project-revive · 8 months
just came across this and i'm super interested!!
can't wait to see what you end up doing
what made you want to essentially rewrite the entire story though? that seems like a lot of effort even if you have gripes with the original
I think the bit with RE:Vive at this point is that it’s more so… living in SAO’s world than anything else. I’m not sure how much of a rewrite it is, it might be more of a setting robbery. ^^;
I have a lot of experience with escapism in my own personal life, and originally… I kinda just wanted a place to explore those themes?
I’m not actually really an SAO fan. It had its moments and I wouldn’t be here if there wasn’t something intriguing, but all in all, I was… disappointed?
I remember a period of time online where I saw a lot of people online deconstructing this story, and since I did have a really really deep relationship with escapism, I decided to take a crack at it and use the setting as my sandbox. It escalated from there.
As to why I didn’t start from scratch instead…
Embarrassingly… I feel like I’d just be making an SAO clone. Better or worse, it’s a monolith, and if I made another story about being trapped in a VR video game and the results of that, I’d be standing in the shadow of something larger than me. Keeping RE:Vive as something akin to a fanfiction actually gives me more control in some respects— I won’t feel the need to prove that I’m not SAO. As strange as it sounds, RE:Vive can speak for itself as a direct contrast to the original. Entirely crazily, it being a rework of the original might make it stronger.
My hope is that fans of the original and non-fans can enjoy RE:Vive! That’s another reason I didn’t completely divorce it! There was something almost romantic (AS IN PRETTY) about the idea of completely reworking a narrative and world into something entirely new. Fanfiction is transformative, and part of what I wanted to do with this was take that to its logical extreme.
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kiichu · 3 months
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re:viv/ziepop interview
So like... this is a heavily biased response on my part, because Adam is my absolute favorite and I miss him, and I'm also a HUGE fan of the "sinner Adam" storyline potential. The thought of a villain returning at his LOWEST point in a show about changing for the better...well, that has the makings of greatness.
When I watched the interview, I at first felt the same despair every other Adam fan did. However... like, the more I think about it? Vivziepop didn't really say much at all. She talked about killing characters off if it's necessary, and then referenced the only main character in HH that died on-screen: Adam. Who else would she have talked about?
Looking objectively at her interview, she was talking about how she loves happy endings and she sometimes thinks of sad endings for characters (aka their deaths), but she'd want to keep those ideas in her head if she can. She says "I loved Adam, I wish we had more time with him." and then says she only kills off characters - like a main character in a final episode - for a "better story" and a "good reason".
I think Adam died for a good reason - to further Lute's development and give Hell an advantage for a while. Taking out the Exterminator leader will push forward events of Season 2. So, yes - Adam did die at the end of season 1. She did "kill him off" in that last episode. However... here's where I might just be getting delusional, but... killing Adam did need to happen to bring him back as a sinner. So there IS a reason there that he died for that possibility.
Her wishing we had more time with Adam... well, I mean, she's the creator of the show. She could bring him back if she "wishes" lmao.
Also, all that aside - plain and simple, all she said was that Adam died!! We knew this! She NEVER said anything about him NOT coming back. Some may have made that conclusion from her words, but she did not say or confirm that specifically. She did not say "Adam is gone and is not coming back ever." She said "I will kill off characters for a reason." Whether that reason is to further another character's development or to bring him back with a new story to tell remains to be seen.
AND ANOTHER THING - she most likely can't legally spoil anything. So by saying what we already know - that being Adam dying at the end of S1 - she does not risk letting loose anything. It's like discussing a show with a friend who's on an earlier season than you - you talk about everything up to the point they're at, so you don't spoil it. If there's some big twist with Adam later, she can't just SAY that, can she?
I think Adam fans (myself included) need to not freak out over this simple interview and just hope for the best for Season 3 onward. <3
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milkiedimitrescu · 10 months
So I'm just going to put this here that I am now staff/mod/roleplayer in an resident evil discord roleplay server! im just gonna put this as a lil blog ad on here just for people who are interested in joining lol.
The server is called Resident evil; REvival and it is home to a great community and much more stuff! It mainly focuses on resident evil and mostly from resident evil movies, games, show's and more! You can create character's OC's here too and also be a canon character here.
to put it into more detail, its basically all resident evil games you can roleplay in here and many alternate timelines in the same universe.
It's a pretty active server so no need to worry about it being dead because it's really not lol.
The other staff, people, and overall community is great!
I'll give you tips on how to get started on roleplaying when first joining the server.
You join the server and first read the Rules of course!
If you want to grab some roles, you may have to go into the #role channel in the "community board" section. React with the emojis you choose and you are good to go!
This step is optional, but if you want to put an introduction of yourself, you can put it in the #introduction channel! Once again, you don't have to if you don't want to btw. I didn't lol.
This is another one that is optional, but if you want to change the color of your username like for example, my user was red at one point like "Milkie" You can go into the #color-roles channel and react with the color you want to be.
But YEAHH!!! Anyways, that is all. Now I will just simply send an invite for people who are interested in joining this fun roleplay server!
there we goo anywaysssss bye 🏃‍♀️💨
Also, most character's are open in the canon character channel, so y'all are lucky
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tezerenotameiki · 8 months
all this great art in the shuuen tag lately call that a shuuen re:vival
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umbralhorrors · 1 year
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終焉ノ栞弐 報復-Re:vival- (Shuuen no Shiori II Houfuku-Re:vival-) 2013
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dangandj-d4ronpa · 11 months
DanganDJ D4Ronpa, D4V4, Stage IV, Chap 44
Stage IV: Re:mix, Re:ality, Re:surrect, Re:vive Chapter 44: The Discord of Changed Permissions
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secret-decoder · 1 year
Here is a list of the stories I am writing on Wattpad that include the Secret Reports.
-Voyager Series (Episode 0 trilogy through to Voyager III - Re:Vive)
-Star Fox: A Thieve's End
-The Tenacious Wolf-Spider
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-Dissidia Dyslyte - Final ReMIX
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-Spider-Man: Web of Reality
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This is subject to change depending on if I feel some stories could benefit from the use of the Secret Reports. So be wary of that.
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markus209 · 1 year
‘been drinking re:vive water but that shit hasn’t been bringing me back to life
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autumnboykji · 5 years
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𝑩𝒓𝒐𝒘𝒏 𝑬𝒚𝒆𝒅 𝑮𝒊𝒓𝒍𝒔
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ultrakdramamama · 5 years
[MV] 브라운 아이드 걸스 Brown Eyed Girls - 원더우먼 Wonder Woman
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project-revive · 7 months
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Why are you laughing? Hey…
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deauditievedienst · 4 years
City residents reclaiming public space
When I was asked to give some exemplary recordings of the changes in the cities soundscape, for the news item by NOS, I immediately said: the kids playing football on the Dam Square. (click on the bold text to listen).
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I’ve made a lot of interesting recordings these five weeks, but this particular moment was such a joy to experience (in these weird days) and it was also a remarkable intervention , a take over of sorts. Listen to more of these subtle 'takeovers' where residents reclaim public space while you read on.
De Auditieve Dienst
City Residents reclaiming public space
The Dam Square is always crowded with tourist during the day, there’s a lot of traffic plus the humming of airconditioning units and music pouring from clothing shops amounts to a noisy space. A space where people  most of the time are either overwhelmed or too excited to really let the beauty of the space sink in. I mostly steer clear from De Dam when moving through the city. However Het Paleis op de Dam is a beautiful landmark and it’s carillon has a distinctive sound quality. It’s today hard to imagine, that this public space is normally not as ‘peaceful’ and open to the public as it is today. The noises are mostly absent, the space is free to roam for people (and pigeons).
That moment with the kids playing football represents a familiar phenomenon I noticed throughout the city, people are reclaiming the public space!
The Museumplein has a lot more**** skaters underneath de Badkuip of the Stedelijk Museum****, which 2 months ago would be filled with tourists. 
Pedestrians casually cross the street where normally cars whizz by and trams boom on their tracks. 
Residents of the Red Light Distict are having lunch on parking spaces along the canals that would normally be packed with cars and overwhelmed with tourists..
While walking through the Red Light District two weeks ago with_ Natalie Dixon,_ we discussed the radical changes the area has gone through. What is lost or will disappear in a big municipal ‘clean up’ campaign. We bumped into a RLD resident, a young man living on ‘the golden road’ or ‘strip’ of the RLD in a 2nd floor appartement. He was THRILLED with the abundance of silence and lack of stag parties, he told us. Normally he can’t sleep whole nights. He can’t find another house (there’s a housing crisis in Amsterdam) and moving out of the city was never his idea. Now however he says: I’m reconsidering, this quiet is so good for me, I might be better off outside the city’.
A week later I see him bathing in the sun under the looming Oude Kerk tower, perhaps he’s contemplating his residency or daydreaming of a beer on a terrace with friends.
That’s probably the only sound I really miss in the city: crowded terraces with laughing people. For now we’ll have to do with memories and this recording of a few years back.
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musicmapglobal · 7 years
Clap! Clap!
Italian producer Cristiano Crisci, aka Clap! Clap!, has so far released two incredible albums via British imprint Black Acre, both boasting a kaleidoscopic selection of samples and dangerous levels of bass. If you’ve heard them, you already know the score – if you haven’t, seek them out now before progressing.
Now we’re all up to speed, you’ll understand why Clap! Clap! would be one of the first producers you’d approach if you had access to a huge library of field recordings. Kudos then to the RE:VIVE Initiative, who invited him to make use of the extensive audio collection at Amsterdam’s Tropenmuseum, an extensive sonic archive begun in the 1920s by J.C. Lamster and Jaap Kunst (who later coined the term ‘ethnomusicology’).
The result is DIG! DELVE! DAMN! (Dutch Archive Edition), a free mini-album which makes use of recordings from Afghanistan, Suriname, Zambia, Bali, Libya, India, Uzbekistan and Morocco, all absorbed into Clap! Clap!’s trademark beat soup. “To have the honour of digging through the Dutch audio archives was like a dream come true!” the artist enthuses. “I was very excited to delve in and explore the vast differences between those countries. It was also an important responsibility to approach the project with respect for the sources of recordings, as many were from the ex-Colonies of the Netherlands.”
Listen to opener ‘Kabul To Paramaribo’ below, download the full release for free at Bandcamp, and check out the previous releases in the series by Ash Koosha and Parrish Smith…
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vivien-dot-exe · 3 years
Question: while I'm technically proship bc I believe that shipping does not equal morality and such, I'm not really that into shipping mostly bc of romance-exhaustion. Should I just call myself pro darkfic instead? Since most pro shippers are really into shipping unlike me :/
well it is absolutely your choice!! pro-darkfic is absolutely a good catch all term after all, but if you feel you’d like to use ‘proship’ to better communicate the sentiment of “I won’t harass you/call you gross for your ships”, but you want to make it clearer you’re not much on the shipping scene, you could say you’re “pro-shipping” instead, making it more about the Ideal than the practice, or simply “anti anti”, which communicates less emphasis on shipping as a whole and more on a separation from antis’ vitriol.
another thing is just putting anti-shippers on a dni or making it clear you don’t vibe w/ them, since most anyone in the proship community will usually take that to mean a person’s p undeniably safe even if the person doesn’t ship themselves. we’re usually p chill reading in between the lines, yk?? no stress about any specific terms you absolutely Must adopt/use.
so, basically yeah!! pick whatever you like w/ as much or as little explanation as you like. (you owe no one anything, especially not the way you enjoy yourself!!)
wish you the best, anon!!!! best of luck out there.
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46snowfox · 5 years
Agradecimientos eternos a @violet-sin por prestarme el cd para traducir TuT
Creo que es el cd más feliz para un chico de Thanatos considerando que en el primero Liam no fue muy feliz al final ;-;
Espero que les guste la traducción, ahora sí me regreso a mi tumba de traductora hasta nuevo aviso
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angelicapocalypse · 6 years
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