#reba rants
demonsandpieohmy · 2 years
I started watching Big Sky because of Jezebel Snackles, only to realize that our favorite non-binary Star Trek villain plays a trans sex worker with a heart of gold
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starrclown · 8 months
Fun idea for a Helluva Boss Au:
Blitzø, Stolas, and Stella but their Reba, Brock, and Barbra Jean from Reba.
Think how silly that would be! Incase you don't know, Reba is a show about Reba, (the actor is named Reba too.) Who got cheated on by Brock, her husband. Barbra Jean is the affair partner that's pregnant. Because Barbra Jean is pregnant Brock and her get married. Hijinks and shenanigans insue yada yada. The part that I would think be fun is Reba and Barbra Jean's relationship.
Obviously at first Reba hates Barbra Jean and wants her to go away. Barbra Jean LOVES Reba. She always wants to be around her, wants to hug her, makes multiple jokes about marrying Reba instead. The thing about their relationship is later Reba actually genuinely likes being around Barbra Jean.
Can you imagine how cool that would be! Blitzø loves hanging around Stella, Stella hates Blitzø at first, but soon Stella begins to care for Blitzø and even loves him more than her ex husband.
I just think that would be such a cool au and I honestly wanna draw art of it.
- ⭐️StarClown⭐️
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strangefable · 2 years
youtube just reminded me of this video, and i want it on my blog
Queens. Icons. Legends.
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singinprincess · 2 years
Not me still upset about Barbra Jean manipulating Reba in the grandma pageant... when she isn’t even a grandma and shouldn’t have been allowed to join in the first place. I love this show, but the amount of sacrifices Reba always had to make for others - especially Brock and BJ - drives me insane. Reba looked stunning though, that green dress is a masterpiece.
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angieschiffahoi · 2 years
big sky is already as bad as usual and i love it
… i’m also not immune to texan chocolate lab jensen ackles
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suchawrathfullamb · 11 days
don't mention reba and francis in front of me or you'll get a two hour long rant about how they're the most perfect parallel for hannigram and how every single interaction and detail is actually revealing to the audience things they couldn't show through Will and Hannibal
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I think it’s so funny when people talking about modern country music becoming “woke” and how they need to “go back to old country music”. Because dude, old country music was like, super progressive. Loretta Lynn wrote songs about birth control, Dolly Parton wrote songs about inequality and working systems, Willie Nelson wrote songs about gay cowboys and wrote several Antiwar songs, and several songs about marijuana, Reba wrote a song about AIDS in a time when people were terrified of it. And y’all know Johnny Cash was progressive as hell! He got into fights with the Klan, has songs about prison reform, songs about Native American issues and Antiwar songs. What Kelsea Ballerini did at the CMT awards was extremely brave, and most of the time it is women in modern day country music who risk their careers to stand up for what they believe in, but it’s absolutely not anything new and all of the “old country musicians” that these hateful fans like so much would more likely than not support these new progressive artists.
Sorry y’all, just had to rant
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talesfrommedinastation · 10 months
My Neighbor Doug on different locations in 'The Bad Batch'
So I did as was requested by my poll, and asked Doug what he called (and thought of) the various different places in which 'The Bad Batch' took place.
Need refreshers? Doug's interpretations of The Bad Batch: Main Characters
Doug's interpretations of The Bad Batch: Side Characters
Here we go:
Tipoca City: The Mall on the Ocean. You know it either smells really nice, clean and like fresh perfume, or it smells like ass and balls. It’s duty free, of course. Daddy Warcrimes totally plows the liquor section when Ryan-from-Accounting won’t stop annoying him and Daddy Rambo sprays on the sample Sauvage cologne to get the ladies. 
("I thought he was married?"
"He need the reassurance. Y'all know guys like him.")
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Onderon: Damn-It-Jared’s Trailer Park. It’s where he and his goofy-assed hippie friends fire weapons and drop acid and scare the wildlife. It’s like Oregon, but stupid. Just like Damn-It-Jared. And Daddy Warcrimes comes down and murders civilians, because the man craves police brutality the way I crave a drink after watching the Saints lose. 
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Saleucami: Tremor-Land. Look at this place and tell me you ain’t expecting giant worms and Kevin Bacon to pop out of nowhere. Also, Not-Wolverine’s wife gives me Reba McEntire vibes, trust me. They seem like a fun couple, I’d love to drink beer and shoot guns with them on a Sunday. 
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(Cut and Suu = Not Wolverine and Not Wolverine's wife)
Pantora: Not-Quite-Austin. Its where young hot people go to get drunk, get into street fights and then leave. You know, where That Chick That’s in Everything gets into a motorcycle race with Daddy Rambo and then they look for the Gun Safety Muppet and Little Orphan Blondie is lost and I guess they sell Toaster Strudel at one point to the three eyed goat for cash?*
Meat Muffin, what in the hell did I just write? 
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Corellia: Where-Anakin-Lost-His-Legs and Jorge’s Unemployed Sisters are collecting scrap metal for cash.
(“This is not where Anakin lost his legs!” 
“How do you know?”
“ I watched Episode III?! Did you?”
“Eh, they’ll update it, just watch.”)
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(FYI, I wish Trace Martez and Tech had more scenes together. They would have been a cute nerdy couple)
Bracca: Planet Dump. Seriously, there’s a planet devoted to garbage. Is it New Jersey? It’s just creepy people floating around trash? Man, it’s like Thor Ragnorok, but sad. Think Valkyrie would show up at some point? Julio had a headache here and strangled someone, I get it, migraines ain’t fun. 
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Ord Mantell: Great Value Cyberpunk. Do humans even live here? Well, Houma BBQ bitch and her ugly clutch of mutant boyfriends do. Her bar totally looks like someone practices eye surgery in the back like in Minority Report. 
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Raxus: Space Country Club. Oh, this place nice and clean. I mean, dang, it looks like a gated community where everyone plays golf and is mean to their neighbors. I bet they have an amazing Christmas lights display but don’t allow ‘riff-raff’ to come in and bully anyone who doesn’t join their HOA. My sister’s in one outside of Miami, and it turned her into a bitch, trust me. 
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Daro: Not-Quite-Fort-Bliss. I don’t get this place. It’s where Manny’s hanging out with other army guys but they don’t like him, even though he’s a good soldier? What the hell, the Empire is run by mid-level corporate dumbasses who think their online MBA makes them a god. 
::proceeds to go on a rant about MBA Rob, his nephew, and the clowns like them::
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Safa Toma: Tank Girl’s Home. It’s like Tatooine but fun and crazy. It’s where the Rhino that Sells Used Buicks and his pet iguana live and force people to race in used car parts.**. 
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Pabu: Space Daytona. It’s nice, it’s pretty, but I kept thinking the Empire was going to nuke it at some point. Hey, Church Lady says it’s her home away from home…where’s her other home? New Orleans? Shit, that’s a thought.
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Eriadu: Space New Hampshire. It’s foggy, got mountains, and filled with angry old white people who can’t seem to retire. You know Tarkin totally screams at waiters and lives to make the poor check out girls at Publix cry. Just like his bitchy daughter, Stepsister Beth. 
(Doug now headcanons that Tarkin is Emerie’s dad…which makes zero sense, but whatever.)
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Ryloth: Space Arizona. Everything seems rich and nice and the women are vaguely hot, cool canyons and mountains and whatnot. But then dig a little bit and everyone’s rat-in-a-shithouse insane and there’s guns everywhere. I like Hera and her daddy, he’s cool. Like him riding his space motorcycle and flinging that spear at folks, more of him please. 
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Weyland: Spooky Lab Land. It’s where Stepsister Beth and Ryan-from-Accounting have family reunions with her asshole dad, his bitch wife Laura, and the gang. They’re into science and not making eye contact with anyone because there’s shit in the lava lamps that might be humans. 
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Serrano: Space Coeur d’Alene. It’s got pine trees and mountains, real pretty, but it’s easy to fling trash and bodies everywhere and every other person is Doomsday prepping. You ever been to Idaho? Real pretty, but real off, ya know? 
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*= I was struggling to breath after this. What in 'The Witch' was he thinking?!
**= Millegi and his racer. I had to stop texting Doug for a bit at this point, I was cry-laughing so hard I couldn’t see. 
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cha0ticr0b0tic · 3 months
stray Manhunter thoughts
a few other things I picked up on that I don't wanna write full rants about lol:
Dolarhyde accuses Freddie of calling him queer in the Tattler. I know that it's the 80s and so being called queer has a whole lot of Implications associated with it, but oh god he KNOWS he's not normal and will NEVER be normal and yet he gives it a shot. And he fails.
I will always always love the tiger scene, even though I know that it's really a test for Reba to see how she handles something that could potentially be very dangerous. When Hannibal does his "God's terrific" spiel over the phone, we're reminded that – if believing in God is your thing – He creates both sweet and dangerous things, and maybe sometimes they're the same thing. (Also, yeah, I'm alluding to the poem as well. Red Dragon and all that.)
The happy ending reminds me a fair bit of Blue Velvet's, which coincidentally came out the same year. We get this picture-perfect reconciliation, but so much fucked up shit has happened in the past two hours that we can't really believe it. Will Graham saved the day and didn't succumb to his inner darkness, but there's no way he's coming out of that case without scars.
That said, Will is such a family man in this one and I love that he also helped protect the baby turtles as they headed out to sea <3 His empathy and compassion are his biggest strengths!! This is such a great thing to see in a man, especially a noir protagonist.
The song "Heartbeat" is so Hannigram coded don't @ me I know I'm right
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misspermitted · 2 years
Concept of Change in Hannibal (Half Baked)
Dolarhyde needs to change people by showing them the dragon, but this inevitably leads to death eg.
“I want to share.”
“You shared with Reba.”
“A little, in a way she could survive.”
“But you didn’t change her.”
Change is death. And this is important for Dolarhyde, as through this death they merge with him and the dragon.
Will and Hannibal also have this motif of change. Through their actions they both change eachother, eg.
“Did you think you could change me the way I changed you?”
“I already did.”
Except they both do this through love not death.
Hannibal’s goal through most of season 2, which underlies his decisions, is to make Will his friend. It’s to make Will accept him by accepting himself. It’s to make Will love himself. And Hannibal desires this because he loves Will, and wants his acceptance.
Will is changed once he gets out of prison, he tried to have Hannibal killed, he has accepted that he’s capable of violence and that he enjoys it. He doesn’t love that about himself, but it’s Hannibal’s love that changes him eg.
“I’m not innocent, you saw to that.”
“I’m changed. You changed me.”
He continues to change and become because he begins to have an affection for Hannibal, and thus himself, eg.
“I envy you your hate, it’s easy when you know how to feel.”
All of this isn’t through violence, it’s through love and hate. Its motivated by Hannibal’s love, and it’s through Wills love of Hannibal. This is notable for Will as he mainly expresses himself through violence eg.
“There are other methods of influence, but violence is what you understand.”
Yet violence does not change him but love.
Hannibal is also changed by love. His love for Will, Will’s possible love for him. Hannibal takes off his person suit and shares with Will without killing and eating him, something we know Hannibal hasn’t done, eg.
“You wanted to be seen.”
“By you, a rare gift.”
He cares about Will more than anything else, including his life and freedom, by the end of the show. Everything that used to matter doesn’t. And Hannibal knows now that he is capable of love for more than his sister, and it consumes him.
There are multiple times where Hannibal considers killing Will as a method of merging with him and sharing. Most notable is the brain eating, where he believes he must eat him (thanks Bedelia) to properly heal their relationship. Yet, he can’t.
Hannibal and Will share and blur with one another without murder, which is different for both of them. Will never shares. Hannibal only shares when he’s killing. Yet by the end:
“You and I have begun to blur.”
“We’re conjoined.”
They achieved what Dolarhyde couldn’t. When Will visits Hannibal, Hannibal says:
“He wants change. Don’t you long for change Will?”
Because Will is changed. Because Hannibal changed him. And Will has gone back to pretending that didn’t happen. He broke up with Hannibal, mid merging, and ran.
“Can’t live with him, can’t live without him. Is that what this is?”
“I guess, this is my becoming.”
If Will finishes merging with Hannibal, loving Hannibal and thus loving himself, he also loses himself, eg.
“Friendship sometimes requires a breach of individual separateness.”
He loses this individual identity. Can’t live with him. But he also loves Hannibal so much, he can’t go back. He does long for change. So he can’t live without him. So Will solves this problem: death. In death, they become one. In death, they merge with the strength of eachother. This is my becoming. Even if Will survived the fall, he doesn’t. They’ve merged. They’ve changed. Hannibal and Will are one now.
I think maybe what Will realised while watching Hannibal die is that if Hannibal dies he dies. That they’re too merged. Dolarhyde goes on his ‘merge with the strength of the dragon’ rant and Will realises he would also be consumed by the dragon. They’re conjoined. They’re not one, but they’re conjoined. They die together. That is the only way it can be.
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a-forgotten-miracle · 11 months
date night
Bruno could not remember the last time he was this anxious. Let alone the last time he went on a date. Yet here he was, waiting on a park bench for Reba. He picked at the wicker on the picnic basket. "Okay, Bruno this will be easy, Just walk around, eat food, make bad jokes, and don't screw this up." He couldn't stop his foot from tapping. "Just don't bring up your family, or the rat plays, or the fact that you like talking to yourself or you know have horrible awful visions of the future. ... god why am I so bad at this." He groaned.
He didn't even notice Reba walk up until he was mid-rant.
"Hey I didn't see you there! You look great, Thanks for coming out,"
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amarantine-amirite · 1 year
Mall Rats
I had a difficult time making new friends. The prevailing message of the media landscape was "don't get bullied because there's no way out" made me not trust people.
I'm not joking; it was everywhere. Tales of kids killing themselves because of bullying dominated the news. Celebrities, schools and companies would spout "it gets better" despite bullying victims rarely surviving past the age of 16. Worse still, therapists told bullied kids that they were helpless under a capitalist system to get them to join whatever nefarious plot they cooked up.
Surprisingly enough, I struggled to make new friends because I didn't have my parent's help. Most kids make friends through their parents. Jimmy becomes friends with Reba because Jimmy's mom is friends with Reba's mom. I had to find friends myself because my autism isolated my parents, something that was hard to do because my social skills were so stunted.
I managed to befriend a couple of kids. Sandi and Paetynn were both in drama club and they took in Emily roughly the same time I met them. Emily was one of those types of people that was afraid of literally everything. try to think of the most innocuous thing you can, and she'd be afraid of it.
I figured they were harmless. They weren't popular and they took in two people who struggled to socialize. I was wrong.
Paetynn decided that our friend group had a new rule: we had to have our ears pierced, no exceptions. Sandi and Paetynn already had theirs done, so nothing changed for them. The only change for me was having to wear earrings on a regular basis. I didn't because the only earrings safe to wear in shop class were banned under the dress code. Emily didn't have her ears pierced and she was terrified to get pierced.
"That looks like it could be a creepypasta, and you say you feel OK with it?" Emily quirked an eyebrow.
Sandi chuckled. "Your definition of creepypasta is laughably loose, Em." She said in a mocking tone.
Paetynn chimed in. "I could see where you're coming from if it was somebody like Claire's. But this place is a legit cosmetologist."
"Yeah," I nodded, "It was the place I had mine done." In fact, that was part of the reason why I picked this place. Paetynn made me book the appointment.
Paetynn shook her head with a teasing grin. "Exactly. Judy got her ears pierced here. You have no excuses."
As we approached the entrance to the mall, Emily's heart raced. We soon learned that it wasn't the prospect of getting her ears pierced that made her nervous. It was the hard, shiny walkway that sent shivers down her spine.
"Now, what's the problem?" Sandi rolled her eyes.
Emily pointed to the walkway. "I hate hard shiny floors" she said breathlessly.
Mind you, I get why people get them. Hard shiny floors look good. Hard shiny floors are easy to clean. "What the hell is your problem with the floor?" Paetynn demanded. She lost her patience with Emily.
Emily stood there, looking at Sandi while she ranted, "Hard shiny floors are the perfect catalyst for a brain injury. You can find them everywhere in public places; they are slippery and hard. It's even worse outside because if there's any weather, it's like walking on a skating rink." She tried to run back to the taxi loop, but she slipped on the walkway.
We soon saw what she was talking about.
She didn't hit her head on the ground and split her skull open. Instead, she went for a ride that ended in a 13 foot drop into a sinkhole.
The fall caused her to sprain both ankles. She also landed in a pile of huge rats. She couldn't scream because she didn't want them to jump into her mouth. One of the rats bit her.
Paetynn and Sandi's laughter rang out. "It's not funny! It's traumatic!" Emily protested in a wounded tone. None of us could see it, but I could feel her slowly burst into tears.
Paetynn tried to stifle her laughter, but it bubbled out despite her efforts. "I'm sorry, but that's funny," she managed to say between chuckles.
I walked away. That moment made me realize that I needed new friends.
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steadhammond · 4 months
Young Sheldon's Jim Parsons finale cameo changes the meaning of the entire series - The Independent
* Young Sheldon's Jim Parsons finale cameo changes the meaning of the entire series  The Independent * Young Sheldon Series Finale Review: The Coopers Balances Comedy & Drama In An Emotional Send-Off.  Screen Rant * Watch Young Sheldon Season 7 Episode 14: Memoir - Full show on CBS  cbs.com * ‘Young Sheldon’ Series Finale: EP Steve Holland Talks Return Of Mayim Bialik & Jim Parsons, Why The World Needs A Sheldon Cooper Memoir  Deadline * ‘Young Sheldon’ Series Finale Breakdown: Why Jim Parsons and Mayim Bialik Became a Bigger Part of the Ending, Reba’s Return and When the Spinoff Will Pick Up  Variety
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carpesherlock · 2 years
This is kind of a rant but I just find these so annoying. This ad keeps coming up for me
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And usually I just ignore ads but I didn't like that they very clearly took that image of reba from this
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Which was taken for a charity event and the name of these dumb weight loss gummies don't even line up with the actual product that reba endorses which is some other type of scam
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Which is just a whole other topic of annoying because they are just celebrity backed over priced gummies that taste like shit and will do nothing for you
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Any way long story short you can read up on how how many of these weight loss products don't work and are unsafe here on the FDA website. I'm sure there are others but that's the one I looked at.
And maybe consider spending money on St Judes instead since it's a great charity, donate here
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hazyspacefairy · 4 years
One thing I didn't anticipate with ATLA getting popular again, and subsequently ALOK getting popular again, was my fanfictions getting attention again. It's been like 4-5 years since I've updated any of them, when my laptop shat out. I haven't gotten a new laptop, I just kinda let my fics rot away on AO3 and Fanfiction.net.. But I still get emails notifying that my fics are getting reviews and kudos again, and I'm like
"well shit, maybe I should get back on board with that"
And I should. I miss writing. I do remember I was rewriting the last chapter of Three's Just Fine because I wasn't happy with the first version of it... But I can't write on my phone, the format comes out wonky and annoying. Idk, I'll figure it out.
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haydenbadartist · 3 years
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Day 04 - Angel
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