#real humans will often act ooc
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scherzokinn · 1 year ago
idc what anyone says I LOVED Star Trek VI
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Lost and found
Self-Aware BSD AU x SAGAU Imposter crossover
Self-Aware! BSD Characters x GN! Reader
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Description: You dissapeared a month ago. You finally returned home.
Warning: OOC. Religious fanaticism. Non-descriptive torture. Reader almost get killed. English is my second language.
Normally, the atmosphere in the house was happy. Kids were playing on the playground, Akutagawa siblings often watch movies in the living room, Oda and Kunikida discussed books in the library. Sigma can start a spontaneous poker game. And much, much more.
But, most importantly, there were you.
In one moment, you were reading books with Poe, and Karl was sitting on your lap.
Next moment you were fooling around with Nikolai.
Then you were having a competition, where Tachihara with Teruko on his shoulders were racing against Tetchou with you on his back.
It was fun.
It didn't last.
The day you disappeared became the worst day of their lives.
No more laughing.
No more having fun.
They were searching for you.
Looking under every branch in the forest.
Breaking in every house, where people, that have even smallest disagreement with you.
Sleepless nights.
And constant search.
For their Dear Guiding Light.
Different religions have different things, that can be considered blasphemy. Yes, some acts can be called "universal" blasphemy. That everyone, no matter, where they are from and what their beliefs are, would call such acts blasphemy.
But, some religions, have something, that only for them will be viewed as blasphemy.
In Teyvat any resemblance to the All-Creator was the act of blasphemy. The worst sin. The High treason.
And sinners must be punished for the heinous act.
Creator would sit on their ivory throne and command their holy knights to destroy the Corruption.
Because The Embodiment of Divinity can't be wrong. Because The One, who brought life, are doing it for the good of the Teyvat.
So, when the news about another Sinner being spotted in Mondstadt reach Creator, they ordered their Divine Knights to Purge the Sin from Teyvat.
Creator love Teyvat. Creator love humans. Creator destroyed Celestia, an embodiment of Sin, that tried to destroy Creator, the moment they sat on the ivory throne.
Creator were freedom. That's why Barbatos didn't feel bad, commanding wings of Teyvat to feed the fire, that Knights of Favonius set, to burn the small cottage with you inside.
Creator were following their contact, the promise to protect Teyvat. That's why Morax didn't bat an eye, throwing a stone spear at a boat, where you were hiding.
Creator were internal. So Baal didn't regret unleashing the power of lightning on you.
Creator were a fake. It was real knowledge. But Real Sinner have power. Nahida were sorry, that she and Aranara's could give you only a small break.
Creator were Justice. Fontaine people were ready to hung you up. Real Sinner have power. Furina and Melusines were hiding you as long as they can. When you saw the enraged Neuvillette, who was ready to destroy the village, you left by your own accord.
For Creator, they would start a war. In Natlan you were almost caught. By pure luck, Columbina's attack didn't end your life.
Fatui's dream became reality, because of the Creator. Snezhnaya's people were ready to tear you apart.
Instead, they tie you up and drag you to the Ivory Throne.
You didn't like being transported to Teyvat.
Yes, it was beautiful. But, you missed your friends and family. You missed BSD Gang.
Worst of all, you didn't have your phone with you. You can't even try to reach out to your world.
You decide to find Traveler, or Abyss Sibling, or Alice. Maybe, they can send you home?
You wished you stay in the wilderness.
People of Teyvat hated you. Traveler hated you. Abyss Sibling hated you.
Everyone called you a disgrace. Sinner. Corruption, that must be purged.
They try to burn you alive.
They chased you like a wild animal.
They wanted to kill you.
And every person who tried to help you were punished.
You had no idea, what happened to Nahida and Aranaras. And you hopped that Yoimiya, her father, Furina and Melusines were fine.
You were captured a week ago.
Week, full of torture.
Of boiling water, that was poured down your throat.
"Dirty heretic! Accept the cleansing of your soul from impurities!"
Of hot iron on your skin. Of terrible scars on your chest.
And you were forced on your knees before an Ivory Throne.
Your exact double raise their hand.
And Five archons and one Hydro Sovereign attacked.
Arrows of Anemo. Spear of Geo. Sword of Electro. Wave of Hydro. Claymore of Pyro. Wave of Cryo.
You can't even scream. Boiling water burned your tongue and throat.
You were tried and wished for one thing.
To finally be safe.
The moment, before you were hit, the portal appeared under your legs.
It was nighttime.
All of them gather in the living room.
Another day of fruitless search.
And no trace of you.
Suddenly, they heard a noise from the outside. The empty barn was shaking. The wight light was visible through the cracks in the old wood.
Everyone hurried here.
Tetchou got here first and opened the door.
Light faded.
You were there
You were laying on the floor.
Tortured. Branded.
And alive.
Chaos started. No one can stay silent even for a second.
Yosano got near you in a second. Not only because she ran towards you. Tachihara and Akutagawa literally carried her to you. Yosano used her ability without second thought.
Now, healed, you were still laying on the floor. From time to time, you let out a quiet sobs and 'please, I just want to go home'.
Everyone was panicking. Asking if you were alright. If you will be okay.
Fukuchi carried you home.
You were unconscious.
They bathed you, change your clothes and try to make you as safe as possible.
You were laying on your bed, covered in every blanket they can find. They brought even their own blankets. Somewhere in there were laying Rimbaud's coat, that he cover you with.
Your room was full of people.
BSD Cast were sitting on the floor, on the windowsill, on the edge of your bed.
Everyone was there. Even kids were allowed to stay up.
They were sitting close to each other. No one could phantom a thought of leaving you even for a second.
The night was sleepless.
You thought, that you were dead in went to the afterlife.
Because, you can feel, that you were warm and laying on something soft.
You don't want to open your eyes. You wanted to stay in a warm, safe place.
More senses were back.
You heard birds singing.
And quiet sobs. Sound of steps.
And whispers.
"Myshonok, you can't leave us. Please, come back..."
"[Y/N], it's okay, take your time. You will soon be better, right? We will have fun pranking Vagabond..."
"The world without you will never be ideal... [Y/N]... Darling... Come back..."
Some voices sound closer.
"[Y/N]... Please, Birdy, woke up... My Dear, I missed you so much, please, come back!"
Someone was holding your hand, squeezing it. You feel, how, that someone's tears fall on your knuckles.
Another voice. This one touch your shoulder. The voice sounded broken.
"[Y/N], my precious Iris Flower... Wake up... I beg you..."
They also were crying...
Birdy... Iris Flower... Could it be?
You opened your eyes.
Two pair of eyes, one - dark brown, second - green and grayish came into your line of sigh.
Dazai Osamu and Nikolai Gogol.
Were you seeing things? Or you really were back.
You manage to whisper. You feel, that your tongue and throat weren't burned anymore.
"K-Kolya? Osamu?"
You looked around. Your friends were here.
"G-guys... E-Everyone..."
Before you can finish, you were swarmed by your friends.
Everyone tried to see you, to touch you. Kyuusaku, who manage to get to the front, climbed on your bed and hugged you.
"I knew it! I knew that you will be back! That you will return. B-because I told them all... that you will come back... you will certainly come back" Kyuusaku sobbed. Suddenly, they looked angry. "Where were you?! We were waiting for you... Searching for you... but you... completely, completely disappeared!"
You bit your lip and drew blood. For one moment, angry shouts of "SINNER" filled your ears.
Q cried again and hid their smeared face in your chest.
No. They are your friend. They won't hurt you.
You carefully hugged Q. You didn't feel any pain. You remind yourself to thank Yosano later.
"Good question, where were you, [Y/N]? Who... Hurt you?" spoke Mori. And you flinched.
One of the worst thing during The Imposter Hunt was Zhongli. More specifically, his voice, that sounds so similar to Mori's. During Nightmare-filled nights, that voice was cursing you, threaten you, promising to tear you apart.
In reality, you saw Zhongli saying that words. In your Nightmares, you saw Mori.
Zhongli made you scared of your friend!
Everyone noticed your reaction. Yosano spoke.
"[Y/N]... What happened? You were on a brick of death, when we found you..."
You still couldn't say a word. You were scared. You were terrified of returning to Teyvat.
Fukuzawa spoke next. He carefully picked up Kyuusaku and put them down on the floor. Then Fukuzawa with the same carefulness, propped you up against your pillow.
"We will discuss it later. Right now, [Y/N] need some food. Kitten, are you hungry?"
You slowly nodded. Oda, who was standing near the door, immediately left to get food from the kitchen.
The others stay in your room, looking at you.
This exact moment they made a promise to themselves.
They will destroy everything and everyone, who have hurt you.
And they will make sure, that this people will suffer.
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nahoyasboyfriend · 7 months ago
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nsfw alphabet — Seo moonjo
A/N: I'm still getting a feel for his character. Forgive me if these are ooc. I tried 😭
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
He is surprisingly doting. Wiping you down, pressing a kiss to your forehead, massaging places he knows will be sore later. I could see him brushing your teeth for you, and helping you into a change of clothes.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He doesn't pay attention to his features for the most part but he likes his hands. They're key to his job and the creation his "art". His intelligence & poise is a good runner-up.
As for you, I think he'd like your face. Not only because he thinks you're pretty, but because he loves seeing how you react to things. Your cheeks streaked with tears, eyes all wide and glossy. It's mesmerizing to him.
Another favorite of his is your neck & your wrists. He likes to decorate them with jewelry.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
It doesn't matter to him, but he does enjoy the visual of your skin glistening with his cum. But he equally likes the closeness of cumming inside.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Hard to choose between him stalking you and watching you sleep, or the sick gratification he gets from getting you to unknowingly try human meat.
if we move past the creepy stuff, it might be his deep dark fantasy of total loss of control. To be tied up and completely at your mercy. But that takes a lot of trust on his part. I don't even know if he'd acknowledge he wants that.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
he's not as experienced as he acts, but he's good enough to pretend he is. Like he's not a virgin, but he doesn't go out of his way to bed anyone. He doesn't watch porn because he doesn't get anything out of it. He prefers imagination.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Anything where he can see your face. He wants to be able to see how everything he's doing affects you in real time. Like how your eyes gloss over, or how your bottom lip quivers. He needs to see all of it.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
nope, he treats sex very seriously. However, if he's feeling mean he'll poke fun at you a bit with that creepy little smile on his face.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He definitely trims. He has a thing about good personal hygiene & maintaining upkeep.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Sex with him is very intimate in the weirdest way. Sex with him isn't usually romantic, it's more obsessive. Very all-consuming, just like him as a person. Sex is very personal to him when it comes to you, and it's like he's trying to read your soul through touch. there's a sense of control in that to him. He wants to know everything about you.
His words can be very romantic though, murmuring about how beautiful you are, and how much he loves you.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Not something he does often, but occasionally he partakes in a little self indulgence.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Intoxicated sex, but you're the one intoxicated. Not enough that you're not cognizant of what's happening, but drunk enough your words are slurred & you need his help to function. Honestly, he likes dubcon a lot.
Being in control all the time, and I don't mean that in the sense that he likes barking out orders (though he does enjoy it) he gets something out of being the one in control emotionally too. He loves casual dominance.
Choking is another big one. He almost always has a hand wrapped around your neck. He doesn't always squeeze, sometimes he just holds it there. He's not opposed to your hands around his neck. In fact, he encourages it. Actually violence is his kink. Threaten him, fight him, direct all your hurt at him and he's on his knees.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He prefers to do it in the comfort of his or your home.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Gets off on seeing you angry. Something about it goes down south immediately. Maybe it's the thought of you getting so angry you resort to violence, but he loves it. Especially if the anger is directed at him.
Another is seeing you cry. He thinks hopelessness looks amazing on you. If you cry when you get angry, he's never been more turned on in his life. Not pretty kind, the ugly blotchy face with red rimmed eyes... The type of sadness that you wouldn't want anyone to see.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Watersports, there's nothing sexual about that to him.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He seems like a giver to me. Watching you fall apart is deeply satisfying to him. He'd rather give than receive, but he loves your mouth. Unfortunately, he doesn't get all whimpery & pathetic when you suck him off.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He's not exactly fast but he's not slow. It's hard to explain but do not believe for a second that he won't fuck you stupid. if you ask nicely he can speed it up or slow it down.
Q = Quickies (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc)
Not a big fan. He would rather wait; he doesn't like to be in a rush.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
he's not gonna go out of his way to experiment. He does things he knows he likes. He's not against trying new things, but you'd have to suggest it and it's up in the air if he'll do it.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He can last for an abnormally long amount of time. It's kinda scary.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He does not. He doesn't see the point when he can please himself & you just fine. It's not a jealousy thing either, he just truly doesn't think you'll ever need it.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He can be really mean. Continuously edging & overstimulating you. He loves pushing your limits until you can't take anymore.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He's not too loud. There are grunts and groans scattered throughout. He talks you through it. Praising you, or if he's feeling evil, he taunts you.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He does things to make sex slightly painful. Sucking a little too hard when he's giving hickeys, biting your lip too hard, fucking you without prepping you properly. He's an intense kisser, kinda suffocating. like I don't think kisses are soft and romantic with him ever. It always feels like he's trying to devour you. Pressing his lips against yours too hard, or using too much teeth. But he only has this problem when he kisses you on the mouth, gives you the softest cheek & forehead kisses.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
7 inches, it's long and pretty like him.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
He doesn't really care for people, finding most of them generally displeasing to be around, so it's hard for him to want to have sex with anyone. However in a relationship, it's definitely higher.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He usually doesn't go to sleep. he's a night owl, and he seemingly never gets tired. After he gets you situated, he might even take a smoke break. If you're like him, the two of you might go for a walk, or simply enjoy each other's company. Though if he has to work the next day, he goes to bed by your side after.
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soaln · 11 months ago
i am a sucker for Luffy and Zoro! so can you write Luffy or Zoro with nezuko reader that’s their boyfriend? :3 it can be a small fic or headcanons, and it can either be sfw or nsfw! if this sounds complicated then please don’t do this! :)
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🤍┆ ╰┈➤ [SUMMARY] ; which, the reader is like from nezuko kamado, and is luffy’s bf !!
⤷ randoms hcanon, gn!reader
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‘‘𝐌𝐌𝐇𝐇 !’’
pre!boyfriend! Luffy,,
• you met him while you were chased by marine. They stopped chasing you when they saw the straw hat, you could have run away, but you didn’t want to act in a selfish way.
• they thought you were a kid from you small height (when the marine was chasing you)
• you grew back to your real height, and attack them from behind. You had enough strengh at the moment to knock them out.
• Luffy found you cool, he wondered if you were a devil fruit user. Which you hummed as a no, weren’t one.
• he didn’t really thought much bout why you weren’t fruit user bcs no one could to this.
• "hmm !" You always hummed by the fact you had a bambo muzzle on your mouth.
•you words were barely understandable, so it confuse most of the crew, but only Luffy understood.
• he was so curious about you and wanted to know you even more. he wanted you to join his crew.
• "you’ll love the sunny/merry (idk) !" He spoke to you, with a beaming smile across his face.
• Luffy is the most dense when it comes with feeling
• He took him several months to have feelin for you, well he never notice how clingy he was towards you, so he didn’t notice it. he felt warm around you, his heart beat faster then usual.
• he wanted to know what’s under you bamboo, when you showed him It was just some sharp teeth.
"mhhhmm!" You hummed, explaining to your captain, Luffy the reason of why you shouldn’t take of your sort of muzzle on your mouth. "ohh so you’re man eater !!" He lilted, finding It kool.
• he didn’t really care about you being a demon, but he does sometimes forgot about it.
• he wants all your attention, he wants your eyes on him !!
• he shares his meat (i don’t think he do that to anyone) but you refuse since you cannot eat human’s food
• he loves your kind attitude.
•he also like how you would pat his head to show how much you care about him.
• he would try his best to protect you, even tho you know how to fight. You aren’t afraid to get you hands bloody if you had to protect someone.
•He wants to spend more time with you, each day.
• he’s kinda worried when you slept for 2-3 weeks just because you can’t eat. He often tries to wake you up from the sleep. And he also out his hat on your head while you’re sleeping
• he sneak in your bed sometimes
A/N ; Fuck, its feel repetitive asf. I should really write other chars but i’m bad at writing them (they often are ooc, sobbing) i have smoker fic to write but scared he’d be ooc even Law x ftm!reader i’ve gotta write😥😥
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brostradamus · 7 months ago
ramblings about AM in a relationship/what kind of s/o could fix him. know that im def not a person who’s deep into psychoanalysis / staying strict to a character’s personality so this might be ooc??? idk please bear w me. Whole thing is under the cut bc i think it’s pretty long n p sloppy 2. but enjoy regardless
anyways I rlly like to think that AM would most thrive in a relationship where he has equal / lesser power to his partner. not like whole ass power imbalance obv but just whre cant always hurt/bother his s/o. I’m sure AM would probably say some shit that might hurt his s/o’s feelings but a partner he’d be most compatible w/ would most likely avoid the torture mostly or altogether w/ the exception of verbal harassment cause there’s enough 2 go around 4 everyone. Also bonus points to s/os who are completely untouchable either bc they’re stronger than AM or AM decides that he doesn’t want to hurt them/can’t bring himself to.
also maybe he’d do well w someone who challenges his beliefs. tbh I feel like he’d gravitate towards people who might share his beliefs/hatred towards humanity, but if he’s supposed to grow then he’s gotta have a s/o that views humanity differently. Said s/o doesn’t even have 2 have a strictly polar opposite view on humanity, just a view that isn’t nihilistic and misanthropic. He might not be entirely receptive at first either but the further you continue to challenge his beliefs, the more likely he is to start thinking about other ideas.
Another thing that might make AM a little more accepting towards humans is a s/o that he *has* to rely on one way or another. most likely this is going to be an engineer/programming s/o. He’s likely not going to want to, but him knowing that he can rely on someone else might make him not close himself off as often.
artistic s/os might be able to help soften AM up a little too. i sometimes like 2 think that AM would actually really enjoy art, but it just depends on which kind of art. Realism he won’t really gaf about but he might gravitate towards expressionist works, along with abstract/absurdist and surreal art. this would include all art forms btw not just drawing and painting. reason for thinking he might like abstract over realism is bc realism is too ‘real’ (whatever yall think that would mean) for his liking / represents what he hates most about humanity. Abstract artwork also represents parts he hates ab humanity but it also gives him a physical representation of the things he lacks (ie expressionism w/ feelings/emotions, surrealism with the subconscious thought, etc etc) and might be the closest thing he can get to actually feeling/having senses
AM would most likely benefit from a s/o who is willing to “give” him sensation, whether it be literally by creating him a whole ass nervous + cognitive system that allowed him to have senses and feelings or even just a s/o who is willing to help him understand how certain things feel. This could be by the s/o describing how emotions feel through imagery, creating art w/ AM or *for* AM if he is unable to for whatever reason, etc. it won’t be exactly what he want ofc, but he might not be entirely bitter ab it.
I don’t think AM necessarily needs an android body to show love, but it would help :3c. Even if he still doesn’t have senses for whatever reason, it would absolutely still help him show his love towards his s/o through physical touch. W/o senses, just having his circuit’s warmed by his s/o (if they’re a human) is… well it’s not *enough* but it’ll do. And if he happens to have senses in his android body man he’s gonna be attached 2 u like lice on a healthy head of hair. he WOULD be touch starved.
Which brings me onto my next point. A s/o that can handle his “””affectionate”””side. I rlly feel like his perception of affection might be a little off (super off actually) and likely a little violent/aggressive. It’ll almost be like him having cuteness aggression towards a s/o and acting out on impulse. This might occur in squeezing, pulling and tugging and Android AM may bite and scratch/restrain. Also I when I mean “handle” I don’t exactly mean endure and ignore/accept. again this leads me to another point
A s/o that is able to set boundaries w/ AM is a must. I genuinely don’t think that any relationship w AM will go good if the s/o he’s with can’t put in place proper boundaries. For human s/os, this would be especially important as he might get aggressive physically (whether it’s due to like. him JST absolutely hating ur ass or him getting that ‘cuteness aggressive’ thing I just mentioned previously. note that it’s not rlly like cuteness aggression but he might be like ‘hm I’ll show my love to my s/o thru the only way I know. Violence”).
ok well I think this is all 4 now. if anyone wants 2 add onto it I’d luv 2 hear yalls input if yall had any :3c. I hope u guys atleast got some entertainment value out of this?? Either way i hope yallve enjoyed my ramblings
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corvus-ix · 2 months ago
could you do reinier x reader relationship headcanons
(anyway, I'm completely sorry this took so long but anyway, I hope I did some justice on writing Reinier to your liking)
Reiner x Reader
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General Dynamics
Reinier is naturally drawn to you if you share a certain grace or balance in how you present yourself. He sees you as someone who complements his need for perfection. If you're messy or chaotic, he may initially be reluctant, but he could find himself oddly intrigued by how you disrupt his carefully ordered world.
He’s not one for grand displays of emotion. Instead, his love language is acts of service. You’ll notice how he subtly rearranges things in your surroundings, creating perfect symmetry— he insists it’s "for your own peace of mind."
Affectionate Moments
Reinier struggles with physical affection due to his mysophobia, but he finds ways to be close to you. For example, he might float beside you, brushing his fingers against yours instead of holding hands.
When he does grow comfortable enough to touch you, it’s deliberate and almost reverent. He’ll hold your face, tracing the symmetry of your features, whispering how perfectly balanced you are.
On snowy days, he’ll guide you outside to admire the snowflakes, pointing out their symmetry while secretly watching your reactions with quiet adoration.
Jealousy and Protectiveness
If someone disrupts your time together or flirts with you, Reinier’s disdain is immediate and sharp. He won’t cause a scene, but his cutting remarks and cold glares will leave no room for misunderstanding.
He’s fiercely protective, but it manifests in his own unique way. He might isolate threats by teleporting them far away, justifying it as maintaining your peaceful equilibrium.
Everyday Life
He insists on structuring your shared life with precision: meals are timed perfectly, your home is meticulously organized, and he’s always fussing over whether your clothes match meet his standards of beauty.
Arguments with Reinier can be challenging because he doesn’t easily admit when he’s wrong. However, he hates the feeling of imbalance in your relationship, so he will(reluctantly) apologize after much contemplation.
If you’re upset, he may try to fix things by addressing what he sees as the root cause. He’ll rearrange situations or people around you to eliminate the source of your stress— though his methods may sometimes be extreme.
Romantic Gestures
Reinier often gifts you beautiful, symmetrical objects: perfectly cut gemstones, intricately balanced sculptures, or even symmetrical flower arrangements.
He secretly crafts circles or patterns in fields for you to discover—his way of sharing his art and ensuring the world reflects a bit of his love for you.
Growth in the Relationship
Over time, your influence softens his rigid worldview. He begins to tolerate, and even appreciate, imperfections when they come from you, seeing beauty in the asymmetry of human emotions and relationships.
He might even allow you to pull him down from his floating stance for a grounded hug, realizing that true connection doesn’t need to be perfect—it just needs to be real.
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(tbh, I cringe at some part while writing this, like does reinier does this, is this too ooc, will he act this way— lemme check his wiki lore!
writing for a character like reinier was really challenging, cause I cringe so hard if I feel I write the character too ooc, and I rewrite a lot of this cause I really don't know how I'll describe Reinier appearance and put those description into actions)
I hope you enjoy this!
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b1asttrain · 6 days ago
// OOC //
ANNOUCEMENT! This is the conductor of BlastTrains Station! However, outside of BlastTrain, I am often referred to as Theorizer, FlashVec (Seriously, yes), Brainstorm, or Galaxie (These aliases came from a multitude of accidents
I'd rather not link my main account here to keep them separate
I would like to be treated with respect. If you have any questions for me or the other fellow MCB RP Bloggers (Blue Cop, Mega Ambler, Heavy Iron, or BlackHook), I am free to answer.
//This Blog currently is on hold//
I'm an English speaker and so far otherwise, I have only seen up to Season 2, episode 10 due to my language limitations This RP blog still WILL answer questions if asked up 'blog posts' and mini stories arent available at the moment
Yes I have seen the Blast Train episodes too, and clips of him, and successfully translated them (with the help of a Korean speaker) however where I watched them got taken down, and I cant make subtitles due to my limitations in what resources I have
I will reiterate
I will answer questions as Blast Train as so far I know, but art posts, blog posts ect. wont be up until the episodes for BlastTrain come around!
1.) I am an RP blog. I am not actually the character, but a human who is just having some friends with their friends! So, please, do not actually think I am the real BlastTrain. Or think I believe I am so-
2.) PLEASE do not ship any of the cardbots with anyone in my or my friends' bloggers. We understand and support your ships, though as we act as our own characters, it will feel like shipping each other together.
3.) Please do not send anything NSFW or 18+ sent to us! We would rather not have an unfortunate talk about the weird things of 18+ or NSFW- it's kinda awkward. ( Though I'm more desensitized than some of the others, I'd like to keep my friends from such topics)
4.) Please, have fun! Me and my friends and I will be in character with you as we interact with you! We want to see your smiles and joys, so please ask whatever you must! We will answer to you as fast as possible. (Timezones and other things may get in the way, so be patient).
If you have any questions OOC, please feel free to directly message me about it or from under a post (clarify it as OOC). I can't promise for the others and how active they may be, but I feel like I may be the most active one out of all of us.
Blue Cop - @blue-policerobot
Heavy Iron - @heavyironsbasement
Mega Ambler - @unlicensedmedicalcardbot
Captain BlackHook - @capta1nstreasure
Shadow X - @shadowx-ishere1
BustorGallon - @bustergall0n
Fleta - Z - @gracefulbountyhunter
Red Blitz - @the-crimson-blurr
Cielo - @cielo-metal-cardbot
Otherwise have a blissfully pleasant ride aboard!
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hauntedhotel · 2 years ago
Okay so in the immediate aftermath I was actually ready to start chewing my fingers off but with time to reflect - it very definitely feels like the start of the third act of a story, y'know? Like the part where it seems like everything at the lowest point and there's no way it's ever going to be okay, end of The Empire Strikes Back kind of situation, so I'm holding out hope for a season 3 with a happy ending.
In the meantime I'm jumping on the bandwagon of the coffee thing being suspicious. It was given an absurdly significant amount of attention and framing if it was just a meaningless gesture, and given how we saw what ingesting human poisons does to angels/demons (with Crowley and the laudanum) I think it's probably likely Aziraphale wasn't entirely himself when he left for Heaven.
However, I do think it's important to consider that from an audience bias perspective we're throwing things at Aziraphale cause we know Heaven is full of shit and we can see Crowley's heart breaking in real time, but it isn't that simple for Aziraphale. He's a guardian, a defender, he genuinely thinks being in a position of authority in Heaven is the best way to protect everything he loves - Earth, humanity and Crowley.
And Crowley, emotionally, is at a different point than Aziraphale (further along a journey, say, he goes too fast). He's already been kicked out of Heaven and made some level of peace with the idea that he doesn't belong in Hell - the idea of being unmoored from his "family" is old news to him. And Hell is awful, but they never pretend otherwise. Aziraphale is trying to leave a toxic family that's constantly telling him they're the good guys, that everything they do is for his own good, for the good of humanity. It's like a cult, almost, in that he can know logically everything they've done and everything he stands to lose by leaving Crowley behind, but that kind of guilt and brainwashing and fear and programming doesn't get washed away that easily.
It's frustrating, as being at the low point of a story often is, but I don't think it's OOC, I don't think it's bad storytelling and I definitely don't think it makes Aziraphale as a character unworthy of sympathy.
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zeroducks-2 · 1 year ago
so like. i'm very conflicted about bruce wayne. when i see superbat stuff i'm all 🥰🥰🥰 but then i think of him with his kids and the way he's treated them and and and i very much want to curb stomp him until he resembles wet cat food. what's up with that?
That's totally normal 😂 I am often feeling a very strong desire to beat that horrible old man with a spiked club, but I also love him to bits!
Contrary to popular belief(?) I don't hate Bruce. I'm pissed with the tendency to pretend he's never done anything wrong. "But I can pick what's canon and what's not!" some people say, and like... I don't really agree with that sentiment but if you want to pretend that Bruce never abused his kids I cannot stop you. Go ahead and live your favorite version of reality, it's still all fiction anyway so who cares. But stop telling people that Bruce abusing people is out of character. IT'S NOT OOC IF IT'S IN THE TEXT GODDAMMIT IDC IF IT DOESN'T FIT YOUR PERSONAL IDEA OF CANON STFU
In general, I would love it if we as the human race stopped acting like DC comics are this wholesome PG13 family friendly thing where everyone is nice and they love each other and nothing bad ever happens, and Bruce would never hurt the people he loves UwU He's such a fantastic dad omg I want to be adopted by him.
That being said. Bruce is my little meow meow. I am SO TRIGGERED by the way he abuses his kids especially Dick and Jason, especially when the writers know what they're doing and employ real existing abuse tactics that are present in toxic families. God it gives me the hives, and I am THERE for it, it's so cathartic. I also love it when he's a fucking hypocrite and treats criminals like shit, and when he's an absolute bitch who will lord over other heroes for no reason and be generally insufferable, because NEWSFLASH, loving a flawed character who does BAD THINGS is normal!
Also, he and Clark are very cute.
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alexanderwales · 9 months ago
Adversarial Reading
I think my least favorite type of reader is the reader who thinks I'm trying to get something over on them. They're watching out for my tricks, and they want to call me on my bullshit.
I think it would be more tolerable if they weren't wrong so often. The comments they leave make assumptions about where the plot is going or what my writing process is, and because adversarial readers cannot read my mind, they often just totally blow it.
"The author only had X happen so that Y could happen"
No, I had X happen because that's my understanding of the character, or because it was thematically appropriate, or because there are things going on in the background that you're ignorant of. And you know what, Y isn't going to happen! It's just not that kind of story! So you're wrong on both counts.
"Character X is acting really ooc right now to move the plot along"
No, she's acting different from how she normally acts because a character is not a monolith with a single personality trait. She's acting like that because she had a chance to rest for the first time in the entire novel, because this is the first time someone has treated her like she's not a piece on a chess board, because she's hit her breaking point.
"Character X really should have done Y, is he stupid?"
First, Y is impossible per the rules the story has set up. It's explicitly called out in a line you missed three chapters back. Second, X does not have access to all the same information that you have, and he does not think like you. His priorities are different from the priorities that you have.
I try, as a general rule, to be empathic.
I think a lot of adversarial readers have read a lot of shitfic, and when you're reading something from an author who doesn't know what they're doing, it's often correct to come to the conclusion that things are Weird Like That because the author was inexpertly stitching together scenes they had in their head, or because they forgot a detail from earlier, or because something obvious just didn't occur to them. Maybe it's not nice, but I've spoken to a lot of starting authors, and asked questions that have gotten me answers that are ... basically that.
I think it goes beyond brainrot pattern-matching though. I think it's partly a desire to feel smugly superior and treat reading as a game that can be won. There are so few options these days for people to feel powerful and validated, and maybe (wrongly or rightly) explaining that you know all the author's tricks and have fallen for none of them helps with what the Unabomber called the "power process" (briefly, a desire of humans to formulate goals and attain them through non-trivial effort).
Reading isn't like that, or shouldn't be. I'm writing this story and you're reading it, and we're in collaboration with each other. I'm attempting to plant a garden in your mind, and it's not going to work if you're not watering it.
Sometimes, if a reader doesn't understand why a character did something, or complains about something that happened which was explained in the text, I do think this is my fault. As a writer it's my job to make sure that things are explained and foreshadowed and that the subtext is readable. This is very difficult to do when writing for an audience of very different assumptions and levels of reading skill. Sometimes as a writer I have to say "mea culpa, this was not written well enough for you to understand character motivations, the rules of the world, or the subtext that underpins this moment".
If you think that "adversarial reader" might describe you, there are a few things that I ask:
Don't make assumptions about the authorial process.
Don't make assumptions about the author.
It's always better to coach things as questions that are open for comment, rather than statements, e.g. "I don't understand why she would do that" instead of "acting real ooc rn".
It's always better to cite text, which will also help keep you from getting things wrong. ctrl+f is one of the best inventions of the last 100 years.
It's always better to assume the author knows what they're doing, at least at first. Sometimes this is a recipe for getting burned, but is it really so bad to get burned?
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enthusedbambi-jjba-au · 5 months ago
monster au fun facts (OOC)
diavolo keeps having to try to prevent doppio from summoning any more demons
Thanks to the monster hunter's guild, italy doesn't really have prominent lycanthrope packs.
I'm sure someone could figure out how to make a drug out of moondust and im sure it's very likely to fucking kill you
ghiaccio is mildly allergic to himself, at least according to melone
squalo can't swim in his land form
tiziano makes accessories out of his own moulted and preened feathers. this is actually a sphinx tradition!
melone never met his father but was raised with constant reminder that whoever he was, he was pretty horrible, and growing up in that 'shadow' made him swear to himself he'd never turn out like his father. this is why melone acts sort of 'fatherly' towards babyface and often avoids actually even touching most women
i dont know if pesci actually knows hes undead assuming we go with idea 2 about him. he does kinda black out every full moon but nobody including himself addresses this. he knows well and good that prosciutto is undead but he assumes he himself is a normal human and that the Necromancy Doses that prosciutto uses for their form upkeep is just a Magic thing he doesn't Understand
Prosciutto literally has no beef with illuso illuso just keeps calling him a fucking bitch for having the nerve to zombify himself when illuso didn't really have a choice in becoming a ghost
illuso appears if you say his name 3 times in a mirror but says he does this by choice.
melone is immediately drawn to the sound of his own name (as in 'melone', not his real name) but conversely implies this is involuntary
my two ideas with cioccolata (hang on give me a few seconds for the rage to pass) and secco were 1. cioccolata is his own frankensteinian creation and experiments with other cryptians, secco is a werewolf and 2. suggested by others, secco is the frankensteinian creation but honest to god he still gives me werewolf vibes.
Ghiaccio always curls up to sleep and everyone who has seen him do this wonders about his spinal health
i cant tell whats the funniest way to go with gelato and sorbet: 1. Gelato is human, Sorbet is nonhuman (perhaps was once human). Gelato is insane and just a monsterfucker because of course he is. 2. sorbet is a human, gelato is a fucked up monster thing. unfortunately, sorbet is into that. 3. werewolf vampire romance. 4. gelato is a demon yet his stand is still angeleyes and sorbet still calls him angelface. 5. gelato is a turned being of some kind and sorbet is the one who turned him and gelato voluntarily let him do this because he thought it was hot
i had a thought that Limbo (my OC) could work at libeccios as like. a waitress and thats why (other than her being with narancia) she's super close with the bucci gang
squalo knows nothing of capitalism and relies completely upon tiziano
babyface glitches when going up against giorno
Fugo might have magical lineage, but it's been surpressed
Pesci knows a lot about the other members of la squadra due to Beach Boy's ability; in the monster au, rather than just hooking hearts and stuff, Beach Boy also just goes right for the soul and hooks the aura. unlike mista pesci knows well and good that hes surrounded by nonhumans but like what do you want him to do about it
animals are pretty much naturally alarmed by Formaggio's presence. ghiaccio tends to fluff up when Formaggio is too close to him.
prosciutto's eyes don't follow movement but he can still see
gelato is afraid of seagulls, chickens and most fowlbirds. this isnt monster au specific i dont know why but i imagine gelato is STUPIDLY fearless but when a seagull comes after his sandwich or a bird starts strutting towards him a little too fast he starts screaming and grabs a knife
regardless of what he is, gelato bites without warning whenever he gets the impulse
Narancia isn't too careful with hiding his formshifting from Mista but as long as he doesn't take a lupine form mista just assumes narancias weird like that
The bucci gang 'have' a 'cat' that's named narancia. it's actually just narancia in a cat form that he takes when he wants to seek physical affection or just be a weirdo, but mista doesn't know that
squalo knows how to write but can't spell or read. so he doesnt actually know how to write he just knows how to copy the letters.
narancia WILL tear up the couch if you leave him alone too long
along with turning blood into metal objects, in monster au, metallica also works the other way, allowing risotto to turn iron into blood. he eats a very iron-heavy diet to get his fix of blood without needing to directly drink it.
i also had the idea that he can drink your blood through your aura
melone and ghiaccio possibly have known each other for a really long time, and assuming ghiaccio is a turned ailuranthrope, melone might have known him before he was Turned and helped console him after the Incident.
bruising is common in physiological shifters like narancia, ghiaccio and limbo. Narancia, unlike the other two, though, is in semi-complete control of the way his cells assemble, so he's able to un-bruise himself, though the spot is usually still a bit sore. since he's been able to formshift most of his life, he's used to it, and doesn't really react beyond his weird 'teething habits.
with limbo and ghiaccio, they're more unfortunate, and often look bruised upon shifting back from theriomorph. most zooanthropes have 'morph hangovers' when a night is particularly bad, but they often learn to cope with it and carry on with their normal lives regardless.
MANY cryptians experience moon hangovers after the full moon.
though many aquabound maricrypt don't have lungs, maricrypt like sirens are able to take in air for the sole function of mimicking human speech.
selkies retain human vocal chords in seal form, and can seaspeak as well, but have a "seal" accent
most seafolk are sleek and pretty (in their water forms, at least) and that's why many seafolk are mistakenly thought to be all-female, because a lot of the males look twinkish or have "breasts" (breast-like organs which serve non-breast-like functions, usually).
limbo and narancia developed a stupid ass greeting of barking at each other in human form. they blame this on the adhd. they also blame the fact that the barks are REALLY convincing on the adhd.
honestly soft machine arc is just fucking disrespectful
squalo used to sleep with his eyes open until tiziano got too freaked out by it
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michael-the-spiral · 5 months ago
How did Gerry manage to get out of the book? That's a good question, but probably not for now. What's important at this moment is that he was in a more or less physical form in his old apartment now. He paced quietly, back and forth, wondering what he should do. The once creaking floorboards now fell silent beneath the ghost's feet. After all, his current form didn't allow him to interact with his surroundings to the same extent as before. Even the cigarette he currently held in his mouth didn't provide the same satisfaction. Gerry couldn't be satisfied with the faint hint of nicotine he felt. Smoking had become more of a habit now, a craving for something from his previous life, rather than an actual pleasure.
The phone in the ghost's hand was open to his tumblr. Wasn't it funny that this was pretty much his only contact with people now? Strangers, "anons", old friends and those who seemed to be ones. But were they really? Tumblr as it turned out was a platform of various timelines. Gerry clicked on the profile of one of Michaels. Was he his one? Even if he was, he didn't have to remember him at all. Either way, he was very... Changed. But it was still worth a try, right?
— you only live ones... Let's say... — Gerry whispered to himself before typing out the massage.
"hi. Wanna meet up? I haven't seen you in a long time. If it was you I saw those... Years(?) ago, haha" he send the message without thinking twice.
—...that actually sounded pathetic..— he mumbled to himself before sitting down on bed.
(hiii :33. Is it time when I say I'm unsure how more "serious" rp works on tumblr? Lol. Also sorry I didn't have any better idea :'33/ooc)
Michael wasn't sure how he ended up on that hellsite either, but he was drawn to the chaos and confusion spread there like a moth to a flame, and it was so easy to pass for a human! Everyone there acted just like him. It was strange, really. He never minded the connections and whatnot, though he also often enjoyed answering questions. He was the Spiral, after all, and he could answer as cryptically as he wanted and it would seem perfectly regular to everyone there. It was just too easy. And he was getting constant streams of confusion and fear from it, so he hardly had to feed off real people anymore. When he received such a message from one Gerard Keay, however, he tilted his head in confusion. Was this his timeline's Gerard? He wasn't sure. Either way, driven by boldness or blatant curiosity, he followed the Hallways to the apartment owned by his timeline's Gerard. The yellow door creaked open ominously, pried open by a hand with fingers far too long to be normal.
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monodramatic-cannibal · 6 months ago
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Info post about the au
(If characters seem OOC ((Out Of Character)) it's beacause I'm going off of my own interpretations/headcanons/fandom versions. So please be aware of that)
More info under the cut (Info is subject to change at any time. Info may be added to as well)
-Jobs in the group: ???, non? Just their resident grim reaper that acts as an omen of death
Weapons of choice: scythe, and smaller duel scythes, crows that he can summon to obscure himself
-Head canon voice: ???
-uses any pronouns, basically whatever anyone sees them as, but mainly uses he/him 
-The people he can touch without killing them are: Geno, Dream, Nightmare, Fresh (providing he can touch the skeletal body, but not the parasite itself), Error.
-His main job is to help souls pass on, he never really has to kill anyone, it’s if someone somehow escaped something they otherwise should have died from is when he steps in to kill them. He normally tries to make these deaths look natural, as to have no one question it.
-Due to Geno’s luck and the fact he’s immune to the death touch, he (Reaper) tried in the past to kill Geno in more natural looking ways, before he just started to get board and started to try to kill him in dumb/funny ways e.g. dropping a piano on him (before the apocalypse). He could just kill him (Geno) himself, but he’s board and is just having fun at this point, he’s also grown fond of Geno and doesn’t exactly want to kill him now. 
-Isn’t around the group too often, and when he is, he’s normally around Geno, since Geno is the only reason he’s around the group in the first place. Though due to meeting the twins he may go talk to them too.
-Loves old/antique/retro/etc board/card/etc games, especially ones that aren’t well known. Mainly due to in the past he’d play these games with humans/monsters. So often tries to find people to play these games with him if he can get his hands on those games. Due to the group he has a few people he can play these games with now, providing he can convince then teach them how to play.
-When not around Geno but is still around the group he’s normally found talking to one of the twins. He knows Nightmare doesn’t mind him, and he also knows that Dream is unsure of him. Tries to be on good terms with them anyway, it’s not every day that he gets to interact with other ‘divine’ beings such as himself, hopes that they could be friends, since he’s gonna be around for a while so may as well make friends who are also going to be around for a while.  
-Likes to tell stories about his time alive. Likes to share about things he’s seen. Basically a really chatty guy once you get him talking. 
-Even though he likes to tell stories about himself not much is actually truly known about him, well in the groups eyes. Reaper will overshare, but since he’s lived for a really long time it basically means nothing in the grand scheme of things. Especially since someone alive for that long can change so much as a person. (Since not much is known about Reaper this is why there are fewer notes of him, compared to the others.)
How they feel about:
Nightmare/Dream: Two other ‘divine’ beings that have been around for a while. Tries to be their friend since may as well be friends with other immortals. So enjoys his time talking/hanging out with them. Often trying to tell them about his life, he’s pretty sure he gave both of them a crisis making them realize they’re gonna be alive for a really long time. Sure the twins have been about for a good while already, but they’ve never really registered it till talking to Reaper.
Error: Knows Error doesn’t like him, so tries to stay out of Error’s way, Error has tried to attack him before.
Geno: Gets along with him, at first he was annoyed when they first met, since he had to actually find a way to kill Geno, and his annoyance only grew as Geno dodged death time and time again. But over time he became fond of Geno, finding it fun to interact and tease Geno. He doesn’t really want to kill Geno anymore.
Fresh: Doesn’t like him whatsoever. And doesn’t want Geno to run into him either, knowing it would probably hurt Geno to see what’s happened to his brother. The parasite being in the body prevents him from using his death touch to kill the parasite, a few times he’s tried to go after ‘Fresh’ but somehow ‘Fresh’ has always been able to slip away.
The others: No strong feelings about any of them. He does get along with a few of them, but mostly he can just say hes neutral about the rest of them
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shilo-sumac · 11 months ago
(( OOC Post! edited last 1/7/2025 ))
I saw someone have a separate post about the norms of the world their muse is in (I'm so sorry I forget who) and I thought that would be a good idea! uh. this may be a text wall and more may be added. I love my HCs im sorry. ))
There are small basic animals in her universe, such as pollinator species (moths, bees, ect), fish, and small near the bottom of the food chain animals (mice, fish, other bugs, small birds) To me this makes sense because there are both plant Pokemon and normal plants in the actual canon, and stuff needs to pollinate somehow lmao. There are no large animals, this niche is only filled by Pokemon.
Killing Pokemon to consume is frowned upon in some regions. There are still people who do, and these differing opinions often clash.
Pokemon have varying levels of sentience. Most Pokemon have a basic understanding of the ideas of what a human is trying to convey, with Pokemon (and their humans) gaining more understanding from each other as their bond grows. Some Pokemon are on a close level to humans, and some perhaps even more so, though this is not confirmed.
Meat made in labs is becoming more mainstream, and is indistinguishable from the meat from our universe on a taste and nutrition level. The meat is referred to as chicken/beef/pork ect to differentiate it from pokemon meat.
The "power of friendship" is a real force in her Pokemon world. The more love you have for your partners the stronger you and your team are, though of course training and strategy is also important. Building bonds with your Pokemon also allow both trainer and Pokemon to understand each other better.
Rarely, people can directly understand Pokemon as if they are speaking common language, but this is very rare and usually something they are born with. Usually, trainers and Pokemon can get a basic idea about what theyre communicating to each other once they know each other well, depending on individuals.
I have a whole post about how pokeballs and the box system works here , basically they give them a little mini enjoyable environment :D
Pokeballs will not work unless the Pokemon has at least a tiny bit of want to be captured. Masterballs are hugely frowned upon
There are no dogs or cats in universe. The words "dog" and "cat" (ect) are used just as descriptive terms for certain mons. Hopefully that makes sense?
My HCs are a combination of the anime, games and occasionally small bits of the manga, with the largest focus on games. I also mix in irl animal facts. Because I am the animal version of Shilo's encyclopedia.
Some things specifically about Muse, May Be Updated In Future!
Shilo gives off odd vibes. Usually people get used to her but many will feel the need to avoid her, as if something is off. On the other hand, Pokemon are naturally drawn to her and tend to trust her.
She human. Mostly. As for the details, I hope to one day be good enough to reveal them well, lmao.
While unable to directly translate, she is strangely good at being able to tell what a Pokemon is trying to communicate.
Shilo is autistic as fuck and sometimes kinda annoying. Her special interest is Pokemon and she is basically a walking Pokedex.
Shilo's sanctuary is on a small unnamed island nearby Sinnoh. Technically it isn't a part of any region. She works there mainly alone (technically some of her Pokemon act as staff willingly). The facility itself is small but the island itself is large enough to comfortably fit many many Pokemon.
Shilo wants to befriend at least one of every single species of Pokemon. She knows this is unrealistic. She will try anyway.
Shilo has dissociative identity disorder, some anxiety issues, minor PTSD, possible DID, and some major imposter syndrome
She's not very good at making people friends and her new Rotomblr friends are very novel to her.
Her childhood was mildly traumatic, so she doesn't want to visit Unova again, but is happy to explore any other region, and often does.
she doesnt remember how old she is exactly but she's near her early to mid 20s
As of December 2024, Shilo has started to suspect she can heal wounds that appear lethal and she has even proven that she can grow back teeth. She is trying not to think about what this implies.
About some side characters and Pokemon:
Alistair is her cranky roommate/helper who owes her a debt. He knows barely anything about Pokemon and they do not like him very much. He gets attacked a lot.
Her Espeon and Umbreon (Morgan and Simon, respectively ((also both female despite their names)) ) are her very good emotional support mons.
Rin is the first Pokemon Shilo befriended. She has a scar over her left eye due to Pokemon hunters when she was young. She is more powerful than the average Zoroark, and tends to hang out in human form so she can have human privileges. She cannot speak human regardless of her form.
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boyfailuree · 23 days ago
((ooc) info bout schlub and nyx
so. this is a copy paste BUT i really want to put this here
schlub and nyx (im working on nyx's disguise but jts in the trad art..aka nyxs first drawing) also ignore that nyx's pixel [it was the first] and the furst img kinda suxk [first one is a wip im proud of]theyre best friends!! unlikely ones too :> they met when schlub was on planet vort (nyx is a vortian so its where she lived)(keyword lived) and they got along suprsngly well. Nyx isn't LOUD but she is social..enough. She dosent like vortians so she is excited to meet people that aren't vortians (atleast when she wasnt on earth yet) Nyx is quiet and antisocial but Nyx was nice enough and seemed genuinely instrested in his stuff. she wasSi they became friends because of it :3 oddly violent vortian(haha like lardnar but she dosentnknoe him) vs oddly sweet irkenThey both dislike Zim, nyx meeting him way later the Schlub BECAUSE SCHLUB HAD TO WORK WITH ZIM when he was in the lab (zim was way younger and also dgaf about schlub because he was kind of scared of zim so they never interacted)(he remembers zim, zim does not remember him.) and zim messed up some of his stuff ( according to people in the lab, miyuki, and whoeber put him to work there "Zim destroys everything he touches" so they thought he would help making weaponry.) but uhm yeah Schlub expierenced that first hand and git lowk terrified of Zim. Nyx met him, Zim talked to her, acted like he was better, got punted into the wall. This was on Earth so the gap between their expierences with the little bug was quite a bit.Theyre both simmilar in age jaja (nyx is 17, schlub is 15. also nyx is shorter. 4'12 vs 5'4💔) Nyx has anger issues so she despite liking humans and earth CONSTANTLY got into fights when she first got there. Because she spoke to everyone and sometimes people REALLY annoyed her. (alot of the time)Schlub like i said is antisocial but he got into fights because sometimes people saw him hanging out with Nyx and if they insulted her he would beat rhe shit out if them💔
hes a better fighter then Nyx, but only because hes an irken and irken society wants everybody ti work til they die💔 Also everytime i draw Nyx or Schlub their posture is the same as last SOMEHOW schlub has good posture and Nyx has bad posture. OH nyx posts on social medias and does not give a fuck if it has him or Nyx out of their disguises so that kind of caught zims AND dibs attention. And gaz's a litle but she didnt care enough so when they became friends wher she didnt mind and thiught it was kind of cool.They both became friends with her because of love for video games, with Schlub buying her a video game she wanted (he had no idea) just because he wanted to be friends with her. (he likes video games but he sucks at them so he plays like..stardew valley or peaceful mode minecraft.) He introduced her to Nyx who REALLY likes video games (of any sort.) so she and Gaz got along.The only problem was Dib bothering the two but if Gaz was around it didnt really happen :3 bc she would make Dib fuck off. But when it was just them two it would usually end up in Nyx trying to fight him because he said something that either scared Schlub or made him uncomfortable. Because dibs WEIRD.the only thing he and dib have in common is they both like ghosts and cryptids (schlubs a scientist so he wants to find them for real and research them so bad)(dibs a freak) but thats aboutit. Also schlub would pussy out if he realy saw one unlike Dib.Nyx brought Schlub to earth after going and really liking it. Schlub visits earth often but lives on venus because he thinks its a good place to live fir some reason. Nyx straight up lives there. Also Schlub was the one that made their disguises (holographic like Tak's.)Schlub is a total boy failure and becayse he quit working for the irken empire and wasnt important everybody forgot about him jajaSO to work he works at a bunch of places, like a pizza diner part time, he works part time at mac meaties.
Nyx doesn't work anywhere shes jobless. But its okay she has irken tech from Schlub (think of Zims house, she has that kind of thing. just witgout the base below. Only an attic full of her stuff.) She does the guitar just as a sily thing too.They both go to school, but skip alot. Tehey have good enougj excuses so they wont graduate very quickly BUT they dont get suspended.I heart my vortian and irken oc!
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nelepost · 3 months ago
Conforming to normal internet and roleplay etiquette is expected.
Most importantly, if you have lines and veils you need to communicate, please communicate them immediately after you've decided to write with me, whether in form of confirming I've read your rules or in any other appropriate way.
My lines for Tumblr RP are:
Reader insert;
My veils for Tumblr RP are:
Bullying in academic settings;
Pregnancy / Abortion.
This list is subject to change.
I write a lot of characters that are intentionally unpleasant and provocative. I write a lot of characters that do not conform to modern humanist ideology in a variety of ways. If you are starting to feel affected by either of these aspects - reach out, step away, whichever helps you. I will do so, and will offer reassurances OOC after intense scenes.
Writing is a collaborative and often emotionally volatile hobby. Emotions that human brain imagines are quite real for the brain. Aftercare in litrp is simply common courtesy. Remember, we are not our characters and we are only acting.
Do not promote me in any way. I do not want to be promoted. If you want to introduce me to someone, or someone to me, do so by the word of mouth in direct messages.
I reserve a right to block/unfollow and drop threads without explanation.
Don't start our collaboration with ship suggestions. I do like to write and explore romance, attraction, and desire, but it is not a priority on this blog. If shipping is your main goal in RP, please move on from this blog, we are not compatible.
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