#read a botw zelink rec
syilcawrites · 1 year
fic writers be giving me unrealistic expectations about romance, pls stop rejuvenating my belief in love ty
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antimonys-stuff · 7 months
i don't remember if i ever recommended this fanfiction here but even if i did do so, it deserves another mention and all the mentions that will (and they WILL!!!!) come after this. this is straight up the best zelda botw fanfic i have read. i have spasmodic euphoria every time i read it and i have read it a couple times already and the intensity does not change. the author has the hands of god and a mind worth the entire sun. if u have ever cared about botw even the tiniest bit or heck. even if you dgaf about botw read it. read it anyway. it's SO GOOD its DEVASTATING
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summonerluna · 2 months
✍️ Fic authors self rec!
When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to other writers you know. Let's spread some self-love! 💛
Ooooh this one could be tricky because I don't actually like a lot of what I write, but let's see...
Fifteen Minutes Old - FFVIII, Squinoa. This story will probably always be my #1 piece of fanfic because it's very personal for me, and is probably the closest I have come in writing to actually getting into words how I headcanon their early relationship.
Turn the Page - FFVIII, Selvine. Mostly for the vibes, and because I really love writing Irvine's POV. It's surreal and creepy and I'm generally just really proud of it, even though going back and reading it there are some things I could clean up if I felt so inclined.
in the tide of her breathing - TotK, puppet zelda horror/zelink. First attempt at writing erotic horror and...I think I more or less pulled it off? But since finding out about the puppet zelda storyline I SO wanted to write something for it because it's my favorite brand of trying to break the unbreakable hero, and the angst is too good. Plus she's hot. And writing this led to getting to be friends with @sheikfangirl which is worth it in and of itself!
Unforgiven - FFVIII, Irvine. Another horror piece, I debated between this and the Quistis horror one I wrote so I guess I actually write this genre more than I think I do? Even though I think I'm still really mild when it comes to what actually counts as horror. But this went to a VERY dark place I wasn't sure I could actually do, and is heavily inspired by Charles deLint who is one of my favorite authors.
the stars lean in - BotW, queenbosa & zelink. Two of my favorite ships, told through the POV of one of my favorite characters, and deals with themes of grief, motherhood, longing, and taking the chances you get? I'll never be able to say my writing is good because I will always find all the problems in it, but if you want to know what to expect from me thematically this is a pretty good example of what I'm about.
Thanks so much @angelosearch for the ask! I'll work on sending this out as well to share the love! <3
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ofstormsandfire · 5 months
Do you have any good BotW/TotK fic recs? Yours or other people’s!
Boy howdy DO I.
Going to preface this by saying that I have preferences, and those preferences tend to veer towards gay shit and people who don't initially get along ending up ride or die, and as such a high proportion of these are going to be Revalink.
Anyway. The fic that got me into that ship, changed my brain chemistry, and is a large part of why I go !!!! about ghosts (literal and nonliteral) haunting the narrative, characters with amnesia who are supposed to be dead, and the Rito as a whole, is Pinesong by aperplexingpuzzle and that is the fic that makes me go "if you read NOTHING else in this fandom read THIS holy fuck."
(But also you should be reading other things too, because there is so much good shit and I adore it greatly I go back to reread my favorites regularly. Also check out the authors I mention apart from just the fics I link there is so much good fic I'm forcing myself to just pick one per author or else I will be here literally all day.)
Next up: Moonlight (every single night) by Heleentje. Do you like time loops? Do you like characters slowly, painstakingly figuring out how to get it right? Did you get very attached to Revalink from the last fic? how about some ~queerplatonic Zelink~ in this trying time?
Frankly, it is very hard to pick just one fic by Ginneke, they've got so many good ones but I'm going to have to settle on Flowers from your Beloathed, which is another Revalink fic set before the Calamity where, y'know, Revali is getting flowers from a secret admirer. Except he's Revali. Hilarity ensues and I enjoyed the hell out of this one ^-^
Also also. Come Morning Light by misscoconi. Post-Calamity, they are both idiots (affectionate) and I am starting to realize that I have a bit of a pattern in my taste in Revalink fics. Huh. I'll unpack that later actually.
Skybound Wishes by Baddrummer is unfinished (unlike most of the fics I've recommended here) but y'all. Y'all it makes me lose my shit in so many ways because I am a SLUT for creative fix-it fics and gratuitous weaving-in of references to other games in ways that still respect the established canon but respect all of it, y'know, not just doing the TOTK thing of "actually nothing pre-BOTW matters anymore and neither does BOTW lol."
...I am starting to realize there may be a reason why I don't have a lot of TOTK recs. Also if this post is starting to sound unhinged and disconnected that's probably because I'm bouncing between Tumblr and studying for one of my finals like a ping pong ball.
But I do have one really, really big fic rec for TOTK. Y'all should check out Show Me the World Outside by IllusionOfDeath. The Sages get to do things, the Divine Beasts don't just vanish without a word, the Champions get actual recognition, and you can tell that the author is the Linguistics Georg (affectionate) of the fanfic world.
Anyway I think I will shill myself a bit too since you gave me permission to anon! If you read no other Zelda fics by me, may I recommend no one ever mentions fear, a fic that... it really was, in a lot of ways, a love letter to the fics in the fandom that I'd read and loved before. You've got the Champions getting to live and have nice things, you've got Revali being a dumbass (affectionate), you've got gay shit, you've got Problems Being Caused by the Yiga Clan in the background.
...Oh god this post is getting. A little longer than I meant for it to I've realized. Um. I love fanfic and tbh if you end up reading everything I've recced and still want more, my bookmarks on AO3 are public and I tend to bookmark just about everything I've read and liked enough to want to find again.
......I should probably get back to studying now but thank you for the ask! I like rambling lol
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saltynsassy31 · 1 year
So I had already seen a lot of major ToTK spoilers since I didn't expect that I'd be getting the game so soon after having my bank robbed by BotW (ToTk was on discount, €69.99 to €49.97, I never saw deals like that before at my local store, I had to buy it!), but I didn't see a full gameplay of it/some things were a surprise to me.
I was aware if Zelda's work room, as it had been mentioned a lot for ZeLink fans to prove them to be canon, but I never actually read or heard the actual contents of the diary.
After almost breaking down crying from the hair band and it being practically useless but still worn, I read the diary while on call with a friend who is streaming Wind Waker for me since she has the game, I had to hold back so hard from a choked sob, that definitely did damage to my psyche (however the fuck you write that word-).
She'll never get to see his reaction to it, she wanted to...and it was supposed to be right after...and she was so excited too...
Anyways, does anyone have any fic recs about this specific part? Both in Link's reaction to reading it and him bringing it up to zelda afterwards/zelda noticing he has the tunic? Please? I humbly beg for any?
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Little Edit: I'm walking around Hateno and I'm noticing every little thing that relates back to zelda and I'm going insane, they did NOT have to add that many hot-footed frogs in Hateno, and yet they did, because I guess they want that on running joke to be stuck to them forever fksjsjana
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hurricane105 · 6 months
Fic list + helpful tags
Link Goes Undercover (BOTW Zelink)
E | Words: 13k | Read here on Ao3
“Let’s disguise Sir Link then,” the king said, the way another person might say, “It’s sunny today.”
Impa squinted at Link, and for a moment he knew exactly what a bug under a magnifying glass felt like. “Two weeks of training, and we’ll have a Sheikah guard Link’s own mother wouldn’t recognize.”
Boyfriend's Tunic (BOTW Zelink)
E | Words: 4k | Read here on Ao3
When it happened, Zelda chalked it up to a hundred years of solitude. It was a whim, nothing more. Doing laundry kept her hands busy and made her feel helpful, but it allowed her mind to wander. So when the next piece she pulled out of the pile ended up being Link’s blue tunic and the urge to bury her face in it came over her, she decided against indulging it. Never mind how much she had missed him during her war in the castle and never mind that she had decidedly impure thoughts about him every day, which was only made worse by staying with him in his house. He couldn’t possibly return her feelings, so Zelda stayed quiet and tried to be helpful. Being helpful did not include smelling his shirt.
Maca's Matchmaking (BOTW Zelink)
T | Words: 1.3k | Read here on Ao3 | Written for Loftwing Letters 2024
"Now, wasn't that just the most adorable couple you ever saw?"
"They're dating?"
"No, and that's the problem! When I see two hearts meant to be together that are languishing apart, I just have to do something. That's why we're going to the castle!"
#canon for the sandbox - LOZ canon diary entries, dialogue, flavor text, etc, to modify for fic writing later
#fic recs - collection of Fic Rec Friday posts, all LoZ, mostly BOTW Zelink
#hurricane's headcanons - my LoZ headcanons
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science-lings · 2 years
what’s some of your favorite loz/Lu fics of all time? :)
Most of my favorite LU fics are here
but what you guys may not know is that I'm also a big fan of botw and modern au Zelink fics, however, take heed, most of these get a little spicy
Like Real People Do by ScarlettStorm: one of the best post-botw fics out there, lots of pining, I absolutely adore how Link's experience with Gender is portrayed, how he and Zelda are both treated as equally traumatized, as sometimes it feels like there's always one troubled one and one caregiver and I can get that for shorter fics but this one is long and beautifully balanced in that aspect. It also gets real horny at the end and in my opinion, it's very tasteful.
Alone With You by @deiliamedlini: honestly this author has a bunch of bangers, I'm waiting for their pirate au to finish so I can binge it all and I reread their Zelink oneshot collection all the time, this one is their modern high school au where Link is kind of a bad boy who is secretly Fucked Up, and Zelda is a popular girl and surprise surprise, they both get along really well. Normally I hate anything that reminds me of high school but this is the only exception. I love how previous characters are included, like how Link knows ASL bc he's friends with Pipit who is deaf and how Revali is a bitch and I still want to strangle him. Also big sister Aryll is a treasure and this fic does such a good job portraying Link's mental struggles and PTSD and how Zelda is being neglected and I'm also a big fan of the overarching plot of medical issues and trauma.
The Calamity of Link's Cargo Shorts by @zeldaseyebrows: I don't understand how someone can make smut so funny and so focused on Zelda's own self-hatred. Seriously though, there's a lot to love with this fic and I adore Zelda's pov. Sometimes you have to have sex before opening up emotionally and that's okay. Also, it's a modern au too, I just realized how many of these are modern aus.
Strangers in the Night by @zeldaelmo: Another modern au, this time Zelda has a kid from a ons with Link and he doesn't know about it for a bit, I just love Link being a dad and how they both work for a museum and there's just something about the courtroom scene that makes me want to reread it over and over again. Sometimes it's hit or miss with family ocs but Tetra is my favorite zelink child ever. All the fics on this list are ones I reread a lot but this one is the one I'm currently rereading bc it's been a few months lol. I love the domestic but also a little dysfunctional vibes, it's definitely not the normal romcom type of thing but I think I like this more.
K.K. Love Song by @airplanned: Again, modern au, pandemic edition. This one in particular has a certain unexplainable soft vibe, like there's some long-distance, Animal Crossing online romance and idk why I like it so much, I guess I was one of the suckers that got pulled in by new horizons when it came out so there's some strange kind of covid nostalgia and it's nice to see how a functional government would deal with the pandemic. Also, Link's grandma is a treasure and there's something sweet about crown princess Zelda meeting some guy on animal crossing and accidentally making him a public figure by dating him. Honestly, this author has a lot of great fics that I reread a lot lmao.
Farore's Day and Windvane Lane by Jenseits_der_Sterne: modern thanksgiving au, Zelda is a quirky scientist single mom and Link is her neighbor. I love Link being a nerd and Zelda being a bit of a disaster. Like she accidentally almost blows up her kitchen and he's just looking on with heart-eyes, after helping her put out the fires of course.
tbh, I'm probably not the best person to go for fic recs as I just find a few really good ones and then reread them till the end of time and rely on other people to recommend me things to read lmao, I hope this was at least a little helpful anyway.
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embyrinitalics · 2 years
Fic Rec Masterlist
Some of my favorite stories and authors. Limiting myself to 3 recs per author. Visit their ao3 profiles + tumblrs for more!  
intangibly_yours (@intangiblyyourswrites)
Synchronous botw | zelink | modern AU | 3.5k | T
Even in Death botw | zelink | 14.7k | M
sink or swim (but don't let me go) various | zelink | compilation | 9k | M
  socksock (@airplanned)
Anonymity botw | zelink | 14k | M
Displaced botw | zelink | 163k | M
K.K. Love Song botw | zelink | modern AU | 20k | T
  yourenotacat (@yourenotacat-writes)
Sweet Dreams, Princess unspecified | zelink | modern AU | 44k (incomplete) | T
Putting Faith in Fools various | zelink | compilation | 4.6k (incomplete) | M
  bahbahhh (@bahbahhh)
desire path botw | zelink | 6.4k | G
like someone would botw | zelink | 9.7k | M
  WolfWarden (@wolfwarden)
The Lesson: A Whumptober Tale lu | wars, mask, fierce deity | 4.7k | T
  Rynling (@pocketseizure)
When the Moon Didn't Fall mm | zelgan (platonic) | 13.6k | T
A Hero's Inventory various | gen | compilation | 8k | G
  Linksthoughtbrambles (@linksthoughtbrambles)
Blindsighted botw | zelink | 5.8k | T
Link's Thought Brambles botw | zelink | 203k | M
  Sifl (@sifl-senpai)
Facades mm | gen | 109k | T
  Leadernovaandthemacabre (@leadernovaandthemacare)
Lord Floria's Anthology botw | zelink | 36k | T
  gerudo__desert (@aegon-targaryen)
If I Falter botw | zelink | 4.5k | NR
The Rise Before the Fall botw | zelink | 2k | T
  Need more? Further reading: (my ao3 bookmarks) (my #fic recs tag) (my fic masterlist)
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hepatosaurus · 9 months
2023 AO3 Wrapped!
I had a lot of fun tracking my fic reading in 2022, so... I did it again in 2023! Still fun, still both completely unsurprising and a little illuminating at the same time. I definitely read less fic this past year—only 77 across 12 fandoms, compared to last year's 110—but that's OK. Life happens, and I'm very aware that I'm never going to be a person who reads a million words per month (or 100 books a year). Stats-wise, I can't guarantee that these numbers are completely accurate, but they feel right and that's what counts.
Word Count
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971,646 words! Numbers fluctuated throughout the year with one real dead zone (lol @ June - I was busy! sibling got married! played a lot of Zelda!), and I kind of petered out by the end of the year. On the plus side, my brain can handle reading actual books again, which was fun. On the minus side: less fic. Oh well. (Also: May's number isn't entirely accurate, but I had to put rubicon's final word count somewhere. No, I haven't finished reading the complete edited fic yet, but that's when the last chapter draft hit my inbox, soooo there.) Most fics were on the shorter side, unsurprisingly (average length was ~12k); I think rubicon was the only one over 100k. I did read more 50–100k fic compared to last year though, which was nice.
(Putting the rest behind a cut. Obligatory warning that this is mostly about Fire Emblem, but what else is new?)
Top Fandoms
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My FE3H reading took a HUGE hit this year, falling from 87.3% to... 83.1%. Ouch, how will my faves recover. Really though, this was yet another reminder that although I certainly watched and loved a lot of new movies and tv shows, read new books, played new video games (ok, it was mostly BOTW/TOTK), all things that could conceivably lead me to check out greener pastures, I am still in an extremely monofandom phase in terms of actual fic reading/fandom participation (four years now!). And honestly, I'm fine with that! I'm having fun, blorbos are still my blorbos, there's still a ton of fic I haven't read yet (new and old), and I'm in a nice/quiet/drama-free corner of fandom. Besides, the average fandom lifespan is too short these days anyway. I'm doing my part to break the cycle. :P
I do wish I had the brain space to read a little more widely, though. I was so close to going on a zelink bender after I finished BOTW, but life got busy and it just... didn't happen. Maybe in 2024. Severance and fandom juggernaut SoftBank Next 30-Year Vision tried their best—two fics each! impressive, lol—but the heart wants what it wants, and what it wants is anime chess pieces kissing (and/or killing) each other.
Top Authors
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56 individual authors, with the top spot going to...desmodus! which does not surprise me tbh; they write such good fic. Looking at these particular results was an interesting reminder that I'm really not someone who methodically/voraciously reads through an author's entire back catalogue, at least not currently. Like, besides the named authors, there were four more with two fics each and the rest had only one each. Next time, I'm almost tempted to see if I can factor in word count to get a better idea of how much time I really spent reading each author, especially since I might (hypothetically) read multiple forgettable 1–5k fics by Author A, and then a single memorable/meaty 95k fic by Author B that sticks with me for years. Is Author A really more of a "top" author? Not really. That's more work on my part though, so we'll see what happens. (All of this waffling could be solved by making an actual rec list for once, but shhhhh.)
Top Pairings
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Surprising absolutely no one, I'm still in sylvix hell. Congrats to None for jumping a couple spots in the rankings, though! A solid showing. I need to get better at tracking platonic relationships, but to be fair, those tags are underutilized on AO3 to begin with (or not used consistently), and I typically—but not always—stick with the main tags chosen by the author.
Also, please note that the ship in sixth place was entirely thanks to alphabetical sorting (it was a six-way tie), but I'm keeping it as is because it makes me laugh/implies some sort of character growth on my part that may or may not exist.
Top Characters
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Lol. In my defense(?), Sylvain did drop almost three whole points this year; he couldn't even hit 60%! What kind of blorbo...?! Jokes aside, it's an entirely expected list. My Blue Lions/Golden Deer bias persists, but I'm not sure what determined when I logged "Blue Lions Students" vs. their actual names—probably half laziness, half just following what the author picked. I did love seeing Ask A Manager's Allison Green chilling at the bottom of this list with Bakugo, though. I'm sure she'll be fine. (And god knows Mr. King Explosion Murder and the rest of my top 20 could stand to follow her advice.)
(Also: apologies to Lorenz Hellman Gloucester, as I see his illustrious surname was cut off accidentally. Forgive me.)
Ratings, Categories, etc.
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Also pretty unsurprising! I considered cutting my NSFW tracker at the beginning of last year since it's a little redundant, but that never happened. It might come in handy one day, especially if I'm looking through my spreadsheet for individualized recs. I was surprised that the Multi category was so low, but that could be due to inconsistencies in how people tag their fic? And/or how I logged them. Sometimes it means poly, but sometimes it just means that there are multiple kinds of ships in a fic. Either way, it's something to consider for 2024's tracker. Consistency! Let's strive for it! ✨
Tags & Tropes
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Also about what I expected, though I was honestly shocked to see Established Relationship ranking so high? And Friends to Lovers so low? What is going ON here. (The former is probably partially due to mikey desmodus's excellent married sylvix fics.) Sorry to Horse Feelings, though; I made a dedicated tag on my google form and everything, but there was only the one fic in the end :(
Etc: Commenting, Rereading, Reccing, and Bookmarks
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Commenting: My only real fic-reading "goal" in 2023 was to get my commenting percentage up to at least 50% and...I did that! Just barely, but 51.9% is 51.9%. Obsessive media tracking works!
Rereads: As expected, and pretty in line with last year (with a tiny increase). I'm just not a big rereader in general, though I did do a fair bit of rereading WIPs to prepare for new chapters. (Not sure how I classified those, come to think of it...)
Bookmarks: Also pretty similar to last year (with a tiny decrease).
Reccing: Now this DID surprise me. That "Yes" percentage seems almost absurdly high, jumping from 46.4% to 61%, and my "No"s dropped a ton too (22.7% to 5.2%). Either I got nicer or I just read better fic. :P Leaning towards the former, but probably a bit of both tbh. My one DNF was a longfic WIP that didn't spark joy and was becoming a hateread, which is rare for me - byeeeee.
By now my tracking form has become part of my fic-reading routine (read - track - comment/etc), and I can't see that changing any time soon. Obviously not everyone wants to (or should!) engage with fic this way, and I can definitely see how it might suck the joy out of reading for some people, but for me, it's been a good mental exercise and a really helpful commenting aid. Also, it's just fun. I like thinking critically about media! I like having a place to record my silly little thoughts about the silly little fanfics I read! All in all, I highly recommend doing something similar if you, like me, get a rush from making lists and compiling data, and if you like complimenting people but sometimes need that extra push to actually tell them and post a comment.
Goals-wise... I don't really do those lol. Probably to continue commenting and maybe try to read more widely, but honestly I'm probably not going to change my habits intentionally. Besides, looking at what I've read so far, yes, it's already half Fire Emblem, but also half gen and half F/F with nary a Sylvain in sight*! We got History Boys, we got Haikyuu filk, we got Ingrid and a MILF! Who knows what's around the corner?
(*This is quite literally only because I haven't logged rubicon yet. Don't worry, he's coming.)
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zeldaelmo · 2 years
Fic writer’s self-rec
Thank you for the tag @fatefulfaerie! I thought I just did something like that, but it was a little bit different, so here we go. 
Stolen Kisses (no I won’t get tired of recommending this one)
In a quiet moment, Zelda confesses her love to Link before it's too late. But what happens to whispered promises and breathless kisses when the world doesn't end? The King, the council, the nobles - none of them seem ready for a courtship between a princess and a commoner, but giving up is no option for Zelda and Link. Saving the world is only the beginning.
Forbidden love, set in the Age of Calamity universe.
Flour, water, salt, yeast, love
As a regular in Link's bakery, Zelda asks him for a favor for Hylia's day. A mistake leads to them fake-dating until at end of the holidays neither of them knows what is fake and what is real anymore.
Modern AU, Christmas story, fake dating trope my beloved
Somebody that I used to know
Decades after Link promised to return to the castle, Zelda steps down from the throne to search for him. She journeys through Hyrule as Sheik, trying to find a trace of a man gone up in smoke to speak to him one last time.
My first time writing OoT zelink. Three different people said it’s one of my best works. Guess you have to read it to find out if it’s true.
Hush! (E-rated)
Zelda and Link are courting but that doesn't mean they are allowed to... well, better be be quiet.
Yeah, I also write spicy things. Not too often, and always with plot. This is not only an E-rated story, but it has art embedded, so please be aware of your surroundings when you open it. Set in the Age of Calamity universe.
How to name a royal child
No one in the newly established court ever asked Link and Zelda about the character of their relationship, so they didn't tell anyone that they were married. When Zelda is finally expecting a child, the council meetings became more fun for the two of them from month to month.
Secret marriage trope, BotW. I’m writing a secret marriage fic for TP zelink, too, and I might make a little series out of these with secret marriage stories for some games. 
Tagging @louwhose, @mikamoony, @deiliamedlini, @syilcawrites, and @flutefemme
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oflights · 1 year
Hello! I saw that you're as obsessed with TOTK as my heart is. And you might have mentioned that you were gonna read some Zelink >:) any recs? I so trust your taste haha
hi, dear!! yes i am still on the lookout for good zelink fics, though it's a bit sparse right now. there are a number of post-botw pre-totk fics that i'm going to try working through, but what i really want is something meaty that takes place after totk and haven't really found that yet.
this fic was really cute, though:
For Want of a Ring by MiraculousMage; it occurs to zelda that she and link might actually be married without her having realized, so she sets out to get him the perfect ring.
i'm going to keep looking, and i'm sure longer/plottier fics will pop up once the game's been out for longer and people finish the main story!! so i'll keep you posted 😌
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bottomtim · 4 months
here’s an update from the newest tloz enjoyer (me)
• loving botw a lot but i keep seeing stuff about totk that looks better (and more painful). im going to try to commit to finishing the main storyline and unlocking all memories and maybe doing the dlc before totk but GODDD i wanna play totk
• trying to avoid major storyline spoilers for a game that has been out for a year has been difficult but i just kind of actively try to forget stuff if i think its a spoiler and hope for the best
• obsessed with zelink like what do you MEEEEAN they canonically find each other in every lifetime like that’s sickening
• also… ganlink…… also fated to be intertwined in every lifetime. sick. sick!!
• can’t stop reading link whump i love a media that involves the protagonist canonically undergoing physical and emotional pain and the fandom actively leaning into it like “yeah here’s more of that. we love putting this guy into situations” awesome thanks!!!! (any h/c or whump fic recs are wholeheartedly welcome)
• got the zelink nendoroids and theyre so cute they’re my children if anything ever happens to them i will kill everyone around me and myself
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lostintranslaation · 3 years
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botwstoriesandsuch · 4 years
what do you think of miphvali? i recently began reading a really amazing ongoing fic on ao3 (if i remember correctly, it's titled i see you swimming in the sky) and now revali's little smile in the picture memory from the champions' ballad is making me go :')
it's literally the most unexpected ship and somehow it makes perfect sense lol
I love it for a lot of the same reasons I like Revalink, but the atmosphere of revpha (or is it miphvali???) is much more distinct and unique. Like, revalink is angsty, and revpha got that angst too don’t get me wrong, but it’s also a lot more...cozy? or...strawberry sweet, vs a revalink chocolate cake sweet,,,,idk if that’s coherant....lol i just like the ship a lot now plus it pairs so well with zelink. (that’s the true beauty of these characters, zelink and revpha, then revalink and zelpha, zelda and revali seems to be a rare pair but i can see the potential, and obvious miphlink is cute! It’s all so perfect)
but YES YOU THERE, READER OF THIS POST, READ I SEE YOU SWIMMING IN THE SKY IT’S SO GOOD PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF HYLIA INDULGE IN THE REVALI/MIPHA SHIP I’VE BEEN DRAMATICALLY CONVERTED AND THAT’S A HARD THING TO DO ~~and also make sure to kudo and comment about the absolutely terrible cliffhanger the latest chapter is on right now to mabs heeheheheh~~
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eerna · 3 years
Do you have any good BOTW/Zelink fic recs?
I do! It's been a hot minute since I read them and I read so many that they're all blurring together, but here's some favs I managed to locate:
1) "No Regrets" by webcomix. If you see me going on rants about how it's my fav BOTW fic, no u didn't, actually yes u did bc I too have no regrets. It's a pre-Calamity multichapter told through the eyes of Link's father, and it is the epitome of what I adore about complicated parent-child relationships and tragic endings. It's a spinoff of a properly Zelink fanfic trilogy, so it even has some hints of romance if you squint, but mostly it's about the way fans create such pretty HCs within an already existing canon framework.
2) “Hold Your Destiny“ by webcomix. The pre-Calamity portion of the aforementioned Destiny trilogy. I really like how alive and breathing the supporting cast is in this. Also I’m a sucker for a good “character A reading character B from a book” scene and a nice long slowburn without a proper resolution, sue me,
3) “Roots” by ClaraAeri. Once again a fanfic I treat as my feel good story. Another pre-Calamity multichapter. This one slaps in an entirely different way from the first one, because the author expands and rearranges the story and characters whichever way is needed, and the result is simply overwhelming. It's dramatic and funny, and somehow it made me like the "secret pre-Calamity dating" trope. Also, I love Mipha in this one.
4) “A Pilgrim's Song” by Joxmarf . Pre-Calamity one shot. Short and sweet and funny, nothing bad happens ever!! Except exceptionally bad puns, those happen a lot. I need that on my reading list too yknow.
5) “hark, how all the welkin rings” by arystocrat. Sad dadfic 2: electric boogaloo. A pre-Calamity role reversal multichapter, this time focusing on Rhoam and Zelda. I gotta finish reading it, but it slaps already, so here it is on the list.
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embyrinitalics · 5 years
Have you guys read the latest chapter of Displaced by @airplanned?
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