#really venty I’m just tired of this
rayalltheway · 2 years
I am seriously begging to my fellow lmk fandom to cut it out with the “Monkey King can’t read” jokes. It’s not funny, it’s not cute, and it literally makes no sense because nothing on the canon remotely supports that and the show joke moment that everyone uses for it wasn’t evEN ABOUT WHETHER HE COULD READ OR NOT.
Like. Even if that was the case, why is a character being illiterate getting treated like a cute, silly trait to poke at as an uwu quality…. seriously, do you guys not think that’s weird? That just screams infantilization to me.
And that’s the thing because this is not just another fictional character, this is SUN WUKONG. LMK Sun Wukong, but still. He is literally fucking called the Intelligent Stone Monkey. I get the jokes about him being a kinda silly old man with a lotta baggage he’s failed to properly deal with, but making up shit just to take the piss out of him and make him sound babyish or stupid in a “cute” way? What is the reason
And honestly, there are interesting things you could do with a head canon like that — maybe he has trouble adjusting to modern written language, an old guy trying to catch up but sometimes it’s not easy. Handled well, you could actually make some fun, creative head canons out of that while remembering it’s still not ACTUALLY canon. But people have taken the “can’t read?” part out of context so much I’m scared that people actually think it’s canon, and for know reason other than to seemingly point and go “hahaha dumb monkey can’t read sure he can write letters and went to school and knows how to use a computer but he still can’t cuz it’s funny hahaha”
Actually think about it critically. It makes no sense. Why are you willfully disregarding canon details and what makes the important religious icon Sun Wukong Sun Wukong for something that wasn’t even the real joke in one scene of this show? Some jokes are just completely stupid in a bad way and this is one of them.
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starswirly · 9 months
I think affection from various skeletons could fix me
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finisnihil · 9 months
I’m tired of people acting like Zhongli is a serious and chill guy who would never cause problems on purpose as if he isn’t one of the biggest menaces out of the Seven. He used to throw mountains at Venti for annoying him. He, the god of history, starts fights among historians for shits and giggles. He tried to gaslight the Traveler into thinking he was totally not at the Chasm guys really Aether/Lumine you must be seeing things maybe you should go see Baizhu. When Qiqi wanted “Cocogoat” milk he was like “Oh yeah sure totally let’s go look for it” knowing damn well it was a wild goose chase. He made the Traveler sing to a flower and then was like “Oh would you look at that” when a Whooperflower jumped out to maul them. I love him. He’s like a cat pushing things off the counter to see how people react. I would pay to see him interact directly with Neuvillette because I know for a fact he’d get on that man’s nerves and argue about water tasting just to feel something. Furina used freedom from godhood to take a nap and Zhongli used it to give psychic damage to anyone who talks to him longer than 5 minutes. Iconic.
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celestialmancer · 2 months
⛈️ ❌ ❌ ❌ // 2:09 am, tbd ;
#this is a fucking vent so just gnore the venty ass tags but i have nowhere else to place this that feels safe other than just.#shouting into a void where no one hears. aka here ig.#bc its better i shout into a void alone than drag others down with me somehow—i dont. know#regardless… i’m just… i dont know what to think.#things are really bad lately & i’m struggling again to stop myself from sh utting down every time i try being vulnerable & opening up.#i keep clamming up & letting my mind take the reins when it tells me to just erase anything i say. to not open up.#to swallow every single emotion & experience that’s hurting me & let that poison kill me slowly instead. deal with it alone#because it feels like its wrong to open up. like its wrong to say anything. like me being open is just.#me being a fucking burden or something. i don’t know. i shouldn’t be like this. i’m supposed to be fucking better than t his.#what the fuck happened to the version of myself that could just keep suppressing & suppressing & not being a goddamn thorn in ppl’s sides.#esp bc all the things i’m having a difficult / painful time with is all fucking trigger heavy shit or things that i just don’t.#fucking know what to do with anymore because its not shit within my control.#a lot of it’s shit im still just processing that has hurt a lot & havingg to cope w that grief alone.#but then there’s also other circumtances too that are hard to navigate & my BPD having a field day w me in recent history too#i don’t know what the fuck is wrong w me at this point. & im scared & i can’t stand being fucking alone in this shit yet.#i feel like i have to. i have to. i have to. beccause this is my own issue & to dare express anything is me just. using ppl isn’t it.#that’s all it is right. & besides how many times has it been proven that ppl get sick of me for not being okay.#how many times have ppl walked away because they realize im just some fucking deadweight emotionally or something. id on’t fucking know.#am i spiraling? who fucking knows! maybe! because im fucking tired of what my life has been in general & im. overwhelmed.#overwhelmed by existence itself i fucking guess & what its meant for me overwhelmed by expectations overwhelmed by vulnerability thats just.#bleeding out through the fucking cracks of this fucking mess of a person i am.#& constantly fucking afraid that im just. too much. too much. too much for anyone.#too emotional in fucking general too intense too overwhelming for others regardless if its overwhelming them via pos or neg emotions.#afraid im going to get discarded afraid of what’s to come afraid in fucking general. fear & grief & pain & rage & hatred &.#desperation to feel anything other than this & desperation to feel loved thats got me having rly foul compulsions too#all my emotions feel like some kind of fuckihng hairtrigger & its hard to stop it in fucking general. i dont fucking know. & like i said it.#feels like shit to deal with completely alone. not bc i wanna deal with alone but bc i /have/ to bc if i dont then im just. a problem. or.#i dont know. im tired of everything tired of my emotions tired of this life tired of all that ive had to face up til this point & tired of.#fear & idk how to handle things alone anymore. my friends deserve better than this emotional burden i am to be around ig.#it feels so much like i have to apologize to those i befriend for being. well. this. for all of me & for being ‘too much’ in general.
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aiizaph · 1 year
I always think I have my anxiety under control. That I’ve learned how to cope with it.
No I haven’t 🙃
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empyrangel · 1 year
Shout out to tumblr for having one of the worst blocking systems imaginable. I don’t know how it is on other sites but the fact that you can’t see people’s interactions on your own fucking posts when they block you is insane. People can be fucking dumbasses on your posts and not only can you be left completely in the dark about it, but even if you did find out you can’t do anything about it because you can’t see them to delete them. How is that fucking allowed??
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A little indulgent, venty drabble.
Your bedroom door opened. You were absolutely certain you had locked it. Alarmed, you shot up in bed, looking to the entrance to see who was intruding on you when your mood was so crushingly terrible.
It was Nightmare. He had a weird expression on his face, he looked very... calm. Calm was weird for him. He was the last person you expected to see.
... Also probably one of the last people you wanted to see.
"What're you doing?" you snapped. "Get out of my room."
His voice was low. "is everything alright?"
"Uh. Yeah." Perhaps you sounded more hostile than you needed to. You were glaring. "Everything's fine. You can go."
... His lovely cyan eye lingered on you.
He did not, in fact, leave. He closed the door behind him.
What the hell? Indignation coursed through you. "I'm seriously fine. Leave me alone."
"no," he said, softly.
You really really didn't have the self control for this, right now. You spent every moment of every day watching your words, taking stock of everything that left your lips, ensuring it wouldn't bother those around you even if it was at your own expense. Right now, you were fraying at the edges. You did not have the energy.
"Nightmare. Go away. I want to be alone right now."
He started walking toward you. He looked so calm. He looked like he understood exactly what was going on.
Anger flashed inside you, oil catching in a pan, it spittled and flew to your lips. You did not understand what was going on, and you didn't like feeling stupid.
"Get the fuck out of my room!"
“What the hell is your problem!?" You leaned forward, voice raising, like a cat raising its hackles. "You want to come watch me at my lowest? Point and laugh, rub it in? Real fucking mature of you.”
He didn't take the anger bait. "no." 
Stars, something was really wrong with you today, because his lidded socket and soothing voice just utterly infuriated you.
“Get out!” you yelled.
He didn't respond. He just looked like he cared.
You picked up the nearest weighted thing - your matte plastic water bottle - and threw it at him as hard as you could. He paused, but only to let the bottle literally just bounce off him... it hit his chest and thudded to the floor, rolling away plaintively.
You were probably acting more like a toddler than a grown adult human right now. But you were out of self control. Out of anything, really. Tired and cranky.
“Fuck off! Leave me alone!”
"it's okay."
What? When he started approaching again, you picked up another heavy object to throw, this time it was your bedside lamp. You were shocking yourself with your own bad behaviour. When you launched that at him, a tentacle curled in the air and caught it, setting it carefully down on the floor and not even interrupting his stride.
“Go bother someone else! I’m not a child!”
Honestly? You left that one open for him. You wanted him to make the most of the opportunity to insult you - maybe he’d say something sharp like “not a child? you sure are acting like one.” Something that would bring you back into territory you felt safe in. You didn't like the way he was looking at you, the way you were the only one yelling but he looked so empathetic and gentle. You wanted some control.
“it’s alright,” he murmured. “you can say what you need to. i know you don’t mean it.”
“What - what the fuck are you talking about?!”  
Nightmare sat beside you, cross-legged on your bed. And before you could do a thing, his extremely dexterous tentacles curled around you; and pulled you in, until you were sitting between his legs.
Oh, you were furious. You weren't even sure what you were yelling, but you were definitely yelling something. If you had been a cat raising your hackles before, now you had your claws out, you were scratching and biting and yowling. You kicked at him, you slapped at his chest, you shoved him like that would do anything.
... He didn't say a thing. His arms rested on either of his knees, and a tentacle carefully brushed your back. You kept hitting him. You ...
... You started to run out of steam. Your 'hits' on his chest became weaker, feebler, until you weren't really hitting him anymore. You were just bumping your enclosed fist against his sternum. The water bottle from before probably did more damage than you were doing now.
... You hiccuped.
And then you just started to bawl.
Nightmare clearly had anticipated this all along. He leaned down, face closer to your level, like he wanted you to know he was there. Your head thumped against his shoulder, where it remained, sobs wracking your entire body. He didn’t interrupt. He just let you cry - getting it all out. 
Part of you wanted to be embarrassed. Assaulting him and then wailing right there in his lap. But oh... there was something so wonderful about acting your absolute worst, and yet, not being abandoned. You worked so hard to be liked; every day, you did everything you could to be the kind of person that the people around you would enjoy. So much so that you had no idea what was left, underneath all of the personalities you'd stitched together to make a quilt people would like looking at.
Nightmare had just watched you scream at the top of your lungs, then sob with anything you had left. And yet? He was still there.
By the time your crying quietened down, his eyelight was glowing a little brighter. A little bluer. You weren’t sure what that meant.
“... I-I...” you rubbed your eyes with your sleeve as best you could. Your voice was horrendously hoarse and thin. “I didn’t... mean...”
“i know,” he said, warmly. Sitting this close, you could hear how his voice thrummed from within his chest, not really his mouth. Knowing his lecherous and borderline evil personality, you thought that basically sitting on his lap would've felt different. Risky, perhaps. Right now, it didn't - you felt comforted. The good kind of surrounded.
"I'm sorry."
“don't be. if there’s anyone who would know when anger is a cry for help, it’s me.”
You kept your head on his shoulder. "I shouldn't have hit you."
He tilted his face to you a little more. He was so close - inches away. You could feel his breathing. “honestly? i incited you, in the hopes you would. you just wanted to be angry. everyone deserves to feel angry, every now and then.”
“It doesn’t always feel like it is okay," you muttered.
"anger isn't something to be ashamed of. anger protects you. it tells you when your lines have been crossed."
"How can I be angry, without hurting people? If you were anyone else, I would've really hurt you."
"i'm afraid there's no easy answer to that, dear."
You looked up at him. “How did you know I didn't want to be left alone?”
"did you forget i can read emotions?"
Ah. True. You always forgot Nightmare wasn't just any old skeleton. He was some kind of God, wasn't he? A deity of negativity. He probably read everything going on in your mind the moment it arose.
"I kinda did, yeah."
His socket crinkled at the corner. “i felt what you wanted. heh, that, and... i know your insults well enough to know your heart wasn’t in those.”
You couldn’t help but let out a tiny watery snicker, at that. He seemed to like it. 
“... Thank you." You brought your legs up to your chest, tucking closer against him. "For... for not leaving.”
He finally put his arms around you.
“of course.”
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invisible string
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~1.1k
Warnings: fluff
Request by anon: this is about to be super self indulgent but could you by any chance do a spencer reid x barista!reader maybe he keeps going back to the same cafe or something and memorizes like little facts about coffee or something lol i love your writing so much!!
Summary: Spencer keeps going back to the same coffee shop not because of the coffee but because of a certain someone that never fails to make him smile.
Square Filled: invisible string by taylor swift for @spencerreidbingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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“I need a double shot espresso and a strawberry refresher,” you call to your coworkers. You’re working the register when a tall man walks up to the counter. Man, he is super cute. “Hi, what can I get for you?”
“I don’t come here often but I hear you don’t take large cups? What are they called?”
“Yeah, that,” he chuckles. “What do you recommend?”
“I personally love anything caramel. It gives me enough sugar to counteract the bitterness of the coffee.”
“I’ll do that, then.”
Man, he is clueless but he’s so cute. You’re not sure if this is a bit or if this is who he actually is but you like it.
“What kind of coffee do you want?”
“Hazelnut Americano with caramel drizzle.”
“You got it. Anything else?”
“Spencer Reid.”
He pays for his coffee and you start making his order since there is no one else in line. You write his name on the cup and walk to the pickup section and call his name. The way he bounces over to the counter is kind of cute.
“Have a nice day, Spencer,” you grin and hand it to him.
“Thank you. You, too!”
The next day when Spencer comes in, he is more confident. He’s still nervous since he finds you attractive but he’s not going to let that stop him.
“Hey, I remember you. You ordered the hazelnut Americano yesterday,” you smile and greet him. You yawn and cover your mouth. “Sorry. It doesn’t matter how much coffee I drink, I am still tired.”
“Did you know that coffee was discovered by an Ethiopian goat herder?”
“I did not but it makes sense. He needed all that energy to round up all the goats. What’s your name again?”
“Yes, that was it. Sorry, I have a terrible memory.”
“I have an eidetic one.”
“What is that?”
“An eidetic memory is the ability to recall an image from memory with high precision—at least for a brief period—after seeing it only once and without using a mnemonic device. I have an IQ of 187 and can read twenty-thousand words a minute.”
“So, you’re really smart?”
“Yes,” he chuckles.
“Okay, come back tomorrow and I’ll have a fact for you.”
There is a line forming behind him so Spencer quickly orders and leaves just as fast as he came. You have to wait an entire day to see him again and this time, you have a fact lined up for him.
“Hi, Spencer,” you smile. “I think I got a good fact for you today.”
“Let’s hear it.”
“Did you know that ketchup was once sold as a medicine?”
“In the 1830s, it was believed that the condiment could cure almost anything, including indigestion, diarrhea, and even jaundice,” he nods.
“Alright, smarty-pants, I’ll have to try harder tomorrow.”
“I have one for you about coffee. Did you know that bees love the taste of coffee?”
“Is that why they always fly near me when I’m having my morning coffee in my sunroom?”
“It might be.”
Another line is forming so you grab his coffee order and move on with your life. The only thing you’re looking forward to now is Spencer when he comes in. He shows up the next morning at the same time he’s been showing up, and you find yourself smiling because of him.
“Spencer! The usual?”
“Actually, get me your favorite drink.”
“Are you sure? You’re not allergic to anything?”
“Coming right up.” You ring him up and accept his cash. “I have another fact, and I think it’s a good one. Did you know the Vikings discovered America and not Christopher Columbus?”
“Yes, approximately five hundred years before Christopher Columbus, the Scandinavian explorer Thorvald, brother of Leif Erikson and son of Erik the Red, died in battle in modern-day Newfoundland.”
“Okay, you’re good.”
Spencer blushes at your small compliment. “My head is filled with facts that I can’t seem to forget like coffee beans are actually the seeds from the coffee plant’s berry-like fruits. The coffee plant is a shrub that grows in tropical climates in parts of Africa, Asia, South America and North America. It produces an edible berry-like fruit known as a coffee cherry, which typically contains two coffee beans. These beans are then processed and roasted to create the coffee we know and love.”
“I did not know that.” You really like talking to him but every time he comes in, there is a line forming behind him. You have to move on so you put in his order. You turn to your coworker who barely begins to make his order. “Can you take this? I want to make his cup.”
“Sure, smitten kitten,” she grins.
You grab the empty cup and make your favorite drink for Spencer. When you’re done, you write your number on the side of it in hopes he will use it.
“Spencer?” He walks up to the counter and you smile. “Here you go.”
“Thank you. I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“I’ll be here.”
Spencer doesn’t notice your number until he gets to his car. He smiles which makes you smile because that is a good sign that he likes what you did. The next day, he comes in with someone. He hasn’t used your number yet but maybe he’s nervous. The man with the dark skin encourages Spencer to make a move on you, and he pushes him toward you.
“Hi, Spencer,” you smile.
“Hi. This is my friend and coworker, Derek Morgan.”
“Hi, Derek.” You turn to Spencer. “I got one for you. I really think I’ll get you this time. Did you know that in Ancient Egypt, the New Year celebration was called Wepet Renpet?”
“I didn’t know that.”
“Wait, really?” you gasp.
“Are you serious?” Derek asks Spencer at the same time as you.
“I’m sorry, yeah, I did.” You tip your head back and laugh. “While we celebrate New Year’s Day on January 1, the Ancient Egyptian tradition was different every year. Meaning ‘the opener of the year’, Wepet Renpet was a way to mark the annual flooding of the Nile River, which usually happened sometime in July. The Egyptians tracked Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, to time their festivities.”
“You know, one day, I’m gonna get you. I’m gonna know something you don’t.”
“I’ve been barking up that tree for years now,” Derek chuckles. You and Spencer look at him and he nods in understanding. “I’ll go wait over there.”
“What can I get you two?”
“Caramel Macchiato and a Hazelnut Americano.”
“Is that all?”
Spencer looks at Derek who nods in encouragement.
“Would you like to go on a date with me?” he stutters.
He blushes as he talks which is super cute.
“I’d love to.”
“Great. I still have your number. I was nervous about using it but I will now.”
“Don’t wait too long,” you grin.
There is something pulling you and Spencer together, something of an invisible string.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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bunny-rambles · 10 months
Hi! I hope you're doing okay!
I have a request if you don't mind.
I go so silent when im owerwhelmed. To the rate its so hard for me talk. I wont be able to join to the conversation even if i really want to. At those days, i just need some cuddles and affection.
What if reader just comes back to home and the character is just laying on the couch and reader lays on top of then without saying anything, just listening to their heartbeat? Can i request it with scara, albedo, kazuha, venti and whoever you want to add?
Have a good day💕
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“I’m Here.”
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characters; Scaramouche, Albedo, Venti, Kazuha, gn reader
cw/tw; talks of low mood and anxiety, hurt/comfort
word count; 500+ for each
notes; Hi, thank you so much for this request, sorry it took so long, it just takes forever to get my inspiration going nowadays. I hope you’re still here to enjoy this <3 it’s been stuck in wip hell but it’s finally here now, enjoy. (If some people want to, I’ll see if I can do a part 2 with some other characters. I’m thinking Wriothesley and Neuvillette. Let me know what you think.)
Please reblog if you like this!!
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“Hey, are you even listening?”
Tired eyes move up towards the small crowd of people around you, focusing on the unimpressed pair of eyes burning their gaze into you. Your hand is idly tapping your pen against the empty piece of paper in front of you, but it quickly stops the second you feel the suffocating feeling in your chest from your entire table watching your every move.
“Sorry.” You apologise quietly, only to turn your head away from your classmate, who just scoffs at your haphazard reply and continues on with whatever they were talking about, their jargon falling on deaf ears.
If you were being honest, you could care less about the topic of the conversation.
Today was just one of those days where you felt that heavy feeling in your head, that light fluttering in your stomach. It felt like something was wrong, but nothing had happened to make you like this. Nothing in the typical sense, anyway. No event to trigger such a reaction, not even a snide whisper about you that caught your attention - nothing. You just felt, to sum it up in one word, overwhelmed.
Silently, you slipped out of your seat and snuck away when the conversation had moved on from your strange behaviour, the feeling all consuming at this point. When you were alone, there was only one thought in your mind: find him.
There were a lot of people who didn’t even bother to try to find out his name, only giving him a simple nickname due to his peculiar style. But not you. No, you were the odd one out, the only one in the entire Akademiya who sought out the company of the sharp-tongued vagrant. Perhaps you were the only one who could understand the true meaning of his biting remarks, the only one who knew just how understanding he could be.
He wasn’t in the lecture today, or anywhere in the Akademiya. That wasn’t too much of an issue. He had told you where you could find him if you really needed him (‘or whatever’, you recall him mumbling as his violet eyes shied away from yours, rose blooming so delicately on his porcelain cheeks).
So your feet moved on their own, stumbling along until you came to a quiet opening in the surrounding mountains of Sumeru. And there he was, perched on the edge of the hill that was overlooking the scenery of the entire city - a silent protector. He looked serene, calm in the gentle glow of the sunbeams shining down on the peak of the rocky formation. Maybe it would be best not to disturb him - you couldn’t even remember the last time he looked so at peace with the world.
You took a step back. A branch snapped noisily under your foot, causing the wanderers head to whip around to face you. His brief look of surprise is quickly replaced with his usual look of indifference.
“Oh, it’s you.” He sounded bored, but not aggravated by your presence. This was a good sign for him. But when you didn’t respond, the blank look on his face shifted as he raised an eyebrow at your lack of response. “Well? Spit it out. What do you want?” He prompted again, albeit a little harshly.
But no matter how much you wanted to tell him why you were there, no words would leave your mouth. It was like your lips were just sealed shut.
Instead, you just sat down beside him, your fingers dancing with one another in your lap. Your lips moved, shaping the words that wanted to come out, but no sound accompanied them. A heavy sigh left your lips, already feeling defeated with not being able to do one simple thing right today.
Luckily, you didn’t need to. With an exhale of breath that matched your own, you heard the rustling of fabric by your side as the puppet opened his arms for you.
“Come here.” He ordered in a soft voice, his eyes avoiding your own. When you didn’t respond immediately, obviously in complete surprise with what you were witnessing, he grumbled something under his breath, too quiet for you to understand. Red began to bleed through his white skin, his teeth gritting together before he spoke again. “I don’t have all day. Now come here before I change my mind.”
Soon, his arms were around you, wrapping you up in his comforting embrace when you finally shuffled towards him. And here, nothing could hurt you, not while all you had to focus on was his fingers rubbing deep, comforting circles in your back. His chin rested atop of your head, mainly to hide the gentleness present in his features as he held you close to his chest. If only he had a heart, just so you could listen to the gentle pounding of it against his chest whenever he touched you. Instead, you heard a soft breeze right next to your ear, flowing in time with the pulsing light of his vision with each time his chest raised to take a breath.
There were no words exchanged between the two of you, only the sweet sounds of birds chirping, and that same gentle breeze that surrounded the both of you while you stayed in one another's arms.
The door swung open with a loud crash against the wall, a cheerful laugh accompanying the startling sound. “Oh, Windblume! Are you home?” The melodic voice of the bard sang out through his shared home of his partner.
This did not deter him, however, as he hummed a quiet tune to himself as he set the freshly picked apples along large bottle of dandelion wine on the table, his hands going to his hips as he listened for the tell-tale sound of your soft footsteps or the sweet cadence of your voice. But once again, the young man was met with an eerie quietness.
“Huh. Guess they’re not home.” Viridescent eyes scan their surroundings before landing on a small note hidden away in the corner of the room, neatly placed on the very desk you had been working at so tirelessly these past few days.
‘At Windrise.’
Oh. So it was one of those days. No matter, he knew exactly what to do when you weren’t feeling your best. After quickly grabbing a couple of apples from the large bag he had carried home, he was already on his way to come find you.
And find you he did, sat alone underneath the towering tree with your head in your hands, looking devoid of any positive emotions. Even in the embrace of the winds of freedom, you still felt tied down from the thoughts swarming in your head. The gentle wind around you playfully tussled your hair, but it did very little to quell the storm raging inside of you, its thunder petrifying. There was a rustle above you in the leaves of the great tree, a few fluttering down to gently graze against your cheeks, like nature's soft kisses. And then a head emerged from them, a wide smile on the owner's face.
“Hello there!” Venti greeted with his signature wink, his twin tails swaying in the wind, his forehead exposed from hanging upside down from the branch. You couldn’t help but smile at the sight, your hand reaching out to carefully pull a few stray leaves out of his hair. He swung himself with his legs to press a kiss against your cheek, an airy laugh coming from him before he finally hopped down to take his place next to you. “I brought you something, but it might be a little bruised now.”
The bard giggled sheepishly before pulling out one of the apples he had grabbed earlier, throwing it up in the air for you to catch. Your hands cradled the ripe fruit, treating it as a precious treasure before you brought it up to your lips for a bite. A sigh left your lips from the sweet taste coating your tastebuds, the flavour almost sinful. But how could it be with the god who gave it to you right by your side? No, this was heavenly. Paradise was in your hand, and you couldn’t help but take another bite, showing off a thankful smile towards your partner who was already tucking into his own.
You expected him to speak, to fill the air with jokes or light hearted chatter. However, the only thing that made any noise right now was the petals of the nearby asters and the tweeting of songbirds. The archon beside you was quiet, waiting for you to speak first. And if you didn’t feel up to talking, that was okay too. He was going to be by your side, no matter how you felt. Much like the wind he commanded, he would always be with you, even on your bad days. No words were exchanged between the two of you. Instead, your head leaned closer to his until your cheek was pressed up against his shoulder, a deep sigh leaving your lips. But this time, it was filled with content instead of your previous anxiety. Venti��s hand that wasn’t holding his own apple gently cradled your head, his fingers lightly threading through your soft hair.
“My dear Windblume, you’ve worked so hard.” He finally spoke, his soft cheek resting lightly against the top of your head, like the softest of feathers.
“Don’t be afraid… I’m here.”
It had been a long day.
A fight with the endless stacks of paper at your desk had left you feeling drained, the walls of your bedroom feeling almost like a prison instead of a sanctuary for dreams and comfort. Your hands trembled as you re-read the few scarce sentences that you had managed to write down, only for them to curl into tight fists around the delicate piece of paper. What does it matter? It barely made sense anyway.
You needed out of this room. Shaky legs pulled your body out of your solitude, into the fresh air and tall grass that brushed against the back of your legs. You weren’t quite sure what led you to this meadow. Perhaps it was just an inexplicable pull you felt that was dragging you towards something more enchanting than the dull surroundings of a desk and barely functioning pen - something more warm, more comforting.
There, sitting in the middle of this peaceful field of flowers, he sat.
Eyes closed, with a serene smile painted on his gentle face, his silvery wisps of hair blowing softly in the winds - much like the swaying stalks of emerald around him. And once those eyes fluttered open to reveal the rubies underneath, you could feel the very air in your throat catch. That smile you admired only widened when his gaze set on you.
“Fancy seeing you here. Care to join me?” Kazuha spoke, his bandaged hand extended towards your own. You felt guilty intruding on such a peaceful moment like this, but when he was looking at you like that, inviting you to spend time with him… Well, how could you possibly refuse? Your hand connected with his own, a gentle tug leading to you seating yourself next to him. Instead of letting go of your hand, or letting his touch linger on your skin for a moment, he interlocked his fingers with your own. His side brushed against your own, your smile slowly but surely mirroring his own curled lips. Silence curled its invisible arms around the two of you, wrapping you up in comforting tranquillity, only found with the closest of companions.
A soft exhale left the man beside you, his body leaning backwards to lay against the ground, his gaze fixated on the clouds above.
“Here.” He whispers, patting the space underneath you to encourage you to join him. “Lay with me. Let your troubles float away with the drifting clouds.”
Carefully, you also laid back, with your hand still intertwined with his own and your other one resting on top of your stomach.
It wasn’t long before you found yourself under his arm, nestled up against his side with your cheek pressing up gently against his chest. His fingers gently began to run through your hair, his movements idle, his soul at peace - as well as yours.
“You don’t have to talk about what is troubling you, dove. But if you ever need to talk to me, or perhaps, if you just want me to be with you - then you need only ask.” The wandering prince spoke, his soothing movements unchanging. “Or just come find me if you feel like you can’t. Your presence is never a bother.” He chuckles softly, holding you closer to his side, his head leaning against your own.
“I promise… You’ll never have to go through anything alone, as long as I’m by your side.”
The gentle clinking of glass echoes around the room as a solitary alchemist works in silence. Concentration is etched onto his porcelain face, his lips drawn in a straight line as his gaze fixates on the bubbling liquid inside the flask he was holding in a gentle grasp. He raises an eyebrow, however, when a figure starts to form in the reflection. In the distorted mirroring of the glass, he could make out a pair of saddened eyes staring longingly at him, yet silence persisted in the room. He blinked a few times to make sure he wasn’t just hallucinating - hours alone with various fumes and chemicals did have those side effects, after all. When he concluded he was in fact not deluding himself, he lowered the container carefully and turned around to face the one who had been waiting patiently behind him to finish analysing the results of his experiments.
This was a sight he wasn’t unfamiliar with. It wasn’t the first time he had seen you look so downcast. But rarely did you ever seek him out during these moods of yours, especially while he was working. This was… Unusual. It must’ve been quite serious.
He waited for you to speak, to tell him whatever was on your mind, but no words came. Instead, your eyes refused to meet his own, almost as if you were guilty for disturbing him or bothering him with your presence. But to Albedo, you could never be a bother - your very existence filled him with elation, even if he seldom expressed that notion towards you with words. At least his actions told you otherwise.
“Is there something I can help you with?” He inquired carefully, making sure not to push you too much. Your mouth opened and closed a few times, a few stutters of some quiet words he couldn’t quite make out. He glanced back to his makeshift workshop for a moment before his cerulean eyes locked with your own glassy ones. Deft fingers moved towards the bunsen burner, switching the contraption off before they moved to cup your chin, tilting your head up so your eyes locked once more. He hummed inquisitively, wondering why you looked so upset. But, no matter. If you were here, surely he could be of some use, even if you were unwilling to share what was troubling you.
“Perhaps it’s time for a break.” The blonde declared thoughtfully before intertwining his fingers with your own, guiding you out of the laboratory and into a more peaceful area of the Favonius headquarters. Once inside, he led you over to a large couch, gesturing for you to sit down before he joined you. He cleared his throat awkwardly while opening his arms to you. “I’ve heard that physical contact and affection relieves stress.” He stated, his eyes flitting away from you for a few fleeting seconds. “Would you perhaps like a hug?”
Hesitantly, he shifted closer when he noticed you were doing the same before taking you into his arms and cradling you to his chest. A shuddering breath left your lips as the warmth you had craved all day seeped through your skin, deep into your bones.
“Is… This okay?” The alchemist asks quietly, unsure. You nod against his chest, your own arms circling around his middle. His hold around you tightens. A gentle hand rests on top of your head, his other on your lower back, fingers idly tracing patterns against your back. The motion is calculated, an automatic action, as if he knew exactly what to do to soothe your worries just with his touch alone.
“I’m glad you found me and I’m glad I could help. Please, my darling, stay in my arms until you feel better.” Before you could even open your mouth to ask about his work, he continues, in a soft tone only reserved for you and his little sister. “No experiment or variable compares to the feeling of holding you like this. So please, allow me to indulge myself.”
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genshin-scenarios · 11 months
types of fleeting moments…
Summary: Cute or flustering things they might do. There is uh, kissing in almost all of them, so rated teens and up!
Characters: Venti, Xiao, Lyney, Kazuha, Heizou
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It’s not uncommon for Venti to rile you up. His laughter is light on the breeze as he finally puts an end to teasing you, a gentle voice suddenly very close to your ear. He drapes his arms on top of your shoulders, leaning close.
“Sorry, sorry! You’re just so cute when you’re mad.”
Your annoyance pitches into a blush at the proximity. “And how is that—”
As much as Venti likes to talk, he’s just as naturally inclined to stealing your breath away—or in this case, shocking you out of your rebuttal with a kiss that swoops into you. 
His thumb hooks under your chin to tilt you closer. The familiar taste of apples meets your tongue as Venti’s nose brushes yours, smiling against your lips.
Maybe there’s one more thing he’s addicted to, other than wine. 
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You’ve been on many adventures and stealth missions, but you have to admit that getting trapped into a hiding space with Xiao is not something that’s happened before.
Xiao isn’t often this close to you—at least not in situations like these, where both your hearts are racing at the thought of being caught by enemies right in the middle of their base. But maybe part of the heat rising to your cheeks is also because of Xiao looking towards the side, doing everything he can to respect your space in a closet that has none.
The sound of footsteps and a loud thumb against the door startles you both; Xiao’s arms immediately move to cage you against the wall. It’s a protective instinct, but the moment those outside shuffle away, Xiao’s ears are blushing the reddest you’ve ever seen.
“I didn’t mean to…” He starts, before sighing and opting to thump his forehead against the wall beside you instead. This time, you’re the one that freezes at the feeling of his hair tickling your neck.
What a mess you’ve found yourself in.
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You’d intended to infiltrate a party under the guise of being a couple. Yet it takes less than an hour for a stranger to start blocking your way, attempting to flirt with you when you were supposed to be gathering information from somewhere else. 
From across the room, Lyney abandons his task to step in and introduce himself as your boyfriend. While this was your cover, you’re still flustered at how he’d done so in such a blasé way. Lyney smiles like it’s second-nature as he picks up your hand and brushes his lips over your knuckles.
“Isn’t that right, my love?”
It’s all you can do to muster a smile and play along, trying not to let the shock appear on your face. When the offender disappears amongst the crowd, Lyney continues holding onto your hand and even pulls you closer. There’s a pout on his lips as he quietly complains. “How could I just stand there as someone tried to whisk you away?”
“It’s just a cover.” You try to reassure him, but the mischievous glint in Lyney’s eyes suggests otherwise.
“...Does it really have to be?”
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There are a lot of things Kazuha does that makes your face heat up like no tomorrow, but this might be the worst of them all.
“Sorry,” he smiles against your neck, anything but apologetic. “I’m just a little tired today, I hope you don’t mind.”
When Kazuha asked if you’d be okay with cuddling with him, or letting him take a nap with you, this was not what you imagined. 
He buries his head into the crook of your neck, nuzzling against it. Absent-mindedly, Kazuha mentions he can almost hear the sound of your pulse. He places a fleeting kiss on your collarbone, before finally resting against your shoulder like a normal person.
Then, you feel his fingers trace the spot he’d just kissed. His touch is just gentle enough that it tickles you, and as you spot the little quirk to Kazuha’s lips, you can feel your sanity floating even further away. Kazuha’s hands travel across your skin, as if drawing a map of his traces on you.
At this rate, you’ll never sleep soundly again.
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Heizou has a habit of sharing things with you; particularly food.
It’s a normal thing to do, in his defense. Why only eat one type of dish when you could order two different ones and share them? Set aside the fact that Heizou likes to also feed you, watching for your reaction as he lifts a spoon to your lips to sample something—would you get embarrassed, or attempt to casually take a bite? 
He takes all responses as a way of learning more about you, so no matter what, Heizou seems to be happy about the result.
Today, you’re at a festival together. It’s honestly a beautiful event, with sakura blossoms in the air and yokai hiding around the forest, peeking out at the food stalls and games. You’d gotten yourself a bag of candies and didn’t think much of Heizou asking for a sample.
Until he takes said sample from you, in a kiss that stuns you in place, before realizing he’d stolen it from your mouth. Heizou only sends you a wink, thanking you, and quickly walking ahead before you could  scold him for his boldness.
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staryuee · 2 years
— a lifetime of love awaits, will you marry me?
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꒰warnings꒱ {edit} I HAD TO ADD SCARA OKAY
⠀꒲ ` synopsis . . . how would they propose to their beloved?
⠀꒲ ` characters . . . tartaglia, venti, eula, kazuha, yoimiya, kaeya, ayato, zhongli, scaramouche
⠀꒲ ` notes . . . FINALLY IM FREE FROM THESE CHAINS !! lana can finally stop bullying me :( — this won’t be the end, i’m planning to write wedding/marriage hcs w these lot too ♪( ´▽`)
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when did he realise he wants to marry you?
ajax realised when you came over to see his family for the second time. the way his siblings rushed over to greet you, each of them stumbling around because they want to be the first one to hug you, your bright yet gentle smile as you squeezed each of them tightly and peppered their faces with kisses — it all sent the most electrifying butterflies to his stomach. seeing the way you handle his energetic siblings and the way his parents have clearly welcomed you in as part of the family, it really made him think “i want to be with you forever.”
did he nearly reveal his plans by accident?
he’s a fearsome fatui harbinger, do you really think something as special and important like this will easily slip out? yes, absolutely. he cannot for the love of the tsaritsa herself shut the fuck up. he’s obviously already talked to your family and some friends of yours he knew he could trust but at this point everyone practically knows his plan with how much he’s been talking about you. honestly, speaking to yours and his family was his first step — he just wanted to make sure he had their blessings!! (as cliche as that sounds). with how overly-nice and generous people have been to you, you were starting to garner suspicions however tartaglia always has his special ways of distracting you~
you’ve just finished a lovely dinner with tartaglia’s family, his siblings were surrounding you two near a fireplace, the snezhnayan winter was being extremely unforgiving that particular evening with snow pouring down onto the ground, creating a massive winter wonderland. “did you know, [name] took me around liyue harbour again!!” teucer jumped onto your lap holding his lil’ ruin guard ehem ‘cyclops’ plushie in his hand, his bright eyes shining with delight. “alright, alright now teucer, i’m sure ajax and [name] are very tired from their journey and don’t want you jumping around on them. why don’t we all take a nice little breather outside?“ tartaglia’s mom intervenes, gesturing to the rack of coats.
snezhnayan winters were absolutely breathtaking, despite the snow engulfing you in cold, the pure sight of the kids playing and building their cute lil’ snowmen was enough to warm you inside and out. of course ajax didn’t get the atmosphere as he decided to come up and put his cold ass hands on your cheeks. “ajax!!! you absolute bi-“ you squealed as a shiver went down your spine. honestly you couldn’t get angry at him with the way his smile and laughter made you completely forget yourself. however, that didn’t make you want revenge any less. therefore !! you decided to start a harmless snowball fight with him.
while you and tartaglia were having a not-so friendly snowball fight, tonia finds a way to sneak up behind you and tug on your coat for attention and so, being the sweet person you are, you looked down at her… which ended up with you getting hit in the face with a snowball and ajax laughing it off by giving you small kisses. “sorry [name], uhm i just wanted to show you our snowmen! we just finished (。・ω・。)” she smiled up at you. god you felt your heart absolutely explode that snowball meaning absolutely nothing to you at that moment. taking her hand into yours she leads you to the place her and her siblings built the snowmen.
and who would’ve thought the little angels built the snowmen to resemble you and ajax <3 they had a small pebble heart around it with some local snezhnayan flowers scattered about and … some carving in the snow which read “turn around :)” as you did, your eyes instantly brimmed with heated tears. ajax was down on one knee, a beautiful ring imbedded with the finest jade in one hand while his other one reached out for yours.
“i love you with my entire heart and i wish to spend my entire life with you, [name], will you marry me?”
VENTI — 温迪
when did they realise they want to marry you?
better question: when did he NOT think about marrying you? it’s impossible to pinpoint just a specific moment where he thought about putting a ring on your finger. everyday he’s latched onto you like a personal heating pack whether that’s just him holding your hand, kissing you, hugging you etc he always has some part of him touching you. therefore, one of the more prominent times where he thinks of marrying you is when his heart actively yearns for you during the times you’re apart from one another. they do say “absence makes the heart grow fonder” and well venti takes that to the extreme.
did they nearly reveal their plans by accident?
venti is an ancient beloved god, he has absolutely no problem keeping his plan a secret from you! well, perhaps he can keep it from you verbally, ehem minus the few minor slip ups, he does make it quite obvious at times when he starts playing with your hands more often or stops frequenting the tavern to “focus on something more important” - his words not mine. he definitely tries his best, and to be fair he absolutely succeeds given with how loud and talkative he is you’d think he’d let it out eventually however, he wants this to be a complete surprise :)
the unfortunate ending of the weinlesefest was drawing nearer, yet the abundant love - platonic, familial and romantic - was filling the air with a sweetened fragrance. or perhaps that was just the scent of your boyfriend who had downed a couple bottles of diluc’s finest wine earlier that day. either way, your heart was brimming with everlasting joy.
venti held your waist with one hand, while his other hand rested on the top of your head to push you ever so closely. starsnatch cliff was the perfect place to wind down at , nothing but the tender autumn breeze and the silent brushing of the grass against you while you stared up at the glowing sky. although the day seemed to be perfect, you suddenly remembered that venti looked somewhat worried all day - consistently looking nervous and pondering over things that you couldn’t quite decipher.
you gently pushed yourself off venti and he gave you a perplexed look, “what’s the matter, windblume?” you just took him by his hands and told him to take a few deep breaths and appreciate the scenery. “venven, you looked so stressed the entire day, whats been on your mind?” he took a small step back from you and averted his gaze, subconsciously starting to fiddle with his braid.
taking a final deep breath, he looks you in the eyes cups your cheek and gives you a gentle smile. “mh, guess theres nothing i can hide from you is there, my warrior?” he takes his hands into yours.
“you know that i love you more than words can describe, you’ve changed my heart and life for the better and whenever im without you it feels like i've lost a part of myself. i’ve seen your kindness and your strength, as well as your fears and sorrows. you are the love of my life, i cannot imagine a life without you. i could tell you i can’t love you more than i do now, but i know tomorrow i will even more. my heart sings a song that’s only for you to hear.”
while hot tears brim at the corners of your eyes and spill out slowly, venti gets down on one knee and reaches into one of his pockets - your free hand flew to your agape mouth in an instant. “[name], windblume, my love, my shining star, will you marry me?”
EULA — 优菈
when did she realise she wants to marry you?
probably the first time she ever allowed herself to be vulnerable next to you. eula loves equivocation so unless you’re down to become a professional literature and language analyser , understanding her true intentions is rather difficult. but! that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have her moments where she allows her façade to be broken down, she’s human after all and everyone needs support once in a while. those few times where she simply rests on your shoulder, hugs you tightly and sheds a few tears with you whispering words of comfort — those are the times eula fully cherishes her love for you.
did she nearly reveal her plans by accident?
she’s a bit of a tricky one to decipher as on one hand i’d feel like she’d become so much more hyper-aware of people and of her surroundings and she’d absolutely refuse to talk about her plans to anyone except maybe amber while on the other hand, i feel like she’d have the attitude of “if you find out, you find out and that’s that.” eula does try her best to hide her intentions and though her attempts at stopping your suspicions are futile it’s cute to see her focus on something so intently.
blanketed by a starlit sky at brightcrown canyon’s coast, cider lake glistening brightly and mirroring yours and eula’s forms as she swayed you to the melody of your hearts - a soothing lullaby as she called it - everything was all so mesmerising.
“i didn’t know the the leader of the reconnaissance company could be so romantic.” you giggled, she shook her head proceeding to give you a harmless glare that made you laugh once again. eula dipped you down with the grace of a true efficient professional , staring into your eyes with a sort of mischievous expression.
“i’m starting to think you say these things on purpose, my dear.” she gave you a light peck on the corner of your mouth, actively avoiding your lips to tease you. “eulaaaa..” you whine pulling yourself up closer to her. she only chuckles at your complaints and pulls you back up.
“come on my love, we can’t have the dinner getting cold can we?” taking you by the hand with a complaisant and gentle smile, eula leads you to a lavish and fragrant dinner in front of cider lake. like the classic gentlewoman she is she pulls out the chair to help you get seated. despite literal years of being together, her romantic etiquette has never failed to swoon you.
“it’s rare to see you with so much ebullience, love mind telling me what’s gotten you in such a good mood?” she simply hums in response and sits down opposite you. unbeknownst to you, eula’s mind was in total frenzy and while not being a woman of many words her face currently held more emotions than a sentence could handle.
eula cleared her throat, “[name],” her gaze flickered between you and the floor before finally settling on you, “i know it must get extremely draining having to constantly deal with me, but i am thankful each day that you’ve stuck with me and loved me.” you could see a prominent blush form on the tips of her ears. “my dearest, i can’t imagine what i would be like without you, i want to be there for you when no one else can, therefore,” she finally places her hand on the table revealing a silver ring with a jewel that matched the colour of your eyes, “will you marry me?”
K. KAZUHA — 枫原万叶
when did he realise he wants to marry you?
kazuha is innately a romantic, ask him this question and he’ll laugh it off and tell you that every passing second of his was spent thinking about being with you — and while that isn’t inaccurate, he definitely recalls this one memory where he felt his entire world slow down to appreciate you. of course, he’d never tell you it though!
did he nearly reveal his plans by accident?
once or twice he may have accidentally sent you the wrong letter where he specifically mentions his plans of proposing to you (all of which were meant to be sent to his mama beidou btw) but best believe he retrieved those letters as quick as he sent them. this is such a significant part in both of your lives were the ink in your chapters begin to spill into one another, where the string of fate tightens to emphasise your bond and, more simply, were your souls become one - he needs this to be absolutely perfect.
kazuha is a man of classical romance, i mean not only does he write endless haikus for you, send you letters while he’s out on a voyage (when it’s only been like a couple hours), he is also covered in maple leaves which themselves are woven in love — therefore it wasn’t much of a surprise when he asked you out on the third date of that week.
what was a surprise on the other hand, was the place he took you. it was the same place you two had first met, a lovely area that was abundant in peaceful joy and tranquility: amakane island. the night submerged the beautiful city of inazuma in a comforting silence with only the hums of the wind echoing in your ear. kazuha led you hand-in-hand to a small picnic he had prepared earlier that day.
from where you were sat you could clearly see the gorgeous stars scattering the glowing sky like lanterns. even when presented with such a view, kazuha’s eyes were still gently fixated on you. “you are absolutely breathtaking.” your cheeks heated up in embarrassment, how could he say such things so nonchalantly AND to your face at the same time? kazuha gives you a closed eyed smile and rested his head on his palm.
“you make me complete.” he looks at you with one eye open. in an attempt to recover from your flustered state you sigh and decide to sit back and enjoy kazuha’s delicate teasing and compliments. he begins fiddling with your hair, “without you i am not whole.” you closed your eyes as his calming voice lulled you.
“dove, please marry me.”
you’ve never sat up so fast before.
when did she realise she wants to marry you?
much like venti it’s practically impossible to narrow down one memory with you. some reoccurring moments have always made her ponder her future with you therefore, it’s not really a realisation more so a confirmation the person she wishes to spend her days with till old has to be you. memories she recalls that definitely emphasised her love for you all include you smiling. the knowledge she makes you just as happy as you make her is enough of a reason to put a ring on your finger. :)
did she nearly reveal her plans by accident?
listen she really tried her best to be more organised and seemingly unbothered by her internal disorder, she wanted to keep her plans a complete secret from you to serve as a cute surprise however… she was almost completely sure you heard like the majority of her plans with how much she had to yell instructions and ideas to her dad. none of that dimmed her enthusiasm though! no matter if you found out about her plans, she knew the actual proposal would still leave an impact in your heart.
“yoiyoi…pleaseee we’ve been walking for ages! can’t we go sit down or something.” yoimiya continues dragging you past the bustling city of inazuma. you really don’t understand why she was so insistent on seeing the fireworks with so many people around, but you’re weak to her puppy eyes so you couldn’t refuse.
while the city itself was crowded with joyous laughter and sweet kids running around and causing headaches for their parents - the bridge was rather empty and calm. at last you both came to a stop. you hear yoimiya giggle ahead of you, swiftly twirling around to once again drag you to the bridges barrier. “this is the best place to watch the fireworks!” well you dare not doubt her claim.
yoimiya’s cheeriness was so infectious you didn’t even notice the corners of your mouth rising as you watched your lover gaze up at the stars of teyvat with such excitement. “yoi-“ she cut you off with a surprising kiss.
“look up, the show is starting soon!” her eyes shined brighter with every word, you couldn’t help but laugh at her silliness. in a mere number of seconds the sounds of fireworks could be heard from all over inazuma, the splashes of vibrant colour painting the sky in a loud yet melodic harmony. while the show seemed normal, your eyes caught sight of some bright kanji exploding into the sky rhythmically: 異体同心 [“two bodies, same heart.”]
albeit a bit vague, your heart was pounding into your chest and echoing in your ears as something in you begged you to turn around. as you did, all your emotions freed themselves. yoimiya was down on one knee, ring in one hand with the brightest grin adorning her face. “[name], will you marry me?”
KAEYA — 凯亚
when did he realise he wants to marry you?
when you truly felt like family to him. kaeya has been through a shit ton of travesties, things that still to this day keep him lying awake in cold sweat as his headache gets more intense. multiple people have left him, whether they perished in the cold hands of death or abandoned him callously he’s seen how cruel the game of life can be. he has clung to fate and blamed it when things refused to go his way — however, oddly enough he now praises fate for giving him a chance to meet you. waking up in the morning with you evokes such a gentle feeling of completion.
did he nearly reveal his plans by accident?
absolutely not! he’s so good at keeping his mouth shut and purposefully misdirecting people, and even you on the occasion, it’s to no surprise no words of his proposal comes out. that, and, he personally didn’t put that much thought into the whole ordeal. it’s not because he doesn’t appreciate you, it’s because he wants his words to just naturally flow out, he sees more sentimental value in things that are said in the moment (probably why he drinks so often even while being with you lol).
“klee! please stop running around you’ll hurt yourself!” you catch her in your arms as the crayons in her hands proceed to fall onto the hardwood floor. she simply giggled and jumped up to hug you, you couldn’t help but sigh with a smile on your face as staying mad at her sweet face was pretty much impossible.
klee plopped herself down next to the messy piles of paper and the scattered crayons, picking up some specific colours to use for later. kaeya sat on the couch, resting his head on his palm, quietly enjoying the whole fiasco. he chuckles, “told you she’s a very energetic child.” ‘energetic’ might be a tad bit of an understatement. you join kaeya on the couch, nuzzling yourself into his side comfortably.
despite the massive headache you were forming from all the running around, the atmosphere stayed rather relaxed - getting to spend time with your boyfriend as well as klee made it feel like you were a lil’ family. with the warmth from kaeya lulling you with the addition of your prior fatigue, you were feeling rather drowsy but before your head could fall onto kaeya’s shoulder klee started tugging on both yours and his clothes. “come with me pretty please! i need a uhm reference! (∩_∩)” now, who could refuse that even while in a state of sleepiness ?
you all sat around a table, kaeya directly opposite you and klee sitting in the middle with her paper that she was suspiciously hiding from you. every few seconds she switched her gaze to look at you and then kaeya while scribbling in some details. she smacked her hands onto the table excitedly, “done!! mr kaeya can i show [name] now?” she gleams up at him. he gives her a gentle nod with his eye(s?) closed.
“look [name]!” she shoves her cute drawing your way expectantly, you could practically see a sunshine and rainbow form behind her as her childish wonder blinded you (in a good way of course).
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transcript: mr kaeya wants to ask you a question
the drawing itself was absolutely adorable: you and kaeya holding hands and klee looking endearingly menacing in the background was a perfect depiction of your relationship. what caught your attention was the text written above the rest of the drawing, at first it was hard to figure out (bless klee’s heart), but soon enough you managed to read it and with a grin you turned to kaeya, “what’s the question you have for me, mr kaeya?”
leaning over to you quietly, he says in his usual calm and frosty tone, “will you marry me ?”
K. AYATO — 神里绫人
when did he realise he wants to marry you?
immediately when he started absentmindedly acknowledging you as part of his family — whether that’s including you in familial outings with ayaka, or sharing embarrassing stories from childhood. he already treats you like you have the kamisato name, so why not make it official?
did he nearly reveal his plans by accident?
with how goddamn dramatic he is you’d think so however, with the aid of the entire yashiro commission (it was mostly just thoma, bless him..) he was able to keep any words of his proposal plans from spreading. he may be quiet about it while he’s planning, however when it’s all set in motion and he’s gotten your response you best believe every single person in teyvat is at least vaguely aware of your engagement.
ayato has been very secretive over the past few weeks, you were used to this behaviour with him working in the yashiro commission and with the shuumatsuban , but it’s like its been completely amplified. you weren’t even able to process any of these changes either since every time your suspicion grew, ayato would whisk you away for a date.
speaking of whisking you away, ayato had “randomly” decided to take you on a vacation to fontaine. to say the least, you were absolutely ecstatic!! the beautiful nation of fontaine, filled with endless waters and buoyant sea creatures seemed like a perfect contrast to the perpetually thundering inazuma and was exactly what you needed as a break.
while the journey itself was rather chaotic, arriving at your destination and taking a deep breath in of the morning air was gratifying. “ready for today, my love?” ayato gently took you by the hand, guiding you off the ship, with that phrase alone you knew you were in for a long yet fulfilling week.
and that you were — ayato planned out an entire few days worth of activities just for the two of you. most of them consisted of intimate time together which you did not mind the slightest. every day felt like a mere second, each touch and kiss felt like a fleeting moment that would disappear and before you knew it, the end of the week dawned upon you.
despite that, this absolutely wasn’t the end of the festivities as ayato had something very special planned for this particular night. after a time at the spa and some minor shopping trips, ayato had asked you to wear something formal - you obliged, albeit with a raised brow, nothing good usually comes with ayato telling you to ‘dress up’ (last time he forced you to come to a several hour private discussion within the yashiro commission..)
as soon as you finish getting ready, ayato gracefully placed a piece of silk on your eyes, “ayato what in the name of teyvat are you planning?” he simply chuckled in response and gave you a light peck on the corner of your mouth. “don’t worry, dear you’ll be fine just follow my lead.” with a nod of your head ayato proceeded to help you walk.
“honey, are we there yettt?” you groaned. the silk finally lifted and as your eyes adjusted to the sudden lights you were in utter awe, turning around to hug him in thanks, ayato finally broke his silence, “this isn’t even the best part my love.” you cock your head to the side in confusion, how is a private and secluded dinner in front of the starry sky NOT the best part?
“you already know how much i cherish you, how i would take down the sky for you, i’d gift you the stars if you asked. with this hand i vow to protect you until my dying breath, with this hand,” ayato pulls out a box from his sleeve getting the hint at what he’s about to say, salty tears begin piling up in the corner of your eyes, “i ask you to be mine, the light in my life, will you marry me?”
when did he realise he wants to marry you?
it was quite a long process, he wanted to make sure he was worthy of you — a god accompanying a mortal throughout their entire lifespan is not only an extremely honourable thing, but it’s also a tragic circumstance. but alas when the world paused for a moment to allow him to think about both of your futures, he desperately yearned that he was still in yours. he doesn’t want to waste your time and energy, after all you only have so many years to spend with him, this is one way he could show you that he truly cares for you and loves you.
did he nearly reveal his plans by accident?
he’s old as shit and talks way too much so yeah. he didn’t necessarily try to even hide it from you, he just refrained from talking about it but occasionally it slipped past and well, he acted very nonchalant, not really seeing a massive deal in it, while you, on the other hand, were having a flustered breakdown. he does hope you forget about it so he gets to see the genuine excitement in your eyes when the time comes.
the peak of guyun stone forest. the perfect place to reminisce on the old memories and rejoice the new ones you’ve made — which was exactly what zhongli took you here to do oddly enough. you were quite prone to his sudden outings, he’d always ask you if you’d like to join him and well you can never resist this man.
even with the chilly breeze of the mountains, with zhongli by your side you managed to find comfort in the winds flurry. “if i did anything in my life right, it was when i gave my heart to you.” god this man really choses the most random times to make your heart skip a beat. you gleam up at him with a jovial smile, leaning your head on his body to relax, he placed his hand on your waist to pull you closer.
“i love you, my dearest. the privilege of seeing you at your best and your worst, and the privilege of guiding you through those times when fate is rather cruel is something i withhold deep in my heart. the world in which we are born into intoxicates us with its glacial and vicious atmosphere, forcing us to claw at fate to beg for mercy. yet, the chest of a beloved so easily entraps you in comfort and a gentle feeling of softness in one’s heart. i wish nothing more than to be the person in your future that holds you close and shields you from the worlds most unsightly of occurrences.” at this point you were already in absolute tears, the fact he could go on such long tangents to explain his adoration for you was enough to sweep you off your feet.
“i want to be all your firsts and all your lasts, your everything until the end of time. will you—” you very abruptly say yes probably a million times over yet the archon continues, “—marry me? i promise you my beloved, no matter what things you face i will be there to aid you, i can’t promise to solve all your problems but i can certainly promise a future where you won’t ever have to go through anything on yo-“ you kissed him, putting a sweet and quick end to his long rant. was he going deaf due to old age? perhaps.
“zhongli, my beloved and my most dearest, i’ve already said yes!!”
when did he realise he want to marry you?
you made him feel human, like he belonged. he felt a nonexistent heart beat a melodic tune, one that copied yours, perhaps because he knew no other rhythm or because his love for you surpassed his forged marionette. even on his road to godhood you were there, during his tragic downfall you were there; catching him in your arms, ignoring the incessant worried yells of the traveler. with months of constant nurturing and desperate tears that fled from your hopeful eyes, he was sure you’ve grown tired of him, you’d abandon him just like those before you. yet you didn’t, of course you didn’t. maybe that’s when he realised that in order to rid himself of an everlasting, dreadful reminiscence of the past, he’d have to replace those taunts with a tangible memory of your love.
did he nearly reveal his plans by accident?
he is able to keep anything from you — i mean you didn’t even find out you were ‘dating’ until one day he referred to you as his s/o and from that day forward it became your duty to positively annoy him with affection! the only person he probably turned to for help was his auntie nahida, but she wasn’t too much of help emotionally.. her words and plan definitely reassured one thing - a proposal should be surprising and heartfelt.
a glistening divine light beamed from the statue of the seven, illuminating scara’s anxious and pensive expression. “feeling alright, honey?” you touch his cheek, his eyes darting to yours in an instant. scara let out a discomforted sigh, “yes, i’m fine, let’s go.” he abruptly intertwines your hands together and leads you towards the verdant flowery path of vanarana.
while you were rather suspicious on the lack of aranara idling about, you were much more concentrated on enjoying this once in a lifetime moment — scaramouche taking the initiative and preparing a date. well, that IS what he called it, but you weren’t sure whether he was planning to bury you with the padisarahs or coddle you, because the distance you were walking was oddly alarming. ‘surely we must’ve passed many great spots by now..’ , yet kept your tight hold on his hand - having trust in him.
making a subconscious effort to avoid the pond of mossy water, you squeeze yourself closer to scara, he can only smile to himself. your eyes trailed along the bright flowers that sprouted from each patch of grass , keeping a mental note on every sumeru speciality in sight (listen that shits HARD to farm ..). scaramouche’s eyes dart around so fiercely you were almost convinced he’d pass out from dizziness. you were so entranced by scara’s beauty as well as conspicuously bizarre behaviour, you didn’t even realise he had come to an abrupt stop (impromptus you bumping into him ..). you let out a contented sigh, “are we th-“ — “no. not yet.” he interrupts as he nods at something afar.
after some final groans from you and begrudging steps, you had (hopefully) came to the place you were meant to — which ironically was the same place you started at. “scaramouche don’t tell me we did an entire circle around vanarana for no reason.” he shakes his head and rolls his eyes, “of course it’s not for no reason, you idiot” he murmurs.
he shifts to face you, “close your eyes.” it was best not to argue with him with questions of ‘why’. he took hold of your hand once more to guide you, albeit roughly, down to the middle of the vanarana pond. compared to the prior echoing silence, there was a lot of shuffling and some hushed giggles that were increasing in volume with every step. the water seeped into your garments but currently that was the least of your many worries…
“y-you can open your eyes now.” scara stammered, his head filling with excruciating heat - and you did so. your eyes widened in bewilderment.
“aiya, what’s goi-“
“marry me.” scara cuts in.
“SORRY-?” i mean you were going to guess that’s what was going on, considering the many aranaras gleefully surrounding you with flowers and or flower crowns in their tiny hands - as well as the not so hidden lesser lord kusanali with a ebullient smile spreading on her face - BUT YOU DIDN’T EXPECT IT SO SUDDENLY?
your silence was feeding scara’s fears, and so he does what he always does: gets grumpy. “are you going to keep staring at me while flies go in your mouth or are you going to answer me.” cue you pouncing on him with the most joyous laughter and tears, the melody of your happiness made him subtly smile.
“i love you so much.” you tightly hug his frail form, his head drops down to your shoulder so his answer muffles, “i…love you too.”
past his unsavoury words was a heart that beat for you, and only you.
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©STARYUEE do not copy, steal or repost <3
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lavandulawrites · 6 months
Yandere Genshin Men On Their First Date With Their Darling: Venti
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Yandere Venti x reader
Venti is such a sweetheart, but he can be quite creepy
Word count: 572
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Venti giggled as he held your hand. “I’m so glad you agreed to this little outing!” his smile big and his eyes shining brighter than any stars littered across the night sky.
Despite him being the same height as you, his eager steps were hard to follow. “Wait! Why are you in such hurry?” you panted trying to keep up.
“Oh my dear don’t you see? I’m just so excited!” his laughter melodic.
You wondered where the man got his stamina from. When you thought about it, he never got tired from physical activity. It was as if he was not quite human. You quickly brushed away the thought.
Despite his apparent love for the grand tree in Windrise, he had taken you somewhere else. He had teleported you both at the foot of Starcliff. You had been surprised by his anemo abilities, but what did you know? Vision holders were someone beyond you, so you chose to not question it further.
You finally reached the top of the steep hill and you breathed out. In front of you by the tip of the cliff, were a cozy picnic blanket. The spot were arranged with pillows and extra blankets and food and drinks that suited your tastes. “Wow…” you looked around in awe.
Venti smiled “Why don’t you take a seat? I have arranged a lot of delicious treats for us!”
The blanket were soft against your skin. The view were beautiful. The grass rustling in the light breeze. “Thank you Venti” you looked at the black haired man as he took a seat besides you.
His smile widened. “Of course my love”. His slender hand reached into the basket that sat beside him and pulled out a apple pie. With precision he sliced you a piece and handed it to you. “I hope you enjoy my windblume” his eyes filled with love.
You thank him for the pie and dug in. You both are in silence for awhile.
After an hour you broke the silence “Lately I have had this feeling that someone is watching me… It doesn’t matter where I am or who I am with. It really creeps me out”. You sigh and look at Venti with a concerned expression. Surely the intelligent bard had some advice for you.
Venti looks into the distance with a thoughtful expression, his hand on his chin. “That’s sounds so very frightening my dear” he turns to you with eyes filled with worry. “I think it’s best you don’t stay home alone for the next few days until this calms down”. He thinks for a moment before his eyes lit up. “What if you stay at my place? There’s plenty of room” he looks at you expectingly.
“Can I really do that? I don’t want to be in your way” you smile sheepishly.
Venti takes your hand in his and look you deeply into your eyes. His eyes filled with endless love. It gave you shivers. “I don’t mind at all. All I want is for you to be safe, [Name]. You know that don’t you?” his grip tightened. “I won’t ever let any harm fall upon you. If anything were to happen or if anyone tries anything, I will slay them all” the corners of his mouth twisted up into a sick smile. “I love you. Don’t ever forget that [Name]”. He leaned forward and kissed you. His lips soft and delicate.
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heizlut · 7 months
Tame Your Archon (part 1)
read part 2 here!
cw: edging m!receiving, rope play m!receiving, maybe a hint of dacryphilia
tags: dom fem!reader, sub!venti, kaeya and rosaria are present at the start, mostly proofread!
nsfw under the cut
check out my masterlist here!
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It’s basically tradition at this point to end your days at Angel’s Share (much to Diluc’s dismay, but business is business). The smell of alcohol and the sound of laughter and chatter fill the small space. You sit at your usual table upstairs with Kaeya, Venti, and Rosaria. “Let’s see who can drink the most!”, Venti’s light voice chimes in, interrupting the casual conversation you all were having about how tiring your days were. All of you look to Venti who is sitting there so proud of his little idea. You let out a sigh, only partially amused, “You suggest this every time and every time you win.” Venti gives his signature ehe~ and a wink, “Just say you can’t handle your alcohol, my windblume.”
You run your tongue across your teeth, slightly annoyed but you huff out a breath and relent, “Fuck it. Let’s do it.” “That’s the spirit!”, Kaeya pats your back and Rosaria takes a final sip from her mug with a slight smirk on her face. Venti bounds from the table and races down the stairs to main floor of the tavern “Oh Diluuuuccc~” You all break into a bit of laughter at his antics, just knowing Diluc is going to be so pissed by the time you all leave tonight. You shake your head, make a mental note to promise to make this up to Diluc. It doesn’t take long for Venti to return with 4 new mugs of dandelion wine and a grin that makes his chubby cheeks look even more round, “Let’s begin!”
A couple of hours and 4 rounds of drinking leaves you all giggly. Even Rosaria’s mood has lightened from her usual intimidating and moody self. Kaeya gets a little devious glint in his eyes when he turns to look between you and Venti. You raise an eyebrow, “I know that look… What could you possibly be thinking right now, Kaeya.” He smirks and finally speaks, “So we all know you and Venti are a couple..” “Yeah what about it?”, you’re curious as to where he’s going with this one. Kaeya tilts his head slightly still smirking, “So who’s the one in charge?”
Rosaria sputters on her drink, covering her mouth as she tries to conceal her laughter that sounds more like she’s trying not to choke, “Archons, Kaeya. Must we know this information?” Venti, who was clearly feeling the effects of the wine, chimes in before you can even speak up, “Of course I’m the one in charge!” You raise an eyebrow to Venti, but you want to see just how far he’s going to go with this. “Oho! Is that so?”, Kaeya chuckles, “Care to share any details?” Rosaria immediately smacks Kaeya’s arm, “Don’t be ridiculous” She looks to you and Venti, “You don’t need share all that.”
Your lips curl into a sly smile and you look to Venti, “No please, do go on.” Kaeya and Rosaria share a curious look at each other, feeling the shift of your demeanor. Venti, drunk as he is, doesn’t notice the shift and chuckles deviously, “Let’s just say she’s quite the devout worshipper of Lord Barbatos. Always begging for more…” Your eyebrows raise at that. Kaeya shifts in his seat, undoubtedly trying to hide the growing boner in his ridiculously tight pants as his thoughts went wild trying imagine you like that. Rosaria takes an awkward, long sip of her wine, trying to hide the redness in her cheeks. If only they knew what really went on when you and Venti were alone.
Kaeya clears his throat, wanting to know more so he can have enough jerk-off material for when he heads home for the night, “Can we uh.. Know a little more?” Your gaze shoots to Kaeya. Rosaria gets ups, “I’ll get us more to drink. I’m going to need a whole lot more of I must sit through this perverted conversation.” Kaeya and Venti try to hide their laughter as Rosaria descends the stairs to trouble Diluc for even more wine. Venti looks to you and Kaeya, “Should we wait for her to get back or..”, he trails off. “She doesn’t seem to want to be part of this, so there’s no need to wait”, Kaeya says, leaning forward in his seat with interest.
“Go on, you can share just how much you control me”, your words were said as a challenge, your hand falling to Venti’s thigh, giving it a squeeze. Venti’s cheeks blossom with red as he feels your touch and now he knows he’s definitely fucked. But he’s too deep into it now to turn back so he gives an awkward laugh, trying to bring back his previous boldness, “Well… s-she likes to be tied up a-and teased.” He pauses, unable to look you in the eyes now. Kaeya tries to subtly adjust himself, keyword is subtle but it was painfully obvious what he was doing.
You squeeze Venti’s thigh again, leaning close to his ear, your tone low and seductive but again more as a threat, “What else do I like?” Before he can go on, Rosaria returns with 4 mugs of wine and sets them on the wooden table, “Hopefully I missed the rest of this preposterous conversation.” Venti takes that as an out and nods, “Yup..! You missed it all” He gives another awkward laugh. He knows he’s in for it when you two leave here. Kaeya does a horrendous job hiding his disappointment that Venti wouldn’t be sharing more but what he had heard should be enough to blow a good load tonight.
Soon the conversation turns back to normal talk of what you all would be doing in the days to come as you finished off your drinks. After getting sufficiently drunk, you look to Venti and then to everyone else, “I hate to be the one to call it a night but my love and I need to be on our way.” Venti’s eyes widen, “B-but, windblume, we haven’t finished the drinking challenge-“ You cut him off with a subtle look that tells him there’s no room for argument. Venti fumbles with his words and he stands, “M-my windblume is right. We’ll just have to continue this tomorrow.” “Only if we can discuss other matters unlike the chat you made me an unwilling participant to”, Rosaria states with a slight look of annoyance. “Oh come on, it wasn’t that bad~”, Kaeya drags on, giving her a blithe look. She rolls her eyes, “You only enjoyed the conversation so you could have your little fantasies.” Kaeya’s face turns beet red, “T-That’s not true!” “Mhmm sure~”, the corners of her lips turning up slightly in a knowing smirk as she takes a drink of her wine.
After saying your goodbyes and leaving a hefty tip on the bar counter for Diluc, you and Venti begin your walk home. The silence between you two is deafening and Venti swears you must be able to hear how fast and hard his heart is beating right now. He looks to you, his mouth opening to speak, but you stop him, “No need to speak. I’ll deal with you when we get home.” His mouth snaps shut and he looks down as you both continue.
As soon as you enter your shared home, you cast your gaze on Venti who is anxiously chewing at his bottom lip. Feeling your eyes on him, he finally looks at you, “Please forgive me, I got carried away. It was only meant as lighthearted fun”, he pleads. You give him a smile that makes him blink in confusion. You twirl one of his braids in your finger with a deceitfully sweet look on your face, “I found it quite interesting the things you shared with our friends tonight.” Venti swallows hard, feeling a mix of emotions. You lean in close to him, “Considering those are the things I do to you.” He gives a small nervous laugh. “Clothes off. Now.”
He clumsily begins to remove his clothes as you stand there silently watching. A small chill runs up his spine as he stands bare under your domineering gaze. You run your fingers through his hair as your eyes trail down his small frame. His cock begins to twitch from your touch and the way you’re look at him. But suddenly your touch is gone. You make your way to the box in the corner of your room rummaging through the items as you search for what you need. Venti stands there unsure of what to do with himself and feeling a bit humiliated that he’s the only one naked right now.
It doesn’t take long to find what you’re searching for in that box and you turn around with red rope in your hands and a sly little smile. You cross the room to where he’s standing, “Tonight you mentioned tying me up and teasing me. Such a shame that isn’t true.” Your tone made him fidget and his cheeks blossomed with red. “Are you… going to punish me?”, Venti’s voice is soft and timid. You simply smile, “It’s only fair.” You point to the wooden chair by the table, “Sit.” The word is a clear command but your tone is so sugary sweet that it makes his cock twitch and harden even more as he follows your demand.
Once seated, you come up behind him, letting the rope lightly run across his pale skin, making him shiver. “So tell me, my love. How do I like to be tied up again? I think I need a reminder”, you ask as you continue to tease him with the light drag of the red rope. “Windblume, I-“, Venti is cut off when you grab his chin and roughly tilt his head upwards to look at you. “Tell me how I like being tied up”, the sweetness in your voice slips a bit.
Venti is at a loss for words for a moment til you snap him out of it by tightening your grip, “Y-you like the ropes to be tied tight… Between your breasts, across your stomach, looped through your arms and thighs so you’re.. p-properly restrained.” You hum with satisfaction and release his jaw from your grip. You move his arms behind the chair and begin looping the ropes through them, bringing it around to his front where you make intricate knots from his chest to his stomach, then looping it around his small thighs, ending with tying the rope to the legs of the chair. You circle to look at him from the front and squat down in front of him, plucking at the knots to ensure their tightness, then looking up at him with a satisfied smirk.
The situation Venti has gotten himself into makes his cock ache and begin leaking pre cum at the tip. This does not go unnoticed by you as your gaze trails to the throbbing length in front of your face, “How cute…” A small whimper escapes Venti’s throat. “Aww what is it? Does my sweet archon want me to touch his cock?”, your tone so saccharine as Venti feverishly nods his head. “Please.. Please I’ll be so good”, he begs you. You tilt your head slightly with a small smile, “That’s interesting… I thought you said I enjoyed being teased~” Venti lets out a small groan of frustration as his dick twitches and leaks all over.
Still squatting in front of him, you reach up pinch one of his pebbled nipples, causing him to let out a sharp gasp. You pinch and roll it between your fingers with that shit-eating smirk on your face, “Oh does that make you feel good?” Fuck, that teasing lilt of your voice was making him crazy. Dissatisfied by his silence, you twist his nipple harshly making him cry out, “Yes yes! Please -fuck- I like it!” Happy that he gave you an answer, you let go and adjust your position, leaning forward and taking his aching nipple into your mouth. Your tongue swirling around it to soothe it. You give it a small nibble, then move to the other, repeating your ministrations.
Venti’s cock feel so heavy as it bobs, as if it’s looking for your touch. His chest glistens as you pull away, admiring how perky and wet his nipples look. Your eyes meet his, “If I do this enough, you’ll be able to cum just from me playing with your cute little chest~” All he can do is nod. All he can think about is relieving his heavy balls of his cum. You take note of just how much pre has leaked from his swollen tip and run your finger lightly up the underside of his cock. The action causes Venti’s hips to jerk forward with a whimper, but the tightness of the ropes don’t let him move too much. “Seems like you need some relief, huh”, you tease as you gently fondle and squeeze his balls. “Please, windblume… I’ll do whatever you want just please touch me”, he pleads in a whiny tone as he squirms against the right red ropes. You let out a small chuckle, “You’ll do whatever I want anyways. That’s how this works, love.”
Venti huffs out a breath of frustration because he knows you’re right. It’s what he loved about you and the dynamic you shared in your relationship. You knew how to put him in his place and you knew he needed it, given how irresponsible he typically is. You lean forward, your tongue running up his cock from base to leaky tip, making him jerk his hips for more stimulation. You wish you could record all the pathetic little noises he makes for you. Looking up, his eyes are squeezed shut. You give his balls a light underhanded smack, making him cry out, “Eyes on me or I’ll leave you like this all night.” He immediately opens his eyes to look down at you, practically panting like a dog.
You give him a pleased look, “Good boy~” You wrap your lips around the tip of his cock, letting your tongue flick over his pre covered slit. Venti groans, trying to stop his eyes from rolling back. He didn’t want to be left here restrained with an aching dick all night. Without warning, you shove his whole thick length down your throat. Venti sputters, trying desperately to grab your head to keep you there but the ropes serve as a relentless reminder that he can’t, “Windblume!”You purposely tighten your throat around his length as it twitches, making him let out a pathetic whine. You slowly remove his cock from your mouth, pressing a soft kiss to his reddened tip.
With his dick sufficiently lubed up with a mix of your saliva and his pre cum, you wrap your hand around it and begin to pump his length at a torturously languid pace. You watch with delight as his face twists in pleasure and desperate need for more than you’re giving him. You adjust your pace to one that is slightly faster than how you started, making sure to squeeze the head of his cock where he’s most sensitive. You watch as the pre cum leaks out and covers your fingers each time you reach the tip and squeeze it gently. You lean forward giving Venti’s slit a flick of your tongue to taste his fluid. From that alone, Venti’s cock seems to swell, “C-close. Please. Gonna cum..”
You immediately remove your hand and lean back, clicking your tongue, “So greedy…” Venti’s heavy cock twitches wildly in the air as he cries out at the loss of your touch and his impending orgasm now ruined. Tears of frustration and desperation fall down his cheeks. He looks so cute like this, you think to yourself. You reach up, running your thumb through his tears. Venti pants, his pupils blown wide as he watches you bring your thumb to your lips and lick the tears from it. That mischievous look on your face makes it obvious that this was just the beginning of his punishment.
Venti swears that hours have passed. Ruined orgasm after ruined orgasm has left his cheeks soaked with tears, his balls swollen with all the cum he has yet to release, and his cock throbbing painfully. “How many is that now?”, you ask as you run your tongue through the underside of his length. Venti’s voice comes out broken and weak, “S-Seven r-ruined orgasms.” You hum thoughtfully, “Should I let my archon cum?” “Please…”, he practically cries. You just smile, “I’ll consider it.” Venti whimpers, feeling the ropes tug whenever he squirms. You wrap your hand around his length again and pump but this time at a pace that will surely be his end. He can’t help the loud moans and cries that escape from him soft lips as he gets close to the edge yet again, “C-cumming. P-please lemme cum!” You let go at the last second but he’s far too gone. He gives a final cry as his cock throbs wildly with endless ropes of cum spurting onto his stomach and chest.
You wait for his orgasm to subside and you finally stand up, leaning down to press a kiss to his lips, “You did so well for me. Let’s get you cleaned up.” After providing sufficient aftercare and a soothing hot bath, you hold Venti close to you as you lay in bed. “You know I love you right?”, you ask softly. Venti nods, a sweet and blissed out smile on his face, “I love you too, windblume.”
After Kaeya left Angel’s Share that night, thoughts of you ran through his head. He imagined how you would look restrained and breathless underneath him. Begging for his cock. He’ll have to give his thanks to Venti for filling his mind with such fantasies. He hoped that maybe one day, just one night, Venti would share you with him.
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a/n: ehe~
(part 2 is being written as i post this! it will feature dom!kaeya, switch fem!reader, sub cuck!venti)
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tenjikufag · 5 months
hi rlly love your works and I was wondering if you could do Venti X male reader fluff where Venti clings onto reader in the morning and won't let reader go to do commissions or even get out of bed
Here's a song:D
Venti x Adventurer!Reader
thank you for the request! I adore Venti and haven’t really ever written for him before.
m!reader, fluff, no warnings.
Venti was a cuddly sleeper, he was touchy and physically affectionate in general but when he was in a vulnerable state such as being tired- he wanted nothing more than to feel your body against his and know you were safe in his embrace.
That’s where you found yourself. Trapped in the smaller males arms, staring up at the ceiling of your bedroom.
You were mustering up the courage, the willpower, to wake your small boyfriend from his deep sleep.. slobber that had come from his slightly parted lips had dried through the night, staining your shirt.
Sighing through your nose, your hand moved to his slender arms that laid across your torso and lightly tugged.
Your first wrong move.
The sleeping male only tightened his grip on you, a sour face displayed before it nuzzled into your body…
“Ven.. I need to get up.”
“Mmm.. no.. five more minutes..”
You relented so easily, it was hard not giving into his sleepy whining. So five minutes it was.. five minutes for you to strategize how to get out of the loving grip of Venti.
“It’s been five minutes, I really need to get up now..”
He whimpered, shaking his head and whining ‘no’
“I accepted a commission for today, and I need to get supplies beforehand.. please?”
Venti was already giving excuses to you, telling you to blow it off and spend the day in bed with him- he was your adoring boyfriend after all.. how could you say no to him?
“No. I need to get up please let me go.”
You huffed at him, moving to sit up but he still clung onto you despite the movements disturbing his peace. Propping yourself up on the headboard, his arms slid off your torso. Before you could move he slid down to wrap them around your waist instead, placing his head on your lap with a soft smile- clearly content with his strategic move.
“I’ll buy you some wine and take you out for dinner when I come back-“
“Just get Amber to bring it here-“
“I’m not doing that-“
“But why not-“
“She doesn’t need to run errands for me when I can.. just get up and get it myself.”
Venti kicked his feet against the mattress in protest,
“Don’t go~ What’s missing one commission gonna do?”
“Make me seem unreliable.”
He sighed, of course he knew he couldn’t keep you from doing what you enjoyed- it also kept mora in your pocket and even if he didn’t need it, also got him some gifts and other things he wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford on his own.
“Fine.. “
The grip on your waist was gone, quickly you got up and started to get ready but as soon as you went to brush your teeth the familiar warm grip was around your waist again. Your boyfriend pressed his face into your shoulders and snuggled into you once again. Smiling, you playfully rolled your eyes and continued your typical morning routine.
Yes that meant everything.
Changing your clothes, he demanded to be able to kiss you through each movement and when your body was free to grab best believe he was grabbing you.
The male followed you through the house, only when you got your boots on and were almost ready to head out- did he finally give up.
But, not without giving you the saddest puppy eyes ever.
“Do you really need to go?”
He came up and hugged you tightly, gazing up at you
“Yes I do, but I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
He brightly smiled, going up on his tip-toes to kiss you.
“And you still owe me that date later, you’re lucky I’m letting you off the hook this time.”
Venti teased, giving you a final squeeze before stepping back- letting you get your coat on and check for your essentials in each bag and pocket.
“Yes, thank you oh gracious and almighty Venti for allowing me to do my job.”
Quickly pecking his forehead, you headed out the door.
Despite all his usual morning clinging and protesting, he knew he couldn’t keep you from doing commissions and living off of his measly bard wages. He just liked giving you a hard time, maybe one day you’d crack and spend the whole day with him in bed.
Unfortunately for him, today was not the day but he is persistent.
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sh1-n0bu · 2 years
I, 🦝, see a lot of people write about Venti in a way that I'm not sure I find appealing. Don't get me wrong I prefer dom reader (with anyone but Beidou she can do whatever the fuck she wants to me I don't care) but for some reason I feel like many Venti fics are kinda.... predatory.
In many of them the reader treats him unkindly in a very under-negotiated-kink-with-no-aftercare- way.
I fucking live for that shit.
I want to take a bath with him, wash his hair for him, maybe give him a scalp massage because no one can tell me braids don't get uncomfortable long term. I want to cuddle him. I mean have you seen him he's so skrunkly. And then fall asleep together like a plain boring old married couple.
Aftercare is good. Aftercare is friend. Intimacy is a scrumptious thing whether sexual or not but especially with someone who's that pretty. I mean have you seen him? I have. I am looking. I am looking intensely.
♡︎ 𝙬𝙞𝙣𝙙𝙗𝙤𝙧𝙣 𝙗𝙖𝙧𝙙 ♡︎
characters: sub!venti x gn!dom!reader
warnings: overstimulation, praise, edging, fluff, feminization
notes: decided to try a headcannon format with this since my brain just can’t come up with a good sex scene lmao. i’m sorry my most loyal 🦝 anon. also dedicated to @junerixi aka the biggest venti simp that i know.
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i haven’t exactly seen any sub venti fics tbh, since i don’t follow that tag, so idk what kinds of fics are lurking there
but i’ve seen quite dark types of sub character fics at some points and oh dear, as a soft dom it just doesn’t feel right to me
for reasons i really can’t see venti being a sub. maybe a power bottom???? the gremlin in his just excludes that aura
will definitely tease you out in public
will hold eye contact with you at the bar while pulling his already short shorts upwards with a shit eating grin on his face
i can also see him liking all different kinds of lingeries
the soft satin dress ones, the two piece lace ones with stockings, the cute frilly sleeping dress ones etc etc
definitely wears his favorite satin dress with nothing underneath as a gift for you, whenever you come back from work or a long commission late and tired
put on the brightest lipstick so he can leave marks all over your face and body
likes to put on make up because he knows you likes it when it runs down his face while you absolutely fucks him silly
the type of power bottom who would push you down on the bed and ride your cock/strap until he’s satisfied
but beware he gets too into the pleasure and forgets to say thank you
so just cover the slit of his cock and tell him to keep riding you. it will get him begging in no time
“aaangh.. you’re so mean [name]~”
“p-please? please let me GYAAH! please let m-me cum! i-i’ll be.. i’ll be good nyaagh”
praise him for being a good boy for asking. call him your good boy, your precious bard, your sweet prince. he lives for those praises
as someone who used to braid her hair all the time when they were long, yes wearing braids for a long time can cause headaches
have a nice warm bath with him in your aftercare. massage his head while scrubbing soap on it
“giggle thank you windblume. feels really nice..”
might doze off during the aftercare but it’s alright. your sweet bard will get the best rest of his life in your arms with the biggest, dorky smile on his face
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sakuraoora · 2 years
hello!! I'm new to Tumblr in general, so I apologize if I say anything wrong or are kinda awkward😭 could you do the anemo Boys with an s/o who faints a lot due to a medical condition? Sorry if that sounds weird, I have pots 😞 again I'm so sorry if i said anything wrong or if it was awkward!!<3
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of course anon!! don't feel bad. i'm honored that you chose to interact with me! i didn't include aether because i consider him to be this other catagory though i mean we know he'll probably be able to use all of the elements in the future
WARNINGS. reader passing out, fluff, worried anemo boys
SHIPS. kazuha, scaramouche/wanderer, venti, xiao, heizou x reader (seperate)
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You were climbing a mountain to Kazuha’s favorite location with him, when you blacked out. Regular black outs were nothing to be scared of for you, because they came with a medical condition you had. In addition to black outs, you also had low stamina.
You awoke suddenly to your boyfriend sleeping next to you, his arms acting as a pillow as he slept beside you. You smiled down at him, and shifted yourself to be facing his sleeping form, accidentally waking him up.
“Oh goodness…” he groggily said, his voice deeper due to just waking up. “It happened again… you’re lucky we weren’t climbing the steep portion yet or you would’ve been dead,” Kazuha said, his melodic voice relaxing you. “I think overexertion was the cause this time… hah, I should be more careful next time.”
You laughed and cupped his face in your hands, your foreheads meeting. “It’s fine. You did the right thing, bringing me back. How long have I been knocked out for?”
Kazuha grumbled,  his warm hands cupping your cheeks as well. “Roughly half a day. You scared me, you know.”
“Half a day… a new record. Last time it was only an hour or so.”
“That isn’t an accomplishment to be proud of, dove.” Kazuha replied, his brows creasing as he gently pushed you away. “I know your cognition isn’t something life threatening, but what if you go to sleep and don’t wake up?”
“I know. I’m sorry for worrying you so much,” you replied, leaning your head back to stare at the ceiling, your arms supporting your sitting body.
“As long as I’m here… you don’t need to worry about a thing, dove.”
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You might’ve been knocked out and fainted often due to your medical condition, but Venti would unintentionally take names that were several hours long. After all, the anemo archon had slept for hundreds of years in the past, leaving Mondstadt to do whatever the city pleased.
It might have escaped your mind to tell Venti that you were going to try to climb the windrise tree… so when you reached a stable branch, you were glad you accomplished the climb before passing out on the branch, slipping into unconsciousness as the gentle wind you fell in love with slowly brushed across your face, the rustling of leaves the only noise you could hear other than your own breathing.
Venti frantically looked for you. You had been gone for hours, and basically disappeared. He called upon the wind spirits, and he heard the sound of your breathing somewhere nearby one of his statues. He rushed over, and found where you were, perched on a tree comfortably, passed out.
He took a deep sigh, and giggled. “My windblume really thought it would be a stupendous great idea to climb that tree, hm? Well, I didn’t fall in love with them because they were easy to handle.”
Venti floated up and rested beside you, and tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear, gently kissing your forehead, took you into his arms and fell asleep beside you, cuddling you.
“I love you, windblume.”
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Scaramouche // Wanderer.
Naturally, being your boyfriend and realizing you have a condition which makes you tired made him overprotective. He’d gone through so much, he always looked at you with warmth and concern.
But he’d floated away as he consumed his creator’s gnosis and lost all of his memories. He was constantly with Nahida, but she let you see him. And although he didn’t remember almost anything about his past, Scaramouche could only remember warm and comforting feelings when he was with you, as well as a bit of nervousness. He didn’t remember your condition.
He still remembered you with love, though, and you still were together.
So when you fainted in the middle of the street, he was filled with pure terror.
Everyone in Sumeru city stared as the false god they all worked to defeat with no memories of his past crimes gently picked you up and rushed you to a doctor.
4 hours.
He waited for 4, nervous hours filled with terror even as you lay passed out on the doctor’s bed. He rested his hand gently on yours. Did you even realize how much his heart throbbed as you lay unconscious?
So when you finally woke up, rubbing your eyes groggily as you sat up, Scaramouche grabbed your shoulders, head collapsing as he broke down into a chorus of sobbing.
You told him of your condition, and he wiped his teary eyes, and reprimanded you. “Don’t you dare ever do that again. My heart can’t take it.”
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Xiao almost never slept. He hadn’t slept since his Yaksha friends died. And honestly? When Xiao visited you in the middle of the night, he admired your calm, peaceful sleeping face, illuminated by the silver glow of the moonlight. Whenever he neared you, he could feel the karmic debt lessening, and that was enough for him.
He heard of your condition already from you, and made you promise that you’d always call his name whenever you felt like you would pass out, or if you ever felt like you were in danger.
You were walking through a field of unbloomed glaze lilies, and you began to hum softly, triggering the glaze lilies to bloom. You heard a mitachurl with his group of hilichurls come close, and you drew your weapon, ready to fight.
You’d say, all in all, it was going pretty well. Until, of course, you drained too much energy and was about to pass out as the mitachurl swung his ax at you. So you softly called out his name, and the last thing you saw was Xiao appearing in a flash of anemo energy and anemo butterflies.
Xiao really didn’t see the need for you to strain yourself so much. The mitachurl was near death, and he saw the spoils of hilichurls surrounding the place with open glaze lilies that brought him back to a time when a certain mother-like figure used to sit amongst the delicate glaze lilies and hum a small lullaby that helped him drift him to sleep.
Now, as he carried your unconscious body to Wangshu Inn, he hummed that same tune that he loved so much for you.
Wherever and whenever you call my name, I’ll be here. Xiao silently vowed, slowly placing your unconscious body into your bed, tucking you in.
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The number one Tenryou Commission detective was down bad for you. That was a known fact. Another known fact is that he spent way too much time solving insignificant cases dealing with dogs and had WAY too little time for his loved ones than he would’ve wanted.
His favorite guilty pastime? When you fainted and he could watch as you slowly woke up, with a familiar cocky smile plastered on his face as he asked for praise for getting you back safely and sticking by your side. And you always delivered.
But when you blackout when he wasn’t there… well, he panicked. Think, REALLY, REALLY panicked. The moment Kujou Sara walked in and said that you were found unconscious on the street. Whatever cases he had on hand were immediately discarded as he sprinted on to your shared home, where you were, resting.
Don’t expect to wake up to his usual damned smirk, but to eyes rimmed with eyebags from crying and sleep deprivation, petty anger welling as he starts telling you that you should never faint again without him nearby (he’s not really mad at you. He’s mostly mad at himself, because Heizou can’t bring himself to be mad at you for more than two minutes at a time).
“I know you were worried, Heizou.”
“Shut up and don’t do it again you big idiot.”
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