#reader x ethan choi
valentinajadehill · 1 year
one chicago masterlist
jay, adam, kevin
admirer central o
adam ruzek
memory lane o
jay halstead
crossing lines o
jealousy jealousy o
leap of faith o
showtime part one, part two, part three
only mine o
back off o
bullpen chatter o
work related encounters o
jesse lee soffer
new romance o
closer than most o
connor rhodes
come back to me o
ethan choi
secret relationship o
attention o
nerf gun war o
the toothbrush o
antonio dawson
hug me o
nurse dawson at your service o
i tried to help o
fight me o
will halstead
medicinal purposes o
kelly severide
resanoona masterlist
give into you o
second chances part one, part two, part three, part four, part five
the way home masterlist
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imaginemalereader · 11 months
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Requested by @haocovr: Imagine being a doctor at Chicago Med and in love with Ethan Choi
"Good morning Dr. Choi." You greeted as you walked into Med. Ethan was already moving around quickly and reading over a chart in his hand.
"Morning Dr.[Y/N]." He smiled at you quickly before ducking into Trauma 2 to check on his patient.
You smiled back, even though he wasn't looking. It was such a small thing but his greeting was the best part of your morning.
Maggie approached you, a knowing smile and no chart to be seen.
"What are you looking at me like that for?" You asked, even though with Maggie you knew there was no point in trying to deny what she was seeing. She saw everything and that included seeing right through your innocent façade.
"You know exactly why." She said. "You've got to make your move. Go for it, be assertive."
"Maggie," you sighed, "he probably doesn't even-"
"Feel the same?" She interrupted. "You both have comedically bad timing. Every time one of you does something cute, the other blushes but you look away so you just don't see it. He likes you. He's probably afraid to admit it, but he does. So, talk to him. Tell him how you feel."
You looked at her. She was so confident in her assessment and you trusted her judgement on about a million other things, but you struggled to believe her here. Ethan? Liked you too? It just seemed so unlikely.
You went through the day, having only brief interactions with Ethan but each time you swore Maggie lingered around just to see if you would commit. Of course, when discussing patient care, especially in front of a patient, there weren't many opportunities for the topic to come up.
Finally, your day was wrapping up and wouldn't you know it, so was Ethan's. You were on your way to grab your things when Maggie caught your eye and gave you a look and a pushing hand motion followed by a heart. You weren't sure whether to roll your eyes or blush.
Ethan was gathering his things as well when you walked in.
"Long day?" He asked.
"I've certainly had longer. How about you?"
"Not bad, all things considered." He paused. "What are you doing tonight, got any plans?"
"Nothing yet. Why do you ask?" You asked. Ethan always seemed so confident and you really hoped he would make the first move. Maggie's pep talk had helped but you were still uncertain.
Was that a blush on Ethan's face? No, surely you were just imagining it. Ethan didn't blush. Sometimes he would smile and look away but he wasn't the blushing kind. Not that you'd watched his reactions that closely before.
"Curiosity." He finally answered simply.
"Ah." You said, disappointed but trying to hide it. You took your coat and wallet from their places and got ready to leave quietly. You considered walking out the door without saying anything else but Maggie's voice in your head told you not to.
"Do you want to go to Molly's?" You suggested, turning from the door to look at Ethan. He looked surprised at first but then smiled.
"I would like that a lot."
So, the two of you headed to the bar, greeting the firefighters as you sat at a table to give yourselves some more space to talk.
And talk you did. It was a little awkward at first, Ethan was not naturally much of a small talker and you didn't want to dive in too heavy right from the start. But from a bit of work chat, you got to spin off onto some tangents and exchange stories that had you sitting on the edge of your seat to almost doubling over laughing.
After a couple beers, Ethan finally asked you the question you'd been worried about.
"So, what made you invite me to Molly's tonight?" He asked. He certainly hadn't minded the invitation at all and he loved talking to you, but it had been a bit of a surprise.
You hesitated, unsure of how much of your feelings you wanted to lead with.
"Maggie suggested I ask actually. She thought it might be good for us to hang out."
Ethan raised an eyebrow and tried to suppress a smile.
"Funny. She told me a similar thing today."
"Oh did she?" You asked, now raising your own eyebrow. She had played you both like a fiddle. "What exactly did she tell you?"
Ethan studied you for a moment. His face was handsome you thought as he focused on your eyes.
"She told me that I needed to stop missing my moment and take the dive."
"Maggie used the phrase 'take the dive?' Huh." You mused before processing the more important part of what Ethan had been saying. "What moment was she worried about?"
You wanted to believe it would be a romantic moment and everything was leading you there. Your stomach was in your throat and you knew it would just plummet if he said it was purely platonic.
"Apparently I haven't been as subtle about how I feel as I thought. She said you weren't subtle either, I was just not looking hard enough."
How he felt. You felt a warmth in your chest as you could relax now.
"Maggie was rather confident you liked me. And she read me like a book too."
Ethan laughed and he was able to relax again.
"So, you have feelings for me too?" He confirmed.
"I like you, I really do."
You both smiled. How could you not?
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Ethan Choi- One Up
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Warnings- talks about miscarriage and toxic sister. Also if your waiting for a request I’m working on them. Hoping to get them up end of the week maybe next week.
When we were kids, my sister Phoebe and I were the best of friends. We did everything together, yes she was 2 years older but we loved each other. However things changed when we were at high school. We drifted  apart, she was popular, I wasn't. She was your typical thin pretty girl who had all the boys chasing her, I however wasn't like that.
Then when she graduated she went to collage to be a makeup artist. When I left school I went to collage to be a nurse, a year later my sister decided to go to school to become a doctor.
When I moved into my first apartment she moved into a house.
When I started dating Ethan, a doctor at Med where I work, my sister started dating a CEO of a company. When Ethan proposed we rang my parents, Phoebe, her boyfriend and Ethan's sister Emily to our apartment for food to celebrate. Of course as soon as I say 'Ethan and I are engaged' Phoebe comes out with 'well Alexander and I also got engaged today' and shows us her ring. How does she do this? How did she know? So the meal to celebrate my engagement turned out to be a meal to celebrate her engagement as well, which ok fine I can't grumble to much, but could she not have waited until the following day?
Mine and Ethan's wedding was perfect, except for when Phoebe had to tell everyone that she was going to get married in Mexico. Why did she have to do this at my wedding? It's like she is constantly trying to one up me.
After our wedding Ethan and I decided we wanted to try for a baby, before we knew it we were painting our spare room and Ethan was building a crib. That was all put on hold when I woke up one night in pain and was bleeding. Miscarriage.
I waited a couple of days before I told my parents who insisted that Ethan and I come over for a home cooked meal. I asked Ethan sister to come for support, because knowing my sister she will have something to say. And boy was I right.
"We don't have to go if you don't feel ready" Ethan takes my hand in his and gives it a squeeze
"Yeah I can go and tell everyone that your not feeling well" Emily says poking her head between Ethan and I
"No it's ok. I'll be fine. Come on" I open up the car door and head to the front door. I open it up, Ethan and Emily following me
"Mum? Dad?" I call out. Mum runs out of the kitchen and hugs me
"Oh my sweet girl. How are you feeling?"
"Errm ok I guess. Can we not talk about it"
"Of course. Go and sit at the table. Dinners nearly done" we walk to the dinning room where Phoebe and her husband are sat giggling. Taking a deep breath I sit opposite her with Emily and Ethan either side of me.
We eat our food which was amazing and mum brings out dessert when Phoebe has to say something
"Ok I'm glad mum and dad asked us to have this meal together because I have some, sorry, we have some exciting news"
"Your moving to the Bermuda triangle?" Emily mutters, I have to try and hide my smirk
"No" Phoebe looks at Emily annoyed then looks back at all of us smiling "I'm pregnant" immediately I feel everyone's eyes on me
"Oh... wow that's... erm congratulations" I manage to stutter out
"Thank you YN. We're super excited aren't we?" Not leaving her husband a chance to speak she continues "we've started decorating the room, we're actually 3 months along. We decided to keep it very quiet since you decided tell us all and then have a miscarriage, we didn't want to upset mum and dad anymore"
"Is she for real?" Emily looks at me. I feel a mixture of upset and anger
"We had our scan and everything is good. We even heard their heart beat, which is the best feeling the the world knowing your baby is alive and safe. That I am keeping them safe"
"I think that's enough Phoebe" mum sternly says
"Why? I thought you'd be happy to hear that your actually going to have a grandchild. Oh YN could we have the crib you bought and clothes, since your not getting to us them. Seems a shame to go to waste" that's it. Hot tear roll down my face as I stand up
"You want the clothes and crib we bought for our baby who we only lost last week?"
"Well yeah why is that a problem you have no baby coming I do"
"Your unbelievable. I didn't chose to loose mine and Ethan's baby. Your acting as if it was my fault" I leave the table and room hearing my mum and dad scold Phoebe for being so inconsiderate. I run to my old bedroom upstairs and break down into tears when the door opens. Ethan walks in and immediately wraps me up in his arms
"I'm sorry she said all that. It affects you as well. It wasn't just me that lost a baby it was you. Are you ok?" I ask looking up. Ethan is also crying now
"She had no right to ask any of that. Your mum and dad have told her to leave"
"You didn't answer my question. Are you ok?"
"I will be" Ethan kisses the top of my head and we stay like this for a little while.
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americaswritings · 2 years
When we fall | Part 1
Warnings (for all parts): Fluff, angst!!, description of injuries, blood, violence, use of guns, mentions of death, probably unaccurate policing/medicine
Summary: You moved to Chicago to start a new life. Working as a doctor alongside your brother Connor you make new friends and although you swore to yourself not to let any man in your life at least for a while, your promises fail when you lock eyes with a handsome stranger in a bar.
Words: 6k
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Doctor!Rhodes!reader
A/N: I just started watching Chicago PD (I'm on season 3 now) after I've been watching Fire and Med for years now. I just can't stand Voight so I only began watching for Jay and Burzek! And I am so in love with Jay. Please, this man is perfect. Just look at that handsome face!!
This is going to be a 3 part series I wrote on a whim. Originally I only planned on writing one scene, but then I figured it needed a backstory so this happened...
I have to say I am really proud how it turned out. I was just in such a flow when I wrote it that the story basically wrote itsself. I hope you enjoy and that the characters feel true to themselves :)
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You had only began working at Gaffney Chicago Medical Center a few months ago, hesitant to work alongside your brother but knowing it was an opportunity, which would be stupid not to take.
Having moved to Chicago recently to be close with your brother after a messy break-up, you were still adjusting to your new life.
It was why you were more than relieved when you got along well with your co-workers, especially Natalie and her boyfriend Will.
They were understanding of your situation, were never bothered to show you where to find something at the hospital and made you feel welcome from the beginning as they invited you in on their group plans and joked like you were old friends.
Although you still felt a little uncertain at times to work with your brother, who had made himself a name as a brilliant trauma and cardiothoracic surgeon, he had been supportive since your decision to leave your old town behind and start a new life in Chicago.
Maybe, you thought, coming here had been exactly what you needed. A fresh start, a new beginning with new friends and no men to mess with your heart. At least for now.
“I told you I have sworn off men”, you sighed, shaking your head in amusement at Natalie’s try to play matchmaker. “They’re trouble. I don’t need that in my life right now.”
“Hey!” Will send you a look, though you knew he wasn’t mad. “She’s not wrong though”, April stated and Ethan next to her grinned. “I mean it though”, you said directed at Natalie. “I just want to focus on myself right now. My job. No dating for now.”
Everyone at the table nodded and you relaxed, glad you had found these people, who respected and supported you. “Cheers to that!” April raised her glass and you did the same when you noticed yours was empty.
With a groan you pushed yourself out of your seat and up, gesturing towards the bar. “I’m going to get another drink. Anyone want something?” They all shook their heads, already moving onto another topic.
As you made your way over to the counter you studied the people around you, trying to determine who was a cop, a firefighter and who a regular. Right in the beginning the others had introduced you to Mollys, claiming it was Chicago’s bar where first responders spend their time after shift.
Figuring it might come in handy to memorize some faces you let your gaze drift over the sea of people, recognizing a few men that Connor had once told you worked at the CFD. They were laughing loudly, beers in hand as they seemed to be talking enthusiastically about something.
At the table next to theirs your gaze came to a hold, your eyes caught by a man you had never seen before but looked slightly familiar. Your brows furrowed as you rummaged in your head for something that connected you to him, but you couldn’t find anything.
The people who sat with him didn’t look familiar either, consisting of men and one woman with chestnut hair. Your eyes drifted back to the man, who had caught your attention, his brown hair styled neatly and his hands wrapped around a bottle of beer that he just raised to his lips.
You didn’t meant to stare, but you were mesmerized, torn between trying to determine why he looked so familiar and captured by his effortless handsomeness.
He wore a green shirt, making you think his eyes were the same shade, although it was hard to know with the distance between you.
He seemed relaxed, leant back in his seat but listening to the others conversation attentively. Having sensed someone’s eyes on him he suddenly looked up, his eyes searching the room for a split second before they fell onto you.
Your face heat up as a blush crept up your cheeks, knowing you had missed your chance to turn away. The man raised his brows slightly, in confusion just as much as amusement it seemed, before he lightly lifted his bottle, as if he was saying cheers.
You clutched your glass a little tighter, glad that it had been refilled in the time you had spent gawking at him, and copied the movement, an unstable smile on your lips. Then you turned away, meeting Stella’s gaze from the other side of the bar.
The two of you had met when she had been at the hospital for smoke inhaling a while ago and you had clicked almost instantly, connected by your determination to hold your own in a field still dominated by men. And by your past with toxic relationships as you found out later.
“What was that?”, she asked, a teasing grin tugging at the corner of her lips as her eyes flickered between you and the man behind you. A part of you wanted to ask if he was still watching you, the other longed to forget it had ever happened.
“I don’t know.” You let out a dramatic sigh. “Can we just forget it ever happened?”
Stella’s face lit up, her curls dancing around her face as she shook her head. “Yeah, you wish. But that was definitely something.”
You exhaled, pinching your nose. “Thank you for the drink.” You saw Stella open her mouth in protest at your ignoration of her words, but before she could say anything else you send her an apologetical smile and hurried off.
No one seemed to have noticed your encounter and you slipped into the booth with ease, trying hard not to steal another glance at the unknown man a few tables away.
No men, you reminded yourself. Right now you needed to focus on getting your life together, not getting your heart broken by a handsome stranger.
“Dr. (Y/l/n)?” “Yeah?”, your head shot up from where you had filled out paper work. Because Connor and you were only half-sibling, you didn’t share the same last name, something you had been more than glad over when stepping foot in this hospital for the first time.
No one knew where you came from and that you shared genes with the successful Dr. Rhodes and you had left it at that at first, wanting to make your own impression first before dropping the information.
You could still remember their shocked faces, the questions, but most of all the excitement as they asked what Connor had been like growing up. If you had any embarrassing stories to tell or photos to show.
You didn’t, keeping them to yourself for now, because you hadn’t come here to make fun of your brother. He had been your rock through your breakup and your move here, something you were so grateful for you feared you would never be able to show him just how much.
“We have someone hit bit a bullet waiting in the three.” Your eyes widened. “Why didn’t they come with an ambulance?”, you asked, grabbing your iPad along the way.
Maggie waved off your comment, chuckling. “Cops. You know how they are.”
Actually, you didn’t. Coming from a small town you had no experience with shootings and gangs and many of the other trauma causes that were common here in Chicago. It was why you had been so excited about your job offer at the hospital.
Although you were still adjusting to the changes of living in a city and there were downsides you hadn’t considered before, you liked it. It felt so different, giving you the sense that in this city everything could be possible.
So many options and so many possibilities, as if you could completely reinvent yourself. It was thrilling, making you wonder how you had ever lived without the adrenaline rush of stepping into a busy ER.
Quickly scanning the information on your tablet you pulled open the curtain, clamping the iPad under your arm as you disinfected your hands.
“Hi, I’m doctor (y/l/n) and you are?” You glanced up, startled as you met the eyes of a familiar stranger. The man in front of you grinned, seemingly better at covering up his surprise. “Shouldn’t it say my name on your tablet?”
He didn’t sound rude, only a little sarcastic and perhaps even teasing. You gulped, trying to recompose yourself. “Right. I just prefer getting to know my patients myself than just relying on numbers and letters.”
You didn’t see his reaction when you grabbed your iPad again, glancing down at it. “So your name is Jay Hal-” “Halstead”, he finished for you and you looked up at him again.
It made sense now, why he had seemed so familiar to you nights ago at Mollys. “You’re Will’s brother.” The man in front of you, Jay, as you knew now, raised a brow. “Have you considered becoming a detective?”
He was mocking you, again, and you were tempted to smack him with your iPad. “So-”, he paused, letting his eyes drift over you. You felt your body tense under his gaze, cop’s eyes, and stood a little straighter.
“You were watching me at Mollys.”
You pressed your lips into a thin line, biting your tongue. You could only hope the embarrassment that began to sink in didn’t show.
“I was not watching you”, you stated and he raised a brow, daring you to explain yourself. “I just thought you looked familiar, but I couldn’t figure out why. Now it makes sense.”
You turned halfway towards the door, gesturing to the halls where somewhere his brother was treating another patient.
“I don’t think that’s the whole truth.”
You almost gasped at the confidence in his voice, instead blowing out a breath. “It definitely was.”
He shook his head, smiling. “I don’t buy it.”
There were many things you wanted to say to him, but you swallowed them, knowing it was no use. He clearly enjoyed teasing you, so you wouldn’t give him more fuel.
Instead you let out a sigh, shifting into professionality. “So, Mr. Halstead”, you began. “Jay is fine.” You tried not to let his interruption let you lose your string again and nodded. “Jay, you’re here for a bullet wound on your left upper arm?”
Jay nodded, his eyes- they really were green- bright. Pulling on your gloves you decided it was time to reclaim your own position a little. “And you decided to just walk in here instead of coming with an ambulance? Seems a little reckless, don’t you think?”
He raised one brow at your question. “It’s just a graze. I wouldn’t even be here if it weren’t for my boss.” He rolled his eyes, making you wonder what his boss was like.
“Seems like your boss is a lot smarter than you”, you muttered, but to your surprise Jay grinned. “You’re new here, right? At least I’ve never seen you here before. Do you always talk to patients like that?”
You shrugged, unbothered by his words as you stepped close to him to take a look at his arm. You didn’t know what had gotten into you to talk to him like that, but you had the feeling with him it was fine. That he could take it, perhaps even enjoyed it over your dry professionalism.
“Only to the ones I like best”, you said with sarcasm in your voice, too focused on inspecting his wound to check his expression.
Jay didn’t move under your touch, allowing you to move his arm before you let it go again. He had done this before, probably multiple times. It was why he was so unbothered, perhaps even annoyed to waste his time here on something that seemed unsignificant to him.
For a moment you were tempted to ask him how he could choose a job that demanded such sacrifice, but you didn’t know him and you doubted he would give you an honest answer. Not that you could blame him. You were practically strangers.
And was your job much different? Although you had never been hurt and doubted it would ever happen, you were still making countless of sacrifices for it. Taking on extra shifts, working through the nights, staying longer to take more time for your patients and putting their health over your own sometimes.
“It’s just a graze shot”, you said when you were done inspecting the wound, ignoring his look that seemed to say “told you”.
“But you still need to be careful with it. Give it rest, avoid any rapid movements, don’t lift too heavy with it…I think you know.”
Jay nodded, watching you remove your gloves. “Does that happen often?” He tilted his head in question and you bit your lip. “I mean, you- getting shot on the job.”
“Are you asking if I come here often?” His lips were curled into a lopsided grin, looking way too handsome on his features. You rolled your eyes at his teasing, ignoring the way your heart beat a little faster in your chest. “Forget it”, you stated, throwing your gloves into the bin.
“I am going to tell one of the residents to come and bandage the wound. Then you’re free to go.”
But before you could move the curtain again and leave the room you heard Jay’s voice behind you. “Wait.”
You paused, turning back to him slowly. For the first time he wore a serious expression, his jaw twitching.
“I’m with the Intelligence”, he stated, in a way that told you the name should ring a bell. It didn’t. You were too new to know much about it.
Jay seemed to sense it by your lack of a reaction to his words. “We’re…very involved in the City.”
Whatever that meant. You tilted your head in question. “You mean with the gangs?”
Jay shifted. “Voight, my boss, he can be very- intense.”
You nodded slowly, taking in his guarded expression. It was a topic you wouldn’t pry at. “And you’re okay with it? I mean- you’re just so…casual about this.”
You bit your lip, hesitant to ask him but curious as well. The cops in your home town had barely ever used their weapon to the point you sometimes even doubted they were able to.
Jay shrugged nonchalantly. “Before I worked for the CPD I was in the army. I’ve been through a lot worse than a graze. Getting shot at is just another part of my job.”
A veteran.
In such a short amount of time Jay had revealed so much to you. Suddenly you had a lot more respect for the man in front of you and you wondered if that was his way of coping, covering up his battle wounds and scars with sarcasm and wit.
You swallowed, trying to find words. But none seemed fitting. “Sounds like I will be seeing you here often then.” You kept your voice emotionless, although the thought of seeing Jay regularly made your heart speed up a little. Of course you would prefer different circumstances.
Damn his handsome face and wit.
He grinned slightly, shifting the atmosphere back to something lighter. “Don’t get too excited. I prefer staying bullet free.” “As you should.”
Typing something into your iPad you gave Jay a final nod. “Stay safe out there.” Then you turned to the door, already halfway out when you heard his voice again.
“I don’t even know your name.”
You froze, smiling to yourself when you tried not to put too much weight into the fact that he had called you back a second time. It seemed almost as if he didn’t want you to leave just yet.
But you pushed the thought aside, knowing it was pointless. You couldn’t let yourself get distracted so easily.
Turning back to him you put on a polite smile.
“You’re a detective, figure it out.”
You were surprised by your own confidence, but with Jay you didn’t feel shy or insecure. He made you feel like you could say anything and he wouldn’t mind. The type of man that didn’t get upset easily, so comfortable with who he was that it took a lot to get him to lose his temper.
“I could just ask my brother, you know.”
You shrugged, unimpressed. “If that lets you sleep at night, sure.”
You left the room smiling to yourself and it took you another few minutes to calm your rapid heart and collect yourself.
“You didn’t tell me you have a brother!” “What?” Will looked up from the computer, startled by the way you had barged into the break room.
Your shift was over and you couldn’t wait to get home and relax on the couch, but before that you needed to talk to Will. Because after encountering the other Halstead your mind hadn’t been able to let go of what had happened between the two of you. The way he had looked at you, teased you. How he had made you feel nervous and confident in just a matter of moments.
“Why didn’t you tell me you have a brother?” You leaned on the desk, sure that you had Will’s full attention now. “You didn’t tell us you had a brother the first few weeks either.”
“That’s different.” You shook your head. “And I did tell you. So…?”
Will leaned back in his chair, stretching his back. “I didn’t think it mattered. I would have introduced you eventually but- wait, is Jay here?”
You bit your tongue, feeling a little caught. You hadn’t thought that maybe Jay didn’t want his brother to know what had happened. But it was too late now, and anyway, how should you have known?“
"He was. He is fine though.” You kept your words vague, aware that you weren’t allowed to share personal information with Will. Even if they were brothers.
Will let out a sigh. “That idiot. Probably got himself in trouble again.” He reached for his phone across the desk and you quickly got up, straightening.
“You didn’t get it from me”, you threw in before Will could drag you into it and he looked up at you with curiosity in his eyes. “I wasn’t going to mention you.”
“Oh.” You nodded, feeling relieved yet a little flustered. Will studied you with attentive eyes, reminding you of his brother for a second before his expression shifted into suspicion.
“So you met Jay.” He said it in a way that proposed something meaningful behind his words, but you couldn’t figure out why. “I did.” You shifted your weight to the balls of your feet before swaying forward again. A nervous habit. “I bet he’s the younger one.”
“He is, yeah.”
You suppressed a grin. It made so much sense. “So I should probably head home now. I got the early shift tomorrow.”
“Right.” Will nodded, the phone in his hands seemingly forgotten as his eyes were still fixed on you. “Did something happen between you and my brother?”
Your heart sank a little. Were you really so obvious? “I told you I’ve sworn off men. And your brother is- annoying.”
You wished the last part didn’t sound like it came straight from a five year old’s mouth, but it was too late to take back.
“Trust me, I know that.” Will let out a sigh, but you could see the fondness in his eyes. The gesture alone told you they had a close relationship.
A cop and a doctor. What a pair.
“Well, I’ll see you tomorrow. Goodnight.”
Weeks had passed since you had last seen Jay. He hadn’t shown up in the hospital again, which you were both glad for and disappointed at, and since you had been taking on extra shifts for a sick co-worker, you had spent almost all your time at the hospital or passed out in your bed.
“You haven’t gone out with us in weeks!” Sylvie was currently trying to convince you to come to Mollys. You had gotten to know her through Stella and the two of you had gotten along well, her sweet and kind nature something that made you feel comfortable around her instantly.
Although you had quickly learned not to underestimate the girl. She was working with a bunch of guys after all and had learned to stand her ground with them.
Sylvie could be very persistent, you realized again when she had called you to invite you to a girl’s night out. “Stella won’t be working today, so it’s our chance to spend the night as just us girls.”
You gnawed your lip, thinking. You were tired, craving your couch and tv more than going out again, but Sylvie wasn’t wrong, you had been mostly on your own the past days. Being a little social and getting out of your own apartment would probably be good.
“Urgh, fine”, you groaned. “But you’re paying my first drink.” You knew Sylvie was smiling triumphantly on the other end of the line. “Deal.” “Now get your ass over here!” It was Stella’s voice in the background and you chuckled. “You are the worst!”
“And you love us anyway”, she chirped and you hung up, shaking your head with a smile on your face.
You hadn’t thought about impressing anyone when getting ready, but you were more than glad you had put a little effort into your outfit and make-up when you stepped into Molly’s that night, your getup like a wall build around you.
“You came!” Stella crossed the room, her voice loud enough for a couple of heads to turn towards you. You could kill her for drawing attention to you, but you forced a smile onto your lips instead, trying not to look at anyone except her.
“Hey”, you muttered, shrugging out of your coat and hugging her. “Wow, girl you look stunning!” Stella’s eyes flashed up and down your body as she let go, a smirk on her face.
“A little quieter, please?”, you almost whispered, aware that you still had the attention of the people around you. Stella seemed either completely oblivious to it all or unbothered, because she grinned at you. “Looking like that you will draw attention to you whether you like it or not!”
You felt your cheeks heat up a little, glad when you spied Sylvie making her way over. “I told her not to make a scene, but she wouldn’t listen. You know how she is!”
You hugged her too, smiling as Stella let out a breath. “I did not make a scene. And I’m standing right here, you know?”
Laughing, the three of you made your way to the back, where you slipped into a booth, your drink already waiting for you. “You know me so well”, you told Stella as you took your first sip, relaxing a little now that the attention had mostly vanished.
“I got you, girl!” Stella winked at you, before launching into a story about their newest rescue. Soon you were enveloped in laughter and smiles, the stress of the last days forgotten for the night.
Only when Stella declared it was time for another round of drinks you felt the exhaustion return to your body. “I think I’m going to head home”, you told them, stretching a little in your seat. “Early shift tomorrow?”, Sylvie asked and you nodded.
“You’re way too selfless, taking on all these extra shifts”, Stella pointed out, but you waved her off. “I’m the new one, so it’s fine. Helps me get to know everyone and everything better and it’s not like I have much to do in this city yet. I only got my gym membership, but I didn’t really have time to look for anything else.”
“See? That’s exactly why you need time off! You should be out exploring the city!” You smiled at Stella’s enthusiasm. “It’s not like it won’t be here tomorrow. I’m planning on staying here, so there’s plenty of time to get to know it all.”
Sylvie offered you a smile. “I’m glad you do. I know it can be quite an adjustment to move to a big city like Chicago, but it will feel like your home in no time.”
You felt your heart squeeze painfully in your chest as you thought back to the past months, which had been filled with nothing but heartbreak, loss and a turmoil of emotions. Even as you had decided to start a new life in Chicago, you had been filled with fear and uncertainty, scared to make the wrong call yet again.
Never could you have imagined to find a job, that was so challenging, but gave you a sense of purpose and a group of friends, that felt like you had met them long ago.
“It already kind of does”, you admitted, your eyes fixed on the empty glass in front of you before you looked up at them again. They both looked at you with big smiles on their faces and you almost felt tears fill your eyes. It had been a long day.
“We should do this more often”, you told them as you got up and grabbed your coat. “That’s what I said!” Stella nodded.
“And I still need to show you that spinning class. You would love it!” Sylvie sounded so excited that you couldn’t help but chuckle. “I am sure. Just text me and we’ll find something.”
“And you’re sure you can’t stay longer?”
Your eyes drifted to the counter as you considered staying for another drink, but your body felt heavy and almost sore from the day’s work. “Next time. But you two have fun and don’t drink too much”, you winked at them.
As you excited the bar you waved towards a few familiar faces before pulling your coat closer around your body to prepare yourself for Chicago’s cold.
Still you shivered as you stepped outside, pulling out your phone to order an Uber. Something you had only done once before, on your way here, but was an easy and quick way of getting around the city.
It would take a few minutes for your driver to arrive and you realized it would have been a lot smarter to wait inside, but you hadn’t thought of it then and you felt too proud to step inside again.
Pressing your hands together you rubbed them against each other a few times to create heat, before slinging your arms around your torso. Chicago’s harsh winters wasn’t something you hadn’t gotten used to yet, but the promise of snow lingering in the air made it almost worth it.
You heard the faint sound of the door opening and closing behind you so you took a step to the side of the building, not wanting to stand in the way of whoever had just left the bar.
To your surprise the person came to stand beside you, his presence alarming you until you glanced up to find none other than Jay Halstead standing next to you.
Immediately your body relaxed again, as if it knew by instinct his presence meant safety. “That was quite an entrance”, he greeted you, referring to the moment you had stepped into Molly’s.
You felt your cheeks flush at the memory, hoping he couldn’t see it in the dim light of the streetlamp. “I didn’t know you were here.” You kept your eyes trained at the empty street in front of you, willing and dreading the moment your driver came to pick you up.
“I was with the unit”, he said and you turned your head towards him. “Are you here often?” He shrugged, his eyes darting to the building. “I guess so, yeah. It’s the place where everyone comes.”
You nodded silently, contemplating his words. “But if I want to be alone, I go to the bar at the corner North Milwaukee Avenue.” You met his eyes curiously. Was he making recommendations, because you were new in the city or did he have another intention?
“So bars and hospitals. Everywhere else I can expect to run into Jay Halstead?” You didn’t know why you asked, but a part of you wanted to know. Wanted to know more about him, what his life was like, what made him who he was.
Jay grinned faintly. “You make it sound like I’ve got issues.” “Do you? Have issues?” You were teasing and he smirked. “Doesn’t everyone?”
“I don’t think I have.” Even as you said it you knew your words couldn’t be farer from the truth. Hadn’t your issues been what had led you here?
Jay watched you for a moment, seemingly picking up on your change of mood, but sensing you weren’t ready to talk about it. You appreciated it, welcoming the silence to sort your thoughts again.
“So what led you here to Chicago?” His question was innocent and something you had been asked countless of times since your move here, but for some reason you felt the urge to be open with him. No lies or excuses.
And even if Jay barely knew you, you thought he would be able to pick up on it. He must be an excellent detective.
“There were some…things I needed to leave behind.” It was vague, but more than you had told most who had asked. Only the girls knew about your breakup, but even with them you hadn’t shared many details.
Jay didn’t ask further, his grave expression suggesting he understood you better than you might have thought. “Why Chicago?” You glanced away from him, taking in the empty road, the skyline with its lights in the background. “I needed a fresh start, somewhere where no one knew who I am. And I got family here, so it made sense.”
You could feel his eyes on you and you swallowed before facing him again. For a moment your eyes locked, none of you saying anything as you started at each other. Jay was the first one to break the heavy atmosphere, a smile dancing at his lips.
“But you’re not a criminal on the run, are you? Because I would have to arrest you, if you were.” The tension that had risen in your body at the mention of your past vanished and you grinned, relieved about his ability to lighten the atmosphere. “What gave it away?”
Jay leaned a little closer, his eyes glistening. “Maybe the way you always look over your shoulder-” You inhaled. Was that really something you did? “-or that you’re nervous around me, a cop.”
The air you had held escaped you in a surprised sound and you hugged your torso a little tighter. “I’m not nervous around you”, you huffed, shaking your head. Jay grinned.
“How is your arm by the way?” You weren’t interested in talking about yourself any longer, shifting the topic onto him. Your gazes travelled down his arm where his jacket was covering the wound you had inspected. It seemed like forever ago and like yesterday at once.
“It’s good. Voight’s keeping me at a leash, make sure I’m 100% before I get into the field again.” He said it like it wasn’t a big deal, but you could hear the strain in his voice. He missed it, being out there on the streets.
“Sounds reasonable to me.” “Yeah.” Jay nodded, a faraway look in his eyes. It seemed like you weren’t the only one with secrets.
You looked up at the sound of a car nearing, a black car approaching the two of you. Checking your phone you held it up. “That’s my ride.”
But you only managed one step towards it before Jay pulled you back, his hand wrapped around your lower arm. You gazed at it, confused and startled by his reaction and he loosened his grip, his hand falling to his side after a moment.
“You know the guy?”, he asked, pointing to the man that was sitting behind the wheel, an impatient expression on his face.
Slowly you shook your head, your eyes flickering between the car and Jay. “But he’s my ride. See-” you held up your phone to him, but Jay paid it little attention.
“Yeah, no, you’re not climbing into that car”, he stated, his voice firm but not unfriendly. “Wait, what?”
Surprised you watched Jay walk towards the car, waiting for the driver to pull down the window before leaning in. You couldn’t hear what was said, only watched the two speak for a minute.
Their conversation ended with Jay handing the man money, before walking back towards you as the car sped away in the darkness.
“What the hell was that?”, you asked as Jay came to stand beside you again, his body just as relaxed as before. “You’re new in Chicago, right?” You didn’t say anything, knowing it was a question he didn’t expect an answer to.
“You should not be climbing into a car with a stranger. And not in the dark.”
Your head spun as you tried to process what he was implying. “It was just an uber! Everyone does that around here.”
You sounded clueless and defensive, shocked about the sudden change of events. Jay eyed you. “Well, then take it from me to never do that again. At least not alone. Chicago’s not a good place, especially for women, trust me on that one.”
You didn’t know what to say, blinking at him as the impact of it sank in. What if Jay hadn’t stepped outside? You doubted anything would have happened, but what if he was right and you had been reckless? Naive?
“So how am I supposed to get around the city then? Because driving in this traffic is madness.”
For the first time since your interruption Jay smiled again. “You can just ask me. I am much cheaper anyway. And on top you will get to see my face.”
You rolled your eyes over his confidence. “Now that’s a deal I can’t decline”, you muttered, fighting the grin that threatened to spread over your face and failing. Damn it.
“But for real, what am I supposed to do? I can’t just call you all the time I want to go somewhere.”
“It wouldn’t be a problem if we went together.”
Your eyes widened as you almost choked on the air. “You mean a date?”
Jay shrugged, his eyes not meeting yours for only a second. “You can pay me back for saving your ass twice.”
“Getting into that car for one and saving you from freezing here on the street by driving you home.”
Smooth. You couldn’t help the laugh that escaped you. “Does that work with every woman you’re trying to impress?”
Jay shrugged, fiddling for something in his pocket before pulling out his car keys. You watched a car light up at the other side of the street, following Jay towards it.
“I wouldn’t know. And who says I’m trying to impress you?”
“Maybe because of this whole I’m-a-cop-and-I’m-so-tough-thing.”
Now it was Jay’s turn to chuckle. “That’s not just a thing. So, what are you saying?”
Oh. You bit your lip, considering the thought of going on a date with Jay. Hadn’t you just recently decided not to date and focus on yourself for a while?
But you couldn’t deny you wanted to say yes. To spend more time around him and enjoy the feeling of ease he gave you.
You said it with a teasing smile, scared Jay might take your answer in a bad way, but he sent you a confident grin. “I can work with that.”
@capkilljoy @fairytalesforever @hamartocado @choke-me-sweet-pea @sleepinginthegarden7 @thenoddingbunny-blog @ttalisa  @hallecarey1 @Not-jay-c @sunwardsss @writingrem-blog @the-pink-petite-princess @wanniiieeee @part-time-patronus @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad  @theshortegg @not-reptilian @msdrpreist @alisonhepps @hallecarey1  @thatfangirl42 @dustyinkpages @ellabellabus07 @iluvjj  @wayward-hunter  @sweet-texas-girl @rosie-posie08 @ @olsensnpm  @meyocoko  @alexxavicry @shhh423  @dumb-fawkin-bitch @jayyeahthatsme @savagemickey03  @alexxavicry @partiallypearl @earthtolottie  @gisobsessedwithfanfiction  @navs-bhat  @AlohaStitch_626 @multi-fandom-lover7667 @xcallmetaniax
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Add yourself to my taglist!
Please let me know what you think :)
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lysa1201-saucy · 7 months
Trying to get in the groove of writing NSFW again, sooo send some requests! No promises I can do all, it depends on which ones I REALLY like and get into!!!
I don’t kink shame, I’m open to most, but I WILL NOT DO includes incest, rape/non-con, beastiality (that doesn’t include humanoids. so like catgirls, catboys, hybrid shit i’m cool with), and I’ll figure out the rest when I get there lol
✨ = most confident in
💢 = not as confident in
Obey Me:
Lucifer ✨
Mammon 💢
Leviathan ✨
Satan ✨
Asmodeus ✨
Beelzebub 💢
Belphegor ✨
Solomon ✨
Simeon 💢
Dangerous Fellows:
Lawrence ✨
Ethan ✨
Harry ✨
Zion 💢
Mystic Messenger:
Jumin Han ✨
Jaehee Kang
Yoosung Kim 💢
Zen/Hyun Ryu
Saeyoung Choi ✨
Spy x Family:
Loid Forger
Yor Briar/Forger 💢
NU: Carnival:
Quincy ✨
Aster 💢
Morvay 💢
Olivine ✨
Dante 💢
Edmond ✨
Resident Evil:
Leon Kennedy ✨
Claire Redfield 💢
Luis Serra
Ashley Graham 💢
Ada Wong
Chris Redfield 💢
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lnchicagosreads · 5 months
Main Accounts:
TV Show : @samantha-chicago F1 : @lnlightning81
I shall be reposting fics I have read on this account rather than on my main account so authors still get the credit they deserve without me sharing them over my own fics.
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amsgrey · 2 years
Big Brother Hugs Part Two
Requested by Anonymous
Will Halstead x sister!reader x Jay Halstead
Synopsis: everything gets too much and you finally get what you need.
Not proof read so I apologise in advance for the inevitable mistakes.
Warnings: Mention of Depression, talk of depression and unhealthy habits, anxiety, mention of anxiety, panic attack.
Tumblr media
gif credit to @xofeno
It didn't take too long to convince Will that you were feeling better, after you had sought him out you stayed at his house for the night. He'd made you promise you would talk to someone, even if it wasn't him he offered to call Dr Charles. You had refused, telling him you would see the school counsellor who you had already spoken to once or twice. After that night you realized you had to do a better job at keeping it hidden, your brothers were too busy to worry about you and you could handle yourself just fine.
You knew in the back of your head that Will would be disappointed to know that you were lying to him about being fine, but you saw how he looked so relieved that you were feeling better. You couldn't demand more attention and time by coming clean. So you forced yourself to present as fine, every day when Will text to ask how your day was you would reply about how it was tiring but better than the last. You fell into a sort of routine, you would drag yourself out of bed for school every morning. When you did, Jay and Hailey would most of the time be at work already, sometimes they left breakfast or a hot chocolate on the bench for you. You would take a couple of bites to feel less guilty about not being hungry, then throw it in the bin outside when you left for school. After you got home you would go back to bed, only leaving when Hailey and Jay came home. Will would text you at the same time each night, sometimes it was photos of Kohl or supportive little messages. They only made you feel more guilty.
The apartment was surprisingly full of life when you got home after school, you almost double-checked you were walking into the right apartment. When you walked further down the hall, you realized the cheerful conversation was from the intelligence unit. All of the team minus Sergeant Voight were sitting in the living room, dressed in full blues.
"Hi," You waved, a little shy at how they were all sitting in front of you.
"Hey, Kiddo!" Hailey grinned, gesturing to the empty space on the couch next to Jay.
You hesitated, not moving to sit down, "I, uh, got a lot of homework to do for tomorrow..." You took a few slow steps back, pointing to your room, "Sorry."
You walked as fast as possible to your room, trying not to seem desperate to avoid a conversation but trying to leave before Jay could call you back. You quickly shut the door, locking it and leaning your back against it as you tried to catch your breath. You never felt nervous or shy around the team before, but your day had been long and tiring and you weren't expecting anyone to be home. You almost tripped over your feet as you tried to clamber to your bed. It was too much effort to climb onto it so you just sunk to the floor. You slowly lay down, trying to calm yourself as you cried and struggled to breathe. The floor was cold and uncomfortable but you had no energy to do anything about it.
There was a faint knock at your door, and then the handle jiggled. You couldn't hear any voices, your ears were ringing and it felt like the entire world was spinning. You grasped at your chest, trying to force your lungs to slow down, to take a slower breath. It was to no avail, it felt as if the oxygen was being sucked out of the air around you and you were slowly suffocating. The door handle rattled a bit more violently, whoever was on the other side would definitely be able to hear your sobs and strangled breaths.
Your bedroom door slammed open as Jay came barrelling through it. He looked around the room frantically before he saw you curled up on the floor, knuckles white as they grasped the fabric of your shirt.
"Y/N," He gathered you off the floor, helping you sit up with your back to the bed. He gently cupped your face, brow furrowed in concern as he tried to get you to calm down. You could see in the doorway the concerned faces of the team, Hailey was holding a phone to her ear talking and rushed into it as she stood just past the threshold of the room.
"Hey," Jay soothed, "Look at me, okay? You need to take nice slow breaths, listen to my voice, Y/N."
You shook your head, choking on hot tears and wheezing out an incomprehensible sentence. Your shaky hands gripped loosely onto jays shirt, trying to ground yourself as your head began to swim.
Jay gave up on trying to soothe you by holding your face, he leaned forward and wrapped you in his arms, pulling you close to his chest like he did when you were little. he soothed your hair and kept reassuring you that he was there, he wasn't going anywhere. For a glimpse of a second, you felt as if the panic clawing at your heart was subsiding. Then you felt your body go limp and then nothing at all.
Kevin and Adam ushered the paramedics into the room, the team stepping out of the way as they wheeled your unconscious form out of the apartment. Jay trailed alongside, holding tightly to your hand.
"I'll be right behind you," Hailey assured Jay, gesturing to him to follow you and the paramedics to the ambulance. 
The ride to Med was unbearable for Jay. He didn't even know what to make of the situation. He never saw you in such a state and now he was reeling to figure out what to do. Maggie recognized him immediately when he walked through the doors of the ED with the paramedics.
Jay couldn't find the words to explain the situation, just following the gurney through the ED. Will spotted his brother as he passed the desk he was working on. He called out to his brother, to no response.
You came around as you were being wheeled into a treatment room.
"Transfer on my count..."
You frowned, trying to keep your eyes open against the harsh lights of the room, "Where?"
"Hey, Y/N," You could feel yourself being lifted and then placed on a bed. When you finally blinked away the blinding white, you spotted Will standing at your side. He smiled and squeezed your hand.
"Y/N, remember me?" Dr Choi smiled. You felt a lot stronger, nodding and giving him a small wave with your free hand.
Dr Choi chuckled, doing his checks, "Can you tell me what happened, Y/N?"
You shrugged, "Couldn't breathe."
Dr Choi nodded, "Alright. Well, you sit tight for a minute, alright? I'm just going to talk to your brothers."
You hummed in agreement, resting against the pillows and trying to calm the anxiety racing through your heart. Part of you knew you couldn't make up a story to explain what happened, but you desperately tried to search for an explanation.
Dr Choi nodded to Jay and Will as he exited the room, the three gathering just out of earshot.
"Is she okay?" Will demanded.
Ethan nodded, "She's awake, lucid. We just need to figure out why she passed out." He turned to Doris rattling off which tests to order.
"You can go see her," He told the two hovering brothers. Jay quickly joined your side, making sure you were comfortable and warm enough. Will hesitated at the door, then turned back to Ethan.
"Hey, Ethan," He quickly grabbed Ethan's attention and pulled him aside, "Can you page Dr Charles?"
Ethan looked surprised, he frowned, "Is there something I should know about?"
Will sighed, running a hand down his face, "Listen, Y/N hasn't told Jay yet, but she's been struggling. I'm trying to help but..."
"Hey, I get it," Ethan reassured, "I'll get Dr. Charles down here. For now you should talk to Y/N."
Will nodded, "Yeah. Thanks, man."
Will entered the treatment room looking grim, and you immediately felt guilty for what happened. Will pulled you in for a hug, squeezing you a little tighter than he usually did.
"How are you feeling?"
You tried to wave him away and mumbled something about how you just got overwhelmed. Will didn't press any further but clearly looked displeased about it. Jay looked between you both, silently prodding for answers. Neither of you offered any answers. You didn't even know how to begin, how do you tell your brother how your life was falling to pieces. That getting up in the morning was torture and you felt as if it wasn't even worth it anymore. Nothing made you feel worse than hiding how bad it was from your brothers, but some voice on the back of your head keep whispering how if they cared they'd have noticed.
Dr Choi re-entered the room with his tablet, Maggie was on his heels holding something in her hands.
"Figured out why you passed out," Dr Choi smiled, standing at the end of the bed and nodding to Will, "You have extremely low blood sugar, when was the last time you ate?"
You shrugged, "I forgot to bring lunch."
Dr Choi frowned, looking at the tablet, "Just lunch?"
You shrugged again.
"Y/N?" Jay leaned forward, "Hailey and I left a bagel for you this morning, did you eat it?"
You avoided making eye contact with him, "I wasn't hungry."
Jay sighed, starting to get a clearer idea of what was happening.
Maggie placed the object in her hand down on the table at your side, a cheese sandwich, "Good news is, you get this for free."
You smiled weakly, taking the sandwich and taking a small bite to make them all happy. It didn't really taste like anything, but you forced yourself to continue to take small bites.
After you finished your sandwich, Will all but dragged Jay out of the room to talk to him. You were itching to get out of the hospital, but Will kept talking about how they just had to tick all the boxes before they let you go. You were exhausted from the whole ordeal, starting to drift off with the silence your brothers left behind. You were almost asleep when someone knocked on the door and entered the room.
"Y/N, how are you?"
You got such a fright you sat up straight in the bed, staring wide-eyed at Doctor Charles who immediately looked guilty.
"Sorry," He smiled, "Didn't mean to startle you."
"It's okay," You replied, settling back down against the pillows.
"So," Dr Charles took a seat on your left, "Will asked me to come talk to you. He said you've been having a hard time lately?"
God dammit, Will.
"I guess."
Dr Charles nodded, he didn't press anymore. The two of you sat in silence for a while longer. You knew he was waiting for you to say something first, but you were stubborn and you didn't want to admit you needed help.
"How about we start with today?" Dr Charles finally spoke, "What happened today to cause you to be here?"
"I just got overwhelmed," You replied. Dr Charles nodded, something about him reminded you of your dad. Maybe minus the Canaryville hard edge. It didn't take long before all stubbornness was gone and you were opening up to him. About everything, from what happened today and the weeks before then. Dr Charles nodded along and listened, reassuring you that he was going to help you moving forward.
"I have to go talk to your brothers," Dr Charles nodded, "Do you want to tell them...?"
You shook your head, "I- I can't."
Dr Charles nodded, "Do I have your permission to tell them myself?"
You nodded, twisting your hands together to try stop the anxiety looming over you.
"Alright. I'll check back in soon."
After everything you had felt in the last couple of weeks, the pain you went through to hide how you were feeling. It felt good to get it off your chest, to talk to someone without fear of hurting them. When Dr Charles returned, he was followed by Jay and Will. Jay looked like he cried, the signature red-rimmed eyes a dead giveaway. He sat on the edge of the bed and pulled you into a hug, holding you tighter than he ever had before.
"I should have known. I know I work a lot, I should have been there for you. I'm meant to be your parent and I can hardly be home enough to notice when you need me."
Jay gently wiped the tears from your cheeks, "I'm sorry."
You sniffed, "Don't be sorry. I should be."
Will sat on the other side of the bed, "No one should be sorry."
"I spoke to your brothers," Dr Charles was still by the door, "We're going to get you on a treatment plan and I have a colleague who I believe will be able to help you. I'll get the ball rolling and start your discharge paperwork."
You felt like the entire world had been lifted off your shoulders, you smiled and agreed. For the first time in a long time, you had hope, your brothers were there for you, and you had the help you needed. Everything was okay, everything would be okay.
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inagetawaycarxo · 2 years
Watch a Holiday Movie, you and Ethan finally having alone time while watching a Holiday movie after both your shift at Med and your children are asleep. maybe smut if you want
XMAS BINGO; Watch A Holiday Movie w/ Ethan Choi — ❄PAIRINGS: Ethan Choi x F!Reader
— ❄FEATURING: Y/n, Ethan Choi, Unnamed children.
— ❄SYNOPSIS: Ethan and y/n end up having a little fun when their children fall asleep watching a Christmas movie
— ❄WARNINGS: errors I missed, smut, sex, 18+, nsfw, unprotected sex [wrap it before you tap it], oral [male receiving]
— ❄w/c: 1022
— ❄AUTHORS NOTE: Yes Christmas is over but I want to get these done so they don't get put on hold again for Christmas in 2023 only ¾ to go.
— ❄DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT give consent/permission for my work to be copied and pasted on other platforms. HOWEVER, I highly encourage feedback, likes, reblogs, and comments.
From the corner of your eye, you could see your kids fast asleep on the couch. You looked over at Ethan to find him already looking at you. Giving you a suggestive look. You nodded your head at him.
The both of you got up quietly sneaking off to the master bedroom. Closing the door softly and locking it. You turned around to face Ethan.
Ethan quickly grabbed the side of your face. Pulling you closer to him till his lips pressed against yours in a heated kiss.
Walking backward with you. Lips were still locked. In the midst of the heated kiss, Ethan and you took each other's clothes off, till you were left in your lingerie, and he was left in his boxers. Clothes discarded on the ground. The only time Ethan and you broke the kiss was to pull each other's shirts off.
The back of Ethan's knees hit the edge of the mattress making him fall. You fell on top of him. Lips still locked together. Your hands move from his face and wander down to his sides.
You pulled away from the kiss. Trailing your lips down his chin, and to his neck. Ethan let out a moan as you trailed your lips down his chest, then his stomach.
When you reached his stomach, Ethan's fingers entangled themselves in your hair, as you trailed your lips down to the waistband of his boxers. Bringing your fingers to his waistband. Your index fingers slipped underneath the waistband of his boxers, your thumbs gripping his waistband on the outside. Pulling them down. Freeing his erection, which sprung up. You removed your lips away from his stomach.
Staring at his cock, as it stood, throbbing. Waiting to be touched by you.
Your hands grabbed the base of his shaft, making him moan. Your eyes glanced at him as you lowered your head down to his tip. Precum already leaking from his tip.
Ethan stared down at you, as you teasingly lowered your head down at a slow pace.
Begging you to take him in your mouth. You obliged. Expect
You didn't put him fully in your mouth. You only wrapped your lips around his tip. His hands grabbed your hair, as you twirled your tongue around his tip. Collecting his precum and swallowing it. All the looking at him.
"Please," He mewled. Making you smirk.
You teased him for a few seconds, before taking him fully in your mouth, till he hit your uvula, making you gag a bit. Tears prick your eyes.
You withdrew your mouth from his cock slowly. His cock was damp from your mouth. You gave him a seductive smile. Before lowering your mouth back down onto his cock. Slowly bibbing your head up and down his cock at a slow pace. His grip on your hair tightened. Thrusting into your mouth roughly, causing the head of his cock to hit your uvula again. Tears pool in your eyes. The hand that wasn't holding the base of his shaft went to his hip. Pushing his hip down, you took charge. Going at a faster pace this time. You felt yourself get wet as you heard his quiet moans.
Bobbing your head up and down. Using your saliva as a lubricant. Humming every once in a while. Ethan moaned your name lowly. Pleasure coursed through his body. His grip on your hair tightens. Bucking his hips ups.
Ethan could feel himself get closer to his climax, and you could tell too. Though your jaw hurt from bobbing your head up and down, and Ethan thrusting into your mouth. You kept continuing.
With one last thrust into your mouth, his cock convulsed, as he came hard. Moaning your name loudly as his seed spilt inside of you.
You slowly pulled him out of your mouth with a pop. Saliva dribbled from your mouth when you pulled him out. His fingers loosen from your hair. You swallowed his cum.
The sight alone made him hard again. Looking at him with lust-filled eyes. Wiping the drool with your arm. You quickly crawled on top of him. Your soaking wet heat hovering above his cock.
Ethan was about to return the favor by flipping you on your back, but you sunk your soaking wet heat onto his cock. Your hands resting on his chest.
Both of you moan in pleasure. Rocking your hips slightly.
You then started to thrust up and down on his cock. Ethan's hands grabbed your waist. You tilted your head back, as your pace got faster. Eyes squeezed closed as pleasure took over your body. Toes curling. Gripping his chest tighter.
Walls clenching around his cock. Ethan could feel himself getting closer to climaxing again.
Every time he leaned up to kiss you or kiss your neck, you pushed him back down onto the bed. Dominating him. The only thing he got to dominance was thrusting upwards every time you thrust down.
Every time he did that your walls clenched around his cock. The two of you were in pure bliss. Both of you getting closer to coming.
Your head lolled forward, lowering your head down to his neck to muffle your moaning. One of Ethan's hands moved to the nape of your neck, holding you in place.
Your thrusting got sloppier as your orgasm took over you. Moaning his name into his neck. Walls clenching around his cock.
Ethan was about to say something but got cut off by how your walls tightened around him and then unclenched. Coming hard around him. His cock convulsed inside of you. He gave one last sloppy thrust up before spilling his seed inside of you. Pressing his face into the side of your face. Muffling his moans.
You stayed inside of him for a little while. Kissing his neck softly. You slowly pulled out of him. Both of you whine at the loss of contact. His cum leaking out of your heat.
You cuddled into his side. As he wrapped his arms around you. Kissing the top of your head. While you pressed a soft kiss on his shoulder....
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trixieloves1d · 10 months
Hey guys! Can you help me find a fanfic please?
It’s a one Chicago fic where the reader is Will Halstead’s sister and is married to Connor Rhodes. She’s a surgeon like Connor and is pregnant. She goes into labour whilst performing surgery and Connor is called to help her as well as her doctor. Will and a nurse watch on from the observation area. The nurse seems to think that the reader is faking it to get out of doing the surgery.
Thanks guys 😊
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bullet-prooflove · 2 years
Chicago Med Master List
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Connor Rhodes Masterlist
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Crockett Marcel Masterlist
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Dean Archer Masterlist
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Jack Dayton Masterlist
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Jimmy Lanik Masterlist
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Mitchell Ripley Masterlist
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Sam Abrams Masterlist
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Sean Archer Masterlist
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Will Halstead Masterlist
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thatonefng · 4 months
How about indefinitely - Sarah Reese x Reader (Chicago Med)
A/N: I finished watching the season finale of Chicago Med and was inspired by Will Halstead’s own departure and I miss Sarah Reese
Summary: Sarah and the reader had been dating while she was the psychiatrist resident and the reader an attending physician in the ED until she decided to leave Gaffney and head to Texas. At the airport she offered the reader to come with here but ultimately declined, reason was Chicago is home. She was okay with your decision but said if they’re ever in Texas, just call her.
Since that day, you had a hard time maintaining your work, every where you look, you see her. It affected you personally and professionally because throughout your career, Sarah had been there since the beginning.
Now it was you who saw her at the end of her career for a new change. It was understandable that she wanted to leave, it made you proud that she was finally making a choice for herself, yet it was saddening that she was still going.
But before boarding, she turned to you and told you that you could come along with her. You did ponder on it but ultimately decided to stay in Chicago. She understood and you knew that it marked the end of your relationship. It ended amicably and you send her away.
It was miserable, the next months you woke up expecting her to be near you but she wasn’t. You also tried going out but it wasn’t like the one you had previously with the psychiatrist. Then it hit you, you still held a torch for Sarah Reese.
During your residency at Gaffney, it was understandable that people all come and go. Connor left, Ava died, Jeff moved to Hawaii, Dylan resigned, Ethan and April had gotten married and started a mobile clinic, Nat had been fired, and now recently Will had been fired and moved to Seattle, last you heard from him he reconnected with Natalie. All of them leaving hurt, but Sarah’s hurt you the most.
Now it was only you, Goodwin, Maggie, Dr. Charles, and Dr. Marcel.
But now, it was your time to go. Reason behind it was because of an off-the-books surgery where you saved a child because as a doctor, you save anybody you can. When the staff found out, you took full responsibility and resigned from the hospital.
So here you are, in front of the many coworkers in the ED. With your stuff packed in a bag that is hung over your shoulders.
“I’m sorry that I have to say goodbye.” You spoke softly, but still audible enough for everybody to hear. “I know it’s not going to be easy once I’m gone, but I have faith that the people that stand here right now, will take great care to this city.” You stated without your voice cracking up.
Dr. Charles then approached you and gives you an embrace. It was emotional, growing up and helping Chicago was the best thing that you’ve ever felt.
“Let’s all wish Dr. L/N the very best.” Goodwin and the ED staff all applauded for you as you shook Goodwin’s hand, thanking her for everything.
Then you gave Maggie one final hug and finally approached Crockett. When he came to Gaffney you accepted him and in return he did to you as well and in the end you became basically brothers.
“Keep saving lives while I’m gone, yeah?” You told Crockett.
“Absolutely.” He shook your hand.
Exiting the ED itself, you turned around and gave one final wave to the still applauding staff.
A taxi was waiting outside for you. You had previously packed everything in your apartment but only brought your gym bag and a backpack.
“O’hares?” He asked for your destination. You had decided to leave Chicago whole.
“Yes.” You replied, looking out the window as this would be the final time you would seeing the windy city’s skyline. Memories started playing in your head as one tear silently fell.
Remembering Sarah you decided to go reunite with her so you had just arrived at Dallas Fort Worth International Airport.
Exiting the terminal, and looking all around you felt small. You did let her know that you were coming to Texas, albeit hesitantly because you had never contacted her so you didn’t know what her reaction would be.
She did read it so that’s a good sign. So again, here you are, in another state where everything is new. You pulled out your phone, in the process of calling a taxi, thinking that she wouldn’t be here but when you looked up, she was there.
She may have been amongst the crowds but her beauty made her stood out to you. Out of reaction, you cracked a smile.
You both approach each other, only stopping once you both were close. Looking at her, you could tell she has grown but was still the same Sarah you fell in love with years ago.
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*Obviously not my gif but anyways*
“Hey.” She greeted you.
“Hey.” You repeated. It was nice to hear her voice again. And judging by the way she sounds, she was happy you were there, in front of her.
Her smile grew more but then she gawks at your lightload. “Is that all you packed.”
You shrugged in response. “I didn’t know how long you wanted me to stay.” You truthfully answered her.
Sarah shook her head as she said the words that unburdens you from discovering that your trip was a waste.
“How about indefinitely.” She smiled as she embraces you tightly, you doing the same. You were ecstatic that your reunion was a success.
Then she does the one thing that caught you off guard. She captures your lips with hers. The kiss lasted for seconds but to you, it felt like an eternity.
You were about to ask her but she beat you to it. “I’ve waited all this time for you, can we continue?” She rubbed your flustered cheeks like she always did.
You answered yes.
Then you both walked out of the terminal, hand-in-hand with a smile as your relationship with Sarah never died but instead grew. You were ready, ready for a new life together.
A/N: My first post, yay! I hope I did good
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i-spaced-sorry · 2 years
So someone had requested awhile ago, a Connor Rhodes x reader, where the reader was an ice skater and got hurt. I had it sitting in my ask box forever, but I decided to get to it today, because it’s December 1st, it’s freezing outside and I actually had an idea for it. But I accidentally wrote it for Ethan Choi instead of Connor Rhodes. And I accidentally deleted the ask request. But I actually think the story works with Ethan being the character and I haven’t written much or any with Ethan, so I decided to still post it. 
Triple Axles and Lies Ethan Choi x Little Sister! Reader Ice skating has been your life. You joked with your brother that you learned how to skate before you learned how to walk. So when the annual skating rink in Millennium Park opened, to say you were excited would be an understatement! 
You all but dragged your brother with you. 
“Ethan, please! Just for an hour and then we can go Christmas shopping and whatever else you want,” you pleaded, not caring that you sounded like a whiny 4yr old rather than the annoying 10 year old you actually were. 
Shaking his head, your brother sighed, “Y/N! We have a schedule to stick to today, we can’t have time to dilly dally just so you can skate! Besides, don't you have a showcase or something tomorrow? I thought you weren’t supposed to be resting today.” 
You knew Ethan was right, your coach had told you that you shouldn’t skate the day before a showcase, but didn’t know when you would be in the downtown area again to be able to skate!
“Fine. But can I take the bus home? I’m actually not in the mood to go shopping today”, you caved. 
Ethan gave the go ahead and you went home. 
The next morning, you were in the locker room about to get ready to go on the ice for your number, but while putting on your skates noticed blisters all along the heels of your feet. ‘I’ll just ask Eth after the showcase’ you thought to yourself while lacing up. 
As you emerged on the ice, you began your routine, complete with flawless jumps, beautiful ballerina spins, and even a few small axles. You were feeling really confident and were lost in the music, when you decided to attempt the triple axle. You had only gotten it once in practice and were told by your coach to not attempt it today, but you decided to anyway. 
You skated to the center of the rink, began to jump and spun. Once. Twice. And before you saw it happening, you were crashing onto the ice in a heap. The last thing you saw before losing consciousness was the ice hitting against the side of your face.
To Ethan, watching his sister attempt something, he had basic knowledge of knowing she shouldn’t have been attempting was exhilarating. Until he watched her smack against the ice and not make any attempts to get up. He himself was up in an instant, running down the bleachers easily switching into doctor mode!
“How is she? I’m a doctor” he stated when he reached the coach and the team’s doctor, who were both at his sister's side.
The team doctor looked up at the worried brother and shook his head, “she hasn’t regained consciousness, you should take her to Med” and with that confirmation, Ethan swept up his little sister in his arms and ran for his car. 
The first thing you noticed when you entered the land of the living was how bright the room was. 
You found yourself blinking multiple times just to adjust to the brightness. Thankfully, someone must have noticed because by blink 5, the lights were dimmer and it was easier to keep your eyes open. 
“Hey kiddo” you heard your brother whisper. 
You followed his voice, to see him sitting in the chair beside you. 
“What happened?” You ask, trying to remember the events leading up to being at Med. 
Ethan sighed, “You did it again. Attempted something you weren’t supposed to.”
You looked down at the blanket covering you and began playing with it, “I’m sorry”
Shuffling to sit next to you, Ethan kissed the top of your head and asked, “What made you think you could attempt the triple axle? Your coach said you had only landed it once during practice last week”
You burrowed more into the side of your big brother and sighed, “I practiced it last night at Millenium Park and had landed it like 4 times! I really thought I could do it”
Ethan side hugged the stuffing out of you and spoke, “I’m mad that you went to skate last night when not only I but, your coaches said not to. But we will talk about that later. For now, I’m just glad your okay and your not allowed to scare me like that again”
You just smiled and nodded.
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themultifandomgal · 10 months
Ethan Choi- Bed Day
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I'm lying in my bed in pain because of that time of the month. My phone rings, I groan rolling over to answer it, however once I see the same across the screen I feel slightly better
"Hiya babe" I say through the phone
"Hey angel I was wondering if you wanted to come over?" Ethan's voice comes through
"Ughh I would but I've just started my period and nothings helping the pain"
"Your in pain?" He asks with concern
"Yeah. Normally the tablets I take help but this time they haven't. I just don't think I'd be very fun to be with at the moment" I chuckle a little
"Ok no worries angel. Get some sleep and I'll speak to you in a bit"
"Ok speak to you later" I put the phone down and close my eyes trying to think of anything but the pain I am currently experiencing.
I must have dozed off because I'm woken up by my front door opening then shutting. I sit up in bed just about to get out when the bedroom door opens revealing Ethan holding a bag
"What are you doing here?"
"Well you said your period started and your in pain so I've come to look after you" he plonks himself down on my bed " I've got you some chips, chocolate, some pads and candy"
"Babe you didn't have to do this"
"Yes I did because I love you" he kisses my forehead as I smile "now let me get you a hot water bottle while you pick out something to watch on Netflix" Ethan walks out holding my Minnie Mouse hot water bottle. I put on my favourite comfort show.
Ethan walks back into the bedroom with the hot water bottle and I put it around my stomach. He climbs in bed with me and pulls me to him so his one arm is around my shoulders and the other is holding the water bottle on my stomach. I open up the bar of chocolate, plopping a square in my mouth then feeding a square to Ethan's. This goes on for a few hours, after eating the chocolate we ate the chip then after that we ate the candy. Before long it's evening time
"How's your tummy?"
"Better than it was but still hurts"
"I'll run you a bath" Ethan kisses my lips as he gets out of bed and makes his way to the bathroom. I hear him turn on the taps, I get out of bed and walk over to my closet pulling out some night clothes. I walk in to the bathroom and the bubbles are flowing, Ethan puts on some calming music
"Let me pamper you. I've got your face wash and face masks here so just relax and think of being at a spar" I giggle a little before getting into the bath. Ethan washes my face then puts on a face mask
"Thank you for this"
"Anything for you my angel"
"You truly are the best boyfriend in the world"
"And your the best girlfriend in the galaxy"
"Ok now your just being cheesy"
"But you love it"
"Hmmm maybe I do. Can you stay the night?" I ask with my eyes closed
"Of course I will"
After the bath I get changed and both Ethan and I climb into bed, our legs tangle with each other's and I lay my head on his chest
"I don't think I say this enough but I love you"
"I'm glad you don't say it all the time because then when you do say it it hasn't lost it's meaning. I love you too angel now let's put on a film, anything in particular?"
"Just an easy watch because I'm probably gonna end up falling asleep" I giggle
"Ok how about Matilda. We haven't watched that in a while?"
"Ooo yes Matilda" Ethan presses play "thank you to today" I snuggle into Ethan and soon fall asleep as the pains start to ease.
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marivelsblog1503 · 5 months
🚑 Parte I: ¿Hasta dónde hemos llegado? 🩺
Con: 557 palabras en total. Anterior: || Índice: || Siguiente: Los personajes que conoceremos en esta historia, a partir de ahora. © Todos los derechos reservados.
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«— La vida es muy cruel, las personas pueden cambiar, algunas permanecen igual. —»
«— El dolor y la perdida son difíciles de olvidar, por más que lo intentes, nada puede reparar la grieta de un corazón, incluyendo la mente. —»
«— Algunos dicen que las pérdidas pueden ayudarnos a superarnos, pero, ¿Qué pasa si no es cierto?, ¿Qué pasa si solo te encierras en ese dolor? —»
«— Estás sufriendo y nadie lo nota, lloras en silencio y nadie te consuela, esta bien querer ser fuerte para no preocupar a las personas que amas, pero recuerda que ellos siguen en tu vida. —»
«— No te alejes de ellos, sigue adelante. —»
«— Ponte de pie y sigue luchando. —»
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╔═══════ 🚑 ═══════╗
╚═══════ 🩺 ═══════╝
|| Lilan Bowden como Dina Boden. ||
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«— Chicago es mi hogar y no importa lo que otros digan, yo sé que soy una buena capitana para mi equipo en la 61, pero también una doctora. —»
|| Brian Tee como Ethan Choi. ||
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«— Soy un veterano de la marina, seguí los mismos pasos que mi padre, sin embargo tengo recuerdos dolorosos de aquellos días y eso, las pesadillas me siguen atormentando. —»
|| Anna Kendrick como Carol Boden. ||
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«— Esto es muy sencillo, yo te cubro y tú a mí, me cuidas todo el tiempo y ahora es mi turno de hacerlo contigo, estoy preocupada por ti y no quiero que te pase nada, no quiero perderte. —»
|| Eamonn Walker como Wallace Boden. ||
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«— Aun recuerdo aquella noche como si hubiera pasado un día, y sin importar los riesgos, las volvería a salvar, me importa muy poco lo que digan, ambas son mis hijas. —»
|| Melissa Ponzio como Donna Robbins de Boden. ||
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«— Aunque no las sostuve entre mis brazos cuando eran unas bebes, las tendré a ambas aquí conmigo, porque ustedes también son mis hijas, nada va a cambiar eso. —»
|| Sophia Bush como Erin Lindsay. ||
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«— Atrapamos al maldito que provocó todo esto, sé lo que siente encerrarte en tu propio dolor y te culpas por no estar con aquella persona que tanto amaste, pero no te preocupes, ellos ya no estarán sufriendo ahora. —»
╔═════════ 🚑 ═════════╗
Cast de los demás personajes:
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🚒 Chicago Fire. 🔥
|| David Eigen como Christopher Herman. ||
|| Robyn Coffin como Cindy Herman. ||
|| Christian Stolte como Randall “Mouch” McHolland. ||
|| Taylor Kinny como Kelly Severide. ||
|| Jesse Spencer como Matthew “Matt” Casey. ||
|| Monica Raymund como Gabriela “Gaby” Dawson. ||
|| Lauren German como Leslie Shay. ||
|| Kara Killmer como Sylvie Brett. ||
|| Joe Minoso como Joe Cruz. ||
|| Yuri Sardarov como Brian “Otis” Zvoecek. ||
|| Charlie Barnett como Peter Mills. ||
|| Randy Flager como Harold Capp. ||
|| Dushon Monique como Connie. ||
🚓 Chicago P.D. 🚔
|| Jason Beghe como Hank Voight. ||
|| Jon Seda como Antonio Dawson. ||
|| Jesse Lee Soffer como Jay Halstead. ||
|| Archie Kao como Sheldon Jin. ||
|| Elias Koteas como Alvin Olinsky. ||
|| Patrick Flueger como Adam Ruzek. ||
|| Laroyce Hawkins como Kevin Atwater. ||
|| Mariana Squerciati como Kim Burguess. ||
🚑 Chicago Med. 🩺
|| S. Epatha Merkerson como Sharon Goodwin. ||
|| Oliver Platt como Daniel Charles. ||
|| Marlyne Barrett como Maggie Lockwood. ||
|| Torrey DeVitto como Natalie Manning. ||
|| Nick Gehlfuss como Will Halstead. ||
|| Yaya DaCosta como April Sexton. ||
|| Roland Buck como Noah Sexton. ||
|| Colin Donnell como Connor Rhodes. ||
|| Rachel DiPilo como Sarah Reese. ||
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Playlist de esta primera parte:
╚══════════ 🩺 ══════════╝
|| Arcade de Duncan Laurence. ||
|| Could Have Been Me versión Halsey. ||
|| Fight Song de Rachel Platten. ||
|| I’ts Time de Imagine Dragons. ||
Anterior: || Índice: || Siguiente:
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Whatever Comes
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Word count: 2,147
Warnings: A lot of angst. Mentions of blood, life-threatening injuries, hit-and-run, fracture wounds, and miscarriage.
Summary: Doctor (y/n) (y/l/n) and Jay Halstead are secretly dating when there is a terrible accident involving (y/n) and a lot comes to light.
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the One Chicago shows, or its characters, also not associated with it in any way, or know anyone involved with it.
A/N: Okay, so this is my first fic in a long while and I don't think it's all that good but I had to restart somewhere, so I hope you like it anyway!
(y/n) = (your name) (y/l/n) = (your last name) (y/n/n) = (your nickname)
| masterlist |
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You had just gotten out of your car across the street from the side of Med and, as you were making your way through the bit of road that led to the hospital, a car comes into the driveway — screeching tires, in full speed — and runs you over long before you could even see anything and, there, in the matter of a few seconds, everything goes black and you’re left bleeding out in the street.
Almost an hour later, after you had regained consciousness and had begun dragging yourself, very slowly, towards the hospital, Will and Ethan, about to go inside Med, spot you and run your way eager to help you out — even if they hadn’t known it was you at first.
“Oh man, it’s Dr. (y/n) (y/l/n)!” Ethan exclaimed.
“(y/n), can you hear me?!?” You sort of heard Will ask through your dizziness haze.
“Wow, you’re actually shorter this up close than I had imagined at first.” You attempted a joke with your friend, momentarily gaining some clarity.
Ignoring you, Will just asked no one specifically, “oh Lord, how long has she been bleeding out here?”
Decisive as always, you heard as Dr. Choi commanded, “I don’t know but, come on, Will, let’s carry her to the ED!”
As soon as your friends get inside the hospital with you, everybody stays in shock for a moment until Maggie yells: "get her in treatment 4, now!"
Following her lead, Will and Ethan get started on treating you, who has a few broken ribs, and free fluid in your belly besides from a punctured spleen. Having done their best in the ED, they decide to send your upstairs for surgery with Crocket.
Once you're going to surgery, Miss Goodwin tells Maggie and the doctors to call PD and specifically ask for Intelligence, since you were friends with the unit. As the cops get there, one stands out: Jay Halstead. He's frantic, devastated-looking, just completely lost, and desperate to hear more news about your condition. No one really understands why he is reacting like that, but all of them do share the fear of losing a great friend. Voight's giving out assignments to the team, so Jay knows that that's when he needs to speak up.
"Um, sarge?" All eyes are on him. "If you and the team don't mind running one man short today... I was hoping that I could, um, stay here with- with her?" Hank just stares at him, unlike everyone else — who are shocked — the older man's focus is on his detective's eyes, on the way he was so distraught from the moment they got the call about (y/l/n). That was the behavior, the look, of a terrified man. And, as everyone there knew, Jay Halstead — the freaking war vet — wasn't one to get scared easily. "(y/n) and I-"
"It's fine. No need to explain. You should stay here, Jay. Let us know, in case anything changes. And we'll catch the son of a bitch." He said firmly, making Jay feel as appreciative as ever, and, also, sending an implicit message to all the other members of the unit, one that said: we work this with all we got right now, for (y/n), and for Jay, no questions asked.
After the officers left the hospital, there was still a big commotion from everyone who stayed, because it was one of their own up there in the or. But, surpassing everyone else's, was Will's surprise by how distraught Jay looked, especially considering how his little brother wanted to stay at the hospital, instead of going to find who hurt you. So he comes to confront the detective about it. "So... You and (y/n) are a thing?" Will asked, trying to understand. Since Jay just nodded his head, he decided to push a little further: "And... Were you ever planning to tell me? What the hell, man?"
"Will, I-"
"She's one of my best friends, Jay! Not to mention the fact that I'm the doctor who oversees her work here!"
"Will you put it down?" Jay pleaded with his brother, motioning him to a more reserved corner of the waiting room. "I know, okay? I know. And I'm sorry if it upsets you, man, I really am. But this could've blown her career. That's why we hadn't told you yet." It was clear that Will didn't exactly like his brother's explanation, but he knew it was true.
"Just... How long?"
"Um, about six months?"
"Six months?!" The doctor yelled in shock, then repeated it in a lower tone. "But, six months?"
"Yeah, I know it's a lot of time keeping you in the dark, Will. But, trust me, we weren't thrilled about it. And we were hoping to tell you soon. I swear." Jay said, and his brother could, once again, see it was the truth.
"So, that means that when you started seeing each other she was still finishing med school?"
"Yeah, that's right. Which was, like, the main reason for us to keep it under wraps. An intern dating the attending doctor's little brother? Wouldn't look good."
"That's true..." At that point, Will took another look at his brother. Jay looked so worried and scared, even while trying to hide it. "So, uh, you guys are serious?" That question got a little smile out of the detective.
"Yes, we are. I know that it is new for you... But, I love her, Will. I really do." He took a moment to breathe, not being able to hold back some tears this time. “And, I can’t lose her. I just can’t.”
“Jay…” Will started saying but didn’t quite know how to continue. What could he possibly say to comfort his brother right now? “We just… We just gotta stay hopeful, okay? (y/n) is a really tough person and Dr. Marcel is a great surgeon, you know it. She is gonna pull through.”
A lot of disquieting hours later Crocket finally comes out of the surgery, just to be met by a very worried hospital staff and an on-edge Jay Halstead.
"Where is sh- How is she? Is (y/n) okay? Can I see her?" The detective hovers, not even taking a breath.
"Wow! Uh, you gotta calm down a little, buddy."
"Don't give me that crap! Just- just tell me how she is!" Jay shouts again, not giving a damn about what anyone was thinking. You were the only thing on his mind right now.
"Alright. But try to keep breathing, okay?" To that, the other man didn't even bother to answer. "Okay, um, it was a very complicated surgery, I had to do a lot of cleaning and moving around to get to the worst parts and-"
"Can you please just cut to the part where you tell me if she's okay? No offense, but you can fill me in on the details later." Jay stated nervously. It wasn't just that he wanted to know what was the result of all those hours in the or, but, also, because Jay knew he wouldn't understand half of what Connor was saying, even with the simplified language. You would. But not him.
"Right. Okay. She's, um, she's okay for now. We'll need to monitor her on an hourly basis, though." By that point, the surgeon could already see the relief on both Halsteads' faces, so he went on. "We controlled the bleeding, but, with all the blood loss," he stopped to take another look at the detective, "I'm afraid," another pause, because, sure he had delivered this kind of news before, but this time it was a lot harder, because those people were his friends. And, what they had just lost, he had just lost too, in a way, "we couldn't save the baby."
"The baby?" This time he got an answer from both brothers.
"Uh, uh... You, uh, you didn't know she was pregnant?" Crocket asked, kind of already guessing the answer while sharing a look with Will.
"Oh my God..." It was all the youngest Halstead managed to let out. Seeing how his brother was unable to react any further, Will decided to step up and ask the tough questions.
"So, um,  if everything goes well from now on, you think that (y/n/n) will make a full recovery?"
"Ahhh, yes, actually. She was in great health, so, after making it through, uh, through the night, she shouldn't have any major issues." At that point, Marcel himself was trying to be as objective and as doctorish as possible, in order not to make things worse for the man who had just heard that he lost a child he didn't even have a chance to wait for.
"So, is it, um- is it possible that she didn't know about the pregnancy yet?" But, damn it, Will just kept asking all the impossible questions.
"Uh... It is, actually. Very possible." Hearing that, the detective immediately glued his eyes on him. "We estimate that the fetus was about seven weeks. It's very common that women on birth control haven't found out about it at that point." As neither Halstead said anything, Marcel continued, "well, she's up in the ICU now and in and out of consciousness but, if you want, you can see her for a few minutes."
Hearing that, the detective came out of his haze and said: "Yeah, I wanna see her!"
A few hours later, as Will Halstead gathered his things after finishing his shift, he decided to go check on you but got surprised when he realized that his brother was still there, in the waiting room. "Jay, what are you still doing here?"
"I'm waiting," he said simply.
"Jay." Will called again, "you can't do this, you need to go home, get some sleep, eat…"
"I'm not leaving her alone."
"She's not gonna be alone, Jay." Not getting any response, Will decided to lead with something else. "You know, Voight called Goodwin and said that they're hitting a lot of walls in the (y/l/n) investigation…" Measuring his brother's reaction, Will continued: "Maybe they'd have better luck working with the whole team…"
"Yeah, you're probably right. Tomorrow I'll tell Voight that I want in on the investigation." Jay said, not making any sign of wanting to leave.
"Jay, you can't work tomorrow after staying here the whole night!" Seeing his little brother still not intending to leave, he threatened, "if you don't go home right now, I'll call Voight myself and tell him that you're in no shape to work-"
"Oh, c'mon! You're gonna do that!"
"I wouldn't be so sure if I were you," Will said, looking as serious as they get. "Look, Jay, you know she's in good hands here. And, whatever happens, you'll be the first to know, I've made sure of it."
"But nothing, Jay! It's time to go, come on!" Will pressed so much that Jay resigned himself to do as his brother told him.
For almost a week, you stayed in the ICU. For almost a week, Jay Halstead passed by Med on his way to work and on his way home from work.
Once you were moved to a room, Jay started feeling like he could finally breathe again, even though there was now the baby that someone had still to tell you. And, after chatting with Will and Crockett, Jay had already decided he was gonna be the one to deliver the news to you. So, one day, after Intelligence had already caught the drug dealers that were running away when they hit you, Jay asked Voight for the afternoon off to take you home from the hospital.
When you were at your place, you asked Jay what was going on: "Hey, you didn't say a word on the way here, is anything besides the fact that I just spent almost two weeks in the hospital and that everyone found out about us wrong?"
"Let's sit down for a minute, babe."
The minute he said that, you knew there was something really wrong.
"Okay, you're scaring me…" You said while sitting down on the couch.
"I just- I have something important to tell you," and, like that, Jay proceeded to tell you the worst thing you ever heard. It's not like you'd been planning on becoming a mother or anything like that anytime soon but it was still a possibility that was brutally taken away… You and Jay cried together for the first time and, consoling each other, you felt your relationship growing stronger. 
So much so that after some time you could start talking about the future that both of you foresaw with one another and, even though nothing was completely decided, there was one thing you knew for sure: as long as you were together, you could face anything.
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esmestarz · 11 months
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ INTRO ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
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about me ─ ★
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i can play on the electric guitar and piano !!
i used to do ballet but now i do belly dancing
i love listening to music esp rap, metal (any type tbfr) and rock, my fav animal is a cat and I'm pretty sure that's it
stuff ─ ★
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if you want me to write for a character that isn't on the list feel free to ask me and I'll write for them if possible <3
i will write smut, fem reader, gn reader, platonic and romantic relationships
i will not write rape, incest, gore, threesome, gang bang, male reader, character x character, character x oc, poly relationships, specified race reader
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what and who i write for ─ 𐙚⋅˚₊‧
black swan
- nina sayers
- lily
diary of a wimpy kid
- rodrick heffley
harry potter
- hermione granger
- harry potter
- draco malfoy
- luna lovegod
- ron weasley
- theodore nott
- tom riddle
- tatum riley
- sidney prescott
- billy loomis
- stu marcher
- samantha carpenter
- tara carpenter
- amber freeman
- anika kayko
- ethan landry
- gale weathers
- jill roberts
- kirby reed
- chad meeks-martin
- mindy meeks-martin
life as a house
- sam monroe
- clay beresford
- casper mcfadden
fight club
- marla singer
- tyler durden
star wars
- anakin skywalker
- padmé amidala
- edmund pevensie
- peter pevensie
seasquatch squad
- jeremy sumpter
pretty little liars
- emily fields
- alison dilaurentis
- hanna marin
- spencer hastings
gossip girl
- blair waldorf
- serena van der woodsen
- georgina sparks
- rafe cameron
- sarah cameron
- jj maybanks
- kiara carrera
- pope heyward
- john b routledge
seaquest dsv
- lucas wolenczak
the babysitters club
- sam thomas
- kristy thomas
- stacey mcgill
- claudia kishi
- dawn schafer
- carl gallagher
- fiona gallagher
- debbie gallagher
malcolm in the middle
- malcolm wilkerson
- reese wilkerson
- francis wilkerson
my babysitters a vampire
- rory keaner
- ethan morgan
- sarah fox
ruby and the well
- sam price
- mina amani
- ruby o'reilly
all of us are dead
- choi nam-ra
- lee su-hyeok
- lee cheong-san
- lee na-yeon
- nam on-jo
sweet home
- yoon ji-su
- lee eun-yoo
- cha hyun-soo
KPOP ─ ★
- karina
- winter
- ningning
- giselle
- nayeon
- chaeyoung
- momo
- mina
- sana
- jihyo
- dahyun
- jeongyeon
- tzuyu
le sserafim
- sakura
- yunjin
- chaewon
- kazuha
- eunchae
- soyeon
- minnie
- shuhua
- miyeon
- yuqi
- sullyoon
- lily
- kyujin
- haewon
- jiwoo
- bae
new jeans
- danielle
- haerin
- minji
- hyein
- hanni
the last of us
- ellie williams
fatal frame
- yuri kozukata
- rui kagamiya
cry of fear
- simon henriksson
resident evil
- leon s kennedy
- jill valentine
- ada wong
- claire redfield
- bela dimitrescu
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