#record of it ok bai
biff-adventurer · 1 year
FFxivWrite2023 Prompt #19: Weal
It was the good kind of ache. Exhausted, bones broken, scarred and scabbed, Biff lay in his bed with a happy sigh. He hadn’t fought so hard in a while, and the sights they had seen! The passions they shared! Their thrilling dance of death! He looked forward to someday doing it again, perhaps with four less people this time. He wasn’t sure how long it took kami to accumulate an aramitama, but he hoped there would be another battle with similar stakes. Watching Mikazuki shift and change like a true moon’s god was a delight he would not soon forget. The old man certainly had tricks up his great, big sleeves!
He thought, then, of those tantalizing eyes. He’d never noticed how truly lovely they were, though he’d always believed both the blade and its tsukumogami to be of the utmost beauty. The old man had impeccable taste. Er… Biff bit his lip. If he truly cared for Mikazuki, shouldn’t he have been thinking ‘grandfather’? His heart cringed and he puzzled over it. For so many days since they’d met, it had felt right. Dear grandfather, sweet jiji, gilded granddad and all the rest! The words turned to ash on his tongue. Did the battle change something?
There, right there. The flutter at his heart.
“Well, fuck.”
He was head over heels in love with someone else. He didn’t have time to have a second crush! Oh, what to do? He rolled around in bed, suddenly unfeeling all the wondrous wounds on his body, restless with dissatisfaction. Was it even possible to love two people at once? It was, of course, and he loved her. The star that followed him forever. And anyway, weren’t they meant to be? Yes, of course. The thought of her cooled his heart and he sighed in relief. She knew him, all of him, and she promised to always be with him. That was enough for him.
Besides, a little crush on a new friend was to be expected. Mikazuki Munechika was, after all, the most beautiful blade under heaven. It was like the thrill of loving a celebrity, wasn’t it? There was nothing wrong with that. Hopefully, it would not change a thing between them.
Well, except for the ‘grandda’ bit. A tiny change like that would probably go unnoticed, though, so there was nothing to worry about!
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erwinsvow · 5 months
Ok but what about shy girl reader being really frightened by something to the point of tears and calling rafe but struggling to explain why shes upset only that she needs him while he’s going batshit on the other line worried about her
this was lovely ! rafe certainly has his own methods of calming down shy reader when she's scared ... hehe <3
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of course it happens on a night where rafe's out of town, one of the first that he's not around since the two of you have started dating. you had become awfully accustomed to having rafe sleeping right next to you, ever since your third or fourth date, that had been the norm. if not, he was always down the street or a phone call away.
and really, you tried to keep it together. it was just one of those nights—kickstarted by the time you'd spent with your friends morning. you were only trying to keep yourself occupied while rafe was away, thinking they'd help pass the hours, but you'd all headed to the movies, and of course, it was a horror showing.
even in the broad daylight, you felt scared throughout the day the demon from the movie was going to get you. heading back home for the day, it didn't help that the only thing on tv was true crime documentaries playing back to back. the cherry on top was your parents heading out for dinner with their friends on the mainland, saying they'd be back tomorrow morning.
you tossed and turned for what seemed like hours. not even the gentle lull of your records and thirty pages of war and peace could get your mind to settle and put you to sleep.
what you really needed was your boyfriend. he could fix anything, make everything seem better. your fears needed his protectiveness near by to keep them at bay, otherwise they'd spill over and conquer like they were right now.
but you were trying to be good—trying to show rafe you weren't always so clingy, that he could have space when and if he needed it. besides for your replies to his periodic check-ins you hadn't much texted him today, knowing he was busy.
the final crack of a branch outside, cutting through the eerie whistling of the wind against your house and the sound of the waves far away had you scrambling up. you flicked on the lamp and checked that your door was locked for the tenth time that night.
deep breaths, you tried to remind yourself, like rafe would always tell you. you tried to head to the window to see what the noise was from but fear overtook, dialing rafe's number and listening to the rings while crawling back into bed, pulling your knees to your chest.
like always, he answers before it gets to three rings.
"hey. what'd you still doin' up? s'late."
"rafe-" and you can't stop the ramble that spills out, all in one breath. "um, we saw this scary movie today and the demon was outside the house and then it was in the house and then it possessed the girl when she was alone and now i'm home alone because mom and daddy left and there was this serial killer show on tv and i wasn't even watching but he killed girls home alone too and i just heard something outside and m'scared-"
"woah, woah. slow down. you saw a scary movie?" you try to catch your breath, but it's hard, picturing rafe wherever he was pacing around listening to you, instead of being next to you like he should be.
"i-um, i'm scared, rafe-" you finally get out slowly, and you sniffle, feeling hot tears run down. really, you shouldn't have gone to see that movie.
"hey, hey. s'fine. gonna be okay, just need to relax. can you do that for me?" you nod, forgetting he can't see you. "good girl. is everything locked? downstairs too?"
"y-yes..think so. i checked when i got home."
"even the back door? and the guest window, the one i come in through?" you flush at the memory of rafe sneaking in through that window.
"yes. mm-hm."
"alright, kid. no one's comin' in then. and those movies are crap anyways. y'need to learn how to say no to those friends."
"i know. it seemed like a good idea then-"
"yeah, i know. you got a light on?"
"my lamp."
"good. now get into bed. y'need to relax or you'll never fall asleep. jesus."
"okay," you mumble, sliding in and getting comfortable. "how do i relax?"
"how do you usually relax?" he questions, though your face flushes at the answer you want to give. there's only one surefire method of getting you to calm down when you're like this, something rafe is well aware of.
"um.. i don't know." your bedroom was cold a second ago, now everything felt warm and tingly.
"yeah. sure you don't. c'mon, get your clothes off. i'll help you relax."
"oh." it comes out like a little moan, soft. you comply with his instructions. "thanks rafey."
you hear him laugh, though he still sounds rough on the phone.
"yeah, y'welcome. gotta do everything, don't i? clothes off yet? good. now start touching y'self for me.."
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Random hybrid! AU idea that I have floating around my head rn (featuring reader x poly!141 dynamics) 😎
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So I’m picturing a world where hybrids are often treated like second class citizens. They can have jobs, but they don’t achieve high status in them, and more often than not will have humans manage or mind them. They’re very similar to humans, but often have smaller statures and of course have tails and ears of animals, sometimes even horns or feathers or claws. Generally hybrids will be sent to jobs they’re best suited to according to their ‘breed’.
One of those jobs can be serving in the military, in fact in this AU it’s encouraged for families to send their hybrids to jobs that they can ‘live away’ in just so that the government can curb trends in neglect and stop antisocial behaviour from runaway hybrids. Our MC is one of these hybrids that gets sent away, born to a family of two humans that couldn’t understand how they’d ended up with a kid with defective ‘dog’ genes.
Of course, reader grows up with a chip on their shoulder because of their crappy parents, so pretty much from the get go in their new job they’re a cheeky shit. They don’t take orders well, they’re constantly being disciplined, they mouth off, they’re sloppy and ultimately they don’t want to be there.
However after a brutal few months of punishment reader eventually caves. They do a good enough job that eventually the traits that make them difficult, become the ones that make them hard as nails. They’re the ones that make reader actually proud of something for once in their life, their capability to do what others cannot.
And for years reader serves and does their job well, though never having the black mark of their bad beginnings scrubbed from their record. Other hybrids have soldiers choose them, to be their permanent handlers and serve them on the field for as long as they live. Though reader never gets the pleasure, as much as they start to yearn for someone that might want them, that might wish to train them and take the time to smooth out their still jagged edges. No one ever wants to take the chance. No one wants the onus of shepherding the black sheep.
Then Ghost shows up.
He comes to the grounds and says his Captain, a man named Price, has ordered for a hybrid to join their team. They need one that can keep up in stressful environments, one that can move fast and take orders quickly. He stressed how deadly the jobs would be and immediately the handlers are balking, not wanting to waste their well trained hybrids on a task force with a near constant suicide mission. Until they remember that you’re still around. Little smart mouth sod that you are, wouldn’t be much of a waste if they were back again after disposing of you.
And so you’re pretty much sent off packing with a kick on your arse and a silent but ever inferred ‘don’t fucking come back’ order.
When you first get a proper look at the skull mask clad giant, you’re scared shitless. The handlers had done some damage to you in their time, but this man stood multiple feet above you and could take you out with one swipe. The fear he elicits is enough to keep you quiet for at least 5 minutes until you’re back to your usual self. Back to the wolf that growls and snarls and bites at the bars, the one that tries to keep the hurt at bay with a flash of their bloodied teeth.
Ghost sees through the act right away. He knows how bad hybrids have it, he has an inkling of what you’ve been through. So instead of treating you how they would, instead of grabbing your scruff and going to hit you and slam down that ‘insolent’ personality of yours he shows you the utmost amount of patience and kindness.
He gently undoes your too-tight collar and replaces it with one from his bag. He puts a couple fingers under the leather just to make sure it’s comfortable for you. Even after you grunt at him when he asks if it’s ok, he just huffs out a laugh at you and ruffles the hair between your ears, rubbing a flat palm around your fluffy head. He doesn’t even care when you growl at him for it, something you’d have been lashed for before. Instead he withdraws his hand and respects your space. He even leads you to a car and has you sit in the backseat with him, telling you after that it’s alright to lean against him and get some rest if you’d like!
Already you feel like your defences are shaking loose. You’re not quite sure of yourself. No matter how many snide remarks you make at the man he doesn’t try to correct you, he doesn’t even give you a cuff around the ears. He just shrugs you off and gives you watchful looks, sizing you up and making you feel even tinier than you are.
It unnerves you like nothing else and ultimately, as you start to dose off and slip ever closer to Ghost, you wonder what the rest of his team will be like. You wonder if maybe your new posting is just the change you’d been craving…
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The State Birds Initiative: Delaware (#1)
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Welcome to the first official poll of the State Birds Initiative! Now, before the poll, one thing real quick. My suggestion is that you read the post below before voting in the poll below. That's especially important if you're lacking any context about the birds being presented as the new (or old) State Bird of the First State, Delaware. This is to be fully informed as to why these are being presented, and to make your choices appropriately. Lastly, some of these birds, you will notice, go against some of the rules listed in the introduction post. All is explained after the jump where the explanations are, I promise you that. But with that...OK! Here's the poll!
More details after the jump!
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Welcome to Delaware, the First State!
Admitted into the Union in 1787 as the first state of this country, Delaware is the nation's second smallest, giving it the additional nickname "the Small Wonder"! Its capital is Dover, its most populous city if Wilmington (pictured above), and it's best known for its proximity to the Delaware River and the Delaware Bay, which it's actually named after. This does mean that Delaware Bay, for various reasons, will be one of the most important features of this post, since the wildlife that gathers around it is pretty ubiquitous in the state.
But OK, enough grade-school reporting of basic state statistics. What's Joe Biden's home state actually like, from the view of the citizens? On reddit, a user named hajisaurus said that Delaware is like a small town, but as an entire state. Compact, but eventful and familiar. Another user, raycooke, referred to it as the US condensed into miniature, with business in the north, beaches in the south and east, and farms in the middle. But the general vibe, it seems, is "familiar". Not overly friendly, but definitely close enough to be familiar. Also...the Bobbie.
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God, that's a good looking sandwich. Invented in Delaware? Hell yeah. Anyway, off of turkey and onto birds. Personally, what all this says to me is that the chosen State Bird should be an easy-to-find sight, found throughout most of the state, and familiar to Delawareans in general. Something common but uniquely Delawarean would be great. In terms of habitat, water-bound seems appropriate, especially looking at beaches and estuaries. Again, the entire eastern border of the state touches the Delaware River or Bay, meaning water is somewhat important to the state (as is seafood).
Now, those Delawareans amongst us may have different opinions of what makes Delaware Delaware, and what represents its people most accurately. Which...yeah, I'm not from there, and I've only been there twice, and that's because I drove through it. Maybe went to one rest stop near Dover. And for the record, SOLID-ass rest stops in Delaware along the highway, just saying. Great job there, Delaware. But, yeah, PLEASE tell me if there's something else to take into account. And that goes for ALL of the states in this series, by the way. I can't claim to be an expert in any way here, so please call me on my bullshit if you feel that you have to. But, with that said, let's talk about what I do know: birds.
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Red Knot (Calidris canutus)
For many of you, especially the bird-inclined amongst us, this was always going to be the obvious answer to this question. The Red Knot is an iconic Delaware bird for birdwatchers, as they're attracted to the state in MASSIVE numbers during migratory seasons. It's one of the most important and famous migrations in the country, and the flocks of Red Knots and other shorebirds are the main attraction. Why? Easy answer: the Atlantic Horseshoe Crab (Limulus polyphemus).
Delaware Bay is the site of the horseshoe crab's largest migration in the USA. This isn't the only place in the country they're found, but it's DEFINITELY the largest population of the species by a SIGHT. And speaking of iconic species, the horseshoe crab certainly fits the bill as a charismatic species of conservation concern. Which is why it may be curious that I'm highlighting the Red Knot, since they, y'know...EAT horseshoe crab eggs, alongside other birds in the great Atlantic seaboard migration. But that's actually why horseshoe crabs are so important.
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Red Knots, amongst other shorebirds, depend on the horsehoe crabs for food, as these stopovers in Delaware Bay allow them to continue with their journey. Without the horseshoe crabs of Delaware, their life wouldn't be possible, and certainly not in the massive numbers found during migration. Understand, this is a threatened species, especially in the United States, that gathers in Delaware Bay in the thousands, with 2022 numbers being about 39,800 in a population. That's HUGE. The Red Knot is a symbol of this ecological boom, and both species should be celebrated. That's the reason the Red Knot is often given as the answer to this question of State Bird of Delaware, including by the Lab of Ornithology's article posted last year. Plus, it's got an iconic appearance, it's easy to find, and it tells a great story (which also includes a migratory distance of ~9,000 miles, which is crazy). Perfect, right?
...It doesn't breed in Delaware. It actually doesn't even breed in the United States. No, the Red Knot breeds in Nunavut and Greenland, above the limits of the Arctic Circle. I meant it when I said the Red Knot used Delaware as a stopover site. As such, it's an event when they arrive in Delaware twice a year...but they do leave. Pretty quickly, even. So, sure, the Red Knot is a great candidate for a number of reasons, but...is it OK if it doesn't actually breed in the state? I'd argue for it, since Delaware is is highest abundance of the species during migration in the country, and it's iconic in that way in particular. But I'll leave that as a question for you all to decide.
Let's go on to the next one, shall we?
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Ring-billed Gull (Larus delawarensis)
OK, this one might be cheating a bit, since the bird in question is found basically...well, everywhere. It's definitely not native to Delaware alone, and doesn't even breed there. So why even include this bird in the running? Easy answer: it's in the name. It's the only bird species in the world with the state of Delaware in its scientific name. However, this is also cheating, since the name actually refers to the Delaware River, not the state itself. That's because the bird was first described and discovered along the river, which flows from New York, through New Jersey and Pennsylvania, until ending in Delaware and the Delaware Bay. And yeah...technically that was in New Jersey. BUT STILL! Only bird with Delaware in the name, just sayin'. And after all, if the Red Knot can be considered despite not breeding in the state, then...what about the Ring-billed Gull? Or...maybe I'll save this one for New Jersey.
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American Kestrel (Falco sparverius)
OK, this one I'm actually a bit enthusiastic about, partially because I love raptors, and I especially love this raptor. The American Kestrel is a small falcon, and is in fact the smallest falcon (and raptor) in North America. About the size of a mourning dove, they're pint-sized predators, specializing on insects, rodents, lizards, and the occasional sparrow or songbird. They're also versatile, living all over the USA in various habitats. And that, of course, includes Delaware. This is a breeding species in the state, so it already has that above the other two previously discussed! And to top it all off...it's literally a small wonder. Come on, man! This is perfect! A scrappy falcon that's literally red, white, and grayish-blue!
But, OK, if it's common all over, why specifically Delaware? Because it's actually threatened in Delaware, fun fact. This is prominent enough to have inspired the Brandywine Zoo to work with the American Kestrel Partnership (part of The Peregrine Fund, who we'll discuss again on another day or five), and start the Delaware Kestrel Partnership, which monitors kestrel populations in the state. The species' population has decreased by 88% in Delaware and surrounding states in the last 50 years, which is...dramatic. It's a species that desperately needs saving and attention, and work in Delaware can be applied in the kestrel's entire range. Look, I beg you to check this out, because it's a fascinating set of projects. And honestly, this alone would have me include the American Kestrel on this list. Plus...that would also make this the first raptor to become a state bird.
Yeah. Take a look. NO raptors amongst the State Birds. Insane.
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Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias)
Now, this one seems out of nowhere, but hear me out. For whatever reason, the Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias) seems to be completely ignored as a state bird across the entire country, despite it being one of the MOST iconic birds in the United States. I mean, come on, almost all of us have seen a GBH at some point in our lives, especially if we live near water. But why suggest it for Delaware specifically, then? Well, the herons breed in Delaware, so that's checked off. They're found in the state year-round, making them easy to access and identify with. They're definitely iconic in appearance. They highlight the marshlands and wetlands of Delaware as an important ecosystem of concern. And...uh...
Look, I'll be straight with you. "Blue Heron" is the closest I could get to...another set of words associated with Delaware and birds. Because honestly, it's genuinely somewhat difficult to separate Delaware from those two words, and this would be a fairly minor change that would allow the use of that term with little fuss! And honestly, the Great Blue Heron isn't the worst choice in the world for Delaware, even if it admittedly barely breeds in the state compared to others. And...like...oh, goddammit, fine, let's get this over with.
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Delaware Blue Hen (Gallus domesticus)
Delaware. Look at me. Why...in the blue HELL...did you choose a goddamn chicken as your state bird? I mean, for God's sake, it's not a wild bird, and even if it is a breed developed in the state, IT IS A CHICKEN! What possible reason could there be to choose this bird over all the other possible birds? And look, I like chickens as much as the next guy. Used to raise and keep them as a kid, so I do love them, but this just feels wrong. But OK, let's make the argument for them by looking at Delaware's original argument.
So, from basic cursory research, the Delaware Blue Hen dates back to the Revolutionary War. Apparently, one of the regiments of the American army raised fighting game chickens that were so well-known, the regiment itself became known as the "Blue Hens". It's also possible that the leader of this regiment, Jonathan Caldwell, had a special blue hen that had blue offspring, and the men in the regiment also took to calling themselves "Sons of the Blue Hen." Which means...shit. That means the Blue Hen actually has cultural relevancy specific to the state of Delaware. Damn, that's actually a good argument for their assignment. But with that said...there actually is a problem here.
The Delaware Blue Hen doesn't technically exist.
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Yeah, this isn't actually a recognized breed of chicken, despite the INSANE amount of devotion Delawareans have for it. I mean, military regiments, sports teams, even the unofficial nickname for the state is named after the Blue Hen, and it's technically not a real chicken breed. Instead, they're actually American Game hens that are crossed with Andalusian Blue hens to get that iconic coloration, but they're not actually an isolated breed.
So...what does this mean? Because this is genuinely a problem, right? Delaware's state bird doesn't actually exist, AND it's a chicken. Well...I have a proposition for you, Delaware. Because I do recognize the fact that the Blue Hen seems to mean a lot to you, both now and historically. So, if that's the case, we need to recontextualize this guy in a couple of ways. So, here's my proposition...
Make the Delaware Blue Hen the State Game Bird.
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Haven't brought this up yet, but some states have what's called a "state game bird" alongside the actual state bird. Game birds, by the classical and nonscientific definition, are members of the Galliformes and Anseriformes that are associated with hunting and food. And technically...the chicken counts. Yeah, Delaware easily could ratify the Delaware Blue Hen into service as the State Game Bird, which makes even more sense when you consider its role AS A SPORTS MASCOT! See what I mean? But that's not the end of it.
You'll also have to find some way to get the hen recognized as an independent breed. I have NO idea what the process is for that (I guess this is the pathway to do it?), but it's probably gonna take a bunch of breeders and number of years to turn this into a defined breed. Hell, as it stands, not every chicken hatched to a Blue Hen is even blue. So, hey, get on it, Delawarean chicken breeders! Make you state proud!
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And that's the information on the candidates for the Delaware State Bird! Will the Delaware maintain its place? Will the Red Knot take it, despite the controversy surrounding the choice? Will my bullshit proposal for the Great Blue Heron actually resonate with some people? Up to Tumblr!
As for the next state, it's time to hop next door to Pennsylvania, and to a State Bird that also technically doesn't exist...for a somewhat different reason. And yes, for the record, I know the below GIF is technically the wrong species, BUT MY CHOICES IN GIFS ARE FEW
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See you soon, and happy birding!
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mischievous-piltovan · 11 months
Of Atlas and Sisyphus (NSFW)
Part 1 | Part 2
Part 2: Overthinking and Overflowing
Pairing: MiguelO'Hara x afab!Reader
Themes: Romance, Fluff, NSFW, Mutual Pining, Slow Burn.
Word Count: 9.4k words
Synopsis: Reader wakes up at the Spider HQ Med Bay and needs further care. Miguel spends his day watching the recording of their last mission. None of them are ready to face each other. But circumstances and a perky AI assistant say otherwise.
Trigger Warnings/TWs: blood, wound, piercing damage, reader is afab and uses she/her pronouns, miscommunication, emotionally constipated idiots, a bit of power imbalance because boss x underling (but ever so slightly), hand job, oral sex (female and male receiving), very soft femdom.
A/N: sorry for the wait. Life happened but I managed to push this one out! I'm thinking of doing a third part to really solidify the ending of this things. Comments and rebblogs keep me motivated! Have a nice read :)
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The very first thing that hit you when you next opened your eyes was a feeling of unfamiliarity. The white ceiling lights buzzed overhead, overwhelming your sight; the mattress and pillow you laid on felt harder than you were used to, there was a distinct antiseptic smell in the air and somewhere in the vicinity a machine beeped. You tried getting up, but your muscles failed you, bringing you right back down. The little ruckus you caused made someone gasp nearby.
"Careful now," a masked nurse hastily came over your bed "We can't have you accidentally unhooking yourself from the IV-drip."
In your daze, it took a few seconds to register that the nurse was a Spider-Woman, a few more seconds to realize it meant you were at HQ's Med Bay and even more for it to click that that's NOT where you were supposed to be. You sat upright suddenly as dread coursed through your body, successfully yanking the needle out of your arm "The Goblin! I gotta- " 
With a sigh, the nurse gently pushed you back into the bed with a hush. "It's all right, dear. It's been dealt with," she proceeded to reset the IV needle in your arm "Boss brought both you and the Anomaly back to HQ. Your Universe is safe, you need to rest now."
"Miguel… ?" You croaked, the memories of the missions slowly coming back to you "Is he ok?"
"Yes, he was dismissed not too long ago," she reassured you "He wasn't injected with as much venom as you did, and he's also much bigger than you - it almost didn't affect him."
"Oh, right. You wouldn't know," she chirped "The projectile you took was venomous, it did a number to your body and halted your healing. But don't worry, we're working to fix that.You should be right as rain in a day or two!"
"Well, I need to attend to other matters now," she said in a gentle tone "There's a little button on the wall over there, press it if you need anything and I'll come running, ok? Now, get some rest."
You watched the nurse hop out of your room before sinking into the pillow with a heavy exhale. You didn't finish the mission; you couldn't carry your own weight to catch an Anomaly in your own dimension. Miguel had to do it. He caught the Anomaly by himself and had to carry your unconscious body back to HQ. Your only contribution was being dead weight.
To make matters worse, according to the nurse, you'd be stuck in the Med Bay for at least another day. This meant that all the unfinished work you left at your workstation would inevitably get delayed. Consequently, all the new tasks that you'd surely be assigned to will stack up and, thereafter, also get delayed. You shielded your eyes with your forearm as you groaned, the amount of extra hours you'd have to put in to compensate already sent a shiver down your spine; an all-nighter was definitely due. You just hoped no unforeseen crisis strike in the meantime - adding Miguel juggling a million tasks at once to quench a metaphorical fire by himself to the fiasco that your mission with him was just added more weight to your already heavy consciousness (and another jab to your very much hurt pride). You also didn't want to have him going through stress by himself  when you could very well be there to share the load - that's precisely what you've been trying to accomplish all this time after all. As capable as he was, he was still just one person - he needed you.
He needed you.
"Because I need you."
He… He said that, didn't he? You were not entirely sure, you were in a rather delirious state right before passing out. It could have very well been a fabrication of a blood-deprived (and poisoned, as you just learned) mind that has been yearning for him for far too long. But somehow, it felt real… You've dreamed about Miguel before and it didn't matter which scenario your subconscious made up, waking up always left you with a bittersweet feeling afterwards, like you've been yanked away from your own Garden of Eden. But this particular memory had an intensity behind it, an unrelenting force. Like that first sip of cold water on a very hot summer day.
You swatted that notion away before escalating your swooning any further over a single crumb of hope. 'Because I need you' could mean anything, it didn’t necessarily have to do with romance or lust. If you recalled correctly, you were in the middle of quitting your job, he could very well have meant he needed you working in the lab with him. As in 'You became a valuable asset to the Society, replacing you would be too troublesome. I need you'.
Heh… Despite not being ideally what you wanted it to mean, the thought still amused you. Miguel finally admitted he saw worth in your contributions to the Society, after all these months of getting nothing but criticism and scoldings. And you could hear in his voice how he struggled to let the words out, how strained and a bit desperate he sounded. Like he was running out of choices and just had to use the truth for once.
It really was amusing how much leverage he gave you over him. 
Miguel didn't want you to know he needed you and you couldn't wait to rub it in his face.
Miguel didn't want you to know he needed you and he dreaded to see your reaction now that you did.
It had been a full day since he was dismissed from the Med Bay and he couldn't concentrate on anything. And it's not like he wasn't trying; he kept forcing himself to focus - compartmentalizing tasks in more palatable chunks, timing his strides and peppering them with short breaks, and even going as far as vocalizing out loud what he was trying to accomplish step by step - but no matter what he did, his thoughts kept circling back to you and everything that went down in your dimension.
After the ninth time failing to keep a steady flow of work going, Miguel finally gave-up. Among the catalog of yesterday's missions log files, he put up the VOD of the mission at your dimension and silently watched it. He paused the moment before you were hit with the Goblin's javelin and felt his stomach churn; he watched himself curled up on screen, trying to fix his suit, pathetically oblivious to the impending attack coming from behind him. The next second you were lunging at him, getting the Goblin's attention and successfully protecting him at the cost of your wound.
 How… Pathetic.
His intention to accompany you on your next few missions was to protect you - he knew you bore a grave injury from a past job, he wanted to aid you until you were fully healed. To watch him be a hindrance that caused you further harm made him feel disgusting; and knowing it was because he didn't have Spider-Sense the same way most (bright and cheerful) Spider-People had just added more insult to the injury. 
But the fight with the Goblin wasn't the reason he wanted to watch the Video Log in the first place. He kept watching it until he got to the part he wished to revisit - the moment the argument broke out. Unsurprisingly, he was the one who triggered the conflict.
"Why the shock were you exerting yourself when you should have been resting?"
Miguel groaned at his tone. He didn't have to be an asshole when all he wanted was for you to be more careful with your well-being. But at this point, being a jerk towards you became second nature - a defense mechanism born from the need of keeping you at arm's length; treating you the complete opposite of how he felt about you to ensure you were kept safe from him. If you ended up hating him all the better. But actions have consequences, and tipping you off yet again was just that. He couldn't blame you for snapping, he had been pushing you for a while now - the band was bound to break. 
What he didn't foresee was that said reaction encapsulated your sudden decision to quit Spider Society altogether AND your stubborn persistence in flinging yourself back into the mission while gravely injured. His mind went into overdrive trying to salvage the situation while keeping the professional facade. He watched the moment he grabbed your wrist, the same desperation he felt then creeping up all over again. The havoc inside him caused the beast to get set loose and he recalled almost doing something stupid as he gazed into your eyes, like kissing you. It was said thought that jolted him out of his stupor, forcefully yanking the beast's leash back and making him utter the most ridiculous statement in a desperate attempt to bring the conversation back to a professional ground (it didn't).
"You're going to jeopardize this mission in your current condition."
He had to pause the video to take a breath, the surge of shame too much to bear. There were a million other ways to address your relentlessness that would both convey the message and still sound professional, but his thick skull decided to go with the ballistic option. But then again, it was the easier route, par for the course; being as mean as possible to make sure his true intentions and feelings were kept secret. He unpaused the video, and your next words were his undoing.
"I'm DONE being your silly little plaything."
What the shock could you possibly have meant with that? Yes, he had been an asshole to you for the last few months (even if not intentional), but he wasn't toying with you. To make someone a plaything means bestowing them a lesser status; is to perceive them as a mere toy, an unfeeling object undeserving of respect. And that was the last thing Miguel connected you with; to him you were a goddess, worthy of worship and absolutely unattainable. You were his muse and his tormentor, his salvation and his undoing. Far too important to him even consider playing with. The revelation that this is how you felt broke him; destroyed him to the point that made him falter and his next words practically spilled from him.
"Because I need you."
There they were. The words that escaped his lips and which possible repercussions he dreaded. The little confession that's been keeping him from concentrating in anything else. In his desperation to remedy the notion you held, he waned and the beast broke free; it spoke in his stead and revealed more than Miguel was ready to admit. In a (terrible) way, he was lucky you passed out soon after; who knows what else would come into the light had the conversation gone any further.
Yet, even though the words he uttered didn't actually convey much, the implications behind them had the potential to roar. It shouldn't take a genius to logic their way to the truth and you were highly intelligent. And he dreaded how you'd react to it, how disgusted you'd feel upon realizing the beast fell for you. Only he was no prince under a spell, he was just that - a monster.
"Miguel? Heeey, Miguel! Are you listening?"
It took Lyla to pop up in front of his eyes, completely blocking the screen he was looking at, for Miguel to finally notice her. From her frantic gesturing alone, he could tell she had been trying to get his attention for a while. 
"Ah, perdón, Lyla. I am now."
"Good grief, Miguel. You are uncharacteristically slow today," she quipped, feigning annoyance. "Did the venom from that Goblin affect your cognition?"
"I–What? No," it took a minute for Miguel to understand Lyla had insulted him "Callaté."
The AI ignored Miguel, opting to scan whatever he was working on. She assumed she'd have more luck understanding her master's plight through any other way than getting him to talk. Upon realizing the video file he was watching, she paused with an oh.
"I'm gonna throw some statements at you, and you're gonna tell me if they are true or not," she said more calmly. Before he could muster anything, she continued "You are worried about what you said during yesterday's mission.'
Miguel took a moment before responding "True."
"You don't want her to know about your feelings."
She paused, mulling over her next statement before continuing "You think you're not reciprocated."
Miguel frowned "Fal– No, that's not even– She couldn't possibly–"
The mere thought of you reciprocating his feelings was ludicrous. Of all people, why would you fall for him - a barely human, brutish, hard-headed monstrosity. In the Society alone he could think of a good number of Spiders that you were more likely to fall for; the cheerful, laid-back types who could touch you without fear of accidentally sinking their talons into you. Lyla was delusional to even suggest that.
"Drop it, Lyla."
The AI took a minute to study Miguel, her expression unreadable. The next second, her eyes shifted, unfocused, and a glimpse of a mischievous grin spread across her face before turning to her master again.
"Aye aye, captain, consider it dropped," she said cheerfully. "On other news, you have that immersion treatment scheduled now. You better head to the Med Bay."
"Cancel it," he dismissed, the last thing he needed was to waste more time. But Lyla was having none of it.
"Not happening," she snapped her fingers and suddenly all screens from Miguel's workstation blinked off.
"Que carajo," Miguel spat, frantically trying to undo his assistant's input "Lyla! Restore the power this instant!" 
"No can do, Miguel," she said, floating with her legs crossed in the air, while pretending to file her nails. "Even if it was just a little, you still got poisoned with that Goblin's venom. Doctor's orders."
Miguel pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance, as he groaned. Finally, he dropped his shoulders with a huge exhale as he yielded "Fine…"
"Oh, and do me a favor while you're there, will you?" She added "I've found a strange entry in my command inputs, could you take a look at it?"
Miguel spent the whole walk to the Med Bay wondering how his life got to the point his AI assistant had more power over his life decisions than he did.
Once arriving, he was led to a private locker room and instructed to fully strip and enter the immersion pool area through the door on the other side of the room. 
"The session should take an hour, give or take," the nurse informed him, "There's a clock in there, so don't worry about bringing any devices with you."
Once the nurse left him, he fully deactivated his suit, the digital material retracting from his head down, and wrapped a towel around his hips. Even if he was supposed to be by himself through the whole process - thus dispensing the need to protect his modesty -, it would be unlike him to not take precaution.
The very first thing that hit him when he opened the door to the pool area was the intense herbal smell that assaulted his sensitive nose. The second thing was how foggy the place was, provided by the temperature of the water. The third thing was a yelp.
"AH! What the– Wait… Miguel?"
You stood immersed in the water, at the far end of the pool. Miguel was stunned, trying to process the situation he walked into, his head working in overdrive: Why were you here? Did he go through the wrong door? No, there was only one door. How did he miss your scent? Oh, the fumes from the concoction must have overpowered it. Should you be here? Should he be here? Once his eyes fell to how your arms hugged your chest in an attempt to maintain some sort of propriety, he promptly turned on his heels as an intense heat flared up on his face.
"Shit! I'm sorry!" He spat. "I don't know what– I should– I'm gonna go."
He frantically tried opening the door back to the locker room, pressing the buttons on the door pad with more force than he should, but it was futile. As he punched the pad in frustration, Lyla popped up beside him.
"You're not leaving until you finish your treatment session," she sang.
"Lyla! Open this door this instant!" Miguel barked. Lyla just clicked her tongue.
"Just get in the water, the pool is big enough for the both of you," she replied "Besides, the mixture of medicines in the water make it very murky, you can barely make out what's under it."
"It's OK, Miguel," you said, your voice instantly starting to subdued Miguel's anger "You need this treatment too, you should get in."
Miguel brushed his hair back with his hand, his fingers running through his thick locks as he tried calming down to assess his situation. You were behind him completely vulnerable in an extreme state of undress, protected only by a thin veil of water. He shuddered at the thought, the image in his head alone sending all the blood in his body directly south. The beast inside of him wanted nothing more than to seize the opportunity to claim you here, shrouded by the vapors and the thick herbal smell. Getting in that water was risky, it would take a lot of him to keep control. 
But what other option did he have? Lyla was adamant in making him go through the treatment, blocking the door control altogether. He had the power to just force his way out, tearing a hole in the metal with his talons, but he'd end up not only ruining your session but also exposing you (and the protectiveness in him was vehemently against it). He just had to endure it.
"Fine," he breathed out in defeat. He turned around, eyes down to avoid looking at you. He approached the pool's edge as he tugged on the towel around his hips "I'm gonna lose the towel, you… might want to look away."
You did not want to look away in the slightest, but you closed your eyes nonetheless out of respect. Once you heard the tell-tale splash followed by the ripples of water hitting you, you opened them again. 
Neither you or Miguel spoke, the silence being broken only by the gentle humming of the water heater. The tension in the air was almost as palpable as the herbal steam flooding the room. Miguel kept himself on the opposite corner of the pool, as far from you as possible. He leaned back, crossing his arms over his chest and sank as far as he could while resting the back of his head on the edge. His heart was racing, a mixture of arousal and embarrassment overwhelming his senses. He was fighting hard to relax, to be present in the moment and enjoy the break from the ever-present onslaught of responsibilities his life bestowed upon him, but your presence was proving too strong. 
The beast inside of him stirred, flooding his mind with obscenities; you bent over at your hip on your belly at the edge of the pool, your ass on full display for him as he plunged his cock between your glistening folds; you sat at the edge with your feet in the water as he savored your nectar with his head between your thighs; him sitting on the shallow part of the pool with you on top of him, bouncing on his cock as he gripped your ass, watching your tits gorgeously jump from the movement. Miguel groaned, fighting to keep the beast on a tight leash as he tried to push the vulgarities away; fuck fuck fuck… What wouldn't he give for a chance to jerk these thoughts out of him, to release the tension just a bit to make this ordeal a bit more bearable. The occasional sigh and shudder you'd let out from the other side of the pool just added to his fantasies, making the effort of keeping his very much hardening cock down that much vexing. At least Lyla was right about the murkiness of the water - the pearlescent shade whatever chemicals granted the liquid made it impossible to distinguish anything immersed in it.
Wait, that's right - Lyla! She did ask him to take a look at a weird entry on her command input history, didn't she. This was perfect, some busy work should keep his mind occupied, if he was lucky it would take the whole treatment session to finish dealing with it. He promptly called Lyla and before long, he was scrolling through her command input history.
To say you were faring any better at the other side of the pool would be a lie. Ever since Miguel walked through that door you became acutely aware of how bare you were - your skin prickled as if more sensitive than before. On top of that, you were fighting for your life not to ogle at the man - the dampness of the ambient clung to him making his bronze skin glisten and tousled his hair, causing some thick locks to fall on his face. You started to question your decision to offer him to partake in the session with you the moment the words left your mouth; you supposed it derived from both the guilt you felt from him getting wounded during the mission and the opportunity your lizard brain saw of being close to a very naked Miguel. Nevertheless, the result was an awkward situation filled to the brim with tension. 
Suddenly, you sensed Miguel tense up for a second, meeting his eyes the moment you looked over to see what had spooked him. The workaholic that he was, he had a screen open in front of him and seemed to have seen something that surprised him. You lifted a questioning eyebrow at him, but he didn't respond; instead he returned to the document he had opened as if double-checking something before turning the screen off. He then set his eyes to the water in front of him, but his mind was distant - you could almost hear the gears turning in his head.
The silence stretched on and minutes started feeling like hours. You racked your brain trying to find a topic of discussion, something to fill the silence and loosen the tension if only for a bit. Maybe even something silly, just to share a little amicable laugh, or some kind of teasing, to partake in a familiar friendly jabbing session. And then it hit you, the one thing you were dying to bring up to him - the little confession he let out during the mission. His (work) need of you (in the Spider Society).
"Soooo," you broke the silence in a sing-song voice "Miguel O'Hara finally caved in, huh."
Miguel snapped out of whatever was consuming his mind, clearly taken aback by the tone of your voice "¿Q- que?"
"Because I need you," you mimicked, doing a very bad impression of his voice "Took you long enough to admit it."
Miguel didn't respond right away. You watched him stir, visibly distraught, as he searched your face for something. "... you knew?"
There was a tinge of melancholy behind his question, something even vulnerable. But you kept your smirk, backing down now would just compromise your attempt at alleviating the tension. "I mean, I had a feeling."
Miguel dropped his shoulders in a strong exhale as he scrunched his eyes shut. When he opened them again, his eyebrows furrowed up slightly as he looked at you in desolation "I'm sorry."
Of all things to hear back from him, an apology was not on the list. Something was starting to feel off, but you decided to push it a little more "You should be, it was high time you recognized the work I put in here."
It was Miguel's turn to look confused "... the work?"
"Oh, don't act dumb, O'Hara," you retorted, slightly annoyed. He was not gonna dissuade you from finally getting the praise you rightfully deserved from him. "You couldn't let me quit the Society, you literally said you needed me here. I might have passed out soon after, but I did hear those words coming out of you."
"But that wasn't–," Miguel started frantically, but halted abruptly, seemingly collecting his thoughts. He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath to calm his nerves before continuing. "You are an exceptional member of the Society. Your work at the lab and in the field are crucial and I can admit without problem that I need you at the Society. We all do."
He paused again, contemplating his next words. After a brief second, he resumed his speech. "What I said back then had nothing to do with work."
You frowned in confusion for a moment, but then the other meaning to those words you had first imagined crept up in the forefront of your mind. He couldn't be talking about affection, could he? A yearning for you that matched yours for him? Your chest fluttered in an erratic cadence, but you promptly stomped the elation down. You had to make sure - to hear him say it - before allowing yourself the bliss.
"What did you mean then?" You spoke softly, carefully. Like your tone alone could corner Miguel and cause him to withdraw, putting his walls back up and leaving you with half truths and lies.
But he didn't give you the clarification you desperately craved right away. Instead he shifted, standing a bit taller while still leaning with his back to the pool's edge, arms crossed over his chest and a scowl on his face. 
"I'll let you know," he spoke, fiercely gazing into your eyes from under his brow; his voice husky and stern. "But first I need you to explain why you asked Lyla to find a Miguel O'Hara variant in your dimension."
Your heart sank as dread rapidly coursed through your veins. You desperately tried to find a suitable answer, one that could give him a good explanation while omitting the truth from him. But the harder you racked your brain, the clearer it became that there was no way out from the corner Miguel drove you into. 
Dread started giving away to anger. How dare he tries to dodge your question by conditioning its answer to an answer from you, one that puts you on the spot. Leave it to control-freak Miguel O'Hara to use sleazy methods to keep himself on top.
"That doesn't concern you," you said between greeted teeth. "Now, answer my question."
Miguel was unphased. "Oh, you think someone looking for a variant of myself using my tech doesn't concern me?"
"It doesn't, that was a matter between me and Lyla about a potential third person," you spat, voice rising a bit. "My question is about clarification on a conversation WE shared. THAT concerns you."
"You can't possibly-"
"FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, O'HARA," you snapped, standing up abruptly, splashing water all around you "STOP DEFLECTING MY QUESTION AND JUST ANSWE-"
You stopped upon noticing the look on Miguel's face. He seemed shocked, eyes wide open, eyebrows knitted together and mouth agape. Then you noticed a tinge of red make an appearance underneath the bronze color of his cheeks. Finally, you watched as he rapidly looked away from you, dramatically turning his head to the side. "SHOCK! ¿PENDEJA, ESTÁS LOCA?!"
Adrenaline ebbed from your body giving room for your other senses to kick in. You shivered from the lack of heat and soon realized your rage had eclipsed you to the fact you were still very much naked and now with your torso (and tits) completely exposed above the water from your outburst. Heat quickly flooded your face as you plunged back into the water, mortified and vulnerable. 
Another thick stretch of silence fell between the two of you. You hugged yourself tightly over your breasts under the water as if it somehow could alleviate the intense shame coursing through your body. Miguel tried to compose himself, the image of your tits hanging down your torso as water dripped down in rivulets over your skin carouselled in his mind on loop. 
You huffed. Was trying to keep your feelings for him a secret worth it at this point? After sharing a bath with and subsequently flashing your boss, a love confession felt harmless. Might as well rip out that band-aid and live with the consequences of this bundle of awkwardness. You took a deep breath and…
"I asked Lyla to find a Miguel O'Hara variant in my dimension because I wanted to find a version of you with whom I could take out all my pent-up frustrations about you on," you spoke in almost a whisper, eyes away from Miguel. "Because I'm in love with you."
Miguel's eyes widened. He turned to you looking for any sign of mischief - a smirk, a held laugh, a smug stance -, but he found none. You kept your gaze downwards, your arms around you as you tried to withdraw within yourself. 
"And… I've been for the longest time, too," you continued, still avoiding his gaze. "And I would be very grateful if we pretended this confession never happened."
"What…?" Miguel croaked, still processing your words.
"Yeah, kinda pathetic, isn't it?" You scoffed, a defeated smile adorning your face. "It was obvious this would go unrequited the moment it started blooming, but I couldn't help it."
As soon as those last words left your mouth, you felt a surge of shame rising up from your very core, begging you to stop talking. But you pushed it down, the cat was already out of the bag and there was no undoing it. Alas, it was better to exhaust everything regarding this topic now than to regret leaving things unsaid later.
"And you know what the worst part is? I've been trying to compensate for my feelings by assisting you the best I can to help lighten your load," you started talking more emphatically, adding speed and volume to your speech in order to drown out the shame. "You're carrying so much responsibility all by yourself, I wanted to make your life easier if only for a fraction."
"Wait, it… its not-" Miguel was having a hard time keeping up with the onslaught you poured on him. There were a lot of conflicting emotions clashing inside him, his mouth couldn't put into words what he was trying to convey. The sudden surge of speed in your speech was not helping him in the slightest. 
"Yeah, I know. It's not working, isn't it? I figured as such, you've been really uptight about my performance lately," You spat back, not giving him a chance to talk. You were worried that you'd lose your momentum and never be able to gather it back. You needed to get everything out. "But I'll work harder! Just… Maybe it's best if I quit the Lab Assistant job, I don't want to make you uncomfortable at your own workplace and-"
"¡Por favor, deja de hablar!" Miguel's voice echoed through the chamber, halting your verbosity. "It's not unrequited…"  He spoke more quietly, a gentleness in his tone. "Your feelings, that is."
Another stretch of silence took place between you. You slowly uncurled yourself, straightening up your back as you finally looked at Miguel. His stance defied the words he just uttered to the point you wondered if you might have misheard them - he was tense, shoulders slightly up with his hands at his sides in tight fists; he looked down, avoiding your face. 
"Wait, you-," your voice failed you. You quickly cleared your throat before resuming. "You feel the same…?"
Miguel relaxed his shoulders a bit as he exhaled, running a hand through his damp hair. He then proceeded to meet your gaze as he rested his hands over his hips. "Yeah…"
"Oh. I… That's perfect! Miguel, I-"
"No, wait," he cut you off. "I owe you an apology and an explanation - yes, I… I realize I have been an asshole to you lately. I'm sorry about that, it's just-," Miguel paused again, collecting his thoughts. He closed his eyes for a second and, when he opened them again, there was nothing but hurt behind them. "I've been trying to distance myself from you, and I know that that's not an excuse to lash out on you, but being near you made that task so much more vexing…"
"... why would you want to distance yourself from me?" 
"To protect you." He responded matter-of-factly.
You frowned slightly. "From what??"
"From me." Miguel said, emphatically pointing a finger at his own face.
"Why would I need protection from you??" You asked, lifting an eyebrow at him. "Miguel, don't get me wrong - you are very strong. But not strong enough to be a threat to me."
"I cannot allow myself to partake on more… intimate activities with you," he spat, avoiding your gaze again. "I would ruin you."
"And what if I want to be ruined?" You asked, taking a few careful steps towards him. Miguel swallowed nervously as he felt your words go straight south. He tried to compose himself before responding.
"You don't know what you're talking about," he muttered. "I am a monster and you know that. There ought to be a better suitor for you."
You took another couple of tentative steps towards him. "I decide what's best for me."
"No, you don't understand," he spat, his gaze towards the water. "You are amazing. You are.. strong, smart, have an intellect to die for and so, so kind. While I have to live in isolation, in a dim-lit Lab, taking shots to keep a semblance of humanity because my powers make me a monster and you don't deserve tha-"
He stopped upon feeling your hand reaching for his. He was so lost in his rant that he failed to notice your approach. He flinched at your proximity but didn't pull away from your touch. 
You took his hand in both of yours, slowly kneading his palm with your thumbs. "Do you trust me?"
"...What do you mean?" Miguel answered, watching your hands work his. At this distance he could finally feel your scent alongside the concoction herb-y smell. 
"Just in general." 
"Of course I do," he responded softly. "I trust you with my life."
"Then trust me when I say I want to be with you," You said, bringing his hand over your chest, right above your heart. He inhaled sharply at the contact, realizing the softness of the tissue below was the top portion of your breast. He finally met your eyes to prevent him from dwelling on the thought. "Trust me that I will tell you if, like you fear, it becomes too much for me."
"I… " He let your words sink in. He really was deciding he was no good for you, robbing you of your own agency on the matter, wasn't he? But something tugged at him in the back of his mind, something that wasn't adding up - a fear that prevented him from just letting go. 
Then it clicked.
He set the hand you held free, cupping your jaw with it. You closed your eyes, leaning into his touch. Miguel's heart fluttered at the sight, but he quickly composed himself - he had a point to make.
"You have to promise me you will actually tell me if something becomes too much for you. That you won't push yourself past your limit for my sake," he started, capturing your attention again. "I watched the video of our last mission and you put yourself in harm's way to protect me and you almost died. Add that to what you just told me about putting a lot of effort in the Society for my sake, it worries me you'd favor me in detriment of your own well-being." 
"I…," you started.
"That first injury you sustained, it was also a ramification of that dynamic, wasn't it?"
There was no way around that, you figured. Closing your eyes, you rested your own hand atop Miguel's hand on your face. "Yeah… "
With a resolute exhale, you locked eyes with Miguel once more. "I guess we both have things to work on."
A hint of a smile tugged at the corner of Miguel's mouth. "Yeah…"
"So…," you said after a pause. "Can we kiss?"
Miguel chuckled. "There's nothing I'd like more, hermosa."
He cupped your face with both hands, craning down to face you. He opened his mouth slightly, ghosting your lips for a moment as he took in your scent before colliding into your mouth. The kiss was gentle at first, chaste even; as if Miguel was still not entirely sure it was happening and he was under some hallucinogenic side-effect from the fumes of the concoction. But then he heard you whimper into his mouth - it was a silent thing, almost a whisper -, but it was enough for his heightened hearing to pick-up. 
And then somewhere inside Miguel a switch flipped.
His tongue breached your lips, hungrily tracing the inside of your mouth. You gasped at the sudden intrusion, giving Miguel the leverage he needed to slide his hands down your sides, gripping your hips and bringing your body flushed to his. Like everything in his life, Miguel needed to take control and… it didn't feel unwelcome this time. In fact, the heat emanating from his body against yours paired with the oily dampness the concoction provided and his ministrations in your mouth was making you dizzy - your heart drummed in your ears and you could feel arousal starting to build up in your core.
You instinctively brought your hands to his hair, raking your nails through his scalp. He grunted in response, the sound going straight to your clit. You instantly got addicted, suddenly you needed to hear more; to learn all the pretty sounds Miguel could make. So in between kisses you sank your teeth into his lower lip, earning the groffiest moan you ever heard. Spurred further, Miguel descended to your jaw, nibbling his way to your neck. He nuzzled into the crook of it, inhaling hard to bask in your intoxicating scent, before sinking his teeth into your pulse point.
You moaned shamelessly, the mixture of pain and pleasure only adding to the pressure in your core. His erection pressed against you, twitching at every sound that escaped your lips. Your head spinned as if you were drunk, any reservation you formerly had dissolved.
"Fuck, Miguel," you mewled near his ear and you could sense him tensing up in response; he hardened his grip on your hips and you could feel his talons starting to pierce your skin. A gasp of primal ecstasy from deep within you escaped your lips as his talons extended, sinking further into your flesh. Miguel flooded all your senses, yet you yearned for more.
But suddenly he stopped.
He grabbed your shoulders, pushing your body back and away from him. His head hung between his shoulders as he fought to catch his breath, keeping his arms extended to maintain the distance between you. 
"Miguel, is everything okay?" You asked, worry lacing your words. 
After a moment, he took a deep breath and turned his head up to face you. His skin still flustered from the kiss. "I'm so sorry…"
You frowned slightly. "What for?"
"I lost control, I-," he stuttered anxiously. "I hurt you. I could smell your blood."
"But-," you tried speaking, but Miguel continued.
"Shit, you aren't even fully healed yet," he scrunched up his face, spiraling on. "Fuck, this is a treatment. We're in the middle of your treatment, I-. I'm an idiot."
"Shut-up, O'Hara," you spat, trying to break him from the guilt pit he started sinking in. "I'm practically 100% already from that injury and…"
Your pause brought his attention back to you. You gathered courage to continue.
"...and I rather enjoyed getting rougher a second ago." You finished, avoiding his gaze.
Miguel relaxed a bit, enthralled by your bashful display. "But still I… I'd prefer if we didn't do anything too rough today."
"Oh c'mon, man," you scoffed, very much annoyed. "Don't treat me as an invalid."
"I'm not," he responded. "I'm just not comfortable escalating this when you still have some healing to do."
"Please," Miguel pleaded. The raw vulnerability behind it spoke of the guilt he still felt for your injury. It faltered your resolve.
"Alright…," you pouted. "Not easy after all that, but fine."
"Don't even get me started, hermosa," Miguel responded, letting go of your shoulders. "Although…," he said, scanning the area around the pool. "I think there's something we could do."
"Sit on the edge of the pool," Miguel said curtly, the change of tone catching you off-guard.
"You heard me, princesa," he spoke again in a more sultry voice, half-lidded scarlet eyes meeting yours. "Let me see you."
"I-," you suddenly felt very shy at his request, the small break from the heated kiss you two shared seemed to have cooled you down enough to bring back your self-awareness. Sitting on the edge of the pool meant being on full-display for Miguel, way more exposed than the seconds of accidentally flashing him from before. 
Your eyes shifted back and forth from the edge to Miguel, unsure of what to do. But he was having none of it; he cupped your jaw again, his touch enough to ground you a bit, bringing your attention back to him. "I need to see you, chiquita. All of you."
"Okay," you blurted out in a resolute exhale. You turned towards the edge and paused before moving forward. "Prepare to be disappointed."
"I could never."
Miguel watched you with bated breath as you hoisted your body up the edge of the pool with your arms. Your plump ass emerged next, droplets of water running down its surface as you finally brought your legs up and onto the hard floor. If he died now, he would have died happy. You sat with your back turned to him and your legs to the side, as you held your torso up with your arms. That scene, paired with the rivulets of pearlescent water running down your body and the vapors from the pool painted an image Miguel could only describe as divine. You were his goddess and he wished for nothing more than to be your most adulant devotee.
Finally, you slowly turned around, bringing your legs back in the water as you scooted your hips to the edge of the pool. You kept your hands on your lap and your legs pressed together; subconsciously trying to hide yourself from Miguel's gaze. 
But Miguel was nothing but awestruck, trying to formulate a proper reaction. He moved towards you, placing a hand on each of your knees. "Not once in my wildest fantasies I could attain the perfection that is your body." 
You inhaled sharply at his earnest words, heat blooming across your face. His hold on your knees sent shivers down your spine, beginning to fan your embers back to flames. His thumbs caressed the inner side of your knees, a silent plea to let him pry them apart. His crimson eyes devoured you wholly, his gaze searing your skin.
"Let me make you feel good, mi preciosa," Miguel husked, as his eyes met yours from under his brow. His hands guided your knees apart and you followed, exposing your innermost self to him. You watched his gaze falling to your cunt and his chest heaving in response. He proceeded to hover his mouth over your inner thigh - the contrast of his hot breath against your wet skin driving you insane -, before planting a kiss on the soft surface. He kept kissing you agonizingly slow, teasingly making his way to your center; each of his ministrations eliciting a gaspy moan from within you. Finally, he pressed a kiss directly on your engorged clit, keeping his lips on it in the longest iteration of a kiss you ever witnessed, drawing out his teasing for as long as possible.
"M-Miguel, for the love of-."
You never finished your sentence. He hooked his hands under your hips, tilting your pelvis up and licked a fat stripe with the flat of his tongue up your slit and you whimpered. With his grip on your hips giving him leverage, he began eating you out like a man starved, flicking his tongue on your clit, kneading your outer lips with the pad of his thumbs and lapping up your essence like he needed it to stay alive. You instinctively gripped his hair for purchase, his relentlessness robbing you of your breath. 
"Don't hold back, hermosa," he said, coming up for air. " Show me all the pretty sounds you can make."
He let go of your hips with one of his hands before plunging a finger between your folds and into your velvety insides. You moaned at the intrusion as he deliciously rotated his finger, massaging your inner walls, before settling his pad on the sensitive spongy spot directly behind your clit. You buckled involuntarily into his mouth as he curled his fingers and he chuckled against your cunt, the vibration adding to the pressure building up in your core.
Miguel dove a second finger inside you and began pumping them in and out while rotating his wrist. A cry fell from your lips at the new pace, the obscene squelching sounds of your arousal permeating the air further compressing the coil inside you. A part of you didn't want to cum yet, didn't want your first orgasm with Miguel to be with his mouth when his cock was right there. 
"M-Miguel, ple- ah! Please," you managed to blurt out. "I need you inside me."
Miguel planted a kiss on your cunt before responding. "I'll use my cock if you can refrain from cumming for the next… 5 minutes."
He resumed his assault right after with a renewed vigor and you mewled. There was no way you were gonna last five minutes.
To say Miguel was faring any better was a lie. Despite his facade, his whole body screamed for release. He had his lower half pressed to the wall of the pool, lightly humping into it to get some form of relief. It was taking all of his self control not to give into your plea and plow into you then and there, to feel your warm walls around his cock instead of the cold tiles of the pool.
But you were still hurt, your wound was still healing; he couldn't risk bringing more harm upon you. 
With a final barrage to your hole and a long suck on your clit your band finally snapped. Your climax hit you like a supernova, white hot and powerful; you buckled into Miguel's face until it died down and he promptly provided the guidance you needed through it. When you finally came back from your high and managed to catch your breath, you turned to Miguel.
"You bastard." You spat feigning annoyance. He chuckled as he wiped your juices from his chin.
"Didn't see you complaining when you came." He teased, licking his fingers clean. 
"You know what I meant," you retorted. "Miguel, please, just-... Just pound me. I need you to fill me up so fucking bad."
Miguel's cock twitched at your words, still painfully hard underneath the water. He was fighting hard to keep his head cool and not just give in, to throw caution to the wind and just slam into you like you wanted. To make matters worse, you never moved after you came, still in its afterglow, blissfully unaware you kept your lower-half very much on display to him - your glistening hole practically welcoming him. He forced himself to look away before his resolve faltered.
"Next time, Chiquita," he said softly. "I promise."
"What about you, though?" You asked, hoisting yourself up on your elbows.
"I can take care of myself later."
You groaned in response. You hated when Miguel got like that, so focused on an emotionally charged aspect he couldn't fathom considering other takes. There was no need to forgo all sexual activity if he was worried about your healing, especially after eating you out (so fucking well). With a huff, you got back in the water - if there was something you learned working in his Lab all this time is that Miguel needed help seeing other points of views sometimes.
You gently pressed your torso to Miguel's back, tenderly enveloping your arms around his middle in a hug. He flinched under your touch at first, but relaxed soon after. You proceeded to run your fingers on his abs, slowly massaging the taut muscle.
"I could take care of you, you know," you whispered. 
Miguel felt his heart race at your words. He was already getting lost with the way your body pressed against his, the heat emanating from you paired with your scent causing him to walk the edge between lunacy and prudence. Looking down, he could see your delicate hands working his muscles - every little press of your fingers sent electric bolts downwards, where he yearned for your touch the most. Would it be so bad to indulge…?
"Y-your wound…"
"I'm sure using my hands wouldn't compromise my healing," you responded, trying to sound alluring. You tentatively slid your fingers down his lower belly, stopping just below his hips and Miguel hissed. You drew circles on the region slowly, feeling him shudder against you. "Let me make you feel good, Miggy."
"I-," Miguel tried speaking, but the little brain power he still had was having a hard time fighting against the sensation of your dainty fingers so close to his cock. The fact the whole massage was now happening hidden from his eyes under the water only made each touch feel searing hot.
He desperately needed release. 
"... Yeah," he husked. "Just… don't overdo yourself."
You grinned behind him before finally sliding a hand to his cock, enveloping your fingers around his shaft. He hissed at the touch, getting so wound up had made him a lot more sensitive. You glided your hand along his cock, feeling his veins against the pads of your fingers before reaching his tip. You pulled back his hood, circling your thumb around the gland before gently rubbing the slit; Miguel hitched a breath.
"Does it feel good?" You asked, feigning innocence. Having control over him, knowing he could turn the tides easily if he so wished, felt oddly good.
"Y-yeah," he managed to huff out. 
Pleased with his response, you started languidly pumping his cock and Miguel let out a strangled moan. You slid your body to his side to gain more range of motion while gently bringing your other hand to his ass. 
The pace of your hand was slowly depleting Miguel of his remaining sanity. With his heightened sensitivity, the movement alone was both a lot and not enough. Your other hand kneaded his ass gently, occasionally prodding the rim of his hole, putting him in a position of vulnerability unfamiliar to him, yet not unwelcome. It felt good to relinquish control, especially with you at the helm.
But he needed more.
"Please…," he whispered. You lifted an eyebrow at his tone.
"Please what, handsome?" You teased.
"I… I need more."
"You need to speak more clearly, big guy."
"Mierda," he cussed. "I need you to stroke me faster."
"Atta, boy".
You increase your pace, gently rotating your wrist as you pumped him. Miguel groaned, throwing his head back. He instinctively brought an arm over your shoulders for purchase, holding you against his body. He could feel the pressure in his abdomen growing, his release getting dangerously close. 
"Y-yo voy a, yo voy a…, (I-I'm gonna, I'm gonna…)" he groaned, his peak hastily approaching.
And then you stopped. And he hissed.
"N-no no no, please…," he cried out, desperately trying to rut in your hand. But it was no use.
You had the audacity to chuckle.
You cupped his jaw, bringing his attention down to you. You guided his head down, hungrily taking his lips with your own. He moaned in your mouth, frustration and arousal blending together, flooding all of his senses. 
You both parted for air, a string of saliva connecting your lips to his. He looked at you with half-lidded drunken eyes, a gentle giant tamed by lust.
"C'mon, big guy. Let's get you sat at the edge," you whispered in his ear. "I want to taste you."
There wasn't a fiber in Miguel's body capable of denying you at this point.
With his back to the wall of the pool, Miguel hoisted his torso up by his arms, plopping himself down at pool's edge with his lower legs in the water. His heavy cock throbbed, thick and dark red, covered in droplets of a mixture of precum and the oily pearlescent concoction; a sight that had you salivating.
Miguel watched you approach him, slotting yourself between his thighs. You gently pulled his hood back, revealing the gland to the thick air of the chamber, before pressing your tongue flat to the underside of it and locking eyes with him.
"Fuck," was all he could muster. There was no way he would last much longer inside your warm mouth after getting edged. In fact, he was afraid a couple more kitten licks would be enough to finish him off. But he wanted to endure a little more, to enjoy you for as long as he could.
You rotated your tongue around his head a few times, catching as much precum as you could, before enveloping him with your mouth. Miguel hissed, instinctively bringing a hand to your hair for purchase. You bobbed your head slowly, swirling your tongue around his shaft in the process. 
"Nena, I won't last," he warned you. 
You hummed around his cock in response, bringing your hand up to him with your pointer finger pressed against your thumb, asking him for 'just a little longer'.
Miguel groaned. He would try. For you, he would try.
You started to slowly increase your pace, taking him deeper with each movement. Miguel could feel the pressure in his abdomen building up again faster. He tensed his muscles and gripped the edge of the pool with his other hand in an attempt to sooth it, to prolong the pleasure you provided for as long as possible.
But you weren't planning to play fair. You enveloped the remainder of his shaft you couldn't mouth with one hand, stroking him alongside the movement of your head, and used your other hand to reach his neglected balls, fondling them in tandem to your ministrations. It was all too much, Miguel threw his head back and could only tighten his hold on your hair in warning before spilling into your mouth hard, completely emptying his seed in you in a fervent release.
You soothed him through it, until his first wince of over-stimulation. You then gently pulled yourself back, letting go of his softening cock, before lifting your chin up to him and making a show of swallowing his spent and opening your mouth to present your clean tongue to him. Miguel shuddered.
"No me hagas esto," he said, still catching his breath. "You'll be the death of me."
"A good way to go, I hope?" You jested. 
"I wouldn't have it any other way," Miguel chuckled. 
You two sat in comfortable silence, basking in the afterglow. You rested your head on his thigh, drawing lazy circles on his other's quads while Miguel gently rubbed your scalp, admiring the peace in your countenance.
"We should probably leave soon, I'm getting all pruny," you broke the silence.
"I do so love raisins," Miguel joked. You huffed in return.
"Shut-up, O'Hara," you spat back, feigning annoyance. You paused before continuing. "I'm gonna hold you accountable, you know."
"To that promise," you clarified. "About pounding me next time."
Miguel chuckled before responding.
"It's a deal."
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virozero · 3 months
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[Magnus / Psyker!Reader]
Entangled Entropy - Ch. 0
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AN: I haven't written a fic in many moons, so I am hella rusty. Please be patient with me! Also there needs to be more Magnus content on this site and I have a moral obligation to make it. This is also just like an introduction chapter so I didn't quite wanna lable it as chapter 1 or what ever .3. please hit me with feedback I need it lol. also I blame @moodymisty @ms--lobotomy and @kit-williams for inspiring me to write fic again XD Reader will have GN/Masc pronouns even though I will depict them as Transmasc. Word count: 542 Tags: @heuldoch7b Warnings: Mentions of shitty childhood, Slowburn, uh no beta we die like Death Korps of Krieg Credits: @cafekitsune for the dividers
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Your home world, Æeran, while not as beautiful as the tales of ancient holy terra, was still a gem. With two colonized moons with established trade routes, Æeran was far from struggling. Colorful floral and exotic fauna gave life to the world, you could list all of them from memory.
With blue violet skies to amber beaches, your home world was starting to feel too small for you. While you did visit the moons on occasion, you felt like you have seen and studied everything Æeran had to offer.
You have lived with your royal advisor uncle since you were 17, learning all the ways of high-class society and their politics. Much of it was boring but your uncle wishes for you to take his place as the royal advisor to the throne someday.
You did not care much for the King but were respectful towards him for your uncle’s sake. It was not that he was incapable of much, it was that he would not do anything that outrightly helped the citizens.
Record keeping and recalling notes was your current job due to your gifts. You had a rough upbringing due to being different. Weird things tend to happen around you.Unsure of what to do, your parents did not treat you right but rather as a monster.
Until your uncle adopted you in your late teens. He taught you everything you need to know about how to be a vassal for the lord of the planet. Your unique gifts have aided you with your studies and research as it helped you keep notes and long form records on a metaphysical plain.
That’s right, you were a psyker, but no one on the planet knew exactly what a psyker was or the dangers they could bring. So, they just said you were gifted by the gods since most of your powers were used in a utilitarian way. Occasionally you would try to use them for something different like levitating small objects or forming little animals. You were not that good yet, but it helped keep the boredom at bay.
All that was about to change though as your uncle was called away to business on one of the moons, leaving you alone to temporally take his place. To say you weren’t panicking would be a lie. You told your uncle how you weren’t ready for this as he was leaving for the shuttle. He gently placed a hand on your shoulder and told you he believed in you and that you had made him proud.
With a final farewell, you return to your residence to prepare for the following days to come.  As you were organizing tomes from a pile near your bed, a sharp crack and rumble shook the sky, causing you to drop the heavy book on your foot. Cursing, you ran to a window to see what happened. The city still is in one piece, no signs of collapsed buildings. Everything seems ok until you look up at the sky.
A titanic spaceship hid the sun and was looking to dock. You squint your eyes to stare at it, cursing under your breath knowing damn well you had to deal with this as your uncle was off planet.
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mehriigss · 6 months
Rottmnt weird drabble/one shot because I have anxiety so Leo has anxiety too.
Based on a headcanon you can find here.
Leo was at the verge of a panic attack. No, he was going into a full anxiety spiral. The best part? He was currently having a family dinner.
Everyone was having fun. Raph was stuffing his face with Mikey's meatballs, April was trying to prevent him from choking, his twin was recording everything with his phone, his father was scolding him for using his phone during a family event, Mikey was still cooking in April's kitchen and Draxum and himself were having a smooth conversation about biology. About literal photosynthesis to be precise. He might hate him but he has to admit Draxum really knew how to get him to talk.
There were oh so many details in every single thing his family was doing right now, but he's brain chose to focus on himself. How selfish.
Draxum was rambling about his favourite photosystem when it hit him. The increased heart rate, the tunnel vision, the distorted hearing, the nausea, the damn choking sensation and that fucking piercing pain in his chest that just won't go away for the rest of the week.
Why did his anxiety have to be such an opportunistis?
He stared at Draxum like he was trying to read his soul out loud. Leo could hear him but he wasn't listening. No words seem to get into his brain but the usual 'you're nothing but your brothers', 'too little too late for redemption', 'you'll never change', 'under that mask is a scared little boy'.
Did Draxum just make him a question? He could tell by Draxum's body language.
"So?" Said Draxum to the turtle that barely registrated anything but the strong static in his ears.
Masking this kind of things was easy for him. He just had to ignore and endure it in equal proportions and play face man. He could do it, he was the face man! The actor! The lier among them! Misleading was his specialty.
He would just put on another layer of paint to his mask and flee forward.
"I'm not sure." Leo said a bit too low but steadily nonetheless.
"Well, if you are not sure, I could suggest a few scientific articles". Draxum replayed, apparently content enough with the poor answer.
Draxum was suddenly silent, already used to Leon's seemingly infinite energy for conversation, waiting for him to say something.
So he said the first thing he could muster, the quickest he could: "I-I'd love to read t-them".
That was clearly not a good plan.
It had begun. The stuttering, because his poor mouth couldn't keep up with his anxious brain. He hated that. He's good hiding his panic in plain sight but his stupid stuttering is something he can't control or cover! He could only go mute and hope he's not asked many questions because of it.
But going mute would be extremely suspicious when he's literally in the middle of a conversation!
Ok, Draxum was a bit confused, he could work with that. That is fixable. As long as he can keep a low profile he's good.
But his breathing was getting more and more erratic and being and acuatic turtle didn't actually help keep the need to just breath at bay.
Could he fix this?
'Of course not, you're useless!'
'You're eyes are watering, you big crybaby!'
'Just flee. They're not gonna miss you anyway '
'They're better off without you'
He took a big, deep, audible, shaky breath and surrendered.
"Are you ok, bro?" Mikey, bless his soul, had just entered to room and immediately noticed his struggle, taking over the conversation. "Barry, mind if I steal my brother from you for a sec?"
Mikey did not wait for an official answer, he grabbed Leo by the wrist and forced him out of the room. That, in all honesty, scared the holy shit out of Leonardo. And everybody else.
He felt a little naked now that he wasn't around his whole family, but at least the living room smelled like April. It was a nice smell to focus his mind on.
"Leo... It might not be anything serious- and I hope it isn't! -but..."
"I-I'm hav-ing a p-panic a-attack".
Another shaky breath was all it took for Leo to become a hyperventilating and sobbing mess.
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That image just fits too well 😙
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skellymom · 8 months
"Silent But Deadly"
The FIRST Bad Batch Comedy One Shot in the ONE SHIT SERIES!
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Background: A stinky stench "rustles up" controversy.
Word Count: 780 words
Warning: Farts, fiery crop dusting, stinky humor, swearing.
The Bad Batch landed on Anaxis at the meeting point with the 212th for a special mission. Hunter led the way and greeted Commander Cody who introduced them to Rex. 
Cody’s clone troopers loaded onto their flying transport first with The Batch filing in after them. The door slid closed as the ship ascended on its journey to Skako Minor. All was quiet as each soldier stared ahead, contemplating the scope of this mission...until... 
...Hunter suddenly started with a coughing fit. 
“You ok, Sergeant?” Cody concerned, watched Hunter thump his chest with a closed fist, struggling to articulate his issue. 
Then the ruckus began. Cody and Rex watched as each Reg in the 212th violently protested one by one. Falling out of formation like a line of dominoes. 
“Smells like a Rancor crapped in here!” 
“What died???” 
“I’m gonna die!” 
“Who shit themselves???” 
One trooper even tried to put his helmet on to avoid the fumes...to find the horrendous smell was trapped in with him, “GAAAAH!” 
It wafted up to Cody and Rex who grimaced and gagged. 
Every Reg in the 212th angrily glared back at The Batch. 
Hunter, ever the gentleman and a leader, tried to take the blame. “Uh, sorry Lads...huh, gag...too many rations for...gag...breakfast.” He exhaled, fanning himself. 
An angry Reg spoke up, “NO! I think it was the big guy!!! No way Sergeant Super Smeller did that!!!” 
Everyone stared at Wrecker. 
“WHAAAT???” Wrecker clearly had NO clue what was going on...as his sense of smell was deader than a Drydak. 
Another Reg threw in his guess. “Yeah! The other two look like their asses are so tight you’d hear a SQUEAK!!!” 
Tech’s head shot up from his data pad and gazed over alarmed at the Reg who was speaking with authority about HIS anatomy. 
“ENOUGH!!!” Cody bellowed. Everyone immediately straightened up to full attention. “Corporal, open the bay door and air it out!” 
Rex, speechless, put his hand over his nose. 
Tech quietly glanced at Crosshair. There was a satisfied look on Cross’ face with just a hint of a grin. Cross gave Tech the side eye. Tech glared back at Crosshair with his best dignified, “YOU ASSHOLE” expression. Cross just chewed on his toothpick. He was clearly VERY pleased with himself. 
Hunter leaned into Crosshair and whispered. “Do it again and I’m personally throwing your ass off this ship.” 
“Mhm...Almost worth it.” He snarked back arrogantly. 
Even though quiet and still standing at attention, it was clear the 212th Regs were fuming during the rest of the ride to Skako Minor. 
Finally landing sometime later, the men filed out of the ship with several of the Regs body checking Wrecker as they walked past. 
“HEY!” Wrecker protested. 
“Get out of my way you STINKY BEAST!” 
“YEAH, were you trying to gas us out back there!!!” 
“THAT’S IT! Tech, gimme your repair torch!!!” Wrecker had enough of this BS. 
Tech protested “I don’t see how that’s relevant to this situation...” 
Wrecker yanked the torch off Tech’s utility belt and turned towards the two Regs. 
“For the record...I’M NOT QUIET!” His voice rising.  
“What are you going on about STINKY???” The Reg stood his ground sneering. 
Wrecker wasn’t going to let this go. “You know what I like to do???” 
Both Regs stood there looking at Wrecker, then glanced at each other, then back at Wrecker and just shrugged. 
“I LIKE TO BLOW THINGS UP!!!” Wrecker shouted. With that he turned around, bent over, engaged the torch and squeezed out a LOUD fart that sounded like a TUBA BLAST. It ignited like a flame thrower, shooting out a jet of fire from his bum. The blast rolled over both Regs where they stood. Two high pitched Wilhelm screams were heard as both Regs took off running...their heads smoldering. 
Wrecker laughed like a maniac...and handed the torch back to Tech. 
Tech embarrassedly cleared his throat. “Uh...I assume those soldiers will need medical assistance...” 
Rex turned to Cody mortified. “THESE are the guys that are supposed to help us find ECHO???” 
“Yep...” Cody deadpanned. 
Later, after Kix had medically treated the Regs, Cody marched them over to Wrecker to apologize. Both men were noticeably missing two things: Dignity and their eyebrows. 
Wrecker couldn’t help himself. “Whattsamatter? You BOTH look so...SURPRISED!” 
The rest of the 212th erupted in hysterical laughter. From then on NOBODY picked on Wrecker and he was the regiment favorite. 
Crosshair sat nearby on a boulder watching all the action go down. 
Hunter strolled up to Crosshair and kicked his boot. “You know this is all your fault, right?” 
Cross pulled out a fresh toothpick, inserting it into his mouth. 
“Hmmm...and enjoying EVERY minute of it.” 
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To read #2 in this series:
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The Ebony Wings of Hydra - CH 1
Pairings: Wanda x R
Word count: 3.7K
Summary: Hydra has been all you have ever known. But one day when the base you live in is attacked you escape. What will the real world be like for you. The avengers are happy to take you in but there are so many questions. You however are special. You have powers. Ones hydra wants back. Love, Drama, Romance (but not spicy), Illness, Injury, and trauma; What will win?
TW: Past trauma, fainting, flinching? Kidnapping, torture (mentioned), malnourishment, dehydration, medical shit, canon-typical violence
A/n i think this will be a series so stay tuned lol
The alarms were going off. Soon many guards ran past your cell towards what sounded like explosions. They rocked the floor with force and you watched in awe as the vibrations shattered the lock to your cell. You froze. This place was awful but it was all you had ever known. It was home. In a heartbeat you decided.
Waiting until the sound of footsteps disappeared, you carefully slipped from the cell. Once you had cleared the halls you took off into the surrounding woods. There was a trail of destruction leading west. You kept to the edge of it following the track for a half mile before something glinted up ahead. It was huge and looked very expensive. Your legs were shaking and the edges of your vision began to dim. After all you had just run a mile on an empty stomach. It wasn’t like hydra gave you five star meals or meals at all unless you were on the brink of death. Knowing you would regret it later you needed somewhere to crash. Maybe whoever owned this would be nice enough to let you leave once they found you. Carefully you stepped onboard. You had barely taken five steps before your knees buckled and your vision dipped entirely. Your body went sprawling and you fell to the floor. The world was dark and you were out cold. And that’s how they at found you when they came back.
“So shawarma?” Tony asked as they began walking back. A collective groan sounded
“Tony we had shawarma after the last six missions.” Natasha said placing her gun back in its holster.
“I can order us a pizza?” Wanda posed and frowned as she realised the jet was open to the woods.
“Hey Tony-?”
“Yeah I see it.” He said putting down the Ironman mask again. “Friday scan for heat signatures.”
“One heat signature detected inside.” Friday responded. “Shit. Ok guys stay behind me.” He said. Wanda ignored him and stepped cautiously into the jet.
“Umm Nat you may wanna come see this.” She called.
“Coming.” Nat said and tony followed behind her. The entered to see Wanda crouched by your side. Still out cold. Wanda’s fingers were on the slow steady pulse of your neck.
“She’s alive” Wanda said.
“Friday run threat analysis.” Tony said.
“Enhanced abilities detected. However she seems to be malnourished and dehydrated. She has extensive scarring across her body. No persons found to match her in government records.”
“Right … ok” tony said. “Thoughts guys? Come on this was suppose to be an easy mission.”
“I say we take her in. She obviously has nowhere else to go. Treat her as friendly until she threatens us. Standard medical care. From the sounds of it she’ll be out for a while yet. We can have Bruce look over her back at base and when she wakes up we’ll go from there.” Nat said.
“Do you think she’s from the base.” Wanda asked still crouched beside you.
“I wouldn’t rule it out.” Nat said. “Make sure she’s secure. I’m going to get us out of here.”
“Got it.” Wanda nodded and tony wandered off to alert fury of a mission update. Wanda sat against the bench in the jet, gently pulling your head into her lap so she could make sure you weren’t uncomfortable and so you wouldn’t go flying when the jet took off. The engine hummed to life and the jet took off. Wanda brushed the small curls from your eyes. As she sat studying you face she wondered what colour your eyes were. Probably blue or green. After a few hours bay carefully set the jet down and tony went to debrief while Nat picked your unconscious form from Wanda’s lap. Carrying you bridal style with Wanda trailing behind.
“You know I’ve got this I don’t need an escort.” nat said.
“Um I wanted to come along. If that’s alright. Just to make sure she’s doing ok.” Wanda said hesitantly and Nat nodded as they silently made their way to the medical wing.
Carefully setting you down on the bed Wanda came and sat beside you and took your hand. She felt like she knew you somehow. It was odd but your aura that her magic picked up on seemed familiar but she couldn’t place it. Bruce came in a moment later checking a few things and placing an IV before giving Nat a quick update. Wanda listened from her chair.
“She’s malnourished and dehydrated. I have given her an IV but I’m hesitant to give a feeding tube before she wakes up. We don’t know her history and i don’t want to do anything wrong. When she wakes up give her something to eat. Keep her calm, from what I can tell she’s been through something traumatic based off the amount of scarring alone on her arms and legs. I’ll get you a change of clothes for her. I’m expecting her to wake up in the next couple of hours.” He said before nodding to Wanda and leaving.
“Thanks Bruce.” Nat called after him as he went back to his lab.
“I’m gonna go clean up. Are you ok to stay with her?” Nat asked. Wanda nodded she wasn’t very dirty her magic kept her hands clean so she didn’t need a shower imminently like Nat did.
“Ok get Friday to call me if she wakes up.” Nat said and left to shower. Wanda studied your face again trying to place where she knew you from.
You began to stir. Two women’s voices seemed to be nearby and it took all your training not to stiffen. Where were you? Were you back there again? Despite your primal need to find out more or if you were safe you drifted back out of consciousness again.
The next time you woke your eyes fluttered open before you promptly shut them again. It was too bright. Much different to the darkness of your cell. You heard shuffling beside you and realised there was a hand in yours. You stiffened and the weight beside you lessened.
“Nat?” A voice called softly. You heard another persons, Nat supposedly stir on your left side. You were surrounded.
“Hmm?” A sleep voice hummed.
“I think she’s coming around.” The voice from earlier said and you stiffened as you felt a hand brush the curls from your face. Internally cursing yourself for reacting.
“Actually scratch that. I think she’s already awake. You can open your eyes sweetheart.” The voice said and hesitantly you did hearing the voice chuckle. But it was odd. It wasn’t the cruel chuckle you heard when they beat you. No this one seemed softer. Safer. Familiar. You looked at the two women who sat beside you. Both had red hair. Both had green eyes. The one holding your hand was the one who had spoken earlier. Noticing you observing them Wanda cleared her throat and you flinched slightly.
“Sorry.” She said seeming concerned by your reaction while Nat just raised a brow. “I’m Wanda and this is Natasha but you can call her Nat.” She said. You nodded slowly.
“Where am I?” You whispered quietly. Wanda visibly softened at your tone.
“You’re safe. You’re at the avengers compound in New York.” Wanda replied
“America?” You asked.
“Yes.” Nat said. You nodded again slowly.
“What do you need me for?” You asked softly. Wanda looked confused.
“Need you for?” She asked. Her nose scrunching.
“I’ll do whatever you want.” You said softly.
“Oh honey no. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. This isn’t hydra. You are safe here.” Wanda said understanding now.
“I’m… free?” You asked softly.
“Yes. And we have a few questions but we can save them for later when you’re better. In the meantime eat this.” Nat said handing you a Nutella sandwich. You frowned at it. Taking it and studying it closely.
“What is it?” You asked not used to anything otero than the grey porridge you rarely got.
Wanda gasped. “You’ve never had a sandwich before?” She said. Suddenly feeling embarrassed you shook you head slightly. Letting a quiet “no” pass your lips.
“Try it.” Wanda said. And you looked at it again before deciding it was worth the risk. Biting into it flavours you had never tasted burst on your taste buds. You hummed quietly to yourself in content and your shoulders relaxed as you let yourself indulge. After eating half of it you felt full and slightly nauseous. Carefully you set it down on the plate in your lap.
“Done already?” Wanda asked and your cheeks burned with shame. Wanting to appease her for some unknown reason you picked it up again lifting it to your mouth when a hand stopped you. You flinched slightly and dropped the sandwich. The hand withdrew quickly.
“Sorry. I’m sorry.” Wanda said not meaning to scare you. “I just wanted to stop you and tell you you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. If you’re done with true sandwich that’s fine. You don’t need to eat more to appease me.” She said. Softly and you nodded.
“Do you think you could answer some questions for us?” Wanda asked carefully. You stiffened but nodded. Wanda hummed and decided to proceed.
“What’s your name kid?” Nat said.
“Subject 65798” you said softly.
“Jeez we need to call you something better than that.” She smiled softly. You exposed your left wrist to them and their eyes widening at the numbers tattooed on your wrist.
“But my brother called me y/n” you said quietly.
“You have a brother?” Wanda asked
“Had” you corrected.
“I’m sorry.” Wanda said.
“Don’t be it’s not your fault.” You said avoiding their eyes and picking at the bedsheets.
“Next question.” Nat said sensing your discomfort. “How old are you?”
“I’m not sure.” You replied honestly.
“Ok that’s ok. You look to be an adult but we can have Bruce do some tests fo find out.” You froze. Your breathing speeding up at the word tests. You knew tests. Tests hurt. Tests killed. It was Wanda’s voice that brought your back. Her concerned face was looking at you and both your hands were being squeezed in hers.
“Breathe y/n breathe it’s ok. You’re not there anymore. It’s ok. There we go, are you back with us sweetheart?” She asked softly. You nodded swallowing the shame you felt for breaking down.
“If you want to stop for today we can”. Nat offered.
“No it’s ok.” You said shaking you head. Wanda dropped you hands and you mourned the loss of contact. To say you were touch starved was an understatement.
“How long were you at hydra y/n?” Wanda asked.
“As long as I can remember.” You whispered.
“Do you have any powers we should know about?” She asked knowing you did but not knowing what they were.
“No.” You shook your head. If they didn’t know maybe they would let you stay you thought. Wanda sighed.
“We know you have powers y/n but I was hoping you would tell us yourself.” Wanda said
You stiffened. “Then why ask?”
“To see if you trusted us.” Nat said
“It’s a bit hard to trust when you spent your entire life in a cell.” You snapped and immediately felt bad as Wanda’s face fell.
“I’m sorry. I’m just not good with people.” You whispered.
“It’s ok.” Wanda said smiling again.
“It’s easier to show you rather than explain it. When I have some more energy I can do a demo if you’d like?” You said and Wanda smiled and nodded. Nat hesitated weighing the risks before agreeing.
“No. Not happening” a voice said from the door and you flinched. There was a man standing there with his arms crossed. You curled into yourself. You were defenceless in the bed and he stood blocking the only exit. Your heart quickened and you felt your breaths shorten.
“Tony not now. We would be with her the whole time. Not much can go wrong.” Nat said and they began arguing. Wanda watched before turning back to you and seeing you shaking as tears fell down your cheeks. She carefully put her hands over your ears sushing you as you flinched.
“Guys knock it off. Tony leave us be.” Wanda said with authority waiting for tony to leave before taking her hands from your ears. Instead she held you hand and helped you steady your breathing again.
“It’s ok.” Wanda said as she shifted to sit on the bed next to you. She hadn’t expected it but you threw yourself into her side. She gave you a comfort you hadn’t felt before. She was shocked stilling for a second before wrapping you in her arms. She petted your hair and whispered quiet words to you as you shook quietly.
“It’s ok. You’re safe now.” She said and pressed a featherlight kiss to the crown of your head. Your body relaxed and you drifted to sleep in her arms.
The next time you awoke you were still wrapped in her arms. However the room was different. She must have carried you here while you slept. The room was clean. A couple posters on the wall and a cold hot chocolate by the bed. You are curled in her lap as she read a book and ran her fingers through your hair. It felt amazing. You yawned and stretched like a cat. Wanda chuckled.
“You know you remind me of a puppy when you’re tired.” She said. You nodded still sleepy after getting more rest than you normally would.
“Where’s Nat?” You asked
“She’s training. She’ll be back later.” Wanda said setting down her book.
“I made a hot chocolate for you but it’s gone cold”
“I’m happy to drink it cold.” You said not wanting to waste her efforts.
“You don’t have to do that y/n” she said and you waved her off eyes wide ping as you brought the mug to your lips. The taste was amazing. Wanda chuckled at your expression.
“It’s even better when it’s warm.”
“I gets better?!” You asked and Wanda laughed at the chocolate on your nose. Using her finger she wiped it off celebrating internally as you didn’t flinch at the touch.
“If you want to come with me to the kitchen I can heat it up.”
“No it’s ok. They’re something I think I’m ready to show you now.”
“What is it”
“My powers.” You said softly.
“You don’t have to.”
“I want to. You… you make me feel safe.” You said and Wanda beamed.
Wanda was confused as you led her to the roof. Her confusion turning to worry as you grew closer to the edge.
“Y/n wait! You could fall!” She said trying to rush to your side. You simply turned grinning and giving a mock salute before falling backwards with your arms spread.
“Y/N!” Wanda yelled rushing to the edge and peering over. Just then you whooped and shot upwards. Two ebony black wings spanning out from just below your shoulder blades. Wanda sat back in awe. You spun and dipped grinning wildly. You rarely ever got this much freedom to use your wings and they were stiff from lack of use. The wind in them felt amazing. You smiled and used your hands to create a ball of magic like Wanda’s except black. You grinned at Wanda’s shocked expression and made the magic disappear before carefully leaning back on the roof. Your black wings folded behind you and retreated into two black lines that ran down your back looking just like they were drawn on with a pen. The wings were now gone. You smiled and Wanda tan over to you.
“That was Awesome but never do that again I thought you were going to die.” Wanda gushed and your grin faltered.
“Amazing though. I’m honestly impressed. But u have one question.”
“Sure?” You asked feeling more confident now.
“Do I know you?” She said quickly. You turn disappeared. You were hoping she wouldn’t ask.
“You had the cell next to me in hydra.” You said sadly. “Only you escaped and I didn’t. But it’s ok. I never blamed you.” You said softly and Wanda pulled you into a hug.
“I’m so sorry y/n” she said running her hands through your hair.
“It’s ok Wanda.” You said.
“No it’s not. We left you … I left you.”
“And I never blamed you.” You said taking her hands. “If anything I should thank you.”
“Thank me?”
“It was you and your powers that gave me my magic.” You grinned.
“So you can do what I do?”
“Yep just my magic is black and I have wings because of the extra years of testing after you escaped.”
“Y/n I’m sorry” Wanda said and you held up a hands.
“I don’t want to hear it. I don’t blame you and i never will.” You said softening and giving her a big hug.
“What did i miss?” Nat said walking onto the roof.
“Y/n has-“ Wanda started but you clamped a hand over her mouth. She stopped before you quickly pulled your hand away.
“EW Wanda … why?” You said cradling your hand and then wiping it on your black jeans. She had licked you. Wanda doubled over laughing while nat watched looking amused.
“Something you want to tell me y/n?” Nat asked again. You grinned at her before running and leaping off the edge of the building. You heard nat cry out and then gasp as you shot back up with your wings out stretched.
when you landed she cautiously ran a hand through the black feathers which felt softer than powdered snow.
“They’re beautiful.” She said in awe and you blushed slightly. When she removed her hand you folded them away again and they once more disappeared into your back. You made the two of them promise not to tell the team until you were ready and they agreed. But assured you the team would love them. You sighed and walked back inside with the two following you.
“Y/n? Isn’t it cold for you out there?” Wanda asked and you shrugged. It was nearing winter and you were in ripped black skinny jeans and an faded black AC/DC singlet with the sides deep enough your black sports bra showed. Your lace up black high top converse were double knotted and there was a small lesbian pride bead on the lace. Wanda had gone to the trouble of finding an outfit you would like and Friday had promptly gotten it delivered. You had a silver ring on your left pointer finger with a small skull on it and a black leather bracelet on the same wrist. Your hair was done in a half up half down braid that left locks falling part way down your back and shoulders.
“Its not bad. My body is used to extreme conditions so they don’t effect me as much as they used to.” You stated simply. Wanda looked sad and you quickly changed the topic not wanting to bring up memories for her either.
“Is there any chance i would be able to…” you trailed off realising you had almost asked for something.
“To what y/n?” Nat asked.
“Oh nothing.” You waved her off but nat persisted
“Y/n you can tell us anything.”
“I kinda … really need some more stuff. I don’t have well … anything so i need more clothes and some … other things. I mean i would love some art supplies it was kind of all i could do in the cell. But i don’t need them and i don’t want to waste any of your money.” You were rambling now. Wanda cut you off placing her hands on your shoulders.
“Y/n you can have whatever you like. Tony is rich as all hell and i could use a shopping spree. I’d love to help you find new clothes and I’m sure Steve can recommend some good art supplies. He draws right nat?” Wanda said looked over her shoulder at nat who smiled nodded.
You felt tears prick your eyes.
“Oh sweetheart its ok. I’d be happy to make you happy. And if you need anything at all i want us to be the ones to give it to you. Anything you want or need just tell us and we’ll make sure you have it. Honey your life has been hard and we just want to make it better.” She said pulling you in from arms length into her chest as small sobs wracked your body. You were so grateful. Wanda shushed you and gently ran her fingers through the ends of your hair. You were mildly surprised to feel another strong pair of arms wrap around you from behind as Nat sandwiched you between her body and Wanda’s. You let out a content sigh, wishing the moment would never end.
“How about i make us some lunch then we can go explore amazon” she said and winked “i have Tony’s login.” Which made Nat laugh. You simply looked confused
“Amazon? Like the rainforest?” You asked and Wanda looked you you with a grin.
“No its like an online shopping website. You order the stuff and it gets sent to you in the mail.” She chuckled and you felt the tips of your ears go pink.
“Damn i think even Steve might be more adapted than you at this point.” Nat said and bumped shoulders with you. She grabbed your hand and began leading you to the kitchen following Wanda.
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ricegobbler · 6 months
ok so this is part 2. Uhm. I should’ve done this sooner but I’ve been busy😢 good news is im opening requests soon! Ok anyways enjoyyy! (Prob gon make a pt.3)
Oh and btw I’m like having a tiny break rn so I made this out of boredom. So everytime I post smth is mostly bc of boredom😢
Yall might be like “why are you making posts even if your requests r closed?” Like i said, im bored and every post i post is made when i have a break. My breaks dont rlly last long so yeah. And doing requests with only like and hour break or smth isn’t enough time in my opinion, srry. (Hope that made sense..)
(Breakdown, Soundwave, Shockwave)
Warnings‼️: mentions of figthing(s)
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-One of our favorite strong boys☺️
-honestly, just like knockout, he would be interested in meeting you but since he’s in the medbay he’s gonna have to hear about you from rumors or Starscream.
-The first time he saw you was at a meeting, you didn’t interact at all, but he atleast saw you and thought you were beautiful.
-I honestly could see this man day dreaming abt u in the med bay like:
Knockout organizing his supplies in the Medbay, “Breakdown, why are you so silent all of a sudden?-“ turns around to see Breakdown day dreaming. “Oh primus..” Knockout mumbled..
Random silence in the Medbay.
“Y/n is so pretty..” Breakdown suddenly said, leaving Knockout just face planting himself.
-Then the day finally came, the day he finally had a chance to speak to you.
-you were coming into the Medbay, wounded from a fight against the Autobots. As you came in you met optics with Breakdown, then Knockout.
-After Knockout fixed you up, Breakdown quickly started a conversation with you.
“Hello,” Breakdown started, your optics widen a bit at the sudden voice but you turn around and see the blue mech look at you sweetly, “hello?…you’re Breakdown, right?..” you ask a little awkwardly.
-After the two of you introduced yourselves, the two of you were quickly close.
-Everyday you’d visit the Medbay when they’re slow and no injured vehicons or others, talking to Breakdown. Knockout would sometimes smirk at Breakdown as he’d talk to you, you didn’t find that out until after you became mates with Breakdown. (I think they’re called conjuxes?? I forgot, ima use mates for now-)
-Speaking of mates, the day finally came when Breakdown confessed to you. He confessed to you a little nervously, I could see him stuttering a bit and rubbing the back of his neck canes with a servo, or fidgeting with his fingers instead. You have got to accept his love bc what he said to you was so adorable 😢
-he’d definitely call you either “love” or just “my spark.” PDA?? Yes, he wants to let others know your his. How he kisses? Pretty passionate. He’d also become protective of you, and he’d BEG you to come to the Medbay since he’s mostly in there all day.
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-when you first arrived he didn’t care or say anything, he literally can’t say anything at all tho so🤷🏻‍♀️ bros a mute💀
-I feel like he’d show you around the Nemesis kinda like how Starscream would. Or, he would go over important things you needed to know by playing a recording of Megatron talking abt that kind of stuff.
-When the day you fought the Autobots for the first time since you joined them he was in awe. A fem like you having strength like that? Ofc he knows he’s stronger tho so.
-The next time you’d see him after your battle he would silently just stand infront of you.
Soundwave standing infront of you, looking down/up at you. “Uhm..Soundwave?..why have you blocked my way..” you ask, he then plays a recording going like, “Y/N-strong-very-strong-it-is-impressive.”
Your optics widened but you just smiled at him, “oh thank you, Soundwave..” he then placed a smiley face on his visor and walked away.
-Everytime there would be a meeting you’d see him plaster a smile on his visor and you’d smile back. He’s too silly.
-I feel like you’d fall first. Why? Idk. He’s too silly to resist. I mean, am I wrong tho???
-When he’d fall for you he’d either confess to you by using a recording, or show you smth he typed on his visor. (Like a poem ykyk)
-he wouldn’t call you any names. Bc. Yk. But he would let you watch some things on his visor when not busy. You found the show, “my little pony.” How? Just know that Megatron may or may not have watched it once and you saw.
-Since Soundwave doesn’t rlly have a mouth you just kiss him on the visor and he’d place a smiley face, holding you around the waist. PDA?? Ehhh…yes. Just maybe not infront of Megatron.
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-illogical my ass once eye mf.
-jk I love this mad scientist <33
-he did not gaf abt ur arrival. At. All. Like he’s busy tryna make some shit in his lab 😢
-but, the first time he ever saw you was when you explored the Nemesis alone and entered his lab.
“What is the purpose of your arrival..” Shockwave asked, “nothing. Just..lookin around..” you say back
-he wanted you OUT. Like go away bitch🙄
-but you didn’t, so you just stayed and started chatting with him as he did work. Sometimes when Shockwave either needed smth yours grab it for him.
-or, when he makes a mistake (which will probably never happen bc he’s a smart ass) you’d correct him. You’d then start talkin abt science things which perks his interest with you. He hates your humor tho.
“Would you like to hear something humorous?” You ask, “no. Jokes are illogical.” He responded, continuing his work.
-honestly it’d take a whileeeee for yall to click. He’d start falling for you eventually tho. His confession wasn’t anything sweet, it was just some straight up confession.
-one day in the lab you wanted to help Shockwave out, and once it got all quiet between yall he literally just blurted, “I’ve grown some feelings for you.” Smth like that.
-of course you felt the same. You had to. He has big boobs😍
-I feel like he’d call you “little one” or “my spark” how he kisses?? Blud don’t got a mouth. You’d kiss his helm tho softly, and PDA?? Only in his lab, he’s kinda serious, but he loves you dearly and would protect you. He’d also make you things himself like gifts! <33
Ok this one’s kinda bad tbh. I’m sorry☹️ I’ll do a pt.3 as soon as I can! Sorry for how late this is too btw!!
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askmovieslate · 3 months
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OK you might not like Michael Bay, it's a stupid disaster movie after all, and the science is so soft you could call it an alternative to margarine. Billy-Bob Thorton has gone on record to say how he only made it to pay for his divorce, and Michael Bay himself said this is the one project he is personally ashamed of.
And yet...I just can't help it. It pierces my tiny little heart like a thousand needles, and that's perhaps because the characters are so likeable and played with such sincerity.
It's a great movie. It's my favorite Michael Bay movie. It's perhaps my favorite disaster movie...Great, great, good, great, stupid space rock movie makes me cry like a baby every time, Luna-damnit *sad horse noises*
((OOC: We have a Patreon now!))
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boasamishipper · 3 months
Hello! You are my go to expert for Night Court and Dan/Harry, so I would like to ask, which episodes would you recommend watching for particularly shippy Dan/Harry moments or storylines? Thank you <3
i am beyond honored to have been bestowed such a title, thank you nonny! <333
there are so many excellent danharry moments and storylines across all nine seasons, but here are my (very painstakingly selected) top five danharry episodes in chronological order:
1. S3E9-10 The Wheels of Justice (Part 1 + 2)
every time i think about this episode i go fully insane charlie kelly standing in front of the pepe silvia conspiracy board style. admittedly the first episode doesn't give us a lot of danharry content beyond harry smiling super fondly at dan while dan screams at bull's tiny tv, but the SECOND episode. jesus CHRIST. dan talking harry out of his slump in that pool hall........'you were good, harry! very good. you were impartial. you were fair. passionate. compassionate. understanding. and i admired you.'............dan hugging harry after harry apologized and said he would come back to court........the way harry and dan looked at each other after harry's line about taking the good with the bad no matter how bad the bad gets...........dan's smile while harry tells mac that dan is the only reason he left the pool hall..........and then. of course. this.
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what is their DEAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. S4E1 The Next Voice You Hear...
'emily,' night court nation says. 'this is not a danharry-centric episode.' you are correct! 'then why is this on your list?' because after harry found out his mother was dead, mac's first instinct was to call dan, and dan dropped whatever he was doing to come and console harry. they're best friends!!!!!!!!! and i cry about it Every Day
3. S4E5-6 Dan's Operation (Part 1+2)
this is THE danharry episode. every other danharry episode go home (except please don't, you're all wonderful). seriously though if someone told me when i first started watching night court that harry would fall asleep on a comatose dan's chest after begging him to wake up (AFTER they had a huge argument earlier in the episode) and dan's first instinct upon waking up is to stroke harry's hair and also Not Move Or Say Anything Because Harry Is Sleeping and THEN they would have ANOTHER argument that ended in both of them saying 'i love you' to each other, i would have died on the spot. and then i watched these episodes and i DID die on the spot. larroquette won his third emmy award for his performance in these eps and it is extremely well deserved.
4. S5E14 I'm OK, You're Catatonic/Schizophrenic
a danharry episode that raises more questions than it answers. what do you mean dan just randomly took a nap on harry's conference table. what do you mean dan kidnapped mel torme for harry. what do you mean dan said re: his kidnapping of mel torme '[harry's] gonna kiss me on the lips for this'. what do you MEAN dan handcuffed mel torme to a chair using 'a trick harry taught him' with 'magic shackles' that HE KNOWS CHAFE and WHAT DO YOU MEAN HARRY DOESN'T EVEN HAVE MAGIC SHACKLES AT ALL. SO WHAT WAS DAN TALKING ABOUT. someday i will get a ouija board so i can talk to reinhold weege from beyond the grave and ask him hey man!!! what was up with this episode!!!!!!!!! and also harry destroying dan's car in retaliation for dan accidentally destroying his mel torme record collection (on top of harry strangling dan upon receiving the news and also screaming I'M GOING TO EAT THAT MAN'S EYEBROWS) is proof that these two match each other's freak like no one else and that's why they should be endgame, thank you and good night.
5. S5E22 + S6E1-2 Danny Got His Gun (Parts 1-3)
1980s sitcoms were operating on a whole other level because if even an iota of this plotline happened to one of my otps on any of my currently airing shows the entire fandom would burst into flames. dan is presumed dead!!! his plane goes down north of hudson bay!!! and harry is the first one to receive the news!!! and the first one to receive further telegrams from the army and also dan's belongings!!! in his will dan left harry his 'heartfelt gratitude'!!! harry had to plan dan's memorial service!!! he had to write dan's eulogy!!! he had to sit there and watch everyone in attendance including the funeral director (barring roz) not be able to say a single nice thing about his best friend!!! then said best friend CRASHES HIS OWN MEMORIAL SERVICE!!! dan is alive!!! he has a beard!!! he smells awful!!! which i will maintain to my last breath is the only thing that prevented harry from kissing the breath out of dan right there in the funeral home!!! they!!! looked!!! at!!! each!!! other!!! like!!! this!!!
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slavonicrhapsody · 1 year
Hello ! I’ve seen a post mentioning the demigods of the Mausoleum as well as the ones killed by Vyke, and while as the person say that this does have potential for oc writers, I can’t help but wonder who they might be related to. (Like seriously I can’t stop wondering the relation between 9 dead demigods and the demigods we know about as well as the Elden Lords and Marika). So I became so desperate that I finally dare to ask other people their thoughts about it (my family doesn’t even know a little bit of Elden Ring Lore or just forget about it).
Hello! OK this topic has actually stumped me for so long, so I finally got around to looking into the wandering mausoleums and wow is it weird and complicated. 
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Lets get the basic facts out of the way… Basically, the wandering mausoleums house the bodies of “the soulless demigods:” 
“The mausoleum prowls. Cradling the soulless demigod. O Marika, Queen Eternal. He is your unwanted child.” (Spirit NPC)
“The sun in eclipse is said to be the symbol of the Wandering Mausoleum where the soulless demigods slumber.” (Eclipse Crest Heater Shield)
The mausoleums’ bells are said to ring "in constant mourning for the soulless demigods.” (Mausoleum Surcoat)
The mausoleums (well, most of them... stay tuned) are defended by Mausoleum Knights, undead warriors who “willingly beheaded themselves so that they may serve their masters in death.” (Mausoleum Knight enemy description) The mausoleum knight Lhutel the Headless earned herself the honor of Erdtree burial for this sacrifice. These knights carry shields bearing the symbol of the Eclipse:
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“The eclipsed sun, drained of color, is the protective star of soulless demigods. It aids the mausoleum knights by keeping Destined Death at bay.” (Eclipse Crest Greatshield)
We also know that Castle Sol and Miquella are connected to all of this, because the inhabitants of Castle Sol seem to worship the eclipse… there are two spirit NPCs in the area who say these things:
“Ohh, great sun! Frigid sun of Sol! Surrender yourself to the eclipse! Grant life to the soulless bones!”
“Lord Miquella, forgive me. The sun has not been swallowed. Our prayers were lacking. Your comrade remains soulless... I will never set my eyes upon it now... Your divine Haligtree…”
There is some kind of operation to “give life” back to the soulless demigods of the walking mausoleums centered at Castle Sol. 
So who are these dead guys??? It does seem that they were killed on the Night of the Black Knives… Godwyn the Golden’s murder was said to be “the first recorded Death of a demigod in all history” (via Rogier), so we can assume that these guys were also killed by Destined Death, wielded by the Black Knife assassins. I think they are considered “soulless” because, since they were killed by Destined Death, they died in both body and soul… Ranni set up her ritual splitting the cursemark of death so that she would die only in body and keep her soul, and Godwyn would die only in soul and his body stayed alive, to everyone’s horror… so a killing with no special ritual would just kill both aspects of a person, and prevent them from experiencing the “proper” death of returning to the Erdtree: 
“A proper death means returning to the Erdtree. Have patience. Until the time comes...and the roots call to you.” (Spirit NPC)
So I guess the goal of the eclipse ritual is to retrieve these demigods’ lost souls, including Godwyn’s. 
As for the soulless demigods’ identities, a spirit NPC does explicitly state that a demigod within a mausoleum is Marika’s child. There is indeed plenty of room within the Golden Lineage family tree for there to be a bunch of currently unknown family members, because Godrick is said to be the last of the Golden Lineage and a distant relation of Queen Marika… so that’s potentially a ton of previous generations of demigods that are just not named! These demigods could easily have been killed in order to hurt Marika and the Golden Order in Ranni’s dire plot, with Godwyn being the most devastating loss and the target of her specific ritual. 
I should also mention that there are two unique wandering mausoleums in Liurnia, around the Uhl Palace Ruins, that do not have a bell, are not protected by mausoleum knights, and can only duplicate remembrances of NON-shardbearing bosses. @katyahina pointed this out in this fantastic post, and I wouldn’t have even thought about these mausoleums if I hadn’t read it!! I’m currently unsure if these two soulless demigods had unique identities; however, really interestingly, unlike every other demigod corpse, the corpses in these two bell-less mausoleums are charred black:
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(Normal mausoleum)
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(Bell-less mausoleum)
So I’m inclined to think that something weird happened TO these two demigods that didn’t happen to anyone else that caused them to behave as less powerful versions, rather than them having unique identities from the other demigods to begin with… but that's just my take. What could have happened to them??? And why are they confined to this one “Mausoleum Compound” area, that’s among the Uhl Palace Ruins, where there are also Ancestor followers??? Literally I thought about this so hard I gave myself a headache. Anyway give katyahina's post a read for some fun ideas about their identities. Whoever they are, I think whatever happened to them means that they’re beyond saving; even the eclipse ritual can’t help them.
Also I could not ever begin to guess what’s going on with the demigods supposedly killed by Vyke in order for him to have gotten great runes and it honestly makes absolutely no sense to me. sorry but if I try to think about this anymore I fear my head will explode
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jo-harrington · 11 months
Dearest, wonderfulst of them all. I'm coming in here with a monster tucked under my arm.
The Manticore. Please. It's one of my favourite beasts.
<3 <3 <3 for you.
Somna!!! Ok this one I was noodling for a while because I was like “ok. Ren faire ren faire ren faire.” And it was gonna be really special and a little grandiose (I was feeling a type of way with the end of summer.)
But the thing about Eddie and this OC (or Reader character if you’re not reading the series) is that they find heaven in the most simple places together. They find it in each other.
So I hope you enjoy this one. It's not big angsty, it's just a little soft silly thing. Big kisses for you my love.
Find Hymns of Heaven here.
And find the Master List for As Above, So Below here.
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August 1984
“So what are we looking for again?”
“Rick's birthday is coming up so anything Green Bay Packers—”
“—and maybe some flannels for Wayne. How about you?”
“Maybe some books. Some records for the both of us?"
"No Van Halen though."
"I swear to God," you muttered under your breath. "I mention them one time."
"Hot for Teacher is a bullshit song and you know it," Eddie grinned mischievously as he slammed the door of the van shut.
He knew just what it took to get under your skin sometimes; pick at the tiniest throwaway thing you'd say and turn it into a whole to-do. Keep pushing and pushing until you tried to tell him off because then he'd get to emphasize "but you love me" until your hard stare turned soft and you'd agree because...you did.
You did love him. Loved him for all the good things and the bad; loved him because he was an idiot.
He was your idiot. Proudly.
Today, though, was not about mischief.
You were both on a mission.
You'd driven all the way up to Fort Wayne for the Allen County Flea Market at the Fairgrounds. It was a once-a-month event where hundred of people brought their prized possessions, their antiques, and their trash to try and offload it for as much cash as possible. And he had plenty to spare, after he'd made his appearance at all of the end-of-summer parties that had been thrown by everyone of college-going-age in the tri-county area.
So why not have a little day out, treat the most important people in his life to something nice, if...a little worn. Worn was ok.
He was a little worn too. So were you. And Wayne and Rick. His friends. He'd never felt such a sense of belonging as he did with all of you. All sorts of pieces that seemingly didn't fit together or belong...that had been patched together to create something epic. Unstoppable.
His family.
After perusing a few booths together, you parted ways to hunt for your own treasures, and he greedily accepted the soft farewell kisses you pressed to his lips.
One, and then another for the road, and a third for good luck.
He prompted it, but it was typically your saying as you stole a few smooches before you left him for the night or for work, and hearing him say it made you beam brightly.
It made him glow from deep within.
Once you were out of sight, he clapped his hands and let destiny take him where it would.
Got a couple things for himself and Wayne, enough that he could convince his uncle that they didn't need to go back to school shopping for much of anything outside of the obvious pens, pencils, and notebooks from Kmart. No new shoes or shirts.
He could keep the that overtime pay from the plant tucked away for a rainy day, or maybe fix the heater on his car that he'd been hemming and hawing about since February.
He even found Wayne a sturdy denim jacket with a suede collar that, he was sure, would be perfect once the cool weather rolled in.
He got Rick's birthday gift and continued to peruse the booths along his path, finding a few useful items along the way: a coil of guitar strings still in the packaging, a set of cooking knives that might have been chipped and dull but still probably more useful to cut vegetables with than the set of steak knives that were tucked away in a kitchen drawer back home, and a plan black sweatshirt with some moth holes that could, realistically, be saved by some strategically placed band patches.
He had been contemplating whether he was willing to endure your wrath if he surprised you with a copy of Women and Children First from a pile of old vinyls--
A grander gesture would be to convince the guys to add Could This Be Magic to the setlist of Corroded Coffin 2.0's first outing at the Hideout. Jeff could test his mettle on acoustic and Eddie could dedicate the song to you.
--when he found the jackpot.
It was a dusty book with worn edges, title on the front cover printed in a heavy gothic script and embossed with gold foil.
A Modern Bestiary for the 20th Century by Professor Hellen Magnus and Doctor Pellinore Warthrop
Eddie's hand shot to it immediately, intrigued, and he spent a good few minutes flipping through the pages. He vibrated as he went page by page, eyes scanning over one creature or another.
Harpies and gargoyles and sea serpents.
He thought of all the Hellfire sessions that would benefit from this book. It really felt like an ancient tome with all of the scientific diagrams and breakdowns of each creature's skeleton, brief summaries of associated myths, and place of origin. References to other books that he made a mental note to ask about at the library.
And then, right in the center of the book, there was a fold out spread that featured a full color illustration of a Manticore.
His favorite.
He'd seen it in a book about heraldry once upon a time when he created a Munson Family Crest for the Middle Ages unit in 6th Grade History. And he'd been obsessed ever since.
The ultimate protector and most dangerous foe with the head of a human and the body of a lion, and a venomous scorpion tail. Symbolizing undefinable strength and power. So it was funny, how he had been thinking of the way his family was patched together earlier when this was waiting for him just hours ahead.
Fate was funny that way.
And funnier still...when he drew his eyes across the page once again and saw, scribbled in the corner in...colored pencil or crayon...he couldn't say for sure...was your name.
"No..." he squinted and pulled the page closer to his face. "Can't be."
It was a child's handwriting for sure, wobbly and unsure, but that was you.
For a second, Eddie didn't even...consider the implications of this being your book or how the book ending up here of all places. Stranger things had happened. Fate worked inn mysterious ways and all that.
He just felt...triumphant.
"Finally I'll get a leg up on you sweetheart," he said as he dug into his pockets for the cash to buy the book. "No more telling me about mysterious monsters and creatures. I'll know more than you soon enough."
You found Eddie sitting in the back of the van after you finished your shopping, the tote bag that you had the foresight to bring with you overflowing with books and records and even a rolled up poster that you were sure he'd like for his bedroom. His legs were crossed and he was flipping through the pages of a book that vaguely looked familiar to you.
"So, success?" you began to announce your presence. Eddie jumped a bit, startled and he shoved the book off to the side. You narrowed your eyes in suspicion. "What? Is that like...some like...weird book with sex positions in it or something? Studying to surprise me later or..."
"No! Well...studying yes, but not...I mean if you wanna..." he trailed off and raised his eyebrows suggestively. You slapped the back of your hand against his arm and laughed. "No, it's just this really interesting book I found. I'll tell you all about it on the drive back."
"Ok," you marveled at his enthusiasm. "I can't wait to hear all about it."
You dumped your bags in the back and slammed the doors shut as Eddie did his typical gentleman's act by racing around to open the passenger's door for you.
He bowed deeply and kissed the back of your hand, luxuriating in your giggles.
You wouldn't be laughing for long.
Once he was settled behind the wheel and he was sure of the directions back to Hawkins, he got the most devious look on his face. Positively devilish. His head dropped lazily to his shoulder and he dragged his eyes from the road to look at you.
"So, sweetheart, angel, cheese on my burger, love of my life," he buttered you up. "Tell me what you know...about The Manticore."
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one-flower-one-sword · 8 months
(this is illuminatedferret)
One little thing I am curious to hear your thoughts on, but that I don't really want to clutter our ongoing monster discussion with: considering his track record with orchestrating events across canon, if Jun Wu already knew about the Cave of Ten Thousand Gods, do you think Xie Lian and co. stumbling upon it was genuinely happenstance, or do you think he was conspiring for them to wind up there?
it did indeed become a monster discussion, didn't it XD I cherished it though
ok so hi, this is an excellent question, thank you for sending it!! I wondered this exact thing myself many times while pondering those chapters. caveat that I honestly don't know if I can give a satisfying answer because iirc it's never stated clearly by the text. We do get this:
Mu Qing tore at the silk as he yelled. "I knew you were the one who threw us into that pit!"
[...] With the match decided, Hua Cheng sheathed his scimitar. "I threw you in to save you from disaster. Otherwise, you would've never had a chance to find this Cave of Ten Thousand Gods," he jeered. "And it was your yelling that caused the avalanche. Why don't you thank me for saving your puny little lives?"
(Vol 6, page 64)
but it has to be kept in mind that Mu Qing and Feng Xin accidentally causing the avalanche that landed them in the cave is based only on the information they have at the time.
so, on the the one hand, I don't want to fall into the trap of attributing everything that happened to Jun Wu's manipulation, and he could have simply used the aftermath of that avalanche to his advantage. on the other, he is the master of the Kiln, and the Mount Tonglu area is a place he has immense power over. there's also the fact that 1. Xie Lian had a nightmare/vision of seeing Bai Wuxiang after the avalanche and that B., it separated Xie Lian from Hua Cheng, at least temporarily.
I mention the separation because it provided Xie Lian some time to explore the cave without Hua Cheng there to try and steer him away immediately. I'm trying to side-step our whole "did Jun Wu know Hua Cheng is Wuming" discussion so we don't get entangled in that again, but I think what we did agree on is that Jun Wu knows, to some extent, that Hua Cheng worships and desires Xie Lian, yes? and also that he's correctly deduced that Hua Cheng still hasn't dared to tell Xie Lian any of this because he fears his reaction. so from that angle, it would make sense that he'd conspire for them to wind up there, especially with Mu Qing and Feng Xin in tow, since they basically do Jun Wu's work for him in how they try to change Xie Lian's opinion on and view of Hua Cheng as a person and of Xie Lian's relationship with him by force, by painting Hua Cheng's love, devotion, and desire as something twisted, disgusting, and dangerous. And when that isn't enough to sway Xie Lian, Jun Wu uses their likeness, as we've discussed previously, to try and manipulate Hua Cheng into hurting Xie Lian himself, because surely then Xie Lian would finally reject Hua Cheng and tell him to stay away :
It seemed like they were purposefully trying to provoke Hua Cheng. But there was no reason for that; they knew they couldn't beat him, so what did they want? Moreover, their tone subtly pointed the spear in Xie Lian's direction. It was like they wanted to stir up confusion - as though they wanted Hua Cheng to do something to Xie Lian in a fit of anger.
(Vol 6, page 72)
Then when all of that doesn't work either - and, in fact, only brings hualian closer together by causing them to confess their feelings for each other - Jun Wu immediately tries to fracture their relationship from another angle :
"Don't worry, I simply sent him outside the Kiln. Even if he wants to rush back in here, it's too late now." [...] "But it's probably for the best that he doesn't come in," White No-Face continued. "Even if he wouldn't agree right now, who knows if he'll still want to be with you when he sees what you'll become."
(Vol 6, page 106)
Of course, Jun Wu's main objective in getting Xie Lian and himself alone inside the Kiln is that he wants Xie Lian to walk the exact same path as him, to become exactly like him. But I'm bringing all this up because I think it can't be overstated how much Xie Lian and Hua Cheng's relationship was an obstacle to those plans, and how far Jun Wu repeatedly went to try and "prove" to both Xie Lian and himself that no one can be trusted not to hurt and betray you, and that no one will stay with you no matter what. Because, in his mind, Xie Lian would then come to the same conclusion Jun Wu did - "understand" the same thing he did:
"He guessed what I was thinking and asked me slowly, 'Are you leaving too, then?' [...] And then His Highness murmured to himself, 'It's all right. I expected that. No one would stay now that I've become something like this. I can manage on my own. I understand now - I've always been alone! I don't need anyone!"
(Vol 7, page 215-216)
All this to say - I'm not sure. But with what we know about Jun Wu's power and the way he tries to make it look like he's not meddling while actually meddling all the time, plus the way he repeatedly manipulates events to try and keep Hua Cheng away from Xie Lian... it wouldn't surprise me if he wanted them to land in the cave, and used an avalanche as a cover to make that happen.
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pianocat939 · 2 years
Can i request a yandere rise!turtles blurb of Y/N being invited to the lair games, but what they don't know is that the turtles agreed that whoever wins can go on a date with Y/N. How would the turtles react to winning? would they be more competitive?
Tw: mention of possible injury, sabotage
First of all, the lair games is going to be straight up war. They’re all going to go for each other’s throats, to the point some might end up in med bay.
They’re going to be their upmost best, to the point many games will have ties with each other.
Out of the worst rivalries out of the four, I would say it’s Leo + Donnie and Raph + Mikey. Leo and Donnie make sense since it’s canon they literally are so fucking competitive with each other. For Mikey and Raph, the reason I say this is 1. canon details 2. Raph is Mikey’s least favorite brother, which can only mean his extra disliking.
You’re helping April + Splinter record the whole thing without knowing what the final prize is. And just when you think one of turtaleles are about to lose, they’re right back on their feet.
In the end, I would assume a 4 way tie between them. With the final game being something related to you. Perhaps a “who flusters them first” or “knowledge test” about, of course, you.
But whoever wins in the end, the other three are going to mope really bad or plan revenge.
Now let’s talk about how would they react if they won?
Raphie is going to pick you up and swing you around, so happy he gets to romantically hang out with you. But not without some “In your face!” to his bros. Mikey is not happy with this at all. “Woohoo! I get to show how much I love you!”
Leonel is SO fucking cocky. He’s going to literally sling an arm around your shoulder and give you a peck on your cheek (if he knows you’re ok with it) and give his signature shit-eating grin to his bros. Especially Donna. “Oh won’t you look at that~? Looks like I won, again.”
Diana is first going to have a little stim moment before aggressively screeching at his brothers for how incompetent they are. Definitely dances in a menacing way at Leo. “Aha! Othello Von Ryan does it again! Now if you’ll excuse us, we have a date to go to.”
Maple Syrup is a dramatic ass bitch who will kneel and hug your knees and expresses how thankful he is. The world has seen his effort to please his divinity and has rewarded him! “I love you so much. You’re so kind to me, the world doesn’t deserve you *more blabbering*”
Meanwhile the losing ones are devising plans in their head to either ruin the date or glorify themselves so that you’ll rather pick them.
I wanna write an actual piece on this ahhhhhh
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