#react records
mavigator · 8 months
i talked about it a little bit already but i have things to say about it. for context, i was born with amniotic band syndrome. the amniotic band wrapped around my left wrist in utero and stunted the growth of my hand. i was born with about half a palm, four nubs for fingers, and a twisted half of a thumb. i can open and close my thumb and pinkie joint like a claw.
yesterday at work i had a shift in the room with 5-10 year old kids. i had my left hand hidden in my sleeve (a bad habit of mine). a kid asked if he could see my hand, and even though internally i was debating running into traffic, i said “sure you can” and showed him my hands. he stared for a moment, looking disturbed, and then said “i don’t want to look at that anymore”. that hurt to hear, but i understand that kids are new to the world and he probably didn’t mean it out of malice. i put my hand away again, told him that it was okay, and that i was just born that way.
he then went on to talk about how he knows a kid with a similar hand to mine and called it “ugly”. i told him that wasn’t a very kind thing to say and that he wouldn’t feel good if someone said that to him, and he replied that no one would say that to him—because he has “normal hands”, and he’s glad he does because otherwise he’d be “ugly”. i tried to talk with him for a bit about how everybody is born differently, but he just started talking about a girl he knows with a “messed up face” and pulled on his face to make it look droopy. i went on some more about how it wasn’t very kind to talk about people that way, but the conversation moved on to something else.
i’ve told my supervisors about it and they’re going to have a talk with his mom. what i wanted to say is this: i’m genuinely not upset with the kid. kids are young and naturally curious, and he clearly simply hasn’t been taught about disabled people and kind ways to speak to/about others. which is why i am upset with his parent(s). i know he’s encountered visibly deformed/disabled people before (he said so himself!), yet his parent(s) clearly haven’t had any kind of discussion with him about proper language and behavior. i knew from birth that some people were just different than others, but my parents still made a point to assert to be kind to and accepting of others. i wonder if adults in his life are the type of people to hush him and usher him away when he points out someone in a wheelchair. that kind of thing doesn’t teach politeness. it tells children that disabled people are an Other than can’t be acknowledged or spoken about; which, to a child, means disability must be something bad.
i’m lucky enough that this was a relatively mild incident, and that i’m a grownup with thicker skin. i’m worried about the other kids he mentioned to me. has he been talking to them this way? when i was a kid, i had other kids scream, cry, and run away at the sight of my hand. or follow me around pointing at me and laughing at me. or tell me i couldn’t do something because i was ugly or incapable or whatever. one time a girl at an arcade climbed to the top of the skeeball machine, pointed at me, and screamed at me to put my hand away and wouldn’t stop crying until she couldn’t see me anymore. another time, a kid saw my hand, screamed at the top of her lungs, and ran into my friend’s arms, crying hysterically about how i was scaring her. that second incident made me cry so hard i threw up when i got home. i can kind of laugh it off now, but having people react to me that way as a child is something i’m still getting over. why do you think i have a habit of keeping my hand in my sleeve? it just irritates me to see children that have clearly not been taught basic manners and kindness—their parents Clearly missed something pretty important .
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petr1kov · 5 months
here's the scene i've mentioned before where nemesis and melinoë talk about hypnos, for those who wanted to see it!
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reunitedinterlude · 1 month
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the cake scene saga
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hydrus101 · 4 months
Minor Part 42 Spoilers
I know it’s intended to be a funny little throw away line, but the “Was I this bad?” exchange is so so so so important to me.
John, less than even an hour ago, committed a horrible atrocity against Arthur. It doesn’t matter that the deal was fake, he still intended to go through with it. Fully. He threatened Arthur’s memories, threatened his autonomy, threatened his very well being in a moment of fear and rage and human helplessness and grief. For all intents and purposes, Arthur should still be livid with him, should still bear that affront like a freshly bleeding wound. He should hate John, just a little. But he doesn’t. The second John shows even the slightest hint of self consciousness, that little sliver of weakness, an awareness of his growth and where he began and how far he’s come, a tiny fracture in the armor of his newborn human ego, Arthur immediately goes to reassure him.
“No-” You weren’t that bad. You were fine. You did great. A thousand little unspoken reassurances. Platitudes, maybe, since he was being untruthful kind.
John was that bad. Yorick has no reason to lie or exaggerate, he was this bad at the beginning and Arthur would be well within his rights to affirm that. To put him down. To lash out in some petty little way and get his licks in while the wound still drips, but he doesn’t. Doesn’t even think about it. His first instinct isn’t to dig his thumb into the scar and inflict on John some tiny hurt, but to soothe him, not out of fear that he might make good on his earlier threat, but out of genuine care. Out of friendship, Out of love.
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fluffylord · 6 months
"he is the hottest old man I've ever seen in my life"
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sentientstump · 7 months
log shop meeting
decided to work on this later someday (2 months minimum)... so im leaving it in this blob state with 1 fps, take good care of it!
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theminecraftbee · 6 months
solving counting sheep prompt thing: three and joe trying to work on some project together
Three squints critically at a post in the ground.
“Your measurement is off,” it says.
“Why, thank you. Your eyesight is far greater than mine, so I very much appreciate you correcting the marks I’m using to decide how big and close the moon is getting!” Joe smiles at Three. Back when Three had first met her, Joe had smiled big quite often. These days, even that goofy, meant-to-be-a-gesture smile is drawn and exhausted. Joe is not designed to run on minimal sleep the way Three is; Joe is hardly the only Hermit staying up until the middle of the night these days.
Blocks rise around them.
Three has better vision than Joe. Blocks rise everywhere.
“I still think we should try Mumbo’s missile again. Or we should try a bigger missile.”
“I am afraid that didn’t work the first time!” Joe says, finishing their sign adjustments.
“That’s stupid,” Three says.
“That’s just how it is. Besides, big problems like that are for big problem havers! We’re out here, collecting data for the people who might actually be able to do something about it.” Joe pauses, shrugs. “I mean, if they exist. They probably don’t.”
“I could torture a Watcher into fixing it,” Three says glibly.
“No, you said that wouldn’t work,” Joe says. “Also, that’s morally questionable.”
Three does not fidget. It trains its eyes on the threat it can do nothing about. It lets out a trill that, for most mortals, is terrifying.
Nothing happens.
“I can make everyone leave,” Three says, quieter this time. “With better plans than—”
“The season’s hardly over. Iskall hasn’t given me my badge yet. I’m not leaving until I get that,” Joe says.
“That is a stupid plan. Don’t be stupid,” Three says.
“Are you leaving?”
“Not until Mumbo does. Especially not until—Pearl should know better. She did not leave last time. She was—was sad. She should know that—I won’t leave until she does,” Three says, halting as it trips over emotions it doesn’t understand.
“Then let’s not have this argument again.”
“Will comply,” Three grumbles.
“Besides, this new moon data is fascinating. Why, at this rate—oh no! I might not even finish my castle! I think I’m going to go work on the walls again, just in case,” Joe says.
“Affirmative,” Three says.
“See you around! If you happen to See any solutions with those big eyes of yours”—and here Joe winks, incredibly unsubtly—“please, by all means, let us all know!”
He leaves.
Three looks at a line of signs across the ground, scattered markers of how small the problem was a month ago. It’s grown so big so fast, and Three has still yet to figure out how to neutralize it.
No one has any orders to stay. No one has any reason to. Three doesn’t understand why they’re still staying.
Three won’t leave alone.
Three, Three doesn’t want—
It would be sad if Zedaph’s sheep experiment had to end early. It should not be buried under moon rocks and rubble. It should be remembered.
That’s all.
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moderndaypandora · 2 years
I love every "Death set Dream up with Hob on purpose" headcanon, and I love "actually I was planning to throw Chaucer at you but I can wing it pretty damn well and, once I heard Hob call me stupid, I knew, yeah that's going to be Dream's boyfriend". It takes a village (or an older sister) to get Dream a boyfriend.
Now, I'm picturing the entire Endless family blindsided when Dream comes to a family dinner like "I GOT MARRIED! LIKE TWO MINUTES AFTER THE LAST DINNER--" "That was a literal century ago?!"
Not a single sibling clocked this. Not even Destiny.
Destiny, out loud: it was an unlikely path in my book, so I didn't give it much attention 
Destiny, in his head: honestly I started speed-reading/skimming through Dream's love life paragraphs because watching him crash and burn and cause massive body counts just seemed so... repetitive and predictable?
Death: knowing our brother, I was carefully managing my expectations and was just glad he was still doing the century meetups last time I'd checked. Good for him, managing to stay with somebody for a century, that outstrips his last relationship by ... like 7 decades.  Kind of offended I wasn't invited to this wedding, kind of not planning to say anything?
Desire: At this point, I stick my fingers in my ears and go "lalalalalala" whenever I hear anything about Dream and want, either him wanting or somebody wanting him, because Death said I had to stop making fun of him for how disproportionate his Yearn to Act Ratio was, and any ammunition I can't use is just ... irritating. I figured if anything really changed, my twin would tell me about his descent into misery.
Despair: He was less miserable, but I assumed it was a fluke and he'd return to his normal equilibrium eventually. And it's not like my twin let me know he'd managed to successfully want AND obtain something?
Destruction is Sir Not Appearing In This Picture.
And Delirium had more important things to think about than her brother's sad love life, like would flying fish fired out of confetti cannons be considered birds until they landed?
Meanwhile all denizens of the Dreaming are never not aware that Dream is happily married, because the weather has been perfect for years and the throne room stained glass is some variation of Hob and Dream being lovey-dovey.
Lucienne: If I see them necking in the stacks ever again I will be forced to take action, and Lord Morpheus is aware of that fact, but we haven’t had a library flood in 103 years, so overall we’re pleased.
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taee · 2 years
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finger flicks on the forehead is always the unspoken penalty
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waitineedaname · 2 years
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inside my brain is a slideshow of these panels of ritsu experiencing emotional torment
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cephalog0d · 1 year
Yeah I'm not done yet.
The thing I keep coming back to is that as much as I'm down to nit-pick things like how characters are written and plot details (and boy are there a whole infestation of nits to pick), what it boils down to is that the basic premise here shouldn't even be happening.
I get they're doing a Thing with Bruce and the after effects of Failsafe and Zur and Insomnia so sure I guess it makes sense to have him acting totally unreasonably. I'm not saying it's a plotline I'm thrilled with, but whatever. This is about everyone else.
You have half a dozen people routinely patrolling in Gotham, who've been doing it for years, who know the city and how it works, who have at least two people who are particularly inclined towards collecting and parsing data for patterns for crime fighting purposes, and none of you noticed anything amiss until Selina called and was like "Hey did you notice my neat new plan I've been doing?"
To that point, in a room full of literal canonical geniuses not a single person has thought to ask any of a dozen very practical questions that occurred to me, a non-genius reader, roughly 10 seconds after reading what The Plan was. Things like, oh, I don't know
How is this going to be a sustainable long-term effort?
For example, what happens when Gotham's wealthiest realize what you're doing and dramatically beef up their security (with tech or with actual people), making it much harder and more dangerous?
Like iirc you, Selina, have definitely had some real dicey situations as a result of your profession, and you're a lot more experienced than these people.
(Hey speaking of which isn't there a whole secret society of Gotham's wealthiest and most powerful who have access to nearly unkillable assassins? Who keeps coming back even though they keep being taken down? You think any of these people might belong to that?)
What happens when the rich folks get pissed and sic the heavily militarized GCPD on you? Don't act like they won't, I'm sure someone's squirreled away stuff from that whole Fear State fiasco.
For that matter, what happens when the costumed villainry figure out who swiped all their henchpeople and decide to object to it, presumably violently?
How many people are we talking here anyway that you're training? How many ultra-wealthy people live in Gotham? How many easily stealable things do they have sitting around to take? (As opposed to, like, other non-liquid fake assets like stocks)
How are you fencing all this anyway? Isn't that a great way to get caught? Or is everyone just stealing cash? (Or did nobody think about the part between "got the valuable thing" and "have usable money from it"?)
How on god's green earth did you ever assume this was going to end in anything other than violence?
Like of course one of your guys got killed. It doesn't matter that you told them no violence, even if they fully buy into that it only takes one panicked reaction when someone's home who shouldn't be, on either side, and there you go.
Look I get what they're trying to do. It's supposed to be a big moral quandary about whether it's right to allow some crime if it decreases other crime, the struggle between Batman being unreasonably violent and unwilling to listen and this new plan of Selina's. First of all that's a weird debate to have when everyone having it is technically a criminal to some degree. And second of all, it doesn't matter, this isn't about the morality, this is about how this plan is fucking dumb and was destined to fall apart even if Batman was still asleep and the fact that any of you are buying it just means there's a gas leak in Gotham somewhere.
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ballads-of-breeze · 1 year
Kaeya: I think for pride month you should give a free drink to all of your queer patrons.
Diluc: first of all, this is Mondstadt. The Angel’s Share’s stock would be gone in minutes. Second of all, you don’t have the right to be making business decisions when you’re walking around with the name “Alberich.”
Kaeya: first your horrible reaction when I came out during pride month all those years ago, and now this? You monster.
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dante-redgravee · 9 months
The corset scene is the best scene from black butler forever and ever amen
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saltwatersweets · 7 months
i could talk about husk and alastor’s relationship for hours its not even funny. what is their deal. alastor often oversteps husk’s physical boundaries in the pilot. husk frequently backtalks and insults alastor and cusses him out and faces no consequences. alastor could easily force husk to work at the hotel but decides to butter him up with alcohol. it says in the wiki that alastor considers husk to be among his closest companions, with the likes of niffty and ROSIE (though admittedly i doubt this is still canon). husk brings alastor’s leash up to his face and seems surprised when alastor, the guy who kickstarted his career in hell by KILLING OVERLORDS WHO DISSED HIM, snaps at him, implying alastor does not often pull rank like this. speaking of alastor’s deal, how the hell does husk even know alastor HAS ONE. did alastor just randomly tell him about it over a bowl of popcorn and ice cream like a duo of middle school girls’ gossip. i heavily doubt it. what is up with these two.
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shinakazami1 · 7 months
BL3: Moxxi's Heist of the Handsome Jackpot - notes on Timothy + theories
Ok this is more of me just trying to take notes on his character for some future projects in one place ohisafiosfa
1) Timothy's behaviour and appearance
a) Introducing with his name
In Pre-Sequel, Timothy is established to have a face bomb that prevents him from saying his name. When he gets to Roland, he also says his name rhymes with Jimothy.
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But in BL3, he just... introduces himself?
"But my name is just Timothy."
During the DLC, he mentions that his face-bomb stops him from escaping the casino. My best bet is that the face bomb got reprogrammed and can have a limited amount of conditions that might cause it to blow up.
b) Injected with Jack's DNA...or is he
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Timothy is the reason why we believe the body doubles (or at least Tim) has Jack's DNA in them, causing them to talk like him.
"Follow this fine ass! Uh, god."
But as we see the body double in BL2, some get voice lines to say to seem Jack. (BTW I really love @kolbasos ' headcanon that Timothy is the only doppelganger that got plastic surgery).
To me, Timothy was onlymade to believe that DNA thing (as DNA shouldn't have behavioral traits in them), just like he was made to believe he was branded with the Vault mark (headcanon taken from @kitkat578 ).
Kit noticed that if Timothy had the same Vault mark as Jack, we would see it through the crack in the mask. Yet it's just not there!! Not a single blue tint anywhere on that skin!
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Like, even Customer 1345 has some more resembling of that mark than him. The marks could possibly be just afterdoing when people find out Jack is dead and thus the guy just got the marks which even more makes it weird that we can't see Timothy's mark.
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It is plausible that the amnestic anaesthetic mentioned in Pre Sequel tapes is a bit of a key. Timothy might not remember every single operation well enough or might have memories scrapped, so he just has some lies surrounding those moments.
Vault Mark seems like something Jack wouldn't want people to know about - that's why he has the mask, duh. But Timothy knows about it anyway. It's possible that he had some surgery to get the mask hinges on him, and was told he also got the mark just so he would resent Lilith and everybody connected to her.
With the DNA part - I think it's supposed to serve as motivation. Timothy was shit at acting as Jack in Pre-Sequel. Most people knew he wasn't Jack, he even introduced himself as not-Jack, during Space Slam and most people refer to him as Vault Hunter. It's really rare for him to act as the dude he is paid to act as. I think this lie was either told to him or he made it up, as he started at some point to say and think like Jack more. Even if he hates it, giving himself an excuse for it could help him get more and more into the role, or he would talk way more often like Jack.
c) Swearing
A thing that seems to be very silly about Borderlands series is its relationship with cursing. Handsome Jack is a great example of it- he doesn't like some curses. It's why Angel seems to hlt herself sometimes before cursing. Mr. Torgue has a censor wired to his voicebox due to the shareholders so, maybe Jack wants to keep those happy, too.
Timothy seems to be weirded out to being able to say "asshole" instead of a-hole, when referring to Pretty Boy. It's possibly either a voice modulator censorship or another face bomb thing that just like his name, got reprogrammed to only not letting him out.
He gets so happy he says it two times in a row foahissioa (also off top but his planning skills seem to match Rhys' <3)
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2) Moxxi
a) Moxxi seems not to trust Timothy. It may be just due to him working for Handsome Jack for so many years. If there is some other reason though, feel free to tell me :0c
b) Date
Timothy mentions that when Jack got "mega-rich", Jack wanted to win Moxxi back, so Timothy went on a date with her. The issue I have with it, however, is when this date could have taken place.
In Pre-Sequel, when we meet Moxxi for the first time, Timothy says this:
"Holy shi-- hi! I'm uh -- Jack. Obviously. And I need your help. Are you SURE we're not dating? -- Wow!"
Due to his reaction, it feels as if this was really their first meeting. But there are only points in the story where the date could have canonically taken place:
Before Pre-Sequel (I think already after wife's death due to Jack's possible bad behaviour in the break up):
For: - Jack had just gotten rich enough to try to get Moxxi back. - Timothy's reaction can be like this due to just the outfit. Moxxi went on the date just due to hunger so she could have dressed more casually (just like in her garage outfit). - Timothy also at one point asks her to marry him. Iif they already had this date, it would also be an aftereffect to knowing each other better.
Against: - This dialogue really feels like their first meeting. - Timothy seems so focused on getting that second date in-game that it feels like it was their last meeting. But it's not a strong point, since it might just be him wanting to get a second date, who knows.
Before BL2:
For: - Jack got even richer. - They already knew each other so she would know that the body double she is spending time with is Timothy. - This moment could potentially strengthen his crush on her after she tried to destroy Jack in Pre-Sequel, esp since this would mean Timothy also would have died
Against: - Jack doesn't seem like a guy who would want a relationship with someone who tried to kill him ohsoai and he was already getting with Nisha - Jack has a part in the casino called "Foxxxi's" - which shows just how much he dislikes her.
While before Pre-Sequel makes sense, both options are plausible.
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tompoose · 1 month
if you had to smite from the earth either nixon or garfield who would you eliminate. history will continue unchanged except if you smite nixon all the nixon memes disappear and if you smite garfield the orange cat goes with him
I would sacrifice anything that is dear to me to scrub this animal from all the veins of culture that it has slithered into. I was frustrated with the Garfield comic strip from the twentieth of August, 2024.
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Jim Davis has given up trying to claw from the mud. He has drawn a cat looking at the reader and telling a wet joke. By making Garfield a mere static image to surround text, Davis has taken the work of his heart and lowered it to the level of the borders that surround a pop up window. My feelings on this topic eclipse and obliterate any other nuances to your question. If ever presented a shot at this king, I would take it.
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