#human whumper
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Human Whumper / Vampire Whumpee prompts.
tw: gore
experimenting on the unfamiliar creature, slicing off his fingers and pulling his intestines from his stomach to see how long it takes him to heal.
testing the bounds of Whumpee’s so-called immortality. binding Whumpee with silver chains, forcing him to watch as Whumper goes to work mutilating his body. the human chuckles at the vampire’s shrieks as he saws his chest cavity open, stretching apart his ribcage before delicately placing a cross in the empty space between his lungs. the sinews begin regenerating and closing him up, leaving the cross buried deep inside the vampire even after he heals. the searing burn is always there, constant, inescapable, and agonizingly deep.
rewarding Whumpee for behaving well and treating him to human blood for the first time in ages. the vampire gorges himself on the meal, grateful for every mouthful. “You want seconds?” Whumper offers with a grin. Whumpee reluctantly accepts. the human exits the room only to re-emerge with Caretaker’s pale, bleeding body, which he drags across the tile floor. “What? Finish your meal.”
are the old wives’ tales true, will garlic repel the monster? holy water? sunlight makes Whumpee’s skin swell and blister, but exactly how much can he handle before he bursts into flames?
forcing Whumpee to swallow a rosary, fucking Whumpee with a crucifix, burning the cross into Whumpee’s skin like a brand mark.
((more prompts))
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Caretaker comes from a noble bloodline, as does Whumper, who all specialise in hunting mythical creatures. This trait and activity is passed on for generations, but Caretaker has no interest in it and deems it as cruel.
Until Whumper hosted a "celebration" of this activity, where all who are invited are given the choice to bring their domesticated and captured creatures to show off, Caretaker had no clue what the mythical creatures looked like, nor how diverse the species' were.
Caretaker soon finds out. All types of mythical or otherwise unique animals, ranging from kneeling elves to caged fairies to declawed werewolves to chained dragons, among many more. Though, one stands out to them; Whumpee, frail and small amongst the crowd and activity yet tense and alert, sitting dutifully beside Whumper's seat.
#monster whumpee#monster whump#nonhuman whumpee#implied whump#multiple whumpees#multiple whumpers#human caretaker#human whumper#pet whump#potential:#living weapon whumpee#if you view whumpee as some sort of guard protecting whumper (probably out of conditioning)#also probably:#conditioned whumpee#whump prompt#whump idea#whump drabble#whump thought#whump#whumpee#whumper#caretaker#vellichor's prompts
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Non human Whumpee being kept by humans, maybe they don't hurt Whumpee, they just want to make sure that they don't get hurt in the outside world.
But then there's Whumper, a nice human, that gets to hurt Whumpee when no one is watching.
And what can Whumpee do? No one would believe that the sweet and caring Whumper, the one that knows the most about Whumpee's species, and that also knows all Whumpee's weak points; has been hurting Whumpee.
Whumpee can't say anything, what can someone like them do, when they are surrounded by humans? Humans that also believe Whumper.
Whumpee can only keep his pain to themselves. Maybe Whumper will leave them alone if they just behave...
#whump writing#whump#whumpee#whump prompt#whumper#non human whumpee#multiple caretakers#human whumper
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Werewolf training logs - characters
werewolf hunter
name -> Anguille Penna
age -> 32 years old
with humans
-> Anguille looks very calm and collected at first, always lost in thought. Very direct and comes off as rude at times, but people usually atribute it for him being a "tortured soul" trype artist. He is tecnincally just an editor and ocasionally does some translation, often being reprimended for putting too much of his own ideas personality on others works, he is not self centered though, it's on accident.
He likes to have control over things he cares about, the rest are unimportant enough for others to boss him around and he does as he is told. For now, causing 'pain to vampires' - what ever that even means - is pretty much the 1# thing in his list of priorities, so it's best to leave him to it .
with the supernatural
-> Anguille has a particular obssession for vampires. Always researching their history and behavior, but rarely finding anything truly useful, 'most of it is contaminated by pop culture myths' - he says. This obsession should not be mistaken as adoration, however. Ever since he found out about their existence, that they really live among humans, he has set a goal for himself to torture, terrorize and slaughter as many as possible.
-> As for werewolves, Anguille thinks very lowly of them for the most part, they are nothing but animals. Lately he found out about the possibility of taming a werewolf and using them to combat vampires. since he is only a human, new to the supernatural and tho the guild of hunters, he decides to train a wolf to fight alongside him. Although, he doesn't hate werewolves as much as vampires, he takes plasure in hurting them.
With Moss
-> Anguille thinks moss is a useless waste of money, time and resources, and hopes he manages to change that. The only reason he is putting so much effort in training him is so that he doesn't feel like the wasted it all on nothing.
Aside from that, he seems to enjoy hurting it. Although, he can't seem to find a reason why, Mos's pain is very entretainingto him.
story -> Not much is known about Anguille as he rarely talks about himself. Some of his closer co-workers say he used to be a much different person a few years ago and even had a fiancé, but she allegedly abandoned him out of nowere ans left him in a very depressed state. Nobody seems to know much about the girl, though.
#oc#whumplr#original character#sketch#werewolf training logs#werewolf whumpee#human whumper#whump art
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uhhh got any prompts for an angel whumpee? maybe with a human whumper and/or demon caretaker? (sorry if this isn't specific enough i don't usually request prompts 😭)
Your wish is my command, I shall try my best 🧐 (I’m playing with different potential powers/weaknesses/celestial rules/etc.)
I feel like wing whump is a given (restrain them, injure them, pluck them, etc.)
Angel whumpee whose wings are so sensitive that mere touch can be painful
Angel whumpee crashes while flying
Angel whumpee overexerting their magical powers (MY BELOVED)
Angel whumpee who takes over a human host but the human body can’t sustain them and it starts deteriorating
Maybe a human whumper purposefully traps the Angel whumpee in their human host cause they know it won’t last long
Angel whumpee being tortured while in a human host but the Angel has never experienced pain before so it’s SO much worse
Alternatively, Angel whumpee who has a crazy high pain tolerance to the point that human whumper just tires themself out
Angel whumpee stranded on Earth alone, without their powers, utterly helpless
Demon caretaker wants to help Angel whumpee but whenever they touch each other their skin burns
Demon caretaker trying to help with their eyes closed because seeing the Angel whumpee’s wings is blinding to them
Angel whumpee falling from grace and having demon caretaker show them the ropes in hell
Angel whumpee being really reluctant to accept help from demon caretaker
Alternatively, demon caretaker being really reluctant to help Angel whumpee
What about an Angel whumpee who’s just, like… really bad at angeling? I’m not gonna elaborate on that lol
Angel whumpee who did something wrong is being punished in heaven and demon caretaker risks everything to go up there and save them
Demon whumper turned caretaker?
Human whumper doesn’t realize that whumpee is an Angel at first and when they find out they’re terrified, tripping over themself to apologize
Angel whumpee breaking free and blinding human whumper with their true form
Angel whumpee getting passed around between multiple whumpers because they heal instantly and therefore are endless fun
Demon caretaker going after human whumper for what they did to Angel whumpee
Angel whumpee actually just convincing human whumper that what they’re doing is wrong and they should stop
Demon caretaker who is usually super down for violence and torture and stuff, just not where Angel whumpee is involved
Feel free to add any others y’all can think of!
#thanks for the ask!#whump#whump prompt#whump idea#whump scenario#whump community#whump tropes#whumpblr#whump prompts#whumpee#angel whumpee#demon caretaker#human whumper#Angel whump#wing whump#magical exhaustion
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Werewolf training logs - characters
werewolf pup
name -> ??? [Moss]
age -> 21~? (been alive for about 10 years or so)
with humans
-> He starts off any interaction by being static, expressionless, motionless, as he tries to guess what kind of human is he dealing with?
Is the human...
Afraid/ Scared? he is very used to this. Although he doesn't understand what excatly about him is so scary, he is aware most people avoid him due to fear. He is able to smell it. Moss usually chooses to stay still and look down, he wants people to know he isn't a menace, mostly because he knows how crows treat things they think are a threat. Disgusted? reacts almost excatly like he does to fearful humans, only makes sure to step further away... and, even thought he doesn't know what is like to feel clean, he does realize he is very dirty. be it covered in mud, dirt, blood, whatever... Angry? Depends, this triggers his flight or fight instincts. if it's a crowd, he runs, if not he attacks. speaking to him? This rarely happens so he knows very little of any human language, whenever somenoe speaks to him, he mostly ignores it. if the person is actively trying to get him to respond [i.e. approaching him in the rythim of the words, constantly using interrogation tone, calling his name] he gets more alert and thinks of it as a possible threat, depending on the general tone. Yelling at him? he tries to ignore it at first, but if it continues he attackts them lightly[i.e. a scratches, lightly bites, slaps]. He has no idea what's happening most of the time and just wants them to stop. Touching him ? he dislikes that, he is used to rough grips and physical punishment and thinks any type of touching will lead to that eventually... He pulls his arm away, steps back, dodges, etc... if the person insists, he growls or pushes them away. If it's a more rougher grip, he tends to stay still and bare it for a few seconds, if it keeps going the thrashes and bites. caring for him? Highly unusual, but it did happened once or twice: A friendly kid, a nice caretaker from the orphanage... He can smell genuine worry just as much as he can smell fear or anger or disgust, and is very interested in responding to the interaction even if he isn't very sure how he is supposed to. Sometimes, his tough facade falls apart in these rare moments and he cries, maybe even let the person touch him a little. Moss might even try to use some of his words if he is hurt, something like a very forced "ouch", followed by showing where it hurts.
In summary, he tries to react based on what he thinks will cause less conflict, However, he doesn't fully understand what is happening and has plenty sensory issues which often make him take actions that further aggravates the situations he is.
with the supernatural
-> Moss has only seen the vampires when hunting them, so he thinks of them as prey, a type of animal his master is very interested in, something that will grant him extra food and fireplace privilege. Most vampires he hunted were already in very bestial state, so it helped cement the idea of killing them as simply prey. More over, he thinks they all smell like a fresh corpse.
However, he is aware they are smart and capable of talking, although, they mostly speak to his master.
Despite all of that, Moss has done some odd things to some the vampires he hunted. things like, hugging them tightly, scratching their faces, pulling out their fangs, scalping their hair, kissing their cheeks, before and after killing them. mostly vampires who had long hair and trimmed nails. He doesn't remember doing any of that, which probably means he was in some type of frenzi...
-> Moss has never seen another werewolf. He is aware he isn't a human, but isn't capable of pointing out what makes him so different from humans.
With Anguille
-> Master - as anguille refers to himself when speaking to moss - is the only reason he is alive, for better of for worse, it's just how it is. Moss dislikes living with Anguille. He smells Anguille's disgust, anger and aversion everyday, all day. For a while he didn't underst why Master kept him there - why not just kill him? why not let him starve? why not just throw him out? - that's when Moss realized, he had to hunt vampires. That's what all of the commands, the yelling, the clothes, the food are all for.
Life became a little easier to navigate now that he knows what to do, but he hates depending on Anguille for everything. Moss wishes he could be live by himself sometimes, althought, he has no concept what that would actually entail. I mean, he isn't capable of what most humans seem to be, so... he has to stay... I mean... It's not bad to live with him either... His master is generous to keep something as abnormal and dangerous like him around, right? not only he has to stay, but also to be thankful and make himself useful...
Sometimes his raw feelings are too dificult to contain, so he ends up attacking his master, mangling the prey or damaging things around him or even hurting himself... it's not intentional, he just really can't control himself.
story -> Mos's origins are just as obscure and sinister as you'd expect from a "possessed child" story, he was found in a abandoned apartment as a newborn, no sign of his parents aside from multiple blood stains on the wallpaper and floor. Since then, he spent his first 3 years of life in an small orphanage run mostly by nuns. The rumors and urban legends of him being possessed or a child of the devil started pretty much from day 1.
the dog-like nose, hairy ears, pointy teeth, claws and mishaped feet made him look unnatural and acording to most nuns devilish. However, with the rise of science, there was an attempt to look further into it as a possible medical condition. Many exams and invasive experiments would take place at the orphanage with the excuse of studying such disfigurations further. On top of that, he grew up extremely fast, been found as a newborn it was only needed 6 months for him to start looking like a toddler.
His personality was also a huge factor in the rumors. He was unpredictable, often attacking anyone who came close to him. growling and screaming, almost foaming whenever something made him slightly upset. the unnatural twiches when he was alone, also didn't help...
When science failed in explaining what had happened, the urban legends seemed like the only logical explanation. The mysterious baby must be a demon. he killed his parents and is now growing into a monster at a very rapid pace.
That was when Anguille showed up. A very serious, humble, aristocrat. He went to the orphanage because of the rumors and was interested in the child. Nobody understood it very well, he seemed both facinated by and pitiful towards the 'demon child', but he had money and lived in a stable enough condition to take care of a kid. Plus, not this is someone elses problem...
#oc#whumplr#original character#sketch#werewolf training logs#werewolf whumpee#human whumper#whump art#whumpee#commissions open
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Graveyard horrors
Everything taglist: @painful-pooch @i-eat-worlds @a-funeral-romance @rainydaywhump
So I intended to write this for Halloween but I didn't finish it in time, but here it is! Ta-da? Enjoy.
Set in the same world as A Death in the Family.
A human flees into a graveyard and unearths something unexpected.
CWs: Vampire, minor character deaths, amputation for non-medical purposes, cauterisation, mentioned human experimentation, emotional whump, planned vivisection, mentioned dismemberment, sadistic whumper, fear, discrimination
Whumpee limps across the road, staggering into the nearest gatepost and pulling themself around it. In the distance, getting closer by the second, is the sound of stalking footsteps.
"Come out, come out, wherever you are."
The moon is the smallest sliver in the sky by now, glinting off the edges of branches and clouds and... and gravestones. Old, crumbling gravestones.
Oh. Oh, of course this is where they've ended up. Where no-one can hear them scream.
Whumpee puts on a burst of speed, almost bringing them up to normal walking pace. Sharp sticks scratch and pebbles embed in the soles of their feet, but they keep going. They run through the churchyard, falling, skinning knees, biting back a scream as they hit their injured leg.
Through the open gateway, the rusted gate dangling off its hinges, creaking in the slight breeze. Off hallowed ground now.
The footsteps are getting closer, low, even. Stalking. Whumpee's breath catches.
"Don't be scared. We just want to play."
Whumpee spins around, backing away as two silhouettes appear in the entrance, tripping over graves as they go, not daring to look away. Unhallowed ground on All Hallow's Eve and the humans are still scarier.
They're always scarier.
A low, hollow, mocking laugh.
"Oh, they're not listening to us. Come on now. We're not going to hurt you."
"Not much, anyway."
Whumpee ignores their words, focusing on trying to scramble away. But their tormenters are getting closer, and Whumpee can't run.
Blood drips down their leg onto the soil. They back up. Stumble. Fall. Grasp the wooden stake. Pull themself up. Uproot the wooden stake. Fall again.
They can actually see the people now. Too close, getting closer.
Whumpee scrambles backwards and hits a wall they didn't remember was there.
Disorientated now, they can only struggle as their arms are grabbed and they're forced to their knees.
"Please. Please, I'm not a monster, my mam's not a monster, please let me go."
"Your mother's a freak. She shouldn't even exist, but the weird scientist and the lightning came and now we have to treat her as a person. You should be back in that grubby little orphanage."
"Why are you doing this?" sobs Whumpee, as Whumper A twists a zip-tie around their wrists and does... something, lifting them up in the air behind their back. They can't move when he lets them go. "I haven't done anything to you, please, just let me go, I won't tell anyone."
Whumper B pulls something long and jagged from a duffle bag. There's something dark and gleeful in her voice when she speaks.
"Don't worry. I don't care that you're a monster. I only care that no-one who actually matters will even notice you're gone. They won't search. That's what we need you for."
Whumper A hums. "Wouldn't put it quite like that. I want to see what the child of a monster is made of. Are you more mature or nurture? Sugar and spice and all things nice? Slugs and snails and puppy dogs' tails? Or something else altogether? She's just here for the fun though."
Whumper B shrugs, holding up the... the... oh, hells, that's a bone saw isn't it? Whumpee recognises it from anatomy classes. They whimper.
"What can I say? I enjoy a good dismemberment."
"Please, please you can't even see me here, there's no point, please don't, you can have all my medical records and everything, anything you want, just please don't– aaaaAAHHHHH!"
Their foot. Their foot is– it's– it's–
"There. That'll stop you running. Cauterise that and then we need to get gone. See, we're not stupid. We're not taking you apart in the dark. But this makes it easier. You're already injured, a foot will stop you escaping."
Whumpee screams again as Whumper B steps back to allow Whumper A forward with the heated tong. He presses it against their cut-up foot, a hand over their mouth. No gloating, just efficiency now, and Whumpee realises with sudden lightning-bolt clarity that there's no mercy coming. Ever.
Is it their imagination or is a shadow falling? Is it getting darker in front of them, behind their tormenters, a darkness falling over them? Is their vision going already?
No. No, because Whumper B has frozen, going deadly still. Behind Whumper A is something very tall. Human-shaped, possibly human but hopefully not, part of it is glinting in the moonlight. Two pointed, triangular parts...
Whumper A's head snaps sideways and there's a gurgle as the creature's fangs disappear into his neck. Not human, then.
Whumpee could try to free themself, pick up the stake, stab the vampire into dust. But then what? Their tormenters won't be grateful. They'll still die, and it'll be worse.
Whumper A drops limply to the ground. Whumper B screams.
Her screams are cut off abruptly as the fangs glint again and then dive in. She spasms in the vampire's arms.
Her neck is at an unnatural angle as her body falls limply to the ground.
Whumpee sits, frozen, as the vampire turns its (his? Xer? They don't know and they probably won't ever find out) full attention on them. It cocks its head to one side and strides up to them. They can't even find it within themself to shy away.
Is that the vampire's power or just their cowardice?
The vampire lunges and Whumpee braces themself but it simply shreds the zip-tie. Whumpee collapses to the ground in a heap.
"Thank you," they whisper hoarsely.
"You... summoned me back to life," the vampire says slowly and carefully, as if picking long-forgotten words with the utmost delicacy. "It was your blood, yes?"
"I mean. Probably?" They don't think anyone else has bled in this graveyard tonight.
"Then it is a life for a life, and all debts are settled."
Whumpee shakes their head. They're not. That's not a fair deal. But they don't say that. There's something more important, and they grasp onto it to drag them out of their spiralling shock, even as it makes them blush.
The vampire looks down at itself in apparent surprise, then proceeds to the taller of the two bodies. It strips him carefully, methodically, pulling them onto itself with all the care of someone stepping into a new designer outfit. Everything except underwear and shoes is taken and added to its new look.
It's all too small, and Whumpee starts to giggle. Everything is suddenly hilarious. Why wouldn't it be? They're in a graveyard on Halloween with a vampire who's killed two people and is wearing one of their clothes, and with a chopped off foot that is too far gone to save. What's not to laugh about in this situation?
"You are in shock. Put this on."
Whumpee shrugs on the black turtleneck, trying not to think about the way it's sodden and crusting in turns.
"Thank you."
Neither of them says anything for a while, Whumpee sitting there, staring at nothing. Their foot. Their poor foot. They pick stones and grit out of the remaining one, trying not to think.
But then the ground shifts, and they realise the vampire is still there too. It's functionally new to the world, possibly, depending on how long it was dead for. Does it have anywhere to go? Maybe she can think about it instead.
"So um. What's your name?"
"Do you have anywhere to go?"
"I was murdered. I do not think they would have left my house intact."
"Oh. I'm sorry." Vampire shrugs, and Whumpee speaks before they can think about the idea enough to take it back. "Would you... well, I have a spare bedroom. And you have nowhere to go. Absolutely no pressure of course, I didn't mean– forget it."
Vampire cocks its head and stares until Whumpee blushes again and looks away. Was that a bad idea?
"I will come."
The wave of relief that floods through Whumpee at that is strong and unexpected.
"Good. Good."
Vampire stares down at Whumpee.
Whumpee stares back.
Oh. Oh, right.
They should probably stand, huh?
Whumpee braces themself on the nearest gravestone and tries to use it to pull himself up. 'Tries' being the optimum word here, because the stone starts to crumble and Whumpee has no idea how to walk on one foot. They unbalance and their knees wobble, collapsing.
Ow. Fuck.
"You can lean on me."
Whumpee grasps Vampire's side and pulls themself up, staggering against it, allowing it to wrap a firm arm around them.
It could feel like a cage. It doesn't.
Vampire bows its head in reply, and they start to make their way slowly out of the graveyard, Whumpee leading the route, like they're in some weird slow-motion three-legged race.
Whumpee's nerves are shot. It's only Vampire's strength keeping them up, and not just physically. They want to fall to the ground and stay there, for as long as it takes. Does anyone care? Actually care? What even are they? This might not be a border town any longer but they've spent so long among monsters, are they even human anymore? And does that even matter when people will treat them like something disgusting anyway?
They can think of a hundred, a thousand, rebuttals they'd have to a resident or visitor at Crossways thinking this way, but they don't have the heart to say them to themself.
A tear drops onto their bare foot.
Just one step at a time.
#whump#whump writing#non human whumpee#human whumpee#vampire caretaker#human whumper#human and vampire#human x vampire#just imagine the vampires new jumper as like a crop top#and it has short trousers#and whumpees jumper is way too long#not featured: the phone call between whumpee and kara where kara reassures them that she does actually care yes ofc#why would whumpee think otherwise?
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A Benignant Mischief (I)
While I work on the next part of the series, enjoy some of the updated version for refreshers :)
Cosimo ran through the forest with a sharp urgency, an unconscious boy cradled close to his chest as he went. The rain pattered down on his head as he ran, bare feet clawing at the ground to keep his grip. To an onlooker he could have been running on plain terrain instead over the wiry and rough forest, leaves slick with water; as if he were one with the Earth; knew every root, every nettle and broken tree bows that he hopped over with graceful ease.
His sharp eyes searched the forest frantically, pleading for a shelter to open up to them. Ahead was a wooden barricade, tree branches crisscrossing with hedges and leaves before him like a blockade. Cosimo bowed his head and turned to the side, curling his upper body around the smaller one in his arms. Branches snapped and scratched at him as he pushed his way through with a determined resolve.
When he finally emerged from the branches, he found what he knew would be waiting for him. A small burrow made in a circle of trees, an opening in the trunk of a thick Elfbow tree, the size of three fully grown oaks. A shelter mercifully presenting itself. Cosimo let out a soft sigh and whispered a soft thank you to the forest for providing.
His limbs grew heavier and heavier the closer he got to rest, but he walked on, slower now, but just as strong as he was when he set out from court. He lay the boy in his arms down on a bed of leaves for the moment under the shelter of the Elfbow. Cosimo touched the trunk as he entered, his heart feeling full as he did.
“Thank you protecting us,” he whispered, pressing his forehead to the entrance. He pressed his knuckles against the unconscious boy’s forehead, letting out a soft sigh. He was okay. Not as hot as he before. Cosimo would gather food and herbs tomorrow to help the fever, but at least he was stable for now.
Cosimo took off his pack that he had hastily gathered from home. Two blankets, two pillows, a canteen of water, a hunting knife — just the essentials.
“The very bare necessities, Cosimo,” Cosimo chastised with a sigh, running a hand through his soaked hair flicking the rain from it. Cosimo put a pillow under the boy’s head and wrapped him in a blanket to keep him warm. Cosimo sat with his back against the trunk of the tree, arms wrapped around his knees that he hugged to his chest. He watched the rain patter down on leaves outside the Elfbow. The gloomy grey of the evening bled into a darker, broodier grey but the rain let up before night fell with its coat of deep purples and midnight blues.
Cosimo didn’t know at what point he fell asleep, but he woke to footsteps cracking the leaves beneath its feet and he was immediately alert. His hand shot and grabbed the hunting knife, unsheathing it and lunging forward into a deep crouch, teeth bared.
He came nose to snout with a fox that was frozen in place, brown eyes meeting Cosimo’s with a slightly dazed and stunned glimmer to them. Cosimo let out a breath that reflected on the air with a rolling wave of smoke, before settling back into the nook-like shelter of the Elfbow. The fox didn’t retreat, instead he sniffed the air and timidly took a step towards Cosimo and the unconscious boy beside him.
Cosimo inclined his head slightly and the fox entered the Elfbow with all the inquisitiveness of a cat trying to sniff out the source of fish. The fox turned his head to the boy, and glancing back at Cosimo quickly for permission he climbed up on the unconscious boy’s chest, curling into a little ball on top of him, deep brown eyes meeting Cosimo’s again before closing half-lidded.
Emotion clogged Cosimo’s throat as he reached out to pet the fox, allowing the animal to sniff his hand before allowing the affection.
“See?” Cosimo whispered to the sleeping boy. “You’re not nobody. You’re like me.”
Cosimo didn’t sleep exactly, but he at least got some semblance of rest before dawn broke, and he woke with it. He looked down at the sleeping boy, the fox had moved from his chest and was curled up to the boy’s side. Cosimo reached his hand out and brushed the boy’s damp hair back from his forehead.
He was warm, not too hot. Maybe the fever had passed with the rain? Cosimo didn’t know enough about it, but he knew the rejuvenation powers of rain that came with him so he suspected maybe it could be the saviour of the boy too.
Cosimo drank some water from the canteen before grabbing the empty rucksack he took with him and slinging it over his shoulder across his body. He took the water and the hunting knife and set off about the day. When he exited the Elfbow the sun was only starting to rise, birds heralding the morning.
Cosimo looked back to the sleeping boy and the fox. He pressed his hand to the tree and leaned his forehead against his knuckles.
Protect them, please. I’ll return with food.
Cosimo felt the rush of feeling that flooded him when he was surrounded by nature. He took one last glance at the boy before he turned and walked out of the small clearing and into the embrace of the forest again. He remembered hearing rushing water when he was running with the boy, the sound distinct from the patter of the rain.
The dense woods were not nearly as imposing as they were the night before, when Cosimo’s thoughts were on finding shelter and nothing else. There should be some mushrooms nearby he could roast, maybe some berry bushes if he was lucky, and water. Not enough to feed them properly, but to sustain them? It would be enough.
Cosimo found the stream under a thicket of leaves. It was slightly lower than the ground Cosimo was on, so he simply extended a leg and slid down the bank to the stream, opening his canteen as he went. His feet settled into the damp earth, and he crouched down to refill the canteen. Not before drinking the last of the remaining water.
He heard a huff from his left so Cosimo glanced towards the sound and saw a horse lapping up water from the stream. Cosimo froze like the fox the night before, before kicking himself into action. He sprung up, canteen forgotten in the stream and bolted back up the bank, his fingers clawing into the clay.
He scrambled to the top and was met with a pair of legs. There was a flash and a pressure on his chest and Cosimo was airborne, gravity grabbing at him and bringing him down hard into the outer bank of the stream. Cosimo let out a gasp of air on impact but quickly sprung to his feet and turned to hop the stream to the other side.
A hand grabbed him by the strap of his rucksack, and he was yanked backwards. “Hey! Wait!” Cosimo cried, bringing an elbow back sharply and his head back too. He slipped under the strap of his bag and grabbed the hunting knife, hopping over the stream with ease. He didn’t look back.
Humans were bad. They killed people like him, there shouldn’t even be any for miles around!
Cosimo climbed up the opposite bank of earth with deft speed and hoisted himself to the other side, knife ready in one hand, the sheath in his other with one thought and one thought only — to go back to the boy in the Elfbow.
He didn’t account for more soldiers to be on the other side of the stream. Cosimo froze again when he was first recognised by another man. They were all fully grown humans. Fully grown male humans. Cosimo had yet to pass his fifteenth year, at least he had a slight boost in height, but he was too skinny to fight.
There wasn’t time to think before a hand was bunched in his shirt again. Cosimo whirled on his heel, slashing out blindly with the knife. The blade cut into the soldier’s cheek Cosimo realised with wide eyes, and the Soldier let him go. Cosimo fell to the side at the sudden lack of force holding him, but quickly got his bearings again and ran to the right of the soldier’s camp.
An arrow whizzed by his ear, startling him and Cosimo lunged to the left only to be caught with a kick to his leg. Cosimo stumbled but remained standing, turning to his new attacker baring his teeth only to get a punch to the face. Cosimo’s eyes rolled into the back of his head as he fell, stiff as an oak onto the forest floor.
A boot stomped down onto Cosimo’s wrist wielding the knife and Cosimo cried out, reaching over with his free hand to paw at the boot but it wouldn’t budge. A knee to the chest followed and Cosimo cried out, trying to wiggle himself free but the human was too heavy. Whether his weight was from his diet, or the weight from his uniform of metal Cosimo didn’t know.
“Well, well, well,” the human man remarked. Cosimo swallowed the lump in his throat, struggling to free himself from the man’s pin. “You’re only a baby, aren’t you?”
Cosimo bared his teeth in response. They were so close to where Cosimo had left the boy and the fox, and he prayed that the Elfbow would protect them from the soldiers.
“Let go of me,” Cosimo demanded, eyes blazing up at the man. The man smiled, something wicked twinkling in his eyes.
“Have you run away from home? You do know what we do to your people in these parts, don’t you?”
Cosimo let out a cry of frustration at trying and failing pathetically to free himself from the man’s grip.
“Please,” Cosimo said. “I don’t mean you any harm. I was just coming for water.”
“Won’t do harm my arse,” the soldier that Cosimo cut ground out, fury winding his features tight. Cosimo didn’t see him lift his leg, but his head whipped to the side with the impact. Cosimo righted his head too early as the man he injured stomped a foot down on Cosimo’s face.
Cosimo heard the bones in his nose crack inside his head while he screamed out loud, a quiet whimper following after his scream died in his throat.
“Hey!” The soldier pinning Cosimo growled. “You can’t kill him. He must be brought to court before their execution.”
Cosimo’s struggles to break free renewed at the thoughts of the soldiers taking him away from the boy. “No! No, you can’t! I can’t leave the forest, please!”
The man above him tilted his lips down into a frown. “Sorry kid. Orders are orders, we have to bring ya in.”
“Don’t talk to it like it’s a child,” the angry soldier scolded. The man on top of him reached over and plucked the knife from Cosimo’s grip. Cosimo let out a soft whine at the object of his defence leaving his grasp.
“Just get the irons and let me deal with h—” the man above him said, then corrected himself, glancing down at Cosimo with a frown. “It.”
The angry man stormed off out of sight. Cosimo swallowed hard and stared above at the man pining him to the forest floor.
“Please…” Cosimo tried. “Please don’t kill me.”
“Like I said kid,” said the man. “There has to be a trial in front of the king.”
Cosimo’s eyes widened significantly. There wasn’t a king for miles around court… how far had Cosimo travelled, and in what direction? The question lingered on his tongue, and he wanted to voice it, but thought better of asking the enemy… or even worse, letting them know just how clueless Cosimo really was.
The man stared down at Cosimo with a stern glance. “I’m going to get you to sit up, if you try to escape, we will catch you, and the other soldiers will hurt you again. Do you understand?”
Cosimo nodded. He hated himself for it, but he had to listen to this man if he didn’t want to die. He couldn’t die or else the boy would die too, he’s the only one who knew where he was, he was stupid for running away. So stupid! What was he thinking?
He stared at the man above him as he moved his knee from Cosimo’s chest. He seemed to be the only one who didn’t want him dead at that moment. The angry soldier returned with two bands of metal attached together with a thick link of metal between them.
“What— what are they?” Cosimo asked, his voice cracking with fear. The soldier helped Cosimo to sit up which caused a wicked amount of pain in his nose to flare up and Cosimo grunted with the effort.
The man took the metal from the angry soldier and dismissed him with a wave. The other soldier didn’t want to listen but obeyed the man when he told him to go verbally.
The man opened the metal loop and showed it to Cosimo, saying with a reassuring smile: “They open like this, see?”
Cosimo leaned in closer to inspect the metal. “What do they do?” He asked, a little less scared at seeing them up close. The man lifted his hand and put the metal over his own wrist.
“They tighten over your wrist like this, see? They lock— well, they essentially keep your hands tied behind your back so you can’t hurt someone again.”
Not have use of his hands. Cosimo shook his head vehemently. “No. No. I won’t hurt anyone else; I promise. Don’t put them on me.”
The man’s smile faded back into a frown. “I’m sorry, but I have to. Please don’t fight me. I don’t want you getting hurt again.”
Cosimo was trembling in the man’s hands, but he nodded his consent for the man to grab Cosimo’s wrist. Cosimo screamed when the metal touched his wrist and bolted back away from the man.
“Wait! Please! Please! Wait! Ow, please! I won’t hurt anyone!” The man caught Cosimo’s ankle before he could get further away from him and dragged him back across the damp ground. Cosimo clawed the soil, trying to gain any purchase, but the man was strong, and the earth wasn’t helping him escape. “Please don’t. Please! I’ll be good.”
A shadow crossed the man’s face as he grabbed Cosimo’s arm and pulled it behind Cosimo’s back before locking the second cuff around Cosimo’s wrist.
Cosimo let out a hiss as the metal burned a circle around his wrists, tears coming to his eyes. “Please, I’m sorry. Take them off. I’m sorry. What— agh! What is it?!”
The man grabbed Cosimo’s arms to stop him struggling more and hurting himself. “Iron. It’s a metal that is poisonous to your kind.”
“Please,” Cosimo whispered, the plea coming out soft and childish, fat tears trailing down his cheeks. “Please take them off.”
“I can’t,” said the man. “I’m sorry,” and it sounded like he meant it. The man got to his feet and waited patiently for Cosimo to do the same. Cosimo pushed himself up, his balance off and he hissed as he moved his hands to catch himself. All they touched was iron and it burned. The man put a hand under Cosimo’s armpits once he saw the boy struggling and helped him into a standing position.
“Thank you,” Cosimo said, the words like ash on his tongue. Thanking humans now? What would court think of him? His mind trailed back to the boy in the Elfbow, and guilt flood his body as he was pushed forward gently by the man.
“Change of plan, boys. We are bringing this one back to the King.”
One of the other men stood up, his face the shape of a weasel’s; small wisps of hair clung to his upper lip and chin in what Cosimo could only assume was supposed to be a beard and a moustache. The soldier lifted his nose high in the air when he looked up at Cosimo, grinning up at him and revealing yellowing teeth.
“It’s not even fully grown,” said the soldier with a high-pitched voice. The nice man holding Cosimo scoffed and pushed Cosimo forward again.
“Either are you, McClagen.” The soldier holding him said, earning laughs from the other soldiers.
“Does it know that we kill things like that?” McClagen sneered. The man didn’t reply, but Cosimo’s fate weighed heavy on him, heavier than a cloak made of stone.
#fantasy drabbles#fantasy series#fantasy fiction#elves#fae folk#fae#faerie#elven court#hurt/comfort#Cosimo the elf#captured#magic whump#magical beings#misunderstandings#angst#misunderstanding#elf whump#elf whumpee#human whumper#magic restraints#magical restraints#whump#whump writing#fantasy whump#fae whump#scared whumpee#kidnapped whumpee
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My entry for @febuwhump day 4: obedience.
Content warnings: nudity, blood, demons, vague religious references, and knives. Let me know if you need anything added!

When Seshdhar felt themself being summoned by a human, they didn’t bother putting on clothes. Draping oneself in fabric wasn’t something demons did, given that they didn’t care about modesty, and cold wasn’t exactly a problem down there. On the rare occasion that a human managed to find an actual summoning ritual, and work up the nerve to complete it, the nudity served as a bit of a power play. For some reason, seeing someone stand in front of them, wearing no clothes yet fully confident, made humans squirm. It was amusing to watch them desperately keep their eyes on their face.
But something had gone wrong.
They hadn’t been summoned in a long time, so maybe humans had just changed since then? But no, demons in general traveled fairly often between the human realm, and a change this significant would’ve garnered at least a little gossip. So why wasn’t this human scared? Why had they not cowered, or even seemed intimidated in the slightest?
Why the heaven was their lack of clothing making them feel vulnerable? That wasn’t how it was supposed to work!
All the man — he was what humans would consider a man, they were pretty sure — had done once he summoned them was to remind them that, as he summoned them, they were now bound to his will, required to obey his every demand. Then he proceeded to command them to kneel and keep their hands folded behind their back. They could feel their face heat up, but thankfully the parts of their face that weren’t covered in keratin scales were already a deep red color, so it wouldn’t be visible.
Then, the man knelt down to their level, a wide grin spreading across his face. “I have so many questions to ask you. Let’s begin.”
“Let’s,” they agreed, with biting sardonicism.
The man laced his fingers together and squeezed them, as if he’d wanted to harass a demon for so long that he could hardly contain his excitement now that the time had come. “Alright. Firstly, can demons be hurt by human tools?”
Seshdhar did not like the sound of that. “No.” Probably.
The man tilted his head. “Hmm. I now realize that I can’t be sure that you’re answering truthfully. I suppose I will have to… see for myself. Making sure your sources are reliable is very important for a scholar like me, you understand.” He pulled out a knife from his satchel and pressed it into Seshdhar’s bare chest.
Nothing happened, and the demon almost let themself hope.
But the man merely leaned back and pulled a second knife out, because of course he carried multiple weapons on him at all times. “Now, that first knife was made of silver, but this one, though it looks very similar, is actually iron.” With an odd amount of precision, he once more brought a blade to the demon’s chest.
This time, however, it sliced through their skin.
Seshdhar hissed, not in any kind of figurative way, but very literal, with their fangs bared and everything. This did not dissuade the man in any way from continuing to carve lines into their chest. If anything, the only discontent on his face was sourced in the fact that their blood failed to stand out against their naturally crimson skin.
It hurt, it hurt so badly, burning and stinging and not stopping, but Seshdhar didn’t want to give the man the pleasure of hearing them express it. So they dug their fangs into their tongue — because what the heaven, it’s not like they weren’t already bleeding — in order to prevent any pained sounds from escaping. This was mostly successful.
After an indiscernible amount of time, the man pulled back, wiped the blade clean, and slid it back away. “Now, on to my second inquiry…”
#caretaker talks#whump#human whumper#demon whumpee#nonbinary whumpee#demon whump#whump writing#seshdhar#febuwhumpday4#febuwhump2024#febuwhump
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{<*>} Aqua Blue {<*>}
Characters used/mentioned; Helix Vellen, Layna Ramirez, TS-0026, other unnamed characters
Writer’s note!!; Sudden impulse writing idk. Might make this a series if people like it, blah blah blah.
standard disclaimers apply, etc etc. you get the drill.
(not bothering with a border this time. i’m tired. i’ll add one later.)
TS-0026, confined to a glass tank filled with water and whatever else the containment team’d had the mercy of providing, surrounded by researchers in white coats and black button ups.
It was a particularly chilling sight to Helix, for whatever reason. More so than the others. Hell, they were only.. what, 17? It felt wrong, in every sense of the word. But he was tied down to this job. He had no other option.
The ginger sighed, and proceeded forward into the surrounding chamber, Layna, his assistant snd secretary, following close. “Does this thing ever sleep?” Helix remarked, more to himself than anybody else, but he wouldn’t mind an answer either.
“Apparently” A nearby researcher responded, Helix’s keen eyes darting over to the speaker. “It just finds a spot, gets comfy, and falls asleep right on the spot, straight into deep stage sleep.”
“…Huh.” Helix murmured, eyes drifting back to the tank. Straight into deep stage? How… weird. “Do we know how it does that?”
“Not a clue” Another passing researcher replied. “It’s harder to run tests on.. well, a merman, considering half our staff don’t know how to swim, and it’s generally quite hard to run exams under water.”
Ah, of course. Helix didn’t know why he hadn’t considered this earlier. He barely knew how the containment team had secured the subject in the first place. It would’ve been a feat in of itself. Actually trying to run tests on it was going to be a whole marathon.
“Well, find a way” He snapped after a moment. “I need answers, and I need them now. If it has some way to just snap into sleep like that… I want to know why, and I want to know if we can utilise it.”
The thing with Helix, Layna had come to learn, was that when he said ‘we’, he never meant himself. Sure, he did the paperwork, but it was rare to see him himself in tests anymore unless he felt he was the only one capable, or it was a test subject he was particularly interested in.
Either way, she found he’d refuse involvement with younger test subjects. Which didn’t seem to stop him when she and her siblings were younger, but alas…
“With all due respect, Doctor, we should probably consult Administration first” Layna cut in. “We really shouldn’t be running any sort of tests until we have their absolute approval.”
As much as Helix wanted to snap at her, she had a point. It would be a stupid idea to just go in and do whatever without authorisation. He’d tried that before, he wasn’t making the same mistake.
“..Right” He sighed, then turned to the younger researcher once more. “Keep an eye on that thing. If it does any shit while I’m gone, do not engage.”
“But sir-“
“There’s no buts here, damn it! Do not engage it at any point until we have greenlit testing approval, is that clear?”
A solemn nod. Helix grunted, and then made his leave. He fucking hated these meetings, but authority was authority, and he knew they were watching him.
#oc#human whumper#helix vellen#inhuman whumpee#no name decided yet but i’ll get there!!#whumpee turned whumper#layna ramirez#fictional organisation#sts labs#cw not proof read#cw cursing#i can’t think of any others right now but yeah#eepy rn
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mOVING TO NEW BLOG I QILL NO LONGER UPDATE HERE BUT @OFCLrosewriteswhump and Masterlist Link!
My name is Rose (she/her) and I write whump.
Most of it is hurt/comfort leaning towards comfort. The writers I follow and look up too cos I am new to posting my writing.
@livelaughwhump @whumpsday @whumpshaped @emmettnet @a-crumb-of-whump and @nullb1rdbones
Click the readmore for yes tropes, no tropes, dni, and anything else I might think of!
Favorite Tropes: pet whump recovery, strong willed yet passive whumpee, non-human whumpees and caretakers, lady whumpers, mostly lady characters, I'll add more as I think of them
Least Favorite tropes: explicit Non-con, caretaker turned whumper, Eds, anything with bugs or arachnids, animal abuse,
DNI if you: Support trump, are racist, transphobic, homophobic, hate any religion because it is not your own, rad fems, pro life, were happy when roe v wade was overturned, against univeral health care, agaisnt minimum wage being livable, support animal abuse, are and ableist, think all cluster b people are bad, judge a group by the actions of one and refuse to listen to anything else, support autism speaks
That's it for now! I'll make posts about characters as I finish naming them and I'll add them here. Please enjoy your time here and My askbox is always open my main blog is @rosekins621
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Youkai Temple (pilot)
Based on this post
(so I was working on these characters for a while and I managed to write a little story. I kinda plan on making more, but I'm not sure of everything so I'm calling this s pilot chapter)
Hanzō is nothing. He is nothing. It is nothing. Koji always regarded him as such. Yet something about him... His struggles, his whining and, of course the teary smile that came afterwards... There's something rather captivating about him, almost like a clueless child, he is never thinking about the pain, it seems. Kouji loves that.
Everyday, from the moment Kouji wakes up, he can't stop thinking about his scheduled time with the half-youkai. The few workers at the temple thank and greet him for being brave enough to tame such creature, "if only they new how easy it is to subjugate the lowly creature underneath" he thinks as he makes his way to Hanzō's room, through the tiny hallways sculpted on the soil. The few curious keepers caught walking through such long hallways were immediately stopped by Kouji who warned them about the terrible beast, his warnings made them all too afraid of even reaching the end of the hallway .The door was quite underwhelming, however. A small door made out of many rather thick bamboo planks, making it quite heavy, though, not impossible to open, especially for a youkai. In the middle of the de ladoor, lied a small paper sticker with a prayer written. Definitely not the heavy, think metal door covered with seals that Kouji had told everyone about.
Once Kouji gets there, he is greeted with muffled groans. Eyes and mouth covered with a cloth tied behind the head, the hands were chained together on its back, the left ankle is chained to the wall behind it and the right ankle was twisted in a weird way. The as àeso feared beast kouji had tamed was nothing but a malnutrished boy. It rocked back qnd forth occasionally, probably a calming stim, Kouji thought. There were no tears yet, since all of the still bleeding awounds weren't new, the latest one being 5 teeth cozocppremoved two days ago, 2 from the back left, 1 from the back right and the last 2 on the front. That's what I pullKouji was here to see, the follow ups of the recovery, not that he cared for the youkai's health, his 'care' was more utilitary than anything. He needed him to grow his teeth baqHtck and heal the wounds for his body to be used in the next rituals to come.
Kouji kneeled down reaching the youkai's level and looming over it, with a quick and indelicate move he pulls the bloody rag out of it's mouth and forces it open. It groans loudly, squirming, the cloth blindfolding his eyes wet with new tears of pain. Kouji moves his head around a little checking everything. "Ssshhh it's okay" kouji shushes as he uses one hand to rubs his fingers on the growing teeth and the other to rub the youkai's matted hair. His temperature was warm. Hot even, too hot for someone who lives at a mossy cold basement. It was clear Hanzō had a fever, more over, there was an infection on one tooth in the back, at this point it was probably hallucinating, not that he cared. Youkai usually manage to heal themselves on their own, it only took some time and food and the boy ate yesterday, so this problem was basically solved. The infection didn't seem big, although there's the threat of spreading, it wasn't likely, not concern him nowz not for a youkai.
The more he stroked it's hair the more the boy seemed to calm down under his hand, Hanzō gasps and whimpers with a pained yet genuine smile. "So fucking sick, aren't you?" Kouji mocked holding it by the neck. Such a pleasant view. "You don't even know what's happening, and yet you smile at me...that's why I love you, you know?" he laughs, finishing the examination. "You're fine. The fever must go down once the teeth are fully grown." Kouji throws it back to the floor and ties the cloth back in it's mouth. He gets up and leaves without even glancing back.
Kouji gets back to the temple and starts the preparations announcing the next ritua. His words are simple, but very clear to the keepers, already used to his manger of speaking.
"Soon. We'll have a blood ritual. Just keeping things calm around here."
#whumplr#whumpee#mine#whump#whump prompt#whumper#caretaker#ritual whump#ritual#oc#original character#original story#whump story#dragon whumpee#human whumper
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Yet another ✨️whumpy dream✨️ that I had
Tw for mentions of trafficking and a nonhuman whumpee
The whumpee is a werewolf who has been kidnapped by whumper's men.
They're thrown into a cage and taken to another location to be held prisoner at, another whumper (vampire) then buys the whumpee and throws them in a smaller cage/cell.
The whumpee has to endure beatings and whippings until they can't take anymore.
That's when the whumper bites them, turning them into a half and half of werewolf and vampire.
The whumpee manages to escape into a wooded area, feeling warmer and warmer, until a caretaker finds them, taking the injured whumpee in....
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Clove Masterlist
Main master list
When a werewolf child comes out of the woods covered in cuts, burns, and bruises tries to murder Ephraim outside his own cottage, the vampire takes him in to heal him and figure out who did this and who carved their initials into the child's arm.
Content: Werewolf whumpee, human sorcerer whumper, vampire caretaker. It's got weapon whump vibes, but less weapon and more 'sacrifice I've spent years preparing' vibes.
Main Story line - Complete
Part 1 - Silver Stake Part 2 - A soiled Blanket Part 3 - Goldenrod Part 4 - Food and Bath Part 5 - Training Part 6 - Bookmark Part 7 - Teeth Part 8 - Macabre Part 9 - Travelling Merchant Part 10 - Encounters Part 11 - Unburied Grief Part 12 - Why? Part 13 - Play? Part 14 - Heat Exhaustion Part 15 - Quiet Grief Part 16 - Faerie Circles Part 17 - The Pit Part 18 - Fight Back Part 19 - Chandelier Part 20 - Trapped, Trapped, Run Part 21 - No Monologues Part 22 - Good Hosts, Good Guests Part 23 - Up a Creek Part 24 - Guest Rules Only Apply to Guests Part 25 - The Procession Part 26 - Preparations Part 27 - Alliance Part 28 - Sleepover Part 29 - Hungry Part 30 - You're Mine Part 31 - Funeral Feast Part 32 - Blood in the Mirror Part 33 - Home Epilogue
Extra Content
Voltober - Stubborn as a Mule Voltober - It's So Easy When You're Evil Voltober - When the Lambs Become the Wolves
Hyrum (Chained in Jack's basement) Hyrum (After first bath and stitching) Ephraim (Actual reference) Ephraim and Hyrum (Happy times) Ephraim, trapped and useless Benny, design and whump Halia and Kortops designs
Hyrum snaps back! (part 18) Hyrum's least favorite outfit (Part 26)
Ask doodles
Let me know if you want to be on the taglist
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Vesper's Info
Vesper is a human. He is 30, 6'2, and gay (He/Him pronouns).
Vesper is Zero's whumper owner. He lives alone and works an average office job, and has had many pets in the past.
Vesper puts on a facade of being loving, though often beats his pets when they don't follow orders.
Vesper is open for asks and/or whump scenarios.
Vesper's Story (TBA)
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