#Project RE:Vive
project-revive · 6 months
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Why are you laughing? Hey…
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dangandj-d4ronpa · 11 months
DanganDJ D4Ronpa, D4V4, Stage IV, Chap 44
Stage IV: Re:mix, Re:ality, Re:surrect, Re:vive Chapter 44: The Discord of Changed Permissions
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hweiro · 7 years
so, Haikyuu x Overwatch AU headcanon idea, guys
ASDASDGJKLHLK I swear my brain only give me ideas when I should be doing something else. Iwaizumi Hajime as (Shimada Hanzo) - eldest son of the Iwaizumi family (largest yakuza/conglomerate in Japan/Miyagi) - bad-ass archer with dragon tattoos along right arm that can summon dragon spirits - groomed to lead Iwaizumi-gumi, and was told to kill Kunimi, his younger brother, when it seems he would be a liability. Iwaizumi could not bring himself to fight Kunimi, so he took his younger brother and fled.  - Believes himself a coward for running, instead of dismantling the Iwaizumi empire. Doesn’t believe himself worthy of honor until he dismantles the Iwaizumi yakuza with his own two hands.  - Bow is called Quake-Shot. - Is convinced to join Overwatch by Kunimi (More accurately, joined Overwatch to keep an eye on Kunimi). - catchphrase: ‘I’ve got you in my sight’ [Sorry, Jack, took your line.] - wears Hanzo’s standard garb properly, sleeves up and all. Only yanks right sleeve down (and revealing that glorious half-chest) on missions.  - Is ambidextrous, but can only summon dragons through left arm.
  Oikawa Tooru as (D.va/Hana Song) - ex-military? Munitions expert somehow (note: give more thought to this) - adept at using firearms in general; knowledgeable - Mech type is named SET-tA (tri-Angulate) [because I cannot resist puns] - streams his fights online on Nico Nico Douga - has a large online fan-base and aware of it - bodysuit is aquamarine and white - public story is that he was recruited; actually volunteered to join Overwatch - can’t cook, but surprisingly excellent at baking - bad at video games [LOL; always trounced by Kunimi] Kunimi Akira as (Shimada Genji) - Iwaizumi’s younger brother from a different mother; adopts mother’s surname as sign of defiance - is an extremely efficient ninja, mostly because he’s too lazy for theatrics - feels guilty at causing Iwaizumi’s self-conflict, even though Iwaizumi swears it’s not his fault - also has to put up with his brother’s eventual crush on Oikawa  - has a dragon, but mostly half of one - tattoo (on his left arm) wasn’t completed  - Enjoys watching anime; currently following Haikyuu and BnHA Matsukawa Issei as (Angela Ziegler/Mercy) - Or, the one who has to put up with Oikawa’s not-so-subtle pining - Level-headed and even-tempered…for most part - Used to be known as Doctor of Death; took part in the failed Re:VIVE project that experimented on corpses - knew Oikawa personally before the latter joined Overwatch Yahaba Shigeru as (Lucio Correia dos Santos) - duh. - Unfortunately, he can’t sing on-key. - Heavily favors using ARASHI tracks in-battle. His own tracks tend to instrumentals that seem heavily influenced by Hans Zimmer.  - handy with electronics; repairs his own amplifiers. Has performed emergency fixes on SET-tA in-field - plagued with self-doubt as to how useful his skills are (internally) Ushijima Wakatoshi as (Reinhardt Wilhelm) - but with the calm of Zenyatta’s personality - enjoys tending to the patch of garden on HQ; adept at growing vegetables - Oikawa’s accidental confidante because the latter keeps sulking in the garden - has a pair of pet tortoises in his room - can go berserk if he considers the enemy ‘worthy’ - actually told Oikawa ‘you should have joined Overwatch’ once; Oikawa held out on his registration for two months to spite him. Story notes:
- Iwaizumi is already a part of Overwatch when Oikawa arrives. Oikawa takes an interest in Iwaizumi, given his knowledge on the Iwaizumi-gumi.  - Attempts at finding out why Iwaizumi is in Overwatch instead of running the yakuza group leads to early conflicts.  - But Oikawa is still suitably awed when he sees Iwaizumi is all his one-sleeved, partially-bare-chested glory -  I mean, competence. Because Iwaizumi is fscking good at what he does. The dragon-tattoo is hot too. Then DRAGONS, WOW. Oikawa potentially embarrasses himself on his live-stream - Oikawa realizes attraction to Iwaizumi, oh shit. Makes it his life-goal to befriend Iwaizumi somehow, much to the latter’s suspicion. In the mean time, talks Iwaizumi up in his streams (with the logic that if he constantly jibes good-naturedly about Iwa-chan, no one will notice his actual crush beneath. Think pigtail-tugging, but more OOT-compliments.)
- banter banter snipe snipe UST. Ushijima gets no peace in his zen garden.  - eventually Overwatch runs into an operation run by the Iwaizumi-gumi - Hajime is 200% more reckless, accidentally leaves himself as an open target for a shot (on the rooftop). SET-tA suddenly shoots up and explodes in baddie’s face, Iwaizumi panics but LO, Oikawa is on the ground; ejected himself out and sent SET-tA up - and since when can SET-tA fly??? (Oikawa is a genius.) - Iwaizumi storms up to Oikawa, Feelings Are Realised ™ but not expressed. Reader realizes that Iwaizumi feels that he cannot redeem his honor until he dismantles Iwaizumi-gumi with his bare hands (figuratively) to make up for his fleeing.  - Oikawa babbles on-stream about Feelings for Hajime at some point - Matsukawa shows this to Iwaizumi, who shows it to Kunimi because he’s desperate for advice/help (He doesn’t consider himself worthy of love/being loved until he is redeemed). Kunimi takes one look at the video, stops it 5 seconds in and says ‘He likes you, we already know that.” - “How did you know???!” “Not all of us are so stubbornly blind, anijya.” Cue dilemma about how someone so brave/perfect/irritatingly handsome could love a coward like him: Kunimi “anijya you’re an idiot - anyone can see he doesnt care” “But he doesnt know-” “No anijya. We will dismantle Iwaizumi-gumi eventually, but do you want to waste that much time? Go tell him. And let me watch Haikyuu now ffs.”  - Confession and revelation probably doesn’t happen mid-fight/injury (much to my dismay because I LIVE for those kinds of scenes but alas.) Probably in a quiet manner somehow. Maaaybe the others find out in the mid-fight/injury scene.
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fy5ogue · 5 years
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The boys of 5OGUE seem to close out 2019 the same way they entered it -- in rose-tinted splendor. They unabashedly pay homage to the late 2018 project, RE:COVERY, that brought them from their ‘underdog’ status to the forefront of the industry. Though they remain somewhat controversial figures and still bring in a lot of criticism, there’s no doubt that there are more eyes on them now than ever, as the younger generation embraces them and continues to contribute to their ever-growing popularity both domestically and internationally. The members have been increasingly open about their struggles up until the release of RE:COVERY, and how their 5th mini album literally saved their careers, as the company made it clear that they couldn’t continue with the group, would they not bring in some level of success. RE:COVERY’s seemingly miraculous triumph not only kept the boys afloat, but quite literally was a revival for them, hence the title of their latest project. 
RE:VIVAL consists of 7 tracks. The title, “Bon Bon Chocolat,” is an EDM/Electropop hybrid with confident and inspiring lyrics, regarding an ‘awakening’ of sorts. The song appears to address 5OGUE’s fanbase, telling them to follow the boys into a new state of mind that allows them to understand their own self worth, as well as how valuable they are, and how they should never change unless it’s for themselves. It has a fitting place as the album’s title track, given its status as a ‘continuation’ of RE:COVERY, which carried similar themes. The subtitle, “Tempo,” is a smoother, ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’-esque track, in that it combines many different types of genres and styles into one song. Lyrically, it concerns the boys’ natural bravado and reluctance to change anything about themselves to appease a partner, who they insist should jump on their wavelength instead of bringing it down even a single notch. The remaining five songs carry important messages of their own, but don’t stray far from the central theme of self-empowerment; a staple for 5OGUE. 
DATE OF RELEASE: 6 November 2019
TYPE OF RELEASE: Extended Play (Mini-Album)
GENRE(S): EDM, Pop, Hip-Hop, Reggae, R&B
PRODUCER(S): KKUMA (꿈아), Jiseok (지석), Penny (펜니), MAESTAR (매수타), 8BALL (8볼)
COMPOSER(S): KKUMA (꿈아), Jiseok (지석), Penny (펜니), MAESTAR (매수타), 8BALL (8볼)
WRITER(S)/LYRICIST(S): KKUMA (꿈아), Jiseok (지석), Penny (펜니), MAESTAR (매수타), 8BALL (8볼), OTADA (오타다)  
LENGTH: 24:54
LISTEN: 3:24
LYRICS: 꿈아, 펜니
LISTEN: 3:45
PRODUCER: 매수타, 지석, 펜니
LYRICS: 펜니, 태하, 매수타
COMPOSER: 매수타, 태하, 지석
LISTEN: 3:22
PRODUCER: 지석, 펜니
LYRICS: 펜니, 오타다
COMPOSER: 펜니, 지석
WATCH: 3:50
LISTEN: 3:50
PRODUCER: 지석, 꿈아
LYRICS: 펜니, 꿈아
COMPOSER: 펜니, 꿈아, 지석
LISTEN: 3:51
COMPOSER: 펜니, 지석
LISTEN: 3:12
LISTEN: 3:30
PRODUCER: 8볼, 꿈아
LYRICS: 8볼, 꿈아, 펜니
COMPOSER: 8볼, 꿈아, 펜니
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musicmapglobal · 7 years
Clap! Clap!
Italian producer Cristiano Crisci, aka Clap! Clap!, has so far released two incredible albums via British imprint Black Acre, both boasting a kaleidoscopic selection of samples and dangerous levels of bass. If you’ve heard them, you already know the score – if you haven’t, seek them out now before progressing.
Now we’re all up to speed, you’ll understand why Clap! Clap! would be one of the first producers you’d approach if you had access to a huge library of field recordings. Kudos then to the RE:VIVE Initiative, who invited him to make use of the extensive audio collection at Amsterdam’s Tropenmuseum, an extensive sonic archive begun in the 1920s by J.C. Lamster and Jaap Kunst (who later coined the term ‘ethnomusicology’).
The result is DIG! DELVE! DAMN! (Dutch Archive Edition), a free mini-album which makes use of recordings from Afghanistan, Suriname, Zambia, Bali, Libya, India, Uzbekistan and Morocco, all absorbed into Clap! Clap!’s trademark beat soup. “To have the honour of digging through the Dutch audio archives was like a dream come true!” the artist enthuses. “I was very excited to delve in and explore the vast differences between those countries. It was also an important responsibility to approach the project with respect for the sources of recordings, as many were from the ex-Colonies of the Netherlands.”
Listen to opener ‘Kabul To Paramaribo’ below, download the full release for free at Bandcamp, and check out the previous releases in the series by Ash Koosha and Parrish Smith…
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project-revive · 13 days
Chapter 7 of Project RE:Vive is out!
Things are getting tense on the frontline, and with Kya down for the count, it's up to Rose to figure out what to do with a changing world.
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project-revive · 3 months
Chapter 5 of RE:Vive is out! (or it's really chapter 6 if we're counting the prologue as a zero but AO3 is counting it as six so)
Do note that there are some... weird format issues. Spacing may be off in certain parts.
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project-revive · 5 months
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An oath I can’t break
(Holy FUCKING BINGLE. We reached 60 hits on RE:Vive. That’s a lot of people! It’s only going to get crazier from here on, so stay tuned!)
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project-revive · 5 months
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That invisible world only I can see
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project-revive · 5 months
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Chapter 4 of Project RE:Vive is out! Rose’s journey continues with a reforged sword and a promise of the future.
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project-revive · 6 months
Worst part of this is that we’re so early in the story all my sketches and concept art is spoilers. Holy shit.
Of course I consider the fact that everyone has already seen Rose’s final armorset a spoiler when that’s really. Nothing.
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project-revive · 6 months
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Chapter 3 of RE:Vive is out!
Rose finally has a place to stay, but all isn’t so easy in such a life or death game…
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project-revive · 8 months
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Chapter two of RE:Vive has been posted! The journey continues with a friendly new ally, and a dire warning…
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project-revive · 1 month
Chapter 6 of Project Re:Vive has been posted! Rose meets someone new, and the assault team takes on the boss of Floor Twenty Five!
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project-revive · 8 months
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[To be added]
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project-revive · 8 months
The Prologue and Part 1 of RE:Vive have been posted! Our tale begins with a stone artifact…
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