Flappy trans horsebird thoughts
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Thoughts of a weird 37 y/o queer trans pegasus pony . I interact with NSFW content so 18+ only interactions, thanks. Minors DNI. Trans girl, pan (heavy femme lean), brony (pegasus mare), furry (lioness and mouse girl)
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skydreamtakesflight · 2 days ago
Smolder: Whatever you're thinking right now, stop it.
Silverstream: Whatever do you mean~?
Smolder: You always make that face before saying something that pisses me off. So cut it out-
Silverstream: I love you.
Smolder: ...
Silverstream: Also cereal technically qualifies as soup.
Smolder: I fucking knew it!!
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skydreamtakesflight · 3 days ago
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Page 42 | What Goes Around
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Ocellus will be here for one more question page!
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skydreamtakesflight · 4 days ago
Couple query time:
Which of the student six ships do you think would go on to have kids in the future (biological, adopted, magically created, etc.) and what would their parenting styles be like?
Yonabar would probably be one of those ‘big family’ types. After a few generations, they’d probably rival the Apple Clan. One thing that they would have going for them is that any kids of theirs would probably be super freaking worldly because I can see them as the type of family to travel all of the time. Constantly going back and forth between Equestria and Yakyakistan and constantly hitting up all the cool sights along the way.
Gallus, it would be dependent on the partner. He’d first have to be convinced he could be a good father before he could even consider it. I can imagine him having one with, say, Silverstream. But if he got together with Smolder, the two would probably stay happily childless their whole lives… unless they had a happy little ‘accident’.
He’d definitely try to be the ‘tough love’ kinda Dad cause that’s just what griffons are supposed to be, but in practice? He would spoil any kid of his rotten just cause he wants them to have the best lives they possibly could. Better than he ever had.
Smolder would very much be in the same boat as Gallus, it would depend on who her partner is, but she’d be a lot better at playing the authoritarian than Gallus. She’d never be mean with her kids, she’d just always be the parent who puts their foot down when needed.
Silverstream I could see struggling to be a parent at first. She’d probably be the ‘I’m my kid’s best friend!’ type of parent, and would struggle with the idea that, sometimes, you can’t be your child’s friend. Sometimes, being a parent means making your kid hate you for their own good. But I do feel like it’s a lesson she would take to heart once it became necessary.
Ironically, I think Ocellus would probably take to parenthood the easiest, but that’s mostly because I see Changelings being very communal with their childrearing, ‘Raised by the village’ and all that… If Ocellus actually got to raise her child within the hive. If Ocellus had to raise her child in Equestria or some other land? Then I could see her freaking out over every little thing. She’d definitely be a bubble-wrap mom in that case.
Swift Foot would have one child, and that’s it. She’d either be one of those moms who plans out their kid’s entire life, but from a place of love because she does genuinely want the best life for them, or she’d be the type of parent who has absolutely zero control over their child and her house is a constant crayon-colored warzone. There is no in between. One thing’s for sure, that kid would absolutely not be allowed anywhere near their grandfather or aunts. Like, legally.
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skydreamtakesflight · 5 days ago
Smolder: So… you and Sandbar, huh? Didn’t see that one coming.
Gallus: Eh, what can I say? He really grows on you over time. Like a fungus.
Sandbar: Uhhhhh…
Gallus: A benign fungus.
Sandbar: Awwww…
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skydreamtakesflight · 7 days ago
Sandbar: I want the kind of love they have one day…
Smolder: Where is that miserable piece of shit?!
Gallus: I’m right here, you walking corpse!
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skydreamtakesflight · 9 days ago
Not a question, really, just a simple comment:
Yonabar is life.
For the laid-back surfer dude who fell first and fell HARD (he even did a little heel click in the air when she agreed to go to the dance with him, like that boy was SMITTEN).
And for the outgoing, larger-than-life Viking girl who took her sweet time, but eventually fell JUST as hard when she realized he liked her for who she was, not for who she could pretend to be (this moment right here is when she knew he was the one, even if she didn’t recognize it consciously)
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Anyways, perfect couple. 100/10. The high-school sweethearts that actually made it. So sickeningly sweet that their friend group can’t stand it, except they do because they’re just that adorable.
As a fellow Yonabar fan, nothing more I can really add to this except… Ye.
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skydreamtakesflight · 11 days ago
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drew normal ponies for once
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skydreamtakesflight · 11 days ago
Ocellus: Okay, we need a distraction. Quick, Gallus! Start crying!
Gallus: What?! Why?!
Ocellus: Because no creature can resist the tears of a rough-and-tumble, street smart orphan boy with a heart of gold. It’s like emotional catnip.
Gallus: That’s…okay, fair enough. But I can’t just cry on command! Don’t any of you remember what happened during our spring play?
Smolder: Unfortunately, yes.
Swift Foot: Wait, what happened?
Sandbar: His fake crying was so bad that a doctor in the front row thought he was choking and jumped onstage to give him the Heimlich.
Yona: And yet he still manage to give better performance than Princess Celestia.
Silverstream: This school really needs to stop doing theater…
Ocellus: (sighs) Okay, well, I didn’t want to have to do this, but we have no other options at this point… Smolder, make him cry.
Smolder: What, you just assume I know the best way to make him cry?
Ocellus: I mean, don’t you?
Smolder: Well obviously, yes, but STILL! Assumptions hurt.
Gallus: Look, if you’re just gonna punch me, can you at least try and avoid the eyes? Those are my moneymakers.
Smolder: Pfffft. Oh please, I’m not gonna waste a perfectly good punch on this. All I need is three words.
Gallus: Really? Look, I know you pride yourself on being able to insult creatures in over twelve different languages, but I don’t think you have what it takes to-
Smolder: The Giving Tree.
Gallus: …. (sniff) WAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!
Sandbar: Seriously?
Smolder: I told you all giving him a library card was a mistake.
Ocellus: … Okay, not what I was expecting, but can’t argue with results. Now the rest of us can-
Silverstream: WAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!
Smolder: Okay, why is she crying???
Swift Foot: Is she upset because she’s seeing one of her loved ones in emotional distress?
Sandbar: No, I think she just remembered what Shel Silverstein looked like.
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skydreamtakesflight · 13 days ago
Sandbar: Hey, Ocellus, do you want anything to drink?
Ocellus: Sure. I’ll take some tea if you have any.
Sandbar: Uh, our tea options are kinda limited.
Ocellus: Well, what are my options?
Sandbar: Yes or no.
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skydreamtakesflight · 15 days ago
(While Gallus is away on assignment…)
Gallus: (texting Sandbar) I miss you so much, babe. I can’t wait to get back to you. I wanna hold you and run mt fingers through your hair…
Sandbar: Mt Fingers. A mountain made entirely of fingers.
Gallus: Listen here you little shit.
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skydreamtakesflight · 15 days ago
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Wait, what was this animal called again…?
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skydreamtakesflight · 16 days ago
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You two go cringe together then lol
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skydreamtakesflight · 16 days ago
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lesbeans as requested
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skydreamtakesflight · 17 days ago
Smolder: You deserve better than some thief like Camren! If he doesn’t treat you right by now, you’re gone!
Gallus: I’m gone.
Smolder: Now go chop his di-!!
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skydreamtakesflight · 18 days ago
Sonic Art Time!!!! (Repost from Insta)
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"doodles of whisper and silver (and tangle) bc im trying to draw sonic characters more because i have sonic brainrot ok bye"
(August 7, 2024)
these were good practices for my first time drawing them lowkey
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skydreamtakesflight · 19 days ago
Gallus: They call me 007 in school. 0 assignments turned in, 0 tests passed, 7 minutes away from throwing myself off the roof of the building.
Trixie: Gallus, what did we say about doing bits during counseling sessions?
Gallus: (sigh) It’s only funny when Smolder does them…
Trixie: Exactly, either work on your timing or get on anti-depressants, because I’m the only depressed clown allowed on this campus.
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skydreamtakesflight · 20 days ago
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