#real estate owned in dubai
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srminternational · 6 months ago
What are the requirements to buy a property in Dubai?
SRM International Real Estate: Requirements for Buying Property in Dubai Eligibility: Open to Foreign Investors • Dubai's open property market allows both residents and non-residents to purchase property. • Freehold Areas: Foreign investors can buy property in designated freehold areas like Dubai Marina, Palm Jumeirah, Downtown Dubai, and Business Bay. • Non-Freehold Areas: Some areas are restricted to UAE and GCC nationals.
Legal Requirements: Documentation and Process • Non-residents need a valid passport and visa. • No Residency Required: Investing in property worth AED 750,000 or more can make the investor eligible for a residence visa. • Sales Agreement: Buyer and seller must sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) detailing the terms and conditions of the sale. • Transfer of Ownership: The ownership transfer takes place at the Dubai Land Department (DLD).
Financial Requirements: Budget and Payment • Minimum down payment: For non-residents, the minimum is typically 20-25% of the property’s value. • Additional costs: a 4% DLD transfer fee, a real estate agent commission (usually 2% of the property value), and administrative fees for registration. • Mortgage Options: Non-residents can obtain a mortgage from Dubai banks, usually covering up to 50% of the property value.
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Choosing the Right Property with SRM International Real Estate • Market Insight: SRM provides in-depth market analysis and expert advice. • Property Management: SRM offers property management services for those looking to rent out their property.
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metahomes · 1 year ago
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heliza24 · 10 months ago
Armand and Unbreakable Cycles
So (perhaps unsurprisingly at this point) I have a TON of Armand thoughts after yesterday’s episode. Specifically I want to talk about the function of the 1790s section, and how it perfectly illuminates the cycle of maladaptive behavior that Armand is caught up in and the difference between his stated wants and his actual needs. I think the setup we saw in this episode will also be crucial to understanding how Dubai plays out, so I want to talk about that too.
I know a lot of people love the show and TVC because of Lestat, and there’s some frustration that Lestat was presented in a way that was untrue or filtered. But I really think you have to view this episode as a lens into Armand, which we in turn need in order to understand Louis. Everyone has someone similar to Lestat’s role in Armand’s life; an ex or a situationship or a former friend who takes up so much real estate in your brain because of their outsized impact  on you, who probably never thinks of you in return. We give these people a role in the story we craft of how we became who we are. That narrativizing is kind of the only way to understand yourself and survive (especially if you’re going to live forever). So I don’t doubt that there are things that Armand says that are untrue, or exaggerated, or twisted in his favor. But I do think the important part is the emotional impact his encounter with Lestat had on him, and I do think he’s being honest about those emotions.
(That being said I am of course very excited to see these events play out again in season 3 from Lestat’s POV. Don’t fuck it up AMC!!!)
The main thing that the flashback does is set up the cycle that Armand finds himself in over and over again. He consistently finds himself clinging to control in an institution he is starting to lose faith in, and is then shaken out of his complacency by a new love that seems– falsely– to rescue him.
Depending on how they adapt his very early backstory, I think we can probably assume that this pattern started in childhood for him. Marius rescued him from being forced into sex work, and seemed to offer a much better life. But in reality he was just grooming Armand. (Thanks @toriangeli for correcting a piece of my Marius lore here!)
In Paris he continues maintaining a strictly enforced life of misery for the coven long after he stops believing in it himself, and (by his telling at least) he was grateful to Lestat for having the strength to end it when he could not. It’s so clear why Armand falls for Lestat. Lestat’s refusal to live in shame, his love of the arts, his ability to exist amongst humanity (at least when he is on stage). Lestat is of the world, while Armand and the coven hide from it. 
The reason I think it is so important that we got to see this play out in Paris is the way it illuminates the sometimes tricky relationship between Louis and Armand. Once again, Armand is the head of an institution that operates on strict and oppressive rules. Once again, we can feel Armand’s enthusiasm for this system waning (and see it reflected physically in the lack of ticket sales and general shabbiness of the theatre). And once again, Armand is swept off his feet by this new vampire who refuses to join, who loves humanity, and who has a passion for art. Louis is very much of the world. He refuses to be pinned down into coven life. Armand can’t resist taking what looks like the opportunity for escape in Louis’s love. 
What I think is so fascinating about this cycle is that it allows Armand to remain passive. He never has to be the one to make the hard call to walk away from a kind of life that is no longer serving him. He just has to wait for the next gorgeous man to arrive to deliver him.  As he says to Louis, “those with the most power are often the weakest”. His status and power in the coven prevents him from changing his own life. Or at least that’s what he believes. 
Thinking about this helped me understand the dynamic of what goes down in the sewers, when Armand threatens Louis’s life. Assad says in the behind the scenes clips that Armand goes into that encounter very set on killing Louis, and I believe him.  So I rewatched it a couple of times trying to understand when, and why, Armand changes his mind. The shift occurs when they start talking about Claudia, and Armand says that her mind will break apart soon because she was made too young. Louis says “you don’t know her,” and Armand responds, “I don’t have to. I’ve seen it before. I’ve seen too much.” That admission– I’ve lived through this cycle multiple times before, it is painful, and I don’t want to do it again– is what shifts Armand from being ready to kill Louis to letting him go. 
There is of course an irony here; mentally ill and child vampires do not necessarily need to go mad. Generally they go mad at least partially because of Armand’s actions. And as we’ve already discussed, Armand going to sleep with Louis instead of killing him is really just a repeat of his actions with Lestat. He isn’t really breaking a cycle at all. But I think in that moment he believes that he is. Maybe he even believes that by being with a man who enacted great violence on Lestat, he can drown out the love and anguish he still feels about Lestat. At the very least, Louis has also loved Lestat and can therefore understand Armand’s narration of his own life in a way that not many other people can. 
Ok, so now we are caught up on the past. Let’s talk about Dubai, and how once again Armand is engaged in the exact same cycle of behavior.
The penthouse is Armand’s new coven. He maintains perfect order by controlling the physical environment and shaping Louis’s moods and memories. But just like before, this way of life is no longer serving Armand (or Louis for that matter). You can see that the spark between them has died, only rekindled as a kind of performance when they are in front of Daniel. When Armand is telling Daniel about Lestat destroying the coven, and Daniel accuses Armand of leading Lestat to the coven intentionally… he might as well be talking about himself. Armand has let Daniel into his fortress, and there is at least a part of him that wants whatever destruction Daniel is about to bring into his life.
Daniel fits Armand’s type completely. Daniel is of course more human than Lestat or Louis could ever be. He knows about telenovelas and Bollywood and all other types of art. He’s whipsmart and inquisitive and is not going to let Armand get away with passively maintaining his old order. He’s of the world in a way that Armand finds irresistible. 
I specifically found it interesting how many of the “Great Laws” Armand would be breaking by being with Daniel. Granted, Armand isn’t in the coven anymore when he meets Daniel. But I imagine old habits are hard to break, and being with Daniel would break almost all of them. Daniel is a mortal Armand has revealed his true nature to and allowed to live, Daniel has written about and exposed vampire secrets, and (if we’re looking at book canon) Daniel begs for the dark gift himself, a thing only the maitre is supposed to be able to approve. 
Assuming that a chunk of Devil’s Minion did happen in the 1970s, something interrupted that love affair, before it could settle back down into a new but still oppressive status quo. Something prompted Armand to actively break his pattern of behavior and erase Daniel’s memories. I think it’s impossible not to think about Nicki’s example here, especially after seeing the 1790s flashback. I’m going to assume that 1970s Daniel was struggling with addiction and mental health issues in a way that may have been reminiscent of Nicki. How intentional was Armand in withdrawing because he saw what vampire involvement- his involvement- did to Nicki? How much was his treatment of Daniel a reparation for past mistakes he made?
These last couple of paragraphs are speculation, really, because we won’t know exactly what Armandaniel looked like until Ep 5. But I think it was crucial that we saw this part of Armand’s story before we see San Francisco, because his actions with Daniel will make more sense if we can compare them with the love affairs of Armand’s past.
Regardless, I do think the disparity between what Armand claims to want (maintaining the status quo) vs what he actually wants (to be liberated by a romantic partner) vs what I think he actually needs (to take action himself, instead of waiting for someone to do it for him) is going to play a role in the way Dubai unfolds. I don’t know that Armand will ever get to the point where he’s actively able to break out of the cycle he’s in, because this is Interview with the Vampire, the show of fucked up gothic romances. Vampire life is a series of bad decisions! It’s a weird arrested development you never quite get out of despite living for forever! So it would make total sense if the ending of Dubai mimics the ending of the Children of Satan and the Paris Coven in an unhealthy way. But regardless, it’s gonna be a fun ride, and I can’t wait to see it.
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berniesrevolution · 7 days ago
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The Gulf states are transit states because migrants constitute a majority of their populations. The politics of labor control is central to the organization of these states and to the predominance of their political and capitalist classes. The contradiction of Gulf labor politics lies in the autocratic nature of rule based on nonmarket forms of labor control and the continuous demand of the market for a willing labor force.
“When I was coming here [Abu Dhabi], I was asked ten types of questions [by Indian emigration officials] and when non-Muslims went through immigration, they & nbsp;. . . just stamped [the passports] and let them go. This is the reason that Muslims tend to go abroad. We don’t get opportunity there [in India].”1
“It’s just like when the Europeans transported and sold Africans into slavery in America. What happened to the Africans then, happens to us now. We are transported here, the company sells us, commands us. There is no choice. In Nepal, we changed from a kingdom to a republic. If we could take action, if we could organize a strike, we could change this country.”2
During the first decade of the twenty-first century, Sheikh Mohammed al-Maktoum, the self-styled “CEO of Dubai” and its ruler, initiated a construction boom that would turn Dubai into the “city of the future,” a testament to its leadership of a neoliberal Gulf and a model to be emulated elsewhere. As the primary owner of much of Dubai’s real estate and the head of a conglomerate of companies bound to his new vision, Sheikh Mohammed turned Dubai into a node for global finance capital, trade, and consumerism.3 Within a few years, Dubai’s population of migrants, most of them workers, amounted to close to 90 percent of its population. Qatar was soon to follow when, in 2010, it won the right to host the 2022 FIFA World Cup. Hundreds of billions of dollars were invested in twelve football stadiums, highways, train stations, hotels, and entertainment facilities. Hundreds of thousands of workers rotated in and out of Qatar over twelve years to build and maintain the social and auxiliary economic infrastructure these investments required. By 2017, migrants made up 95 percent of Qatar’s labor force and 89 percent of its population. While the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Qatar have the highest proportions of migrants to citizens, in all other countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) except for Saudi Arabia, migrants make up more than half of the population, accounting for thirty million people.4
The Gulf states are transit states, according to political economist Adam Hanieh. They are dependent on the employment of migrants who have no hope of obtaining citizenship because of restrictive laws established in the 1930s.5 Access to citizenship is the most important factor that shapes the rights of migrants. Migrants’ permission to work and live in the country is regulated by a kafala, sponsored by their employers (usually citizens) and regulated by the state, which sets limits to their stay and restricts their ability to change jobs and leave the country. It ensures that migrants, laborers and otherwise, remain transitory residents, excluded from citizenship and deprived of the ability to remain in the country. Abuse of labor under the kafala system is common. It includes restricting the ability of workers to change jobs if their employers do not fulfill their promises. Should the migrants leave their jobs, they become illegal residents. Their very illegality makes them vulnerable to further abuse. Employers often do not pay wages on time or withhold them.6 Wage theft is one of the major complaints that migrants have about their working conditions.7 Migrant workers have no political rights to organize in their own interest because Gulf countries have labor laws that are confined to their own citizens. It is left to international organizations to intervene. These organizations frame workers’ rights as human rather than political rights. As a result, their interventions are dependent on the willingness of the Gulf states to implement them.
The International Labour Organization, Human Rights Watch, and other organizations have turned their attention to the lack of protection and rights of migrant laborers and have succeeded in mitigating some of the abuses. These attempts do not account for the structures that have historically linked capital accumulation by oil companies and the petrostates of the independent Gulf with the regional and global networks and companies that recruit and manage labor. In addition, for the ruling elite in countries so dependent on hydrocarbon and its derivates, finding an acquiescent and disposable labor force is critical for maintaining production, building alliances, and sustaining a class of national capitalists wedded to the perpetuation of labor control.8 Oil companies and the rulers of the GCC states learned this lesson after a series of labor strikes by local migrant Pakistani, Indian, and Arab workers — many inspired by the anti-colonial struggles in the region — threatened to undermine what they termed the “stability” of the relations between labor, capital, and the state.9
The Political Economy of Labor in the Gulf
The processes that inform labor recruitment, management, and control in the Gulf have much in common with the attempts by other states and corporations in capitalist economies to manage labor. We can only look at the difficulties workers at global corporations like Amazon and Starbucks have in unionizing and the outsourcing by Western corporations of most clothing manufacture to Asian countries to understand how global capital, supported by states, searches for politically acquiescent cheap labor. Unlike other capitalist economies, however, the politics of labor in the Gulf plays an outsize role because of the constant need for a supply of overseas labor and the size of the migrant population. As a result, the question of how to deal with migrant workers is central to the organization of the state and to the predominance of a Gulf elite and capitalist class whose ethnicity gives it rights of citizenship and class dominance. In her study of the labor organization of construction workers in Dubai, Michelle Buckley finds that the central contradiction is the hybrid nature of the form of neoliberal capitalism that governs workers’ lives. The autocratic nature of rule in the Gulf states based on nonmarket forms of labor control, exemplified in the kafala system on the one hand and the continuous market demands by corporations for willing labor on the other, allows for a limited range of political action by workers in the region.10
The politics of labor in the Gulf is part of larger historical processes of the expansion of capitalism and empire and the regulation of flows of labor that began in the nineteenth century in the Indian Ocean world, of which the Gulf constituted a critical node. Much of the labor practices and the administrative and legal structures that have been set to regulate labor migration have roots in British colonial administrative laws deriving from its rule in India. The question of origin is important in drawing attention to the fact that the labor regimes that have historically developed in the Gulf are regional adaptations intended to control labor migration, such as indenture, contract labor, and free illegal labor, that have been critical to the growth of global capital in its various iterations. Despite such origins, the neoliberal politics of labor migration are not merely reproductions of old modes of labor control from the capitalism that shaped the advent of empire in the Gulf and the Indian Ocean.
The current practices of labor control do not trace their lineages in slavery, despite the relatively recent (mid-twentieth-century) abolition of slavery in the Gulf. Nor do modern forms of recruitment and regulation of labor bespeak a form of bondage like indenture, although the Indian government has adopted the logic and language of indenture regulation in early twentieth-century British India to regulate the flow of migrants from its country.11 The laborers who flock to the Gulf do so voluntarily as free citizens of national states and are motivated by a variety of reasons, both economic and social. Neoliberal capitalism, according to anthropologist of labor Andrea Wright, disarticulates the social from the economic by framing migrant workers simply as economic actors in a system of accumulation. Migrants’ social networks and family obligations and their dreams of social mobility inform their decision to migrate.12 The GCC and the sending countries view labor as a commodity that can be sold according to market mechanisms. In the words of Filippo and Caroline Osella, the “universalizing discourse of neoliberalism — the dream of self-regulating markets disembedded from social, cultural, or political straitjackets — is at its very heart utterly implicated in the production of practices — central to its global working — that differentiate and advantage players on the basis of anything but purely economic criteria.”13 Using the term “bondage” as a shorthand for labor controls in the Gulf might be a useful discursive tack for labor activists, but it obfuscates the very different structural factors that shape migration and work in the twenty-first century, and it reduces workers to victims incapable of political action without the intervention of international human rights organizations.
In what follows, I address two such structural factors: the complex and commodified forms of kafala that furnish the legal and economic infrastructures that regulate migrants’ lives, and the strategies that Gulf states and companies develop to recruit, enclose, and divide workers along racial/ethnic, gender, and skill/class lines. Despite what appear to be insurmountable obstacles to labor organization, migrant workers have developed several strategies to demand their rights. I draw on the work of scholars of labor activism to conclude with some thoughts on the limits and possibilities of workers’ actions.
(Continue Reading)
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groupfazza · 2 months ago
برئاسة حمدان بن محمد وتماشياً مع "عام المجتمع"، المجلس التنفيذي يعتمد "منظومة دبي لحماية الطفل"
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سمو الشيخ حمدان بن محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم، ��لي عهد دبي نائب رئيس مجلس الوزراء وزير الدفاع رئيس المجلس التنفيذي لإمارة دبي، في آخر تدوين لسموه عبر حسابه في «إكس» 🔻
ترأست اليوم اجتماع المجلس التنفيذي، وتماشياً مع عام المجتمع وضمن "أجندة دبي الاجتماعية 33"، اعتمدنا "منظومة دبي لحماية الطفل" بهدف توفير بيئة متكاملة وخدمات شاملة لكل طفل في دبي.
كما اعتمدنا سياسة "صندوق التنمية المجتمعية" لتوسيع قاعدة المستفيدين في مجالات التمكين المالي، واعتمدنا مشروع "فرز الوحدات العقارية" في مناطق تملّك المواطنين لتمكين الملّاك من فرز الوحدات السكنية في المبنى الواحد.
واعتمدنا خلال الاجتماع مبادرة "سوبر بلوك"، لتخصيص أحياء خالية من المركبات في قلب دبي لتعزيز البنية التحتية للمشاة وسنبدأ تنفيذ المشروع في 4 مناطق تجريبية... كما اعتمدنا مبادرة "القنوات الرقمية المشتركة" لتقديم خدمات الإمارة في منصات موحدة وتخصصية تشمل: منصة "دبي الآن" للأفراد، ومنصة "استثمر في دبي" للأعمال، ومنصة "زوروا دبي" للسياحة، ووجهنا بتحويل جميع الخدمات في حكومة دبي إلى رقمية بنسبة 100% بحلول 2027.
تواصل دبي إرساء معايير عالمية جديدة في رعاية المجتمع والأسرة وتطوير البنية التحتية والرقمية من خلال خدمات استباقية ومبادرات نوعية تستشرف تطلعات وطموحات أهل دبي.
His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence of the UAE, and Chairman of The Executive Council of Dubai, in his latest tweet on his «X» account 🔻
Today, I chaired a @TEC_Dubai meeting where we took major steps to advance the goals of the Year of Community and the Dubai Social Agenda 33. We launched the Dubai Child Protection Protocol, aimed at providing a comprehensive framework for holistic child welfare.
The Community Development Fund Policy was approved to enhance community services and help fund social programmes. We also approved the Strata Registration project, enabling Emirati property owners to subdivide real estate units and issue independent title deeds for each unit in UAE citizen-owned areas.
Further, we introduced the Super Block initiative to create car-free pedestrian-friendly neighbourhoods. The Unified Digital Platform initiative was also adopted to streamline government services offered through specialized platforms such as the Dubai Now app, Invest in Dubai for businesses, and Visit Dubai for tourism. In addition, we set a goal to fully digitise all government services by 2027.
Through these proactive initiatives, Dubai continues to set new global standards in community care, infrastructure, and digital innovation, while fulfilling the aspirations of its people.
Thursday, 6 February 2025 الخميس
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tara-girl · 1 year ago
Simple Astrological Remedies for Landing Your Dream Job!
A person is born with many skills. But Universe has fixed a particular timing of showing your skills which will be beneficial for you in form of good job, career and gains in that timing.
Dasha is the most important factor which tells that universe is calling you for which purpose. If you will go in that direction with right intention, paitence and hard work then universe will support you fully to that field.
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I will explain it through famous Indian Bollywood celebrity chart, Shahrukh Khan-
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(His Astro Chart- Pic credit- AstroSage App)
1-When he was going through Rahu mahadasha-
His rahu is sitting in 10th house of career and hard work. The lord of 10th house is sitting in 5th house which is Venus(planet of creativity and arts). He worked hard in field of creativity at that time.He debuted his acting career and worked in many television serials.
2-When his Jupiter Mahadasha came-
His Jupiter is sitting in 11th house of gains and all wishes. He won big awards. He bought his dream house Mannat during that dasha.
Jupiter is also aspecting Venus which is enhancing it's qualities of creativity and arts. He joined main stream bollywood and acted in many movies and gave super hit movies during this dasha.
Jupiter is also aspecting 7th house of business and legal partnership. So, he also founded his own production house I.e Red Chilli Entertainment with his wife.
3-When his Saturn Mahadasha came-
His Saturn is sitting in 7th house of business and legal partnership in its own sign of Aquarius. During that time his company Red Chilli Entertainment had already produced or co-produced at least nine films. He teamed up with a UAE based real estate firm with his wife Gauri for a residential complex right in front of the beach in Dubai.
As Saturn was also aspecting Mars from it's 10th aspect. Mars represent sports also.Therefore he also purchased Cricket team of Indian Premier League (IPL).
Because his 10th lord(the house of career) is sitting in 5th house(the house of creativity).
Remember, important in his journey is that he is working in the field of creativity. He had expanded all his business with the help of his creative and artistic skills(acting).
This shows that one should choose career field according to his/her 10th lord placement but should use that skill in that field only whose planetary dasha is going on.
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murfeelee · 1 year ago
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IWTV 2022 INSP - The Most Dangerous Man in the World
Daniel: I told my editor I was meeting with the most dangerous man in the world. Gave him two choices. He came back with Bezos and Putin! Louis: I wasn't sure you'd remembered me. Your book makes no mention of our prior meeting. Daniel: Gritty memoir, drugs, humiliation, self-pity kind of thing. Mention vampires in one of those, readers tend to call bulls***. You've got your own hangar at the airport, privileges on the Royal Meydan Bridge, and zero presence online. I know the Emirates are big on privacy, and that's probably important to you, but I gotta ask: what does it cost, this haven't-aged-in-half-a-century, killer views in all directions anonymity? Louis: Quite a lot. I have to be very careful whom I let in. Daniel: Yeah, well, things didn't end well the last time, so forgive me if I'm a little nervous! Louis: Back in San Francisco, you said, and I paraphrase, "Give it to me. Make me a vampire now." Daniel: In the eyes of a 20-year-old, you were wasting the gift. Louis: You're in your 20s, Rashid. What do you think? Rashid: Well, Mr. du Lac presides in the most desired real estate in the country. I do not see the "waste" Mr. Molloy sees. Daniel: Yeah, well, he lived in a dump the last time we did this. Louis: I'd give it to you now.
– Interview with the Vampire, S01E01, S01E06
My contribution to @iwtvfanevents' Vampterview rewatch of IWTV Season 1! \(^0^)/ I basically rebuilt Loumand's Dubai Penthouse from scratch, cuz in my other post it was on the same lot as Loustat's 1132 townhouse. 🤭 And I decided to remake my Daniel & Rashid/Armand sims, cuz I was too lazy to crack open my old saves and save a copy of them to my bin. So...yeah, "a do-over," in Daniel's words. XD
I just love thinking about Louis' strange life as a billionaire mogul, and how AMC's nodding to the life he had with Armand in Miami & NYC in the books, and the life he now has with "Rashid" in Dubai. I have many suspicions about what went down to bring Loumand to Dubai, and where in the books' timeline we even are. I need answers, Rolin!!!!
Dubai world; Zen Tower at Youtube (I just gutted the interior)
Limo by FreshPrince
Helicopter by @dailycard
IWTV Books & Rollercoaster "bridge" w/ Fullbright in beta by me
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Navigating the Mortgage Market: Finding the Best Mortgage Company in UAE
Navigating the mortgage market in the UAE can be challenging, given the numerous options available. This guide will help you find the best mortgage company for your needs, ensuring you secure favorable mortgage terms and rates.
For more insights into Dubai's real estate market, visit home loan dubai.
Understanding the UAE Mortgage Market
Market Overview: The UAE mortgage market is diverse and competitive, with a wide range of local and international banks offering various mortgage products. Understanding the market landscape is essential for making the right choice.
Types of Mortgages: Mortgages in the UAE can be classified into fixed-rate and variable-rate mortgages. Fixed-rate mortgages provide stability with consistent monthly payments, while variable-rate mortgages fluctuate based on market conditions.
Eligibility Criteria: Each mortgage company has its own eligibility criteria, including income requirements, employment status, and credit history. Understanding these criteria will help you identify which companies you qualify for.
For more investment options, explore Buy Commercial Properties in Dubai.
Key Features of Mortgage Companies
Competitive Interest Rates: Leading mortgage companies offer competitive interest rates, helping you save money over the loan term. Compare the rates offered by different companies to find the best deal.
Flexible Loan Terms: Look for mortgage companies that offer flexible loan terms, including various repayment periods and options for early repayment without penalties.
Customer Service: Excellent customer service is essential when dealing with mortgage companies. Choose a company with a strong reputation for providing responsive and helpful support.
Quick Approval Process: The approval time for mortgages can vary between companies. Select a company known for its quick and efficient approval process to avoid delays in your property purchase.
Additional Services: Some mortgage companies offer additional services such as mortgage insurance, property valuation, and financial planning advice. These services can add value and convenience to your mortgage experience.
For mortgage services, visit Mortgage Financing in Dubai.
Steps to Finding the Right Mortgage Company
Research and Compare: Start by researching various mortgage companies in the UAE. Use online platforms, read customer reviews, and compare their mortgage products and services.
Seek Recommendations: Ask friends, family, or colleagues for recommendations. Personal experiences can provide valuable insights into the reliability and efficiency of different mortgage companies.
Consult a Mortgage Broker: A mortgage broker can provide expert advice and help you find the best mortgage deals. They can also assist with the application process and negotiations.
Pre-Approval: Get pre-approved for a mortgage to understand your borrowing capacity and increase your chances of securing a good deal. Pre-approval also makes you a more attractive buyer to sellers.
Meet with Representatives: Schedule meetings with representatives from different mortgage companies to discuss your needs and ask questions. This will help you gauge their responsiveness and willingness to assist.
Review Terms and Conditions: Carefully review the terms and conditions of the mortgage offers. Pay attention to interest rates, loan terms, fees, and any other conditions that may affect your mortgage.
For property management services, visit Apartments For Rent in Dubai.
Popular Mortgage Companies in UAE
HSBC: Known for its competitive interest rates and flexible mortgage options, HSBC is a popular choice for homebuyers in the UAE.
Emirates NBD: Emirates NBD offers a range of mortgage products tailored to different needs, along with excellent customer service and quick approval times.
Mashreq Bank: Mashreq Bank provides personalized mortgage solutions with attractive rates and minimal fees, making it a preferred choice for many buyers.
ADCB: Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank (ADCB) offers comprehensive mortgage products with competitive rates and flexible repayment options.
Dubai Islamic Bank: For those seeking Sharia-compliant mortgage solutions, Dubai Islamic Bank offers a variety of Islamic mortgage products with favorable terms.
For property sales, visit Property For Sale in Dubai.
Real-Life Success Story
Consider the case of Noor and Hadi, who recently purchased their dream home in Dubai. By working with a reputable mortgage company, they secured a mortgage with favorable terms. The mortgage company provided expert advice, handled the paperwork, and ensured a smooth process from start to finish. This allowed Noor and Hadi to focus on finding their perfect home without worrying about the complexities of securing a mortgage.
For more insights into Dubai's real estate market, visit home loan dubai.
Future Trends in the UAE Mortgage Market
Digitalization: The UAE mortgage market is embracing digitalization, with many companies offering online application processes, digital document submission, and virtual consultations. This trend is making the mortgage process more efficient and convenient.
Sustainable Mortgages: There is a growing demand for sustainable mortgages that support environmentally friendly and energy-efficient homes. Mortgage companies are beginning to offer products that cater to this demand.
Flexible Mortgage Products: Mortgage companies are increasingly offering flexible mortgage products that cater to the diverse needs of homebuyers. This includes options for expatriates, first-time buyers, and investors.
For property sales, visit Sell Your Apartments in Dubai.
Navigating the mortgage market in the UAE involves careful research, comparison, and consideration of various factors. By understanding the market, seeking recommendations, and evaluating your options, you can secure a mortgage that meets your needs and financial goals. For more resources and expert advice, visit home loan dubai.
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srminternational · 9 months ago
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Why You Should Consult a Real Estate Agent
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avarteninvest · 4 months ago
Dubai Real Estate Investing: Fractional vs. Traditional Ownership
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When you are looking at how to invest in Dubai real estate properties, the options are a bit overwhelming. Should you take the traditional route of buying an entire property or opt for the new fashion of fractional ownership? Each has its advantages, disadvantages, and opportunities. This blog delves into the differentiators between traditional and fractional real estate investment, helping you choose which method is best for your financial objectives and lifestyle.
The Evolution of Real Estate Investment
The real estate market has undergone a major transformation in the past couple of years. Traditional investments in property, which were once reserved for individuals or companies with substantial capital, are now more accessible because of technological advances. Digital platforms today offer many options for investing which makes real estate investing more transparent, efficient, and accessible.
This has led to the introduction of options such as Real estate crowdfunding (crowd investment) and fractional ownership which have lowered the bar to investors who are not affluent. Through the use of technology, the real estate market is drawing a wider audience which is increasing its popularity and growth.
Traditional Real Estate Investment
What It Involves Traditional real estate investing involves buying a house outright either by yourself or in a partnership. Although it gives full control and autonomy, however, it requires a substantial amount of capital upfront, as well as long-term management responsibility.
Key Challenges
High Entry Costs: Buying properties in the most desirable areas typically requires a significant amount of capital such as closing costs, down payment, and regular maintenance.
Investment Managers who are Active: are accountable for the relationship with tenants maintenance of the property, legal compliance, as well as other administrative tasks.
Market volatility: Economic recessions or vacant properties could cause financial stress.
Limited Diversification: Owning a single property ties up a significant portion of an investor’s portfolio in one asset, increasing risk exposure.
Despite these difficulties, traditional investments provide the long-term benefit of the appreciation of property and rental income which makes them a solid option for investors with experience.
Fractional Ownership Investing
What It Is Fractional ownership permits multiple investors to jointly own the highest-value property. Each investor has a stake proportional to their investment and receives benefits like rent income and property appreciation.
How It Works Platforms such as Avarten Invest permit fractional ownership by automatizing the process. Investors can purchase fractions of high-end off-plan properties, usually beginning with a small amount of capital while professionals manage the property administration.
The Rising Popularity of Fractional Ownership
Global growth: The part of fractional ownership was worth $5.39 billion by 2020, and is predicted to grow to $8.92 billion in 2025. This is due to an increase in demand for affordable investments and the rapid adoption of technology.
Dubai's Real Housing Trends: Dubai the concept of fractional ownership is a major driver of the growth of the market. According to Hamptons International, it plays an important role in attracting foreign investors to the area.
Comparing Fractional & Traditional Ownership
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Benefits of Fractional Ownership
Affordable Access to Premium Properties Fractional ownership allows investors to purchase shares in luxurious properties without having to invest millions. Platforms such as Avarten Invest make investments more accessible and allow investors to invest in as little as Euro 10000.
Diversification Across Markets Investors are able to spread their money across several properties in various locations, decreasing risk and increasing the stability of portfolios.
Ease of ManagementManagement of property, legal compliance along with tenant and landlord relations, are managed by experts, providing an easy experience for the investors.
Enhanced Liquidity In contrast to traditional real estate, where selling a house could take months, however, fractional ownership platforms typically let investors sell their shares quickly.
Eligibility for Residency Programs In the UAE fractional ownership is a way to be a qualifying factor for investors to investors to be eligible for the Golden Visa program, granting the benefit of a residency for 10 years.
The Role of Technology in Real Estate Investment
Technology has changed the game within the residential real estate industry as blockchain technology and AI driving the way.
Blockchain for Security and Transparency Blockchain technology provides safe, tamper-proof transactions. This does not just build confidence among investors, it helps streamline processes like sharing trading and property registration.
AI-Driven Insights Artificial Intelligence enhances market analysis aiding investors in making informed choices. Predictive analytics, for instance, can predict property value trends, rental demand, and market risk.
Digital Platforms Platforms such as Avarten Invest simplify the process of investing from property selection to trading shares, making real estate more accessible to a wider public.
Case Study: Avarten Invest’s Fractional Ownership Model
Avarten Invest is an eminent marketplace in the UAE that shows the way fractional ownership is changing real estate investing. It gives investors access to Dubai's most desirable properties without requiring large capital.
Key Benefits
Avarten Invest guarantees constant returns, as it manages properties with efficiency.
The limited amount helps to invest and everyone to co-own a big property
Easy to Use The platform offers a user-friendly interface to facilitate smooth investment management.
Investments are open to people outside of the UAE, even if they never visited the UAE they can also invest in the most promising economy.
Challenges and Considerations
Although fractional ownership can have numerous advantages, it's important to be aware of the possible drawbacks
Reliability of Platform: Success is dependent on the reliability and credibility of the platform that manages the investment.
Market Risks: Just like other investments they are subject to market fluctuations as well as economic conditions.
The Future of Real Estate Investment
The real estate investment market is changing rapidly, fueled by the emergence of new ideas and a greater acceptance of diversity. New technologies such as smart contracts IoT-enabled property management and AI-driven decision-making are poised to revolutionize how investors engage and interact with markets.
Trends to Watch
Global acceptance of Fractional Ownership: As the awareness is growing, more investors across the globe are expected to adopt this form of ownership.
Integration of Sustainable Practices Properties that adhere to green standards can gain an investor preference.
The Enhanced Investor Protection frameworks are being designed to protect fractional investors.
Final Thoughts
The debate over traditional as well as fractional property investment will ultimately come down to personal preferences, financial goals, and tolerance to risk. Traditional ownership provides security and control While fractional ownership gives flexibility, diversification, as well as technology-based convenience.
As platforms such as Avarten Invest continue to develop the way they operate, fractional ownership is now more attractive, particularly for investors who are young or those with a limited amount of capital. With these innovative investing models, the real estate market is opening up to a larger audience and ensuring that everyone has the chance to earn wealth through real estate.
Start the first step on your real estate investment deal, whether conventional or fractional. Then, discover the possibilities that are most compatible with your goals.
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real-estate-worldwide · 3 months ago
Are you dreaming of owning property in the heart of the Middle East's bustling cities? 👀 Scale up your investment potential with a stunning real estate opportunity in the UAE, the land of limitless possibilities! 🏙
The UAE offers a mix of sustainability and innovation, seamlessly integrating cultural heritage into modern architecture. As international investors are increasingly attracted by the UAE's investor-friendly environment and diversified economic landscape, make sure you don't miss this golden opportunity! 💡
Explore various property options from luxurious apartments to prestigious villas in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and beyond. Whether you prefer the breathtaking views of the Arabian Gulf or the urban charm of city life, the UAE's real estate market caters to all tastes and budgets. 🏠🌴 https://www.summerhomes.com/en/property-in-uae
I invite you to put your stamp on tomorrow and invest in the dynamic, growing UAE market that offers not just homes, but lifestyles. For detailed information, quick queries, and effective solutions, visit the link in my bio. Make the UAE your home today. 🇦🇪💼🌐
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eaglesnick · 3 months ago
“Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves.” Abraham Lincoln
The hypocrisy of Reform UK!
Nick Candy, the billionaire property tycoon, having defected from the Conservative Party, is now Reform UK Treasurer.
We all know Reform UK is anti immigration and unsurprisingly they suggested a total ban on migration as far as the UK is concerned during the election:
“Reform proposes ‘freeze’ on immigration....  claiming "Britain is broken" and "in decline culturally", and that stopping immigration would "help us at least try to catch up".
Given Reform UK’s strongly held anti-immigration views it really is hypocritical of Nick Candy to be making millions out of migrant labour in the Middle East.
“Dubai World Trade Centre (DWTC) and UK-based Candy Capital have formed a joint venture to develop three towers in Dubai’s One Central commercial district.”  (MEED: 05/14/23)
A year later and Nick Candy is expanding his property development business connections in Dubai.
“Nick’s private investment firm Candy Capital‘s is partnering with Modon Holding, one of the largest real estate developers in the Middle East, to focus on developing a portfolio of high-end property projects in the region.” (Rental Living News: 24/10/24)
Nothing wrong with making money on overseas development you might argue and you would be right. But, and it is a big but, Candy is Treasurer of a UK political party that is strongly anti-immigration, yet in Dubai nearly 90%  of the  construction workforce consists of migrant workers.
It is therefore almost inevitable that Nick Candy will be employing migrants, perhaps even actively importing them into Dubai, whist at the same time condemning migration in the UK.
The 500,000 migrants who work in the construction industry in Dubai  face challenging conditions, including low wages, long working hours and inadequate living conditions.
This report from Human Rights Watch sums up the hell that is migrant working conditions in Dubai:
“The UAE’s kafala (sponsorship) system ties migrant workers’ visas to their employers, preventing them from changing or leaving employers without permission. Employers can falsely charge workers for absconding” even when escaping abuse, which puts them at risk of fines, arrest, detention, and deportation, all without any due process guarantees. Many low-paid migrant workers were acutely vulnerable to situations that amount to forced labor, including passport confiscation, wage theft, and illegal recruitment fees. Trade unions are not permitted, which prevents workers from collectively bargaining. The UAE still does not have a non-discriminatory minimum wage.” (United Arab Emirates: Events of 2023)
Let hope those people that are thinking of voting Reform UK  don’t end up with the same working conditions as the construction workers in Dubai when the billionaires and millionaires who own Reform UK are running the country.
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bizdaddydubai · 6 months ago
A Comprehensive Guide to Starting an Airbnb or Homestay Business in Dubai
Dubai’s real estate market is booming, and the introduction of Airbnb has added a new dimension to the tourism and hospitality sector. Hosting on Airbnb allows property owners to capitalize on the influx of tourists seeking short-term accommodation. However, to operate legally, hosts must adhere to Dubai Tourism’s Holiday Homes Operators’ guidelines, which outline the necessary requirements and standards for short-term rentals.
Dubai is regarded as the greatest city getaway location worldwide for layovers or weekend getaways. According to information from the Dubai Department of Economy & Tourism (DET), between January and June 2022, the city welcomed almost 7.1 million foreign tourists. Let’s delve into a detailed guide that will walk you through the steps of launching your own Airbnb or homestay business in Dubai, all with the expert support of Bizdaddy.
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murfpersonalblog · 2 years ago
Loumand's Timeskip - "Dubai Is A Child"
This thought literally just woke me up at 4 in the frikkin morning cuz who needs SLEEP, but WHEN did Loumand move to Dubai?
I had a dream that I was still responding to this Loumand bed death post @vividxp made, thinking about this show's altered timeline; how Loumand was obviously happy/happier from the 40s-70s; and how the show will handle not only Louis' increasing descent into depression, but Armand's depression as well--which culminated in Armand finally breaking up with Louis for good in the books, pre-QoTD, ToTBT, Memnoch & Merrick, etc.
"....When I looked into Louis's tortured face...I knew that this black-clad dark-haired gentleman...was the alluring embodiment of the misery I felt. He mourned the loss of grace of one human lifetime. I mourned the loss of the grace of centuries.... I fell in love with him hopelessly, and leaving the Theatre des Vampires in ruins (he burnt it to the ground in a rage for a very good reason), I wandered the world with him until very late in this modern age. Time eventually destroyed our love for one another. Time withered our gentle intimacy. Time devoured whatever conversation or pleasures we once agreeably shared. One other horrible inescapable and unforgettable ingredient went into our destruction. Ah, I don't want to speak of it, but who among us is going to let me be silent on the matter of Claudia, the child vampire whom I am accused for all time by all of having destroyed?" -- Armand, TVA
What went wrong between the time we see Louis in SanFran, and the time we see him in Dubai? WHY did they move to Dubai, and WHEN?
"Time eventually destroyed our love for one another. "
The Ep6 flashback to 1970s SanFran has always jarred me, cuz Louis looks so dang vibrant here--flirty and joking and talkative in ways we don't really EVER see--"I HAve An ACceNT!?" 🤪
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(One of my FAVORITE Louis moments--Pyromaniac Du Lac is a frikkin DRAGON, y'all. 🐲🔥🐉😍)
Then we cut to 2022 Dubai, and it's Hello Darkness, My Old Friend?
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Did Louis start spiraling the night of Daniel's OG 70's interview? Maybe? Louis was definitely angry, that he hadn't adequately convinced Daniel that vampirism was a horror, not something Daniel should be begging for like a simp--"You were disrespectful!"
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Unlike in the film, Louis actually bit Daniel on the show, and woulda killed/drained him if Armand hadn't intervened; "this time I won't save your life." They (read: Armand) wiped his memory, took the tapes & ran--presumably to Dubai? But why THERE? Pretty drastic change of scenery--it's not like Dan would've remembered enough to call the cops on them, forcing Loumand to duck the CIA or something. Louis was killing humans alllll the way up to 2000--attacking Daniel didn't stop him--he kept going for 30 years! Then in 2000 he suddenly stops? So it wasn't SanFran or Daniel that triggered Louis after the 70s and made them flee to Dubai, it was something else.
Also, for all their claims of wanting "privacy/anonymity," they definitely weren't HIDING in Dubai, not with their ostentatious lifestyle--using the Prime Minister's own illustrious Dr Fareed just to give Daniel meds--"you've got your own hangar at the airport, privileges on the Royal Meydan Bridge, and zero presence online. I know the Emirates are big on privacy, and that's probably important to you, but I gotta ask, what does it cost?..."
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But it's certainly interesting that RJ chose Dubai as their modern home, since it only started being developed into a modern super-city of the UAE in the 1970s--right when Armand & Louis might've fled SanFran to live there. It certainly tracks with the real estate investments Armand made on Night Island in the 80s. Like Armand said: "Dubai is a child," and it's a HUNGRY, VAMPIRIC child at that, cuz the economy & real estate markets in Dubai literally SUCK.
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But it took TIME for Dubai to become that glitzy nighttime city so attractive to vampires. If we consider all the iconic skyscrapers and Palm Islands and structures shown off in the pilot episode, ALL of those landmarks weren't constructed until the late 1990s-early 2000s. And remember what else happened in the 2000s?
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Then there's the penthouse. According to Daniel, they're in the Al Sharaf Towers in Dubai--but unless Google's lying to me, there are no Al Sharaf Towers in Dubai. (And @eosphoroz did some pretty nifty super sleuthing about Armand's prayer location, too.)
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In the original pilot script, the penthouse was actually in the JLT's Al Seef Towers, which actually DOES exist in Dubai, built in 2008--infamous for the FIRES started in the 20teens that made the JLT's buildings uninhabitable for almost a decade of repairs. 👀🔥
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I wanna know why RJ changed the location/name of the tower!! 😭(This post gives a strong argument for why the April 2020 to June 2022 date was changed.) But it makes a lot of sense if they want to remove the penthouse from the temporo-spatial realities of Dubai, this liminal zone cocooning the vampires from the outside world by living in a fanciful Tower From Nowhere. But that's boring, since this show's paid so much attention to detail, and many other places they name-dropped really exist, like Polynesian Mary's. So I'm gonna just go with the penthouse being in a REAL building. Meaning:
after 1973 IMO Loumand was probably not in Dubai yet, and were likely still city-hopping. Daniel said the SanFran apartment they lived in was "a dump;" which tracks with book!Armand not being rich yet--they were both living like bums after Paris. (IWTV OG 70s interview)
~1985-1990s book!Armand took up treasure hunting, art theft, & real estate. Built Night Island in Florida, but soon abandoned it. (QoTD Devil's Minion era)
~1995 book!Armand attempts suicide after seeing Veronica's Veil (Memnoch/TVA era, meets Benji & Sybelle, lives in NOLA while Lestat's comatose).
~1999 book!Louis attempts suicide after his ghost!Claudia seance (Merrick era, but I highly doubt AMC is post-Merrick, cuz Louis burnt too easily in the sunlight to have gotten his vamp upgrade yet).
in 2000 Louis stopped killing humans again (WHY? And how well did he adapt to that diet with Armand, rather than Lestat? We saw how much Louis struggled to keep his energy up in the 1910s: "I tried to adapt to my new diet. I barely had the energy to hold up a book. My libido was not what it had been.") How long was it till they started keeping blood bags, hiring Damek & co., keeping Louis' favorite AB- "fresh from The Farm"?
How would 9/11 in 2001 affect Muslim!Armand? In the PL trilogy he owned Trinity Gate in NYC during the 20teens (briefly reunited with Louis before Louis left him to marry Lestat in RoA/BC). Trinity Gate was in Manhattan, where the Twin Towers fell. What kind of depression/existential crises does AMC's Armand face with American Islamophobia? Is THAT why they moved to Dubai? Finding a home that was safe for them BOTH in a post-9/11 world?
after 2008 Loumand moved into the (Al Seef/Sharaf) penthouse, even if they stayed elsewhere (in Dubai?) since the 70s. Did they hire that team of staff specifically to maintain the penthouse, or to help keep up the Rashid illusion only when Daniel arrived? (This was also likely when they started keeping The Farm, somewhere in the penthouse/tower presumably for on-demand drinks.)
The 1990s SUCKED for both Armand AND Louis, both driven to suicide during the events surrounding Lestat's coma. So I actually doubt it was the 1970s that broke Louis, but rather 2000 when he stopped killing--the turn of the millennia/century, which probably heavily impacted Louis' psyche, as the existential dread of living to 100+ badly affected his outlook on vampiric "life."
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So I wouldn't be surprised if AMC's Loumand lived in NYC (a la Trinity Gate) after SanFran, and left America AFTER 9/11. Thus contextualizing Muslim!Armand's race & religiosity with real world events, the same way they did with Louis and the IRL race riots in Storyville. I could ofc be dead wrong, and S2 could confirm that they've been living in Dubai since the 70s this whole time.
But regardless, Dubai was obviously NEVER a healthy environment for either of them, especially not Louis--that dead, cold, dry desert wasteland of concrete minimalism & hypocritical elite extravagance. When Daniel asked Louis where his coffin was, Louis said "you're standing in it."
"Why did he come away with me afterwards?.... He remained with me because he had to do it. It was the only way that he could go on existing, and for death he has never had the courage, and never will. And so he endured after the loss of Claudia, just as I had endured through...centuries...but in time he did learn to be alone. Louis, my companion, dried up of his own free will, rather like a beautiful rose skillfully dehydrated in sand so that it retains its proportions, nay, even its fragrance and even its tint. For all the blood he drank, he himself became dry, heartless, a stranger to himself and to me. Understanding all too well the limits of my warped spirit, he forgot me long before he dismissed me, but I too had learnt from him.... I too went on alone--perhaps for the first time really and truly alone. But how long can any of us endure without another?.... We can't stand it, to be alone." -- Armand, TVA
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Loumand's entire time in Dubai was built up on artifice--their relationship was withering on the vine, as Louis AND Armand were already spiraling by the time Daniel showed up. That's why Louis was so desperate to do the interview in the first place--"truth and reconciliation;" "you are chronicling a suicide!" (This is leading up to Merrick ISTG y'all....)
"It was the love of Louis which had at times crippled Lestat, and enslaved Armand. Louis need have no consciousness of his own beauty, of his own obvious and natural charm." -- David, Merrick.
Eff you, David, but YES, actually.
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Cuz JESUS, this was the performance of the century, the Theatre would be proud--what were they even DOING with "Rashid"? That whole Penthouse was their stage--it's all FAKE--which is why I'm not buying Armand's explanation for "The Groan," either.
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-- Rolin Jones
Daniel just forced Loumand to face bitter reality, that neither one of them wanted to admit about their pasts, present, or future.
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But please understand, y'all, I'm NOT tryna be a mean-spirited Loumand "Bed Death Truther," claiming Louis & Armand are just perpetually platonic & miserable roommates. I DO think they were happy briefly--(in the books moreso in NYC at the Trinity Gate reunion than anything that happened pre-Merrick, while they were BOTH on the verge of suicide). They're BOTH walking around with untreated trauma, and their relationship was built on a stack of lies (thanks to Armand's culpability in Claudia's death).
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So I smh at Loumand same as I smh at Loustat, cuz BOTH relationships were a frikkin WRECK--Daniel's right that the only relationship Louis needs is with a therapist! U_U
"Loustat suffered 7yrs of bed death & they're a literal pack of horndogs for e/o. 😅 Louis' depression (& diet) directly effect his libido. In the books Armand walked away once he realized he couldn't help Louis anymore. AMC's timeline's likely going in that direction. No way are Loumand by Ep7 & the S2 trailer the picture of a healthy thriving couple--they could be humping like rabbits and still be unhappy together. :( Like, I fully expect to see Loumand have a bubble of happiness together in S2--turning to him for comfort in 40s Paris. And we already saw them in SanFran cruising for thirds quite comfortably in the 70s. But something bad obviously happened to Louis by the time they got to Dubai--he is UNWELL, and this interview is unlocking way too many doors Armand obviously wants Daniel/Louis to keep closed. So even if it's not bed death YET, it's GONNA die--hence: Merrick." --Me.
Like, I'm lukewarm towards Loumand (at worst apathetic), cuz I know it doesn't LAST; and I know Louis was only with Armand out of necessity, cuz the books said so. I'm waiting on S2 to convince me otherwise.
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sassyfrassboss · 2 years ago
I think she spent a ton on PR. Millions most likely. I also would be willing to bet she spent millions on decorating that house. Their security also has to be pricey because it seems like they hire a ton of guards when they go out for events.
Glad to see you back, for however long we have you. sorry to hijack your inbox..
To your point Sassy, I would like to add/point out something... The luxury lifestyle (faux Royal) Lifestyle MM is trying to emulate is expensive as we have all said before. There is a reason celebrities don't spend the way MM does. And those that do, have money coming in by the tens of millions every year guaranteed, be it real estate, Investments, Own businesses, and stuff like that, the likes of Beyonce, Taylor swift, Lady Gaga, Rihanna, Johnny Depp, Kim K and the rest. They can afford the 24hr high tech security because they can rely on their other incomes to generate revenue (Whilst they sleep they are still earning money) i.e Beyonce (doubt this will happen), she can balance it out by doing a concert in Dubai, for 23 million dollars. (there is a reason they were able to buy the most expensive home in California worth 200 million) or release and album and do a tour like other artists. People like Depp can do it because for their own health (drug/alcohol addiction) and they also amassed wealth to the point it wouldn't hurt them one bit to have said security. Lets not talk about Kim K.
There is a reason actors and A listers don't so security, except for specific events, its expensive, attracts attention, and literally screams look at me.
Buying a 14million dollar home, with a mortgage, property taxes, 24hr security, Household staff, Archewell staff, Private Jets, PR management, Lawyers retainer and fees for all the lawsuits they come up with. exclusive packages, Clothes, Interior design of the olive garden... All of this with no guarantee of returns. (because MM is lazy). I wonder which financial/Wealth manager advised them because... I would have fired them immediately. No wealth manager worth their salt would let their client hedge their bets on the spotify, random house and Netflix contracts that have yet to be fulfilled. They would tell you, let the money come in the bank accounts and then make those purchase... especially during the start of Covid.
As much as i don't like Todger at least he is working for his supper. Heart of Invictus, The South Africa doc (should he get someone good to direct it, it could be good), The Spare, and the interviews/promotion of the book i.e Gabor Mate, Job at Better Up.
Madam got 80M and thought that will be enough? What exactly has she done for that money? The bench? Archetypes?, 40 X40?,Pearl? all flops... her Ideas are not generating income of any kind.
The doc was both of them so credit goes to both.
Great points!
Thanks! I will try and stick around for a few days this time. I do lurk on here but tend to come back for the juicy stuff.
They are living a champagne lifestyle on a basic beer budget.
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Navigating Dubai's Real Estate Market with a Mortgage Consultant
Navigating Dubai's real estate market can be challenging, but a mortgage consultant can make the process smoother and more efficient. This blog explores how a mortgage consultant can help you navigate Dubai's real estate market and secure the best mortgage deals.
For more information on home loans, visit home loan dubai.
Understanding the Role of a Mortgage Consultant
A mortgage consultant acts as an intermediary between borrowers and lenders, helping clients find the best mortgage deals, negotiate terms, and complete the necessary paperwork. Their expertise and connections in the industry can save you time, money, and stress.
How a Mortgage Consultant Helps Navigate the Real Estate Market
Expert Advice: Mortgage consultants have in-depth knowledge of the mortgage market and can provide tailored advice based on your financial situation and property goals.
Access to Lenders: They have access to a wide range of lenders and mortgage products, increasing your chances of finding the best deal.
Market Insights: Consultants stay updated on the latest market trends, interest rates, and property values, providing you with valuable insights to make informed decisions.
Negotiation Skills: Their experience and expertise can help you secure better terms and rates than you might be able to achieve on your own.
Streamlined Process: They handle all the paperwork and ensure that everything is completed accurately and submitted on time, reducing the risk of delays and complications.
For property purchase options, explore Buy Property in Dubai.
Real-Life Success Story
Consider the case of Mark, an expatriate in Dubai looking to buy his first home. Mark was initially overwhelmed by the mortgage options and the complexities of the application process. He decided to seek the help of a mortgage consultant based on recommendations from colleagues. The consultant assessed Mark’s financial situation, explained the different mortgage products available, and helped him choose the best one for his needs.
Throughout the process, the consultant handled all the paperwork, negotiated with lenders to secure a competitive rate, and kept Mark informed at every step. This personalized service made a significant difference, reducing Mark’s stress and ensuring a smooth and successful home purchase.
For mortgage consulting services, consider Mortgage Consultant Dubai.
Common Challenges and How to Overcome Them
Navigating the mortgage market in Dubai comes with its own set of challenges. Here are some common challenges and how to overcome them:
Understanding Complex Terms: The mortgage market is filled with complex terms and jargon that can be confusing. A mortgage consultant can break down these terms and explain them in simple language.
Comparing Different Products: With numerous mortgage products available, comparing them can be overwhelming. A mortgage consultant can provide a clear comparison of different products, highlighting the pros and cons of each.
Handling Documentation: The mortgage application process requires extensive documentation. A mortgage consultant can help you gather and organize the necessary documents, ensuring that everything is in order.
Dealing with Rejections: If your mortgage application is rejected, a mortgage consultant can help you understand the reasons and provide guidance on improving your financial profile for future applications.
Securing the Best Rates: Negotiating with lenders to secure the best rates can be challenging. A mortgage consultant, with their industry connections and expertise, can negotiate on your behalf to get the most favorable terms.
For rental property management services, visit Apartments For Rent in Dubai.
Future Trends in Mortgage Consulting
The mortgage consulting landscape in Dubai is continuously evolving, with new trends shaping the market. Here are some future trends to watch out for:
Increased Use of Technology: The integration of technology in the mortgage process is expected to increase, making applications and approvals more seamless.
Sustainability: There is a growing focus on sustainable and energy-efficient properties. Mortgages for green buildings and eco-friendly homes are likely to become more popular.
Flexible Mortgage Products: Lenders are expected to offer more flexible mortgage products to cater to the diverse needs of borrowers.
Regulatory Changes: Ongoing regulatory changes may impact the mortgage market, and staying informed will be crucial for borrowers.
Market Adaptation: The mortgage market will continue to adapt to economic conditions, including interest rate fluctuations and property market trends.
For more resources and expert advice, visit sell your house.
Navigating Dubai's real estate market can be challenging, but a mortgage consultant can make the process smoother and more efficient. By understanding their role and the benefits they provide, you can make informed decisions and secure the best mortgage deal for your property purchase. For more resources and expert advice, visit sell your house.
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