#real world activism
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scottguy · 5 months ago
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Real world activism.
These are the letters I "wrote" (I just filled in the note at the top.) in a letter writing campaign for VoteRiders today (early October 2024)
It was an outreach to voters in Arizona informing them of "federal only" status (so they can vote for state propositions) and also giving them VoteRiders contact information if they need ID or a ride.
It was EASY! I just signed up. VoteRiders had a one-way Zoom broadcast to tell us all what to do. A few hours later and I was done.
VoteRiders also have volunteer positions to just write texts to send voters information. That's probably the thing I will probably do next.
Every little thing helps.
Winning this election is going to take more than posting memes. I can't criticize people for doing that. It's fun. It's one of my favorite hobbies! But, I seriously doubt I am changing many minds. We're all locked into our own echo chambers preaching to our own choir.
If have a little extra money... donate, even $5, $10, $20 adds up when enough people do it. That's the essence of grass roots campaigns.
If you have some time call the Democrat party or VoteRiders. You can phone back Again, it's 'easy.' You can do it ALL from home. You don't have to meet anyone in person.
You WILL feel super proud of yourself for getting involved. (That's why I posted the above picture! I'm a little bit proud of myself.)
Two years ago I phone banked for Arizona and Nevada as swing states. Since it was close to the actual election day, my job was to remind voters to NOT put their mail-in ballot in the mail because that ballot would not be counted if it arrived a day late.
It's not just one person's effort, it's all of us, like with voting itself, that adds up. Maybe we only change five or ten votes each, but when thousands of people volunteer and get those few votes... it adds up. The margins of victory are often very slim.
We HAVE to win in November and we have to win BIG to repudiate Trump and the entire fascistic/totalitarian approach now embraced by the Republican party which has been very insufficiently criticized by corporate media who have allowed themselves to become NUMB to Trump's outrage over the past eight years. It was all so gradual, but, yet here we are with Trump talking about jailing "immigrants" even if they are legal and it being "bloody." Ho-hum. That devil Trump! He says the most outrageous things! (Then they 'sane wash' him so he doesn't sound like the genocidal MADMAN he has obviously become.) The failure of corporate media is one reason it CAN happen here. By not sounding alarm bells media has normalized a Trump whose intentions are CLEARLY like Hitler in Germany. (The other failure is the Supreme Court and the entire Republican Party.) THOSE were the 'guardrails' and they're now gone.
If we win BIG in November we will have Republicans fearing for their jobs. I want to hear Lindsey Graham and every other Republican back peddling hard on Trump and saying how they "never really liked him." 🙄 (You just know they will do that if they enough lose big enough.)
For God's sake Trump was LITERALLY SUGGESTING 'serial numbers' for "immigrants" in 'detention centers!'
Sound familiar?
(If your history is bad.. that's what Hitler did to the Jews before murdering six million of them. It happens. There is every reason it CAN happen in America if we hand power to a man with WRITTEN PLAN to end democracy.)
Trump is an expert at stirring up fear, and even Latinos are not immune from it. But, consider the incredibly violent solution that Trump is proposing. It could place a TARGET on the backs of ALL Latinos. Any Latino could become of victim of the indiscriminate jailing and violence that we be part of dealing with the "migrant problem."
If you're living in the United States and are of any kind of Latin origin (especially if you have an accent, or more obviously, don't speak English) or EVEN IF you are a legal immigrant or even a naturalized citizen. It won't matter!
There will be nothing, restrained, rational, or orderly about what Trump is planning. It will be cops and probably even 'deputized citizens' (all those scary guys in big trucks with Trump flags) doing it. They're just thugs.
If you listen closely you can practically hear Trump salivating at the thought of a "round up" and it being "bloody." (He gets the same tone he gets when he talks about the "Late Great Hannibal Lecter.")
Trump is fascinated by abomination, you can hear him savoring it.
So be careful what you wish for.
Back to the positive:
Please get involved even if in a tiny way, even if just once for a few hours. Volunteer, donate, do either or both.
A big blue wave will not happen just because we all posted a lot of memes. When we win, you can take even greater pride in having ACTIVELY HELPED to make it happen.
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scottguy · 5 months ago
Like this...
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#CallToActivism” using X is a one of the most pathetic examples of activism ever
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endless-nightshift · 7 months ago
There's something so sad to me about the fact Lan Xichen goes from happily encouraging Lan Wangji to befriend Wei Wuxian to Considering Wei Wuxian to be Lan Wangjis 'only mistake'
Like... Imaging getting a miracle second chance not only at life but to have be loved by the man you've always admired only to find out that his family detests you because during the worst time in your life, physically and mentally you didn't take into account the idea that a man who'd always treated with cool acquaintance at best, active distaste at worst actually cared about you and that his constant reproach and effort get you do give up the one method you have to protect yourself while everyone was literally actually out for your head was honestly because he was badly wording his concern and not because he hated you and the methods you used to survive.
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luetta · 7 months ago
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rainbowfartblaster · 3 months ago
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ania612 · 3 months ago
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I couldn't (and I STILL can't) believe that they put it in the trailer
The moment I saw this scene I knew that I will be drawing it, but I didn't notice that Benji was crying (!) UNTIL I started drawing. So simple redraw became a more complicated mission of making happy (and more gay) version of this scene. Please enjoy!
Don't let this flop, guys. I spend an incredibly long time on this ;u;
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dykedvonte · 4 months ago
Honestly a sorry from Curly would mean nothing to Anya.
I’m not saying she wouldn’t want to hear it, it’s a hollow vindication. She told him and he couldn’t hear her. He saw it and he couldn’t understand it. They both experienced it and he should apologize that it took that for him to get it. She already knows he’s sorry but what’s the point if neither of them can do anything about it? It’s earnest but at the same time what she wants an apology for is what Curlu can’t apologize for.
He can’t be sorry for what happened to her even if he is. Even if he carries that guilt with him until the day he dies it’s not all his to bare. The most heinous parts aren’t his weight even if he tries to balance it. A part of her bitterness is the fact he can’t be sorry for it all. She can’t just direct it all towards him even if she wants to. She was failed in so many ways by all of them. It hurts with him the most cause he had the power but they all did nothing in the grand scheme of things.
The one person who should apologize would never and could never, it’s not something you can be sorry for. She wants an apology, she needs one but what would it fix?
#my two scents on apology scenerios cause like if she heard it I think it would just make it worse#likes she’s happy in a bitter sweet way like I don’t know why people need Anya to be actively resentful and mean about it like that’s nots#satisfying none of this story is satisfying in anyway shape or form and I want to write scenerios that really aren’t that like it’s real#it’s raw it’s in character for her to sort of forgive Curly but not accept his apology cause it’s worthless and that’s the tragic part of i#in a world where they escape and he apologizes he’s forever haunted by the fact she’ll never accept his sorry and she’s forever haunted by#the justice she didn’t really receive like for those that like them together it’s alway the unspoken bitterness of all his actions carry an#act of apology while she will never accept it as such cause he can’t say it and do anything about it nor what he’s apologizing for she can#learn to forgive him for the mistake understand the circumstances even if she doesn’t agree or wishes he’d known better but it’s forgivenes#based on she wouldn’t do that to herself to hold it against him forever he’s paid for his sins in watching the effects of his inactions and#having so much taken just like her but it didn’t have to happen and that’s why she can never accept the sorry#there shouldn’t be a reason he has to be sorry but there is idk they are so much to me like platonically#the only way I pair cishet straights together#mouthwashing#mouthwashing game#anya mouthwashing#nurse anya#captain curly#curly mouthwashing
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justaboutsnapped · 21 days ago
tumblr whites who haven’t listened to a lick of rap before not like us talking about a hugely influential black rapper who weaves politically poignant narratives about his own lived experience as a black person in america, systematic racism, etc: haha he’s so quirky he’s so petty he’s like a trickster god an old god a fae god oooooh he’s a dragon slayer get it cause drake-
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florshedworf · 24 days ago
romantic love doesn’t necessarily have to be shown through grand acts of affection vs. motherfuckers won’t believe gay people are canon until they fucking smooch ⁉️⁉️ FIGHT
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tarraxahum · 8 days ago
One thing that unintentionally and personally (as in, just in relation to myself) annoys me about the "do it scared" and other such true motivating sayings is that. Do WHAT. What's "it". I would fucking do it if I knew what "it" was. I would go out of my alleged comfort zone if I knew where to go. I would fucking live authentically if I knew what that fucking meant for me. It's been almost 30 years and I am not doing fucking anything with my life not because I'm scared to take a leap, but because I still don't fucking know where I want to be leaping. As a child I got asked "what do you want to be when you grow up" and I would say "I don't know" and now I did grow up and I still don't fucking know. Something that's not this. But WHAT.
One fear is that one day I'll be dying of old age and still not knowing. Just knowing that it wasn't whatever I ended up living.
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mykingdomforasong · 1 year ago
I do think the dumbest, most egregious overstatement of harm in fandom spaces is acting like someone is doing an active act of modern colonization because they ship two characters from a 2000s animated Nickelodeon show
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beatcroc · 2 years ago
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pest control TWO!!!!! heres the first one
adn heres the obligatory bonus bc i can't help myself :')
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mamawasatesttube · 9 months ago
"Your hands are freezing." from the prompt list :]
Ma hasn't been sleeping too well lately, since Kal went missing. Now that he's back home, safe and sound in Metropolis, Kon has finally managed to succeed in turning Ma's own gentle-but-firm bullying techniques on her so that she'll actually get some rest, and you bet he's gonna be riding that high for a while.
It's a pretty warm spring day, so Kon decided he'll take the outside chores while Pa handles the inside ones. And he's breezing through 'em pretty fast! He's milked the cows, fed the chickens, collected the eggs, and weeded the kitchen garden, and...
And the entire time, Kal's been in the sky, way up out of sight, staring at him.
At this point, it's getting kinda ridiculous. Kon dumps the last of the kitchen scraps into the compost, washes his hands off at the hose, and leaps into the sky.
The sun buoys him up, full of energy and warmth as the air grows cooler around him. The farmhouse grows tiny under his feet, all the lush fields and farmland sprawling out towards the horizon. His TTK keeps the wind from mussing his hair as he zooms higher (up, up and away, right?), until he zips through a wisp of cloud and slows.
Kal, caught red-handed, gives him an awkward smile, clearly trying not to look too guilty. "Ah," he says. "So you noticed me."
"Uh, yeah, dude." Kon squints at him. His cape flaps behind him in the breeze; he's fiddling with the edge of it with one hand, almost like he's nervous. Since when does Kal get nervous? "You've been watching me for, like, an hour. It's getting freaky, man. What's going on?"
Kal rubs the back of his neck, sheepish. Isn't that wild? Superman, sheepish? What's gotten into him?
"Sorry," he says. "I, just, hm... How do I put this..."
He drifts closer, his eyes never leaving Kon's face. Kon tilts his head to one side, studying him. He looks... tired. Not, like, physically tired—that would be alarming, 'cuz they're in direct sun—but like, tired. Kon heard vaguely about the stuff that happened with Kandor, with Preus, but looking at Kal sets off some alarm bells. He knows what happened, but what happened?
Kal reaches out, and his palm brushes Kon's cheek.
Kon scrunches up his face in mild protest. "Dude, your hands are freezing! How long—"
Kal jerks away as if burned. Horror flashes through his eyes before he wrests it back behind the curtain. "I'm sorry!"
Kon blinks. "Uh... you didn't hurt me or anything." What is going on with Kal? "Your hands're just cold. You've been up here since way before I noticed you, haven't you?"
On impulse, he reaches out and grabs Kal's hands. They're cold, but he knows to expect that now; it only takes him a second to focus the energy behind his eyes, to warm them back up. Kal's the one who taught him that trick, just a few months ago, when his heat vision started to come in.
"I've... been here for a while, yes." Kal's voice is oddly soft, almost... fragile. He's staring at their joined hands like they contain all the secrets of the universe, and, uh, wow, Kon is definitely missing something here. "I'm sorry for freaking you out."
Kon's pretty sure Kal's the one who's actually freaked out, but if he says that, he knows Kal will deny it and shoot off back towards Metropolis. "No big," he says instead, and grins wryly. "You may as well come down 'n' come in, though. Pa's making cobbler."
Something eases in Kal's expression, and Kon knows he said something right. Warmth settles into his chest.
"Pa's making cobbler?" Kal raises an eyebrow, glancing down towards the itty-bitty farmhouse far below. "Ma let him?"
"He promised he wouldn't make a mess with the flour this time." Kon grins. "But maybe you better check on him, just to be sure."
A little of the ever-present weight on Kal's shoulders seems to fall away as he smiles. "You do make a compelling argument, Kon-El. Maybe I should."
"I make great points all the time, Kal-El." Kon squeezes his hands, bursting with pride. Kal's approval always makes him feel like he's basking in sunlight all over again. "C'mon, then. Krypto'll be excited to see you, too. And you can bring back treats for Lois!"
"Yes, yes, you've already persuaded me," Kal laughs. He lets go of Kon's hands to ruffle his hair, and Kon squawks in protest, ducking his head. "Let's go."
"Last one home's a rotten egg!" Kon crows, and zooms downward.
He can still hear Kal laughing behind him.
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theromanticjedi · 1 month ago
Viktor was a smart man- IS! He is a smart man, but Jayce, gods he makes Viktor feel so stupid.
Jayce x Viktor
Warnings: Talk about real world probloms?
A/N: Viktor is an Enviormental science student who is active in political and social probloms. He works at a small student owned human rights campain and makes posts about it on his socials. Jayce is an Engineer student. Who works at a small restaraunt. And helps Viktor figure out logistics. As a viktor kinnie looking for my irl Jayce, I approve this message.
"Okay, maybe choosing not to live in the dorms was stupid." Viktor huffs as He and Jayce walk back to their flat after classes. "Better accomidations at the flat." Jayce says not really looking up from his new work scedule, untill Viktor stops him from walking into traffic. "Eh, I could handle the stairs but walking in the cold, no." "Could you?" Jayce says a little dazed from getting pulled. "I dunno, probably." "But could you handle living with classmates?" Jayce smirks. "Eh, I live with you." "But thats diffrent." Jayce laughs as Viktor opens the door to the appartment building for him. "Is it now?" Viktor hums as Jayce unlockes the flat. "Isent it?" Jayce responds faking heart brake. "I mean, you are a classmate that I live with." Viktor reasons. "But you like living with me." Jayce smirks as he starts rummaging through the cabnits. "Hm." Vik hums as he lays his bag on his bed and starts taking out his home work. "Dont you?" Jayce says starting to dig into a bad of chips. "I suppose so. And dont eat all of thoes." Jayce smiles at that. "Would you rather cook?" Viktor thinks about it for a moment. "No. Order in, I have, eh a lot of work to do." "Homework?" Jayce asks placeing an order for there regular meals. "Mhm, and some personal studies." Jayce nods looking up at Viktor. "What kind of personal studies?" Viktor pulls off his sweater in favor of his "homosexual tendencies" t- shirt. He tried not to smile when he sees Jayce blush. "The normal kind." Jayce smiles and hands Viktor a hoodie knowing he gets cold. "Good luck saving the world, V. Ill text you when the food gets here." Viktor smile as Jayce once again proves how perfect he is. Trading his black jeans and stability brace for ball shorts and a fabric brace, he climbs into bed and opens his laptop. The image of him and Jayce doing some cheap face masks they got greet him. He hates to admit that he likes Jayce, and he wont unless directly asked. After a few minutes he hears his phone buzz but ignores it favor of a study about low life expectancy in low income areas.
Jayce lays all the food out on the coffee table and checks to see if Viktor has responded. When he sees he hasent Jayce decides to go get him. "V? Food's here." Viktor pushes his glasses up by rubbing his eyes. "Ah, yes. Sorry." Jayce gives a sentimental smile "No problem." After a moment they are both sitting on the couch food in hand and scrolling through tv. "Hey, V?" "Hm?" Viktor responds a mouthful of food. "...I dont see you as another classmate." Jayce confesses not making eye contact. "What do you mean, Jayce?" Viktor asks trying to decipher what exactly Jayce ment. "I mean, I feel close to you. I like you." Viktor laughs "Thats a relief, it would suck if you hated your flat mate-" "Viktor. I like, you." Jayce says more firmly looking at the other man now. "Oh." Viktor says quietly. "I..Im not good at talking about feelings but..I like you too."
A/N: i kinda lost modivation for this ive had a long day, but if you want more of this au or if you have any advice please shoot me an ask. Im always looking for inspo and mutuals.
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lehnsharrk · 2 months ago
2025 coming at you like
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Happy New Year 🍾
and Happy David 8 month! 🤖
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can I just point out how sad it is to waste your youth on pointless arguments online?
This is related to that one blog of that one kid, imagine dedicating so much time of your life with making an account for the sake of arguing with people online. I expect that from kiwi farms trolls, not from 14 year olds
I hope they get bored. I hope they run dry of people to annoy. I don't wish them bad things, but maybe if their own friends let them fall will they realize that they're just wasting time
Yeah. Like it's whatever if they were just running the one account, but it kinda points to them being obsessive when they keep remaking accounts, especially to evade blocks. That can't be healthy.
It's all well and good to want to have a voice in the drama. But you need to set up healthy boundaries for yourself. You need to step away and make sure that drama isn't your sole focus. And I just really don't think they're doing that, which is kind of worrying.
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