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thewhynotwarrior-blog · 7 years ago
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Are you getting your daily intake? #hustle #focus #success #growth #failure #entrepreneur #smallbusiness #mindset #coach #speaker #writer #rwc #business #realworldconsulting #realworldconsultants (at Geelong, Victoria)
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thewhynotwarrior-blog · 6 years ago
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What is your WHY? ........................................................................ So often I hear people in my line of work talk about this question of finding your "WHY". So much on fact it seems to me that it has become the only goal. Define your WHY and everything will fall into place. ........................................................................ I call bull$&!t on that idea. I what to take a different tact for purely practical reasons. Yes know your WHY is important, but too often people just use it as a self agrandiising delusion to be something they are not. It's easy to say, to make my kids proud of me or to change the world. It's even easy in this culture to say your WHY is Get Rich and Party. What's harder to say is, "I feel like my truest self when I do this", or " There feels like something missing if I'm not doing it", or simply "I have to do this". ........................................................................ So whether is the practical part? It comes in the honesty we have to have with ourselves, that these more truthful WHYs have an inherent HOW attached to them. They make us the active participant, inevitably pushing us forward. And I believe that it is these HOWs that will actually push you through the learning process of your passions, the low points when no one gets what you are doing, and to the inevitable victories that prove to yourself that you were on the right track all along. ........................................................................ So sure, know your WHY, but be brutally honest with yourself about it. And make sure you find your HOW as well, because that's what will actually get you there. #knowyourwhy #selfimprovement #personaldevelopment #growthmindset #mindsetiskey #marktwain #speaker #coach #writer #realworldtruths #realworldconsultants #rwc (at Greater Geelong (C)) https://www.instagram.com/p/Boi3a9vjeCc/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=r674d9tbhncu
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thewhynotwarrior-blog · 6 years ago
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Whatever you are looking for, you will find. So will you decade to look for reasons to be happy? Or will you CHOSE to look for the negatives? It's up to you. #positivity #growthmindset #itsonyou #lookforthegood #choices #mindset #coach #realworldtruths #rwc #realworldconsultants (at Greater Geelong (C)) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoNdKjYhLYP/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1y0fsoufcjpsa
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thewhynotwarrior-blog · 7 years ago
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Some Sunday Morning inspiration for you. What's coming this week that you can absolutely excel at? What are your goals? What are your potential obstacles? How can I help you get the most out of the coming week? Like, Tag and Comment!!! #goals #mindset #smallbusiness #growthmindset #realworldconsultants (at Geelong, Victoria)
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thewhynotwarrior-blog · 7 years ago
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Sorry, but I've got some straight up #realworldtruths for you this monday morning. IT'S NOT ENOUGH TO WANT TO GROW, YOU MUST BE COMMITTED DAILY TO IT. Give up your bullshit, your ego and your limiting beliefs and commit to changing your life for the better. SIMPLE. #like #tag #comment someone who need to see this. #mondaymotivation #growthmindset #losethebullshit #committogrowth #liveyourlife #nevergiveup #liveyourpassion #dontstop #bereal #yougotthis #realworldconsultants #realworldconsulting #coach #speaker #writer (at Geelong, Victoria)
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thewhynotwarrior-blog · 7 years ago
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You are different. Nothing is going to change that. Live your life, love yourself, you are magnificent! #loveyourself #steerintotheweird #beunique #beyourself #liveyourlife #ignorethehaters #yougotthis #growth #whynot #whynotlifestyle #coach #speaker #writer #mentor #realworld #realworldtruths #realworldconsulting #realworldconsultants (at Geelong, Victoria)
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thewhynotwarrior-blog · 7 years ago
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That's right folks "Why Not Wellness" is changing its name. While it has been wonderful, we as a company wanted our name to reflect what we do better. Not just Life Coaching but Business coaching, Social media management and branding. So we've settled on Real World Consultants. Much of our content will stay the same, with the inclusion of other awesome stuff we are building for you all. Stay tuned. It's going to be Real. #puns #newname #samegreatstuff #lifecoach #businesscoach #growth #growthmindset #progress #smallbusiness #smallbusinessvictoria #geelongsmallbusiness #whynotwellness #realworldconsultants #rwc (at Greater Geelong (C))
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thewhynotwarrior-blog · 7 years ago
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I know this has gone around your feeds a few times but it is too important not to remind you again. Success, in business and life, will take time, ups and downs, confusion and setbacks. But if you keep your eyes on the prize amd take each curve ball as an opportunity to learn, nothing will stop ypu reaching you goal. Be patient, learn as much as you can and NEVER GIVE UP!!! #success #goals #resilience #patience #ittakestime #itsonyou #dothething #business #businessmindset #businesscoaching #smallbusiness #growthmindset #keepgoing #keepmovingforward #setbacktocomeback #realworldtruths #realworldconsulting #rwc (at Airlie Beach, Queensland)
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thewhynotwarrior-blog · 7 years ago
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Rocking my Blue Steele after a killer cut from @crhorner333 at #whitsundaybarber. Great chatting small business while getting a fresh cut. #barbers #airliebeach #smallbusiness #businesscoaching #worklifebalance #businesstrip #realworldconsulting #rwc (at Airlie Beach, Queensland)
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thewhynotwarrior-blog · 7 years ago
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Getting out of your comfort zone is integral to chamging your life and career. I've got a video about me getting out of my comfort zone coming to #igtv in the next week. Can't wait for you to see it. #comfortbreedscomplacency #comfortzone #dontmissyourchance #dontletfearstopyou #personalgrowth #growthmindset #businessmindset #realworldconsulting #rwc (at Dreamworld Australia)
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thewhynotwarrior-blog · 7 years ago
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"Still people" are doing just that, standing still. Not growing, not progressing. Slowing getting stagnant in their lives, bodies and thinking. If you are still hanging out with them, their stagnation will slowly contaminate ypur thinking, your business anf your life. A still pond grows stale, a free flowing river grinds down all obstacles. #growthmindset #stillpeople #keepmovingforward #liveyourlife #havefun #workhard #behappy #stopcomplaining #takecharge #gratitude #businesscoach #smallbusiness #realworldconsulting #rwc (at Airlie Beach, Queensland)
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thewhynotwarrior-blog · 7 years ago
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After 3 days on the road, living on crap food and coffee/energy drinks, we made it to this beautiful place! Unfortunately my body felt like i was going to die due to all the rubbish I'd consumed. So fresh grilled Whiting (so good I got a second piece), friesh fruit and a whole lot of water was required for recovery. Starting to feel better now, but nap time is in order I think. #naptime #recovery #foodasmedicine #businesstrip #grasstreebeach #sarina #mackay #cebtralqueensland #warm #escapingwinter #lovemyjob #30hrdrive #longwayfromhome #healthy #fruit #freshfish #water #dehydrated #whynotlifestyle #realworld #realworldconsulting (at Grasstree Beach)
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thewhynotwarrior-blog · 7 years ago
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You have the option to make your life awful, mediocre, or amazing. It's up to you. If you want to have an incredible life, all you have to do is choose it. Choose to live your passions Choose to be optimistic Choose to be patient Choose to do the work All you have to do is choose. If you don't do it, you won't have it. #choosewisely #makethechange #growth #liveyourbestlife #choosejoy #liveyourpassion #buildyourlife #dothething #goforit #itsonyou #nooneelsewill #lifelessons #lessonslearnedinlife #realworldtruths #realworldconsultants (at Geelong, Victoria)
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thewhynotwarrior-blog · 7 years ago
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The people you surround yourself with affect your energy levels. Simple as that. If you want to be able to execute on the thing you need to to build your dreams, you will need all the energy you can muster. So stop surrounding yourself with people who suck that energy out of you. Protect your dreams by protecting your energy. #motivation #thingstoremember #lifehacks #avoidnegativepeople #lessnegativity #morepositivity #sayyes #dothething #goforit #whynot #whynotlifestyle #business #smallbusiness #coach #speaker #writer #realworldtruths #realworldconsulting #realworldconsultants (at Geelong, Victoria)
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thewhynotwarrior-blog · 7 years ago
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Sorry, but I've got some straight up #realworldtruths for you this monday morning. IT'S NOT ENOUGH TO WANT TO GROW, YOU MUST BE COMMITTED DAILY TO IT. Give up your bullshit, your ego and your limiting beliefs and commit to changing your life for the better. SIMPLE. #like #tag #comment someone who need to see this. #mondaymotivation #growthmindset #losethebullshit #committogrowth #liveyourlife #nevergiveup #liveyourpassion #dontstop #bereal #yougotthis #realworldconsultants #realworldconsulting #coach #speaker #writer (at Geelong, Victoria)
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thewhynotwarrior-blog · 7 years ago
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Just in case you think this year has gone too fast and it's gotten away from you, here's your friendly reminder. IT'S ONLY HALF TIME!!! Now is the time to start your come back , take control of your year. Your business, career, relationships can all be drastically imrpoved in the next 6 months. All it takes is commitment and an openness to grow. LET'S MAKE THE SECOND HALF THE BEST HALF OF 2018! Like, Tag and Comment if your keen to make on the rest of this year and make #realchange #halftime #july1 #gotime #notimetowaste #own2018 #thisyear #youryear #itsnottoolate #itsonyou #goforit #youvegotthis #whynot #whynotlifestyle #realworldtruths #realworldconsulting #rwc #realworldconsultants #coach #speaker #writer #smallbusiness #relationships #career (at Geelong, Victoria)
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