#reader x sephiroth
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thatonedaydream · 1 year ago
Don’t really wanna be Elevator Buddies (Sephiroth x Reader)
A/N: Part 1 here. im suffering sufficiently at my current job that im leaving that i think i can write something because i need an outlet and i also want sephiroth to make it better. also, i am so much older than when i wrote the first part; as such, my writing probably reads a lot more different - better, worse or same is up to you. to those who have requested a part 2 and have waited literal years (its been 4!!!!!), i love you, i'm so sorry its so late.
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Staring at the message in your work inbox, you suddenly couldn’t summon the effort to care. Your mood instantly dropped and you needed to leave your desk. You kept your headset on as you wandered towards the small staff kitchen under the guise that you were still connected to a meeting and listening in, when really you just want to block people out. You didn’t want to be perceived.
You just wanted out.
ShinRa Inc wasn’t known as the best place to work, but the pay was good and it was better than any other options you had. 
The coffee machine rumbled as you waited for it to process your order. You didn’t even want to drink the cheap, watered down stuff, you just didn’t want to be at your desk looking at that stupid fucking request. There wasn’t much that could get your out of these kinds of emotional troughs bar one thing that seemed to always work.
You felt the vibration of a notification from your phone in your pocket. Knowing what and who it was probably from, you eagerly checked the new message that had come through. It was just a photo of blue sky with some clouds—the tops of greenery you didn’t recognise lined the bottom. It was very abstract and out of context, but you were used to it now.
Putting aside your misery for the moment, you typed out a short response.
I can’t beat that. This is my view.
You took a photo of the ceiling above you. Stark, stale and claustrophobic in comparison to the natural sky you were given. You sent it off and only a few seconds later, received a thumbs up in response. It made you laugh.
Sephiroth was a terrible at texting sometimes, but it was endearing in way.
When you had first traded contact details a little after The Elevator Incident, it had taken a while before anything was sent from either of you. You were too scared of bothering him and he was more than likely too busy or just didn’t know what to send. It also felt like trading personal IDs was crossing into an entirely different friend territory that wasn’t as nonchalant as impromptu elevator conversations.
The messaging ice was broken when, one day, you got a single image of chocobo out in the wild with no context. If you didn’t have Sephiroth’s ID saved, you would have wondered if someone had messaged the wrong person. Your response was a quick ‘I love chocobos, they’re so cute!’, and your reward several hours later was a picture of a sweetly sleeping chocobo in a stable.
Sephiroth was a man of very few words, but he still found ways to communicate with you and that honestly made you feel… Well, you weren’t sure you wanted to admit what you were feeling too much. You knew you had feelings for the man, that you were attracted to him, but those feelings had no where to go. You couldn’t tell him.
For many reasons, you just couldn’t ever tell him about your ever growing affection for him.
You just couldn’t.
You wandered back to your desk, completely forgetting about the coffee you had made in the kitchen. The message from the 1st Class Soldier perked you up way more than the caffeine would have anyway. You scrolled through your requests again and sighed. It was probably going to be another late night in the office. Maybe you’d just call in sick tomorrow.
You worked a few more hours, eyeing your phone and hoping for more messages, but none came. Sephiroth was often the one to initiate conversation as you still felt like you would bother him if you sent something first. Still… You kind of really wanted to talk to someone—to him, specifically. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to send one message?
Picking up your phone you opened up your chat and tried to think of something to say. You typed out several things, but kept deleting them. ��Hello’ felt too formal, ‘Hi!’ seemed too chipper.
Is something wrong?
The message popped up before you could send something yourself.
!!! No! I was just about to message you. How are you?
There was a pause—and then a short voice message.
▶• ıll— “Are you sure you’re alright? Was there something else you wanted to say to me?”  
You could hear the smile in his words and you flushed upon the realisation that he must have seen your stupid three dots pop up and disappear constantly in the chat. You playfully hissed your own voice note back, 
▶• ıll— “Ohhh shut up, I just didn’t want to bother you!” 
Putting your phone down, you peeked over your divider and looked around to see if anyone else could hear you. It was fairly late in the office, way past usual business hours, so you could see some screens still lit up around the  space, but there wasn’t anyone near you.
Your phone pinged a few times, indicating new messages. Some more photos, but this time of more a familiar sight—the Midgar cityscape.
I’m back.
It had been awhile since he had left on his last mission. You were glad he was back safe, not that you’d tell him that now. You sent off a quick, mildly motion blurred snap of your desk and sent it off.
A question mark? A question mark to what? The photo wasn’t that blurry.
It’s my desk.
Are you still working? It’s late.
Ohhhh… You cringed; it was late. Honestly if you didn’t procrastinate with absolute loathing and low morale earlier in the day you probably could have been home already, but you couldn’t push through the negativity.
Yeah, its been a rough day.
You waited for a response, but none came. Sephiroth went inactive spontaneously during your conversations, so it wasn’t surprising. Instead you put your phone down and continued on a project that was behind on its deadlines. Technically all of them were behind, but this one you at least had the energy to push through for now.
An hour later your phone pinged a couple times. A photo of the elevator you used everyday to get to up to your floor and:
Time to leave.
You stared at the message, biting your lip. Even if you wanted to leave, there was still things to be done and—
Do I have to drag you out?
▶• ıll— “Okay! Alright! I’m packing up, hold your damn chocobos. I’m leaving now.”
Who knew Sephiroth could be so pushy? During the long elevator ride down to the lobby, you wondered if maybe he only showed this side of himself to people he trusted or cared about. The thought made your stomach flip.
It could also have been that people never really gave Sephiroth the opportunity to be himself. It was an upsetting thought. He was the 1st Class Soldier, a warrior that couldn’t be toppled, a man way above the norm. Untouchable. Distant. You knew what his public image was like, but still somehow you couldn’t fathom how people couldn’t consider that there was another side to him.
The side of him that you always got to see.
The same Sephiroth that you saw was waiting for you as the elevator doors opened. You couldn’t help but smile at the sight. He stood by the empty reception desk with his arms crossed, looking out the front entrance. When he heard your footsteps he turned to face you almost immediately. The man’s expression would have seemed stoic to others, but you recognised the warmth in his mako-infused gaze.
What if you were the only person he looked at that way? You held your smile steady even as your heart argued with your head to accept that maybe that’s what you really wanted.
It felt like Sephiroth’s gaze only intensified as you approached him. “...You look awful.” His voice was low, quiet, but still teasing. There was a chuckle in there too, somewhere in his deep tone. Sure you had heard it recently in the voice message, but it wasn’t the same as hearing him speak to you in person.
“That’s so mean, Seph. Not even a proper greeting for me? Wow.” Even though you were exhausted, you automatically matched his manner. “You look…” Oh, you couldn’t tell him how you really felt about how he looked. There were so many adoring and affectionate words, yet somehow still not enough. “...Like you?” You finally sputtered out after filtering all the other things that your mouth wanted to say.
The 1st Class Soldier gifted you with a short laugh and you struggled to hold back the burst of emotions that bloomed in your chest. “You are so mean to me.” This interaction wasn’t like the others. This didn’t feel like the light playful chats in the elevator. When did these interactions change? When did all the same words that you used to use before suddenly mean something different?
Sephiroth suddenly leaned closer towards you, a small smirk crossing his lips. “I am nice to you.” The way he spoke was next to a purr, “Did you want me to be mean?” It felt like the mako glow in his eyes brightened for a moment; he was close enough that you could see specks of the otherworldly green in his irises.
You wanted to die on the spot. He was not flirting with you, no matter how much it felt like it. No way. However, before you could stop yourself, you replied quietly. “...I like it when you’re nice to me.” The look on Sephiroth’s face melted into something else—something just as warm, just as intense, but something so much more genuine and it immediately scared you. Before he could say anything more you let out dismissive laugh. “Phew, I am a lot more exhausted than I thought. I-I should probably get home.”
Maybe the fear was reflected in your expression. Sephiroth fell back into his usual cool and stoic demeanor and you wanted to apologise—it was hard not to feel as though you had just ruined something important. Casual conversation you could navigate. This? What was this?
Of course you’d find a way to make a bad day worse. Of course you’d ruin a good thing. Of course you’d—
A large hand pressed into your lower back and guided you forwards, interrupting your downward spiraling thoughts. When you looked up at Sephiroth beside you, he simply watched and waited for you to take the lead. Nothing in how he looked at you had changed from when you had first exited the elevator. “There’s a car waiting for you outside.” That voice you so adored, was steady and warm and sure. Still the same.
Quietly you stepped outside with Sephiroth in tow. He opened the car door for you, nodding to the driver who did the same in return. You sat in the back seat, with the soldier leaning outside on the vehicle, looking in to make sure you were comfortable. 
“...Bye Seph.” You really did sound tired.
Sephiroth didn’t respond right away, but the silence wasn’t as heavy as the one inside the lobby. He placed a hand over his heart and bowed his head. “Goodnight.” You knew there was something else he wanted to say, but he held his tongue. There was another pause before he shut the door for you.
You leaned back in your seat and let the butterflies run rampant in your belly, let the buzz run through your veins, let it hum through your body. You covered your hands with your face. It felt like there was still something left to say, a conversation left unfinished.
From outside the ShinRa building, Sephiroth watched as you were driven away out of sight. He stood there, holding what he really wanted to say to you in his throat.
It was frustrating for him to know he could physically conquer any fight, any conflict, except for whatever he could see going on in your eyes. Did you know that he could see you becoming more and more tired with each interaction you had? It frustrated him to no end knowing that people took advantage of you and your time and your efforts. Idiots. Fools. 
How could he put into words how you made him feel? Sephiroth was no good at words. He just wanted to keep you safe. He just wanted you not to be tired. He just wanted you to always smile when you saw him—a smile that said you were genuinely happy to see him. Not the 1st Class Soldier, but happy to see Sephiroth himself.
The man snapped out of his reverie as his phone pinged with a message. A voice note from you.
▶• ıll— “...I missed you, Sephiroth. Welcome home.”
Sephiroth stared at the screen of his phone.
And then he replayed the message, just to hear your voice again.
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monstrouslyobsessed · 3 months ago
note: i can't stop thinking about this. hope you're okay with me doing a snippet! it's a little bit different than i initially intended, but…well, this is more of a possible backstory that led up to the whole Nibelheim aftermath the lovely ashe implied above, feel free to take away or add on to this! <3 yeah its a bit messy but i havent really written anything in ages so....i weep for my soul. hope yall enjoyed anyway tho!!!
cws: reader is gn and is on the older side (apx. late 30s to 40s). they currently have their youngest as toddler-aged. the reader is implied to have multiple children with their spouse. the said spouse has no mentioned pronoun. stalking. reader's pov, isn't 100% a reliable narrator. have multiple minor flashbacks. implied pseudo incestual feelings on Sephiroth's part (between the lines) and abuses (from others, on Sephiroth and a little bit on reader). huge 18+ years age gap. general yandere themes. not beta edited. long post under the cut. SFW.
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Something was wrong.
You paused at the sudden itch in the nape of your neck, interrupting the conversation you were having with your longtime spouse. The toddler squirmed in your arms, unsettled by your silence. Or perhaps your daughter sensed something was off, too.
You weren't sure.
"—?" your partner's voice brought you out of your worried trance, the sound of your name a soothing balm to your nerves.
"—aaaa!" The itching stopped as soon as your daughter squealed, tugging at the collar of your shirt for your attention.
You shook your head with a weak chuckle, managing to sneak a scratch through your hair. As you plied your child's hand loose from your shirt. "I'm fine. Just thought of something silly." you reassured them, retaining the urge to choke from the baby's annoyed pulling.
"Silly?" your partner's brow raised high, not oblivious to the slight shift in your seat. "Wanna share what's silly to you?"
You waved them off, already chuckling. "It's just something I'll worry about later." Leaning against the back of your cushioned seat, you bounced your thigh to entertain your baby and released a long sigh. "It's really nice to be home after so long though, so it'll take me a minute to turn off the work mode out of my brain."
You were quiet for a moment, pondering. Regretting.
“I’m going to miss the kid,” you admitted—though you couldn’t say who, because of the strict NDAs you’d signed over 18 years ago. All your partner knew was that it was some rich kid you had been nannying since near birth—and for their and your family’s sake, it was better that everyone stayed in the dark. You brought home extremely good money, and that was enough to abate most questions.
None of them needed to know that you were the personal caretaker of the ShinRa's most invested experiment to date: Sephiroth. You also aided the company in raising a few other children—but Sephiroth had been your main charge for nearly two decades. He was both the easiest—and the most difficult.
Although he was mostly quiet from birth, he still had frequent episodes. Some were worse than others, but you took it all in your stride; he was a lonely kid with no other parent but you. For a decade you had been his whole world—and you were already exhausted halfway in. While he had many teachers for his education, it was part of your duties to ensure that he remembered his lessons and to fill his emotional needs.
You quietened again, nuzzling into your partner's hair as memories and regrets flooded your mind.
You were barely 18 yourself when you applied for a nanny job—it was just a slight notice pinned to a bulletin board in a grocery store in the small town where you grew up. You were good with children, and it seemed promising enough, especially with the scarily high salary.
In hindsight, the triple-digits hourly wage should have been the first red flag—but you were just a naïve runt then, trying to spread your wings for the first time and fly away from the nest. You remembered how alarmed you were when a few men in black suits showed up on your doorstep and all but marched you away from your confused parents and stuffed you into an extravagant vehicle (it was luxurious for its time and much sought after now, but you remembered hating its stiffness, unable to lean back properly without feeling crunched).
Gods, you could laugh looking back now, but you were scared stiff and near tears when they drove you a few hours away to the damn Midgar. It was practically a kidnapping, as none of these gentlemen would spare a single detail to you. Their lips were sealed shut and you quickly learned to shut up too, when one of them flashed you their congealed gun under their jacket out of annoyance.
It was impressive that you hadn't screamed in terror even once the entire duration there. On arrival, you vividly remembered collapsing in your chair when the President (he was a spindly man back then, but by the Planet, he was so greasy to begin with) declared that you had been hired on the spot to look after the most important kid in the world. Your self-control—or perhaps, self-preservation impressed even you.
Now, how were you supposed to know that tiny piece of paper was from the ShinRa, one of the biggest conglomerates in the world?
If you'd known then, you might have refused to even look at it.
Admittedly, you would still bite the hook, regardless. It was hard to turn down so many numbers in that dollar sign. You could afford to pay off your parents' debts and even take them on that vacation in the Costa Del Sol you had promised them years before with the salary they offered alone—nevermind the annual bonus. A few NDAs and an 18-year contact later, the President sent you on your way to care for this strange-looking kid who slept in the coldest lab you've ever been in.
A heavy burden of responsibility pushed upon a barely-adult like you…
It was a daunting experience, but not one you'd ever say you regretted. When you first laid your eyes on Sephiroth, he was a tiny, writhing thing, crying out for any physical contact he was constantly denied from. Something that no baby should ever be rejected from (especially when it could even lead to their death!)—but none, save you, had been willing to give him an ounce of love.
You never understood why everyone else feared him. He was a bit strange looking, sure, with snow-white hair and alien green eyes, but to you, he was still just a baby in need. So you took him in and loved him as if he was your own child. He was so, so, so…
vibrantly responsive to every single physical affection you gave him.
He was so hungry even for a simple hug, a few kind words, a gentle kiss, a smile—when he learned to walk he was like a duckling, following you everywhere you went. You woke up early for him, fixed his food under the strict regiment (you tried your best to make everything consumable and unique, and fought tirelessly with the authorities to expose him to more variety; using arguments to avoid developing allergies had been your key tactic), played games with him, changed his diapers—you'd done everything for him, and he'd mirrored your every action and even your slightest habit.
He was obsessed—but you thought that was normal for his age. All the children you knew had declared their desire to marry their parents, for their parents had been their whole world. He’d grow out of it, eventually.
(You still think so, even though his affections toward you have waned. But, the way his searing jade-green eyes would sometimes look at you unnerves you to this day.)
Your heart ached for him and the life he would soon lead. Sephiroth was a lab child from birth, poked and prodded with countless needles, and you were just…an ordinary citizen who knew how to handle children. You had no experience with weapons or magical tools like Materias, nor did you have any potential with them. You were helpless and you couldn't even save him from his inevitable fate as the world's favorite labrat.
All you could do was to comfort him and be there for him.
You endured even through his most dangerous meltdown, sporting several broken bones and injuries, until he grew old enough to realize the damage he was doing to you and learned to retain his strengths. Despite his best efforts and apologies, the scores of scars on your skin continued to grow. It was your tenacity and Sephiroth's attachment to you that made your superiors think twice about letting you go before your contract was up. Many others would've left the first time they'd gotten a broken arm from handling kids like Sephiroth.
You were probably incredibly stupid, but the last thing you wanted to do was to break that lonely kid's shattered heart any further.
("Don't ever leave me!" he would often scream, his little hands scratching into yours, as you struggled to contain him—to hug him. "You're not leaving me! No!")
When ShinRa finally decided it was time to start grooming Sephiroth as their strongest SOLDIER at the age of 7, you could breathe a little easier. You had a bit more free time—and soon met the love of your life in a chance encounter at your favorite cafe. It was a quick lunch break, and you were desperate for a breath of fresh air from the stuffy room you shared with Sephiroth and your other duties of stockpiling lessons from his teachers.
If you hadn't applied for that job posting, you would never have met your beloved spouse.
Everything in your life had led you here, to this house and this place. With a family. A full home and a full heart—all because of Sephiroth, and you owed him a life of gratitude.
If it wasn't for him, you probably wouldn't be where you were now.
("If it wasn't for you…" Sephiroth trailed off, leaving you completely confusion as of why he said anything at all. He was barely a teenager.)
It was a shame that it was considered a fireable offense if you shared your love life with Sephiroth. He might have loved your partner too, maybe. It was even more of a shame that you couldn't brag about how wonderful your silver-haired child was with your spouse, but you quickly learned to separate your work from your personal life. Hiding that you'd had a family of your own from him was a feat that deserved a gold medal for best lying.
Although it had helped when Sephiroth himself had to be taken away for months at a time for rigorous training. He had no idea that you even had a life outside of him, just a few basic facts that you still had a living set of parents (which he only learned because it was a lesson regarding a common family hierarchy) and that you had some bills to pay (it was a math lesson, though he did inquire about it years later when he became a teenager seeing the discrepancies between your living with him when there were no bills and your initial comments).
("…you looked different." Sephiroth eyed you critically. Knowing better than to divulge details of how exhausting having a baby was, you laughed at his unsolicited comment. "You think so? Maybe I've kept myself a little too busy in your absence. So! How was your training?" He never really believed you, of course, but accepted with a nod).
Nothing that would have truly upset your superiors beyond some ruffled feathers—some personal facts had been inevitable in your 18 years of servitude to this special child. The rest of your private life, however, had stayed a secret from him. No parent should have felt so guilty withholding such truths from other children they'd loved so dearly—but you'd always known that you were only meant to be temporary in Sephiroth's life. Knowing that it was but a contracted lie helped quieten the guilt a little.
But, you still had your regrets and plenty of what-ifs.
("…If I took you away, where would you want to be?" You asked one day. Sephiroth paused in his eating, a bit of spicy noodles dangling from his chopsticks. He barely blinked as his answer came quickly. "As long as I'm with you, I'd be…content." You thought how strange his answer was and decided not to ask him any more questions like that. You refused to admit to yourself how much he annoyed you sometimes).
You loved him as your own, and the number of times you found yourself wishing you could spirit him away to join your family as the oldest brother was heartbreaking. Your children would've loved him—looked up to him and demanded for his affection in return. It hurt so much to leave him in the dark—
and it was still so painful that you had to leave him so soon, so quickly, without another word.
("I promise, you'll see me again tomorrow." You tried to reassure him, finding it difficult to endure his angry glare—and his growing fingers slicing through your arms. "I know you don't like all this poking, but I'll be right here when you wake up." At that, he relented with a sharp line of his tiny lips and a quiet demand. "…You promise?" "Yes. I'll never leave you alone, okay?" His thin fingers were draped in red as he released you with a firm nod. "Okay." You dreaded the day when you would have to break your promise a decade later, but for now, you vowed to keep your words as long as you could.)
In the blink of an eye, he had gone from a waddling duckling, attentive to your gentle love and kind words, to an independent adult chasing his own dreams completely free of your involvement. Whatever dream he may have, you'd happily support—but with a painful sigh, it would have to be from a distance.
You were already letting him go—he already had years ago, you felt.
("…You're not leaving me." You thought you heard him saying one day, just a few days shy of his sixteenth birthday. You pivoted and blinked at the frighteningly tall male, "—? Did you say something, Sephiroth?" He never replied, only breezed past you.)
Despite his curious inquiries and his insistence on keeping you by his side, the two of you barely saw each other.
Even on his 18th birthday, you only saw him in passing—barely long enough to hand over his favorite homemade sweet he'd always loved since his childhood. Sephiroth was never a materialistic individual, and while he did have a few prized possessions, they were few and far between. Truthfully, you blamed the higher-ups for disposing nearly of all of his beloved treasures from behind his back and yours.
("…Where are our drawings?" Sephiroth whispered in dismay at the sight of the bare surface of the fridge. "We worked so hard on them…" "Such unnecessary trinkets. They've been disposed of," a man in a white jacket said coolly. He'd left before you could even think about suckerpunching his creepily long face. "Oh." The boy never looked so small before in your eyes and he felt smaller in your arms.)
It was no wonder that the kid was so…broken.
Despite all of your effort to love him, it hadn't been enough to protect him from the cruelty of others and of the world itself. Behind the closed doors, countless tears had been shed—at least until they punished the crying out of him and you never saw him cry again. Instead, a mask of aloofness replaced his tears—and you were one of the few privileged to see him smile or frown, no matter how slight his expression.
You loved him dearly, enough, you hoped, to replace his missing mother.
("I think you're a far better parent than my mother ever was." Sephiroth concluded one day. He was several inches taller than you, but still so spindly, so skinny, even for a SOLDIER in training. You took it as a compliment and smiled at his comment. "You think so?" "Maybe even better." The glow in his eyes, though, had unsettled you.)
But you too will disappear—
you already had
—and it hurts more than you would ever admit.
With a pained grimace, you looked at your cooing daughter, now distracted by the cartoon on the expensive television. Absently, you ran your fingers through her fine hair, toying with the strands. A habit you'd developed to comfort Sephiroth without arousing the ire of your ever-watchful superiors.
You'd braid his growing hair, using the excuse that it was unruly from his training. That was until one of his terrible teachers cut it off as a punishment for his supposed disobedience or another. It took years for his hair to grow back—only for the same teacher to repeat the same punishment.
It was devastating not to be able to sneak your loving words to him—and he was hurt too, hiding his pain behind his long bangs.
("Oh, your beautiful hair…" It hurt to even hold a pair of scissors, your hands shaking as you fought both the growing anger and the tears from spilling forth. It was a struggle trying to even out his cut, his split strands feeling wrong through your fingers. Sephiroth stiffened, the leathers of his gloves pulled taut in his hands, and looked over his shoulder at you in wonder. "You…like my hair?" You nodded with a choked smile. "Long hair suits you well." "I…see. I'll remember that. Thank you.")
To imagine that the very cake you'd made was the very last gift you could've given to him…
You fought back a wince of pain from appearing on your face in front of your daughter's wide-eyed curiosity.
"—aaaa?" She poked at your plunging lips.
You laughed, though your voice was breathy and devoid of your usual warmth, and planted a kiss on her forehead, "I'm fine, little love. Oh," you pretended to see a funny clip of her cartoon of a black moogle character dashing away from the group of colorfully dressed heroes, "No! Noogle will escape the Justice Moogs again!"
At that, your daughter pivoted to her show with a gasp of outrage.
The slight sound of relief, mixed with a little sadness, left your chest as you sank against your spouse's shoulder, weary with exhaustion and melancholy. What else could you have done for that boy?
You were grateful to be able to give him anything at all for his birthday. The way he held it, as if it were gold, was the most sentimental look you'd ever seen from him. It was a welcome—and the most painful, break from the cold, formal expression he'd often give you before he was called away to some formal gathering to congratulate him on his entry into his adulthood. An event to which you were never invited.
—not that you were ever invited to many, if any, of the events surrounding his growth.
("Why didn't you come to the party?" Sephiroth refused to look at you, though he never fought your touches as you worked to undo his suffocating jacket. He was getting taller again, you wondered absently, as you tugged at the fabric. When you stalled too long to answer his question, you caught his exasperated breath and sighed. "I was never invited, Sephiroth." They never told you to lie about not being invited. "…That's ridiculous." "It is what it is." Noticing the stiffness in his shoulders, you hastened to reassure him, "If it helps, I don't care for these stuffy events. Too judgmental for my taste." His hissing annoyance creased and he looked at you again. With a tilt of his head, Sephiroth accepted your answer with a comment: "Well, I suppose that's better—I wouldn't want to share you anyway.)
Still, you wished you could've hugged him one last time before erasing all traces of your existence from his life, as ordered by his superiors. The only thing you'd managed to smuggle home was a photograph you'd taken of him singing a happy birthday song over a simple cake when he turned 5. It was the only thing you had left of him, of the fact that you'd loved him from birth—and for legal reasons you even had to hide that like an ugly secret from your spouse.
You weren't even allowed to say a goodbye.
Gods, you wanted to cry.
You had mastered the art of stoicism years ago from others for Sephiroth's sake—but your spouse had always been uncannily sharp with you.
"It's okay to miss your kid," came your partner's soft voice. Their head rested heavier on yours, as they continued, "it's pretty normal, I think—you practically raised them."
They truly had no idea how much of a hand you had in raising Sephiroth.
("…What does 'pride and joy' mean anyway?" Sephiroth kicked his feet off his still swing. You halted your swing, slid your feet through the artificial mulch, and allowed his question to sink into your ears. "Pride and joy…? Was that from the book you're reading now?" At his nod, you hummed with a thoughtful look on your face. Clapping your hands on your thighs, you patiently explained, "Well, it's something—or even someone that brings you a great deal of happiness. You'd feel very proud and really appreciated into having it with you." "…Do you have a 'pride and joy' then?" Sephiroth's steady eyes looked expectant and his grip on the ropes tightened. You grinned, "Yes. You.")
"That I did." you murmured, rubbing a circle on your little girl's back, as you watched the characters finally trap the main villain. "They don't need me anymore, so it's okay. They'll be fine no matter what they do. Besides," a smile curled your lips, "I'm needed elsewhere now."
As soon as the last word left your tongue, a faint rustle came from outside the window. You blinked, diverting your attention and missing the first few words out of your better half's mouth, oblivious to your paranoia from their distraction to your daughter's grumbling complaint about the ending of her episode.
The odd itch, once a faint shadow of discomfort, niggled from the back of your brain.
"—ly," the vibration rumbled through your spouse's body as they giggled and turned their attention back to you. Their laugh faded upon seeing your expression, "What's up?"
It was too brief for you to see, too fast that it was nothing but a blur, but you could've sworn that the shadow was distinctly humanoid. Quickly, you passed your daughter off to your spouse and hurried off the couch, grabbing the small gun from behind a bookcase on the way to the door. Plopping your gun against your wrist, deftly pushing in new bullets in the barrels, you steeled yourself with a grit of your teeth.
You slammed the door open.
Nothing. You searched the perimeter, ears tuned to the silence.
Had it been your imagination?
Once again, you scoured throughout your empty backyard.
Again, you were met with nothing.
Relaxing your grip, you neared the window of where you saw the strange shadow.
A patch of earth was trampled, the green blades of grass flattened with no obvious footprints, and the bush bent and torn. The back of your neck grew stiff. It was not your imagination.
Someone was there, watching you and your family.
And there were stripes in the shape of fingers dug through the windowsills.
A sense of dread loomed in your mind.
"Dear?" your spouse slowly emerged from the door.
For reasons beyond your understanding, you turned back with a smile and lied through your teeth, "It's nothing."
Your stomach curdled with the same discomfort you'd experienced for time and time again with Sephiroth.
(edited as oh nov 17 2024 for gendered language, i was p tired when i last proofread. sorry!)
I propose an idea. Sephiroth, barely turned adult, snuck out from his tightly secured home to find his caretaker (his "parental"/"mother" figure) he'd been obsessed with for years, maybe planning an 'ambush'? and learned that they were with a partner he didn't know about. Might've even had a family with them!
Boy, he'd be furious.
Yes! The "betrayal" (in his eyes) would be their ultimate sin. How could they? To built up such relationship with Sephiroth, ever since he was a mere boy. His world shatters when this revelation comes out of the left field. And it's not like they talked much about their life outside of him whenever they were on their job. They were solely focused on him. Making sure he got the proper nurture, care and affection one would need growing up. Technically, they did everything right.
Maybe too "right". Because now, Sephiroth felt like they were bound to him and him alone. And it should stay that way. His struggle to block out the dark thoughts only grew over time. Those Jenova instincts clawing at his mind to force him to acknowledge his dominance over them. How easy it could be. But he had to hold himself back. Keep the mask on for a bit longer so his perfect plan to get what he wants will come to fruition.
And his dear caretaker sensed there was something off about Sephiroth. How every affectionate touch they normally shared (in privacy) lingers a bit longer. And the subtle hesitancy in his body language whenever Sephiroth forces himself to pull away. And there's that slight dark shift in his pupils whenever someone steals their attention from him. They've brush it off, attributing to Sephiroth being in his typical grouchy mood.
They just have no idea of what's to come when they go to Nibelheim with Sephiroth...
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sh1-n0bu · 7 months ago
hehehehheheheee pretty birb bf
winged bf who pick you up into their arms, gently cradling you as if you were made of glass and the finest jewelry as they tell you to “hang on” before unfurling their wings and taking off into the sky
winged bf who show you the beauty of flying, holding you securely in his arms as you take in the way how the world below you looks so small and beautiful. who only has a gentle smile on their faces as you point out the big apartments and parks where you go to for a picnic date. who only has eyes on you as you admire the twinkling lights of the world under you
winged bf who wrap their wing around you whenever you shiver, even if it was one of those annoying sudden ghost bump things you get out of the blue. he’s still worried, let him worry for you in peace😠
winged bf who plucks a feather out of their wing, gently tucking the soft feather into your hair, or on your jacket — wherever you want. he wants you to carry a piece of him to remind you by even though you regularly steal his clothes
winged bf who allows you to be only person to touch his wings, to care for them, to brush them, to just… well, touch them to your heart’s content really. he doesn’t care if you put the tip of his long feather ends over your lips, mimicking a mustache, he doesn’t care if you want to use it as a blanket, he doesn’t care if you wanna use the ends like a cat toy in front of his face. he’ll indulge in your silly shenanigans
winged bf who sheds at least once a year, filling your shared home with the old feathers. who is either smug about it or is apologetic as he helps you broom the excessive fallen feathers. at this point you could probably make a plushie or some sort of art project from the amount of feathers that he shed. to which he objects, saying these are all old and weakened feathers, offering his wing for you to pluck feathers from if you really wanna make an art project
winged bf who hides the two of you under his wing when cuddling in bed, the added layer of his own extra limb making the scene feel more intimate than it is. as if the entire world is blocked out, just a meager existence passing by as you two enjoy this moment of comfort as his wing becomes a curtain to give you two privacy
winged bf who sometimes gets too sexually frustrated and pent up with your curious hands constantly touching the place where his wing is connected to his back, the skin and muscles there are sensitive, making him jump in his seat whenever you do it to tease him
winged bf who knows that it isn’t your fault. you probably don’t know, you don’t have a wing after all, so you don’t know what it means when someone touches your wing. who only calms your worries with a forehead kiss, usually handling his problems himself
winged bf who lets out a whine into his hand, muffling the embarrassing noise as your hand wraps tighter around his cock. he was way too sensitive than usual and it was all because of your wandering hand on his wings. he probably should have explained it all to you but right now, he found his words escaping him, mind melting into a muddled mess as he finds his hands clawing at your own in desperation
winged bf who mumbles out a weak protest of being “s-sensitive! aaah… f-feels too sen—♡︎ sensitive! y-your haaandd♡︎” as his legs start to shake, staring through teary eyes as you coax out yet another climax out of him. his tip an angry cherry red from the continued torture of your hand, his slit weeping precum over and over again despite having just came, getting hard in your hand embarrassingly fast
winged bf who gets tortured by your loving hands for who knows how many times. his eyes are getting blurry and breathing started to hurt. even more, his dick was stinging, twitching every time your tight fist comes up to the tip, letting go briefly as if to taunt him, touching the dripping slit with the tip of your finger and making him whine loudly before fucking his cock into your hand again and again. this was just pure torture, he wanted to escape and run away but you were whispering such nice words to his ears. calling him your good boy, your angel, how you loved being with your beloved like this… could he really ever refuse you?
winged bf who gets more and more twitchy in your gentle hold as your hand picks up speed, the filthy wet noise of his earlier cum being used as a lube filling the room alongside his loud moans. who begs for you to not to touch his wing as it flutters around, dropping a feather or two onto the floor due to moving around so much. who only lets out a pathetic whimper of a “cuz’ ahh haamgh—! [n-name], please! please don’t—♡︎ d-don’t touch them...? they’re sensitive too aanh haagh mfgh♥︎!!” when you ask him why
winged bf who felt like his skin was on fire. everything felt too much but felt too little at the same time, his cock painfully hard again in your hold the moment you ran the tip of your finger over the bane of it. his muscles were getting tense, a strange sense of feeling coiling around in his stomach as you kiss the place where his wing and back connects, shifting around frantically with a chirp or a preen falling from his swollen lips
winged bf who weakly paws at your hand around his dick, wanting to push it away but chasing right after it with his hips as the strange feeling in his stomach just continues to grow worse. it didn’t felt like his usual orgasm, the way he would just fall apart in your hands. it felt more intense and that scared him. who cries out through loud whines and bitten back sobs that “f-feels weird!! aanhh haah [n-name]—! it mnggh♡︎ feels weird! my c-cock feels unnck haah ahh amhh weird♥︎♥︎!!”
winged bf who throws his head back into your shoulder, hands covering his beet red face as a scream tears through his lips, muscles tightening, body going taut in your arms when you gently bit into the base of his wing, your other hand keeping his wing in place so it wouldn’t flutter and knock you away as he fucking squirts into his stomach, painting his muscles and your hand white. who lets out soft chirps and noises, legs twitching and hands struggle to decide whether to hold onto you or to muffle his embarrassing noises
winged bf who only lets out weak noises and chirps when you try to communicate with him, asking him if he was doing alright and if your angel was with you right now after that overstimulating experience. who immediately hides within his wings the moment a sliver of sobriety hits him, too humiliated to even look you in the face because what was that? and why did he felt… so good?
winged bf who gives you a weak glare that you know isn’t exactly serious, pouting at you and complaining about how you messed up his mind and stuff. who lean into your touch as you push his hair away from him, getting to see the still reddened face and the few tear stains on his cheeks. who grumbles about how you have too much power over him when you chuckle, leaning in to plant a kiss to his pouting lips. who chase after you with a demand for a proper kiss this time
⇨ sephiroth, genesis, angeal, hawks, xiao, venti, angel devil, vash, knives, sunday, simeon, raphael + anyone you can think of!
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emmyc0z · 1 year ago
Can you write something for Sephiroth(pre-nibelheim) or Astarion? Your work is absolutely fantastic btw I’m in love with it ❤️❤️❤️
Not So Subtle
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pairing : sephiroth x female!reader
summary : you have a teenage girl level crush on him, that you and zack talk (very loudly) about when you think no one can hear. but he does.
a/n : this takes place pre-nibelheim so everyone is happy and well! in honour of ff7 rebirth :)
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“Close your mouth or you’ll catch flies.” You snap your jaw shut, eyes moving to glare at the young, dark haired boy who has decided to break your daydream. 
“It wasn’t even open.” He plops down beside you, shoulder touching yours. 
“Mhm.. and you weren’t drooling over our superior.” 
“Your superior,” you correct, eyebrow lifted with pointed sarcasm. If you could stick your tongue out at him, without it seeming childish to everyone around you, you would.
“Last time I checked, you weren’t a first class soldier either,” He points out, amused. Your elbow makes contact with his arm, and his hand reaches to cover the area as he laughs.
Zack was younger than you, though he certainly never acted like there was an age gap. In his mind, you were the same age as him in some way or another. You had always trained together so you felt much closer in age even though you were at least 3 years older than him. At times, he felt like a younger brother to you.
Even more so when he found out you had a crush on the man he spent everyday training beside. Constant teasing, constant threats to spill your secrets, constant blackmail. You couldn’t even count the amount of times he had used your crush to his advantage on one hand. 
There was a time you had to put your foot down and tell him no more, cause it was wrong of course. But also mostly cause you were running out of money to buy his silence.
“Yeah but I'm older, closer to his age. So I don't have to talk to him like I'm below him, unlike some people.” 
“Can you even talk to him?” 
“Then why are you sitting here staring..?” 
“He’s training..” 
“Mhm.” The look on his face tells you he’s not convinced. Right now, it was the truth, Sephiroth was swinging his sword in the domed combat simulator, glass walls clear enough for you to see through. So the excuse of not being able to talk to him, out of fear of being sliced in half by his giant sword, was plausible. 
But any other time that you had sat staring at him, making no effort to speak to him, rendered that excuse inapplicable. 
“Shut it..” You push his shoulder with your elbow once more, and he snorts out a laugh. 
“I don’t get why you can’t just talk to him..” 
“Of course you don’t.. because you're obviously blind. Or you’ve been hit in the head one too many times in combat training.” You turn your gaze away from Zack to look back through the glass enclosing Sephiroth. 
His hair is tied up, hanging loosely against his back. It’s a rare sight, so you indulge yourself and stare a second longer than you should. It’s so relaxed, you think, compared to the seriousness of always having it pristinely down. There are stray hairs, flyaways, falling from the hair tie and hanging against his face. It’s unkempt, a nice contrast to his seemingly perfect lifestyle.
He swings his sword with calculated grace, a grace that you (or Zack for that matter) had yet to achieve. The control he held over his blade was impeccable, it never slipped or moved from his hold even when his hands were moving faster than his body could keep up with. Just another thing that had to be perfect in his life.
“How could I ever speak to him and not make a fool out of myself? For one, he’s first class, I'd totally ruin my chances of making first class if I said something totally outrageous. And knowing me, my mind would be so jumbled, I wouldn't even realize the words had left my mouth before he put me on some kind of ‘do not promote’ list.” 
“Oh so.. the only reason you won’t talk to him is because you're worried about making first class? Not.. I don’t know, maybe, the 12-year-old-girl-level crush you have on him.” Your hand slaps over his lips, eyes scanning around you. For the most part, no one looks at the two of you, and you figure the ones that are looking are doing so because of your hand covering Zacks blabbermouth. 
“Would you shut it?” Even with your hand covering his mouth, he manages to laugh at your widened eyes. The crinkles at the corners of his eyes are a dead giveaway of his amusement. You remove your hand with a pointed look, one that says ‘keep it down’ in a far more subtle way than a hand over his face. 
“You’re so lucky you’re younger than me.” 
“More like so lucky you don’t want to make your boyfriend angry. Besides, you know I’m stronger than you.” 
“Mhm..” You roll your eyes, and with a sigh, you turn back to face Sephiroth. He stands still now and you realize all of the practice dummies have been broken. From your position, he doesn't even seem to have broken a sweat, even though he’s been in there for over an hour. His sword lies on the ground, thrown without care. 
Even with Zack beside you, and the silent teasing that exudes from his body, your eyes remain trained on Sephiroth. You realize it’s childish, to stare and never approach, but the idea of even standing next to him is enough to intimidate you. 
He runs his hand over his back, pulling the hair tie from his hair, allowing it to fall against his shoulders once more. He turns, presumably to leave the combat simulated, and his eyes meet yours through the glass. You knew your staring wasn’t subtle, it had never been before, but you had never expected to get caught. You had never been caught. 
You turn your head away so fast that Zack almost flinches, probably thinking you were going to hit him again. 
“Jesus,” he looks at you with confusion, “What’s the problem?” 
“He saw me.” 
“He saw me! Through the glass! He totally caught me staring at him..” You stare at Zack with wide eyes and flushed cheeks, before you head falls into your lap in shame.
“Would you relax? I guarantee he doesn’t care or he didn’t even see you. Maybe he was just looking at his reflection.”
You look back towards Sephiroth to see him leaving through the doors of the dome, and then you turn back to Zack with a pitiful whine. 
“This is so pathetic…” 
“I agree,” he smiles when you shoot him a glare, “Just talk to him.” 
“Talk to who?” A deep voice sounds from beside you, higher up than where you sit. You feel the hairs on the back of your neck stick up, and Zack's expression is enough to confirm your suspicion about who stands next to you. 
You turn your head to face Sephiroth, and he stares at you expectantly. You think you catch the slightest smirk building on the corner of his lips, but you also think you might just be trying to make yourself feel better. Standing, nowhere close to his height, you hold your hands up. Zack takes this as his sign to stand too. 
“Nobody! Angeal!” You fumble out words, trying to throw out a name before he grows suspicious. 
“Well which is it, nobody? or Angeal?” 
“Angeal. Yeah! Angeal, so.. um.. I should probably go find him.” 
“It just so happens that I have to find Angeal too, allow me to join you.” 
You want to throw the nearest chair at Zack, curse him for speaking so loudly. And you curse yourself for not thinking of an excuse in a reasonable time frame, so you just nod, and excuse yourself from Zack. 
He gives you a pitiful smile, and when you turn to look behind you for support one last time as you walk away he gives you a thumbs up. His face contradicts his hands, and he seems like he’s in a far less teasing mood. 
“Whatever you have to say to him, it must be important.” 
“Hm?” You tilt your head up and to the side to look at Sephiroth, you’ve been walking together for a few minutes now, mostly silently. 
“You're walking fast.” You shrug your shoulders and continue walking. 
At least until your steps are interrupted by him stepping in front of you. 
“Is there a problem?”
“What? Of course not!” He practically glares down at you, arms crossed over his muscular chest. You can see the outline of his defined chest muscles through the straps of his top. And you realize you're practically drooling over him, right in front of him so you force your eyes to meet his once more. But his glare is replaced by a smirk, and amusement in his eyes. 
“I see now..” 
“See what?” 
“Really? Do you think you’re subtle?” Your face flushes and once again you want the floor to open up and consume you whole, but you're stuck here. 
“I don’t know what you're talking about.” Step back, you scream at yourself, but he moves closer and it’s impossible to move your feet. They feel like lead underneath you, not even giving way to a small shuffle backwards.
“No?” His hand reaches up to rest on your cheek, it's gentle, far gentler than you would’ve expected. But the way his fingers tense against your skin has you feeling fuzzy, “You think I don’t notice the way you stare? Hm?” 
He stares at you, thumb moving to the other side of your chin, holding your face in his hand. He maneuvers your face, moving it however he likes. You realize he’s examining the flush in your cheeks, the way your lips part like you want to say something. His tongue gives a humiliating click when your lips close, and the words are lost. 
“I hear you, when you talk to Zack,” he stops his movement, stilling your face to look directly at him, “You’ve never been a quiet girl. Why are you so quiet now?” 
When you don’t respond his eyebrows scrunch, its subtle and almost missable because it’s gone in seconds. He’s not satisfied by your silence.
Sephiroth bends his shoulders, moving closer to your face, “Although, I suppose you’ve never been very talkative around me.” He moves closer still, swerving his nose to the side of your face until he’s able to speak in your ear, “That’s not very nice. You might hurt my feelings if you keep ignoring me.” 
“I’m sorry,” you mumble out meekly, you're honestly not even sure it’s audible at first but he laughs quietly, breath fanning on your ear. His other hand, the one that doesn’t hold your face, reaches up to tuck a piece of hair behind your ear before he pulls away. The breath that leaves your body is almost embarrassing. 
“What’re you sorry for, hm?” He stares expectantly down at you, eyes never leaving yours. 
“F…for ignoring you.”
“So you ignore me?” 
“So you’re lying?” You shake your head as much as you can within the hold of his fingers, “Then what are you sorry for?” 
“For not talking to you.” 
“And why don’t you talk to me, I'm sure you know it’s rude to stare and never speak to someone.”
“Because..” His grip loosens, hand moving back to your cheek, thumb resting on your cheek bone. 
“Because why? Cmon use your voice, the one you use to talk about me with Zack.” 
You stare up at him pitifully, and the way words fumble from your mouth has you wanting to throw up, “Because I have this stupid crush on you, and I can't talk to you without getting nervous. I know it’s stupid and I should have told you sooner so you could reject me and I could move on and I never meant to offend you or-”
You hadn’t realized he had gotten so close until his nose touches yours, top lip brushing against yours as he tips your chin up towards him. Your words fall flat on your tongue when you meet his eyes, or rather when you see his eyes that are focused on your lips. 
“Offend me.. that’s sweet..” He’s so close to you, that every word has his lips brushing against your own again and again. 
“Sephiroth..?” You suppress the urge to move the tiniest bit forward so your lips can fully meet his. And you're sure your face is impossibly red. 
“You should’ve told me about this ‘stupid’ crush sooner, such a foolish girl. May I?” You're confused, what is he asking for? His eyes flicker up to yours before moving back to your lips. When you realize what he means you nod your head perhaps too eagerly. 
Slowly, to tease, his lips press against yours, palm pressing into the skin of yours to keep you in place. Eyes fluttering closed, your hands find his chest, silently screaming about the position you’ve found yourself in.
His lips overpower yours in every regard, moving languidly against you. His other hand reaches up to the free side of your face, fingers tickling the skin on your neck and thumb resting on your jaw. 
When he pulls away you can only look at him with half lidded eyes, dazed. 
Al he does is chuckle, rubbing your cheek with his thumb and patting your head. One hand holds the back of your head, leaning down to kiss your temple, before stepping behind you, “Don’t be so shy from now on. Maybe we’ll end up here again.”
His steps echo through the empty hall as he walks away.
“Wait… wait.. I thought you had to go see Angeal?” You turn, taking one step in his direction, then stopping yourself in your tracks hesitantly. 
“I didn’t. And I know you didn’t either.” He only turns his cheek towards you to speak and then continues on down the hallway, tall and brooding.
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genderlessdude92 · 2 months ago
a reminder to all of those fanfic writers that there are at least 5 in 7 people that are waiting for that next part of that fic to be out
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i mainly wrote this for myself i just don’t wanna feel alone,,,
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shortnsweetsposts · 2 months ago
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aurorasgate · 10 months ago
good morning angel
sephiroth x fem!reader | 4.4k+ words
warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI, domestic and cute that turns into a little rough and loving sex<3, teasing, pet names, oral (receiving), size kink if you squint he is huge idc, prone bone, cream pie, a little sappy? and possessive - i just think y'all are madly in love always, let me know if i missed anything please!
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sephiroth knew you were up to something from the moment you stepped into his space and caught his attention.
oh yes, there was no doubt in his mind that there was something you were after when you sauntered from the bedroom dressed in one of his old training shirts and a cute pair of panties he could see only the hem of in your steps, your skin looking heavenly and soft in the morning light pouring in through the windows of your shared apartment. 
his own skin still lingers with the memory of you in his arms last night and early this morning and as much as he wants to indulge you both in having you against him once more, he is interested to see what exactly you’re after before he’ll be coaxing the words from your sweet mouth; a saccharine prospect that has him smiling behind the book he had been reading since coming home from early morning training.
your steps are light as you make your way to him and though he acts like he’s still paying attention to the pages in front of him, his eyes never leave you. they drink in the way the thin fabric of his shirt sits on your figure and shows the curve of your breasts and nearly the entirety of your legs. it would take only a tug to reveal the most intimate parts of you but you look just as divine with his clothes on. 
stopping behind where he sits on the couch, you wrap your arms around his neck. “g’morning,” you greet, voice honied and barely above a whisper, your lips brushing along the shell of his ear and lingering both before and after you place a kiss there.
“good morning,” he hums back with the same gentleness. closing his book, he keeps one of his fingers between the pages he had been reading and rests it on his lap, turning his neck to give you his full attention but when he expects you to kiss his lips, yours instead meet his cheek and are moving away much too quickly for his liking. 
your hands travel along his bare chest and over his muscular shoulders as you pull away from him and he’s left in the living room without a proper kiss to his lips that you normally would have given him upon starting your day. he can only watch the sway of your hips and the little peaks of your bum with each step you take towards the kitchen and away from him in your tantalizing walk.
“hungry?” you ask once you’re at the threshold of the kitchen. without turning fully you look back and see sephiroth not even attempting to hide the way his darkening gaze threatens to devour you whole. you will your legs to not tremble as they wish to under such a lovely and intense expression.
he can’t help but let out a deep chuckle at how cute you are when you want to tease him and feels his mouth water for what he’s truly hungry for when he answers,“yes, sweetheart. i’m famished.”
the way he stares at you and the words he speaks ignites the heat that was already kindling below your belly when you decided to enact your little plan this morning and make it hard to take your next step without it being back towards him so you could crawl into his lap and kiss him like he was the very air you needed to breath but you were determined and already enjoying the way he reacted to you. but you were only getting started. 
most would agree that it wasn’t the smartest thing to provoke any soldier, let alone the strongest of them, but you were eager to see how far you could push sephiroth in your teasing, how far you could go until he broke. the rest of your plan was already set, all you needed to do was not break first. which he wasn’t making easy from the moment you saw him sitting there shirtless, long silver locks draped over one shoulder and glistening in the morning sunlight like the most expensive silk, the fabric of his pants stretching around the muscles of his thighs and his long fingers flipping pages of his book when you really needed them on you instead. it certainly hadn’t helped with the way he spoke to you in a sultry deep voice that was dangerous for your heart.
just as you hoped, he follows you into the kitchen and with each step you hear him take, your own are in a hurry to take your position. leaning his body against the entryway with his arms folded over his chest, he watches with amusement and desire as you stand on your toes to reach for something sitting on the top shelf of the cabinet. one hand splayed on the counter helps you stand a little taller but the other that reaches for what you need brings up your shirt, giving sephiroth the perfect view of your legs and ass.
sparkling mako eyes roam over your figure, starting at the stretch of your feet and calves. moving up your legs, sephiroths cock twitching at the sight of your thighs and where he’d rather have them right now. his gaze moves up to fabric half covering your bum and stopping just where the hem of your shirt rests on your back, keeping the rest of you hidden from him. your hair sways in your reaching movements and when he makes it to your hands, he sees your half hearted attempt to get whatever item you’re after and smiles boyishly.
he’s still wearing his smile when you turn around after a few more moments of your pretty show. your lower lip is in an endearing pout, your eyes glinting with an exaggerated plea, not that he’d ever be able to deny you even without it.
“can you help me seph?” 
pushing off the wall and unfolding his arms, the tug on his lips grows. “of course.”
you make room for his bigger figure but before he can attempt to grab the item you want, you’re pressed against his right arm. the warmth of you melting from the fibers of your shirt and onto his skin and it doesn’t get past him where your breasts are placed to squish against him either.
as if knowing you wouldn’t be able to keep this up if you looked into his eyes that you know are on you, he was so impossible to resist, you instead focused on the cabinet and how it felt rubbing against him as you stand on your toes again, grabbing onto him tighter, and point towards the teapot nestled in the corner.
“that one please,” you’re all feigned innocence and paying no mind or word to the teapot that has its normal spot on the counter only a few feet away at a height you’d have no problem reaching. 
you feel the rumble of his silent chuckle that vibrates through his upper body but he doesn’t say anything about it either and grabs what you asked for without any issue or having to use much of his reach. meeting his eyes when he hands it to you, you smile sweetly with a quick ‘thank you’ and draw away from him yet again. your free hand, feather light, gliding down his peck and like it hadn’t been there at all, disappears before reaching his defined abs in the distance you put between you. 
as unfair as you saw this considering the amount of control over his emotions that your beloved often displays, but still wanting to try, you underestimate how much of a hold you truly have over sephiroth. it took more strength than he thought he had to resist you at this moment. with your back to him now, it would be so easy to scoop you onto his arms and take you where he pleased or press you against the counter with your back to his chest and let you feel how crazy you make him with a press of his hips. only you could bring sephiroth to his knees so easily but he would hold strong, play along, see what else you had planned.
thankful you aren’t facing him as you get water from the sink, he adjusts himself in his sweats, trying to make how hard he was getting not so obvious. you’d hardly touched him but there’s no denying how much he needed and loved you, it was something not even his body could hide. 
in the moment he had looked away from you however, there was a crash, splashes of water followed by your little gasp, and when he looks up in earnest worry, you’re facing him, the front of your shirt soaking wet and revealing to him every dip and curve from the tops of one of your breasts and half of the other, over both of your peaked nippled and down past your navel.
sephiroth swallows the noise creeping up his throat, something between a chuckle at the lengths you were going that he finds utterly adorable and a groan because your antics were working and he was growing hotter, harder, by the second. 
“oh my gosh,” you laugh it off, your tone still clinging onto your fake innocence but your body is betraying you and soon you’re certain your words would too. just a little more. “clumsy me.”
your steps are quick to pass him, avoiding his blown pupils that watch your every but he stops you before you can get far with a large hand around your wrist and his heavy voice, “where are you going?”
dipping your head, you hope to hide the way you bite back your victorious smile by sucking your bottom lip between your teeth but sephiroth sees it all. 
“to change,” you say after a moment, your voice flirty and wavering from your previous act. 
“mhm,” you affirm, needing no strength to slip from his grasp, though you didn’t want to part from him but if you didn’t go now, you’d surely break first.
your steps are light and slow at first as you take off your shirt before making it out of the kitchen but they turn into a hurried walk down the hallway when you hear him following after you. your pace picking up with every step, you can’t suppress your giggle the closer you get to the bedroom or the full blown shriek you let out when you get into the bedroom and suddenly he’s in front of you with a wicked smile on his lips. you knew he was faster, inhumanly so, and you doubt anyone else has ever been pleased while being chased by him but your cheeks hurt from your smile.
using momentum from your running, you hurry onto the oversized bed and start to crawl across the mattress towards the closet in what you know is a futile attempt to continue this little escapade. you don’t get far at all before sephiroths hands are around your ankles and pulling you back towards him with your stomach and breasts dragging along the soft duvet. he handles you like you weigh nothing at all, like there's no way you’re getting away from his grasp. 
your giggles only stop in the steadiness he has over your body when he lifts your hips. you can feel him coming between your legs that his hands help spread and the hardness of his cock on your clothed pussy makes you whimper. nin your fluttering gaze, hazy in anticipation and in the wake of heat spreading throughout your body, you can’t make out much of the bedroom in front of you but you feel sephiroths big hands keeping you pressed against him, holding the weight of your entire bottom half. he doesn’t move and when you shift to be on your knees, moving your hips for friction, he stills them but you swear you can feel him throbbing between the fabric of your panties and his sweats.
you let out a whimper in protest, reaching behind you to move his hands from your hips so you could feel more but he doesn’t budge.
“what is it you really want, hm?” he asks, clicking his tongue. leaning down closer to you, he’s sure to keep you flush and still against him as he whispers against the skin behind your ear. the weight of him on top of you, the warmth of his minty breath and the headiness of his tone has you breaking in defeat. you want him so badly and as he had predicted earlier, he coaxes the words out of you. “use your words angel.” 
“i want you..” you could feel your face burning with almost the same intensity as between your legs but it wouldn’t stop you from getting the words out, not when you knew you wouldn’t get it without saying it to him, especially when you teased him first and when he had you in a position where you could hardly touch him. turning your head towards him, you look back to see the silver of his hair and green of his eyes, his pink lips so close to yours. “want you inside me seph- please.”
“mmm,” he hums in approval that only adds to the mess you’re becoming underneath him. “my good, sweet, girl.”
bucking his hips against you, sephiroth captures your lips in a hungry kiss that’s full of tongue and teeth as he grinds his hips against your cunt but he can’t take everything separating you for long. a few more breath stealing moments pass and he’s breaking his lips from yours, his kisses traveling to your neck and down your back and his hands help you settle comfortably on your knees with your feet hanging off the edge of the bed. 
you stay like that, your chest and cheek pressed into the mattress and ass in the air while he slides your panties off of you with painful slowness, letting his fingers brush along your skin the entire way but never where you needed him most. 
“so wet for me.” the words come out in a near purr at the dampness of your panties and the glisten of slick on your folds. his hands leave you entirely then and you hear his soft thud of his sweats meeting the floor followed by his knees and the feeling of his hair tickling your calves.
you don’t get the chance to look back at him or say anything. burning hot and eager to taste you, sephiroths tongue licks a fat stripe from your clit to your entrance. the pleasure is white hot, leaves you ready to beg for more, like you couldn’t be without. which wasn’t entirely untrue, you could never be without him. instinctively arching your back, you feel more than hear the deep hum of pleasure he lets out at the taste of you. he doesn’t waste a moment to delve in for more of your arousal either.
grabbing onto your trembling thighs, his seemingly boundless strength helps hold you upright while moving you as he pleases. it starts off with the press of you against his face until you’re worried he won’t be able to breathe but you can’t focus on the thought for long with the way he takes your clit between his lips and licks and sucks mercilessly all the while his nose nudges against your folds.
an intoxicating mix of your essence and his silva melts against his tongue, drips down his chin, and has his hard cock leaking on the floor below him but his throbbing length is the last thing on his mind. sephiroth is totally and completely lost in you and your pleasure that he desperately craves.
it’s too much and yet not enough when you feel so empty, want him to touch more of you, need to kiss him again but even if you could muster the strength to get any of what you wanted or voice it, his hold on you keeps you exactly where he wants you and the pleasure he gives you with his skillful mouth makes you want to break right here and now.
“oh fuck,” your words are muffled in the sheets you bury your face into when sephiroth pulls away from your clit with a lewd wet noise and uses his hold on you to bring your hips back and fuck you on his tongue. your hands clench the sheets, your breasts rubbing along it in time with the push and pull of your body. arching your back more, the angle it provides, how greedy he is to taste all of you he can, the feeling of his tongue inside of you, has you so very close. “seph!” 
sephiroth is panting as he pulls away from you, just far away enough you can still feel the heat of his breath against your folds and the tickle of his hair on your thighs when he says, “cum for me sweetheart,” before his mouth is back on your cunt and at the feeling of his teeth grazing along your clit your body has no choice but to follow his command.
you cry out into the sheets as your orgasm washes over you as he devours you like a man starved, bursting and caught on the tongue that didn’t let a single drop go unsavored. his deep moan vibrates against you, adding to your ecstacy, and he doesn’t stop until you’ve ridden out every second of it and then some. it’s only his hold on you that keeps your body from collapsing onto your stomach with the last few body shaking flicks of the tip of his tongue to your clit and they still tremble in his hands when he stands up and effortlessly, gently, helps you lay completely flat on your belly, one cheek resting comfortably in the soft sheets. 
he uses the same tender touch when he crawls over you, cages you between the bed and his large body with his arms and legs on both sides of you and caresses your brow, brushing hair from your face to behind your ear. his own hair hangs around you like a curtain of starlight, the length of it pooling on the bed in puddles of soft silver as he leans down, pressing some of his weight against you, his dick snug against your ass, and kisses your temple.
basking in the euphoric pleasure still emanating in the room, your hand comes up to cup sephiroths jaw, your finger brushing along his cheek, feeling the brush of his long lashes as he leans into your touch and lays his hand over yours so he can keep it in close and place a kiss there, whispering his words into your skin. “tell me if it’s too much, okay?”
nodding, the pressure between your legs already rekindling in a burst of warmth and need that spreads like wildfire through your veins and to your heart, all you can manage is a barely audible ‘okay’. it doesn’t get past his ears that are keen to catch every noise and word he drew from you however.
as eager as you are to feel more of him, get exactly what you asked for, you hate when he lifts off of you to position himself. you can still feel him straddling your legs and crane your neck to look back at him. your heart beat is uncontrollable at the sight of him, as if it wasn’t already so irregular from your orgasm only moments ago but this was something different, from the kind of beauty that stirs your soul and engraves in your mind to see in your dreams over and over again. you certainly did want to see this again, though not within a dream when he was right here; his tall and broad figure towering above you in all of its scarred, ethereal beauty. pale skin marred on his arms and legs from tests and battles, long silver hair messy and yet still perfect against toned muscles honed by years of training, his much larger hand wrapping around more of his cock than your hand can but goddess it still looks so big in his hold.
pumping himself slow and tight, his free hand grabs a handful of your ass with strength that has you mewling and your sticky folds spreading when he grasps just a bit harder. sephiroth keeps you like that, giving him the perfect view of your hole, fluttering and wet in anticipation, the perfect angle to press his leaking tip into you, so shallow and squelching in your arousal with every inch he pushes into your tight heat and when he pulls out of you just to sink back in a little further, again and again.
“‘s so big..” you can barely mumble the words with how his cock is stretching you, a mix of pleasure and pain that you can’t tell where one ends and the other begins, nor do you want it to stop.
he chuckles, a bit strained from how he’s holding back in order to give you time to adjust to his size but it’s so hard to do with how tight you are around him like this. sephiroths weight is on you again, resting on his elbows to keep from crushing you completely but every heaving breath he takes pressing you into the mattress, lets him slide deeper into you until he’s fully sheathed inside of your tight walls. “you can take me, can’t you angel?” his voice is low, husky.
you can only whimper in reply when your velvety walls squeeze around him, pulling him in deeper, and he bucks his hips in response, somehow sinking even deeper into you. you moan into the sheets as you press back into him, a silent plea for him to move that has him setting a slow and focused pace, letting you feel the thick vein running on the underside of his cock with each drag of him outside of you and the press of his tip that you swear you feel in your guts when he delves back inside.
“just like that,” you hear him say but in the overwhelming pleasure coursing through your body, you don’t know where exactly it’s from, if he’s near one of your ears or in his incredible height is praising you from above your head.
“sephiroth.. please..” you don’t know what you’re begging for, you have all of him, everything that was and will be his, his very body and soul, and though you repeat the words again and again, you didn’t have to. he’s giving you exactly what you needed as if it was his own desire.
he goes faster then, your hands hold onto the sheets with the repeated buck of his hips slapping against your ass but there’s no getting stability at this pace and when you bow your lower back, drunk off of him and still so greedy for more, his cock reaches deeper than before, his weight pressing you further into the mattress. 
“fuck -” he curses through his heaving breaths and clenched teeth at how unbelievable you feel, how well you take him, like you were made for each other and no one else could have this, have you.
your body jostles underneath him with every deep onslaught of his cock thats desperate to claim you, feel all of you, and to keep you close, in this perfect spot, one of his arms comes around your front, locking you securely in his hold and against his chest as he thrusts in and out of you with fervor. his face rests so close to yours now, you can feel the short hairs of his bangs on you, can hear the noises in his throat and in your watery vision, you can make out blurs of silver and green before feeling the press of his lips against your face, the edge of your lips and over your shoulder. every kiss so soft compared to the way he’s taking you.
“you’re perfect,” he murmurs against your skin, his arm around you tightening with a roll of his hips that has your eyes watering in pleasure. “so perfect and all mine.”
“all yours,” you agree breathlessly and feel him sigh where his lips rest on you but it turns into a sinful call of your name that seeps into your skin and drives you to the brink of another release when he goes harder, faster, like he may never get to feel you like this again and the last thing he wants to hear is you screaming his name as you come on his cock and milk him for all he’s worth.
it certainly won’t be the last time but you couldn’t hold back the waves of bliss that comes over you. its ripples over you both, crashing again and again on every tingling nerve of your being and by the stutter, growing sloppier - needier, thrusts that start as you pulse around him, sephiroth is following right after you. 
he reaches for your face with his hand not holding you against him, in a gentle contrast to the way he was fucking you only moments ago. he cradles your face lovingly so he can capture you in a searing kiss as he spills inside of you, plentiful and sticky. there's a mess between your legs, leaking from your pretty pussy still stuffed full of his cock and onto your ass and sephiroths hips.
neither of you pay it any mind as your kiss breaks and you slump in his hold, completely spent but still basking in the humming afterglow of your love making. his mouth doesn’t go far, the softness of his lips brush along your cheek as he releases you from his hold and lifts some of his weight off of you, allowing you to settle comfortably on the bed and take in a deep cooling breath that’s full of the mixed scent of sex and your beloved.
his voice is quiet, like despite that it was only the two of you in this room he hadn’t wanted anyone, not even the planet, to hear his words. they were only for you. “i do adore your teasing darling but if you want me so badly, you don’t need to go to such lengths. i’m yours for the taking.”
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dejwrld · 1 year ago
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— game synopsis: he's been your guardian angel since you were sixteen years old. protecting you from danger you didn't see coming, but now that you're slowly wanting space from him—he makes it his mission to remind you who you belong to until you take your final breath.
( cw ) ⸻ fem reader, female anatomy described, slight enemies to fuckers, reader somewhat purposely put herself in danger, possessive!sephiroth, mentions of sephiroth having pretty white wings, mating press position, cream pies, mentions of soul ties,
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀kinktober masterlist / previous playthrough
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You’ve known him since you were sixteen years old. The mere memory of him grabbing at your backpack strap to tug you out of the way as you were about to walk into ongoing traffic imprints your brain like a nostalgic TV memory. He was a sixteen-year-old guardian angel who aged through the years as you grew, interfering in your life as if you were the most life-threatening person ever. 
Freshman year of college, he’s taking the red solo cup of whatever mixed potion the older frat guys made out of your hand. This led to practically the whole campus thinking you were chronically insane as you argued with no one because they couldn’t see what you saw. He interfered with your life at moments when you had it all under control, and he didn’t need to baby you as if you didn’t. But you were grateful for him, and the things he did stop when things got bad.
It's like killing a guy who roofied you at a bar. Despite the toxic drugs from drinking your drink, it had you feeling like you were in another world. You remember the crimson-red liquid staining his large, elegant white wings after the deed was done. After that, he’s never left your side, and you grew to feel suffocated. You couldn’t do much in your life if you had your guardian angel down your neck twenty-four-seven commenting on you getting hurt or dying. 
Now an adult, he still was here. Despite you being perfectly fine. No freak accidents, no near-death experiences. He still was here lurking around as if you were a child. 
Right now, watching as you poorly attempted to get laid. Your panties dangle from your ankle as you wait for the guy to insert, but as your horny meter slowly decreases—so does the poor stranger you met at a bar cock. Your eyes averted between your bodies as he aggressively pumped his condom-covered cock; you could hear his laughs as he was sitting on your kitchen counter chewing on an apple. 
Fuckin’ Sephiroth.
“You know what? That’s okay. Just leave.” You pushed the guy off you, limp dick and all while you’re scrambling to tug your panties back on. 
“What? It just takes some time,” The guy’s tugging his pants up in frustration. “Just please…baby.” He’s grasping on you, and you’re swatting his hand away like it’s an annoying fruit fly. 
“Just go. I’m no longer in the mood.” You warned.
This was a warning not only for yourself but for him. You had a 6’1 angel looming around your apartment who didn’t care to kill someone—especially a person who wasn’t following directions. Your eyes darted from him in the kitchen to the guy who kissed his teeth while collecting his belongings.
“Don’t call me anymore! You completely wasted my time.” He sneered at you while leaving your apartment. The door closed with a harsh slam that made you jump. 
As silence drifts over your apartment, and the only thing you can hear is the sound of that annoying clock in your kitchen ticking, you lean back on the couch with a sigh. “You know, you completely ruined the vibe, you know?” Your eyes land on the white-haired male as he finishes the apple he obnoxiously chews on.
“Do not blame it on me.” He tosses the apple in a trash can and stands up to close the space between you.
“I am blaming you because it seems like every romantic connection I attempt to make, you are there to ruin it.” You sneered at him before sitting up. “I don’t think this will work anymore, Sephiroth.” 
“Are you saying you want to release me of my duties of being your guardian angel?” He asks. You can feel he got closer despite shifting your eyes closed to calm yourself down from this talk. 
You two have been together for years. He’s been protecting you for years, and now it felt so suffocating that you couldn’t breathe. Sometimes, you wanted to release him of his duties, but you knew when you did that every memory you’ve shared with him would vanish. It would be like you two have never met. 
The sight of him with his elegant white wings on his back. The sight of blood staining his pale skin after murdering someone that hurt you. The look of worry when you almost walk into traffic, and he was a split second from being too late. 
He was yours just as much as you were his. But you needed space. 
“Yes.” You breathed out, pushing yourself off the couch to enter your room. “You know, I appreciate everything you’ve done for me, but I don’t think we can co-exist in each other’s lives anymore.” You explained you turned around, and he was leaning against your doorframe with the most obnoxious face. 
It was as if your words were going out one ear and the other for him. “We’re not young anymore. I don’t need you being so….so.” You were searching for the word to describe how you felt—frustration riddling your bones as you attempted to express yourself. 
Sephiroth took steps forward, closing the gap between you two. When he was towering over you with such little care at how close he was to you—he fixed your tank top strap and let his slender fingers linger on your shoulder just a little longer to cause goosebumps to garnish your skin immediately. 
“Possessive.” He finishes your sentence as his teeth graze upon his lower lip. “Is that the word you’re searching for, my little ward?” 
And with challenging eyes, you met his and said, “Yes. Possessive, like you own me or something.” 
His chuckles. But this chuckle was different from the one you have heard. It felt more sinister, more agitated. 
“You’re stuck with me, love. If you like it or not. We’re bound together until you die of old age or better yet, I briefly take my eyes off you as fate finally chooses a moment for you to die. Maybe a bus will hit you as you walk into traffic for texting on that silly device of yours, or maybe you’ll accidentally hit your head.” 
Your eyebrows furrow together in frustration and anger at his words. 
“You enjoy my company but don’t want to admit it. You think I didn’t notice the way you bring home little flings to spite me. You think I can’t hear the way your heartbeat quickens at the sight of me watching you get fucked by some man who can’t even make you orgasm. Sephiroth’s eyes glance over your body like he was observing you under a microscope. “So tell me, Y/N.” His finger’s toying with that strap on your tank top that keeps falling off your shoulder. 
“How many times have you imagined me, your sworn protector—your guardian angel fucking you?” His fingers drag alongside your nipples that harden through the thin white fabric of your tank top. “And don’t lie; I know when you’re lying to me.” 
You couldn’t quite remember what you had said after his words for your knees to be pressed upon your stomach and for Sephiroth’s cock to be buried into your throbbing cunt while your moans bounced off the walls. The pornographic sound of heated skin slapping against each other with the sound of your headboard banging against the wall was like music to your ears. But you enjoyed the sight of Sephiroth more. 
His crystal white hair fell in his face so perfectly. Comically enough, you wanted to say he looked like an angel. His eyes kept averting between your fucked out face and in between your body. With each glance down there, it seemed he fucked you into the mattress even harder. Instantly, your legs snake around his waist, completely trapping him from depriving you of what you were so eager for.
Sephiroth chuckles darkly through your pants of desperation, “Seems you’re enjoying this a little too much.” He mumbles. He pulls his cock entirely out of you, leaving you whining for more. 
He guides his cock in between your pussy lips rubbing in the mixture of your essence and pre-cum. Your back arched off the mattress with urgency, and he pushed you back down so you could endure the pleasurable torture of his cock teasing you until you were staining the cotton sheets below your naked body. With each stroke between your puffy lips, you’re squeezing your eyes shut tightly to prevent even the littlest thought of him seeing you like this. You didn’t think you could fathom the mere embarrassment. 
“Come on, you don’t want to see how well you take me?” He questions, his voice rings with a teasing tone that makes your pussy pulse. 
“Fine then.” He mumbles what seems to himself before he hooks his strong arms under your knees, completely trapping you under him and what’s to come.
You wondered if Sephiroth could hear how fast your heart was beating. It felt like it was bouncing around your chest like a small ball in a pinball machine. The feeling of his thick tip brushing against your entrance felt like the world had stopped. Perhaps it did. The idea of a guardian angel fucking his ward into her mattress had to be some form of rule breaker, right? Maybe, just maybe—God had briefly paused the world to give you time to weigh out the pros and cons of this.
But when Sephiroth bottomed down inside you, you felt the world unpause, and a wave of pleasure travel across your body. You even could hear yourself let out a sigh of relief—as if you’ve been waiting for this moment in centuries. The way his cock was inside, you felt like it was a missing piece in a puzzle you need. It fit perfectly, but when he started rotating and thrusting his hips—you couldn’t help but call out his name like it was a scripture.
It wasn’t as if you could do anything else but take his sensual thrusts. The mating press position trapped you from doing anything else but that. The way he was making you feel at the moment had you ignoring all that. Your moans echoed into his ear, and Sephiroth was very responsive because he’d grunt back like a rabid animal in heat. Ensuring that the feeling was mutual. That he was feeling just as good as you were. 
“After this, you’ll be stuck with me forever, right?” Sephiroth asked. His tongue drags alongside the bridge of your right ear, and instantly, your legs snake around his waist, locking your feet together so he won’t let go.
“Mhm, that’s what I thought.” His words send a chill down your spine as he continues to fuck into the mattress.
The pornographic sound of heated flesh echos upon your bedroom, and your eyes seem to squeeze shut in bliss. Savoring the moment between the two of you until you couldn’t anymore. Your pussy pulsed around his cock, and your thighs quivered under your guardian angel’s touch. His grip on you grew tighter, and you knew that he was unraveling right on top of you. His groans that echoed in your ear changed into whines of desperation. If you were being honest with yourself, you haven’t seen him this desperate in your life.
But it was a reason for that because, in just three seconds, he was a coming mess. He didn’t even bother to pull out, either. His nails dug into your heated flesh with each thrust inside of you, ensuring that each droplet of his cum stayed inside of you. With your legs wrapped around his waist, you leaned up to indulge in a heated kiss to seal the deal that you knew was going to follow you for years.
You truly were stuck with him forever until you took your last breath. 
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TAGS // @salaciousdoll @syndrlla97 @lilvampirina @msun1c0rn
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luverine · 3 months ago
Fav x gn! Reader ‹𝟹
// sub/dom dynamic // nsfw // MDNI // 18+ as always // hand k1nk // no proof read
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His hands…
The veins snake around them so beautifully, a stark reminder of the strength they carry beneath the surface.
His fingers- slim yet sturdy- tough, but with a softness that melts into your skin.
His palms, wide and confident, working their magic as they massage every inch of you.
The way he spreads you open, finding all the right places to press and stroke until you’re moaning his name in bliss.
How your cheeks burn, flushed with heat, as you shudder and cum under the relentless work of his hands on your most sensitive spots.
The way he teases your nipples, twisting and pinching, leaving them tender and red while you’re trembling in his grip.
The backs of his fingers brush away your tears, soft against the overwhelming sensations as his movements drive you higher and higher.
The same hands that press over your mouth, silencing your desperate, pornographic moans as he takes you mercilessly wherever he wants.
His hands, strong and sure, holding yours while his mouth works on you, vibrations coursing through every inch of your body.
And those very hands, cradling your face, forcing your eyes to meet his as you fall apart on him, lost in the intensity of his gaze.
⬧ Levi, Erwin, Eren, Jean, Bakugou, Kirishima, Sero, Endeavor, Shigaraki, Dabi, Toji, Geto, Megumi, Sephiroth, Nero, Silco ⬧ 
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A/N: likes, reblogs comments appreciated ‹𝟹
Please don’t steal my works!
Divider credit: cafekitsune
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ariseur · 11 months ago
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ffvii jealousy headcanons 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
✧˖*°࿐ includes cloud strife, zack fair, sephiroth, reno, genesis rhapsodos, and angeal hewley
┊ ˚➶ notes 。˚ 🎼
just a little something to satisfy you guys while i continue working on my requests!! already did a dmc one so might as well do a ffvii one too lol
┊ ˚➶ warnings 。˚ 🎼
jealousy (obviously), some possessiveness, intended lowercase, like one bullet point about post-nibelheim sephiroth, just a couple of guys who love the reader??, lmk if i missed anything !! 🎀
. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄
. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ 𝓒LOUD — 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
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❥ cloud is the type of person who will swear up and down that he doesn’t get jealous, but truth be told, he does. however, he doesn’t recognize it as jealousy at first.
❥ although, he definitely tries to shove his feelings down once he realizes that he’s somewhat upset. cloud won’t upright and confess that he’s jealous or go up to you when he sees someone flirting with you.
❥ cloud’s pretty understanding if you needed space or if you were just talking with someone else, he’s not gonna immediately resort to his insecurity.
❥ but once it’s a reoccurring experience, or if they know what they’re doing— or worse, if they’re actively flirting with you or touching you, then he’ll definitely start to get a little jealous.
❥ instead of actively confronting you or getting up in the flirt’s face, he’ll only watch afar at first. he’ll observe the conversation, the light touches, checking to see if you look uncomfortable or not.
❥ when it begins to become too much though, cloud’ll come up to you, saying something along the lines of how he needs you or needs your help and that it’s so urgent that you have to come with him asap.
❥ if you even insinuate that he got jealous though, he’ll deny it to the moon and back and say that it never happened. he may act like he doesn’t care, but don’t let it fool you. cloud cares about you way too much to let you be slobbered over at a bar by a disrespectful dude.
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈ 。゚
. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ 𝓩ACK — 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
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❥ i feel like zack’s semi into pda? as long as he’s not around the firsts or anybody important, especially angeal, then he just can’t wait to show you off. he can’t help it, poor boy loves you too much 😭 so because of the somewhat pda, i dont see a lot of people trying to flirt with you— especially knowing that your boyfriends a SOLDIER.
❥ i dont think he’d even notice at first, too busy talking to you to even notice that theres someone who has your attention also. i cant see anybody really trying to flirt with you though, zack’s like that one small dog who keeps yapping at your feet when you get to close to its owner.
❥ zack is very vocal!! if the person interrupts your conversation, he will blatantly call them out on it. he’d narrow his eyes at them and just say, “hello, i was talking to them??” because who interrupts people like that?? plain rude!!
❥ saw this in another post and i totally agree with it, zack’ll joke and joke with underlying messages behind these said ‘jokes’ and definitely has the mindset of, “what can they offer when you have me???” he just doesn’t see how they catch your attention or why they’re talking to you while hes sitting right there??
❥ will bend over backwards just for your attention, he will pout otherwise if he doesn’t get your full undivided attention after his attempts.
❥ will probably annoy the person after you’re gone by either passive-aggressively interrogating them or ranting about how in love he is with you. he’s like the cartoons where they hold their chin in their palm with heart eyes as they look up all dreamy with a giant thought bubble that’s just you. he can’t help it, he just loves you too much (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞!!1!1!
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈ 。゚
. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ 𝓢EPHIROTH — 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
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❥ for pre nibelheim (because i miss soft and not crazy sephiroth), i cant see him getting all that much jealous? i guess he’d get more so protective if he sees someone all up on you— but otherwise, he’s pretty laid back about it. he puts a lot of his faith in you entrusting that you won’t break it, so i cant see him going crazy over it.
❥ i think sephiroth’s mature enough to not cause a scene even if he was jealous, though. he wouldn’t be petty or actively try to keep you away from anybody pre nibelheim, although he finds it amusing how they try to flirt with you.
❥ he especially has to have trust in you considering he’s a first class!! unless you are also a SOLDIER or you’re associated with shinra, you guys will spend semi-large gaps of times apart. he doesn’t think you’d betray him like that though, he’s mature enough to have a conversation if he’s really worried.
❥ sephiroth has his moments of insecurity, but usually when he’s off duty— he’ll be with you. i’m just imagining sitting at a bar with sephiroth as he’s literally right beside you while this persons trying to slide up next to you lol. i also don’t think sephiroth gets jealous because he knows his worth and know he can be intimidating when he wants to be!! even just his teasing makes people quiver in their fuckin boots lmao. i doubt anybody would wanna mess with a first class SOLDIER who’s fit and over 5’11” / 180cm.
❥ after they either get intimidated or realize their advances aren’t working and that you’re happily in a relationship with sephiroth and leave, he’ll chuckle to himself as he thinks aloud about how silly it was to even attempt to get with you, knowing who you’re with. on the off chance that he’s feeling a little possessive or something, he’s not one for pda but he might just give you a kiss after they leave and a quick murmur of amusement due to their foolishness.
❥ now!! post-nibelheim!! you’re not even gonna be out of his sight enough to be hit on considering he’s kinda like.. a war criminal in a sense 😭. he’s much more possessive in his little silly criminally existentially crisis insane arc, never letting you leave alone or even go out in public that often. he’s much more obsessed with you after his break, so if he finds someone even making advances on you?? ooh, boy.
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. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ 𝓡ENO — 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
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❥ reno is one weird little dude, let me tell you that. every time i think of reno, i think of a cat. with a suit. suit cat.
❥ reno does get jealous a lot of the time, even if he is usually all up on you anyways. he still is a turk and also has to spend some time away from you, leading to overlapping thoughts of you while he’s away, maybe not even just possessive but also about if something happened to you. nothing could cure these thoughts better than a little phone sex, though.
❥ i’d like to think reno’s into pda as long as he’s not at work, poor rude having to witness wet kisses on your cheek with a lazy arm slung across your shoulder ever day. so i can’t really imagine anybody trying a bunch of stuff with you when usually— reno’s not too far behind.
❥ if reno happens to be not right next to you and he’s just doing his own thing and he happens to GLANCE AT YOU? AND HE SEES SOMEONE HITTING ON YOU?? instant slide next to you.
❥ he’s petty enough to start calling you all these pet names while he’s sitting next to you, wrapping his arm around you while he’s sizing the flirt up. he’ll look them up and down with a hard stare and maybe throw some passive aggressive comments every once in a while.
❥ he’ll probably make them uncomfortable (unless they wanna square up, because knowing reno, he might just charge if the person reciprocates his belligerent comments) so by the time they already leave, reno’s already whining against you as he asks what that was all about, acting all clueless afterwards. but you can tell just from the tone that laces his voice that he knows what he’s doing lol.
❥ he’s just a petty guy, maybe not so much possessive because i mean you can go out wherever you want wearing whatever you want (maybe after a small quickie at home if it’s something revealing), he can fend for you. he swears he’s your knight in shining armor no matter how much he teases you lmfao
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. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ 𝓐NGEAL — 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
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❥ now here’s the real knight in shining armor™!!!! angeal is your savior if you’re ever in an uncomfortable situation, although he doesn’t really get jealous at all— he’s just very observant of you.
❥ angeal has a whole thing about how in a relationship you must have faith and he’s very comfortable with both you and himself. he’s happy in your relationship and he is secure with himself!! if zack ever sees you two together and he’s like “(」°ロ°) 」??”, bombarding him with questions as usual, then i can just see angeal giving zack a talk on how to treat women and the gentleman way of approach— although zack is very respectful, it’s just in angeals nature to lecture.
❥ he won’t think anything of it when someone you know sits with you, you guys usually know each others relatives and friends well enough to trust them. but he’s a little iffy when a random stranger starts chatting you up.
❥ angeal obviously trusts you!! again, unless you’re a SOLDIER (which he wouldn’t prefer only because he worries about your well being), then you guys will have to spend some time apart. he has a lot of faith in you and will always write you when he’s away, letting you know he’s always thinking of you while you’re apart.
❥ if anything, he’ll save you if he notices you’re uncomfortable or something along those lines. he’ll swiftly say he needs your for something and apologizes to the person out of courtesy that he interrupted your guys’ conversation, but oh it’s so urgent, we must retreat!! and i must hold you hand in hand while we run off and do totally boring SOLDIER duties!!
❥ omfg then he pulls you aside and asks if you’re okay and ugh i just want him so bad. like sephiroth, he’ll also explain how foolish it was to even hit on you when you’re clearly happily in a relationship with him. you two’ll walk along back to hq (?) or whatever while you talk about how odd the encounter was.
❥ so in conclusion !! angeal is a gentleman and doesn’t get jealous / protective unless he thinks you’re in trouble or you’re clearly uncomfortable. angeal hewley to the rescue!!!
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. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ 𝓖ENESIS — 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
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❥ this dramatic bitch.
❥ genesis is so petty that he’ll probably consider the possibility that you’re flirting back? and then proceed to ignore you or leaving you off with some esoteric poetry while he tends to his duties. he is first class, after all.
❥ if he’s sitting right next to you though, and he hears that you’re not flirting with them. he’s petty enough like reno where he’ll suddenly be throwing out all these dramatic pet names and throw longing glances towards you, except he won’t even spare a glance towards the other person— simply only paying attention to you.
❥ id consider genesis a jealous person, but i do think that most of it strikes a protective instinct within him. he does understand that he’s also a first class SOLDIER meaning he’ll have to trust you, but he has way too much time on his hands to think. also like angeal where he’ll write you as much as he can— except he’ll send you mindless poems he writes or favored quotes of LOVELESS.
❥ in the case that you leave to go to the bathroom or any sort of occasion, genesis would probably scare the other person or make them feel uncomfortable as well. but when you return and they’re gone, he’ll act so clueless. all, “whatever do you mean, dearest?”
❥ another instance where i don’t think anybody would try anything with you. like angeal and sephiroth, genesis is a first class SOLDIER. everybody knows these dudes are the real shit (well, mainly only sephiroths talked about, but it applies to genesis and angeal too!!) so hes all smug parading you around as he side eyes every person who gawks at you. of course he knows you’re beautiful, but your beauty is too much for these fools to comprehend. so yes, he must glare at every single of them.
❥ and yes, also like his companions, he will jeer and whine about how silly it was to try that with you when you two are alone. i can even see genesis pulling a cloud and just whisking you away claiming you need to do something and then act like nothing happened afterwards. either that, or he’ll overdo it and claim to be your angel— no in between.
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dollwrites · 27 days ago
ᴛʀᴀɪɴɪɴɢ ɢʀᴏᴜɴᴅs ┊ ➶ 。˚ ° sᴇᴘʜɪʀᴏᴛʜ
content type ┊ standalone
content warnings ┊ smut ( minors dni ), mentor/student, tummy bulge, orgasm denial, all characters featured are aged 18+
important ┊ please reblog && leave feedback. not proofread so there’s probably mistakes. thanks for reading < 3
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“Faster,” the word is a husky, bubbling whisper from Sephiroth’s lips, one that you didn’t see him shape the syllables of, but one that still shook you to your core nonetheless. as his pleasure sounds always did. “Harder.” you wanted to do what he commanded, even as your thighs trembled, and your feet turned inwards— your balance on your tippy toes threatening to slip away and have you tumbling face first into the dirt beneath them, you attempted to plant yourself firmer, and buck backwards. your ass cheeks slap against the leather of his coat and trousers as he stood, his clothes half undone and hanging from his chiseled frame. your own uniform had been completely discarded in a flurry of black and silver, and now lay in a defeated puddle of fabric and metal at your feet. with each smack and squish of your flesh against his solid thighs, his taut abdomen, you feel the might of his cock as it barrels through your core, and you cry out in ecstasy.
your walls flutter, happy to receive such a heaping offering of cock, and you hear a low hum from behind you— emanating from the depths of your mentor’s chest, and realize that he’s sealed his couplet to keep the moan from surfacing. even without attempting to look over your bare shoulder at him, you knew the sound well, and the visage that typically accompanies it. a knitting of thin, grey brows, and the little wrinkle that forms between them when he feels you clamp down on him just right. a rolling back of his olive gaze, the vertical slits blown out with lust until the pupils nearly overtake the entire iris. a tightening of his jaw muscles, and a bulging of the vein on his neck, so easily shrouded by silver tresses.
“Still so far from orgasming, yet you tighten around my cock as if you’re already begging for cum.” you can practically hear the subtle curve of Sephiroth’s mouth as he teases you, yet doesn’t move an inch out of position. flat footed and relaxed, with his hands not clinging to your hips, but still and straight at his sides. “What’s the matter? Just can’t help yourself?”
“Nn-nn…” you answer, unashamed of your eager reply. it was impossible to deny it anyways, what with the way you milked him now.
“The second you get my cock inside you, you forget all about pleasing yourself, no? Only servicing me matters?”
you nod, but the tepid pace, only what you could muster whilst also struggling to balance, was also frustrating you. of course, taking him fully to the hilt was pleasurable— to feel your lower tummy bulging in the shape of his cock when your netherlips kiss his base— but this speed was not nearly enough to make you cum. what you really wanted; nay, what you really needed to find fulfillment was the harsh grip of Sephiroth’s hands on your hips, the strength and quickness with which he typically fucked you, and the dizzying sensation of being tossed about a raging storm of his desire.
he would give you none of that today.
“P-please, Sephiroth… fuck, I need—“ your breath is ragged, your words threatening to tie your tongue into knots as you struggle through the plea, “I need it!”
he knew already what you were asking for, but he doesn’t reach for your hips. he does, however, shift behind you, but only to cross his massive arms over his broad chest, and with a tilt of his head, he taunts you once more. “You lost, 2nd Class.” he mutters. perhaps Sephiroth, who was also enjoying the tightness of your warm cunt, wanted to give in to your request and plow you silly, but he was showing restraint. even as his hips twitched, begging to boost your rhythm by beating themselves against your ass, he remains stoic. “You know the rules.”
you did, much to your own loathing. sparring with Sephiroth in the training room had rules. one such rule being that the loser ( you, more often than not ) would get no reward for their poor form.
your interior flutters and spasms around his thick, veiny cock, and Sephiroth allows a sigh to slip through his tiers, a sound of approval. “I’m going to cum, you know.” his rumbling baritone drops to a whisper as he leans close, one hand freeing itself and careening around your lower belly. it plants itself there, fingertips barely flicking and rubbing at your engorged button to coax a helpless mewl from your lips, and encourage your innards to tighten around him still. your head droops forward, chin tucked to your breasts.
that’s when Sephiroth lips caressed the shell of your ear, his voice low with dastardly intent, but the smile remains upon them. “I could easily strum your little cunt, and give you that pleasure, too…” his voice trails off, but his fingers do not mirror his words. they rub in torturously slow circles, until you’re begging under your breath. “But I won’t,” he asserts, finally. “I’ll play with you just enough to keep it tight and drooling, until I cum, and then I’ll pull out and leave you begging for a release that will not come this day, or any of those that follow. Until you can best me properly.”
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silverflqmes · 6 months ago
synopsis. in which a ménage a trois is had with the savior of the planet — otherwise, your boyfriend, and the calamity personified.
genre. nsfw
tw. threesome, sefikura ( yes, you read that correctly. so if you are not comfortable with the pairing, just click off now cuz this isn’t for you ), penetration ( vaginal for the reader, anal for cloud ), praise, edging, rough sex, virginity loss, false sympathy, choking, bottom-ish cloud ( if you’re uncomfy, again just leave pls. ), overstimulation, corruption.
disclaimer. uncomfortable with smut or younger than 17? please dni.
notes. tysm for 500 followers guys! it’s a little unreal to me still since i was only at 200 or smtn before writing for ff7 so like😭 yeah.. anyway, take this in return, aka me going completely out of what i normally do and giving into intrusive thoughts because some of you guys miraculously agreed with my 2am ideas..
sephiroth x cloud strife x fem!reader.
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“good, cloud..” sephiroth whispered into the shell of his killer’s ear, nuzzling into the blond, unruly locks that tickled his skin. “very good.. her wails for release are most pleasant, aren’t they?”
said male’s hips stuttered like his uneven breathing had at the praise, nearly spilling his load right then and there into your ever-welcoming heat.
gaia, he hated how much of a sucker he was for such, it was humiliatingly weakening, especially when it came from him.. but he couldn’t let go just yet. not with the series of explicit instructions he’d received beforehand.
instructions that echoed in the all-too-familiar velvety voice throughout the confines of his mind. hardly any different from every other time it spoke, had it not been for that sultry undertone this time around.
a timbre that was slowly beginning to get to the self proclaimed ex-SOLDIER. in more ways than one, he feared. "s-shut up!” he spat despite the betraying rouge coloring his freckled skin. “i know what i'm doing. i don’t..” a hitch. “need you to tell me shit.." he breathed out, watching through half-lidded eyes as your head lolled back into the pillow, grabbing fistfuls of cotton while you waited for release, too.
..because sephiroth said not yet.
cloud didn’t know how, nor did he want to know how, but the highly anticipated first time sex he was blindly walking into seemed.. to have invited a rather unexpected visitor to teach him a lesson on pleasure. a phantom guest, as one might say, who just so happened to have the potential to destroy the planet at any given chance.
otherwise, his greatest nemesis.
a nemesis that was now demonstrating on him how to fuck his beloved girlfriend, rather than ending her very life.
and what was your take on your boyfriend quite literally being made into a canvas?
“f-faster, please, cloud!”
well, it's not everyday you lose your virginity to the savior and threat of the planet all at the same time. it felt like a crime to refuse something so delectable.
so who were you to say no? a little risk and tension added that perfect kick to the whole experience. the cherry on top, and you were ready to savor it.
the planet would be fine, surely. gaia and jenova could hold their tongues for an hour or few.
tilting his head, the bringer of calamity offered a small smirk. "do you, now? your beloved seems to have a plea.. she might want to share how close she is..” came his hushed observation, paired with a particularly harsh jerk of hips into his rival’s rear. “how in need she is of finally letting that coil snap within her.." he added fondly, pleased with the choked gasp that entered his ears as his eyes caught your hazy stare. "isn't that right, y/n?"
a soft whimper was all that was able to leave your lips because it was true. besides, what could you say with an orgasm so close, yet so far away, anyway?
aside from cries for mercy, of course.
"'m really close..” you mustered after a few sharp intakes of air, shaking your head weakly. “c-can't hold on for much longer, though." you added quietly, fighting the urge to cave at the sight of those mischief glinted jades. part of you wondered how cloud was able to even resist the owner while being given that kind of look in battle. you’d probably throw in your weapon right then and there while waving that tiny white flag seen in old cartoons.
perhaps cloud was simply just.. used to it.
although, that didn't mean he didn't hesitate from time to time.
"poor thing.." sephiroth acknowledged in a soft coo, trailing a hand down your thigh in a feather-light manner that elicited shivers. even amidst the sweltering heat. "while i did say to hold out, i have reason to believe it will be more fun to take your rightful release from cloud.. he looks to be faltering by the second." he prompted lightly, holding your gaze whilst his lips traveled down the jugular of his rival to the curve of his shoulder. “perhaps you’ll fix that, hm?”
and as if to confirm his statement, the former hero dragged himself out completely before sheathing the blond again to the hilt. once more in that same, abrupt manner that now had a symphony of noises tumbling free of suppression from his lips.
each one more erotic than the last, somehow. so very lewd, as you’d never heard such pitiful sounds spill from your boyfriend's mouth.. but undeniably pleasing to the ears. a mellifluous string of gasps and moans you weren’t even aware he could produce. and sephiroth was pulling them out like it was just another tuesday.
no wonder he had wanted to hear cloud so badly during their fights.
spurred on by sheer fervor and curiosity, you found yourself feeding into the one winged angel’s suggestion, "how exactly would i.. ngh- be able to do t-that..?"
mako tinted emeralds sparked with intrigue. “oh, it’s quite simple, really-”
"s-sephiroth!" cloud cut through another groan, glowering warningly at his foe like an offended kitten. it was more adorable than it was intimidating, as were all the other glares thrown his way. maybe on the battlefield and with more clothes on, it might have been taken more seriously.
here, however?
it only earned him a snort.
the villain in question simply couldn’t be bothered by such, not with that contradicting flush adorning his killer’s cheeks. just who did he think he was fooling when his body evidently betrayed his words?
"hush now, cloud." sephiroth ordered softly, tapping his sunkissed throat with two leather clad fingers. daringly. "your manners are lacking considerably. y/n here has asked me a question, it is rude to interrupt your own significant other.” he reprimanded smartly, giving the lightest squeeze — which was apparently still fatal enough if that was in fact a whine that entered his all-hearing ears.
but not convincing enough. “you'll just have to wait your turn." the former general finished in his ear, nipping down on the cartilage before shifting his eyes back to your flustered self. "now then, where were we? ah, yes.” he chuckled, patting down on cloud’s thigh. “climb onto your lover’s lap."
“climb onto his..” heat rushed to your cheeks almost instantly at the suggestion. 
truthfully, it wasn't like you hadn't done that before, but seeing the pathetic state your boyfriend had been in now.. that quivering, whiny mess. you could only imagine just how far sephiroth was willing to go.
apparently, all the way.
his sapphire hues were practically glimmering with tears already from the simulation he was both giving and receiving. all he needed was to be ridden to come completely undone.
you swallowed unconsciously.
so this was the villain you were told of.
honestly, he was hotter than he was annoying or endangering, or however way cloud had described him.
although tempting, incredibly tempting.
that part of you that wanted to go easy on your partner and stay in the position you were in was practically swallowed up by the malicious glint in the calamity incarnate’s eyes. it pitifully won the favor of your other half with ease, coaxing you into sweet, delectable oblivion.
one that became increasingly difficult to withstand.
shuddering at the tremble in your legs, you pushed yourself up despite the burning sensation in your thighs, letting out a strained exhale at the stretch it caused. “sorry cloud..”
a stuttered noise left the blond's lips as he reclined against his enemy's front, rolling his head back against the plush, yet firm chest behind him. were pectorals meant to feel so cozy? or was it simply his fogged up mind?
regardless, the smirk on sephiroth’s rosewood lips seemed to grow at the nuzzle of gold fluff on his bared skin, and furthermore at your willingness. it was.. amusing, to say the least.
cloud, as it turned, was even more delightful up close. pink dusted skin, furrowed brows, watery eyes — truly a sight.
unable to hold yourself back, you brought your lips together for a chaste kiss, mewling into his mouth at the alarmed buck his lower half gave. it was sudden, without calculation, risky, and divine all at once; enough to remind you of your impending climax. but that, again, could wait.
it had to.
warmth brushed and enveloped your tongue, imploring you to suck down on it, which you eagerly did, peppermint flooding your senses. was toothpaste meant to taste this good?
breaking away, if only to keep yourself from diving right back in with the intent of never breathing again, you were allowed a second of air, and only a second.. before your appendages were claimed by a second pair.
and fuck.. they were as soft as they looked from afar. frigid, yet strangely passionate for the nemesis your lover had described him to be. your mind dared to call it delicate.. until it wasn’t. gentle seconds became half a feverish minute as your eyes fluttered shut, allowing yourself to melt to his flame completely.
icarus flew too close to the sun, well you flew right for the caller of meteor, and clung even as your feathers became ash. uncaring of the way he seared your lips with sin, liquid silver tickling your cheeks like a sheen of mercury.
sadly, your lungs did care.
before any worries of your life quite possibly being stolen and swallowed up by the darkness personified, his lips were torn from yours.. and roughly reclaimed by none other than your boyfriend’s.
it took longer than necessary to register the exchange, with you utterly enraptured by the sight of cloud so.. bothered and lustful, as opposed to his usual composed and indifferent self.
meanwhile sephiroth reciprocated the kiss in full, chuckling at the taste of his own ichor spilled across his bottom lip as his adversary drank like a mortal parched. in return, he gave his tongue a sudden nip, musing at the quiet hiss that allowed him a metallic flavored sample of his own. fair was fair, after all.
in his opinion, anyway.
a knowing look amidst the violent lip lock was your cue to regather yourself, bringing your clammy hands to the curves of the former merc’s shoulders. no going back now.
slowly, your hips lifted just slightly, never missing the twitch against your insides as you lowered them at that same pace with a sigh.
the moan that tore through cloud’s throat was pleasant — encouraging. it beseeched you to repeat your ministrations; faster, sloppier- if only to hear and feel more of your beloved.
sephiroth was no stranger and rolled his own front against the man his life became so intimately intertwined with, devouring every sound that entered his greedy mouth. “such a good boy..” he whispered after detaching from his crimson stained lips, nuzzling into the other’s neck. “taking us so well..”
“f-fuck, haaaahhh~ can’t-!” cloud gasped out, arching pathetically against the toned body behind him. “can’t..!!”
a curious brow lifted. “can’t what, cloud?” the silver haired male hummed out, flitting his eyes to yours. “ask him to reiterate, won’t you, y/n?”
vision blurred, you peered over at your partner through blurry eyes, barely able to hold even yourself together. the words came out somehow anyway, albeit spluttered. “s-say it clearer, cloud — fuck!” you cursed, throwing your head back. “please..!!”
and that was the final straw. as though in slow motion, the ex-SOLDIER gave a finishing thrust before a rush of warmth enveloped his cock, trickling between the mixture of limbs like liquid ivory. 
it didn’t stop there, however, as a chorus of pants joined the no longer withdrawn whines of your lover. meanwhile his enemy nailed his prostate with acute precision several more times before meeting his own climax.
sephiroth gave the smile of a feline satisfied with its work. cloud completely undone alongside his lover and the most satisfying of cries to fill his ears? it wasn’t the same as bringing the planet to its knees and under his rule, but the outcome was just as euphoric.
if not more, certainly at the sight of the his seed trickling out of the bruised hole of his dearest adversary. part of him was almost tempted to fuck right it back into him, but the night was young. time was bountiful.
especially for punishment. “mm.. that reply was no good..” the former first commented softly, tilting his head after a contemplative hum before allowing a smile to cross his lips. “but, not to worry.” he chuckled when the blond looked up at him like a deer in headlights, caressing his cheek ever so gently. “y/n and i shall keep going until you get it right, won’t we, y/n?”
willing your eyes to open, you glanced between the pair before falling back against the pillow, staring unblinkingly. “i’m calling in sick tomorrow..”
notes. my bad y’all this.. required a lot of brainpower as expected</3 but i hope it’s somewhat ok! i’ve been hella swamped w moving and orientation, so i’m a bit late on releasing this for the 500 followers gift.. but yeah! tysm again for your support<3
tag list. @demial4 , @rottingiron , @shibarinu0000 && ofc 🎐 anon if you see this<3
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dark-konohagakure2 · 7 months ago
Sephiroth obsessed with clouds little sister gets jealous and noncons her, maybe she's a virgin still too
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tw: noncon, age difference, size difference, revenge sex, dacryphilia, kidnapping, virginity loss, obsession, degradation
All characters depicted are 18+
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Sephiroth despises Cloud, but that doesn't stop him from having a twisted obsession with the young man, ever since he burned down Nibelheim and seemingly killed the boy's family, but when Sephiroth finds out that Cloud has a younger sister who survived the Nibelheim incident, Sephiroth knows that he's just found his newest obsession.
Sephiroth is the ultimate SOLIDER and a force of nature in his own right, so he can easily find the weak civilian girl who is living all on her own, without any big strong elder brother to protect her from whatever monsters might be out there looking for her.
His sudden appearance at her door is quite the shock to the girl, there isn't a single person in the entire world who doesn't know who Sephiroth is, so the fact he's now at her door greatly confuses and scares her, but before she can even ask why he's there, Sephiroth is already roughly grabbing the poor girl.
Sephiroth is an incredibly strong and tall man, towering over almost every human he encounters, so it's as easy as crushing an ant underboot for him to hold her down and tear off her clothes, and he'll let his intentions and reasons for what he's doing be known to her very quickly.
"Dying in that fire would have been a merciful fate for you, little insect. Now look at you, completely at my mercy, how sad..."
Sephiroth doesn't have a lot of experience with more human things such as sex and closeness despite his slew of admirers, he knows what sex is, but to him it's just a way to degrade and assert dominance over people, and that is exactly what Sephiroth is going to do to her.
The SOLIDER isn't the slightest bit gentle when he fucks her, why would he be? She's a bug while he's practically a god among men, humans like her only exist for his ends, and right now his end is getting off and hurting Cloud via his sister, a goal he won't lose sight of even when he's balls deep in the struggling girl and feeling his skin against her own.
Sephiroth isn't completely immune to arousal however, he is a man after all, and he can't deny the way his cock throbs and leaks inside of her at the sensation of her virginity giving way to his fat cock, or the way his hips speed up slightly when he catches sight of tears streaming down her pretty little face, he makes sure to commit all those lovely sights to memory.
He wants to degrade the young woman as much as possible simply for the crime of existing as his enemy's beloved sister, so he's going to keep her as his cumdump for quite some time, forcing her to fulfil the purpose that he believes all humans serve; being useful to him and his ends.
"You're pathetic, just like that dear brother of yours. But fortunately for the both of us, you're never going to see that useless boy ever again, you belong to me now."
Sephiroth finds himself rather entertained by his newest toy, especially due to her resemblance to his arch nemesis, but his amusement with her doesn't save her from his wrath, because Sephiroth will discard of her the moment she isn't fun to play with anymore.
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emmyc0z · 3 months ago
I read your work for Sephiroth and was wondering if you could write another one!
Impressive Woman
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pairing : sephiroth x female!reader
summary : he told you not to be so shy but when you try he's nowhere to be found. what if you train to pass the time? surely there is no way to embarrass yourself again.
c/w : reader uses a sword, mention of blood
a/n : urghh i do NOT feel good about this one. i hope this one lives up to the first part
part 1
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The weeks that followed the incident in the hallway were anti-climatic.  
Immediately following your encounter with Sephiroth you returned to Zack, abandoning your fabricated meeting with Angeal. He was standing, in the same place you had left him, chewing on his nails. Once he noticed you, practically floating, back towards him his hands fell away from his face. 
“Oh my god, I thought you were a goner. Man, he walked back this way and he- jesus it was scary you should be glad you missed it- he was all like,” he furrows his brows and scrunches his face up, recreating Sephiroth’s ‘scary’ expression. You assume it was probably more frightening in real time than now, considering Zack’s face only makes you giggle. “It’s not funny, seriously! I thought I was never gonna see you again. I was ready for you to come out of there sobbing, and then I would have to show him-.”
“Show him what, Zack? You can’t even show the spider living in the corner of your bunk who’s boss. What exactly did you plan on doing to your taller, stronger, and definitely handsomer superior soldier.”
“Um, ‘handsomer’ is not a word. Also, that was completely unnecessary. I was really worried about you, and you come back completely unscathed and then start complimenting your hypothetical heartbreaker. Hey, speaking of, why aren’t you heartbroken and sobbing by the way.”
“Your faith in me is truly touching Zack,” you let out a half-scoff-half-laugh and roll your eyes. “I’ll have you know that things went.. better than expected actually. And I’m telling you, things are looking up for me.”
But they weren't. If anything, things were steadily declining as the days passed. You had barely even seen the impassive man, let alone had a chance to speak to him and fulfill his request to “not be so shy”. Just your luck that during the most important week of your romantic life, the main component would be missing. Sephiroth had been sent away on a mission concerning first-class soldiers only. Strictly first-class soldier business, strictly confidential, strictly unable to share any details. At least that was what Angeal had told you when you asked when he’d be back.
So, you sat, sulking and staring at an empty training simulator, sitting in the same spot you had watched him train not even a week ago. Your lips part with a soft sigh, chin resting on your fists. 
“You know he’s coming back right?” Zack’s voice breaks you from your sullen trance, mirroring your surprised jump when your head whips in his direction. 
“Christ Zack, don’t sneak up like that!”
“Why don’t you do something productive and try out the training simulator? Rather than, y’know, just staring at it and thinking about sweaty Sephiroth.”
Your eyebrows scrunch up, unimpressed, “Um- I was not thinking about that. And the fact that you thought of that at all is concerning.”
“Hey! Don’t turn this back on me. Gross..” His voice is shrill as he defends himself, exaggerating a disgusted shiver with his body. He laughs softly, eyes spotting a soft smile on your face that puts him at ease. “Anyway, you should do some training. It might take your mind off things. Think about it, kay?” Zack rests his hand on your shoulder, giving you a goofy smile before he waves himself off. 
Of course, he was right. And it was the perfect time to train because nobody was around for you to embarrass yourself in front of. Cough cough, Sephiroth. 
You pull yourself up from the plastic bench and approach the training simulator. You push your hair out of your face, roll your sleeves up, and grab one of the midsized training swords. The dome lights up blue, the artificial training dummies loading up before you. Gently, you rest the back of the blade against your forehead, breathing in and grounding yourself. 
You focus on the cool metal against your clammy skin, tying your thoughts into this moment. Training during the day is usually hard for you. If anyone asks, you blame it on not wanting to fail in front of a crowded room. Which is true. But in reality, it’s just demeaning. 
Shinra is a male-dominated place and a female soldier is hard to come by. It’s not like it’s uncommon for you to hear inappropriate comments or be offered help you don't need.
Usually something like, “You should lift your arm higher when you swing your blade,” “Position your feet closer together,” “Adjust your grip,” and “Why don't I give you a private lesson on technique?” It’s like they forget that you're a soldier too. They forget that you took the same training and got to the same place as them. 
The blade in your hands glides swiftly through the air, fracturing the training dummy into a jumble of artificial cubes on the ground. A hair falls loosely in the middle of your forehead and you pay it no mind save for a quick puff of air to move it out of your eyes. 
You’re not supposed to, but you can't help picturing the male soldiers who often approach you to offer their unwelcome suggestions. You should be picturing Wutai, picturing a real fight, but it is so satisfying to imagine the stunned look on a man's face as he gets cut down. Another dummy crumbles into a pile of digital squares. And another. And another. You plow through them, more concentrated than you’ve probably ever been. Skin glowing with a thin coat of sweat.
Standing in the middle of the dome, you realize that the training dummies have all fallen. But suddenly something heavy rests on your shoulder, gripping it. A reflex test maybe. But you don’t remember loading that in.
You swing your sword around expecting another artificial being but your blade misses, flying through the air unexpectedly and causing you to stumble. It moves out of the way. It’s a real person. You swung at a real person. The blade clatters against the floor, slipping from your hands as you turn to face the person who intruded on your training. 
“Well, that's not exactly the greeting I was expecting. I thought you'd be happier to see me.” He's seriously teasing you even though you almost cut him in half.
“Seph- Oh my god, I’m so sorry! I didn’t- I would never- Why would you come in here? I could’ve seriously hurt you! Jesus, I didn’t even hear you come in..” You look him over erratically, your voice trailing off as your eyes zero in on a tear in the fabric on his arm.
With otherworldly speed, your hands find his arm to observe where your blade made contact. Out of the corner of your eye, you notice his other arm rise and begin to move towards you at your approach and then slowly fall back to his side, barely noticeable hesitance. “I cut you..” 
He looks down at his arm with you, hooking one finger in the torn fabric and ripping it further to get a better view, “Yes. I suppose you did.” 
You wrap your hand around his forearm pulling him behind you quickly, and to any onlooker's surprise, he follows with no resistance, allowing you to drag him to the nearest first aid room. You practically push him to lean against the table inside, searching with unsteady hands for something to clean and wrap the wound. 
Sephiroth curiously stares at you. Observes you. Did you seriously think that this was worth all this stress? It was a tiny wound, just bigger than a paper cut. if the paper was made of medal but- He had just been off on a mission, facing much worse than this, and yet you were acting like it was the worst wound you had ever seen.
He realizes, upon your return with arms full of medical supplies, that he hasn’t seen your eyes this whole time because you won't look away from this cut. 
You roll his sleeve up with gentle hands, ignoring the way his fingers begin to brush against the underside of your arm. Gently, you wipe away the blood that oozes from his arm, hands shaky while pushing the gauze down to soak up the red liquid. When you know that the bleeding has stopped oozing out, you wrap his arm in a thin layer of gauze. You suddenly feel embarrassed by the attention you’ve given him, knowing now that it won't even need stitches.
Two weeks ago you wouldn’t have even dared to look in his direction if there was potential for him to catch you. Now you have confessed your feelings to him in the middle of an empty hallway, let him kiss you in the same empty hallway, and then almost cut his arm off. All in the span of a week. Okay, maybe you weren't even close to cutting his arm off but still.
“I’m sorry, I probably didn’t need to drag you away for this.” You finally look up to his face. He smiles down at you, maybe it would feel condescending to anyone else but to you it's almost endearing. 
“You're probably right. But I appreciate your concern anyway,” he lifts his hand to your face to push a stray piece of hair from your forehead. “You’re all sweaty.”
“Don’t apologize,” Sephiroth’s eyes never look away from your face. You can still feel his eyes on you when you look away from him. “You’re a good fighter. How come I’ve never seen you train before?”
“How long were you watching?” Your embarrassment grows and your face must show it because Sephiroth lets out a small laugh. 
“I apologize. I must admit, I was watching from the moment you started. I expected to find you when I got back, Angeal hadtold me you were quite troubled by my absence. But you were in the training simulator. So I took the opportunity to watch, almost like someone else I know.” He moves his head to find your gaze, which you hide from him by looking to the side. You can hear his smirk before you see it, and you know he's referring to you admiring him in the simulator on multiple occasions.
“You are far more impressive than me when you train. I can’t imagine you saw anything impressive.” You cross your arms over your chest but his hands reach up to break your defense, pulling both your hands into his own. 
“You shouldn’t speak that way. You are a very impressive woman, you fight well. Half of these soldiers would be more than lucky to learn from you, don't forget that.” Even while leaning against the table he towers above you.
Your stomach explodes with tingles as his praise registers. Pride fills you. You had always admired Sephiroth as a soldier. Even before you developed your childish crush on him.
One of his hands leaves yours, finger brushing against the high point of your cheekbone. “Did you know you have a cut here?” All you do is shake your head. 
He maneuvers the two of you to switch positions. You jump up to sit on the table, expecting to be closer to his height to no avail. Sephiroth gently moves your hair out of his way, pushing it behind your shoulders; his fingers brushing against your neck sends a shiver through your body.
He grabs a small cotton ball from the pile of supplies you had dropped on the table before and pours a small amount of antiseptic on it. Gently, he places it on the cut you didn’t even know you had and wipes away the blood that has dried along its edges. “You probably did this when you first swung your sword, do you always hold your blade so close to your face?” 
You bite the inside of your cheek, remembering that you were embarrassed just a moment ago, “It’s just something I do when I train, my dad used to say something about being one with the blade when I was a kid." You give him exactly 2 seconds to respond before you fall back on yourself, "I know that probably sounds stupid..”
“You’re very hard on yourself. I don’t like hearing you speak that way. You are so much more than you know,” he says it so casually like it’s the simplest thought he’s ever had.
He looks between you, your cheek, and the supplies on the table. Usually, you might be glad to have a break from his intense gaze but now every time he looks away you're filled with disappointment. His fingers are gentle as he places a bandaid across your cheek, a soft smirk on his lips. You can only imagine it’s something embarrassing but you can't bring yourself to care. 
“There. Now we're even.” He doesn't try to distance himself, hand brushing against your cheek.
“I- Can we train together? I mean- would you train me?” He raises an eyebrow at you, flicking the used cotton ball and the bandaid’s packaging into the nearby garbage can.
“I won't train you.” Your hopeful expression fades, mouth parted like a silent ‘Oh’.
“Ah ah,” he lifts your chin with his pointer finger before it can fall any further, “I won't train you. But we can train together. I’m not a teacher, and anything you have to learn you won't learn it from any simple pointers I have to offer. It’s the experience you need. I will give you that. But we'll do it together, yeah?” You can’t help but flush at the underlying flirtation in his words. "How's that sound, hm?" Once you realize he's expecting some sort of acknowledgment, you nod.
Sephiroth’s finger leaves your chin, palm coming up to pat your cheek. If it was anybody else it would feel demeaning but it only makes you crack a smile. “You come and find me whenever you like, and you can show me a thing or two about ‘being one with the blade’.” He smirks, teasing you as he walks out of the medical room leaving you to sit in your flustered thoughts.
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“So I imagine you found Sephiroth?” When you don’t respond, Zack waves his hand in front of your face.
“God, I have to get you out of here. He’s melting your brain with his evil soldier powers. Look at you,” his hand dramatically clasps the fabric of his tank top with one hand and touches his forehead with the back of the other. “I’m losing my best friend to his necromancy. He has hypnotized you with his love magic.” He gasps, “Oh god, what if he’s some sort of ancient being sent here to prevent you from ever having a decent conversation with me again.”
“This has to be in your top ten most dramatic outbursts, I didn’t think you could get any worse. Why didn’t you become an actor? You seriously missed your calling.”
“Now that you mention it, I have been thinking about getting into acting,” he puts his hand up to his chin in fake thought, laughing when you push him and he loses his balance. 
Suddenly he pokes his finger into your face, touching your cheekbone, “Hey, by the way, what’s up with the kiddy moogle bandage?”
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flowerwiththemachinegun · 7 months ago
Very often I think about Sephiroth crawling in my bed and napping. Cause why not? Headcanons for Sephiroth Angeal Cloud Zack +Tseng and Rufus? if they have consistent access to your home. I doubt they’d do anything too invasive…that doesn’t go for Rufus and Tseng
haven’t been paying enough attention to him he’s worried about you, you haven’t sent him your routine messages that let him know you made it to work or when you were heading home and that’s just weird. “What could be more important than thinking about me?”
Love him all you want, he’s eating your favorite snacks like a greedy little monster, it doesn’t matter if you buy enough to accommodate both of you. It takes a lot of food to fuel that man’s body, so that just means you started buying more for him to eat in addition to what he already steals right?
Doesn’t really snoop around while you’re gone but if something catches his attention he’s going to investigate. You’ll catch him with something in his hands that you haven’t seen in ages but still claims he doesn’t actually go through your things…sure buddy
Tries to straighten up messes, most of which he makes, but I dunno man. Something about Zack doesn’t scream world’s most tidy man and he doesn’t pay attention to fine detail. It’s the effort that counts right? He’ll at least take your trash out for you and clean up any obvious messes.
Will find him sprawled out on your couch waiting for you to get home, snoring and drooling all over the arm of your sofa…god he’s so fucking adorable and he’s just waiting for you to get home and cuddle him. After all you gave him a key for anything important.
Yall know I’m making the “you like krabby patties don’t you squidward” face mhm..anyways are those most definitely your underwear in his hands that he’s so poorly trying to hide behind his back. Not to mention the underwear hanging out of his pocket. “You know Cloud,I heard you were a perv but fuck.”
After that day he didn’t use his key for a while. No, that’s not what he was there for originally. He was waiting for you to get to your home after an argument the two of you had on the phone to speak to you in person. Who knew that in his boredom his feet would led him to your drawers? There wasn’t too much to argue about anymore, not after asking if he wanted the ones on your ass too. He did and he got them off of you personally.
Will also straighten up things he sees in disarray, especially if he knows you like things a particular way. Will also feed and take care of any other needs your pet has if you have one. He gives your pet way more attention in private than he does around you.
The “Oh I fixed it” guy. If he isn’t there by the time you get back there might be a list of miscellaneous items he fixed. Eventually he stops making the lists considering you didn’t even realize what needed fixing and when, knowing that his actions are always appreciated.
Because what more of an excuse does he need to freely enter your home than being Genesis? He’s coming to get your attention and recite Loveless to you while creating parallels between you and the words of his beloved epic.
Mad at him? Ignoring him? That’s not going to work, you better take that key back if you really don’t want him in your face. He’s not going to knock, sweet boy is coming straight in to fix whatever turmoil has risen between the two. Sometimes bearing gifts in these moments but he delivers you gifts when you’re not mad at him as well.
Noticed one thing isn’t very tidy, taken in account that perhaps you’ve been too tired or not in the best of moods lately. He’s going to end up cleaning your home just as he would keep his own. It’s the least he can do to help his darling.
Somehow makes your entire home smell like him, it’s like he has a Febreze can of himself that he sprays around the place. It’s just him spraying his cologne everywhere to mark his territory like a cat.
Sets up cute dates for when you arrive. This is especially convenient considering the two of you have such busy/conflicting schedules. Making sure to take care of anything around your home so you can solely focus on unwinding from the events of the day and on him.
Sometimes you’ll come home to fresh flowers sitting on your living room table. Along with a sickly sweet note, a quote from Loveless thrown in, and addressed to “his goddess”.
Angeal (ily break into my home pls I just wanna talk)
The master at taking care of his “beautiful liege”. Originally got a key to your home to pick up some things you needed for work but seeing the disarray of your apartment causes him to pause. It doesn’t bother him but if you needed help being taken care of you should have asked. Poor baby feels bad for not noticing that he needs to take care of you far more than he already does.
Yeah, you actually never got the things you needed for work that day. Only receiving a short text from Angeal claiming he would “be there soon”. Stepping into your home you can’t help but notice that it smells amazing. Beginning your trek to the couch toss your things down you go to step over some books that you swear were going to get picked up two weeks ago. Looking around you can’t help but notice the whole apartment is spotless. No longer able to hold the irritation you held with Angeal for bailing on you earlier, as you realize why he never showed up.
He refuses to give you back “his” your key after this. He won’t enter without your permission of course, even if you’re home, the man’s polite after all. Certainly wont go through your things unlike Cloud and Zack but can often be found curled up in your bed if it takes a while for you to get home.
You already know this man is cooking for you, normally timing when he’ll finish a meal with the time you get home so it’s fresh cause he “needs the best for his baby”. He’ll also do things like having a bath running for you, will join if you want him to, he’ll wash you up himself since you “shouldn’t have to lift another finger today”. Once again due to such a busy and conflicting schedule this is the easiest routine for you two.
Sometimes it seems like he lives there, seemingly spending more time at your place than at his own. Which is just fine with him, home is where his heart belongs, and his heart belongs with you.
Sephiroth (the cutest one idk i usually write my favorite one last but between Angeal, Seph and Rufus+Tseng idk) {After Genesis goes missing to highlight his emotional state}
To say the look on that man’s face was stressed was an understatement. As you walked into his office, immediately asking our dear Sephi what was wrong. Not one to go into too much detail Sephiroth explains he’d just like to be alone. That right now everything is a bit much for him to deal with and he doesn’t want to be found “unless it’s by you”. Prompting you to offer up your apartment, knowing nobody would look for him there.
Hesitant to accept your offer because he doesn’t want to intrude or make himself an inconvenience to you. A statement that makes you roll your eyes because Sephiroth could never be a bother. It doesn’t take much convincing for him take your keys and disappear from the Shinra building.
When you get home Sephiroth you can tell he’s made himself at home. His shirtless form opens the door for you, giving you a quick kiss and asking how your day has been. Noting that he looks a bit more well rested than he did earlier. As you walk around you can kind of tell what he’s been up to, a few of your books are sitting on the couch along with his laptop. Nothing out of the ordinary really, asking what he’s been up to and if he’s feeling better.
Scooping you up in his arms he carries you to the bedroom, stating that he’s just been “waiting for you”. Giggling at the sight of your bed you gawk at him asking “did you make a pillow fort?!” He actually looks a little prideful when he tells you he did and that “the structural integrity is absolutely astounding.” He’ll only let you leave the fort for good reasons, either food or the bathroom seems to be the only things he lets you get up for so far.
In the morning you give him a spare key, telling him to feel free to use it whenever. And that he does, the next day finding him cocooned in your blankets on the couch. The only thing you can see is his beautiful green eyes peeking at you from his nest of blankets. Hiding in your home definitely becomes a routine for him, only going to his own for clothes and whatever other items he may need. Spending a few nights at his own place every so often to give you space (that you never needed he just worries). Just a few nights every so often though cause why does he need to be there “when everything I want is here”
Rufus+Tseng (they’re definitely a package deal, can’t tell me otherwise) ffff-hi Reno you weren’t supposed to be here but my mind has now put you here
You certainly didn’t give these guys access to your home. Walking through your apartment after a long day, to what you thought was going to be a relaxing evening. Instead being greeted by a massive guard hound, well that wasn’t on your schedule but it seemed to get penciled in “what the fuck is that?” You can’t help but spit out, reaching for your pistol only to be interrupted by a foreign voice
“Now don’t be rude Y/N. The things you just got done doing are far more terrifying than my DarkStar.” Your eyes immediately darting around to find the owner of that voice- Who is this pretty blonde fuck sitting on your couch? Legs crossed, arm propped against the arm rest with his head held up by his hand. It’s almost like he’s trying to look as disinterested as possible in…whatever it was they were here for.
Not to mention the guy standing beside him, long black hair pulled back neatly…yeah, that’s just screaming to be pulled. Drawing his weapon the minute you reached for your own, telling you to drop it and to step towards them slowly. As you start taking steps towards the duo your arm is grabbed and being twisted behind your back. Their chest rumbling against your back as they chuckle.
“Oh, this one is so cute. How do we feel about ‘em bossman?” craning your neck to get a look at your assailant, being greeted by a red head with a goofy grin on his face. My god he was easy on the eyes as well. Sporting a suit similar to the raven haired man, his shirt unbuttoned, leaving his chest deliciously exposed. If it weren’t obvious you were in danger you might’ve thought you were in for a treat. Jumping a bit as his other hand starts roaming your body. Letting out a chuckle as Reno speaks stating that he’s “just checking for weapons, ya know how it goes. Unless..” his tone turning flirtatious to be cut off swiftly by Tseng, requesting you take a seat.
Reno, as the gentleman he is, assists you in your seat. All but shoving you down as he leaves his hands resting on your shoulders. You make it clear not to him “mishandle the merchandise” only for him to tell you he “can do better later.” Quickly shutting down the interaction between Reno and yourself finally asking who they were and why they were here. Rufus does a majority of the talking he is the center of attention of course, going into detail about how the Turks have been tracking you for the past year. Going through the list of atrocities you’ve committed along with some pretty damning evidence.
“Wow, you kill a few people and now the government is breaking into your home? I don’t know if this is really warranted.” At that comment you receive a rather pointed glance from Tseng and a raised eyebrow from Rufus. Finally getting to the point after Tseng lectures you on how this is a serious matter and there’s no time to play. They offer you a job with them, “redemption” as Rufus called it. While sure you’re a criminal, you indirectly solved a lot of their problems and you’re the final loose end they needed secured. “Or, you can go back to prison, but this time for the rest of your life.”
Though Tseng made it clear, if you can’t pass their training and be a successful member of the Turks you’ll be going prison anyway. Your smarts and ability to have snuck through the system this long is what got their attention drawn to you, well Rufus’ attention. Tseng thinks picking up “low-life criminals” to join their forces is far below them. Besides, they don’t really need you anyways, they just want you.
Crying cause I hate I can tell when I first started writing this and when I finally found it and finished. Saving things to drafts seems like a dangerous game I won’t be playing again. I couldn’t think of anything to add to characters I already wrote for. Definitely making the last hc something bigger and is now main priority.
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crisiscutie · 1 year ago
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One of my yandere musings inspired me to write this! I always found the idea of a yandere Sephiroth stealing the darling of Fluffy Sephiroth to be really interesting, so why not do it now? Fair warning though, these are pretty gloomy.
Pairing: AC Sephiroth/Domestic Darling.
Content Warning: NSFW. Noncon. Emotional Abuse. Milk/Nursing Kink. Corruption Kink. Pregnant Darling.
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Your weak moans broke the defeaning silence as he languidly fucked your cunt, his hand on your left thigh and the other on your right hip.
Damn your body working against you. Your cunt had a mind of its own; a trembling, gushing, wet mess that relentlessly pleaded for more of him.
But this wicked mockery of the man you loved disgusted your hurt mind.
You wished you were strong enough to support Sephiroth in the fight against his dark mirror...
His slit blue eyes and his twisted smile bore into you and your swollen, pregnant belly. It was clear that in his wicked fantasy mind, he thought this moment between you two was intimate, as if it was natural. It couldn't have been further from the truth, your truth.
"You've never looked so lovely before, my darling," he whispered, his velvety, "sweet" voice tainted with malice. He often tried to mimic your sweet husband to break you, but you always saw right through him. You won't give in. You don't want to.
He increased the power of his thrusts, coaxing a louder moan from your sweet lips, but still keeping that tortuously slow pace.
Oh, how you wanted this to end. How you wanted your Sephiroth back and live the happy life you two had before.
As his hand moved from your hip to your pregnant belly, you clenched your teeth, your protective maternal instincts triggering. No. No. Not your baby. Not what you had left of him.
But as usual, you couldn't move very much. It's like something is keeping your arms down, pinned to the bed. As much as you tried to move against this force, you only arched your back.
Your inner walls tightened around his cock as he delivered a particularly brutal thrust when you failed to respond to him.
"Our child will grow up to be strong. I will be the one to guide her - forever!" He growled.
His vast, dark wing sprouted from his back, wrapping you in its embrace as he continued to stroke your belly.
"You don't need to worry, darling. He's intertwined with me... a part of my very essence," For a brief second, his eyes widened as he said those last words.
He leaned down towards your pregnant belly, his lips hovering close but not quite kissing it.
You didn't react to what he said about your baby. Your focus was on his unsettling words. It's impossible, he couldn't be him. Your Sephiroth is still out there somewhere!
The initially gentle hand on your pregnant belly became possessive and rough as it moved up one of your milk-filled tits.
Your body twitched, a mixture of pain and pleasure unraveling within as he coaxed milk from your engorged nipple, his dark grin slightly widening at your reaction.
"Don't worry, darling. I'll make sure every drop of this precious milk is put to good use."
He squeezed your abused tit harder, reveled in more milk seeping over his hands and your belly. The traces of JENOVA'S imprint within your milk sent him into a primal frenzy.
His luscious lips hungrily latched onto your nipple, his tongue swirled around the flesh as he was determined to make true on his last words.
The thick and creamy liquid danced on his tastebuds, making his chest rumble with a twisted delight.
His cock constantly kissed your cervix, while only ever so slightly increasing his agonizing tempo. Even in his primal frenzy, he's still such a calculating bastard.
He released your nipple with a "pop" when he finally cummed inside you.
You screamed, feeling every drop of his corrupted seed mixing with your cunt juices. It's overwriting your desires and twisting your thoughts to fixate on him.
And it's disgustingly lukewarm, moving within you and coating every part of your insides like it's another entity. Why do you want more of it?!
He had a rare, radiant smile on his face, just like your lost husband. He watched tears streaming down your cheeks, your resistance finally started to melt.
Your husband was weak, he never deserved you... The man with you now could always protect you and your daughter. He could give you everything you ever wanted... Right?
Sephiroth licked the tears from your left cheek, before nuzzling into it and whispering softly in your ear.
"With me, all of my dolls will know true joy."
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Next I do Yandere 7R Sephiroth musings? 👀
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