#really it's just fascinating to me- a person who is usually very afraid of 'evil/mean options' in games- how Dead Cells approaches them
ganymedesclock · 2 years
I think one of my favorite things about Prisoner's character is how much his jokes (to himself, because he is isolated and voiceless in a zombie apocalypse) about having no standards betray how much he has standards.
He comments how he should have a moment of silence for a dead prisoner before interrupting his own moment claiming he has better things to do, even though he is the only person who asked, and given the spacing of the comments, does it anyway, even if he kicks the body afterward.
He has several comments about riffling through others' stuff including one that is justifying it to himself because they're all dead, even though he says it's wrong to rummage in what wasn't his, and then later a comment that you "start to like it" and it's a great way to save on money suggesting despite his obvious, consistent, and mostly unrestrained glee at finding new things, he still feels a little guilty about it.
He also gripes at one of the two wells you can find in the Promenade that he's getting tired of crawling into the darkness and the wet.
(the comments about looting are also interesting how little theft Prisoner actually commits on anything alive- you can smash the golden doors or rip off the bank- which even has an achievement for it- or deny the Collector cells by breaking the door, but you notably can't rob the nearly stationary merchants even though they appear to have no way of preventing you from doing so. the implication seems to be Prisoner just refuses to!)
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bjfinn · 4 months
"BJ, honey -- what's wrong?" Delia asked. "You haven't been your usual -- energetic self lately."
Beej shrugged. "I don't know," he said. "Something's going on with Lydia -- she's been acting weird around me. Like she's ... scared of me. But why would she be scared of me? She's my BFFFF."
"Are you sure it's about you?" Delia suggested. "Maybe it's something else."
The demon shook his head. "No, it's about me -- every time she sees me she gets nervous -- she tries to cover it up, but I can tell."
"Have you asked her?"
"Every time I try, she manages to sidestep the question -- either she says that she just has something on her mind, or she doesn't have time to talk right now but maybe later. I'm starting to wonder if she doesn't wanna be my friend any more.
"If I lose her friendship, I'll hafta leave," he said, wiping a tear from his eye. "I'll lose everybody, and I'll be alone again. But if she doesn't tell me what's wrong, how can I make it better?"
Delia gathered him in her arms. "You're not going to lose anybody," she told him. "You're family -- I promise.
"Look," she said, holding him by the shoulders, "sometimes even the best relationships go through a ... a rough patch. But you have to believe that the two of you will get through it. Tell you what -- I'll see if I can get Lydia to talk about what's going on. Until then, just believe in your friendship. Okay?"
"Okay, I'll try," Beej said with a sniff. "Thanks, Mom."
"That's my boy," Delia said, trying her best to smooth the purple out of his hair with her hands. "Now, how about some art therapy?"
"What's going on with our daughter and, uh ... son?" Charles asked, still not quite used to referring to the demon with that term.
"I'm sure it's nothing," Delia replied. "Lydia's been acting strange around BJ, and he thinks she's suddenly become afraid of him."
"Well, he is a demon."
"But he's making such wonderful progress! I know he's 'evil' and all that --" she rolled her eyes dramatically "-- but inside he's just a very lonely, traumatised person who hasn't been properly socialised. He's like a ... a puppy that's been abused and neglected all his life."
"Unlife," Charles corrected.
"And Lydia has been through a lot this past year -- losing her mother, adjusting to a new home, a new school -- not to mention me, two ghosts and a demon joining the family! And then Emily coming back ... It's no wonder she's been different lately."
Charles looked at his wife and sighed. "I know you have a plan to fix this."
"Not just yet," she said. "But I'm working on it."
Lydia knew she was hurting Beej -- it was the last thing she wanted to do, but she couldn't help it. Ever since she'd had that dream, she couldn't stop wondering what he was actually capable of. Could he really be powerful enough to destroy the entire universe? He was a demon, after all.
But he was also her friend -- her big brother. And he loved her. But could that mean that he'd rather destroy everything than let her be disappointed?
She flopped down on her bed with a sigh.
"I wish I knew what to do," she said aloud. "I can't ask him -- how would I know if he was telling the truth, or just trying to make me feel better?" I wonder if there's a spell or something that could let me know when he's lying ...
She went over to her bookcase and pulled out a couple of volumes on the occult that she'd bought in the second-hand shop in town. Gotta love New England's fascination with demons and witchcraft, she thought, chuckling to herself, as she opened the first one.
There was a knock on her door. "Lydia?"
Delia opened the door and stepped inside. "Lydia? I think we should talk."
"Look, I know I've been acting kinda weird lately," the girl said defensively. "I just have some ... stuff I gotta figure out."
"BJ thinks you don't want to be his friend any more."
Lydia bit her lip, her eyes glistening with sudden tears. "Of course I do! He's my best friend -- my big brother! I love him! I just -- I ..." Her lower lip began to tremble.
Delia went over to her and put her arms around her step-daughter. "What is it? What's wrong, honey?"
Lydia shook her head. "I-it's ... it's stupid."
"What is it?" Delia asked. "Tell me -- maybe I can help."
"I ... I had a dream," Lydia began. "I ... I dreamt that Beej went to the Netherworld to bring my mom back for good, but when he couldn't, he got so angry that he destroyed the universe."
"Oh, dear!" Delia said. "Well, I can see why that upset you. How did he do it?"
"You know how he can't say his own name? Because of the geis Juno put on him? In the dream he broke the curse and said it."
"And that destroyed the universe? I thought if he said it it would only exorcise him."
"I thought so, too -- but what if that's not true? What if he's not just a low-level demon like he says? What if ... what if he's powerful enough to end everything?" She wiped her eyes with the heel of her hand. "What if one day ... I'm the reason he does?"
After Delia left, Lydia returned to her books -- she had to find some way to ensure that Beej would tell her the truth.
"There's gotta be something ..." she muttered.
She went through book after book, but found nothing -- the closest she got was a spell that would reveal whether or not the object of one's affections felt the same way.
Stifling a scream of frustration, she flopped back down on her bed. She knew that, without some kind of truth-binding spell, Beej would be inclined to lie just to ease her mind.
"I know he would," she said to herself. "That's how much he loves me."
She began to cry. She hated the idea of using a spell to force him to be honest -- it felt like a betrayal -- but she couldn't think of any other way.
"Are you sure he'd lie?" Adam asked when Lydia went to the Maitlands for advice.
"This is Beej we're talking about, remember?"
"I just meant that it seems like something he'd wanna brag about."
"Not if it makes Lydia -- or the rest of us -- scared of him," Barbara pointed out. "He likes having everyone think of him as this evil creature from Hell, but we all know it's just an act. What he really wants is to be loved."
"Exactly," Lydia agreed. "Even if he is powerful enough to destroy the entire universe, he'd never admit it -- it'd ruin everything for him."
"Good point," Adam conceded.
"I checked every book I have about witchcraft and demonology looking for a spell that would make him tell the truth, but there's nothing. I was hoping maybe you guys could come up with some idea?"
"Well, we know threats and intimidation won't work," Barbara said wryly.
"Sex might, but ..." Adam shuddered at the thought. "I mean, I love the guy, but he's really, uh ... grody."
"Grody?" Lydia said, giving Adam a pointed look. "Okay, boomer."
"What about ... a game?" Barbara suggested. "We all know how competitive he is -- what about a game of Truth or Dare?"
"That's a great idea, Bunny!" Adam exclaimed. "If he doesn't tell the truth, he forfeits the game!"
Lydia sighed and shrugged. "I guess it's worth a shot."
"Okay," Beej said. "Now it's your turn -- truth or dare?"
"Dare -- no, truth! Okay, no, make it a dare."
"You sure?" Beej said.
Lydia nodded. "I'm sure. Just -- nothing too bad, okay?"
Beej bit his lip, thinking. Then his eyes widened and he grinned. "Got it!" he said. "You're always sayin' I'm gross for eating bugs, so ..." He held out his hand -- in his palm were two large black ants with swollen abdomens the colour of gold.
Lydia gulped nervously. "You want me to ... eat them?"
"Nah," Beej said. "I need one for demonstration purposes!" And with his other hand he picked up one of the ants by the thorax, brought it to his mouth and bit down on the swollen back part.
"Now you."
Lydia gingerly picked up the remaining ant and bit off the abdomen like the demon had shown her. She winced at the taste of formic acid, but then her eyes flew open as her mouth filled with --
"Honey! " she gasped.
Beej nodded, grinning. "They're called honeypot ants," he told her. "They're from Australia. The aborigines love 'em!"
"Okay, your turn -- truth or dare?"
"Dare," Beej said.
Lydia was a bit disappointed -- she'd hoped he'd pick truth. What could she dare a demon to do? "Hmmm -- let's see ... oh, I know! You have to sing the song."
"What song?"
"The song -- the one you hate."
"Ah, come on!" he protested. "You're kidding me, right?"
"Nope," she said. "That's the dare -- do it, or forfeit the game."
"Okay, okay," he grumbled. He cleared his throat, rolled his eyes and began to sing:
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are grey
You'll never know, dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away
He grimaced and retched comically. He glared at Lydia as she applauded.
"So -- truth or dare?" he asked.
"Truth," Lydia replied.
"You gotta talk to me," he said. "You gotta tell me what's wrong. Why don't you wanna hang out with me any more? Did I do something? What did I do? Please tell me so I can fix it." His lower lip was trembling, and hot tears spilled down his cheeks as he looked at her.
Lydia scooted over and sat beside him, putting an arm around his shoulders. "Hey," she said. "Hey! You're still my friend, okay?"
"Then why are you avoiding me?"
She lowered her gaze. "Yeah, I-I'm sorry about that. I've just had a lot of stuff on my mind."
"Stuff about me."
"No! Well, okay -- yeah. But you didn't do anything wrong, I promise." She sighed. "It's just ... when my mom came back, and then she died again, you said that nothing was gonna stop you from bringing her back for good."
"And I meant it," he told her. "I still do -- I just haven't figured out how yet. Is that why you're acting different? Because I haven't brought your mom back yet? 'Cause I will -- I swear."
"No, that's not why," Lydia said. "Truth is, I ... I don't really want you to. I mean, yeah, I want you to, but that's not the way things are supposed to be. I've already had two chances to see her again, right? That's two more than anybody else gets."
She sighed again. "The thing is ... a couple of weeks ago I had a dream."
"A dream?"
"Yeah," she said with a nod. "I dreamt that you went to the Netherworld to find her -- you were so angry, threatening everybody in Processing, and then you went outside and you were wandering the streets, trying to think of something. And then you met a demon -- his name was Arjit -- and he said he could take you to someone who could help."
"Arjit?" Beej shook his head. "Don't know anyone by that name. What kind of demon was he?"
"A ... rashasha, I think? Is that a thing?"
Beej nodded. "Rakshasa? Yeah," he said. "They're Hindu demons. Most of 'em are bad news, but some are decent."
Lydia continued recounting the details of her dream, and when she finished, neither of them said anything for a long moment.
"I know it was just a dream, but -- I don't know ... maybe my visit to the Netherworld made me able to tune in to ... something." She laughed nervously. "But that's crazy, right? I can't really have prophetic dreams -- can I?"
Beej scoffed. "Pfft! What? You? A prophet??? No way, José!"
"Okay, but ... just how powerful are you?"
"Powerful enough to do this!" he replied, and began tickling her.
Lydia shrieked with laughter, trying her best to get away, but it was no use -- the demon was merciless in his attack, having sprouted two extra arms for the job. "Stop! STOP!!! I ... I ... can't ... breathe ..."
Beej stopped then, his extra limbs receding, and grinned at his best friend. "Feel better?" he asked.
"You're a monster!" she replied, but the bright smile on her face told him that she was okay. That they were okay.
"Look," he said, "most dreams are bullshit -- your mind telling itself fucked-up stories while you sleep. You had a dream about the Netherworld and you got a couple of things right about it because you've been there. And me destroying the universe? Hey, I'm a big, scary demon, right? Naturally there's some part of you that wonders if I could. Or would. But I can't break the geis. And I promise that I wouldn't destroy everything even if I could," he added solemnly.
"Yeah," she conceded. "I guess you're right -- it was just a dream." She looked at him and smiled. "But you're wrong about one thing," she said.
"What's that?"
"You're not big and scary," she told him.
"Whaddya mean I'm not big and scary???" Beej scowled comically in mock indignation. "I'll show you big and scary!" And he lunged at her for another tickle attack.
Lydia, however, was prepared for it this time -- she leapt to her feet and fled, laughing, out the door. Beej chased her down the stairs and stopped on the bottom step, where he leaned forward, hands on his knees, panting heavily. He held up a finger as he tried to catch his breath. "Just ... just give me ... give me a moment ..."
Lydia giggled. "Yeah, you're right," she said. "You couldn't destroy the universe -- you're too out of shape!"
"I'm in shape!" he countered. "Round is a shape!"
"Round is a nice shape for a big brother," she agreed, and hugged him.
"So we're okay?" the demon asked.
"We're okay," Lydia told him, squeezing him tightly before letting him go. "Hey, how 'bout we spend the day together, just the two of us?"
"Yeah," Lydia said. "It's been a while -- I think it's time we reconnect. Grab your camera -- let's go down to the river."
"I'd like that," he replied, grinning.
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tardis-ghost-blog · 3 years
A task to fail (Simm!Master x Reader)
Rating: E - For explicit sexual content Summary: "No. That's not another task." His hand stroked along your cheek and he smiled. "Just couldn't resist stealing a kiss from you."
Sometimes the Master brought a bunch of humans aboard the Valiant. It was fun to watch their various reactions, to walk around in front of them, grinning madly. Sometimes he let them look outside the window when he sew destruction, other times he told them horrifying stories about how they would die.
It was one of those times when you first entered the Valiant. The soldiers had captured you off the streets, had told that you had been chosen as a special guest for the prime minister. With you were two others. They all looked so scared. Sure, you had heard the stories, but they had never bothered you. Since the first day Saxon had appeared on telly, you had found him quite fascinating. There was just something about him that had always made you want to meet the guy.
This made you weirdly calm when he walked in, clad in a black suit, eyeing everyone with almost childish curiosity. After a minute he stood in front of everyone and grinned widely.
"Congratulations, humans!" he announced. "You have been proudly elected to become part of my staff up here. I'm afraid-" he put on a mocking put- "your predecessors have decided to quit the job."
You exchanged glances with the others and found even more fear in their eyes. Saxon clapped his hands to get your attention back.
"To make this more exciting, I will decide what your tasks will be. If you do them well, you might stay. If not... well. We will find an... arrangement." He let out a chuckle that simply sounded evil.
It was inappropriate, but the way he acted just got to you. You couldn't help but smile at this and Saxon saw it and trod directly in front of you.
"Is that funny?" he asked sweetly.
"You'll kill everyone who fails, won't you?" You hadn't really planned to say this, but you just had to know. "It's a game."
Maybe you shouldn't have sounded so excited about this. It also was your own life that was at risk.
"Oh, and you like games, little one?" Saxon bent slightly down to your eyelevel, which wasn't very high. "Are you begging to become my personal assistant?"
Wide eyed you glared at him. You wouldn't even make it a day! He would give you an impossible task and just smile this god-awful smile of his, that was far too charming.
Despite all of this... you nodded.
Saxon blinked surprised, then threw his head back and laughed.
You never learned what happened to the others and you never asked. Instead you focused on the given tasks and did you best to fulfil them properly. And, at the same time, tried to find out as much as possible about Saxon.
He made your life difficult, that's for sure. On your first few days he let you sort the library. First alphabetically, then, when he decided this was boring, he made you sort everything once again, this time by colours. So you arranged everything to form a bunch of quite pretty gradients.
Saxon stood there, one finger on his lips, head slightly tilted, nodding eventually. He gave you a happy grin. "That looks way better, don't you think? Well, I think it does. Good job."
There were other tasks. Tedious tasks that were meant to tire you, some that were like puzzles you needed to solve. But you wouldn't give up. He couldn't kill you, when he had no idea where you were. So, until you found a way to get or do what he wanted, you hid. Each time you came back successful, Saxon looked a little dumbfounded.
"Stubborn, aren't we?" he mumbled one day. Then a smirk spread on his lips. "How about you make me a cuppa tea? I could really use one."
Tea... That sounded weirdly normal and easy. He probably was extremely picky with how it was made.
"Mister Saxon, Sir," you said then. "How would you like the tea?"
He couldn't punish you for making it exactly how he ordered you to. And when he realized your intention, his eyes crinkled in joy. It made him look really handsome and you had a hard time not blushing.
In the end you made his tea to his exact liking. And you weren't sure whether he hated or adored you when he took the first sip. Whatever it was, it was followed by an amused chuckle. He gave you a smile and it made your heart jump.
"You really try to stay alive, eh?"
"Uhm... sure. I guess." You shrugged and couldn't help but smile a little. "But it's more fun to see how happy you look when I do something right."
That surprised him visibly. For a second something slipped and he looked almost lost, as if he had no idea what to make of this. You decided it was a good opportunity.
"I always thought you were an interesting man, Sir. I'm glad I could meet you."
Saxon arched a brow and took another sip. "You'll die here. You know that, don't you?" He waited for your nod. "It's fun to play with you. But sooner or later there will be a task you won't manage to complete." He cracked a crooked smile. "Almost a shame. I'm really having fun with you. You're not as stupid as the others."
"I had to fend for myself my entire life," you mumbled. And when he didn't stop you from talking, you dared to continue, "I... actually should thank you. Your soldiers killed my foster-dad. He used to beat me a lot. Because of him I never had any close friends and... no other family. There is nothing I could return to, anyway."
Saxon didn't say a word. However, from then on, he kept you around. To make him tea, to sort his files, to keep his office clean. But mostly, as it seemed, to learn more about you. He asked many questions and you never hesitated to answer. Because, in return, he gave answers of his own. And you learned so much. When he told you, one day, that he actually was an alien, you didn't have a hard time believing it.
"We look so alike, though," you said, eyeing him curiously.
"Oh, there are many differences." The Master - he had told you his real name - chuckled and reached for your hand to place it on his chest.
You blushed at the touch and your own heartbeat sped up, so it took you a few seconds to realize that his was somewhat strange. It was fascinating and made you smile.
He told you of the war, of how he had fought in it and then ran, how he had almost obsessively spent a lifetime doing literally nothing else, but to repair a rocket to a place that wasn't even real. And then he had landed here.
"Sounds like you didn't have a quiet minute since years," you muttered.
"Yah..." The Master sighed and leaned back on the sofa. Lately he was strangely tense around you, especially when you came too close. And still his eyes followed you everywhere, almost hungry. "No time to... rest." He growled to himself and closed his eyes.
"You're alright?" you asked and leaned down to him. "Want me to make more tea?"
The Master grinned with closed eyes. "No. But..." he paused and eyed you possessively, which sent a shiver down your spine. He shook his head. "You're fun. I quite like you, which is bad. That makes it really hard to break you."
"Why, thanks?" You laughed and poked his shoulder. "Come on. You've told me so much already. I don't think a little request would break me." You poked out your tongue. "I could manage all your stupid tasks. I'm sure I can manage to do one that actually means something to you."
"Yeah?" he giggled impishly, suddenly grabbed your wrist and pulled you towards him. It made you lose balance and you almost fell. But you could stretch out your hand in time, which landed right next to the Master's head. And your face came close to his. So close you could get lost in his hazel eyes.
"You know... Time Lords are usually above such things." His thumb stroked over your wrist. "But you make this difficult. And it's been such a long time. With the war and everything."
You had no idea if you should stay in this position or move away. He was so close you could feel his breath ghost over your lips. Your eyes met, his gaze was intense, demanding without words. In that moment you didn't care if it would bring you in trouble, the urge was too great. So you leaned forward, only a little, brushed his lips with yours. He sighed, lids falling shut.
And suddenly he grabbed your sides with both hands and pulled you right into his lap. Surprised you yelped, but he left you no time for confusion, his mouth found yours, devouring it in a fierce kiss. Your hands landed on his shirt collar, stroked along the cloth to do something. His tongue pressed against your lips, demanded entrance, which you gave willingly.
There was a soft groan from him that let warmth pool into your belly, but at the same time seemed to snap him out of everything. He broke the kiss, both of you panting heavily. His irises were almost black, his look mischievous.
"Whoops," he breathed out.
"Yeah." You chuckled softly. "Whoops." Then you remembered something and pulled away a little. "What about your wife?"
The Master huffed. "Political marriage. We never... were close in any way."
Slowly your fingers trailed down his chest, your hands came to rest above his hearts that still were beating wildly. It made you proud and giddy that you could do this to him, made you crave more. You moved in his lap, just enough to feel yourself gliding over the bulge in his pants. That made him groan again, but surprisingly he stopped you with his grip.
"No. That's not another task." His hand stroked along your cheek and he smiled. "Just couldn't resist stealing a kiss from you."
You giggled at that and gave him a tongue-touched grin. "Since when are you so reluctant?"
He returned the grin, connected your foreheads. "I like the thought of how I could make you feel, how I could make you scream my name. But it needs to be real. It's no fun otherwise."
"Is that so?" You leaned forwards and captured his lips again, rocking against his crotch in the same movement.
The Master groaned openly into your mouth, one of his hands snaked to the small of your back to press you closer. The kiss got wilder, his tongue doing things to you that made your head light. He swallowed your soft moans, while his finger glided along your shoulders, every touch sending goose bumps down your spine. You shivered when he traced a line down your back, when he caressed your bare skin and opened the clips of your bra.
"Sure about this?" he brought out.
His eyes were so hungry for you, it was hard to tell if he would really stop would you say 'no'. And still you had a feeling that he would. Which got you aroused even more. So, instead of an answer, you reached a hand between you and cupped his erection, stroking firmly over his pants. He gasped, eyes falling shut.
For a bit he let you tease him like that, then he grabbed the hem of your jumper and pulled it over your head, together with the opened bra. His skilled hands moved to your breasts, caressing them, thumbs stroking over your nipples, making them harden almost instantly.
Somehow your lips met again, tongues dancing sensually. It wasn't fair that he was still clothed, so you unbuttoned his dress shirt, happy he didn't wear a jacket right now. You wanted skin, wanted to feel him, and quick.
You weren't the only impatient one, however. Without a warning, the Master grabbed your bum and lifted you from him to drop you on your back on the sofa. His fingers slipped under the waistband of you jeans, eliciting a new groan from you, before he grabbed your feet to get rid of the shoes and then, finally pulled your jeans down, together with your soaked knickers.
His eyes roamed over your naked body, took in every detail with awe. You sat up then and unbuttoned his own pants, while he kicked off shoes and threw away the belt. Curiosity grew in you, making you wonder if Time Lords actually were... compatible with humans. It certainly had felt like it, and when you pulled down his pants you weren't disappointed.
"Like what you see?" he asked, wolfishly grinning.
"Oh, a lot."
"Then move aside, will you?"
You did, making space on the sofa, only to find yourself sitting in his lap again a second later. Feeling him skin to skin made your head even lighter than before. You started to move against him, then wrapped your hand around his erection to glide up and down his full length. Your thumb stroked over the tip, made him sigh out a moan. His fingers were on you clit at the same time, drawing circles that spiked your lust to new peeks. Oh, you wanted to have him inside you. You couldn't wait any longer. It was unbearable.
You groaned and kissed his half opened lips. "I need you. Want you."
"Say my name," he breathed against your mouth.
"Master." His name stumbled over your lips like a plea and you could almost hear his patience snap.
Both of you moved in unison. He straightened a little and you sat up on your knees so he could guide himself inside you. Slowly you let yourself down again, feeling every inch of him fill you out completely. You both groaned, stayed still for a moment to adjust and simply savour the intensity of the moment.
His hands on your bum urged you to move, pressed you flush against him. You had never done it in this position and regretted it now. The friction was just perfect, or maybe it was only because of the Master. You built up a rhythm, moved on him with delight. He, on the other hand, nibbled his way down your throat, leaving small marks on your skin here and there, while his hands were either on your bum or your breasts.
The tension in you rose quickly, almost too fast. You wanted to enjoy this, wanted to savour every second of it, so you slowed down a little. The Master grabbed your sides and guided your movements, his clouded eyes fixated on yours. Slowly you rose, let him almost slip out of you, before he pulled you back close, making you feel him glide inside you again. It was something you both enjoyed and repeated once more, panting.
The Master wouldn't allow you a third time, captured your lips and pulled you down on him, made you move again with impatience, breath ragged. He must be as close as you were and the thought sent a shiver through your whole body, made you move just a little faster until there was no turning back and you came with his name on your lips, clenching around him and groaning into his mouth, riding out the orgasm until you felt his grip on you tighten and until he had to break the kiss as his own release washed over him.
It took you a small eternity to find back to your senses. You heard the Master's rapid double heartbeat, felt his grip soften, but only for a moment. He then lifted you from him a little to slip out of you and lay down on the sofa. He brushed a strand of hair from your face, his look weirdly serene in that moment.
"How about we change our game a little?" he murmured. "If you fail a task I get to have you again."
You nestled against his chest and chuckled. "That's not fair. I'd have to fail on purpose, then."
"Mhm..." He smiled impishly. "Can't let a human win against me, after all."
"That's too bad. I'd get to win, no matter what." You glinted back at him, mirroring the mischief.
The Master scowled, mockingly pursed his lips, then captured yours in a sweet, short kiss. His fingers gently trailed along your spine, drew circles on your skin until your breath hitched.
"I think I still win this," he muttered.
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known-as-naya · 4 years
What’s your favourite thing about the Klebekah dynamic and your fave scenes? What was it that drew you to them
Thanks Yuki for asking this, it took me hours to think of all my fav scenes but it was worth it lol ❤️
My fav thing about the klebekah dynamic:
So, klebekah. I simply love them if it isn't obvious by now lmao, their codependent and dysfunctional toxic relationship fascinates me so much. They're litteraly the most important person in each other's life and I love that, I love how they understand one another with just a look, I love how they never gave up on each other for a thousand years despite all the betrayals, I love how they adore and worship one another, I LOVE THEM.
Rebekah was the person klaus loved the most in the world (besides hope ofc) it's actually funny how most of the fandom doesn't realize the impact she always had on him, she was his humanity for a thousand years, she was his constant (along with Elijah ) and he was hers, and as we saw on the show Rebekah was the person he showed affection the most.
As for rebekah, Klaus was the man she ADORED since she was a little girl, he was her big brother, the person she wanted to be like when she gets older, her protector, soulmate and best friend. Rebekah was the only person who never actually tried to change him, she loved him as he is during a thousand years and I LOVE THAT.
-The thing that drawn me to them:
Are a lot of things but THE CHEMISTRY was what made me fall in love, fun fact: but the first time I discovered klebekah I was watching a tvd scene on YouTube a couple of years ago and coincidentally it was their 3×03 Chicago flashback scene with Stefan, and I thought they were a sort of threesome of something lmao and when I knew they were siblings I was shocked but continued to ship them anyway cause why not.
What are your fav scenes ?
Oh boy, this is a very DIFFICULT question cause I practically love all their freaking scenes, but I eventually have to choose so there you go:
-I'll begin with tvd:
-There's 3×03, of course, THIS WHOLE EPISODE IS FULL OF INCEST. the "I'm not your girlfriend", the "choose him or me" Klaus' jealousy, the eye sex, the daggering session, the hand holding, EVERYTHING SCREAMED KLEBEKAH. This ep was such a strong introduction to their strange dynamic.
-3×04: my fav thing about this ep is Klaus taking rebekah to shop and being a child about it. He was so done with her already but at the same time so happy to have her around again. I loved the surprised expression on Stefan's face the whole time, he was not used to this side of Klaus, he was not used to Klaus being wrapped around someone's little finger. I loved their little conversation when she was trying that dress and she said something about women in the 21th century dressing like prostitues and that she got dirty looks for wearing trousers and then Klaus said you wore trousers so women today could wear nothing. Lmaooo it was hilarious.
- 3×15: "I hated you when I learned that you killed our mother but after a thousand years together as a family you're the only one who never left me "
" Aren't we a pair ?" THIS MF LINE GETS ME EVERYTIME. I don't have words to describe what it does to me but I love this scene and the fact that Klaus thought that rebekah was going to show him her torturer's skills makes it better.
-3×18: " you destroyed our family" "I wanted a family they just didn't want me, and now that we're unlinked we're no longer responsible for each other" "so are you leaving ?" "As soon as a get my stakes I'm gone..... I'm gonna make a NEW FAMILY of hybrids" "and if I choose to stay ?" "Then you're just as pathetic as Finn " THIS WHOLE scene was a masterpiece, them looking at each other like that makes me wanna give them a hug:
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-3×20: it wasn't really a klebekah scene cause it was Esther in Rebekah's body but the way Klaus smiled at her and agreed to go to the dance JUST for her melt my heart.
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-3×22: oh gosh this one, breaks my heart but love it so much " how dare you save Caroline over me ?" " You left me !" "it's always been me, not Finn not Elijah no Kol ME, I LOVED YOU through everything and you don't even care " and then he chokes her and say something he -IM SURE- regrets immediately "you know something rebekah you're right I don't care, from this moment on you're not my family you're not my sister you are nothing " and then he breaks her neck. I HATE THIS SCENE BUT I LOVE IT. these two needed couple therapy. Klaus was horrible, she watched him die, she mourned him, her heart broke. He could've told her about his plan tho ? I'm still wondering why he didn't but I guess he was just being an asshole as usual and took her as granted. And him saving Caroline over her was not it.
-4×04: the flashback hunter scene "YOU TRUSTED HIM OVER ME " "WHAT DID HE PROMISE YOU " "TELL ME REBEKAH " it was like he caught her cheating on him lmaooo. On the same episode there's the famous line "laugh at the girl who loved too easily but I would rather to live my life than yours Nik, no one will ever sit around a table telling stories about a man who couldn't love" the way he looked down after her saying that breaks my heart, cause Klaus could love, he LOVES her, then he daggers her -cause he's a paranoid bastard- and he cries about it.
-Let's switch to TO scenes:
-1×02: this episode is one of my favs but the best scene was when Klaus was choking Hayley after he learned that she wanted to abort the baby then, rebekah slammed him against the wall (it was hot tbh lmao) and she said "it's okay to care, it's okay to want something that's all Elijah was trying to do all he's ever wanted for you, all we've ever wanted." The way he looked her deep in the eyes gets me everytime, he was trying so hard not to cry. Then they sat together, exhausted, and Klaus told her about his plan -that involved giving Elijah to marcel lol- and if she doesn't like it, there's the door.
-1×03: one of my fav episodes too and it has so many good klebekah scenes, “that depends what plan you mean love my plan for global domination or rebekahs plan to find love in a cruel cruel world”  then she giggled and threw a pen at him so lovingly lol. They were teasing and all flirty with each other in front of Hayley and they acted as nothing happened the night before and Klaus never gave Elijah to marcel, after that they teamed up and everything was going fine but Klaus happened. then there's the masquerade ball scene when Klaus called rebekah " you really are a hideously evil little thing aren't you "
and them being jealous watching marcel and cami dancing. later in  this ep theres the famous “you disgust me” scene, the tension was so thick i acually thought they were about to kiss and have sex on that damn piano lmao but klaus as usual disapointed rebekah, she trusted him against all her better instincts and he choose to act against her back cause he thought his plan was smarter.
-I'm not sure in which episode this scene is but I remember Klaus telling rebekah "you were quite resourceful today..... sometimes I think I don't give you your due little sister" it was so cute cause Klaus knows that he doesn't give Rebekah enough credits, and she was so happy to hear him say that.
-1×14: the famous "YOU CANNOT HIDE FROM ME REBEKAH" this episode had me crying the first time I watched it, Klaus was so angry, disappointed and hurt, he could not believe that his baby sister did this to him, that he was in denial for almost a century and he for that she must pay. "Rebekah would not call my father no matter how angry she was " "enough of your lies" even after seeing the truth from the source he still couldn't believe it cause he loved her so freaking much and he thought she did too.
Then them fighting and Klaus getting turned on by her beating his ass up
-1×15: this mf scene.
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The kiss, THE FREAKING CLOSE TO THE LIPS KISS. the sexual tension in this scene was HUGE, Klaus finally "set rebekah free" and he was DRUNK doing it. "We don't have to run anymore, we've found a home" and the look on Rebekah's face is priceless, she was shocked and almost guilty cause at this time she has already called mikeal and Klaus was a little too late.
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Also in the same episode, THE BLOOD SHARING. Look at them just look at them.
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THE BABY MIKAELSON FLASHBACK !! OMG, this scene melts my heart. "Don't be afraid I won't let it hurt you " "will you stay with me till the storm ends ?" And he did stay with her no matter what. I love this scene cause it shows how close and protective they were of each other since forever. Then he gives her the wooden knight so she can be brave. I'm soft.
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Then there's this one too ! I love how Rebekah was actually the only one to ever stand against mikeal, she even tried to kill him, just for Klaus. So much devotion.
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I'm still not over this one, the hurt on Rebekah's voice as she says those words, Klaus's tears, the whole episode was so angsty but this scene was IT. and then he realised what he did to her, that instead of protecting her he was hurting and suffocating her so he did something he's not used to do, being selfless, and he let her go.
The 1×22 scene: LITTERALY on top of my fav scenes list ! Klaus giving hope to Rebekah proved how much he trusted her "there's no one I would trust more with my daughter's life" and the fact that she came back just for him (and hope) proved that she never really wanted to leave, she just needed a little freedom. Then when he handed her the little toy I WAS IN TEARS OKAY, it was so soft. They were so happy and relieved to see each other again.
-2×09: "if anything goes south I'll be there to pull you out" "you and I on the same team it must me Christmas" he promised to protect her at any cost and she knew he will. Them teaming up against Esther was so great, then the "take me instead" , Klaus was WILLING to sacrifice his immortal life for REBEKAH, if this isn't pure love then I don't know what it is.
-2×17: another episode losing his shit because his wife-sorry sister is in danger. He let Freya enter his mind just to save her (and he was so suspicious about it cause he didn't want her to know his strategies but in fact he was just afraid she'll know about his questionable taste in woman lmaoo)
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And this mf scene is so cute, look at their smiles, the forehead touch, his hand on her neck, here on his arm, FOR YOU FOR NOW. I can't believe this is actually canon.
-2×22: "family tradition!" "Minus the family."
"Well, you're here."" In the skin of your choosing, no less."
"Well, poor you. Because that body is such a hardship."
"You would hand over your crown? And do what?" "Raise my daughter... with the help of my sisters. One big, happy family."
" Now, that does sound grand-- minus the giant, Elijah-sized hole in the room. And, whilst your sisters raise your child, what will the child's mother be doing, exactly?"
"This, dear brother, is not what happiness looks like."
This scene was so important, Klaus was wrong and he needed someone to remind him that what he did was not necessary, that he hurt most of his family, and rebekah was there for that. He wished she'd stray with him to "raise" his daughter but after this scene we see Freya offering her Eva's body so she leaves.
-3×09: "you're always leaving" "and I always come back" THEN THE DAMN HUG. their hugs are always so good, the way they close their eyes and hold each other tight and they seem like they never want to let go of each other. Then she has to leave and make Elijah dagger her without telling Nik, cause she wants Nik to be happy for once.
-3×22: "wasn't you who once told me I could talk my way out of hell " and then they smile affectionately at each other and HUG tightly. After this he took her hand and they both walk to their possible end, and she watches him getting stabbed by marcel after she was forced to say all those things she did and didn't think. The whole trial scene was a masterpiece. I love it.
-4×02: this EP was full of klebekah soft scenes. There was the reunion HUG . the way she runs to him the second she sees him and the way he reaches to her and hugs her tightly to his chest.
The kiss on the cheek after "thank you for not abandoning me" and the way he smiles at her was so SOFT OMG.
-4×03: the goodbye hug "Nik you do not need me anymore, I know that I'm your fav sibling and of course I adore you" "you were the only one who never treated me like s misfit, for centuries my only place was by your side...." AND THEY HUG TIGHTLY AGAIN. this was the first time Klaus let Rebekah do whatever the hell she wanted without fighting or daggering and it was revolutionary to her. (The fact that she's his fav sibling and she KNOWS it makes me so happy lmao).
-5×01: their phone call about Elijah. They were both so lost and devastated without him it broke my heart. "How does he look?" "Happy.."
-5×08: "ah Nik always so dramatic"
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They were so happy to be reunited after 7 years of being apart, look at them hugging each other so tightly. I LOVE this scene.
-5×12: then there's the goodbye scene, Klaus gave her the cure so he can make up for a thousand years of hurt, "live the life you've always wanted to live, MY SISTER" the way he looked at her so proudly, so in love makes me cry. In my opinion he gave her the cure so they can reunite again in the afterlife. Both him and Elijah can't live or die without her, they're supposed to be together, they're meant to be together and the cure will bring her to them, to him, again. It was such a good scene, the hug, the last glances, everything.
And that's it!!! I'm sure I forgot some other scenes but those are the most important. ❤️
45 notes · View notes
rileymarie · 3 years
Buffy Season 8 - Episode 1 Pt. 1
Buffy has just awakened all the potential slayers. How will the gang, and the world, cope with the sudden changes? And what secret is Willow keeping about Tara?
TL;DR I refuse to accept Tara is dead so I’m bringing her back! Get over it!
It looks like a nice, normal quiet house on a quiet street.
Classical music plays.
Spike is sitting on the couch beside Giles. Dawn is on the floor on her computer. It's all quiet and calm as Spike flips through the channels. Suddenly-
(yells loudly)
Hey. Who recorded over passions?! Dawn?!
It wasn't me!
Spike turns to Giles, who says nothing for a few moments.
...There happened to be a very fascinating documentary on Ebola on!
Great! Now what are we gonna watch?
The door bursts open as Buffy bursts through the door. Spike Giles and Dawn all stand up.
Thank god. Is there any news?
Hey, I'm doing the best I can here. Does anyone else want to go out there and try and do better?
It's quiet. Spike shakes his head. Dawn shrugs and Giles laughs sardonically.
Alright. Well, we just have to wait. The internet guy should be coming in the morning and hopefully everything will be back up then-
The morning?
You're kidding!
Hey, it wasn't my idea to have us move out into the boonies!
(glaring at Giles)
It was necessary! When Willow activated all those new slayers-
We know the drill, Giles. When Willow activated all the slayers, a ton of mystical forces went kabloo-y-
Unbalancing the forces of nature-
Making all those shrouded in mystical whats-it a giant target for evil, uh... forces.
Which I still don't think translates into "hide out until things blow over." I should be out there, Giles. Helping the new slayers.
You and Willow. When evil comes knocking, it's going to be after you two. Which is why we need to keep you safe. Until this all blows over and all the forces-We've got Kennedy and the others to do that. You're the one that started all this Buffy.
Buffy Dawn and Spike look between each other.
Rebalance themselves.
Which will be...?
Giles frowns.
Guys can you give us a minute?
Sure. Me and little sis need to have a talk anyway. About something I call "unreasonable bathroom time."
He shoves her out of the room with a laugh. Dawn rolls her eyes.
(sighs, sits down and shrugs)
Willow's plan to activate all the slayers with the scythe, while being an ingenious one, effected the very nature of the slayer line.
It didn't just effect it. It unleashed it, Giles. Every girl who could be -
Now is, I know. But who knows how many other mythical beings it effected? How many different dimensions it rippled into? We have no idea what she's done-
Cut to Willow coming down the stairs, stopping in the hall as she overhears them.
Our world is irrevocably changed now. We don't know how much, how many things are different now.
But it's good, right?
The coven says that there are more hot spots now than ever.
Hot spots? Meaning-
Hellmouths. Possibly. I'm afraid activating all the slayers has shifted the scales, yes, but maybe not how we intended.
Willow sighs, looking guilty. This is not the first time she's hearing this, and she knows what's been going on.
It's bad out there Giles. Even here, in the middle of nowhere. Vampires, demons, all the forces out in full force.
Giles seems to notice her for the first time.
Buffy, are you hurt?
He touches her face where there's a bruise.
I won, but it's getting a little too close for comfort. They're angry. I feel it. They didn't like our little magic spell.
You need to rest. With all the other slayers, I don't see why you have to-
Just because everyone got activated doesn't mean I got de-activated... I still have to do my part.
I know, you just seem so...
(looks up in shock)
Don't say old.
I was going to say tired. I was hoping by bringing us here, you'd get a chance to finally rest. Without, being you know-
Spike, he's been patrolling with you... He's helping?
(she smiles, a soft spot for Spike)
Yeah. He helps.
Dawn is sitting on the toilet across from Spike, who sits on the bathtub edge.
And that's why bathroom time is very important, even for vampires.
I get it, jeeze, will you -
They turn to see Willow walking by the bathroom.
Oh hey! Look, it's Willow!
Willow smiles half-heartedly. She seems drained and depressed.
You showing Dawnie how to flush the toilet again?
Hey, I so don't need help with that... Anymore. It's very old fashioned ok!?
Anyway. Think Giles & Buffy are done with their "forces of evil?" talk? I still have a ton of homework to do. Too bad saving the world didn't save me from homework, huh?
She laughs nervously.
Or actually save the world.
She sighs and crosses the hall, goes into her room and sits on the bed. Spike follows her, knocks on the side of the door.
You don't have to knock, you live here, remember?
Yes, well, my new soul comes with all kinds of news manners, turns out.
Willow flips a page in her book, ignoring him.
You alright there, Red? You're looking bluer than usual.
(he smiles at his joke)
You uh, hear all that down there, did you?
How did you? Oh, yeah, vampire. I keep forgetting.
Sorry. Don't take it personal. I keep forgetting I'm a powerful witch, what with every spell I do blowing up in my face and all that.
They're just worried, that's all. That don't mean your spell didn't help or nothin, Red.
Really, because it seems like it just made it all a whole lot worse.
It didn't-
It's just, one second you're all white hair and goddessy- connected to everything. And the next you're...
You again?
Willow nods.
If this is about Kennedy, I can go find her, rip her heart out for you. Soul might hurt a little bit, but hell. you know I never really liked her for you anyway. Not like-
He bites his lip, cursing himself.
Well, you know.
Thanks. But it's not all Kennedy's fault. I think she knew something was off... after that spell.
What's that?
When I did the spell, I felt something... I think I felt...
(lowly, almost ashamed)
Spike frowns.
Just for a moment... She was there with me...
(starts to cry, coming back to herself)
Anyway, things were never the same after that. Think that's why she decided to become "Sargent General." Give her time away, from me. I don't know. Or maybe she was just scared...
You know you're the reason any of us are even alive right now?
The spell- it went wrong.
Not that spell. The spell you did. Bringing Buffy back.
Cut to Buffy coming up the stairs. She stops in the hall, listening.
You saved her. Saved me that day too. Never properly thanked you for that... But um, you know, if you ever need- If there's anyway I can help you-
You can't. Thank you. But that's the thing about the slayer, about Buffy.
She got to come back.
Buffy looks down sadly.
(calling up the stairs)
Guys! Get down here!
We follow her into the kitchen just as everyone comes down the stairs, Dawn, Willow, Spike. Giles comes in from the living room.
What is it?
Did something happen?
Where's the demon!? I'll kill him!
Oh, uh, sorry to disappoint. It's just dinner!
She points to the pasta she's straining in the sink. Everyone breathes a sigh of relief.
Wow, you actually cooked?
(starting to put the pasta into bowls)
Excuse me, I used to cook all the time...
(to their confused glances)
at the doublemeat palace, remember?!
Sorry love, but I don't really eat past-
Buffy opens and shoves a packet of blood at him. She continues to dish out pasta into bowls.
Now I want everyone to sit down at the table. We're going to have a nice family dinner, without any talk of demons or danger or the forces of evil - for once. Think we can handle that?
They all look at Giles.
Well, it's not my fault - ! There *Are* mystical forces at wor-
Fine. But if we die, I'm blaming all of you.
One family dinner isn't going to kill us.
They all sit eating their dinner quietly. It's almost awkward, with Spike slurping his blood.
So uh - Buffy - any word from Xander?
(they all look nervous)
Which is probably good, right? It means his retreat thing is going well... probably.
Or it means his retreat thing is going horrible and he met a bunch of demons who want to kill him for helping us activate all the slayers and he's - well, you know.
Buffy's eyes go wide.
(crosses her arms)
Everyone else was thinking it.
(smiling dismissively)
No, we weren't. Xander can take care of himself.
(they all look confused about that)
That's what he said anyway. Not like he was listening to reason. After Anya -
(she shakes her head)
It was brutal. I don't think he realized how much...
She looks at Willow and breaks off. Spike smiles sadly at Buffy and squeezes her hand under the table.
(clearing his throat)
Well, this is delicious Buffy.
Yeah. Much better than your doublemeat burgers.
Thank you, I think. So, Dawnie, tell us about your schoolwork. How's online classes going?
Oh, you know. A little boring after researching how to kill an unkillable demon for weeks. But I'm getting through the slog.
(smiles encouragingly)
Well it's great you're getting on with it, Dawn. You know I always say that an educated mind is a-
That's great, Giles. And Will. How, um, are you doing?
Spike raises an eyebrow at Buffy. Willow doesn't look like she heard, just moving the pasta around on a plate. After a few moments of staring, she finally realizes and looks up.
(looking alive)
Hm? Ohhh, me! I'm good. We activated the slayers and we uh - we won the good fight against- Well, I'm not supposed to bring up the forces of evil, but you know! We did it! Horray!
Giles takes his glasses off and wipes them, examining Willow. She takes a sip of her wine.
If you need to talk Willow-
I don't. Wha - what could there be to talk about?
You don't have to-
Well and what's with the sudden interest in me anyway?! Since when has this been the Willow show, huh?
The wine in her glass starts to shake.
(laughs under her breath)
I mean, it's definitely not "The Willow Show"
I think the Spike show sounds pretty cool actually.
Ha, you wish!
All those sound ridiculous.
Thank you for concern. But I'm fine, really. I'm just very thirsty all of a sudden.
(she picks up her glass and drains it)
And now I'm going to go sleep off my inevitable drunk. So...
(still cheery)
She gets up and leaves. Her glass shatters. Dawn screams.
Well, that went well.
I think there's glass in my pasta...
Buffy knocks on Willow's door. She finds Willow sitting on her bed reading.
You ok?
Yes, I told you, I'm fine, Buffy.
You sure cause-
Mhmm. Thanks for dinner.
Buffy and Spike are unmaking their bed.
I just don't get why she won't talk to me about it. She talked to you about it!
(taking a pillow off his side of the bed)
Knew I smelled you eavesdropping.
Well, duh. You think I make dinner just for fun or something?
It just doesn't make any sense. I'm her best friend! Why would she pick you over me?
You're jealous! Jealous of me and Red.
We have a connection.
That better be a spiritual connection.
(rolls his eyes)
I'm good Buffy, but I don't think I'm that good.
Don't be so sure
Oh yeah?
She shrugs.
Well, maybe it makes more sense than you think, Buffy.
You & Willow!?
(rolls his eyes)
Her talking to me. Confiding in a neutral party and all? Vampire- I do walk between worlds you know?
You walk between worlds? Hello, I died - twice!
Yeah, and do you remember deeply traumatic that was? How you kept it from all of your friends, seeing as it was kind of their fault to begin with?
Ok, now I don't even know where you're going with this.
Did you hear what she said? She must've connected to some mystical whats-it Heaven dimension when she did that All-Mighty Slayer spell, connected to Tara.
(sits on the bed)
Well she didn't do it for me! I mean - I didn't ask her - it's not my fault-
I'm just saying, it seems familiar, that's all.
All the more reason that she should be able to talk to me about it!
(sighs and lays on the bed)
Just give her time.
He pulls Buffy into his arms. She sighs, resting his head on his chest. He kisses her cheek.
Speaking of time?
Oh, I knew you were gonna bring that back around.
It's just- I know what I did to hurt you Buffy. And you know I'd never do that again. And I respect you needing all the time in the world, of course. Hey, all I've got is time.
Yeah, yeah - but?
(planting kisses on her neck and shoulder)
Just seems like this, being here. All disconnected from the world, away from Sunnyhell. Kind of romantic. A chance to start over, that's all.
Buffy smirks and looks up at him, placing her hands on his chest.
Well, it's not like I haven't thought-
Dawn pounds on the wall.
Are you guys gonna have sex or what? Cause I swear it's quieter than you talking right now!
(mutters and blushes)
Oh my god.
(looking at Spike)
You were saying something about romance?
He sighs.
And it is so not quieter.
Spike laughs.
Willow is sleeping, dreaming of Tara.
Find me, Willow.
I'll always find you-
Willow wakes up in her bed. She feels the pillow beside her and starts to smile.
She opens her eyes and she's alone. She wipes tears off her eyes. She gets angry. Willow, without thinking, mutters something in Latin and a book flies at her. She opens it.
There's a knock at her door. Quickly, Willow hides the book under her covers.
Willow, breakfast.
Be right there.
She looks down at the book, hardly believing what she was doing. She gets up and puts it back in the shelf.
Willow comes downstairs to a packed kitchen. Spike's even up, sitting next to Buffy his arm around her waist, well away from the window. Dawn and Giles are chatting happily together.
Buffy, spotting Willow, sits up and brushes Spike's hand off her.
Hey - Willow! Honey - get off!
(she playfully swats Spike's hand away)
It's ok - you guys don't have to-
Buffy sighs defeatedly.
It's just, we don't want you to feel-
It's ok. I'm ok, really. And sorry about last night, you guys. I guess my powers are still a little-
No, don't even worry about it.
Yeah, the glass added some much needed crunchiness to the salad!
Willow smiles sheepishly. She feels awkward.
You know, I was actually thinking of getting out a little today. Exploring the town a little.
Oh really? You want some company?
Yeah, I'm going a little stir crazy myself.
Uh, actually, I kind of need-
Space, of course! Right.
Yeah. But maybe we could all do something tonight? After you patrol, maybe?
I dunno, all this fighting is kind of wearing me out. I thought Sunnydale was bad. This town is like on crack. Demon crack. Much sore-ness.
(petting her back)
You should take a night off, love. One night off isn't going to end the world.
Tell that to those demons that tried ending the world last week.
Yes, there's definitely some kind of energy upset now that-
Buffy glares at Giles, who breaks off. Willow frowns.
You're right. We should all do something together today.
Really? What about needing-
Space. Overrated. Who knows what kind of trouble I'll get into on my own anyway?
Yeah, you might go evil again and try ending the world or something.
They all look at each other nervously.
What? Come on! Too soon!?
Willow sighs shakily and smiles.
Some people are gathered around a pentagram holding candles, chanting.
The gang - Giles, Buffy, Willow and Dawn - have their popcorn and candy.
Kind of funny Spike couldn't come, but we decided to do the one thing that involved a completely dark windowless room.
Oh yeah.
Well, if you ask me, it's a good thing. You don't want to become too dependent, Buffy, you are still the
(regular voice)
after all.
Well, luckily nobody asked you.
You guys are spending a lot of time together.
(to Buffy's look)
It's uh, cuteeee!
What, you think we're co-dependent or something?
Careful, Buff. Co-dependence. That's a killer-
She stops dead in her tracks. A woman that looks disturbingly like Tara from behind is examining a poster. Willow's heart skips a beat, until she turns when a guy touches her shoulder and she turns, revealing it's not her. Willow sighs.
This'll be fun! I can't even remember the last time we all hung out and did something fun together.
They all sit stunned in the movie theater. Buffy has her hand covered over Dawn's eyes.
Good lord, did he just -
Ah huh.
I think I'm going barf.
When did movies get so bloody?
Let me see!
She moves Buffy's hand away and gasps and brings it back.
Should we leave?
Maybe, let's just give it -
Willow looks at the screen, where Tara is. She's wearing the outfit she wore when she died. When we cut back to Tara, Buffy and all the others are gone, it's just her alone in the darkness.
T-Tara? Tara? Is that you baby?
It's me.
N-no, it's a trick. They tricked me, made me believe you -
Willow, listen carefully. I don't have a lot of time. I'm trapped. I need your help.
Willow stands up.
T-trapped? Trapped where?!
I don't know. I tried - i tried to get back to you - after- But they wouldn't let me leave.
They? Who?
The spell. Remember the spell we used to bring Buffy back?
Of course, but-
That's why this is happening, why all this is all happening. It created s-some kind of divergence, a rift in the timeline-
S- so what does that mean? We have to go back, all Back to the Future style?
It's too late for that. We've already created a new timeline. Wh- what you did - awakening all the slayers. It also woke up something else. Something very powerful, and dangerous.
I- I did that?
I was with you. Protecting you. You felt me, didn't you?
Where are you?!
I have to go. They want me back.
Who? Where are you!?
Where does all mystical energy go when it's trapped, Will? Think.
Think? I - I can't - Y - you're supposed to give it to the earth - but, your grave, it's back in Sunnydale - I can't get to it, all of that's gone-
Forget about the body, Will. That it's me. I'm right here.
(she starts to disappear, but her voice echoes)
Come find me.
She disappears, leaving Willow alone and sobbing. Suddenly, the lights come on. Buffy and Giles who were all talking, obviously in a separate dimension from Willow and Tara, all look at Willow. She stops crying and looks angry, determined.
Will? You ok? Will?
She gets up.
Willow is walking out. Buffy following her.
Willow? Where are you going?
Willow doesn't answer. Buffy grabs her arm, stepping in front of her.
Willow, what is going on?! You're scaring me.
She's trapped, Buffy. I have to save her.
Wait - Who? Who's trapped?
Tara? You saw Tara.
She spoke to me. Something's wrong, Buffy, I can feel it. She's trapped somewhere, trying to reach me - in some kind of mystical dimension. She said where does mystical energy go when it's trapped - she said-
Willow, think. This could be some kind of trick, you remember what the first did.
It's not the first. It's her, Buffy.
(grabs her arm)
If you try to stop me -
(she breaks off, not knowing what she's gonna do, probably go evil again)
I'm not gonna stop you. I wanna help. What do we need?
Buffy and Willow are walking together. Buffy snaps her cell phone shut.
Giles is gonna take Dawn home. He said to be careful.
That's the problem, isn't it?
What do you mean?
After - what happened... I've been too careful. You were right what you said before, Buffy. About not using my power, about being afraid. I've been so scared this whole time of what might happen... It's stopped me.
(thinking about her and Spike)
Right... I get that.
But we still don't know-
There's no way to. But I already messed everything up, Buffy. The slayers being activated- Giles is right. It's caused some sort of shift. Things that were bad before are just gonna get worse. The playing field is always gonna keep leveling, against us.
You did a thing, Will. Think about how many girls you saved.
Did I? They're still gonna die - And if they don't? What kind of life do they get, Buffy? Brutal. Bloody. You should know better than anyone. I don't know, sometimes I think it would've been better-
What? If we just let everything get sucked into hell? You made a hard choice, Will. We both did.
And the consequences are still coming. Tara - she said she protected me. From something I - we woke up, with the scythe. And now she's trapped, because of me. But I'm gonna get her out.
We both are.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Midnight Mass: It’s Time to Talk About That Monstrous Twist
This article contains huge spoilers for Midnight Mass. So help me God if you read this without watching the series first…
The version of Midnight Mass that Netflix advertised still would have made for a compelling horror series. 
An isolated, insular island community? Great. A young, charismatic preacher suddenly coming to town to shake things up? Perfect. That preacher proving capable of performing minor miracles? Love it, no notes! 
Of course, as viewers who have watched at least four episodes of the seven-episode series now know, Midnight Mass has one extra supernatural twist in mind that elevates an already interesting story to true mind-blowing status. Critics were understandably asked to keep this aspect of the show a secret before it premiered. So please indulge me as I finally slay these embargo demons and get it off my chest.
Vampires. Vampires! V-A-M-P-I-R-E-S. VAMPIRES! VAMPIRES VAMPIRES VAMPIRES! Literally like Dracula. And Nosferatu. Anne Rice’s Lestat. Stephen King’s ‘Salem’s Lot. Vampires. VAMPIRES, BRO, VAMPIRES.
For creator Mike Flanagan, a filmmaker influenced by all manner of classic horror, bringing the fanged bloodsuckers to life was a long time coming.
“My favorite vampire movie is (Werner) Herzog’s Nosferatu,” Flanagan told Den of Geek and other outlets prior to the premiere of Midnight Mass. “That film is the vampire story as high art. I also adore From Dusk Till Dawn. I read Dracula young enough for it to really burrow in for me. And I read ‘Salem’s Lot early enough to color an enormous amount of work that I’ll do for the rest of my life.”
Midnight Mass’s depiction of the mythological undead beast and how it can neatly fit into Christian dogma is one of the most satisfying horror twists in years. Now that the truth is out, let’s discuss Midnight Mass and how it conflates vampires and biblical angels. 
Mistaking a Vampire for an Angel
The interesting thing about Midnight Mass is that it clearly takes place in a universe where the average person has no knowledge of what a vampire is. Even Sarah Gunning (Annabeth Gish), arguably the most well-read person on Crockett Island, has to do some research into “porphyria cutanea tarda” (a.k.a. the real life “vampire disease”). This is similar to The Walking Dead’s approach to zombies, in which the “z” word and George A. Romero’s name are never spoken. This strategy in Midnight Mass allows for a truly fascinating case of mistaken identity.
While viewers immediately know that the creature Monsignor John Pruitt (Hamish Linklater) encounters is a vampire, he believes it to be an angel. Given how studied Pruitt is in the Bible and Cathloic theology, it’s entirely understandable why he would think a tall, muscular, bald-headed beast with fangs and leathery wings is an angel. As it turns out, the angels of the Old Testament can be truly terrifying. 
Not all angels are soft-featured human-like creatures with fluffy white bird wings. Some, like Seraphim, Cherubim, and Thrones are designed to intimidate God’s enemies. In the New Testament’s Book of Luke, an angel visits Zechariah and immediately asks him to “be not afraid” because the angel can see the poor guy absolutely shaking in his boots upon his arrival. Angels being terrifying is even something of an Internet meme, with users contrasting the phrase “be not afraid” with images of truly monstrous beasts. 
Not only does Pruitt’s vampire have the vague appearance of an angel, it also apparently holds the secrets to eternal life as promised in the Bible. By merely drinking some of the “angel’s” blood, a good Christian can live forever just like God says. Does that blood-drinking sacrament sound familiar? It did to Mike Flanagan.
“In Bible school I used to say ‘if the wine turns into Jesus’s blood literally and we’re drinking it so that we can live forever … that seems like a short leap to vampiric myth.’”
Of course, drinking the angel’s fluids in the case of Midnight Mass also leads to some unwanted side effects like a thirst for blood and extreme sensitivity to sunlight. Thankfully, good ol’ Bev Keane always has a Bible quote ready to go for that. When read through the proper perspective, the Holy Bible may as well be the original vampire story. 
The Rules of Vampirism
“The thing that I love about the vampire as a cinematic tool is how malleable it is,” Flanagan says. “We all agree that there is no canon. There are no rules. In fact, part of the joy is seeing what rules people cherry pick as they approach a vampire story.”
All depictions of vampires are indeed quite different. Vampires can range from the classic Stoker-ian monster to Twilight’s nigh-invulnerable sparkle bois. Midnight Mass’s version of the vampire leans towards the classic, albeit with some tweaks. In terms of appearance, The Angel (as we will be calling Midnight Mass’s O.G. vampire for simplicity’s sake) has a more bestial look like Nosferatu rather than an aristocratic one like Count Dracula or Anne Rice’s creations. 
“We winked at (Nosferatu the Vampyr actor) Klaus Kinski a few times when we designed our guy,” Flanagan says.
Though the Angel resembles Nosferatu in appearance, its vulnerabilities owe more to Rice’s The Vampire Chronicles. Religious iconography does not appear to hurt the Angel nor its thralls. Traditional human weapons like bullets or blades also do no harm (at least not mortally). These vampires are, however, tremendously susceptible to both fire and sunlight. Exposure to the latter for even a few seconds is enough to kill the Angel and his many acolytes. 
Read more
Why Midnight Mass is Mike Flanagan’s Most Personal Work
By Alec Bojalad
Midnight Mass Cast: Previous Credits From Hill House to Bly Manor, Legion & Sherlock
By Louisa Mellor
Like in Rice’s works as well, the path to creating a new vampire is quite simple. Step 1: Drink its blood. Step 2: Die. In Dracula and ‘Salem’s Lot, the method of vampire creation is merely being bit by one, zombie-style. Rice and Flanagan’s approach is quite a bit more intentional and interesting. It also opens the door for perhaps Midnight Mass’s most ingenious storytelling quirk: communion. John Pruitt is able to get nearly the entirety of Crockett Island to become a vampire by spiking the communion wine with his buddy’s blood. Then, all that remains is for them to poison themselves to death, Jonestown-style. 
The mass “resurrection” scene in which the congregation awakes as their new vampire selves also provides some insight to just how hard it is to contain the vampire’s overwhelming hunger. Riley Flynn was able to resist it when he turned because John Pruitt babysat him like a psychedelic mushroom guide. The plan for the rest of the congregation was to have their babysitters as well but that didn’t quite work out. Still, Riley’s dad Ed makes it clear to his wife Annie, that even if it’s hard to resist the call for blood, it’s not impossible. 
“When I saw them at the church, I thought it was something they really couldn’t help. Like something impossible not to do. But it isn’t, Annie,” he says.
Maybe if more vampires were like Ed Flynn, a whole island full of vampires wouldn’t be too bad of a thing in the first place. 
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How to Defeat a Vampire
While every vampire story presents its own unique take on the creature, the answer on how to defeat a vampire is usually the same: by doing it together.
“We poor humans only have so much that we can give,” Flanagan says. “We’re ill-equipped as individuals to make any kind of meaningful stand. The only way evil in the world can be brought down is through collective effort. That’s something Stoker understands inherently. It’s clearly something King understands.”
Alongside the aforementioned Bram Stoker and Stephen King, Flanagan presents a small team of humans at story’s end who will do what it takes to defeat evil, even if it means dying in the process. Erin Greene (Kate Siegel), Dr. Sarah Gunning, Sheriff Hassan (Rahul Kohli), Annie Flynn (Kristin Lehman), Warren Flynn (Igby Rigney), and Leeza Scarborough (Annarah Cymone) are the six residents of Crockett Island brave enough to try to take down the Angel. All but two (Warren and Leeza) die. They do succeed in eliminating the immediate threat on Crockett Island but it’s possible the Angel made it away to suck blood another day, damaged wings and all.
What’s interesting about Midnight Mass’s “final crew” is that six appears to be the magic number when it comes to taking down a vampire. Stoker’s Dracula has six heroes: Jonathan Harker, Mina Harker nèe Murray, Arthur Holmwood (Lord Godalming), John Seward, Quincey Morris, and Abraham Van Helsing (of which, only poor American cowboy Quincey Morris dies). King’s ‘Salem’s Lot also has six: Ben Mears, Matt Burke, Susan Norton, Mark Petrie, Jimmy Cody, and Father Callahan (of which, decidedly more than one of them die). This strange bit of arithmancy is something we asked Flanagan about.
“The number was certainly not intentional,” he says. “Once it was clear that Riley was not going to be carrying the torch to the end it really was about asking ‘who are the characters who seem in the very beginning to be at a disadvantage and how do we empower them in the end?’ This was gonna be played out by Sarah Gunning, Sheriff Hassan, and everyone else who would get to just give a little piece.”
Considering that Erin and company were outnumbered about 117 to six, it was a pretty good showing for Crockett Island’s last humans standing.
All seven episodes of Midnight Mass are available to stream on Netflix now.
The post Midnight Mass: It’s Time to Talk About That Monstrous Twist appeared first on Den of Geek.
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ljf613 · 4 years
So could you please explain Sessrin to me? I'm not in the fandom nor have I watched the show but from what little I've been told the antis (as usual) have completely mischaracterized the whole thing.
P. S. Can we please ban grooming from the fandom lexicon? It lacks semantic meaning other than age gap bad.
Well, it’s been a while since I last saw/read Inuyasha, and I’m super-behind on Yashahime, but I do love SessRin and am pretty bummed about the amount of hate this ship has been getting lately, so I’m going to do my best to share why I love these two so much. 
First off, anyone who uses the word ‘grooming’ either doesn’t know what that word means, or was not seeing the same story I was. The definition of grooming is “befriending and establishing an emotional connection with a child, and sometimes the family, to lower the child's inhibitions with the objective of sexual abuse.” This never happened. Sesshomaru did not look at this traumatiized child and go “hmm, how I can I best get her to trust me so that I can convince her to sleep with me” or whatever-- in fact, a large part of their dynamic is Rin choosing, over and over, to stand by him even as he is actively trying to push her away. (And considering that I suspect many of these antis are also Sesshomaru fans, the fact that they’re so quick to launch such a serious and out-of-character accusation at him is rather strange.) 
Here’s their story in a nutshell (and, again, I may be slightly misremembering details, it’s been a while): Rin, whose entire family was slaughtered by human bandits, comes across Sesshomaru in the woods and is initially terrified because, you know, demon. However, despite her fear, she realizes that he’s been injured and incapacitated, and does her best to try and help him (cleaning his wounds, getting him food and water, etc).  Sesshomaru, who, up until this point, has been a fairly typical demonic antagonist with your standard mindset of, “humans are stupid, selfish, and weak,” is understandably bewildered by this, and tries to scare her off. It doesn’t really work. This goes on for some time. (Several days? Weeks? IDEK.)  One day, after Rin returns to her village, a tribe of demons arrives and kills everyone. Rin tries to run back to the woods and escape, but the demons eventually catch and kill her. Sesshomaru finds her body, and, for some reason even he doesn’t understand, decides to use his magic sword that brings people back from the dead (yes he has one of those) to revive her. (This is significant because up until this point he has never even used the sword, as he hated the fact that he’d gotten the stupid healing sword while his little brother got the cool, killing sword.)  And Rin, who has no one left and no home to go back to, decides to travel with him.  (One of the interesting things here is that, despite the fact that she was killed by demons, Rin is actually more afraid of humans, because they’re the ones who murdered her family.) 
Their relationship throughout the course of the story is fascinating. At first glance, it might seem like Sesshomaru is always the one saving her, but she saves him too. Rin forced him to acknowledge that the world wasn’t black-and-white, that humans were complex, that just because he didn’t like someone or something didn’t mean it didn’t have a right to exist. Sesshomaru’s arc is subtle, but by the end of the story, he’s fighting side by side with the heroes-- something that would never have happened if he hadn’t met Rin. 
Now, the thing here is that, for most of the story Rin is eight years old. Their relationship is never, ever shown as sexual, but there’s clearly love there, and the implication the story ends with is that they will likely get together once Rin is older. I’ve heard antis say that they read the relationship as being more along the lines of “Sesshomaru ‘adopts’ Rin,” which explains a lot. However, I personally never saw it that way. They were partners-- just because Rin didn’t take out a sword and fight off anyone who tried to hurt Sesshomaru doesn’t mean she she was primarily on the receiving end of the relationship.  (In a story about battling evil, where nearly all of the characters are these awesome fighters, it’s pretty cool to see a character who is not a warrior, who just gives and loves and trusts and cares, and is never treated as lesser by either the characters or the narrative because of this. I really love Rin.) I think it’s a cultural thing-- people are used to the narrative of ‘coldhearted bachelor meets and adopts lovable scamp who reminds him how to love again’ and are primed to see it even in a story from an entirely different culture set five hundred years in the past. 
(Part of it is also about shipping wars-- many of the antis ship Sesshomaru with other characters, particularly Kagura, and would rather make the argument about morality versus just saying that they would prefer something a little different.) 
Here’s where I admit it gets a little bit sticky: How much of this is Rin just imprinting on Sesshomaru and using him as an excuse to avoid her trauma surrounding other humans?  And the narrative did a great job of resolving this dilemma. Near the end of the story, Rin leaves Sesshomaru. She goes to live among humans, to learn how to be human again, so that once she’s an adult, she has the agency to make an informed decision about what she really wants. 
There happens to be an audio-drama CD that was released in Japan sometime after the show ended, which is set just after the original story ends (when Rin is eleven). In it, Sesshomaru says something to Rin which is referred to by one of the other characters as a ‘proposal.’ Now, I don’t follow anti discourse, so I’m not sure if they know about it, but I can imagine they’d have a field day with that one. “Omigoodness, he proposed to an eleven year old, that’s so creepy.”  However, there’s some context involved. The word ‘proposal’ is used by one of the other characters-- who happens to have time-travelled from five hundred years later (that is, the present day). The whole plot of the CD starts when she complains to her husband/lover/whatever-their-relationship-status-is-supposed-to-be that he never actually proposed to her, and since he doesn’t know what a proposal is (because, again, culture gap), he thinks it’s some sort of monster she wants him to go fight for her before they can actually be married, and hilaraity ensues. She calls Sesshomaru’s words to Rin a proposal as in “see, that’s what a proposal is supposed to look like.” It has very little to do with SessRin in and of themselves. 
For reference, here’s what Sesshomaru actually said in this so-called ‘proposal’ (thanks to @inu-drama for the translation): 
“Rin, have you grown accustomed to life in the village?  No one is bullying you or anything?  Did you make a kimono out of the cloth I gave you the other day?  When you are troubled, or anxious, or sad, or any other time, feel free to call on me.  I will come to you immediately.  Even if we are far apart, if you call my name I will absolutely come flying to you.  If you cannot speak, you can whistle. Whistle through your fingers, if you like.  Distance is no object. Our hearts are tied together.  With the power of trust, there is nothing to fear.  Simply having that feeling should be enough to fill your heart.  That is why it is fine for things to remain as they are for now.  We have plenty of time.  You can examine your heart at your own pace.  Until then, take care of yourself.” 
(Is there something inherently creepy or predatory about that?) 
To me, SessRin is about love, in its purest form. It’s about believing in someone when the rest of the world is against them. It’s about choosing the person who chooses you. It’s about learning and growing and changing together. 
What’s that quote-- I think it was from Dawson’s Creek or something?  “What's a soulmate?” “It's uh... Well, it's like a best friend but more. It's the one person in the world that knows you better than anyone else. It's someone who makes you a better person. Actually, they don't make you a better person, you do that yourself - because they inspire you. A soulmate is someone who you carry with you forever. It's the one person who knew you and accepted you and believed in you before anyone else did, or when no one else would. And no matter what happens, you will always love them. Nothing can ever change that.” Yeah, that one. That’s what SessRin is about. 
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ziracona · 4 years
helllo, hope you're well. I was just curious if you had any thoughts on Zarina? She's such a left out character in the fandom that it's incredibly rare to find any content for her and was curious on your thoughts on her! Of course if you're not up for this question, please ignore. Love your content <3
Thank you so much! I’m very glad you like it. : )
I am doing...okay? Stuff has been a lot. But uhhhh like, when has it not been since December 2019 for me TuT. Thank you for asking! <3
I do have thoughts on her. In a funny way, she is kind of the only post-Jane survivor (sans ST kids) I’ve actually written for, because I did a comic for a friend who runs a Cheryl Mason ask blog a while back.
I think she’s an extremely cool and very underrated character too! Her story is interesting, and sad, and she’s got so much potential. She’s a passionate, earnest, hardworking, and determined young woman with a strong heart and a lot of commitment and empathy. Also highly intelligent and skilled, quick thinker, and resilient. The fact she kept about after such an awful experience her first time doing an expose piece when she was entirely in the right is incredibly hardcore and inspiring. And I mean, this girl forced herself to have extended, calm conversations with her father’s brutal, racist murderer, in order to slowly figure out how he ticked and push his buttons and get a confession that could bump his charges up from manslaughter to murder, and create some small amount of true justice for her father. That’s fucking insane! That’s hardcore as hell! Idk if you have ever had to be in a position where you were forced to be calm towards someone who had done something atrocious to you, but even at a much lower level than “you murdered my parent,” it is intensely difficult and agonizing.
It’s deeply sad that what got her captured by the Entity was her passion for truth and justice and speaking for people who were silenced, which are all phenomenally good traits. She had no personal stake in what happened to Caleb Quinn, aside from having experienced unfairness towards immigrants firsthand and some small flame of kinship there. But she broke into the old wing anyway, because she thought he deserved the truth to be known. And the Entity got her. It’s fascinating, you know, because usually the Entity takes people who are alone. People who won’t be missed, or will only be missed by family, or people who are about to die and won’t be missed. It feeds on the isolated and the risky. But Zarina wasn’t dying or alone. Like Yui, she just ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time. And, in her case, ended up there because she was trying to help someone the Entity took a long, long time ago. It’s like one of those terrible yokai that lure in a victim by pretending to be a crying child at the bottom of a well. Not just with the Entity but with supernatural stories of all kinds, people go missing the most for being in the wrong place or for being the wrong person, being unlucky, fitting a build. But sometimes they go missing because they cared. Which seems maybe even more deeply cruel or unfair.
I think all of her perks speak to what sort of person she is: intelligent, careful, precise, dedicated, quick. But For the People really showcases the core of who she is. It’s an incredibly powerful healing ability, but it’s not free. To use it, you /have/ to hurt yourself. It’s being willing to commit in a real way, not just one that is quick and easy, to someone else’s pain and trouble, and to do something about it. And I think that’s who she is. She’s someone who was afraid and ashamed of her background as a child, then found pride and truth in it as a teen and embraced her heritage, just in time to be shown as brutally as possible that the world is full of evil people whose identity is hate, and the systems in place are not enough to guard from that, to change it, or to punish it. And they never have been. So she decided to become the change herself, no matter how futile it is in the face of a whole world. Like she said herself, “We can write our own story and decide how it really ends.” I think she believes that, and it’s a very tragic, very noble, very admirable ‘the bearer lies here alone, forging iron in a hill of swords’ kind of life to choose. I love and respect that myself deeply. Zarina’s a fantastic character.
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Request: Seeing Ghosts (Alec Volturi x Reader)
Supermarket Flowers - Ed Sheeran
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Italy was supposed to be for time off. You most certainly needed it. You couldn't ignore the tug you felt toward the castle, though you wanted to because you couldn't run from your abilities. 
Seeing the dead was a gift passed down in your family, it skipped a generation so the next person you had known in your family to have had it was your grandmother. She told you to keep it secret, wanting to keep you from the pain she had in her life. She had to learn it the hard way. People thought she was crazy and her childhood was constant bullying. Her mother had kept it from her father so he too thought she had problems. 
As always, it started young. There were many pictures of you looking off into an empty space, hundreds of drawings of imaginary friends. Though they weren't all sweet. There was the nightmares and gruesome drawings of horrific characters. Whilst your parents deemed it imaginary, your grandmother always reassured you in secret that they couldn't hurt you and you'd be completely fine. That was the curse your grandmother told you of. No matter how horrifying or evil the spirits could appear, they couldn't touch you. They were cursed to watch the world go by until they found peace. That's where your family come in, many are able to be saved by showing them the way to the light and move on. 
What drew you in wasn't the castle itself, it was someone calling out from the inside. You couldn't see anyone calling and you knew it was be a bad idea to go inside. That didn't stop you from entering as a tour group entered. You were about to step out of the group of tourists to speak with the receptionist but only made the step out before freezing. The receptionist was looking at you, smiling as she did so, waiting for you to say something to her greeting. Though she wasn't who had your attention. Behind her, in the dark, was a girl. She was blonde, her hair down that was slightly tangled and looked to be a teenager. She wore jeans and a crop top. She looked miserable and wore a look you were very acquainted with. She looked like she wanted to leave for some time now. Many bored teenagers wore that expression, but so did the dead. It was an expression you just couldn't escape. However the girl was only the first warning. The air felt heavy and you knew immediately that there were many ghosts here. Many were trapped here, the place of their death. "Quickly, please, stay together!" The beautiful woman in a red dress smiled warmly, violet eyes gleaming. That was strange. You didn't know violet eyes were even possible. 
The double doors opened and that was when the nightmare began. You were roughly grabbed by a man with long black hair and bright red eyes. Screams rang in your ears, your eyes wide. The man leaned down before he froze. He roughly threw you to the floor. "Not that one!" He barked. You could only sit and stare, horrified at the scene. The screams of people around you and the snarling of others dressed in various shades of black and grey. Your next observation was their frightening red eyes. They were monstrous. You had never seen such a thing. You had hoped you’d never have to. It was something you couldn’t have imagined. 
Just like that it was over. Bodies were piled and pulled to a drain. The man from before towering over you. “What are you?” You cowered in fear. The man chuckled. “My name is Aro.” He crouched down, yet still towered over you. “You, my dear, have magnificent talents.” The words couldn’t escape you and you could only shudder.  Suddenly he reached out and pulled you to a stand. “Come now. You poor thing. You’re shaking.” His words were sickening. As though he wasn’t aware how horrible the scene was. 
There was something oddly obscene that you had settled after weeks of being in the Volturi’s presence. From what you understood, they were vampires who enforce the vampire laws. Aro, Marcus and Caius were the leaders. The rest were their guard.  You were still alive because of Aro’s fascination with your sight.
It wasn’t the usual family heirloom. Very few in your family actually had it. You were the only living relative who had it. Your aunt had the sight but had difficulty coping. She had been sad for all the times you had met her. She died in a car accident when you were fifteen. The holder before that was your grandmother’s and her grandmother. Your grandmother saw it in you at a young age. She always defined you as sensitive. However, she never clarified what she meant by being sensitive.
Whilst there were many Volturi members, they were nothing in comparison to the number of ghosts. Alec had become a friend despite being one of the most feared, if not the most feared vampire of the vampire world. With you, he warmed up gradually although quicker than he had with most. “So what do you think of the place?” Alec asked. “Its loud.” You responded. What he didn’t realise your response wasn’t in design or what you could hear, many simple noises turning into echoes. Instead it was the screams of the dead roaring in despair. “That’s a new one.” You hummed in response, cracking a smile. 
After some weeks that consisted a lot of time with Alec, he finally asked you what was on his mind. “What’s it like? Do you see everyone who has ever died here?” You hummed again in thought before hurrying off your bed and grabbing a marker as well as two sheets of paper. You drew a circle on each. “So let’s say this. This bit of paper is this world, the physical one. You and I can see it. Everyone is living in this world. When people die, they leave this world to another.” You held up the other paper. You then put the paper together overlapping the circles slightly. “This is what i see. My grandma would tell me that I’m sensitive to the other world. Although she only ever told me that. I wasn’t allowed to tell my parents about it. It’s scary sometimes. I see them in the condition they died. In this castle it’s worse…because sometimes I hear them in between the walls.” 
You did your best for every ghost, some were successes, some where failures and then there were many you didn’t quite understand what they wanted. You offered the grey man a smile. “I see you. You aren’t forgotten. I promise.” He shifted slightly before climbing into your closet. You opened the doors to find him gone. You never saw him again. You assumed that perhaps that’s what he wanted - to be assured that he would be remembered. 
Another week later, you saw her again, the tourist girl, she had just passed by your room. You immediately looked around your door to see her standing and waiting for you. She didn’t look afraid, or in pain. In fact, she looked very comfortable with you. This didn’t surprise you anymore, she seemed to be trying to tell you something but she never said a word.  “(Y/N)?” You jumped slightly turning to see Alec. “Hey Alec.” Alec looked over your shoulder. “What were you looking at?” You shook your head. “Nothing. Doesn’t matter.” The tourist girl brushed past you to stand behind Alec, continuing to smile. “Well i wanted to tell you something, you’ve been here for some time now and...i’d like you to know.”  “Oh, okay. Fire away.” You smiled.  “You’ve been here for six months and during that time, it’s been wonderful to know you. You’ve opened my eyes to a whole other side of being, it’s made life i little less boring.” He paused. “It’s been a joy being your friend but...i can’t help but feel that isn’t enough for me anymore. What i mean to say is that i care and feel for you more things than i should for a friend. I usually wouldn’t be so forward but i trust you. You don’t have to say anything right now. I just thought you should know.” Alec finished. You closed the space between yourself and Alec, pressing a kiss to his cheek.  “I can get on board with that. I look forward to seeing where this goes.” Your eyes flickered behind him to see the tourist girl continuing to smile but her expression changed to one of satisfaction. Only this time, a grey hand reached out for her in the open door and she turned to looked at the owner, taking their hand and walking into the room. After that day, you never saw her again. 
“You’ve got that face again.” Alec said, taking your hands in his. The two of you were cross legged on his bed and you were once again distracted.  “So this will sound crazy but, i’ve been seeing a new person.” You began.  “That doesn’t sound crazy at all, we feed-”  “No.” You shook your head. “It’s not someone from this time. It’s a woman, she has dark hair and wears black dated clothes but, she never looks at me. I’ve never seen her face and she seems to just wander in and out of sight. I just can’t piece her together.”  “This really bothers you.” Alec said, looking into your eyes and rubbing his thumb along your knuckles.  “She has a strong presence but she doesn’t seem interested in communicating.” It could just be the time of year. Today is a special day after all.”  “It is?” Alec asked.  “Well apparently. it’s a legend my grandma always told me. Tonight is the night marking 100 years. There isn’t a name for it as far as i know but according to legend every one hundred years for one night only the dead and the living align. For a few people that means they’ll see a ghost of someone they miss the most. It’s completely at random and seemingly used as an explanation for some ghost sightings. Sightings are supposed to be more likely around this time.” You thought for a moment before shrugging. “Who knows? What i know is that i’m tired. This lady is making me work for answers and i still can’t figure it out. So on that note.” You leaned forward kissing Alec’s lips. “I’m going to bed. It’s eleven at night and i’m exhausted. I look at one more age of a book and i’ll die.” Alec chuckled. “Sleep well, my love.” 
You turned on your playlist which was needed after such an exhausting day. You didn't have any ear buds so you hoped it wouldn't annoy anyone too much. You cracked a smile to hear Ed Sheeran's 'Supermarket Flowers' playing. You closed your eyes, enjoying the peace and quiet. 
'Oh I'm in pieces, it's tearing me up, but I know. A heart that's broke is a heart that's been loved.'  Alec stiffened, unable to believe his eyes. He had seen the woman in front of him before, but it was a distant memory like a dream. She was pretty, petite in form, her brown hair, like his own, smoothed back into a low bun. She adorned a soft smile and seemed to know Alec. His eyes stayed on her and he realised just who this woman was. The song you had played oddly fitting. If only you knew what was happening right now. 
'So I'll sing Hallelujah. You were an angel in the shape of my mum' 
This woman wasn't a stranger. It took him some time but when it hit him, it hit him hard. This woman was his mother. 
Demetri looked at the little blonde girl in front of him. He never thought he'd see the angelic face again. To see her was the biggest gift he could have gotten even if she was to disappear before him. 
'I hope that I see the world as you did cause I know, A life with love is a life that's been lived.' 
The little girl moved towards him and oh how he wished he could remember her name. He knelt down to her level with a gentle smile. Her hair was just as he remembered, long and wavy. Her green eyes and wide smile welcoming him. Had the little girl missed him like he had missed her? Demetri never talked about his daughter. He was ashamed he couldn't remember her name. He wanted to keep her to himself and cherish the memories of her that remained. Even if they were brief moments. All consisted of her wide toothy grin and the most prominent was no different as she ran around in the nearby field. The grass so tall it was levelled at her shoulders. He couldn't remember how she died. A piece of him was glad for that. To see her now, in front of him, still smiling just as he remembered, his heart felt full yet so broken all at the same time. She died young, too young. Barely six years old. Demetri remembered how much love she had for the world. Even though the world had none for her. She had more love and forgiveness in her heart than trying someone would in three lifetimes and the world in her mind was light and beautiful. There was no evil in her eyes and Demetri was led to believe that never changed even in her final moments. The world was darker after she died. He hoped that he could be capable of the love his daughter had by nature. Or even learn to do so and see the world, just as she did, in the future. Whilst she died too young, she was at peace with the end of her life. She seemed at peace with it, yet he knew of vampires who lived for thousands of years and couldn't stomach the very thought of their own death. He spent so long trying to understand it but only one theory could suffice. Demetri's daughter lived a short life but she gave everyone so much love that perhaps she lived a better life than any of them combined. 
'You got to see the person that I have become. Spread your wings. And I know that when God took you back he said Hallelujah. You're home' 
Alec felt as though all of the air in his body suddenly escaped him. He didn't know if his mother was proud of him or if she knew everything that brought him up to this moment but just as always, her smile adorned acceptance for her son. It felt like a dream, a gift too good to be true to be reminded of his mother. He didn't know how to explain this to Jane but he was thankful that knowing you, you'd believe him and help him through the experience. 
Demetri watched as the little girls smile fell slightly into a small one, no longer her usual toothy grin and a hint of sadness behind her eyes. Somehow he knew he'd be losing her again. A part of him silently pleaded that she'd stay but her own expression told him that wouldn't be the case. Demetri wanted to reach out and touch the girl but he couldn't bring himself to do it, afraid that his hand would pass through her. The hardest part was always saying goodbye and having to do it twice was too much. Demetri didn't remember the first time yet he still felt the pain like it was yesterday, just by seeing the girls face. "Please..." He whispered, curling into himself slightly in attempt of protecting his heart from breaking again. The little girl faded away before his very eyes and was gone. Demetri's eyes squeezed shut for a moment, stifling back the pain. He then exhaled slowly, regaining his composure and rising to a stand. 
'When I fell down you'd be there holding me up. Spread your wings as you go. And when God takes you back we'll say Hallelujah You're home.
Fluffed the pillows, made the beds, stacked the chairs up.' 
Marcus trailed his fingers down the case on the bed that was filled with Didyme's old things. The ones he couldn't bare the sight of nor the possibility of being destroyed. So they remained hidden and untouched. He looked up and froze. Marcus couldn't tear his eyes away. He didn't dare. "Didyme..." The name barely got passed his lips, becoming only a broken whisper. The dark haired woman wore a slight smile on the opposite side of the bed. Her eyes telling him one thing she never had to say. 'I miss you.' Their relationship was built upon that. The ability to say so much to one another with only a look and no words at all. The moonlight reflected off her face. Slowly she moved around the bed, never breaking eye contact or her smile. She reached out her hand, moving towards him and almost touched his face. Just like that, she was gone and his grief returned but somehow he knew that this was a gift. He just didn’t know who to thank.
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Sorry if I’m rude, but I really don’t get the Ugetsu hype at all 😕, would you mind explaining it please, I would like to widen my perception of him
Hello, dear anon!
First of all, I’m so sorry for keeping your ask waiting for so long. You would think that as an Ugetsu fan, I would have been jumping up and down because of this question - and don’t get me wrong, I am excited. But much like with my previous Given ask, I found myself a bit puzzled by what to say, to be honest. Turned out this wasn’t as “simple” of a question as I originally thought. 
Secondly, don’t worry, your question isn’t rude. On the contrary, I think it’s admirable if you want to try to understand someone else’s bias and interests. It doesn’t mean you will start liking and being passionate about the same things, but I think it’s always welcomed to ask people why they like something. I’m not expecting you to start liking Ugetsu after reading how I feel about him, but your attitude is something I think we desperately need more of in this fandom.
“I really don’t get the Ugetsu hype at all 😕, would you mind explaining it please”
It’s interesting to me that you speak of “Ugetsu hype”. According to my time in the Given fandon, Ugetsu does have fans but he is probably one of the least liked characters. My gut feeling says that out of the main cast (Uenoyama, Mafuyu, Akihiko, Haruki, Ugetsu), Ugetsu is definitely the least liked among the fans. So, I can’t say I have witnessed any “hype” regarding him. Apart from a couple of hardcore Ugetsu stans, the closest to “hype” I have seen is people wishing he would find happiness after he and Akihiko broke up.
Also, I don’t think I can really “explain” anything either. Certainly not as some kind of fandom phenomenon. I can only speak for myself and myself only. The reasons why I love Ugetsu might not be why some other fans love him. I think that’s important to remember whenever talking about favorite characters/ships in general. We can never know why someone loves something, so I don’t think we should judge anyone on a personal level for liking something in fiction.
To give my answer some structure, I thought I would use some of my favorite Ugetsu illustrations. 
His character design and overall “vibe”:
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As a reader/viewer/fan, I am more often than not interested in the somehow controversial characters and they usually end up becoming my favorites. Gotou Masamune (3-gatsu no lion), She Li (19 Days), Sing Soo-Ling (Banana Fish), Bakugou Katsuki (Boku no Hero Academia), Joker (DC Comics), Oikawa Tooru (Haikyuu), Severus Snape and Draco Malfoy (Harry Potter), and Oh Sangwoo (Killing Stalking) to name a few. I have always connected more with the antagonists and found them more interesting.
So, with a track record like that, I wasn’t surprised when my heart made a beeline to Ugetsu’s character. To me, it was pretty much love at first sight. I was instantly drawn to him: dark, sensual, and beautiful. In the anime, I absolutely loved his character’s mischievous and playful voice acting.
Ugetsu had an aura of solitude and distance to him, but he was also needy and affectionate in his own way. His frankness and mischief seemed to work as defense and yet he was also surprisingly vulnerable and even afraid. In many ways, he was like a cat who are often misunderstood as assholes when there is also a lot of character, affection, and intimacy packed in them.
Kizu’s choice of instrument for Ugetsu also fascinated me. To me, the violin is one of the most beautiful and intricate instruments, and it fits Ugetsu’s character perfectly. It's elegant, incredibly difficult, and kind of temperamental. The violin is sorrowful, seductive, and possesses loads of charisma. It sounds beautiful on its own though the more solitary it is, the more lonely it sounds. But it can also be a light, playful and mischievous sound, bouncing and chasing in the air. In either case, the violin won't allow itself to be ignored. 
To pair Ugetsu with the classical violin especially was also great. First of all, learning the violin on the level of becoming a soloist requires incredible discipline, dedication, and passion. Violin is a very unforgiving instrument, but it also gives you freedom. Things like intonation and phrasing are where a talent like a soloist could shine and express themselves. I think that kind of combination of disciplined precision and expressive freedom fits Ugetsu so, so well.
His softer and more vulnerable side:
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I often see comments that Ugetsu didn’t really love Akihiko or care about him. Some readers think he was selfish, heartless, and abusive/toxic towards Akihiko in their relationship. And they feel sorry for anyone who later ends up in a relationship with him. To some people, Ugetsu came across as the lowest of low in his time with Akihiko.
Now, I am not going to try and claim that Ugetsu didn’t hurt Akihiko. He most certainly did, oftentimes knowingly when he was trying to push him away. Their relationship was no doubt turbulent and painful for both of them, and I’m sure they will both be happier now freed of their cycle. Even though I am an Ugetsu fan, I don’t want to make it sound like he couldn’t have done a lot of things differently.
However, I also see some parts of myself in Ugetsu. I relate to his certain type of uneasiness when it comes to letting someone/something occupy my priorities. It makes me restless and defensive easily, and I end up rejecting that someone/something which often comes across as being cold. That was an important part of why Ugetsu originally wanted to break up with Akihiko. His love for Akihiko grew so deep it posed as a “threat” to Ugetsu’s sense of “order” when it came to his passion for music. Despite of how their relationship ended, I don’t agree that Ugetsu is somehow incapable of loving someone, it just scares him and is something he needs to figure out for himself. Also, because I somewhat relate to Ugetsu in this sense, it kind of stings when people are so eager to proclaim that his kinds of people don’t deserve someone to love them.
I also believe Ugetsu cared about Akihiko and was worried about him. He did notice Akihiko had started to lose his passion for music and in a way, was giving up on himself. He wanted Akihiko to find his “trigger” again somehow. I have also read interpretations that Ugetsu probably felt guilty about how their relationship seemed to affect Akihiko’s drive. I think that’s an interesting point. Overall, it’s important to remember that partly why Ugetsu initially wanted to break up was to also “free” Akihiko from his suffering. I don’t think that is something that a heartless character would do.
I do think Ugetsu was happy with Akihiko in many ways, but it’s not his style to be flustered and lovey-dovey about it. Which is another thing I find myself somewhat relating to. Instead of being super romantic, I think Ugetsu shows his love and happiness by being clingy, playful/mischievous, and letting someone in his space both mentally and physically (by this, I don’t mean just sleeping with someone but actually letting them see him as a private person). Despite of the lack of proper communication being one of the problems in AkiUgetsu, I think Akihiko was one of the few people who really knew Ugetsu.
AkiUgetsu as roommates:
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The beautiful coloring of the panel is by o_yang_o on Twitter.
I think it’s safe to say that most of the Ugetsu-hate stems from his time of being roommates with Akihiko. It was a very dark time for both of them despite the occasional islands of reminiscencing the good parts of their relationship. Ugetsu hurt Akihiko in many ways during that time and realized his behavior was hurting him.
But I think people often forget that Ugetsu was unhappy and hurting, too. Of course, it doesn’t excuse his actions but it explains them. Letting go of Akihiko was just as hard - if not harder - for Ugetsu as letting go of Ugetsu was for Akihiko. In his incapability of cutting the relationship off, Ugetsu resorted in trying to push Akihiko away by hurting him, but Akihiko wouldn’t give up on him. So, his actions didn’t come from some deep-rooted evil but rather being in pain and scared. He wanted the suffering to end but at the same, he couldn’t picture Akihiko not coming back and was terrified of everything, even the music, disappearing in the basement if Akihiko did leave him. 
I think the breakdown Ugetsu had when Akihiko finally broke up with him was telling of how difficult taking that last step had been for Ugetsu as well. He was scared of letting go and being let go of because surely nothing would be left behind. It’s true that it was Ugetsu who originally wanted to break up, but it was Akihiko who needed to walk away first when it finally came down to it. I think Ugetsu’s reaction spoke volumes of how deep his feelings for Akihiko truly ran. In short, AkiUgetsu ended up in a bad and painful direction, but I most definitely believe Ugetsu overall is capable of loving someone and he has a caring/affectionate side to him as well.
Overall, what I love about Ugetsu is his complexity and layers. You need to see deeper than his behavior to see his character as a whole. He’s not innocent and has many flaws, but he’s also not the cold and distant human monster he’s sometimes made out to be. I think Kizu put a lot of care and effort into building his character and did a beautiful job.
Liking a character like Ugetsu ultimately comes down to personal taste and preferences. I can understand that he’s not everyone’s cup of tea or if he evokes negative feelings. But I don’t think it’s fair to see some characters in a black-and-white manner if you’re at the same time making an effort to see behind some other character’s behavior. You don’t have to like every character and you can have biases, but if you catch yourself knowingly ignoring something, your reading probably isn’t the most accurate. A “lesson” I came to realize in my journey with AkiHaru.
Thank you for your question and patience, dear anon!
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thenightling · 4 years
What might have Been (Sandman fan fiction)
What might have Been...
Someone out there really does not want me to write Sandman fan fiction so naturally I must write more.  
This story was inspired by the fact that over on his Tumblr Neil Gaiman was asked on at least two occasions that if Alexander Burgess had freed Morpheus, would he still have been condemned to eternal waking or if he would have shown mercy? Both times Neil Gaiman answered that Morpheus would have shown mercy.  And yes, Neil Gaiman has a Tumblr.   So this is a story of what may have happened of Alexander Burgess had freed Morpheus back when he probably should have.
Note: This story does contain a depiction of early twentieth century homophobia and some period accurate slurs.  Based on my own personal experiences as a non-straight person I understand if the scene might make some readers uncomfortable.  However you might find the end result of what happens to the abuser somewhat cathartic.  
             What might have Been…
            The boy stared intently at the glass cage in front of him.  It was domed and rather egg-like in shape and tall enough to hold a man or something very man-like.  The leadened quartz-crystal was as clear as any well-made window.  Alexander Burgess watched the creature with the fascination of a child watching a pet lizard in a terrarium.  
           The naked being in the cage stared back at him with cold intensity and a proud contempt as well.  The creature was pale as chalk, and his eyes were like back pools of water with twin stars serving as pupils floating in the darkness.  Later Alex would be able to compare this vision to the claimed “Grey” alien encounters he would read about in grocery store tabloid magazines.   One stark difference from those creatures though was that this creature had a shock of wild, black, hair that reminded Alex of a disorderly pile of raven feathers, thick and heavy hair that framed the pale face staring out at him from behind the glass.  The creature was improbably thin.  It was clearly intelligent and generally humanoid.              If Alex hadn’t seen the summoning for himself, if he had not detached himself so thoroughly from the alienness of this entity, he might have even found him beautiful or attractive. But all potential for that had been lost to fear and the unavoidable and frightening knowledge that this was not a human being.
           Alex did not know why he found The Creature so fascinating.  He had discovered who and what the creature was in the Paginarum Fulvarum.  The King of Dreams.  That revelation had somehow not resolved his sense of curiosity. This was the being accountable for everyone’s dreams, all of humanity’s secret fantasies and all those shameful imaginings that come late at night when people are at their most vulnerable.  For Alex there was a secret shame in his own dreams…
           “I hate you.” Alex whispered.  It was a childish proclamation but there was some hidden pain there.              The bony, wraith-like, creature moved his head slightly, acknowledging Alex’s words without responding verbally.  He never spoke to them.    
Alex wasn’t even twenty-years-old yet but he knew he was not like other men.  He was not “manly” by the usual definition of the term.  And he believed that if his father knew about his secret yearnings, his Desires… He would be disowned…
It was this thing’s fault, wasn’t it? The cruel bastard there in the box.  He was the one who gave him those dreams.  The dreams that Alex dared not describe to anyone.  Dreams of other young men.  The feel of their lips against his face.   The tingle through his scalp as the lips vibrate against his earlobe as something gentle and inviting was whispered into his ear.  Their affection, their touch, their love…              How Alex dreamt of that love, that sweet, terrible, sinful love.  And why?  Why was this such a taboo?  His father had used magick for so many cruelties.  He had even killed with it.  So why were his desires, ones that could never hurt anyone, considered to be so much worse?  …And who decided that a form of love could be deemed evil anyway?  Wasn’t love supposed to be ultimate redeemer?  The ultimate absolution?  As far as young Alex was concerned humans and the powerful beings that governed the universe- they were all hypocrites.  All of them!  Hypocrites who took pleasure in the befuddlement of others by tempting them with …with deviant dreams…
 Alex had enough of staring at the alien-like boogeyman there in the cellar.  He got up off the cold, damp, floor where he had been seated, eye level with the crouching, naked thing.   Almost staring each other down, as if in a contest of wills neither was entirely sure about.   Alex stood up.  Unlike the pale creature imprisoned there, Alex could leave.  He could leave at any time.   …Then why did he feel just as trapped as if he was the one in the glass bubble?
The months passed and not much had changed.  Alex had grown a bit, but that was normal.  He had read somewhere that some men grow until they’re twenty-five. He was taller, leaner.  He discovered he needed spectacles, which wasn’t too surprising.  He had squinted often when reading father’s dusty old books.        
One thing was different though.   Father had hired a new gardener.  A pretty, red-haired boy, barely Alex’s own age.  And Alex had the distinct feeling that perhaps this young man was also… different.  Different in his capacity to feel for men what most men usually only feel for women (or so Alex believed).
It was a warm summer afternoon when Father finally took notice of Alex and the peculiar way he watched the gardener.  Alex, whom he often ignored.  Roderick Burgess found it distasteful and rather Crowley-esque that his own son should look at another man in that way.   He watched as Alex observed the gardener.  Roderick hoped what he was seeing here wasn’t what it appeared.   But it seemed so.   Alex was as infatuated with the near androgynous gardener boy in a way that he should only feel toward women.  Well, something must be done about that!  
 “Father, please!”  Alex tried to shield himself with his arm as his father’s heavy, old, walking stick came crashing down on him again.            “You are an EMBARRASSMENT!   The heir to the Order of Ancient Mysteries, my ONLY son… a worthless, useless… Mary!”  There was another crack from the gentleman’s cane being used in a very ungentlemanly fashion.            “No, Father, I…  Magus. Magus, Please, I-“            “It’s that boy, isn’t it?  That Elliot? Well, he doesn’t work here anymore!  I sent him away.  You’re lucky I don’t just stop his heart to rid myself of this shame!”            He was one to talk of Shame.  His father, the infamous occultist, rival to Aleister Crowley, head of The Order of Ancient Mysteries, and source of scandal after scandal. The papers always had something to say about Father.  They never spoke about Alex.  Alex knew how to keep a low profile, to keep to himself, to go virtually unnoticed in his father’s shadow.              The threat to stop Elliot’s heart was very real.  Alex knew his father had enough magick to do such a thing to someone without the occult means to defend himself.            “No!  He’s innocent!”            “Innocent?!”  What did that matter to someone like Roderick?  Alex had always been too damn soft and now he had gone over to fairyland as far as Roderick was concerned.   Well, at least he knew his son hadn’t soiled his bed with his deviance yet- he had not acted out his profanity in the house, at least there was that.  “Look at you!  You’re a disgrace!”            Alex was cowering and crouched in the corner of his room, which was in disarray from his father’s attack.  He knew he couldn’t hide what he was from him.  His father was just too powerful…  
It also didn’t help that Alex had kept those old novels under his bed.   The picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde, Carmilla by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, a few selected Greek myths carefully bookmarked in a thick, leather-bound, volume, and the closet drama Goethe’s Faust parts 1 and 2 translated perfectly from German into English.  Anyone with the ability to read between the lines, as they say, could tell what Mephisto’s relationship with Faust was really all about…            Alex couldn’t tell what was worse, the words his father said or the cane coming down again and again.  He was too afraid to fight back.  There was no telling what his father or his father’s minion might do if he tried.  Sometimes he had nightmares of his father’s darker wrath, much more extreme than this.            “You dress like a fairy!  Look at you! Growing your hair out like a girl, walking around in long velvet jackets like they’re frocks!  You think you look like Henry Irving or something?  No, you look like a little girl!  No woman will ever find you attractive.   I should have realized, the way you bury yourself in those books, like a little wanna-be priest.”            Alex saw nothing wrong with dandy fashion and as for his hair, plenty of respectable men had hair longer than his. His hair wasn’t even really shaggy. Oscar Wilde’s hair had been longer than this at the time of his death.  Though he knew that was, as far as his father was concerned, an awful example.             He whimpered and tried to wait out the pain and dared not argue the accusations.              “They stare at you, you know.”  Roderick continued in his tirade to shame him.             Alex knew the only person who actually scrutinized what he wore was his own father. He kept to himself too much to be the focus of anyone else’s attention.  “You think I don’t see it?  How they turn and look at you and whisper on the street what a pansy you are.  Maybe if you dressed normal you wouldn’t forget you’re supposed to be a man!”            No one was actually saying he was a pansy. That was clearly Father’s own insecurity about his masculinity talking.
           “Clean yourself up.”  Roderick said, finally too exhausted to beat him anymore.  And in an after-thought “If anyone asks, you fell off a horse like the clumsy idiot you are.”
            Roderick walked from the room, gentleman’s cane (if you could call it that) still clutched in his hand.
           Alex slowly pulled himself to his feet.   He was trembling yet, and sniffling, trying to choke back the threatening sobs.              Alex had long ago abandoned the childish (as he saw it) hope that a parent’s love was truly unconditional. The child in him still insisted it was supposed to be unconditional, that parents are supposed to love you and accept no matter what, and Alex still craved his father’s approval and acceptance.  It had been some naïve governess from Alex’s childhood who had taught him that foolish notion he could not shake, that a parent should love you without condition. And he never could quite let go of that belief even if all of his life experiences insisted that no parent (at least his parent) could not love in that way…              Could Roderick Burgess love at all?
Alex finally left his badly disheveled room once he was certain his father was no longer nearby. There were papers and books scattered, along with a knocked over chair and some random knickknacks.  Some ceramic and glass items were broken, fragments of childhood playthings lay on the carpet.              Something had broken tonight and it was not merely some old toys…            Alex walked …or more precisely he stumbled, down the hall.  Alex’s back ached where he had gotten the brunt of the caning.  He knew the marks were going to scar.  Everything ached.  His shoulders, his legs, especially his back.  One eye was blackened and his cheeks were red from the heat of crying.  He wiped furiously at his own tears.  It was foolish to cry.  And it was dangerous to dream…
He would never really be free. He was as much his father’s prisoner as the creature down in the cellar…  If he tried to run away he knew his father and his magick would find him.  And… he had nowhere to go anyway…              Even if his situation was “Normal” and there was no fear of magical ramifications for his defiance, to whom could he turn?   Where could he run?  There was no sanctuary for someone like him…
           Alex made his way to the secret passage, to the stone staircase that spiraled its way down to the windowless chamber.  He knocked on the heavy wooden door and announced himself for the two guards his father had watching the prisoner.  One of the guards opened the door for him.  They knew better than to question the boy’s condition but there was a slight trace of pity in at least one of them, a softening to the man’s usually unreadable expression.                          Alex managed to steadily walk to the glass cage, hiding that he was in pain.  He slowly laid his hand against the cool glass.  “Please leave us.”            “But the Magus says-“  One of the men started to protest.            “My... Father,” Alex practically spat the word, “is the one who pays you.  And I speak on his behalf.  Now go!”            The men exchanged looks and then shrugged, deciding not to argue with the young man.  They both were eager to have a tea and coffee break anyway.                        Alex lowered his hand and stood outside the cage. He looked at the pale, emaciated figure behind the glass.  He had never changed.  Not since the day they had captured him.  He had not aged, nor had he grown a beard.  And yet Alex felt as if he, himself, had changed so very much in that time. Changed in such a way that he saw now that he was in no better of a situation than this creature here.                 Trapped in darkness, trapped behind the glass, unable to touch or be touched. Alone…  Naked, exposed.  Everyone could see everything about him.  And yet he- The King of Dreams- was unashamed.  Proud.  Not trembling or cowering from a brute of a father. Alex’s contempt for the creature mingled with long, distant fear, was now being replaced by a different emotion.   Something not unlike empathy and maybe even envy.  Envy at the defiance of will, envy at the hidden power that such a fragile, delicate looking thing could have…            Almost beautiful.  The King of Dreams was almost beautiful…    
            Alexander Burgess saw this weakened, helpless wretch, and he saw himself.  A prisoner locked away from light.  A prisoner stripped of dignity. Utterly at his father’s mercy until he said or did what his father wanted…  Would this proud creature eventually cower and break as Alex felt like he had broken.                Alex bit his lip.  If he freed this creature it… he might kill him… or worse…            But maybe… Whatever his fate might be, it was better than this.  Right now, as it stood, they were both prisoners. But if he freed him, this so-called King of Dreams… At least one of them would be free.  And Alex would have some small revenge on his father, the Magus of The Order of Ancient Mysteries…                          Maybe it was some half-hearted attempt at self-destruction, a suicide without noose or razor- that Alex felt he would either die by this creature’s hand or by his father’s but he wanted this thing to end and let it end tonight.  This felt like the only true way to end it.              Alex had gotten a hold of the heavy brass key and placed it into the lock at the base of the crystalline cage.  He was really doing it.  The key fit easily into the hole of the metal base just within the binding circle’s confines.   Alex dragged his foot over the old, chalk, binding circle, deliberately breaching it, as he turned the key.  The crystalline cage opened at a discrete seam.            The pale figure stood up slowly, cautiously, moving like an uncertain animal. He blinked those wide, black eyes, like doe reacting to being offered food by a human.  
           The King of Dreams stepped out of the cage and toward Alex.  He tentatively moved beyond the binding circle as if worried that Alex might change his mind and try to stop him, or perhaps that someone else might.              Alex stepped back but only slightly.              Alex waited for whatever was to come next.              The pale figure moved to him, the glassy black eyes stared at him, stared deep into his own and for a brief moment Alex felt… understood... maybe even accepted.  And most importantly he felt… forgiven.  Not for the sin of what he was- this creature saw that as no crime, but for how he had treated him.  For taking part in the summoning spell, for being complacent in his father’s abuses and humiliation of this proud entity.              “I’m sorry…” Alexander said, swallowing back fresh tears.  “I’m sorry… It was my father, he…”            The pale figure put a finger to his own lips.* “Shhh.”            Alex was trembling, afraid of what he might do next. And for a second, there was such a softness to the usually cold creature and a slender hand touched Alex’s cheek but only for a brief moment.              Alex had never heard him speak and he was startled by the soft sound of an audible voice coming from him.  He didn’t say anything really other than the “Shhh.”           Alex blinked several times.  The King of Dreams moved past Alex, toward the stairs.              Alex went to bed shortly after that as if nothing had happened.  He had just felt so very tired.  He tried to behave as if he had not just released his father’s prisoner.  The next morning though things were different.   Alex had slept peacefully and felt quite well rested.   Even his black eye had seemed to have mostly healed and his back didn’t hurt anymore. There would be no scars after all.  But something was wrong in the house of Fawny Rig. The servants were in a tither.              Roderick Burgess would not wake form his sleep. He was alive.  And he seemed to be dreaming.  He would moan and mutter, and occasionally whimper or beg for it to stop, crying out in his sleep, but he would not waken.            Alex stood to the side of the bed. “Father!  Father, please!  It’s me, Alex!  Please wake up!  …Please.”   But the situation was hopeless.
            And despite everything he had suffered at his father’s hands Alex still grieved.  He wept as if his father was dead and he knew his father’s fate was worse than death.  Alex still mourned. Alex still pined for what might have been, still longed for a father that would love him unconditionally and accept him for who and what he was without question.   If the world’s most infamous sorcerer couldn’t even do that… who could?   Who could… love him?  
            Alex was scared.  He had been in his father’s shadow so long he did not know how to function without him and he had been so isolated, he had so few friends.  All he could do was rely on the servants, the lawyers, and his father’s money to support himself.              His father was moved to the hospital and eventually diagnosed with some sort of Encephalitis Lethargica.  A sort of brain swelling related sleeping sickness but Alexander Burgess knew better…  Somehow he knew…      
           His father would never wake up…            The years passed and everything that was Roderick’s passed into Alex’s hands.  His father died years later in that hospital bed but Alex was not sure of his father’s nightmares were truly over.   He imagined his father’s soul was still trapped somewhere, still suffering an endless nightmare leading into another nightmare, and each time he thought he was waking he would just find himself in yet another new nightmare.  Somehow Alex knew this.   Where his father was now condemned to eternal waking did he know his body had died or did he have a futile hope that he would one day wake up?  
             The estate, Roderick’s fortune, everything was now Alex’s.   No one was there to be critical or to tell Alex what to wear, how to speak, or… who he could love.   And Alex eventually met a beautiful young man named Paul.  Oh, how he loved Paul.   They would travel to such places together.   London, France, Berlin…   They traveled together on a private yacht and drank Champaign on the deck as they watched the sunset over the Mediterranean Sea. There was no secret prisoner to worry about, nothing to shackle them to Fawny Rig like Dorian Gray shackled to his painting.  They could go anywhere. They could do anything. They were free.                And Alexander Burgess lived Happily Ever After…                  It was a pleasant dream.   Too pleasant…
Elderly Alexander Burgess woke in a cold sweat. There were fresh tears in his eyes.   He sat up in bed and Paul was there beside him.  At least there was that…  At least Paul was there.  Paul was real.  
But that’s not how the story played out, not really.   Alex had never been brave enough to defy his father.  He had not slipped down to the cellar the night that he should have.  He had never freed the prisoner.  Even when his father had died he had never freed the prisoner that he both resented and related to.  And he had been the one punished with six years locked in a nightmare that would seem to end only to reveal a new nightmare was starting, and on and on it had gone.   He had woken from that “eternal” curse to his beloved Paul waiting for him.  He had been forgiven.  He was relieved that Paul was here.            Paul looked at him now. “What is it, love? Did you have a bad dream?”            Alex nodded.  “I don’t know what’s worse… that nightmare that I was trapped in or…” He bit his lip before choosing the words. “…knowing I could have saved us all… saved myself…if I had just done the right thing at the right time…”
           “Hush now, darling.  You’re still half-asleep. I’ll get you some tea.”              Alex was soothed and sighed.  There was no use dwelling on what might have been.  But sometimes those dreams of what he could have done- what he should have done, if he had just been brave enough… Sometimes that felt so much worse than the actual punishment the Lord of Dreams had subjected him to before finally forgiving him…
           But at least he was safe now.  At least he had Paul. And at least he had been forgiven. And he was loved and accepted for who and what he truly was.  And his cruel, old father, was very much dead. A loveless old man was gone.  But Alex was alive.  Paul was alive.  And they were in love.  And no one could take that away from them.  And Alex and The King of Dreams were both free from the shadow of Roderick Burgess forever.
           There was no point on dwelling on what might have been.  That did not matter now.  What mattered was the love that Alex had finally found and the freedom that he and The King of Dreams both had gained.
The End
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rpmemesbyarat · 4 years
RP Meme from Netflix's "A Series of Unfortunate Events: A Bad Beginning: Part Two"
I'm sorry to say that the alleged entertainment you are watching is extremely unpleasant.
From the beginning of this miserable tale to the last melancholy scene, I cannot think of a single line, a single word, that does not chill me to my deepest bones.
"Why?" you may ask.
Do you know what the question I'm asked the most is?
Will you please leave the premises?
Why do I do it?
Why respond to the siren song that the Spanish call 'El Theater'?"
For fame and fortune?
For the costumes!
Where are the costumes?
Stay in the car.
Well, we've got to reach them. Try Peru.
I'm keeping an eye on things best I can
I present it to you now in the hopes that the police inspectors, concerned citizens and television executives might finally leave me alone.
I have an appointment for a haircut right now.
Well, in that case, we're going to need a map of the city.
You'll never get away with this.
I already did get away with it.
Put some elbow grease into it!
Who knows what would happen to us on the street?
At least here we have a roof over our head.
Can I warm that up for you? And also give you some very bad news?
When I was a little boy, I would have given my eyeteeth to be raised by an actor.
I have terrible friends.
It sounds like Latin.
Now, I'm sorry if I have to usher you out posthaste, but I've got work to do.
I'll have my new secretary give you a ride home as soon as he's finished typing up that report.
Shall I let them off the hook?
I spent all morning making these cupcakes for you.
They're store bought!
Aren't raspberries delicious?
I'm afraid I may have acted a bit standoffish.
I want you to participate in my next play.
It tells the story of a very handsome and good-looking man, played by me.
A pretty girl like you shouldn't be working backstage.
It's a very important role
What did you call me?
I'm not sure I'm talented enough to perform professionally.
I would prefer it if you participate voluntarily
The point is, I can order you to participate, and you must obey.
I can't stand looking at you anymore.
Killing us will do him no good.
I have never been married myself.
Are you here to continue your research?
I have quite the interest in theater, you know.
I would give up every last wig just to wear a costume.
I'm actually considering a career in law. I find those books quite fascinating.
There are countless types of books in this world, which makes good sense because there are countless types of people.
[NAME], what's happened to your face?
No, no, no, it should be delicate! Fetching!
I just think, even in changing context, that marriage is an inherently patriarchal construction
Are you leaving?
Oh, there we go, sweet girl.
Does that mean what I think it means?
It means you're going to be a star.
You have got the star quality necessary for a small walk-on role
Now, you can see it.
It's a very important part, although you won't be listed in the program.
All my life I wanted to be a bride
It's almost too good to be true.
Spend some time with your new father.
Seize the children!
I have three kinds of butter cream icing here for you to sample. One's vanilla, one has a hint of nutmeg and the other's a little lemony.
I told you never to say that word.
We'll order takeout.
Let me eat cake.
You can't just keep us in here.
What do you think will happen to you then?
I'm gonna stay up all night with a book.
The book was not at all interesting. The book was long and difficult.
What are you doing here? You're supposed to be in your room.
I was in my room all night, and I know what you're up to.
Me? I'm just having my morning coffee
If you use fancy-pants words first thing in the morning,
you're going to end up a very lonely man.
I figured out your scheme.
You don't know the difference between figuratively and literally, do you?
I'm leaping in the air because I'm very happy.
I'm so happy I could jump for joy, but I'm saving my energy for other matters.
This play won't be pretend. It'll be real and legally binding.
A man like me can acquire any number of beautiful women
What's in it for me?
Can you name me a language that was spoken by ancient Romans and is still spoken by very irritating people today?
Whatever will we do?
I guess that proves reading really is fundamental.
But I'm not old enough to get married.
It certainly is so strange to find a child missing, and one so small, so helpless.
When did you see her last?
Did you hear that? It came from outside.
Oh, you're not looking in the right place.
Oh, don't look so down.
Let her go. She's done nothing to you.
Please, she's just a baby.
Just don't harm her.
I would never, ever marry you.
Any animal owner will tell you that a stubborn mule will move toward the carrot because it wants the reward of food and away from the stick because it wants to avoid the punishment of rump pain.
Would it be so terrible to be my bride, to live in my house for the rest of your life?
You're a terrible man.
I may be a terrible man, but I have concocted a foolproof way of getting your fortune.
What have you done?
I wish I had an inventor here.
You came.
You sent for me.
Things are disastrous. Everything's gone wrong.
What went wrong?
Why would anyone listen to a consultant?
Are you free Friday night to attend the theater?
But what shall we do until then?
Could you cut these ropes for me?
You should get some sleep.
It's my turn.
I didn't help us.
You just didn't finish the job.
Let me keep my promise.
Having a brilliant idea isn't as easy as turning on a light.
But just as a single bulb can illuminate even the most depressing of rooms, the right idea can shed light on a depressing situation.
It's so wonderful that, in addition to your many talents, you have a marvelous eye for fashion.
Tell me if this is too much.
How pleasant that you could join us.
What are you gonna do with me?
It was a grappling hook.
I understand she's yours.
I'm not his bride.
You know, some people say that the hardest job in the world is raising a child.
I'll touch whatever I want.
What happened? Why are we up here?
It's so high. You must have been terrified.
I'm sorry it didn't work.
The invention worked fine. I just got caught.
You're gonna need to flip it a couple of times, like, okay?
And don't touch the baby!
Do you think you could invent something to help us escape?
I am certain that over the course of your own life, you have noticed that certain rooms reflect the personalities of the occupants.
If we had kerosene, we could make Molotov cocktails with those old wine bottles.
What are Molotov cocktails?
They're small bombs. If we throw them out the window, we could attract attention.
It's time for the big event.
Taking the role of a handsome man is certainly a brave choice.
Is it a stretch for you?
I think live theater is a much more powerful medium
than, say, streaming television.
Evil plot?
The wedding will be around 10 PM, followed by champagne toasts, reception with cake and finger food, then the after-party at the Mexican place.
All my anxieties are put to rest.
Don't distract me with idle chatter.
Get it absolutely right.
Change of plans. Sit here. Don't distract her.
Don't suppose you know how to play poker.
Would you like to deal?
I am very handsome, but I am only one man.
He's so handsome.
If I can't have him, my heart will literally break.
That can't be true!
But that piece of paper's not an official document.
I think you'll see that it is figuratively real.
I'm afraid this marriage is entirely binding.
This is absolutely horrendous. I won't allow it!
I'm afraid there's nothing you can do.
You were easily tricked!
It was child's play, winning this fortune.
You promised to let her go!
You idiot! What are you doing?
So, you escaped, you little dishrag.
Well, that doesn't count.
You're just being a sore loser and trying to ruin my special day.
You should never be afraid to admit that you don't know something.
This is a very complicated case.
It would take a formidable legal scholar to solve it.
It was thoroughly impressive and utterly convincing.
I'm even considering firing your associate
I was kidnapped
I'll get my hands on your fortune if it's the last thing I do.
You have to capture him! You have to go after him!
You let the authorities worry about that.
Sorry, but the children must come with me.
Some things in life are difficult to understand, even after years and years of thinking about them while wandering alone through desolate landscapes, usually during the off-season.
The world is quiet here.
As with so many unfortunate events in life, just because you don't understand it, doesn't mean it isn't so.
Things are worse than we thought.
Then we don't have a moment to lose.
What's a woman like you building in a place like this?
Leave no stone unturned.
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masterofmaagnetism · 3 years
( sms ) : so... the drunk voicemails i left you last night... you totally listened to them, didn't you kinda seems like a William thing?
[ so true bestie ]
[ see above for prompt ]
[ Characters: William Afton, Keegs Arrowood ]
[ Warnings: Hungover time babey ]
Keegs couldn't get drunk. Without a blood system, or proper stomach, or even veins, it was simply impossible. William, however, could.
He didn't get drunk very often though, usually only when he's celebrating or when he's... mourning.
Keegs assumed it was the former, because his boss would have never tried to call him that many times, and leave that many voicemails, if he was thinking about his children.
The voicemails went untouched through the night, received after Keegs immediately rejected all the calls they originated from (he'd been busy, and waiting for a call from Wrath).
But now, in the early hours of the morning as he got ready for his day, he decided to give in to his curiosity and listen to them.
9:15pm. Hello, Keegan. You didn't happen to misplace my blueprint binder did you? I need it to get work done. If this is some ploy to make me sleep, it will not work.
10:40pm. Keegan. I still can't find that binder. Unable to work now, I've taken to whatever odd wine you left behind after that party I practically dragged you to. I didn't know you liked the fruity ones, but I'll keep it in mind.
12:02am. This stuff... it goes down really easy, you know? I'm- I'm sure you did know, you're the one that bought it. Thank you for that, by the way, I am... enjoying it very much. I do hope I can find it again. You should answer my calls, I really want to hear your voice.
12:16am. Keegs... I know we don't always get along, but I think I miss you. I don't know. It's peculiar. I'm afraid to get near you, but I can't help myself. Please pick up. I just want to hear your voice.
1:34am. I dream about you sometimes, you know. I don't know why. You're supposed to be my enemy or- or at least the son of my enemy. We aren't even supposed to be friends but- but we are, and I can't help but want more. I think I'd be happy if you were the one to kill me. I think it's one of the only things left that could bring me joy. I... I can't wait to see you tomorrow. Please be there.
Keegs stared at his phone as the last voicemail ended, trying to wrap his head around it. What was that supposed to mean? William Afton had been trying to find the cure to death practically his entire life, and now he admits he would just lay down and die if it was because of Keegs?
What kind of psychological bullshit....
A soft toned 'beep' sounded from his phone, yanking him out of his thoughts. It was a text from none other than William himself.
( received ): So... the drunk voicemails I left you last night... you totally listened to them, didn't you?
He was starting to wish he didn't.
( sent ): I just did. How could I resist?
At the idea of William groaning in annoyance or perhaps anguish at this information brought a small smile to the android's lips, but it didn't clear his head. In fact, it made it worse.
( received ): Of course...
( received ): Well, you're a reasonable man. I was hoping we could forget about the whole thing and move past it. I don't intend for it to happen again.
As tempting as it was to sweep this under the rug, Keegs knew he was in far too deep to pull out. It's a fascinating idea, a man falling for the person who was literally built to kill him. What was less fascinating was the idea that Keegs might even feel the same.
( sent ): After you begged to even hear my voice? Absolutely not. This is prime blackmail, and I intend to keep it.
He couldn't use this as blackmail even if he wanted to. It revealed things about him as well, things he wanted to keep buried forever.
( received ): You are far more evil than I could ever be.
That made him laugh lightly, the idea that he could be worse than William.
( sent ): In your dreams, Afton. Quite literally, apparently.
( received ): Fuck you.
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purplesurveys · 3 years
survey by xflirtykaosx
Alphabetti Spaghetti (2/3)
F o r e v e r - y o u r s - F
Do you fancy any celebrities? If so, who? KIM TAEHYUUUUUUNGGGGGGGGG
Do you watch any FBI shows? Which ones? No.
Have you ever been to a festival? Which one? I don’t think so.
Do you have a fireplace in your house? Hell no. Just the idea of having a fireplace considering where I live and the general climate we have all year makes me nauseous haha.
Do you have a hot flask? I’m not so sure what you mean but if you’re referring to tumblers like Hydro Flask that keep drinks hot/cold for a really long time then yeah, I have one.
What decade were you four in? 2000s.
Do you like the TV show Friends? I love it. I haven’t watched an episode in a while, but it’s always a go-to for me whenever I feel really really really down.
Do you like the feeling of cat fur? Sure, it’s pleasant. Same with dog fur.
Go girl, go; G
Do you have a back garden? Not really a garden but we do have a sort of backyard; basically some space behind the house. 
Do you have a gentle touch? Idk...depends on what I’m holding or touching, I guess? Like I would obviously hold an infant as gently and gingerly as possible, but I wouldn’t pay as much attention if I’m holding something ordinary like my phone.
Do you like girly programmes like Gossip Girl? LOL at girly. Who says Gossip Girl and literally any other show out there has to be for a certain audience?
Do you ever use gloves? Only when I order from Frankie’s since they provide gloves with their meals.
Do you prefer gold or silver? Silver.
Are you a greedy person? What makes you greedy? A little bit, when it comes to food hahaha. I don’t like sharing and I get angry if someone eats a portion I already called dibs on.
Have you ever seen a gypsy? No.
Hold on honey, I'm here. - H
Do you have any bad habits? What? I pick at my nails - either set - when I get tense. I also tend to get a liiiiitle bit reckless with my money, if I do choose to spend. I’m pretty self-disciplined for the most part, but I let that go as soon as I give myself the green light lol. Exhibit A would be me spending a total of nearly P7,000 just this week alone on BTS merch...
Do you know anyone called Helen? I don’t think so. My dad has a cousin named Helena, though.
Have you ever watched a documentary about Hitler? Not directly related to him, but I remember watching Night Will Fall in high school.
Do you put hm in a lot of your survey answers? Not a lot. Occasionally, though.
When was the last time you went to hospital? What was it for? May last year. Blood and urine tests.
Do you like HP (Harry Potter)? Who's your favourite character? I didn’t grow up with it, but it’s not as if I’m a passionate anti. It’s just not my cup of tea, even after trying to read the books.
Do you spell it honey or hunny? I never spell it as hunny unless I’m saying it sarcastically or playfully with friends.
Are you afraid of this Swine Flu Hype? That’s gone now, right? We’re dealing with something else entirely.
In the end we all die broken. - I
Have you ever been to Ibiza? Nopes.
Do you take ice in your soda/fizzy drinks? I don’t really have a preference as I don’t regularly consume fizzy drinks anyway, as long as it’s not lukewarm.
Who do you think is a complete idiot? Anyone supporting the government at this point is a good runner-up.
Do you often wonder what if? Sometimes. But I also find it a waste of time, so I don’t dwell on them.
Have you ever seen an Igloo? I haven’t.
Do you get ill often? No, almost never.
Do you ever imagine you were not human? What did you imagine you were? No, this has never come to mind.
Do you like sexual innuendos? If it’s not too trashy, sure.
What is your IQ? Idk, I’ve never had it checked.
Do people often call you irrational? I’ve never been called this before, at least not to my face.
Do you think the name Isis is pretty? ...Welp, not anymore.
Do you get itchy eyeballs? That never happens. Is that even possible?
Do you know what ix stands for in roman numerals? 9.
Just breathe baby, breathe. - J
Have you ever been in jail? I have a very vague memory of visiting a prison with my parents before, but I no longer remember why I was there.
Do you like JD (Jack Daniels)? Nahhhhhh. Had a tiny sip of it once, found it absolutely nasty.
Do you get jealous easily? Not anymore.
Do you tell a lot of jokes? Yeah. I like making people laugh, so I drop jokes whenever I can whether I’m in a formal or informal setting.
Do you finish school/college in June? When I was in college, my school year ended every May. Before that, the academic calendar ended every March.  
Kiss me, kill me, thrill me. - K
Do you know a girl called Karla? Yeah, one of the managers at work is a Karla but I don’t work with her. I also went to grade/high school with a girl named Karla; she was my friend for a while as well, but we grew apart over the years.
Did you watch Kenan and Kel? Nope.
Do you prefer kisses or hugs? Depends on the person, I guess. But in the context of being in a relationship, I do love being kissed.
Do you like Korn? I don’t listen to them.
Do you like watching films with Kung Fu in them? Not in particular.
Lessons learnt the hard way are the best I've ever had. - L
Do you like Lady Gaga? She’s okay. I’m not super crazy about her but I tend to like all the stuff she puts out.
When was the last time you had lemonade? Wow, it’s definitely been a while. Maybe a year or so ago? I don’t get to have it a lot; usually only when it’s offered at hotels or resorts when I go on vacation.
Do you ever lie to save your own skin? Sometimes, but I never let the lie be too big just in case it bites me back in the ass one day.
Do you think llamas are cute? Sure.
Do you use Lol a lot? Yes.
Do you think you are lucky or unlucky? Neither.
Melody in my heartstrings. - M
Do you like Mac and Cheese? Loooooove mac and cheese, especially truffle mac and cheese.
Do you ever eat at McDonald’s? What's your usual? Not very often tbh, but I do like McDonald’s. I don’t eat it frequently enough to have a usual order; I get whatever I feel like having at a given moment. And since we’re here, I’m gonna be plugging the BTS Meal, in stores 5/26! HAHAHA
Do you like Medieval games like 7elda? You mean The Legend of Zelda? I do love that franchise, but I don’t like the medieval genre as a whole; I just happened to grow up with the Zelda series and Nintendo as a whole, so I’ve taken a liking to it. 
What's on your mind right now? That it’s Monday again tomorrow. I feel like I’m starting to get burnout :/ I’ve definitely noticed I haven’t been being 100% at work lately...but it could also be because the weather is crappy hot again, which makes it a lot harder to work and keep focused.
Is money in your opinion, the root of all evil? It’s part of it.
Do you like Mr and Mrs the show? I’m not familiar with it.
Do you read murder mystery books? Which ones? No.
Do you find Mystical stuff fascinating? Not really.
Nobody loves me, what a change. - N
Do you know the name of your local shopkeeper? We don’t have those here.
Have you ever been called nerdy? I’m sure I’ve been.
Are you you truly a nice person? I hope that’s what people see and think.
Do you overuse nouns in your sentences? I like using adjectives, for one; but I don’t exactly know how you can overuse nouns hahaha.
Do you know anyone personally who is a nurse? Yes, I have several relatives who are in nursing.
Only you - it always has been. - O
Do you obey authority or deliberately disobey it? Obey for the most part.
Is there anything in your room that is an Octagon? What is it? I don’t think so.
What odor can you smell in the room you're in now? The neutral scent my aircon is blowing out.
Do you get offended easily? I think sensitive would be a more fitting word.
Have you ever been to Ohio? No.
Do you ever say Oi? Sure, but not frequently.
Do you spell it OK or okay? I use both; I don’t have a preference. What I avoid is ‘K,’ though.
Are you older than the number day you were born on? Yes.
Have you ever watched the film the Omen? I haven’t.
Name one thing you always have taken for granted? The basic things, I guess, like breathing.
Have you ever had an operation? On what? Never.
Do you like things in a set order or doesn't it matter? As much as possible I do want things to be organized, yeah. I get restless if I see a very messy spreadsheet or Powerpoint, for instance.
Do you have a habit of overreacting? I was a lot more...theatrical in my reactions before haha. Not so much these days; I’ve toned down a lot.
Do you think Owls are nice? Sure.
Do you know what an Oxymoron is? Yup.
Have you ever tried Oyster? Yessssssss I love them and now you’re making me crave them :(
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warsofasoiaf · 4 years
What is your opinion of KOTOR 2? Favorite things about it, least favorite things about it, characters, etc.
Alright, it’s time for another video game review, so an early reminder, spoilers abound for both KOTOR1 and KOTOR2. There’s a cut of course. Overall, I thought it was a phenomenally well-written game and one of the greatest pieces of media to exist in the Stars Wars universe (although I haven’t read any of the Expanded Universe books so keep that in mind), and as is the usual case for Obsidian particularly in this era, developer constraints created a beautiful mess.
Before we can talk about KOTOR we need to talk a little bit about Star Wars and what it meant as a film. The original Star Wars isn’t a very creative story, it’s largely a conventional Hero’s Journey. It’s a pastiche of early adventure stories in a science fiction setting, but with the added benefit of video and sound effects to really make it come to life in a way that was only possible in the imagination of readers. This gave the series a wide deal of appeal. Folks who grew up on the 1950′s Flash Gordon serials or WW2 dogfight films could see a film with those things they loved from their childhood with a high budget to bring those things to life. Science fiction fans could visually see elements of their favorite books brought to life on the silver screen. Fans of movies can appreciate the cutting-edge (for the time, although I love me some practical effects in film) effects and the unfamiliar elements of science fiction with the familiar trappings of an adventure tale. 
KOTOR was something similar for the video game industry, particularly for the fans of Baldur’s Gate. The ability to create a Jedi character and go on a journey like the Bhaalspawn did in Baldur’s Gate was something that appealed to a significant number of RPG fans, and the critical success of the Baldur’s Gate series brought a lot of money and prestige to Bioware. Fans of RPGs and Star Wars got to see their medium and interact with it in a whole new light. Much like A New Hope, KOTOR1 was largely a traditional story where Darth Malak is an evil guy without much in the way of redemptive qualities. The two major wrinkles were that you could play as a Sith and have some moments of true player cruelty like ordering Zaalbar to kill Mission, but this makes sense for an RPG, having no player choice in a game really makes you lose the lightside/darkside dynamic. Of course, the bigger and more interesting drift from a traditional Star Wars story was the Revan twist. This took advantage of both the slower pace of games to spend time with your PC and form a connection, and the nature of Western RPG’s where the player envisions themselves partially as their avatar onscreen to make the reveal hit home. Ultimately though, the Star Wars morality was upheld. The Jedi were the unequivocal good guys, the Sith were the unequivocal bad guys. 
KOTOR2 decided to put the Force under the microscope. It had started in 2003, so Episode II had already come out, and this idea of the prophecy of Anakin bringing balance to the Force, and what we knew of the Jedi in the original Star Wars trilogy who were reduced to hermits hiding on the fringes of society, really gave the impetus to examine this idea of the balance of the Force as not necessarily benevolent. It’s not evil, per say, it’s just indifferent to the people that die to make it happen. So the game became a self-critical examination of the core structures of the Star Wars universe. The Sith are usually thought of as the bad guys, and a lot of that holds true, domination, subjugation, power, betrayal, all that nasty stuff aren’t really conducive to most conceptions of goodness, but are the Jedi good? Does their passivity lead to injustice and terror being wrought on others because the Jedi failed to act. That was the question behind the Jedi involvement in the Mandalorian Wars, was the Exile correct in going off to fight them or were the Jedi Council who forbade them correct? As befits the folks who wrote Planescape: Torment, the game has two journeys, one through the game world and the plot that unfolds and another more deeply introspective.
I’ll put the things I don’t like about KOTOR2 first because the list is small but it is worth noting. The game is very clearly a rushed product and it shows. The cut content shows a great deal of lost potential, and the bugs could make the game at times completely unplayable. The game suffered from the accelerated development, having barely half the development time, and you can see where the seams show. The UI is clunky and gets cluttered when you have to manage items. Level design is similarly a nuisance, as they are big sprawling expanses without a lot of content in them. Part of that is a necessity to the mechanics, smaller levels would have other encounter designs being agro’d into it, but the levels are still expansive, empty, and a slog to get through. The Peragus mining facility is too large by half, and there’s a lot of backtracking in these levels. Since side quests encourage finding a doodad or killing a few key figures scattered around a map, that means a lot of trekking through these big levels to find one particular item or enemy locked in a corner somewhere. That can be very tedious, particularly on repeat playthroughs. At times, it feels like legging your way through a swamp to get to the next piece of delicious content.
Which is a good segue into talking what I like about the game, because its writing and characters are superb. The character companions are twists of classic Star Wars archetypes. Atton is the scoundrel Han Solo non-Force user type, but ends up having a disturbingly dark backstory where he was a Sith interrogator and feared his own Force-sensitive nature. Bao-Dur is a man haunted by the weapon of mass destruction he created, a tech-head who ends up hating his most momentous creation but feels the need to use it yet again. Canderous has become the new Mandalore and is desperately trying to revitalize his dying culture because he’s been so broken by Revan’s departure. The Wookie life-debt is so toxic that it breaks Hanharr and Mira in their own ways. Visas is a Sith whose will is shattered. Each of these characters are fundamentally broken (save for the droids, unless you count the physical need to reassemble HK-47 as broken), and the Exile draws them to him or her. Through discovering more about them and resolving it, the Exile awakens the characters’ connection to the Force, oddly ironic since the Exile is cut off from the Force and is only rediscovering it. Like most Bioware RPG’s, you the player through your character guide the growth of these characters and form a relationship with them, or use them for your own ends.
Kreia, of course, deserves her own paragraph. Kreia is the Star Wars Ravel Puzzlewell, an embittered woman who wants to destroy the cosmic chains of the universe and loves the player character in a deeply obsessive way, one that’s played completely straight in how it makes the player uncomfortable. She is deeply resentful of the Force and wants to destroy it, and through the Exile, who managed to cut themselves off so utterly completely in a unique way, she sees the path. Of course, the reason why the Exile cut themselves off was the mass death at Malachor V was so overwhelming that he or she would have otherwise died. Of course, her obsession and overriding mission cares little for the Exile’s own pain, and so the manipulations begin, using you to lure out and destroy the Jedi and the Sith, and in the end, you disappoint her, either because you don’t learn her lessons or she discovers that the only reason you were the way you were was because you were afraid. She still is obsessed over you, though, and so when you finally confront her, she obliges that affection to explain everything, unusually honest for a woman whose Sith name is evocative of the word betrayal. And fortunately, she allows something that most monologue villains don’t allow, a means by which to tell her she’s full of shit. Certainly, it’s a little weaker coming from her as an option to you rather than the player character saying it themselves, but I think it’s stronger, since so much of the ending had to be cut anyway it reinforces the ambiguity of it, that the ending is what you believe. Personal belief has always been important for the Exile and Kreia/Traya, and letting that transfer to the player is, while perhaps not the most ideal, completely valid given how rushed the development was. 
The other Sith Lords are fascinating concepts of evil and personal belief as well as well, and really show the Dark Side of the force in a parasitic, corrupt sense and the horrible ends of taking belief to its extreme. Darth Sion is the Lord of Pain. He cannot die but he feels pain constantly, making eternal life not a blessing but a torture, though in it he found a twisted source of enlightenment. His pain fuels his anger and hatred (key ingredients of the Dark Side) and so he persists solely through the Dark Side. Darth Nihilus, on the other hand, had his body obliterated by the Mass Shadow Generator, and so persisted as a wound in the Force, consuming Force energy to feed his relentless hunger. He is not a human anymore but a force of endless consumption that cannot be satiated, this hunger pain pushes him past his own mortal existence but which can only consume, not live. This perfectly illustrates the Dark Side concept of pursuit of power even past the point of sustainability, for Nihilus will continue consuming until all existence has been eaten.
The game is dark and moody, as you explore a shattered galaxy. In the original game, the search led to the Star Forge and the revelation that you the player was Revan. The sequel shows that there was no grand conspiracy; the act of Malachor built Nihilus and Sion and the player themselves was something that you did. It was not a conspiracy of Jedi but rather the after-effects of a particular action, much the way Lonesome Road had the Courier’s delivery of the package to Hopeville to be something that destroyed Ulysses even though you never met him. The Mass Shadow Generator was meant to save the galaxy from the Mandalorians but birthed a new, more powerful tragedy. Bao-Dur even wonders if the subjugation of the people under the Mandalorians was better than the power of the Mass Shadow Generator, a powerful moment ordered by just a mere single Jedi, built by a mere tech specialist. In true Planescape fashion, a personal apocalypse is a galactic apocalypse and vice-versa. Torment lingers over this game, in the broken characters, in a parallel journey both outward and inward. In many ways KOTOR2 was Planescape: Torment in the Star Wars universe, albeit with its own personal flair.
Alright, that’s a good review. I can do character analyses of some of the major characters if you want.
Thanks for the question, Messanger.
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
survey by xflirtykaosx
Alphabetti Spaghetti (2/3) F o r e v e r - y o u r s - F Do you fancy any celebrities? If so, who? Alexander Skarsgard. 
Do you watch any FBI shows? Which ones? Nope.
Have you ever been to a festival? Which one? Yeah, a couple local ones.
Do you have a fireplace in your house? Yes.
Do you have a hot flask? I do not.
What decade were you four in? The 90s.
Do you like the TV show Friends? I never got into it like everyone else seemed to.
Do you like the feeling of cat fur? If petting a cat, sure. Not when it’s all over my clothes.
Go girl, go; G Do you have a back garden? No.
Do you have a gentle touch? Uhh I don’t know.
Do you like girly programmes like Gossip Girl? Not that one in particular, but I like other shows some might consider “girly.”
Do you ever use gloves? If I need to for some reason.
Do you prefer gold or silver? I like both.
Are you a greedy person? What makes you greedy? I’m sure I can be in some ways.
Have you ever seen a gypsy? No.
Hold on honey, I'm here. - H Do you have any bad habits? What? I have a lot of bad habits. One is face picking, which I’ve been doing more lately due to stress and anxiety. :/
Do you know anyone called Helen? No.
Have you ever watched a documentary about Hitler? Probably for school.
Do you put hm in a lot of your survey answers? I thought you said “him” and was referring to Hitler and I was like uh, no?? Anyway, yeah I do say that a lot.
When was the last time you went to hospital? What was it for? For myself, it was back in September 2012 for surgery.
Do you like HP (Harry Potter)? Who's your favourite character? Yeah. I wasn’t a hardcore fan, but I did enjoy the movies. 
Do you spell it honey or hunny? “Honey.”
Are you afraid of this Swine Flu Hype? I was. That was a big thing at the time. We had no idea COVID would be coming, though...
In the end we all die broken. - I Have you ever been to Ibiza? I took a pill in Ibiza actually to show Avicii I was cool. Ha, if you know, you know. Anyway, no, I have not.
Do you take ice in your soda/fizzy drinks? I don’t care for ice to be honest, but if I get a drink from a restaurant or fast food place I’ll just say light ice. I never use ice otherwise.
Who do you think is a complete idiot? Me.
Do you often wonder what if? Only all the time.
Have you ever seen an Igloo? I haven’t.
Do you get ill often? Yes.
Do you ever imagine you were not human? What did you imagine you were? No, not seriously. Only when surveys ask what animal you’d be or something.
Do you like sexual innuendos? Not really my thing.
What is your IQ? Above average. Those things don’t really mean much, though.
Do people often call you irrational? Not that I’m aware of.
Do you think the name Isis is pretty? Sure.
Do you get itchy eyeballs? Yeah. Gotta love seasonal allergies. 
Do you know what ix stands for in roman numerals? 9.
Just breathe baby, breathe. - J Have you ever been in jail? No.
Do you like JD (Jack Daniels)? Nope. Or any alcohol. 
Do you get jealous easily? I haven’t felt jealous in a very long time.
Do you tell a lot of jokes? No. I very, very rarely tell jokes. I don’t even recall the last time.
Do you finish school/college in June? I graduated college back in May of 2015.
Kiss me, kill me, thrill me. - K Do you know a girl called Karla? I did in middle school.
Did you watch Kenan and Kel? I haven’t in a long time, but yeah I did.
Do you prefer kisses or hugs? I mean, it depends. Although, right now I’m not feeling up for either. I just feel gross.
Do you like Korn? I liked a couple songs.
Do you like watching films with Kung Fu in them? No.
Lessons learnt the hard way are the best I've ever had. - L Do you like Lady Gaga? I like a few of her songs.
When was the last time you had lemonade? I’m not sure, but I know it’s been quite a long time.
Do you ever lie to save your own skin? It’s happened.
Do you think llamas are cute? Sure.
Do you use Lol a lot? No.
Do you think you are lucky or unlucky? Well, I don’t believe in luck.
Melody in my heartstrings. - M Do you like Mac and Cheese? Yeah.
Do you ever eat at McDonald’s? What's your usual? Not often, but if I do I’ll either get their breakfast burritos and hash browns or a Big Mac and fries.
Do you like Medieval games like 7elda? Nah.
What's on your mind right now? What I want to try and eat for lunch. 
Is money in your opinion, the root of all evil? It’s part of it.
Do you like Mr and Mrs the show? I don’t know what that is.
Do you read murder mystery books? Which ones? Yes. That’s all I’ve been reading for the past couple years. I’ve read a ton.
Do you find Mystical stuff fascinating? That’s never really been my thing.
Nobody loves me, what a change. - N Do you know the name of your local shopkeeper? We don’t have those here.
Have you ever been called nerdy? Yeah.
Are you you truly a nice person? I think so, but it hasn’t shown the past few years because I just feel like I’ve been hardened and more shutoff due to reasons. 
Do you overuse nouns in your sentences? I’ve never thought about it.
Do you know anyone personally who is a nurse? No.
Only you - it always has been. - O Do you obey authority or deliberately disobey it? I think I’m pretty law-abiding. 
Is there anything in your room that is an Octagon? What is it? *shrug* I’m not spending time looking for something.
What odor can you smell in the room you're in now? Nothing at the moment.
Do you get offended easily? I think sensitive would be a more fitting word. <<< Same. I’ve always been sensitive, but damn it’s been bad.
Have you ever been to Ohio? No.
Do you ever say Oi? Not regularly, but yeah I’ve said that.
Do you spell it OK or okay? “Okay.”
Are you older than the number day you were born on? Yes.
Have you ever watched the film the Omen? Nope.
Name one thing you always have taken for granted? It’s just crazy looking back when I thought things were bad and it was nothing compared the last 6 years. It doesn’t seem nearly as bad now and I’m like damn, I’d take that over this.
Have you ever had an operation? On what? I’ve had several.
Do you like things in a set order or doesn't it matter? I need some order.
Do you have a habit of overreacting? Ohhh, yes.
Do you think Owls are nice? I don’t know.
Do you know what an Oxymoron is? I do. 
Have you ever tried Oyster? No, and I have no interest in trying it.
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