#reblog to tell your moots
catchameme · 3 days
Reblog to let your mutuals know. . .
that they are appreciated. that they are important. that they are amazing. that they are creative. that they are loved.
No matter how long you take to reply, what mood you are in, how insecure you are feeling about your writing, or how active you are — your presence is still very much enjoyed. You never have to apologize or feel bad for taking a while with a reply, or not answering an ask right away. Life can get busy, energy can fluctuate, interest can shift, and emotions can change. You are human and these things do not make you a bad person/partner.
We write together because it is fun and enjoyable, not because it is expected of you to answer every little thing at the snap of fingers.
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the-kipsabian · 4 months
people sure do love consuming content but ignoring art huh
is it really that hard to click a kudos button (not the tumblr like button, seriously fuck that noise) if you reach the end of a fic, or writing two words ("loved/liked this") to encourage a writer?
also is it *really* that difficult to hit reblog on this site? be real with me for a second. is it?
yall are just bunch of consumers who are destroying any fun in making and sharing art cause yall are so conditioned to the quick-and-fast-blink-and-you-miss-it consumerism of modern social media content
you literally have no excuse. thats all
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topayitfoward · 3 months
This song with Daniel Jacobi but the specific lyric:
Yeah you took off, little conflict in your way, and I'm not good at winning fights anymore
In reference to:
Jacobi giving up when Kepler says goodbye for the last time, when Jacobi realizes that fighting for him is just as tiring as fighting against him
Also sparks like like like ka-boom baby sparks like blow up like like like like bomb big bomb jacobi makes bombs boommm
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jessiesjaded · 1 year
I'm from the old internet, I don't believe in soft blocking- let's do this like men and block each other wholesale
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kennys-parka-jacket · 9 months
Tbh I'm glad that sp artists dont do that "reblogs > likes" thing. I was a little worried when a few people put it on their posts a while back, but it died off pretty quickly.
#1) 'always reblog every single piece of fan art you interact with' wouldnt really work in this fandom since liking sp is considered-#-taboo on tumblr. Reblogging sp fan art requires admitting to your moots that you like sp. That's why a lot of popular sp fan art has-#-really high like to reblog ratios#2) from what i've seen most of the artists doing the 'reblogs > likes' people are fresh from twitter and mostly only care about the numbers#-tumblr is getting more traffic now than it did a few years ago; but it's still not where you want to go if reaching a lot of people-#-is all that you want#3) not too long ago i was in another fandom where begging for reblogs was common practice. Let me tell you how that turned out. -#-first it started as 'reblogs > likes' on every piece of fan art. Then it was posts going around saying that 1 to 10 reblogs to likes was-#-a pathetically sad ratio. Then it was 'always reblog because you are singlehandedly responsible for an artist's mental health'. -#-then it was putting 'please reblog; likes do NOTHING' on every fan art. Then it was begging for even more reblogs because-#-1 to 2 likes to reblogs ratio was pathetically sad. Then it was 'by not reblogging you are telling an artist to end it all' gaining-#-traction among rpf proshippers.#Look. I get it. I'm not as public about it anymore; but i'm a fan artist and fic author too. I sympathize with working hard on something-#-and wanting a lot of people to see it. But if people quiely appreciating your work is affecting you that much then maybe you need to-#-work on yourself instead of trying to control what a bunch of strangers on the internet do.#Also you need to learn how to enjoy creating without caring about the numbers. Because if you're creating just to watch-#-the numbers go up then you will never be happy. It's a miserable; joyless way to be an artist of any kind
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kronehaze · 2 years
Friendo Moot, but also, Sleep
hahaha no
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cultofthepigeon · 2 years
youre gonna lose your shit when you learn about these really cool things called fafsa and not everywhere being the united states
You're gonna loose your shit when you find out FAFSA isnt a perpetual free money button that I can hit as many times as I want.
You're gonna loose your ahit when you find out I've actually used FAFSA before.
You're gonna loose your shit when you learn how student debt prevents me from renting an apartment because of ym credit score.
You're gonna loose your shit when you find out having student debt makes it difficult to apply to FAFSA.
And man you're absolutely blow out your fancy boy pantaloons with excrement when you realize that, as an American, I am want to speak about the experiences/struggles/dream crushing financial problems, that I as an American face. I may even, god forbid, vent about in a personal post
But we know none of that is what this is about. You didnt come here to enlighten me
@curlicuecal dug up a 7 month old post I made and then showed it to all their followers with a vague "hey guys dont attack this person >:(" stampped on as a cheeky nudge nudge wink wink.
Then they used it to have a point and laugh session to feel superior over someone theyve never met or talked to and who they know nothing about. Curlicuecal didnt even bother to message me and just ask about the post and discuss it. They just ran to to their followers to talk about how much better than me they are. Just 7k people having a laugh about what a garbage human I am.
Or, the human you all think I am based off one post and a lot of talking shit together.
Even you, anon, took time out of your day to come condesend to me. You decided to come over here and talk down to me, knowing full well it would do nothing to help my situations or ease my frustrations because that wasnt the point of any of this. You all just wanted to feel superior.
So next time you decide you need a boost, just skip the bullshit and call me a retard like we all know you want to.
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yoonstudios · 2 years
dear army twitter refugees,
greetings! i see you've come across my bts blog, and you're probably still wondering how in the name of god this site still works. do all you need, just please don't interact with me.
don't take it personal, i just only want certain type of blogs and people on my dash. all i ask are a few simple things: don't constantly come into my inbox screaming about voting and streaming. please. i already do both of those all the time when the time arises and i would love to not be bothered by you people who talk about it on a constant basis. i know how important it is (i really do!), i just love peace and quiet while i'm doing so.
and about fanwars and fandom drama. a big fat NO. fanwars are literally nonexistent here, and there are many k-pop multis here as well. i'm friends with quite a few of them. we all get along, and all multis here are nontoxic. it's quiet and peaceful and we all live in our little k-pop bubbles. so yeah. do NOT bring fanwars and fandom drama here or i will shove inkigayo so far up your ass, you'll be tasting kpoppies for weeks. i will not tolerate any drama here, it's unnecessary and drains everyone's brain cells right out of their ears.
and PLEASE don't repost my gifs, even if it has the credit. just search whatever bts gif you need in the little gif search bar, and you can put my gif into your post like that. i want you to do this because some of the watermarks on my old gifs are my old urls that i don't use anymore. even if the gif has my current url as the watermark, i would still love if you posted it though the gif embed technique (?)
also this site is filled to the brim with glitches that the staff probably won't fix anytime soon. you'll get used to it. and btw, this site barely has an algorithm. so if you say some dumb shit and want to blame tumblr for shadow banning you, you can't. truth is no likes it and it's therefore not gonna be seen by anyone. survival of the fittest around here.
conclusion is: if i see you, i will probably block you (unless you're a bts content translator). sorry not sorry.
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st4rrth0ughts · 2 months
‼️‼️‼️IMPORTANT ‼️‼️‼️
There is an account called ohmyjung on Wattpad that has been taking fanfictions of many tumblr writers and posting it onto their so called ‘books’.
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This entire page is bullshit. 1. It doesn’t matter if your tumblr likes are disorganized, hell, mine are too, but hey, ever heard of fucking reblogs?? With fucking tags?? That way you can read your smut and emotional fics separately???
Also, it doesn’t matter whether you credit the original poster. It doesn’t matter if you have the og post linked, the creator linked, because you DIDNT FUCKING ASK FOR PERMISSION‼️‼️
Take @sh1-n0bu ‘s multiples works you have stolen and placed onto Wattpad.
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In addition, just because you say that you’ll take the post down if the creator asks you to, it’s not like they are even able to find it?? This only came to light not too long ago, and it was only because @dvlboy found out and told @sh1-n0bu .
This takes away people who like the posts you have stolen because they are now able to find a conventional source to read their fav works. Without supporting the original poster. This is literally stealing.
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Also, 10 books? 10 full ‘books’ full of stolen pieces you have never, EVER asked for permission for? If you didn’t ask my moot’s permission to cross post her work, you sure as fucking hell didn’t ask the rest.
You have no excuse. Reblogs exist, tags exist. SIDEBLOGS EXIST.
This person has not received ANY form of backlash. Not a single bit. I have already called them out in one of their chapters under the account FandomWorld2, but that is not enough.
They must be called out on this. They have been posting MULTIPLE fics in a single day for over a year.
Here is the list of creators they have stolen from. And keep in mind this is only the sub! Genshin book. And most is not all of these creators (even if they don’t exist anymore, tagged wrongly, have moved, if so, please let me know) have had at least more than one of their works stolen. In addition, it does not matter if some of these people have deleted or already deactivated their accounts. You still stole many writers’ works for nearly a year and you deserve to be called out on it.
@secretivemessenger @dvlboy @saelipse @uplatterme @sugarcause @piphours @qaevze @sh1-n0bu (I’m so sorry for tagging you three times 😭) @topheecoffe @smashsubs @woncherie @dilucsrevenge @devilris @rene-darling @dains1ief @dottcre @winterjoy500 @nxiispire @fatui-gf @noomiisz @latimeria-fell-from-heaven @mackjlee9 @cyberbark @fanfic-gallery @thedevilsdom @t4rt4gl14 @xkseii @iansrambles @grincubus @cybersp4c3 @sour-chaii @bunny-eats-fox @sinfulcries @akkkkollle @acid-ixx @genacity @1-800-clawro @chifuyusangel @fairydollsteps @lovingelegance @etsuven @k0rek1yos @euph0ric-bliss @seaoflostdreams @darlingpwease @oceisastar @jhuzen @hhonghu @mothmanperson @latimeria-fell-from-heaven @simeralli @yaekiss @yanyanfeii @limitedtempo @nickae
Again, ONE BOOK! Only one book, and this how many creators you have stolen from. I’m going to bet all my life savings, none of these creators have ever received a dm from you asking if it was okay to use their fics.
Once again, thank you @dvlboy for bringing this entire matter to light. The fact that some people have the fucking audacity to do this is beyond appalling, considering a lot of writers put their passion into this.
Also I don’t care if I clog up the tags. This deserves all the recognition, both good and bad.
Personally, I’m grateful I don’t have to see my works get stolen or crossposted. But if I do, I’ll be sure to tell you to your fucking face because I don’t like my works being posted anywhere or by anyone other than me.
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aces-and-angels · 3 months
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verification source | verification source follow hamza: @hamzaahmed21
dear hamza + family,
thank you for sending me this message:
hamzaahmed21 asked: Donate or Share 💙 https://www.tumblr.com /hamzaahmed21/754246009111117824 /hello-my-name-is-hamza-al-absi-a-32 -year-old?source=share Verified by nabulsi @/nabulsi and @/90-ghost
i appreciate you taking the time to reach out to me! may this post help out you and your loved ones so you that can all get to safety 🖤
everyone, for those who haven't gotten a chance to meet him yet- this is hamza! i will allow him to introduce himself with his own words:
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"Hello, my name is Hamza Al-Absi, a 32-year-old from Gaza. I am a husband and a father of three children. Well, there were three, but I lost my eldest son, Osama, two years ago to leukemia (blood cancer). He deserved treatment for a year and a half, took his chemotherapy, fought the disease, and had a recovery period, but the disease returned, he had a strong relapse, and passed away. I couldn’t treat him again due to the blockade imposed on the Gaza Strip, which even affected patients with urgent, serious conditions. They refused to treat him, and he died in the hands of his mother and beside his younger brother, Saif. My son could have been treated, but when his turn came to get the treatment, it was too late. I cannot express the pain of losing an eldest son, and my wife still cries for him every day. It’s a continuous pain that never leaves us."
hamza has put a lot of care/effort to share his message with us- please show him your support by reblogging his full story here. i strongly encourage my moots/lurkers alike to check his gfm page as he has written an update for us on june 25th -> his family's situation has gotten more dire after being displaced for the 6th time. please allow him to tell you his story himself by visiting his donation page
for those able- please consider donating. hamza's family is still very low in funds (€1,683/€21,000; ~8%) and he has already had to use some of those donations to cover the cost of living- which has gotten to be very expensive/unaffordable
to help boost visibility- here is a poll. do not vote until AFTER you share this + follow hamza!
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suengmi · 1 year
- the ways stray kids show their love and affection
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genre: fluff/romance, nonidol!au, gn!reader warnings: mentions of making out, nakedness? idk lol
anyways this is just major soft hours, one of my moots said i should do this i can't remember who it was pls lmk if it was you asljdls also unedited
♡ masterlist / pls reblog if you liked! it helps a lot ♡
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⋆。˚☽˚。⋆ bang chan
sweet kisses all over your face to wake you up, pressing his nose into the crook of your neck and gently nibbling you. “i’m bored wake up babe.” grunts when you ignore him. ends up pulling the sheets back so your naked body is exposed to the cold. “that’s what you get.” gets salty but then feels bad, covering you up again, then he really wakes you up. back hugs when you’re cooking for him. whining whenever you don’t pay attention to him, tugging at the edge of your shirt. sulks when you say you’re busy. doesn’t give a fuck about how clingy he is, but he knows you love it. holds your hand a little too hard when you’re walking together. kiss attacks always!!
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⋆。˚☽˚。⋆ lee know
stops you from crossing the street until he’s checked it. “stupid, look next time.” beats you twice in a board game but sees that you're sad that you’re not that good at it, but fails the third time just to see you smile and gloat about beating him. he loves seeing you happy, even if he has to purposely fail. leaves you notes everywhere, maybe just ‘i love yous’ mixed in with ‘i know you’ll forget this so don’t.’ text messages asking if you’ve eaten, and then getting mad and sending food to your door if you haven’t. swiftly kisses to the forehead aggressively saying you ‘deserve it’ but sounds like a threat. ‘you know i love you yeah?’ more aggressive kisses. ‘i won’t stop until you say you love me!!’
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⋆。˚☽˚。⋆ changbin
little wrestling matches on the couch, telling you that you’re silly for even trying. pulls you by the back of your hair if you’re not paying attention to him. “i left you the last piece of food.” always, always saves you the last piece no matter what it is. picks you up and throws you around, pretending he’s going to eat you bc apparently he’s a monster. but says you taste good so he doesn’t mind eating you. more wrestles. whenever you’re sad, he always cheers you up and never fails to make you laugh. does his trot impression of some old korean songs, full performance with your glitter jacket on that doesn’t fit him. ‘you still love me now? you better.’ knows you love being engulfed by him, so 90% of the time he is the big spoon. when he's feeling really romantic, he'll do a little picnic at the beach. always making sure it was at sunset because he knew it was your favourite time of the day.
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⋆。˚☽˚。⋆ jisung
midnight trips to get take out, sitting in the car until 2am with both of your feet on the dashboard. ‘remember that time!’ always reminiscing about how you first met, nearly choking on your fries when you recall. kisses in the car, kisses in the house, kisses in the shower, kisses in the dark. ‘babe but i want it.’ chucks a tanty when you don’t buy him things. pouts and folds his arms. ‘if you loved me you would!’ holds the cuff of your jumper, mostly walking behind you whenever you go somewhere because he feels safe. morning calls, but especially night calls. he doesn’t care how you look at the end of the day, he just wants to see you and tell you he loves you. hiding himself in your jumper and saying there is enough room for two (when there isn't.)
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⋆。˚☽˚。⋆ hyunjin
taking you to art galleries, standing behind you with his head resting on yours. ends up putting his hands into your pockets from behind, cutely leading you around from the back. with hyunjin it’s not always words, sometimes it’s just his actions. he pushes your hair out of your face or tucks it behind your hair. mostly, he does your hair for you. always making sure your hair was out of your face because it annoyed you. brings you tea and sits with you if you’re studying or drawing or even watching tv, rubs your thigh gently to let you know that he doesn’t want to distract you, just shows you he wants to be with you. rubs your belly if you feel bloated and talks to it. 'you better stop being bloated or... i'll do something. idk what.' art dates!! always drawing together, even if you're shit he encourages you to keep going
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⋆。˚☽˚。⋆ seungmin
gently slips his fingers into yours without saying anything but smiling to himself when he sees you blush, he kind of loves that he makes you nervous. always taking the chance to make your cheeks tint pink. showers with seungmin, always washing your body and shampooing your hair for you, wet kisses in between. sometimes he’d gently press his nose on your naked skin, enjoying your scent but never admitting it. ‘it’s comforting’ he’d say in defence, ignoring you for the rest of the night. guiding you with his hand on your lower back, making sure you were safe no matter where you were. kisses to the forehead, the back of the hand, the back of your knees. seungmin doesn’t say it much, but he does love you. he shows it through everything else, knowing those words have such a weight to them.
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⋆。˚☽˚。⋆ felix
‘are you gonna cook!?’ jumping up and down when you say yes, annoying you the whole time you’re cooking or baking. ‘is it done? i can’t wait to eat it!!’ eats half of the food before it’s even cooked because he says it’s ‘too good.’ little play fights that would begin from felix nibbling at your fingers and then at your thighs. ‘little gremlin’ you’d end up joking, rolling around on the floor, bodies all over each other, which would end in a heated make out session and clothes far gone. he’d send you random texts, of random things. ‘hey i saw this flower, it's cute, yeah?’ ‘this potato looks like you. it’s too cute to eat T-T’ ‘you think i could eat 11 hot dogs in two minutes? hmm maybe.’ 
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⋆。˚☽˚。⋆ jeongin
blowing raspberries on your tummy and holding you down. sometimes uses your foot as a telephone. ‘yes hello stinky foot line how can i stink you today?’ proceeds to try and hold your foot with his. 'shut up i can do it!!' probably be super sarcastic, mocking you when you tried to be cute with whatever you were saying. karaoke together, always singing out of pitch but though he’s laughing, encourages you to be more confident because he loves seeing you enjoy yourself. watches you sometimes, just admiring you but instantly whips his head around to pretend he wasn’t, head banging into something hanging from the wall. ‘mind your business’ he’d joke, walking away suspiciously.
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♡ taglist: @blankdyean @l3visbby @daddyjoonchua @ipegchangbin @abcdefgiwsmcty ♡
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ponderingmoonlight · 7 months
Satoru Gojo trying to make a bun with his daughter's kinky hair
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Pairing: husband!Gojo x black!reader
Word Count: 1,1k
Synopsis: It always looked so easy to him, the way you put your thick hair into the most breathtaking hairstyles. But when his daughter asked him to do a sleek bun on her, he was confronted with the stinging fact how difficult styling kinky hair can be. But that doesn't stop the dad of the year from learning...
Warnings: This is the first time ever I'm writing a black reader and I'm beyond excited 😭 I'm hoping with all my heart that you guys like what I came up with! I'm not a poc myself so if this offends you, don't read this work. Also, I'm writing from the point of view of my own research and the tellings of my beloved moot @almostshinymiracle. As usual, there's many ways to do your hair and this specific one might not be yours 🤍
Comments, likes and reblogs are so appreciated, I'd be more than thankful for you guys telling me what you think - THANK YOU 🤍
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Your eyes widen when the loud shriek of your daughter echoes through your house. What’s wrong? Did she hurt herself while playing? As fast as your feet carry you, you run down the hallway and open the door to her room.
But no, your daughter didn’t fall, she didn’t hurt herself. She sits in front of her dad who holds a brush in his hand.
“Hey honey, is everything alright over here?”, you question softly while kneeling down next to both of them.
“I’m so sorry. She said she wants a bun like the one you wear so often and I thought it can’t be that hard. But the brush doesn’t even get through her hair…”, your husband explains, bright blue eyes fixated on his daughter’s hair.
“It’s not that simple with kinky hair, babe. Look, the bristles of your brush are way too tight to get through her hair. That’s why I’m having a special one.”
Oh, how absolutely adorable he looks with his face visibly in guilt, still holding onto the brush that seems to be his while visibly pondering about your soft explanation. Making your daughter’s hair as a dad without experience has to be difficult already, but a girl with black roots and a hair structure completely unknown to him? You chuckle to yourself, remember the countless times he observed you doing your hair already.
“This seems so damn exhausting, babe. Can’t you just…brush it?”
“If I just brush it, I’ll look like a mop. That’s the price I have to pay for having kinky hair I guess.”
“But you look like a princess. My princess”, he purred into your ear while his long fingers tried to brush through your thick hair.
“She just asked me and as her dad…I just wanted to help, y’know”, he mumbles with a pout.
“And I’m so proud of you for trying, Satoru. It’s just an art itself and if you didn’t grow up with it, it’s quite difficult. Sometimes not even hairstylists are able to tame my and her hair from time to time. No worries, I’ll do her hair and I’ll show you how it’s done when there’s enough time, okay?”
You can’t help but give him a kiss on his cheek, letting yourself fall into his arms.
“Mommy, can you do my hair?”, your daughter interrupts your way too short cuddle session.
“Of course, angel. We’ll be ready in 10 minutes, Satoru. Don’t worry about it-“
“My name is baby”, he corrects you before leaving the room, his shoulders almost hanging to the floor.
This doesn’t sit right with you. It shouldn’t hurt him like this that he wasn’t able to do his daughter’s hair when it’s absolute not comparable to his very own. Mindlessly, you run your fingers through her thick mane that is so similar to yours, so familiar that you’d be able to make a sleek bun with eyes closed. You’ll definitely show him how to take care of his daughter’s hair when there’s more time than today.
“Is daddy sad?”, your daughter asks innocently while you apply gel.
“He was so excited to do your hair, honey. But with kinky hair like ours, this can be really difficult, you know?”
“It hurt…”, she admits shyly.
“Did it hurt as much as doing braids?”
Your little daughter chuckles while you tickle her playfully on her neck.
-the next day-
The heartfelt laughter of your daughter makes your eyes flutter open. What time is it? Given the fact that the sun already rose, it has to be late in the morning. Your naked feet meet the cold wooden floor, carry you to her room on their own. Satoru’s side of the bed was already cold when you woke up. Did he have to leave for a mission? Or is he the reason why his precious little daughter laughs?
“Okay, let me remove the scarf from your cute little head. Is this how mommy does your hair?”
You stop in your tracks, already grinning from ear to ear like an idiot. A scarf wrapped around her daughter’s head? You know exactly what that means.
“That tickles!”, your daughter shrieks.
“Shhh, don’t you wake up Mommy before I’m done here, okay? I want this to be a surprise.”, Satoru whispers exaggeratedly mute.
It takes all your strength to not break out in laughter, to stay hidden behind the slightly open door.  
“Okay, now let me wrap this around it…and…Fast, I need a bobby pin, honey!”
Your heart almost overflows with warmth. When did he learn how to do his daughter’s hair, what steps it takes to create a sleek bun with kinky hair? It’s hard to keep you from entering the room, to keep your composure. The urge to see what he’s doing becomes almost unbearable-
“Did you hear that daddy?”
“Yeah, that sounded almost as if someone behind that door stalks us!”
With a swift motion, your husband exposes you to his bright blue orbs. Your heart skips a beat. Is he mad, disappointed? The look on his face is rather amused, calms down your tingling nerves.
Until you look at your daughter.
Your precious little daughter with a perfect sleek bun.
“Oh my”, you breathe out.
Instantly, you kneel down in front of her, eyeing her from every angle. He really managed to put all her unruly hair in one of your afro puff hair ties, the whole package covering the floor along with multiple tubes of different gels and countless diverse brushes. It looks like an absolute mess around her room, different brands and tools clustered around. But you only have eyes for your daughter and beloved husband.
“This looks absolutely stunning!”
“Do you…really think so?”, Satoru mutters while scratching the back of his head.
Is the strongest jujutsu sorcerers of your time really…blushing? Immediately you grab his hand covered in dried gel and press a passionate kiss against his cheek.
“She looks like a model, I couldn’t have done it better! How did you do this? Only yesterday, you didn’t know what to do!”
“I did some research…”
“The whole night?”
“The whole night.”
“This looks fantastic!”, your daughter cries out when seeing herself in the mirror, twisting and turning herself in order to soak in her gorgeous bun.
“You always make it look so easy. Sometimes I forget how much skill this requires”, he mumbles against your ear, dragging your body onto his lap.
“I hope you’ll remind this when you ruin my hair next time”, you playfully reply.
“Want me to ruin your hair right now?”
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themanirealityshifter · 5 months
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bored, so mutuals tell me which one please 🫴👹
(found this randomly btw, it’s not mine, credits to original creator)
(reblog too so you can see what your moots think about you too)
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runnning-outof-time · 9 months
I’ll Be Home For Christmas | Tommy Shelby x Reader
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Request: no - written for @pacifymebby ‘s 2k Follower/Christmas Celebration
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x Reader
Summary: Tommy promises (Y/N) that he’ll be home for his family’s first Christmas in Arrow House. (Y/N)’s hoping it won’t only happen in her dreams.
Warnings: none - just some Christmas fluff
Word Count: 2223
A/N: Congrats on 2K, Layla! I went with the song ‘I’ll Be Home For Christmas’ … I listened to Brett Eldredge’s version of it and came up with this idea. I hope you like it. And it’s fitting that this is being posted on Christmas Eve, right? Sorry for cutting it close. Happy Holidays to all! Enjoy! :)
Comment/Message me if you’d like to be tagged in future stories similar to this one
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(Y/N) sat back on the chaise lounge with a sigh. She bit on her bottom lip as she held the reciever up to her ear.
“Are you still there?” came from the other line.
“I am,” was what she was able to get out before she choked on her words, fingertips pressed against her lips as she tried her damnedest to hold back tears.
“Tell me what’s wrong, love.” Even miles away and through a phone call, Tommy was still able to read his wife like an open book.
There was a moment of silence before she responded. In that time, (Y/N) was trying to decide whether she wanted to make her plights known or not. On one hand, he was her husband; the person who she was supposed to disclose these sorts of problems to. On the other, she didn’t want to add another problem onto his probably already full plate.
“(Y/N)?” Tommy’s voice cut through her internal debate, bringing her back to the conversation.
“When will you be home, Tommy?” she decided to come right out and ask.
“I’ll be home for Christmas,” he assured her within seconds of her making her worry known.
“But…but Christmas is tomorrow,” she stammered out, wracking her mind to try and figure out if his homecoming was even possible, “where even are you right now?”
“I’m in London, and I know it’s tomorrow. I’ll be home,” he assured her once more.
“It’s our first Christmas in this new house,” she said as she looked around the reading room that she’d decorated to her particular taste. The manor was beautiful, but it felt so empty when Tommy was away. “The kids had the best time decorating the tree,” she added, a smile gracing her face as she thought back to the time she spent with her three children earlier in the week. A time that Tommy had missed out on.
“That’s good to hear,” Tommy smiled as he closed his eyes and pictured his three young children gathered around the large tree in the living room. He never had a chance to make a memory like it when he was younger. The fact that he wasn’t present for his children at this time felt like a stab to the heart.
(Y/N)’s smile faltered as the thing that had been eating her alive from the moment her husband’s car pulled out of the driveway returned to the forefront of her mind. “I can’t have you gone much longer, Tommy,” she finally spoke, deciding to come out with her thoughts rather than keep them in.
“I won’t be, darling,” he assured her.
“When will these business trips end?” she asked.
“I don’t know,” he sighed as he ran a hand over his face.
“Yes you do. You’re the head of the company,” she insisted, a tinge of desperation seeping into her words.
“They’re part of the job.”
“They’re taking away time from our family.”
Silence rang on the line after (Y/N)’s declaration. She was no longer able to hold back the tears, letting them silently slip down her cheeks as she tried to keep the front that everything was fine on her end of the conversation.
“I’ll be home for Christmas, (Y/N),” Tommy was the one to break the silence after a few moments had passed.
(Y/N) swiped away her tears and nodded even though he wasn’t able to see her. “Ok, Tommy,” she agreed, even though she knew that it would most likely be a moot promise.
“I have to go,” he told her then.
“Ok,” she nodded once more, “I love you.”
“I love you. Give the kids a kiss for me.”
“I will.”
The line went dead after she told him she would. (Y/N) hung the phone up and let out a shuddered sigh. She looked at the garland lined mantle for a minute before closing her eyes and silently hoping that Tommy’s promise would come true this time around.
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The sentence “mumma, wake up!” graced (Y/N)’s ears at the beautiful hour of seven o’clock the next morning. The feeling of three, small bodies bouncing on the bed soon accompanied it, making the woman finally open her eyes.
She was reluctant to at first because she knew that doing so would bring her beautiful dream of sitting by Tommy while watching the kids play with their presents to an end. The sight of the empty spot next to her in bed still hit her like a ton of bricks even though she was prepared for it. She couldn’t dwell on it though, because the kids’ excitement increased tenfold the second they saw her eyes open.
“Let’s go downstairs!” Charlotte, the oldest of the three, declared as she hurried to get off of the bed and make her way to the door. Max and Henry - twins who were two years younger than Charlotte, quickly followed their sister, their excitement practically palpable.
(Y/N) couldn’t help but smile as she tossed the covers to the side and moved over to where her robe was hung on the dressing screen. She took the same path as her children once the cozy garment was tied tightly against her frame.
The children were already rooting around the gifts that were placed under the tree, trying to find the ones that had their names on it. (Y/N) smiled as she made her way over to the couch and sat down on it. A tinge of sadness crept up on her before she could stop it. Tommy should be here, she thought to herself as the children went about unwrapping their presents.
Tommy’s words from the previous evening then echoed in her mind: “I’ll be home for Christmas”. She wanted to badly to believe that and think nothing else. But that sadness still loomed.
The children were excited to have their mum unwrap the presents that they made for her once they were finished opening theirs, and (Y/N) was able to push the sadness away as she beamed at the thoughtful, homemade gifts they’d given her.
The gloomy feelings came back when the kids went back to playing with their toys and she was left alone on the couch once more. An even larger wave washed over her when she noticed the unopened presents that still sat under the tree. One of the tags was facing upwards, and the name ‘DAD’ was written on it in Charlotte’s unmistakeable hand.
“I’ll be home for Christmas,” Tommy’s words rang in her mind again. She sighed and hugged her robe tighter to her body before looking over to the clock. Only in my dreams, she thought as she tried to focus back on the kids.
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(Y/N) and the children ate a wonderful breakfast before the three young ones quickly dragged her back into the front room so that they could continue playing. She’d just gotten comfortable under the blanket when the sound of tires on gravel was heard outside. It made her eyebrows furrow. The family wasn’t supposed to come over until later, she thought to herself as she glanced over at the clock sitting on the mantle. It was still early in the morning.
Then the worry started to set in. (Y/N) was no stranger to the type of business that Tommy was involved in. She was by his side while he created a name for himself, and she stayed with him every step of the way. He continuously assured her that no one would ever come to their home and attack their family, but (Y/N) still couldn’t get the possibility of it to leave her mind.
She was so engulfed in her thoughts that she didn’t hear Frances say “welcome home, Mr. Shelby. They’re in the front room,” as her husband entered the foyer. It didn’t even set in as Tommy appeared in the archway, and the three children went running over to greet their father.
Things didn’t become clear until Charlotte turned to face her and exclaimed: “mumma! Dad’s home!”
Then everything came into view. Charlotte with a wide smile on her face. Max and Henry in their father’s arms. And Tommy. Tommy was looking right at her with one of the widest smiles she’s seen from him in a long time.
“Let’s go over and see your mum, eh?” Tommy said to his sons before he made his way over to the couch. Max and Henry wriggled out of his arms once he stopped in front of (Y/N), clambering up into her lap to give her a hug and a kiss before they went back to their new toys.
Tommy’s eyes quickly found (Y/N)’s once it was just the two of them. “You made it home,” she said, her smile practically stretching from ear to ear.
“I told you I’d be home from Christmas, love,” he answered, winking as he sent her a grin.
“C’mere, Tommy,” she held her hands out to him, and he got the idea, sitting down next to her on the couch. (Y/N) didn’t waste a second, throwing her arms around his frame and practically climbing into his lap as she hugged him tightly. “I’m so happy you’re home,” she whispered into his neck as she nestled her face deeper into it.
“Wouldn’t miss Christmas with you for the world,” he told her, his hands finding her shoulders then. She took it as a hint and lifted her head to look at him. “I love you,” (Y/N),” he said as he reached up and ran his hand down her cheek. She leaned into his touch, her smile widening before she closed the gap between them to press her lips to his.
The kiss was filled with so much love, and (Y/N) would have happily held it longer if her lungs weren’t screaming for air. She was the one to pull away, but she didn’t move far, opting to rest her forehead against his. “I love you, Tommy. Merry Christmas,” she breathed, her eyes still closed as she reveled in his presence.
“Merry Christmas,” he responded in a similar tone, his arms moving to wrap around her frame.
“Dad! We have presents for you!” Charlotte’s excited voice broke into their reverie moments later.
(Y/N) moved slightly so that she was now sitting next to him, and Tommy managed to tuck one of his arms behind her back - in efforts to keep her as close as possible - before their children came over to him with presents in hand.
“Open mine first!” Max exclaimed, thrusting the small box into his father’s lap.
Tommy smiled at the boy before he went about opening the present. (Y/N) watched on with a smile, knowing exactly what her husband was getting and how excited their son was to give it to him. Max let out like giggles of excitement as Tommy took the silver tie clasp that had a horse’s head on it out of its holder.
“Do you like it?” the boy asked with anticipation.
“I love it,” Tommy smiled before adding, “I’ll wear it the first chance I get.”
Henry gave him the next gift, which was a fancy pen that the boy had picked out himself. He said that Tommy could use it to write all of ‘his important letters’. Tommy made a promise to use it as his only pen from then on.
Then it was Charlotte’s turn. “Be careful when unwrapping it, dad. It’s fragile,” she gave a warning, one which Tommy chuckled at but also heeded to. “Do you like it?” she asked, like her younger brother had, when it was completely unwrapped.
Tommy didn’t say anything at first. Instead he stared at the present. (Y/N) peered over his shoulder to see what it was. Charlotte had been keeping it a secret from everybody. What Tommy was holding made (Y/N)’s heart swell. It was a hand drawn picture of her family - Tommy and (Y/N) stood on either side, then Max and Henry were standing next to them. In the middle was Charlotte, holding both of her brothers’ hands while she was wearing her favorite, purple colored dress. (Y/N) also didn’t miss the fact that Tommy, Max and Henry were all wearing a peaked cap.
“Do you like it?” Charlotte asked again, getting slightly impatient as her father was taking too long.
“I love it, sweetheart,” Tommy answered, finally looking up to smile at his daughter, “it’s perfect, Charlie,” he added, sounding choked up.
“It’s our family!” Charlotte exclaimed, a beaming smile now present on her face.
“It is,” Tommy nodded, “and it’s going in a frame so that it can sit on me desk.”
“So you can look at it always?” she asked.
“So I can look at it always,” he answered with a nod. Charlotte then rushed to get onto the couch so that she could hug her father.
(Y/N) quickly took the picture out of Tommy’s hands before it would get crumbled. She couldn’t help but smile as she looked down at it. Everything she needed in life was present in that picture…and was sitting beside her on the couch.
She was thankful that Tommy was able to make it home for Christmas.
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Tagged: @mystcldydrms @the-anxious-youth @cloudofdisney @look-at-the-soul @elenavampire21 @mrsalwayswrite @julkaamazing @evita-shelby @lilyrachelcassidy @notyour-valentine @shelbydelrey @theshelbyslimited @peakyswritings @just-a-blackhole @watercolorskyy @strayrockette @peakyduchesss @alexxavicry @captivatedbycillianmurphy @yummycastiel @dark-academia-slut @tommystargirl @emotionalcadaver @stevie75 @lyarr24 @signorellisantichrist @zablife @anotherblinder @cillmequick @dandelionprints @letal-y-poetica @gypsy-girl-08 @insanitybyanothername @depxiety @raincoffeeandfandoms @dragons-are-my-favorite @acewritesfics @forgottenpeakywriter @cljordan-imperium @brummiereader @areyenotfondofmelobster @everythingelseisextra @little-diable @thomashelbyswife @shaddixlife
Listen to Brett Eldredge’s version of I’ll Be Home For Christmas:
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k0droid · 6 months
Savanaclaw Headcanons
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A/N: posting some of my ACTUAL headcanons for twst characters cuz🧍🏾‍♀️thank you to all who sent anons and messages for ideas <3
Content Warnings!:
friendly reminder: i am black <3
I headcanon every character here as BLACK. if that threatens you, block and move on. on that topic, these are HEADCANONS, not real so if I mischaracterize your pookie, just leave a comment or reblog
reblog/comment as in "I think leona would do this-" not "ruggie isnt black u racist go fuck urself" cuz I think it shows who the actual racist is...
any black twst fans pls moot me I'm begging on my knees
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-- y'all know i had to put my boy firsttttt -- FULLY BLACK lightskin (if you don't already know this, lightskin does not equal being mixed. like there are so many fully-black lightskin people out there and you don't have to be mixed to have light skin.) -- 4C hair styled like this -- Also wears his hair in twists -- Trans man -- Fav struggle meal? i think it'd be hotdog in a regular slice of bread -- do yall also think ruggie would be the one adding water in the soap thingy to make the soap stretch? -- has body acne in a similar pattern to a hyena's coat
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-- DARK SKIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -- stretch marks on his muscles -- 4B-4C hair but he straightens it because he doesn't like the way his ears stick out of his curls -- tbh I don't see jack as someone who listens to music, even as he works out. just sits there. in silence. if he did, i think it'd be those songs you would have heard in a 2019 youtube intro -- watched those unknown Canadian kids movies/tv shows from the 2000s
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-- ALSO DARK SKINNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -- out of the trio, I hc that he has the loosest curls -- 3A/3B -- decorates his braids/or locs with beads and gold and small pearls similar to this -- leona has an earthy fashion style, I cannot get the thought out of my head -- the type of person to tell you you've missed the turn AFTER u've missed the turn -- lip and ear piercings
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A/N: this lowkey kinda ass but i don't actually have a lot hcs for twst characters so my next post is probably gonna be something like "what they would do at a family reunion"
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opal-orchard · 2 years
warmth & respite
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18+ mdni!!! • fluff, smut (oral/face-sitting receiver!Ellie)
Ellie’s had a difficult day, only you can give her what she needs.
1.5k words
a/n: hi i’m nai! please accept this as my offering to the tlou community. i’m not new to writing or tumblr but this is my first tlou work and my first time writing a full smut so pls be nice lol. if there’s anything you want to see me write my ask box is open :)
i hope you enjoy it and if you do pls reblog and follow, i rlly want to make moots on this side of tumblr, you all are so unhinged and gay (my kind of people!)
The door to your shared studio slams shut, you don’t need to guess who it is —you could tell by the sound of her footsteps approaching the door. But you look up anyways and watch a disgruntled Ellie throw her dripping backpack onto the ground, her face twisted into a scowl.
“Patrols have been fucking insufferable lately,” she groans bitterly to no one in particular, removing her gear from her backpack and thigh holster.
You set your novel down and prop yourself up on your elbow, watching her intently. You know when she’s like this all she needs is you to listen.
She’s soaking wet, making her muscular arms glisten, and her tight black jeans and tank top press against her body. You salivate looking at how the fabric of her jeans hug every curve.
“I keep getting assigned to train Evan,” she continues, still fixed on putting away her gear, “He thinks he knows Every. Fucking. Thing!” She slams her drawer shut with a groan.
“And he’s so fucking annoying. Keeps trying to ask me stupid questions cause I like girls, and of course we had to take the river trail today, so that dick had to make sure I got all fucking wet!”
She glances over at you for the first time, and her demeanor softens. “Hey you,” she exhales.
“Hey. Sorry about your day,” you respond back.
“I need a shower, I’ll be back,” she says, heading towards her bathroom, peeling off her top as she walks, making you revel in the sight of her wet back muscles.
She emerges from her bathroom with a towel wrapped around her body, her short hair damp and a little messy. Sitting down on the edge of the bed, she softly rubs her hand along your leg, as if to remind herself you’re tangible and alive.
“Hey babe,” she says with all the gentleness she can muster, a soft smile on her face. Your eyes meet hers, and time stills. You’ll never grow used to her calling you that, no matter how many times she does. Warmth spreads through your stomach anytime her voice is this soft and raspy.
“Sorry I was …like that earlier. Just had a bad day.”
Wordlessly, you crawl behind her and wrap your arms around her bare shoulders, pressing soft kisses along her neck and cheek. Her skin is soft with a tinge of lemongrass from her soap.
“No need to apologize, my love,” you say, pressing your face against the curve of her neck, “I’m just happy you’re home safe.”
“Me too,” Ellie whispers, planting a kiss on your arm.
You two revel in this moment—in the relationship you’ve built, full of warmth and respite from the violent, cruel world you live in. You think of all the ways you want to make Ellie feel good.
You turn her face towards yours and press your lips against hers. Ellie’s lips are soft and she opens her mouth to let you take the lead for a little before she kisses you back with intensity. It makes you moan into her mouth and she takes that opportunity to plant open mouth kisses against your jaw and neck.
The sensation leaves you breathless but you gently push her back before you’re too far gone. “Wait— Ellie, I— I wanna— can I eat you out?”
She bites her lip, and a playful smile forms, “Can you?” before returning to your neck. A challenge. You make your lips meet hers again for a sloppy kiss and undo her towel; Ellie gasps into your mouth at the sensation of the cool air hitting her exposed skin. A string of saliva connects your mouths when you pull away and she’s flushed, the skin under her freckles a dusty rose.
You wrap your arms around her back and press your clothed chest against her bare breasts, it’s your turn to leave her breathless with open mouth kisses. “Mmmm you feel good, babe,” she purrs, her head tilted sideways from bliss. Ellie grips your shoulder and presses your head deeper in the crook of her neck.
Growing needier, Ellie rubs her chest against yours. The sensation of her bare nipples against the fabric of your top making her breaths more erratic. You lean down to take one in your mouth and she whines, gripping you tighter. “Ooh shit!”
Kissing the space between her breasts, you let your hands roam her body and her skin is hot to the touch. Liquid pools on the tips of your fingers when you reach down to touch her pussy, her swollen lips spreading with so much ease. She’s soaking wet and scorching hot, and the contact makes her jolt with pleasure.
Ellie watches, transfixed as you put those fingers in your mouth with unwavering eye contact. “Shit,” she grits, in this moment, something snaps— and you both know what’s about to happen.
Ellie shuffles off the bed and stands in front of your face. She loves being above you when you eat her out. You pause and marvel at her curves from her chiseled shoulders down to her hips, how her figure widens and narrows, then widens again. How her taut stomach leads to her most intimate spot that’s hovering right before your mouth. You scoot to the edge of the bed and Ellie props her leg on it to give you access.
Bound by the urge to be more intimate, you wrap your arm around Ellie’s thigh and pull your bodies closer. Looking up to meet her affectionate eyes you’re overwhelmed with a desire to savor her, to pleasure her. No one else has ever made you feel desire and warmth as searing and intense as she has.
Dragging your fingers from her belly button to her labia, you use your index and middle finger to open her lips, and a swollen sappy clit greets you. You take it into your mouth to suck—your lips between her lips and moan at the sensation that runs through your body.
Ellie’s mouth falls agape and her eyebrows contort in bliss, “Oh you good girl, oh fu— just like that!” She cradles the back of your head and rubs your scalp affectionately.
You grip the flesh of her ass and thighs tighter and swirl your tongue around her clit and suck on her folds. “Ugh just like that,” she rasps, her bottom lip stuck between her teeth, her hand gripping your hair a little tighter. You lick laps from her clit to her entrance and she bucks against your face.
She can get a little bossy when you fuck, you love when she tells you what to do, “Put your tongue inside,” she commands her voice raspy and breathy, she spreads her leg a little farther and pushes your face deeper in her pussy. You oblige, swirling your tongue around her swollen entrance before pushing inside. Ellie tilts her head back and releases a loud, guttural moan, so unfiltered and unafraid. You’re french kissing her pussy now, your lips pressing against and sucking her entrance to get your tongue as far inside.
Her juices are all over your lips and nose and cheeks, some beginning to drip down your jaw and chin.
“F-fuck, I need more,” Ellie gasps and with a swift motion she pushes you flat on the bed. She’s positioning her pussy on your face before you can ask questions, and she continues grinding into your mouth and nose. Your arms are awkwardly suspended in the air before you settle them on her waist.
You’re transfixed by her taste, her scent, her lascivious sounds filling the room, the sight of her head tilted back in bliss and her stomach flexing as she gyrates on your mouth. “Oh babe—oh babe!,” she moans, her face contorted and eyes completely glossy with pleasure.
She’s practically using your mouth and nose as she sloppily grinds her folds over them. Your mouth is growing sore but all you care about is getting her there, you stick your tongue back inside her, and she’s gone.
You grab her hips to help her ride through her orgasm. She releases a lascivious moan and bucks her hips one last time before she melts, her body limp and her chest heaving, her pussy sopping wet and throbbing. Creamy white sap oozes onto your lips and you lick it, savoring her taste.
You watch her stomach muscles flex as she lifts her leg to dismount you, and in this moment you realize just how dazed and aroused and transfixed you are. But content more than anything, that you could give the girl you love so much pleasure.
She collapses beside you and grabs your jaw, kissing you with tongue. “I needed that babe. I love you… so much” she says softly and licks her lips. She languidly wipes her thumb along your cheeks and puts it in her mouth.
You watch her and you both lay there motionless, placid from bliss, but it’s getting harder to see her clearly with the room growing darker. You peek out the window and the sun is setting in the summer sky, “Ugh, it’s getting late, I should head to Tipsy Bison and get you something to eat befor-“
Ellie grabs your arm and firmly pulls you back onto the bed in one graceful, effortless motion. She’s still laying there blissed out and it reminds you just how easily she can overpower you if she desires.
“I’d rather skip to dessert.”
a/n: in retrospect i don’t think this position would work unless ellie’s bed is really short…
i’ve read this over so many times i’m starting to hate it, so if there’s a mistake i apologize lmao. my goal is to not be so hard on myself and just write more lmao
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