#i say converting me is a hard thing to do solely because despite the constant nagging and content on sidlink i havent been truly converted
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botwstoriesandsuch · 4 years ago
what do you think of miphvali? i recently began reading a really amazing ongoing fic on ao3 (if i remember correctly, it's titled i see you swimming in the sky) and now revali's little smile in the picture memory from the champions' ballad is making me go :')
it's literally the most unexpected ship and somehow it makes perfect sense lol
I love it for a lot of the same reasons I like Revalink, but the atmosphere of revpha (or is it miphvali???) is much more distinct and unique. Like, revalink is angsty, and revpha got that angst too don’t get me wrong, but it’s also a lot more...cozy? or...strawberry sweet, vs a revalink chocolate cake sweet,,,,idk if that’s coherant....lol i just like the ship a lot now plus it pairs so well with zelink. (that’s the true beauty of these characters, zelink and revpha, then revalink and zelpha, zelda and revali seems to be a rare pair but i can see the potential, and obvious miphlink is cute! It’s all so perfect)
but YES YOU THERE, READER OF THIS POST, READ I SEE YOU SWIMMING IN THE SKY IT’S SO GOOD PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF HYLIA INDULGE IN THE REVALI/MIPHA SHIP I’VE BEEN DRAMATICALLY CONVERTED AND THAT’S A HARD THING TO DO ~~and also make sure to kudo and comment about the absolutely terrible cliffhanger the latest chapter is on right now to mabs heeheheheh~~
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skinny-boy-endeavours · 6 years ago
Warning: this message might shock most people, although I assume only people with an interest in these issues are likely to read it till the end, and if you are an ex-anorexic or bulimic, or a person scanning the web in search for potential culprits against your good sense, this is perhaps not going to please you. All the same, I will write it.
Since I have been living with eating disorders, more than a decade, and very nearly two decades have elapsed, and since I have joined Tumblr in a hope of finding some comfort and expressing myself at times like “these”, not even one decade has elapsed. I am a boy, I am twenty-eight, I have suffered from eating disorders for as long as I can remember, at about when switching from childhood to adolescence. I have taken a lot upon myself, and am still taking quite a lot, either out of habit or by sheer automatic resignation. I have finished my studies, I have my university diploma, I have remained at the same workplace for several years and I am both reliable and disciplined. But in the last ten years, I have been hospitalized a dozen of times, most of which upon my own free decision, and always seemed to recover a little more each time from I knew not what exactly, but that made me heartsick to the extent of driving myself to suicide on several occasions (at least 5, almost successful, by severe poisoning). I did not heed, at first, that my parents and their controlling temperament and conduct towards me might have the invisible cause behind all my self-destructive behaviours. I still find it hard to evaluate to what extent their pressurizing and eternally unsatisfied influence has driven me to hate myself only, to bear all the pain and to live only a small percentage of what is normally called “life” only to justify my existence and temper their grave looks upon my miserable person. The first thing to be said is that anorexia, bulimia, eating disorders in general and all feverous afflictions, when befalling a young person, girl or boy, is never a “fancy”, nor an invention of problems that were nonexistent beforehand, but a real discomfort, if not a living pain that is being converted into self-destruction, for want of a proper way out to an every-moment-guilt of being alive, under the control pf one’s parents, for they are authorities that are not to be gotten rid of as long as the child is a “minor” or is under their tutelage. Even when this comes to pass, the sentiment of the child who has lived under such a control for years, legally speaking, may and sometimes will inevitably reproduce his unhealthy patterns, either by the constant skin-deep memory of his former captivity of lack of freedom, which, after all, and I understand it now, is the sole and only motive for eating disorders in an adolescent and for an entire-life-wrecking nervous indisposition. I have noticed that at a healthy distance from my parents, I thrive rather well, although I still am fragile, and that when I am intensely with them for at least three or four days, this fragility is increased twice, thrice or more, proportionally to the albeit small time I have passed in the fateful company of my parents, who, despite what might be concluded from the above-written, are loving and caring, and wish nothing but my wellbeing. How then is it possible to feel, to declare oneself oppressed and pressed if one’s parents do not beat or ill treat one ? This is the whole issue: the pain inflicted by controlling parents is infinitely more subtle than any amount of “Physical” beating or mistreatment. All the more, that it is involuntary, and the parents do not realize the pain they are inflicting, and their ignorance of their very own misbehaviour is greater as they don,t understand that their love for their children is being counterproductive and is actually undermining their child’s development into healthy adults, and most of the time, driving them to self-destructive behaviours. This is no victim-playing, one has better things to do than looking, and even finding, guilt where it dos not have an actual existence. But in this lies the problem of nervous disorders into young people and their subsequent mark left upon the young people who have become adults and have to live with their self-destructive envies or direct behaviours, probably until they die, having half-lived only, become the ghost of their either living or dead parents has taken much of their energy and has achieved its final task: make oneself self-hating although alive and “functional” in society. I know why initially, eating disorder suffering patients were rightfully and tactfully removed from their families, from the sickening environment almost entirely manifested by the parent(s) or care-giver, of whoever while wishing the best for one’s child, drives her or him to seek freedom from the yoke through means by which they can escape, both physically and emotionally, and breathe, and while in the presence of the yoke-masters, feel themselves free, at least temporarily, by taking control over the only things they have any over: in this case, food intake, calorie outtake, etc. Drug problems, self-harm, and the like, are all ways of coping with a pressure than has become internalized and persists even when the subject is withdrawn from his familial environment for one’s best recovery or when one is definitely away from it. So tis is what I feel today, and what I come to realize. Of course, I am aware that this may be my case only, and that for all sorts of people, all sorts of circumstances are accountable for all sorts of joys and pains, and consequent self-building or self-destructive behaviours; that all cases of nervous indispositions are not imputable to the familial environment or the parental controlling facies, yet, this is my case and for my wellbeing, I must try to formulate it in a rational manner both for myself and for those whom it might be of use to to read these sentences and find that, as invisible as it is, the cause of their nervous disorders (I must insist, also, that a nervous disorder is not a mere nervosity or stress felt from time to time, but a fundamental indisposition of the whole nervous system, that affect the entire life and both physical and mental health of an individual, and it often drives one from depression to anxiety and back again, until one either is taken into a hospital for rest, or commits suicide although the material conditions in which he lives are what most of our “gentle-natured philanthropists would consider to be far above 2/3 of the world’s average material conditions). The whole point of this is not to throw guilt everlastingly upon one’s parents for all that happens, far from it. But if one is of a fragile nervous disposition and his parental environment does not help this disposition otherwise than retrogressively, as in my case of a till-here lasting eating disorder and as I imagine, of several if not most other people, girls or boys, with eating disorders, then severance from those austere parents is perhaps the first and most important step to be taken, either by the patient’s initiative or by his therapist. It may not be advisable in all cases, as the patient’s have different personalities and have received the more or less bad influence from their own different environments, but I am quite certain that in many instances of anorexia or bulimia or other EDs, this severance is salutary, and may, at the patient’s will, be prolonged as indefinitely as needed, for the invisible controlling influence can follow the patient, as I have already said, like a ghost, it matters not if the parents are still “physically” alive or not, or have been “objectively” demanding/austere/controlling/oppressing. The goal of this is not to spend one’s life in accusation of one’s parents, nor to remain mournful of one’s past, but once this step made, this important step, for the patient to be able to distinguish the part of himself that WANTS to suffer, to destroy himself and punish himself (eating disorders are self-harming coping methods, again, that can become internalized and last within the individual even years after the last definite severance from the individual’s unheeding parental environment/influence. I have repeatedly insisted upon this point, because once understood, as an underlying rule to unlock a difficult calculus of mathematics or physics, it will become not only easier, but truly feasible for the patient, whether he his 12 or 30, to know herself or himself and, as I had started to disert upon a little earlier, to know that his unhappiness is rooted in a self-hated that is rooted in a distorted perception of one’s worth and value as a human, as she or he perceives herself of himself as the direct product of his parents and must be perfect in every way and every instance, until it becomes untenable and metamorphoses itself into an altogether endeavour for irreproachability and self-control, which in its turn becomes what we call an “eating” disorder”. This is no freudian explanation of the mother or father sense within the child who either wants to kill the latter in order to freely fuck the former or simply hates them and eventually, himself, and strive never to resemble either of them by saying yes when they say no and reversely. This only means that the motive for an eating disorder is, in many cases, whether felt immediately and clearly or not, or only later, and to various degrees, a consequence of one’s unhealthy parental behaviour. I have written all this because it has become clear over time, gradually, and not all at once nor in a very definite and clear perception, for it is likely to change over time, as I live on, but these two tendencies, I have observed to remain constant and increasingly self-evident over time, regardless of individual circumstances: that is, 1) that my self-observation has always led me to understand that my self-destructive tendency varies along with my frequentation and near-sensing of my parents, who renew my self-hate, diminish or augment it proportionally, 2) that as long as eating disorders have been observed, whether they had already received a name of some sort or this generally nowadays accepted name, the tendency of the observer was that either the mother or the father had a devastating influence upon their child, an influence which, albeit invisible or at least very subtile, is very real and real enough to drive the child to self-destruction although their material condition is either normal or above the average. They are unhappy and feel oppressed enough to starve themselves, or to purge themselves, or have suicidal thoughts and or behaviours. Even in ancient cases, such as the all-too-famous on of Santa Caterina da Siena, the anorexic behaviour was associated if not entirely attributable to the mother’s controlling influence. In some other cases, modern or ancient, it may be the father’s controlling influence, which, of course, might not be physically agressive, but, upon a subtler plane, emotionally, intellectually, agressive, often when he has achieved some degree of intellectual authority and tries to impress it upon his child’s senses that she or he is to be at least equally rigorous, important or what not, which the child would have fain achieved even, and better so, without this moral pressure upon her or his nerves. Now, there are things upon which one cannot go back, but it is important, at least for me at this moment, to identify this cause, and to work from the knowledge of that efficient cause of the nervous/eating disorder to move forward, and have a decent life, because one cannot have it unless one makes this turn upon oneself and sees that what impedes one is the parental ghost, and I mean this without any psychoanalytical sentiment, for I do not see it as intervening in the eating disorder instance. This is equally true in the case of the freudian explanation of anorexia, that the mother being the material feeder of the child, the child stops eating when his mother’s will she or he fells antagonistic to its own. This is good for allegorical mythology, but not for practical problems that demand a practical solution: in this instance, what has to be understood, and what indeed HAS a relationship with either of the patient’s parents or with both, is that across time and space, this relationship is the root of the problem, which itself is not a one-sided guilt, it would be too easy, but rather a bad or shock meeting of genetic nervous indisposition on one side and of an austere or controlling parental influence on the other. Eating disorders become the only way out imaginable for this situation that involves no culprit but that involves as surely as possible at least one victim: the child who seeks freedom from a legal bondage, and tries to grow and to develop herself or himself under this constant nervous strain. The formerly eating-disordered children who, like myself, have gone into the adult age still carrying their self-destructive patterns and have tried to be a good citizen while waking with the envy of suicide in the morning and going to bed in tears, sleeping by the grace of strong drugs and working like a normal person by who knows whose grace, must, I declare it bluntly, turnabout and sweet is the cause of their lasting pain and poor mental health, which, in this instance, affects the whole physical organism equally, and can damage it permanently (the nervous indisposition has already a disabling effect upon the entire being, both during the adolescent growth wherein the individual is normally meant to build himself, and after the end of hormonal growth when one is an adult; the added problem of an eating disorder, superposed upon this already fragile nervous system, may be very destructive physically, and even more so as time rolls on, but also on the mind and the emotional faculties, which become prematurely tired and strained, especially when entertained over years, and eventually decades). I therefore conclude my long word, and also congratulate my reader upon his patience, by saying that an eating disorder is controlling parental influence + genetic nervous disposition and that the recovery can neither be forced upon the patient as an evidence nor even occur in the mind of the patient while her or his father or mother has not been identified as the cause of her or his emotional imbalance, and subsequently and consequently, been put aside from one’s life and definitely either discarded or healthily dealt with (by regulating, if not abolishing, the rapports one has with one’s parents or with the one in question that has an unhealthy bearing upon the child’s nerves). Now, this is only my opinion, and I perhaps imagine everything and I am not sick after all and all this is but a bad dream... But, on the other hand, I know not why, I feel that most eating disordered people, young or less young, will relate with the few statements I have abode made, and find that they describe their own cases quite accurately, because what I have singled out as the one invariable ou almost invariable tendency across time and space, in the case of EDS, is the parental influence, and it is a tendency because it cannot, totally at least, be dissociated from the very problem of EDs, and I am quite sure that those who have read this hitherto shall feel that they are not alone, and that behind their apparent madness, and underneath their emotional pain, there is something quite similar across the cases, and that something subtle lies at the foundation of it, something that has its constancy across the circumstances, and that determines the appearance of the coping method known under the name of eating disorders.
Saturday the 18th of May, 2019
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infraredpenguin · 8 years ago
First Impressions - The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
It’s usually a good sign when you sit down to play a game at 2 in the morning just to get a quick taste, only to look up and see it’s daylight outside. That’s exactly what happened last night when I first experienced the latest entry in the legendary Zelda franchise. Before I continue, I should probably say that I am playing Breath of the Wild on the Wii U, so I can’t speak to performance on that console.
Right out of the gate, I was actually pretty pissed off. Why? Well, because the Wii U gamepad has a persistent notification to switch to playing solely on its screen, and this notification is constantly fading in and out. I have a hard time dealing with stuff in the periphery of my vision, so this was extremely aggravating at first. I tried finding ways of turning off the screen or making use of my Wii Pro controllers, only for nothing to help alleviate this frankly idiotic flaw.
Thankfully, after an hour of playtime, I was so enthralled I completely forgot about my gamepad’s screen.
I will say, however, that I’m sick of companies fucking with their customer-base, doing shit like Nintendo has done here, essentially gutting the Wii U version of the game (a game they were definitely selling Wii U hopes on before) to promote their new console. They definitely had map and inventory functionality on the Wii U gamepad before, as well as examples of this kind of stuff in other games like Wind Waker and Twilight Princess HD. The gutting of these features for parity with the Switch, is shameful and insulting, but I digress.
Breath of the Wild is a fantastic game, and the degradation of what could have been doesn’t change that. So, here are a few major impressions I’ve had with the game so far:
1. The world is beautiful and awe-inspiring. From the art style to the sheer, terrifying scope of it, this is a world that begs you to explore it, and BotW has provided a multitude of reasons to do so. You’re really not forced into doing anything you don’t want to. Even the starting region, the Great Plateau, despite having a critical path to it prior to opening up the rest of Hyrule, gives you a staggering amount of leeway in terms of approaching your objectives and satisfying your explorative urges. Being a huge explorer-type, myself, I am legitimately fearful of what this game is going to do to my psyche... How will I escape from the lure of the wild?
2. The lack of handholding is refreshing and well executed. With minimal guidance that you almost have to seek out yourself, the game expects you to figure things out. The ways in which different objects react to each other, how Link behaves using different tools, and other elements such as the surprisingly engaging cooking system, all encourage the player to explore in some way or another. Death is a constant companion, or at least the threat of it is if you plan on being truly adventurous. Thankfully, all of this is backed up by a surprisingly robust save system for a Zelda game, ensuring you never lose too much progress and allowing you to dictate the flow of your experience.
3. Combat is dynamic and satisfying, but ‘ho boy, the controls for this game are a battle in and of themselves. Simply put, controlling Link with the Wii U gamepad feels kind of janky, and this is coming from someone who actually quite likes the gamepad. I’ve never felt as clumsy playing the Zelda HD remakes or Xenoblade Chronicles X or any other of a multitude of Wii U games I love as I do playing Breath of the Wild. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but something just feels off, feels slightly unresponsive, and nowhere was this more apparent than in the fight against a hidden boss enemy in the starting area.
Beating this stony adversary felt like it required some arcane contortion of my hands, trying to juggle the Z-lock with the camera and jumping, running, and attacking. I blame a great deal of this on the binding of jump and run, diametrically opposed to one another on the X and B buttons. Now sure, once I went into the options and swapped them so jump was set to B and cancel/run set to X, things started falling into place a little better. Just picture trying to fight something by attacking with Y while dodge is either on B or X. One of those configurations is more natural for your thumb, plain and simple.
Unfortunately, even after some hours, I’m still not 100% in love with the control scheme. Using the wrong attack or accessing the wrong quick inventory isn’t exactly routine, but it happens often enough. Ultimately, it forces me to wonder why in the hell you can swap controls between 2 specific buttons but can’t reconfigure everything to your liking. This is nothing new with games, and is just one more way that developers disrespect their audience (especially disabled gamers, but that’s a topic for another day). There’s just no reason for it to be this way when it could be so much better.
4. That being said, there’s so much in this game to love that the janky controls are a comparatively minor concern. Once you leave the Great Plateau for the wider world it’s hard not to feel unbridled excitement for what’s waiting for you out there. This game has so far captured my sense of wonder and adventure better than any open world game I’ve played before (and I’ve played a ton). The best part is how much direct agency you have as a player, and the best example of that is in this game’s version of Ubisoft’s ICONIC™ Map Towers.
Rather than literally every other game with some form or another of a tower wot fills out your map, the Sheikah Towers expect you to do all the hard work. Sure, you climb them and it fills out your map, but only visually by drawing in some actual details into an otherwise featureless dark expanse. It reveals no Points of Interest, no objectives, and perhaps just as important, no other map towers!
Instead, you are expected to either wander aimlessly (a perfectly valid pursuit), or bring out your Sheikah Slate’s scope function, and cast your gaze all around the majestic world surrounding you from your lofty vantage. And if you do see something interesting in the distance, you simply place a marker pin from the scope and can then choose to convert that pin into different stamps on your map for future reference.
You don’t even have to be at a dedicated tower to do this!
I found myself exploring a ruined building at the top of a tall hill, thought it had a clear perspective on the surrounding locale, and decided to take out my scope for some marking right then and there. I sought out visible Sheikah Towers and marked them, as well as nearby Shrines and marked those too. I even saw some imposing foes in the distance and slapped down some skulls for future reference. The Sheikah Scope makes it a painless, and above all else, a satisfying experience.
Breath of the Wild is one of the only open world games in recent memory that actually trusts its players to their own agency, and it is infinitely better for it.
5. Right now, my favorite part of the game is easily discovering my little Korok buddies in the environment? Why, you ask? Because they are adorable, obviously... In all seriousness though, the fact that you have to keep your eye out for strangeness in your travels and solve a few mini-puzzles here and there makes them one of the best incentives for active exploration I’ve seen in a game. There may be some patterns to watch out for, but I’ve discovered at least 10 different ways for these forest fairies to manifest in the world, and I’m sure I’ll stumble across many more. I managed to find 15 of the little scamps before leaving the confines of the Great Plateau, and it was tempting to look for more!
So there you have it, my initial impressions of the latest Zelda game. Obviously it’s not perfect by any means, but I do think it has the potential to be the greatest expression of what an open world game can be if we stop trying to make everything painfully obvious.
I can’t wait to see the rest of this enormous world and how the story plays out, but who knows how long that will take...
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nstechco · 8 years ago
New Post has been published on NSTech Sharing Center
New Post has been published on http://newsteptech.com/main/divi-3-0-theme-fast-easy-to-use-for-building-wp-sites/
Divi 3.0 Theme Fast & Easy-To-Use for Building WP Sites
Divi has always been the best option from Elegant Themes. It is flexible, and you can seamlessly customize the building blocks. Divi builder is tailored for non-coders. And for those who know to code, well, you can relax! Divi is user-friendly by default and converts every element into a visual block for better understanding.
The ‘building blocks’ on Divi are termed as “modules,” and there is a huge collection of the same. These modules give you the superpower to add CTAs, buttons, price tables, promo titles, testimonials, etc. using the drag and drop feature. If this isn’t convincing enough, here are the features of Divi:
Over 20 pre-made layouts to choose from. You can create your own layout, save and upload it, and use it later.
Every web page made with Divi is device-friendly. You can just start creating your web page without having to bother about the devices your target audience use. Divi will ensure the optimization. And yes, be rest assured, your design quality will never be hampered, whatever device is used.
Divi is safe and reliable; courtesy the partnership with Sucuri.net
Innumerable header options to choose from.
In-built language translations in 32 languages.
Divi 3.0: Introduction video
If you want to get a quick overview of what Divi is all about, this video says it all. “If you had to describe Divi in one simple word: Magic.” This video offers a tiny glimpse at the new Divi 3 Visual Page Builder. If you have been wondering what Divi 3.0 is all about, this is it.
Divi 3: Sneak Peek Undo, Redo & Revision History
You can observe the changes instantly
The new visual builder enables you to create and edit your pages on the front end of the website. Viewing the page exactly as someone would when they visit your website can be done when you load the builder. When you activate the builder, everything on the page becomes editable. You can adjust the content, size, colour, spacing positioning, etc. of any element by merely clicking on it. With the new visual interface, all the previous Divi modules and settings have been enhanced and simplified.
Block-based backend builders usually have few drawbacks. For instance, you need to make an effort to understand the settings, before finalizing you have to preview the changes, and most important locating content in grid sections is a tedious task. Divi 3.0 relieves you of all these. Divi 3.0 gives you a visual interface that is intuitive and easy. If you are using Divi for the first time, you are in for a great experience.
Divi’s new visual builder is incredibly fast, and this makes the design process fun. For example, when you make a change, your page is instantly updated, and you can view the changes instantly. Text fonts can be changed using the font size controls and watch the text expand and contract with each gesture. It is easy, fun and seems magical.
Add content on the go
Adding content on your page has been made a hell lot easier. To add something new, you have to hover over the desired area and click the ‘+’ button. Then you will get a list of Divi’s 40+ content elements. Divi’s content tooltip is always there when you need it. Plus it is easy to find your desired content element or saved library item. I found it super fast. When you add new content elements, it appears instantly.
Divi has a content module designed for every occasion, and each can be completely customized to obtain your desired results. You don’t need to know any coding. You can just click and build. Divi has the tools that you will need to make your vision a reality.
Drag, drop, duplicate and delete
Website builders are incomplete without drag and drop. Divi is no exception. Dragging and dropping elements in the new visual builder in Divi is seamless. With Divi 3.0, it is more like working with actual content. There are no ambiguous grids and blocks. When you start editing your page, the zoom out feature in Divi 3.0 lets you preview an overhead view of the page. You can see how your page is coming out while working on it simultaneously. You can drag and drop large content pieces without having to scroll. There is even an option to forgo dragging and dropping and opt for copy and paste functionality.
Draggable widths and heights
Draggable widths and heights are totally awesome in the visual builder. When you place your cursor over any of the four sides of a row or section, drag it to increase or decrease the padding and thereby increase or decrease the element’s width or height. It also offers the added functionality of seeing the changes instantly as you move your mouse.
Easy responsive editing
With easy, responsive editing, it has become very easy to build a beautifully responsive website. The new visual builder has responsive design toggles that you can use to view your page in smartphone, tablet and desktop breakpoints. Toggling between these different views is possible while you edit your page and the visual builder stays fully functional in all three modes. You can specify separate values for each breakpoint. Divi 3.0 lets you switch between the breakpoints when you are editing your page.
Instant undo, redo and revision restore
One of my favourite features of Divi 3.0 is the comprehensive undo and redo system, complete with a fully restorable history log. It is one of the most shining examples of the new builder’s speed and power. It is incredibly useful as you are never in a danger of making a mistake because nothing is ever lost. You have the functionality to undo your most recent actions or open up the history log and go back and forth through time and watch your page transform instantly. It offers an excellent way to compare design changes and decide which variation you would like to put on your page.
The invisible interface
The Divi 3.0 has an interface that doesn’t get in your way. It is clutter free and easy to use. It is hard to detect the builder when you launch it for the first time. There are no floating sidebars or fixed headers. The content in your website is not affixed to many buttons or obstructed by annoying grids and overlays. You can start typing immedietaly when you click in the paragraph. As you drag something, it moves. When you need to add content, edit content and create an excellent website, everything is there at your fingertips. This functionality comes without getting in your way. This is perhaps the most enjoyable website building experience ever, and it is very easy to fall in love with its beauty, its power, and it’s subtly.
Customizing your interface
Divi 3.0 is the first WordPress page builder to have a customizable interface that doesn’t pigeonhole you into certain UI conventions. The page design is entirely your call. The module controls can appear either inside a popup or in the sidebar. It is solely your decision. You can do so many things like altering the size of the popup, make changes in its position, expand or contract them using the buttons. When you drag the popup to any of the sides of the page, it automatically gets into the sidebar position. The content gets adjusted accordingly. Now, you have the liberty of changing the width as per your desired screen size.
Custom fonts and styles
The styling text is very easy with the inline editor. You can add standard styles to any selection such as bold, italic and underline. You can create links, add H1-H5 headers, build lists and adjust text alignment just like in normal WordPress text editor. In addition to this, you can apply custom fonts, colours, and text sizes.
It’s incredibly fast
The new Divi Builder is fast. Like really fast. It is one of the fastest website builders you have ever used. For example, when you add or change content, the page updates almost instantly. There is no “loading” as the building takes place in your browser and not your server. You can enjoy constant feedback to every adjustment you make without any page refreshes and ajax loading bars. The Divi 3.0 is here to change perspective once and for all.
Full backward compatibility
Divi 3.0 offers full backward compatibility. You will experience no drastic difference in the performance of the modules and settings.  You can go back and forth between the backend and the front-end builders as you wish. Therefore current Divi users need not be concerned about clicking the upgrade button.
The Divi Builder framework powers not only Divi but also Extra theme and Divi Builder plugin. Both these products will be a part of the latest Divi version, giving users an edge over other page builders. However, you need not worry about upgrading to the latest version. The current Divi version is backward compatible and is as efficient as you can think of.  Till then you can take a tour of a free trial before you upgrade. I am pretty sure you will love the experience just as I have.
Drawbacks and limitations
Nothing in this world is perfect. Divi 3.0 is no exception. Despite the fact that Divi 3.0 is one of the most influential visual builders with tons of features and customizable options, it is not devoid of certain limitations as well. As users of Divi 3.0 you might also face similar limitations with this upgrade and here let me share it with you. Feel free to comment whether you feel likewise or differ from my opinions and let me know.
Not fully customizable
For a web designer who wants to customize every single element and its behavior fully, you just might be better developing your own template, since you will already be adept with the ways a module can be customized to suit your needs.
Theme support
As of now, the Divi template is not supported by many other templates. The Divi template is probably the only theme that supports the new Divi builder right now. But the good thing is that Divi comes with more than 20 pre-made layouts right out of the box. These designs can be used to jump-start any new web page.
Performance issues
There seems to be a known issue with caching plugins. According to other Divi reviews, conflicts are popping up in combination with W3 Total Cache or Super Cache.
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