I gotta yell about opla somewhere and for now this is where :D
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igottayellsomewhere · 2 months ago
sanji is such a weird little dude like on one hand he’s desperate for nami to tell him he’s a good boy/to one-up zoro on every conceivable occasion, on the other he routinely does incredibly smart things (Mr. Prince, fucking up Enel’s ship, tracking Robin and infiltrating the sea train, opening the Gates of Justice) but like. in the background, without telling anyone, and then he kind of just never brings it up? and when Nami of all people asks him where he’s been during the marine fight at Enies Lobby he has the prime opportunity to be a boastful little shit and impress her but he’s just like, oh, you know, I had stuff to do, and is oddly humble when Luffy calls him a genius later upon figuring out what he’d done. instead of being like. yeah i bought us a way out of here nami do you love me now?
And it’s not like he doesn’t have an ego (christ knows he does) but it only seems to apply in certain scenarios - he knows he’s a good cook, he knows he’s a good fighter, but for some reason when it comes to being a smart little bastard and foregoing combat to use his brain he doesn’t seek any kind of credit for it despite being possibly his best and most unique skill on the crew (besides cooking ofc) (and his kindness but that’s for another rambling post)
the other odd thing I’m trying to calibrate about him is how he claims to only care about Nami and Robin but is basically kind of indiscriminate about who on the crew he’ll self-sacrifice for? when they were all drowning in the tunnel at Enies Lobby he was thinking about what he could do to save everyone. He dives into water at least once an episode to save Luffy. He took Enel’s thunderbolt in Usopp’s place, baited Jabra so Nami and Usopp could escape, even back at Drum Island he literally threw himself into an avalanche to save Luffy and Nami…idk man. maybe I’m reading too much into it but I’m starting to think my boy has a bit of a self-sacrifice issue and idk why. Longstanding survivor’s guilt from Zeff saving him…? i dunno man. he’s a complicated little string bean and I do not understand him yet,
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igottayellsomewhere · 6 months ago
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Wealth. Fame. Power. I found everything this world has to offer. Free yourselves. Take to the seas! My treasure is yours to find.
Happy 1 Year Anniversary to One Piece on Netflix!
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igottayellsomewhere · 8 months ago
Now, I'm not caught up on the manga nor the anime but I know the gist of things? Just saw a screenshot of the jail cell sanji was in...
The door is child sized.
Why on earth would a dungeon need to be *built* with a child-size door? Well, why on earth would Germa ever take prisoners, ever leave anyone alive?? The might of Germa is absolute...
......did Judge have an entire dungeon system built just for sanji?
*whispers* what the fuck
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igottayellsomewhere · 9 months ago
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warsan shire
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igottayellsomewhere · 9 months ago
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dont worry!
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igottayellsomewhere · 9 months ago
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This scene with Sanji is one of his most important moments in the series, and in my opinion also one of the most difficult passages in the manga to interpret, because to completely understand it you have to look at the manga holistically rather than this scene by itself.
The big question that needs answered is why does Oda let Zoro "win" here by having him be the sacrifice instead of Sanji. Both are equally willing and both are identified much later on as the Wings of the Pirate King, implying that they have similar importance (although vastly different roles) within the Straw Hat crew.
If we go back to Sanji's introduction on the Baratie, his big flaw was that he lacked the "spear of spirit" to pursue his dream. Since he's been a boy he's wanted to find the All Blue, but even when he had the opportunity to go after that dream he chose to stay on the Baratie out of a feeling of obligation to Zeff. Sanji put the continued existence of the restaurant over his own life, something Luffy rightfully called him out for at the time, and even at the end of the arc had to be pushed away by Zeff and the other chefs before he finally set sail for good.
On Drum, Sanji once again almost died protecting Nami and Luffy during the avalanche, resulting in a broken back that required surgury from Dr. Kureha. Luffy again calls him out (note the English translation here isn't entirely accurate, see here for a breakdown), and with his power there's a good chance Luffy could have gotten them all out of trouble without all the dramatics by Sanji.
Something similar happens on Skypiea, when Sanji puts himself in the way of Enel so that Usopp and Nami can be saved. This case is perhaps more justifiable given the extreme situation they were in, but nonetheless he was still quick to throw his life away.
Then on Enies Lobby Nami--while not criticizing his chivalry--calls out Sanji for simply not running away from Kalifa, instead just accepting that he's going to get the shit beat out of him, and possibly die.
So there's a pattern of self-destructive behavior. Sanji repeatedly puts his life on the line when he doesn't need to in order to preserve the lives and dreams of the people he loves. Even him constantly simping over Nami and Robin falls a little into this category, because if either of them told him to take a long walk off a short pier I have no doubt he'd comply. It's that same extreme willingness to sacrifice anything and everything for the people he cares for that we see in Baby 5, except Sanji was fortunate enough to not be surrounded by people that encourage these worst impulses of self-destructive behavior. As he says here in Thriller Bark, he's just the cook. Luffy can always just find someone else.
(The glory of Whole Cake Island being Sanji realizing, no, Luffy can't, and he won't).
And it is finally on WCI that get to the heart of why Sanji is like this with yet another episode of putting his own dreams and happiness aside for the sake of others, and not until Wano that we finally see him take the first steps toward asking others for help instead of passionately throwing his life away when he doesn’t need to.
When Zoro first offered his head to Kuma, the prominence of his dream was first and foremost. Notice that Sanji never mentions the All Blue. One Piece is a series that places the pursuit of one's own ambition above all else, even if that ambition is selfish. Sanji hasn't yet learned to be selfish, so Zoro knocks him out and ends up being the one to accept Luffy's pain. Sacrifice isn't sacrifice if the person doesn't value what they're giving up, and right now Sanji clearly doesn't value his own life compared to the rest of the crew.
Next chapter Oda will speak through Brook to confirm that Sanji's willingness to give himself up wasn't foolish or stupid. It's just that he's missing a piece of the puzzle, and that's not something he'll have for a long time yet.
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igottayellsomewhere · 10 months ago
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igottayellsomewhere · 1 year ago
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Sangoro 🍜
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igottayellsomewhere · 1 year ago
yes hi hello
thriller bark (*several yells in general*)
but like
are you telling me sanji got *stabbed* and then proceeded to do some heavy lifting (after getting Tossed and Flattened) in the oars fight and he's *still* alive??? I feel like we're ignoring the part where he got stabbed???? in the left side of the chest???? where a lot of the heart is????? (and yeah it's never overtly stated *where* the wound is but like?? its in the area???? thats probably bad right????????)
Now, i get in the following scenes its played off as comedic cause like, what else you gonna do? hes busy getting ObliteratedTM and getting *stabbed* isn't important right now (and tbh I'm down to ignore the *waves vaguely* absalom conversation/fight stuff too if given a choice cause Yikes) but I feel like a lot of the kuma scene is so much Worse when you remember and acknowledge he got *stabbed*?????
like its definitely Essential Sanji to go personal consequences be damned, kuro cannot take Luffy. Essential zoro too but sanji is hurting, and zoro is respectable and will want to do this solo anyway, theres no way that.... zoro can't finish kuma.... oh god...... well, they still got this, wounds be damned, for everyones sake! then he's falling and hes broken himself more for the effort and now theyre Officially Done For. No hope. Nothing left. This is it.
Both zoro and sanji having 'failed' solidifies that their only option is what zoro is presenting; a trade, because luffy *cannot* die. Cannot. so when zoro offers his head, sanji Knows. he is held together by the buttons on his suit jacket and a prayer and he Knows. most definitely stabbed and bleeding and crushed he Knows, knows clearly that regardless of who is traded he Will Not Make It... he Knows, deeply and utterly... and he can tell zoro wants to believe otherwise...
"Don't make luffy lose both of us, shitty marimo"
with the intense calamity that is his self worth playing chess with his brain, the burning need not to be a burden, and the bright ache slowly consuming him, he Knows, and he accepts
There is so much that Could Be if looked at with this thought pattern context. Makes things... i dunno its more...tragic? intricate? heartbreaking? Everything could change. Nothing could change. If sanji was poised to die anyway, would zoro actually accept it? would zoro refuse the inevitable and they both end up dead? could they both live? could chopper only save one? would they have to choose? would genetics or humanity win? would luffy Find Out? what would never be the same again? what would never change??
There are several reasons things didn't happen this way (other character moments, the genre this fits in, the rewarded hope that is the heart of one piece, ect.) but if it did.... yall... the *possibilities*
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igottayellsomewhere · 1 year ago
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Sometimes, when I try to look ahead, all I see is back.
TAZ SKYLAR as Sanji | ONE PIECE (2023)
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igottayellsomewhere · 1 year ago
From Episode 5
"sometimes when I try to look ahead, all I see is back"
back where sanji
like, you could think about this line on a surface-ish level and say back to germa and all that angst ect, sure, but then what is back? what could there possibly be to go back to that he'd want to go to?? and that begs the question, what is forward?
so, at this point in opla they show that he's getting increasingly frustrated with zeff and that is the conflict thats set up to be a push forward, but it also really feels like the characters could have been at this crossroads before. Like, this is a repeating pattern but it always ends the same, sanji is frustrated then zeff let's him back into the kitchen then creativity and the need to be Free strikes and theyre at it again. And because sanji has decided to dedicate himself to zeff and repaying a kindness he could never imagine *there's nothing to look back or forward to*. This is the best scenario. He needs to fulfill zeffs dream before he can think about his own and There's No Other Option. So what is back?
Back is repaying zeff. A debt he can *never* repay
And though they do share the same dream and sanji still wants, yearns, for the All Blue, he can never give himself permission to do so. So forward is Here, at the Baratie, and he daren't dream because it's impossible to wrap his head around why zeff would do anything for a person like sanji, scratch that *just* sanji.
And then you gotta take into account that zeff is purposely squashing sanjis potential at the Baratie cause zeff wants sanji to realize that that's Not the path for sanji. If zeff gave sanji the responsibility he craves that would be like zeff putting the final blow on both their dreams. Zeff is begging sanji to want more but for sanji thats unfathomable; again, This is the Best Case Scenario and he can't bring himself to believe there's more.
So thinking forward or backward is just a moot point, which is why it's so jarring for Luffy to come in and say both that he doesn't do regrets or 'complicated' cause that's what sanji's dream is. When presented with the idea that it could be so simple, when Luffy says join us, there's a long pause. The idea has sprouted but the roots must be crushed. Like always.
I guess here would be a good time to compare the live action and the anime, like, zoro's dream having a big part in the anime/manga, ect. It's true that the only interaction opla zoro had with opla sanji before joining the crew officially was the dinner scene but I don't think the influence of zoros dream on sanji is as lost as some might say.
Opla sanji sees the aftermath of The Fight clearly, sees how many lengths Zoro would go to. He sees Luffy defend Zoro's dream vehemently, when Nami asks why Luffy didn't stop Zoro. In this moment it's reiterated that a person's dreams are Important and that Zoro was *right* to go after them, was *right* to be selfish and try to take something he wanted. Nami's was the dialogue sanji has been telling himself all his life, keep those you care for safe no matter what, no matter if it hurts to do it. Luffy's was a dialogue of I will not keep people from doing what they want, no matter what. No matter how much is "owed" to someone, a dream is Worthy, even if it makes those you're close to disappointed and sad. Which. Is one of many things sanji has been trying desperately to avoid. There's the tiniest crack of light trying to shine through, that maybe one can follow their dreams and have people care about you.
If this moment between the crew had not happened I'm not sure opla sanji would have joined the straw hats.
In this moment, sanji sees someone (zoro) who is willing to go forward, no matter what, and witnessing there are still people that care for that person even in that decision (Luffy, Nami, Ussop). The last time sanji Left there was a severance and no one to help him. He was on his own. Mustering up that courage Again would be... well, it'd be impossibly difficult. Seeing that there were people *for* the fool who followed their dreams was just as important as seeing someone follow their dreams, but Zoro needed to have a dream in the first place. Not one that could be squashed down, but one he was willing to and nearly died for. Someone could do anything for a dream and still be, well, worthy.
So he sees this crew, sees a chance, sees a worldview he's never dared hope for. And it's kind of the perfect opportunity but he darent hope quite yet. All he can do for now is feed and take care of these incredibly kind people and appreciate who they are while theyre here. So he does.
And then the Fishman show up. Sanji is Needed and he Can't abandon his home he needs to be there, end of story. Then Luffy offers to help and the world shifts. Again, sanji is facing a kindness he can't fathom deserving and the guy offers it enthusiastically, without hesitation. Sanji allows this kindness cause maybe its a way to be even, to allow someone to be kind is a kindness kinda thing. But either way he's gotta Go so let's not think on this too much and help zeff.
In the restaurant, sanji keeps his promise. He fights for zeff without hesitation. But then he gets thrown into a table (ouch) and can barely move. What now??? It's probably Panic City but then Luffy is there. Luffy is *defending zeff's dream*. Sanji takes a moment to recover and then we don't see him until he dives into the water after Luffy. But can you imagine????
This random boy is going head to head for zeff's dream. The thing Sanji *has* to protect. The other two fishmen are standing watch at the baratie entrance but as soon as they're gone sanjis out there, and what is out there? This random boy getting thrown to his death. And this random boy has a dream. And if he can save this random boy's dream, maybe sanji can have a dream too. But not now, later. Now we gotta help zeff rebuild.
And so sanji faces a final Forward. Zeff can see how much sanji cares and knows he has to break this boy's heart. There's no other way. We don't explicitly see zeff hearing that luffy offered sanji a place on his crew but a bit ago luffy got right in zeffs face and defended sanji, told him outright sanji is the type of person zeff hoped he would be. If this is gonna be the final push zeff can push him to somewhere he knows sanji will be valued. So he does, in the only way he knows sanji can accept.
This makes their final farewell even more heartbreaking. We can see there's a moment where both parties consider not saying anything. Theres Too Much but also Not Enough. And then they do, they say "take care", sanji says thank you, "thank you for putting up with my shit" and "I owe you my life". There's a thank you for the Past and a thank you for the Forward. Thank you for what is about to be.
"sometimes when I try to look ahead, all I see is back"
And now there's Both. A past to fondly remember and grow from and a future to look forward to.
back where sanji? What is back now?? Forward. Ahead. Back to a life of adventure on his terms.
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igottayellsomewhere · 1 year ago
I wanna learn how to make gifs for the sole purpose of capturing the coco village villagers awkwardly shuffling away from the crew in the last episode
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