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imaginearyparties · 4 years ago
I’m curious... you said bonnie x marcel and rebekah x enzo? did I read that right? I’m so curious as a bonenzo stan haha
Okay, let it be known that i too adore Bonenzo. And Rebel/Marbekah. I love the canon ships as they stand.
Rebekah and Enzo would be hilarious, sexy and iconic. I would pay to see this ship for the banter alone. However, it goes deeper than that. Rebekah and Enzo share a lot of the same values. They’re both intensely loyal. They both were isolated for a long time. they both desperately want to be loved gently, and they’re both true romantics. I can see Enzo empowering Rebekah to want more for herself in her familial relationships (even recklessly standing up to Klaus like he confronted Stefan for making Caroline cry), and Rebekah empowering Enzo to believe that he’s worth loving and sticking around for (much in the way Bonnie does). They might be too similar for their own good, and the likelihood that Klaus would kill Enzo is high, but they share the most important values and I think they’d gel really well. Also, I think they're really well morally matched. One of my issues with TVD is that the ships always seem to be comprised of one person who tries to do the right thing and one who doesn’t care. While this can be interesting initially, it always turns into a game of who is going to change who, and the moral character always seems to lose the battle. Rebekah and Enzo wouldn’t save each other morally, but they also wouldn’t worsen each other, which would be refreshing. Two people who are on the same page loving each other in the way they’ve always wanted to be loved, but also they’re hot vampires with british accents. Sign me tf up.
Bonnie and Marcel are good for each other in many of the same ways. both pushed to the side and taken for granted by the most important people in their lives, Bonnie and Marcel have both learned the hard way that people won’t treat you right if they think they can get away with it. Both of them have hard-won self respect, and they’d really admire that in each other. I feel like she’d call him out on some of his bravado bullshit and remind him of his worth (much like she does with Enzo). For his part, Marcel would empower her to seize control of her life and use her power how she sees fit. I see him really admiring her strength of character, especially given how long she’s been in the supernatural game and what she’s been through. In turn Bonnie would validate that part of Marcel that is a good guy, which would be new, because nobody he’s ever cared about has ever really cared whether or not he does the right thing. Like I said with Rebekah and Enzo, they seem well morally matched. There would definitely be some tension given what Marcel sometimes feels he has to do to maintain control, but I’m really into that being something they work out between them (because these two actually know how to communicate). Also, Bonnie would make a great queen of NOLA. I think Bonnie has a lot of leadership potential. She and Marcel have the same “never stop fighting” spirit, coupled with a healthy dose of charm and a sense of self that a lot of the other characters lack. She’d be able to negotiate between the vampires and the witches, and I also think she’d just like being around people who don’t see her as the same person she was when she was a kid.  I can see her grabbing drinks with Cami and Josh, talking witch politics with Vincent, or even being a tough love sort of mentor to Davina. And we know the Mikaelsons wouldn’t get away with half their bullshit if Bonnie was in town.
Now, why not the four of them together? Because I really don’t think that Bonnie and Rebekah or Enzo and Marcel would gel well enough for that to work. But it’s a nice thought.
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klaroline-4ever · 4 years ago
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hellsbellschime · 4 years ago
wait how did rebenzo even become a thing? all i remember is almost every kc fic featuring stebekah for the rebekah ship... and then suddenly stebekah being replaced with rebenzo (not that i’m complaining cuz i love rebenzo).
IDK, perhaps a lot of people were like me and were just like goddamn, these two are hot, crazy, and need someone to love them, why not put them together!
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dontbeallupinmyfriesdawg · 7 years ago
Do u have any links to rebenzo fanfics?
First off here’s my Fanfiction Tag and a link to my Drabble Collection 
I am actually working on a Rebenzo drabble right now and hopefully, I’ll get it done if uni doesn’t kill me.
Be warned, some of these are Rebenzo centric but the majority of these are just Klaroline with background Rebenzo
Here’s the Rebenzo Ao3 and FF.net tags again most of them are just Rebenzo as a side pairing and many may have been already listed here
I would track both #rebenzo-fanfiction and #rebenzo-drabbles on tumblr as they are the tags that appear to be active.
If you see this post and you yourself write Rebenzo fanfiction, or intend to reblog this post and put a link to your writing.
Hope this helps anon.x
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imaginationisagift · 8 years ago
I just said goodbye to my best friend and now I'm pretty drunk so if people could just ask me things or send me drabble requests, I would love to be distracted.
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sensingdejavu · 8 years ago
I feel like I’m always bound to ship the ships that are outweighed by writers.
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thetourguidebarbie · 8 years ago
what are your thoughts on Rebenzo? or Rebekah/Marcel?
I like Rebenzo! I don’t really ship it, but it doesn’t squick me and I do write it a lot. I kind of lowkey ship a loving Bonnie/Enzo/Kol threesome, but I’m perfectly happy to read/write Rebekah with Enzo. Tbh it’s kind of grown on me over time, so maybe I’ll start shipping it more.
I don’t like Rebekah and Marcel in canon. I have never seen TO but from what I’ve heard of their storyline I think it’s creepy, rapey and incesty. I’ll read them in AU/AH if it’s a side-pairing, though they’re not my favorite.
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imaginearyparties · 4 years ago
rebenzo, for the ships thing!! mwah
when i started shipping them: probably read it in a klaroline fic somewhere and got hooked.
my thoughts: iconic banter, iconic fights, iconic enzo meeting the mikaelsons potential
what makes me happy about them: the way they are so similar and could really bring out some of the best parts of each other without having to neutralize what makes them dynamic as characters
what makes me sad about them: they. never. met. in. canon.
things done in fanfic that annoys me: there isn’t enough rebenzo fic for me to have an opinion so, this is general. i really hate when fics simplify rebekah to like, vapid or bad bitch because she’s really layered and complex. no, rebekah mikaelson is not you woke feminist girl power icon. but she’s also not simply an entitled bitch. give rebekah the nuance she deserves in fics!!!!
things i look for in fanfic: them to be the main ship
who i’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: (rather obviously) bonnie and marcel
my happily ever after for them: i guess them taking the cure and having kids and shit. idk i don’t see these two as necessarily endgame.
who is the big spoon/little spoon: enzo is big spoon because sleep time is when bex can admit vulnerability.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: dancing. they go out to jazz bars or swing clubs and just show up every old person in the joint.
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hellotvshowtrash · 4 years ago
I LOVE THIS!!! The siblings feuding killed me 🤣 I love the rebenzo content we’ve been getting lately!!!! You wrote them very well 😊
Let's run around the world
This plan of yours is going to get us killed. I’m in. march2021promptchallenge
Pairing: Rebekah x Enzo
Word Count: 1277
A/N: First time trying this pairing. I’ve seen people talking about it and I think it would be fun
All errors are mine, I'm too lazy to look it up, sorry
Tagging: @hellotvshowtrash @elijahs-wife @elijahswife @umaficwriter @ronniemikaelson @lovelyandproblematic @mikaelson-emma @nikmikaelsonswife and sorry if I forgot people, I'm starting this '-'
She never thought she would fall in love again. Not like this, especially not with who this man was and his friendship towards her exes. Well, just one ex and another one-night stand. Whatever. Both were laughing loudly and drinking more than enough to inebriate them. Suddenly he got up, pulling her with him, stumbling wildly through the room, snickering like children.
“Oh, come on. Not this Original blonde, Enzo! What is your problem?” The vampires stopped, turning to face the owner of the voice, the brunette was frowning and the blonde was not in the best mood. Vamp speeding to Damon, she smiled wickedly, snapping his neck in a second, happily waltzing back to Enzo’s side.
“Where do you want to go? We’re too drunk.”
“We are not drunk enough to dance, gorgeous.” Rebekah groaned, pushing him away but was smiling at his idea.
“Don’t think you can act cute and all that just because you called me ‘gorgeous'.” He snorted, pulling her back to him, hugging her waist, and letting his head fall on her shoulder.
“Whatever you say, gorgeous. Let’s go.” She snickered once more and they left, going straight to Mystic Grill. If she was honest, Rebekah was extremely happy she wasn’t back in Nola. Since she returned to her own body, she was ready to kill her mother and be done with the family drama. And done she was when they turned their wretched of a mother into a vampire. Fleeing was surprisingly easy and the fact that Nik respected her was something she was still finding it difficult to believe.
The Original sister felt giddy with the attention Enzo gave her, being a true gentleman and funny. Of course, there were times where they fought and she snapped his neck, but no relationship is perfect. They both had their fair share of problems with family and were simply looking for a place to be quietly enjoying their lives. She could still remember the first time they finally slept together, the euphoric feelings, and the way they shared blood. If she could, she knew she would blush profusely. Their bed talk was so simple, so naive and full of dreams she knew how lucky she was to have come back and meeting Damon’s old friend.
“What are you thinking about, gorgeous?”
“Stop calling me that.” She asked fighting a smile that was slowly making its way to her lips. He nipped her neck and she bit her lip, closing her eyes while she enjoyed the feeling of being with him. A throat cleared beside them, making both vampires turn their heads not impressed and angry at the interruption.
“Hello, mate. We’ll want bourbon, will be easier if you just hand over the bottle.” Rebekah snickered again, seeing Matt roll his eyes before leaving them be. Enzo pulled the blonde with him, seating in the back, on a table where they would see everything but wouldn’t be disturbed if they didn’t want to. After they finally had the bottle of bourbon and were virtually alone, they drank even more, talking about stupid ideas and the plans for the future.
“You know... We could just travel around the world. I would show you so many places that I know you would love.”
“And where would take me first, love?” Rebekah smiled coyly, stealing his cup and drinking it in one go, much to his annoyance.
“Well, we could always go to Paris. France is amazing... Or maybe we could go to Tokyo. The girls surely would love your accent.” She dryly remarked, rolling her eyes and ignoring his growing smirk.
“There’s a place I want to go first.”
“And where is it?”
“New Orleans.” Rebekah choked, coughing loudly calling the attention of a few patrons, and glared at her boyfriend, clearly not amused by his choice. Enzo, on the other hand, simply smiled happily, having fun at her expense, of course.
“Do you hear yourself? It seems like you never heard a freaking word of what I said about my family!”
“Love, lower your voice, please. No need to fret.”
“Lorenzo, darling... We can’t go there... My brothers wo-”
“We’re going tomorrow. It’s decided.” She opened and closed her mouth like a fish for a few seconds, trying to process his words.
“Please tell me this is just a drunk idea.”
“Nope, gorgeous. I need to meet your family.”
“This plan of yours is going to get us killed. Of course, I’m in.”
Rebekah regretted many things in life, getting drunk was only one of them. But what she really regretted was the raging headache she was enduring after getting in New Orleans and hearing her brothers arguing over her newest lover. They had already threatened to kill Enzo in a million different ways and the bastard wasn’t helping with his smirks and remarks towards Niklaus.
“For God’s sake, Enzo, just shut up.” He pouted, making her melt and embrace him, kissing him slowly much to her sibling's disgust.
“This is a family home, Rebekah!”
“If you say anything else I’ll stake you, Kol! And if you give one more step towards Enzo, I’ll get Caroline’s heart and feed you with her intestines, Nik!” She screamed, making her brothers freeze in place.
“Children, please! Can't you behave for thirty minutes?” Elijah, bless her older brother, was already tired of the constant bickering and trying, uselessly, to control his family. Rebekah glared at her boyfriend, her face screaming at him ‘I told you so!’.
“You’re asking too much of our beloved brothers, Elijah.” She sneered, pulling her boyfriend away to walk with her and enjoy the quarter’s festivities.
“You know when Damon told me about their feud with your family... I never thought they would be so dramatic.” The Original snorted and hugged him, nipping his neck while he pulled her closer and caressed her body, kissing her sensuously. Their make-out session only stopped because a throat cleared, interrupting them once more.
“I swear to god I’m go-”
“Rebekah... When Klaus told me you were back I didn’t believe him. But here you are.” The blonde blinked and rolled her eyes, a smirk twisting her lips.
“Yes, well... Why would you be interested? I thought you were after that psychologist... What is her name again? Oh yes, Camille. Chop chop, go after the blonde woman.” She saw the way he was glaring at Enzo and entered in front of him, getting head-to-head with Marcel. “Go away, Marcel. We have nothing to talk about anymore.”
She felt hands enlacing her waist and her body being pulled back. Resting on her boyfriend's body, she side-eyed him curiously. “So... This is the ex-boyfriend.”
“Technically Stefan it’s my ex-boyfriend. Marcel was before him.”
“Should I get worried, gorgeous?” Rebekah closed her eyes, denying it while she giggled, opening her cerulean eyes to face Marcel, ignoring the way he seemed hurt.
“Not even in a million years...” Turning around in his arms, the blonde girl pouted, biting his lower lip and pulling it slowly, making him hiss. Grinning, she licked his lips, to soothe it gently and cackled when the presence vanished.
“You hurt his feelings, love.”
“Marcel and I weren’t meant to be, Enzo.”
“And we are?”
“Of course, we are. Since I let you drag me here, you’re going to let me choose the destination this time.”
“I think I can live with that, love.” They smiled knowingly at each other before vamp speeding away and stealing a car. The road trip had just started and they had all the time in the world to go anywhere they pleased. The rest, like the saying, says... It’s history.
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fiercerebekah · 8 years ago
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♔ Rebekah & Enzo —- Hope for you yet. ( @aneckperson )
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dontbeallupinmyfriesdawg · 7 years ago
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hellotvshowtrash · 4 years ago
#March2021promptchallenge masterlist
Hey all! We got through March!! I’m so excited to compile all the wonderful works that you wonderful authors posted this month <3 I will update this if any more are posted today! Thank you to everyone who participated in this months challenge, I loved reading all of them!
The prompt was: “This plan of yours is going to get us killed. Of course I’m in.”
Catch up with February’s masterlist!
Without further ado!
Credits to @firefly-graphics for the divider!
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Let’s Run Around The World (Rebenzo) by @raemikaelson
Together (Elijah Mikaelson x reader) by @nalledimessi
Runaway Queen (Hayley Marshall x reader) by @mikaelson-emma
Dating Damon Salvatore Would Include.. by @rippahwrites
Keeping Secrets (platonic Davina x Marcel) by @imaginearyparties
historic cemetery (Klaus Mikaelson x reader) by @auroracalisto
For The Quiet Days In The Quarter (platonic Kol Mikaelson (and family) x reader) by @klausownsmyass
Corn Syrup, Like In Carrie (Mikaelson Brothers x reader) by @dizzydancingdreamer
Life of Crime (Elijah Mikaelson x reader) by @hellotvshowtrash
One Last Conversation (Damon Salvatore x Reader) by @xxwritemeastoryxx
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imaginationisagift · 8 years ago
I'm literally the biggest multishipper around
Like yall know how I ship Klaroline? Well I also like Forwood, Klonnie, Klefan and I don't hate Klayley as much as the rest of yah. And I ship Kalijah so much but I also like Gilijah and go through a hardcore Koltherine phase at least once every few months. I ship Kennett, too, but I love Bonora and Bonkai (and Koltherine and Klonnie again). And I ship Rebekah with Enzo, Stefan (despite also shipping Stelena and Stayley), Matt and Katherine. But I have never shipped D*lena
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imaginearyparties · 4 years ago
gonna have to agree to disagree on that one, however i do love me some carenzo. thanks anyways love!
everyone should go send lottie some moodboard requests, and in general show them some love.
hey, i was wondering if i could request a moodboard? i would like to see what you'd do with my fave crackship, rebenzo (rebekah x enzo). no pressure if you don't want to!
Ma’am I really thought about this one but I truly cannot see them together 😭 maybe it’s my carenzo heart but I just think Rebekah would get annoyed at him and take his head off 😪💀
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thetourguidebarbie · 8 years ago
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rebenzo aesthetic - for @hellsbellschime​ / @klarolinedrabbles​ / @lynyrdwrites
Then when you see your error Then you can flee in terror Like everybody else does 
I only tell you this 'cause I'm easy to get rid of But not if you fall in love 
“Absolutely Cuckoo” ~ The Magnetic Fields
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imaginearyparties · 3 years ago
I follow you because your Barbie Diaries head canons!
lmao i love that i haven’t written fic for tvd in so long that now that’s my brand in the tvd fandom
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