#realized they had to be baked and put them back with the box open
antimony-ore · 2 months
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jae-bummer · 4 months
The Stranger in 43B
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Prompt: You move in next door and he tries his hardest to be a good neighbor while you try your hardest to be left alone.
Pairing: Ateez Park Seonghwa x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Song rec while you're reading: Close - Han
Putting your hands on your hips, you let out a sigh as you assessed the sight in front of you. Boxes upon boxes in leaning and teetering stacks were balanced haphazardly around the living area, all of them threatening to come down in an expensive game of dominoes at any moment.
You never realized just how much crap you owned until you moved.
"Hello?" a gentle voice called from your entryway.
Nearly tumbling into the stack of boxes closest to you, you spun in surprise. With your hands full as you came in, you forgot to kick the door closed behind you as you had done most of the morning.
"Uh..." you trailed, looking down the hall and into the face of someone you had never met.
Admittedly, he was handsome...but still, stranger danger.
"Neighbor," he smiled in explanation. Moving to take a step in, he stopped himself. His cheeks instantly began to blush pink. "May I?"
Anywhere you had lived, you had made a point to make yourself as small and insignificant as possible. You didn't want to rely on any of your neighbors for anything, and more importantly, you didn't want to be relied on. It was easier to be a lone wolf. Having to care for yourself and yourself alone was difficult enough in this modern hellscape.
You stared at him, unblinking. "Sure?"
So much for your survival instincts.
Smiling to himself, he gave a short nod before stepping just inside of your entryway. He lifted a plate into the air. "I heard we had a new neighbor moving in down the hall, so I made muffins."
"I'm allergic to blueberries," you blurted, trying not to wince at how loud the declaration came out.
He narrowed his eyes. "Good thing they're chocolate chip."
"Right," you laughed nervously, still making no move to come closer. "You really didn't have to go to the trouble."
"It was no trouble at all," he insisted. Was it just your imagination or did you see his smile become tighter? "I have housemates, so they're always eager for me to bake something and-"
"Oh, if you have roommates, you don't have to waste any food on me," you nodded. "Thank you though!"
"I'm Seonghwa," the stranger said, you assumed trying a different tactic for conversation. Honestly, you never really understood people who insisted on being friendly.
"Y/N," you nodded shortly, letting the conversation lapse into something awkward. Maybe if he felt uncomfortable he would leave.
No such luck.
"Do you need any help with boxes?" he asked, looking around the room with wide eyes. "No one should have to move by themselves."
"I work best alone," you said cheerfully, hoping he'd pick up on the hint.
"Oh," he hummed, pursing his lips. Sweeping one last gaze across your apartment, he let out a sigh. "I'll just set these on the counter then?"
"Really, you don't-"
"Please," he snapped before catching himself and letting his face fall into a serene smile again. "I insist."
"Counter is fine," you chirped, trying not to feel as if you were just chastised by a parent. "Thank you."
"No thanks needed," he affirmed, stepping gingerly between boxes and packing materials to get to the kitchen. Placing the plate on the counter, he turned back to face you. "Just return the plate whenever you have the chance."
As you were opening your mouth to tell him he could take the plate before he left, he was already giving a small wave and backtracking out of your apartment. "It was nice meeting you, Y/N. If you need anything, I'm just down the hall! Apartment 43B."
"Right," you croaked, watching him disappear around the corner into the hallway.
And that was how your relationship with Park Seonghwa of Apartment 43B began; awkwardly and against your will.
The day after he had broken into your apartment (been invited in) to poison you (give you muffins that were admittedly delicious), you waited until it was 2 AM the following day to covertly stalk down the hall and abandon the plate. You placed it in a shopping bag (you weren't going to leave someone else's dinnerware on the ground) and tiptoed toward his door.
Looking down at his welcome mat, you hissed out a laugh. Decorated in floral patterns, it noted in sprawling script "Bless Our Nest." You didn't even know him and somehow that was so on brand.
Depositing the bag in front of his door, you must have looked like a fool as you attempted to run quietly back toward your apartment. No one looked cool when they were trying to be sneaky, no matter how the spy movies made it seem.
Your shoulders scrunched up to your ears as you spun slowly toward the sound of Seonghwa's voice. "Why are you awake?"
He lifted his brows in amusement at your curt response. Waving his hand in the air, you saw he was holding a Nintendo Switch. "New Animal Crossing expansion dropped at midnight."
"How did you hear me?"
Crossing his arms, he leaned against the door frame. He eyed you up and down carefully. "I have a camera doorbell."
Glancing directly to the left of his elbow, you tried not to swear. He sure as shit did. You crossed your arms as well, trying to hide yourself from his appraising gaze.
"Why'd you come to the door then?" you managed, unsure of where to take this conversation.
"And miss this exciting game of twenty questions?" he grinned. "I'm not going to leave a Williams Sonoma plate for someone to steal."
You sighed, of course he owned expensive flatware.
"I didn't kno-"
"Of course you didn't," he grinned, lifting the bag from the ground. "I'm teasing you, Y/N."
You opened your mouth, unsure of what to say. It had been quite awhile since someone had bothered to banter with you.
"Why are you awake?" he countered, cocking a brow.
"Unpacking," you said quietly. You weren't going to admit that you had also been waiting for the Animal Crossing expansion.
"Thanks for bringing back my plate," he managed, biting his lip as he held your gaze a little too long. "I'm going to get back to it though."
"Right," you nodded. "Sorry for-"
"Goodnight, Y/N," he smiled genuinely, cutting off any apology.
Shutting the door softly between the two of you, you shook your head.
Of course that wouldn't be the last time you saw him. Against your best efforts, he became one of the constants in your routine. Whether it was fate or organized by his own design, you were constantly bumping into each other around your apartment building. Trash drop off? Seonghwa. Going to grab your mail? Seonghwa. Hopping in the elevator? Seonghwa.
Needless to say, you shouldn't have been surprised when a few weeks later, you heard a light knock on your door.
"Do you need any candles?" he asked, appearing in the doorway.
You furrowed your brows as you took him in. Already wearing pajamas at 8 PM (albeit a very expensive looking silk set) his arms were full to the brim with what appeared to be Yankee Candles. By all accounts, he was adorable, and you hated it.
"They're all the same scent," he attested. "So if you have more than one going at once, you won't get a headache."
"Seonghwa-" you began, completely confused by his appearance until another roll of thunder shook the complex and the lights above you began to flicker.
"I probably should have led with this," he chuckled. "But the power likes to go out at the smallest weather event."
Looking toward the ceiling, you grimaced. While you didn't mind bad weather, you did mind the power going out. Sure, you were an independent adult who could navigate the world alone, but as soon as the lights went out, you were on edge. It wasn't necessarily the dark that scared you, but the things in it that you couldn't see.
"I have lanterns somewhere..." you muttered, walking further into your apartment. You racked your brain, trying to remember which box you had packed them in. While you had most of your day to day items unpacked, there were still quite a few boxes waiting to be opened.
"I brought my lighter too in case you didn't have one," Seonghwa insisted, following you into the living area. He began to set the candles down on the makeshift coffee table you had created out of cardboard. "Let's get these lit before the-"
As if summoning it with his words, all noise halted around you as the power shuttered off.
"Lights go out."
"Shit," you whispered, standing as still as possible in the blackness that threatened to suffocate you.
With a light pop, the space was illuminated in a dull glow as Seonghwa's lighter flared to life.
"Thank god," you nearly cried as you watched him lean down to light the candles. For once, you could confidently say that you were thankful for your overly helpful neighbor.
"Hwa to the rescue!" he chimed, attempting to light the first candle, but the wick refused to catch. "Now why..."
You watched in horror as the lighter flickered out. As Seonghwa pressed the button again, it only clicked. "Oh, come on."
"Shit," you whispered into the darkness again. "Shit, shit, shit."
"No worry," he said confidently. "I'm sure it won't be out for long."
Feeling as if you were a piece of ice that had begun to melt, you slid toward the floor with a plop. "Shit."
You closed your eyes tightly, convinced that the blackness that hid behind your lids was safer than anything this apartment could provide.
"Y/N?" Seonghwa's gentle voice filled the silence, noting the obvious shift in atmosphere.
"Yep," you hissed. Your eyes were screwed shut, only cognizant of his movements by the noise of him shuffling around you. "I'm good."
"Are you sure?" he asked, this time much closer. You couldn't confirm, but it felt like he was crouched down in front of you. "You don't sound okay."
"I'm fine," you gritted out. "You can head back over to your place."
Even though the idea of being alone right now was terrifying, you didn't know if you were prepared for the level of vulnerability it took to show Seonghwa this part of you. That's why it was easier to push people away.
The pace of your breathing sped up, your body completely ignoring every therapist you had ever worked with. How could the room spin when your eyes weren't open?
"Hey, hey, hey, hey," Seonghwa cooed, pulling you into his arms without a second thought. "It's going to be okay."
Panicked breaths shuttered out of you as you allowed him to tuck you tightly into his chest.
"Crap, is this alright? I didn't ask permission to touch you, but also-"
You quickly nodded your head. "F-f-fine."
"Okay," he said, voice still calm. He began to run his hands over your hair, his fingers smoothing through the strands methodically. "Just breathe, Y/N. You're safe. I won't let anything happen to you."
You knew he wouldn't. While you had forced yourself to be annoyed at his mere presence, Seonghwa had done nothing but be there for you from the beginning.
"Let's breathe together, okay? Can you do that with me?"
You remained silent, already trying to focus on his breathing cadence.
"Good, you're doing so good," he hummed. "Are your eyes open, Y/N?"
"No," you choked out.
"Open your eyes," he whispered. "I've got you. Let them adjust to the dark. It's not so scary once you can kind of see what's going on."
You thought about arguing, but he hadn't steered you wrong yet. Your eyes fluttered open and you instantly began to breath easier. He was right. There was a slight glow coming from under the door, no doubt the apartment's emergency lights flared to life in the hallway. The windows also provided a bit of light on their own, the moon bright despite the clouds passing by.
"See," he cooed. "This isn't so bad."
You hadn't realized that you were white knuckling the fabric of his top and slowly released the smooth material. Setting your palm against his chest instead, it was more obvious when his own heartbeat sped up.
You thought back to every time you had bumped into your neighbor, every kindness he showed you just for you to push him away. What were you afraid of?
Leaning slightly away from Seonghwa, you tried to make out the outline of his face. it was easy to see his features this close, even cloaked in night.
It might have been the oxygen you had been depriving your brain, but it seemed like a great idea to kiss him.
"Hwa," you managed, your voice barely above a whisper.
His tongue skirted across his bottom lip, almost like an invitation.
Before you could talk yourself out of it, you pressed your lips lightly against his, barely a ghost of a kiss. Just as you began to pull away, you felt his mouth chase after yours. Another kiss, this one soft and sweet before he broke contact.
Maybe your fear was confusing itself for sexy feelings, but either way, mortification flooded in where butterflies had once been.
"Y/N?" he said quietly, his eyes searching your face. Even in the dark, they were so big and bright. His own expression was one of wonder.
"Sorry...was that...I didn't-" you stumbled over your words. He had been so conscious of asking for your permission to touch you earlier, and here you were, just thrusting your lips into his.
A small smile fought it's way onto his mouth. "I just wanted to make sure it was something you wanted...I don't want to take advantage-"
"No, I thought I was the one taking advantage-"
"No!" he laughed. "I'm not the one coming down from a panic attack."
"I thought...maybe I mistook your kindness and..."
"I think we're both fine then," he hummed, snuggling you in closer. "You know...you...you could do that again...maybe."
"Oh...I could?" you whispered, letting the amusement take place of the fear.
"Mhm," he hummed, his face coming even closer to yours. "It'll keep your mind busy until the power comes back on."
"You're such a thoughtful neighbor," you whispered.
"Dare you say...your favorite neighbor?"
"I dunno," you hummed. "Mrs. Huang in 41B is pretty high on my list."
"I bake waaaay better than Mrs. Huang," he grumbled, his lips still painfully close but still not on yours.
You pretended to think. "I suppose you're my favorite neighbor, but only by a little bit."
Lifting his hand to cup your cheek, he grinned. "Let me close the gap then."
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xzaddyzanakinx · 11 months
| So, So Right | pt.1
Stepbro! Anakin Skywalker x Innocent Reader
18+ MDNI
Warnings: eventual smut, inappropriate relationships
Info: Modern AU, Anakin is whipped, Anakin literally worships the ground you walk on, Not Profread
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It had been almost 4 months since your world was shattered and the pieces were glued haphazardly back together. Everything had happened alarmingly fast, one day it was just you and your mother, the next she was bringing home a stranger. He was nice, he made your mom happy and that was enough of a reason for you to love him as well.
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That was until one night Obi-Wan and your mother came in to the living room where you sat typing away on your laptop for a college class. Obi-Wan cleared his throat to catch your attention, once you looked up and saw the nervous smiles on their faces you got a nauseous feeling in your stomach.
“Can we talk for a second?” Your mother asked tentatively, almost afraid to ask.
“Yeah sure. What’s up?” You raised an eyebrow and carefully put your laptop on the coffee table.
“We’ve decided it’s time for you to meet my son.” Obi-Wan smiled, “the year is almost over, he will be coming home for the summer.”
Your mind spun, this could mean the end of your normalcy. This was a serious step, of course you knew he had a son, but you had never even spoken to him, much less seen him.
“That’s a couple weeks away. Uh- well thanks for telling me?” You said confused.
“Yes but, honey, look at me.” Your mother’s sweet and calming voice pierced through the fog attempting to form in your mind. “He’s coming to visit this weekend!”
“Like this weekend? As in tomorrow?” You asked, standing up abruptly.
“Yes, he will be here tomorrow afternoon. We want to take you both out to dinner.” Obi-Wan nodded, reaching out to encourage you to walk over.
“Okay,” you forced a smile, trying to hide your nervousness, “what’s his favorite desert?”
Obi-Wan chuckled, pulling you into an embrace where you were sandwiched between him and your mother.
“Blondies.” He whispered and gave you an affectionate shoulder squeeze.
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You tossed and turned all night, unable to get comfortable and desperate to turn your thoughts off. You so badly wanted to make a good impression on him. You knew enough about him to know he played Lacrosse, he was such a good player and had so much passion for it that he had considered majoring in sports management. Though quickly realized engineering and mechanics was the perfect fit for him. He was tall and pretty, a scar across his eye from his teenage years. That was it, that was all you had. Plus the fact you now knew he liked Blondies.
So the moment your alarm had went off you rolled out of bed and got to work. Baking was your passion, culinary school was the perfect fit for you. You dreamed of opening a pastry shop, and you used every spare minute to hone your skills. The process was easy, cookie dough and brownie batter, slap it all in a pan and throw it in the oven.
Now that you’d taken them out to cool, you found yourself restless and incapable of sitting still. This was going to be a long day.
Over the next few hours you packaged away the Blondies in a cute pastry box with a pink tag that you’d written ‘Anakin’ in beautiful calligraphy, showered and watched a few episodes of your favorite show, and now you sat at your vanity.
Staring at yourself in the mirror, hyping yourself up to meet the most important person in Obi-Wan’s life. Carefully applying your makeup, not too much, just enough to accentuate your natural features and lengthen your eyelashes. Painting your nails and nude-ish pink and slipping on a soft baby blue dress with matching shoes.
Descending the stairs while your hair flowed gracefully down your back in loose curls. Obi-Wan and your mother sat at the kitchen table chatting, immediately looking up when you entered the room.
“Oh! You look lovely!” Your mother clapped her hands and her lips curved into a genuine smile.
“Beautiful.” Obi-Wan beamed, he had really taken to the roll of father figure for you, and it showed in moments like these. He treated you as his own flesh and blood.
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The car ride went quickly, and soon you were entering the restaurant. Watching the crowd from the waiting room, in fitted black dress pants and a black button-up stood a sandy haired boy. Obi-Wan rushed over and clapped a hand on his back, pulling him into a crushing hug. You stood with your mother, watching the scene unfold with adoration.
“Ani!” Obi-Wan outstretched his arms to gesture to you. “Here she is!”
His gaze lingered on your face before traveling down and back up, his cheeks a bit pink and his eyes wide.
“Hi! It’s nice to meet you again Satine.” He nodded and took your mothers hand between his two large ones.
“I’ve heard quite a bit about you.” Anakin turned to you, his height making you feel smaller than before. You introduced yourself as Anakin seemed to drink in every word.
The hostess soon called for your party, and brought you to a large round table near a floor to ceiling window. The view was gorgeous and the table setting was just as elegant. The dinner was going smoothly, Anakin was easy to get along with. He seemed genuinely interested in everything you said, you were so relieved that you didn’t even notice the hunger in his gaze.
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That had been weeks ago, and it felt like an eternity. The dinner ended with a bombshell of an announcement, Obi-Wan and your mother were engaged to be married.
Now Anakin had moved in, the wedding date was set and Obi-Wan had put his house on the market. Your room was right next to Anakin’s, and you had a shared bathroom connecting the rooms. You didn’t mind, in fact you quite enjoyed being so close to him.
The friendship had blossomed beautifully, spending time with Anakin was your new favorite thing. He kept you company when you were flitting about the kitchen with your apron covered in flour, helped you with chores, read to you at night and he even walked through the neighborhood with you and quickly discovered your fear of the large dog at the end of the cul-de-sac when you practically jumped into his arms when it barked at you. He didn’t make fun of you like you expected, he held you to his chest and whispered calming words until you were ready to continue, after that his hand was practically glued to yours in a comforting grasp at all times.
Today was the beginning of his new summer job, he’d be working at the local car shop as a mechanic, he was absolutely ecstatic. Of course you were equally excited for him, but you held a bit of worry in your heart, what would you do all day without him here?
“Goodmorning princess,” he called from the shared bathroom, you almost always kept your doors open so you could easily get to his room and vice versa.
You hopped up quickly and rushed to sit on the bathroom sink while he brushed his teeth. He greeted you with a sleepy kiss to your forehead, leaving a soft smile on your lips.
“Are you excited?” You asked.
“So excited.” He grinned, spitting toothpaste foam into the sink and rinsing it down.
“Good! I-I’ll bring you some lunch okay?” You said.
“Perfect. I’d miss you too much if you didn’t.” He gathered you up in his arms, hooking his forearms under your thighs to hold you close to his chest while you wrapped your legs around him, resting your head in the crook of his shoulder. He walked you over to his bedroom, gently laying you in his still-warm sheets.
“Ani?” You asked as you watched him strip from his pajama pants and sleep shirt.
“What is it babe?” He asked as he walked to his closet in just his boxers.
“What am I supposed to do all day while you’re gone?” Your lip stuck in a pout.
“We talked about this,” he said gently, sliding a white shirt over his head and throwing some jeans on the bed before making his way to you.
“I’ll be back everyday at 5:00. You’ll have from 8:00 to 5:00 to do whatever you want! Call up one of your friends, see if they want to set up a weekly hang out or something.”
He carefully tucked a lock of your hair behind your ear, you could see the pain in his eyes at the thought of you being upset.
“I know. I will.” You sighed, scooting closer to rest your head on his knee.
“I gotta do this to get the experience, so I can open my own garage. How else am I gonna make sure you get that big cake shop hmm?” He caressed your cheek with his thumb, making you nod in agreement.
“You’ll see me at lunch, and once I get home, I’ll take you out to see a movie. How that sound?” He asked, taking notice of your sour expression.
You perked up at the thought, it had been a while since you’d been to the theater.
“Yes! That would make up for it I think.” You said playfully.
“Good. Now I gotta go before you convince me to stay.” He laughed, smoothing your hair and standing up.
Throwing on his jeans and a belt before tugging on his brand new pair of work boots. He took one last look at you, pressing his lips to his thumb and transferring the kiss to your bottom lip in a gentle swipe. He left you there, alone in his room. His blankets smothered you with his scent and you slowly let yourself fall asleep.
You groggily awoke to the feeling of the mattress being weighted down. A gentle hand shaking your leg to get your attention. Your sleep filled eyes barely registered the figure at the foot of the bed, Obi-Wan. You rubbed your eyes with your knuckles as he spoke.
“What’re you doing in here?” He asked.
“I came to tell Anakin bye and I fell asleep.” You laughed, sitting up.
“You almost had me worried,” he smiled, “I didn’t see you in your room when I stopped to tell you that your mom left for work and I was on my way out.”
“Sorry!” Your eyes widened, “oh I didn’t even think- I didn’t mean to worry you.”
“It’s okay, don’t apologize.” He stood up, getting ready to leave. “Have a good day!” He called as he left the room.
Once you gathered the energy to pull yourself out of the cocoon you’d made in Anakin’s bed, you headed downstairs to make yourself breakfast and to assemble a bag lunch for Anakin.
You called a few friends, only one being free every week. Your childhood friend Ashley was more than happy to have a standing date with you every Thursday, she seemed excited to spend more time with you. As you ended the call you hopped into your car and set on your way to Anakin’s new job.
You stepped out onto the pavement with your old beat-up sneakers and shorts with a black crop top. The ground around you practically sizzled from the heat and you quickly made your way inside into the sweet relief of air conditioning. You strode up to the desk and tapped the bell on the counter, a man came out from the back after a few seconds.
“What can I do for you missy?” His voice was gruff and his shirt was stained beyond repair.
“I’m Anakin’s step-sister, I brought him lunch.” You lifted up the bag and smiled.
“Right, he told me you’d be coming.” He smirked, taking in your appearance before turning on his heel and yanking open a side door.
“Skywalker! Your girl is here.” He shouted, and moments later Anakin came rushing through the door, unzipping his work jumpsuit so that it hung from his hips, his white undershirt covered in sweat.
“There she is!” He grinned, enveloping you in a tight hug, breaking the embrace to place a possessive hand on the small of your back, leading you outside and back to your car.
“How is it? Is it fun? Do you like the people? Who was that guy? Is he your boss?” Your rapid fire questions had Anakin laughing as he cracked open his can of Pepsi.
“Slow down,” he grinned, pulling out his sandwich and chips. “Yes, it’s fun and all the people are super nice. And yes, that man is my boss, his name is Gary.”
“He doesn’t mind that I’m gonna be here everyday does he?” You asked.
“No, I told him you’d be bringing me lunch. He’s fine with it, gave me a teasin’ though.” He laughed.
“Why?” You questioned confused.
“Ah no big deal, he’s just jealous that I’ve got such a sweetheart like you.” His hand found yours and his thumb brushed your knuckles lovingly. “Thought it was weird my step-sis tolerated me enough to bring me food.”
“Huh? That’s mean!” You huffed, “I don’t tolerate you, I love you!”
“I know baby. I know.” He brought your knuckles to his lips and placed a chaste kiss there before taking a bite of his sandwich.
“Guess I’m just lucky.” He shrugged with a teasing smirk.
You watched with adoration as he downed his food, he was starving, as if this was the only thing he’d eaten in days.
“I’m gonna have to pack you more tomorrow.” You said, dusting crumbs off his shirt. “Do you need me to bring you a snack? Are you still hungry?”
“I’ll be alright for today, we’ll just get some food before the movie tonight.” He said, taking his palm to your cheek.
He stared, his pupils blown wide as he gazed down at you leaning into his palm. He was always so soft and gentle with you, he made you feel so loved.
“C’mere.” He whispered, cradling your head now between both hands as he drew your face closer. Pressing a kiss to your nose and then to your forehead. “Thank you for always bein’ so sweet to me.”
“You deserve it.” You grinned, quickly pecking him on the cheek. “You should probably get back.”
“I know.” He sighed, putting his trash into the lunch bag and setting it in the floor board of the car.
His gaze lingered on your lips, and quickly shot over to the garage doors, all four were shut and so was the public entrance. He shook his head slightly.
“What’s wrong Ani?” You asked, eyebrows furrowed.
“Nothing princess. Just thinking.” His voice was soft. “I love you.”
“I love you!” You responded happily, throwing your arms around his shoulders and burying your face in his neck. A soft groan escaped his mouth at the feeling of your lips grazing accidentally across the sensitive skin.
Anakin’s head swam as he thought to himself, about the last few weeks, the way you so willingly gave him affection, how you didn’t seem to realize how your touch affected him, that you didn’t seem to understand that the attachment between the two of you was far from normal. He should be ashamed, taking advantage of your innocence like this, you didn’t know any better. He should be disgusted with his actions, with his anything but pure thoughts. But he couldn’t help himself. You were you, and that was enough of a reason for him to throw his morals and better judgment out the window.
He made a decision right then, with your arms around him and his lips pressed against the crown of your head. He was yours, you were his.
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Let me know if you wanna be added/removed!
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legiblyloathed · 1 year
Ain’t He Darling? (Chapter 1)
Yandere! Wally Darling x Reader
A/N: Okay, so the little blue haired menace has been rotting my brain for the past week, sue me. I tried to get him out of my brain by rewatching Gravity Falls, only for the episode “The Hand that Rocks the Mabel” to inspire a whole fanfic. Straight up water on a grease fire. Anyway, enjoy.
I always forget how much of a hassle moving is until it’s time to actually do it. Weeks spent selling and giving away half of my belongings, trying to shove the rest of them into boxes, then taking all of them into a new location only to have to figure out where all of them should go in the new space; it’s on the list of most mundane yet stressful life events a person has to put themselves through.
These were the feelings that hung around my being like a dark cloud for the past few weeks, but now, as I finally set my final knickknack in its chosen spot, I can feel the sun breaking through. I stand up and stretch as hard as I can, trying to wring the residual tension out of my spine. Even with my reduced number of belongings, it’s a lot of work to unpack them all, especially when working alone.
I didn’t have to do all the work myself. Within minutes of hauling stacks of boxes into my new house, I’d been approached by numerous rather colorful people, all very keen to lend a hand. As the newest neighbor in town, I was a curiosity to them, after all. I’d declined the offers, not wanting to place any burdens on the shoulders of my new potential friends. Looking back on it, that wasn’t my smartest move. Or maybe that’s just my aching muscles talking.
I’m dragged out of my tired contentment by the sound of a knock on the front door. Relaxing with a heaving sigh, I stroll over and peer out the peephole. Standing on my porch is a large, multicolored bird. My eyes dart to the plate of cookies balanced in her wings. With newfound excitement, I yank open the door and greet her with a smile.
The bird almost appears startled at this, the cookies on the plate jostling as she jumped. “Oh dear!” She shuffles the plate to her left hand, her right settling upon her chest as if to calm her heart. “You startled me for a moment!”
I give her a sheepish grin. “Sorry about that, I didn’t mean to scare you.”
Settling down, she waves her free wing dismissively. “Nothing to apologize for, I’m a bit prone to fright, is all.” As if remembering their existence, she extends the plate of cookies towards me. “I just wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood! I do hope you like them!”
“I’m sure I will!” I pull the plate from her grasp and hold it carefully to my chest, my mouth watering at the sugary smell. “They look and smell delicious, thank you so much…” I trail off, realizing in embarrassment that I never caught her name.
She seems to sense my hesitation, and beams in reassurance. “My name’s Poppy, Poppy Partridge.” I give her my name, mentally thanking her for the help. “It’s very nice to meet you, we haven’t had any new neighbors in a long time.”
“Really?” My head tilts to the side. “Why not? This place is beautiful.”
“Oh, I can’t say myself,” she sighs. “Suppose there’s just not much to around here.”
I shrug, trying to appear lighthearted. “It’s a pity.” She nods in agreement, and the conversation begins to lull. Not wanting to leave on such a sour note, I ask, “Out of curiosity, what do you like to do around here?”
“Me?” she squawks, looking taken aback. She fidgets with her feathers, her wings wringing around each other. “I suppose I like to bake, especially when the weather’s nice enough for a picnic.” I can almost see the lightbulb turn on above her head, and she turns her much cheerier gaze to my own. “Say, the rest of us were planning on a picnic this afternoon! Care to join us? It’d be a good time to meet your new neighbors.”
A sense of anxiety washes over me. The idea of being among that many strangers with such late notice flutters around in my stomach like butterflies. Without thinking, I begin to shift back and forth on my feet. “I… I don’t know, it’s very sudden…”
The bird wilts a bit, looking down at my porch. “Oh dear, it is, isn’t it? You must still be so busy with unpacking.”
I look up at her, my anxiety curdling into regret at her disappointment. I reconsider the situation. What’s an hour or two with a handful of strangers? There’s only nine houses in this town, counting my own, I can handle it. Having made up my mind, I shake my head. “No, no, I already finished unpacking. I’ll be there.”
Poppy perks up. “You will?” I smile, hoping she can’t see the hesitation in it. “That’s wonderful news!” She flaps her wings in excitement before stopping with a gasp of realization. “I have more baking to do, than! I’d better get going,” she says, turning to leave with one last wave of her big red wing. “I’ll see you soon, neighbor!”
“See you soon!” I shout back, waving with the hand that wasn’t clutching the plate of cookies. As she goes further from my field of vision, I feel myself slump, the excitement of a new friend and a batch of treats wearing off to remind me of my exhaustion. My hand falls limp to my side and I stare at the plate in contemplation.
Nap? Or snack?
I pluck a cookie from the tray and take a bite, feeling myself melt at the incredible flavor. I scarf the rest of the sweet down before heading back inside, picking up another one as I go. Maybe just a few before I rest up.
I snap up on my couch, almost falling off of it in my sudden awakening. What time is it? A quick glance at the clock on my wall reveals it to be mid-afternoon, and I throw myself off my resting place so fast I nearly hit the floor. I scramble to the window and see a small crowd of people in the distance, the sounds of talk and laughter wafting in through the glass. I let out a sigh of relief. At least I wasn’t… that late. After a quick change and a once over in the mirror, I hurry out the door and towards the picnic.
As I approach, the jolly sounds become clearer, with voices all chattering their cares away. Colorful blankets are scattered across the clearing, each rife with sandwiches and sweets. I really hope they aren’t upset that I didn’t bring anything. As I scan my surroundings, I pick out Poppy as she talks with a caterpillar and head in her direction, relieved at the semi-familiar face.
As if on cue, my way is blocked by a short girl in a pink dress dragging along a disgruntled looking man with a bowtie. “Ooh, you must be the new neighbor!” she squeals, bouncing up and down in place, hands flapping in front of her chest. “We were so worried you weren’t gonna come! I’m Julie Joyful, and this,” she says as she grabs the arm of the man next to her, “is Frank Frankly! Say hi, Franky!”
“Uh… hello.” I pondered briefly if I looked as awkward as poor Frank did as he gave me a small wave. “It’s very nice to meet you.”
“Feeling’s mutual,” I respond. As Julie begins to babble about her excitement, my eyes move to drift over the rest of the strangers. The vast majority are split off into their own small groups, with a single exception. Sitting on a bench under a large apple tree is a man who seems to be studying me the same way I’m studying him. One of his legs is crossed over the other, supporting his elbow as he rests his chin on his hand, staring at me with an intensity that sends a small shiver down my spine. And either I’m going crazy, or his lazy smile broadens ever so slightly at that.
I’m startled out of my impromptu staring contest by Julie, who seems to have noticed that I wasn’t listening and cranes her neck to see what I’m looking at. “Oh, have you met Wally yet?”
I shake my head. “No, not yet.” It takes all the willpower in my body not to meet those eyes that I can almost feel lingering on me.
The girl grins, grabbing my wrist. “Come on, you gotta meet him! I bet you two will get along like two peas in a pod!”
She begins to force me from my spot, and I feel myself start to panic. Before she can pull me away to the creepy man, Frank reaches out and stops her in her tracks. “Say, Julie, they don’t look too keen on it. Maybe they should take it slow, meet the others on their own time?” He gestures broadly to the snacks left sitting around. “They haven’t even gotten anything to eat yet, after all.”
Julie looks surprised at the intervention, a flash of guilt going over her face. “Oh my, you’re right, Frank! I’m so sorry, neighbor, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable!” At my dismissive hand wave, she changes course, instead pulling me to the piles of food. “Poppy told me she gave you some cookies, but just you wait ‘til you try her pie!” I turn to look at Frank, mouthing a ‘thank you’ at the grumpy looking man. He smiles a bit with a reassuring nod, and the three of us settle down on a blanket. For the rest of the picnic I eat while the two of them (mainly just Julie with the occasional comment from Frank) talk about all kinds of things.
I try hard to pretend I can’t feel the eyes burning into the back of my head.
The sound of a steady, rhythmic knock wakes me up the next morning. I rub the sleep from my eyes, noting with absent mind how high the sun had already risen. The three slow knocks reverberate through my house once again, and I roll out of bed and head towards the front door, not bothering to change out of my pajamas or even look through the peephole. This, as it turns out, is a bad move on my part.
I yawn as I open the door, only for it to become a strangled cough as I lock eyes with the one resident I didn’t want to see this early. The man, or Wally as Julie had called him, stood on my porch, his face as eerily relaxed as ever. His posture was straight, his clothes neat, his appearance put together; I don’t think he could be any more of a contrast to my current state if he actively worked towards it. Which, to be frank, I suspect he did.
Just like the last time I’d encountered him, the two of us looked as if we were having a staring contest. Unlike last time, however, this time he decides to break the silence. “Hi, neighbor.” His voice is soft and monotonous, each syllable dragging along in no hurry. “Did I wake you up? I’m sorry.”
Somehow, I doubt that. In an attempt to relieve the strange tension, I let out a stilted laugh. “Yeah, you did, but it’s fine. I overslept, anyway.” He hums in acknowledgement, and it takes a few long seconds for me to realize he doesn’t plan on responding. Eager to hurry along this interaction so I can dart back into my house and hide from those piercing eyes, I prompt, “Something I can help you with, Wally?”
He tilts his head. “I never told you my name.”
“Yeah, no, you uh, you didn’t. Julie told me yesterday. At the… the picnic.”
“Oh, right. You three looked like you had a good time.”
“We did! We did…”
“Hmm.” His smile stretches, looking pleased by that confirmation. “Well, I’m glad to hear you’re settling in okay. I’ve heard it can be awful hard to make new friends, but you have a way of drawing people in, huh?” Cutting me off before I can ask for elaboration, Wally continues. “Speaking of drawing, I was hoping you might join me for some painting today, down by the south woods.”
“Oh!” I blurt out, taking a moment to process the invitation. “I’m not exactly much of an artist, myself.”
He laughs, and it’s every bit as emphatic as the rest of his speech. “Oh, neighbor, that doesn’t matter. We all start somewhere, and besides, I’d like the company.”
I consider turning him down flat, but something tells me he’s a bit too persuasive for me to keep him at bay forever. With a grin so forced it hurts, I say, “Sounds like fun! I’ll be there.”
Wally’s head bobs in a slow nod, and he takes a step back from the door. “I’m glad to hear it. See you soon, neighbor.”
I return the nod and raise a hand in a brief wave. “See you soon.” His stare remains, and just as I ready myself to ask him to stop, he finally, finally, turns away and walks away, humming a quiet tune to himself.
I step inside and close the door, leaning my forehead against it as I recover from the encounter. My stomach growls, but I feel as though I’ve lost my appetite. The inexplicable dread in my heart squashes any hope of breakfast. I close my eyes, but even then I can still see his own staring back, unblinking in their ceaseless observation. With a shudder, I push myself up, trying my best to steel my nerves. It’s just a little art lesson, I chastise myself. So he’s a little spooky, it’s probably fine.
No matter how many times I repeated those three words to myself, the memory of those eyes seems to peer right through the lie.
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lowkeyrobin · 7 months
hiiiiii can u pls make a tommy x fem!reader where they go on a fake date for a vlog (but its actually a secret plot by tommy or yn (u choose) to go on a date w the other bc theyve had a secret crush on thr other for a long time🤭🤭)
and then like,,,, in the middle of the date the other realizes that oh,,,, i like them
omg yes of COURSEEEE ; also I do only do gn readers but I can 100% do the rest of this 💪💪 hope you enjoy 🫶 ; also djo is mentioned (I've been a fan since like 2020) do not start gatekeeping on me LMAO ; listening to my tommyinnit playlist while making this and 🙏🙏🙏🙏 (link can be found on my masterlist -> playlists 👍 it's a banger
TOMMYINNIT ; real date ❌️ fake date ✅️
summary ; you go on a fake date for a vlog and decide to go on a real one because the romantic tension got you both positively nauseated
warnings ; language
genre ; fluff
word count ; 1.5k
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"Y/n, you wanna go stop for food?" The blonde asks, dropping the vlog camera a bit as he hears his stomach grumble in hunger. "We can make it a date for the vlog" He suggests, praying you'd say yes.
You nod, agreeing to the bit and the food considering you were also beginning to starve. Meanwhile, he feels his intestines flip around in his torso, trying to hide a giggle of approval as you agree.
You stop at a little lunch place and dine in with some sandwiches and soup. You and Tommy sit at one of the half-booth-half-chair tables, and put the camera in front of you as you sit next to each other. You talk about and eat at the same time, basically doing a mini storytime for the vlog, considering he was trying to do a vlog challenge to upload every week and have his videos reach at least twenty minutes and you were down to help him.
Tommy tries to push off the weight off his shoulders, love pulling him down as he looks over at you, talking to the camera about a story from earlier. He feels his stomach fill with butterflies as you laugh and smile, your eyes twinkling like sun reflecting off of water.
He quickly looks back down at his food, trying to hide his longing eyes for you. His ears dust a little red, feeling flustered as you joke around with him, making little date conversation to play up the bit.
You eventually get into the joke as a whole, making fake flirty conversation, making both of you silently panic inside. It's obvious to everyone but you, his ears and cheeks dusted pink, you trying to hide your smile as your face warms up past the heat of the oven when you bake out-the-box cakes together. You have to walk out of the building because you were getting too loud with laughter and didn't want to disturb the other patrons.
You walk down the sidewalk together, talking on and on and opening up more than usual about a lot of things. Tommy shows off all the scenery as you walk, later to be edited with Empire State Of Mind in the background, considering you'd been traveling around New York together while Freddie and Jack did their own things around the city.
You take the camera after a few minutes, wanting to have some fun with it. From silly angles and .5's of your foreheads to the Empire State Building and the flashy lights and screens everywhere like Times Square, you got it all. You found it so fucking enjoyable, catching all the beauties of city life you'd never experienced before. The bustling streets and the sound of music coming from just about everywhere, it weirdly comforted you.
You hold the camera up high, zoomed all the way out to capture you and the blonde, singing along to End Of Beginning by Djo, the song playing in the earbuds you were sharing. I mean, this was the beginning of a new end, in all honesty, the tour, him, your new eras and styles of content, the new way you'd picked yourselves off the floor and made yourselves new people. You were both happy enough to be on the hectic rollercoaster of life with each other in the seat next to the other.
Tommy can't help but find your funny control over the camera and your jokes amusing, to say the least. He couldn't help but fall more head over heels than he already was. He didn't know how he didn't notice it already, but when you touched the concrete in New York City, he felt it. Something in him awakened, like he realized how amazing it was to have this tour going on, for one, two, you were there. You were always there. You were always right in fucking front of his eyes.
You lay face up on the bed in your hotel room, staring at the ceiling. The room is freezing considering the heater doesn't work, and you needed the window open to get some fresh air. You're wrapped in a blanket you'd brought from home for comfort, and hidden under the thick bedsheets you'd been given for the night.
The show went well as per usual, at least.
What wasn't going well was the fact you couldn't sleep.
All because of a certain blonde haired boy who was currently obsessed with sweatshirts and jeans.
His laugh was contagious, his smile shining a thousand sun's, his eyes flowing as deep as the sea you longed for back in Europe, which you frequently walked with MotherInnit. You could stare at him all day, you'd never realized how you felt about him, or the fact the way you thought about him was romantic.
You stare up at the ceiling, a boob light hanging above your feet. It was times like these where you wished you could afford a nicer hotel. The mattress itched of dirty sheets and crumbs, which were not caused by you, or maybe that was the fear of sleeping in a bed that wasn't yours... one of the two.
You wanted to stomp up to Tommy's room, a floor above you and down the hall some, to just rant about taking him on a proper date tomorrow considering how much you'd enjoyed your "date" earlier. But you didn't have the heart, you lay with your stomach twisting and turning, heart aching and burning for him by your side to warm you up.
The bustling city night life soothes you to sleep, the vehicles below on the streets all headed home or to work or around the city. The people shoulder to shoulder on the street, enjoying a peaceful walk to wherever their feet were taking them, the homeless girl you'd given a couple hundred dollars to earlier as she played her flute. A boy about her age had joined her since then, wielded with a guitar, possibly becoming friends through bonding with their interests and the fact they were both struggling.
You could hear their music even from four floors up and through the city traffic, it was beautiful. They fit together perfectly, like two neighboring pieces of a puzzle. You wished you felt that way with Tommy. You wished you could come clean to him about your feelings and how you really thought of him. Yet, tonight was not that night.
The panic had set in from last night now.
You were barely awake when you stared up at the ceiling, swooning over your best friend, but now you were wide awake and in total realization of your thoughts. You internally cringe every time you think about it, wanting to vanish off the face of the Earth.
Through the last day in New York, you found yourself avoiding Tommy at all costs. From wandering off with Freddie to eating by your lonesome and spending time in your hotel room to "edit videos," you'd probably only spent a half hour around him.
He was growing concerned while Jack and Freddie shared a knowing look, knowing exactly what was happening. They'd both known of his crush on you, which spanned past the past four or so months. You finally realized you liked him back and wanted to deny it.
The two wanted to intervene but decide to let fate run its course, trusting that your natural human instincts would bring you together again. You bump into the blonde in the hallway, needing to go get ice to sit in it for an hour in the bathtub as some sort of therapy, which Tommy highly always made fun of you for. You apologize, the empty bin for ice in your hands.
"Ice?" He asks, then groans with a smile, "You seriously gonna sit in ice til we have to leave for the airport tomorrow morning?"
You shrug with a light smile, feeling your heart racing. You hear your own heartbeat pounding in your ears, drowning out his beautiful voice.
"Y/n? You okay?" He speaks, snapping you back to reality.
Without any thought behind it, you shoot your shot. "Do you wanna go on an actual date sometime?" You quickly speak, stumbling over your words.
His face quickly shifts to a smile, his smile lines showing themselves off. "Yeah! Wait, no, I mean like, "Yeah, sure," not like, "I'm so desperate, yeah-"
"Cool!" You quickly rush past him, your hands sweaty, your face flushing as you dart towards the ice machine.
He turns and watches you quickly speed walk away, his cheeks burning bright as he smiles, watching you walk away.
TommyInnit ; fake and real dates with Y/n <3 ; 20:49 ; Posted 4 hours ago
Y/U/N left a comment!
Y/U/N ; youre actually a dork
TommyInnit replied to your comment!
TommyInnit ; well you couldn't pick between a fake and a real date, apparently. we had to do both
Y/U/N ; fake date ✅️ real date ❌️
TommyInnit ; people.
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myjealouseyes · 9 months
Christmas Eve Wake Up Call.
HJP x wolfstar!daughter
A/N- if you saw me post this last week, no you did not!
No content warnings. Fluff, slight teasing and flirting, cuddling.
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“…Harry. Harry, wake up. Wake up!”
He wakes with a start, his hand clutching his chest as he puts his glasses on. He looks over to see you, standing next to his now open window. This isn’t exactly new. Every Christmas Eve after you’ve just spent the day finishing up last-minute Christmas shopping and doing all your baking, you’ve usually overexcited yourself about the upcoming holiday.
That meant no matter how hard you tried or how tired you were you just couldn’t sleep. Your mind was in overdrive thinking about how people would like the presents you gifted, or if they’d like your baked goods (which they always did,) and you were slightly curious about all the gifts under the tree. You’d waited ages to see what was in each box and just thinking about how you only had to wait a few more hours sent you into a frenzy. So after an hour and a half of tossing and turning, you decided to sneak out of your bedroom and into Harry’s to make him suffer with you because what else are best friends for?
You close the window and skip over his bed, throwing yourself in the spot next to him. Harry takes his glasses off and rubs his eyes sluggishly before lying down next to you. You grin, turning his head toward yours. You caress his face gently, making a small flush form against his cheeks.
“It’s just after eleven y’know,” Harry mumbles while his eyes are fluttering shut. Your touch has calmed him down from his semi-panicked state. “You usually come a little closer to twelve.” You hum quietly and give his cheek a light pinch. “So I came early. You kicking me out?” His lips turn up into a teasing smirk as his arms wrap around your waist and pull you closer. Butterflies form in your stomach at the feeling. “That depends. Are we going to sleep?” You wrinkle your nose playfully and poke at his chest. “It’s Christmas Eve. Have I ever slept on Christmas Eve?”
Harry gives you a playful sigh and it squeezes your hip. “Fair. What do you suppose we do then?” You trail your fingers over his chest, silently mauling over your options. Eventually, you shrug and smile up at him. “Wanna hear about what happened with my dad and the dogs earlier?”
Before he could answer you launch into a very amusing story about how Sirius had turned into Padfoot and gathered your three German Shepherds to devise a plan to sneak some of your Christmas baked goods out of the kitchen. You’d caught all of them with a basket of cookies in their mouths and demanded they put them back. But of course, Sirius had a plan for that too. As if on que they gave you the saddest puppy eyes you’d ever seen. You caved and ended up giving Padfoot three cookies and the dogs two dog biscuits each.
Harry chuckles at your misfortune. “You couldn’t resist puppy-dog eyes?” He teases as his fingers trace zig zags on your hip. You roll your eyes playfully and tug his hair. Harry laughs a bit louder, and soon both talking turns telling stories about your chaotic Christmas Eve days. Harry tells you about how James accidentally spoiled Lily’s Christmas gift, got really embarrassed, and then told her to just act surprised. You follow him up with one about how Remus had accidentally discovered his own gift in the basement, but didn’t realize it was his. He just shut the door and went to feed the birds waiting at the window.
As you two laugh, time passes and the sun sneaks out. You should sneak back into your room, but you can’t bring yourself to do it. You end up falling asleep against Harry’s chest just like you do every year.
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sillylittlestoryblog · 7 months
(Not) Hard to Love
Part 2 (2/2)
Trafalgar Law x Reader
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Warning:⚠️ smutty situation, angsty thoughts
Authors Note: sorry that it took so long to post this. I was having a few bad days, just struggling with my confidence. Now I m doing a bit better. So here you go. Hope you have fun 🥰
this is by far the most suggestive thing I have ever written. lol. I hope it doesn’t suck too bad. If you like it, leave a comment. It does wonders to my mental health ❤️ (btw this raspberry jam is just in the story because I have been planning on making it for the past months and this is my reminder to get up from my lazy ass and make it! )
You were relieved, after days of almost doing nothing, because the sun was too hot and your thoughts too distracting, you were finally able to work again. It was one of those days were everyone was doing their best to restore and repair their beloved home.
The Thousand Sunny was a big ship. And after days of not doing much, it often needed some time to get everything organized and clean again.
Knowing your captain wasn’t the biggest fan of an organized living space, most of the work was split between the rest of the crew. While Nami was always on board keeping an eye on the ocean, Sanji was the one who was keeping the kitchen organized, while preparing the dishes for the day.
Franky and Usopp were repairing something in the library, while Brook and Robin were sorting the newest books, they got on the last island.
Luffy and Zoro were supposed to take care of everything on deck, which already wasn’t much. But after cleaning the girls bedroom, you walked towards the kitchen and saw both of them sleeping in the sunlight. Random, uncomfortable looking items being their pillows.
You just rolled your eyes and smirked. These two weren’t really cleaning themselves regularly, so why would they clean something else. It didn’t really make sense why you guys kept asking them to organize, even though you kinda knew they weren’t gonna be much of a help.
Opening the kitchen doors a warm sweet smell came towards you.
Sanji was standing at the stove, filling sugar into a red liquid.
"Uhhh, this smells amazing. May I have a taste?" you point to the boiling jam in front of you with an outstretched finger.
"Of course, my dear."
The cook gave you a spoonful of the sweet liquid and without blowing for long you tasted it.
"It tastes wonderful, Sanji! I'm already dreaming of how it will taste on the fresh crossaints you make from time to time."
The blond man grinned. He had to concentrate now. Not get distracted. Even if he particularly liked compliments from you.
"I'm glad you like it. I bought lots of raspberries so I could cook them for you.
I just realized that a little vanilla is still missing. Could you do me a favor? I have fresh vanilla in our storage room, I just forgot to bring them up from downstairs earlier. Could you get them quickly from below deck? I don't want the jam to burn.“
"Sure thing." With a smile, you walk back towards the door. You suck in the wonderful smell once more before quickly scurrying outside.
You had given Sanji the recipe for this particular jam a few months ago. Your mother used to make it when you were a child.
With quick steps, you skip down the stairs towards the storage room.
Your mind was full of warm memories of sunny mornings. Jam on baked goods. A table filled with fresh food. The last good days of your childhood.
Being on the thousand sunny was kind of like that time. With a smile on your face you walked towards the entry.
The groaning door gave you the creeps. Chopper had accidentally locked himself in down there once before. So, to be on the safe side, you put a box between you and the door. That way, it won't fall shut the next time the wind blows.
The light was already turned on in the storage room. You expected the little reindeer, who often spend time organizing and storing medicines down here to refill them in his little doctor's room when they were empty upstairs.
But it wasn't this doctor who was waiting for you in the far corner of the room.
Law was sitting on the floor looking through several boxes of pills.
Presumably he was going to take care of refilling the medicine room. Chopper probably send him, because he was still scared of last time.
You whisper a quiet "hey" in his direction so as not to startle him.
Law just looked up briefly and mumbled something in your direction.
What was his problem? You were starting to get angry again. Everyone was trying to build a home, be nice and him?! He was just not accepting you whatsoever.
How could someone be so arrogant and ignorant ?
A loud bang snapped you out of your thoughts.
The heavy door had slammed shut.
How could that be? You had just put something in between.
Annoyed, you turn to Law.
"Shit, now we're locked in here. I can't believe Franky still hasn't fixed the door!"
You push against the door with all your strength. It doesn't move. With a loud groan you press on the door again. But it doesn’t help. A large hand rests on your shoulder.
"Hey. let me try it, Y/N-ya. I'm sure I can get the door open."
You step aside and let the dark-haired man go at it. He also pushes against the door with all his might, but it doesn't move a bit.
Frustrated you started screaming for your friends to help you out of this awkward situation.
"Hey Namiiiii! Luffy! Frankyyyy!!! Help!"
"fuck! don't shout in my ear" Law
dramatically put his hands to his ears and stared at you angrily.
"do you want to get out of here or not?! Apparently mister-I can do anything- wasn't strong enough to open a simple door after all."
"Excuse me?"
The captain turned to you. He looked down at you, annoyed.
You took a step towards him. Pointing your finger on his chest.
"I finally want to know what your problem is?"
"I don't have a problem"
"Oh? Really? You're a fucking liar, Law."
"It's none of your business, what's wrong with me. Don't talk to me like that.
Your crazy captain has decided to form an alliance, and if that's a problem for you then talk to him and not to me."
Annoyed, Law turned to the side. He only took one step before you pulled him back by his shirt sleeve.
"Hey! Stay here. I don't have a problem with you or the Alliance at all."
Your back was against the cold iron door.
Law actually turned back around and took two steps towards you.
Only now do you realize how close he was to you.
"Why are you making it so difficult for me?"
His gaze was still avoiding yours. How much you would have liked to look him in the eye now. But then you probably wouldn't have been able to hold back. Your emotions were already getting the better of you.
You spoke to him much more calmly than before.
„What's so hard, Law? I can understand that you don't like me as much as the others. But why do you hate me? Is it that hard to just like me? Or even less. Just to accept me?"
Tears welled up in your eyes. Your own words stung your heart. All you wanted was to be looked at him. Be seen.
Law still stood rooted to the spot in front of you. One hand in front of his eyes, he shook his head.
„What makes you think I hate you?"
Your voice wasn't ready to answer that question. You just shrugged your shoulders, sobbing. You would like to sink into the ground. Now you're crying in front of the man who has no interest in you. You were a failure. A pathetic girl crying in front of her crush. Nothing more.
"hey. Shh. Don’t cry. Look at me when I'm talking to you."
Sternly but without anger in his voice, Law put his index finger under your chin. So that you can't help but look into his gray eyes.
" I don't hate you, Y/N-ya.“
A sigh escaping his lips. His eyes looked different then before. You almost thought he was leaning in. And the air around you got thicker and filled with more tension.
„I really don’t. Quite the opposite in fact. Ever since I saw you for the first time, I've been attracted to you. I just can’t act on it.
I have responsibilities and… I'm not a particularly good person. I've done bad things. I've taken lives when I should be saving lives as a doctor. I don’t want more people to get hurt because of me. And to be honest, I've never had feelings like this before. I have no idea how to deal with it.“
He looked down. Almost debating if he should say the next part.
„I think of you. All the time. I lay awake at night and all I see is your face. I long for your touch. And I want to learn to love, Y/N-ya. But I'm afraid of it. Fuck."
He took a deep breath. And exhaled.
"I want you. I need you.... And I don't know how..."
Now it was you who put your index finger on Law's lips and slowly stroked his cheek with your hand.
"Just kiss me"
Horrified by your demanding words, Law looked down at you. He forgot how to breathe for a moment. His heart was beating so fast in his chest that he could hardly hear anything else. Your lips opened to say something. He didn't want you to change your mind. He took your face in both hands. Before he pressed his lips to yours.
"Just so you know. it isn't hard to fall for you, Y/N. But I m afraid, I have no clue what I m doing. My life is..."
"Law... just kiss me"
You moved forward again, pressing your lips to his. Law felt like the walls he had build up so maticulously, melting away by your kisses. He couldn’t hold himself back anymore, letting his desire take over.
Soft moans escaping your mouth while he pressed you against his body and the door behind you. You were caged in by his arms fully accepting whatever was gonna happen now. Your hands exploring the doctors body, while kissing each other hungrily. Law let out a low groan. This was better than in his daydreams. Your soft hands roaming his chest. Tracing his tattoos with lingering touches. One of Laws hands firmly placed against your hip. Shoving you against the metal door. Law was overwhelmed by his emotions. Not a single thought in his mind while he started grinding against you.
Using your moaning as chance to slide his tongue into your mouth.
His lustfull eyes being the most beautiful sight to you, while you buttoned down your summer dress.
Law was breathing heavily. His hair fully out of place by you tugging at his dark strands.
He can’t remember the last time he didn’t take the time to unbutton his shirt, but right now he was rushing to get it over his head. Throwing it down on the ground next to your dress.
Moving towards each other like magnets, lowly groaning between kisses, Law lifted up your thighs around his hips. Moving you against the door again.
His jeans rubbing against your panties. Making you cry out his name.
And for the second time that day you were interrupted by the same door you were making out against. The (stupid ) door opened with a loud hiss. Falling out of its angle. You and Law tumbeling and falling to the wooden floor.
This was a very annoying disturbance to your newly found passion. But it definitely wouldn’t have stopped you from showering Law with kisses, if it wasn’t for the circle of people and a very shocked reindeer standing around your almost naked bodies.
You and Law got up from the floor with red heads and stupid explanations. Feeling humiliated but kinda happy.
Law held his shirt protectively in front of you and hoped fervently that no one was looking at his jeans.
You looked at a bunch of different expressions.
Nami grinning. Robin, playing shocked, with one hand over her mouth. But she couldn't fool you. Her giggle was the first to be heard from the crowd.
„We really only planned for you guys to finally talk about it… that all… -
Nami made some hand gestures towards your half undressed bodies and the broken door on the ground.
„ - was not our intention.“
Usopp covered his own and then immediately afterwards Chopper's eyes. While Franky and Zoro toasted with sake in their hands. Apparently everyone was part of the stupid bet.
Luffy just looked back and forth between you and Law, confused. Obviously he hadn't quite understood yet, what was so exciting about this situation. He had seen you guys in swimwear before, not really something different in his eyes.
Sanji had blood all over his shirt and on his nose but tried to control himself. And thankfully pulled the others towards the exit.
"Don’t you guys look at Y/N-san like that. That’s not how you look at a lady.
Lunch is almost ready… let’s go Luffy.
Let the two of them go. We'll get the food ready."
Nami pulled Usopp towards her by the collar.
„So Usopp... I hope you remember our agreement... right?"
Laughing, the Strawhats left on after the other. Leaving behind two embarrassed pirates.
Franky mumbled something about "now I really have to fix the door"
While Chopper desperately tried to figure out what had just happened.
Robin gave you a wink while walking up the stairs.
Embarrassed, you looked at Law.
He took your hand and kissed it gently. Although it was hard for him, he tried to stand in front of you as confidently as possible.
" umm that was something… you know…
We still have some time before lunch. Would you like to… continue?! … What do you say Y/N-ya?"
You look at your intertwined hands and then back to Laws face. His face blushing, his eyes looking on the ground even though he would much rather look at your beautiful body before him. You stand on your tiptoes to give a quick peck to Law's lips.
"You may be right there is still some time. But I'll only follow you if you promise to use your devil powers this time. I wouldn't survive being caught like that again." Giggling, you put your arms around Law's neck.
"Okay then, let's pick up where we left off."
He gave you a gentle kiss on your forehead before lifting his hand. A smile on his face as he heard your heart beating loudly.
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munson-blurbs · 2 years
Wayne Munson has always doubted that he’s done right by his nephew. Sure, the situation is better than Eddie living with his deadbeat dad, but the kid sells drugs and spent an extra two years in high school.
It’s not until you come into the picture that Wayne sees the values he instilled in Eddie.
Like when Eddie brings you to meet Wayne for the first time, holding the door open for you and taking your jacket. You hand a package of Oreos to Wayne, telling him, “Eddie said these are your favorite, so I had to get them.” The three of you sit in the living room, sharing the cookies and swapping stories.
On his birthday, when he comes home to you and Eddie in the little kitchen, putting candles in a homemade cake. “Happy birthday!” you call out in unison, and Wayne can’t help but smile. Eddie lights the candles and you tell Wayne to make a wish. “Besides me moving out,” Eddie teases as Wayne blows out the candles. “You made this?” he asks the two of you. “I baked it, and Eddie put the frosting on,” you say. Wayne hasn’t had a homemade cake in years.
Or when Eddie walks through the door, eyes red and puffy, explaining to his uncle, “We had a fight, but I did that breathing thing you told me about and calmed down. I think we’ll work it out.” He’s referring to the time he was 14, frustrated with a riff he just couldn’t get, and punched a wall so hard he broke his hand. On the way back from the hospital, Wayne told him, “When you feel that angry, you gotta breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Slow and steady. Can’t afford another hospital bill, kid.” He didn’t realize Eddie remembered it after all this time.
The time he gets home from work a little earlier than usual, only to overhear you telling Eddie softly, “'M sorry, Eds. I’m not really in the mood.” Without any hesitation, Eddie says, “Don’t apologize. We can cuddle though, right?” There’s no pressure, no whining or begging. Only Eddie respecting the girl he loves.
The day you and Eddie finally get your own place, boxes loaded into a moving van. Before you leave, you give a neatly wrapped gift to Wayne. “Shouldn’t I be getting you a housewarming present?” he jokes, opening it carefully. It’s a photo of the three of you at last year’s Fourth of July carnival, fireworks in the background. The wooden frame reads Family is Forever. “So you don’t miss us too much,” Eddie teases him. He pulls you both in for a quick hug. The photo sits on his bedside table, where he sees it first thing every morning.
On Eddie’s birthday, Wayne gives him a card with a check inside; not a lot, but a little something. “What’re you gonna spend it on?” he asks, thinking his nephew will cash it and buy something for his van or his precious guitar. But Eddie gives him a shy grin and tells him, “Actually, I’m saving up for an engagement ring. Just wanna get her the best, y’know?”
When you pull Wayne onto the dance floor, feeling beautiful in your white dress, the new Mrs. Munson. Wayne isn’t much of a dancer, but he’s two drinks in and just so damn happy, and he can’t help but shuffle about when the band sings “Twist and Shout.” He also dances with you to a slow song, which is where you whisper to him, “thank you for raising such an incredible man.”
Or during a Sunday dinner, when you and Eddie invite Wayne over and ask him if he prefers to be called “Grandpa” or “Pop-Pop.” Later, he privately asks Eddie if he’s nervous about being a dad, to which he truthfully replies, “A little. But I learned from the best.”
And when Wayne sees Eddie hold his newborn son, he swells with pride. My boy has a boy of his own, he muses incredulously, and then it’s his turn to hold the baby. “So, what do you think?” Eddie asks him, beaming. Wayne pauses for a moment before he answers.
“I think we did all right.”
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rr311 · 1 year
𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗲𝗲𝘁𝘀 𝗱𝗲𝘀𝗶𝗿𝗲 \\ 𝗴𝗼𝗷𝗼 𝘀, 𝘀𝘂𝗸𝘂𝗻𝗮 𝗿, 𝘁𝗼𝗷𝗶 𝗳
¡𝗮𝗻; I came up with a series to do. It’s a reader x street racer with the jjk guys 😛, it’s going to be maybeee a three parter? Maybe more (i still have to decide) but for now enjoy 🤫. Another thing, it’s like a story but it’s with three other characters with their own storylines you know? (Next parts gonna be wayyyy longer, this was like an introduction)
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- 𝗡𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝟭𝟴𝘁𝗵 𝟮𝟬𝟬𝟯 𝟵:𝟯𝟬𝗽𝗺
↳ He was shot in the stomach after a brawl out and stumbled across your bakery. Black Reader)
“See you later (Y/N)! Be safe tonight.” (Random name) said waving bye as you did the same with a smile on your face, “You too (Random Name)!” They chuckled in return walking out the door hearing the bell chime as the door opened and closed. You sighed to yourself looking at the empty bakery deciding to close up early tonight, no one’s gonna come in this late anyway. You thought walking into the back to grab a dust pan and broom getting started to sweep, it was completely silent through out the bakery except your quiet hums humming to a song. You continued to sweep around the room cleaning up any trash that was on the floor, any lost items or what not, when you got done sweeping you went towards the display that had the delicious goodies on display, sliding open the glass door starting to remove them putting them in container boxes to ship out to the shelter.
You smiled at the thought of their faces lighting up when seeing you drop off your pastries, it warms your heart every time you would go to deliver them. Remembering all their praises saying how good and well done your sweets tasted, you giggled remembering the time when the kids practically begged you to stay and bake for them. As you continued to be in your thoughts you didn’t realize the bell chimed till hearing a soft groan approach after, you froze in your place thinking if you should see who it was or call the police…..I’ll call the police.
You quickly whipped out your phone to dial 911, peaking up from the glass counter to see who the person came in was..only to come to your surprise that it was a white haired man with blood dripping from his shirt onto your floor. Your eyes widened at the sight dropping your phone onto the ground surprised and confused. There’s a man..in my bakery..with a stab wound!? Your heart began speeding up of what to do, should i call an ambulance..should i help? You didn’t know what to do!! You were freaking out confused of what to do, you can’t just leave him there bleeding out onto your floor he’ll die!.
Your eyes were stuck on him as you walked slowly from the counter making your way towards him, “M-Maybe we should call an ambula-“ “No.” He interrupted shaking his head as he clenched onto the wound with a pained face making your eyebrows furrow, “But you’re bleeding out..really bad. If you loose anymore blood you’ll die.” You said with wide eyes imagining this man dying on your floor, in response he chuckled looking at you through his bangs with low lidded eyes shaking his head once again, “Like i said..no ambulance. If i can get to my friend i’ll be fine,” He said standing up straight but you weren’t convinced, you don’t know how far or who this friend is but anymore walking and using up his energy he’ll pass out. Biting your lip in conflict you thought..if i let him leave he’ll die..ugh! Just thinking about a person dying made your heart wretch, thinking of a final answer you grabbed ahold of his arm placing it over your shoulder,
“Then I’ll help you.”
Oh man. Who knew your night would end up like this, YOU didn’t that’s for sure. You dragged the unknown white haired man to the back of your bakery placing him ontop of a old box leaning him against the wall hearing a grunt of pain, telling him a small sorry as you turned around to get your supplies. You grabbed some bandages, cleaning wipe, scissors and alcohol, when you came back you cleared your throat placing the stuff down next to you looking at him who looked back at you, you nervously walked towards him kneeling in front of him looking up at him, “Uhm..is it okay if i cut off your shirt? I have to look at the wound and i don’t want to hurt you by pulling off your shi- oh!.” You didn’t even finish your sentence before the man pulled off his shirt throwing it besides him looking at you with a raised brow, you cleared your throat averted your eyes away from those..nice and beautiful ab- GET IT TOGETHER.
“Well that works too..uhm this might hurt.” You mumbled pouring some alcohol on the cleaning pad dapping the blood up from his skin hearing his hiss in pain, automatically you pulled your hand away, “I’m sorry! Just bare with me..” You said starting to feel bad now, the man looked down at you with a grin seeing how shy and hesitant you are. She’s cute..he thought. Once you finished up dapping up all the blood you could finally see the wound, you leaned forward a little to see how bad it was and..well.
It’s bad.
It was deep..like real deep. How is this guy still alive?. “He’s gonna need stitches.” You mumbled not realizing you spoke out loud till he groaned playfully saying, “I hate stitches, they’re a pain in the ass really.” Your eyes widened looking at him fast, “How’d you know i-.” “You we’re talking out loud.” What is up with this guy and interrupting? in response you said a small oh biting your lip, “Yeah sorry..I think out loud a lot. It’s just been a habit for a minute.” You chuckled lowly leaning over to grab the clear gloves and the tools to stitch him up, he chuckled as well shifting on the box. “Yeah?.” You nodded your head leaning forward to get started, “Yep, been a habit ever since i was 7. I don’t know why i do it but when i do it’s really..embarrassing, so sorry in advance if i do speak out loud.”
You were one apologetic person.
The man grunted feeling the needle go through his wounded spot, nodded in response. “You do say sorry a lot, that a habit too?.” He raised a brow tilting his head waiting for a response, rolling your eye to yourself hearing that cocky tone, “That as well,” He hummed leaning back against the wall continuing a conversation with you and in all honesty..he was growing interested in you. He learned this bakery he walked into was yours, you were a collage student at Japan University for baking and that you moved down here recently, vividly a good year ago. He didn’t realize he was done getting his stitches done till you said something, he looked down at the closed wound with a smirk looking back up at you, “You really know your stuff huh? You sure you’re not going to school for nursing?.” You laughed shaking your head taking off the gloves, “No, i just know some stuff since my mom was a doctor. Growing up she used to show me how to do some stuff and well stitching people up was something.” You shrugged with a small smile throwing away the gloves as he got up from the box with a groan standing fully to his size. When you turned around your eyes almost shot out of your socket by how tall he was, at least 6’1 or 6’2.
A hot guy + height + ABS? Maybe God is on your side tonight.
You were stuck by how tall he was and the fact he’s STILL shirtless you were staring, hard. The man grinned watching you check him out chuckling taking you out of your trance, “If you like what you see doll face take a pic.” If you were able to blush right now your face would’ve been red as a tomato getting caught like that, you cleared your throat heavy blinking away to look at anything but him, “I-I wasn’t checking you out.” You tried to dismiss but the man was no idiot, plus you were clearly making it obvious, this wasn’t anything new that yet another girl got caught checking him out but for some odd reason when it was you it was..different? The way your beautiful (E/C) eyes would go wide whenever something surprised you (He caught on with that), and the way you would go shy.
You were cute. He wasn’t even going to deny that. He had to make sure when he’s clear from the tension and regroup with his crew, he would come back to see you and have a proper conversation without him practically bleeding half the death in the back of your bakery. The man snorted reaching to grab his blooded shirt walking up to you to face you, you tensed up smelling his cologne go through your nose feeling hot. You looked down to avoid his stare but he picked up your chin with two fingers staring directly into your eyes.
He liked eye contact.
“If it weren’t for you doll face i would’ve been dead, but i’m not. So thanks.” You gulped down that giant lump in your throat feeling your voice get stuck, he was so close! You nodded your head rapidly as if it’s a you’re welcome hearing him chuckle pulling back from you. “By the way.”
“Names Gojo. Satoru Gojo.”
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- 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗰𝗵 𝟭𝟴𝘁𝗵 𝟮𝟬𝟬𝟯 𝟭𝟭:𝟬𝟬𝗽𝗺
↳ You were the only racer to challenge him at his game. (cockyracer!blackreader)
You’ve heard of him before. What was it again? Ah..Sukuna Ryomen
Bastard was a known name around Shibuya, known for being the DK. Drift King, he was known for his drifting skills and high tension racing style. If you ever tried to challenge him you’d either end up with your car being taken or being recked, 90% of the time you’ll end up having your car recked into shambles which is why no one had the balls to challenge him. Ryomen couldn’t get beat at his own game especially when it’s his own turf, he knows the start to finish. Memorized it like a book.
Which is why you are here now. To see for yourself of how special this “King” really is, you heard from a group of girls say he was about to race coming up next getting a front row seat of the action. You were leaned against your car eating a pocky stick waiting for the king to show up which didn’t take long by the loud cheers and people coming into view crowding a car, you took a bite from the stick turning your head to see where he was and he was there. You raised a brow watching his car come into view, it was a Nissan 350oz with a invidia Q300 muffler exhaust. You watched as the black car rode past you not missing the fact he checked you out with a shit eating grin, you scoffed at the interaction but couldn’t help but to admit he was a hot guy.
You got up from your car to make your way to where everyone else was to watch the race. You were sat up in a pretty nice spot getting a good view, you picked out another pocky stick chewing down at it watching as the starter girl went to the center hearing the cheers get louder. Let the race begin. You saw the girl raise her hands in the air swaying her hips in circles smirking at the cars rumbling their engines before raising them down hearing the tires screech as they took off, from watching that first corner seeing how perfectly he drifted around it going down to the fourth level you just knew the people were right.
He really was the king.
When the race ended you went down to the first level to see the after math and surprisingly the car wasn’t recked but the guy did loose. You saw Ryomen hold up the keys to the guys car with a shit grin hearing people cheer for him, it was like music to his ears. You have to admit you were impressed, he was the shit and people weren’t lying when he said he was the King for a reason, but since you’re in town..you got something cooking up. You grinned throwing away your empty box making your way towards the crowd, you pushed past the crowd making your way towards the middle spotting him leaning against his car smoking a blunt in celebration. You raised a brow “You up for a second race?.” You shouted over the cheers hearing the cheers go quiet hearing you speak watching his attention go to you. Whispers started to appear as Sukuna raised a brow taking the stick out his mouth feeling smoke leave his mouth as he stood up straight looking at you, “You gotta bet you wanna put up?”He trailed nodding towards you, “Or you just wanna race the King to impress?” You shrugged placing your hands into your pockets, “100millon yen plus my car, winner takes all.” The crowd gasped at the bet you put out surprised you had the balls to challenge him, Sukuna took another smoke out of the blunt keeping eye contact with you smirking. “For a girl like you, you sure have balls to put up a bet like that doll face.” You shrugged your shoulders walking up to him, keeping his eyes trailed on you stopping in front of him looking at him. “I mean if you’re scared that’s totally fine King, but if you’re willing to race me i’ll be upstairs waiting for you.” You whispered leaning up close to his ear, “If you don’t wanna be beat by a girl that is.” You grinned taking the blunt out his mouth taking a smoke of it, blowing the smoke into his face before turning around with a chuckle hearing a growl leave his mouth.
You were waiting at the starting line with a lot of people already surrounded around the parking garage, you examined the space snorting at the sight. Did i really excite this many people? Clicking your tongue you huffed, you waited a few minutes before hearing a loud engine arrive besides you. He was finally here. You looked over at him seeing that he was already looking over at you, grinning in response you made a kissy face wanting to piss him off even more which worked seeing how he clicked his tongue facing back to the front. You did the same watching the starter girl go to center staring at both cars with a grin on her face, she pointed towards Sukuna’s car hearing it rumble in response soon moving to point towards your car as you revved it as well seeing her arms go up. One hand was on your steering wheel as the other on the stick, the loud exhausts echoed through your ears as you watched her sway her hips,
When she pulled down her arms you both took off at the same time feeling your car jerk forward, when you saw the first corner coming up you moved your stick up as well as lifting the break up drifting swiftly and perfectly around it in sync with Sukuna, quick to pull the break down grabbing your stick to put it back in drive taking off down the fourth floor.
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It was a tight and close race to the finish, you and Sukuna never leaving sides as you kept up with him. It shocked everyone by how close you were kept up with him, no one has ever been that close with Sukuna and for the first time in years you’re the first one to do so. As it came to an end you both ended up crossing the finishing line making it a draw between the both, you turned your wheel to park it as he did the same, getting out the car leaning against it with crossed arms. He walked towards you with an impressed look, he was pissed don’t get him wrong but he was impressed with this one.
With you.
You’re a very interesting person, interesting girl at that. He saw that cocky look of yours appear as he came closer scoffing at the sight, he couldn’t even be mad at you. You’re a fantastic racer he just couldn’t..and to add on you were hot as fuck he couldn’t stop checking you out. You spotted this and smirked, “I know i’m hot you don’t have to keep checking me out.” He chuckled at the cocky response shrugging, “Cocky shit.” You clicked your tongue with a grin turning around to open your car door placing your leg up but before getting in you turned around to face him looking him and down.
Gotta admit he was one attractive bastard.
Sukuna’s eyes trailed to your exposed leg seeing how your skirt raised up a little smirking seeing you check him out too, “Checking me out too huh?” He questioned watching you nod your head shooting him wink before getting back into your car, rolling down your window to say, “Names (Y/N) by the way, expect to see me again. King.” With that you drove out of the garage leaving a good name for yourself in that garage and leaving the King himself impressed.
He can’t wait to see you again.
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- 𝗔𝗽𝗿𝗶𝗹 𝟮𝟱𝘁𝗵 𝟮𝟬𝟬𝟯 𝟭𝟬:𝟯𝟬𝗽𝗺
↳ You’re a theif who steals car parts for money and stole from the wrong person. (racertheif!black Reader)
By the looks of this building you might’ve hit the jack pot on this. You were stood outside of this giant building outside of Shibuya that some guy gave you the address to it to go, you looked down at the paper in your hand to see if you were at the right building and you were. You snorted grumbling up the paper and putting it into your pocket spotting where to get started.
You could go through the front door but that was too obvious and you might get caught, you squinted your eyes to see if you could find an open window aannnddd you did. “Fucking amateurs.” You chuckled going towards a pipe line that leads directly to the window on the second window. You looked around to see if you could see anyone which you didn’t putting up your hood going towards the pipe to start climbing. You grunted as you gripped onto the roof to the second floor pulling yourself up quick to go inside quietly as possible, when you made it inside your eyes went wide as you looked at where you were. You were inside a garage!? This guy must be filthy rich, you grinned to yourself looking at the three cars that were parked inside, you looked over to see if there were any loose car parts and to your luck there was. You looked around to spot any camera’s and luckily there were non? Ha! “Dumbasses.” You mumbled walking over to car parts looking at them, by the looks of it you could make at least 50million yen all together. You were gonna eat good with this money.
You started to pick up the parts putting it into the bag, collecting one by one. You were too busy putting the parts into the bag you didn’t notice a red light recording you..it was a hidden camera that you didn’t know about. When you collected the last pieces of the parts you heard foot steps coming to the garage, you looked at the door seeing a light turn on quickly zipping up the duffel bag throwing it out the window onto the roof top, you were half way out the window before the lights turned on making you tense up, shit!. The person who walked in spotted you making a run for it, “Stop right there!” You turned around to see a man in a suit pointing a gun towards you, you grinned going out the window hearing the bullets shoot at the wall making a dash for it.
The guy ran over towards the window seeing you run down the road with the stolen car parts cussing under his breath. He backed up from the window going towards the office feeling his air get stuck. He always hated coming up here..the boss was really..you could say scary. He cleared his throat before walking into the office spotting the boss looking at a loose car part with focused eyes, he bowed in respect clearing his throat. “Sir, there was a robbery in the second garage. Most of the car p-parts were stolen but most are still there.” The boss raised a brow with a hum turning his gaze towards the man, “Did you catch them.” He asked and he shook his head, “N-No sir. But the hidden camera did.” He snorted setting the car part down on his desk leaning against it.
“Find them.”
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It’s been a week since you stole the cart parts and they still haven’t found you yet. You don’t wanna jinx yourself by saying it but i mean.. it is is the truth, the stolen cart parts made you money for a good month, probably over 50 thousand yen? Apparently when you showed the guy the car parts some of them were too old and some of them were new which only summed you up to 50 thousand instead of 50 million. But you were still set for the next month till you had to get back to the job, you were in your garage as it was 11:00 at night finishing up your bike, you took the bolt from the table, putting it into its designed spot screwing it on, grunting doing the last twist leaning back to look at the work you did smirking at your accomplishment. All you had to do now was get tires and you’re set, you threw down the wrench into your tool box standing up from the chair to grab your rag, wiping your hands off. When you were done doing that you placed the rag down walking over to the lights turning them off, going back inside.
Damn it’s already 11? You thought checking the time on the oven that read 11:05am, you yawned walking towards your bedroom but paused mid way hearing something coming from your room, you paused in your tracks with furrowed eyebrows. Without taking your eyes off your door you walked backwards towards the kitchen grabbing a kitchen knife, going to your door. You walked slowly almost tip toeing trying to stay quiet as possible, your room door was already creaked open taking this as an advantage to see who the hell was in your room.
You leaned against the wall leaning your head towards the creak to spot a tall man with short spiky black hair wearing a black shirt and black sweat pants, your eyes went wide for a sec..this dude is big. His back was facing the door as it looked like he was holding something up, you squinted your eyes to get a closer look to see what it was..and it was a picture of your parents. The photo you had placed down for a reason, seeing a glance of the photo you felt rage remembering the memories from that picture. You took a step forward to open the door going up behind him, close enough to be close to his back raising the knife to stab him but- “I wouldn’t do that if i were you.” He said freezing in place mid way with the knife held up, you stayed quiet, confused of how he knew you were there?, i mean i was quiet wasn’t i? The man turned his head over his shoulder to spot the knife in your hand with a raised brow, “A kitchen knife?” He questioned, you glared at him taking a strike at him trying to stab him but almost in a instant he dodged it taking the knife out of your hold, knocking you to the ground pining you to the hard floor with the knife to your neck.
He smirked seeing the frustration in your face, “What a pity.” He scoffed trailing the knife along your neck feeling the small blades scratch again, “Where are the car parts.” He asked keeping eye contact with you as you stayed quiet throwing glares at him, when he didn’t get an answer he digged the knife down more against your neck making you wince, If i don’t answer him i might end up dead..fuck. “I sold them.” Sold them? He hummed in response, “You may not know me..but your parents did.” You snarled moving under him at him mentioning your parents, “Don’t you dare..” He snorted at your reaction pushing his knee down more onto your leg keeping you still, “You see, your parents owed me a bunch of money. At least 100 million yen, and since they’re..gone i can’t get that money.” You scoffed, “Then what does this have to do with me? Because i stole your car parts? Look man if you want them so bad i’ll- ack!” You got interrupted by a hand being on your neck cutting you off from talking, “I don’t care about the damn cart parts i want my money.” He snarled leaning closer to you getting a whiff of his cologne, “Your parents has kept many secrets from you and this one screwed them up, if you haven’t known your father was a gang leader who stole, destroyed and killed. He owed me thousands of money but since he’s no longer here..you’re taking his place. You’re gonna be my racer, win the races i put you in, win the money and i’ll let you live your normal life.” Your eyes went wide at the confession the man said to you. Dad was a gang leader..? And now i’m stuck cleaning up his mess?? unfuckingbelivable. You stared into the black orbs that were already staring back at you with a bored expression waiting for an answer, “And what if i don’t?.” He chuckled clicking his tongue, “Deny it and i’ll make your life hell. Everything you’ve accomplished will be gone in a snap, so i suggest you agree to it so nothing happens.” If i don’t agree to it..everything will be gone..you clicked your tongue sighing in response i have no choices but to agree to it., “Fine, leave my life alone and i’ll do it. Deal?” He smirked taking his hand off your neck.
{Lap 2} Read now!
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meatonfork · 2 years
🤠 howdy
If I could request in the holiday spirit,could we see grim giving gifts to the task force boys?grim solos
Christmas Spirit
pairing: platonic 141 x grim
warnings: none!
summary: grim shows the boys some holiday spirit!
note: i am still recovering from yesterday, so if my writing reflects that i apologize. also, i don’t like christmas, so i’m trying to make this good 😭
christmas was approaching fast. the task force was given a week off in order to celebrate and have some down time before the next mission.
one thing you’d noticed, is that no one really seemed to be in high spirits. and that just didn’t sit right with you. since having no one to celebrate christmas with after your family’s passing, you jumped at the opportunity to celebrate with your boys.
the whole week leading up to one of your favorite holidays was spent decorating, baking, and making gifts.
the boys had thoroughly enjoyed your baking. even going as far as to ask for more, which you happily obliged to.
a consistent smell of cinnamon and pine roamed each hallway. really setting the mood for the season.
lights covered the halls, and garland hung at each doorway. a tree was thrown up in the corner of the commons as well.
soap was the most excited when he saw the decorations lining the walls. he said something along the lines, “aye! look at all this! grim, you did this?”
to which you simply smiled and nodded before hurrying back to your quarters to finish their presents.
the day of christmas, you’d made a big breakfast for everyone. being up around 0430 to finish it before ghost got up at 0600.
the food was devoured. soap eating loudly as usual, and price scolding him for being gross.
gaz had left you a seat to his left so you could eat with them.
“grim, this is really good. thanks, kid!” he pat you on the shoulder, tossing a smile in your direction.
“i, uh, i actually have another surprise for you guys once you’re done eating.” a sheepish smile spread across your sleep puffy face.
they each turned to look at you before shoveling the rest of their food in their mouths.
they followed you to the commons, where presents lay under the tree. four of them, to be exact.
“you bought us something? why’d you do that?” price borderline scolded you.
“i didn’t! i made them.” another sheepish smile stretching on your face.
“you didn’t have to, you know?” ghost spoke up behind you.
“well, duh. i just wanted to do something nice for you lot. it was so boring and plain in here anyways.” you shrugged them off.
you told them to sit, which they did quickly, and made your way to pass out the presents.
“can you guys open them all at once? i want this to go quickly.” nerves had started to creep up your spine.
what if they didn’t like them?
or what if they thought it was dumb?
“yeah, sure kid.”
they tore into the wrapping paper.
ghost held up a balaclava that made of a thick material with a thin woolen lining for the cold season. a rough stitch was holding it together, showing the hard work you’d put into it.
price grabbed onto a small wooden box that had four slots to hold his cigars that you hated so much. it was stained a dark color, and he realized you’d gone to storage to find wood that wasn’t being used.
soap held up a small notebook. it was rough around the edges, but the binding was solid. the paper was thick enough to pain on it without it bleeding through. he wondered how long this took to make.
and gaz threw on a crocheted beanie you’d made just a few days ago. it was black, and fuzzy on the inside. the yarn was thick and warm, for when you were out on a mission or having another snowball fight in the field behind base.
“you made this? all of this?” soap’s finger made a circle, pointing to everything in their hands. his mouth held open in shock.
“yeah! i wanted it to be something you’d need, but not cheap and from a store where you can get like five of them.” you’d shrugged.
“i really like this! it’s fuzzy, and my ears are warm. thanks grim!” gaz threw an arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer to his side.
“yeah, it’s definitely not cheap. why’d you make this, though? you hate my bloody cigars. think i’ll die sooner, or something.” price rose an eyebrow at you.
“well, if i can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em. or whatever.” you smiled.
ghost sighed, “kid, these are cool and all, but we didn’t get you anything.”
“i don’t care! i don’t want anything.”
“are you sure? feel like an ass now.”
“actually, there is one thing i really need. and only you lot can get it.”
a/n: i’m sorry this sucks 😭 i’ll try to get something better out soon!
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demonic-charcuterie · 11 months
Love your helluva boss mob boss!reader sorry for all the rude and demanding asks your getting but happy late Halloween<33
Would it be okay for me to request mob boss!reader and fizz and Ozzie Halloween fluff?? If not it's okay! And take your time!
Thank you so much! I had so much fun writing that! If it’s fluff you want it’s fluff you will receive! Ps. I love love love getting requests so pleaseeeee ask for some more.
You,Fizz, and Ozzie didn’t celebrate Halloween a lot before they met you. Mostly because they were to busy. Ozzie was building new Halloween special “adult projects” and Fizz was throwing special events. And you…you were a mob boss and don’t think you’d have time for that when you were bashing heads in.
All those things were great but you never had time to decorate or hand out candy or watch scary movies at midnight because you dog piled on each other. Fizzy wrapped his tail around you and you all just passed out.
But this you changed that, you went all out on Halloween and you didn’t cater to the masses. You were so clueless, you heard “scary” and ran with. You didn’t hang up cute little pumpkins or some shit like that, oh hell no. Your pumpkins had their seedy guts spread out on the lawn like a orange bloody pumpkin massacre. You bought those electric spider that ran around when they were exposed to light.
Ozzie and Fizz where out while you baking red velvet cookies when a bullet shot right past your ear causing a moment of deafness. This was like the 9th time someone tried to kill you this month. You always tried your hardest to hide that you were sneaking into the lust ring to visit them but ever since Ozzie revealed that he loved Fizz you tried less to hide it and now things like this happen a lot more often.
When Fizz and Ozzie got home you had just finished shoving his dead body out of the window. “O-oh sorry babe it didn’t mean to make a mess-” You said gesturing to the bloody walls and kitchen counter tops with a tray of cookies on the table.
“Y/n…this is amazing!” Fizz said pulling you into a long sweet kiss. “W-what the bloo-“ you began but Ozzie cut you off. “This blood looks so real, oh and you baked cookies!” Ozzie said picking you up. You smiled shyly as he lifted you.
“Well thanks, I worked hard on this!” You said as he put you down. “I have a surprise for you two.” You said running up down the hallway and coming back with a box. “Open this.”
Fizz ripping open the box and pulled out a skeleton onesie. You reached into the box and pulled out yours. “I got a matching pjs! I couldn’t get one made in your true from Ozzie but could you please shape shift?” You asked while handing him his large onesie. He nodded and struck down.
“What are these?” Ozzie said pulled out children’s cutting knifes and a giant sheet of plastic. “We’re pumpkin carving!” You exclaimed. “And I didn’t wanna get the floor dirty. I figured we could watch some horror movies while we have a carving contest.” You smile shyly at the both of them. “I know..it was stupid you don’t have to-“
You were cut off at Ozzie who pulled you into a deep kiss. “We love it!” Fizz said smiling while wrapping his arm around you.
(A few hours later.)
You and Fizz you laying on Ozzie’s chest with some random black in right movie rolling in the background. A random shriek woke you up and the boys are and you all looked at each other before bursting out laughing and falling back into the pillow. “This was a great Halloween babe” Ozzie said.
“Yeah it really was.” Fizz said before kissing your forehead.
I really hope you liked this one, I realized the mob boss could’ve been more scary i guess but I really like this one.
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verfound · 23 days
FIC: "I Have Your...Cake" (MLB; Lukanette; LBSC Lukanette Month 2024)
@lovebugs-and-snakecharmers is doing a Lukanette Month for September 2024, and we all just kinda tossed some prompts in the disco to compile a list?  We ended up with 71 prompts, so I decided I’d roll some dice to pick a prompt, do a twenty minute (ish, bc we all know sometimes they run away from me) sprint, and try to get some short fics out this month?
(Rated M for Bachelorette Party-style shenanigans)
Read on Ao3
05 September 2024
Prompt 27: Opposite
The man who answered the door was the exact opposite of what Marinette had been expecting, going from the pictures.
For one thing, he wasn’t blond.  For another, he wasn’t…he was…that is to say…
He had a face, for one.  The pictures she had been sent for ‘reference’ were not of her client’s face.
(…but she wasn’t sure you could actually dye…where the pictures were, so again: she had thought the client was blond.)
And from the few phone calls they’d had – because most of the correspondence had been through Rose, because she didn’t normally do this sort of thing but Rose was a dear friend and she was doing her a favor – she hadn’t expected him to be so…well.  Cute.
…which was an entirely unfair thought to have, because this man was getting married the next day – she was holding the baked proof that he was very much getting married the next day – and was definitely not someone that Marinette should be considering ‘cute’.
(…panty-dropping, Alya would probably say, because good Lord those eyes and shoulders and…down, girl.)
“Yes?” he asked, and if her brain had still been functioning she might think it weird that his voice sounded deeper, too.  Less accented.  Less manic.
The voice from the phone had bee grating at best.  This voice…oh, she could spend hours listening to that voice.  She wondered what her name would sound like wrapped in it.  How other things would sound wrapped in it.
…she was perhaps just a little gone, which, going back to the fact that he was completely and utterly unavailable, was a big problem.
“Mademoiselle?” he asked, and she shook her head as she (mostly) came back to her senses.  She was making an absolute fool of herself – she had to get it together!  She straightened her back and thrust (…goddammit phrasing!) the bakery box out at him.
“I-I-I have your penis!” she actually yelped, and dear God just kill her now.  There was a beat that passed between them as her words seemed to sink in, and then his eyebrows were lifting into his hairline and an adorable little flush was coloring his cheeks and Down, Girl!  “I-I mean  your cake!  Your penis cake!  The cake of your penis!  For your party?”
He blinked again as realization seemed to sink in, and the flush on his cheeks grew darker as a strangled little chuckle left him.  She groaned and hung her head.
“…kill me now,” she moaned.  She glanced up at him, her head still bent over the box, and bit down on her lip.  If she hadn’t been in the middle of dying from mortification, she might have noticed the way his eyes seemed to focus on that.  “I am so sorry.  That was so unprofessional, M. King.  It’s just…I didn’t expect you to be so hot.”
His eyes widened again, and she almost dropped the cake.  She jerked up, her back ramrod straight, and squeaked.
“I-I mean cute!  Attractive!  I mean you’re not – you’re taken!  Engaged!  Affianced!” and God, now she was rambling.  Why wasn’t he stopping her?  Why was he grinning like that?  She groaned again and pushed the cake out a little more.  “…please take this and put me out of my misery.”
“…I think I like your misery,” he chuckled, his voice sounding more than a little strangled, but he still took the cake.  He winced as he glanced at the box, distinctly not opening it, and put it on a table behind the door.  He turned back to her with an easy smile and folded his arms over his chest as he leaned against the frame.  “And for the record.  If it makes any difference.  I’m not M. King.”
He glanced back at the box as she sucked in a breath, his eyebrows furrowing.  His expression turned wry as he looked back at her.
“…that’s not seriously a cake of his junk, is it?” he asked.  She nodded, and he grimaced.  “I was really hoping he was joking about that.  Bri’s gonna hate…shit.  Fuck.  Fuck, fuck, fuck!”
“…sorry?” she squeaked, her eyes widening again.  He turned back into the flat, his expression suddenly furious, but she was more than a little distracted by the way his ass looked in those jeans.
“Dingo, you jackass – you didn’t actually order strippers for your party, did you?!” he shouted, and her eyes grew even wider.  Ordered what now???  When no answer came, the man’s jaw clenched.  “I am not going to jail for you, asshole!”
“…um…” she coughed, and he jumped as he turned back to her – like he had completely forgotten she was there.
“…shit.  Sorry,” he said, shaking his head.  “It’s just…Dingo – the groom – is a fucking moron.  I didn’t think he’d actually ordered the stupid cake – his fiancée, Bri, told him multiple times she didn’t want it, but he kept joking about…”
There must have been some kind of expression on her face – there had to be, from the heat she could feel filling her cheeks and the way her eyes were stinging – that made him wince and look away.  His hand came up to rub at the back of his neck, and his own blush had spread to the tips of his ears.
…he had no right to be that hot and that adorable.
“…sorry,” he said again, wincing.  “That’s…that’s not actually your problem.  Sorry.  They…um.  Fuck.  They paid you, right?  For the cake?”
“Y-yeah,” she said, nodding.  She cleared her throat and nodded again, a bit stronger.  “Yes.  I was just dropping it off on my way home.  I…sorry.  So you’re not Dingo, then?”
“God, no,” he laughed, shaking his head.  He held out his hand, his smile softening.  “Luka.  Luka Couffaine.”
“Oh!  Juleka’s brother, right?” she asked, snapping her fingers.  He lifted his eyebrows.  “The musician?”
“You know Jules?” he asked.  His hand was still held out awkwardly between them.  She nodded.
“And Rose,” she said.  “We’ve been friends since collège.  I’m Marinette.”
“Oh, right!  The designer!” the man – Luka – said, nodding.  “They talk about you all the time.  It’s nice to finally have a face to put with the name.  Your parents are bakers, right?  Is that how you ended up making…”
He glanced back at the box, and she giggled nervously.
“Rose and Juleka are really good friends, and I never turn down a good friend,” she said, shrugging.  “…even if it makes me really uncomfortable.  I’m chronically helpful.”
“Your stuff’s incredible,” Luka said.  He rolled his eyes and smiled.  “Never thought I’d say this, but I’m almost looking forward to eating Ding’s junk now.”
She choked on a laugh, clapping her hands over her mouth, and his smile grew.  When she had better gathered herself, she looked up at him with an almost giddy smile.
“…hey, are you doing anything tomorrow?” he asked.  Her eyebrows lifted, and he grinned.  “I’d love to…well.  I’d love to buy you a coffee, but I’m kinda supposed to be in this wedding.  I may have promised the groom I’d be his best man.”
She giggled at the way he rolled his eyes, and his smile grew.  He dipped his head towards her.
“Care to be my plus one?” he asked, grinning.  “I’m told the cake’s going to be amazing.”
She choked on another laugh.  She knew it would be – her parents were making it.
“Isn’t it bad form to invite someone to a wedding for a first date?” she asked.  “Besides.  I’m already going to be there – I have to help the bakers set up the cake.”
“Perfect!” he said.  Something moved in her periphery, and she noticed he was wiggling his fingers at her.  He was still holding his hand up between them.  “You have to be there.  I have to be there –best man, remember?  Why not be there together?  I’d say I’d buy you a drink, but it’s going to be an open bar.  Maybe I can buy you some cake instead.”
“…the cake’s free, too,” she laughed.  His grin grew.
“Perfect,” he said.  “You can buy me cake.”
He wiggled his fingers again, and she rolled her eyes as she raised a hand to clasp his.  She was momentarily dazed by how…warm his hand felt around hers.  Like it was made to hold hers.
“It’s a date,” he said, squeezing her hand.  Her smile warmed, and she nodded.  Suddenly she didn’t really care if it was bad form, asking someone to a wedding for a first date.
“I can’t wait.”
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Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x reader
Word count: ~1.7k
Summary: You find out Wanda’s bad habit and put a stop to it. 
A/N: The other reason why Wanda would end up couched. 
Warnings: Angst.
Wanda sighed in annoyance as she looked to the group of men she’d been with for far too long. She wondered how despite being in the business for years, there were some things that she could neither change nor avoid in order to be respected. She was fine with drinking, as long as it wasn’t an excessive amount. A drink or two while discussing business wasn’t that big of a deal to her. As long as she didn’t come home drunk and disorderly you didn’t mind too much either.
Unfortunately, another habit she needed to fit in and talk shop was smoking. She refused to smoke cigars because they smelled and tasted foul, but she hadn’t been able to refuse the occasional cigarette from someone. She hated every second of it and knew you would be pissed, so she tried to keep it from you and limit it to one whenever she felt the pressure to smoke.
She should have known that any attempt to keep things from you would only backfire horribly.
Wanda was already tense from the poor negotiating skills of her employees when she arrives home to see that you’re already there. She panics slightly as she realizes that she didn’t beat you home in time to shower and brush her teeth half a dozen times like she usually does after she smokes. Wanda doesn’t get a lot of time to consider how to sneak upstairs without having to get too close to you when she sees the door to the mudroom open. She watches as Boone runs out first and starts to open her door to get out so she can greet him like she normally would.
“Hi, buddy.”
Wanda scratches the shepherd behind his ears and she tries not to notice how he’s sniffing her a little more than usual. It’s at this time that she remembers that she has the rest of the box that had been gifted to her in her pocket. She couldn’t throw it away in front of them, and she now had almost a full box on her for you to find. She just manages to make her expression neutral as you stick your head out the door with a smile.
“Hey there, I’m making dinner, but you’re home earlier than I thought.”
Wanda just smiles as she waves you off and heads over to you with a sigh. She figures she might as well get this over with. You’re bound to be angry at her, but she knows that being upfront about it usually gets her off easier than trying to hide this would.
“You’re the best. I wanted to--.”
“Oh wait, sorry one second!”
The oven timer goes off signaling that something’s ready, and you run back inside to grab it. Wanda sighs in relief as she follows after Boone who’s already running for the kitchen. You’re pulling the green beans out of the oven that you’ve made to go with one of Wanda’s favorite dishes. She nearly cries when she realizes what you’ve cooked for her, and when she spots what she knows is cheesy bread she’s going to eat way too much of she nearly loses it.
You’re going to be so mad.
“Sorry about that. How was your day?”
You place the baking sheet on the counter before putting the contents in a bowl and covering it so they stay warm. You shoot Wanda a curious look as she just shrugs despite looking tense about something. You figure it’s work related because it usually is, and you frown as you think of how you can cheer her up.
“It was stressful, nothing new unfortunately. How about you, detka?”
You smile as you turn back around from putting the bread in the oven. You groan loudly and dramatically as you check on the chicken that cooking on the stove. It’s not quite done, but luckily you won’t have to wait long. You smile at Boone who’s sitting outside of the kitchen wagging his tail like a good boy. He’s not allowed in the kitchen while you’re cooking. Not since you’d tripped over him and cut yourself.
“It was okay. There was this one client though, he smelled so bad I struggled to get through the appointment.”
Wanda doesn’t even have time to wonder in what way before you’re telling her with a disgusted look. She really wasn’t getting away with this, was she?
“The room reeked of cigarettes for the rest of the day. It was awful.”
You frown when Wanda seems to tense even more and you watch her eyes dart toward the stairs as she offers you a smile that you see through immediately.
“That’s the worst. Is there anything I can help with?”
You watch as your wife only takes a step closer to you to glance over the counter. You shake your head because you’re nearly done, but your smile disappears when your wife nearly flees for the stairs. She can’t seem to get away from you fast enough.
“No, thanks. I’m almost done!”
Wanda nods at this as she takes a step back and tries to retreat as gracefully as possible. She needs to burn her clothes and wash her hair, so there’s no trace of her misdeeds left for you to find.
“Okay, well I’m going to shower really quickly, but I’ll be back soon.”
Now you were really confused because Wanda never showered before dinner. She liked to shower right before going to bed, or right after waking up. The only other time she showered was if something had happened from work that she needed to wash away. This thought makes you suspicious and you decide to test your theory by shooting your wife a questioning look.
“Do I have to wait until after to get my kiss hello?”
Your suspicions grow exponentially when Wanda hesitates as she considers this. She sighs inaudibly before turning back toward you with a smile that doesn’t quite hide her nerves.
“Of course not.”
Wanda walks toward you and around the kitchen counter to meet you for a quick kiss. She watches as you smile in return and she leans in and decides to count to three before breaking away.
Your wife is remarkably tense as she approaches you for a kiss in a way that’s similar to how you’d imagine someone approaches a sentencing. You don’t understand what’s wrong until she’s within reach, and it’s confirmed as soon as she kisses you.
Despite the smell of dinner cooking and the residual smell of smoke you have from work, you notice that the latter grows as Wanda leans in. You realize that she must have been around some people for work who had been smoking. This was annoying, but you weren’t too upset about that. This changed as soon as she kissed you. She tasted like smoke and you’re pulling away before you can stop yourself. You don’t miss Wanda flinch and you know that your suspicions are correct as soon as she takes a step back.
“Have-have you been smoking?”
You don’t really need an answer. You basically have it, and when Wanda refuses to look at you it’s confirmation. You aren’t sure where to start there’s so much you want to say, but the first question you ask is arguably the most important.
“How long has this been going on?”
Wanda hurries to explain herself and reassure you that it’s only been a few months. She hasn’t been hiding this from you for years, not that she could, and she doesn’t even do it that often. This is maybe the fifth time? She doesn’t say this though as she tries to justify her idiotic decision.
“No, no. I just—I had to for work is all, but it’s not that often. I--.”
Wanda doesn’t get to finish her sentence before you’re shooting her a glare and shaking your head at the troubling words. You don’t care why she started smoking, but you sure as hell want her to stop.
“I don’t care how often it is, Wands! It’s horrible for you and you need to stop.”
Wanda’s reaching into her pocket for something as she shoots you a sheepish look that you miss. You’re too focused on the pack of cigarettes she takes out, and you’re grabbing them from her almost immediately.
“They’re filtered…I think that’s better?”
When you grab the box from her and raise your arm she flinches slightly. She thinks you’re going to throw them at her, but as she watches you chuck them into the living room, towards the fire place, she’s only slightly less terrified as she turns back to you.
“That doesn’t fucking matter! They’ll kill you, and unless you want to sleep on the couch indefinitely, you’ll stop now. Are we clear?”
Wanda just nods silently as she meets your glare with an anxious look. She’s really fucked up this time, and she’s tempted to apologize and sleep on the couch tonight just to make you less mad. You don’t let her get away with not speaking, and you cross your arms as you stare her down.
“I’m serious Wanda. I can’t be married to you if you keep doing something this reckless.” 
You knew your reasoning was slightly hypocritical, but to you there was a huge difference between what Wanda did for work and this. Sure, she led a dangerous life, a reckless life on some days, but that was a choice that you’d come to terms with. You just asked her to be careful and not put herself in any more danger than strictly necessary. She agreed to this and you’d put your faith in her that she’d do as you asked. This was not what you asked, and the fact that she voluntarily did something that was arguably more dangerous than getting shot, at least long term, was something that you wouldn’t tolerate.
Wanda just nods again in understanding before she sighs in defeat. She hates that she’s upset you, but she’ll do anything she has to in order to make it up to you.
“Okay, I’ll stop. I promise.”
You smile at this and on instinct, you start to lean in to hug her, but you stop short. You sigh before waving her back towards the stairs, and she catches on quickly.
“Go shower and get rid of the smell. Then come back down here and eat dinner with me.”
Wanda smiles widely before she runs up the stairs to do as you ask. She’s more than happy to clean up and get on your good side. Not to mention she wants to eat dinner.
“Yes, ma’am.”
You roll your eyes as you watch your wife leave before you turn back to the oven. You turn it off but leave the bread in before putting the rest of the food that’s not on the stove back in to keep it warm. You sigh in defeat before you shake your head at your ridiculous wife.
“Smart ass.”
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frenchie-sottises · 3 months
Back at it With the Punch Out Headcanons.
It's been a long while since I've done any Punch Out Headcanons, and combined with the fact that I looked through my old posts and may or may not have cringed a little, I'm gonna add some more headcanons and update some current ones. (Mostly cause they were made out of little information I had at the time.)
Also, just throwing up a warning real quick as some of these headcanons do mention some heavier topics like familial abuse and childhood neglect for some of these boxers. However, they don't go into detail.
Glass Joe:
I called him a cinnamon roll last time, and that still holds true, but I didn't realize how sassy this man was. Telling you you're bad for his health, making it clear he's coming for you by pointing at you like you just committed a crime, this mfer has some spunk for having a hundred losses to a single victory. He's still extremely chill, but he's not above throwing hands if necessary.. even if he might lose.
100% the type of person to make baked goods for someone if they're down or it's their birthday. Part of the reason why he likes taking his friends to lunch.
Even though the WVBA doesn't seem to have an age limit, especially apparent with boxers like Gabby and Hoy, he's still not looking forward to the day he must retire. He enjoys boxing, it's why he's still kicking despite losing so much, and he hates the idea he won't be in the ring anymore.
Tumblr has broken his humor.
Von Kaiser:
Was exposed to so much propaganda as a kid that he makes a point to learn all sides of the story purely out of spite.
His dad was in the military, so respect was almost literally beaten into this man's head as he grew up. However, despite the trauma, he doesn't believe in his father's tactics, so he chose to turn his boxing career into a place where he can teach other kids the proper way to become respectable adults without the trauma he was put through.
Has a difficult time expressing his feelings, but will eventually give in if it's someone he's close to or with enough coaxing. However, the quickest way to gain his trust and help him open up is to respect his space. His expressions make it pretty clear what he wants.
Kinda has to be dragged to make any sort of online presence. He only has a Facebook and a Tumblr. It would've been strictly Facebook had Joe not encourage him to make a Tumblr. (The site has also broken his humor.)
Disco Kid:
Has 100% wore your typical 80s disco fashion. There's a reason why he's called "Disco Kid." His grandparents were big disco dancers, which eventually got passed down to him. Rollerskating's pretty much paired up with that, so he breaks it down.
Is quite an oddball when it comes to being a boxer. With his history, you'd think he'd just stick with being a dancer, but he's never liked the idea of his passion being his profession. He likes the freedom in his dancing, so it's staying as a hobby. Of course, you need money for hobbies, you saw his car, so he took up boxing when he saw a poster for a WVBA match. He may not be the best, but he loves boxing enough to want to incorporate it with his dancing.
Has made it a mission to learn every instrument there is! He loves his disco stuff, but he has a general love for music. Old, new, fancy, simple, it doesn't matter. If it exists, he wants to learn it.
Is one of the more tech savvy boxers of the group. There's a chat in the Discord server that is solely for memes cause he wouldn't stop posting them in general. ("I've been kicked for posting memes in general. Help-") May or may not be part of the reason Joe's and Von's humors are broken.
King Hippo:
He may be royalty, but he's one of the most humbled beings you'll ever meet. He's definitely an acts of service kind of guy, so he's holding doors open for people, giving people food, using his money to help the citizens on his island, his mother raised him well.
Has personally fought and chased Airbnb off of his island after they tried their greedy bullshit. They already cause people in other places problems, he'd be damned if they're welcomed on his island! (It was televised too, so his appearance alone made even Sandman shake in his boots.)
You're not gonna believe this, but.. Hippo can speak English. He can speak it really well, actually. His iconic way of speaking originally started for show, but became his main way of talking, but English was his first language, so, on the few occasions where he needs to actually talk, he surprises everyone in the room with it.
Has experience in architecture. Safe to say it's one of his biggest passions, and he uses it often to help his citizens because why be a king if you just sit on your ass all day when you can help your people instead? He sneers at most kings he's heard about.
Piston Hondo:
He's such a snarky lil shit in the ring, it's almost comical. He does it on purpose just to cause problems. He's fine outside the ring, but the boxers can tell when he's out to cause problems when his moves his eyebrows more than he normally should.
Second to Tiger when it comes to being a clean freak. He sneezes at the littlest things, so he has air filters and humidifiers all over his home. It's helped quite a bit! If he's in a room where it's dirty, he immediately goes into cleaning mode, outfit and all.
His love for drawing and art still holds true. He gets easily inspired, so he always has a sketchbook on him. He eventually picked up digital drawing, feeling unsure at first, but his determination led him to discover how much he loved it! He now makes a point to learn different forms of art, having made a room in his home dedicated to all things art.
Sneaks up on people too easily. He doesn't even do it on purpose most of the time, he's just very light on his feet. Not even the lightest sleeper can hear him moving around when it's three in the morning. 100% mastered this to raid the fridge, there's no way you're this quiet without picking it up somewhere.
Bear Hugger:
Got his knowledge and love for nature from his dad. He fully understands and accepts nature in all her beauty and ugliness. This also means that anything you'd want to know about nature, he's your go-to. He isn't one to sugarcoat things, so any information you wish to know is to be done at your own discretion. (Is also one of Casual Geographic's biggest fans as he keeps it straightforward while also having master word play.)
May or may not have his DNA altered via a were..bear bite. Yeah, who knew his sparring partner was a mythical being? He paid no mind till he started noticing the typical changes found in such a transformation. His speed and strength led to him breaking his tools by accident fairly often, and his sharpened senses overwhelmed him a few times, but he's adjusted to this and uses these abilities to his advantage, especially in hunting. He's thought about possibly climbing the ranks while he still has the time, but is still unsure as he doesn't mind where he currently sits.
Will fight and has fought people who litter without a second thought. The forest he lives in used to be covered in trash, which he spent weeks cleaning, so he takes massive offense to those who don't bother to throw away their trash. If the person purposely does it after being warned? Only God can save you, cause he's thrown people's whole selves into trashcans. (His werebear abilities make this easier to do.)
Was originally gonna be a massage therapist before attending one of his mother's boxing matches. He has always been good with his hands, so he went all the way and gained his license for it. Of course, he prefers boxing, but he hasn't let his license expire, so he still holds the therapist title!
Great Tiger:
Number one clean freak out of everyone in the WVBA. No one knows where he got it. He doesn't even have health issues that require it like Hondo does, but he feels the need to keep his house clean. This also, by extension, means he keeps himself extremely clean. It's not to insufferable levels like with Don, but he always has a light scent of lavender on him. If he was in a dirty room, or a dirty home, you're gonna see about thirty clones all dressed up and cleaning the place.
If the light shines on him just right, his eyes almost look like they're made of liquid gold. He gets a lot of compliments on his eyes, it's ridiculous. It's either the eyes, or the mustache, which, he won't deny, his mustache is pretty fabulous. He loves the compliments, but he does get a bit overwhelmed if they get too much.
Has a deep love for mythology. It doesn't matter where it's from, he reads and learns all he can about it. He's one of the few boxers who suspects Bear Hugger might've had something happen to him due to the subtle changes he's picked up. He's also dressed up as a vampire on a few occasions just for funsies.
He doesn't want to admit it, but whenever he wears a sash belt, the extra bit behaves like a cat's tail. He tries to control it, but it's apparent when he's irritated, it flicks around just like that of a cat. The only thing it doesn't do is lift straight up, which is something that happens when a cat is happy to see you, but it does curl at the end.
Don Flamenco:
For being as cocky as he is, if he feels like he's in the wrong in any way, he's apologizing FAST. He can't imagine ever hurting someone, even if it's unintentional. He also struggles to not cry as he admits he was wrong, but, dammit, he can't help it.
Absolutely adores games that encourage creativity like Sims and Minecraft. He's always looking forward to designing houses and gardens in these games, using any and all tricks he knows to bring extra pizazz to them. It's even better when Carmen's around to join in. His favorite of the bunch is probably Sims 4. Animal Crossing is a close second. (And you know, damn well, that they got the fanciest, gothic houses in the games.)
Don't ever assume Don performs actual bullfighting, cause this man will not let you hear the end of why he's against it. He's one of cultural heritage, but bullfighting is a disgrace in his eyes and looks forward to the day it's illegal across the country. He'd rather fight the bull with his bare hands in a test of strength than ever bring out a weapon.
Doesn't realize how much his perfume bothers people. He loves the smell of perfume, especially anything floral because of course this dude loves his flowers. He gets fussed at a lot for it, so it's a miracle Mac wasn't fazed by it.
Aran Ryan:
His parents are both terrible. The father pretty much drank his life away while the mother ran away. Because of this, Aran was forced to grow up and fend for not only himself, but also for his little sister, Arabella. It's mostly the explanation for his unhinged and masochist-like behavior. Most people don't fuck with crazy.
Despite his rough background, he was able to get help from neighbors, who all silently agreed to take turns watching the two cause American foster systems tend to not fair much better. He worked at several jobs once he was sixteen. He's worked anything from cashier work to yard work and even some automotive work. He wasn't able to finish school, he dropped out as soon as he started working, but eventually got his GED once he took up boxing and got a steady income to help keep Arabella in school.
Does not give a fuck about what people say about him, but will be on the verge of wailing on someone if they dare trash talk his sister. Soda's had to hold him back a few times cause he'll halt the match to fight whoever said some bs, he doesn't play. Luckily, for everyone involved, anyone with a sane enough mind will not dare cross that line.
Thanks to the WVBA and the neighbors, this is the craziest he'll ever get. Outside the ring, he's pretty much one of the most chilled boxers you'll meet. The most he does is pranks, which all go for annoying the people he targets. You can take the Irish man out of the chaos, but you'll never take the chaos out of the Irish man.
Soda Popinski:
Number one cat magnet. He can't explain it, nor is he trying, but cats love him. He can literally just sit on a bench in a random spot, and it wouldn't even take two minutes before a cat comes out of the wild for some pets. He was even once bombarded with a whole bundle of kittens when he saw one on the side of the road one day. He took them all home, named them, and takes great care of them. Tiger seethes with jealousy.
His calm nature is the Yin to Aran's chaotic Yang. He was one of the first boxers to greet Aran when he first joined, and lent an ear to all the stuff Aran was going through and had to get off his chest. After that, the two pretty much became best friends. He's even helped babysit Arabella a few times if no one else was around to help. It's a bromance at this point. Only Soda can calm Aran down if something, or someone, severely pisses the Irish man off.
Has an immune system of steel. Not even diseases like Covid can faze this man. People suspect it's the soda, but it actually lies in the fact that Soda's technically a genetic experiment gone undetected. Someone messed up the shots and his mother got the shot the Russian government was using to make super soldiers. No one knows about it.
No one has successfully hid from this man, his sixth sense for sniffing out bullshit is insane. Don was sent to get drinks, but came back claiming the store was closed, but Soda pointed out the shirt he left with had tiny flowers, but the one he was wearing currently is only dots. Then Disco came in late for his training sessions, claiming he caught the train, but Soda told him that there's a road that avoids it altogether and questioned why he didn't just take that route. It's almost annoying for the other boxers how quickly he puts them on the spot.
Bald Bull:
Mother died when he was only ten, so the rest of his childhood was handled by his shitty father. Despite being the oldest of three, his father gave his younger brother the ranch due to his disapproval of Bull taking up boxing. He kept what his mother said in mind: to follow his dreams, so he did. He's tried to keep contact with his siblings, but they cut contact with him despite knowing their father is in the wrong. He's understandably bitter about it.
When he has himself a me day, he dresses up in his biker gear and drives his saddlebag bike with the ape hangers. (Ape hangers are high sitting handlebars that encourage upright posture.) His helmet conceals his identity, so no one knows it's him driving around and having fun. He became a rebel/biker as a way to break free from his father's control, so it's forever a part of him. He's also outrun the cops on several occasions. They still haven't caught him!
When it's a good day, he's got that extra bit of shithead energy about him. Doesn't even care if he gets his ass beat by Sandman, when he feels good, he's taunting EVERYBODY. His favorite method of taunting is taking the heaviest dumbbell available and lifting it while cocking an eyebrow and grin while the person is down. Heaviest he's done is 260lbs. He's aiming for higher.
His love for Turkish delights came from his mother making them every weekend after dinner. They hold a special place in his heart, using the same recipe his mother wrote for him, along with several other of her recipes, to keep ever since he took up cooking classes. Will burn someone's house down if something ever happens to that little booklet.
Super Macho Man:
Pissing off people is his specialty. Even when he's not really trying, he'll say something extremely dumb that encourages one of the other World Circuit boxers, usually Sandman, sometimes Bull, to come and beat his ass. He's either oblivious, or he's secretly a masochist, cause this happens a lot.
Takes the BIGGEST offense when someone doesn't recognize him. He thinks he's super famous, and there's some truth in that, but you'll always have people who don't keep up with celebrity drama, so his dramatic self gets salty when the person claims to not recognize him. "Well, I thought I was more popular than that!"
Despite being a dick most of the time, he has his silly moments. People compare him to Randy Savage, they're being generous, so he'll go out of his way to quote him with the voice and everything. He's nothing like the guy other than name, but he does find it endearing and will happily give his fans free meme material. He even quotes memes made of Randy, even the breathing one. He almost passed out.
Loves musicals. He was a huge theatre kid, so he's really good at playing assigned parts and has an extremely good singing voice. (Disco may or may not be slightly jealous.) Absolutely got hooked on musicals like Hamilton, The Count of Monte Cristo, and even the Heathers! Doesn't care he's a buff dude, let him wear the costumes and play those leading roles!
Mr. Sandman:
BIG momma's boy. His mother basically raised him on her own, making sure her boy never lost his way once he got out there. He's grateful for having such a loving mother, and he often gifts her a good chunk of his paycheck so she can treat herself nicely. Not much is known about what happened to the father, but he was a former boxer.
Had dreadlocks at one point in time. Took amazing care of them, even sometimes decorating them with golden braid clips. When they fully matured, they made him look like a lion. He was super proud of them and was upset that they got in the way when he decided to take up boxing. He tried to tie them up in a ponytail, but some of the matches he had got heated, and it led to some of his locks getting ripped out. He plans to regrow them once he enters retirement.
Quietly thanks Mac for taking the belt from him that day. He aimed to be the best, not because of his insecurities, but because he wanted to ensure he could provide for his mom. He thought claiming the belt was it, so when Mac took it, he got the much needed kick in the ass to realize that he doesn't need to be perfect to help out. He's already top dog, so he's already reached that goal.
He tries hard to be stoic, but he can't help but chuckle at some of the shenanigans that occur with the other boxers. Aran smacking Bull's head really hard and getting decked for it? He snickered. Soda constantly putting people on the spot? He smirks at it. Macho almost passing out from doing that one Randy meme? That took some self control, especially when all he heard was Macho falling on his back with a loud "THUD" when he had his head turned.
At first glance, she seems incredibly tame, but she's feisty! If someone angers her enough, she'll straight up rip a nearby door off its hinges and beating them with it. Hell, when she's really happy about something, there's a chance she'll kick the door on the wrong side and rip it off the hinges. She's had to replace the doors around the house a few times due to this, and Don finds it hilarious.
Pastel goth type. She was a pink hater for a long while, but the color grew on her. She's also incorporated other pastel colors into her wardrobe. May or may not also have Monster High stuff that she wears as well.
Works as a hairdresser. She colors and styles her hair often, and it's done so well that her girlfriends got her to do their hair. Some of them eventually suggested to her to pick up hairdressing as a profession, which she decided to give a shot and winded up loving it. She's even helped Don with coloring his hair a few times cause he tends to make a mess when he does it.
Cannot sing to save her own life. She was long ashamed of it too, but Don truly doesn't care whether or not she can sing. Due to this, she slowly regained the confidence to sing her heart out again. Anyone who judges or dares to wish for her to shut up will be met with a very angry Don.
She can do no wrong. No, seriously, she's far too sweet to even attempt the kind of bs Aran pulls on a regular basis. Unfortunately, this also means she's gotten bullied a few times as other kids think she's an easy target, especially considering she's chunky and is likely on the spectrum. When Aran had to try and teach her to defend herself, she questioned why she couldn't be friends with them instead.
People make jokes Joe is the baby of the WVBA, because, y'know, his record, but it's really Arabella. Literally everyone has adopted her. If she ever needs help with anything, there's always someone around to help her. Homework? Hondo, Soda, and even Macho can all help. Friendship advice? Disco is literally the extrovert. If she gets bullied? Well, God help the school board cause everybody's showing up. It's hard to not spoil her cause she's such a good kid.
There's a good chance she could be an engineer when she grows up. She comes up with the most creative, and sometimes simple, ways to solve an issue. Her and Aran had to use bunk beds for a while, but nobody really told them how to properly bunk the beds, so Arabella dug into the closet and grabbed a couple of hangers that they could break and use. Surprisingly, they worked really well. Aran's pride shows when he tells this story.
She loves to color in her free time. She has a whole drawer's worth of coloring books and coloring supplies. When she's done, she often gifts the boxers her work, which is also often themed based on what she thinks fits them. They cherish her work, often framing it and hanging it around their apartments. Some of her work is even on display around the gym they train at. She mostly uses crayons and coloring pencils, but she's been learning to use markers as well. She loves the alcohol markers.
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ghostlygeto · 1 year
pairing: sakusa kiyoomi x fem!reader
warnings: not nsfw, but mentions toys so mdni!!, fluff, atsumu is there and a dumbass, atsumu specifically calls reader "girl", more selfship content because im insane :D, bad ending bc idk, i only cared about the middle bits. i never ever proof read btw
wc: 1k again somehow?? im crazy
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the way you met sakusa kiyoomi was incredibly, and i mean incredibly, embarrassing. you would be out of town for four days, so you had to ask your incredibly attractive neighbor to take your package for you. he agreed, of course. and then the two of you moved on.
but when he gave you the package back, his ears tinted pink (you could only assume his cheeks were, too, but the black mask unfortunately covered them so you couldn’t tell), you felt mortified.
“sorry, my dumbass friend opened it when i left him in the same room as it,” sakusa’s words drilled into your brain, you felt your stomach fill with embarrassment. 
sakusa remembered the exact moment it happened. atsumu kept insisting that it “wouldn’t be a big deal, you’ll never know the difference”. he’ll be extra careful in cutting through the tape, and make sure that he rewraps whatever is inside the little box just the way it came. sakusa warned atsumu not to, that it was impolite to snoop in other people’s things. atsumu swore it’d be fine. you’d have no idea he was even in there. sakusa threatened him some more, but made the mistake of leaving atsumu alone in the room with the package.
until he opened the box and saw the cute little sex toy, causing him to laugh out loud. “omiomi, yer neighbors a li’l perv! look at this!” he held it up, giggling some more at the clear glittery silicone in his hand. “can’t believe she’d buy somethin’ like this, why don’t she jus’ ask ya for the real deal? or if yer not interested maybe i could help ‘er out.”
sakusa walked back in the room horrified, seeing his best (soon to be dead) friend holding the contents of your package in his hand. “put that away, miya. you know you’re the perv here, going through someone else’s things like that. and we’ve barely spoken past our conversation when she asked me to pick up the package for her. i highly doubt she wants or needs any help with that. especially not from someone like you.”
“mean,” atsumu rolled his eyes, rewrapping the toy in it’s cloth packaging and bubble wrap. “nev’r hurt t’ask ‘er. maybe she’ll be thankful. do it, when you give it t’er! i’ll give ya money if ya do it.”
“i don’t want or need your money,” sakusa snatched the box out of atsumu’s hand, sighing as he realized now he’d have to explain to his pretty neighbor why her package was opened. and try to pretend that he didn’t know what was inside of it.
— – - – —
“uh, enjoy.” he wanted to kick himself in the stomach as he shoved the box into your arms, leaving you standing in your doorway somehow more embarrassed than you were to begin with.
why, why, why would he say something like that. you wanted to curl inside a hole and die, never to return. you had been kind of excited for the toy prior to now. but now even thinking about using it made you feel kind of sick to your stomach.
“thanks,” you replied while his back was turned, wishing you could retreat into yourself and never be seen by anyone outside your apartment ever again. you opened up the box when you were behind closed doors, seeing the poorly rewrapped bubble wrap before sighing loudly. you needed to do something as an apology. but would that make things more awkward? to bring him over some sort of baked good as an apology?
— – - – —
the knock on his door made his heart sink a little. sakusa hated unannounced company, and the only person who ever showed up unannounced (atsumu) was already sat comfortable in the living room of sakusa’s apartment.
you pretend to not notice the combined looked of shock and embarrassment when sakusa opened the door. you held up the tray of sweets, a combination of cookies and brownies. you weren’t sure what he liked best, so you settled with the most common desserts that almost everyone enjoyed: chocolate chip cookies and brownies. “these are for you, sakusa. as a thank you and apology for my package.”
sakusa stared down at the tray in your hands, trying to decide if he was going to accept it or not. he didn’t feel like he needed an apology (though the thank you was nice, as it’s the normal thing to). but the sound of sakusa’s grandma rang in his head, telling him that rejecting gifts was rude. he grabbed the tray from your hands, getting ready to bow and say his thanks when probably his worst nightmare came true.
“oh m’god, ‘re ya dildo girl?” atsumu asked, a large smile covering his face, “y’know i really hope ya didn’t mind my lookin’ in the box, omi told me not t’, but the curiosity was killin’ me.” he walked closer to the door, staring down at your blushing face. “not sure if he relayed my message, but if ya ever get tired of the dil-”
“enough, miya,” sakusa hissed, shoving his friend further back into the apartment. “i really am very sorry, y/n. about him, and the package thing.” he had to pretend he couldn’t feel the heat in his cheeks, hoping you’d do the same. “we can just pretend that never happened, if you want.”
you nodded your head, though you couldn’t help but laugh at the sight. the tall, pro-volleyball player sakusa kiyoomi towered over you, blush spread across his cheeks as he apologizes for his best friend, pro-volleyball player miya atsumu. if the circumstances were different, you’d be living your best life. “we can pretend none of this happened, if you prefer. we’ll have a formal meeting another time.”
without further goodbye, you walked away from sakusa’s front door and toward your own. if these few interactions with your neighbor were any indication for how the rest of your time living there would be, you knew that there wouldn’t be many dull moments.
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reblogs, comments, nd likes appreciated (っ˘з(˘⌣˘ )
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cariantha · 7 months
Friends Again
Book: Open Heart Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Sawyer Brooks) Rating: General Category: Fluff Word count: 2.2K Summary: Ethan loses something important. Prompt: Imagine your OTP where both of them have a piece of jewelry that symbolizes their friendship, and it was just for fun and definitely not serious. But when one of them loses their jewelry, they start to realize that it (and their relationship) meant more to them than they thought. A/N: This is a prequel of sorts to Bad Dream. Some of the dialogue used is taken directly from Open Heart: Second Year.
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A week before the conference in Miami…
The hour-long drive seemed to pass in the blink of an eye with conversation flowing easily between the attending and his intern. They had reached their destination, the Boston Medical Library, situated on the University of Massachusetts campus. 
“Thanks again for coming and helping me with this research. I’m sure you had better things to do this weekend,” Ethan said, parking and turning off the engine. 
“You. Are. Welcome,” Sawyer playfully chimed as she unbuckled her seat belt. "And what’s better than solving a medical mystery and saving a man’s life?” 
She didn’t have to add “duh” to the end of that sentence. Ethan heard it in her tone and it made him smile on the inside. “God, where have you been all my life?” he thought to himself.
As they headed towards the library, they couldn’t help but notice the large farmer’s market set up in the adjacent parking lot. 
“That looks fun,” Sawyer remarked as she eyed the various booths from a distance. A variety of vendors sold everything from fresh produce, to homemade baked goods, to arts and crafts. 
Knowing it would make her happy, Ethan couldn’t resist. “Do you want to check it out?”
“You wouldn’t mind?” she asked, surprised. 
“Not at all. Believe it or not, I enjoy going to the farmer’s market. My dad and I would go when I was young. There’s a good one at Copley Square you should check out sometime,” he recommended, guiding her toward the first row of tents.
The pair strolled from booth to booth, inspecting all the different goods for sale. Along the way, they laughed at the silly products, exchanged personal stories, and sampled some of the food and drink. 
“Ohmygod,” Sawyer moaned, the chocolate melting on her tongue. “You have to try this,” she insisted, holding a sample to Ethan’s lips. Naturally and without thinking, he leaned forward eating the morsel right out of her hand, his lips brushing softly against her fingertips.
“It’s good, right?” she watched as he chewed and nodded affirmatively.
“Would you like me to pack up a box for you?” an older gentleman approached. 
Ethan reached for his wallet, “We’ll take two boxes.” 
“Happy wife, happy life! Am I right?” the vendor chuckled as he filled a container with chocolate truffles.
Seizing the opportunity to have a little fun at Ethan’s expense, Sawyer quickly replied. “Oh, he’s not my husband… yet. Two years of dating and he still hasn’t put a ring on it,” she waved the back of her ringless left hand. 
Ethan snapped his head to Sawyer and with bulging eyes silently asked, “What are you doing?”
“Back in my day, you took a test drive and either made the purchase or kept looking… none of this leasing business,” the outspoken elder shook his head. “I proposed to my beautiful Margie one month after our first date, and I married her three months later. When you know, you know… you know?”
“That’s what I’ve been telling him!” Sawyer continued the act, gently backhanding Ethan in the gut.
Ethan pinched the bridge of his nose and whispered under this breath, “For Christ’s sake.” 
Sawyer burst out laughing, finally breaking character. When the vendor looked at her puzzled, she confessed. “Sorry, we’re not actually together.” Elbowing Ethan in the side, “I just couldn’t resist messing with him. We’re just friends.” 
“Well, in my experience, that's a good place to start,” the man winked, handing Ethan his purchase.  
As they walked away, he shoved a box of truffles towards Sawyer with feigned annoyance. “Friends? Ha! More like a giant pain in my ass,” he contended. 
A short while later they found a fresh produce booth. Ethan quickly occupied himself, inspecting and sniffing different fruits and vegetables. If Sawyer had been paying attention, she might have learned how capable he was with all the beautiful ingredients, but she was distracted by another nearby vendor. When Ethan struck up a conversation with the produce farmer, she slipped away to make a quick purchase.
“Where’d you go?” Ethan asked when she returned.
“I got you something. Hold out your hand,” she urged.
Ethan raised a skeptical eyebrow, but reluctantly did as she said. 
Sawyer looped a braided leather bracelet around his wrist and fastened it. 
He took a closer look, examining the metal charms. One with the letter E, and another with the letter S. “What’s this for?”
“It’s a friendship bracelet,” she explained, “and since I'm giving it to you, it's official now. We are definitely friends.”
“Is that so?” 
“I don’t make the rules,” she shrugged.
“I’m pretty sure you just did.”
Ignoring his snark, “Oh, and it’s tradition that when someone gives you a friendship bracelet, you get to make a wish.”
Ethan just rolled his eyes. But as juvenile as it seemed, he knew exactly what he would wish for. “I’d wish for you,” he said to himself.
“Hey,” she took his hand and held it for a moment. “In all seriousness, you know I’m here as a friend, right? I mean… I’m learning a lot working with you on this case, and I’m grateful for the experience, but that’s not why I volunteered to help. I’m not here as an intern kissing your ass.”
Ethan knew from the very beginning that Sawyer was someone he could trust. Unlike other interns who would expect something in return, like a leg up in the competition, he knew she had no ulterior motives. Just the kindest and most genuine heart. 
He looked her in the eye and squeezed her hand. “I know, Sawyer.”
Five months later…
Alone in the beer garden at Donahue's, Sawyer sat on her tucked leg, facing Ethan’s glowing profile. He stared straight ahead, transfixed by the firepit's dancing flames.
Having mustered the courage to confront the elephant in the room, Sawyer broke the somber silence that had settled between them. “Ethan, why didn’t you keep in touch?” She watched him take a deep, anticipatory breath. “No word from you at all for two months? After everything that happened between us?”
Ethan took a moment to find his words, then turned his head to meet her eyes. “Everything that happened between us is exactly why I didn’t contact you,” he began to explain. “Sawyer, if we’re going to work together on the diagnostics team, we need a fresh start.” 
Resisting every urge to reach out and take her hand when she looked away from him, he pressed on. “Your professional development is too important to jeopardize it with whatever… whatever it was that we had.”
Sawyer snapped her head back to face him, “‘Had’, past tense.”
Ethan reached for the whiskey bottle that he had grabbed from inside and poured himself another glass. The sleeve of his green leather jacket rode up just enough for Sawyer to notice a braided bracelet wrapped around his wrist. The same one she gave him a week before their relationship went from friends to forbidden fruit. 
“Yes. And the past is where it has to remain,” he added. Ethan’s eyes bored into hers, searching for understanding and begging for forgiveness. 
After a long moment, Sawyer broke the connection, looking down at his wrist again. She thought it ironic that he would wear a reminder of “whatever they had,” while insisting that they must now ignore and bury their feelings for one another. That cheap piece of jewelry meant something to him. And the fact that he wore it now, meant that she did too. 
So without concern for the consequences, she tested her theory. Surging forward, she wrapped her hand around the back of his neck and kissed him. A long and gentle kiss. An act of forgiveness, and one that he seemed willing to accept since he hadn’t pulled away. But when she leaned back, she saw the turmoil written across his face. Just as she had months ago in Miami. 
“Dammit, Sawyer.” 
A few weeks later…
As much as he hated to admit it, Ethan desperately missed Sawyer. He missed their easy friendship. The way she always seemed to know what he was thinking. The way he could talk to her about anything. The way he could be himself around her. Not Dr. Ramsey, but just Ethan.
Though they saw each other almost everyday, their interactions were mostly transactional. It had been difficult to let their guards down around each other. Ethan found it too tempting to cross the line, and Sawyer grew tired of the knock-backs.   
The night that she helped him set up his Pictagram account reminded Ethan of the way they once were, before he left for the Amazon. It felt normal again. The friendly banter, the trust, the laughter… everything seemed right in the world for those few hours. 
After she had gone home that evening, Ethan opened his desk drawer, finding a cherished item. It was something that he’d kept near and dear since the day he left for the Amazon.  
“...how are you supposed to know when you’ve met the right person?” 
“It’s love, Ethan… you just feel it…” 
He slipped the leather over his fingers and rolled the charms with his thumb, as their conversation echoed in his mind. Then he thought back to the day Sawyer gave him the bracelet. 
“When you know, you know…” he recalled the old, outspoken man saying. 
There was no doubt he felt something for Sawyer, but was it love? Not having much experience with the feeling, he allowed himself to consider the possibility. But how to know for sure? That’s when Ethan remembered something else the vendor at the market said, when Sawyer told him they were just friends.
“Well, in my experience, that's a good place to start.”
A few days later, Sawyer approached the diagnostics team’s office. She spotted Ethan through the glass windows and paused to watch his odd behavior. He was searching for something, lifting up files, checking around the coffee station, and rummaging through the pockets of his outdoors coat. He was on his knees looking under his desk when she finally entered the room. 
“Shit…” he muttered, unaware of her presence. When she cleared her throat, he startled and stood up.  
“What’s going on?” she asked.
Ethan tried to act normal, organizing items on his desk. “Nothing.”
“You sure? It looked like you were searching for something. Can I help you look?”
“It’s fine. Don’t worry about it,” he clipped. Fortunately, June and Baz joined them for the start of their meeting, and the rookie team member didn’t press any further.  
A couple hours later, Sawyer bumped into Bryce as he stepped out of the men’s restroom. “Oof!” he grunted.
“Sorry!” she quickly apologized as he caught her shoulders.
“Geez, Brooks, I know how bad you want to hit this, but at least buy me a drink first,” he teased, soliciting a roll of the eyes from Sawyer. “Whatcha up to?” he asked.
“Just a quick bathroom break, then off to check on our DT patient. You?”
“I’m on Ortho this week. On my way to scrub in for an ACL reconstruction.”
“Niiice. Well, have fun. I’ll catch you later,” she said, putting her hand on the door to the ladies room.
“Oh hey, do you know where the lost and found is? I found this bracelet on the floor.”
Sawyer instantly recognized the accessory. The personalized charms featuring the letters “E” and “S” were undeniable proof. Then it hit her. Was this what he was searching high and low for earlier? 
“Luckily, I know who that belongs to, and I’m more than happy to return it to them.”
“Cool, catch you later,” he waved.
That afternoon, Sawyer returned to the diagnostics suite. There she found Ethan standing in front of the smartboard, studying MRI results.  
Acknowledging her presence with a side eye glance, “Did you need me for something?”
Sawyer demanded that he hold out his hand.
“Whatever for?” he asked, turning and giving her his full attention.
“Just. Give me. Your hand,” she insisted.
He yielded and held out his hand. 
Sawyer fished the leather band from her pocket and wiggled it in front of his face with a satisfied smirk. "Could this be what you were desperately searching for in the office earlier?"
Ethan hesitated, contemplating what he should admit. He finally decided on, “Maybe.”
She took his hand in hers. But before sliding the bracelet onto his wrist, she looked him in the eyes. “Will you, Ethan Jonah Ramsey, be my friend again?”
He rolled his eyes, cracking a big smile as she batted her eyelashes and eagerly awaited his answer. Then he twisted his lips playfully, as if he had to think about it. 
Sawyer squeezed his hand hard, letting him know there was only one acceptable answer. 
“Okay, okay,” he begged for relief, “I’ll be your damn friend.”
“Good…” she said, her tone more serious as she slid the bracelet over his hand, “because I’ve really missed that lately.”
“Honestly… me too,” he confessed quietly.
“There. That’s a much safer place for it. Wouldn’t you agree?” she asked, making sure the reminder of their friendship was snug and secure.
“I suppose you’re right,” he agreed, giving his wrist a twist.
“Well, friend, maybe we can talk later tonight and catch up a little?”
“Sure, call me,” he started, but then, “No, wait–”
Sawyer’s face fell immediately, assuming he suddenly remembered that he was trying to maintain those infuriating professional boundaries. 
“What are you doing right now?” he asked. “How about a walk to Derry’s for a coffee break?”
Sawyer’s happy smile returned. “I would love that… bestie.”
“Let’s not push it, Sawyer.”
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