hungry.
There was a small knock at the door and you expected Yuta to come in, but you were pleasantly — also slightly confused — to see someone else come in.
“Oh,” The woman meekly said, “Good morning, Ms. [Y/N]. I’ve brought you breakfast.”
You stared at her; she looked so familiar. You watched as she pushed the door open with her shoulder while her hands were occupied with carrying a tray of food and water.
When she placed it on the table, you gasped.
She smiled, “I’m flattered to know you remember me, Ms. [Y/N].”
“You’ve been missing for weeks. A-are you working for him?”
The smile disappeared from her face as she vehemently denied your accusation, shaking her head. “Please don’t misunderstand this, Ms. [Y/N]! I… I’m forced to do this. If not…” Mina paused, “I’m sorry, I was only tasked to bring your breakfast. I’ll collect the plates later when I bring up your lunch. I’m sorry again, Miss. Please, enjoy your food.”
“Wait—” You clambered off the bed, but Mina was out the door with a soft click behind her.
This just left you with more questions to haunt you. Why was she here? Why was she cooperating with Yuta? Is she a victim as well?
Despite doubting the food’s integrity, you were starving and even though you were served a simple bowl of congee and orange juice, it looked like the most delicious meal you’ve seen in your life. You helped yourself to the food, savoring the flavor exploding in your mouth.
Halfway through your meal, you remembered the dream you had last night.
Your first date with Jaehyun happened almost exactly 8 years ago. Times were simpler back then; everything was just about getting deadlines done at school, going on lunch dates, and clubbing every weekend night.
You started to lose your appetite and felt like throwing up.
How did you end up here?
Burying your face into your palms, you breathed in deeply to stop yourself from crying. You didn’t want to blame Jaehyun, but it’s the truth. You can’t help but think where you would be today if you had walked away from him the first time. You could have still been roommates with Minkyung and Yebin, somewhere in the city. Maybe you could have met someone new at work or the girls could have set you up with someone. Although, you have to admit that the idea pinched at your heart.
You still loved Jaehyun despite everything. Rather than hoping to move on as quickly as you can, you wished he had done things the right way with yo—
Lurching forward, you clamped your mouth shut as you suddenly stood up, the chair falling back with a loud thud. The taste of acid and the congee you had just consumed filled your mouth and you bolted into the bathroom, kneeling at the toilet to expel the vomit.
You barfed into the bowl until you felt like you couldn’t possibly heave anything else from your stomach. Sweat started to build up on your forehead as you calmed yourself down. You spat the remaining sour taste from your mouth and hoisted yourself up, flushing the toilet while you wondered if you caught a virus again.
Then it hit you.
You were supposed to meet Dr. Ahn. Unconsciously, your hand went over your abdomen. Surely, you weren’t…
You brushed the idea away. You’ve been on IUD for years and it’s been extremely effective; why now? These were just your nerves getting to you.
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“Please eat something.” Jaehyun’s mom gestured to the maid she entered his room with to replace the food they brought last night. It was barely touched and the rice had gone stale.
“I don’t have an appetite.” He mumbled through his palm, focused on the latest report from the Commissioner General. They were just more reports on how other missing women were possibly linked to him and he honestly didn’t care about it. He just wanted to know why this is happening — what did he ever do to him.
“Sweetheart, even a few slices of fruit?”
Jaehyun looked up at his mom, contemplating telling her what he’s discovered on his own but decided against it. “Sure, I’ll have an apple.”
She perked up, “Alright, I’ll go prepare it myself.”
When his mom and the maid finally left him alone, he pulled out his phone and dialed one of his recent contacts.
“I found out something crucial.” He skipped formalities and greetings. “I don’t want to discuss this over the phone. Can you gather Doyoung and Minkyung for me? And do you think she can host us?”
“Okay, hello, I’m fine, thanks for asking.” Yebin sarcastically responded. “You know any other day, I would have dropped the call.”
“You wouldn’t have picked up.”
Yebin cooed, “Aw, I’m a little touched that you know me so well.”
“Yebin.” Jaehyun impatiently said. He didn’t have the time to have these types of banter with her right now.
“Fine. I’ll contact them.”
“As discreetly as possible, please.” Jaehyun paused, “Wait, don’t ask Minkyung to host us. I’ll get back to you on that.”
Without any further questioning, they ended the call with no goodbyes and Jaehyun flinched as the door opened.
“Here you go!” His mother sashayed into his room, handing him a small plate of peeled, sliced apples. “And if you decide to have anything more, let me know, okay, sweetheart?”
He smiled up at her, “Yes, mom. Although, I might have dinner with Johnny some time soon.”
“Oh,” She said, “Why not just invite him over? Wouldn’t it be safer?”
“I don’t really like bringing home work. We’ll be fine. I’ll bring extra bodyguards if it would put your mind at ease.”
“It would, thank you. Please be careful and give my regards to Johnny. He’s always welcome to drop by here whenever he feels like it.”
Jaehyun snorted, his mother always treated Johnny like a second son and of course, he had no qualms about it. “I’ll let him know.”
Once his mother left, he picked up an apple slice and dialed a different number on his phone. He listened to the phone ring while munching on the fruit until the other person picked up.
“Hello. I understand this is a bit last minute, but could we possibly meet up in your place? Out of everyone that we’re friends with, your place seems to be the safest. I’ll explain more when we get there.”
“Of course. I’m off early today so I can accommodate you guys. I’ll send my address in a bit.”
“Thank you.” He paused, “Please be careful and wary of your surroundings. As a safety precaution.”
“I will. See you later.”
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“Who arranges a meeting and is late for it?” Yebin griped, flicking popcorn with the tips of her long nails to choose the one with the most butter on it. 
Johnny, picking out all the pieces she had discarded on the side and tossing it into his mouth, glanced at her, “It is rush hour. Maybe he got into traffic.”
“Maybe he’s in trouble.” Yebin snapped back, shrugging her shoulders. “He could be bleeding out from a gunshot wound right now.”
“Yebin!” Minkyung gasped, swatting her shoulder briefly before clasping her hands together in prayer. “Surely, he’s caught in traffic.”
Although at the last minute, they were able to gather at Kun’s apartment at the designated time. Kun was originally worried if he could host this many people in his small apartment but he’s never been thankful for signing the lease for the one bedroom apartment over the studio type.
He’s even more thankful he believed the feng shui expert who told him to prioritize having a bigger dining area than lounge space so almost everyone tonight could be seated. He is, however, a bit embarrassed he only had movie snacks in his pantry instead to offer as they waited for Jaehyun, hence Yebin and Johnny sharing a bowl of freshly popped popcorn. Luckily, Minkyung had brought some rice cakes and chicken with her — saying it’s her cheat day and wanted to share her cravings with them.
Doyoung had finished swallowing a rice cake that was way too chewy for his liking before making a comment about Kun’s apartment. “As a doctor, I’d expected you to have a healthier food selection.”
“I don’t have guests over often and I haven’t had time to go get groceries.”  He sheepishly admitted, placing the bottle of makgeolli he had received from a former patient. “I live off hospital cafeteria food most days.”
“What a mood.” Minkyung quipped, “I respect it. I used to take home leftovers from the food spreads at photoshoots to save money.”
“You always brought home the good stuff when you had small gigs back in college.” Yebin mused, flicking another butter-less popcorn over to Johnny’s side. “[Y/N] and I would always fight for the bougiest one.”
“Speaking of [Y/N],” Minkyung snapped her fingers and pursed her lips, “I haven’t heard from her in awhile. She hasn’t responded to my messages.”
“I was gonna ask the same thing.” Doyoung said before picking up another rice cake from the plate. He glanced at Kun, “I was surprised that you called me over instead of her.”
“Oh! Are we planning a surprise for her or something?”
Johnny and Kun looked at each other, then turned their attention to Yebin, who shut her eyes in annoyance when they did so.
Minkyung gasped, “Did you see that?” She asked Doyoung, “They shared a look!”
“I did.” He narrowed his eyes, aiming them at Kun. “Is there something we don’t know? Is something wrong with [Y/N]?”
“We should really wait for Jaehyun—” Kun cleared his throat, glancing back and forth from Johnny and Yebin for support.
“If something’s wrong and you guys know about it, then what’s the point of waiting for Jaehyun to tell us? We’re all equally her friends here.” Doyoung’s tone made Kun wince.
“We know that!” Yebin butted in, throwing her hands up in frustration. “But we barely know anything as well! Only Jaehyun does and this motherfucker is late—”
On cue, there was a knock on the door and Kun promptly walked over to open the door after checking who was outside through the peephole.
“About time!” Yebin hissed, crossing her arms and glaring up at him.
“I’m sorry. There was a meeting held on the case that I was allowed to listen in to.” Jaehyun said, coolly, no trace of joy or bashfulness his voice usually had when he was with them.
“Is it about [Y/N]? What happened to her?” Minkyung sat up on her seat, brows furrowed in worry.
Kun offered the last seat at the table to Jaehyun, who nodded but remained standing.
“[Y/N] has been missing for over a week now. She’s probably been kidnapped.”
“By who?” Minkyung gasped, “Her college stalker?”
Johnny scoffed, “That dude’s still after her?”
Jaehyun caught Doyoung’s gaze flickering over to him, eyes twitching briefly before he closed them and rubbed his fingers over them to pinch the bridge of his nose. He’s always been the protective brother figure in your life and being one of the last ones to find out about your current situation must be making him feel like shit.
“We don’t know yet. However,” He coughed, clearing his throat. “We have reason to believe that [Y/N]’s case is related to the string of missing women around Seoul.”
“So…” Johnny drew out, “It’s not a targeted type of situation? It’s not the creep from college?”
Jaehyun inhaled deeply and sighed, finally taking the seat that was offered to him. “From the findings of the police — the meeting I had joined earlier — it seems that the suspect does have a target… and it’s me.”
“What?” Yebin spat, “How are the other missing women related to you?”
He cupped his face, massaging in awkward circles to avoid their gazes. “As the police have uncovered, all the missing women have either worked for me, interacted with me, or… participated in an online thread about me back in high school.”
He said the last bit hurriedly, almost embarrassed about that fact.
Yebin’s face was painted with pure disgust, “You’re telling me that women are missing — most are reported to be presumably dead — because they were your fangirls back in high school? And our precious little [Y/N] has been kidnapped… because she’s your fiancée?”
Even Yebin bit her tongue when she said the last word, looking a bit apologetic when Jaehyun hung his head low. She knew calling you his fiancee dug the knife deeper into him than she had meant to. With the lack of reaction from the room, she could tell that only she knew the state of your current relationship.
“I don’t…” Jaehyun mumbled, “I don’t even know what I did to deserve this.”
“You weren’t in the best crowd in high school, but you were an angel compared to them.” Johnny spoke up, being the only one who came from Kyeonggi’s despite only attending for a year. “Who could possibly go through these lengths to get back at you?”
Jaehyun pulled his hands away from his face, expression grim and jaw tight. “I already know who it is. I don’t have enough concrete evidence, but I just know it’s him. He’s got the money to do what he wants, he’s smart,  manipulative and he’s cunning and deceiving behind that fucking smile of his—”
“Smile?” Yebin cut him off, “Ooh, I knew that Japanese man was trouble! I’m canceling that fucking deal—”
“Don’t.” Jaehyun stopped her from taking her phone, “Unless you have a good reason as to why you’re breaking off a seemingly good contract with his company. Or any of you who had signed with him, for that matter.”
“Wait, wait,” Minkyung waved her hands in front of her to catch their attention, her perfectly shaped brows perpetually burrowed between her forehead, “Japanese man? Do you mean that Nakamoto guy? He’s your suspect?”
“I’ve always been suspicious of him. Everything started when he came into the picture: the number of missing women increasing… the stalking… this monopoly of their tech company in the country — especially in the security industry — that he’s offered to people around me and [Y/N]... He’s smart, yes, but like the snake he is, he’s leaving behind his skin.”
“Why aren’t you telling this to the police?” Doyoung inquired, taking everything Jaehyun had said. “You just said that the police are already investigating the case.”
“And they are. The commissioner general himself is heading the case.” He nodded, “But as I said, there’s no concrete evidence for me to pin this on Yuta.”
“Wait,” Kun interjected, “Nakamoto… Yuta? I think… he accompanied a patient of mine a while back.”
“Aren’t you a gynecologist?” Yebin scowled, “That man is not allowed to procreate— wait, he knocked someone up? Could it be one of the missing women?”
The thought of Yuta possibly touching you, consensually or not, hadn’t crossed his mind (or maybe he just didn’t want it to) and it made him seethe, balling his fists tightly until his nails dug into his palms.
“I’m not one to break doctor-patient confidentiality but if I remember correctly, he presented himself as a potential father despite what my patient was claiming.”
“What an asshole.” Yebin remarked, lips still downturned.
Kun continued, “He also seemed withdrawn from the whole ordeal — physically present, mentally absent.”
“Do you remember when this was?”
The doctor licked his lips, thinking hard about it. “Probably a few months ago? Barely a year. She was one of my first patients. She had come into the clinic with her arms around his arm, practically dragging him in. I can search for her name tomorrow at the clinic if we want to track her down.”
Minkyung gasped, “Oh my gosh, Kyungwon! We should check up on her. What if she’s been missing too?”
“Didn’t she say she broke it off with him? I guess it wouldn’t hurt to check up on her, she’s one of [Y/N]’s closest colleagues.” Yebin picked up her phone from the table and scrolled through her contacts, “Good thing I got her number last time so I could set her up with a cousin.”
“If there’s a way you can do it inconspicuously, then please do.” Jaehyun implored, “For now, I just need everyone to be on high alert. Act like you don’t know anything if you come across him.”
He sighed, cradling his jaw with his hand after propping his elbow against the table.
“Hey,” Johnny called from across the table, “[Y/N]’s a feisty girl. She’s not going down without a fight. I’m sure she’s okay.”
“I know she is. I’m just trying to figure out this fucking psychopath’s motive and plan.” He mumbled, “I’ve been wracking my brain out how it ended up this way. Did I step over his pride? Did I come off the wrong way on him when he was having a shitty day? I just don’t understand.”
“We can mull about it when we find out more things about him. My family has close connections to a prominent family in Japan, I can have someone get intel on Nakamoto from his home country.” Yebin offered, standing up from her seat. “This sicko is going to pay hell for even touching a single hair on [Y/N]’s head. I’d love to stay and plan out the ways we’re going to torture the fuck out of this guy when we catch him, but I have to handle an ingress of a museum exhibit down in Busan over the weekend. Keep me posted, yeah?”
“Of course,” Jaehyun started to rise from his seat but Yebin waved him off, “Yebin, thank you.”
“Don’t be gross, Jung. I’m doing this for her.”
“I’ll be heading out as well with Yebs. I have a photoshoot tomorrow at Daegu. I haven’t interacted with Yuta at all, and I’m hoping I don’t have to, but I’ll be vigilant.”
They saw the girls off and Kun offered the boys the case of beer he had in the back of his freezer.
“He seemed like such a cool dude. It’s rare to see guys who know the shit they work on, you know?” Johnny was the first one to break the silence between the four men quietly breaking open their respective beer cans and sipping the foam. “But I’m somehow not surprised about it either.”
“I barely interacted with him at the housewarming.” Doyoung confessed, “Even when our security system was replaced with his tech, I didn’t handle it personally.”
Jaehyun somberly acknowledged them, gently pushing the soft aluminum of the beer can that made a soft popping sound every time he let go. With their friends knowing the situation, he felt a little relieved to know he’s not alone in trying to save you.
If he could save you.
“Hey,” Kun nudged his arm and as if he had just heard his thought, said, “Don’t take it too hard on yourself. He’s playing a game that only he wants to play.”
“A game?” Jaehyun repeated.
“Well, that’s how I see it. The way I see it from what I know — which isn’t much — it seems like he’s learning about you to bait you out. Why take the time to find all these people from your past? People you don’t even know? If he’s got all this money and power to do virtually anything he wants, why waste it on them when he could’ve gone straight to people you actually care for?”
Kun shrugged, “Think of it like chess. He’s taken the rooks and the pawns — and even your queen. And the only advice I can offer now is for you to be careful and walk right into his trap.”
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Just as the hour hand passed midnight, the boys called it a night. Kun saw them off at the entrance of his apartment building. Johnny had parked all the way down the street while Jaehyun was lucky to have gotten a spot nearby, offering Doyoung a ride after finding out he had commuted.
“I’m sorry, by the way.” Jaehyun said just as they buckled themselves into his car. Before Doyoung could respond, he continued, “You should be one of the first people I should tell about anything related to [Y/N]. I guess a part of me had always seen you as her older brother and I was ashamed to admit I couldn’t protect her.”
He nodded his head in acknowledgement, lips pursed in contemplation.
“You…” His voice trailed off, “You were her college stalker, right?”
Jaehyun’s fingers gripped the steering wheel, “I was.”
“Are you surprised that I know?”
“I had a feeling when it was brought up a while ago. Although as I said, you’re practically her brother. You two know everything about each other.”
“Apparently not everything.” Doyoung bitterly grumbled, slapping his forehead afterwards. “I’ve been so caught up in my own shit that I haven’t checked up on her at all even when she mentioned she had to go home to her parents because she was sick.”
Silence came over them inside the car that seemed louder than the late night city life they were passing by.
“How did you react when she told you about what I did?”
“I told her she was crazy for coming back to you. I’ve urged her multiple times to break it off again.”
Jaehyun is oddly calm. He knew he would have been thinking about all the ways to make Doyoung eat his words, but now he’s just accepting all of it. Maybe because it was over between the two of you.
“But she fought for you.” Doyoung brought him out of his reverie. “Like her life depended on it. It made her look like an idiot, for sure, but she defended you. She gave you a second chance and begged me to do the same. So I did.”
“That means a lot to me. Thank you.” Jaehyun responded once he pulled over in front of Doyoung’s building. “But… I have to apologize again. Before she disappeared, she broke up with me.”
He looked at him like he had grown a second head. “I don’t believe you. I literally just told you she fought to be with you.”
“People… change their minds.” Jaehyun turned the engine off, but didn’t unlock the car. “And I’m starting to think it’s better that way. I never considered this situation before… someone is using her against me, but then again, I’m not entirely a good person for her.”
“But you’re good to her and that was enough for her.”
Jaehyun chuckled morosely, thinking, “If only you really knew everything, man.”
“So what? After we save her, you’re just… going to let her go?”
The response weighed heavy on Jaehyun’s tongue, refusing to be spoken and heard by someone else other than his thoughts. Every fiber of his being didn’t want to let you go, he wanted to fight for your relationship — but he knew he didn’t have the right to.
“Yeah,” He eventually said, “That’s the plan.”
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You woke up to a muffled noise and a soft, rhythmic thumping on the adjacent wall of your bed. You groaned, a bit annoyed that your slumber was interrupted, but shook the grogginess away to figure out what was making the noise.
Sitting up, you didn’t bother to rub at the dryness of your eyes and pressed your ear onto the wall, only to gasp and pull away with cheeks flaring up.
Was that… a moan?
You put a hand to your mouth, pressing yourself back up on the wall to hear.
That’s definitely a woman moaning in pleasure and despite not being able to make out the words, the male voice accompanying the woman’s moans was Yuta. Shame overcame you once you realized overhearing their private moment had started to make you press your thighs closer.
You scooted away, jumped off your bed and sat at the table on the other side of the room. You could still hear the soft thumps, but at least you couldn’t hear the moans. Crossing your arms, you sat back on your seat and closed your eyes.
He’s doing this on purpose, you thought. For some twisted reason, you know he wants you to hear that.
Looking out the window, you tried to gauge what time it was. Around midnight, perhaps? What was Jaehyun doing? Is he even getting enough sleep? Is he eating properly? You slapped yourself.
“For someone who broke up with him, you’re pretty concerned about him.” You murmured, but bit your lip when it began to tremble. You should be mad at him. For all that he’s done. You’re in this situation because of him. But why does a part of you want him to leave it to the police? You hoped deep in your heart that he’s not going to come here himself like Yuta is anticipating because you don’t know what this psycho is planning — what his end goal is.
But why do you care? Why does it matter? You laid your head on the table and sobbed, “I still love him.”
“Please, please if there’s any higher being listening to me right now.” You prayed, voice shaky and strained, “Please don’t let him come here. Please.”
After some time, you jolted in your seat at the sound of the door knob rustling. Had you cried yourself to sleep?
The door opened and Yuta sauntered in wearing nothing but a pair of baggy sweats that hung low on his hips, smirking at the sight of your face that’s red and puffy from crying. “Aw, did you miss Jaehyun after hearing all that? Did you enjoy the show? I’ll let you watch next time~”
This man has an innate ability to fill you with rage within seconds.
Before you could think it through, you stood up and pushed his body with all your might, running at the door he hadn’t closed yet. You were able to swing it wider, but couldn’t get a foot out when you felt your hair being yanked back. You felt a few strands snap as you yelped in pain, trying to grab at Yuta’s fist around your head.
“That’s cute.” He laughed in your ear, kicking the door with his foot. He tossed you towards the bed like a rag doll, your body just hitting the edge of it before crumbling to the floor. “Don’t do that again. I’ll forgive you this time, but if you insist on taking a little stroll outside, I don’t mind trading a few minutes of freedom for some head.”
“Fuck you.” You spat, visibly shuddering at the offer.
He just laughed again, shrugging his shoulders. “I don’t have to fuck myself. Your friend is a great fuck and leaves me happy every time.”
“What?” You massaged the part of your scalp that had been strained. When realization hit you, you gasped in horror, “Kyungwon?!”
You called out to her, scrambling onto your feet and running towards the wall. You pounded on the surface, “Kyung? Kyungwon, it’s me, [Y/N]!”
Yuta merely chuckled behind you, “Do you really think I would let her stay here overnight and discover you’re here?”
Somehow the thought of Kyungwon still being able to go home comforted you.
“That’s risky of you to bring her here in the first place.”
“It’s a gamble, but someone has to bring the prince to the damsel in distress, no?” Yuta dragged the chair you had sat on towards him and sat down.
“What do you plan on doing when Jaehyun gets here?” You heaved, keeping your emotions in check. “Do you honestly think he’s going to go here alone?”
He gave you a wicked smile, the type that made you shiver.
“I know he is.”
Yuta reached into the pocket of his pants, leading your gaze to the prominent tent between his legs that made you want to vomit. Does this type of scenario excite him? You averted your gaze to the television that turned on.
“As expected, Jaehyun had contacted your friends. Presumably to recruit them in saving you.”
A CCTV footage on what seems to be the front entrance of an apartment building appeared on screen. It didn’t look familiar to you, but then you see a familiar mop of head in the corner.
“He graciously hosted everyone in his apartment. Smart move on Jaehyun since my company failed to convince the building owner’s to switch to my tech — but I doubt Jaehyun knows that. Good thing there’s a bunch of free streams of city’s CCTV on the net, huh? With a little nudge here, the camera is focused more on the apartment.”
Yuta tapped his phone and the video sped up. He only slowed it down to show you who was entering — first, it was Doyoung. Johnny followed, and Yebin and Minkyung came together.
“And last, but not the least,” Yuta sang, tapping his phone once more to show Jaehyun, even zooming into the video to get a better look at his face.
Your heart sank. He looked so sullen, it hasn’t been long, but he looked like he lost weight and aged a few years.
“Oh! I would have loved to hear what they were talking about.” He sighed, “Don’t you?”
“I don’t get what your end goal here is.” You hissed, balling your fists at your sides. “Kill Jaehyun?”
“Kill him? Heavens, no.” He laughed, “He can do that himself.”
Your nails almost pierced your palm at how much you balled your fists tighter upon hearing that.
“I want to break him — mentally and emotionally. I’ve already started to unravel him since I got the single thread that was keeping him together.” Yuta tipped his head at you, “I want to drive him insane until he loses himself — be that monster he really is.”
“He’s not a monster—”
“[Y/N], [Y/N],” He clicked his tongue in disappointment, “Should I give you another copy of his journal for you to read to pass time here? Did you forget already just because you saw him all mopey and sad just now? [Y/N], that man invaded your privacy from when you were younger! He had personally sent people to the hospital because of anger issues AND did not feel an ounce of remorse for doing so. Does that not bother you at all?”
You refused to comment, opting to control your breathing to stop yourself from hyperventilating at the reminder of the things you’ve read in the files.
“Aw, [Y/N], it’s okay. We all make mistakes. Yours was giving him that second chance.”
“No.” Your voice cracked.
Yuta’s brow rose up at your response.
“Giving him that second chance wasn’t a mistake. I don’t regret it.”
“I hope you don’t eat your words, [Y/N].” He sighed, “You haven’t read everything yet.”
“It doesn’t matter.” You snapped, defiant and curt. “I hope he kills you.”
Yuta chuckled, nonchalantly with a nod as he slowly stepped towards the door.
Your brows burrowed ever so slightly, what did he mean by that? Did he really just want Jaehyun to kill him? For what reason?
“By the way,” He said as he opened the door, the tone of his voice dropped lower and you’re mortified at how it sends pure fear shooting through you. “Try to escape again and there will be consequences. Don’t ruin the fun, [Y/N].”
And just like that, he left you once again in the room. The loud click of the lock signaled that you’re once again alone with your thoughts, drowning endlessly in questions that suffocated you to sleep every night since you’ve been here.
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A/N: and it's finally here!! if anybody is still notif gang, thank you for being so patient 🥹 i hope it wasn't too fast paced, but i literally just wrote out what i typed out in the outline thats been rotting in my notes.
i hope it's not too much to ask, but please share my uncle's getfunding link for his chemo therapy 🙏
support me by reblogging with the same tags! i would also really appreciate leaving your thoughts in my inbox as it would help me become a better writer and prepare me to write my own book 👀
for extra support, you can check here on ways to send me a tip ~
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chic-a-gigot · 3 months
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Les Modes : revue mensuelle illustrée des arts décoratifs appliqués à la femme, no. 6, vol. 1, juin 1901, Paris. Aux Courses. Bibliothèque nationale de France
No. 1. Robe en foulard bleu ciel. No. 2. Robe en voile rouge. No. 3. Robe en batiste blanche. No. 4. Robe en voile blanc. No. 5. Robe de mousseline brodée. Cliché Boyer.
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Robe en mousseline de soie noire. Robe en mousseline de l'inde. Cliché Boyer.
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Robe en foulard. Robe en voile gris argent. Cliché Boyer.
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Robe de louisine "champagne". Robe en louisine rayée. Cliché Boyer.
(1.) ROBE EN FOULARD BLEU CIEL, à dessin blanc. Au bas du volant, petites franges blanches. Corsage blouse. Grand col de dentelles.
(1.) SKY BLUE FOULARD DRESS, with white design. At the bottom of the ruffle, small white fringes. Blouse bodice. Large lace collar.
(2.) ROBE EN VOILE ROUGE. Col de guipure et fichu de mousseline de soie blanche. Choux de comètes noires.
(2.) RED VOILE DRESS. Guipure collar and white silk chiffon scarf. Cabbages of black comets.
(3.) ROBE EN BATISTE BLANCHE. A petits pois roses. Comètes de velours noir au bas des volants. Broderie au plumetis figurant le boléro.
(3.) WHITE BATISTE DRESS. With little pink polka dots. Black velvet comets at the bottom of the ruffles. Plumetis embroidery depicting the bolero.
(4.) ROBE EN VOILE BLANC, avec incrustations de grosse broderie.
(4.) WHITE VOILE DRESS, with large embroidery inlays.
(5.) ROBE DE MOUSSELINE BRODÉE. Forme droite. Corsage blousé avec grand col.
(5.) EMBROIDERED CHIFFON DRESS. Straight shape. Bloused bodice with large collar.
ROBE EN MOUSSELINE DE SOIE NOIRE. Rayée de velours noir sur transparent blanc. Incrustations de chantilly noir et blanc sur le volant. Corsage avec les mêmes incrustations décolleté sur empiècement blanc.
BLACK SILK CHIFFON DRESS. Striped with black velvet on transparent white. Black and white whipped cream inlays on the steering wheel. Bodice with the same neckline inlays on white yoke.
ROBE EN MOUSSELINE DE L’INDE, avec fleurs brodées nuancées.
INDIAN CHIFFON DRESS, with nuanced embroidered flowers.
ROBE EN FOULARD. Dessin cachemire avec bandes de taffetas blanc piqué. Grand col de taffetas blanc piqué.
FOULARD DRESS. Paisley design with strips of white pique taffeta. Large white quilted taffeta collar.
ROBE EN VOILE GRIS ARGENT. Avec grand col de gui pure.
SILVER GRAY VOILE DRESS. With large pure mistletoe collar.
ROBE DE LOUISINE CHAMPAGNE (Écru rosé). Incrustée d’entre-deux de cluny. Boléro court en louisine, bordé d’une légère broderie d’or sur une chemisette de cluny. Haute ceinture en galon d’or.
LOUISINE CHAMPAGNE DRESS (Ecru pink). Inlaid with cluny insertions. Short louisine bolero, bordered with light gold embroidery on a cluny shirt. High gold braid belt.
ROBE EN LOUISINE RAYÉE. Incrustée de guipure, grand col Marion de Lorme en guipure.
STRIPED LOUISINE DRESS. Inlaid with guipure, large Marion de Lorme collar in guipure.
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hanakoofthejungle · 4 months
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Another HuskerDust Hazbin Hotel fanart because I am obsessed with these two.
Speedpaint process below:
This piece is based on the fanfiction, Wicked Old Soul by BunnyBight. It is also a Overlord Husk AU fic but has its own distinct and captivating plot. I highly recommend.
The scene comes from Chapter 24 where Husk and Angel host an engagement party for Asmodeus and Fizzarolli, and of course they have to dress the part :))) in other words, excuse for me to draw Husk in a fancy suit and Angel in a beautiful dress.
I took a lot of leeway in interpreting the clothes.
BunnyBight describes Angel's dress as "made of a black shimmery material. Not sparkly, it was too subtle to be called that. The top of the dress wrapped over one shoulder and under the other. It fit snug to his body until it hit his hips where it then draped straight to the floor. The front of the dress had a large opening. The left side of the skirt fell straight down but then another layer started at that hip and crossed in front to end at his right ankle. His entire left leg was bare as was the bottom of his right leg." So I was thinking of silk chiffon as the material for the blouse/bust and first layer of the skirt and taffeta silk for the bodice and second dress layer. As both fabrics has shiny property, they would look a bit more grey than black as opposed to Husk's wool suit. I added a layer of pearlescent watercolor on top to make the dress shimmery but it doesn't show after scanning. Check out my speedpaint Youtube short to see how it shines under the light. The dress is also supposed to have gold and red playing cards embroidery, but I was lazy.
Angel's necklace is the centerpiece of the outfit, '[t]he necklace was an intricate design of many small black diamonds and seven large rubies, all set in gold [...] It looked like something royalty would wear." So I went ahead and based the necklace on Empress Elisabeth of Austria's ruby parure. I saw the necklace in her portrait by Georg Martin Ignaz Raab while visiting the Schönbrunn Palace some years ago. There are exactly 7 rubies in this fanart and some small black diamonds. The details do not look good up close since I was drawing on a small A5 size paper and this is the best I can manage with tiny tiny jewelry. BunnyBight also mentions a pair of earrings that go with the set, but I don't know where the ears of a spider locate so I replaced those with a matching hair ornament.
"Husk was wearing another three piece black suit with gold pinstripes and buttons. His gold bowtie looked fabulous over the red shirt he wore with it." I found that when executing all these details on paper, the suit would look very busy and lack an emphasis. Hence, I instead put Husk in a pure black double breasted suit, kept the red shirt and placed all the red, gold and black color in the tie as the highlight of his outfit. I couldn't draw the tiny "little gold and red playing card cufflinks at his wrist" (again the limitation of traditional art on small paper) so I replaced the with heart shaped gold cufflinks. A nice allusion to Husk's wearing his heart on his sleeve just for Angel, which was definitely my plan all along and not just mere coincidence. I skipped Husk's fancy top hat and cane because I was lazy. One very wrong detail in this whole outfit is Husk's ring which he doesn't get until Chapter 36 :((.
The background is just me freehand drawing that tapestry with card symbols and other motifs appear in Loser, Baby and the marble column.
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frostedmagnolias · 4 months
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“This black blouse is made of chiffon and has a white cotton lining. The white yoke is made of lace and features red velvet trim throughout. It also has a standing collar and long sleeves trimmed with black velvet. The waist is gathered and there are hook-and-eye closures down the center back.”
Grand Rapids Public Museum
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uneeorchidee · 7 months
personal style inspired by Lucy Westenra
Bram Stoker’s classic brought many iconic characters that continue to inspire fashion and art to this day, one of them being Lucy Westenra. Set in 1890’s, her look was based on late Victorian fashion. Described as soft and sweet, her style is very feminine and modest at first, but as her character changes into a deadly vampire, so does her style evolve into a more dark romantic look. To translate that into a personal style, it’s a perfect inspiration to bring both contrasting sides into one single creative and ethereal aesthetic.
I would keep the classic and feminine pieces and softness of colours as base, and mix it with modern, more relaxed cuts and details, as well as accessories and jewelry that add a little bit of edge and pop of colour for that gothic and vampiric element. Waist is usually emphasised/cinched while silhouette is rich on top or bottom. It can be achieved by combining pieces such as long ruffled skirts of sleeves, or lace and lightweight sheer fabrics like organza/chiffon, with lined and harsher pieces like corsets and bodices. Layering over with items that resemble lingerie, slip dresses and nigh gowns also incorporates well into this style. Some of the go-to pieces – lace turtlenecks, corsets, ruffled skirts/dresses, drop jewelry, laced boots, puff sleeve blouses, off shoulder dresses and tops, stockings, floral details, choker necklaces
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colours – off white, silver, peach, muted shades of orange and pink, red
hairstyle – romantic waves or relaxed bun, any type of feminine head piece/accessory
makeup – minimalistic makeup with blurred/stained red lips
Lucy Westenra outfit inspiration
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ethereal, dark romantic, lace pieces, muted colours, ruffles, stained lips, red details, feminine
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lokisgoodgirl · 2 years
Crossed Swords [Avenger! Loki x Fem.Reader]
Part of the Hostile F*cks Collection A Link to my Masterlist is HERE Summary: (9) You overhear something unwelcome. Mischief ensues. Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI. Smuttish. "Friends" w/ benefits. Graphic descriptions of Loki in fencing pants. Language. Mild violence. (w/c 4.2k)
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You didn’t know what had possessed you to knock on Loki’s door. It had been over a week since Scotland, and visions of that night had consumed your mind like a virus. It was all you could think about, and you needed to see him. Alone. You squeezed the clan pin from his tartan sash that had somehow ended up in your possession into a fist as the other rapped the wood three times. The sharp edges stung into the soft base of your palm as you heard footsteps approaching. I’m here to return it before the tactics meeting. I’m here to return it, that’s all. It’s not weird. It’s normal, totally nor- “Don’t.” Loki’s deep voice had suddenly commanded through the wood. “Come back to the bed.”
The footsteps paused before retreating. Your stomach clenched, chest tightening while dread rolled up your body like a wave. Without thinking, you pressed your ear to the door. Loki moaned. A low, guttural sound you’d only heard when he was nine inches deep. You frowned, blood thumping in your chest. This was not an unexpected scenario, but hearing it first-hand smarted like vinegar. You took a step back and frowned at the sealed door, rage bubbling in your belly. He’s so fucking full of it, you thought furiously; instantly chastising yourself for being annoyed at all. Jealous. You’re fucking jealous...you fucking idiot. You squeezed the brooch a final time before throwing it harshly at the door. Shit. It hit the centre with a loud thud. Shitshit, Why did I do that?! Swearing under your breath you made a hasty retreat down the corridor, a plan forming as you made your way back to your room. There was just enough time before the tactics meeting. And you had a tactic of your own to deploy.
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“Righto guys n’ gals, time for a few home truths.” Steve clapped his hands together, resting them under his chin as he stood at the head of the table. He’s the only one more annoying than Loki, you thought; letting your eyes flicker from your notepad to the pristine god sitting directly across the table. Loki found your covert gaze, immediately shooting you an almost imperceptible wink. Nope, still Loki; you decided, returning his presumptive gesture with a roll of your eyes. Thor sat beside him, the blonde’s hoodie making him look even bulkier beside his lean, perfectly toned brother radiating arrogance in his stupid tight t-shirt. Thor was staring again. You saw his chin dip lower, the swirling blue of his eyes darkening as he gave you that look. His lustful glare had become all too common around the Tower since the red dress incident. And it told you that you tactics were about to play out perfectly.
Fingers pushed a strand of hair behind your ear, being careful to keep looking at the Captain as you tilted your body towards the head of the table. The fingers brushed down your neck, stopping to lightly massage the dent of your collarbone before falling and undoing one innocent button just above your heart. “All this technology is nice and dandy, but if an enemy intercepts our comms; we’re jimmied. Kaplunkered, folks…unless you have the inbuilt qualities, of course.” Steve said. Your fingertips brushed back to your shoulder, digging deeper into the bare flesh and letting your dark chiffon blouse slip down. The fingers caught on a twinge. You frowned, closing your eyes with lips parted in a calculated silent sigh of pleasure. “...so we need to make more of an effort to ensure our bop em’, sock em’ techniques are up to scratch. The ol' S&M. Swords and muscles, folks.” The feeling of Loki’s gaze lingering on you touching yourself was palpable. His analysing stare sifting over your body was something you had become as accustomed to recognising as the waft of burnt toast. You let a smile twitch the edges of your mouth, opening your eyes to concentrate on Steve once again. “Later this afternoon we’ll run a group session, and we can make sure we’re all where we need to be.” You gave your shoulder a final squeeze, letting an expression that was entirely too sexual flash across your features. A low whimper erupted from Thor’s direction. “Asgardians?” Steve huffed in exasperation, making you turn to face the accused with innocent interest. “This applies to you, too.” Thor snapped to attention, babbling incoherently as his cheeks flushed. Loki’s eyes narrowed towards you, before he too looked toward Rogers with a nod. Cool as a New York winter morning. “I concur that the team skillset is somewhat lacking in the close combat department, Rogers. Particularly where blades are concerned.” he said with an air of haughtiness only he could muster. “I would be happy to whip them, into shape.” Whip. The word was onomatopoeic on his tongue. A soft beginning climaxing in a sharp crack which lingered on his lips. His hands lay clasped in front of him on the table, the long lines of his torso perfectly straight through impeccable posture. Those dark waves were tied back in a loose bun, strands hanging against his carved cheekbones. “Excellent.” Steve clapped his hands together again. “Everyone in the training hall in one hour under 'Master of Blades' Laufeyson, then.” he quipped.
I wonder if he had it loose while he was fucking her, you thought; an intrusive mental image making you fight the urge to squirm in your seat. Memories of his wild locks trailing your body filled your mind, how you’d always tug it roughly as he took his pleasure like an animal in heat. Did she do the same? You imagined Loki padding naked and sated across his rooms, casually scraping his luxurious hair still sex-damp up into the messy bun while manifesting the simple black t-shirt and chinos he was wearing. His rooms, you thought with a twinge. He’s never taken me to his rooms. Wetness slid between your thighs as you shuffled, feeling your jaw clench. Loki smirked, as Steve’s voice prattled in the background. You imagined how you would do things differently if he had his hair tied up like that while you fucked him. How your mouth would suck and bruise all along the uninterrupted landscape of pure masculine eroticism he called a jawline. From his chin to his earlobe. God, you wanted to fucking bite him. Hard. Like the bruise he had become accustomed to leaving on the curve of your shoulder. A gift. A remembrance. His mark. You suddenly wondered if anyone else around this table wore that mark.
There were mumbles of disapproval at the idea of Loki as a teacher while seats scraped back on the floor. You lifted your bag onto the surface, nudging a pen which rolled to the middle of the table. “Oops.” you muttered coyly, sliding the bag purposefully to the side. You leant forward, lowering your chest and giving both brothers a view down the neckline of your blouse. Thor’s jaw slackened, seeing the lacey lingerie cupping your breasts. “See you in an hour, boys.” you murmured innocently, beginning to slide the pen towards you. Thor’s glazed stare travelled from your cleavage to your face and back to your chest. The lace was a bright, rich red. Loki’s gaze rose from the salacious view down your top to your eyes. The icy set of his features made your nipples harden. A low growl rumbled in the blonde’s throat as you straightened, not looking back as you casually exited the room with a smirk. “Don’t even think about it, brother.” Loki snarled under his breath, feeling Thor’s biceps vibrate against his shoulder with covert mirth. “Oh brother…” the blonde growled, watching the curve of your ass as you disappeared out of sight. “I fear it is far too late for that.”
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The Tower weapons training facility was on the thirty-second floor, but it may as well have been in the basement. There was no natural light, just overhead runners that made it feel like you could be anywhere.
You and Nat pushed the swing doors open in sync, letting them fly wide as the waiting group turned expectantly. You’d changed. A black sports bra underneath a loose racer-back top with high-waisted leggings completing the uniform. You smiled to yourself at the knowledge that the matching lace underpants to the red bra were safely concealed. Ready to be deployed if needed. When needed. “Nice of you to join us at last.” Loki sneered, projecting his voice as he ran his gaze appraisingly over you both. “Don’t get your panties in a bunch, Laufeyson” Nat shrugged, stretching her bicep over her chest. “Not everyone walks around in baggy sweatpants all damn day.” She threw Scott a knowing look. His eyes widened at the unexpected barb, pulling out the sides of his sweatpants with a pout before looking to Sam for support. Sam shook his head silently. Loki ignored her, striding forward from the head of the hall towards the group. “A 'Master of Blades." Loki announced theatrically as the mutters grew silent. "While the Captain may have noted this in childish jest, I can assure you it is no mere flippantry. Across these nine realms, my skills with steel are legendary...and it is your privilege to learn from me today.” “Is your boyfriend on his period or something?” Nat whispered, making you cover your mouth to suppress a laugh. “He’s not my boyfriend. God forbid.” you hissed, regaining your composure. “He gets off of this sort of stuff. Lording it over people. He’s a dick.” “Sometimes all they need to be is a dick.” Nat said solemnly, making you press a finger to your mouth to stifle another giggle. She smirked, pressing her lips together. Loki threw you both a scowl. You had been trying not to look at him, knowing that as soon as you did the familiar fizz between your legs would rise; but it was too late. His hair was still in that goddam messy bun, strands falling in thin curls around his jawline. The overhead lighting accentuated every shadow cast by his cheekbones, that fair skin utterly luminous. He wore a tight charcoal gym top that suddenly reminded you of the wetsuit. That fucking wetsuit, you thought; clenching at the memory of it peeling down his chiselled abs. The spandex clung to every curve of his muscles, his biceps perfectly encased beneath the fabric. Only his forearms were visible, the sight of thick veins running beneath his pale skin making saliva well under your tongue. Pristine white straps ran down his chest from over his shoulders, part of a high waisted swordfighting ensemble tight around his midriff. The material ran straight down his hips, snug to the crotch by design. They fell just above the knee, a pair of tight black socks tucked beneath the hem. Perfectly fitted, naturally. How does he look so fucking good in everything, you thought wistfully; watching the flex of his thigh muscles through the white cotton as he stalked towards you. The straps hugged his chest, bound tight. The mental image of riding them down his bare shoulders while you mounted him filled your mind; feeling his cock straining up between your thighs. The material creased at his hips, accentuating the bulge of his obscene manhood with every stride. He stopped, his face inches from yours. “Thank you for returning my relic.” he stated formally, hands clasped behind his back.
You grimaced, regretting letting your irritation boil over with your earlier theatrics. “That’s fine. Shall we?” Loki frowned at your brevity, searching your face before taking his place in the centre of the semi-circle. In a flash of green, a steel blade appeared in his grip. Dulled, of course. He twirled the twenty-four inches of metal fluidly, enjoying the reluctantly impressed faces of the team gathered. Scott ooo’ed. Sam elbowed him in the ribs. Loki held the sword in front of his face, hands clasped around the hilt; splitting the symmetrical perfection in two. Only one side was smiling. “My first wisdom about the sword” he enunciated regally, “is that it’s power comes from the force of your core.” He looked at you as he said it, sending chills shuddering through the base of your leggings. “The blade is an extension of your body. You direct it. Master it. You do not follow it.” He began to pace, swinging the sword theatrically. Each slice made a cutting whir through the air. “Every strike, every thrust, every stab should be calculated. Each offensive move or defensive counter-strike a graceful, fluid motion. Your impulses must be tamed, so that you are always in control. Dominating, like one would handle a submissive lover.” “God, even his tutorials are sexualised.” you whispered bitterly to Nat. She offered a weak eye-roll. “What was that, Agent?” Loki snapped, his stoic demeanour holding as he rested the blade against his shoulder. You sighed, feeling your adrenaline rise at his confrontation. God, you thought. Imagine him wearing those fucking fencing pants shirtless- “I said, even your tutorials are sexualised. Is that really necessary?” Loki let out a low chuckle, weaving the handle of the blade expertly as he stalked closer. “It is not a question of what is necessary” he hummed, running one long digit along the blade horizontal to his midriff. His eyes followed the finger, until it rested on the dulled tip. “At their basest level, all realms share two passions which are impossible to extinguish. Violence, and...sex.” His long lashes fluttered upwards, making your breath hitch.
“Mastering the art of the blade is inextricable with mastering the art of sex, Agent. One cannot be achieved without the other. At least, not in a manner which will cause any significant lasting impression.” Nat snorted beside you. “And you’ve mastered these arts have you?” you sneered, folding your arms. “You know I have, Agent.” he purred darkly, making your cheeks heat as every gaze fell on you. “But since you seem resistant to my methods of tutelage, let’s have a demonstration shall we?”
You shrugged, ignoring the churning of your stomach and extending your hand in expectation. Loki nodded towards the wall, where twelve immaculately positioned short-swords had appeared resting vertically. You pursed your lips, placidly making your way over and picking one up. You swivelled the blade in your grip, feeling the weight. A pin drop would have echoed. The onlookers stepped back as Loki stalked towards you like a panther on the hunt. A fencing mask appeared in his hand, swinging casually before he threw it to you. You grunted, tossing it to the side before raising your sword. Pretentious Asshole. The straps over his shoulders strained with every calculated, heavy breath; the ropes of thick muscle shifting as he perfected his stance. Suddenly, Loki lunged. A clang of steel resounded around the hall as your blade met his, blocking in a high X that spliced his sharpened features in two. He pushed forwards, making you stumble as you desperately tried to hold your ground. His chin was lowered, smouldering eyes burning into yours as the muscle of his forearm bulged in thick lines. “Defend yourself.” he growled, scraping his blade upwards and pivoting it with a flick of his wrist, immediately going for an underhand strike. You retreated, countering again; steel singing as metal slid to his hilt. “Fuck you, Loki.” you hissed, bringing your free hand up in a fist. He flinched, raising a palm to catch it. You kneed him in the ribs. A low rumble of mirth rippled across the semi-circle around you both. Loki barely reacted. Barely. But it was just enough. You leveraged the weight change, pushing his sword upward and ducking under his arm. The dull tip of your blade met his jugular as you pushed his bicep down with all the force you could muster, edging on the pressure-point of that taut neck you knew he loved sucked. Bet he got it sucked this morning, you thought venomously; panting as a reluctant grin stretched across Loki’s lips. You know he could kill you with one hand if he chose. With his obscenely large thumb, even. For now, it was a hollow victory to be sure. But you would take it. “You found my weak spot, it seems.” he murmured quietly, a knowing smile tugging at his dimples; eyebrows slanted in mock-surrender. “You’re easily distracted.” you panted, pushing away his bicep with a rough shove. There was a ripple of tentative applause as Loki straightened and you made your way back to your spot. Nat nodded approvingly.
“As demonstrated by our colleague here, the force of the blade is not always in its length, sharpness or girth. It is the manner in which it is wielded. With the innate, fierce hostility toward any who would overpower you.” Loki’s chin tilted as he spoke, analysing the effect of his words on those watching. On you. “She was not willing to let me overpower her.” he continued thoughtfully, fingering the edge of the blade. “If I was a mere man, I’d say she may even have succeeded.” “Hey- she did succeed, asshole.” Nat interjected, offering a nudge of solidarity. Loki chuckled. “Keep telling yourself that, Romanoff. A Master of Blades is not easily defeated by such a…” Loki's eyes ran down to your trainers and back to meet your narrowed eyes, tilting his head. “Let’s continue. Pairs. And I shall observe your efforts.” Your nostrils flared, a deep growl simmering in your chest. You were vaguely aware of a tall shadow beginning to loom over you. “My Lady, may I-” “Yes.” you snapped, still glaring at Loki as he slid his sword gracefully into a leather back-holster he had manifested out of thin air. You turned towards Thor, forcing a smile. “It would be my pleasure.” The blonde god’s eyes followed the movement of your lips, before licking his own. “Wonderful.” he rumbled after a pause. As you watched him join the others retrieving blades from the wall, your fingers found their way to the waistband of your leggings, folding them over.
Your eyes flickered back to Loki, swinging his blade fluidly in a series of joined twists and strikes that made your traitorous sex scream with wet, hot need. The next hour was blessedly uneventful; a series of test formations observed by Master Laufeyson as he circled the group like a shark. The relentless clang of metal rang in your ears as Loki’s deep voice reverberated, his sultry commands making it increasingly difficult to concentrate. “Inward cut to downward block, Lang. Upper cut to Alpha. Go harder.” Loki bellowed, the gravitas making a shudder roll down your spine. “Impress me.” he announced sanctimoniously, flicking the curling waves around his face back with a flourish. The dark god left your vision as you side-stepped, waiting for your chance to strike his elder brother. You absent-mindedly twisted the bottom of your baggy t-shirt, balling it at your back and tucking it into the folded leggings. A flash of red lace was visible. Inevitably, your gaze was drawn back to Loki. Standing there with his sword tucked in that ludicrously erotic back-holster. Straps. He’s all straps today; you thought, biting your lip.
That spandex top tucked into the fencing pants did nothing to hide the carved abdomen beneath it; the outline of his cock visible with every measured pace as he observed the team with haughty disdain. The leather of the back-holster was completely out of place and yet...perfectly natural. Loki's triangular shoulders flexed as he paced in a wide circle, condescension at their efforts simmering beneath half-lidded eyes. How you yearned to hook your fingers beneath those leather straps as he fucked you senseless, pulling him tighter. Deeper. Hearing him hiss as the tight skin cut underneath his armpits- “Shit.” you gasped, raising your hand just in time to block an attack from your blonde opponent. Thor snarled, walking you backwards. His wandering eyes travelled down your body, widening as he noticed the flash of red lace rising over your hip like blood in the water. His blade pushed closer to your face, pressing your forearm to your chest. The chill of the steel radiated against your skin as it hovered close to your cheek. “Tonight.” Thor murmured. “Your invitation. I accept.” “My...invitation?” you gasped, as his sword lowered to your throat; your own forced past the point of no return. Thor growled approvingly. “Never fear, I know of your unfortunate liaisons with my brother. It is not the first time a woman has sought the comfort of my mighty cock after being unfulfilled in his bed.” “My-? I..ohgod.” Your sword clattered to the ground as Thor’s hand slid firmly around your waist, pulling your hips towards his. The dulled blade slid down your neck, resting on the curve of your cleavage. You curled your hand in a fist, ready to punch him right in the eye. Suddenly Thor's blade was flicked away from your bosom, cast upwards from his meaty grip like a toothpick by another, larger length of metal. It hit the floor and bounced, rattling. “Brother.” Loki snarled, his sword raised to Thor’s throat; eyes flashing with warning. Gone was the short, more wieldy weapon; and in it’s place a longsword fit for battle. The dark god let his hardened gaze fall on you. “I credited you with more finesse, Agent.” he sneered. “Clearly I was mistaken.” Thor released you, making sure his hand slid lightly over your ass as he did so. You grimaced. “If Ordinances of the Colours do not apply in this realm, brother...then neither does the Covenant of the First Seed.” he said pompously. Loki snorted, tilted his chin to the ceiling with a mirthless chuckle before lowering it once again with renewed malice in his eyes. “Since when did you respect the Covenant of the First Seed, brother?” he spat. “In this realm or in any other.” Thor shrugged. “I see not how it is my fault that you could not satisfy your lovers, Loki.” With a flash of green, another mighty longsword appeared in Loki’s free hand. He flipped the handle effortlessly towards Thor, the implication clear. You suddenly realised that neither were dull blades. Nordic runes were engraved along the shafts, thick grooves running through the centre to ornate golden handles which gleamed garishly under the overhead lights. “Wait I-” you panted, before a hand wrapped around your forearm pulling you backwards. “We can’t do anything, just stay out the way.” Nat muttered, confusion etched across her brow. “Is this about you?” she added quietly, her voice tinged with pride as she watched the scene unfold. The brothers circled each other like feral wolves as the team shrank back warily against the wall. “I don’t know anymore.” you whispered, wondering what the hell you’d just done.
Both lunged at the same time, meeting in a clash of bared teeth and snarls and heavy steel. Thor pressed the blade towards Loki, bending him backwards before your lover kicked his brother’s feet from under him. The blonde hit the ground with a harsh thud, immediately rising to the sound of Loki’s menacing laughter echoing around the high ceiling. It was relentless. A series of nimble twists and strikes from the dark god outmanoeuvring his brother’s lumbering frame as metal struck and vibrated in the air. Strands of Loki’s hair flew wildly, sticking to his forehead as he wielded the weaponry like the master he was. The abject fury on his face had given way to something softer. Mischief, you thought; watching every pop of his thick forearms as he struck repeatedly into Thor’s feeble defence. His elongated thighs lunged with expert precision, the curves of his obscenely toned calves visible through the tight socks with every calculated thrust. Thor was clearly more accustomed to using his fists, the blade forming no more than a rustic barrier to his brother’s rage. Loki dodged his clumsy attempts with ease as the blonde left a trail of destruction through the gym. A chorus of shock rippled among the onlookers with every crunch as Thor’s sword met the wall while Loki spun away - his growls of frustration growing louder. You counted seven holes. Wait...make that eight. Thor lumbered towards his brother, hair swinging as his jaw clenched. Loki smirked, pacing quickly towards him with sword raised before dodging at the last moment and spinning behind. He pinned the edge of the sharp blade to his brother’s neck; a free arm fast around his chest as he rubbed the flat against a pulsating vein. Thor bellowed, his reddened face writhing as he struggled. “Yield.” Loki announced loudly, his voice frighteningly calm. “I will not.” Thor roared, twisting as Loki whispered something in his ear. You watched silently, eyes frantically scanning them as Thor’s brow furrowed in anguish. “Damn you, brother!” he shouted, as Loki released him with a final snarl of victory. Your eyes ran covetously over Loki’s thighs in those tight pants as he swaggered backwards; suddenly realising you had been holding your breath. “What the heck…” Steve’s whine pierced the air. “What is this?” The group turned sheepishly towards him, as Loki moved the sword in a casual, flourishing figure of eight. He raised his arm, sliding the Asgardian steel into the leather holster like a fucking tease. “My brother and I crossed swords, that is all.” he purred innocently, casting a glance towards his heavily breathing sibling still bubbling with silent fury. “Oh is that right?” Steve huffed, putting his hands on his hips as he strutted forwards, observing the piles of plaster littering the gym from Thor’s clumsy combat techniques. “Well you can clear up all this goshdarned mess.” he snipped, poking Loki in the chest. The god smirked, running a hand innocently through his hair. “And don’t think about using magic to tidy the blade depository, Laufeyson. Last time it was an absolute tarnation of a scene in there. Sheaths and daggers and morning-glories all over the heckin’ shop. All out of order from the wallchart, I may add.. which is clearly displayed, thank-you-very-much.”
You bit your lip, stifling a giggle. The thought of Loki arranging the blade depositary by hand was laughable. “Agent, you watch him.” Steve said, waving a hand towards you as he began to strut towards the door. “Make sure he behaves. I know I can count on you.” You stood open mouthed as the team began to assemble a pile of swords on the floor in front of you, mumbling their condolences. You sighed as Loki’s hard bicep brushed against your own. You didn't need to look at him to know that shit-eating grin would be stretched across his infuriatingly handsome face. The scent of heavy leather and tang of his fresh sweat radiating the heat between you made you feel light-headed. “You heard the man, Agent.” he murmured, that velveteen voice sinking into the gusset of your surely ruined panties. “The question is...do you think you have what it takes to make me behave?” There was a heavy pause.
“Inquiring minds wish to know...” he keened, his mirth palpable. “Shut up.” you snapped, as Loki chuckled. “Little does Rogers know that it is you, Agent, who needs to be brought to heel.” he purred, tucking his thumbs under the straps of the fencing pants and running them purposefully downward. He leant to the side when they met the base of the high waistband. His warm breath fanned your cheek; moist lips grazing your earlobe. “And Agent…” he hummed. “I know just where to start.”
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Continued in Crossed Swords: To The Hilt Part of the Hostile F*cks Collection
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@lokischambermaid @lady-rose-moon @gigglingtigger @muddyorbs @xorpsbane @lokikissesmyforehead @simplyholl @fictive-sl0th @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @loopsisloops @thedistractedagglomeration @loveroflokiforpoeticjustice @123forgottherest @holdmytesseract @joyful-enchantress @sititran @jaidenhawke @silverfire475 @vbecker10 @imalovernotahater @thomase1 @morriggannlostinfandoms @marygoddessofmischief @filthyhiddles @peacefulpianist @maple-seed @yelkmelk @wheredafandomat @mistress-ofmagic @five-miles-over @goblingirlsarah @ozymdias @peaches1958 @your-taste-on-my-lips @lokisgirll @lokidokieokie @kikster606 @peachyymallows @soldeloki @tbhiddlestan83 @trickster-maiden @tessathechild @anonymousfiction211 @simping-for-marvel @coldnique @maple-seed @misunderstoodself
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chicinsilk · 5 months
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US Vogue April 1, 1957
Pierre Balmain Haute Couture Collection Spring/Summer 1957. “Jolie Madame de Paris”. Joanna McCormick wears a vaporous printed set in garnet red chiffon with a sheath look. Blouse on a leather belt, a nudity ventilation slit in the back. The bodycon skirt ends in a beautifully cut train of paper fan pleats.
Pierre Balmain Collection Haute Couture Printemps/Été 1957. "Jolie Madame de Paris". Joanna McCormick porte un ensemble imprimé vaporeux en mousseline rouge grenat au look fourreau. Chemisier sur une ceinture de cuir, une fente d'aération de nudité dans le dos. La jupe moulante se termine par une traîne de plis en éventail en papier superbement coupée.
Photo Henry Clarke vogue archive
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fannyrosie · 2 years
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Interrupting my last few Japan pictures with something relevant to one of the best unholiday of the year. My mom and I went around some public Halloween décors to take ridiculously extra pictures.
Jacket: vintage Blouse: second-hand Drug Honey Skirts: The Floral Notebook sheer chiffon skirt over a vintage black skirt over two petticoats Shoes: thrifted Hat: vintage + red flower comb Jewellery: vintage, thrifted and from different artists I can't recall, except for the Miho Matsuda bat necklace which was a present from a friend
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msbhagirathi · 4 months
Moon-struck (For Arshi Fiesta)
Aao parmeswariyon welcome. :)
He stared at the random but ~not so random~ word, google had dared to suggest to him today, staring back at him. As if to challenge him to deny the truth written beneath it as it's 'meaning'.
He slammed the cover of the iPad and threw it away on his bed. He pulled out his belt only to slam it away on the floor.
He tore through his hair with both his hands, resting them at the nape of his neck, with the fingers intertwined.
He couldn't deny the effect that, that slip of a girl had on him ever since she had bombarded into his life quite literally.
He still used to feel restless and anxious almost all the time but it was not due to the anger and desperation of the trauma that he had to go through as early as fourteen. He could admit it to himself that he still used to wake up in the middle of the night with a start. But it wasn't due to the fear and panic which used to make him feel like breaking into tears and cry away for the rest of the hours in the vicinity of the walls of his room.
Rather it was due to the fact that a certain someone in a red chiffon saree, a barely there blouse, with no room for a bra had started coming to meet him in the privacy of his dreams.
The two frail doris tied above the shoulder blades, jet black straight hair pushed to one side of a shoulder. And just when he used to about to touch them, grab them in a bunch to bring them at the back and run his fingers through them.
There would be nothing accept the darkness around him to comfort him of the teeth shattering anticipation.
Heart galloping as if no tomorrow, and lungs struggling as if there was a sudden shortage of air around him. The hair pulling frustration running back to him and he used to fall back on his bed.
Again going through the charade of tossing and turning around until light flimsy excuse of a sleep used to evade him.
And yet when he used to wake up in the morning to start his day. He ~very strangely so~ used to feel as fresh as ever. Well rested, satiated and calm and absolutely at peace.
He knew he had somehow fallen for her.
He had seen her innocence when she used to distribute prasad and teeka to everyone around her cubicle on her floor, greeting them with 'shubh prabhat' and 'devi maiyya ki kripa se apka din mangalmay ho.'
He had seen her brilliance in the way she had handled the menial tasks that he had given her.
He had seen her kindness when she had given away a pair of bangles, which she had liked and bought for herself, to a little girl who had also liked them but was far from being able to afford them. Across the street of where his car had happened to be parked one day.
He slammed his hands on the window in front of him.
He knew he had fallen for her hard. A lil bit too hard for his own liking.
He knew he was love-struck.
He knew he was moon-struck.
P.S.: So. ladies and gentlemen Sanka devis and Laard governors. *bows down with exaggerated gRaCe* This sweet short rendition was written much to the threat invitation received from @phuljari di. Hope you enjoy. :)
Credits: @arshifiesta
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femmefatalevibe · 2 years
Can you share some tips to look hyperfeminine?
Hi love! Here are some of my tips to achieve the hyperfeminine aesthetic:
Choose clothes in pink, red, cream, champagne, and pastel shades
Opt for lightweight fabrics: silk, lace, satin, chiffon, cashmere, Pima cotton
Focus on form-fitting and flared-out silhouettes: Camisoles, sleeveless V-neck blouses, bootcut or flared pants, scallop-hemmed shorts/skirts/dresses, A-line (or fit & flare) dresses, skirts, outerwear. Belle or flared sleeves, ruched detailing
Consider items with crystal, embellishment, and sequin detailing (cuffs, collars, bows, buttons, self-tie closures, etc.)
Accessorize with platform heels, footwear with stiletto heels, a sleek ballet flat, espadrilles, or a white sneaker, dainty jewelry, hair clips, skinny belts, and small shoulder/ top handle/clutch handbags
Focus on achieving glowy skin with a silky foundation and pearl or champagne concealer on the tops of your cheekbones, the bridge of your nose, the center of your forehead, the cupid's bow, and the chin
Use champagne eyeshadow on the inner corners of the eyes and right below the brow. White eyeliner to line the waterline can also provide this doe-eyed effect
Choose a peachy or pink lipstick in a light, medium, or deep hue with cool, blue undertones (or coral undertones if it better suits your skin tone and general coloring)
Keep your lips glossy or choose a lip product with a satin finish for a more subtle yet sumptuous look
Ensure your hair looks shiny and silky smooth with hydrating hair oil, leave-in conditioner, and shampoo/conditioner routine
Try a sweet, fruity, or floral perfume (lighter ones for daytime, more musky options for nighttime or winter)
Hope this helps xx
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prettiesforyou · 4 months
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You done taking those photos? I need to get back to work.
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voluptuarian · 1 year
Favorite Movie Costumes (pt. 1)
Recently got the line-up-your-toys urge to list and discuss my favorite tv and movie costumes-- my favorites are many and tumblr's image limit is low, so I'm not sure how many posts this'll eventually spread to, but here's the first crop.
The Queen's red gown - The Brother's Grimm
I don't think anyone on earth wanted to love this movie more than I did when it came out-- sadly, the film itself was generally a letdown. However, its costumes absolutely delivered, which should come as no surprise since they were designed by Gabriella Pescucci. The costumes for Monica Belluci's queen are my favorites of all, but this piece, the one she wears for most of the movie, may be my favorite costume of all time.
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The costume has several iterations; it's paired most prominently with her enormous horned headdress (my fave), but she also wears it with a more delicate tiara.
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Marianne de Morangias' red riding habit - Brotherhood of the Wolf
Although Brotherhood of the Wolf is far from a good movie, I have a terrible soft spot for it, which is mostly due to its wonderful costumes, including a crowd of hunting costumes throughout, none more gorgeous than the one Marianne's debuts during the film's first hunt.
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I probably owe my love of riding habits to American Girl's Felicity and her swoon-worthy green velvet habit-- they are sadly underused in movies (meanwhile Marianne not only wears this red habit, but also shows off an equally beautiful green one later.)
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Christine Daae's masquerade dress - The Phantom of the Opera
Fun fact, I watched this movie as a teenager (after falling in with the inescapable junior high theater nerd crowd, who tried unsuccessfully to use this as a gateway drug to getting me hooked on musicals), then forgot about the vast majority of the costumes, and stumbled upon it again years later without realizing it was from a movie and completely fell in love with it.
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I'm very fond of the early 1870s silhouette in general, long trains in particular, and the back of this one is what really sold me. The frothy layers of chiffon?? the flowers?? the graceful tiered bustle?? Obsessed. (Another fun fact, this is one of the references I always bring up when discussing potential wedding dresses.)
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Imogen Spurnrose's red ensemble - Carnival Row
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I know, another red velvet number ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Imogen's wardrobe is full of lovely quasi-Victorian pieces, but this one had me GASPING when it came on screen. These pictures do not do the color or vibrancy of that jacket justice!
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Geilis Duncan's white ballgown - Outlander
I'm usually not a fan of stripped down historical styles, especially ones this anachronistic, but something about the minimalist design of this dress just charmed me.
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It reminds of in some way of artistic undress in 17th century portraits, and the lightness of the colors and material has this clean, airy, almost White Lady quality to it, and the simplicity and limited accessorizing really brings out the period silhouette. (Also I adore lover's eyes).
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Vanessa Ives' lace blouse - Penny Dreadful
Vanessa has a gorgeous wardrobe (Gabriella Pescucci hitting it out of the park again) containing a number of delicate black and white blouses, but this one is my favorite.
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The design is not that complex, but the wealth of tiny details, especially the petal shaped blackworked collar and cuffs, give it a huge visual punch; paired with the decorative belt and beautiful black skirt it's a very unique look that shows off some of the most beautiful elements of the period (last photo courtesy @periodcostumefantasylover)
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Lorna's church dress - Lorna Doone
YES another red number. And what a red!! This miniseries is so obscure I had to do my own (butt ugly) screencaps off Youtube, but despite being a fairly modest production, they do some nice 17th century looks in it.
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This dress is glimpsed for a moment as Lorna catches sight of her separated lover through the crowd-- very dramatic, but unfortunately it means getting a good look at the beautiful dress is hard, but I did my best: here's the actual scene, if you want a better look (and I'd recommend the series, too!)
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Virginia Wilson's Worth dress - 1899
Big shock, the replica House of Worth dress made it in *Oprah shrug* I've adored the original dress for years, so I went nuts seeing it on the show! On top of just top tier everything, the costuming on 1899 was great, and the fact that they decided to throw this dress in was just the cherry on top.
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There are some minimal differences between this dress and its inspiration, most notably the change in pattern-- Virginia's dress not only incorporates the alchemical logo like all the rest of the characters, but the rounded edges in the original are all made jagged to match it, as you can really see in the last photo.
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---- on to part 2!
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chic-a-gigot · 4 months
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La Mode nationale, no. 19, 15 mai 1897, Paris. No. 16. — Toilettes pour jeunes femmes et jeunes filles. Bibliothèque nationale de France
(1) Toilette de promenade en lainage souple vert prairie. Corsage court et montant, orné devant par de larges bandes garnies de petits velours. Boutons sur le côté, petit volant de chaque côté des bandes, col montant, ruche autour du cou; manches Empire, jupe plissée à petits plats tout autour. Chapeau-toque en paille verte, orné au-dessus par trois grosses roses du milieu desquelles s'échappe une haute aigrette en coques de ruban.
(1) Walking ensemble in soft meadow green wool. Short, high bodice, decorated in front with wide bands trimmed with small velvets. Buttons on the side, small ruffle on each side of the bands, high collar, ruffle around the neck; Empire sleeves, pleated skirt with small plates all around. Green straw toque hat, decorated above with three large roses from the middle of which escapes a tall egret made of ribbon shells.
Métrage: 10 mètres lainage souple très grande largeur.
(2) Toilette d'intérieur en lainage paille. Corsage-veste à petites basques, retenu sur la poitrine par des pattes boutonnées sur chemisette plissée en surah vert amande, gros nœud en mousseline de soie à l'encolure, manches plates renflées dans le haut. Jupe ronde ornée dans sa largeur par des petits velours.
(2) Indoor ensemble in straw wool. Bodice-jacket with small peplums, held on the chest by buttoned tabs on a pleated shirt in almond green surah, large silk chiffon bow at the neckline, flat sleeves bulging at the top. Round skirt decorated across its width with small velvets.
Métrage: 8 mètres lainage très grande largeur.
(3) Toilette de promenade en lainage beige. Corsage plat quadrille sur la poitrine par des galons de laine bleue, col montant, ruche au-dessus, manches plates renflées du haut, jupe tout unie et ronde. Chapeau canotier en paille beige, garni tout autour par des petits nœuds de ruban bleu, et pouf de plumes en aigrette.
(3) Walking ensemble in beige wool. Flat bodice quadrille on the chest with blue wool braids, high collar, ruffle above, flat sleeves bulging at the top, plain and round skirt. Beige straw boater hat, trimmed all around with small blue ribbon bows, and egret feather pouf.
Métrage: 7 mètres lainage très grande largeur.
(4) Toilette d'intérieur (jeune femme), en lainage rouge égyptien. Corsage-blouse, festonné sur le côté, recouvert du haut par un collet à col rabattu, coupé; cravate en surah noir sous col ne lingerie rabattu. Manches plates, ceinture de cuir blanc, jupe ouverte devant sur tablier semblable.
(4) House dress (young woman), in Egyptian red wool. Blouse-bodice, scalloped on the side, covered at the top by a collar with a turn-down collar, cut; black surah tie under folded lingerie collar. Flat sleeves, white leather belt, open skirt in front on similar apron.
Métrage: 9 mètres lainage très grande largeur.
(5) Toilette de réception pour jeune femme en mousseline de soie noire. Corsage plat sous empiècement semblable orné de petits velours, bretelles sur les épaules; chemisette plissée en mousseline de soie rose, col montant avec ruche au-dessus, jockeys de mousseline sur manches plates, ceinture de ruban attachée par une boucle, jupe ronde plissée soleil.
(5) Reception ensemble for young women in black silk chiffon. Flat bodice under similar yoke decorated with small velvets, straps on the shoulders; Pleated pink silk chiffon shirt, high collar with ruffle above, muslin jockeys on flat sleeves, ribbon belt attached with a buckle, round sun pleated skirt.
Métrage: 10 mètres mousseline de soie noire.
(6) Toilette de jeune fille en drap gris très clair. Corsage-veste devant, boléro dans le dos avec revers encadrant une chemisette surah bleu broché vert, plissée en travers, col montant et ruche au-dessus, manches renflées dans le haut, ceinture suissesse en surah vert, jupe ronde tout unie. Chapeau canotier en paille verte, orné au-dessus par des grandes coques de ruban bleu, avec oiseau couché et ailes déployées sur le devant.
(6) Young girl's ensemble in very light gray cloth. Bodice-jacket in front, bolero in the back with lapel framing a blue surah shirt with green brocade, pleated across, high collar and ruffle above, bulging sleeves at the top, Swiss belt in green surah, plain round skirt. Green straw boater hat, decorated above with large shells of blue ribbon, with lying bird and outstretched wings on the front.
Métrage: 7 mètres drap gris clair.
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veroniquesboutique · 11 months
Kinktober Day 18 - Cross Dressing / Getting Dressed
For Kinktober day 18! (note: I have a lot of leftover ideas from Kinktober, so I figured I could carry them over into Kinkvember)
Koshi Sugawara x AMAB!Reader
Content warnings: AMAB!reader, male reader, top reader and bottom Sugawara, established relationship, cross-dressing, anal m-receiving, cumming inside, ferity/animalistic
18+ Minors DNI!
More under the cut
“I can’t believe I’m letting you make me do this,” He groans out from his hiding place from in your shared closet. You roll onto your back on the bed, letting your head loll off the edge as you wait for him to emerge.
“I’m not making you do anything. This was your idea; I just offered encouragement in your follow through,” You punctuate your statement with a click of your tongue. 
“I don’t think I can do this.”
“Just come out and let me see. You can decide if you want to go out like that later, but at least have the balls to show me.”
He shuffles out from behind the closet door, his face bright with a red blush, his arms covering his torso as he plays with the waistband of the lavender chiffon skirt he had picked out for himself earlier that afternoon. 
“I’m going to die of embarrassment. That’s what this is. I’m dying of embarrassment,” His knees might as well be knocking together, the amount of shaking his body is doing waiting for your response. 
You had noticed a few weeks ago that your boyfriend, Koshi Sugawara, was window shopping for some…interestingly different items. His eyes would glue onto a particularly sparkling dress or a ruffled, feminine blouse or the skirt that he has on now. The gaze would linger longer and longer, and you finally said something about it today.
“You can get it, if you want,” You casually threw out, staring with your head tilted at the same skirt so he wouldn’t feel your prying eyes on his body as it heated up in the embarrassment of realizing you had caught on. Your words left puffs of condensation in the cold winter air, and you settled your hands deeper into your coat pockets as he sputtered beside you. It sounded like your boyfriend short circuited.
“I-I-I I have no clue w-what you think-”
“You don’t have to hide it, love,” You whispered, squinting closer at the skirt that had caught his attention this afternoon, and the deep affection in your voice dimmed his protests as it brightened the red in his rosy, cold cheeks.
You left him on the street as you went into the store, bought the one closest to his size - about two sizes down from what would fit you - and smiled politely as the cashier ensured your girlfriend would love it as a Christmas gift. 
When you came back out and placed the pretty boutique shopping bag in his fingers, he kept his eyes on the ground as he breathed out a soft thank you before continuing on your way back to your shared apartment.
Now that you were getting ready for a small Christmas party together, you suggested he at least try on the skirt and see how it felt, and now he stands before you in all of his skirt glory, red as a tomato and discomfort to match.
“Well, make fun of me already, so I can take it off.” His eyes are glued to the ceiling as he waits for your response. 
He was waiting for a mean heat to leave your tongue, but instead, you find yourself tongue-tied at the image in front of you. The gentle glide of the fabric from his hips to just right below his knees, the complimentary color against his skin, the way it sways with his nervous gestures - it all dries your mouth out, trapping the words in your throat as he waits impatiently. He looks….he looks….well, he looks-
Continued on AO3...
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angel-egg-egl · 9 months
Wardrobe Post 2023 Part 1: OPs
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Mary Magdalene - Tarte Tatin OP - "Classic Beige"
A new purchase, but I'm already in love. I'm hoping I can get the other colourways!
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Mary Magdalene - Carlotta OP - "Shell Pink"*
This one was a rescue (yes, it's the WW carlotta) I got for cheap from a pal! It had horrific dye bleed/fading and was missing its bow and neck ties. I decided to dye it red to mimic the Strawberry colourway, and it came out to be basically a perfect match! I used the original waist ties to add gussets to the sides, and then I found some cotton sateen to dye up and used that to replace the neck ties and bow. Im working on replacement waist ties, but haven't finished yet. It's become one of my favourite dresses!
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Mary Magdalene - Fleur Antionette OP - "Iris"
This one's another rescue-- when I got it it was stained and altered. I redid the gussets, added lining, and got the stains out. Currently working on replacing the bows!
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Victorian Maiden - Chiffon Doll OP - Brown
I got this one at a swap meet and am obsessed with it! The bodice is cotton, so it's very breathable and comfortable, and it's great layered over sweaters and blouses!
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Baby the Stars Shine Bright - Sugar Bouquet Shirring OP (2005) - White
One of my favourites! I'm mostly into classic lately, but old school sweet has a place in my heart. I actually prefer this version to the 2023 version-- there's a drawstring in the neckline that makes the shoulder measurement somewhat adjustable to prevent bust gapping. It is a little shorter, though, so bloomers are a must for me!
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Baby the Stars Shine Bright - Sugar Bouquet Shirring OP (2023) - "Antique Blue"
The modern edition! I was lucky enough to get this through the preorder lottery-- I kind of regret not getting the ichigo mousse colourway as well. The cut is very comfortable, with lots of stretch, and its long enough to hit at the knee for me. It does have a lot more poof than the 2005 edition, though, and requires multiple petticoats for me.
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Alice and the Pirates - Toi et Moi OP - Black x Bordeaux
One of my few remaining polyester dresses! It's actually a cotton-poly blend, and the weave is very breathable, especially since the lining is cotton. It's quite long, too, so very nice for taller people. I really love violet prints, so I couldn't bring myself to let this one go.
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Alice and the Pirates - Princess Serenity OP - White (one colour)
This was a dream dress that I actually managed to get BNWT for retail price! It hadn't even been taken out of the original plastic. It's very detailed and lovely, there's several layers of fabric and lots of gold embroidery. It's a little too fancy and rare to wear out often, but I am happy to own it as a sailor moon fan.
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