#realistic matt
tailsdollr · 1 year
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doodles while i write these guys exploding
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yusyed · 2 years
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My favorite gingers 🥰 + Torm
Reblogs > Likes
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wtfuture2 · 2 years
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some silly reject doodles..........."realitsic" matt, scribble tom, and 2 tomatos
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skullism · 4 months
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buying your friends embarrassing shirts to wear to the airport: foxes edition
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hmmm-shesucks · 10 months
One of the Foxes makes the mistake of asking Kevin how often he thinks about the Roman Empire to which he responds, “I’m glad you asked.” And then makes the whole team sit through a two hour PowerPoint presentation. He makes them take notes and gives a pop quiz after. Everyone fails. Kevin is disappointed.
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gwensy · 9 months
just a small look into my dark and twisted reality
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superstory62 · 5 days
They really naming him Oz Cobb as if that isn’t DUMBER than Oswald Cobblepot get outta here
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automaticheartcrusade · 2 months
Mentally I’m still here:
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briefcasejuice · 2 years
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marvel's daredevil — 3.07 charlie cox as matt murdock
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puckpocketed · 1 month
i have no idea what's happening (i know nothing about ty or ceci or anyoneelse involved), but it's very clear to me that you and the girlies (gn) are the only ones Enjoying Hockey Correctly 💕
ough thabnk u!! though i think there's no right or wrong way to be a fan as long as everyones having a good time <3
as for what's going on. um.
1) marc-édouard vlasic (pickles) is sorta like our resident cody ceci in that he's seen as a bit of a disaster and catches a lot of friendly fire for it (he used to be really good... ouhh... the passage of time.... and honestly he wasn't even the worst dman we put on the ice this past season LOL) anyway we cherish him dearly for his bitchy auras and divorcee swag!!
2) and uh last season on account of all our guys getting disease of bonebroken we stapled William Eklund to Luke Kunin, i think just so we had two lines that wouldn't get completely smoked (they still got smoked). kunin is analytically Fucking Terrible and watching him play is Also Terrible BUT management love him bc he brings the ""intangibles"" and fights a lot and fun trivia for people who didnt watch sharks games: somehow he was always where one of our d-men should've been when we inevitably gave up a rush chance........hes defending women (goalies) in stem (net) . WE love him because sometimes hockey aint about silly things such as scoring goals... backchecking effectively... not losing your man in dzone coverage... sometimes its about being a personality hire and glue-guy <3 (also hes married to Sophia Shaver, hence: goonwag) because wekky was forced to play w him on a line we think of him like the training wheels for every prospect now....macklin celebrini are u ready for ur leg weights....
and its like HOW can we make this trade as funny as possible? we r puttign these guys in situations.. proposed outcomes so far: ceci-pickles shambling corpse senior dog pairing or make ceci our d-man equivalent of luke kunin and pair him with one of our youth.
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ask-reject-room-64 · 6 months
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Scribble: DId yu juSt SAy…
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Scibble: Co0KiEs?!
Bing: Oh by the love of monkeys- not AGAIN-!!!
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*Microwave Noises Intensify*
Tomatoredd: Yeah yeah we got it...
Realistic Matt: Stop reminding me about my face...!
Tomatoredd: C'mon Scribbles, let's all try to calm-
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*Indecipherable noises of crashing, chainsaws, gunfire, chaotic laughter, and girlish screaming.*
Torm: .................no?
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yoinkschief · 11 months
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Ignore how this is like a week after Halloween
other versions under the cut
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mutalieju · 5 days
film makers etc being terrified of their superhero comic book adaptations seeming goofy is so embarrassing
if I am watching a film about a guy who calls himself 'Batman' i assure you i'm not gonna storm out of the theatre because it's just too weird there's a guy called 'Oswald Cobblepot' in it
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crepegosette · 1 year
I know you did a Netherlands x Canada x Ukraine piece, but consider, Canada x Ukraine x Czechia
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tf when your dutch crush gets back with his ex, so you try to find solace with your slavic girlfriend, but her girlfriend who's also slavic isn't sure if she likes the idea very much
bonus silly canada + czech comic
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a-wins-a-win · 10 months
if i told you Matthew Lloyd was autistic too would you think i was right or insane?
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sesamestreep · 7 months
30 Day Writing Challenge - Day 9
Write about a heated debate (from this list) ➸ set in the Bakeoff AU AGAIN, because after my last fic, I wanted to write more Milly content and also it’s been a rough few days and I need to be silly and self-indulgent or I shall perish!! Based on an Instagram Reel I sent to @firstelevens the other day and that we’ve been spinning into a kid fic concept ever since. It grew out of control and I don’t know if it technically fits the prompt, but it’s what I got for you nonetheless. Bon appetit I guess???
“Euuuugghhh! Daaaaad!”
“What? What’s the matter?” Foggy asks from his spot in the kitchen. That tone of voice from his daughter is never a good sign, but he’s mostly used to hearing it when he and Matt are being particularly disgusting about how much they love each other. As Matt is still in the shower currently, he knows that can’t be the reason.
“What did you put on this?” Milly asks, holding up a piece of toast accusatorially. If she ends up following in their career footsteps someday, her cross-examinations are going to be brutal.
“Cinnamon and sugar, as requested,” Foggy answers, coming to stand across the counter from her. It’s a long way from the elaborate recipes he used to make with his spare time—which he no longer has—and when he was on Bake-Off, but it’s one of his daughter’s favorite breakfasts despite its simplicity. Well, it normally is. She’s currently staring daggers at him, so it must not be her favorite right now.
Milly shakes her head at him, like he’s a moron or maybe, more accurately, like they’re going to have to send him to a home soon if he keeps this up. “Not cinnamon,” she says, holding the offensive piece of toast out to him.
Before he can take a bite (his original plan, to illustrate that she’s being silly and unnecessarily picky), the smell reaches his nose and it doesn’t take an extremely experienced baker to know that’s not cinnamon. He brings it closer to sniff it again and makes himself cough. To confirm his suspicion, he returns to the cabinet where they store their spices and looks at the jar he used to make Milly’s toast a few minutes ago and, yep, there it is.
“Paprika,” he says. “I made you paprika toast.”
“Paprika and sugar,” Milly says, in that same enjoy your time in the retirement home, old man tone of voice.
“They look similar in the bottle,” Foggy says, rubbing a hand over his face. “Same color, I mean.”
“Do they smell the same?” she asks, innocently.
“Listen, you—”
“And are they spelled the same way?” she asks, thoughtfully. “You know, when you read the bottle before pouring it over my toast? You did read the bottle first, right?”
“Mills, I’m not kidding, if you can spell ‘paprika’ or ‘cinnamon’ for me right now, I will give you twenty dollars out of my wallet,” he says. “Otherwise, I don’t want to hear it!”
“I don’t know—”
“I’m eight! What’s your excuse?”
“For one thing, my eight year old daughter won’t stop tricking her babysitter into letting her watch scary movies and then crawling into bed with me in the middle of the night because she can’t sleep,” Foggy says, grabbing the plate from her. “How’s that?”
“Don’t throw it away!” Milly calls.
Foggy pauses. “Baby, you don’t have to eat it. I’ll make you more with actual cinnamon.”
Milly looks at him like he’s grown an extra head. “I know,” she says, slowly. “I just wanted to show Dada what you did.”
“Okay,” Foggy says, rolling his eyes and returning the plate. “Just for that, maybe I won’t make you more toast.”
“Sure, starve me for telling the truth. That’ll go over great with the other trusted adults in my life when I snitch on you.”
“It’ll never hold up in court,” Foggy replies, already putting two more slices of bread into the toaster.
“Besides,” she says, ignoring him and popping a sliced strawberry into her mouth. “I don’t crawl into your bed, I crawl into Dada’s.”
“It’s the same bed,” he explains. “Just because you cuddle with Dada and kick me all night doesn’t make it any less my bed. And what’s up with that, anyway? I have it on good authority that I’m the more cuddly of the two of us. Why don’t you ever snuggle me?”
“You want it too bad,” she says, taking a two-handed drink of her orange juice.
“Devil child,” he mutters. His mother once told him, when he and Matt were first looking into adoption, that your children will act as cosmic comeuppance for all the things you put your poor parents through as a child yourself and he hadn’t believed her. Maybe he just thought that, because Milly didn’t share any DNA with them, that his and Matt’s most exhausting qualities wouldn’t rear their ugly heads in her at all. And, boy, love her as he does, he was wrong on that count.
“Dada would never do this to me,” Milly continues, happily. “And he can’t even see! Makes you think, doesn’t it?”
“About looking into boarding schools?” Foggy asks. “Definitely.”
“You’re saying you’d miss me?”
“No,” Milly says, crossing her arms. “But I’d miss Dada and my friends and my teachers and Aunt Daisy and—ooh, can I borrow your phone?”
“I want to text Aunt Daisy a picture of the paprika toast.”
“Absolutely not.”
“Come onnnnn,” she whines. “She’ll think it’s funny!”
“That’s exactly why I’m not giving you my phone.”
“You’re no fun,” Milly grumbles, sinking down to rest her chin on the counter dejectedly. Her head immediately pops up again when Matt appears behind her. “Dada! Wait til you see what your husband did!”
Matt stops to press a kiss to the top of her head. “Please don’t say your hair because it feels…uh, chaotic?”
“I haven’t even gone near it this morning,” Foggy says, as he fetches the toast that’s just popped out of the toaster. “That’s all natural.”
“Well, that’s something,” Matt replies, coming into the kitchen. “So, what did you do?”
“He made me cinnamon toast,” Milly interrupts, enthusiastically. “Here, try it!”
As with Foggy, the toast doesn’t even make it to Matt’s mouth before he’s frowning. “That’s…not cinnamon, honey.”
Milly cackles while Foggy glares at her. “I made a small mistake,” Foggy says, over the chorus of his daughter’s laughter.
“What is that? Chili powder?” Matt asks, sniffing delicately.
“And I have been soundly roasted for my error,” Foggy says, mostly in Milly’s direction. “So, I don’t want to hear it from you, okay?”
Matt shrugs. “Okay.”
“Apparently, you would never make such a mistake in your life, because you’re a good dad and I’m some sort of rodeo clown who ended up here by mistake.”
Matt looks at him, very clearly stifling a laugh. “She only thinks that because she’s led a charmed life where I almost never make her breakfast,” he says. “Give it a week, she’ll be begging for you back.”
“You’d just let me eat fruit snacks for breakfast,” Milly says, as Foggy puts her new breakfast down in front of her.
“Yes, and then you wouldn’t have all the nutrients you need to learn new things at school and get smart enough to become the first female president of the United States,” Foggy says. “And then where would we be?”
“There better be a female president before I’m old enough,” Milly says, darkly and with a mouth full of toast.
“Better eat a balanced breakfast just to be safe,” Matt says, pushing off the counter to go find some coffee. “And be nice to your dad.”
“How will that help me become President?”
“People skills,” Matt says.
“Surviving into adulthood,” Foggy says, at the same time.
Milly blows a raspberry at him, but eats the new toast without complaint. Matt’s scouting around for the sugar bowl now and Foggy stops him with a hand on his elbow.
“I already put sugar in it for you,” he says.
Matt smiles. “I don’t care what Milly says. You’re the best rodeo clown a kid could hope for, and a very good husband too.”
“Thanks,” Foggy replies, and allows himself to be pulled in for a kiss. He gets to enjoy that for about ten seconds before Milly makes another disgusted noise behind him. He sighs and pulls back. “What’s wrong with the toast now?”
“Nothing,” Milly exclaims. “It’s you two that are grossing me out!”
“Sorry your dads are in love with each other,” Matt says, with a smile and a faint blush. “You live a tough life.”
“I’m glad you understand,” Milly says, as she shoves an improbably large bite of her toast into her mouth without issue. She’s not even finished chewing when she asks, “Will you walk me to school today, Dada?”
“Why? Are you worried I’ll do that wrong too?” Foggy asks, putting an arm around Matt’s shoulders.
“I’d be happy to, baby,” Matt interjects before Milly can say something smart-alecky back to him. “Go get dressed, okay?”
Mill hops down from her chair happily and practically skips to her room. Matt nudges Foggy’s shoulder with his nose.
“What’s up with you two?” he asks.
“I don’t know. She’s just pushing my buttons.”
“Successfully,” Matt replies.
“Yeah, well,” Foggy shrugs. “I slept half the night with her foot in my face while she cuddled with you. I’m a little cranky, I guess.”
“Feeling left out?” Matt asks, smiling, as he turns to wrap his arms around Foggy’s middle.
“I’m definitely the cuddliest person in this household and I want it acknowledged.”
“I agree,” Matt says, kissing him on the shoulder. “Don’t listen to Milly. She’s a maniac.”
“She takes after you.”
“Not true. I love to cuddle with you.”
“Yeah,” Matt says, leaning in to kiss him again.
“We could make that happen, you know,” Foggy says against his lips. “Drop the kid off at school, cancel our appointments for today, play hooky from our responsibilities, stay in bed all day…”
Matt seems to be thinking it over, tempted. “We couldn’t,” he says, not quite convincingly.
“We could. I know our bosses and, trust me, they’d want us to get laid.”
“I’ve said it before but those guys are weird,” Matt jokes. “They’re honestly too involved in our sex lives.”
“Yeah, it’s an HR nightmare,” Foggy replies, kissing him again.
“You two better not still be kissing when I come back,” Milly hollers from the bathroom, where she’s brushing her teeth (or so Foggy guesses from the sound of running water).
“We definitely will be,” Foggy shouts back, as Matt collapses into his shoulder laughing.
“I’m going to go attempt to get our daughter’s hair fit for public appearance,” Matt says, giving Foggy another quick kiss on the lips.
“And I’m going to text Kate that we’ll be in late this morning.”
Matt pauses. “Really?”
“Yeah.” Foggy consults his watch. “Our first appointment is at 11. I can do plenty to you in that amount of time.”
Matt looks a little startled by that, but not in a bad way. “Kate’s going to know what that text means, you know.”
“That just means there will be someone to share in Milly’s pain over us being disgustingly in love after all these years. Unless that’s your way of saying no?”
“Definitely not. Just warning you that we’ll get a lot of grief for it later.”
“I’ll make it worth your while.”
“You always do,” Matt replies, and Foggy’s definitely not being conceited when he says Matt’s tone sounds downright dreamy.
He heads off to help Milly finish getting ready and Foggy tackles the few dishes in the sink while he waits for another pot of coffee to finish brewing. A few minutes later, Milly appears in the kitchen, dressed and with her hair pulled into a neat bun. Neither of them can do anything particularly fancy with her hair, not least because she won’t sit still long enough for all that, but Matt does a good job for someone who’s never had long hair or siblings. A now presentable Milly pulls her backpack and coat off the hook on the wall and stops by Foggy’s side expectantly.
“What do you need, kiddo?” he asks, as he dries his hands on the towel hanging by the stove.
“Hug goodbye,” she says, lifting her arms towards him and he kneels to capture her in a big hug.
When she finally pulls back, she still looks hesitant, like there’s something she needs to ask him. It once again strikes him as crazy how much she reminds him of Matt sometimes.
“What’s the matter?” Foggy asks, tucking a picturesque loose strand of hair behind her ear. “You feel alright? Is all that paprika I fed you bothering your stomach?”
Milly shakes her head, looking away. “I just wanted to—Dada said that his dad would have made him eat that gross toast because they never wasted food when he was little.”
“Did he?” Foggy asks, already making a mental note to kick Matt’s ass when they’re alone together. “Listen, baby, your Grandpa Jack, he…didn’t have a lot of help when your Dada was young. They had to be really careful with their money and Dada was in the hospital for a while…”
“I know,” Milly says, nodding. “I’m just—thank you for making me new toast, instead.”
Foggy feels a lump in his throat that he struggles to swallow past. “Hey, you don’t have to thank me for that, okay? It’s my job to make your life as good as it possibly can be. Even if I have to make you a hundred pieces of toast every morning.”
“That would be expensive.”
“Still,” Foggy says, firmly. “I’m sorry if what Dada said made you upset.”
Milly scrunches up her face like she’s eating the paprika toast all over again. “He said it like it was funny,” she says, mildly horrified.
“God, okay,” Foggy replies, running a hand over his face. Matt would consider that a charming anecdote about his father. Speaking of people who are going to need a hug from him… “Don’t worry about that. Just have a good day at school, okay?”
“Okay,” Milly says, all concern gone as she hops in place excitedly.
Matt appears around the corner then, pulling on his coat. “Ready?”
“Just gotta get my shoes,” Milly shouts as she zooms off in the direction of the door.
“Alright,” Matt says, as he comes into the kitchen. “I’ll be back in a few.”
“Okay,” Foggy says, as he leans in to kiss him goodbye. “Oh, and maybe no more stories about your dad before school, yeah?”
Matt blinks at him. “What? Why?”
“We’ve talked about how sometimes the anecdotes from your childhood that you think are charming and scrappy are actually alarming to the people who love you now,” Foggy says, gently.
“Yeah…” Matt says, uncertainly, before his expression clears. “Oh. Shit.”
“It’s fine,” Foggy replies, rubbing his back. “I already explained that she can ask for as much food as she wants. Just maybe reinforce that with her on your way to school?”
Matt looks pale and queasy even as he nods. “Right. God, I didn’t—I’m sorry—”
“I know. I’m not mad.”
“And you still want to play hooky from work with me, even though I’m the world’s biggest idiot?”
Foggy kisses him on the forehead. “Of course. You’re still a very cute idiot.”
“Yeah, but—”
“Listen, I told Milly it’s my job to make her life as good as possible, and that’s true, but it’s also my job to do that for you. And right now, the best way to make your life better is to take you back to bed and—”
“Ready!” Milly shouts as she skids around the corner. “Are you guys still kissing?! What about my education?”
“She’s right, you know,” Matt says, pulling back and looking a bit better, though still tremulous. “We’re terrible parents.”
“Maybe I should look into boarding schools, after all,” Foggy jokes, crossing his eyes goofily at Milly over Matt’s shoulder.
“I’m never going to be President at this rate,” Milly laments.
“Alright, let’s get you to school,” Matt says, holding out his hand for her.
Foggy leans down to give Milly a kiss on the top of her head. “Don’t let your dad walk into traffic, okay?”
“I won’t,” Milly says, swinging their joined hands between them. “I promise.”
“That’s my girl. Have a good day, baby cakes.”
“You too, daddy cakes.”
“I’ll be back shortly,” Matt says, smiling at the two of them.
“I’ll be here,” Foggy replies, as suggestively as he can manage. It must work because Milly snarls in disgust.
“If you two start kissing again, I’m taking myself to school,” she says, leveraging her full weight against Matt to drag him towards the door. “Or running off to join the circus. You won’t know which until it’s too late.”
“She gets that from you,” Matt says, tiredly.
“I was going to say I think she gets it from you.”
“Maybe she has a point about us being gross.”
“Oh, well, yeah,” Foggy says, with a wink at Milly, who’s glaring at both of them now. “There was never any debate about that.”
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