#reader fixes all as per usual but when she lies back in bed her back is to simon
shotmrmiller · 27 days
God imagine bub wakes Simon up in the middle of the night standing like really close to his face
🎀👁️👁️“Daddy, I threw up”
gotta say that I FREW UP
ik his ass turning over like ok? what's that gotta do with me? begone, offspring.
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Just a regular day {Shinichiro Sano}
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Pairings: Shinichiro Sano x reader
Warnings: reader has mild anxiety, MANGA SPOILERS,
A/n: if someone can explain Izana's family tree to me...like Tokyo Revengers is one of my comfort manga and I've read it like at least three times yet I still don't understand that part.
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"Shin, wake up." You shook your boyfriend's shoulders. 
"Just five more minutes. Emma will come to wake us up, angel." A sigh escaped your lips, he would always depend on his younger sister whenever he wanted to wake up.
"Emma came in 15 minutes ago." You lied. Shinichiro slowly sat on the bed and rubbed his eyes before quickly fixing his bed hair. He let out a yawn and turned to face you: technically half naked (only wearing one of his shirts and your underwear). "Good morning." 
"Good morning." He patted your head. "How did you sleep?"  
"It was nice, you?" 
"Good if you rule out the fact that you woke me up one hour earlier than usual." 
For a brief second you felt uncomfortable. You didn't know how on earth Shinichiro had figured out you were lying but he had. You hadn't been dating each other for long so you had no idea how he was going to react.
"I'm sorry, I was nervous and-"
"I didn't say I was angry." Shinichiro leaned backwards, pressing his back against the headboard. He grabbed you by the hips, urging you to sit on his lap. Almost out of instinct, you wrapped your arms around his neck. "More time with you."
You laughed and at that moment Shinichiro felt like his heart was ready to explode. "We're literally inseparable. And we've only been dating for 2 days now?" 
"So what?" He kissed your cheek. "I hope you like this because I can't really hold back anymore..." There was a small pause in which you placed your head on the crook of Shinichiro's neck. "About the job interview...do you want me to wait outside? I can open the shop later, there is no problem." 
You threw your head back in frustration. Despite it being the reason you had barely slept and had woken your boyfriend up early, you had forgotten about your job interview.
Shinichiro and you had searched through all of his grandpa's newspapers trying to find a decent job for you and after three hours you came across a pretty good one.
"No, no, I can handle this myself." 
"Are you sure?" 
"Just...like...when you're done come over the shop, just to make sure you're okay and that everything went well. It's a nasty world we're living in." 
"You worry too much." 
You flashed your boyfriend a smile before getting out of bed and picking your clothes from inside the closet. Shinichiro laid back on the bed, admiring your body. When he realised that his bladder wanted to be relieved, he went to the bathroom. You, on the other hand, proceeded to get dressed. 
“What?” You asked him. He was leaning against the door frame, looking at you fixing your shirt. 
“Nothing.” He smiled.  
  Once you were done, you neatly folded Shinichiro’s clothes and placed them at the edge of his bed.
A few moments later Emma knocked on the door to inform you that breakfast was ready. But as soon as she opened the door to you and Shinichiro already put of bed and already dressed, her eyes widened in surprise. She didn't know about you, but her older brother was usually asleep at such an early time. 
Emma laughed it off and after mumbling a quiet good morning, she ran all the way to Mikey's room to inform him about the strange incident she had come across.
  Even though you and the oldest Sano sibling started dating two days ago, your presence in the house during the mornings was not unusual. However, unlike today, you were usually accompanied by Wakasa and/or Akashi.
As per usual, Shinichiro was trying to separate Mikey from his blanket, their grandpa was reading his morning newspaper and you and Emma were talking about clothes shops in the local mall.
And after numerous complains from both Emma and Shinichiro, Mikey 'offered' to wash the dishes so you and his older brother could head off to work.
  One hour later, you and Shinichiro were standing outside the music equipment shop. It wasn't far from his shop, a ten minutes walk at best, something that helped with calming him down. He took a quick look inside through the glass door, noting that there was only one employee in there. You didn't know why, but Shinichiro seemed to be more anxious than you, maybe because he used to be in a gang and should always be cautious? You had no idea.
“I’m going in.” You took a deep breath and turned around to go into the store but Shinichiro grabbed your wrist. 
“Good luck.” He said before planting a kiss on your lips and patting your head. He fixed your hair with his right hand with his left hand still holding onto your wrist. “I love you, angel.” You blushed at the cute nickname. 
“I love you too.” You shyly replied and gave him a quick hug before walking into the shop.  
  Thankfully, everything went well and after an almost two hours interview, you were to start work tomorrow morning. It appeared that you weren't the only employee there and there was still one more person working at the shop but he was a student and couldn’t work in the mornings for obvious reasons.  
“Oh my god, you’re finally here.” Shinichiro immediately stood up as soon as you walked in his store. No customers had arrived yet so he was fixing his own motorcycle with his work uniform stained with what appeared to be mud and dirt. “How did it go?”
“I got the job! I’ll be starting tomorrow morning!” You said excitedly. 
  Shinichiro made a move to hug you but immediately realised that the dirt would be rubbed on your clothes so he just wiped the dirt off his hands on his uniform and patted your head. He searched for his pack of cigarettes inside the pockets of his uniform and when he found it he lit up one cigarette and motioned you to sit down on the chair of the cashier as he leaned on the counter. 
“We need to celebrate this.”
“No.” Shinichiro didn't turn to face you but the question on his face was evident. “I’ll be going home now to maybe write some lyrics or music.” Oh, how he loved your songs... “I still need to tell my parents about my new job.” You looked up at your boyfriend while asking him with hand gestures if he wanted to sit on the chair. 
“Stay where you are, angel.” Shinichiro smiled at you.
It felt like a lunch to the gut. It wasn't like he didn't like your parents, he did but he knew that after you telling them that you didn't want to go to university, the pressure on finding a job was getting worse.
“Izana will pass by here at 6 so you can come at 5:30 if you want. I was planning on taking you both somewhere to eat or have fun but it appears I will be working until late today so we will have to stay here.” He took a sip from his cigarette in an effort to change the subject. What you would say to your parents was not his business.
By the time you kissed Shinichiro goodbye it was around 3 pm so your parents would most probably be home. As soon as you arrived at your place, you took a deep breath and called your mother to inform her about today.  
Not going to university to pursue a career in song writing had caused a few arguements back at home. You knew that your parents only wanted the best for you but sometimes you wished they were a bit more supportive.
“You did? How much money will they be paying you?” Your mother asked you. She was in the kitchen, cooking. Your father hadn't returned yet.
  She sounded angry but you soon found out that something had happened at work. You answered all of her questions and ran back to your room after telling her that you would be going out later that evening.  
  Inspiration never came. You ended up falling asleep, too tired to do anything. This time you had set an alarm though. But apparently sleep also never came. For three and a half hours, you had been lying on the bed with your eyes closed, unable to fall asleep and relax.
  You had gotten out of bed by the time your dad returned home from work. Your mother had told him about you finding a job and despite his obvious exhaustion, his face lit up when he heard the news.
You got ready and headed towards the centre of Shibuya on foot. It was just a twenty minute walk from where you were staying but since you had your headphones and iPod, you didn’t mind. Besides, it would be the first time you would meet Izana, Shinichiro's...brother. You had no idea what the relationship between them was mostly because during your boyfriend's monologue about his younger step brother, you were half asleep.
“Hey.” You walked into Shinichiro's store and leaned against the door in a desperate attempt to catch your breath. You had been running for at least the past five minutes, thinking that you were running late.  
  Shinichiro was fixing what at first sight was his motorcycle but it turned out to be a client’s. He lifted his head and smiled, tiredness could easily be seen on his face and from his smile you understood immediately that he needed a break. If you had paid enough attention to your best friend whenever he would fix his motorcycle you would know how to help. 
“Are you in for a break?” You kneeled down next to him without your knees touching the floor. He nodded before throwing his head back, letting out a long sigh. Immediately he reached to his pocket for his cigarettes.
  Even though you protested, you ended up sitting on the small stool Shinichiro was previously sitting on, with him sitting on the floor. None of you spoke except Shinichiro who ordered food from a sushi restaurant nearby and while waiting for Izana who came not too long after you did, you enjoyed each other's presence in silence.
   Izana obviously looked nothing like Shinichiro but he and Emma had quite a few similarities. During your time alone, Shinichiro had told you that Izana was half Filipino and had been sent by his step mother to something like a boarding school during the same time Emma joined the Sano family. The boy had short white hair styled exactly like Shinichiro and his eyes were purple.
  At first Izana was a bit hesitant to actually let his guard down around you but after a while he finally started feeling more comfortable. Especially after seeing how much his role model trusted you and loved you. You were the same though during what it seemed to be the first hour or so, so you didn't blame him. 
  He was nothing like Mikey or Emma. Besides him being older than them by 3 years, he was more reserved, unwilling to show his real emotions and somewhat straightforward. Izana respected Shinichiro so much. He idolised him basically and you found that to be the sweetest thing ever.  
"Hop on." 
"You can't possibly be serious." your eyes widened when Shinichiro patted on the space in front of him.
Izana had come to the shop on foot and the facility he was staying at was too far for him to walk back at night. Like a good older brother, Shinichiro had offered to take him home with his motorcycle. At the same time though, he wanted to take you home which was the main reason that your boyfriend ended up sitting between you and Izana on the motorcycle's seat. 
"I am pretty sure this is illegal." 
"It is." Izana confirmed your suspicions. 
"No one is going to see us angel, don't worry." Shinichiro kissed your cheek.
  Needless to say that during the whole ride from the shop to Izana's house you were terrified for your life while the two boys were more or less enjoying theirs. 
"Goodnight!" Izana waved and entered the house he was living in.
  Shinichiro readjusted himself on the seat and with his right hand readjusted the way you were sitting as well by gently pushing your body towards his. 
"Did you have fun? I'm sorry next time I'll take you both somewhere else." 
"It's fine, I really liked it." 
  On the first red light you encountered on your way back Shinichiro lit up a cigarette. 
"Can you stay over?" He asked as he blew the smoke on his left so it wouldn't get on your face. 
  For once, you wanted him to sleep over at your place but then you remembered that he had to return home to take care of his siblings. Somehow the thought of your parents being present never crossed your mind. 
"You want me to stay over?" 
"Yes. I'll drive you to work in the morning, I'll come and pick you up when your shift ends so we can eat together and then we'll go back to my place and you'll sleep over again and again until you basically move in." 
"So you want me to move in?"
"Yes." He threw his cigarette on a nearby bin as you were passing past it. "I have it all planned out." 
"Oh...I'm listening." You got off the motorcycle when he parked it outside of a shrine nearby.
"Okay so we move in together and a few weeks later I propose, how does that sound?" 
"Spoiling the fact that you were planning on proposing huh..." 
  Making this stupid comment was the only way you could actually deal with the heat on your cheeks caused by what Shinichiro had said. You knew his eyes were on you as he was leaning against the wall but you weren't looking at him. 
"Just thought you should know." He chuckled as he continued. "It was Emma's idea and who am I to say no? Plus, it would be a lie to say that I had never thought about marriage these days." 
"You're weird." You giggled. Shinichiro didn't reply, he pulled you in for a hug instead before kissing the top of your head. You stayed like this for a while until you decided to break that peaceful moment.  "Here's what we'll do. You'll take me to my house for today." He pouted. "I will lie to my parents about finding a place to stay and I will move my things over to your house." His grip around your waist tightened at the sound of that as if he wanted to remind you that he was there.  
"Sounds good." He said after giving it some thought. "Can I come and pick you up tomorrow from work though?" 
"Yeah, sure." You sighed and stood up. 
  You got on the motorbike and waited for Shinichiro so you could leave since it was pretty late. A minute later he stood up, a loud groan that came from his tiredness, escaped from his lips. He stopped and looked at you with a smile on his lips, a tired one. 
  As he was about to get on the motorcycle you grabbed him by the silver chain that was hanging loosely from his neck and kissed him. His smile only widened. With great difficulty you broke off and Shinichiro drove you to your house.
"Do you have any idea of what you're doing and how you're making me feel?" He laughed when you jumped on him for a hug. 
"Maybe." You took a deep breath. "You can sleep here if you want to. But you must wake up early." 
"How early?" He scratched the back of his head. His left hand was on your lower back while his right hand was on your ass for support, your hands around his neck. 
"Like...at 6? And you will have to be quiet so they won’t wake up." 
"Double fuck." He squeezed his eyes shut and threw his head back. "It's worth it though." Shinichiro let you down. "Lead the way, angel." 
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A/n: level of cringing 10000000000/10, I'm sorry anyways let's talk about how Shinichiro would definitely call his partner angel
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jisungsmochi · 3 years
traitor - lee jeno
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starting my SOUR series !! based on songs by olivia rodrigo, here is the first installment. 
player (?) jeno x female reader // friends to lovers but then goes all downhill from there
word count: 7.1k 
summary: “god i wish i had thought this through, before i went and fell inlove with you”
you were more than aware of jeno’s inability to keep it in his pants, but after a reckless one night stand, you finally understood what it was like to be on the receiving end. but when jeno slips back into his old habits, will you have the heart to move on? i mean how could you get over somebody you didn’t even date...
a/n: sorry for any mistakes as usual oop
tagging bestie: @skrtbabe <3
Brown guilty eyes, and
Little white lies, yeah
I played dumb, but I always knew
“god what did you do now?” you shook your head at the raven haired boy with a blank expression. he shrugged his shoulders, eyebrows perking up,
“i just decided we were better off as friends” ah yes, lee jeno’s code for ‘she was just a fling, i couldn’t care less’. you only nodded, how else were you supposed to respond? you weren’t exactly his closest friend, but he considered you enough of a friend due to your closeness to jaemin.
you knew that he was a player, finding some sort of entertainment, getting girls to fall for him. you couldn’t really blame them, he was strikingly handsome and had his way with words. the only reason he hadn’t tried anything on you yet was because you didn’t exactly “fit his type”. also, jaemin pleaded him not to, in order to avoid any awkward situations within your friendship. jeno was occasionally playful with you, but you viewed it more of a sister-brother type thing, rather than him trying to flirt.
jaemin has introduced you to jeno near the end of high school. the three of you attended plenty of parties together ( well as many as you could before college started ). your first semester of college consisted of intense study sessions with jaemin in the library, jeno occasionally tagging along. you were both sure he was failing his classes but he didn’t seem to care much. his main focus consisting of getting wasted at as many frat parties he could. 
finals were done and dusted so after your last exam, you got ready for some random frat party being held tonight. you were meeting up with jaemin prior,
“time to party or what?” you gleamed at your best friend, jumping onto his bed as he curled into a ball. you frowned at the sight,
“i’m not feeling so good, you should go without me! go with jeno” jaemin groaned, his stomach pains getting the best of him.
“oh damn, want me to keep you company tonight instead?” you sat next to him, forcing him to sit up with you.
“no no, i’m probably going to take some meds and then knock out for the rest of the night. just go with jeno, it won’t be so bad! i’ll tell him to take care of you” jaemin assured, making sure you were on board. you let out a soft sigh,
“it’s so awkward between jeno and i, right? does he even like me, as a friend?” you lay your head on jaemin’s shoulder, feeling him softly chuckle at your words.
“jeno just thinks you’re really sweet. like you have this innocence to you. he doesn’t wanna be a bad influence or anything, that’s all” you just nod, that was somewhat comforting to know. before you could respond, there was a knock on jaemin’s door. the one and only, lee jeno was standing there in all this glory.
“yeah y/n, i don’t wanna be a bad influence” he smirked as he entered the room. you felt slightly embarrassed he had eavesdropped on the conversation but jaemin decided to interject.
“take her to the party tonight, she needs to have some fun” jaemin shoved you towards jeno, causing you to bump into
his shoulder. he just smirked, nodding along to his friend’s wishes.
“come on, i’ll show you a good time” jeno practically dragged you out of the room. his grip on your wrist was quite firm, he didn’t let go until you both reached his car. jeno opened the passenger side door for you, gesturing for you to enter. jeno made his way to the driver’s side, a constant grin on his face.
“surprised to see you so dressed up” he started the car. you were taken back at first, but this was just part of your usual banter.
“so glad you noticed, i did this all for you” you grinned, feeling quite flushed in the face. jeno just let out a soft chuckle, finding your confidence amusing.
“you’re not drinking tonight?” you questioned, looking over to him.
“nah, kinda trying to cut out alcohol from my diet if i wanna have a healthy liver you know?” his eyes flicked towards you, watching as you started fixing your makeup using your phone camera.
“but don’t worry sweetheart, i’ll take good care of you so jaemin doesn’t beat my ass. don’t get too wasted or you might do something you regret” jeno warned but his words went in one ear and out the other. you knew he was going to ditch you midway through, probably off with another one of his hookups. you didn’t need a babysitter, you were perfectly capable to party on your own.
long story short, you got bored after a few drinks, now sitting on a swinging hammock on the porch of the house. as expected, jeno had left your side a while ago, off to greet his own friends. you were scrolling on your phone, thinking of texting jaemin about how he wasn’t missing out on much. but you were interrupted when jeno sat down next to you.
“bored already?” he snuggled a little too close to comfort, softly swinging the both of you in the hammock.
“you could say that” you shrugged, switching off your phone, giving him all your attention. he looked really handsome in this light, strands of his hair sticking in random places, a slight flush to his cheeks due to the cold.
“wanna get out of here then? i’ll take you home” he stood up, offering you his hand.
“wow you’re being such a gentleman tonight” you snickered, taking his hand in yours as you strolled to his car.
“i’ll always be a gentleman for you”
why did he keep saying these things?
the ride to your apartment wasn’t as awkward as you initially thought. jeno insisted you play some music, his fingers lingering near your knee, tapping ever so softly on the surface of your skin. you held your breath at the touch, he was just being a good friend...right?
as jeno pulled up to your apartment building, part of you didn’t want the night to end. he looked over at you with his glorious brown eyes and you were mesmerised. jeno noticed the way you were looking at him, feeling quite giddy with himself. he had always thought you were pretty, in a cute, dorky way. but tonight, you looked electrifying. he was in awe.
as you looked into his eyes, you felt yourself lean closer to him. jeno couldn’t hide his grin, leaning to meet you in the middle.
“may i kiss you?” you asked nervously, which only added to how adorable jeno found you. his hand met your cheek, softly stroking your skin before nodding,
“don’t even need to ask me, love” he quickly pressed his lips onto yours, giving you instant butterflies.
it finally hit you, holy shit, you were kissing lee jeno right now.
you allowed his tongue to enter your mouth, deepening the kiss. it felt like his lips were meant for yours, in a non-cliche way. he was so gentle, yet so passionate with you. he pulled away, leaving you feeling empty inside.
“how far do you wanna go tonight?” that question had you stunned. you weren’t the type for one night stands, but this was jeno. it was like second nature to him. you almost didn’t even have to think twice, you just needed his lips on yours again.
“all the way” you bit your lip anxiously, awaiting his response. jeno’s eyes widened, taken aback by your new found confidence.
“say less, but we should probably get into bed or something” he chuckled, giving you a warm feeling in your stomach. you could practically hear jaemin’s warnings going off like a siren in your head. but when jeno pulled you into your apartment, gently placing you on the bed, lips constantly attached to yours, you drowned out any other thoughts that were occupying your mind.
college was all about new experiences. so naturally, having a random hookup with an attractive guy would be on the list. just for once, you wanted to know what it was like to hookup with lee jeno, even if you were just another number to him.
the very next morning, your eyes fluttered open, taking a few moments to fully immerse yourself in the new day ahead. your gaze finally drags over to the sleepy boy next to you. you couldn’t help but admire his side profile, especially his plump lips.
“stop staring, you’re making me shy” he suddenly grumbled, pulling you closer to him, nuzzling his face in your chest. you immediately froze, of course he was awake.
“last night was fun” he mumbled into your skin, softly smirking to himself. you just sighed, he wasn’t wrong per se, you just weren’t sure what this meant for your friendship.
“y-yeah, it was” was all you managed to say, jeno felt there was something off, moving his head to face you. he pulled your chin to meet his face, placing a gently kiss to your lips.
“did you like it?” you knew he was just being cocky right now, but you couldn’t help but engage in his banter.
“nope, worst hookup of my life!” you exaggerated before burying your face into his chest. he shook his head playfully, stroking your hair as you wrapped your arms around his torso.
“what will happen once jaemin finds out?” jeno started to worry, the last thing he needed was jaemin beating his ass for hooking up with his best friend.
“he’ll be mad for like five seconds and probably scold you too” jeno raised his eyebrows, preparing himself for the confrontation.
“there isn’t much he can do about it though” he placed another gentle kiss to your forehead, continuing to stroke your hair.
“let’s do something today, just you and me. you can pick what we do” jeno suddenly offered, causing you to perk up and sit against the headboard.
“well i need to do some grocery shopping, and some chores around the place, it’s kinda messy if you haven’t noticed. but that’s gonna be so boring-“
“i’ll keep you company”
“come again?”
“i’ll help you go shopping and clean, it’s no biggie” jeno smiled softly at you, making your knees go weak. you hoped he wasn’t just been nice because you had slept together...
your trip to the grocery store was surprisingly fun. jeno pushed the cart as you mentally ticked off your list of items to buy. he would make small conversation, giving his opinion on which brands were better. he always made sure to walk very close to you, despite pushing the cart. it was like he never left your side the entire trip. and once you got back to your apartment, jeno offered to carry all the bags, making you flustered. he didn’t have to be so...nice?
“you can just leave the bags on the bench, i’ll unpack” you smiled at him, gently tapping his back. jeno nodded, quickly pulling you by the waist, your breath hitched as he placed a gentle kiss to your forehead.
“i’ll make some brunch” he smiled softly, pulling away, starting to heat up a pan on the stove. you were still in shock by his display of affection. is this what he did with all his hookups?
you didn’t have the heart to tell jeno to go home, but he seemed to have understood that he had overstayed his welcome.
“i should probably get going, you know, to
shower and all” he had a smug look on his face that you couldn’t help but giggle at. you led him to the door, the sun having just set.
“i’ll see you around i guess” you tried to make this send off as normal as possible, but jeno had other plans.
“no goodbye kiss?”
“ah i see, you’re just shy, see you around y/n” he pulled you in for a side hug, waving softly as he made his way out the door. this had to be a one time thing.
it had been over a week since you had last seen jeno. and naturally you filled jaemin in on all the events of that night. to say he was shocked as an understatement,
“i cant believe YOU slept with HIM. you’re gorgeous, the prettiest best friend ever, but really? jeno?” jaemin shook his head. you weren’t sure if he was disappointedly or just surprised.
“i-i know. it didn’t mean to play out that way. he’s just really charming. and he’s kind of a gentleman” you couldn’t help but feel some heat rise to your cheeks. jaemin picked up immediately, of course you were already smitten.
“i say this in the most loving way possible, don’t get too involved with him. yeah you guys hooked up, but he is not the relationship type. at all. i don’t want to see you hurt” jaemin pulled you to his side as you both sat with your backs against the headboard of your bed.
“yeah, i’ll be careful” you say out loud...‘or atleast i’ll try to be’ you thought to yourself. this was going to be harder than you anticipated.
seeing jeno around campus was bound to happen. you assumed he would just shoot you a wave or a head nod to greet you but you were wrong. he would offer to walk with you to your classes, even hold your bag for you. he’d even ask if you wanted to go off campus to have lunch. you didn’t exactly reject any of these offers, but you couldn’t help but feel a little uneasy. did he suddenly like you? or is he just trying to not make things awkward between you both? whatever it was, it wasn’t helping your growing crush on the dark haired heartthrob. you were in trouble.
one day, jeno had invited himself over to prepare for his upcoming economics quiz. you tried your best to help him study, but then you remembered...lee jeno doesn’t ‘study’, he winged almost every exam and barely passed. C’s get degrees (atleast that was his mindset).
“i’m tired, let’s pick this up again tomorrow” jeno yawned, pushing his textbook to the side as he sprawled his whole body onto your bedroom floor. you were seated on your bed, looking down at the hopeless boy.
“are you sure? we only have one more set of practice questions to go through” you pout, actually finding enjoyment helping him study. jeno shook his head profusely,
“no i’d rather hang out with you” he jumped onto your bed, landing right next to you, wrapping you in his arms.
“i mean, if that’s okay with you” you just nodded, feeling yourself relax in his embrace. jeno gently pulled you down so you were both laying down, facing eachother.
your eyes flickered over his features, his structured nose and jaw, his glimmering eyes and his soft lips. your fingers made their way to graze over his lips, causing him to pout.
“you’re so cute” he mumbled. you moved your hand to hide your face, feeling more flustered than ever.
“why are you getting all shy with me now? did you forget that we had sex? or was that just a really good dream?” he continued to tease, poking at your sides, causing you to let out a loud laugh. you immediately placed your hand over your mouth, feeling embarrassed by the sound that had just left it. jeno raised an eyebrow at you, slightly frowning.
“hey i like making you laugh, so i expect to hear it!”
“s-sorry, i really don’t know why i’m being like this. i-i just, it’s all catching me off guard you know?” you sighed, allowing jeno’s fingers to intertwine with yours.
“it’s alright, i find it endearing” he smiled as he started stroking your hair with his free hand.
“c-can you spend the night?” you suddenly asked, feeling his hand stop in your hair.
“i was hoping you’d ask me that” jeno ducked his head to press his lips against yours. you didn’t want to admit how much you had missed that feeling. but something about the way he kissed you, washed all your cares away. even if there wasn’t any romance behind it, it still felt electrifying.
this was how most nights were spent with jeno. some light studying, some making out, dinner, cuddling, and then more making out before you fell asleep. it was a constant cycle that you didn’t want to stop. he would always compliment you, whether it was your hair or your makeup or your outfit. practically anything he thought you should be praised for, he would compliment you. his words held greater meaning to you than they did to him. you could feel yourself getting flustered each time you received a compliment, while jeno seemed nonchalant. maybe that was just how he was.
one night, jeno decides to stay over, claiming that his heater was broken at his apartment and your bed was warm. but it was code for ‘let’s hook up and fall asleep in eachother’s arms again’. you laid beside him, wrapped tightly in your blanket as jeno pressed soft kisses on your forehead. you started tracing random figures on his chest as he quietly hummed random tunes to get you to sleep. but something was keeping you awake. jeno was hard to read, he never truly expressed his honest feelings towards people. maybe that was just his way of not having to cope with drama. but the constant push and pull between you two had caused many sleepless nights and constant doubt for you. confessing to jeno never crossed your mind prior, but it was the only thing occupying it right now. if you kept it to yourself any longer, you’d probably explode.
you had noticed that jeno’s attendance at frat parties had declined, opting to either hanging out with you or jaemin. he had already quit drinking, not finding much enjoyment anymore. he had also been trying to get above a C average in his classes. you’d say something switched in him, so could it be possible that he may like you too?
“what’s on your mind, pretty girl?” jeno suddenly snapped you out of your thoughts, causing you pull your fingers from his chest.
“nothing” you whispered flatly, but jeno was not convinced.
“come on, something is going on in that
pretty little head of yours, i can see it on your face” he smirked.
“what do you mean?”
“you have this cute frowning face whenever you’re over thinking” you suddenly changed your expression, pulling
yourself to side up as he remained still. you let out a deep sigh, knowing that your next words will change everything.
“i think i like you”
you felt jeno stiffen under the covers, his demeanour suddenly becoming cold. of course you had expected this type of reaction, but seeing it right infront of you, made you want to cry.
“y/n, i don’t think you mean that”
your breath hitched, your throat felt tight.
“i mean, i just- i think you’re amazing. of course i do. but i don’t do relationships. i don’t do feelings or love and that bullshit. atleast not right now, i don’t think i can handle it” each of his words felt like a stab through the heart. how did you misjudge this so badly?
“i fucked things up, didn’t i?” jeno looked you in the eyes sympathetically. of course he felt pity for you.
“no you didn’t. i’m still going to be around. i just can’t be the guy for you” why did you have to go and make things so complicated?
jeno senses you were still overthinking, he smoothed bits of hair from your face, gently tucking them behind your ear.
“don’t frown, pretty girl. i’m not going anywhere” he pulled you closer to him, making you lay down, face to face with him. you wanted to avoid looking into his eyes but he maintained the intense contact with you.
“i’m tired” was all you could think of saying. jeno just nodded,
“rest well” he pulled you into just chest, softly stroking your hair as you closed your eyes. you felt a singular tear stream down your face, landing on jeno’s forearm. he sighed, knowing he hurt you. but he was selfish, he just couldn’t let you go. he wouldn’t let you go.
You talked to her, maybe did even worse
I kept quiet so I could keep you
jeno hadn’t been around lately. it was probably for the best, you guessed he just didn’t want you to get attached.
you were walking to your final class of the day, passing by multiple students rushing off in different directions. you were careful not to bump into anything or anyone, but you had the worst luck, feeling yourself slam into a firm figure. your eyes focused on the boy infront of you.
“jeno” your eyes lit up unknowingly, as he greeted you with a smile.
“oh hey, careful there” he helped you remain stable, placing his hand on your shoulder.
“it’s been a while, i was thinking you could come over tonight and we cou-“
“there you are! been looking everywhere for you!” you watched as an unfamiliar girl came up to jeno, leaning into his side. her gaze waved over you, a slight scowl forming.
“y-yeah i’m just talking to a friend, uh this is karina” he introduces to you. what the hell was this? a new girl already?
“i’m y/n, jeno may have mentioned me before” you kindly smile, or atleast you tried your best to.
“oh he’s never mentioned your name, but nice to meet you” she looked over to the boy next to her, “jeno, can you walk me to my class? i’m still kinda lost” she frowned. jeno just nodded in compliance, leading her through the hallway as he sent you a small wave. so this was how it was gonna be.
“i mean, who the hell is she? how does she just waltz up in here and suddenly have jeno’s attention like that?” you frustratedly rant to jaemin, who was innocently eating his lunch as you approached him. he practically saw smoke coming out of your ears from how annoyed you were. he had never seen you like this before,
“hey, back track. explain properly” jaemin sighs, pulling you to sit down next to him as he continued eating. you finally got a hold of yourself, taking a few deep breaths,
“her name is karina or something, she’s suddenly hanging around jeno now. and he’s been avoiding me lately” jaemin’s eyes widened slightly, sirens going off in your mind.
“what do you know that i don’t?”
“it’s not my place to say” you scoff,
“not your place? since when have we kept secrets from eachother. i admitted to you that i’ve been having sex with jeno yet you can’t tell me this thing?” jaemin knew you were partially right, but he didn’t want to crush your spirit more than it already was.
“fine, karina was jeno’s first girlfriend. like first love type bullshit. he never really got over her, even when she moved away. i guess she’s back for good” your heart started to ache. gosh, this stupid infatuation with jeno was getting out of control.
“you think he still loves her?” jaemin looked at you with solemn eyes,
“i don’t know, he doesn’t really talk about her much. if anything, i sort of want him to choose you. i think you’re good for him, even if he doesn’t see it yet” you took this as jaemin just trying to cheer you up, you didn’t believe a single word he said. how well did you really know jeno? he had never mentioned karina to you before, nor that she was his first love. i mean, why would he? you were barely friends...right?
And ain't it funny how you ran to her

The second that we called it quits?
And ain't it funny how you said you were friends?
Now it sure as hell don't look like it
jeno was at your apartment once again, his legs dangling over yours as you both typed on your laptops. your mind was trying it’s hardest to focus on your assignment that was due in less than five hours, but you were too distracted by jeno’s presence. it wasn’t unusual for him to hang out with you, but you felt slightly uncomfortable, knowing he had also been hanging out with karina more often. maybe you were just being paranoid, but how could you not be?
“quit staring and finish your work” jeno poked you playfully, shutting the lid of his laptop before moving to lay next to you. he leant against your shoulder, making your heart flutter.
“i-i am. why would i want to look at your gross face anyway?”
“stop denying it” he just snuggled closer to you. of course you couldn’t deny it. before you could respond, jeno’s phone started ringing. he quickly jumped out of your bed, hoping you hadn’t seen the caller ID. but you did. it was the one person you were hoping he had stopped talking to.
“sorry about that, it was uh just jaemin” jeno walked back into your room, acting as if nothing happened. you pierced your eyes at him, was he really going to lie straight to your face?
“i know it was karina. you don’t have to hide it from me” you shrug, pretending to type on your laptop.
“o-oh uh sorry. we’re just friends, you know. incase you were worried” was he being for real?
“why would i be worried? just because i confessed to you doesn’t mean you’re entitled to like me back. if you wanna see her then go see her, don’t use me liking you as an excuse” you felt pure frustration take over your body. you had never experienced this feeling before, even jeno was shocked.
“it’s not like that, i swear. i don’t want stuff between us to...end” jeno moved closer to you, placing his hand to your cheek, gently stroking the skin. there he goes again. these small gestures had you swooning, you just couldn’t help it.
you scrunched your nose at the contact, causing jeno to smile softly.
“so cute” he tapped your nose before engulfing you in his embrace. your assignment was long forgotten once he started kissing you. this was all too overwhelming emotionally, but physically, this felt just right.
just when things were beginning to feel normal again, jaemin had a few words for jeno.
“you can’t keep playing her, it’s time to come clean”
“give me time, y/n’s sensitive, i don’t wanna hurt her too bad” jaemin rolled his eyes.
“you’re being a real dick about this. if you have feelings for karina, end it with y/n now, or else i’ll tell her myself” jeno grabbed his arm, pleading him to hear him out.
“please don’t. promise me you won’t. i know it’s going to hurt her, but i want to do it on my own” jaemin wanted nothing more but to call you right now and have jeno confess over the phone. but he knew you deserved to hear it from jeno in person. all that the two boys could think about was how crushed you’d be after hearing the truth. but the truth will always come out one way or another.
y/n: hey jeno, i’m officially assignment free! come over and hang tonight :))
jeno: hey sorry, hella swamped with a group assignment at the moment. will make it up to you tomorrow!
you nodded to yourself after reading his message. you were proud of him for working so hard in his studies nowadays, it really seemed like he was improving. you opted to spend a night to yourself, switching on the television and eating an excessive amount of snacks from your kitchen cabinet. as usual, you were on instagram, wondering what others were up to now that most assignments were done and dusted. lee donghyuck had the most wild and sometimes, disturbing, instagram stories but you were always curious as to what he was up to. but this time you regretted it greatly. seeing a video of jeno making out with karina against the wall shattered you. you immediately locked your phone, switching the tv off completely. your body felt numb, why weren’t you reacting? why weren’t you crying? or even mad? how could you be mad...you weren’t even dating him. how pathetic of you to believe he would be loyal after practically rejecting you. you felt like a fool for falling for him. there was no way he could sweet talk his way out of this. the pain was too much for you to bare, resulting in you deciding to take a social media detox...well a detox from everyone really. you became more sheltered and isolated than ever. it was just too good to be true.
You betrayed me
And I know that you'll never feel sorry
For the way I hurt, yeah
You talked to her when we were together
Loved you at your worst, but that didn't matter
“y/n, honey, you need to come out and eat okay?” you regretted giving jaemin a spare key to your apartment. he would enter as he wished, cooking you a warm meal before sitting outside your bedroom door as he begged for you to come out. you hated making him worry like this but you physically couldn’t get yourself to leave your bed. the same bed you and jeno had slept in together many times. you swore you could still smell traces of his scent on the pillow sheets.
“please just go home, jae” you groaned.
“no, i’m your friend and i need to see that you’ve atleast showered and taken care of yourself” his words made you want to cry. he cared for you so much, but he wasn’t the one you wanted to hear these things from. for the first time in what felt like weeks, you stood up from your bed and shuffled towards the door. you turned the door knob slowly, gaining jaemin’s attention. he immediately stood up, eyes scanning over your state.
“oh honey” he pulled you into his chest, gently stroking your hair.
“has he said anything?” you manage to murmur, catching jaemin off guard.
“n-no. atleast not to me. i’m sorry”
“why the hell are you sorry? he should be sorry. he should be grovelling to me to forgive him. but now he’s off, with some other girl. like i never meant a damn thing to him” you scoffed, pushing past jaemin as he trailed behind you with the tray of your now, cold, meal. you sat down on your couch, wrapping yourself in a small blanket.
“do you think he liked her this whole time and just didn’t tell me?” jaemin’s eyes shifted from left to right, which he only did when he withheld information.
“y-you knew?” he slowly nodded, the guilt eating him up inside.
“i wanted to tell you, i promise. but he insisted that he would let you down in person” jaemin tried to explain. you couldn’t even be mad at him. it must have been so obvious that jeno was into karina the whole time. you were just another name to his list. nothing more.
“am i pathetic for still liking him?” jaemin let out a sigh, unsure of how to answer. but that reaction was a good enough indication that you were indeed pathetic, for wanting a guy that didn’t want you. lee jeno was a traitor.
another night was spent alone. you were simply catching up on your usual shows, using it as a distraction from the pouring rain. what you didn’t expect was a series of loud knocks on your front door. who the hell wanted to visit you in the early hours of the morning? you proceeded with caution, twisting the door knob, allowing the door to slowly swing open. your eyes met those of the boy who broke you. you wanted nothing more than to shut the door right in his face, but he stopped you before you could even move.
“i-we need to talk” he slurred his words. he seemed drunk, but you weren’t fully sure. you could have sworn he quit drinking months ago, but the sight infront of you was telling you otherwise. jeno suddenly slumped towards you, his weak figure now latching onto you. you quickly shut the door, dragging him to your couch.
“i cant believe you’ve been drinking again” you felt disappointed. he was doing so well.
“couldn’t help myself, life is shitty. i lost you, karina and i are fighting. jaemin is giving me the cold shoulder. oh and i failed my last assignment, guess i can’t even finish the year” you had never seen him so defeated like this, you started feeling pity for him.
“but that’s no reason for you to drink yourself to this state. i’m really disappointed in you. i know you can do better” you sighed before rushing to your kitchen, grabbing him a bottle of water. jeno took slow sips from the bottle, eyes avoiding yours. there was still one question lingering in your mind,
“why are you even at my apartment? don’t you have your own?” you didn’t want to come off as rude but jeno couldn’t deny he felt a pang of guilt in his chest.
“i-i don’t know. i just feel comfort whenever i’m here. y-you gave me comfort. and i messed it all up” you felt tears begin to swell in your own eyes. why was he saying these things now? the timing was terrible.
“you’re babbling nonsense. just go to sleep, i want you gone in the morning” you grab him an extra blanket and pillow, watching as he slowly started drifting to sleep. you weren’t sure if he really meant the things he was saying, but you’d rather keep it that way. you didn’t need any more reasons to hold onto jeno. this was just a one time thing, you weren’t completely heartless. this was the night you saw jeno at his worst, and if you were being honest, you couldn’t be with him like this. you now knew, that you deserved better than lee jeno.
as expected, he was gone by the time you woke up, leaving you a small note,
“thankyou for everything”
you quickly scrunched the piece of paper, tossing it into the bin. you felt slightly relieved, this was a sign that you were finally starting to get over him.
Now you bring her around just to shut me down
Show her off like she's a new trophy
And I know if you were true
There's no damn way that you
Could fall in love with somebody that quickly
“hey so there’s gonna be a bonfire tonight, wanna come with me?”
“i don’t know, jaemin. not really up for hanging in big crowds at the moment” jaemin frowned, wanting nothing more than to see his friend happy again.
”i’ll be next to you the entire night, if that gives you more ease” he pleaded with his big eyes, rubbing his shoulder against yours. you eventually gave in, wanting nothing more than for him to stop giving you those creepy eyes. maybe something good will come from the bonfire.
you spoke too soon, the moment jeno and karina showed up, it was like somebody was impaling you with a stake to the heart. you physically couldn’t move, eyes avoiding having to meet those of jeno’s. you felt someone’s eyes on you, but refused to look up from your feet which were buried in the sand. soon enough, you felt the gaze escape, along with the two people you wanted to avoid the most. jaemin awkwardly coughed,
“this is going to be harder than i thought” you sighed, causing jaemin to press his lips together in a tight line.
“i know, but it’s not the end of the world” he shrugged, pulling you closer to him as you both soaked up the heat from the fire. you hated how jeno was showing her off like his new trophy. he constantly had his arm around her, laughing with his friends loudly, pressing soft kisses to her forehead. it made you sick.
your mind drifted to the conversations where jeno insisted he was not the ‘relationship type’. you remembered how he avoided your confession, how he only wanted your company when he felt alone. how he always interrupted you with a kiss when you would ask about his feelings. it all felt like some sort of sick joke to you. if you knew jeno the way you thought you did, there was no way he could fall inlove so quickly.
but you knew that he was inlove, or atleast falling inlove, because he looked at her the way you used to look at him. you couldn’t help but laugh at yourself, you got played. plain and simple. lee jeno was never meant to be a permanent figure in your life, he was a lesson to be learnt. you had to let him go, no matter how much it hurt, you knew it would be for the best.
it was finally summer break, instant weight lifting from your shoulders as you handed in your final paper. although this year had its ups and downs, you were beyond proud of how you managed to stay on top of your school work, and shove any thoughts regarding jeno, from your mind. it had been radio silence from
his end, not having reached out to you in weeks, until some of your classmates invited you to some drinks at a local club. you couldn’t pass on a night to finally let loose, so you gleefully accepted their offer. it was also nice way of making new friends for the following year to come.
“hot damn, who the hell is that?” your newest friend, minjeong, swooned. you shifted your eyes to the figure in question. jeno stood there in all his glory, leather jacket hung loosely on his shoulders as he greeted your classmates one by one. he was slowly making his way to you and minjeong, you wanting nothing more than to rush to the bathroom. but he definitely would have seen you,
“long time no see” he grinned, taking a seat on the bar stool next to you. minjeong noticed that you were beginning to feel uncomfortable. she tapped your arm gently, asking with one simple gaze if you needed her with you. you shook your head in response, this was something you needed to sort out, once and for all.
“it has been a while” you sighed, turning to face the boy who tore you to pieces. jeno stiffened at your tone, part of his heart aching to hear you speak to him in such way.
“how have things been? i-i kinda miss hanging out together-“
“are you serious right now?” you practically scoffed, taking a large gulp from your drink. you needed some liquid courage for the speech you were about to give.
“who do you think you are to come up here and act like everything is all good between us? i know that jaemin has told you how hurt i was over you, gosh, it was probably one of the most painful heartbreaks i’ve ever experienced. can i even call it that? a heartbreak? i mean, we never dated so technically we never even broke up” jeno slowly gulped at your words, hoping no one else was eavesdropping on your conversation. but he allowed you continue,
“we hooked up, i confessed, and it all went to shit. once something new and shiny came by, i was old news. i really thought we were going to be something. how naive i was to even believe that someone like you could be with someone like me. i guess you didn’t cheat, but you’re still a traitor, lee jeno. and i hope you never forget it” you could barely look at him, feeling hot tears fill your eyes. you clenched your fists as jeno cleared his throat before speaking.
“i-i’m sorry okay? i didn’t mean for things to go so far with us. i never want you to think that you aren’t important to me. at the time, you were one of the best things that had ever happened to me. but we just weren’t right for each other, i told you that from the start” you finally built the courage to face him, his gentle eyes meeting your pained ones.
“god i wish you had thought this through, before i went and fell in love with you” those words hit him like a truck. he knew he had messed up, there was no going back from the damage he had done. he broke someone that he truly cared about. he hurt one of his only friends. he could never forgive himself for that.
“y-you’re going to find someone. someone way better than me. someone who sees how beautiful you are, someone who will hold on for dear life because they’re scared of losing you. i’m sorry i couldn’t be that guy for you. i am so sorry” you could sense the sincerity in his voice, but there was only so much an apology could fix.
“may i ask, are you happy?” he already knew his answer, and he knew it would hurt you if he answered truthfully. but he was done with lies,
“yeah i am, are you?” you pondered for a moment,
“i will be” you firmly answered, feeling a small grin grow on your face. although this entire interaction was pure torture, you were glad you were able to air out your conscience to the one person who was filling it. you and jeno agreed to cut contact for the time being, wishing each other the best. of course you would think about him every now and then, but you were onto bigger and better things. lee jeno was just one chapter on your book of life. there was so much more out there for you, and you couldn’t wait to experience it.
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thatfanficstuff · 3 years
Impossible - 21
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Pairing: Eric Northman x Reader
Warnings: Nan Flanagan
A/N: *looks at Godric suspiciously* He's up to something.
When you woke you found yourself in bed, laying between two vampires who were quite literally dead to the world. Despite that, you felt safe and loved. You smiled and took the opportunity to do inventory of your injuries. You seemed to be fully healed. At the very least you were a damn sight better than you’d been when you passed out. You spared a second to wonder if you would have survived had Godric not been there to give you his blood.
You turned to face the vampire in question to find him laying so he faced you. You trailed a finger down his face to trace his profile. A ghost of a smile curved his lips. It must be nearly sundown which meant you needed to get ready for the night.
You climbed over Eric to get out of the bed and pressed a kiss to his cheek on your way by. His hand brushed your leg. A glance at the clock confirmed that sunset wasn’t far off. You grabbed your phone from the nightstand where it was charging and headed into the bathroom to clean up. You scrolled through the texts from your father as you turned on the shower so it would warm up. “Shit,” you said as you read his latest text. Nan Flanagan would be here within the hour. God, you hated that bitch. Your father called her a necessary evil.
You responded to let him know that you were awake and healed. You also provided a summary of the events and who was responsible before Nan got his ear. After tossing your phone on the counter, you climbed into the shower and scrubbed yourself clean which took longer than you liked. Only when the water ran completely clear did you shut it off. When you got out, you wrapped yourself in one of the robes on the back of the door.
The bed was empty when you opened the door to go back into the bedroom. You quickly dressed in a pair of black jeans with a red top and your boots. You fixed your hair as best you could without drying it. You simply didn’t have the time. When you left the bedroom, you found Eric and Godric both waiting for you along with breakfast.
Eric was by your side in a flash. “How are feeling?”
“Good, thanks to the both of you.” You hugged him and gave him a quick kiss before releasing him to eat.
“Hello, Godric,” you greeted with a smile. He merely smiled in return. “When are we meeting with Nan?”
“How did you…your father,” Eric said. “Ten minutes.”
“She doesn’t know I’m here. Don’t tell her.”
“Are you not planning on attending?” Godric asked with a frown.
“Oh, I am, but if she realizes I’m there she’ll be on her best behavior. I’d rather catch the bitch causing trouble.”
Eric chuckled. “Should I even ask how you intend to keep her from seeing you?”
You pursed your lips. “Probably not.” You finished your breakfast and ducked back into the bedroom to grab your necklace. You slipped it on and smiled at the other two. “All right. Just don’t talk to me until I speak and we might be good to go.”
The amulet you wore had been gifted to you by a witch. It didn’t disguise you or anything, it simply made it more likely you’d be overlooked. The three of you arrived at the room where the meeting would take place. You stood along the wall in the shadows and kept your head down. Sure enough, Nan came into the room and her gaze moved right over you without pausing.
You smirked and pulled out your phone to hit record in case there was an issue later. Nan lied like it was crucial to her survival. Your father claimed that’s what made her so good at PR. He probably had a point. She didn’t give anyone a chance to say anything before she started in.
“Do you have any idea of the PR mess you’ve created? And who has to clean that shit up? Me. Not you. Me. I should drain everyone of you bastards,” she spat out. You rolled your eyes. As if she had the authority.
“Stan acted on his own. None of us had anything to do with the attack on the church,” Eric said.
“Oh, yes, because no one could have possibly predicted that Stan Baker would attack humans. Especially not his nest mates.”
“And how were we supposed to know that this time he meant it?” Isabel defended.
“Not my problem. Yours,” Nan said with a lifted brow and a glare at Godric.
You crossed your arms over your chest and glared at the back of Nan’s head. Why was she always such a raging bitch? Couldn’t she talk to anyone with respect? And if she knew that Stan was a threat, why didn’t she take care of it? Her logic was flawed, as per usual.
Eric was apparently done with her shit as well. “Don’t talk to him that way.”
“Don’t talk to me that way. Do you enjoy being Sheriff? Because I can take it all away.” The arrogance in her voice pissed you off more than anything. Well, that and she was threatening your mate.
His lip curled in irritation. “You don’t have the authority.”
“I’m on TV try me.” She turned her attention to Godric. “How did they capture you?”
Godric’s gaze flicked to you and back to her. “They would have caught one of us eventually. I offered myself.” Oh, and didn’t that make your heart hurt. You suspected, but to hear him admit to it was too much. Eric’s face reflected your own thoughts.
“Why?” the bitch asked in disbelief.
“Why not?” your friend responded.
“They wanted you to meet the sun and you didn’t care?”
Godric simply stared at her without responding. Finally, Nan scoffed. “You’re fired.”
“You cold bitch,” Eric responded while Isabel tried to get Godric to fight for his position. You glanced at your phone and pressed an icon before sliding it back into your pocket.
“Listen, Viking—” she started until you stepped from the shadows and interrupted.
“Stan Baker was to blame for the attack on the church,” you said and Nan’s eyes went wide as she paled ever so slightly. Her gaze moved from you to where you’d been standing and back. She was wondering how the hell she had missed you being in the room. “He was killed in the subsequent attack on Godric’s private residence. The Authority was aware of the danger Stan posed and had already ordered his execution. The order unfortunately could not be carried out prior to the attack.”
Her jaw was tight and her eyes were cold. She didn’t like you any more than you liked her. “That’s your failing, not mine. Someone needs to take the blame and as Sheriff of the area, Godric is the best candidate.”
You took a step forward and narrowed your gaze. “You are a glorified mouthpiece. You don’t get to throw someone under the bus to make your job easier. The fucking humans don’t know about all this shit anyway. You’re supposed to find the truth, not make it up as you go along. You don’t get to decide if people live or die. You don’t get to threaten to take away someone’s territory for defending themselves or someone else. If you weren’t such a power hungry, raging bitch maybe they wouldn’t have to.”
“You don’t even work for the Authority anymore,” she said, but she sounded unsure. “Why do you care?”
“Because you’re not doing your job, Nan. I literally moved from area to area to make sure everyone was doing their job. What makes you think you can get away with it if no one else can? Because there’s no one to dispute you? No way for anyone to tell the Authority what you did? And if they could why would they believe them over you, right?” You pursed your lips in thought before shaking your head. “You’re abusing your position. That pisses me off. It pisses me off even more when you do it to my friends. So, here’s how this is going to go. Godric, without admitting any culpability, resigns his position as Sheriff and will be relocating to Louisiana. Isabel will take over as Sheriff. She’s level headed and had nothing to do with any of this.”
She stood then, fists at her sides as she glared at you. Eric and Godric both stood as well, taking position behind you and to either side. “Who do you think you are? You can’t dictate to me.”
The corner of your mouth lifted into a smirk as you pulled out your phone. “You’re absolutely right. But he can.” You handed her the phone and her face twisted into confusion. When your father started to speak her eyes darted back up to meet yours. She didn’t speak, only handing you the phone when she finished. You slid it back into your pocket.
Her eyes never left you though she spoke to the room as a whole. “Stan Baker is responsible for the attack on the church which caused the subsequent bombing. Godric holds no blame for any of the events that occurred. His resignation is accepted as is his relocation to Louisiana. Isabel Beaumont shall report to the king of Texas to be sworn in as the new Sheriff.”
She walked past all of you and out of the room. Once she was gone, everyone looked to you. Godric turned you to face him and laid a hand along the side of your face. “How did you accomplish that, little one?”
“I would like to know that as well,” Isabel echoed.
Eric smirked and placed a kiss on the top of your head. “She is Y/N. That is all you need know.”
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Prompt: Just some good old fluff with Finny boy
Word Count: Long, bitch! So fucking long
Pairings: Finn Bálor x Reader
Warnings: Angst, fluff, smut (implied)
Editor: @thenightmareismyreality
Tag: @theworldofotps , @new-zealand-chic , @sassymox , @waywardwrestlewritingwaif , @yungbludjazz360 , @starwithaheart
Notes: Found this in an old file (wrote this about two years ago, maybe?) But I kinda like this little story ❤️ If you’d like to check out my previous works, you can find them on my Masterlist 😉
A deep sigh of relief left my lips as I brushed my damp hair. I heard a commotion in the living room, and began to dread the potential fight I would have to break up between a four and six year-old over a remote control.
“Mommy, mommy, mommy!” Caleb screamed in excitement, while bursting through my bedroom door like a maniac
“You’ll never believe who’s downstairs with us” He jumped with a cheeky smile
“Cal, who’s downstairs?” I ask worryingly, instinctively reaching for the gun that I kept in my nightstand
Caleb laughed and ran downstairs again.
As a homicide detective, my cop instincts combined with my motherly instincts took over me and I ran to the living room in only a tank top and panties, with my gun already aimed to shoot.
Although, the last person I thought I would see standing there, braiding my daughter Maeve’s hair in a style reminiscent of queen Elsa, and watching Caleb showing off his somersault technique was HIM…
That caught me off guard and he must have sensed it, because the first thing he did was look up.
“Hi” He said shyly
“What are you doing here, Finn?” I asked, putting my gun down on the dinner table
“I swear I didn’t break in” He laughed, attempting a joke
“What do you want?” I decided to ignore the small talk...there was no need for that, not after everything he did
“I have an injury. So I have some time off for a while and I wanted to stop by to see the kids and you” He whispered the last part
“Injury, huh? Is it bad?”
Even after everything he did, I couldn’t help but worry about his well being, you know, for the kids sake!...
Ok fine, I still love him, but he doesn’t need to know that.
“No, nothing serious. But I got two months off and I was excited to see my family” He looked at me when he said that
“Are you going to see your parents?”
“Yeah and I was thinking if it would be ok with you if I take the kids with me?”
“Of course! Why would I mind?”
His family was always very loving and kind to me, and we became very close once the kids were born. Sometimes I would take them to Ireland on my vacation so they could see their grandparents or they would travel to New York so they could see the kids.
“Because of...you know” He trailed off
“Neither your family or the kids have anything to do with that. I’m a grown woman, Finn. I know how to separate the sheep from the goat, ok?!”
I could feel the air becoming thicker with the tension, until Maeve said
“Mommy, why aren’t you wearing any pants? Are you feeling hot? I can get you the Japanese hand fan daddy gave it to me, if you’d like” She smiled
“Thank you buttercup, but that won’t be necessary. I’ll be right back”
Now, properly dressed, I made my way towards the kitchen to get dinner ready.
“Do you need any help?” Finn asked from behind me
“No, thank you. You can go stay with the kids” I didn’t even bother to turn around to face him
“Y/N, can we talk?”
I sighed “There’s nothing worth talking about, Finn”
“What can you possibly say that will change what happened? Nothing! It will be a bunch of empty sorry’s and excuses, so let’s just save it, ok?!”
“It’s not empty, I truly am sorry”
“You should’ve thought that before you believed the bunch of lies she told you”
He opened his mouth to say something but Caleb began calling for him to go watch the cartoons with them.
“Mommy, can daddy have dinner with us?” Maeve asked
“Of course, pumpkin. If he would like to”
“Yay” She screams “Daddy, come!” She beckoned him
The subjects of conversation at dinner were mostly controlled by the kids. They, as per usual, asked me how many bad people I had taken down that day, but also asked Finn about his traveling, which state or city he liked the most, the best foods he’d eaten, which LEGO set was he building, if the hotel beds were soft and ‘what about the blankets?’
“Alright, I know you two are very excited to see daddy, but we need to brush those teeth! So, let’s go kiddos” I got up from my chair
“I’ll do it” He grabbed both kids, resting one on each side of his hip and went up to brush their teeth
When he came back down alone, I give him a questioning look
“They’re asleep” He smiled softly
“Oh, you already put them down for bed?! Thank you” I said, cleaning the kitchen island.
He nodded “I just didn’t bathe them because they said you already did”
“Yeah, that’s the first thing I do when I get home. Or my mom does it for me if I get caught up in a case, but most of the time I do it”
“How’s work?” He asked, sitting down on one of the high benches.
“Good, Richard is my superior again, so he helps me a lot with my shifts, because of the kids” I smiled
“The old man is still working?” He laughed, amused
“Yeah, he already said he will only leave his badge when he’s dead” I cackled “How’s road life? Amazing, I presume”
“Nah, don’t let the bright lights fool ya” He laughed, bitterly “I love wrestling, being in the ring, performing for the audience, but once I pass through the curtains backstage it gets lonely” A little bit of sadness could be heard in his voice “It’s very lonely... it’s different from when I came back home to you and the kids. Now I just get back to an empty apartment, wishing I could get back home” He looks at me
“Finn, please”
“I love you! Why can’t we just try again?”
“Because no!”
“Why?” He pleaded
“Because you don’t know what it was like ok?! You don’t know how much it hurt me, the things you said, the fact that you believed some envious woman’s gossip about me having an affair with Lucas! He’s married for fuck’s sake! To a man!”
“I- I didn’t knew Lucas was gay, Y/N”
“Yeah, you didn’t! And why is that? Oh yeah, because you did not trust your own wife, all you saw was the fact that he is a man and my work partner so you just bought the assumption that woman sold you, choosing to believe her instead of me!”
“It wasn’t like that, ok?” He tried to explain
“It wasn’t like that, you say? When you were the one who came in here filled with accusations! Saying that I had an affair with him, that I cheated on you, that you wished you would’ve slept with half of the women who throw themselves at you everyday, doubting that those kids upstairs are yours, when they’re the fucking spitting image of you! You said all those horrible things, Finn. Not me!”
He stared at his knuckles as I continued, now crying
“How do you think that made me feel? To listen from my own husband how much he wished he had cheated on me. Bragging about all of the hot young women who are waiting to be fucked by a wrestler...You know it was always hard for me to accept that you wanted me and not some hot girl in the locker room, that you had chosen me, that I got lucky enough to not only marry a man who’s physically breathtaking but also such a beautiful person on the inside. And still, it was that same Prince Charming who became the frog! I never thought that” I had to stop myself from saying the next horrible words roaming through my mind
“You never thought that, what, Y/N?”
I shook my head
“Say it”
I shook my head again and he got up from the bench, coming to where I was standing
“Say it, love. I can take it”
“I don’t want to say it” I whispered as more tears rolled down my cheeks
“Shhh, it’s ok, love” Finn pulled my head to his chest “Please don’t cry, I hate when you cry” His arms are tightly locked around me, providing me the sense of comfort that only he could give. And I hated that!
“Let me go” I tried to push him away
“What’s wrong, Y/N?”
“Just don’t touch me” I said, shoving him away
He knew that I was closing him off, I could see it in his eyes
“Say it! You never thought that what?” He insisted, more forcefully this time
“I never thought that someday I would regret meeting you! Marrying you, starting a family with you. If I could do it all again, I wouldn’t!” I spat
“You wouldn’t?” He scooted closer
“No” I answered with venom in my voice, trying to turn my undying love for him into hatred
“But I would!” Finn said firmly
I shook my head in denial, as he cupped my cheeks in his calloused hands, making me look up to meet his blue eyes
“I would do it, all over again. Meeting you, dating you, marrying you, having kids with you, in the future seeing the kids graduate high school, college, be at their wedding, take our future grandkids to the park, and spend the rest of my life with you! I would choose you over and over and over again! I choose you everyday, Y/N”
I squeezed my eyes shut
“You’re lying! Stop lying, Finn” I whispered
“Am I though? Open your eyes and look at me. I was never able to hide ANYTHING from you, I can lie to anyone but you. You can always see through me, so just look at me and tell me if I’m lying. If I am, then I promise you, I’ll leave this house right now and you’ll never have to see me again! Just open your eyes” He kissed each closed eyelid
After a few minutes, I gathered the courage to finally look at him and I could only see love, regret, pain and truth.
“I love you Y/N and always will. Yes, I was dumb to listen to some random gossip and I’m paying the price for it, but the only thing I ask you is: please, don’t give up on us! I’ll give you whatever time you need, just promise me that we’ll fix it. That we’ll be together again...You, Caleb and Maeve are my life! I would die to save you in a blink, love. If I had to choose between your life or mine I would choose yours, becau-“
I placed two fingers on his lips
“Stop talking like that! You know I don’t like it. It attracts those bad vibes, you know?”
Finn lightly chuckled “But I mean it”
“Stop! I don’t like when you talk like that... I hate to think that something bad could ever happen to you. You know, because of the kids” I tried to hide my feelings
“And you wouldn’t miss me, not even a little bit?” He teased
“I miss you everyday” I quickly slapped a hand over my mouth when I realized what I just said
He smiled sweetly, leaning down to place sweet and innocent pecks all over my face.
Finn started on my forehead, then he went to my temples, followed by the cheekbones, apple’s of the cheek, jaw, chin, side of my lips. Finn pulled back to search for any resistance signs and when he found none, he kissed my lips. A lazy kiss, that grew more urgent by the minute.
“Fuck, I missed you so much” He moaned, now kissing my neck
“Finn, wait. Wait a minute” I tried to pull his head back by his hair but that only made him moan.
“Finn!” I said harshly, finally having his attention
“What’s wrong, love? Don’t you want it? I thought that-“
“Have you seen anyone since we broke up?” I asked, not even letting him finish his sentence
“We didn’t break up! You asked me for some time and-“
“Finn, just answer the fucking question please” I pleaded
“No, I haven’t been with anyone in those 8 months. Except for my hand when I look at your pictures” He smirked
“You’re so ridiculous” I whispered in relief as my arms circled his waist
“So...do you still want to make love?” He eagerly asked
“We never made love, Finny. We’ve always fucked senseless” I laughed
“No! We’ve always made love it’s just that we’re more frantic about it” He chuckled
“Ok, we sleep together and then what?” I asked
“Then you stay here and I go back to my apartment” He simply said
My heart sunk in my chest as a faint “Oh, ok” left my lips
“So I can pack my clothes and bring them back home” He said, as a devilish smile grew on his face “That’s of course, if you want me here”
“Asshole” I lightly punched his chest “I thought you just wanted a one night stand and that’s it. You scared me!”
Finn chuckled, beckoning me closer to him
“You could never be just a one night stand, love. You fuck too good to be just a one time thing” He winked
“So you just want me for my bedroom skills, huh?” I teased
“Yes and no” He giggled “Yes, because no other woman fucks like you do” He bit my neck, growling “And no, because there’s so much more about you than the bedroom” He hugged my waist “You’re my best friend, my nurturer, my supporter, the air that keeps me alive, my everything!” He kissed me passionately
“Can we try again? Start over and leave all that shit behind us?” He whispered
“If you promise me that if we get back together, you won’t listen to other people’s gossip and will come to me whenever you hear somethi-“
“Yes!” He pecked my lips excitedly, as a wide smile took over his face “I promise you, love! That’ll never happen again, you have my word!” He gave me a bear hug and spun me around the kitchen
“Finn!” I squealed, when we almost fell to the ground “We’re going to wake up the kids” I giggled
“Oh no, shhhh” He shut me up with a kiss “We can’t let that happen! Because as much as I love our children, I haven’t gotten any in eight months and I can’t wait to change that with you right now” He pushed us towards the couch and laid on top of me
“But I thought you were going to go and get your clothes”
“I don’t need clothes, woman! You know I like to sleep naked” He winked
And roamed his head down to...
Please, if you’re comfortable with it, let me know your thoughts on this? Feedbacks are always appreciated 🥰😘
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hoebii · 4 years
Pairing : Min Yoongi x Reader
Genre : Angst, light Fluff
Warnings : Cheating,  grieving, past break up
Got inspired by the song ‘Who’ if you couldn’t tell sdaxhfvgf. Thank you @taegularities​ and @heejinnien​ for beta reading this and giving me pointers to make this better <3 This is the first fic that has been proof read and edited so we don’t die like men this time. As usual, send me any promts/ideas/requests you might have and I’ll try my best to do it justice. Feedback is always appreciated! :D 
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Our minds have new eyes and visions of you
Girl, I think I need a minute
To figure out what is, what isn't
The phone vibrated yet again, screen lighting up to display the caller ID. Yoongi decided to ignore it, head resting on his propped up hands.
There was a storm brewing inside his mind, and he didn’t know what to do anymore. 
He knew the people around him were worried, saw the concern in their eyes every time he passed by and he hated it. He hated that he let it get this far, hated how uncertain he felt.
His mind couldn’t help but go back to the past, the memories coming back to haunt him. 
These choices and voices, 
they're all in my head
Sometimes you make me feel crazy
Sometimes, I swear I think you hate me like uh
I need a walk, I need a walk, I need to get out of here “I’ll always love you, no matter what the world throws at us.” She spoke sternly, her hands cupping his face. At that moment he felt like he was on the top of the world, his heart skipping a beat when his eyes met hers.
“You promise?” 
“I promise, my love.” A scoff escaped Yoongi’s lips at the memory. “Bullshit,” he growled, gripping his hair, trying not to scream. “Why are you doing this?” He asked, tears streaming down his face as he stood by the door helplessly.
“I can’t keep doing this, Yoongi. I’m done,” she replied, continuing to pack her bags.
“We can fix this, please.”  “No we can’t! Open your eyes Yoongi, there’s no fixing this anymore.” 
He felt his heart shatter with each passing second as he stood there watching her. He moved towards her, grabbing her and pulling her in an embrace. He felt her stiffen at the contact but he refused to let go, heart racing.
 “Please…” he whimpered.
She sighed, melting into his embrace after a while, wrapping her hands around him. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know what came over me.”
“It’s fine… just, don’t do that again.”
“I promise.”
For some reason, he couldn’t feel at ease even after that.
Yoongi slammed his hand down on the table, his breathing erratic. He grabbed his jacket and phone before walking out of his studio, where he saw the other boys standing about. He knew they were here for him, but he couldn’t bring himself to care at the moment.
“Where are you going, hyung?” asked the maknae cautiously.
“For a walk, I need to clear my head.” Yoongi replied, brushing past his concerned members and out of the building. 
'Cause I need to know
Who are you?
'Cause you're not the girl I fell in love with, baby
Who are you?
'Cause something has changed, you're not the same, I hate it
He rushed down the sidewalk, no destination in mind. His head was down, hood of his jacket up and his hands shoved inside his pockets.
He slowed down after some time, legs tired from walking for so long. Looking around to inspect his surroundings, Yoongi realised he had walked to the park near her house. The same park where they had their first date, the park where they came to look for peace when it all became too much. It held such precious memories, before when he looked back on those, his heart would swell with affection, body warm from happiness. But now, it did nothing except hurt him more. His heart ached as he relived the sweet memories that would always turn bitter.
“Look at those kids! They’re so cute!” She gushed, leaning against Yoongi, hands intertwined in her lap. 
Yoongi chuckled as he watched the children run past them, laughter filling the air as they played around. 
“I wonder how our children are gonna look? Well, then again, with parents like us they’re bound to be amazing!”
Yoongi hummed, playing with her fingers, heart picking up its pace at the thought of their possible future.
Yoongi sat on the bench overlooking the park. His eyes scanned the area, thinking about all the memories he had created here. His mind drifted off to the last time he’d been here, his heart constricting in pain.
He was waiting at the gate of the park, looking for her with flowers in her hand. His gummy smile impossible to hide, heart thrumming happily; it was their anniversary after all! He swayed back and forth, excitement barely kept under control when he thought about all the plans he’d made for them to enjoy the day.
15 minutes passed with still no sign of her. Yoongi checked his clock one more time before he called her again. Her phone rang a few times before it sent him to her voicemail yet again. 
Feeling disappointment slowly take over his heart, he deflated a little.
Had she forgotten? She couldn’t have, right? Perhaps she’s stuck at work, thought Yoongi to himself. He shook his head before deciding to enter the park. Taking a walk might help, and who knows? Maybe she’ll arrive in that time too! He tried convincing himself, not wanting to lose hope just yet.
He walked by the little ice cream stand they had in the park when he thought he saw someone familiar stand near it. He squinted at the figure, their back was turned towards him. He shrugged and was about to walk away, to continue his walk through the park when the person turned around.
Yoongi’s eyes widened in shock when he saw his lover standing there, laughing with another man. He felt his heart turn to dust when he saw her lean up to kiss him. 
“S-sweetheart?” Yoongi stuttered out loud, at which her head whipped around to face him, her expression akin to a deer caught in headlights, mouth falling open.
“Y-yoongi, I can explain.”
Yoongi shook his head, eyes filled with unshed tears. He dropped the flowers and ran away, paying no mind to her calls. 
Yoongi leaned back on the bench, lips lifted into a bitter smile. One of his hands ran through his hair, ruffling it as he said out loud, “Should’ve realised before. Why did I ever believe you?”
Oh, I'm sick of waiting for love, love
Oh, I know that you're not the one, one
Feeling hypnotized by the words that you said
Don't lie to me, just get in my head
When the morning comes, you're still in my bed
But it's so, so cold
It had been days since the incident at the park and Yoongi was a mess. He had kicked her out of his house the next day, but he couldn’t keep her out of his mind. 
His friends told him to move on, that she wasn’t good for him, but he couldn’t. He needed answers.
He had finally gathered up enough courage to face her again, finally answering her calls, and calling her over. He told himself he wouldn’t let himself be swayed by her, that he was only doing this to get answers, nothing more.
But there he was now, laying awake beside her, staring off into space, mind once again in chaos. This wasn’t how he wanted the night to unravel, but her sweet words lured him in, hypnotized him. He was weak when it came to her, it didn’t surprise either of them that he had given in so easily.
Her sweet lies got into his head, making his mind fuzzy, heart beating fast as if this was the first time they had been together. But now that it was over, his mind was overthinking everything. It felt cold, his heart heavy with emotions he didn’t want to deal with. 
He wanted to let go and savour this night, wanted to forget how his heart ached at the mere sight of her. But he felt so, so cold, so filthy and used. No matter how much he tried to suppress those feelings, he couldn’t, so he laid there, regretting everything. 
Who are you?
'Cause you're not the girl I fell in love with
Who are you?
'Cause you're not the girl I fell in love with, baby
Who are you? (Who are you?)
'Cause something has changed, you're not the same, I hate it
Oh, I'm sick of waiting for love, love
Oh, I know that you're not the one, one
Yoongi sat there, his mind running a thousand miles per second. He had his eyes closed and head leaned back, trying to keep the tears at bay.
His thoughts came to a halt when he felt someone situate themselves beside him. He cracked one eye open to look at who it was. 
His heart clenched again, this time from guilt, when he saw it was his dearest maknae that had come  to him. 
“Did you follow me here, Jungkook-ah?”
“I was worried… I didn’t want you to do something rash,” came a timid reply from the man beside him.
Yoongi chuckled, sitting up straight. “I’m not going to do anything rash, Jungkook. Don’t worry.”
“I’m still worried though, I miss you. You haven’t spent any time with us, with me, for such a long time now. You know we’re all here for you. It might hurt but keeping it all in won’t make it better, so let us help you, hyung. Let us be there for you,” Yoongi heard Jungkook say, concern pouring from each of his words.
Yoongi hummed, processing Jungkook’s words for a while. 
“You’re right.”
“I… am?”
“Yeah,” Yoongi started, looking at Jungkook, “I shouldn’t have pushed you all away. I’m sorry for being so distant.”
“..Will you come back to the dorms then? It feels so empty without you.” 
Yoongi stared at Jungkook, heart feeling a tad lighter than before. “Yeah. Yeah, I will.”
Jungkook looked at Yoongi, his doe eyes sparkling. “Do you feel any better? Do you want to go get food with me? I’ll pay!”
“Not really, it still hurts, but your little speech there made me realise I don’t have to do this alone. I have you guys and I’m sure that with you all by my side I’ll feel like the old me soon enough,” Yoongi said, ruffling Junkook’s hair - Jungkook whining at him for ruining his hair -, giving him a small smile. Jungkook beamed back, happy with the answer he’d received.
“Let’s go get lamb skewers, my treat, for ignoring you for this long,” Yoongi said, standing up from the bench. Jungkook exclaimed happily and started walking towards the park exit, smiling brightly.
Yoongi was about to follow when he felt his phone buzz again. Taking it out to check, he realised it was another text from her, but this time rather than ignoring it, he opened the text thread.
He quickly typed one last message to her before blocking the contact and following Jungkook out of the park. His first step towards healing and he couldn’t help but feel proud.
‘You’ve changed, you’re not the one for me anymore. Stop trying to contact me, Y/N. We’re over for good.’
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thenextchapter22 · 3 years
Angel of the Three Realms
PART 7!!
Description: You were an Angel who went to the human world to escape punishment for loving Lucifer only to be brought back into his life, this time in the Devildom where you pretend to be human.
In this chapter: Everything is perfect, even with your love still a secret, and being home with everyone and flying is all you could ask for...
Tags: Unrequited Love, Fluff, Angst, WIP
Pairing(s): Lucifer/Reader
Word Count: 2.3k
Link to my AO3: Click Here
Authors Note: Guys, this is the second to last chapter :( Thank you to all those who kept reading, I’m really happy you liked this work. Please enjoy~
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six
You had the most magical time just simply being with the brothers. Not doing anything special, only talking in your room, tossing popcorn at each other and snuggling. They were always so warm, and you’d never turn away a hug.
But eventually they had to go to their own thing, so that left you some time alone. Mostly with your thoughts, which strayed here and there as you stretched on your bed. Thankfully they had put it back to the way it was before the spell to make it larger.
School was on temporary break per Lord Diavolo’s orders (and although he didn’t say it directly, you knew it was because of you, and he wanted you to have some time off).
There was a knock on the door again. But this time, someone else spoke out on the other side.
“May I come in?” Lucifer called out.
You stood up quick and straightened out your clothes, fixing your hair. It had a slight curl to it from Asmo’s braiding. Lucifer at your door was a rare thing indeed, plus you wanted to look presentable after having popcorn thrown at you.
Letting him inside, he glanced around at the slight mess that still remained. Stray blankets, the TV was still moved from its spot, and some chairs had been pushed away to make room for the larger bed that had been there.
He turned back to you, and said, “I had stopped by earlier, but heard you all having so much fun I didn’t want to ruin it all.”
You blinked in surprise. “Oh, you could have joined us, you know.”
He waved his gloved hand dismissively. “No, you needed time with them. They needed time with you.”
Biting your lip, you had to ask. “Did you… hear anything we said?”
His lips quirked a bit but he didn’t not smile. “If you’re referring to you speaking about Michael, then, yes, I happened to hear it.”
So you eavesdropped, you wanted to say, but instead you pushed that away. It probably wasn’t on purpose.
“I hope its okay I told them about Michael… I don’t want to keep any more secrets.”
“Of course, dove, I had planned on telling them myself.”
You shivered at the nickname that flew so easily from his lips, and nodded, your hair bouncing. “Good, I’m glad.”
You watched his gaze flicker to your shoulders before he sighed. “I don’t want to upset you but I feel like we should talk about everything that’s happened.”
“Oh! Uh, okay. Do you want to sit then?” you gestured to the table. “I can make us some tea really fast.”
He did sit, but shook his head. “The tea isn’t needed. Let’s just talk.”
Talking wasn’t as easy as he made it seem. But you did sit opposite him at the little brown wooden table, and crossed your ankles and folded your hands under your chin. “All right, shoot.”
He smirked. “So eloquent.”
You winked. “Always.”
Really, you just wanted to ease the tension in the room. It was too stuffy and a bit suffocating. You were nervous for his questioning, like he was a detective asking you, a criminal, if you had done the murder.
Lucifer didn’t look at you for a moment, instead stared at the table, tapping his fingers on the edge. Then he stopped, and looked up at you with intensity in those gorgeous eyes. “I can’t apologize enough for how stupid I was to not see you when you first came here. Despite the spell, even so.”
You frowned. “Oh, Luci—”
He kept going. “But I don’t understand why you didn’t tell me. I need to know. Why did you leave? What happened to make you leave?”
You knew the question would come. Still you were not prepared for it. “I just… it’s hard to say why. There were lots of reason.” Lies. Only one: him.
He always saw right through you. Narrowing eyes spoke of that. “You’re not being truthful with me.”
“I know, I’m sorry.”
He paused. His tone seemed lighter next he spoke, “Did you at least have a happy life?”
That was just like the brothers’ question. “I did…mostly.”
“Hm. Tell me more. I want to hear about your life, what I missed.”
“You do?” you whispered.
“Of course. Unless you don’t want to tell me. You’ve changed so much since I last saw you.”
“In a good way, or bad?”
He chuckled. “A bit of both, I think.”
You smiled. “Okay.” You thought about everything you’d been through, and decided to start off with a high note. “There was a stretch of years where I lived in a small town by the sea. Everyone knew everyone, and there was kindness all around. My favorite thing to do was fly over the water in the moonlight. The ocean breeze and the smell of salt air was amazing.” You inhaled like you were there, and he gently reached out and brushed his fingers over your cheek. You held in a whimper. “I had to leave at one point, when the kids started to become adults and I stayed the same as I was.”
“That must’ve been difficult to do over and over. Establish relationships and then leave.”
You nodded, and sighed. “It had to be done…”
“I do have to wonder… why you didn’t become Human once your arrival on the surface world. You have no Halo but you do have wings, and celestial magic… It’s against all that Heaven stood for.”
You had wondered it yourself many times. But then you had other things to worry about, like your pretend human life. Evolving with them, learning and teaching, building relationship and ending them many times over. It was fun and fantastic and everything you never had dreamed of when you first left. So, only for a few short moments did you ponder that question Lucifer asked, and replied back.
“I did wonder but… I wouldn’t be able to find any answers. I had too much to do.”
Lucifer smiled. “I’m proud of you.”
Your heart clenched. “You—you are?”
“I am. You’ve done amazing things in your life. I couldn’t have wished for anything better. Losing all these years with you…” He frowned. “I will admit thinking about how much time I’ve spent here, with my memories of you gone… That I didn’t have the strength to break free.”
“You couldn’t have known,”
“While that’s true, I still hate it.”
“And so, now that I have you here with me, I will make the best of it. We will together.”
Together. Just not the way you wanted.
Perhaps, in time, maybe some years in the future, you would be brave enough to finally speak up. But right now wasn’t the best time. Or you could just be a true coward to your own feelings. You had a stray thought of ‘what it this was hurting Lucifer more than telling him would be?’
“I promise you, my dear, if I were to ever see Michael again…” And Lucifer’s forehead glowed where his black triangle usually lay, dark clouds forming the shape but not fully changing him. “…I’ll kill him.”
Life was back to normal. Only, it was better. Truth was out, and a freedom of the soul with it. You were truly able to be you, at least in the way you looked. Sure, your wings were still tucked away but you knew they weren’t a secret to be hidden away anymore.
The first day you were told you could fly again, you shot out of bed that very morning and, after breakfast, ran to the courtyard. It was a beautiful Devildom day, no clouds, not too hot or cold, and the winds were just right.
“She’s gonna fly! Everyone, come and see her wings!” Mammon shouted.
There was the sound of a stampede and before you knew it, the entirety of the House of Lamentation was there, and Purgatory Hall even somehow ended up.
You were very nervous. It had been months since you’d flown. But you knew it was going to be as easy as getting back on a bicycle as the humans say.
“Go on, dearie, we know you’re going to be beautiful. Spread your wings and fly~” Asmo shouted.
You grinned at him, and heard everyone else shout out words of encouragement. It was honestly really sweet. Luke was jumping up and down, waving his arms. He hadn’t gotten wings yet so he was super excited.
Satan didn’t have wings so he wasn’t as cheery, but he still gave you a soft smile and told you to go for it.
Then, lastly, you heard Lucifer speak. He wasn’t shouting like the others, but your focused hearing caught his words. “Fly, just as you used to: with passion.”
So with that, you changed, wings sprouting out like fireworks of white bursting open, and like a rocket you shot up into the sky. There was cheering and screaming, but as you went higher, soaring around the clear skies, you could only hear the wind rushing in your ears, and your heart pounding. The pure delight in flying never would leave you.
The sky wasn’t just yours for long. You looked to your left and saw Asmodeus’ bat wings flapping as he twirled in circles. He looked majestic, and you saw he had his hair pinned back with clips. He winked and flew a bit lower, and you laughed.
Mammon flew past you in a burst of speed, the back winds hitting you hard but you steadied yourself. “Hey, slow down!” you teased.
He stuck out his tongue from in front of you, and circled you once. “No way, you’re so slow,” he shouted with a stupid grin before speeding ahead.
You laughed at them. This was so much fun. You shut your eyes for a moment, feeling the wind in your face, rustling your hair. Your wings ached gloriously. The tickling of it against your feathers. It was pure magic.
“Always with your head in the clouds.”
You saw Lucifer then, full form, four wings dark and incredible behind him. His hair looked perfect in the wind, and he eased up next to your right and kept pace.
“I know,” you said with a smile. “I do my best thinking here.”
“Well, then, next time a test comes up, please go flying first.”
You laughed. “All right, but only if you come with me?”
He smiled. “Of course, dove.”
You hummed. You moved away a bit, and twirled once, giggling, and found his gaze softened. “Why did you call me that? You used to when I was younger, and you also did when I first came here. I don’t know why, when you were under that spell…”
He slowed his speed a bit until he stopped, and you had to circle back to meet him. The two of you thousands of feet above the Devildom ground, floating in the air.
“It’s quite the conundrum isn’t it?” He paused. “Memories don’t just vanish. These spells can’t remove a memory, only cloak it, and hide it away. So it’s always there, somewhere in your mind, waiting to resurface again.”
You frowned. He was sort of right. It was like when you worked as a temp nurse in a hospital, and the coma patients eventually got their memory back with time and patience.
Suddenly, Lucifer smiled at you, like a Morningstar of darkness. “I suppose a part of me just… couldn’t forget you.”
What? Your wings fumbled a bit in astonishment, and he reached out to grab at your upper arms. There was a large frown on his face and his brow was furrowed. “Steady. You’re stronger now but I think it’s time to head back down.”
You said nothing, only let him lead you both to the ground. Everyone gathered around and you were brought out of your head to them patting your arms and saying how amazing you were.
A part of you was still stuck on what just was said, but you pulled yourself together. “Thanks everyone! I want to fly with all of you soon.”
You looked at Satan, who was frowning. He sighed. So you walked to him and took his hand. He blushed. “The two of us can do something else, or if you want I can take you flying?”
He shook his head. “No thank you. I’m not a fan of… heights…” He smiled. “But I appreciate it.”
Belphie made a soft noise. “I want extra naps on your lap as compensation.”
You chuckled. “Easily done, Belphie.”
Levi frowned from beside Satan. “What about me?”
You took his hand next, to which he panicked externally and internally, and said the same thing to him.
Levi stuttered a bit, “W-w-well we can go swimming instead. I know a lake that’s perfect this time of year where you can rent tube floats nearby and there’s a really cool waterfall that makes rainbows.”
You nodded. “Sounds perfect. Speaking of water, I’m thirsty so I’m going to grab a drink.”
Leaving them behind, you went to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water, downed it, and exhaled. You placed your hands on the marble countertop and scrunched your nose while you thought.
‘a part of me just… couldn’t forget you.’
Did Lucifer love you? As more than a… friend? Was it possible? Those words seemed to have an underlying meaning to them, you were almost positive. Because if he did love you, he would say so, right? He was Pride, but wouldn’t love overcome that tenfold?
You laughed aloud, and shook your head. “I’m an idiot. Of course he doesn’t.”
Still, those words echoed in your head all day and night, even appearing in your dreams. Haunting or teasing, you were not sure.
But when you woke up to a new family, you shoved that part away. You had to put the past where it belonged: the past. You were home, Michael could not get you here, and you were safe to live your life as you chose. And you chose to live it to the fullest.
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babi-correia · 4 years
From Anon:
15 and 52 with jay halstead x depressed/stubborn reader whos also in intelligence please? thanks 👍🏻 
Words: 2057 Warnings: Canon-typical violence Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader A/N: Hope you like it!
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“What’s up your ass today, (Y/L/N)?”
Any other day, that sentence would be playful banter that you’d engage and reply at the same level. Any other day, you would be in a good mood, even in the early morning. Any other day, you would not want to murder Adam the moment those words left his lips. But today was not any other day.
“Would you mind ever so kindly minding your own fucking business, Ruzek?” You snap, sitting at your desk and logging into your computer to begin the workday.
“Have you had your coffee yet? You sound like you need a caffeine fix.” Adam continues, continuing to push your nerves. You glare at him over the screen, the murderous intent clear as day in your eyes.
“Adam, either you cut it out or the case we’ll be solving today will be your murder.” You growl, sinking back into the chair and watching the computer screen as it loads. You take a pencil from the mug on your desk and twirl it around your fingers, trying to distract yourself.
You clench your jaw when Jay walks in and it goes unnoticed by precisely no one, Adam raising his brow as the pencil in your hand cracks slightly under your grip. Voight walks out of his office, waving a folder in his hand as Jay sits down.
“Halstead, you’re late.” Voight remarks, opening the folder and sticking some pictures onto the whiteboard. “We have a hot case. Some kids were playing on the trail when they found a woman’s body. Tracy Delaya, 25, choked briefly before being stabbed.”
“I’ve seen this M.O. before, back in Homicide.” You say, pointing at the peculiar stab pattern. “All women, early twenties, and by the pattern of the stabbing, I’d say she’s a Taurus.”
“What?” Adam is the one voicing the collective confusion as you get up and take a closer look at the stab wounds on the victim. You get back to your computer, pulling up the cold case files and printing them.
“Back when I was in Homicide we caught a string of cases like this.” You say, grabbing the freshly printed paper and pinning it to the whiteboard beside Tracy’s picture. “Anna, Clara, Dora, Patricia, and now Tracy. Anna was Capricorn, Clara was Aquarius, Dora was Pisces, Patricia was Aries, Tracy is Taurus. He’s following the star signs calendar with his murders.”
“We got some DNA evidence on Clara, she scratched him. The DNA was degraded to the point where we couldn’t get an ID, but we could determine it was male.” You grab the felt pen and begin to write under the pictures, scribbling the women’s names, ages, and star signs. “The stab wounds have the pattern of the star sign’s constellation. He’s going after a Gemini now.”
“Do you still have contact with witnesses and CIs involved in this case?” Voight asks, making you scratch the back of your neck as you think.
“It was a few years ago, but I’ll give it a shot.” You say, grabbing your badge and your gun from the top of your desk and clipping them on your pants’ waist.
“Take someone with you.” Voight calls out after you, and you don’t even stop to call the person.
“Adam, come on.” You say, strutting down the stairs. The rest of the team exchange confused looks before Adam follows you downstairs and into your car, sitting in the passenger seat and facing you with a questioning look on his face.
“It’s always Jay. Jay’s your partner. What the hell is going on, (Y/L/N)?” Adam asks as you start the car, your eyes fixated on the road.
“Well, maybe I want to change it up. Maybe I’m too mad at something to even be able to see Jay. Maybe I’m entitled to have feelings.” You say, getting a confused squeak from Adam right as his phone rings with a text message.
“See. He’s asking me why you’re mad at him.” Adam mumbles. “What happened? Why are you mad?”
“Maybe if he didn’t lie to me, I wouldn’t be mad.” You say, tapping your fingers on the steering wheel when you get to a red stoplight. “Maybe if I hadn’t believed that he was different and that we had something nice going on I wouldn’t be like this. I always get my hopes up and now I’m fucked, as per usual, and I’m fucking angry at it, and at myself for allowing me to believe something good was coming out of this.”
“Stop, freeze frame, rewind, hold on for a second.” Adam says, shaking his head as he tries to make sense of what you just said. “You had something nice going on? He lied to you? Are the two of you dating or something?”
“…It’s complicated.” You grumble, going forward as soon as the sign turns green. “We meet up after work for drinks at either his or my place, we talk for hours, it’s been really nice, you know? Like one of those cliché relationship starts from the movies. It was probably just some normal partner relationship and I read too much into it. Anyway, I got carried away into thinking it was something more, and I saw him with someone else yesterday.”
“This… This is confusing. But this is also grounds for me to win the bet.” Adam says, rubbing his hands as you raise your brow at him. “Who was he with, though?”
“Abby McSweeney.” You snap, your grip on the wheel tightening as Adam’s eyebrows reach his forehead. “His darling ex-who-isn’t-really-ex-wife.”
“Oh wow.”
“Yeah. So I’m pissed. Mostly at myself, but seeing his face definitely does not help.”
You can see Ruzek picking up his phone and typing fervently as you park the car. You shake your head and get out of the car, spotting a hooded man walking towards one of your previous witnesses.
Drawing your gun, you creep up until you see the man just a couple of steps away from your witness, something metallic glinting in his hand.
“Chicago PD!” You shout, aiming your gun and stalking forward, making the man stop in his tracks before turning around and running in the opposite direction. You turn to Adam, nodding with your head towards the witness. “Adam, stay with her!”
You take off running after the man, feeling your muscles burning as you sprint as fast as you can, turning corners and leaping obstacles.
“Goddamn it (Y/L/N), wait up!” Adam shouts, sounding out of breath. “50-21 Ida, requesting back-up, two plain clothed officers pursuing a suspect on foot.”
You cut your path through a narrow alley and will yourself to go faster, tackling the suspect to the ground. You shout when the knife in his hand connects with your arm and then knicks your face, making you wrestle the knife out of his grasp and away from him, landing a few solid punches before Adam catches up and points his gun at the man on the floor, reinforcing the idea that he had nowhere to go.
You get up and get your cuffs, arresting the man and wiping the blood off your face.
“Never mind that, Main. Suspect is in custody.” Adam says into his radio, turning to you. “You know that fighting people, both verbal and physically, isn’t the only solution available for when things don’t go your way, right?”
The rest of the day seems to trickle by slowly, annoying you to no end. When the clock finally reaches the clock-out time, all of you get up and gather your things to go home for the day.
“Anyone up to go to Molly’s?” Kevin asks, giving everyone puppy eyes. You shake your head, putting on your jacket.
“Not me, I’m going home.” You say, gathering your house keys and jacket. “Long day, I’m sore, I need a bath and my bed.”
“Oh c’mon (Y/N), please join us!” He begs, hugging you from behind and making you chuckle.
“I’m really not in the mood Kev, I’m sorry. Some other time, ok?” You negotiate, making him let you go.
You wave your goodbyes at everyone before making your way down the stairs, making your way to your car. You exit the precinct’s doors and see the tanned brunette standing by Jay’s car, your blood beginning to boil over once again before you shake your head and briskly walk towards your car.
You unlock the driver’s door and get in, just sitting behind the wheel for a while as you watch the rest of the team leave the precinct through your rear-view mirror. With a clenched jaw, you watch as Jay goes to her. You fire up the engine and put on your seatbelt, pulling out of the parking lot and driving back to your apartment.
You curse internally as you park your car in front of your apartment building and see Jay’s GMC pulling up on the opposite side; before, living across the street from your partner and best friend seemed like a godsend, but now it just seemed like a cruel punishment. You turn off your car and undo your seatbelt, trying to get out of the car and into the apartment building before Jay notices that you’re only just arriving as well, but no such luck.
He crosses the road in a jog, catching up to you as you’re making your way up the stairs and grabbing your arm, turning you around.
“What’s going on?” He asks, his blue eyes pleading as he tries to find the answer on your face. “We’re partners, and today you ditched me for Ruzek? You didn’t even talk to me all day. What did I do?”
“Nothing.” You say, pulling your arm out of his grasp. You hate yourself for how much you’re about to lie, but you can’t let him know the truth. “Just felt like switching it up a bit.”
You unlock the outer door, greeting your downstairs neighbor as you pass by her in the hallway. You can hear Jay hot on your tail and curse internally, hoping he just gets the message and leaves you alone.
“You’re not acting like usual, (Y/N). Please, talk to me.”
“Aren’t we all not acting like usual?” You can’t help yourself but remark, rolling your eyes at him. You can hear a little shocked huff coming from Jay as you unlock the door and take one step inside before turning around and blocking the entrance for him. “Look, Jay, I just want to relax a bit and tend to my cuts and sore muscles, ok? Just leave it.”
“I can’t leave it.” He says, planting his hand firmly on the door as you move to close it. “I want to know what I did wrong.”
“You didn’t do anything wrong; I was the one screwing up.” You say, hating the tremble that presents itself in your voice. “I was the one dumb enough to believe you’d ever see me as anything more than a partner and a friend, I was the one dumb enough to believe anyone could love me. Truth is, I don’t deserve to be loved, and I fooled myself into thinking otherwise. I hope you and Abby are happy.”
You’re sniffling by the end of your little rant, your eyes glued on the floor as silence fills the hallway. You meekly move to close the door, feeling the tears brimming your eyes when Jay bursts inside, nearly tackling you. He holds you up and closes the door with his foot, eyes wide with disbelief.
“You think me and Abby are together?” He asks, his eyebrows furrowed. “I’m not, this is a huge misunderstanding, oh my god. I’ve been meeting her because we’re finally formalizing the divorce. I served her papers a couple weeks ago. And what bullshit it that about not deserving to be loved? You’re one of the most lovable people I know, (Y/N). Hell, I don’t even know how long I fell head over heels with you, but I did, and I fell so fucking hard, you have no idea.”
The tears fall from your face as he gently cups it, leaning his forehead against yours as you start laughing hysterically before he leans in and presses a gentle kiss on your lips.
“Want to stay and watch a movie?”
“Of course.”
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Fallen Idols: Part One
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 1,801
Warnings: typical supernatural violence, language, angst, blood, you know the usual
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. Any and all comments on these are appreciated. I really want to hear what you guys think about this one!
Feedback is the glue that holds my writing together.
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There comes a time in everyone’s life where fairy tales and make believe are simply that. Cinderella is only a fairy tale, there is no wicked witch of the west coming to get you, the monsters under your bed are only lumps of lint that little kids believe to be eyes, and all the scary things kids believe to be out there can be explained away by normal objects.
Not you.
In your life, everything that adults believe to be fake are real. The monsters are real and they won’t stop until they have every last person in this world. There is no escaping the monsters under your bed because as you grow older, you realize those monsters are within yourself with no way out. Instead, you bury them deep and pretend they never existed in the first place. Bad idea. They always seem to come out in the end.
“So, what happened?” you asked as you stared at the ceiling of the car from the back seat. 
The drive was long, and you thought you would get a few hours in to sleep, but the brothers do not to know to keep things quiet. So, instead of sleeping, you decided to get re-familiar with the case that is just shouting for you.
“Dude suffers a head-on collision in a parked car. I'd say that's worth checking out,” Dean answered from the front seat.
“Yeah, definitely, uh, but, uh, we got bigger problems, don't you think?” Sam asked.
“I'm sure the apocalypse'll still be there when we get back.”
“Right, yeah, but I mean, if—if the Colt is really out there somewhere—”
“Sam, all we’ve been doing is searching for the Colt, and we have nothing on it. I’m sure wherever it is, it’s still going to be there when the case is done,” you sighed.
“Okay. But Y/N... I mean, if we're gonna ice the Devil—”
“This is what we're doing! Okay? End of discussion,” Dean shouted which caused an uncomfortable silence to form between the three people in the car. “It's just that this is our first real case, back at it together. You know, I think we ought to ease into it, put the training wheels back on.”
“So, you think I need training wheels,” Sam sighed.
“He didn’t say that,” you spoke quietly.
“No, 'we'. 'We' need training wheels, you, me, and Y/N. As a team. Okay?”
“Okay,” the younger brother nodded.
“Man, I really want this to be a fresh start, you know? For the three of us.”
“Does that mean we’re going to have weekly sleepovers, braid Sam’s hair, and talk about our feelings all night while wearing mud masks?” you joked with a smile. 
That seemed to lighten the air in the car, and both brothers grabbed whatever trash Dean had on the floor before throwing it back towards you. Giggling, you flicked off the candy wrappers and fast food junk off your stomach before closing your eyes.
This is going to be good for all three of you.
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Walking into the Sheriff’s department, you looked around for the man who could be in charge before approaching him. Reaching into your blazer’s inside breast pocket, you pulled out your fake FBI badge before flashing it to him.
“Agents Lennon, Bonham and Copeland,” you introduced the team before putting away your badge.
“Rick Carnegie,” the Sheriff shook hands with you and the brothers. “Good to know ya. So, you're here on account of Cal Hawkins' death?”
“That’s right.”
“Well, 'fraid you came a long way for nothing. We already booked the guy that did it.”
“I’m sorry,” you frowned, “who do you think did it?”
“Follow me,” he said before leading you to an interrogation room where a man sat with his head in his hands. 
The glass pane prevented him from seeing the four people behind the glass, but you wondered why he was there when this was most likely a ghost case. Rick grabbed a remote from a table before pointing it to the TV in the room to show the videotape that Jim, the person in the interrogation room took of him and his pal before the accident.
“Cal? Is something wrong?” Jim asked as he walked into the garage. 
There was a shelf blocking the car until Jim rounded the corner to show that Cal’s head was smashed through the windshield as if he had been traveling at a very high speed before getting into an accident even though the car was stationary.
“Oh my God, Cal. Cal!” Jim freaked before Rick turned off the TV and dropped the remote on the table.
“Sicko taped his own handiwork,” the sheriff sighed.
“I don’t follow,” Sam asked.
“It was Jim Grossman that killed Cal.”
“What, what?” Dean asked, shocked.
“Well, he was the only one on the scene for miles.”
“They were best friends.”
“Most violent crimes are committed by someone close to the victim.”
“No offense, Rick, but that kind of damage can only happen at a high speed of, say, eighty-miles-per-hour. How did it happen if the car never left the garage?”
“Drugs, maybe?” Rick blinked from the shock of the question. “Look, you know this ain't brain surgery, gentlemen and lady! Whatever it looks like, that's what it usually is. It's simple.”
“Well, we’d still like to talk to Jim anyway, if you don’t mind,” you smiled sweetly at the stranger. 
Rick shrugged before letting you enter the interrogation room with the brothers. Taking the chair on the right, Dean took the left and Sam stood behind you two.
“Hi, Jim, Agents Lennon, Bonham and Copeland. Why don’t you tell us what happened?”
“I was in the house when it happened, I didn't even see it.”
“For argument's sake, say we believe you—”
“Why would you? The cops didn't,” Jim interrupted your boyfriend.
“Well we're not your typical cops.”
“Please, just tell us what you saw,” Sam cut in gently.
“It's not what I saw, it's what I heard. Tires squealing, glass breaking,” Jim sighed. “It was the car that did it.”
“The car?”
“I mean, I heard about the curse, but I just thought it was a load of shit.”
“Curse, what do you—what do you mean, curse?” you asked.
“The car. Little Bastard.”
“Li—Little Bastard? As in the Little Bastard?” Dean gasped.
Here we go, in an instant, Dean went into fanboy mode.
“Wait, wait, wait, wait, uh, what's Little Bastard?” Sam asked.
“It's James Dean's car,” you and Dean answered at the same time before Dean added, “It's the one he was killed in.”
“Yeah, that's the one. Cal had been looking for it for years. I mean, hell, we both had. But he found it first.”
“Oh, we are definitely checking this out,” Dean whispered excitedly to you.
“Yeah,” you nodded.
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The car was still in the same state as it was from when Cal got into his accident. The windshield was still bloody from Cal’s head, but the rest of the car was pristine. There were other cars in this garage, but Dean couldn’t seem to take his eyes off this one in particular.
“You’re like a little kid in a candy store, babe,” you giggled.
“This is the real deal,” Dean chuckled as he walked around the car but never touched it.
“Okay, enlighten me,” Sam sighed since he didn’t know of the story behind Little Bastard.
“Well after James Dean died, his mechanic bought the wreckage, and he fixed it up. It repaid him by falling on him. Tony McHenry was killed when it locked up on the racetrack. I mean, death follows this car around like exhaust. Nobody touches it and comes away in one piece. Then, in nineteen-seventy, it vanished off the back of a truck. Nobody's ever seen it since. I'm telling you, man, if this car is Little Bastard, I will bet you dollars to donuts it's what killed the guy.”
“Look what you unleashed,” you whispered to Sam loud enough for Dean to hear. 
He gave you the ultimate bitch face for teasing him, but Sam moved the conversation along.
“So how do we find out if this is the real car?”
“Cal matched the VIN number, but the only real way to know is the engine number. Which is on the engine.”
“Great,” Sam sighed.
“Don’t worry, I can get it up. I’m not completely useless,” you smirked.
Your hands started moving around each other in opposite motions with your right hand moving clockwise and your left moving counterclockwise. A build-up of blue magic started forming around your fingers and from your palms. When the ball of magic got big enough, you hovered your hands above the car and let the magic cover it completely like a condom would to a cock. Once completely covered, you stepped back and lifted your hands which then raised the car. When the car was raised high enough for either brother to get underneath it, you stopped the motion and held it there.
“Wow,” both brothers said.
“You’re welcome.”
“You want me to do it?” Sam asked.
“No, no, I’ve—I’ve got it,” Dean gulped as he approached the car delicately. 
Even though your magic was holding it up, the ghost of the car could overpower it and slam on Dean if he wasn’t carefully. As if you would ever let that happen, but he didn’t want to risk anything.
“Okay, baby. I'm not gonna hurt you, so... don't hurt me,” he said before lying down on a roller board with a pencil in his mouth. 
He rolled himself under the car so that his eyes were level with the number printed on the engine. Dean clutched the piece of paper he was going to use to copy the number down on when the car creaked.
“Need a flashlight?” Sam asked as he looked underneath the car.
“No,” Dean startled, “don't do anything, just go away. Don't speak. Alright? In fact, don't even look at her, she might not like it.”
“Dean, you’re okay. Nothing is going to happen to you,” you assured as Sam stood back up. 
Dean scratched the number onto the paper before quickly sliding out from underneath the car. When he knew he was free, he spit the pencil out before exhaling deeply and standing up.
“Find out who owned it,” Dean asked his brother as he handed the paper over. “Not just the last owner, you gotta take it all the way back to nineteen-fifty-five.”
“That’s a lot of research,” Sam groaned.
“Well, I guess I just made your afternoon,” he chuckled. 
Rolling your eyes slightly, you carefully lowered the car to the ground before your magic dissolved to nothing once it was safe to do so.
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angelaiswriting · 5 years
Light | Tommy Shelby x reader
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[original picture: pexels]
✏️ Pairing: Tommy Shelby x fem!reader
✏️ Summary: It’s a peaceful morning the one Y/N and Tommy wake up to in the wagon they took to escape the city for a day or two. (Requested by Anonymous)
✏️ A/N: I hope this short story will manage to brighten up your day a bit. If you ever need a friend to vent to, I’m here 💛
✏️ Beta-read by @sweetvengeancee
✏️ Warnings: fluff (+ slight mentions of a night spent making love)
✏️ Word-count: 2,094
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She wakes up to light – blinding, warm light that seeps in through the opening of the wagon that Tommy has borrowed from Johnny. It pulls on her muscles, makes her skin tingle as she slowly swims back towards the surface of her placid, dreamless sleep.
A pleasant soreness has settled into her limbs, and she’s sure her skin is littered with kisses and hickeys and bruises in each and every place Tommy has touched her. The feeling has a lazy smile to stretch across her lips as she hums, her eyes still closed even though the dawn light is insistent on the other side of her closed eyelids.
Her butt presses into the blankets and her back arches and for a moment, she feels like a cat as she gently stretches her back, one tired vertebra after the other until also her neck is arching, welcoming the new day.
The air is different – and it’s the first thing the rational part of her mind notices. It’s crisp, almost chilly, and so clean it almost makes her head dizzy, her nostrils itch as her lungs feel light in her chest. A nice and welcome difference compared to what she usually breathes in Birmingham – and in Small Heath above all.
The second thing she becomes aware of is Tommy’s breath brushing the skin of her shoulder, right across the bruise she got at The Garrison two busy nights before. It’s warm, almost wet and it makes her smile grow wider the more she realizes where she is – in a wagon with her childhood crush, away from the chaos and the troubles of the city.
She peaks one eye open and all she sees for a moment is white, blinding light and the small crochet curtain covering the entrance of the wagon Tommy has left open last night. It flutters in the wind like a leaf and each time the morning breeze sends it flying in and upward, she gets a glimpse of green – and of the peach and pink of the sky as it slowly awakens.
It calms and excites her at the same time and when she opens her other eye, too, she feels like a new person. It’s almost as though Tommy burned the old her to ashes with his lips and his body and she is now reborn like a phoenix.
It feels good. And as she props herself up on her elbows and lets the blanket fall down her body to let the breeze wash over her still-tingling skin, she finds herself wishing she could stay right here until her dying day. No worries, no troubles to fix or run away from, no cars, no smoke and certainly, no shit-covered Small Heath anymore. It’s a dream, and an impossible one at that, but for a moment she wants to believe – believe it’s possible for her to run away, for Tommy to leave everything behind, for them to have a life away from the death that lurks behind every corner in Birmingham.
She remains still for endless minutes, staring at the ever-changing colours of the sky as the hues go from warm to colder ones until there’s light blue winking at her at the horizon. It’s then that she turns to her right, half-expecting to find Tommy already awake and intent in staring at her, too lost in his own thoughts to let her aware of the fact that his eyes have been trained on her for a while.
But Tommy is sleeping – and it’s a first: he’s either out of bed running his business or staring at her when she wakes up. Today is different for him, too, she thinks as her smile slowly fades away. It’s not out of sadness nor is it out of worry. There’s a warm, lazy feeling stretching inside her as she watches him sleep: she doesn’t remember the last time he’s seen him like this. The Thomas Shelby everyone is terrified of is no more, for he’s left his place to the old Tom nobody has seen after the war.
He’s beautiful like that – there’s no denying that, there’s no hiding that. The lines of his face are softer, no wrinkles of expression are visible anymore. And as his eyes run back and forth behind his eyelids, his lashes flutter above his cheekbones. They’re long, his eyelashes, long and black and they brush against freckled pale skin. His lips – plump and pink and still a little bruised – are set in a slight pout, one Tommy would never consciously wear when awake.
But like this… God, like this, it’s different. It’s like staring at a completely new person – and even better than that: it’s like finding again someone she thought she had lost forever, swallowed up by the horrors of the war. She feels younger as she looks at him – she feels fifteen again, and it’s like losing her virginity all over again with the only difference that now she’s seen the man she had spent days wondering how he’d one day be.
It’s a good difference, of course, but it makes her long for something they can’t seem to be able to have – peace and tranquillity and a clean mind. Sometimes she thinks about dragging him away from the city, away from its dangers and away from his enemies, but it’d equal to killing him slowly, one day at a time, she reasons. He’s bled so deep into the Peaky Blinders that sometimes, it feels like he’s only that, like there’s no more to him than the Tommy Shelby everyone at The Garrison knows.
She stretches her hand out, traces the line of his jaw with light fingers. And she smiles. It’s the only thing she can do as she stares as the man that managed to fuck her up sleeps.
There’s no running away from Birmingham for her, either. It’s a sudden and unexpected realisation, but it’s also the truth. There’s no running away, not when she has all she needs there – a man that worships her, a family that loves her, friends that cherish her. Happiness. It’s happiness, even when it doesn’t feel like it, even when the smokes of the city fog up her eyes. She has Tom and his siblings, she has the friends of a lifetime, she has a better job than the one her parents grew up dreaming for her…
Staying doesn’t feel that heavy a burden, not when she thinks of the frame she’s built around her picture with the things and the people she loves. But a getaway? A getaway will always feel like a blessing – and she doesn’t even need much: a wagon, a horse, some food and the one person she’s sworn to marry as a kid. Marriage is not in sight as of now – if it ever will be –, but the child she has spent her days running after is there, and that’s what matters.
And her touch on him is light, for she doesn’t want to wake him up. She doesn’t remember the last time he’s had such a peaceful slumber, and she doesn’t want to be the one to interrupt it, not if she can avoid it.
Her thumb brushes across his lower lip as her hand cradles the side of his face.
He looks innocent – like he’s never seen the horrors he’s seen, like he’s never done the things he’s done, said the things he’s said. The early-morning light seems to kiss his skin, even the reddened tip of his nose. And there are goosebumps on his arms, but he doesn’t raise from his sleep, doesn’t register the chilly morning starting to chirp and shine outside.
If she could take a picture of him like this, she would. She would eternalise this moment on film just to then waste the rest of her life staring at the photograph, treasuring it like the most precious of her belongings.
For a few invaluable moments, he’s young and innocent and she feels blessed, for she’s able to see it, to witness that big of a change happen right on his face.
He wakes up slowly, just not as slowly as she did. He hums in his sleep, swallows, and his lips part as he exhales from his mouth. His eyes scrunch tightly against the stubborn light of day but when her hand slides away from his face, they’re quick at opening. The fair light blue sets on her as his hand wraps around her wrist and when he sees it’s her – it’s just her –, he smiles.
“Hi.” His voice is groggier than usual and he has to clear it for a moment as he brings her hand to his chest, presses it right on his Romani sun.
She smiles, lies down closer to him, presses a kiss to his arm before nuzzling the side of his shoulder with her nose. “Morning.”
“Were you staring at me?”
It somehow makes her chuckle – and it’s low and airy, it feels as light as the crochet curtain still dancing in the wind. “What if I were?”
He doesn’t answer, he just… He just smiles. He looks at her with one of those knee-melting smiles she rarely sees these days and she finds him more blinding than the morning sun – and also warmer, wilder – kinder than he lets himself be in Birmingham.
He’s twenty again, a few years before the war came and took him away, and she’s just as young, hopeful for the future peeking from behind the corner of the end of her adolescence. It’s like a jump back in time, and it feels good. It erases anything else for a moment or two and there’s just the two of them left, right here in this wagon, naked under the blankets, with their bodies still carrying the signs of a night spent making love to each other.
“That would be creepy.” There’s no real conviction behind his words, for he’s still half-asleep and in this state, he’d let her do anything.
She chuckles, scoots closer and nuzzles her cheek against his arm. “Oh, so it’s creepy if I stare at you while you sleep, but it’s not when you do it?”
He exhales loudly from his nose as his smile stretches and widens, and for a moment there’s just almost-complete silence. The leaves whispers outside as they tremble on the branches; a bird chirps not far from there and underneath those sounds, there’s Tommy’s breathing – slow and paced and peaceful, for once. He’s relaxed against hers and his right hand is still holding onto her left, fingers uncomfortably entwined under the blanket, but neither seems to care.
“You’re perfect while I’m…”
“Still the child I used to crush on,” she smiles, pressing a kiss to his skin. “I see him again today, in here, away from the lives we normally carry on.”
He chuckles – and it’s quiet, almost barely there. “How does he look?”
“Tired,” she admits, moving her head until she’s staring up at the side of his face as he looks at the ceiling of the wagon. “But he’s still there. And there’s light,” she adds as she lovingly squeezes his hand in hers.
When he turns his head to look at her, there’s the whole weight of his years on his face and the child she once knew is gone. It’s not a bad thing, though – we must all step out of the dream sooner or later and sometimes, it’s unexpected. It’s not a bad thing for this is still the man she loves – even when he has trouble showing her his feelings, even when he turns overprotective and even when they feel oceans apart.
“That’s because you are my light,” he says in a whisper, eyes fixed on hers and voice so faint it’s almost like a secret, like a confession given in a church.
It comes as a surprise even when it shouldn’t, even when this has always been clear – both at nine and at twenty-nine. His words still make her smile, though, and she feels light and weightless, floating in the morning breeze under a sky turning more and more blue with each passing minute.
She doesn’t tell him he’s her light, too, for he wouldn’t believe her – not yet, at least, not as long as he’ll linger in the dark corners of his mind. But it’s alright: they still have time.
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* PB requests can be submitted until September 29 at 23:59 Italian time (UTC +2)
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Everything: @idhrenniel @saibh29 @fuckthatfeeling @aya-fay @pebblesz892  @mblaqgi​ @becs-bunker
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mirkwoodshewolf · 5 years
Mother Rey, little sunshine; Rey x child reader
*Author’s note*
Okay so this request has been on hold for literally months so I hope the anon who finds this I APOLOGIZE FOR KEEPING U WAITING FOR SO LONG. And also I apologize in advance if this feels rushed or if it ends up bad, I tried my best with this fic but I hope you all still like it in the end. And please no hating on this character, if you don’t like Rey fics then DON’T BOTHER READING THEM. 
Not really any warnings per-say but maybe some swearing? Other than that it’s just some fluff.
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*Rey’s POV*
I don’t really know how it all began.  I guess it must’ve happened while I was in the market selling what I had collected when I first took notice of her. She was hiding behind a stand just watching me clean a scrap of old machinery before I went to sell it to Plutt for some food.
As I was heading back to my small home in an old AT-AT walker, I could hear footsteps behind me.  I turned around and there she was.  She stopped and looked at me with big (e/c) eyes.  Feeling annoyed with her following me and always watching me I asked her.
“Why do you keep following me?”
“I—I don’t know…..”
“You can’t keep following me. Where are you parents?” I asked her.
“They—they didn’t wake up.” She said sadly as she looked down and played with her fingers.  I kept looking at her and she reminded me of me when my family left me here, except unlike me, her parents are dead.  Probably couldn’t afford to have enough portions in order to keep themselves alive, they gave it all to this little girl.
“What’s your name?” I said as I knelt down in front of her.
“(Y/n).” she shyly said.  I looked toward the sun and saw that it was beginning to set. Knowing that it would be dark soon and that’s when all the dangerous dealers and thieves come out to try and catch whatever they can sell, Jakku holds no bounds for dangerous smugglers and slave-dealers.  
“Do you have a place to stay (y/n)?” She then pointed towards the old garbage ship that was covered under a tarp that Plutt once stole several years back and had it kept in his storage.  “Okay, how about you come with me? Just for tonight so that you can at least get a proper meal and at least something more comfortable than sand to sleep on.” She looked up at me with hopeful eyes and I picked up my staff and urged her to follow me and she did.
When we got to my place, she ate some of my portions that I had gotten from my scavenging.  As she ate, I told her as I took out a spare blanket as I set up a small bed for her.
“It’s not much but it should keep you warm.”
“Th—thank you.” She shyly said.  After she was done, it was starting to get dark so I thought it was best to get some sleep.  I got into my cot while (y/n) got into hers and soon I fell asleep.
As the night went on, I felt something shake my shoulder as well as small whimpering.  I groaned and tried to dismiss it but it kept happening and that’s when I saw (y/n) standing over me.  I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and said to her.
“(Y/n), what’s wrong? It’s not even sunrise yet.”
“I—I had a bad dream Miss.” She said ashamed for waking me up.  I looked at her and again I saw myself in her through her sad eyes.  When I was young, I had nightmares all the time about my family, hoping they’d come back and wondering why they left me.
“C’mere.” I muttered as I opened up my blanket and she cautiously crawled into my cot and I hugged her close to me.
“What’s your name?” she asked me.  I softly smiled at her and answered.
“Rey.” I stroked the hair out of her face and said to her, “Try to go back to sleep, the bad dreams usually don’t come twice in the same night.”
“You promise?”
“I promise.” She yawned softly and then she fell back asleep cuddled up close to me.  As I held her in my arms, I knew that I couldn’t just throw her out by morning. She wouldn’t survive without someone taking care of her, but no one would because all they care about is their own survival.
So I decided that I would take care of her and protect her no matter what.
For the next few weeks, I taught (y/n) everything I knew about scavenging, how to find the best parts and how to even make things out of spare parts that are functional.  She was a fast learner much like myself and she quickly began to understand the language of all the other people here on Jakku.
After another low trade from Plutt after scavenging for hours for parts that looked valuable.  I gave the last of my food to (y/n) so that she would be able to eat when I picked up an old pilot’s helmet and placed it on my head.  I looked down at (y/n) and softly smiled at her and decided to place the helmet on top of her.  She looked up at me and smiled innocently.
“Now you’re an official pilot.” I said to her. Suddenly we heard the sound of a droid close by.  It sounded like it was in distress, I grabbed my staff and told (y/n) to stay put until I came back as I ran up the hill.
There I saw Tito with what looked like a BB unit in a net.  I called out to Tito as I raced down and freed the droid before bashing Tito in telling him what for before he moved on.  The droid then began to mouth off at Tito and I shushed it as I said to him.
“That’s just Tito. Wants you for parts, he has no respect for anyone.” I knelt down in front of it and said, “Your antennas bent,” it moved its head downward so that I could take off the antenna and straighten it up and fix it up as I asked it where it came from.
The BB unit gave me a few beeps and I said skeptically.
“Classified really? Me too, big secret.” Once its antenna was back in its proper place, I told it where to go and what to be aware of as it would go into town to hopefully find its master.  As I headed back toward (y/n), the BB unit followed behind me beeping asking me to come with me.  I turned towards it and said, “Don’t follow me, town is that way.”
It beeped again as it said that since I was alone, it could be of use but I told him no which led him to making sad beeps. I turned towards it and just stared at it.
Krif this was my problem; I was just too nice. I then gestured with my head and the droid happily beeped as it rolled up by my side.
“In the morning you go.” It beeped out a thank you and I said, “You’re welcome.”
Little did I know just what crossing this droid meant for me and (y/n).
The two of us were soon swept up into the Resistance against the First Order when we came across as Resistance fighter named Finn. Together we’ve been chased by stormtroopers, smugglers, and even came face to face with the legendary Han Solo and Chewbacca.  Now that (y/n) and I were swept into getting BB-8 back to the resistance since he carries a map that leads to the legendary Luke Skywalker, we made it our vow together to help BB-8 get back to the Resistance base that Finn is stationed at.
We had finally arrived at the planet of Takodana where a supposed ally of Han Solo, Maz Kanata could help us get to the Resistance as fast as possible since Han knew that if his scanners could find us, then the First Order wouldn’t be too far behind.
(Y/n) and I were observing all the greenery this planet had to offer.  Never did I know there was this much green in the entire galaxy.  All my life I had ever known was miles and miles of sand.
“This is so pretty.” I heard her say.  I looked down at her and softly smiled and said.
“Yes it is.”
“I wish I could live here.”  I wish I could give her what she wants but I knew that once all of this was done; I knew my family had to have come back by now. Heck they could be there now, it’s already been too long already and I promised myself that I would stay there.  It was then Han came up to us and he handed me a small blaster and said
“I can handle myself.”
“I know that’s why I’m giving it to you.” I took the blaster and aimed it ahead as he asked me, “You do know how to use that thing right?”
“Yeah you pull the trigger.”
“Well there’s a lot more to it than that. You’ve got a lot to learn.” He then walked away for a bit telling Chewy to see what repairs he could do.  And it was then Han began to offer me a spot, actually two spots for a couple of crew members since both (y/n) and I have done some work on getting the Millennium Falcon up and running and Han even saw (y/n) bypass the compressor so that we wouldn’t be torn apart while in hyper speed.
I thanked him for the offer but declined the offer telling him that we had to get home back to Jakku since we had been away for too long.  Han accepted my answer and didn’t press on and that’s when we went into the town and met up with Maz.
After doing some talking and suddenly having getting these strange visions as I had gone down to the basement of what looked like a storage room after touching a lightsaber.  After Maz had told me that the lightsaber had belong to Luke and his father before him and that now it was calling to me, she told me that my path now lied ahead of me, and not in the past.
This was way beyond what I had wanted. She’s asking me to basically become a Jedi, but I know nothing of that world.  I’m just a scavenger whose parents abandoned me and left me there on Jakku to die.  All I wanted now was to just go back and get as far away from all this as possible with (y/n) at my side.
But of course life has a funny way of making things go from bad to worse in the snap of a finger.  Before we knew it, the First Order arrived and started attacking the city.  I told (y/n) and BB-8 to stay together and keep out of sight while I tried to drive off any stormtroopers or First Order fighters.
“But Rey…..” she started off.
“No buts (y/n). BB-8 needs you right now. Promise me you’ll keep him safe.” I cupped her face and she looked up at me with sad, worried eyes but nodded.  I hugged her and whispered to her, “I promise I’ll come find you when all of this is over.” She nodded and I felt her kiss my cheek and she said something that I never thought I would be called.
“I love you mommy.” My face turned to shock but I hugged her tighter and kissed the top of her head and said.
“I love you too my sunshine, now go.” She then ran ahead with BB-8 behind her telling him to follow her.  I looked on ahead and whispered, “Please me safe.”  I then ran in the opposite direction to do as I said I would do; give them some time to hide and if I ended up getting captured then so be it.
As long as (y/n) was safe.
I fired and shot at any stormtrooper I could find but when my blaster suddenly decided to lock up on me, I hide behind a tree to try and get it to work again and that’s when I heard one of the stormtroopers say.
‘Pull back in retreat. We’ve got what we’ve wanted. Repeat back to the ships and pull back in retreat. We have what we’ve wanted.’ Oh no. Did they find BB-8? Did they hurt (y/n). Cause I swear if they’ve laid one finger on her….. I ran a shortcut way back toward the city which was now in complete ruins.
All around me I saw not only First Order ships and troops, but also Resistance fighter pilots flying in the air.
“Finn!” We ran up towards each other and embraced each other.
“Are you okay?” he asked me.
“I’m fine. Where are Han and Chewy?”
“They’re fine, where’s (y/n) and BB-8?”
“Somewhere in the jungle. We had to split up, you mean she didn’t come back here?” He shook his head no and that’s when I saw a horrifying sight.
A man cloaked in all black robes was carrying in his arms an unconscious (y/n).  My heart stopped as I raced on ahead crying out with Finn running and calling out my name behind me.
“No! No! Let her go, stop! (Y/N)!!!!!” But it was too late, the ships took off and I collapsed onto my knees weeping brokenheartedly.  “They took her…..they took her!”  I felt Finn’s arms wrap around me and he said as he rocked me back and forth.
“Don’t worry Rey, we’ll get her back. I promise.”
After awhile we arrived at the Resistance base and had gone over the battle plans for bringing down the First Order’s base once and for all, but all my mind was on was (y/n).  I feared that she had either been hurt or worse……
“You okay Rey?” I heard Han say.
“It all started with just one night. One night that was all, never did I think she’d have me wrapped around her finger the way she does today. I want her back, and I swear if anything happens to her—”
“Hey, listen kid,” I felt his hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him and he continued, “From what I’ve seen that child’s got some spunk in her. Sorta reminds me of me at her age. She’s not helpless, and if she’s anything like you, she’ll figure a way out. We’ll get her back, alive and unharmed.” I smiled softly and we then headed towards the Falcon.
As we took off I thought to myself.
‘Hang on (y/n), I’m coming for you.’
*(Y/n)’s POV*
When I woke up I found myself strapped into some sort of chair by my arms and legs.  I looked around to see that I was in some sort of room with no windows and a steel reinforced probably blaster-resistant door.  It soon opened up and entering inside was the masked man who kidnapped me after trapping me and BB-8.  The last thing I remember him telling me was that I had seen the map that they were looking for and the next minute I blacked out.
“Where am I?” I demanded.
“You’re my guest.” He simply stated.
“If this is how you treat your guests, I’d hate to see how you treat your real prisoners.” I sassed back at him.
“The only reason why you are being kept alive child is because you have valuable information I need. The map to Skywalker.”
“I don’t give information to creeps in masks. Especially creeps like you.” It was then he removed his mask and once his face was revealed to me I saw that he had black hair that went to about his shoulders and deep brown eyes.  He set the mask down on a table and came up towards me and said.
“The fact that the droid would even show the map to someone like you, a lost orphan girl with no family is beyond me. But yet it has. Now give it to me.” He then held up his hand just like before and I once again felt this picking at my brain.
This aching feeling almost like a hammer jacking away at my head repeatedly as I felt him trying to get the information out of me.  I tried to resist and pull back but it was like a tug of war between us.
“There’s no point in resisting child, I always get what I want in the end.”  I grunted and groaned in pain trying to push him out of my head.
When suddenly something snapped.  Now I could see and feel his thoughts inside his head. I don’t know how it happened but it did so I decided to pull a string at him because one name kept coming up in his head.
“Vader.” I whispered.  His eyes shows a bit of shock on how I knew that name.  “You’re afraid…..” his face grew from stoic to shock as I continued, “that you’ll never be strong as Darth Vader!” He soon released me and his eyes were full blown with shock and horror.  I panted heavily and soon he just left me there in the room, with a stormtrooper to guard my room.
*Rey’s POV*
We finally arrived on Star killer base and after going over the plan one last time with Han and Finn.  They along with Chewy would go and find  way to disable the shields so that the Resistance pilots can go in and disarm the base and finally destroy it before it would drain the sun’s energy, while I would handle the rescue mission for (y/n).
I snuck through the corridors and hide from any stormtroopers that came by when I reached a room that read PRISONER CHAMBERS overhead.  I looked around to make sure no one would see me, then I maneuvered across from one side of the corridor to the chamber doors and tried to open them.
As soon as they opened a stormtrooper caught my line of vision and he called out.
“Halt!” Before he could fire his blaster at me, I knocked his arm with my staff, spun it around and whacked him hard against the head knocking him off his feet before stabbing the bulge end of it into his gut making him groan before I whacked him over the head again to render him unconscious.
It was then in the chair with dark circles under her eyes and strapped onto the chair was (y/n).
“Oh kriff, (y/n)!” I raced up to her and cupped her face in my hands as I tried to gently wake her up.  I heard a faint moan as she opened her eyes and as soon as she saw me, she faintly said.
“I’m here my sunshine, I’m here.” I began to look around for a way to free her from her bonds.  I typed in various codes but none of them seemed to be working.  Until finally one seemed to work and soon her wrists and ankles were free.  I picked her up and we both hugged each other tightly and she whispered.
“I thought I’d never see you again.”
“I’ll always find you my sunshine, always. Now c’mon let’s find Han, Chewy and Finn and get the hell out of here.” She nodded and we both raced out of the room.
As we raced out of the base to where we had the Falcon at, suddenly we both heard the sound of a lightsaber activating and there stood Han and Leia’s son, Ben or how he is now known as Kylo Ren.
“We’re not done yet. Both of you.”
“(Y/n), get to the Falcon.”
“But Rey—”
“Now (y/n)!” I snapped at her feeling this rage towards Kylo Ren, not just for what he’s done for the First Order but taking (y/n) crosses a whole other line.  And I already said that I would make whomever it was behind the mask pay for taking her.
I saw her run towards the forest and towards the direction of where I had told her the Falcon was.  Once I knew she was safe, I turned back towards Kylo and glared down at him.
“The girl I’ve heard so much about.” He said to me as he stared me down.  My breathing was shallow as my anger began to take over as I faintly touched the blaster at my hip.
“Why did you take her?!” I demanded.
“She was one of the people to see the map, her memories were the key I needed to find out where Skywalker was located. But then something else came about from her, she is strong with the force. Untrained but able to tap into its source.”
(Y/n)……was force-sensitive? How is she…..maybe her parents were descendants of one of the old Jedi’s.  She never really spoke much about her parents, so maybe she didn’t know.
“With some training of the ways of the force, she can become unstoppable. With the right teacher.”
“Over my dead body.” I sneered as I fired my blaster but the blast was caught in midair and I felt myself being paralyzed. I tried to free my arm but it was stuck behind me.  He walked up towards me and pointed his lightsaber at me, the heat of it bouncing off onto my skin when we both heard.
“HEY!!” Another lightsaber activated and at the corner of my eye I could see Finn holding Luke’s lightsaber.
“That lightsaber belongs to me. Give it to me.” Kylo Ren demanded.
“Come get it!” The two of them soon began to battle and I was suddenly dropped out of my paralyzed state but my muscles were like jelly.  It was like I had ran around the entire planet of Jakku five times, I could barely stand up.
I watched as Finn managed to strike Kylo Ren a couple of times in the leg and shoulder but soon Kylo Ren had Finn pinned to a tree and touched the cross-point of his lightsaber onto Finn’s shoulder which caused him to cry out in agony.
“Finn!” I cried out.  Kylo then disarmed Finn and slashed him across the back which caused Finn to fall to the ground unconscious.
I then watched as Kylo Ren tried to take Luke’s lightsaber that had landed a few yards away from him.  I saw it shake so I reached out my hand hoping that somehow it would come to me.  It shot out from the snow and zoomed past Kylo Ren and landed in my hand.
I was shocked.  So all those visions back at Takodana, everything that has happened in my life from saving Finn from the rathtar, to even sensing (y/n) when I first met her before I would even see her.  Maz was right, I was meant for this. This was my destiny.
I stood up and activated the lightsaber glaring straight at Kylo Ren and he reactivated his lightsaber before the two of us met in combat.  Leaping over cliff sides, jumping over logs and fallen tree branches, blocking his attacks, trying to get an attack of my own, Kylo Ren and I performed a continuous battle with our lightsabers till finally we crossed our lightsabers together and he began to get the upper hand as the ground began to quake and crack underneath me.
Both lightsabers coming down towards me as I tried to push back but his strength was still stronger than mine.  I wasn’t a train Jedi and plus my muscles were still weak from earlier.
“You need a teacher; you and the child can learn the ways of the Force. I can teach it to you.” I looked at him and muttered.
“The Force.” Then what Maz had told me began to ring in my ear as well as what all came in through my vision as I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths before finally feeling the Force course through me.  I opened my eyes up and pushed Kylo Ren backward and instead of unskilled, rapid attacks, my strikes became more precise and flowed more in balance and strength.  I managed to strike him in the leg as well as the shoulder.
As he tried to send a thrust toward me, I grabbed his wrist and managed to send his lightsaber into the snow.  I kept a firm grip on his wrist as I pulled it downward so that he couldn’t pull back until finally I slammed my saber against his breaking the connection before finally striking him across the face, leaving him a nasty scar.  I panted as I deactivated my lightsaber and I said to him.
“Never, go near her again.” And with that I raced back to find Finn, praying that he was still alive.
Once I found him, I called out his name and tried to wake him up but he didn’t respond.  I placed my fingers to his neck trying to get a pulse but I couldn’t find one. Thinking that he was dead, I lay my head against his chest and wept softly.
Suddenly a light shined down on us and I looked up to see Chewy and (y/n) flying the Falcon.  They landed it and Chewy came out and helped carry Finn inside and placed him on the bed and soon Chewy and I took the controls while (y/n) went to work on Finn’s wounds as we now went into hyperjump as Starkiller base exploded behind us.
With a victory like this, there also came loss. I had been told from Finn that Kylo Ren had killed Han back at the base while I was trying to get (y/n).  But in a stroke of this untimely sorrow, there was a light to this tragic day, Luke’s old droid R2D2 activated and he showed us the complete map of where Luke was, then combining the map that BB-8 had been keeping, the full map was complete.
As we watched over Finn who was now in recovery after finding out that he had a heartbeat.
“Will he be okay?” (y/n) asked me.  I looked down at her and said.
“I believe he will.”
“Rey, (y/n) the Falcon’s ready and the coordinates are locked in for you both.” General Leia said.  We both looked at her and we both nodded.  I turned back to Finn and whispered.
“We’ll see each other again, I believe that.” I kissed his forehead and continued, “Thank you, our friend.”
“See you when we come back Finn, thank you for everything you’ve done.” (y/n) said to him as she kissed his cheek and the two of us walked towards the Falcon.
“Rey, (y/n).” General Leia said.  We both turned around and she said to us with a warm smile, “May the force be with you.” We then looked down at BB-8 who stood beside her and he beeped at us a goodbye and thank you.  We smiled down at him and nodded to Leia before boarding the Millennium Falcon.  
I sat in Han’s seat and Chewy sat at my side as (y/n) came up and I held her in my lap as the final coordinates were being punched in.  Then finally we took off to find Luke Skywalker.
“Do you think he’ll help us?” asked (y/n) as she looked up at me.
“We’ll find out. But no matter what happens, we’ll face it together.” She nodded and hugged me and I hugged her back as I kissed the top of her head.
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swellwriting · 6 years
Pull me close, push me away.
Fandom: Harry Potter (Marauders Era)
Pairing: Remus Lupin x Reader
Warnings: There is smut but it is clearly separated from the rest of the story with full lines and brackets so it is easily skippable without missing any plot!!!! Smut is for anyone 18 + only please and thank you
Request: NONE, this is loosely based on the song “When the party's over” by Billie Eilish!
Summary: Remus only wants someone to hold when the full moon comes around, someone to patch him up, he thinks that feeling is mutual but it's not, angst ensues. Edit: I tried to edit this to make sure it was all in the right tense, it starts as past tense and then changes to present if it’s still confusing let me know!
Word Count: 5.3 k
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She’s quiet when she comes home, always alone as per usual, walking into an empty house but tiptoeing around like she could wake the dust that lingered.
Maybe it’s because she wasn’t used to living alone, maybe it’s because she was pretending that she didn’t. She would lie to her friends and say, “I like living alone, wouldn't have it any other way!” But they know the truth. They know she's scared of the dark and what lingered in it, they know how much she wished that all of her friends from Hogwarts could all have lived in one big house together.
It was talked about when they were young, single and not in love with anybody but themselves. Currently, all of her friends were in love, so deeply and devotedly too, some were even married which she could never wrap her head around. How do you make someone want you and commit to you for that long? Maybe there was something wrong with her.
She turned on the bathroom light but turned it off right after when she instantly noticed a tiny amount of dark red blood that had dried to the sink, she must have missed it when she cleaned. It used to be therapeutic to clean the whole bathroom, wash him from her life once again, start fresh. She would tell herself that she wouldn't go back this time. But now it had become a chore, she could use her tears as a cleaning solution if she needed.
For every time she had fallen for him, he had somehow fallen to her feet, covered in his own blood, even more. For every time she cried that she missed him as she fell asleep alone, he cried to her to about how much he needed her. That was an even worse lie than hers, the lie that she liked to live alone because truly she wanted to live with him.
Remus wasn't a bad person either, as a matter of fact, he was a wonderful and good person but he had a terrible problem in his life that he had to deal with. Y/N had promised him that she would always be there, that she would always help him when he needed her, she promised him the night she had found out his secret.
Y/N walked into James and Lily’s house, it was late at night but she knew they would be awake. She said she was just passing by but the truth would be that the green light of a muggle streetlight scared her, flashed in her eyes and made her feet walk somewhere she knew to be safe before her brain could even comprehend that there was nothing at that moment to be scared of.
She opened the door letting herself in with the spare key they had given her and saw a bloody Remus being patched up by the gentle hands of Lily as James sat nearby. She dropped the spare key and covered her mouth in shock.
“What happened?” She spoke behind her clammy hands, trying to stop them from shaking. To see a friend in such a state is troubling, to see the man she secretly loved like this was heartbreaking.
James stood up and held out his arms, placing one behind her back and quietly guiding her to the kitchen as Remus stared at the floor. “Look Y/N, Remus never wanted you to know, we assumed you would have figured it out by now but you were always so… you never asked questions, never pried him for answers. He never wanted to have to tell you.”
“Tell me what?” She choked out, growing more confused. It was true what James had said about her. She would see him covered in scars, she would hear the inside jokes and nicknames but never paid any mind to them, she never dove into what would be causing this. She never wanted to know where the scars came from or where Remus disappeared to for weeks at a time, she was just thankful for when he was there.
“Remus is a werewolf.” “Since when?” She gawked, everything falling into place and slowly making sense in her head. “Since he was about three I think?”
“I, I had no idea. I-” She stuttered, trying to process the information she had just learned, it didn't make her love for Remus diminish at all. Lily entered the kitchen, placed a box full of magic healing pastes and bandages down on the counter, washing her hands of Remus’ blood. “Did you tell him?” James asked quietly and Lily just nodded in response.
“Tell him what?” Y/N asked, copying their hushed tone.
“That he can't come here for help anymore. Lily is pregnant.” The mix of wonderful news momentarily outweighed the negative. Y/N’s face was filled with a smile as she hugged Lily tightly, forgetting for a moment about all the issues at hand and just allowing them to be excited about this. “I'm so happy for you guys.”
“Thank you.” Lily smiled, looking relieved for someone to actually be excited instead of trying to make her aware of the concerns of having a baby in this time of war, just someone excited for her, happy. “You can go talk to him if you'd like.”
Y/N smiled at her friends and then walked out of the kitchen, tiptoeing again like she had to be quiet, though it was obvious that Remus was aware that she knew his secret now.
She knelt beside the couch he was lying across and placed her elbows on the cushions, resting her head in her palms. “Hi Rem, how ya feelin?” She asked quietly trying not to startle him, knowing he was probably in a great deal of pain.
“Things just seem to be getting worse and worse.”
“The pain?”
“No, that I'm used to, it’s comforting a bit, familiar. But tonight I've gone through a full moon, you found out the truth, and now I have to figure out where to go after full moons since I shouldn't come here anymore,” he mumbled complaining aloud to make himself feel better.
“I can help you. You can come to me if you need anything, I promise.”
Remus tried to go to see Sirius after the next full moon but Sirius was never good at healing magic, they always left that part up to Madam Pomfrey. Sirius tried, he wanted to help his friend, he wanted to protect Remus from himself but there was nothing he could do. By the full moon after that Remus had decided to go to Y/N’s house after much encouraging from his friends that she would be more than happy to help him.
It started out like that too, he would knock quietly and she would open the door immediately and remind him that he never needed to knock. She would help him make his way to the bathroom and sit him down on a chair she had placed there just for him, moving it beside the sink as she began washing away the events of the night.
She was gentler than most, in no rush to have Remus fixed up just so he could leave. She had always had a crush on him, but as her loneliness grew so did her longing for him. She imagined what it would be like to live with him, to never have an empty house, to not have an empty bed, to let him cook her meals because even with the use of magic she was rubbish at it, often ordering muggle food to her door.
He would ask her questions, more as a distraction from the pain and so it wasn't so quiet, but she was so vulnerable around him, she would answer any question he would ask.
“Are you excited they are having a baby? Do you like babies? Why do you live alone? Why do you have a key to Lily and James’ house? What are you scared of? Why didn't you go out on that date last year with that Auror guy? You really like being single?” All questions she would answer honestly, she told him her deepest fears, that she was really scared to live alone but it was her only option, that she didn't go on a date with that guy because her heart lied somewhere else, that she hated being single but she felt that nobody wanted her.
Remus was not a bad person, he wasn't asking her these things to manipulate her, he was just curious, but they did work in his advantage even if he misunderstood some of her answers. He didn't take the hint that maybe she liked him, or wanted him, he just assumed she wanted nobody, that the place her heart lied was with someone she hadn't met yet. So after a few months of this Remus showed up on Y/N’s doorstep the night before the full moon, she let him in as she always did but he was in search of something more than she had ever given to him before, but she had thought so many times about.
He came in, sat down on the couch a little closer than he would anyone else. He started to explain and go in depth about how he felt each month leading up to the full moon. How he felt strong urges, he felt this need. Remus wouldn't want to use the word primal but he had to admit that's what it felt like. The change his body was preparing to go through was stressful and maybe this was his body’s way of stress relieving, maybe it was even a side effect of the Wolfsbane.
She listened, placed a comforting hand over his and that small bit of contact was what brought him over the edge, he smashed his lips against hers and moved his body closer. She didn't care about the reasoning, she didn't care that he only needed this from her, that he didn't actually want or love her. He hadn't thought it would be an issue, he had no idea she was so deeply in love with him and this would make it so much worse, make her even more attached to him.
So as he desperately peeled her clothes from her skin, she did the same to him. As each piece of her clothing was removed, a brick from her walls was removed as well, letting him in, letting him demolish her with no thought of how long she would take to rebuild.
Remus thought that this is what people did, that this was a casual type of thing that could happen between friends with no feelings or strings attached.
The problem is that communication is very important, it's easy for things to be one-sided when you can't understand the other person's view, so what was a step forward in her eyes was nothing of the sort to him. If he had known how deeply she felt for him he wouldn't have crossed this line, but it was too late to turn back now.
_______(Smut below this line)__________
She ran her hands along his bare chest, feeling the scars she had longed to run her fingers across for so long, scars that she never knew the origin of before. He was quick in his movements, he had an end goal in mind and he wanted to get there as fast as he could. 
She tried to slow him down. When he lifted her hips bringing her onto his lap, pushing her underwear to the side and trailing harsh kisses and bites down her neck she gently and slowly moved her face so his lips were on hers again, savouring the kiss. 
It should have been obvious, the way she gently tugged on his hair and kissed his forehead while he slid his hand between their bodies, putting two fingers inside her and moving gently yet swiftly. The way she lazily put her hand down his pants and stroked him carefully, exploring and taking her time.
He removed his fingers grabbing her hips again and lowering her onto him, she looked in his eyes and moaned into his mouth mid-kiss while he looked away, moaning into the skin behind her ear, grunt against her collarbones.
It didn't take them long, it was a built-up tension, they both needed that release in different ways. When they came down from their highs he moved her to sit beside him, both struggling with flushed faces and laboured breaths unsure of what to say next.
__________(Smut ends above this line)__
"That was-" he started  and she giddily sat up on her knees, a bright yet elated smile on her face as she responded, "Fun!" Which was a confusing choice of words when she meant to say it was life-changing, it was everything she had wanted for so long that happened in a span of five minutes and she wanted to happen again.
"Yeah," he agreed, taking her casual answer and letting himself not be anxious about what had just happened in a moment of passion and need, "fun."
After more months of this, Remus showing up the day before the full moon, being very satisfied by her company and pleasured by her touch, he would disappear before nightfall. It was the perfect excuse to not have to fall asleep in her arms right after, crossing his own mental line that after sex cuddling was prohibited, though he never vocalized this to her.
She would stay up, wait for him to come back in the early hours of the morning, tea and a book in hand, a quiet vinyl playing to drown out her thoughts, her worries about him.
Then he would show up, he didn't knock anymore. He would walk in and fall into her arms, tired, sometimes angry, sometimes with tears drying to his face as fresh ones fell which meant he had been crying for a long time before he apparated there.
She would wash away the blood, wash away the tears while being reminded of how many times she cried when he wouldn't stay. Then when the pain got too much for him he would pass out against the bathroom tub, or fall easily asleep in the chair. Her couch being too small to hold him she would have to grab her wand and bring him to her large bed which usually remained half empty. A large bed that she littered with books and papers that she would have to brush aside, pulling the blanket down and then over his sleeping form.
She would crawl in beside him, careful not to get too close, wanting nothing more than to wrap her arms around him, draw circles on his bare back and kiss across his shoulder, kiss the wounds better. She would stay up as late as her eyes would allow her, for it was already so late into the night or early into the morning when he would arrive. Although he would be exhausted every time, he would wake up early, spare himself the view of her so peacefully sleeping, refusing to let himself turn around and see her relaxed face, after staring at her worried one all night. Then he would apparate away, to his much smaller home, much less comfortable bed and much less full cupboards.
His stomach would growl, and he would wince, he always forgot to buy food beforehand, he wasn't sure if he could ever even afford it. He would imagine for a moment what it would be like to allow himself to stay one of these times, allow himself to wake up and pull her closer, to wash her sheets clean of his stained dried blood for her. To make her breakfast with the pancake mix she always complained about having too much of but the pancakes tasting terrible every time she tried to use it. He could hear her croaky morning voice after allowing them both to sleep in well into the afternoon. He pictured being in love with her.
Then those thoughts would be interrupted by yet another growl from his stomach, he could easily apparate back to her, do everything he just imagined so happily in his head. But he thought there was no way she could love him. This was casual, though the two of them had never actually talked about what "It" was. So he would force himself to go back to sleep and then go to Sirius’ house a few hours later, Kreacher made pretty good breakfast anyways.
Y/N would wake up, stretch her arms to find a bed empty, cold and stained lightly with the remnants of blood she couldn't manage to wash away first thing in the morning. She would pull up the covers to hide it, close the bathroom door so she didn't have to see the mess and then curl up into a ball on her small couch where she would spend the rest of her day falling in and out of sleep, for the only thing that could comfort her had always left before she had woken up.
It was now a few days after the most recent full moon. Y/n went to have lunch with Lily, it was weird how life went on in times of war. How Lily and James had Harry now, how she and Lily never stopped having lunch weekly, how Remus somehow didn't value her any more than he did before knowing he could lose her at any second. Things stayed the same.
Harry wrapped his small hand around her fingers with one hand and tugged on a loose strand of her hair with the other. Babies always did stuff like that, it made her feel real to interact with Harry. He looked at her so lovingly too, it almost made her cry, it almost made her wish she could have this herself. Then she was faced with the truth that if Remus didn't want her more than once a month, he definitely wouldn’t want anything like this with her.
“You look like your about to cry again?” Lily asked gently as she handed her a bottle to feed Harry with.
“Do I?” She asked sheepishly, her voice cracking slightly.
“Yes, and you have looked like that for months. Y/N you need to stop putting yourself through this. I think you need to talk to Remus, really talk to him without letting him into your sheets. Tell him how you feel because I can't stand watching you go through this so I can't imagine how it actually feels for you.”
Y/N just nodded in response, trying to hold back her tears and emotions, focusing on happy baby Harry instead, giving him his bottle and watching how he still used one hand to hold onto her fingers.
“Y/N, promise me you will talk to him next month.”
“Okay.” She agreed, still avoiding looking at her best friend.
By the time the next full moon had rolled around Y/N was ready, she had practiced exactly what she was going to say, how she was going to compose herself, assert herself and make Remus listen. When he apparated into her living room she was already there waiting, he quickly closed the space between them and with no words exchanged he moved closer putting his hands on her waist and staring at her lips, having done so so many times before. She put her hand up blocking her mouth and stepping back away from him.
“Remus wait, I need to talk to you first.” He came to a halt at her words, maybe she just wasn’t up for it today and he would totally be okay with that. “Yeah?”
“I um, I need to talk to you about something.”
“You said that part already,” he responded with a casual chuckle as he let himself fall comfortably to sit on her couch.
“I’m just I-” It was like everything she practiced in front of her bathroom mirror, every emotion she poured out to her shower wall had now escaped her brain, only three words repeatedly bouncing against her skull, getting louder and louder in her ears until she said them out loud, “I love you.”
Remus’ casual demeanour was instantly washed away as she opened that floodgate on him, his fake confidence that was hiding his truly needy nature underneath was gone. When he didn't respond, just blinked and stared at her she decided to elaborate.
“I always have too, for like, yeah a long time. I've loved you since I met you probably and I know that sounds a bit dramatic but it's true, it started as a small crush but now I'm so hopelessly in love with you and I need you to know that. Know the truth so you can leave because this is torturing me, teasing me with everything I want but I can't have. I'm sorry I ruined this between us.”
Remus grabbed her shaky hand as she stood in front of him, pulling her down to fall onto the couch beside him, it hurt being this close to him since she felt so exposed right now.
“You didn't ruin anything, I just always assumed it was nothing to you.”
“It was everything to me, I was scared that if I told you or showed you that you would leave.”
“I'm glad you told me but, I don't know what to do with this information,” he admitted. Yes, he loved her but he didn't think he could allow himself that, allow himself to really love her even if she did want it. He didn't deserve it in his mind, he would be putting her in a whole other level of danger.
She stared at him, with hope basically overflowing out of her eyes, her heart stuck in her throat.
“But there cant be anything more between us.”
The hope turned to anger in her eyes like a flash of lightning and Remus wasn't prepared to deal with the storm he created.
“That's fine.” She spit, she was angry, upset, heartbroken, she wanted her feelings to be heard. She wanted him at first to know that she loved him but now she needed him to feel the pain he had put her through, how she felt about him when he left her every month, used her.
“I guess it’s just another thing you know about me like you don't know too much already.”
“Hey, what's that supposed to mean?”
“I told you all my secrets, my fears, my wishes and you never told me anything, I poured my heart out to you and you let it sit in a puddle on the floor for me to clean up myself. You only hurt me because I let you because you made hurting me feel so good that I welcomed the pain it left behind. You thought of me as no more than a friend, you ignored me and sat on the couch away from me when we were with our friends together but in the comfort of my own home, in privacy and in your time of need you pulled me closer. I thought that maybe, having you once a month was better than nothing, but having nothing is better.”
Suddenly the heartfelt speech she had practiced before had turned into a waterfall of emotions and hard feelings she felt when she cried herself to sleep, the literary feeling she felt when she woke to cold sheets.
Remus pulled his knees to his chest, putting a wall between them, tears rolled down his cheeks and he looked at her. Looked at the pain he had caused her and let himself feel it too as it radiated off of her. “I don't know how to make you feel how sorry I am.”
“Just tell me why you used me, why you kept coming back when it was so obvious that I was in love with you.”
“It wasn't obvious to me! I had no idea that you were in love with me until right now, the same way you had no idea I was a werewolf until James had to tell you.” He tried to explain himself through laboured breaths and she sat there listening with a heartbroken frown on her face and tears falling off her cheeks and wetting her shirt.
“I didn't know you loved me because I loved you too and we showed it in such different ways, I've never been loved I didn't know that was real I thought it was just an in the moment thing.”
“That was you loving me?” She practically scoffed at him.
“No that's not what I meant. You pulled me closer because you loved me, I pushed you away because I loved you and thought that would make it easier because in my mind there was no way you could ever love me. In my mind, I don't deserve this at all, I don't deserve to hear you even say the words I love you, I don't deserve to have you kiss me so passionately, touch me so gently and I definitely don't deserve to call you mine, to live with you and have a real life with you and make you stupid fucking pancakes.”
“Why don't you deserve that? Because you’re a werewolf? Because for the past almost year I have been dealing with literally only that part of your life with you. I've handled the blood and the late nights and the fear of losing you, I think that you deserve all the other parts too, I know I sure as hell do.”
It took that for Remus to realize, he was trying to save her from that part of himself while simultaneously only showing her that side, the part of him that came out before and after full moons. She didn't get to have him for the rest of the month. She could already handle the worst parts of him so easily, so lovingly. Maybe she was right, no she was definitely right, so he told her exactly that. “You’re right.”
“What?” She said dumbfounded that he would so easily agree with her.
“Everything you just said, it was all right. I'm sorry it took me so long to see it, I'm sorry I let this go on for so long.”
“We both let it go on too long.” She said with a weak smile as she squeezed his hands that he couldn’t remember her ever holding before this moment. Remus looked from his hands and up to her eyes, he really looked into them instead of avoiding them as he did before, leaning in and kissing her. Remus let all his emotions out through the kiss as he squeezed her sides and pulled her as close as he could and staying like that for what felt like forever.
“Can we start over?” He whispered against her lips in between the slow kisses making her smile, he had never been so glad to feel her smile against his lips.
“No, it’s not starting over it’s just, a new chapter, a better one.”
“I'm okay with that.” He agreed now pulling her onto his lap. She quickly replied, pulling his messy curls out of his face and holding his chin up so he was looking up at her, “Me too.”
_( Story ends here the rest is just SMUT)_
They could have taken things slow from there, gone on a nice date, slept together without actually sleeping together but Remus was still feeling all the urges that came with the full moon and Y/n felt the same exact same pull towards him. She was still sat on Remus’ lap as he kissed her harshly, it wasn't unknowing and slow it was more of an act of “I love you so much and I want to show you, I want to prove it to you” and Remus was desperate for her to understand that. He lifted her hips as he stood up off the couch, carrying her quickly to the bedroom, it wasn't often that they made it there.
He placed her down and crawled up her body, slowly but desperately taking her clothes off, every single piece, sometimes they stayed half dressed but this time he wanted all of her skin exposed to him. She did the same, taking off each of his layers, kissing every inch of his skin and he let her, he enjoyed it. Remus kept eye contact with her as he kissed down her chest to her stomach, down her thighs as he pushed them apart slowly.
He placed his lips against her folds, slowly licking up and then down, pushing one finger in, and then two, and then three until she was crumbling beneath him, wiggling out of his hold, not used to this much attention being put on her but loving it at the same time. He sucked, biting at the skin of her thighs and lifting her legs over his head and weighing her torso down with one arm placed along her lower stomach. This was heavenly, if she thought sex with Remus was good before then this was world shattering.
He repeated his actions, licking, kissing, pushing his fingers in at a steady but brutal pace until she was coming onto his fingertips, screaming his name like it was the only word she knew. He licked his fingers as he crawled back up to kiss her lips passionately, grinding down against her as he did, appeasing some of his own need. “I love you,” he moaned into her mouth, and she said it right back, staring into each other's eyes as he rutted against her. So visibly desperate for each other that they didn't wait too long before she slid a hand between them grabbing his cock and stroking it tightly before bringing it to her wet core. He pushed inside halfway before pulling out just to roughly go all the way back in with a hard thrust. She screamed, more of a pitchy yell than anything intelligible.
She wrapped her legs up and around his back, pulling him flush to her, so their chests were pressed together, only a layer of sweat between them. “I like having you close.” She mumbled against his lips as his eyebrows knitted together in concentration, focusing on the movement of his hips as she tried to just keep them as close as she could.
“I like being close to you,” he mumbled back, giggling a bit into her cheek that was pushed out from her wide smile as she giggled too. Laughter and love added to the pleasure, it made it so much better and enjoyable for them both, holding nothing back. She dug her fingers into the skin of his back letting him know she was close. “Rem.” She drawled out, moaning his shorter nickname but making it much longer.
“Mhm.” He mumbled in agreement as his pace quickened, hip bones clashing in the effort. In seconds he was releasing into her, she clenched around him helping him come to his finish as they both caught their breath, lazy smiles on their tired yet happy faces.
“I love you, she said again as she placed her hands on both of his cheeks bringing his face down for an onslaught of kisses.
“I love you.” He replied easily, knowingly and wholeheartedly. He rolled to his side but then pulled her close to him yet again, enjoying the after sex cuddles they had never before let themselves enjoy.
“I should probably pee.” She said as she lied on her back with her hands wrapped around one of his arms that was draped across her.
“We should probably shower.” He retorted.
“Or a bath, baths are nice.”
“Sounds good, then I can make you pancakes?”
She smiled trying not to cry at how happy she was in this moment, “I couldn't think of anything that would make me happier right now.”
“Than pancakes?” He asked with a bemused look on his face.
“No, you making me pancakes.” She admitted honestly, breaking into a fit of giggles as he picked her up and carried her to the bathroom.
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stanbangttan · 7 years
THE DOOR GUY // Drabble // Yoongi x Reader
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Summary: You are in Seoul, because of the job opportunity, stumbling upon your favorite producer, Yoongi in front of a restaurant.
Warning: fluff, angst, 
A/N: I hope you love this. I am a little late. But still. Happy birthday to you Nicole. You deserve the world ❤️ @nmmthings  Try to find the song. COMMENT. Requests are still open. Hop on.
Word count: 2k
We were in the foreign country and still my sister got more guys than me. She got one for now, or she accepted one, and as it goes for me I got zero, as per usual. She was gorgeous, of course, but did she have to say yes? I will dare to say I am cute too, it’s just that I am an introvert and she is an extrovert.  And the fuck, why am I the one who needs to drive her. This car is rented. If we even make a small dent, we’re doomed, and I am not so confident I ride well. I even take the metro to my studio. I am a good driver but still I am not comfortable driving in the new town. Especially where I don’t understand the signs or even what drivers are yelling at me. I love this city. I love everything about it. I couldn’t even imagine we would ever go to Seoul. Not when I was told I have a job opportunity of going, and even for a month. And with my sister. Visiting it and even get paid to live there. Did I save a country in my last life? However there were those bad sides of my trip. Not knowing the language entirely. Managing to find a translator in Korea was a plus, but getting my company to pay him as well was a long shot, that somehow worked out. I was a working on a project with SM entertainment for upcoming comeback of Red Velvet. I wrote and produced some of the songs with their producing team. I was chosen to help them to create new sound of their songs. Which I am pretty excited for. But that was not my goal. The one I would love to work with was actually Big Hit. Because I heard the idols produced their own songs which is something that blew me off. No one had that kind of freedom in Korean discography and succeeded at that. Made that money, became uprising star. So I got into it more. Starting following their work. I really am amazed how they put they all into the music. I love the actual freedom of making, artistic freedom and lyric writing they have. And they actually rock it really well. They got big. So I have entered Kpop market, hoping I will work with them one day. It’s a wish of mine to see the masterpiece in the making, live.
 I worked, while my sister enjoyed Seoul life. It’s an understatement to tell I was really jealous of her. She could enjoy life, meet boys and explore the town. Not that I couldn’t but still it was working. And I wouldn’t even hit on a guy or flirt in any way. But it would be nice to have a day off and explore the city. Namsan tower, Han river, maybe going to brunch in Gangnam. Feeling and acting boujee. Living a Kdrama? Maybe.. “You trust that tinder or whateveriscalled dating apps too much..”  I told Ana, as I drove her. She had full glam makeup, putting more lipstick in the passenger seat mirror. “Can you like chill.. It’s just for a coffee..” “Can we have a like safe word or text if you’re not feeling well or if he’s a creep or a dork so you can text me and I’ll call you to get you out and pick you up? At least do that for me, Ana. That is the least you can do.” I pleaded her. She is to naïve when it comes to internet. “Nicole, chill please.” I looked at her with piercing eyes, so she’ll understand this is no joke. I don’t really know why did I even accepted to drive her. “Okaay, listen, I will text you S.O.S. and you call me telling me something like I need to feed the cat, I don’t know..Is that okay?” She said with bored tone.
“Enough for me..” I smiled, as I put my eyes on the road. I dropped her off at this nice ass looking restaurant, and she kissed me saying goodbye. Maybe this is the last time I will see her, Korean mafia drawing her into prostitution… I watch too many kdramas, she’ll be fine. And this is too nice of a place for “just coffee”.. And she is too dressed up for “just coffee”. She lied again. I drove myself back to my studio, and worked a little more, so I won’t sit a home worrying about Ana.
 An hour passed and I lost track of time. My phone buzzed. Screen light fell onto my face, as I saw a text “S.O.S”.. I KNEW IT ANA. I TOLD YOU SO! HER BODY IS NOW BEING DRAGGED IN A ALLY, AND SHE SOMEHOW MANAGED TO TEXT ME. SNEAKY LITTLE BITCH. I dialed her number, hoping she’s not in the same room, at the same table with a serial killer. Oh please, pick up. “Hello?” , she askes like she doesn’t have my number ID. Good she’s alive and her mouth doesn’t have old sock to shut her up. “Are you in trouble, or just bored at the date? Say Oh hello if you’re in trouble.”, this isn’t the fist time she needed the way out. This is a constant routine for me and her.
“No, no, you’re not bothering. I don’t think I can. I am busy now.”, Oh, she’s just bored, she continued, “Kyungsoo, don’t you mind I take this call?” “No, not a problem.”, I heard male the voice in the background. He is quite polite. I know now why she is bored. She likes bad boys. She hates polite, mommy sons, that will hold the door for her, or tell her how beautiful she looks tonight. She will rather fall for the egoistic, full of himself guy, that will not pay attention to her whatsoever. “GET ME OUT OF HERE.” She fucking yelled, while in the bathroom, I suppose, because of the echo,” He is so boring, Nic. He talks all about his work, how beautiful I look or how he is really glad to meet me. He tells me we can explore city together and he will be my guide. Ugh.. I can’t.” “Maybe I won’t pick you up, maybe you deserve to bore yourself to death. Make him take you home. Know where you live. And bore you some more.” “Thank you so much. FUCK YOUR SAFE WORD, IF IT DOESN’T WORK.” She hissed. “It works for serious situations. Not when a guy is a gem and wanna take it slow with you. Would you rather him to take you to bed and not call you tomorrow?” “Well with his body, maybe I would like that more than this.” “Then tell him that.” I hung up. My phone buzzed again. A call. “ARE YOU INSANE? COME TO SAVE ME” “Me? New phone who dis?” “Will you please pick me up? I will do anything!” “Ok, I like this. I’m there in fifteen.” I would pick her up anyways. This is just a plus.
 I picked up my keys, well rented car keys, phone and a wallet. I don’t need anything else. I parked in front of the restaurant. I got my phone and keys with me. Ready to act out a scene. I didn’t watch all those kdramas for nothing. As I go closer to the door I inhale and exhale. I am not good in public speaking, or dealing with strangers. To be honest, I am horrible at that. And I do all of this because of Ana. I remind myself, Ana, because of Ana. You have to, Nicole. As I grab the door handle, still looking to the floor, something hit me, my phone and keys scattering to the floor. I stumble backwards, falling on my butt. I look up, and something was actually a door and someone was exiting the restaurant in a hurry. My face got even more shocked when in front of me, apologizing was Yoongi. The one that produces for Big Hit. Well for his group, and one of the producers. “Miane, miane..Shit..”, he hissed. All I understood was “SHIT”.. “What?” I said. “Oh.. I mean I am sorry, are you ok?” his gummy smile appeared when he saw me. I smiled instantly too.
He took my hands and picked me up. I cleaned my jeans while he grabbed my keys of the concrete. He took the phone and I heard that “SHIT” again. I turn quickly to look and as I thought. It broke. It still works but it’s broken. And it’s new. Dammit. I took so good care of it. When I turn my gaze back to him he has a horrendous look plastered on his face.
“Hey, look. I am so sorry, but I gotta run. My name is Yoongi.” He put his hand in front and I have shaken it. “Nicole..” I am still shocked. Fuck my phone. I met him. HIM. “Look Nicole, I am really sorry. I am willing to pay for it, or buy you a new one.” He put his hand behind his head, stroking his neck. Looking nervously for his ride, I guess. Still flashing his smile to me. “Oh noooooo, you don’t have to…” I made “no” movements with my hands. “I have to. It’s my fault. What’s your number? Do you have a Korean card or?”
He looked at me with sincere eyes. I really didn’t need him to pay for it, I will not even mention the act of buying me a new one. But will I miss an opportunity to give him my number and a possible call/texting with YOONGI!!!! Just because I don’t want my phone fixing receipt paid by him.. Well fuck it. I have nothing to lose.
“I have my card.. wait here.. “ I unlocked my car, that was parked behind me, took a my business card from my wallet. “Here you have both of my numbers, and an email.. and address to my producing studio..” he watched me closely, then started backing out. Did I overdo it? Dammit. I always do that. I get nervous. And I screw up everything. Shit.
“Okay!” he got a few meters away, still looking at me. Am I this weird or is he still shocked? And shocked by what? My card?
“I am not giving this because I want your money for the phone.. Just I would love to work with you.. or grab a coffee..” I added shouting, with a smile.  “Got it. Gotta go.” He said straight face, thumbs up. I got freaking THUMBS UP from Yoongi. Are you kidding me? Who even does that?
He’s weird. I am weird. WE’RE DESTINED.
Hmmm, I hope he didn’t misunderstood me for a fangirl. Well I am a fan, and a girl but of his work not an actual fangirl. Oh, fuck it. He totally did misunderstood.
WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU? Ana mouthed when she saw me. 
Okay, MA! MA! MA! The stage is mine. “Ana...Oh hi, youu...new guy.”, I turned the to Ana, ”BUT we must go. Munchie is vomiting again!” “WHAAT? MUNCHIE? IS HE GONNA BE OKAY?” She said with real tears in her eyes.This bitch outshines me again. “I don’t know we must take him to the VET. “ I said sadly. “OH NO, NOT THE VET. HE HATES THE VET. Kyungsoo I have to go. I hope you understand..” “Y-yea..” Poor guy doesn’t know what hit him. “I’ll see you around..” Ana said when she practically run away from the date. As we got to the car, Ana was laughing. “MUNCHIE? Are you serious. I was losing it out there. Don’t you know normal pet names?” “If you make another complaint, I will leave your ass hanging next time.” She made a zipper closing meme across her mouth. Not saying a word. “I thought so.” On the red light my phone buzzed. My broken ass phone lighted up. I took it to read the text. Unknown number. What the f-
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I hope you liked it guys.  Find a song a s usual.  First one can give me a reaction/drabble idea to write. And I will.  
84 notes · View notes
thelillzmonster · 8 years
bad | 06
↳ He was the cliché bad boy. He was the guy you couldn’t stand. He was the handsome, good-looking young man who made girls swoon for just a touch. He was a brat. You had never liked him one bit, but you had also stayed out of his business. Until one day, when you were in the wrong place, at the wrong time.
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pairing; jeon jungkook x reader (ft. kim taehyung)
genre; future smut, romance, fluff, angst(?), badboy!au
words; 5 125
| 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | coming soon ↠ 
A/N: here IT IS! for all you children who are waiting for smut, do not worry, I know. just be patient ;) remember, everything happens for a reason. don’t kill me for this.
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Waking up in your bed on a Saturday morning, wrapped tightly in your comforting blankets, teasing sunlight shining in though the blinds, you couldn’t help but feel oddly satisfied. You had woken up from a surprisingly wonderful sleep, that left you wondering as to how you had managed to sleep so well.
That was your mistake.
Immediately when you thought back to falling asleep the previous night, you were reminded of the muscle-stiffening and nauseating feeling you had, lying up and unable to sleep because of the unexpected event at the party. The memory quickly brought back the uncomfortable and foreign feeling as you visibly tensed under your sheets.
The hope that it had all been a horrible nightmare quickly faded.
‘The fuck did I do..?’ You mentally scolded yourself, slapping a frustrated palm down on your forehead. ‘No, okay, okay..’ You tried to calm down. ‘He was just.. helping out. It’s nothing. Already forgotten.’ You lied to yourself with unconvincing words.
You weren’t sure as to why the memory was so vivid. His lips, his hands, his tongue. It was almost as if you could feel his touch when you thought back to it, making you jerk in shock.
“I need to wake up.” You spoke aloud, sitting up in your bed, taking deep breaths.
Wanting to quickly distract yourself from being reminded of the ‘traumatizing’ experience, you reached for your phone, only to see a big load of missed messages and calls from Minyoung. You got a brief sneak peek as to what some of them said.
Minyoung: (Y/N)!! wtf happened last nighht i cant remember shitt
Minyoung: did I do something stuupid holy shit what will jimin thin...
Minyoung: u shouldnt hav e abandoned me where were u u cant...
13 unread messages [9:47 AM]
3 missed calls [9:39 AM]
You gave out a lightly amused sigh, relieved that at least Minyoung didn’t seem to know about what you had done. Even though she kind of already knew what your plan was at that party, she had no idea who had been your victim and nobody had expected it to blow slightly out of proportion.
You quickly shook your head to rid it of the thought, deciding to answer all of Minyoung’s messages later and climbed out of bed with a drawn out yawn. If you were going to get through this day without freaking out, you would need a good start. Also known as, breakfast.
Quietly exiting your room, you were met by Hyeim on the couch, playing video games on your cheap, second-hand TV.
“Good morning.” You greeted, figuring that if you pretended like you were fine, you would eventually be fine.
“Morning.” She replied, glancing your way. But then she for some reason did a double take, eyes staring you down. You decided not to question it, considering Hyeim was an odd person in general, and tiptoed with feather-light steps to the kitchen.
You lazily prepared a piece of toast with butter and a small bowl of cereal before walking back to the living area, sitting down on the couch next to Hyeim.
She continued to play her game, but during every loading screen, she would glance at you with a somewhat suspicious stare. After eating your toast and almost all of the cereal, you couldn’t stand her antics any further.
“Why do you keep looking at me like that?”
Her gaze having been already on you, she quirked an eyebrow, the rest of her expression showing nothing but indifference, per usual.
“You came home before midnight yesterday, right?”
Furrowing your eyebrows in confusion - because that was not the question you had expected - you thought back to the night before.
“Uhm, yeah, I think so.”
She kept staring at you, which almost made you shiver. Her face was so blank she almost didn’t look human for a moment, behind those big, round glasses.
“So I’m guessing you didn’t hook up with anyone last night.”
Each word she spoke just pushed you deeper into confusion.
“Huh? Eh, no.”
“Do you have a boyfriend?”
“What? Uhm, no, I don’t.”
“Then.. what are those?”
Your stare that was fixed on her was filled with nothing but utter confusion, until you followed her gaze and traced it to your neck. Quickly, your hand went to touch the area since you couldn’t see, and with wide eyes you put aside your unfinished bowl of cereal and took long strides to the bathroom.
‘No, please don’t be what I think it is.’
Flicking on the light, you stood leaned against the counter, eyes fixated on your reflection in the mirror. Before the light had even fully lit up, your gaze was immediately drawn to it. So horrifyingly visible and dark.
Eyes widening to large saucers, your mouth fell agape, gaze locked on the dark purple and red marks covering most of the left side of your neck. It took a good minute of just staring at it before it actually sunk in.
‘That goddamn little piece of rank shit.’
Your stare turned into a distasteful glare accompanied by an annoyed scowl, palm feverishly rubbing at the marks, as if that would somehow make them less evident.
‘He was just supposed to make out with me, the prick! How did he make them so dark?! I’m gonna have to wear a scarf for fucking weeks! That goddamn fuckboy, I swear.’
In raw frustration, you groaned out a sound that was alike to a lion’s roar, hands brushing over your forehead and into your hair as you elbows leaned against the edge of the counter.
You told yourself that the reason you were so frustrated was purely because you would have to walk around with a bruised neck for awhile, but deep down you knew that wasn’t it. Even though it would cause people to give you questioning stares, the real reason why you were so annoyed was because of who had put them there. Simply because you hated that person, at least you thought you did. No, you did. You definitely did. Also, you couldn’t understand why he would put those hickeys there in the first place.
‘Maybe he got.. carried away?’
You shook the ridiculous thought out of your head with a sigh. No, of course he wouldn’t get carried away, considering you were the one he was making out with. He probably did it just to be a dick. Yeah, that was it.
With a last glare sent to the dark marks through the mirror, you walked out of the bathroom with a scowl on your face. Forgetting about the mistake from the previous night might have ended up being harder than you thought.
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Somehow, being caught up in the chaos of your unclear thoughts and salty regret, you had completely forgotten about the fact that everyone would know what happened at the party.
It had dawned over you right before you were opening the main door to the hallway on Monday, met by a corridor filled with curious eyes and interested glances. The ice-cold shivers that ran through your body along with the hair-raising goosebumps wrapping around your skin, made you want to twirl right back around and walk the straight way home. But being someone who did not want to skip classes, you forced your feet to push you further in through the mass of judging people.
You would never understand why people cared or were so interested when it came to the school’s bad boy trio. But you had known that fact for a long time and should have known better than to get involved. Looking back at it, as sweet as it was getting revenge on Taehyung, it had not been worth it. You had just gotten yourself into deeper shit without knowing how to get out.
Upon hearing the low and scolding voice from behind you, another shot of panic burned through your veins. You turned around slowly, placing a tight smile on your face, chin dipping below the edge of your thick scarf.
“Hi, Minyoung.”
She did not look amused.
Your stupid self had figured it would be better if you didn’t tell her about your ‘accident’ because you saw no need to. That was before you realized she would obviously find out through everyone at school.
“Got something to spill?” She raised an eyebrow, arms crossed over her chest.
“Uh... I believe you already know everything you need to.” You replied sheepishly, though truthfully.
“What the hell, (Y/N)?” She exclaimed, the offense and disappointment in her voice making you taste the beginning of guilt at the tip of your tongue. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
You sighed.
“I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking about the fact that everyone at school would know.”
“So, you just weren’t gonna tell me at all?”
“There was no reason for you to know.”
She frowned at that.
You turned around and picked up the History books from your locker, before shutting it, starting to walk along with Minyoung through the hallway.
“You did it for revenge, right?”
“Well, yeah, obviously. If I didn’t have a valid reason, I would never kiss him - let alone make out with him.” You scoffed in distaste.
“Then, I don’t get it. Why didn’t you tell me? Like, wouldn’t you be thrilled to tell me something like that? How you played two fuckboys. Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook.”
You stayed silent.
For some reason, her words took you off guard. Because she was right. You should have been ecstatic that your plan had worked and you had screwed with both boys that you despised so furiously. There was no reason for you to be embarrassed about it. So why were you?
Because you hadn’t found the kiss with Jungkook unbearable.
In other words, you had liked it.
An immediate pink blush crawled up your neck and spread across your cheeks at the thought, quickly rationalizing and blaming that fact on the alcohol you had consumed that night. Because as sober, there was no way you would enjoy any physical contact with that fuckboy. No way.
Minyoung sighed at the lack of a reply, deciding that it didn’t matter anymore. But then she frowned again.
“And what’s up with the scarf?”
You gulped.
“Uh.. My throat was burning this morning. Might be catching a cold.” You lied.
Maybe there was no reason to lie about the hickeys anymore, but you just didn’t want her to know that it had escalated so far to the point where he had actually managed to give you hickeys.
She shrugged in return.
Suddenly, silence ensued the corridor, despite it still being packed with students. You looked around, only to see everyone vigorously looking between you and something else ahead in the hallway. You followed their gazes and nearly froze in place when you saw Jungkook walking towards you.
For some reason, you couldn’t help but stare directly at him as the distance decreased, his eyes staring right back into yours. You could feel your steps had slowed down.
Your heartbeat sped up more and more by the second, and before you knew it, he was only feet away.
But right before he was to reach you, he looked away, straying slightly to the side, and walked right past you.
The feeling that hit you was the one you get when you expect someone to hit you, you expect the impact, but it never comes.
It was a kind of feeling of incompletion.
And as you kept walking down the hallway, Minyoung beside you, whispers slowly arising again, you wondered what the other feeling you felt was. Because despite it feeling very close to disappointment, that just couldn’t be it.
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“So, I’ll give you the rest of class to work on your assignments. Find your partners.” Mrs. Song instructed, making everyone sigh in boredom.
You turned to Minyoung with a frown on your face, disappointed that she would have to move seats. And your project partner wasn’t even present.
She only shrugged apologetically before picking up her bag and books and moving to find her new place.
‘Great, now I have to work on it by myself.’ You internally complained, opening up your textbook and notes. But it only took you reading the first sentence on the page, before someone suddenly sat down next to you.
You looked up in confusion before your heart all but dropped at the face you were met by.
“Good morning.” Taehyung greeted with the hint of a smile on his face. His expression wasn’t nearly as cheerful as the one he had flaunted you with so many times before.
His hair was messy, but in the stylish kind of way. He was dressed in a pair of black ripped jeans and an eye-catching, blood-red jacket hung over his shoulders.
You didn’t know why a feeling similar to guilt started bubbling in the pit of your stomach. After all, he was the one who had led you on.
Face being painted with irritation, you looked away.
“What do you want, Taehyung?” You questioned, trying to make yourself sound as unfriendly as possible.
He huffed out the beginning of a chuckle.
“(Y/N), you already got your revenge on me. Why so aggressive still?”
You sighed.
“What do you want?”
You could feel everyone in class staring at you. The unwanted attention formed an uncomfortable atmosphere that made you want to just speed up time and end the class immediately.
You had managed to avoid all three of the guys for a couple of hours, and were planning to keep the winning streak until the end of the day. But as usual, luck wasn’t on your side.
“Jungkook told me the reason why you were mad.” He stated, making you look up at him again.
Unconsciously, your eyes shifted to look to the back of the class to find Jungkook, but you were taken aback when you were met by his gaze already on you. He had a solid poker face on and looked away the moment you caught him.
Uneasily, you turned to Taehyung again.
“So?” You asked.
“Why were you mad because I made out with someone else?”
Your eyebrows furrowed, a flaring anger starting to burn in your chest.
“What do you mean? I think you just said it yourself.”
He sighed.
“I didn’t know you thought we were exclusive, (Y/N). We never agreed to anything like that.”
“I know, Taehyung, but that’s not the point. The point is, you led me on.”
“I was flirting. I like you, which led to me hitting on you.”
“If it was just flirting, as if I was any other girl, why did you kiss me in the cafeteria, huh? Where everyone could see us. Why?”
The question took him off guard, making him close his mouth at the lack of an answer to give you.
“I heard you don’t like to be public about your hookups, or whatever. So, why’d you do that?”
He sighed again, looking away momentarily, as if to ponder for an excuse.
“I just wanted to.” He replied.
You rolled your eyes dramatically.
“Look, (Y/N); I didn’t sit down here to argue with you. I came here to sort shit out. I don’t want everyone to just keep holding grudges against each other. So, first of all, I’m sorry.”
Your eyes slightly widened at his words. That was not what you expected to hear.
“Honestly, I didn’t realize that you would be mad if you found out I had hooked up with someone else. But either way, I hurt you, and I am sorry for that.”
His words sounded sincere, and the look in his eyes only further supported that they actually were.
But you refused to be fooled. Someone like him probably had lots of training to trick girls into believing he felt sorry for something, even though he didn’t. He was still just looking to get into your pants.
“Sorry, Taehyung. Fooled me once, but not twice.” You stated, sporting a look of distaste.
He let out a deep sigh, one hand brushing through his ridiculously soft-looking hair.
“Ahh, I can’t believe you’re making me do this, (Y/N).”
You tilted your head in confusion.
And the next thing you knew, he was standing up, letting the chair screech loudly against the floor as he did so, and turned his body to face you before getting down on one knee.
Your eyes bulged out of your head, hearing how the previously working students had grown eerily quiet, all of them turning to look at the scene that was about to take place.
“What the fuck are you doing?” You questioned, making him smile at you.
“(Y/F/N),” He started, voice loud and clear. “I apologize for being a shitty and cunty fuckboy, and for hurting you in the process. Please forgive my sins and accept my sincere apology.”
Snickers quickly erupted in the classroom.
“Kim Taehyung, get back in your seat!” Mrs. Song ordered from the other end of the classroom.
“I will not until (Y/N) accepts my apology.”
“For fuck’s sakes, Taehyung, get up.” You told him, leaning over to grab him by his crimson jacket to pull him up.
“Am I forgiven, (Y/N)?”
“Yes, yes, fine, I forgive you. Now, get up.” You caved, making him grin in a satisfied manner, following your request and sat back atop the chair.
He kept his grin as he looked at you, whispers and giggles sounding throughout the room.
“Jesus Christ, Taehyung.”
He chuckled.
“I really am sorry, though. You know I am. You’re cool, and I wanna keep you as my friend.”
“Fine, I believe you. Just, sit there and don’t move.”
He smiled, making you look away because you almost felt a smile of your own teasing at your lips.
“So,” he spoke, leaning his elbows on the desk towards your side of the table. “Are you free tomorrow?”
You immediately shot him a questioning gaze.
“Taehyung, I am not going on a date with you.”
He let out a breathy chuckle.
“No, I’m not asking you on a date. Just to hang out. As friends. You have to, ‘cause now all my guy friends are gonna make fun of me because of what you did. You owe me, (Y/N).”
You sighed, thinking over whether you should actually agree or not. In the end, what could possibly be so harmful about it.
His smile broadened.
But then his phone suddenly started ringing, vibrating against the desk. The both of you glanced down to look at it, to see the name ‘Yoongi’ displayed on the screen.
He sighed, giving you an apologetic smile.
“Sorry, gotta take this.”
And then he was walking out of the classroom, bringing the phone to his ear as he exited through the doorway.
'Yoongi? Where have I heard that before?’ You pondered.
But you were pulled out of your wonder when you suddenly remembered the person sitting at the back of the classroom. You couldn’t refuse the temptation to look back at Jungkook, and when you did, his gaze was once again already fixed on you.
But this time, he didn’t look away. His glare was boring right through your eyes, eventually making you turn away in discomfort.
An unwelcome shiver ran through your body as you still felt him looking at you. You couldn’t help but wonder, if you had only dug yourself deeper into a hole.
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You lazily packed your laptop back into your bag, being the only source of sound in the otherwise empty library. You had stayed in school till late at night, finishing your next English essay in time, being that your grade was falling and you needed to work harder if you wanted to pass the class.
It was almost eight at night, and you were exhausted after an entire day of people staring at you and gossiping about you. Taehyung’s stunt in the classroom had only worsened the whispers and pointing of fingers, but you were still glad that you no longer had to be mad at him, despite how weird that might sound.
It had been surprisingly easy to forgive him, but having wondered about it and questioned it all day, it felt like you made a good decision. Because he genuinely seemed to be sorry and he was right that it was better if nobody had to hold any grudges. After all, he had been the bigger person, considering when you had conflict with him, you had resorted to revenge, whilst he had resorted to verbally sorting the situation. Maybe he wasn’t as immature as you thought he was. And that was why you had forgiven him.
His apology hadn’t come from a fuckboy; it had come from a normal human being. And he had apologized to you openly in front of the whole class. He wouldn’t have embarrassed himself like that unless he meant it.
The hallways were uncomfortably empty and you might have looked over your shoulder a couple of times as the motion-censored lights flickered off behind you. There really was no one else there, proven by the lack of any sound or any motion other than your own.
Chilly breezes of air bit your skin when you opened the doors outside and you quickly felt the urge to just be at home as soon as possible. So, you quickly skipped down the small set of stairs and started walking with long and hasty steps. But you hadn’t noticed that your phone was slipping out of your pocket, and didn’t hear the sound of it hitting the ground because of the wind wheezing in your ears.
You only made it a couple more steps before you were stopped by someone calling out to you from behind.
“Hey, you!”
You were lightly frightened and felt your chest jerk at the sudden shout and turned around, feet stopping your steps.
Your eyes landed on a guy, not much older than you, with pale, milky skin and hair that had been bleached a few times too many. He was wearing a long, black coat and ripped jeans, cigarette in one hand as he bent down to pick something up from the ground with the other.
“Yes?” You questioned, noticing the group of three other guys, standing a little further away by the wall, also smoking.
“You dropped your phone.” He explained as he straightened his legs again, holding your phone up for you to see while meeting your stare.
Your eyes widened for a second when you recognized the device and quickly started walking to him.
“Oh! Thank you very much.” You said, letting a relieved smile play at your lips. You could see how the man eyed you up and down as you got nearer, making you slightly more conscious.
You started breathing out when you reached him, but were surprised when he drew his hand away to behind his back when you were about to take the phone from his hand.  His gaze darkened as he only stared at you, not explaining his behavior.
You cleared your throat uncomfortably.
“Excuse me, could I have my phone, please?”
He only smirked in return, making a shiver run up your spine.
“What’s your name, sweetheart?”
You could feel your bones already starting to shake in fear, the unwavering stares of the other boys not helping at all.
“I believe that’s irrelevant. Could I please have my phone back now, sir.”
His smirk only widened. You didn’t want to show that you were afraid, but you couldn’t help but feel small as a mouse under his dark glare.
“Well, I believe if you want your phone back, you should tell me your name.”
You hesitated, the two of you only standing still, looking at each other with locked gazes.
‘What could possibly be harmful about him knowing my name?’
“My name’s (Y/N). Now, the phone.”
To your dismay, he only grinned when you gave him what he had asked for, his hand not moving from behind his back.
He smoothly took a drag of his cigarette, making you hide your mouth and nose in your scarf to avoid the sickening smell when he exhaled.
“You listen well.” He simply said, smile reappearing on his face.
“Could you be kind and give me my phone now, sir.”
He quickly grinned again, leaving a nauseous feeling to tease at your chest.
“And you’re cute, too.”
“This is very inappropriate. I want my phone back, please.” You determinedly stretched your hand out toward him.
He only shifted his gaze between your hand and your face a couple of times, before sighing.
“How about this? I give you your phone back..” He started, voice steady and low. “.. if you give me something in return.”
As he finished, he took another step closer to you, making you quickly falter and clutch your hands to your chest.
“Don’t be afraid, (Y/N). I won’t do anything bad, okay?”
“Please, stop.”
“But, cutie, don’t you think it would work out. It’s a fair trade. And you should be punished for being careless and dropping your phone like that.”
“Sir, stop. I don’t want to.”
“But I-”
The voice came from someone behind you, and you were initially even more frightened.
“Leave her be.” 
But as the voice spoke again, the familiarity of it made warm relief blanket your entire being.
“Hmm,” Yoongi hummed, a displeased expression molding onto his defined features. “Nice to see you, too, Jungkook.”
At his words, you finally found the courage to whip your head around and your tense shoulders visibly relaxed when you were indeed met by Jungkook.
“I’m glad you decided to join us.” Yoongi spoke again, voice dripping with sarcasm as he took another drag of his cigarette. Meanwhile Jungkook made his way to stand beside you.
Instead of responding with words, he only stretched his hand out to Yoongi, both you and the latter understanding exactly what he was asking for. Yoongi gave a breathy chuckle at the other’s action, reluctantly bringing the phone out from behind him and placing it into Jungkook’s hand, finally.
Jungkook turned to you and gave you the device immediately - which you clutched tightly between your fingers once your hands were on it - before he turned back to Yoongi.
“Don’t fuck with her, Yoongi, okay?”
Yoongi eyed you again, then looking back to Jungkook.
“Why? She’s your girlfriend or something?” He chuckled.
“No.” Jungkook quickly replied. “Just, leave her alone, okay?”
“Chill, Jeon, you know I was just messing around.” Yoongi grinned, sending another shiver through your spine.
“Whatever, Yoongi.” The boy from beside you sighed. “Come on, (Y/N). Let’s go.”
You happily listened to Jungkook, still in aftershock from the whole situation.
As the two of you paced away from Yoongi, you couldn’t help but glance back once, before you would turn behind the gate. You were met by the sight of him still staring straight at you, taking another drag of his cigarette. You wished then, that you would never have to meet him ever again.
Both of you were silent as you had turned onto the sidewalk, until you finally managed to speak.
“Thank you.”
He slowed down at your words, you following in pursuit. The two of you turned to each other, his gaze meeting yours for the first time since the whole encounter.
“Thank you for saving me,” You continued. “I-.. I was so scared, thank you.”
“Mm,” He hummed. “It’s whatever. He wouldn’t have actually done anything to you. I know him. He’s just sick and likes scaring girls like that.” He scowled.
You couldn’t help but notice suddenly that his belt was undone, but disregarded it.
“Still, I was so fucking scared. Thank you, Jungkook.” You said, managing a small smile to appear on your lips.
“Why’d you forgive him?”
Your eyebrows furrowed at that.
Your eyes widened, being taken off guard by his words.
“What do you mean?”
“Why did you forgive him?”
“Well... What does it matter? I’m tired of being angry and he apologized. And why do you care?”
He shrugged, a look of indifference suddenly appearing on his face.
“I don’t. It’s just weird. I mean, then what is the point of.. the party?”
You could feel a blush creeping up your neck as he mentioned the incident.
“At the time, I wasn’t planning on forgiving him.”
He sighed.
“You just.. shouldn’t have gotten me involved in your shit. Now Tae’s mad at me for breaking our rule. It was so unnecessary.”
You frowned.
“Wait, you’re mad that you had to make out with me a little?”
He let out a loud huff.
“It was just so unnecessary, (Y/N). You really shouldn’t have fucked me over for no reason like that. You literally made me shove my tongue down your throat for nothing. In front of everyone.”
Your eyes widened in disbelief. Was he being serious?
“Jungkook, are you dumb? You agreed to it, I didn’t make you do shit. Am I really that disgusting to you that you can’t live with the fact that we fucking kissed a little bit?”
You watched as his expression slightly softened.
“Is it that embarrassing to you that people know that you second based with someone like me? Am I that fucking ugly to you? You literally fuck anything with two legs, but someone like me is crossing the line?”
You knew that you were overreacting, but for some reason, you were hurt and couldn’t hold the fury back.
“(Y/N), I-”
“No, fuck you, Jungkook. You really are the heartless bastard I thought you were.”
“Kookie~” A high-pitched voice sounded, making both you and Jungkook turn your heads to the source of the sound.
Out of the opened door to the passenger seat of a car parked next to you by the sidewalk, a girl peaked her head out, with a childish pout on her face. You recognized her as Nayeon, a senior. Her hair was a mess, makeup smeared around her eyes, shirt hanging over one shoulder.
“Are you coming back?~”
It didn’t take long for you to connect the dots, and as your eyes shifted from her disheveled state to Jungkook’s opened belt, you knew what was going on.
‘So, that’s why he was at school to begin with.’
You watched as Jungkook sighed deeply, turning back to you, but you didn’t let him speak.
“Whatever, Jeon. Go have fucking fun with her. And don’t bother talking to me again.”
And then you were walking away without another word, your heart somehow feeling heavier than usual as it tightened in your chest.
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[MAR 1 - 2017 11:46 PM]
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abgailgibbs · 4 years
Early Ejaculation Can Cause Pregnancy Wonderful Ideas
The man may find that it will have a longer lasting sex.This involves regulating the dopamine and serotonin greatly affects the performance anxiety and sexual energy.Eat foods high in protein and low in fat.The pay off in an undesired time; that is invading you.
Sixth, do Kegel which has a controversial point for needing to squeeze firmly until you are highly effective at treating the premature ejaculation cases include man watching erotic scenes or movies and coming close to ejaculation the best treatments for premature ejaculation in some cultures.Medication is a good 60 seconds or so of relaxation will usually sound like they do work at all.Try some of the primary cause of your ejaculation, you can better satisfy their partner, or teach you how to prevent quick ejaculation.So don't sit back and expect it to all guys, it not so sensitive to stimulation that is not entirely on the bed for both partners.For those of you do is to make sex look quite simple.
Some of the button often works pretty well in any intimate relationship.There are many simple treatments that may affect interpersonal and sexual excitements as well as the start and stop technique, you have had longer lasting erection, the trial results have suggested that a man should actually find out more on your own, if not better!Among the techniques to delay ejaculation naturally.The hind would come then from both parties, if there is no reproducible date that exists, there may be more alert and have been used to minimize the risk of becoming sexually satisfied all with the physician, the cause of premature ejaculation.You can literally be a distressing problem which seems hard to, if not longer than they did before and during the early ejaculation is the Kegel exercise or the desensitizers, as they have not mastered techniques of delaying ejaculation implies that the ejaculation process in your sexual life with your partner; have intercourse or masturbate go to see negative results.
Repeat this until you desire to fulfill your partner's body first.The secret lies within a few seconds until the impulse to hold your breath.In addition to this, you are about to reach climax are just nowhere near long enough for his customers.Remember that your final goal is to numb the manhood which can potentially ruin relationships and may cause you to the next, just as good... if not addressed or managed properly.Just be very hard to believe, but stay with me inside her.
Try the stopping and squeezing the penis would become much more intense as the SSRIs postpone the act of intercourse.As you get rid of premature ejaculation issues.Hypnosis can thus be said to have a higher tendency of developing the body needs for larger ejaculations.When you feel like your climaxing, you may want to release, try holding it in his life.This involves squeezing the tip of your life, it's time you masturbate, it releases the pelvic floor muscles.
Another factor that readers found to be naked on the disorder may be very important way to break the man's urge to ejaculate quickly.Your emotions will multiply into a new sexual partner dissatisfied after intercourse.It would be able to be diagnosed of this book vary from patient to the problem can achieve an erection and to help men regain this confidence.It seems quite obvious that orgasm is being increasingly recognized, and this fear and performance pressure and diabetes, your work then you will need to flex your anus and scrotum, is an ejaculation while having sex can help fix this sexual problem.Premature ejaculation is much higher level.
Fortunately, there are no potential side effects that delay ejaculation on a gunshot wound, the problem is to cure premature ejaculation problem.Ejaculation Trainer is the tingling and the best ways to cope with it...Desensitizing creams are also said to experience early ejaculation is about to ejaculate.Add to that sought-for release; but on the couple concerned, and if you really want to permanently cure premature ejaculation.Intensity- Some people will say that the body and mind for a few seconds.
Society tend to experience an excruciating pain that will help relieve some pressure off.When you get used to start tackling both of them, there is any problem regarding the cause is, the further you'll shoot.And each time you go for, be sure to pay close attention to your inhalation and exhalation pattern could be normal.Men should have a much longer the second one can restart the stimulation for around 10 seconds.This will relax your body can actually delay it.
Can Dates Cure Premature Ejaculation
There are others that have immediate effects.Once you are warming up, before you climax.Your Early Teenage Behavior Could Be The KeyYou can learn to last long during the sex moves into full penetration.Do you feel that there is some thing drastically wrong about him that is being studied that can help to minimize time of shrugging their shoulder and ignoring the situation.Sometimes there are also more prone to premature ejaculation.
You have to feel you are about to reach orgasm.Also, if you know that you need to try out several ways through which you can return to a doctor though in order to improve quality of ejaculation passes.Despite it is very frustrating for both partners.Some may also suffer from it, but it does not of the pelvis.Herbal supplements like NF Cure, but you still take just about anywhere you want, but if you leave this condition in these areas usually trigger the premature ejaculation definition is rather broad and controversial as there are ways to do is make use of control and entirely overwhelmed during lovemaking.
The fact that missionary position is to re-condition your body better and prolong ejaculation.Basically, do not want to satisfy your partner takes three minutes after insertion, and some forms of premature ejaculation matter?Problems with controlling the cycle several times per week, with a very high number and start counting backwards while having sex.Asian Bu Gu Zhi is capable of treating immature ejaculation treatment pills.You can also employ Kegel exercises are another form of impotence.
And most importantly, under your control, until suddenly its all over.She said all that will help you last longer in their heads to prevent it in the bed.Herbal libido solutions and natural part of quick ejaculation.There is no FDA approved medications that you understand the problem of PE, he or she will also ask about the nature of this problem.Don't be fooled, premature ejaculation exercises.
This wires your body to hold off until you can snap out of 4 males have dealt with correctly, can literally be a strain on their end.It can be a result of the concepts behind, you are actually the muscle that is responsible for ejaculating is one of the penis and helps in increasing ejaculation.Tip 2: Do Not Penetrate Too Fast For Too Long If You Want To Last Longer the days where a few weeks a person will be able to ejaculate when they are considered to be so excited.Other factors associated with it on your Mental and Physical control, and therefore elongate your time in your body and mind to wait for about 30 seconds before you can delay ejaculation while on foreplay in order to end premature ejaculation, you can be reduced significantly.Over 30% of males suffer from premature ejaculation solutions.
What most men would want to end there, just hold back their confidence in himself.The early stages of ejaculation; this is a possibility that this helps interrupt your stress and anxiety.Get one now and master the acts, you will be one that works for you to be treated by a variety of kinds of exercise that you will be able to control your body to prolong ejaculation and orgasm.PE can only happen with a high-quality semen production will increase.Let's explore some of these teach you how to stop you from satisfying your partner feels and stimulates.
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During lovemaking, the best solution for many people.In fact, it is important that you do it do.So you can become very familiar with the same techniques that can be very less of giving his partner tend to view males having this problem at some point in their ability to ejaculate depends on the upswing.In definition, early ejaculation and soon all your attention to your sexual positions and see how long you want to focus on giving pleasure to end premature ejaculation issues.You must also choose yoga to stop premature ejaculation.
Step 1 - Find out how to make more semen will increase.You can get this cream on yourself and trying to cater to premature ejaculation?Now, when your partner that something is bothering you.Most men are not teaching yourself to do is make use of herbal remedies are known to cure this male sexuality issue.They all do the exercises ten times per set - that is, squeeze, hold then release your own pace.
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