#really really nailed the scared little boy vibes
jackmkelly · 2 months
have some more unscripted jack bc trust i yap about it often just never really on tumblr
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lxvvie · 11 months
On today's episode of Modern Househusbands (pffft), your faves and fatherhood:
Price - He figures he already has kids what with the way the boys (and his furbabies) constantly try his patience and make him proud at the same time so he's the Peepaw (as always) and you and Laswell are the Meemaws. As babies, they loved to pull his beard. Price also trimmed it once and it scared the grandkids (and Soap and you) so bad that he's forbidden from doing it again.
Gaz - If "It's What She Deserves" was a person, his kid would be it. The one who gives an immediate vibe-check. Such a sweetheart unless folks try them. If someone goes low with them, they go to hell. Gaz wonders where his little one gets it from (which earns him a HUGE side-eye from you). You and Gaz have had plenty of talks with teachers and you've had to tell your child to tone it down more than once. You two have also admitted in private that nine times out of ten, they're usually right on the money about these same people, too. At least you know nothing will ever get past them.
Soap - Is the girl-dad of the group. You two have three rambunctious daughters who have their dad wrapped around their fingers. Soap is the one who won't stop talking about his children. Ever. Everyone knows about them before the girls even meet them. One is also named Simone in honor of Simon. He's the dad who has no problem being the princess during tea time, wearing tutus, being on the bottom of the pyramid, having his nails painted, and gossiping with his girls. Oh, and you're all just jealous because he looks absolutely fabulous whenever they put makeup on his face. 😏
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Ghost - The one-and-done dad. He has a son who's his carbon copy physically but is a jokester at heart and Simon loves it because he'd much rather his son be that than have his personality. His son absolutely loves to take the piss out of him though. You know the video of the boy laughing at his dad's accent? That's Simon's kid when he asks him to say pasta lmao. You're tickled each and every time and Simon can't help but be amused by it all.
Roach - Has the most adorable daughter who, as a baby, would only really sleep if she was on his chest. The dad who builds pillow forts in the living room for movie night. Thanks to her, he knows the entire theme song of The Backyardigans like the back of his hand. She always makes Roach promise her before every mission that when he comes home, you all will go out for ice cream.
Alex Keller - Has a pair of twins who love to hog your affection from their father, so you're in the center of this tug-of-war between Alex and the kids which makes him roll those big eyes of his. He can't help but be proud of his kids, though, because one stays getting intel and the other uses said intel to kick ass and take names. Yeah, they're pretty much unbeatable as a team. Alex's heart skips a beat every time he walks through the door and they greet him by tackle-hugging him.
Alejandro - The one who has the most kids due in part because he stays getting it in lmao. He loves his big family, though. Has both girls and boys. Alejo's kids expect him home at a decent hour and if he isn't, he's grounded. The dad who absolutely relishes in the hectic mornings because it's all the more reason for him to continue on and it grounds Alejandro the man.
Rudy - The mother hen. Has two kids, a girl and a boy, and you two ADORE them, okay? Rudy can't say no to them, especially when your daughter hits him with puppy dog eyes or your son flashes that beaming smile of his. He's also the one who wakes up at the ass-crack of dawn to make y'all's lunches because they love it when he makes cute little shapes out of the food. Is also the one who leaves cute little notes in your bags, too, especially when he knows he'll be gone overnight. Damn, aren't you glad you wifed him up? 🥹
Keegan - Has a son who he thought hated him as a baby because every time he saw him, the baby's eyes would get comically wide. Then it turned into the baby being captivated by his mask and his eyes and then it turned into him crying whenever he saw Keegan without his mask on. Now they're as thick as thieves and even still, Keegan can't help but be amazed that he has a family now.
König - Has the chonkiest of the chonks yet the baby manages to still look small in his arms. Turns him into a jungle gym as well. König is the dad who is simultaneously amazed by his kid and afraid that he's a horrible father, despite all evidence pointing to the contrary. He also makes it a point to put them in extracurricular activities so they're as well-rounded as possible, especially from a social perspective. Your child also believes they'll be taller than König if only for the explicit purpose of saying they're taller than him lmao.
Horangi - The brains to König's child's brawn. The one who sees and knows everything. Or something like that. The two stay making plans and getting into shit and just being rambunctious kids. Horangi is big on establishing a strong moral foundation for his little one and isn't keen on telling them about his past life at all. Horangi demonstrates his affection more through action than anything. Might be more willing to divulge the truth when they're older but for right now, it's best left unsaid. Whereas König encourages their children's shenanigans, Horangi is more exasperated than not.
Graves - Two words: Boss Baby. His little CEO. While he's not above spoiling his kid, they've also gotta earn that one toy and/or game as well. They are charming in their own right and Graves is very hands-on as a parent, even when he's away. Especially when he's away. Makes it a point to keep his occupation hidden from them and, to your surprise, has expressed that he does NOT want them to follow in his footsteps. He's okay with being the snake if it means his child is protected.
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thesassypadawan · 8 months
Missed You (Hayden x FemReader)
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Summary: You miss your big dork badly, so when he comes home…  Well, you just gotta make up for lost time.
Warnings: 18+ (minors dni), because it never hurts to be on the safe side.  Making out and…Hayden’s skilled tongue and luscious lips.
Notes: A little something for @luvskywxlker!  (You had some very perfect timing for this, just saying. 😉)  Hope you like it!  ❤️
- As much as you wanted to go with Hayden to his latest event, you, unfortunately, had to stay home…stupid job. And since you’re missing your big dork like crazy, you decide to try to cheer yourself up with some of your favorite comfort things.
- A bottle of wine, your fuzzy blanket, one of his t-shirts, and, of course, that one special movie. Everything was going great. You were starting to feel your mood really lift and vibing pretty good. Until a certain scene came on…
- “Don’t worry, baby boy! I still love you; crispy, barbeque butt and all!” You yell at the screen, big crocodile tears streaming down your face.
- You were very caught up in the moment. So much, in fact, that not only don’t you hear the front door open, but also a familiar voice calling out your name.
- Since you don’t properly answer, unless sobbing ‘Anniii’ counts, the source of that familiar voice sneaks up on you. And then proceeds to scare the ever-living shit out of you when… “Really, angel? Revenge of the Sith? You must have been missing me bad,” Hay chuckles, plopping down on the couch beside you.
- “What the?!” You dramatically squeak out, instinctively grabbing onto his shirt and burrowing yourself into his side.
- More laughter. “Sorry, baby, didn’t mean to do that!” Followed by his strong arms wrapping around you. “Let me make it up to you,” he says all sweetly. Pulling you into his lap, blanket and all.
- You want to be mad at him oh so badly. But seeing his smiling face, you can’t help but do so yourself. “You better,” you giggle giving him a playful smack.
- “Don’t I always,” he mutters. Lips just barely brushing against yours, large hands trailing down your arms and resting them on your hips.
- Shivering at his touch, goosebumps freckle your skin. Oh the things he could do to you. “Haayyy.”
- “Yeah?” He whispers, voice deep and gravelly. Blue eyes gazing intensely into yours.
- Leaning in close, your chest pressed into his. You gently grip his biceps and softly sigh. “Missed you.”
- His hand came up, cupping your cheek. “Missed you too.” And captures your lips, pulling you into a hot, searing kiss.
- Your head spins, body feels all flushed. Lips gliding over one another, so hungry and desperate for a taste. Your arms lazily wind around his thick neck, somehow drawing yourself even closer to him.
- Hayden bites down on the soft cushion of your bottom lip. Making you moan, to which he takes the opportunity and slips his tongue into your mouth. The kiss becoming more heated, as his totally dominates yours.
- Pulling away; both of you panting, lungs greedy for air. “Sweet as always.” He flashes you a small grin before his lips are back on yours.
- Wrapping your legs tightly around his waist, your throbbing core brushes against his hard cock. Causing each of you to moan and groan. His hands sliding down to knead and grope your ass.
- Passionate, needy kisses move down your neck. His teeth grazing over the sensitive skin, mouth marking you up so beautifully. His tongue gliding across your collarbone, savoring every inch of you.
- You gasp as he finds your sweet spot, nails digging into his broad shoulders. Your toes practically curling from the pleasure. “Fuck, Hay,” you whine, hips slowly dragging on his thighs and lap. “Please, pretty please.”
- Giving you one last nip, he, much to your disappointment, pulls away. His hot breath fanning over you, sending sparks of pleasure up and down your spine. “What do you say we continue this in the bedroom?”
- Biting your lip, you excitedly nod.
- “That’s, my girl.” Squeezing your butt firmly one last time, he grabs your hand and the half-drunk bottle of wine.
- Before you two go running off… “Wait!” You pause the movie. “Wouldn’t want to miss the ending.”
- Shaking his head, Hayden laughs and gives you a gentle tug. “Come on, little dork. I can’t stand to miss you a minute longer.”
- A wicked grin crosses your face as you slip an arm around his middle. “At least I’m not the one who talked about my snow blower in front of a huge audience.”
- You got a light tap on the ass for that one. “And my ride on lawn mower, don’t forget that.”
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mclmora · 4 months
✧ MCL (hsl) flirts - headcanons ✧
~ NOTE: the pictures used are not mine! credit to the respective owners on pinterest. all the headcanons are SFW & written just for fun. hope you’ll enjoy! xoxo, Mora
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ꞝ Castiel.
a night owl. he’s naturally more active at night and enjoys playing guitar, especially whenever he can’t sleep.
he’s a huge fan of vinyl disks! he loves the vintage vibe and collecting old school bands’ disks from the 70s/80s, like lynyrd skynyrd’s/pink floyd & deep purple.
secretly super scared of spiders. and bugs. and flying bugs. (he will yell like a little girl whenever he sees one)
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ꞝ Nathaniel.
he still sleeps with the blanket over his face sometimes. yeah, like right after he watches a horror movie that “didn’t bother him at all” according to him.
blue is his happy color, it reminds him of waterfalls & water element in general, which calm him down a lot.
has a diary since 9th grade. he loves writing his thoughts and making to-do lists.
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ꞝ Lysander.
loves writing in nature. loves nature in general, and willow trees are his favorites.
his bone structure is pretty big, he has broad shoulders, big back and especially veiny arms. he’s hands down the most “manly” of all the boys.
he tattoed all the favorite flowers of his family members on his left arm.
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ꞝ Armin.
listens to asmr and is tremendously embarrassed about it. hides it like a criminal, even if it’s usually just no-talking videos of fluffy mic scratching/tapping.
he used to role-play a lot during his middle school years. he loved role-playing about anime characters.
addicted to detective conan. was his childhood, along with dragon ball!
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ꞝ Kentin.
is a boomer when it comes to technology, he can barely use the PC, it’s actually hilarious.
he loves leg days at the gym! it’s an addiction to him, he loves jogging and running and use his legs for physical activity. (indeed he has huge calf muscles)
loves cars. he is one of those people who would drool over cars tiktok edits.
bonus!! i wanted to add our beloved alexy, although obviously he’s non-dateable ♡
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ꞝ Alex.
had a tumblr 2014 phase which he never really got over, he loves polaroids to this day.
neon pink is his favorite color. he’s always wearing pink nail polish, both on his nails & toes.
he cries everytime he watches “titanic”. no joke, ask armin. he sobs when jack dies, lol.
✧ find mcl girls headcanons here!
~ thank u for reading! i had so much fun writing this & making the little edits for the boys. i love them so much, which one is your favorite? :p also, reblogs are super appreciated ^^
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rzyraffek · 1 year
hey I hope this doesn’t sound like a weird request but could u like slashers (preferably Michael Myers, Jason, maybe Billy loomis or Stu?, and the Sinclair brothers) kidnapping “adopting” reader? Like them kind yknow unaliving (Child) readers family then like having to like care for reader???? Idk if it makes sense but it came to me in a dream about me being a kid and Michael myers becoming my dad 😭
This request is such a cute idea!!! I made so much content about perent!slasher and kid!y/n cuz its way more entertaining for me to write!! Authors note at the end!
They/them, sfw, Request open
Slashers trying to be decent dad figures
Jason Voorhees
First of all, why on earth would your perent take you all the way here??? Your a smal baby and this is dangerous! Not only cuz jason is here, but wolfs? Boars? Huge forest AND lake???
So basically he didnt expect a child here
When he was in one of cabins he heard crying from bathroom, after few seconds of planing a murder he realised that is a child crying
His heart skipped a beat and he kinda begun to panic. HUH??? A CHILD? EEE eee oh god the whole backyard is covered in blood... oh no did I scare them?? Oh no
Dude gets more spooked than a child
After they got along he kinda makes them live in his cabin, he spends good portion of time just hanging around
Y/n gets used to their new mute friend and learns their own ways to understand him
Dude is that type of dad who will let y/n paint his nails and he will dress up in cute outfits just to make his kid happy
100% checks under their bed for monsters (and closet too!)
Wants to teach them all about nature! Which plants are good, how to find animals to eat, how to avoid humans
He dodges the topic of slaughtering y/n perents... where are they?? Ermmm idk didnt see them
Micheal Myers
Dude is pretty passive when it comes to kids
He exists, they exists, but as far as kids don't bother him, he won't bother them
But oh lourd..... your his little girl/boi/kid and he is going to do everything to keep it that way
He sees it differently than others, he helped you, took you away from those horrible people (no matter if y/n past perents were bad or good people) why would you want to leave? Or miss them?
But no matter how he feels, he is still Micheal, he won't be very cuddly or clingy. Then y/n needs comforting he will sit next to them, let them talk, tbh he is okay with them giving him some physical attention but he won't hug them back
Steals dolls, figurines, crayons for y/n
He never gets rid of his stalker nature, he is always there, watching, making sure there's noone in their way. Noone bothering or looking at y/n. He sometimes watches them sleep, just looking, he is the only monster in their closet
Huge fan of stickers btw
After good few months he takes off his mask when with y/n! He knows they accept him and love him! I mean his face is as emotionless as its owner but it still matters(at least now you know where he is staring at)
Billy and Stu
Dudes probably were like "eeeerr billy? That *instert y/n perents name* eee you didn't tell me they had a kid?" "the WHAT"
*stu giving y/n chocolates while billy panics in room next to it wondering wtf to do with y/n*
"We can't just keep it! Who is going to take care of it?"
They kept you btw, Billy will say that they did that only so you don't go and call police but they got really attached
Stu is the fun dad while Billy is the serious dad
"Hi baby we bought you happy meal" "child did you do your homework"
Billy rages over monopoli and stu cheats in uno
Sinclair brothers
"Lester who tf is in your truck?" "Eeee I found it?"
Vince lets y/n sleep in his bed when they have nightmares. He also really wants y/n to do arts like him😊
Lester just vibes, you like cars kid? Let's go on car trip! You like wildlife? I know where deers at!
Bo teaches y/n how to shoot while they are way too young to even hold a gun
Y/n will be extremely spoiled btw
None of them know how to cook full meal
Lester will call y/n buddy, pal, kiddo
Bo will call them child, goblin, spawn on satan, little princes(or a prince)
Vincent will see them as little creature and a baby
Vincent let's y/n play and decorate his hair, they also make wax figurines together and play with dog. He is more like older shy brother than a father figure but if you want you can work with this
Bo lets y/n sleep on him and draw on his arms, he also hopes y/n never grows up cuz they are tiny and cute. He also sometimes gives them his hat
Lester loves showing of his skull collection and driving around forest, just talking. He also enjoys lisening to y/n monologues while he is working
All of them get little heart attack when they hear y/n swear. All bets on Bo accidentally saying bad word next to y/n and them just repeating it
Bo and lester love to just put you on their shoulder! And vince just pickes y/n up like sack of potatos (but gently)
Tickle fights with Vince
Arm wrestling with Lester who pretends that y/n is too strong and lets them win
All x reader tags are here only to reach bigger audience! Im sorry if there's any misstypes or anything weird! I kinda wrote it in rush cuz I feel bad for making yall wait for requests so long! I should make this hc list longer but I am very tired. Goodnight
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dearmrshudson · 5 months
The post of saddest(?) supernatural moment gave me the idea to maka a list of my own... You know, an honest list which will not push any agenda or exclude one of the main character completely to forcefully feed to a romantic pair which does not even exist.
so here it goes-
10. Dean's reaction after Sam's death in 13x21 :
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This one is so nominal and insignificant to be in this list and not one of top moments for a lot, but this scene ripped my heart open when I saw it for the first time. It manages to show us how Dean's whole world will literally fall apart and make him an empty vessel if Sam is gone and he can do nothing about it - and Jensen manages to portray it with just a walk, two blank eyes and then one drop of tear. Kudos.
9. Church Scene in 'Sacrifice' (8x23):
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Anyone who has not cried in this scene? Perfeftly shows the core of the show, the deep love between two brothers- despite all the reasons, all the idiological differences, all the mature discussion and all- Sam is the baby brother of Dean; at the end he needs Dean to be there as a big bro, to tell him to let it go, to clutch him in his chest. Ultimately they will always choose each other and nothing else will come between them.
8. Dean's death in 9x23:
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One of the saddest death of Dean, and perhaps it comes to this list because of the build-up and drama follows this. Both had their own reasons for the tension they had this whole season, but when the tragedy comes it hits so hard that all those logics fell apart. It scares to peep in Sam's headspace at this time of dean's dying- imagine you discarding the person you love the most as you are reasonably angry with him, and in a few days he is dying in your arms when you have hardly talked out your differences.
7. Why don’t you believe in us too (14x12) :
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Probably should come much later in this list, but this scene stood out in my eyes because it was such a fresh air in the terrible plotless mimicry that SPN had become in later seasons. The scene after ages which sums up Sam and Dean, the codependent brothers whom we had forgotten. Such a long time after we see Sam the little brother, witness the emotional turmoil he was going through silently and how it exploded. The only scene which makes season 14 worth remembering. Also Jared just nailed this scene!
6.) Dead or Alive (3x16):
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This scene breaks my heart in pieces. Dean bravely going for the last fight before the horrible death he will be facing. And he trying to cheer up baby bro, he wants the last memory with his brother to be in this car- singing along together... How his face slowly glooms at the end and his eyes full of fear... Early seasons really were gems!
5. Sam in Mystery spot (3x11) :
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Undoubtedly one of the best SPN episode with perfect blend of mystery, fun, laughter, tragedy and emotion... The funny vibe of the episode ends in a moment when we see Sam is not waking up from the nightmare loop. Then we see a robot- a scary robot who only wants to get his brother back at any cost. This episode is yet another example of how Sam loves Dean just as fiercely as Dean does, and he is not any less codependent.
4. Barn scene and alone Sam (15x20) :
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God! What can I say about this!
Just want to add, Sam wandering alone in the bunker after creamating Dean hurts me equally.
3. John's death (2x01):
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Cannot forget this one. This episode happens to be another favourite of mine, and the way John sacrifices himself for his son proves that a father can go to any extent for his children. The farewell scene of John - where he asks for forgiveness and goodbye to dean without him understanding brings tears to my eyes. Such a beautiful acting by JDM and so realistic portrayal of a flawed, helpless and loving father.
2. End of Season 5 (5x22)
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The ground was set, the battle was about to begin, the ultimate faceoff between Lucifer and Michael was going to start- then what happens? A stubborn idiot boy with a muscle car and hellbent attitude comes in between- knowing that he cannot survive this- just because one of these celestial entities have captured his brother as a vessel and he won’t leave his brother alone. Till his last drop of blood he keeps on trying- trying to reach his brother who is trapped under something much bigger- keeps on telling that It's okay, he is not alone, his big brother is here. And guess what, he succeed. His brother broke free the bind of one of the strongest entity of universe and fought. The climax scene gives me goosebump always followed by a bunch of grief and saddness the ending carries. Had season 5 been the last season of SPN, and this be the exact way the series ended, I would absolutely have no regret!
1. Sammy's first Death (2x21):
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No matter how many sad scenes are perfectly executed in SPN, nothing can exceed the emotion of this one. Jensen will also not be able to exceed the level of performance be set in this particular scene. Period.
So this is it... I must have excluded many. And turns out my list is full of Sam and Dean only and I am also not unbiased 🤣🤣 Well, there are sad scenes that do not involve only the brothers and I still like them, but not my top 10. Maybe have to make list of top 11 to 20 in order to include them. 😁
Please share your favourite saddest top 10 as well.
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 5 months
I know you made jamie as a boy dad hcs but can you please please make jamie as a girl dad hcs too? (Cuz, unpopular opinion, i think he'd make a killer girl dad)
of course! i've always head canoned he has a daughter and a son bc i don't get boy dad vibes or girl dad vibes like for nash (girl dad vibes obvously). hope you like them <3.
they are both obsessed with food and love trying new things out. they would go visit all of these exotic food places just to try new things out together. they also aren't afraid to try new things at restaurants, etc.
they'd go to the pet shelter together to see animals bc avery doesn't want them to get a pet (she knows they're too irresponsible)
she wouldn't want to spend a second away from her father. she would hang onto his leg really tight whenever he was planning on going out so that he'd bring her with him. he'd always be walking around with his daughter hanging onto him.
he'd try to get along (and he'd succeed) with all of her friends and partners (i hc his daughter is bi).
when she was like five and would get mad at her father, she would ask him to crouch so that she could smack him in the back of his head with her tiny hands and then she'd walk away harrumphing.
we know jameson absolutely loves rock climbing, and i hc that she would learn how to so that rock climbing could become their father-daughter bonding activity.
she would love getting her nails painted and would get jamie to do it bc he was better than avery.
speaking of getting your nails painted, she'd never ask him to, but he'd always paint his nails the same color as his daughter so that they'd match.
she hates it when people read her bedtime stories because she prefers having her dad tell her about his crazy adventures. according to her, bedtime stories are boring.
they are suckers for movies and tv shows, especially shows like game of thrones and the witcher. they make a huge thing out of it. every week on fridays and/or saturdays, they binge watch things on tv with the biggest assortment of candy and popcorn you've ever seen.
his daughter would end up having avery's hair and facial structure (brown and wavy with natural highlights), but would have jameson's eyes.
she'd be really interested in photography (her interest in it came from grayson) and would ask jameson to ask grayson to teach her bc she was too scared (gray was surprised to hear she was scared to ask him, and made sure she knew that he would do anything for his nieces and nephews) (oh and he'd say yes)
i can also imagine her being really into robotics. she'd constantly be asking jameson to hold things still for her or hold two pieces together. she'd be ordering him around like a puppy.
her first word was game or puzzle bc jameson is always saying it
they'd constantly be making pillow forts. they'd go all out. take whatever you're imagining in your head (if you're imagining anything) and make it 1491030 bigger because they would 100% try to beat the guinness world record for biggest pillow fort.
whenever she had a presentation or project on her idol, she'd most of the time pick her dad. he has always been and will always be her hero.
jameson would have an obsession with running his hands through her hair. she'd have to softest hair you could ever imagine. he'd have so much fun buying tons of little bows for her.
jameson would have a pinterest board for all of the outfit ideas he has for her.
jameson wouldn't play games like peek a boo with his daughter, he'd invent his own, more interesting games (idk what they would be) because he doesn't want to be an ordinary dad. also, i hc she wouldn't even like peek a boo
she'd hate going to school as a kid bc she'd be really shy. jameson would kiss her hand everyday before school and tell her that all of his courage was in that kiss, and that she was now even more invincible than before.
he'd be the type of dad who doesn't give a fuck if his daughter were to ask him to buy pads for her or smth. he wouldn't be embarrassed, he'd just head to the store and get her some.
i mentioned that she'd be really into robotics. when she was younger, she'd ask xander to help her make little gifts for her dad (not just for his birthday but also on random occasions simply bc she wanted him to know he was appreciated).
whenever she'd cry as a baby, no one would be able to comfort her and get her stop other than jameson. people thought he had magical baby hands or smth bc no matter what anyone else did, she never stopped.
she'd would refuse going to the doctors unless her father was there. she said it was because he was her source of courage and comfort, and that without him she wouldn't be able to do it. jameson would assure her that she'd be able to do it alone, and at some point (when she was like 10), she demanded to be alone in the doctors office cause she realized she was a girl boss and didn't need a man.
whenever she'd have trouble falling asleep, she'd get jamie to sing her a lullaby. she found his voice reassuring.
speaking of having trouble going to sleep, if jamie's singing didn't work, sleeping cuddled up in his arms always did. she used to say that his arms protected her for all of the bad things in the world, and, that, as long as she had him by his side, she'd be fine.
they'd buy matching sunglasses bc they were convinced it made them look cool.
he'd be the type of dad who hates keeping secrets. he would tell her everything (even if she didn't understand) bc he also hates it when people keep secrets from him and he isn't a hypocrite.
he'd most definitely be the type of dad to sit down for hours with his daughter helping her with her hmk. she hates being alone, and he knows this so he makes sure she has company as often as possible
he'd also be the type of dad to know the name of each and everyone of her friends, teachers, enemies. he'd gossip with her and talk shit about the people she hates.
that's it! hope you enjoyed these <3.
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blindmagdalena · 1 year
Just like you I am a big fan of the relationship between Homelander and Ryan and I have a few thoughts about them that I just wanna throw out there. Sorry this is a little lengthy😅
1: In season 2 episode 2 when Homelander is putting Ryan to bed I think he gives his little speech about them being gods because that’s what Homelander would have wanted someone to tell him as a kid. I think it’s the same thing with him telling Ryan “I love you, son” and then telling Ryan to say it back. Homelander is not inherently angry or upset that he has to either ask or tell Ryan to say “I love you” back. I think Homelander definitely gave off stern dad vibes in that scene as if he thinks he is teaching Ryan to say “I love you” but not in a forceful way but more in an “when I was his age I didn’t know dads and sons said I love you to each other so he must not know either”. I also think Homelander was just feeling super vulnerable in that moment and needed some kind of reassurance.
2. In the last episode of season three when Soldier Boy throws Ryan and Homelander chooses to check on Ryan first rather than engaging in the fight, I think Homelander chooses to do that because he’s probably never had anyone be protective of him or really worried/scared for him. I feel like Homelander may have viewed this as some kind of physical reassurance because Ryan was willing to get hurt and take on three very strong supes to try and help his dad. Not to mention even just being able to knock Soldier Boy back was a big demonstration of power on Ryan’s part. As we all know Homelander respects other powerful supes (to some degree). I also think it played a part in why Homelander was willing to leave at the end when Ryan asked him to. It may have also been to throw it in Butcher’s face than Ryan chose Homelander over Butcher.
3. Ryan is frequently shown wearing at least one color that matches one of the colors on his dad’s supersuit and I think that is really adorable.
don't EVER be sorry for bringing me ryan and dadlander content. both are always welcome.
you nailed the vibe of the 'i love you' scene imo. he's not mad about it, he's establishing his expectations for their relationship. that's just what you do. he's teaching Ryan the script. that's exactly how Homelander has always learned.
i don't know if Homelander was really actively choosing to ignore the threat. he was definitely very scared for his life when Soldier Boy had him, and i think he was running on pure emotion/adrenaline when he dropped down to check on Ryan. i went back to watch it and was unfortunately reminded of how... clumsy that whole finale is.
THAT ASIDE. i think you're right in that Ryan proved himself in a big way to Homelander in that moment. by the end of it, the poor kid just doesn't wanna see any more violence. Homelander accepts that because—again, for the first time—he feels like someone is finally choosing him. his dad is gone, but he has what mattered most to him. he has his son.
also, yes! i agree! we almost always see Ryan dressed in red, white and blue and i think that's an endlessly cute little detail.
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nico-di-genova · 1 year
Trans Jaime Headcanons:
Wears hoodies and baggy clothes out of habit now. But he spent like the entirety of high school wearing hoodies, even when it was 90+ degrees outside because dysphoria is a bitch.
He got top surgery during college. It was paid for by the schools LGBTQ club using a fund that Bruce Wayne created (one of his adopted kids, Dick Grayson, is trans, so it’s a cause he’s super passionate about).
Also started T in college, but he has to ask someone to do the shot for him because he’s scared of needles. Usually it’s Bart.
When Khaji finally figures out what the conflicting data they’re receiving from his body means they offer to alter his body so it produces testosterone naturally. It’s one of the few changes he’s cool with.
First time he cut his hair was in elementary school. He did it himself, standing in front of the mirror with safety scissors and hacked at it until there were chunks in the sink. His dad was the first person to see him afterword and simply took him to the barbershop to get it cleaned up.
The second someone at church tried to say something, his mom shut that shit down. “This is mi’ hijo, Jaime. He has always been Jaime.”
The first person he tells is Uncle Rudy. This trend continues when Milagro comes out to Rudy first and he’s just like “do I give a queer vibe?”
He lets Rudy paint his nails sometimes, black on every other finger. He figures if Rudy can do it, then he can too.
They all expect nana to be a little confused at first, but surprisingly she’s the quickest to adapt to his new pronouns. She also makes him his first binder.
Jaime’s got the trans flag in his room along with the Mexican flag.
He’s so excited when he gets to shop in the boys section for the first time. Back to school shopping actually becomes fun, and he begs his mom for light-up dinosaur sketchers until she finally caves. They don’t really have the money, but Jaime had looked so freaking happy running around the store with them on, so obviously she couldn’t say no.
Alberto deadnames him exactly One time, because he’s been at the auto shop all day and he’s tired and not thinking. Jaime’s playing Pokémon in the living room and it’s just bordering on too loud so he tells him to turn it down before he’s realized the wrong name has slipped out. The hurt look on Jaime’s face is enough to ensure he never does it again.
Milagro was young enough when he first started going by Jaime that she doesn’t even remember his deadname. Someone at church asks her how (deadname) is doing one time and Milagro is like ??? Who tf???? I do not know them.
His family tries to be so supportive at first that it becomes kind of comedic. They buy him every blue thing they come across. Bed sheets? Blue. Socks? Blue. Folders for school? Blue. Snacks for his lunch? Blue packaging. Jaime feels like the Mexican Percy Jackson sometimes.
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earthbaby-angelboy · 9 months
The vibes Vince Everett, Danny Fisher, and Clint Reno and give as littles
Vince Everett (Jailhouse Rock, 1957):
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Let's get this squared away: Vince's regression is rough. Because of this, some of his more negative habits come out to play. How often he slips is determined by how much stress he is under, and he began regressing after he got out of jail to deal with the things he saw and experienced while he was there. He usually holds off regressing and bottles up all his emotions until he drops hard. He regresses through a broad range of ages, anywhere from 3 to 9 (most often around 7.)
He becomes bratty and defiant, trying to break any rules you may have put in place for the sheer joy of seeing how far he can take it. Then, he throws a complete fit when you punish him. Speaking of which, this little boy needs RULES, and strict ones at that. He also needs a routine to provide him with some consistency. He believes that acting out is the only way to get attention, so you quickly need to teach him that it's not okay to behave like that, and all he needs to do to get attention is to ask. He needs a caregiver that has the patience of a saint, because when he's throwing a tantrum, he'll get in your face and shove you around as a way of provoking you to hit him. Sometimes, he'll actually slap you just to get a reaction. You definitely have to remain calm and even-keeled, but also teach him that it is never okay to hit people.
This kiddo chews on his nails and sucks his thumb all the time, and it makes you worry about all the germs going in his mouth. No matter how hard you try, you can't get him to use a pacifier. It drives you INSANE. As a way of compromise, you buy him a chewy necklace, which he always forgets he has. It's definitely not an easy job to be his carer, but it's so worth it for the little bit of relief it provides him.
Danny Fisher (King Creole, 1958):
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Danny found himself regressing a few days after his mother died. He didn't know what it was or why it was happening, and quite frankly, it scared the crap out of him. In all honesty, I don't think he'd be comfortable with having a caregiver who wasn't a family member. So, Mimi often takes care of him. She's extremely confused about it; all she knows is that her brother sometimes acts like a kid and gets really clingy. He's very closed off about his regression, and if Mimi mentions it while he's big, he immediately shuts her down and changes the topic. She knows he's not hurting anyone (and that he's been through hell), so she chooses not to further question him and goes along with it.
He regresses into babyspace, and can usually tell before it happens. Before he fully drops, he tells Mimi his head is "getting fuzzy.” So, she prepares a safe area for him and gathers some items he likes to have with him when little. A teddy bear his mother gave him, a blanket from when he was a kid and a pacifier from when he was a baby are the only “little items” he has. He likes when Mimi reads him the books his mother used to read to them as kids. Sometimes, he finds himself crying softly because of how much he misses his mother, and Mimi is right there to comfort him. When little, he often forgets who his sister actually is, and ends up calling her "mama." She doesn't mind; whatever helps him, helps him.
When he's not crying or being read to, he likes to have dance parties with Mimi! They'll put on a record of some kid-friendly songs, and they have a little jam session.
Clint Reno (Love Me Tender, 1956):
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He regresses out of anxiety, and it's the only thing that keeps him from going headfirst into neurosis while his brothers are in the Army. He is very playful and energetic when little, but also becomes extremely defensive and more protective of his siblings than when he is big. (I didn't think that was possible, but here we are.) He is quite reckless when it comes to his own safety, but if someone threatens his brothers, he's squaring up and ready to fight. Although he's filled with feral energy, if unprovoked, he's very well behaved. He doesn't throw tantrums, and is a very respectful boy (doesn't matter if you're younger than him, he says "sir" and "ma'am" to EVERYONE.) He doesn't really have a definite age that he regresses to: he's just a kiddo!
He has no problem regressing in front of Vance, Brett and Rey, and is very nonchalant about it. They absolutely freak out the first time this happens and they think he's lost his sanity. When he goes back to being big, they have an intense interrogation session with him, and he explains that sometimes he just feels a little different! After the shock wears off, they melt because for once, their kid brother is allowing himself to be...well, a kid.
He is definitely a gentle giant in the sense that he actually forgets that he isn't physically small. Sometimes, he'll flop on top of Vance and almost crush him. Vance literally does not care, because if Clint is happy, he's happy. I don't think his brothers would treat him differently when he's regressed than they would if he was big; if anything, they just speak in more gentle voices and tone down the rough-housing. He loves playing outside, especially in mud and dirt! He takes a bath every night because somehow or another, he always ends up outdoors.
He's very clumsy, and has A TON of bruises on his knees and elbows. He's more than likely to be wearing at least one bandaid, and his brothers have a first aid kit with them at all times. When he falls, he thinks absolutely nothing of it; he gets right back up and continues playing!
(A/N: i originally wanted to make this with all of the ECU littles, but i haven’t watched all of elvis’ movies yet. with that being said, i’ll most likely divvy this into a few parts, and continuously post as i watch them!)
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scheodingers-muppet · 9 months
reputation (stranger things version) let’s go
…Ready For It? - jancy. the whole “i’ve known i wanted you since we first met” kinda vibe really fits them i think. “some boys are trying too hard, he don’t try at all though. younger than my ex’s but he acts like such a man” sorry steve. “knew i was a robber first time that he saw me. stealing hearts and running off” nancy is really the only character we see *multiple* people crushing on. steve and jonathan, of course, but also dustin, fred, arguably robin.
End Game - steddie. “you and me, we got big reputations” king steve and the freak, two sides of some big reputations. “i got some big enemies” being hated by the school and town and the literal upside down. “in rumors, i’m knee deep” “i’ve made mistakes…but something was born on the forth of july” steve’s huge character arch we see in season 3, over the summer.
I Did Something Bad - nancy. shes realms the only one i can see for this one. the confidence and bad-ass of it really only fits her
Don’t Blame Me - steve. why? because i said so. i fully believe he loves VERY deeply. why? because. i said so.
Delicate - steddie, from eddie’s pov. “my reputations never been worse so, you must like me for me” literal manhunt for him and steve’s making googoo eyes at him. “dark jeans and your nikes” is so steve coded. “i know that it’s delicate” not only is eddie wanted for murder, but also, steve’s reputation would be very delicate; even been friends with eddie could make him a target
Look What You Made Me Do: el. “the role you made me play of the fool” and being used in vecna’s plan. “i got smarter, i got harder in the nick of time” “i don’t trust nobody and nobody trusts me” her trust has ben broken so many times and shes had to fight tooth and nail for the trust in her now “the old taylor can’t come to the phone right now. why? oh, because she’s dead” paralleled to el coming back at the end of season 2 completely changed
So It Goes… - jancy, from nancy’s pov. “we breakdown a little, but when you get me alone, it’s so simple” “you know i’m not a bad girl but, i’ll do bad things with you”
Gorgeous: ronance, from nancy’s pov. “i got a boyfriend, he’s older than us.” “you’re so cool, it makes me hate you so much.” and “i’m furious at you for making me feel this way” with how nancy didn’t like her at first. “ocean blue eyes, looking in mine” tldr; nancy’s gay awakening is robin
Getaway Car: jancy. “i wanted to leave him. i needed a reason” and “he poisoned the well, i was lying to myself” about steve. “we were flying but we never got far” and “think about the place where you first met me” with the relationship starting to crumble. “we were jet set bonnie and clyde until i switched to the other side” i like to imagine this as her going to robin but that’s just me.
King Of My Heart: steddieeeeee. okay listen. i love when fics make references to king steve and steve likes the name. i adore royal imagery with them. “we rule the kingdom inside my room” “king of my heart, body and soul” i LOVEEE eddie calling him king steve again, but as like, “you’re the king of my heart” “you’re love is a secret im hoping, dreaming to keep”
Dancing With Our Hands Tied: byler. “i loved you in secret…how were you to know?” “deep blue but you painted me golden” when blue meets yellow in the west. “i loved you in spite of deep fears that the world would divide us” i think mike might be starting to realize his feelings for will while he’s gone, loving him even though he’s scared the distance will hurt them. “dancing like it was the first time”
Dress: ronance. why? idk it just fits. nancy and robin get close, become friends and nancy realizes her feelings for her. i can also see elmax if you remove the sexual elements of the song.
This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things: steve to tommy and carol. “it was so nice throwing big parties” “it was so nice being friends again…but you stabbed me in the back while shaking my hand” tommy leaving him for billy. i just need to see steve lose his shit, honestly.
Call It What You Want: steddie. idk what you want from me, its so steve talking about eddie before they’re official. “my castle crumbled over night…they took the crown but it’s alright” losing “king” title. “nobody’s heard from me in months” falling down the social rankings and living a more “quiet” life (ie no parties and such) “my baby’s fly like a jet stream high above the whole scene” both eddie looking down on social hierarchy and also eddie perched on his chair during campaigns, being literally above the whole scene. “all the jokers dressing up as kings” billy taking his role. “you don’t need to save me, but would you run away with me?” steve maybe talking to eddie about how he can “pay him back” for saving his life or something cute like that.
New Year’s Day: stobin. this song has always kinda been platonic to me. but it’s so them. the devotion of always being there, no matter what or why. “please don’t ever become a stranger whose laugh i would recognize anywhere” I MEANNNNN
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cozylittleartblog · 2 years
Do you have any tips on drawing the Swatchlings?
frankly i am happy that i have gotten good enough at drawing these bird boys (gender neutral) that someone wants my opinions. anyway
i see a lot of fun ways to draw swatchlings tbh and i don't really know what you want tips on Specifically so i will just make notes on a few of the main things i think about when i draw them, most importantly: just make them bitches broad and fluffy, man. they're all canonically Ripped, but an important thing to remember is that they are likely completely covered in feathers! that's going to smooth out those muscular details, so you wont be able to see them, just the broadness of them.
my style is all based in gesture and shapes, so i use a lot of blocks so they look nice 'n sturdy. it's okay if you don't nail the anatomy on the sketch, i am constantly nudging things around all the way into the coloring phase trying to get the shapes right. frankly i would probably bulk out even this Example Bird if i were drawing them all the way. i usually add more fluff or muscle or chub or whatever when i detail them but the absolute bare bones of them is dedicated to blockie
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i give mine these sort of vestigial wings on their arms to make them look softer, and i think about how feathers move and stick out on real birds to help inform how they'll sit on these birds, too. and i carry the soft, pointed feather shapes into the fingers so they also look soft.
tip for drawing Soft: don't get caught up making too many individual strands or feathers, soft things tend to come together in big tufts. you want big gentle shapes, not a bunch of little ones. unless you want your bird to look wet or scared in which case you're doing a great job and you've probably just drawn spamton instead
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their faces are really tricky so i think of them as these kinda... non-euclidean semi-hollow pentagonal cones. there's five "planes" with the top two dedicated to eyes and the bottom three dedicated to mouth placement. sometimes you can see the far eye even though, in real life, you would not be able to see that "plane" of their face. you don't always have to understand things sometimes they just look cool, especially when characters are cybernetic birds made out of Magical Darkness. there is no rule about when to draw one or two eyes. it's just whatever looks better.
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biggest and bestest tip of all about drawing swatchlings! very important! write this one down in your most favorite gel pen and Really Big! give them either tails, or tail coats. i don't care that canon has neither, canon is wrong. you can switch it out, even - my birds have tail coats as part of their standard uniforms but they can wear their real tails out on special occasions.
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lastly, if you want to stick closer to a canon interpretation, i would not try to make the birds too unique, when they're on the job anyway - they like being coordinated! tasque manager is very particular about keeping them coordinated as well. but if you just want to have fun then you can make your birds as fun and unique as you want :) even though i draw them all about the same i personally love love love seeing super funky swatchling designs, making them different colors and species and such.
course summary:
make them Large. make them Fluffy. use really broad, blocky shapes and draw big, thick tufts of feathers instead of trying to detail them too much.
their heads are silly magic nonsense. draw a triangle and get funky with it. no rules, only vibes. if it vibes it stays
they always need some kind of tail or tail equivalent and i don't care what Anybody else says
if you want to follow canon, draw all the birds except swatch just about the same. if you're just here for a good time, throw that out completely and have fun with it.
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clickerflight · 5 months
Clove: Part 21 - No Monologues
Bois.... there's more to this story than I thought there would be. We vibing but this is wild!
Masterlist - Part 20
Content: Werewolf whumpee, human whumper, vampire caretaker, exhaustion, strangulation, a rather quick and violent death
Goldenrod was really struggling to stay on top of the pillar now. He was tired and shaky, his fingers trembling on the ritual knife as he tried to dodge and shield himself from the barrage of gravel Jack kept sending his way, hoping to knock him down. He was so scared. He just had to hang on till Ephraim got here. He had to. He didn’t think he could fight Jack again. He shouldn’t have swallowed any of Jack’s blood earlier. It was making Hyrum feel really sick and making the whole situation that much worse. 
The newest rock attack slowed to a stop, Jack panting below, still pacing back and forth. He was chewing on his thumbnail, looking up at the skies nervously over and over again. The fae queen had to know by now. Was she going to come here or was she setting up defenses against him? He didn’t have time. He really didn’t have time.
He chewed harder, running out of nail and just started in on the flesh of his thumb with his sharp teeth as he stared up at Hyrum, who watched with a numb sort of exhaustion in his eyes. That was good. Jack knew that look well. The pup wouldn’t be able to stay up there for long. 
Jack looked over at another pillar, spaced not that far away from Hyrum’s and stopped chewing on his thumb. If he couldn’t get Hyrum down with magic, he’d have to do it with force. 
So, the sorcerer started to climb a pillar, slowly and laboriously as he kept slipping down the smooth rock face. He nearly slid all the way to the bottom when he felt a stinging pain bite into his skull. He snarled as he realized Hyrum had chucked a rock at his head, and forced himself to climb higher. 
He scrambled onto the top, and without even so much as a moment to catch his breath, he turned and threw himself across the gap. 
Hyrum yelped, holding the blade up to try and defend himself, but Jack crashed into him, sending them both onto the gravel below. 
Hyrum was well protected by his being a werewolf, however that didn’t help with the way the crash had sent the wind right out of his lungs. 
Jack grabbed the knife from out of trembling fingers and grabbed Hyrum’s throat with the other hand. “Alright, pup. I hope you enjoyed all of that. A waste of time and energy if you ask me,” he said, picking Hyrum up as he gasped and scratched at Jack’s wrist. 
Vindictively, Jack slammed Hyrum into the altar, making the pup’s eyes go wide and dazed as his head smacked into the obsidian. 
Jack now took a moment to breathe, changing his grip on the knife and on Hyrum’s throat so he could try and get at his voice box. 
“I would tell you to hold still, but that would be a bit of a waste of breath, wouldn’t it,” Jack said as Hyrum seemed to come back to his senses, fear and helplessness flooding his face as he realized he just didn’t have the energy to fight back anymore. 
Jack allowed himself a moment to drink it in. How couldn’t he, really. The pup had always been so cute and desperate when he was scared. So perfectly defenseless. 
“I think I will miss you a little… not much, but a little,” Jack commented mostly to himself, flipping the knife one more time for good measure before leaning over Hyrum to make the first incision. 
He only got as far as touching the blade to the werewolf’s throat, Hyrum’s golden eyes squeezed shut with silent tears tracking down his dirty cheeks, when Jack was slammed to the side and into the ground. 
He scrabbled at the gravel, reaching for the knife he dropped, but a powerful hand closed on the back of his neck, the other grabbing the back of his clothing to throw him onto his back. 
Jack’s manic eyes landed on Ephraim, who stood clean and furious before him, lips drawn back to show his broken fang. 
Ephraim had felt his heart nearly fall out of his rib cage when he’d seen Jack leaning over Hyrum like that, but was glad to see the pup scramble off the altar, frozen in indecision between trying to get away and going to hug Ephraim. 
“Ephraim!” Jack said in a placating tone, trying to get himself sorted out to sit up. “So good to see you! I thought you’d be in the pits by- CKkk”
Ephraim stood on his throat, watching as the sorcerer tried to get Ephraim’s foot off. “I almost was,” he replied, leaning some weight on it. “Goodbye, Jack. Hope you  are remembered in tales for the truly terrible fate you are dealt in the afterlife. 
Jack shook his head, eyes wide as he struggled to speak. 
“Bck! N’v’r bck! Wi’ow m’!”
Ephraom threw back his head and laughed a truly cold laugh. “I don’t care. I have an in with the queen here. I’m not concerned about getting back.”
“D’nt tr’st-”
“Oh I know,” Ephraim said, leaning hard just to watch as the sorcerer’s face turned an odd shade of blue. “I won’t, trust you that.”
Jack, realizing he wouldn’t be able to talk his way out of this, tried to gather the last bits of strength he had after constantly attacking Hyrum and after the arduous journey here, but Ephraim lifted his foot and slammed it into the sorcerer’s throat, listening to the satisfying crack of his neck. 
Ephraim stood like that, breathing heavily before he looked back at Goldenrod. “Don’t watch.”
Goldenrod, eyes wide and teary, nodded and turned away as Ephraim knelt down, slowly cracking Jack open to pull out each and every organ he could get his hands on and destroy them, scattering them everywhere. As soon as he had reduced Jack to a smear that no magic would be able to bring him back from, Ephraim stood up, stepping out of the now deactivated ritual circle to wipe his hands off in the grass. 
He looked back to see Goldenrod curled on his side on the ground, face almost touching one of the pillars. 
He got up and walked to Goldenrod only to realize that his little boy was breathing slowly and calmly, so trusting in Ephraim to deal with the mess that he paid no heed to the noises and let sleep take him. 
Ephraim clicked his tongue. He wanted to take the moment to heart and relish in it, but they weren’t safe yet. They were still in the fae realm, and while the fae queen was soft on his fledgling and Benny would surely do anything for him to get in his good graces again, Ephraim didn’t think for even a moment that they were anywhere near close to safe. They weren’t going to be safe till they were all home and that entrance in the forest was sealed. 
Ephraim carefully scooped Goldenrod into his arms, lifting him. The werewolf woke enough to grab onto him before he fell asleep again, the fear and constant adrenaline too much for his little system. 
Ephraim didn’t spare the smears in the gravel behind him any heed as he stepped into the grass, walking back towards where the castle had been. He didn’t know if they would actually make it since traveling in the fae wilds had turned out to be strange, getting Ephraim to the ritual place much faster than he expected without even seeing the entrance to the fae realm once on the way here, but he was sure Benny would have someone come looking for him, and there were already fae scouts out looking for Jack.
He walked for about an hour, Goldenrod only stirring to snuggle closer, when he saw some of the fog clearing ahead and a fae walked out through it. It was the gauzy fae from before. Kortops. 
“What have you found, Vampire?” he called. 
“My pup,” Ephraim replied cautiously. “I’ve killed the sorcerer, though you may want to dispose of his remains somehow. I am concerned he knew a good deal of dark magic and might have some way to come back.”
“I will have someone look into it. I will walk you back, yes?”
Ephraim was conflicted. He wanted to demand to go home, but he wasn’t certain how the fae would react to that and there was a large part of him that wanted to convince Benny to come home. But if they stayed they wouldn’t be able to eat. And Goldenrod needed to eat. 
“We will walk back to the palace,” Ephraim said uneasily. “Tell me, is there food here that isn’t of the fae.”
Kortops laughed. “You think we will hold you here if you eat it?” 
“I believe it may weaken defenses more than anything else,” Ephraim said a little testily. “I would really prefer to keep my wits about me.”
Kortops looked like he almost wanted to be offended about that, his wings flicking, but he sighed. “You have caught us, vampire. We are to be only the best hosts, and we will provide you with completely unenchanted food.”
“Every time?” 
“Every time,” the fae promised with a roll of his eyes. 
Good. It seemed Ephraim had discovered another rule the fae have to live by. They are, first and foremost good hosts, and they had to be truthful in their dealings as such. 
Ephraim would need to think carefully over all of his requests to be sure to watch for loop holes, then, and no fae would get to talk to Hyrum even once without Ephraim being there. 
“Thank you,” Ephraim said. Manners were likely important in a place like this. “When we arrive at the castle, I would like good, unenchanted food and a safe and secure place to sleep with a promise that no fae or fae servant will disturb us as we sleep. We have had a long, long day.”
“Of course,” Kortops said, taking on a subservient, though distant tone now. “Anything else for you, my liege?”
“That will be all for tonight,” Ephraim replied, just as distantly. His thoughts were already on the idea of a warm, comfortable shower and then a warm, comfortable bed where he and Goldenrod could curl up and he could ensure that his pup was safe and still alive. 
The palace loomed up through the mists again and Kortops led him inside, relaying orders to the servants who led Ephraim to a room. 
After Ephraim had triple checked that they knew to bring unenchanted but good food, he turned to caring for Goldenrod, getting some warm water and soap from the bathroom to clean his wounds and scrapes. Goldenrod was somewhat awake for this, whining and crying a little about being disturbed, but his demeanor changed as he smelled food as the fae brought it in for them to eat. 
Soon enough, they were fed, cleaned, clothed and in bed, Goldenrod passed out without even managing to say goodnight, and Ephraim, a hand on the back of Goldenrod’s head, followed soon after. 
Part 22
Clove Taglist: @wolfeyedwitch @the-blind-one-speaks @whumpsday @extrabitterbrain @inkkswhumpandstuff
@honeycollectswhump @whump-blog-reblogs @pigeonwhumps @mj-or-say10 @percy-frayer
@currentlyinthesprial @scoundrelwithboba @whumps-and-bumps
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taiiunknown · 2 years
Shuri X BlackReader fic
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Warning: cursing,Angst,smut but not too much
Summary : shuri and y/n gets into a heated argument after a party , which led to shuri asking reader to obey her but reader used the word “NO” know shuri does not do well with the word “NO”
Me and shuri have been invited to this get together with the avengers, it was honestly exciting for me bc I had just bought this new champagne dress with these glittery heels that are so pretty and since I just got my hair and nails did I was ready more than anything.
Me and shuri got ready around 6 bc the party started at 7:50 which was the perfect time !
After me and shuri was dress we quickly made it to the car , but I noticed that shuri kept eyeing me from head to. “What’s wrong babe? You don’t like my dress ?” “No you just look so sexy usana, I can’t keep my eyes off you” Shuri said with lust in her eyes , “behave baby we almost close to the party” I said slapping shuri hand from reaching up my dress .
We made it to the party and was greeted with open arms by everyone who was giving me the “Omg you are so gorgeous” “you look like a beautiful diamond” “Shuri must be really lucky!” “Shuri better be glad she got there first bc you are a beautiful girl!”
Those comments made my night and I can unsure you that I was smiling as bright as day. Time went on and I came across a old friend who I haven’t seen since high school! Me and him was so close until I found out he had feeling for me and I had to tell him that I am very much interested in girls then boys but that doesn’t mean I don’t love him like a best friend,
We both ran up to each other, he pulled me in a warm up that he always gave me and that I kinda missed bc he was the one I told all my tea too .
Me and Chris held on to each other for like 30 second then finally pulled away, when I pulled away I seen the biggest smile on his face that made me return one back bc he was so sweet .
“OMG what are you doing here lovey?” Chris asked ( BY THE WAY ME AND CHRIS GAVE EACH OTHER NICKNAMES SO HE CALLED ME LOVEY AND I CALLED HIM BOOKIE) “I should be asking you the same thing bookie!” I said “God, I missed you so much Lovey” “I missed you more bookie”
Me and Chris started to catch up with each other when we was interrupted by shuri who just clears her throat , “Y/N you’re not gonna introduce me ?” Shuri said raising a brow “Omg im so sorry ! , Chris this is shuri my gf , shuri this is my old best friend Chris .” Shuri looked at Chris like she wanted to attack him “ Nice to meet you bookie” Shuri spat out like it was venom in her mouth “nice to meet you too queen” Chris said sounding a little scared.
The night ended and me and shuri was now back in the car and honestly I couldn’t wait to leave bc it was awkward the whole night due to shuri being so mean to chris , idk what gotten into her but she was giving me jealous vibes the whole night !
*Back at the palace*
Me and shuri made it to our shared room , I was taking off all my jewelry when all of a sudden shuri breaks the silence between us. “Sooo bookie huh ?” “ and it’s so cute that he calls you Lovey back” Shuri said tryna be funny but start a argument at the same time “ I don’t wanna chat period” I said bc I knew where this was going .
*10 minutes later*
I have never, Ever talked to shuri that way and we have been together for 2 years so the shock on her face was crazy …
I just looked at the ground bc my intentions was to not explode on her like that but we have been arguing for 20 minutes and I’m tired honestly…
“ ndiphendule NGOKU ! ( ANSWER ME NOW !)” Shuri was now angry and trust me I have never seen her this angry since her mom died so me yelling at her for the first time must really pissed her off . “No one …” I said quietly staring at my white nails polish on my toes bc I could not posses my self to look her in the eye .
“ Ndijonge”( look at me)
When I looked up shuri eyes was filled with awe when she seen i shedded a few tears now
“Stop crying y/n”
I did bc she told me I’m too pretty to be crying once and ever since she told me that I always stop crying when she tells me to stop.
“Strip for me” Shuri said with lust now in her eyes bc of my dress and how my body hugged it so well “No” I said softly As badly I wanted to bc her yelling had got me so horny but I felt bold and wanted to take control for once even though I’m weak in the knees for her touch “You strip for me how about that” I said with a smirk, “I love this boldness you gained tonight but I advise you to let it go or the punishment will be worse than ever” Shuri sounded so sexy with that pent up anger in her voice but I wasn’t gonna fold bc she always have me obey her when she doesn’t even does the same for me so I guess we playing games tonight… “No and like I said you strip” I said now matching her energy, shuri walked towards me and I started walking back not even knowing that I cornered myself (typical y/n) “why are you so angry shuri, is it bc Chris want what’s yours ?” I said tryna push her even more bc I become aroused when she is angry don’t judge me im a little toxic… “excuse me ?” Shuri eye brows raised and let’s just say I think I’m having a little too much fun making her jealous 😐 “You heard me I said CHRIS WANT WHA-“ before I can finish I felt a grip to my arm that lightly tossed me on the bed , I’m sorry but it seemed like Shuri turned into flash less than a second. “That mouth of yours needs to be worked on, IMMEDIATELY!” “SO STRIP LIKE I SAID AND TRUST ME I WILL NOT BE REPEATING MY SELF BC IN THE LOVE OF BAST I WILL RIP YOUR CLOTHES OFF AND YOU WILL NEVER SEE THEM AGAIN!!” Shuri voice was so loud I’m sure the guards was starting to strip too 😭😭 after that I snap back into reality realizing that I have a meeting tmr and need my legs to walk 🥲 “Yes my queen” I said now taking off my dress slowly then ever while she went to the closet to get something. When she came back I was in my lingerie that was black with a kinda see through bra, she came towards me lifting my chin “you’re so sexy usana, but sadly you might be unable to walk into you meeting tmr so now people can’t see your entle face” I’ve never gulped so hard in my life…
After two hours of having the best rough sex ever I was honestly drained, I was so drained that shuri had to carry me from the bed to the bath and then back to the bed that now had new sheets do to all the squirti- matter a fact I’m not even gonna go into details …
I ended up waking up at 2pm since I didn’t gts till 3am, I tried to move but my legs was so sore so I just laid back down , then memories of last night kept replaying in my head including shuri words…
(Shuri’s words)
“ You taking me so well Usana!” “Look at you being a intombi elungile (good girl)” “who pussy does this belong too? Huh ndiphendule (answer me)!” Let’s just say that all I could pull out was “YOURSSSS BA-BYYYY” bc trust me it was like my brain was being fucked out and my vision was becoming blurry bc my eyes felt like it was finna pop out of my head 🤷🏽‍♀️
I came 4 times and I will never admit to that so ya 😐
Shuri came back into the room with food and a ice pack ( I’m guessing that’s for my cat ?) I thought to myself bc it was so sore , I still feel like it’s not my fault tho it’s fasho Chris fault 😒 bc nobody told him to go to this party and if he haven’t came to the party shuri wouldn’t be so jealous and I wouldn’t have been so petty and horny , and my cat and legs would still be functioning again 🥲
“You finally up y/n?” “I thought I killed your cat not you” she chuckled to herself while sitting the tray in my lap “you think you funny ?”I said “no, I think im hilarious” “you know the Dora’s asked was everything alright bc they told me all they heard was “OMG SHURIIIII” “I CANT TAKE IT BABY!” “SHURIIII SLOW DOWN” “UGHH FUCK BAB-“ OKAY PLZ STOP SHURI THATS EMBARRASSING” I said bc I felt slutted out 😒 “let’s just say the neighbors did say they know my name y/n” Shuri said now fully laughing
I palmed my face bc even though WE HAD A TIME LAST NIGHTTTT ! I knew that when I show my face outside our room people will be smirking at me 😒
“Usana” Shuri said softly “yes” I said “did you do all of that on purpose last night?” She asked already knowing the answer “no” I said smirking like …
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gok1bvri72 · 1 year
💛💫Voca/Utauloid Headcanons of Mine💫💛
Not proofread, too lazy😍😍
💫 Hatsune Miku 💫
I think Miku is a bit of a spoiled diva, but only a bit!
She is pretty generous despite the whole "World is Mine" thing, I like to think she uses her brand to get charities off the ground🤔
Miku gives me Pansexual and proud vibes
Her hair is a chore to take care of and takes hours to prepare for a concert! Loads of teal hair in the trash and clogging the shower drain.
She has an arsenal of scrunchies at the ready for her pigtails>:)
Miku doesn't like the coral colour. Yknow that reddish orange colour? She doesn't like wearing it.
Miku doesn't actually know how to do make-up, Luka always does it for her!
💫 Kagamine Rin 💫
Rin has ADHD me thinks🤔
She has a load of fidget spinners cuz she thinks they are cool✊
She has roller skates and she rides around town in the 24/7!
Her bow collection rivals Jojo Siwa's and is definitely more fashionable😩
Her notebook is filled with all sorts of goofy song ideas written in bright orange highlighter.
She has to cut her hair or it starts to grow out- like almost as long as Miku's! It grows fast so regular hair trims><
She love love LOVES little charms and accessories! Sanrio and Animal Crossing are some of her favourite things to collection stuff from!
💫 Kagamine Len 💫
I have the most to say about him cuz he is my favourite so strap in>:)
Len has a skateboard that has all sorts of stickers on it ranging from MLP G2 stickers from his sister to spiderman and undertale references!
Len forgets stuff easily, he isn't stupid just stuff slips his mind easily. So he carries a small pocket book to write stuff in if it's important!
He plays piano and guitar obvi but I totally see I'm sitting down after football season on the field after school and playing some melodies on an acoustic guitar with his homies.
Also has to trim his hair regularly JSKSJSKSJSK (Rapunzel Len😳😳???)
He snatches scrunchies from Miku's collections sometimes to put in his hair sometimes cuz he likes them.
100% a brony I refuse to believe otherwise♡♡♡
Can be a gentleman when he wants SoE wasn't 100% a lie💫
Fingerless gloves, T-shirts over white hoodies, naturally torn jeans, and bright sneakers or combats slay💅
Raging bisexual king
Had a crush on Fukase once. Immediately didn't anymore.
Possibly trans masc? Idk I feel like he isn't but he has that t-boy swag👁👁
Fangirls lowkey scare him, like yes he knows he has them and yes he is terrified of them. (Mention that Tei girl and he is outta there.)
Probably has a crush on random Utauloid girls cuz they aren't popular and he has a higher chance of wooing them💀
Does his make-up himself cuz Luka never adds enough eyeliner for his highness.
💫 Megurine Luka 💫
Mom friend
A bit of an air head and she always spends hours picking out her outfits because they needs to be perfect('□`)
She Miku dated at one point🤔
Make-up wizard~!!!
She does everybody's make-up except for Len's.
Really soft hands, like ethereal. If you hold them you will instantly feel self-conscious about yours if you're like me.
She sheds. Everywhere. It's like pink little worms everywhere. She sheds more than Miku. If the drain isn't clogged by a teal monster it's a pink one.
Paints everyone nails, yes even his highness Len. Luka just has really light handy-work! Super delicate and great for little details><
Luka likes to draw and paint pretty scenery!
She has an affinity for sun hats💛💛
Cottage core lesbian vibes
💫 Shion Kaito 💫
Kaito has an ice cream truck. He drives it around town while it plays a heavy metal version of the ice cream truck theme. Scares all the kids.
He and Len play smash bros as Joker and Pit 24/7 and have the most intense screaming battles!
He has a pusheen plush collection><
He has his room at like, 10 degrees colder than the rest of the mansion cuz mf likes his blankets and he is a.... Snowman.
Anyways he has a whole closet of just scarves and it's like walking through a car wash minus all the water and soap almost.
We all know he wears his scarves to the pool but did you know he also wears them in the shower?!?!?!😱😱😱😱
Kinda feels like an omni with a male lean.
💫 Sakine Meiko 💫
She has every single alcoholic drink at the local bar memorized....
She really likes heels! She has a whole bunch. Kinda like the Barbie of Vocaloid when it comes to them U_U💅
She and Luka are besties and they have that lesbian "besties" vibe going on JSKJSSKSJJSSJ
Mmmmm yiAS- And they were *best friends.*
Anyways Meiko is totally called Koko and Meimei around the house.
When she isn't chugging alcohol she is chugging some kind of apple cider.
I feel like if her mascot item wasn't sake it would be apples or lipstick🤔
She has a whole 3 drawers of just lipsticks btw
💫 Kasane Teto 💫
As we all know she is now a Synth. But in my heart I still call her an Utau even tho it's technically wrong- but it's also not harming anyone so who cares?
She and Miku went on a date once. Best day of her life😍/hj
She is a bread connoisseur and her current dream is to some day visit France😔✊
Her hair is such a pain to style in the morning- when she isn't going out she doesn't even bother and leaves it loose.
I headcanon she and Fukase are siblings and also Fukkatsu Kozuko's older siblings. They all have those red eyes... they must be related! (Kozuko just got the recessive hair genes obviously LSJSKJSAKJSKAS)
Totally has gamer rage and plays competitive games like League of Legends and the online Pokemon battles.
Totally a huge Pokemon nerd btw and her favourite game is Pokemon Y cuz it's based on France!
She beat Rin over the head with a baguette once....
Pansexual or Bisexual vibes... tbh whatever it is she isn't straight that's for sure I mean that girl definitely has a crush on Miku.
Speaking of which, she is a frequent donater to Miku's collection getting her more scrunchies every chance she gets 😔
💫 Oliver 💫
Oliver is great💛💛💛
When asked if he is a dog person or a cat person he confidently replies with "I'm a bird person>:D!!"
Luka was screaming about a spider in the snack cabinet once and he just grabbed it and ate it. I mean, it *was* in the snack cabinet. I wouldn't be surprised if he put it there....
He is kinda prone to getting sick easy.
He has asthma:(((
Len got him shoes and he never wears them.
Brush his hair for him, he will like it Q-Q *Holds Oliver gently*
💫 Fukase 💫
I don't like Fukase. But I also like him. Like I like that I can dislike him yknow? He is a radical dude and I think he is great we would just totally argue all the time and call eachother rude names then bro hug and fist bump and if anyone asks no we aren't friends we are broskenimes.
House hold name? Fuck ass.
He takes pride in that name.
He, Len, and Piko play minecraft together and take turns blowing up each other's houses.
Totally takes his little sister to meet ups with Len just to piss him off/freak him out.
He eats his toe nails.
Raging gay ass mf here
💫 Utatane Piko 💫
This trans mf
T-Boy swag is strong with this one
Also probably a gay but I also see him being an omni with a male lean
Dating Fukase 100%
They blow each other's house up in minecraft as a display of affection♡♡♡
He and Len are broskis forever and have friendship bracelets that are MLP themed
His favourite pony is Rarity or DJ Pony and yes he is a brony.
He also really likes TBHK and Genshin Impact
Uses all his money to get his husbandos
Cat person tbh
💫 Kamui Gakupo 💫
Omni with that male lean I mean look at those gay samurai from Japanese history he is totally one of those.
Totally in denial about his gayness.
Rhythm game king
He takes great pride in his hair and he doesn't actually shed that much like Miku and Luka!
Doesn't actually like eggplants he just got them stuck on him because of popipo and Dancing Samurai.
He prefers grapes😔
Wine enthusiast and actually more of an alcoholic than Meiko😳
Gave Len advice on how to get hot girls once and the advice wound up with the girl jumping into the pool fully dressed to avoid him.
100% not gay guys idk what you're talking about
💫 Megpoid Gumi 💫
I don't have many headcanons for her😭😭
She has a garden!
Did a Lumine from Genshin Impact cosplay once😳😳😳
Totally into Len at one point but Len was too dense to notice
Straight alliance(???)
Again not much here for her
Into Octonauts tho, Tweak is her favourite.
💫 VFlower 💫
She is totally Miku's crush 🥺🥺
Tbh, ace vibes
Another one of Len's broskis
She hates her new design
Slay queen tbh
I don't have much on her either but she is cool asf
I feel like she worked at a McDonald's once and idk why🤔
Currently works at a cafe
Huge P5 fan idk why
Also an artist! She is more into character design tho:)
Awesome fashion sense.
💫 Akita Neru 💫
Imma be honest with yall, I don't like her😰
I hate tsunderes so much they are so annoying and they make my skin boil.
Watching her be so mean to Len in the fics I read makes it really hard for me to like her cuz Len is my emotional support character so I don't have any headcanons for her.
But I don't wanna disappoint so I'll make a few on the spot!
She is a top streamer and has lots of male fans cuz she has that gremlin streamer that runs off of doritos and mountain dew vibes><
Has an Insta and uses Tumblr 24/7 in secret👀👀
She feels like a straight alliance to me
Anger issues
Maybe she is used to getting ignored and the only way she thinks she can get Len's attention is by bullying him?
💫 Fukkatsu Kozuko 💫
I made her so I obvi have a lot of headcanons but none of them are fact because I want her to be like all the other loids:)
One of them cursed Len simps
But she is tame about it and honestly a sweetheart soooo we gucci👌
She isn't stalking him like Tei and Mayu or beating him up like Neru. Just like, normal girl stuff.
Even then she doesn't get into cat fights over it cuz she doesn't have the confidence to.
Oh yeah! Low self-esteem cuz her VB is crappy and she has a lisp sometimes 😔😔
She feels like she might fall somewhere on the autism spectrum, but that might just be me self-protecting again🤔
Probably cries easily.
She really likes to decorate her room in cutesy pink stuff and she always wears these over the top soft girl outfits.
A huge fan of Miku! Really wants to be her friend but doesn't have the confidence to talk to her.
Rin, Len, Oliver, and Teto are her friends. (Teto doesn't have a choice cuz they are siblings/j)
Fukase insults her a lot but not in the mean way in the sibling way yknow yknow
Like "You're smelly"
Fukase let her play minecraft with him and his gang once and they all had cute cottages by the end of it. Fukase was >:[ing the whole time cuz he wanted her to be annoying to Len.
She is that friend who is too nervous to talk up so she just agrees and nods to everything and she is easily manipulated into things q-q
She is scared of Mayu, Tei, and Neru and they are mostly the reason she doesn't approach Len unless multiple people are around. She feels a lot safer when Fukase is there cuz Fukase is... Fukase is scary. No one wants to mess with Fukase. Mess with Fukase mess with some ancient eldritch horror or smth.
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lesbolordo · 1 year
Fem gender-bent Amit. Career girl boss of my dreams where she at? 🙏
You asked, I shall provide 😤
I really like Amit he's fucking adorable I want to take him and kiss him and suffocate him in hugs. Anyone else feel like that ? No ? Aight...
Anyway here is quick sketch of Fem! Amit and my Gryffindor OC Shin, and they're chilling on the Astronomy tower.
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I've got some Headcanons for our gorgeous Stars lover here :)
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Amit :
Once again I do not have a name for him if he were a girl. Amity ? laughable.
I think that just like Masc ! Amit, she'd be too busy studying and watching the stars to be exercising : so I headcanon that she's not chubby per say, but she does have a little tummy that I'd like to burry my head in. I'd say she's average in curves -but gorgeous- , much like Masc ! Amit.
She's always busy and so she often forgets to do many things : eating, showering, washing her teeth, cutting her nails, brushing her hair the usual... And so she always has little notes reminding her to do just that so she doesn't forget. She used to make notes saying "Take a break" but she found it useless and so she stopped making them lmao.
As a girl, I feel like Astronomy is a rather easy hobby to pick up, luckily for her, not stereotypically for boys or for girls, but in between. Being a famous historian, on the other hand, is a bit harder to realize that it's possible for a girl because of all of the stereotypical "girls aren't ambitious" thing. I think that for a while she wondered what to do with herself, and she had a very hard time admitting out loud to having great projects for herself without fearing being laughed at.
Although it's not a bad thing, she's definitely a coward. She's scared to get hurt and she doesn't go outside the school often, and if she does never alone. She despises Care of Magical creatures because heck, what in Merlin's name is that Puffskein doing ?? I like to think that Puffskeins are like the arch nemesis of Ravenclaw students...
She doesn't really take care of her hair, but somehow -and it also is the case for her male counterpart- she has gorgeous fucking hair. Strong, soft, shiny, thick... She lets it grow because (no explanations) but she often thought about cutting it because it got in the way... Until she owled her mother about it and learned to braid it prettily. Now her hair isn't a problem anymore.
Yes, this is a mug with her name on it, and yes she has all of her things named because she's scared of losing her goods. I feel like she'd be the type to be panicking searching for something when it's in her hand.
She's definitely good at trivia quizzes, just like Masc ! Amit.
I think that she saves the younger Ravenclaw students stuck outside of the comon room because look : She's often outside at night to look at the stars, so she probably comes back to the the Ravenclaw's common room late... and so she finds the Ravenclaw students who couldn't figure out the riddle. Oh, did I say she's crazy good at riddles but very bad at common sense ?
"Are you sure we can't go back home....? Yes...? Okay... *starts praying to Rowena Ravenclaw*"
She'd be average height, like Masc! Amit. He'd be 172 cms tall, a bit more maybe, and she'd be 165 cms tall probably...
She definitely has a mother vibe to herself when she's not engrossed in her work. But when she is, she's a bloody baby : she can and WILL whine and fake cry if you try to pull her out of her studies. Ladylike manners but not too much...
She is immune to cold. That's it. No weather can make her fold... Except hot weather lmao. Put her in front of a fireplace and she's melting in five minutes only.
She'd wear the girl's uniform.
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