#reader is a selfharmer
psychopathseraphim · 6 months
sammy lawrence x selfharmer!reader
tw: extreme anger from sammy's end, self-inflicted harm, forceful revealing of scars
as sammy lawrence's assistant director, you really only have one job (because sammy tends to do everything on his own); to check on how the music plays alongside the film. during your first few days as an intern, you had some issues with syncing the music, but now that it's been a few months or so, this task has come naturally to you.
one day, however, tension within the studio was high, mainly because a short was destined to come out tomorrow (anytime tomorrow) and the music department was rushing to create songs for it. not to have a complex but you were extremely certain that it was only you and sammy that deserved a place in the credits, with how the other interns (including jack fain) failed to cooperate and contribute.
sammy was extremely on-edge that same evening, especially due to the sleep-deprivation catching up to him. desperately he wrote scores and edited notes to be performed and recorded by you both; you were somewhat afraid due to your knowledge about certain instruments being short and cut-off. you didn't want to press the man, especially not tonight.
however, after submitting a scene you synchronized the music to, sammy found out about a certain error- a song for an extremely crucial part was mixed up with another song. . . this angered sammy extremely, especially because he didn't necessarily have extra time on his hands to tweak it. feeling like his trust in you was misplaced, he called you over.
"(y/n), look at this. haven't we talked multiple times about this song being for this scene?!" his voice started to get louder as his anger continued to rise. "you have ONE thing to do, (y/n)! you're in the luckier end of the rope- try being in my shoes! if I were you, I wouldn't make a single mistake!"
somewhat scared, you grab onto the hem of your shirt and look down. nervously, you try to reason with him: "I-I'm sorry, there must have been an error in the syst-"
"I DON'T CARE ABOUT ANY ERRORS IN THE SYSTEM! who else is behind the system if not you?! God, you interns are useless." he spat back, his voice booming and echoing throughout the whole studio, probably letting other late-staying employees know that you were being yelled at. before you knew it, your eyes were glassy and filled with tears, and crying in front of your boss would be embarrassing. turning around and gathering the work you made a mistake on, you excuse yourself to the bathroom.
self-harm was something you found comfort in, sad to say. you always kept a blade inside a mini-notepad you'd stuff inside your pocket; it yearned to be used when sammy was screaming at you. sitting inside of a bathroom stall, you sink to the ground, roll down your sleeves, and prepare your arms.
your arms were already littered with scars; old, new. . . it didn't matter because no one noticed. you weren't a little kid anymore, having your parents check your wrists to see if you were still doing the "bad thing". you were an adult and did whatever you want. . . so here you were, doing just that.
you idolized sammy, and being the cause of his frustration-
one cut.
how could you? as his assistant, you're supposed to help him-
two cuts.
not anger him. not make his stress worse-
three cuts.
by then, your wrists were dripping with blood that you made sure couldn't touch your sleeves. you wash your wrists, your blade, and exit the bathroom almost like nothing ever happened.
you were stressed, too, and you didn't need sammy to know about how you got rid of it. he'd find you weird and tell joey and the others about you. you could lose your job and get send to a hospital or a clinic. sammy could laugh at you; all up in your face, and send you off to find a better intern.
you didn't want to think of sammy like that, but you knew he acted exactly like that.
as you entered the music department office, you noticed that sammy didn't even lift his head to check on who entered. he's probably extremely annoyed of me, you come to think as you take your seat. for the next few moments, work goes on an usual, before sammy lifts his head to look at something in a shelf above you.
"(y/n)," he said, stern, but definitely calmer than the last time he spoke to you, "see that book up there? music theory is its name. get it for me now."
with no answer on your behalf, you stand up and reach for it. although you do grab it, your sleeve rides up and for a second, your raw, red-tinted scars are revealed to your boss, who has been staring at you this entire time.
trying to brush it off while praying to God he didn't see your scars, you hand him the book with your sleeve being held tightly by your fingers. some blood presses on your sleeve for a bit.
"here, sir," you said.
"... (y/n)- what was that?" he asked, his tone agitated once more which gave you a sense of fear once more.
"what was what, sir-"
"no, don't try to play it off like that, I'm being serious-" he grabs your wrists and forcefully pulls your sleeve back. with a gasp, you cover your scars on your wrist with your other hand. sammy, however, easily pulls it off to reveal scars and new cuts.
"(y/n)." he says angrily, "what the fuck is this?"
"I..." you're brought to tears once again with his tone of voice and the sense of fear you feel within you. please don't yell at me, or tell on me. I'm not weird, I promise, you think as if he could hear you. "I just... they're old..."
he inspects your new cuts and shakes his head with furrowed brows. "these are not old, (y/n). stop lying. tell me now- why would you do this?"
"the pressure, sir." you managed to say, praying to God sammy won't ridicule you or compare your stresses to his. "I didn't want to be the main cause of your frustrations. it's not as bad as it seems, I don't do that religiously... it's just a way to get rid of stress."
it's quiet for a bit, before sammy sighs, gets up off his chair, and walks off. he comes back shortly after holding a first aid kit, sits down, and grasps your wrist...gently, this time. he opens the first aid kit, grabs for a cotton ball coated with betadine, and places it on your cuts.
you wince first, expecting it to sting (as usual, whenever you'd cut yourself). sammy lets out a chuckle at this- "it's betadine, (y/n). it's not supposed to sting."
"oh. right." is all you utter out.
it's silence once more, and sammy breaks this once more- "(y/n), I'm sorry I yelled at you earlier- I really hope these cuts aren't as bad as you make it, though. I was irritated, that's all. I'm sorry." he continues on, "you're not useless- you're far from that. you're a good intern, and a better assistant."
these words make your heart flutter. perhaps there was more to idolizing sammy lawrence than you knew- than it was platonic. perhaps there was a bit of romance in it; something you'd never admit to him- ever.
the night ends with this, and you return home with treated cuts and a much better feeling within you.
the next day is the premiere of the newest bendy episode- that stupid dancing demon, the cause of all your stress. all of the staff members watch intensely; sammy watches for any musical errors, joey watches for any animation errors- that kind of thing.
fortunately, the episode ends without any errors spoken by the heads, and all of the staff members rejoice. two interns in the far back high-five, and joey returns to his office with a more relieved and happy expression on his face.
once everyone leaves for food and wine, sammy approaches you.
"(y/n), good job." he says with a rare smile on his mouth. "I knew you could do it. how are your cuts?"
"they're fine, sir." you respond. they were fine- alongside that, so were you.
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herofics · 8 months
A day worth waiting for
A/N: I really felt like writing some angst with Gojo. Also, I’m feeling kinda shitty, so I needed something to cope with it. I’m not suicidal specifically, but it keeps kinda flashing in my mind as a “you could do that though” if that makes sense. I started writing this like 3 months ago, but I didn’t finish it then, so I’m writing it now
Warnings: Self-harm, blood and suicide attempt-ish
You were just laying on the floor, staring at the ceiling. You had no clue how long you’d been laying there. It might have been minutes, or it might have been hours, you had no idea.
You didn’t feel anything, you were just numb, maybe not even numb, every emotion just felt the same. It was like all the colors were gone.
You stretched your hand towards the ceiling. You were wearing a t-shirt, so you could clearly see the scars that covered your wrist. There were no fresh ones, hadn’t been in a while, but the urge was still there, the urge to rip your skin open and let your life bleed out of you.
And why wouldn’t you? There wasn’t anything here for you. Gojo would be fine without you, he was the strongest, after all. He would probably even be better off.
“It’s decided then” you muttered while getting up from the floor.
You tried writing a note, and even though the idea of ending your life made so much sense in your head, you couldn’t figure out a way to explain it on paper. The only words you managed to put down were “Forgive me, Satoru. I hope you don’t curse me too much”. A few tears fell on the paper, smudging the ink.
You went to draw yourself a warm bath, before rummaging through the drawers under the sink to find a razor blade. You threw off your sweatpants and climbed into the tub in your underwear and a big t-shirt.
You exhaled deeply, before looking up at the ceiling. Were you really going to do this? Were you ready to leave yet?
That’s when you heard the bathroom door open. You quickly submerged the razor blade and hid it under your thigh before Gojo saw it. You managed to cut yourself in the process. How did you not hear him come into the apartment?
“Whatcha doing in the tub with your clothes on?” he smirked from the doorway, not yet putting the situation together.
He was just standing there, looking like his normal dashing self. He took off his blindfold, like he always did when he came home to you.
“I fell in” you lied.
Gojo took a step closer, chuckling, about to say something, when he noticed the blood in the water. The smile died on his lips as he realized what was going on. He knelt down next to the tub and grabbed both your hands, checking your wrists.
He sighed in relief as he realized you hadn’t done anything yet. Then where was the blood coming from?
You saw the panicked look in his eyes as he still held your hands in his while looking for the source of the blood.
“I nicked myself-myself when trying to hide the razor blade” you hiccuped, tears welling up in your eyes.
“Oh doll” Gojo said softly, before pulling you up with him as he stood up.
He took your shirt off you and grabbed a big, fluffy towel, wrapping it around you.
“I need you to talk to me, and I think you need that too” Gojo said as he stood in front of you.
There was something different about the way he looked at you. Anger you would have recognized, but this wasn’t it. Fear? Was it really fear you saw in his eyes?
“Are you okay? You look kind of scared” you noted.
“First of all, I think I should be asking you that. Secondly, I think my fear is pretty justified when I find the person I love sitting in a bathtub filled with water, ready to open their wrists”
“Well that sounds a bit gruesome” you muttered.
“Am I wrong?” Gojo asked, tilting his head to the side.
There was a moment of silence between you, before you spoke a simple, quiet: “No”
You couldn’t hold back the tears any longer. Once you said it out loud, admitted what you were going to do, it was like a dam broke. You just started sobbing uncontrollably.
“It’s okay doll, it’s okay” Gojo assured as he picked you up and carried you out of the bathroom.
You were still wrapped in the towel and holding onto Gojo’s jacket for dear life. You didn’t even remember what had originally gotten you so upset that you would resort to what you had attempted to do.
Gojo had been through this with you before. The last time this happened, it was with you trying to overdose on your medication. It was one of the few times in his life he had been absolutely terrified. Seeing you laying there unconscious, with an empty pill bottle next to you, had been one of the most horrific moments of his entire life.
Now it was happening all over again, but this time he had been on time. This time he had gotten to you before you’d done anything stupid, this time he’d managed it. After Suguru left, Gojo had sworn he wouldn’t lose anyone else like that. He wouldn’t let anyone else disappear into the shadows again.
Gojo sat down on the bed, still holding you in his arms.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry-so sorry” you kept blubbering while burying your face to his chest.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay” Gojo said, grabbing your hand and attempting to ground you through his touch. “Just breathe”
After your breathing and crying calmed down, you looked up at him with tearful eyes.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know what happened” you muttered, trying to get up from his lap.
“Nu-uh, you’re not going anywhere till we talk” he pulled you back.
“What am I even supposed to say?”
“Just something, I don’t want you to be alone with this. You know I won’t leave you alone before I get a satisfactory explanation” he half joked.
Gojo just wanted to hear you say that you’d be okay. He just wanted to hear you say this was just a fluke, and it wouldn’t happen again. At the same time, he knew you couldn’t promise that. That you wouldn’t just magically start getting better, because you or he wanted you to.
“I don’t know what happened. It just seemed like the right choice, but the second I saw you, I was like “What the fuck am I doing?” and it didn’t feel like it made any sense anymore”
You kept staring at your hands while leaning the side of your head against his chest. What you said was true. Seeing him had made you change your mind in the end. You could have tried to reach for the razor again, even though it would have been futile with him in the same room. He would have stopped you, no doubt about that, and besides you didn’t want him to see you do that to yourself. The act itself was way different from just seeing the aftermath.
“Well I’m glad I have that effect on you, but that doesn’t really give me much insight to your mental state right now”
“I guess it doesn’t, but I don’t really know what else to tell you” you sighed.
You just sat there in silence, Gojo embracing you and you leaning against his chest. You didn’t know what to tell him. Even if you managed to formulate something that would make sense to you, it would probably just sound crazy to him. It was so hard to put any of it into words, let alone in a way someone else would understand.
“I don’t know what’s going on in that pretty head of yours, but I just want you to know that no matter what you think, I’m not better off without you, and neither is anyone else you know” Gojo said suddenly.
“Thank you” you said after a while more of silence, looking up at him.
“What for?” he asked as he met your gaze.
“I guess I just appreciate the reminder at times like these”
“I’ll remind you for the rest of our lives, if you’ll let me” he smiled softly.
You placed a hand on the side of Gojo’s face and caressed his cheek with your thumb.
“I’d like that”
Maybe one day you’d love life as much as you loved him, maybe that day was worth waiting for.
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banjjakz · 9 months
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➡ Fall asleep.
When you blink back into consciousness, a gentle warmth welcomes you to the land of the living. At some point in your slumber, you pitched sideways to huddle your achingly cold bones in a fetal position. Now, you find yourself struggling to activate your joints after succumbing to a slumber so deep it’s seemed to have left you with rigor mortis.
As you sit up, an unfamiliar layer of fuzzy fabric slides from your shoulders. A blanket! Ah, that explains the extra warmth. But you don’t remember bringing a blanket with you… and you’ve never seen this particular blanket in your entire life. Sure, it’s cozy and high-quality, but the pattern of wide-open eyes littered across the black cloth is off-putting – although, not entirely unpleasant.
Oh shoot, did someone put this on you? Have you been discovered?
Spooked, you whip your head to the side, where you had not even registered the presence of another living being. “Ahh!!!”
“I did not mean to frighten you. I apologize.”
Are you – are you dreaming?
You must be dreaming. They term isn’t “yumejoshi” for no reason. There is no way Choso squats in front of you, less than a meter away, so close that you can smell his earthy, metallic fragrance. He hasn’t even changed out of his stage costume: his customary white robes are still soaked through with sweat from the earlier performance, gracing the pale fabric a tantalizing semi-translucence. His purple gi is nowhere to be found, which exposes the unholy caverns of his collarbones, the inviting jut of his skeletal sternum. The signature pigtails are also undone, leaving his stringy black hair to metastasize down the sides of his gaunt face, across the barren valley of his jagged shoulder blades. And yet, that solid bar of black remains perfectly applied across the center of his face.
“Are you alright?”
Choso stays where he is, head cocked in concern. Quickly, you realize you have two options.
You can tell the truth and admit that you’d been waiting outside just to see him walk a few paces before getting into a nondescript vehicle. Totally normal fan behavior that will definitely go over well.
Or, you can lie.
“I-I don’t have anywhere else to go,” you demure, casting your eyes down in false bashfulness. You would feel bad about this if you were a better person.  “And the memories from ShinShow’s performances always sustain me…I just thought, if I could enjoy the positive energy for a little while longer…I would be sustained. I’m sorry…”
“Why do you apologize?”
One of Choso’s most appealing charming points is his overly formal, somewhat antiquated manner of speaking. He sounds like a historical figure who has been yanked from the past, inserted haphazardly into contemporary pop culture. Very fitting for his lore. But you’d also been under the assumption that this was merely a stage act – is he that committed to his image? Or is it innate?
The thought of Choso simply being Like That is too endearing to bear. You hide your face behind your palms, concealing the tremulous smile that possesses your lips.
“It’s embarrassing… and I’ve troubled Choso-nii…”
The last thing you expect are cold, impossibly cold, hands to wrap around your wrists, kindly (but firmly) uncovering your face. Choso has drawn closer to you, so close that when he breathes, it brushes the bridge of your nose.
His face is impassive, as usual – but upon closer inspection, you notice a strange, wavering quality in his eyes, a slight tremor in his lips. There might actually be color on the tips of his ears. Usually, he appears as though he is so pale there is no blood coursing through his veins that could produce a blush.
Evidently, this is not the case.
“Choso-nii is not troubled,” he states plainly, leaving no room for argument. “The night is no place for a little one to be sleeping unguarded.”
Oh, you could faint here and now. It’s an active choice on your part to remain conscious. “Mn…”
“You will come with me now.”
And so you do.
This is how you find yourself in the back of an unmarked, utilitarian white van. To anyone else the vehicle would appear as little more than a maintenance truck. But you know better.
Inside the living-quarters is a mish-mash of discarded clothing items in varying degrees of cleanliness; discarded guitar picks; empty takeout containers; and a random jumble of electronic chargers. Inexplicably, there is also an abundance of first-aid supplies, with over half of it apparently already used. As he sits you down on one of the distressed leather seats, Choso uses the medical kit to tend to a few scrapes on your legs and arms earned from your impromptu nap on the concrete.
“It’s really not that bad…You don’t have to—”
Embarrassed, you shut your mouth. How do you even cope with this situation? Here you are, in the back of your oshi’s travel van, as he sits on his knees in front of you, hands impatiently pushing your clothes away to reveal your bare skin. His touch leeches the body heat out of you like a parasite. You want to be sucked dry.
“This will sting.” That’s all the warning you get before hydrogen peroxide is unceremoniously dumped on your fresh scrapes.
Unbidden, you let out a strangled whine, hands flying to the closest part of him you can reach – which happens to be his head. You clutch at his hair to absolve you of your suffering. “Choso-nii! It hurts!”
Ker-thlunk. Glug… glug… glug…
Fuck! Your spasming must have knocked over the hydrogen peroxide…. the upended bottle spills its guts across the floor, drenching the air in an oppressively medicinal stink.
Oddly, no irritancy mars Choso’s features. If anything, he looks more flustered than you feel, which doesn’t make much sense to you.
“I’m so sorry! I c-can clean it up, I promise---”
“Leave it.” He speaks without meeting your eyes. “You are injured.”
Barely, you want to retort. But acknowledging the fact that your so-called “injuries” are very minor surface scrapes would shatter the illusory bubble of realized fantasy into which you have miraculously stumbled.
Before you can reply, Choso continues: “The human mouth is the fastest-healing part of the body. Saliva heals.”
“Okay,” you say, because there is nothing else you could possibly respond with. He can’t mean—surely, he doesn’t—
But there he goes, leaning in close to the supple flesh of your bared leg, breath ghosting along the very surface, raising the hairs that quiver in eager anticipation. “I said I would help you feel better. Please allow me this. It is my duty.”
And then he begins to suck on your wounds.
“Oh-kay,” you squeal, entirely convinced that you have begun to astral project. The scrape on the inside of your knee is laved over by his tongue, which is, strangely, just as chilled as the rest of him. When his eyes flick up at your exclamation, you realize that you have yet to release his hair.
Nor do you want to.
“B-be gentle, please…” You’re laying it on thick. You know it. How could you resist? He’s eating it up – literally – mouthing repeatedly over the sensitive area as though he is spiritually compelled to do so. And just because you’re a little too observant, a little too greedy for your own good, you decide to push your luck: “Will Choso-nii make me feel better everywhere?”
With a wet pop, he unleashes your leg from his wet, red mouth. “Where does it hurt,” he asks, pupils blown wide, nothing more than a twin pair of black holes.
“Mn…all over…I’m sore, from sleeping on the ground…”
Choso rises from his knees to crowd you into the back of the seat. Of course, you willingly melt back, pliant in the wake of his potent desire.
“Do you need Choso-nii to make it better?”
“Please,” you whimper, peering up at him through your dewy, tear-damp lashes.
Holy shit, you can’t believe this actually worked. Two hours ago, you were just one of hundreds of faceless, sweaty fans, screaming their hearts out to some of the most hauntingly morbid lyrics.
And now, you are caged in the unforgiving embrace of your oshi, completely at his mercy, littered in hickeys and lovebites and bruises as he has his way with you. Your sharp cries of pain do the opposite of dissuade him; with each groan and plea for him to slow down, take a pause, ow, ow, it hurts Choso-nii--, he grows all the more impassioned, all the more frantic.
He only pulls away from you when there is not a single inch of exposed skin left for him to mark. The sound of your comingled pants fill the van, fogging the windows with physical evidence of your salacious tryst.
Neither of you speak for a moment, content to simply gaze into each other’s eyes. His hair is frazzled every which way, due in no small part to your rough handling. Is it normal to be turned on by such a trainwreck of a human? Should you really be wet between the thighs at being mauled?
“Do—” his voice cracks in a way you have never heard before, not on any livestream, not in any video, not on any stage. “Do you feel better, now?”
Maybe it’s fate…maybe, somewhere out there, far, far away, there is a benevolent being who wants nothing but the best for you. Maybe they concentrated their divine powers into finding you, in this moment, and directing your gaze to the loose pocketknife innocently resting on the grimy floor next to his clunky black platforms. In this moment, as you pick up the blade, unsheathing it without breaking eye contact with the ghoulish specter hovering above you, an inexplicable wave of love and appreciation washes over you, bathing your half-dressed body in the warm waters of some distant, far-off shore.
It's almost too easy to slice a surface wound – a cat-scratch, really – into the plush swell of your upper thigh.
“What about here, Choso-nii?” You ask, enraptured by the peculiar twitching of his facial muscles. “Can you kiss it better right here?”
Once again, you are right on the money.
Choso dives to chase the rivulet of blood running down your leg like a man stumbling across an oasis in the desert. Devotionally, he tongues at the gory slit, sucking more blood from your self-inflicted wound, moaning as if he is the one being pleasured right now. In a strange way, you think he might be.
Your initial quick-thinking unleashes an outlandish chain reaction which finds you, inevitably, entirely unclothed with a not-insignificant amount of reddening slashes across your naked form. When it’s all said and done, Choso will tend to each and every cut, diligently disinfecting and dressing the disrupted flesh, allowing you to weakly tug at his hair (now pulled back from his face into two twin pigtails) when it burns.
Upon the final swipe of antibacterial ointment, you are halfway in dreamland, barely cognizant enough to recognize that you should probably be getting the hell out of here, at this point. However, shunning reason and common sense is the exact behavior that’s gotten you this far – so you decide to stick to what you know.
“Choso-nii,” you murmur groggily into the leather seat. “Blanket?”
“What blanket?”
His confusion is confusing you. “The one you gave me… ‘s cold…”
“…I did not give you a blanket.” For the first time since he’d picked you up behind the venue, Choso’s voice sounds grounded in reality. Released from the shackles of lust and taboo desire, he speaks with lucid candor. “Was that blanket not yours?”
“Nope,” you hum, blissfully dazed. “Where ‘s ‘t?”
Sleep descends upon your worn, battered form before you hear his answer.
Oh well. As long as Choso-nii is nearby, you have nothing to worry about.
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next suggested route: okkotsu yuuta
> main menu > prologue > guide
> report an issue
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prttykittes · 10 months
i have sooo many ideas for fluff (surprise because all i think about is smut.) but i feel like dropping them all when that one bsd sh fic is done bc i dont wanna pressure you 😵‍💫
🦋 anon
Tumblr deleted that post, but your request was female reader dealing with sh and Anorexia with Dazai and chuuya! Sorry, I did post it but it got deleted •́⁠ ⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠,⁠•̀ so I rewrite it!
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ෆ Dazai, Chuuya X Female!Reader [you/your/girlfriend]
— Synopsis:: Your boyfriend is hanging out and he notices that your acting different, he wants you to know that he is here for you!
CW. SH(selfh#rm), Anorexia, body issues, hugs, fluff/SFW, comforting, reader wears long sleeves shirt(Dazai) and dress(chuuya), reader has hair in Dazai's
A/N :: Boys comforting you, I hope your doing okay so far, 🦋 anon and anyone else!! Make sure to take care of your sh scars if you have any, don't want it to get infected:3 — written by a minor
[MASTERLIST] — (⁠ノ⁠^⁠_⁠^⁠)⁠ノ works in link!
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DAZAI— he was watching you form the bed, your hands roaming around your body, feeling your stomach, hips. He continues to smile while you turn and turn, looking at yourself. "You doing something, beautiful?" He smirks, you smile and roll your eyes. You stop and let out a deep sigh, you fix your long sleeve shirt and turn towards the door. "I am going to brush my teeth, I don't think I did it..." You say, walking out. His smile gets down to a line, that was a lie. You did brush your teeth, he lies down and thinks. Should he go check up on you? He gets curious, I mean if he goes and checks. He would be a good boyfriend for worrying. He gets up and begins to walk towards the bathroom door, the door is closed and he puts his hand on the doorknob. He hears the sink and it's quite loud, he gently opens the door. He looks at the mirror, your not at the mirror but at the bathtub. He sees you slightly bend over, he angles himself so he can see what you were doing. He sees your arm moving, he sees a droplet of red. His eye narrows and he doesn't say anything, he closes the door and goes back in the room, you wash the blood away and bandage yourself up. Walking back and seeing Dazai play with his fingers on the bed, he lifts up his head and smiles at you, you smile back and lay down next to him. "I love you" he says, your eyebrow raises and you let out a chuckle. "Hm? I love you too, Dazai!" You smile and he embraces you, his arms wrapping around you. He plays with your hair while he sniffs it, you were confused. He didn't do this that often, he rubs your back. He kisses your forehead, he gently grabs your wrists, it stings a bit. He brings it up to his lips and kisses it, he mutters, "I love you so much" he continues to leave kisses over your arms and he rubs your stomach. You wonder if he found out, before you could speak up about it. "I am always here for you, sweetheart" he says, kissing your lips. He gives you a hug, wrapping himself around you forever until you both wake up.
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CHUUYA— He watches you, turning around to show him the outfit. It was a long sleeve dress just what you wanted, it matches you. You were smiling, he pats your side and kisses your cheek. "You look beautiful" he mutters and rubs your hips. You smile and turn away from the mirror, you were facing him. You didn't like this outfit that much, the sleeves weren't that long and you had to keep pulling it down. He likes it but you weren't sure but the outfit. "Is there other ones?" You ask, he makes a hmm sound and he smiles. "I will go check" he says, he leaves the changing room and goes find some dresses with long sleeves. Your still in room and look at yourself, your hands were shaking slightly, the more you looked at yourself in the mirror, the more weird you look. You close your eyes, your heart was beating fast but then he opens the door. "I found two, love" he says, you smiles and turn to face him. He is holding up two dresses, he smiles and places them down. "Want me to help you?" He asks, you shake your head. You don't want him to look at your bandaged wrists and worry about it. "Nah, it's fine" you says he smiles and leaves the room. You pick up one of the dresses and look it, feeling the fabric and then you prepare to take off your dress. You were taking about too long and Chuuya opens the door, you didn't notice or heard it. Busy trying to taking off your dress then putting on the other dress. He closes the door, which is when you realize. You bite your lower lip, your stomach curls as you begin to overthink. Your hands shakily put on the dress. Making sure that the sleeves cover it. "You can come in now!" You yell out and the door opens, he smiles and softly spins your around. Did he see you or not? You wondered and he kisses your cheek, he hugs you. He rocks you gently, his orange hair in your face. You giggle and push him away gently, he pats your shoulder. "Don't be shy and tell me anything, if you want" he says, with a smiles on his face, you smile back at him. "Sure....just tell me as well" you say and he nods his head, you both do a pi my promise. "We should just get all three of them" he says. "Wha—?"
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pbpsbff · 3 months
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shoutout to this person
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rowiewritesstuff · 1 year
Yandere tfp smokescreen; nb tradesman reader? (And/or, separately) yandere soundwave x recovering s*lf h*rm addict?
Your yandere writing is one of a kind!
Yandere Soundwave X S*lfh*rm Reader
MASSIVE TW: S*lfh*rm and Su*c*d* Mentions. Probably the most fucked up of all the ones I’ve written so far. YOU’VE BEEN WARNED! THX BABES
If you need help here's a hotline finder: https://findahelpline.com/
You're not alone <3
You had been with Soundwave for a long while. He had taken you as a ‘pet’ because he’d found you interesting. He’s steadily grown to care about you over the time he’d held you captive.
You had often tried to escape the Nemesis. You had tried to leave the Nemesis when it was docked one time. He had caught you pretty quickly because of the security cameras throughout the Nemesis.
The next attempt, you jumped onto a flying Vehicon. The Vehicon obviously returned you right to the terrifying TIC, in fear of consequences. 
The next time, you made friends with a Vehicon. At first, you were just using them- but soon you actually began to care for ST3V3. You even called her Steve. Soundwave knew about your friendship, and allowed it. He was glad he didn’t have to chase you around anymore- it was getting tiresome for the old bot. 
Steve began to pity you, and offered you an escape. You weren’t sure- you had no clue what Soundwave would do to her if he found out. 
She insisted, and when the patrol was at its thinnest she decided to try and help you escape. With you stuffed in her subspace, she started towards the exit. Sadly for you, Soundwave already knew. He waited right at the exit Steve was meant to take.
“U-uh, Soundwave sir! What can I help you with?”
Before she could get another word out, the silent mech grabbed onto her with his tentacles. He slammed her into the ground and began to rip open her subspace. Steve was screaming in agony as he ripped her chest open and pulled you out. Other Vehicons saw, but did nothing- they couldn’t. 
Soundwave held you in one tentacle. Using clipped together voices lines from Steve to mock you, he said “This is what- happens when you- try to es-ca-pe.”
Without a second to waste, he drove his sharp talons into Steve’s spark. You screamed at the gory sight. “STEVE! NO! GOD NO, WHY?!” His blank visor stared at you. “HOW COULD YOU DO THIS?! I HATE YOU!” 
Soundwave then electrocuted you, sending you into darkness. When you woke up, you were in your ‘room’. It was really just a giant glass box with necessities. Soundwave had taken out all the sources of entertainment. When you looked outside of your cage, you fell to your knees. 
Sitting on a table in front of you was Steve’s head. You could tell it was theirs because it had the small scratching on the paint spelling out “Steve”. 
That’s when you realized you were never getting off of this ship. Days passed by, and Soundwave checked on you every few hours. Whenever he would poke or prod at you, you’d turn away. You were slowly losing the fire he saw in you at first- that’s good. He was tired of you trying to escape all of the time. 
One night, you had nightmares of Steve’s death. She was blaming you- and she was right. You shouldn’t have tried to get away. You killed her. 
You could hear her voice echoing in your head as you made your way to your bathroom, where your razor was.
When Soundwave found you, he panicked. He quickly rushed you to Knockout who treated you to the best of his knowledge. 
Soundwave then realized he took it way too far. He should have never killed them in front of you. You are human! You’re fragile- he should have remembered that. When you were stable enough to be moved, he made sure your enclosure was free of anything you could use to hurt yourself- anything heavy but light enough to hold, forks, even spoons. 
Your room was more locked down than a mental health hospital. 
When you came to, you cried. You didn’t want this. You wanted off this ship. You yelled and screamed at Soundwave- and he let you. He read on the internet that humans had to get their emotions out. When you stopped, he picked you up and cradled you. You didn’t have any energy to fight him as he rocked you back and forth. You didn’t want to- you wanted this comfort.
Soundwave forced Knockout to learn about human mental health so he could give you regular appointments. Knockout carefully began manipulating you so that you’d start realizing all that Soundwave had ‘done’ for you. Mostly because he didn’t want to spend time babysitting Soundwave’s human- but he’d never say that to Soundwave’s face.
Slowly, you got happier. You were starting to fall in love with Soundwave- and he was glad for it. Soundwave never left you alone- which meant that you always went to him for comfort. He began giving you anything you wanted now that you weren’t fighting him.
Megatron and Soundwave had some high-grade one day while you were sleeping under Knockout’s supervision. 
Soundwave used voice clips to explain the situation.
“Ah, like a true Decepticon. Maybe I should grab a human pet sometime as well. There was one I’ve had my eye on for a while.” 
Soundwave held his hand out to reveal a small key. It was to his enclosure for you. He always thought that another friend for you would be nice- now he had an actual reason to grab one. 
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tittysuckersworld · 2 months
tw!! nsfw and self harm scars! please keep that in mind before clicking the continue read thing. seriously take care of yourselves please
okay for the dazai simps out there, enjoy ;) [also this is a wip so might end up with more finnished peice some day]
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voidcat · 2 years
ok ok so here it is. i know you said it might be too long for an ask but i didn’t know where else to send it. sorry, i’m a little dumb when it comes to these things. anyways this is not a request for you to write anything btw but i got my hair cut and it gives me sooo good gender euphoria so i just had this thought and like i needed to share it with you.
tw: very little self harm, relapsing mentions
dazai realized something was different with you. something has changed. or maybe it was always like that but he started to realize it just now.
first, you started to steal borrow his clothes more often. surely you just liked to wear his clothes and who was he to deny you when you looked so good in his clothes, also showing everyone that you were in a relationship with him.
then you cut your hair even shorter. it looked good on you. it was a really cool style and it fit your face perfectly. also in his eyes everything would look good on you. he didn’t think too much about why you cut it all of a sudden. he thought you got tired of that length. or you just got bored of that old style. at least that’s what you told him. he didn’t pry too much. even when he knew that you didn’t tell him the whole truth.
then you started to spend more time on “men’s” section when you two went to shopping. he asked you once. you simply told him, “it’s just that they’re more comfortable. and the designs are much much better. like look at this.” you showed him the ugliest christmas sweatshirt anyone can see, from the “women’s” section. with the ugliest shade of the colors and unnecessary amount of glittery shapes and lots of reindeers. “like why is there so many reindeers?! or why would you use this shade of green?! they make me hate my favorite color for fucks sake. and this is only one of the million examples.” he only chuckled at your furious rambling and nodded his head in agreement. and it’s not like you never shopped from “women’s” section anyways. tho he never cared about which section you wore from. it didn’t matter to him as long as you were comfortable.
there was also one time where he caught you joking about “how handsome you looked” while you were checking yourself in the mirror. your hair freshly trimmed to it’s regular length. his ‘oversized’ (it’s not actually oversized. he’s just so unnecessarily long smh) sweater and your baggy sweatpants on you. he came up behind you, wrapping his slender arms around you and putting his head into the crook of your shoulder. he told you, “yes, yes you look really ‘handsome’, my pretty girl.” he didn’t miss your smile falling for a split second and the fakeness of your chuckle when you ‘agreed’ with him. how could he? when you two were almost the same person. but he couldn’t pinpoint the reason why. he didn’t ask you.
then one day, you tried to hide your chest. like you were kinda… disgusted by it? i mean he liked boobs (who doesn’t) and especially if it’s your boobs… oh boy… and he thought that they looked completely great. so why did you try to hide it? were you insecure about them? did you think they don’t look good? and even then why would you try to completely get rid of them instead of something different? he asked you one day. very carefully of course. he knew it might be a sensitive topic. you thought of answering him truthfully. telling him everything. but you got scared. scared that he may look at you in a different way. you knew that he wasn’t a transphobe. because he’s not an idiot. but you couldn’t shake the thought of him not liking you anymore. not looking at you the same way. so you just told him it’s because you got tired of creeps on the streets gawking at your chest. a lie. not completely. but a lie. he knew. but he didn’t say anything. he knew that you knew that he knew you’re lying. (wth was this sentence) he didn’t say anything. just told you to tell him if someone was making you uncomfortable next time.
but one day. oh, what a day it was… your dysphoria got so bad. it was already a shitty day. you couldn’t take it. you wanted to disappear. you even went back to relapsing. he found out. oh, of course he did. he took care of your scars, comforted you. in both of your’s ‘unique’ way. it wasn’t how a person would’ve comfort another one who relapsed. it was just two mentally ill idiots finding comfort in each other’s warmth. after some time you talked to him. because if you didn’t tell him then, you knew you would never be able to again. you told him about how you didn’t feel like a woman even tho you were born ‘as one’. how you didn’t know if you were actually a trans man or if you were genderfluid. or hell, maybe something completely else! you told him everything. everything you could. he listened. he didn’t say anything. but he made sure you knew he listened. then he thought to himself. how couldn’t he connect the dots? especially when he payed close attention to everything you do, you feel. especially when he witnessed chuuya going through similar things when he was still in the pm. (yes chuuya is trans in my hc s) you guys then talked about it more. and he told you that you’re you and he loves you no matter what and bla bla bla, all those things.
after all these he started to be more careful with his choose of words. he talked to you about what you were comfortable and what you weren’t and he acted according to that while still not making you feel different or bad…
and that’s it from my brain bc i can’t write good, normal fucking endings🙂 this was so long omg. thank you if you actually did read until here. it’s very self-indulgent (?), yes. but i couldn’t take this thought out of my head. and i normally hc dazai as genderfluid. but for the sake of this drabble (can i call this a drabble??) he’s a cis man 😔
-🍪 anon
Thank uuuu for sharing this with me dear!
Sorry I am returning so late w so much happening in the past few days that I forgot to finish reading this
This bit: it was just two mentally ill idiots finding comfort in each other’s warmth basically my fave thing w dazai to write and think about eheheheh also yeahhh the euphoria getting a short hair gives is>>>>>>. I felt this fic
Again, ty for sharing this w me since this is a self indulgent piece, I liked it lots:))) (also hell yea trans chuu<3)
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saturnfairycat · 6 days
Archive #29 | copyright to saturnfairycat
Author's note: can you believe I wrote this one on instagram? lmao being a writer is weird. enjoy!
Our love was like home to me. It felt like a physical place for my mentality to lie.
On days where the world seemed colder, I seek warmth near the fireplace— cuddling up with blankets and hot cocoa. On days where it was spring, I would be dancing on the deck over seeing our garden— you always believed dancing is best in silence, the only sound was careless whispering to each other. Such sweet nothings filled our house with warmth and my heart with comfort.
Of course, it was never easy— the belongings in our home were the memories and bonds we have made and shared together. If it wasn't for me, the house would be bare to the bone— only left with the original wallpaper that you put up after breaking down my walls.
I know you tried, and you would visit the house as much as you could— but we both knew deep down it wasn't enough. Soon, it wasn't only the world that seemed colder; my breath is shaky as I puffed out frost from my lungs. The fireplace was no longer used, even when I tried multiple times with the damn lighter you gave me. Our garden started to wilt, and home felt more like a distant memory.
But the belongings were still here— and so I kept them near me at all times. Hugging them to my chest like it provided me with the warmth and care I needed, ignoring the distinct coolness that came off it every passing day.
'When will you return home?' was the question I used to always ponder. 'Am I bad at maintaining our home?' I scrunched up my face in frustration. It started raining a lot during that time, it was salty— and made the skin of my cheeks feel dry afterwards.
One day, it stopped raining. Warmth came back— tenfold— but the fireplace wasn't the source. The draping wallpaper had caught on fire, I guess I have sparked the lighter a little too close to the dangling pieces of wallpaper above the fireplace.
How did I not notice the fire? I don't know. I think I have always seen a spark, but mistook it for hope instead.
The fire consumed everything in the house, even climbing out onto the wilted garden.
I managed to get out… But barely. I was harmed, yes. But people came to my rescue— I was safe. I was hurt. I felt sick, our home was getting destroyed and I could only helplessly stand back and watch it burn.
The only two choices I had left were to either stand there and watch it burn, becoming homeless without shelter— or walk away, and build my own house. I reluctantly pulled away at my spot outside the burning house, turning my back and glancing behind me a couple of times.
And then that's where I saw you.
You stood at the entrance of the house. Your foot edging past the door and threatening to enter the burning building. You looked back at me, beckoning me to follow you.
I felt a million emotions. You probably didn't understand what I was feeling— the fear of false hope, the desperation for that second chance, the dread of seeing your face again. I thought back to our memories, and how a lot of them were destroyed by the fire— you didn't remember them at all.
You were giving me mixed emotions, you didn't look certain to be where you are, but you didn't move.
Was this the second chance I was so desperate for?
Do I follow you in?
You seem to be completely different and just the same as I once knew you all at the same time. You must have lost your way, your visible scars prove so. Maybe… I could help. I could help somehow, what can I salvage? Is that why you're wanting to enter the house? Are you wanting to retrieve the remaining belongings?
I rushed towards you, following you in. If I just save the things we both loved in that house, maybe we can restart as something new— maybe just a small vegetable garden, or an ash tree.
The smoke blinded me, I have lost you in the smoke. But I knew what to do, I didn't lose my way. I reached and grasped at what I could, wincing at the heat. When I neared a window, I saw your left hand holding one of our more newer possessions— while your right hand held our oldest possession. I was confused, you were outside— don't you want the others?
I guess you got cold feet, too scared of the flames to salvage the rest. You left, after I hesitantly stared back at you— your eyes begging me to follow you once more.
I was burning up, I was lost. What have I done? I have caused more pain for myself. I gave you a second chance and ran into a burning building to save the things I loved. But you didn't save me.
I escaped the collapsing house, leaving the belongings behind in the fire.
Without a single glance. I walked away from the burning house I once called our home.
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herofics · 4 months
Hello :>
Sorry if this request is kind of dark, but could you write a bestfriend Izuku in which his bestie (female) if depressed and he finds her bleeding out in the tub, because she relaped in sh.
Thanks :)
A/N: I did this so they’re adults and Deku comes to check on his friend after not seeing them/hearing from them for a while. I didn’t do the tub part like you asked, but eh
Warnings: Blood and self-harm by cutting
Midoriya had been incredibly busy for the past week, but now that things had calmed down at least somewhat, he noticed something. It wasn’t exactly odd that he hadn’t heard from you, but it was still worrying, especially now that you hadn’t answered him all day. You always answered his messages, even if you didn’t initiate the conversation yourself. Midoriya decided to stop by your place when he was on his way home from work to check on you.
It’s not like this hadn’t happened before. You’d cut yourself quite badly before, but this time you had apparently hit a bigger vein. You didn’t really mean to, but you just sort of kept going, it was like you were in a trance. You didn’t even register the pain when you did it, or at least not all of it. You just looked at the blood pouring out of your arm and kept going anyway. 
“Well this is a damn mess” you muttered as you looked at the floor after a while.
You’d been sitting on the edge of the tub and there was a small pool of blood forming between your feet as the blood dripped from your wrist at a steady pace. You just stared at the small pool of blood as it spread slowly towards your feet. Suddenly, you could hear your doorbell ringing, but you didn’t care. If you just ignored whoever it was they would go away, right?
Midoriya was ringing your doorbell, he knew you were home since the lights were on in your apartment. He texted you, asking if you were okay, but you didn’t answer. He didn’t want to intrude, but you had given him a spare key and he was getting increasingly worried. He stood behind your door for probably ten minutes, ringing the doorbell intermittently, hoping you would just come to the door. You didn’t, so he used the spare key and came in, calling your name.
You heard the door open, and you just sighed. It had to be Izuku, since he had the other key to your place.
“Here” you answered as he called out to you.
“Thank god, I thought you were-” Izuku was cut off as you came into view.
“Hi” you said, raising your bloody hand in a small wave.
You had stopped bleeding, but it was still quite a gory sight.
Midoriya wasn’t exactly surprised, but this was still quite a shock. The two of you had been here before, but this was the most blood there had ever been. He didn’t panic, he just calmly took off his jacket and threw it on the hallway floor.
“Are you okay?” he asked as he knelt down in front of you, avoiding the pool of blood.
“Yeah, I’m okay. I just need to do something about this” you said with an eerily calm voice, raising your arm.
“We need to clean it up. Where do you keep your bandages and disinfectant and stuff?” Midoriya asked.
“They’re all in the medicine cabinet” you motioned with your nonbloody hand.
You just sat there, feeling a little light-headed, as Izuku took some supplies out of the cabinet. You gave him your arm and let him clean it up. The disinfectant stung, but you didn’t make a sound, you just let him clean off the blood with cotton pads as you got increasingly more lightheaded. When he was done cleaning your arm, Izuku closed the wound with butterfly sutures and wrapped a bandage around your wrist.
“I feel bad that you’re so good at this. You’ve been patching me up for one reason or another ever since we were kids” you finally said.
“It’s okay, I’d rather patch you up than visit you in the hospital or worse…” he trailed off.
“Yeah, I know. I just hate that you’re always having to take care of me. I’m such a mess”
“You’re my best friend, and yeah you might be a mess sometimes, but it doesn’t matter, you’re still important to me” Midoriya assured, squeezing your hand.
“Thanks” you sniffled and squeezed him back.
Izuku didn’t need to know how crappy you felt right at that moment. You felt like if you tried to get up, you would probably faint, so you just sat there. Izuku was still kneeling in front of you, as you two shared a quiet moment.
You’d been dealing with this for years, and Izuku had been there for most of it. All the late night phone calls, crying to him about whatever was upsetting you at the time, all the times he had patched you up or taken you to the ER. Sure, it was difficult on him too sometimes, but you had it worse in terms of mental health issues. He hated this, he hated that you did this to yourself. It was an ugly thing to do to one’s self, the marks you left on yourself would never go away. They would always be there to remind you of the darkest moments in your life. He just hoped that one day, you could be happy, that one day they would really be just a distant reminder.
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akizenyx · 1 year
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Our obsession With Astronomy - First day of classes (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1388384422-our-obsession-with-astronomy-first-day-of-classes?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=Akizenyx3311&wp_originator=%2BDFeZRXloJkJ8jXfSrTo2Tot%2FoulH%2FZDEsuqWn2c2B%2BUBwdeeSm04K%2FxfYkkQYGsnIE5Frlw2erXlI0WRB1%2BsvUgrc7OuYocip4cTutw5UVXEXfBoCtyAh%2FmAr6E1yD4 A story about the marauders and the reader. Eventually, Sirius Black and Y/n Morningstar fall into an endless but complicated romance. At the same time, Voldemort is plotting something and seeing as Voldemort And Y/n's father, Lucifer, are enemies, shit will go down. Lucifer is also not a very good father to Y/n and her two siblings, her older brother Aeolus and little sister Areena. Read now to watch as Y/n deals with family drama, is there for Sirius during his, and slowly fall in love with each other as they help one another go through their terrible times.
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baldval · 5 months
heyy! You dont have to do this if it makes you uncomfortable it is a little darker…
can i request overlords finding out that reader selfharms? Like they knew she was unstable but they didnt think that much
thank you!!!
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characters: alastor, vox, velvette, valentino, lucifer, adam
warnings: sad reader, slightly ooc adam (that man is so hard to write omg)
a/n: ik i said i'm comfortable w darker asks, i just don't really feel ok w writing about such heavy/negative topics (especially sh), but don't worry anon, should've added that mb. anyways, i give you hazbin characters comforting reader in return 🫶🫶
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ᯓ he’s not exactly a ‘sit down and talk about feelings’ type of person
ᯓ but he can tell when something’s wrong
ᯓ and he wants nothing more but to make you feel like you’re on top of the world
ᯓ he sees your pouty face when you get home
ᯓ “hey, darling, come look,” he says
ᯓ he’d been at work when you’d left
ᯓ so he’s had some time to figure out what to do for you without making it seem like he’s prying
ᯓ he’ll ask you about what’s bothering you once you’ve relaxed
ᯓ he plops down on the couch, dragging you with him
ᯓ your favorite movie is paused on the tv, waiting to be played
ᯓ “i found an extended version. with bloopers and deleted scenes and everything,” he murmurs
ᯓ the entire movie, his hand is rubbing up and down your back
ᯓ his fingers sometimes creep up your neck, playing gently with your hair
ᯓ the entire thing is extremely soothing
ᯓ you know he knows something’s wrong
ᯓ and you also know he’s going to do everything in his power to fix it
ᯓ and you’re so grateful he just loves you
ᯓ he doesn’t need you to say anything, ever
ᯓ he just knows what you need
ᯓ when he comes home and finds you in bed early, he knows you’ve had a difficult day
ᯓ he doesn’t know what happened, but he won’t ask until you’re feeling better
ᯓ he changes out of his work clothes and just gets into bed with you
ᯓ when you don’t say anything either, he pulls you into a cuddle, one hand pressing your head to his chest and the other cupping your hip
ᯓ “hi, vox.”
ᯓ he peppers your face in kisses
ᯓ “feeling off?” he asks
ᯓ you nod
ᯓ his fingers go to stroke your jaw
ᯓ “you can talk to me, you know. i want to make it better,” he tells you
ᯓ so you tell him everything
ᯓ whatever the issue was, the next day, he’s found some way to solve it
ᯓ just for you
ᯓ anything for you
ᯓ the minute you come home from work, exhaustion and misery rolling off of you in waves, she demands to know what’s wrong
ᯓ “is someone bothering you? is it your boss again? because i can get him fired.”
ᯓ you tell her everything
ᯓ she promises to help you with whatever it is that’s causing you trouble
ᯓ she’d tip the earth off it’s axis if you asked
ᯓ “come here, i want a kiss,” she tells you
ᯓ you very happily oblige
ᯓ she spends the entire night just spoiling (and worshiping) you
ᯓ the sheets of your bed are tangled between both your legs
ᯓ you’ve never felt more loved
ᯓ she murmurs about how your aniversary is coming up
ᯓ and tells you to get your nails done and dress pretty
ᯓ you don’t really know how you got here
ᯓ but you’re not upset
ᯓ you smile up at the ceiling, delightedly dazed
ᯓ you don’t even remember why you were upset
ᯓ he feels what you feel
ᯓ and at this point he can never leave you alone
ᯓ he NEEDS to be with you 24/7
ᯓ so naturally it’s like he’s dying when you come home looking upset
ᯓ “hey, no kiss hello?” he whines
ᯓ that manages to get you to laugh
ᯓ he smiles at your smiling
ᯓ you go over to kiss him and he catches your wrist before you walk off
ᯓ “no, c’mere,” he insists
ᯓ he tugs you into his lap and winds his arms around your waist
ᯓ he sets his chin on your shoulder
ᯓ “why’re you upset?”
ᯓ “oh, it’s nothing, val.”
ᯓ “bullshit.”
ᯓ you spill
ᯓ he rubs circles into your hip bone
ᯓ “i’d be upset, too,” he admits
ᯓ he kisses all up your neck
ᯓ “but we don’t have to think about that at all now. can we just spend some time together? i promise, though, if you’re still having problems i’ll gladly fuck up as many lives as you need.”
ᯓ you laugh, making him laugh
ᯓ you spend the rest of the night just sitting there talking to him
ᯓ the two of you are watching your current show, as you do every night, and he notices you’re zoning out
ᯓ he pauses it and looks down at you
ᯓ he dots a couple kisses over your brow
ᯓ “everything okay?”
ᯓ “rough day…”
ᯓ “why didn’t you tell me?”
ᯓ his expression is one of concern now, yet still absolutely laden with affection
ᯓ “i’m sorry, i’m not trying to keeping things from you or anything. i just don’t want to bother you.”
ᯓ “i want you to bother me. say everything that comes into your brain, i want to hear it.”
ᯓ he pulls you closer, palm smoothing over the back of your neck as he sets your head against his chest
ᯓ you tell him about your day, and how you were getting so frustrated
ᯓ frustrated everything was going wrong today, frustrated that the entire week was going wrong
ᯓ he listens intently, stroking your hair the entire time
ᯓ he gives soft “mhms” and “of courses” at your words
ᯓ he peppers warm kisses all over your face
ᯓ he does his best to give you a solution
ᯓ even if what he suggested doesn’t work, he’s sending you flowers to your house for the next week
ᯓ he’s a little confused, but he’s got the spirit
ᯓ he’s a little nervous to ask what’s wrong
ᯓ he’s afraid he won’t know what to do to make you feel better
ᯓ “hey, uh, everything okay?”
ᯓ you shrug
ᯓ “wanna talk about it?”
ᯓ you tell him everything
ᯓ he nods the entire time, his eyes never leaving your face
ᯓ he’s trying to memorize everything you’re saying
ᯓ he doesn’t really have any great solutions
ᯓ and he kind of hates himself for it
ᯓ he wants to help you, even if he doesn't make it obvious
ᯓ “hey, how about we go out tonight? take your mind off things.”
ᯓ you spend the night at dinner then wandering through a night market
ᯓ you both talk nonstop
ᯓ he gets you a bunch of trinkets
ᯓ just things that remind him of you
ᯓ and a bracelet, too
ᯓ he spends a bit of time fiddling with the clasp, eventually hooking it together and letting it sit on your wrist
ᯓ you don’t take the bracelet off
ᯓ ever
ᯓ at home, he’s worried you’re still upset
ᯓ but you’re not
ᯓ you fall asleep curled up against him, your worries now nonexistent
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alxtiny · 7 months
hi i hope your requests are open 😓😓😓 i was wondering if you could do an ot8 comfort fic thing for when the ateez members find out that reader used to selfharm because of the scars left behind. if you dw to do ot8 then just mingi is fine.
thank you sm!
I’m so sorry it took this long i got sidetracked 😭😭 but i hope you like it
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Ateez reacting to their SO’s self harm scars
Synopsis: ateez comforts the reader after finding out about their self harm scars
Pairing: ateez x gn!reader, domestic au
Genre: fluff, comfort
Word count: 3k
Warnings: mentions of past struggles with self harm
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• Hongjoong
The soft hum of music filled the cozy studio as Hongjoong focused on the delicate dance of his fingers on the MIDI keyboard, his laptop screen glowing with various tracks and effects. Beside him, you were nestled in a comfortable chair, engrossed in a book, occasionally shifting to find a more comfortable position.
As you moved, your shorts rode up slightly, revealing faint scars on your thighs. Hongjoong's eyes flickered with concern as he noticed, surprised to have not seen them before. He paused his work, turning to you with a gentle furrow in his brow.
"Jagi, what happened to your thighs?" he asked, his eyes searching yours for answers.
You looked down at your scars, a small sigh escaping your lips. "Oh, those? Just old battle wounds," you replied casually, trying to not fall back into painful memories.
Hongjoong's heart sank at your casual response. "But... how did you get them?" he asked, his concern evident in his voice.
You inhaled sharply, setting your book aside. "It's... a long story. But really, it's all in the past. They don't bother me anymore."
Hongjoong's heart clenched at your stiff tone, but he chose not to pry further. He reached out to gently trace the scars with his fingertips, his touch hesitant, as if it might hurt you, but you found it comforting. "I wish I had noticed sooner," he murmured, his voice laced with regret.
You met his gaze, offering him a small smile. "It's okay, love. I got out of it. It not exactly pleasant to remember but I’ll be fine," you reassured him, squeezing his hand affectionately. "Besides, consider it character development."
Hongjoong pulled you into his arms, holding you close as if he could shield you from any pain. "Don’t make jokes now," he whispered, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "But remember, you don't have to bear it alone. I'm here for you, always."
"Thank you," you whispered, feeling With warmth spreading through your body, grateful for his presence and understanding.
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• Seonghwa
Seonghwa sat comfortably on his bed, his back resting against the pillows as he played Animal Crossing on his Switch. You snuggled close beside him, the warmth of his body against yours, as you watched the screen together.
You continued watching with fascination, occasionally pointing out cute details or offering suggestions for his virtual paradise.
"Hwa, look! You should put a little picnic area by the beach," you suggested, your voice filled with excitement.
He glanced at you, a warm smile gracing his lips as he listened to your ideas. But then, as the light from the screen shifted, he noticed something on your forearm. Faint scars, barely visible except for when the light from the screen illuminated them but it was enough to catch his attention. He paused the game, concern flickering in his eyes as he gently traced his fingers over them.
"What are these?" he asked softly, his voice tinged with worry.
You hesitated for a moment, feeling a wave of vulnerability wash over you. But then, meeting his gaze, you offered a reassuring smile. "They're old scars," you explained gently. "I'm better now, Seonghwa. You don't need to worry."
He furrowed his brows, his concern evident. "But... how did I never notice them before?"
You shrugged lightly. "They're not something I like to talk about, anyways being with you makes me feel confident and content with myself and I don't dwell on the past when I'm with you."
Seonghwa's heart swelled with love and admiration for you. Leaning in, he pressed a soft kiss to your forehead. "You're so strong, Y/N," he murmured, his arms enveloping you in a comforting embrace. "And you're not alone. I'm here for you, always."
You smiled at him, feeling absolutely content as you relaxed further into his arms.
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• Yunho
Yunho had always been passionate about his work, especially dancing. So when he dragged you along to the KQ dance studio one evening, you couldn't say no to his big puppy eyes, even if it meant sitting on the sidelines and watching him move with such grace that not even the best could replicate.
As he swayed and spun across the polished floor, you couldn't tear your eyes away from him. His dedication and talent were mesmerizing, filling the room with an energy that was infectious.
"That was amazing," you whispered as he finished a particularly intricate sequence.
He grinned, sweat glistening on his forehead. "Thanks, love. But you know what would make it even better?"
You raised an eyebrow, already anticipating his answer.
"If you joined me," he said, extending a hand towards you.
You shook your head, chuckling softly. "No way, Yunho. I'm not half as talented as you are."
But Yunho was persistent, and before you knew it, he had pulled you up from your seat and into the centre of the studio. You stumbled a bit, feeling a little self-conscious as you stood next to him.
"Don't worry," he reassured you, placing his hands on your waist. "Just follow my lead."
You moved together, following his lead as best you could. It wasn't long before you found yourself lost in the music, the worries of the day melting away with each step.
But then, as you spun around, your shirt shifted, revealing the faint marks on your shoulder. Yunho noticed immediately, his expression shifting from playful to concerned. He stopped dancing, his hands dropping to his sides. You froze at his sudden shift in demeanour and looked at him in confusion waiting for him to say something.
"What's this?" he asked, gently tracing the marks with his fingertips.
You bit your lip, feeling exposed under his scrutinizing gaze. "Oh, um, it's nothing. Probably just from a cat or something."
Yunho raised an eyebrow at your answer, he wasn't convinced. "You sure about that?"
You sighed, knowing you couldn't keep it from him any longer. "Fine, I used do it when I got frustrated or angry with myself. It's stupid, I know."
Yunho's eyes widened in horror, his fingers still lingering on your skin. "Why would you do that?"
You shrugged, feeling embarrassed. "I don't know. It's like a subconscious thing, I guess."
"You don't have to do that anymore," he murmured against your skin, kissing the scars lightly. "You have me now. Whenever you feel like that, come to me. Lean on me, use me however you like. I'll be here for you."
Tears welled up in your eyes as you buried your face in his chest, feeling a sense of relief wash over you.
• Yeosang
Yeosang had gone out for a while to run some errands, leaving you to enjoy a peaceful nap on his large bed. You decided to steal one of his shirts, the comfort of which immediately sent you to sleep. Unbeknownst to you,in your deep slumber as you shifted around, the shirt had slipped off your shoulder, exposing the healed scars that adorned your skin.
As Yeosang returned home, his heart swelled at the sight of you, peacefully sleeping. He couldn't help but smile fondly, thinking of how cute and tiny you looked in his clothes, quietly he approached to admire your peaceful face. Gently, he reached out, brushing a stray lock of hair from your face, as he did his gaze shifted to the scars that marred your skin. Concern flooded his features as he leaned in closer, his fingertips hovering over the healed marks.
You stirred at his touch, blinking awake with a soft smile as you recognized him. "Hey, Yeosang, you’re back, " you greeted smiling at him, your voice still laced with sleep.
But as your eyes met his, you noticed the concern etched in his expression, his eyes fixed on the scars. "Is everything alright?" you asked, furrowing your brows in confusion.
Yeosang's worry spilled out in a rush of questions. "What happened? Are you okay? Why didn't you tell me?"
Confusion flashed across your face before you realised what he was looking at, and you gently reached out to cup his cheek, soothing the furrow in his brow. "Yeosang, it's okay," you reassured him, your voice gentle yet firm. "Those scars are old. It's been nearly a decade since then."
You could see the relief wash over him, but he still looked troubled. "But... why? Why did you...?"
You placed a finger over his lips, silencing his questions. "I was going through a tough time back then," you explained softly. "But being with you... you make me so happy, Yeosang. I haven't had any bad thoughts since."
His eyes softened, and he pulled you into a comforting embrace, pressing a tender kiss to your forehead. "I'm just glad you're okay," he murmured against your skin.
You smiled up at him, feeling a wave of gratitude wash over you. "I'm more than okay," you whispered, leaning in to capture his lips in a gentle kiss. "I'm better than I've ever been, all because of you."
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• San
After a warm evening shower you wanted nothing more but to get into your fluffy pyjamas and go to sleep. You stood in front of your mirror, carefully putting on your clothes, when the door unexpectedly swung open, revealing San on the other side. Startled, you instinctively grabbed a towel to cover yourself.
"Oh, sorry! I didn't realize you were in here," San stammered, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment.
"It's okay, San. Just give me a moment," you said, adjusting your shirt as you continued dressing. You had been with him long enough not to feel entirely uncomfortable with him seeing you like this.
As you finished, you noticed San's gaze lingering on a particular spot near your hips. Sensing his stare, you furrowed your brows and glanced down, suddenly feeling self-conscious.
"Is something wrong?" you asked, your voice laced with concern.
San blinked, seemingly snapping out of his trance. "Oh, no, it's nothing," he quickly replied, though his expression betrayed his curiosity.
You sighed softly, knowing he wouldn't let it go that easily. "They're just scars from my past," you explained, gesturing towards the faded marks on your upper thigh and hips. "Back then I struggled a lot with my confidence," you winced slightly at the painful memory.
San's eyes widened in realisation, and his features softened with empathy. "I had no idea," he murmured, stepping closer to you. "You're perfect, you know? I can't believe you would ever think otherwise."
A small, appreciative smile tugged at your lips, touched by his sincerity. "Thank you, San," you replied softly, feeling a warmth spread through your chest. "I'm in a much better place now."
Without hesitation, San reached out to cup your cheek, his thumb gently brushing against your skin. "I'm glad to hear that," he whispered, his gaze filled with adoration. "But just know, I'll always be here to remind you of how incredible you are."
His words melted away any lingering insecurities, and you couldn't help but lean in to press a tender kiss against his lips. "Thank you for always being so understanding," you murmured against his mouth.
"Of course," San replied, returning the kiss with equal fervor. "You don't ever have to worry about anything when you're with me.
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• Mingi
After ages of going to the gym, lifting weights and what not, you had finally convinced Mingi to join you for a workout session at home. He was a bit hesitant about it at first, but eventually agreed, eager to spend more time with you. You chose something slow and peaceful, as opposed to the usual fast cardio routine.
You rolled out your yoga mats in a quiet corner of the living room, ready to start your session. "Alright, Mingi, let's begin with some simple stretches," you said, gesturing for him to follow your lead.
Mingi nodded, a determined look on his face as he mirrored your movements. You guided him through various yoga poses, explaining the significance behind each one with patience and encouragement. As you moved gracefully from one pose to another, you couldn't help but notice Mingi's intense focus on you.
Eventually, you transitioned into a seated position, stretching out your legs. That's when you saw Mingi's gaze flicker down to your thighs, his expression shifting slightly.
Sensing his sudden shift in mood, you paused, meeting his eyes with a soft smile. "Is everything okay, Mingi?"
Mingi hesitated for a moment before speaking up. "Y/N, I... I didn't realize..." His voice trailed off, his eyes fixated on the faint scars adorning your skin.
You followed his gaze and realized what he was looking at. You never made an effort to hide them, but you hadn't expected Mingi to notice them either.
You shifted closer to him and reached out, gently placing your hands on his. You took a deep breath, deciding to address it calmly. "Those are just old scars from before. I don't hide them, but I understand if it's a bit surprising."
Mingi blinked back tears, his emotions bubbling to the surface. "I... I never knew. I'm sorry, Y/N. I should've noticed sooner."
You shook your head, squeezing his shoulder gently. "You don't have to apologize, Mingi. You couldn't have known. What matters is that I'm here now, and I'm okay."
Mingi's eyes softened as he looked at you, his voice filled with sincerity. "Y/N, please... promise me you won't struggle alone anymore. I'm here for you, always."
You nodded, a warm smile spreading across your face, as you hugged him tightly and kissed his cheek, making him crack a smile too. "I promise, Mingi.”
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• Wooyoung
It was one of those lazy afternoons when you and Wooyoung were both off from work and free from all worries, allowing just the two of you to enjoy each other's company. Of course the best way to spend it was by annoying each other and generally goofing around, engaging in your usual banter and playful teasing.
As you playfully jabbed at Wooyoung's side while he was attempting to pour himself some water, successfully making him spill it, he retaliated by attempting to tickle you. You squirmed and laughed, trying to evade his grasp and running around the apartment, but he managed to corner you and began tickling your sides mercilessly.
"Ah! Wooyoung, stop!" you squealed between giggles, your cheeks flushed from the laughter.
His hands slipped under your shirt, tickling up and down your sides with no mercy as tears escaped your eyes from laughing too much. Abruptly his movements stopped, and a concerned frown creased his forehead as his fingers brushed against thin ridges on the side of your ribs. Gingerly he lifted your shirt, his eyes widened to discover pale white scars strewn across your skin.
"Hey... what's this?" Wooyoung's voice softened as he traced the scars with his thumb, his playful demeanor instantly replaced by worry.
You glanced at him, puzzled by the sudden change in his demeanor, until you followed his gaze down to your ribs. Realization dawned on you, and you gently placed your hand over his, giving him a reassuring smile.
"Ahh those, it's okay, Wooyoung," you said softly. "I'm okay now. You don't need to worry."
He searched your eyes, silently asking for confirmation. Your reassuring words seemed to ease his concern, but he still couldn't shake off the worry completely.
Leaning in, he pressed a tender kiss against the scars, his lips warm against your skin. "I love you," he whispered softly, his voice filled with sincerity and affection.
Your heart swelled with warmth at his words, and a giggle bubbled up from within you. Wrapping your arms around him, you hugged him tightly.
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• Jongho
As you walked through the door after a painfully long day at work, Jongho couldn't help but notice the weary expression etched on your face. His heart clenched at the sight, knowing all too well the burdens you carried. He had always known of the battles you fought within yourself and the scars they left behind. Yet, out of respect and understanding, he never broached the topic, letting you open up at your own pace.
Today, however, he felt compelled to reach out, to offer you the comfort you so often extended to him.
"Hey, love," he greeted softly, setting aside his book and rising to meet you.
You managed a faint smile, but it didn't quite reach your eyes. "Hey, Jongho."
He stepped closer, his gaze gentle yet searching. "Rough day?"
You sighed, nodding slightly. "Yeah, you could say that."
Taking your hand, he led you to the couch, where he enveloped you in a warm embrace. "I'm here for you, you know? You can always talk to me."
You tensed slightly at his words, your gaze flickering to the floor. But Jongho's reassuring touch grounded you, as he smoothed over the jagged lines on your arms, easing the knots of anxiety that tightened within you.
"I'm just... tired," you finally admit, your voice barely above a whisper.
Silence settled between you, but it was a comforting silence. Jongho pressed a gentle kiss to the top of your head, his arms secured around you.
Jongho nods, his hand finding yours, offering silent support. "You know you don't have to carry it all alone, right?" he says, his gaze meeting yours with unwavering sincerity.
Tears prick at the corners of your eyes, and you're grateful for the dim light that hides the vulnerability in your expression. "I know," you whisper, your voice thick with emotion.
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© alxtiny . Do not steal, plagiarise, translate, repost, or use my works on any platform in any way.
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cameronspecial · 5 months
I wanted to ask if you could write something with rafe where reader does selfharm and he finds out? Maybe with a soft version of rafe
Not Going Anywhere
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings: SELF-HARM and Talks of DEPRESSION (Please don't read if these are a trigger).
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 1.1K
A/N: If you or anyone you know are experiencing depression, then please know you are not alone and there are people who can help. The internet has information on the best places for you to go to in your country. Not tagging anyone just in case this is a trigger for anyone on my tag list.
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It isn’t for attention. That is one assumption most people make whenever they see the scars. It’s the reason why she hides them on her hips. She doesn’t have to worry about anyone seeing it because no one sees her naked, not even her boyfriend. The only times the marks see the light of day are when she changes or showers. She makes sure the cuts made can be hidden by her underwear and any panties or bikini bottoms she buys need to pass that test as well. 
No matter how wrong she knows it is, she can’t help but hold the cold sharp blade against the tough skin. It is resting on top of a barely healing scar because she has no other place for it. Her breath hitches as she pulls the Exacto knife across her, going a little farther than the mark already made. Tears are running down her face. Her eyes blur as she repeats the motion below the blooming red line. Her breath is uneven and hitches every time the metal touches her skin. In some sick way, the pain gives her a small relief. It gives her a reason.
Most people wonder why someone would cause harm to themselves. They would guess that the despair is caused by a lack of food, shelter, money, clothes or love. However, Y/N doesn’t have that issue. How could she when she is a kook? No, she has never felt hunger or fear and that is the cause of the turmoil inside of her head. Nonetheless, ever since she entered teenhood, she would experience these months-long periods of extreme sadness. She would do her best to hide them from everyone by pushing herself to get out of bed and go to activities that she would normally enjoy. She would make sure to cry when no one else was at home and to track her family members’ phones to verify she was alone. It was a secret she kept so deep within her that she started to question why she felt this way. That is when the true problems began. She felt guilty for feeling this despair without a reason and it was furthered by the secrets she had to keep, so she began to self-harm as her reason. In her brain, partly because of what society has told her, she needed a reason for why she was melancholy because there are people in the world who were dealt much tougher times in life. 
So, that is how she finds herself standing in front of the mirror, holding down the right side of her underwear and dragging an Exacto knife along her skin. She has fallen into one of her episodes and this time, it is the worst one to date. She has never pressed so hard into her skin with the blade. It has never bled this much. She curses as the blood begins to seep into the cotton of her underwear. Her attention is on stopping the red from staining her clothes, so she doesn’t hear the front door open. 
Rafe whistles whilst he uses his copy of the key to open Y/N’s front door. People thought it was too early when they exchanged house keys after only six months of dating. They didn’t though. It felt like the next step when she told him that she was saving herself for marriage. They found a different way to reach a new level of intimacy and it worked for them. Her house is eerily quiet and dark. Normally, she keeps the hallway lights on when she is home and if she is watching TV/listening to music, it is so loud that it could make a deaf person hear. He doesn’t let the lack of normality stop him from making his way to her bedroom, thinking nothing that her door is closed. He uses the doorknob to push it open and he is surprised to see her standing in front of the mirror with her hands pressing against her hip. It takes him a second to process that blood stains her hand. His shock turns to worry as he rushes to her side. He trips over something in his attempt to get to her and looks down to see a bloody Exacto knife, like the kind she uses to cut things for her art. He kicks it away and removes her hand from her side. He curses at the amount of blood. This needs stitches. 
“My love, what happened?” he asks, hoping the theory he has isn’t true. He sees the tears running down her face and the way her mouth opens and closes. She has no idea how to answer. The hiccups of her crying make it even harder. Instead of waiting for an answer, Rafe washes his hands and gets the first aid kit in her bathroom. He uses the bandage wrap inside it to catch the blood, instructing her to use it to apply pressure whilst he guides her to his car. The drive to the hospital is silent. 
Y/N told the medical practitioner the truth as to how she got the cuts and scars. She couldn’t lie with Rafe in the room. He had offered to step out, except she asked him to stay. She was tired of lying. It only added to her exhaustion. Y/N didn’t have to say much before the doctor excused herself to get a hospital psychiatrist. Rafe said nothing as she described the anguish she felt. He felt a sharp stab to his heart at every word she said, criticizing himself for not seeing the mental pain his girlfriend was in. 
With the doctor gone, he speaks up. “Is there anything I can do right now that can help you feel more comfortable?” She appreciates that he doesn’t assume that there is an easy fix to this or that at the moment there is something quick he can do to make her feel better. His focus on her comfort causes a flutter in her stomach. She nods, “Can you just hold me?” He joins her on the hospital bed and pulls her to his side. The buzz of the lights is the sole thing that can be heard for a while. “This isn’t your fault,” she clarifies, concerned that he might think it. He kisses her temple, “I know. Thank you for trusting me enough to be in the room when you told the doctor what happened. This isn’t your fault either and you are so brave for asking for help. If you want, I will be here to help you every step of the way.” A different kind of relief comes over her. She feels a glimmer of hope that she doesn’t have to do this alone. “I want you here,” she whispers, pressing her face into his side. “Then I’m not going anywhere.”
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servingrobin · 2 months
Hiii idk if ur comfortable w writing this and I understand if so but I was thinkin op characters; luffy, usopp, sanji and ace w a reader who either had a past of selfharm or currently struggles w it, angst to fluff. Tyyy❤
’m always happy to write about these topics as I think it’s important to share!!!
Warnings: angst, mentions of SH, blood, injury, mental illness
- Luffy really doesn’t understand at first bless him
- He sees your scars and assumes they were from fighting much like the rest of the crew
- It’s Chopper that explains to him that sometimes illness isn’t physical and you carried the scars of fighting that, instead of another person
- Luffy thinks you’re the bravest person around and makes sure you know that every day
- Probably won’t mention the scars much or ask you that often but makes sure you know you can always talk to him about anything
- And on the days you’re feeling self conscious, will kiss every single one
- And if you relapse best believe this man will be the first one there, attached to your hip to keep you safe until you feel ready to be alone again
- And if that means you share a bed then welllllllll…….
- okay so possibly unpopular opinion but while Sanji would be extremely supportive if you told him about your past self harm, I think his more chivalrous nature means if it was a current issue he would somewhat blame himself
- Generally though he is so gentle with you that you’d feel safe to tell him anything
- Would shower you in affection and gifts to try and distract you
- Would get you in the kitchen with him trying new recipes out, using your hands and joking around
- Would hold you through the sobs, stroke your hair and murmur that it’s okay however many times you need to hear it
- An absolute babe really
- so I think Usopp would be a lil different from the rest in that he really truly does understand
- He has been crippled by anxiety and self-doubt before, especially during the Water Seven arc, that he has intimate knowledge of how you feel
- Will be practical, have bandages and disinfectant ready at all times, will make sure anything you use is clean, and will be open and honest about helping you stop
- Won’t judge you at all, this man just wants you to feel good in yourself, whatever it takes
- Consults with Chopper on first aid and how to keep you safe and healthy
- Overprotective whilst out and about, won’t leave your side and always holding your hand, if he does have to leave at all will give your palm a kiss and hold it to his heart
- Overall Usopp would be one of the best to have around during a crisis or episode
- very similar to Luffy but a tad angrier
- Not at you but at the world
- Hates that you felt the need to hurt yourself at any point
- And would burn the world if you said it would make you feel better
- A massive sweetie though, incredibly caring, always nearby to help you through panic, always there to help you through the memories
- Would make a big deal of celebrating your rehabilitation each year, extremely proud of your progress and makes sure you know it
- More than happy to use sex as a distraction when needed, and goofy sex at that
- Just really wants you happy and will do anything to make you giggle and forget the tears
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call-me-copycat · 6 months
Hey! Idk if you still write fics but if you do. Could you please write about Aizawa having a daughter who selfharms, but he didnt knew until one day he entered to her room and find her doing it?.
Its kind of an emergency so i would really apreciate if you wrote it 🩷
Hi! I'm really sorry for the slight delay, I've been bouncing between school during the day and work at night, so even though I saw your ask I couldn't physically write it due to exhaustion (⑉ ᷄ ⌳ ᷅ )ก
That being said, even though it's been a couple days I didn't want to leave you hanging! I got some rest and wrote as much as I could in one sitting!
I really do hope this helps, feel free to message me anytime if you need to vent or such ₍ᐢ‥ᐢ₎ ♡
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What I Owe To You
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*I listened to this on loop while writing*
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➤ Welcome - Introduction and Request Rules (Requests are open + Some info about me)
▶ Characters: Just Aizawa and Reader
▶ Genre: Comfort + Slight Angst
▶ Summary: As the ask states
▶ Word Count: 2925
- Self harm
- Depressive thoughts
- Overall lots of angst
Please don't read if any of this makes you uncomfortable!
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The cycle always went on.
At this point you were afraid of what was to happen next. At the same time, the thought was pushed away by the constant emptiness that filled you through. The sticky tar-like hands of this unknown void ravaged your mind, shredding it apart piece by piece.
Leaving you constantly feeling... Hollow. It was difficult to describe it as anything else.
You walked to school everyday and went to your classes. You sat next to your classmates as they animatedly discussed the usual topics of training and what to do after school.
On the weekends, you slept. Sometimes went shopping with your father. Maybe you'd get visited by your Uncle Mic, other times you'd train.
There wasn't much variety. It was suffocating. These feelings had no place to spawn from, as your life wasn't much different from everyone else's. There didn't seem to be a reason, for all you knew. But it was there, no doubt about it. It made itself known.
It was a usual Friday night. You had completed all your classes and had the weekend to yourself. It felt pointless, there wasn't much to do. Nor did you have the energy for anything either.
Sitting in your room, you jumped a bit at the unexpected knock on your door. You had been gazing out of your bedroom window for who knew how long, zoning out as far from your mind as you could. You vaguely remembered that a storm was to come soon.
"Dinnertime. Wash up and come to the table when you're ready."
Your father's voice never failed to comfort you, and in a way he was one of the main beacons of light in your dark and foggy world. An unchanging pillar of strength, he held on tight to your cracking mind.
Slowly, tiredly, you made your way out of your room. As you passed by Aizawa, he couldn't help but sigh in response to your barely-there smile at him. You had a habit of doing that, possibly to keep him from worrying.
Truth be told, Aizawa always worried about you. Ever since you were young, he was on guard every second, trying to keep you from falling and scraping your knees, to keeping an eye on you during training.
Though recently, he had noticed some... changes. Your eyes began to grow dull, and their usual energy faded with each passing day. The bags under them grew more prominent, and in turn your hair began to be left more of a mess. Slowly, little things were building up, and he couldn't tell why.
It worried him sick, since the only thing he had in mind for you was for you to be happy and safe. Seeing your condition worsen with each day made him nauseous, as it was the last place he wanted you to be at. He wanted to help you, the best he could.
So that's why before you even sat down to eat, he began to question you.
"Are you feeling okay, [Name?]"
Truth be told, he knew you'd say you were fine. He just needed to soothe his frantic mind.
Looking up at him, you gave him another smile. He couldn't help but grimace at how forced it looked.
"Oh, of course I'm fine." You clenched your jaw at how unenthusiastic you sounded, but it would have to do.
Aizawa only felt uneasy. Too many things added up and gave him a weird taste in his mouth to leave it at that.
"Look at me, [Name]."
The unusual tone of his voice brought you out of your foggy state of mind as you looked up at him fully. Once you met his eyes properly, Aizawa took notice of the... Saddened expression that filled yours. He knew someone was wrong, but it was being covered.
"You'd tell me if something was wrong, right?"
He needed to know if you trusted him. He needed to be the one person you trusted in life. This was all or nothing.
Your eyes went wide for a split second as your breath hitched, but you quickly shook it off. His bluntness was what caught you off guard.
"Really, it's nothing Papa." You tried smiling once more, raising a hand out a bit in an attempt to calm him. You knew it was a pitiful attempt, but you didn't have the energy to make it convincing. Alongside that, Aizawa was generally a very tough man to fool. It'd take a lot to actually pass anything through him.
Aizawa's eyes narrowed in response as he saw your reaction to his question. Your body language indicated how uncomfortable you were, and he didn't want to push you too far past your limits.
It was tough, but he decided to give it up in the end and hope you'd come to him whenever you were ready. You always shared everything with him since you were young, and he had gained a large amount of trust over you in turn.
Dinner was eaten in silence, and as soon as it was over you bid your father a goodnight before heading off to your room.
Aizawa stayed seated at the kitchen table as he watched you walk off, wondering what was happening to his child. He couldn't bear the thought of you struggling with something alone. He had been there your whole life to help you get through everything you passed by, so why weren't you letting him in now?
After much deliberation, he got up from his spot at the table and made his way to your room. He needed to finish this conversation, and he needed to know what was going on. His mind had been sprawled all over the place for the last few months, as he'd been observant enough to catch on to the smallest changes you went through. Seeing you go into such a decline was like a punch straight through to his heart.
His mind was in such a haze that he threw open your door without second thought, seeing as he normally takes care to knock first. The room was pitch black, but based off of the startled gasp that came from you and the clanging of metal hitting the ground, Aizawa felt his blood freeze in fear.
Quickly flipping on the light, his eyes widened at the site that laid in front of him. You didn't have any time to cover yourself, so Aizawa saw it all.
The bandages laid out.
The blades.
And most importantly, your cuts.
You felt your eyes water at the expression on your father's face, guilt and self-loathing bleeding into your mind.
Aizawa was stuck in shock for a moment. It felt as though all time was warped as he saw what was his worst nightmare laid out in front of him. He was quickly snapped back to reality at the sound of your sobs that echoed throughout the room.
He swiftly made his way towards you from across your room, and in one smooth movement he pulled you into his lap, hugging you tightly to himself.
He had known something was wrong, felt it deep in his heart, but he didn't realize how serious it truly was. His heart ached for you as his grip only grew tighter around you. Aizawa didn't want you to hide these things from him, and in a way, he felt disappointed at your lack of trust towards him. All his disappointment and anger quickly dissipated, leaving him to face his worry and guilt.
He could hear his voice tremble, but couldn't care less.
"Why? I-" He was stuck in shock. It was something he never thought he'd run into. Looking down at you, his worry for your well-being grew tenfold, but he gathered the willpower to overcome the sudden surge of emotions he was feeling.
"I want... I need you to promise me you'll never harm yourself again," He looked down at you, cradled in his arms, "I don't think I could ever bear the pain of losing you..."
He knew this was only one step of many. That it doesn't start like this. That it grows. Although he couldn't pinpoint what might've started it, he at least needed to confirm you'd be safe. He just needed this one thing to give his already worn heart a little bit of ease.
You couldn't help but recoil a bit, bringing your arms to hug your torso. As much as you wanted it to be that easy, as much as you wanted to tell your father 'okay!', you knew it wouldn't be done so fast. And in a way, that only worsened your resentment towards yourself.
"I... don't know if I can.." You avoided his gaze as you faced the ground, hating how saddened he was and much rather preferring him to be angry. It'd lessen the guilt a little bit, at least.
He needed something.
"[Name]... I can't make you promise me you'll be able to stop right away. That's foolish to believe." Heaving out a sigh, he put a hand atop your head. "But I just need you to know that I'd be devastated without you. I can truly say from the bottom of my heart, I'd never be able to live a normal life again if you were gone."
Looking up into his eyes, you saw a heaviness that swirled in them. This was coming from a man who had seen it all - numerous deaths in ways he wished he could unsee.
You hadn't realized just how much you meant to him. It never popped up in your head. The all-consuming void had blocked any sensibility or logic from getting to you, and the more you thought about it, the more you realized just how much it would affect your father. He always told you your pain was his to deal with too.
Settling your face in the crook of his neck so you wouldn't have to see the hurt in his eyes anymore, you tried your best to explain everything to him.
"It feels..." Closing your eyes, you tried imagining everything that has built up. "Like I'm running a race, yet getting nowhere. That everything I do has no effect... I'm tired."
You stayed silent as you felt your father put a hand on the back of your head. Aizawa watched as you carefully pieced your words together, and saw the true effect of everything you had been dealing with. His heart ached to relieve you of your pain, his fatherly instincts screaming at him to help save his child.
"[Name]." His grip on you tightened ever so slightly. "I want you to get this through your head, alright? You are not a failure. You're going through a lot, and it's weighing down on you. And I understand you're under a lot of pressure, but-"
Aizawa was cut off when he began to choke up, the thoughts too much for him to bear. As much as he tried to keep his composure for your sake, his walls were beginning to crack.
You heard your father pause and looked up at him, only to be brought into shock at the sight of your normally stoic father tearing up. You felt ashamed for forgetting about his pain, tearing up once more at the guilt that ravaged your mind.
He could see how surprised you were, but he couldn't help it. He always struggled to contain himself when it came to you, especially whenever you were hurt. He hated seeing you in pain.
"Do you have any idea what it would do to me if I lost you? I- ... [Name], if anything happened to you, I don't know what I'd do anymore, I'd-"
He truly couldn't help it. All that Aizawa wanted was for you to be happy. Seeing you in so much agony... seeing your only escape being to harm yourself... He felt that he lost a part of himself.
You cried out loud this time, seeing your father so torn over you. It was heartbreaking, but oddly soothing at the same time. To have someone to deeply care about you that they felt intertwined with you. He cared.
You could feel his arms engulfing you, and you allowed yourself to be swallowed in his hold. It was warm and soothing... A stark contrast to the cold you constantly couldn't escape from.
As he held you, Aizawa couldn't help but be more shocked at himself than anyone. He normally was able to easily retain his composure, so as he felt tears flowing down his face he couldn't help but stiffen. Quickly getting over it, he held you close. The room gradually began to get quieter, the both of your emotions slowing down.
You couldn't help but feel... Secure. It was a stark contrast to the constant void you felt. You felt... Warm.
Yeah, warm.
It was a nice feeling.
Closing your eyes, you finally allowed your body to relax. Aizawa rubbed your back as he gently rocked back and forth.
"I just want you to breath. Don't think about anything else."
Following his word, you kept your eyes closed and settled your breathing. You quickly noticed how much easier it was to think this way. Nothing else was getting in the way, no unwanted thoughts or fears, and you felt safe. Safe and comfortable.
The world around you normally was so chaotic. It seemed everyone was in a rush, always somewhere to be. You couldn't have time to yourself either, constantly getting pushed to and fro. There never seemed to be a place to stop. Nowhere to rest. An unchanging race.
But here you were. The world has stopped, giving you a break you so badly needed. You couldn't describe it, but such a simple hug from your father seemed to dull everything that pained you.
"I understand what it's like."
Aizawa would be lying if he said he was never in your place before. Too many nights he was kept up, worrying about working on himself. Scared of the changing future. Feeling like nothing was changing for him while the world moved on. It was isolating.
Over the years, he got better. The world's rush blurred to background noise, and he learned to appreciate his own speed in life. It was his own life he was living, after all.
Looking down at you, he saw a mirror image of himself.
"Y'know, it's not fair..." You looked up at him as he brushed away a lone tear from your cheek with the pad of his thumb. "You allow me to laugh with you in your happiest moments... So why do you lock me out when you're at your lowest?"
You had never heard it phrased like that before. You did enjoy having him around whenever you had something good to share. Whenever you were proud, or amazed, or just plain happy. But you understood, he wanted to be a part of it all. Every smile... And every tear.
Your voice couldn't find you, but Aizawa didn't mind. To you, he was always a hand outstretched. A guide to help you through the fog and the dark. It made the terrifying a little less daunting.
"Please talk to me when you can. Tell me whatever you'd like, I just want to know how you're feeling."
You nodded, looking at him directly. Your heart rate had gone down significantly, and you didn't know how much time had passed. If you listened carefully, you could hear the distance rumble of an oncoming storm, thunder booming on the horizon.
There was a pregnant pause before he started once more.
"Tomorrow, we'll need to get your injuries looked over-"
Seeing a look of fear cross your expression, he was quick to calm you.
"I'll be with you. The entire time. You won't have to deal with living life alone. I understand it's frightening to look at, but let me hold some of the weight you own."
You watched as Aizawa stretched out his hand, offering it to you. Looking at it, you thought back to all the times he'd helped you in the past. Every time he's offered his hand out to you.
All the times you were too scared to cross the road when you were little. Every time you felt too suffocated by the number of people surrounding you. Or even when it was just the two of you, silently walking home together in the warm afternoon sun.
He always offered you support, for every little thing life had to throw at you. Aizawa's expression softened when you gently put your hand in his, no hesitation in your movements.
Clasping his fingers over yours, you saw how your hands intertwined. And you realized, he was always there to take some of the pain from you - acting like he was a part of you.
"You get it now, huh?" Looking up into his eyes one more time, you thought you saw a sparkle in them. "Whenever you bring pain to yourself," He squeezed your hand a little tighter, "you're hurting me right alongside with you. I need you in one piece, kid."
You breathed out, everything a little clearer now. There was so much more to do. So much to go through. It was a formidable thought.
But as you looked up into your father's eyes and as you felt his hand in yours, you realized;
You weren't alone.
You really did owe him the world.
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During my lowest moments, Aizawa was always a huge character I relied on to get me through it. I will always write comfort for him to anyone who asks.
I hope you have a lovely day, and I hope things get just a little easier for you, you definitely deserve it (*´艸`)フフフッ♡
➜ Please let me know if I missed any warnings/triggers in the tags or in the opening!
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