#I think if I put this on the main tag I’d get yelled at.
project-revive · 8 months
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[To be added]
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solarmorrigan · 3 months
Open Doors, part 2
Part 1 | Ao3
Tags: POV Outsider, Steve Harrington Has Migraines, Protective Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington Has Abandonment Issues, Eddie Munson Has Control Issues, it's okay though they love each other and they'll work on it, Past Domestic Violence, (not between any of the main characters; does not go into detail), Arguing, the looming specter of period-typical homophobia, Happy Endings Only I promise
The walls in the building are hardly paper-thin, but they aren’t that thick, either. Gladys registers, if distantly, when the sound of raised voices travels from one of the other apartments down the hall. The sound of a door slamming not long after that is a bit louder.
She’s tempted to get up and see who it is that’s apparently storming out—just a quick peek—but she’s really hit a stride in her knitting and can’t be bothered to get up.
Of course, she has no choice when her doorbell rings about half an hour later.
Whoever she’d expected to find on the other side, it hadn’t been Steve – at least, she hadn’t been expecting Steve with his shoulders slumped and his eyes a bit red, trying to smile and give her a little wave like everything is completely normal.
“Hey, Gladys. Are you, um– busy?”
“Just knitting,” Gladys answers, peering at him carefully through her thick glasses. “What’s on your mind?”
“Nothing, really, I just– y’know, just thought I’d come say ‘hi’.” Steve shrugs; his voice is convincing, but his posture tells another story, his body holding itself tense and curled-in, like it’s trying to protect him.
Gladys steps aside. “Come on in.”
Steve lets out a little sigh, something almost relieved in it as he crosses the threshold.
“Something to drink?” Gladys asks as she shuts the door behind him.
“Sure, if you’re having something,” Steve says.
Gladys glances at the clock. It’s after eight, and Steve’s never said no to an evening cup of coffee, but something tells her he doesn’t need any caffeine right now. “I’ll make us some tea,” she decides.
They trade pleasantries while the water boils and the tea steeps, but once they’re both seated at her little kitchen table, mugs in hand, Gladys sees no reason in beating around the bush.
“Was that you boys yelling?” she asks.
Steve, his posture still tense, somehow goes even stiffer in his chair. “You heard that?”
“Nothing clearly, but the walls aren’t that thick.” Gladys pauses, considering. “Heard the door slam, too.”
Pursing his lips, Steve nods. “Yeah, we, uh… got into it a little, I guess,” he says quietly, eyes trained on the table.
“Over what?”
Steve sighs, letting his head drop for a moment as he rubs at the back of his neck. “Stupid stuff,” he says. “I think it started over whose turn it was to do the dishes?”
Gladys nods, taking a quiet sip of her tea and encouraging him to go on.
“It’s just– Eddie hasn’t been letting me do them,” Steve huffs, crossing his arms over his chest.
“You know, that’s not the complaint I expected,” Gladys raises a brow. “Most people are happy when someone does the dishes for them.”
“I mean– yeah, I was kind of enjoying it at first, but it’s been over a week and it’s just getting annoying. And he doesn’t do them right! He puts things in the dishwasher that don’t belong in the dishwasher!” Steve insists. “Which… I may have shouted at him about. And then he told me that I’m too fussy. I’m not goddamn fussy.”
He’s a little fussy, but Gladys keeps that thought to herself for the moment.
“He gets into these moods where he won’t let me do anything. Like, he just kind of takes over, decides for me what I’m capable of doing.” Steve reaches out and clutches his mug, though he makes no move to drink from it. “Like I don’t know my own body’s limitations, or like we don’t both know what my migraine triggers are. Doing chores around the house isn’t one of them.”
Ah. So that’s what this is all about.
It’s been nearly two weeks since Gladys had found Eddie caring for Steve and his migraine; he’d said that day it had been a bad one, and he hadn’t been kidding. Steve had been lain up another two days after that, and even then, when Gladys had next seen him, he’d still looked a bit pale. Eddie himself had looked drawn and tired, hovering much closer to Steve than he usually did outside the apartment.
“You scared him, I think, last week,” Gladys says. “He worries about you.”
“What, like I don’t worry about him?” Steve snaps. “He– There was… a few years ago, there was sort of a freak earthquake in our town. And Eddie, he– he was hurt pretty badly.”
Gladys has seen hints of scars on Eddie’s sides and arms when he’s been puttering around his own home in loose, loungey clothes, just the same as she can plainly see the faded scar wrapped around Steve’s neck, and some on the backs of his arms when he wears short sleeves. The more she gets to know her boys, the more she wonders about them – worries about them. But she supposes now isn’t the time to press.
“He healed up really well, like, all things considered. I made sure he went to all his physical therapy appointments and everything, but I know there are days when he still feels it, and he just pushes through, and he never gets enough sleep, and he just–” Steve leaves off with a harsh sigh. “I know he’s trying to help, but he just stresses me out every time he does this.”
He takes a sullen sip of his tea, and Gladys nods.
“You know, when Avery and I got married, my mother told me that when we fought, we should never go to bed angry–”
Steve’s eyes snap back to Gladys, startled and wide. “Eddie and I aren’t married–”
“–but that’s just bunk.” Gladys catches herself, shaking her head. “Both bits. The bit about not going to bed angry and the bit about you and Eddie not being married. I’m sure you would be, if you could be.”
Letting out the most forced laugh Gladys has ever heard, Steve shakes his head. “Why would we be married? I mean we’re both– and even if that was possible, Eddie is just my roommate. I mean– he’s one of my best friends, obviously, but we’re not–”
“Steve,” Gladys cuts in dryly, “how dumb do you think I am?”
Steve grimaces. “I don’t think you’re dumb,” he mutters.
Taking in the way his shoulders are drawn up around his ears, the way he’s let go of his mug and has pushed back just a bit from the table, like he’s preparing to get up and leave—to run from her, of all people—Gladys places a gentle hand on his arm before he can draw away entirely.
“It’s okay, dear,” she tells him. “You’re safe with me.”
“I– You don’t… care?” Steve asks carefully.
“Why should I care? Are you two hurting anyone?”
“Of course not.” Steve shakes his head, frowning. “But a lot of people have shitty stuff to say about– people like us. How we’re disgusting, or how we should be illegal, or– stuff like that.”
Gladys snorts. “A lot of people are ridiculous.”
Steve shrugs, sitting back in his chair. “At this point, I just… don’t assume anyone is on our side. And I know that sounds awful, but it’s kept us safe.”
Gladys blows out a long sigh and takes a deep pull from her mug. She doesn’t drink anymore, but some conversations still feel like they should be had over glasses of liquor; she supposes the tea will have to do.
“You know, Avery and I grew up together. We lived down the street from each other, but we spent more time at my house than at his. He didn’t like being at home. His mother was the sweetest woman you’d ever meet – kind and soft-spoken and gentle. But if she was the sweetest, then his father was the meanest.” Gladys pauses, lost for a moment in her thoughts. “He hit her. He screamed at her, belittled her. He took that good, kind woman and ground her down and used her up until there was nothing left, and no one did a god damned thing. I remember being so baffled as a child, why everyone just let it happen. I still don’t understand.
“That should have disgusted people. That should have been illegal,” Gladys says sharply, looking back up at Steve. “There are men out there hitting their wives, women screaming at their husbands, but the relationships everyone feels the need to stop are the ones with two men kissing each other? That’s the great evil?”
Steve gives her a tiny, sardonic smile. “Sometimes it’s the ones with two women.”
“Oh, of course, how could I overlook that?” Gladys rolls her eyes. “People need to gain some perspective. You and Eddie love each other, that much is clear. You’re good to each other. Why should I care about anything else?”
Slowly, Steve shakes his head. “I guess you shouldn’t.”
“You guess right,” Gladys says, nodding. “Now, about my mother’s advice.”
“My mom used to say that, too. About not going to bed angry,” Steve says. “Used to wonder how she got any sleep, then, considering how much time she spent being mad at my dad.”
Gladys hums. “Well, like I said: bunk. Not every little fight can be resolved before bedtime. Sometimes you need to sleep on it. Sometimes you need time to cool off. Sometimes you need a little space. The important part is that you’ll both be there in the morning,” she says. “The important part is that you don’t give up.”
Steve only seems to wilt at that, staring into his mug. “I’m not sure Eddie will be there in the morning. He left. I ended up coming over here because the apartment just didn’t feel right without him there.”
“I can sympathize,” Gladys says, and Steve winces.
“Sorry,” he says, glancing up. “This must seem kinda petty to you.”
“I said I understand.” Gladys reaches out and grips Steve’s wrist, giving it an affectionate little shake. “I don’t think it’s silly at all.”
Steve manages a twitch of a smile, but it falls quickly. “I just… What if I managed to chase him away? I’m really not sure what I’d do if he didn’t want to come back.”
“Well that’s silly,” Gladys declares. “Steve, you couldn’t chase that man away if you tried. He looks at you like you hung the stars. You’re the sun he orbits around.”
This time, Steve’s smile lasts more than a moment, small as it is. “You’re starting to sound like him.”
“Good, then maybe you’ll listen to me. Mark my words, he’ll be back,” Gladys says.
Steve nods; he still looks uncertain, but Gladys figures she’s sure enough for the both of them. She’s seen the way they look at each other, the way the act around each other, now that she knows what to look for. They’re more than just smitten; there’s a sort of baked-in trust and understanding there that doesn’t come easily, and she doubts if it will be shaken by a single shouting match.
All the same, she lets Steve change the subject after that, following along as he relays some gossip about some of his classmates, and they keep talking until some time later, when Gladys’ doorbell rings for a second time that evening.
She and Steve exchange confused glances before Gladys gets up and moves to the hallway to answer the door. And there, looking just as worn and worried as Steve, is Eddie.
“Hey, Gladys,” he greets, lacking his usual charming grin. “I just wanted to ask if Steve had been by here at all? He wasn’t at the apartment and– uh…”
He trails off, his gaze snapping to the hallway behind Gladys, and she doesn’t have to turn around to know that Steve is standing there.
“Hey,” Steve says quietly.
“I’m sorry,” Eddie blurts. “For yelling. And for leaving. And for other stuff. But especially for leaving. I’m really, really sorry about that.”
Gladys shuffles a bit to the side, since she’s apparently been forgotten, anyway.
“It’s okay,” Steve says. “I’m sorry, too. For yelling, and for other stuff that we should probably talk about.”
Eddie nods, biting down on the tiny, hopeful smile that’s tugging at the corners of his mouth. “Can we go home?”
“Yeah,” Steve agrees quickly. “Let’s go home.”
Eddie’s hand twitches at his side, like he’s fighting the urge to reach out, but Steve goes to him anyway. Before he’s out the door, however, he pivots and turns to Gladys, wrapping her up in a quick hug.
“Thank you,” he murmurs.
“Any time, dear,” Gladys says, patting him on the back before he releases her. “I’ll still expect you both on Sunday.”
The boys exchange a quick glance.
“We’ll be here,” Steve says, and Eddie nods along.
“Neither wild horses nor our own stupidity could keep us away,” Eddie declares, and Steve snorts.
They walk close together as they head back to their own apartment, their knuckles occasionally bumping between them. Gladys hovers by the door just long enough to hear Steve as he tells Eddie, “So she knows everything.”
“I knew it,” Eddie hisses.
Gladys shuts her door with a laugh.
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ornii · 1 year
Hi again, first thank u for the response, second my arcane request/idea was male reader x Jinx where the male reader is a new rising hero in Zaun and even tho they are on opposite sides, he’s so into her and thinks she could do some real good and wants to help her. I know these are really loose details but I thought I’d leave it not to specific cause I’m curious (if you choose to use this) what u would make with this loose premise. Anyway thanks for ur time and have a nice day 😁
You Do Have a Heart Part 1
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Note: Sorry i still don’t know how Tags work so, I apologize if you wanted to be tagged in my work and I don’t know how to do it lol, anyway. Here’s part 1
Stark, that last name spoke volumes though Piltover. The family had a single child, born with an intellect beyond the average human, with the endless amount of money on disposal, made a volatile combination.
“Master Stark…”
A Voice called out from the back door of his large room. It was messy, full of schematics of inventions riddled all over the ground. Rough sketches, drafts. A few gizmos left and right. The young genius was in his room, working on a device as he yells.
“It’s open.” The Youth said, and an elderly man enters, a servant for the family. He approached and gave a small bow.
“Master Stark, how are you this fine morning?” He asked, he turns to face the old man in his chair; showing the device he’s working on.
“I’m fine Jarvis.” He says and gleams. “Working on device to hold electric charges and expel them into explosions.” (Y/n) said, “It’ll be nice to Add something to the Stark Foundation..” he turns back to continue working, but Jarvis closes in.
“Sir, do you know what today is?” He asked.
“No, should I?” He replies and Jarvis nods.
“It’s Lady Kiramman’s Birthday..” He says with a soft huff. (Y/n) halted in his steps and cursed to himself, the fifteen year old stood up and turned to Jarvis.
“You’re a Life saver! I totally forgot! I’ll be back, I have to get something planned.” (Y/n) rose and rushes out of his room, the old man sadly smiled to himself as the young hero rushed down a flight of stairs to a main foyer, a beautiful lavish home all to, mostly himself. Rushing to the door he opens it and steps out, he spots the two guards on watch for his home, nearing the heart of Piltover, he wishes to keep it pristine and perfect. He snaps his fingers, they turn and face the young prodigy.
“You two, I’m heading out.” He puts his coat on and walks from his porch to the path, and the guards follow.
A gift for Caitlyn Kiramman. It was much harder than you expected, You and Caitlyn grew up together, merely by circumstance. Her Amazing mother and yours, Maria, we’re close friends who worked on the council together. The Stark Family and Kiramman Family were Allies due to Howard’s weaponry foundation funding the Piltovers army. It was by this chance you and Caitlyn became friends. Using your genius intelligence, you excelled in your scholarly studies with Caitlyn, her hunting and marksmanship skills effortlessly surpassed yours, it made a perfect dichotomy between you two. Unfortunately, that dichotomy was viewed by others as a romantic affection.
Approaching the Kiramman gates, you halted as the Guards follow suit. As you approached the door, you knocked gingerly. And a man opens the door, her father Tobias.
“Good afternoon Mr Kiramman. Is Caitlyn?…” he asks and Drones on, Tobias was a fit middle aged man, with dark blue hair and streaks of grey at the edges. “Ah. Sir Stark, Yes she’s here, I’ll fetch her.” He says and walks back, you await as you mentally compact everything.
“All things considered this is going well, she isn’t suspicious that I totally forgot about her birthday, and that I didn’t even send a letter. I have to consider a gift, actually.. why not everything?” You think to yourself. Your ear peeled up to the sound of walking and you quickly turned to the direction of the door, and you saw a faintly pale hand touch it and open, she steps to the porch, and Caitlyn stood there. Her long blue hair and piercing eyes.
“Cait!” He Said, The Girl approaches and (Y/n) gave her a hug.
“It’s good to see you well.” She says to you, you slyly grin and show off your expensive clothing.
“Nothing money can’t solve, speaking of money, come, it’s time to celebrate a certain girls birthday!” You say, and Cait sighs.
“You want to? You don’t have to.” She said, you took faux offense to it.
“Caitlyn, as your only friend—“
“Backhanded comments, as per usual.”
“As your only friend, it’s my obligation to make sure your birthdays are the absolute top quality, settle for nothing less.” You say. You walk off, Caitlyn couldn’t hide her small grin and follows. Walking though the city and enjoying the Shopping, treats, The enjoyable parts of Piltover was important for you, being the only child to an almighty fortune had refined your tastes. The guards carry the boxes of gifts for Caitlyn as you two walked forward, enjoying the cool winds of a soft autumn.
“Something is Bothering you.” You say to her, Caitlyn was not one to mince words, but was a bit uncomfortable about what she seems to be thinking about.
“It’s nothing.” She replies, and you turn your head towards her.
“You’re a fantastic Liar Caitlyn, but seriously.. what’s wrong?” You ask again, and Caitlyn informs you of a, less than suitable situation for you.
“I’ve decided to help Jayce with his research.” She utters, you almost wish to knock the webs out of your ears, but you knew you heard her correctly. Jayce Talis, the one sponsored by her family and a less than reputable man.
“Him? The one your family is sponsoring with his “inventions?” Which is just ridiculous to call them, what should be called inventions should be able to change the world! Nothing he has done proves that. Plus he’s kind of a jerk.” You explain, but Caitlyn sticks up for him.
“His work is important, I know it’ll be something amazing.” She said, with a hint of enthusiasm that you haven’t seen in her for a while.
“Well.. that’s unfortunate.” You say, “Ive been developing new technologies for Piltover and the armies. I wanted you to be there.” You say, biting your tongue before you say something to totally ruin the moment. Caitlyn looked a bit surprised by this response.
“You rarely let anyone help you..”
“You’re different.. you’ve always been different.” You reply sourly. After returning Caitlyn back to her family, you headed home, fuming. Aggressively opening the door you storm inside the workshop, looking at your creations, what you’ve built, how you’ve developed so much, and yet she went with Jayce? Your anger slowly simmers down and you sit down at the desk.
“Something has to change… I, I have to change..”
It was Nearing Six Years later after that interaction, perhaps you matured and let it all go, but though those sex years you devoted yourself to your work, to creating a new found weapon. The greatest creation in history. Of course you’ve kept it under wraps for the Three years of its production.
Music plays though the workshop as hot plasma burns into a new plate of steel, (Y/n), now in his early twenties removes his mask and scuffs off the dirt on his face. He prepares for the final run though. Flipping a few switches and turning knobs, steam emits from a shrouded invention, and a whir echoes from it, signaling his success. And coincidentally enough, today was Progress Day!
“Jayce Talis, eat your heart out.” you say. “Hextech, what a joke.” You confidently stood up to exit the workshop and head downstairs past Jarvis.
“Jarvis, please send the guards to prepare for Progress day, I have something to show.” He says, and heads out.
Sitting in the Enforcers office, Marcus sat at his desk, with oldies enforcers, Caitlyn included.
“So, you’ve already paid for a spot, we can have officers at the tent to avoid any issue. Your Project. Should we know anything about it?”
“Sorry, best kept secret, but I will need an officer to assist me in keeping the public away from it…” he says, and his eyes trail off to Caitlyn. She looks a bit shocked but quickly pieces together what he’s saying.
“You can’t he serious—“
“Kiramman, you’re on watch Duty for Stark Industrial. Keep the peace.” He said and she wants to groan, but reluctantly agrees.
“Miss Kiramman.” You say with a smug bow and she walks past, “this way.. Sir.” She says though her teeth, you two walk to the tent, and she’s less than enthusiastic.
“You’re welcome, by the way.” You say, and she turns to her.
“Oh, so this was to help me? How?” She said.
“Do you think your parents would have let you go anywhere? You would have stayed in Jayce’s tent.” You repeat, and Caitlyn thinks, and sighs.
“I hate it when you’re right…”
“Don’t worry, what I have built will amaze you, and blow Hextech out of the water.”
“Is this what it’s about? Jayce?” She says.
“Partly, and I want to show my Progress.” You give a wink and Caitlyn reaches the tent to show its fancy, a large stand to hold a crowd, a standing floor. With the hidden figure under the cloth. Across the event you can make out the Kiramman family and jayce giving the speech. (Y/n) stood on the pedestal and cracked his knuckles, he turns to Cait.
“Now, watch this.” You day, and speak a bit loudly.
“Ladies and Gentlemen! The newest invention from Stark Industrial!” You say, you watch as citizens begins to gather and watch, slowly siphoning Jayce’s watchers, you smirk and step to the platform and walk around the shrouded thing.
“Ladies and gentlemen I would like to introduce you, to the future. To our future, the future of piltover, No, the future of the entire world! You see we as a people have evolved from primitive rocks and sticks, to bring the most advanced species in the entire world, and therefore we can only keep moving forward, and what is more forward, than this!” You snap your fingers and a few guards tear off the cloth to reveal it, a suit of armor, hooked up by tubes running form somewhere, it was mostly flaming red with accents of orange, people marvel at the device and you really begin to sell it.
“What we have here isn’t a robot, but it’s a suit of armor! A highly dense titanium suit of armor, built with interlocked systems and an array of weapons, able to withstand fire, electricity, the cold, I call it.. the Iron Man!” You Walk to the back of the suit and twist a handle near the palm of the suit, the suit slowly begins to Open and reveal the inter working compartments from gears to wires, you step up and clench the palm switch, the suit encapsulates your body, steam bellows from parts of the suit and you flex, showing the suit isn’t a stiff board, Caitlyn watches, seeing the genius of Stark at work.
“This suit is built for the upmost of situations. In fact, enforcers!” You say, two walk on stage and you turn to them. They aim their guns, a look of worry washes over Caitlyn and they open fire, the bullets hit the suit and collapse upon themselves. Showing zero damage.
“Did I mention is bulletproof?” You say sarcastically, and then show it’s weapons.
“The suit is capable of high intensity blasts of energy from the palm. All powered by a single energy stone!” You aim upward and open one palm, the suit blasts a beam of high force light into the air.
“Even missiles!” You order a few Discs to be shot into the air, using nothing but your eyes you aim and a panel opens up in the shoulder compartment of the suit, they ignite and fly out, each explosion dancing in the air.
“But most importantly ladies and gentlemen, it had one ability only the animals with wings can partake in this.”
Switching to Flight nods the suits leg panels open to reveal thrusters, the armor makes a more aerodynamic look and steam bellows from it. The Suit begins to lift off and fly around the large celebratory area. Crowds watching in amazement of the Industrial Revolution, the suit then lands again, with another switch it opens, allowing (Y/n) to step out. Dusting himself off he drinks in the amazement of the crowd.
“You see, this is our future, this is the future I wish to cultivate! Stark Industrial will push Pullover into the era of Peace, and Prosperity!” With one final rousing speech, the crowd roses in applause of your creation, your work, your greatness. The only person less enthusiastic was Jayce. The Iron Man armor stood in the middle of the room, its ammunitions being refilled.
Inside the chambers of the Stark Building, you stood before Jayce, who was not as happy as you were, the young man whose calm demeanor similar made Jayce much more perturbed.
“You couldn’t allow Progress Day to just be about progress.. could you?” He says, and toy smugly turn around.
“I haven’t the faintest clue what you mean Jayce. My Iron Man is Progress, Progress Born from one mind.” You say, and offer a drink, Jayce calmly stood up and looked towards the window of the building out to the vast developing city.
“What you’re doing is Undermining the Hextech.”
“What I’m doing is showing my Stark Tech is just as good, even be than Hextech, don’t be upset I’m just better.”
“Better? Don’t make me laugh you’re a glorified Rich Kid.” Jayce turns to face you, much more accusingly.
“Yes because I didn’t grow up like you then my genius must be a fluke? You’re simply under your punching weight Mr Talis.” You reply in Jest, and Jayce takes the low blow.
“You see, this is why Howard wasn’t invited into the council, he valued his own ego over the importance of our future!—“
“That’s what you think?” You say, your anger boiling over. “My father didnt join your little club because he knew what the council does, halt any creativity that isn’t within what they value. I’d rather be alone than be a sellout.” You and Jayce are getting more and more hostile, until a flicker of red catches the corner of your eye, you turn to the direction, out the window you see flames blazing. Your eyes trail off and watch, seeing where it’s located.
“The Tents…” you say before rushing to the suit, jayce also watches and then turns to you.
“What are you doing?!”
“Saving Progress Day! Alert any police nearby! We have to do something!” You yell, opening the suit you step in and it powers on, activating the Rockets, you disregard anything and blast though the glass and fly off, your focus solely on Caitlyn, the humming of the machinery, the smell of steel in your nose. You land nearby and risk it all rushing into the fire, your eyes search as smoke and flames dance all around you. You scan the entire building and spot movement on the ground, rushing over your eyes catch blue hair and you immediately recognize who.
“Caitlyn!” You call out and pick the woman up, she’s unconscious, but alive. Her eyes open slowly and lock with yours.
“Don’t talk! It’ll be fine!” You reassure her and rush out of the building building, the suit taking whatever heat you would have, breaking through falling wood you safely get Caitlyn to safety, laying her down you turn to fly back in, but that was a fatal mistake, in a flash of light, it all went black.
It slowly became more clear, your vision in this horrid nightmare, your once great Suit Damaged to a heavy extent, the power on the suit was non existent, the explosion damaged the face plate, blowing half of it off. Your eye trailed over to the blue haired girl leaning over you, but it wasn’t Caitlyn it was, someone else. She hummed while she tore the crystal from your core, writing down in a small brown book, and you were too weak to stop her, she spots your eye and smiles. She looked, disturbed, definitely cute but still disturbed, like she was a power keg ready to blow.
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“Oh, the Tin Mans awake… sorry, but I had to get this little thing from you.” She says, and successfully tears out the blue core, she oodles at it, there was a hint of joy in her eye.
“I gotta say, a suit like that? Pretty Badass. I would ask how you worked out the triggers for your missile launchers, but I’m a little late. See ya later, Tin Man.” The Girl stood up and walked away, you can only watch as she disappears into the smoke and darkness, most likely never to be seen again, but who knows what genius mind was behind those mad Eyes.
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agentplutonium · 24 days
WIP Wednesday‼️
(Edited for formatting)
I haven't done one of these things in forever, so here's a small update from yours truly ^^ This week: AU'S!! My favourite thing ever.
(Also, tagging whoever wants to participate! I'm too inactive to feel like I can tag anyone lol)
WIP 1: TLOU AU [Milo/Sweetheart main, Asher/Baabe, Angle is here]
I've been rewatching TLOU
There's been consequences to that
ANYWAY smth smth I wanted to write a TLOU au and of course the (what I'm hoping) set of oneshots/short multi-chaps is with how Milo/Sweetheart find each other again
WIP 2: PIRATE AU!! [Milo/Sweetheart main]
god captain sweetheart my beloved
I've talked about this before
specifically here
ANYWAY ex noble!Sweetheart x knight/guard!milo
Snippets will be under the cut because I don't want to put a really big post on your feed <3
TLOU wip:
There was a creak behind them, and Sneaks swung around, gun aimed. Their finger started squeezing the trigger, but a voice rang out. “Wait!” Sneaks paused, finally focusing on the figure in front of them. Familiar features looked back at them. His hands were up, one hand holding a handgun. Sneaks’ eyes were drawn to the scar that stretched on the outer corner of his left eye. They knew that scar. “Ash?” Sneaks whispered. It was. Asher Talbot, the best friend to them and Milo before the infection. Standing there, unharmed, in clean clothes, a jacket. There was a knife strapped to his thigh and a holster on the other. Asher was in clean clothes. “Holy fuck,” Asher said, a goofy grin spreading across his face. The sight sent a dull ache through Sneaks’ chest. They didn’t think that they would ever see that smile again. “I didn’t think I’d—” Asher didn’t finish the sentence, but they understood. Sneaks swallowed hard before adjusting the grip on their gun. They couldn’t get distracted. “Are you infected?” Asher’s face dropped, hesitating before starting toward them. “No. No! I wouldn’t—Sneaks, come on—” “Don’t!” Sneaks yelled, stopping him in his tracks. “I can’t risk it. You know I can’t risk it.” “Do you think I’d be standing here if I was?” Asher said, almost pleading with them. “What are you doing outside of a QZ?” “I found a group on the outside.” “The outside?” “Yes. A commune. There’s rarely infected up this far, it’s safe. We take care of each other.” Sneaks almost didn’t want to believe it. How could this be possible? A commune, outside of a QZ that wasn’t shut down immediately? Were they working with the fireflies? How did they get food? Medicine? How did they stay warm, and have shelter? They were in the middle of a tundra of a state, there was no way they survived this long. “Let me take you there,” Asher said quietly. “Let me keep you safe.” Safety. With one of their best friends from before the infection. Food, shelter, and warmth. People. Actual people. To talk to, who won’t fight them tooth and nail for a scrap of food. No battering to stay alive, no alliances with guards.  Sneaks wanted to. They really did. “I can’t,” They choked. “Not without… you don’t understand what I’ve been through. To find him. I have to find him. I…”
Pirate AU:
“Damien,” a voice rang out, quieting the ship as it was heard. “What do you have?” ‘What do you have’ as if Milo wasn’t a whole human being. His blood boiled as he looked for who was talking. His eyes fell on a pirate approaching them, cautiously taking one step at a time. They had a hat on, a long coat that vaguely resembled the colours of his town, and were overall very menacing. There was an air of command to them that he couldn’t ignore. A step behind them was another pirate, this one a lot buffer than the first had been. If the first was menacing, the second was straight-up evil-looking. Scars crisscrossed the skin he could see, and they disappeared under the clothes that they had on. “A captive, Cap’n,” Damien responded. “We don’t take captives.” The captain said slowly, eyeing Milo. “He doesn’t even seem like the type to be a good sailor.” “Hey—” The Captain had their sword out, almost leisurely, the point digging into Milo’s throat just enough to be prominent, before Milo could continue his sentence. “What? Does the pretty boy want to be a pirate? Want to be the criminal of the sea, hanging by his neck before the end of the week?” Milo didn’t answer. “That’s what I thought,” they said, putting the sword away. “I don’t want him.” “But, Captain,” the second pirate who had his arm started. He was bigger than Damien, but he didn’t seem as aggressive. “I think this is who we need.” “Is it? Him? The nobility?” Milo shook his head quickly. “I am not Noble, I swear.” “Then why were you in the mansion?” Damien asked. “I just—” “Damien, you’re smarter than this,” The Captain said. “It was Huxley’s idea! I just got us out of there before anyone noticed!” Damien defended. “Not true,” the big one—was he Huxley?—defended. “Cap, you have to believe me—” The captain held up their hand, and Huxley fell quiet. “I don’t want him,” they repeated, “throw him over.” Damien and Huxley went to do just that, but Milo fought back. “Wait, please! Return me to shore!” He was able to break free for a second, but was unable to keep his balance, falling to his knees harshly. “And why should I do…” The Captain trailed off, looking at Milo. Milo’s chest to be more exact.  They stalked forward, face unreadable. Milo wasn’t sure what to do. They bent down, grabbing at his neck. Milo flinched away before he realized they had gone for his pendant. He stayed still, watching their face as they inspected it. The ship was dead silent as they did, the only sound was the lap of the waves against the boat, and the distant city they had just left. “What did you say your name was, lad?” The Captain whispered, looking at him. “Greer. Milo Greer.” The Captain studied him for a moment before straightening again. “I’ve changed my mind. Send him to the brig.”
Thank you for reading the full way!! means a lot to me <3
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avanatural · 2 years
Mind Games
Part 4
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Series summary: Set in 1984. It’s that time of the year – the supes are having the time of their lives at the Herogasm festival. Soldier Boy seems to have taken a special interest in Y/N, a fellow superhero.
Pairing: Soldier Boy x female Reader
Category: Angst, humor
Word count: 3.3k
Chapter warnings: Cursing, mentions of alcohol and smoking, Soldier Boy being Soldier Boy
A/N: Welcome to part 4! I hope you enjoy the new chapter! Poor Y/N’s patience is being tested in this one. Wanna be added to my Soldier Boy tag list? Send me an ask ❤️
Part 3 | Series Masterlist | Soldier Boy Masterlist | Part 5
Main Masterlist
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“I see you’ve changed into your intended outfit.”
His deep voice made me want to cut off my ears. No one had told me that this movie required me to wear a dress that would suffocate me with how tight it was.
“I’m not sure it even fits me,” I mumbled as I stroked the fabric around my midriff. It was a white leather dress with a corset, similar to my actual supe outfit, but it was restricting my goddamn access to air. It was short enough that I couldn’t sit or bend or fight without people seeing… Well, all of me.
Soldier Boy pushed himself off of the wall he was leaning against. He’d put his helmet back on. It was like a mask. That open, vulnerable side of him that I’d gotten a tiny glimpse of was long gone. Hidden. Nowhere to be found.
“Oh, but you do look beautiful in it,” he flirted, pointing his finger at my scarcely clad body. His head bobbed from side to side as he stalked towards me. He was back to oozing confidence. The anger and resentment in his eyes had faded.
What was he up to? Did Soldier Boy himself even know what he wanted? 
“I take it you don’t wanna rip my head off anymore?”, I asked. My voice sounded a lot weaker than intended. At this point, I just wanted to go home. This movie was a shit show.
“What can I say? You’re lucky I’m into the assertive type.” He smiled an alluring smile. Combined with a charming tilt of his head, he deepened the creases around his eyes. 
The scariest thing about his change in demeanor was how my body responded to it. His charm was surely working its magic. My stomach was filled with swoony sensations that were begging me to shake them off.
“Lucky me. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you’re sweet-talking me.” I tried sounding sarcastic, to the best of my ability. The problem was, his sweet-talking was working. My insides were practically yelling at me to finish what we’d started in that trailer. So, I tightened my vice-like grip on my heart as best as I could. I wasn’t gonna let him steal it.
Soldier Boy tempted me with his mossy green bedroom eyes and those plump pink lips. “Well, is it working?”
“No,” I lied, hoping that he couldn’t see through me. But then again, he probably wouldn’t believe any woman who told him his charm wasn’t working. He was self-centered like that. I had to remind myself that I was not a toy. That he couldn’t treat me as he pleased. Too bad male attention was my kryptonite.
Soldier Boy scoffed. I could see that he was losing what little patience he had. “Keep tellin’ yourself that, princess. Girls like to play hard-to-get. I know how it goes.”
“You know what?” I puffed out my chest in a rush of impulsion. “If you want different responses, maybe you should work on your technique. You need to win over a woman’s heart. Not just her body.” 
Soldier Boy narrowed his darkening eyes at me. He was like a loaded gun, ready to spit bullets in your face as soon as you got even remotely close to hurting his ego. “With manners like yours, you’re never gonna find a man. I don’t need to work on anything, how about you work on your fucking attitude?”, he snapped.
“Okay, everyone on their marks, please!”, the director called out.
Everyone hurried to their designated spots – the crew, the extras, the supes. Everyone except for us. Soldier Boy and I stood chest to chest, glaring at each other. The tension could easily have been cut with a rusty butterknife.
Gunpowder scurried past us, headed for his mark. I could feel the young man’s curious gaze on me as he tried to sneak past the two of us undetected.
Soldier Boy’s cold emerald gaze attached itself to the young supe. “Careful,” he spoke through gritted teeth, sending a warning Gunpowder’s way.
Gundpowder quickly averted his gaze and mumbled an incoherent apology. I didn’t even get a chance to catch his eye or say anything to him as he made a beeline for his mark, tail between his legs.
“Alright, doll face, let’s get this shit show over with,” Soldier Boy huffed. He took a step back, finally giving me some space to breathe. His hand reached out to me, his palm facing upward.
My eyes fixated on his hand. I hesitated. My muscles were frozen by ice-cold skepticism. When I looked up and met his eyes, warm pools of green and gold stared back at me. I tried not to let them melt away my distrust. This man was going to be the death of me. He was so unpredictable.
After a few seconds of hesitation, I placed my hand in his. As I felt his hand close around mine, a tiny, irritated smile attacked my face, forcing its way onto my lips.
“There you go,” Soldier Boy praised me with a nod of approval. He tugged me towards him and put his hand on my lower back. Seemingly deciding that he was in charge, he steered me to our marks.
We were about to shoot the final battle scene of the movie. Vought's strongest heroes vs. some no-name-greedy-for-power supervillains. And, who would have guessed, Soldier Boy was gonna save everyone’s day! Including mine. Damsel in distress number who-the-fuck-knew.
“Where- Oh! What the fuck?”, I exclaimed as Soldier Boy suddenly scooped me up in his arms, bridal style.
“Relax, princess. I’m supposed to catch you, you know that,” he had the audacity to scold me.
“How exactly is this scene gonna play out, huh?” I knew I was gonna fall from the sky like a stupid fucking apple from a tree, but this scenario rubbed me the wrong way.
“I’ll toss you into the air and catch you, piece of cake,” he sighed, obviously annoyed with my sheepish attitude.
“You’re gonna toss me?” I found myself locking my arms around his neck – a weak attempt to make him keep me in his arms. I was a supe, sure, but my body wasn’t immune to every possible danger. I wasn’t immortal. I could feel pain. My bones could break.
“Oh, have some fucking faith, will you?” Soldier Boy leaned in, so close that I could smell the whiskey we’d shared on his breath. “I’m not gonna let you hit the ground.” His insanely green eyes, framed by his new helmet, penetrated mine. “Unless you piss me off.”
“Ready, everyone?”, the director yelled.
“You better catch me,” I hissed in Soldier Boy’s ear.
He scoffed, radiating hubris. “Wanna fucking bet?”
“Sure. If you let me fall, you can kiss my ass,” I mumbled under my breath. Sue me, I was a nervous talker.
“And if I catch you, I’ll get to gag you, how about that?”, he retorted.
“You’re so-”
“And 3… 2… 1!”
Before I could say another word, Soldier Boy bent his knees, pushed himself back up, and used the force to throw me straight up into the air.
I cried out as I flew towards the sky. Right in that moment, I questioned my own sanity. A few profanities left my lips as I reached the highest point and felt myself fall back down. My stomach turned as I pictured myself flat as a goddamn pancake, spread out across the floor with blood for sirup.
Then suddenly, I felt some harsh pushback, and a loud gasp was forced out of my lungs. I had abruptly stopped falling. My eyes were shut tightly, waiting for the pain to arrive. Or the shock. But nothing really happened.
“You’re okay,” a warm, breathy voice hit my ears.
When I opened my eyes, I was met with Soldier Boy’s handsome face. He was the pushback. His arms were wrapped around me, holding onto my legs and my back. He was carrying me bridal style, just like he had a few moments ago. That son of a bitch had actually done it.
“You caught me,” I mumbled, faintly remembering the lines I was supposed to say. My heart was still throwing a tantrum in my chest.
“I sure did.” He put on the kindest smile I’d ever seen. The asshole could act, who would’ve guessed? “You alright?”
“Yes.” I had to bite my tongue before I was able to say my next line. “Thank you for saving me.”
“Anytime, my dear.” Gently, he placed me back on the ground. His hand stayed on my lower back, sending a surge of warmth through my body. “You look familiar. Do I know you?”, he asked. 
I batted my eyelashes at him as hard as I could and placed my hand on my chest. “I’m Trouble.”
“You’re part of the cavalry,” he said, pretending to be surprised by widening his eyes. “Payback appreciates your help. Just be more careful from now on, alright?” He inched closer, cooking up his very own line before delivering it straight to my face. “Though I gotta say… It’s not every day that pretty women like yourself fall from the sky.”
The corners of my mouth quivered slightly, threatening to break out in a smile. His gaze held me down, taunting me, asking me to break. I didn’t want to give him that satisfaction. “Careful, my dear,” I responded, repeating his pet name for me. I lifted my chin to meet his eyes. “You don’t wanna get in trouble, do you?” When he paused, not saying anything, I continued, “Say hi to Countess for me.”
With a wink, I turned around and walked away from him, out of the camera’s sight. I felt his heated gaze on my back and didn’t dare turn back.
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I let out the biggest grunt as soon as the door to my apartment fell shut behind me. Home, at last. Without a care, I dropped my bag on the floor. My hands found my hair and tugged on the strands before brushing them back.
“You sound tired,” a small voice rang out from the living room.  
With enlarged eyes, I pushed myself away from the door and stomped into the living area. “Lily??”
And sure enough, my sister was sitting on the couch, watching tv like she’d done nothing else all day.
“What the hell are you doing here?”, I demanded, “You’re supposed to be with aunt Gemma!”
Lily shrugged her shoulders at me, wearing a tiny frown on her face. “She had an emergency.”
“Yeah, I bet with that Greg guy.” I ground my teeth. The muscles in my jaw already hurt from all the tension I’d lived through that day. I leaned against the couch, my hands landing on the backrest. “How long have you been here by yourself?”
“Just a couple hours.”
“A couple hours,” I repeated. “That’s it. I’m gonna kill her.”
“Y/N, I’m fine,” Lily objected, looking up at me with those innocent eyes, trying to be convincing.
“Did you eat?”
“Not yet.”
“Okay,” I sighed, trying my best not to seem annoyed with her. Lily wasn’t the problem. Everyone else was. Including me. I tried pushing my anger down and locking it away. “I’ll heat up some leftovers.”
My sister nodded and followed me into the kitchen, trailing after me like a puppy. “How did it go today?”, she asked.
Well, that was a loaded question. “Let’s just say you’re gonna get those sneakers you asked for.”
“Yes!” Lily fist-bumped the air. “Thank you, Y/N!” She hurried around the counter and wrapped her arms around my waist.
Despite my sour mood, I smiled and hugged her back. “You’re welcome.” I squeezed her small body and paused for a second to enjoy the moment. The smile on her face, the joy in her eyes – that was the reason why I’d accepted Vought’s offer. It was worth the crappy day I had.
“So, how was working with Soldier Boy?”, Lily asked, wriggling out of my embrace, looking at me with wide, curious eyes.
“It was… Good,” I lied through my teeth and looked away, busying myself with preparing dinner. I couldn’t look at Lily’s face and tell a lie. I’d never been able to.
“What’s he like? Will you see him again? How tall is he?”
Oh boy, it was gonna be a long night.
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A few weeks later
“Touble! Trouble, just one shot, please!”
“Trouble, over here!”
I pulled down my cap, hoping to somehow disappear in it. Too bad I didn’t have teleportation powers. Ever since pictures from the movie set of Payback Rising had been sold to the press, the general public had taken an interest in little old, mediocre me.
A picture of Soldier Boy and I had made it into the newspapers. A photograph of him carrying me. Of us staring into each other’s eyes. Now people were making up stories left and right. The press liked to make these things bigger than they were.
The good news was, I was getting offers. They wanted me for talk shows, interviews, and photoshoots.
The bad news was, these offers all included Soldier Boy. It was either both of us or nothing. On my own, I still wasn’t interesting enough. Still not worthy. So, what I had gained aside from the money was to be a target for the paparazzi.
“Let me through. Thanks,” I snapped, annoyed, knowing that I once again had to take a detour before going home. I didn’t need these sleazebags in front of my building. It took me a bit longer to get home that way, but I was willing to make the effort.
When I came home to a ringing telephone, I instantly rolled my eyes. I couldn’t seem to catch a break these days.
As I stood in front of the telephone, I contemplated whether I should answer or not. All I truly wanted was to sit down, have a glass of wine, and forget about everything that had to do with Vought and Soldier Boy.
“Fuck,” I mumbled under my breath and picked up against my better judgment. “Hello?”
I recognized that voice. But I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. With narrowed eyes, I leaned against the ugly wall in the hallway. “Who’s this?”
“Vought’s VP of hero management. We met briefly on the set of Vought’s new movie.”
That certainly rang a bell. “The Legend,” I sighed and made a fist around the telephone cord, “What is it?”
“I heard that you’ve been declining a whole lotta offers. Interviews, photoshoots, that kind of thing.” He lowered his voice, making me guess that his call was anything but official.
“Well, they don’t really want me for those appearances,” I said, “They want-“
“You and Soldier Boy, I know. Excuse my foul language, but I think you’re being a fucking dimwit.”
“You’re calling me just to tell me that?”, I demanded, clenching the muscles in my jaw.
“I’m calling you to help you out,” he retorted, “I know talent when I see it, Y/N.”
“You told me not to take anyone’s shit. And now you expect me to take yours?”
“I told you to play to your goddamn strengths. Right now, the greatest superhero in the world is interested in you. And the biggest fucking talk show just sent in an offer. Forget all the other jobs, this is the one you’ll wanna take. This is your fucking way into the business, Y/N. You can be huge. Don’t be dumb, girl.”
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“Lily? Lily!”, I called out, walking out of hair and make-up. Yes, I had taken the offer. I was attending the damn talk show to speak about my experience on Payback Rising. Of course, I couldn’t say anything remotely close to the truth.
I’d told my sister to wait for me while they dressed me, and now she was nowhere to be found. 
She had begged me to take her with me to meet Soldier Boy. And when I say she begged, I mean she fucking begged me. Dozens of puppy eyes later, I had agreed to let her say hi to him. Just say hi. In my presence. I only hoped he wasn’t going to disappoint her. Because if he did, I was going to put him in the ground, no matter who the hell he was.
I stopped dead in my tracks when I found my sister standing in front of a table with snacks. I recognized him instantly. He was wearing his signature suit, minus the mask. Lily was being accompanied by none other than Soldier Boy himself. Her small hands were clasped together nervously as she admired him from below. She was staring up at that tower of a man with little hearts in her eyes.
As soon as Soldier Boy spotted me walking towards them, he smugly lifted his chin. A cunning grin appeared on his lips. “Ah, Y/N! There you are! We were wondering when you’d join us.”
My hands found my hips as I ignored him and addressed my sister instead. “Lily, I told you to wait.” I was anything but amused.
“I’m sorry.” Lily pouted at me. Underneath that pouty face, though, she was hiding tons upon tons of excitement. Her eyes held a spark.
“It’s my fault, really,” Soldier Boy spoke up, pulling my attention back to him, “She looked a little lost back there, all by herself, so I took her under my wing.” His gloved hand squeezed my sister’s shoulder to highlight his point.
I stared back at him with a blank expression. I knew exactly what he was doing, and I didn’t like it. He was painting me in a bad light. I left my sister by herself, so of course, he had to go and play her savior.
“How incredibly kind of you,” I praised him through gritted teeth.
“Nah, it’s no big deal.” He shrugged his massive shoulders, delivering a little show of humbleness. “Lily and I were having a grand old time, weren’t we?” He looked down at my younger sister with so much kindness that it didn’t surprise me how enamored she was.
“The best!”
“I may be the strongest man alive...” Soldier Boy placed a hand on his chest and inched closer to me. “But you, Y/N.” He pointed his finger at me and clicked his tongue. “You’re the real hero. Working two jobs at once, no husband to support you. This might be your breakthrough. I truly want it for you.”
Yeah, because you know this ‘breakthrough’ isn’t happening without you. “Thank you.” I put on a friendly fake smile. The one I’d practiced in front of the mirror because I’d known he was gonna annoy me one way or another. “It means a lot, coming from you. But I think we’re about to start rolling, so…”
“Yeah, let’s go.” He turned to my sister and ruffled her hair, which made her fucking laugh. Usually, she all but freaked out when someone touched her precious hair. “You stay good for your sister, okay?”
“I will. It was a pleasure meeting you, Soldier Boy,” Lily spoke, using the same polite words I’d spent years trying to teach her.
“Oh, the pleasure was all mine, sweetheart.” Soldier Boy bent down, hands on his knees as he looked her in the eye. He lowered his voice, whispering to her like he was telling her a big secret. “And call me Ben.” With a charming wink, he straightened his back again.
“Okay, Ben.” The smile on Lily’s face became so wide that I could have sworn it was about to break her cheeks. “Thank you.”
I, on the other hand, wasn’t half as bewitched as my sister. The corners of my mouth sagged, a scowl masking my face. “Let’s go… Ben.”
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Part 5
Tag list: @akshi8278 @leigh70 @impalaslytherin @mimzy1994​ @asgardiandeadpoetsociety @panhufflestugf @spnwoman @themerc-with-a-mouth @waynes-multiverse @tzillas @josephslittlemetalballs @deliriouslybi​ @ryethebrokengae​ @epiphany-of-a-madwoman​ @rach5ive​ @mrsjenniferwinchester​ @may85​ @jassackles @mimaria420
239 notes · View notes
skymaiden32 · 11 months
Safety Measures
Read on AO3 here
Fandom: Thunderbirds
Tagging: @dragonoffantasyandreality @thundergeek59 @janetm74 @katblu42 @liseylou @amistrio @uniwolfcorn @idontknowreallywhy (Please ask if you would like to get alerts when I update or post new stories.)
Thundertober Day 18: Safety
Some rules are made to be broken.
Continuity: TAG
“Are you joking?!” Gordon winced when he heard Virgil yell at the hologram in front of them, hovering above Thunderbird 2’s dashboard. “Please tell me you’re joking…” The man in the image tried his best to look apologetic, but after years of learning how to read others, the two Tracy’s could tell he wasn’t.
“This is no joke, Mr Tracy. It’s health and safety.” The idiot stated. “According to the official handbook, no non-staff members are allowed to access the master control panel. If we let just anyone use those controls, it could result in disaster.”
Virgil grumbled, uncharacteristically folding his arms in front of him and slumping back in his seat with a huff. This back and forth was eerily similar to the whole atmospheric cleaner debacle not too long ago. Honestly, he wouldn’t be surprised if the official he was currently speaking with was the same guy and had moved companies. But alas, that was not the case.
Gordon frowned at the man, standing up and making his way over so he was eye level with the hologram. It was lucky he was in front of them as a hologram; if he were truly face to face with them he probably would’ve had a black eye. “Well, can’t you make an exception just this once? There are people in that factory who could die if we can’t access those controls!” The idiot began to open his mouth, and Gordon quickly silenced him. “And before you ask if there’s another way, there isn’t.” He put it bluntly, hoping to get the situation into this guy's thick skull. “Our team has run through every possible solution we can think of in various simulators, and nothing works. They all result in the building collapsing. Or worse.”
Sensing his brother’s increasing frustration, Virgil took over the conversation again. “The master controls are the only way. Please, we don’t have much time left to save your workers.”
“As much as I’d like to help…” Liar. “I’m just doing my job. Which is to uphold our company's code of health and safety to the highest degree.”
“Well, so are we.” Gordon snapped. “Would you seriously risk your employees' lives just because a rescue team wants to access your system to save them?” He practically hissed. “A little hypocritical, don’t you think?” The officer rose an eyebrow, as if genuinely puzzled. Virgil looked at his brother in shock. Gordon ignored them both. “You preach about wanting to protect your team from danger, but you fail to realise that the most dangerous thing you can do is not let us help them. They’ll be waiting for us to come to their rescue, probably scared out of their wits, but help will never come for them. All because you have your head buried in the sand.” He shook his head, and laughed without humour. “Don’t you see? International Rescue is the only thing standing between those men and women down there, and an untimely death. If you don’t let us in, believe me, we’ll find our own way in. It’s your choice…”
An uneasy silence followed. Virgil and Gordon waited a few tense seconds before the official huffed. “...Fine.” He finally relented, seeing the point the aquanaut was making. “I’ll allow it. Just this once. Meet me down at the main control building. I’ll let you in and show you how to operate it.” That was all he said before the hologram winked off, leaving empty space where it once was.
Virgil looked at Gordon in awe, laughing at his success. “How’d you manage to do that?”
His brother just shrugged, still amazed that it had worked. “When you’re in a naval officers company to defend yourself enough times, you pick up a thing or two…” He explained slyly, examining his nails. “Guess I still got it!”
“You sure do little brother!” Virgil chuckled, flying towards the rendezvous point. “Down with overcomplicated safety measures, huh?” Gordon couldn’t help but agree.
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rosetheocto · 10 months
🐙 Super Cool Intro Post 🐙
Hello!! You can call me Rose! I’m a self taught artist! (that barely posts art lol)
Dunno where exactly on the Aro/Ace spectrum I’m at, but it’s definitely somewhere!
I have Autism, ADHD, OCD, and probably some other kinds of anxiety disorders with a bit of other mental health issues mixed in!
She/Her, I’m a minor!
Feel free to send me asks about anything!! I’m more than happy to have an excuse to yell about my interests, headcanons, and AUs!
‼️ Please immediately tell me when I do something wrong!! I promise I have good intentions, but I’m also not the smartest person out there! I tend to be very unaware and forgetful at times, so I may realize right away when I say/do something stupid/offensive!! ‼️
Interests, DNI’s, and Some Other Things under the cut :]
Some Stuff I Like!! :0
Failboat (more specifically, Failboat’s Miitopia series, commonly shortened to “Failtopia”)
ChipDoesThis (I’m actually a moderator on his livestreams!)
Eeveelution Squad
Among Us + Among Us Logic (I don’t support GT/Newscape nowadays, but AUL always has a special place in my heart)
Spooky Month
The Henry Stickmin Collection
My Little Pony (both FIM/G4 and ANG/G5)
Pokémon (but almost exclusively Gen 6/Kalos, love those lil dudes)
That’s far from all of them, but those are some of the main ones rn! (i have a ton of interests)
Obligatory DNI List
Basic criteria (homophobic, transphobic, aphobic, ableist, racist, MAP, pretty much just “don’t talk to me if you suck”)
Supporting genocide of any kind (it should be obvious what this is about, I shouldn’t need to say it. if you agree with what they’re doing then get off my blog)
Support ships with pedophilia, incest, and other things of that nature. (i just simply don’t like that kind of content, and i do think can affect reality.)
NSFW accounts (i am a minor, self explanatory)
NFT supporters + Most AI Art/Writing/Voice Acting supporters (really depends on context for me, but a lot of the time it just takes away from actual creators)
Treating real people like fictional characters (giving real people “headcanons”, shipping real people, etc. especially when they have said in the past that they are uncomfortable with it)
Some Other Things
I use tone indicators! And I’d appreciate it if people use them with me! (If that for some reason is something you don’t like then uh, idk do what you want lol)
I’m a multishipper!! (I love shipping. I love shipping sm. Especially Failtopia ships, for some reason)
I occasionally reblog FNF and Steven Universe stuff! (I know how some people feel about those fandoms, so I’m still putting it out there!)
I am very critical of media I like! (I promise I genuinely love the stuff I criticize most of the time, but being a hater can be fun lmaoo)
The Tags!!
Rose’s Super Epic and Cool Art (art tag)
Ask the Octo (ask tag)
(Last edited September 9th, 2024)
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ghooostbaby · 2 months
was tagged by @muigiel ^^
nine albums or songs I've been listening to lately x nine people I’d like to get to know better x tag game with no name
1. why did you choose your url? i heard "ghost baby" could be a translation of wei ying (from mdzs) and i really loved that vibe
2. any sideblogs? if you have them name them and why you have them. @revengegarden which i use to put art inspiration in.
3. how long have you been on tumblr? i think i first joined when it was in beta in like 2009! i didnt really know how to use it though. i used it intermittently over the years to post silly poetry and save stuff from the internet i enjoyed. i never really interacted with anyone or understand how that worked. i made a new account in 2020 when i got interested in fandom stuff during pandemic lockdown times..
4. do you have a queue tag? no
5. why did you start your blog in the first place? well i answered that above kind of ... i've always sort of gotten weird obsessed with whatever i'm watching or reading, no one else i knew really had the same level and that i remember during the first weeks of lockdown searching stuff on what i was watching instead of bothering uninterested people about it and ended up on tumblr looking at fan art of zuko and sokka :P and all these people losing it over fictional characters i was like ... i think i'm home? so i got a tumblr to participate in it more.
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp? my name is from wei wuxian so i wanted a pic of him! he was sort of my main blorbo at the time making this account, and he truly captured my heart when he was all red-eyed insane with rage playing his demon flute
7. why did you choose your header? i don't know what my header is haha
8. what’s your post with the most notes? i'm not sure exactly, but i think the last 'annual stats' thing tumblr shared was a feverish cumplane head canon i posted. i also get notes every day on a recent post about wu ming fanon vs canon. but actually my looooong ranting meta about wei wuxian and lan wangji is probably the most notes. but reading that meta makes me want to hide under a rock encountering my past self
9. how many mutuals do you have? a couple
10. how many followers do you have? o.o
11. how many people do you follow? a few hundred i think?
12. have you ever made a shitpost? *looks up definition of shitpost* no
13. how often do you use tumblr each day? probably an hour a day just scrolling on my phone when i'm too tired to do anything else... i've had a job this summer that has been brutally long hours and tiring so i'm not in the mood to sit at my computer much
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? sometimes haha. listen, sometimes people have takes that are so bad i have to say SOMEthing. then i get so terrified of being yelled at i delete everything or ignore tumblr for 2 weeks or ask @muigiel if people are being mean in my notes hahaha
15. how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts ummmmm
16. do you like tag games? it's nice to be tagged! atm i usually don't have time when i receive them and then the notification passes and i forget, this one i put in my drafts though
17. do you like ask games? love to be a part of one one day T.T idk maybe more people would send me asks if i turned on anon but a year or so ago i started getting all these terfs harassing me in my asks (must be doing something right?) so i turned off anon. one actually was mad enough to send me a death threat (?!) from their account so i was able to report them
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous? haha i don't have many, just all of us small fish swimming together.. but i think a lot of people in danmei fandoms really love what @baiwu-jinji posts :) although i think they're not super active rn or we're not on at the same times
19. do you have a crush on a mutual? no but if you're in love with me let me know! i wouldn't be opposed to a tumblr romance :P
20. what is the last song you listened to? hmmmm i think i was listening to a Grouper album last
21. what are you currently watching? i wanted to find something new to watch that had perfect gorgeous visuals of beautiful outside places and ended up watching Orlando last night
22. sweet/ savoury/ spicy? all!
23. what is your current relationship status? single
24. what is your current obsession? tgcf, he xuan, yin yu, maurice (film & reading the book)
25. what are nine albums/ songs you've been listening to lately?
maurice soundtrack !!
80s dancey music bc my taste definitely gears towards lyricless and traditonal/folk music but i've been working with kids who all want to listen to justin bieber all the time so trying to get some fun pop music i can also enjoy (i just hate the sounds of contemp pop music sorry, somehow it feels so... digital? data-driven? written by AI?) - and actually have found madonna is soooo good.
and then relistening to old favourites... yesterday i was enjoying my rock n roll romance playlist which has david bowie, bauhaus, wanda jackson (tunnel of love), suicide (cheree), roy orbison, dead or alive
if you want to take a look inside my brain https://www.nts.live/shows/cantus-orbis
tag 9 people.. uhh. how about just @unfotp @marloviandevil @baiwu-jinji but no obligation!
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monsterhunting · 2 years
2022 year in review
thank you @quillsmora for tagging me!!
Number of stories posted to AO3: 13!
Word count this year: according to my ao3 stats it’s 274,715
Fandoms I wrote for: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, and Stranger Things 
Pairings: Sam/Bucky and Steve/Nancy/Jonathan (or some variation of it, plus one Steve/Jonathan fic) were my main ships, but I also tagged several fics with Steve & Robin. (Do platonic tags count as pairings???)
Stories with the most: 
– Kudos: secrets i have held in my heart, which i posted the first chapter of almost directly after vol 2 came out, so, makes sense. i was still surprised by how many people liked this story given stoncy has faded a bit out of popularity with S4, so i was v happy people wanted to read this!!
– Bookmarks: same as above
 – Comment threads: we could call it even (you could call me babe for the weekend), which makes sense given it has 6 chapters. also chapter 5 (i think?) ended on a kinda angsty cliffhanger so naturally i got an influx of comments yelling at me lmao. (fun fact: this fic has the most comment threads out of anything i’ve posted on ao3!)
– Word count: who you gonna call? takes the cake with 65k+ words. also, by far the longest thing i’ve ever written! 
Work(s) I'm most proud of (and why):
– to live for the hope of it all: i have loved stoncy for yeeeeears (since i first watched s1 of stranger things) and i’ve read a lot of fic for it and wanted to write fic for it but never did until i wrote this one shortly after s4 vol 1 came out! and since then i’ve written tons more stoncy fic and had a lot of fun doing it and made several pals because of it so i’m v glad i finally tried my hand at it!!
– who you gonna call?: as i just mentioned, this is the longest thing i’ve ever written but i also think it’s one of my favorite things i’ve written period!! i put a lot of work into this fic and honestly had a really fun time writing it. i also implemented a lot of horror vibes in this fic (the vibe overall was folk horror friends to lovers romcom), which was unlike anything i’d ever posted on ao3 but since i love horror i had a lot of fun writing those elements too! 
– Sharon Carter’s Guide to Dealing With Oblivious Superheroes: maybe not my favorite sambucky fic i wrote this year but i loooove reading outsider POV fics and think they’re so fun. however, i’ve never actually tried my hand at writing one so this was really fun to try! i also love sharon and i think she deserves more love so it was really fun to get inside her head and write about her perspective on sambucky
Work(s) I'm least proud of (and why): idk if there’s anything i’m not proud of??? there are maybe a few fics i wouldn’t consider my best writing though. for example i was rushing to finish this fic and if i’d taken longer to write it, it could’ve turned out better maybe? but i wouldn’t say that means i’m not proud of it
Share or describe a favorite review you received: I really love any review I get even if it’s just a simple “this was good!” But I love when people point out their favorite parts or tell me they think I did well with the characterization. A couple times I had a comment where people said they could like hear the characters’ voices as they were reading my fic which is a HUUUGE compliment i think <3
A time when writing was really, really hard: the holiday season was super busy for me so i didn’t have much time to write over christmas. also frankly...smut is hard to write. i get too embarrassed in the middle and then have to go walk away from the screen from a few minutes lmao
A scene or character you wrote that surprised you: i simply did not expect i would’ve written as much as i did about jonathan byers in the year of our lord 2022 nor did i expect i’d have fun with it. and yet! 
A favorite excerpt of your writing: from chapter 4 of who you gonna call
Suddenly, Steve thinks about sticking his feet in Jonathan’s lap during movie nights or ruffling Jonathan’s hair in the office. He thinks about the way it feels to make Jonathan laugh, the way his heart skipped in his chest that night all those months ago in Nancy and Jonathan’s kitchen when Jonathan said to him, quiet and incredibly honest, You’re not too much. He thinks about kissing Nancy in that same kitchen and kissing Jonathan in the woods only a day later, and thinks about how the most terrifying places in the world have never felt all that scary with Nancy and Jonathan on either side of him.
And then he thinks back to standing in the forest with Nancy only hours ago, when she had asked, Was it just me? When Nancy had stared deep into him and demanded to know not if he loved her, but if he loved Jonathan, too. When she asked him to tell her if all these years it was only Nancy he ever felt that way about.
And God, of course it wasn’t. It never was. Of course it’s always been Jonathan, too.
How did you grow as a writer this year? hmmm i wrote a LOT in 2021 but i wrote even more in 2022 which is wild. i kinda used to write a fic every now and then -- like every few months or so or whenever inspiration struck -- but in the past year or so i’ve been writing very consistently in my spare time which has been really fun!! also everything i wrote this past year, specifically in the latter half of the year, was LONG. i wrote 4 multichap fics in 2022 alone (i’ve only ever written 7 total on ao3 and one was never finished lol.)
How do you hope to grow next year: CONVERSELY...i would like to master the art of being able to write things under 10k lol. maybe even under 20k!!! crazy idea i know but it’s a goal !!!
Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc): i literally would die without allie and getting to ramble about fics and fic ideas with her in texts and on snapchat lmao. also shoutout to annie and the numerous writing springs we did together this summer!!!
Anything from your real life show up in your writing: i include little nods to things i like in fics pretty often...one thing that shows up a lot is references to moe’s, for some reason? it started off as an accident but has slowly become on purpose as time has gone on. tragically i haven’t been able to reference it in many stranger things fics because unfortunately the first moe’s didn’t open until 2000. other than that, i wrote a whole scene in a sambucky fic this year that referenced percy jackson (specifically the titan’s curse aka my fav percy jackson book), so that was fun
Any new wisdom you can share with other writers: this is more practical advice than wisdom but for all my besties who write in google docs and then post on ao3: to keep the ao3 formatting from screwing up your italics (i.e. when ao3 formats your “Hey.” to “ Hey . ”) italicize the symbols surrounding the word you’re trying to italicize (i.e. for the previous example, you would italicize the quotes and the period AND the hey). learned this trick very very recently and probably other people have already figured this out on their own but i figured i’d pass it along! 
Any projects you're looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year: i have sooooo many WIPs in my google docs but the projects i’m most looking forward to posting this year are the spider-man!steve stoncy fic, the steve gets vecna’d (but it’s ok he’s fine) stoncy fic, and i would also love to be able to write some gotg fics this year (kate cheers and applauds in the background somehwere). specifically would like to write some mantis/nebula fics bc as we know i love a good ship that has zero actual screentime together!
Tag some writer's who's answers you'd like to read (y’all are under no obligation to do it tho): @miiyumei @pensbridgrton @anniebibananie ❤️
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feuqueerfire · 8 months
Twinkling Watermelon Live Blogging
Came across some Tiktoks (I think the first one showed up on my FYP on my phone) about a deaf girl in school being tripped by a group of girls and a girl being nice to her and with a guy who's yelling at her for making fun of him but her not understand but then !! I found this Tiktok in the tags which has characters from this series and My Perfect Stranger who time travelled back in time to when their parents were teens! Not only that, the main guy in this is the son from 18 Again (aside: I've been Obsessed with this OST again for the past week this January), which this show kinda reminds me of even though that one had the parent turning young in current timeline rather than time travel. Then I realized that it's actually a really hyped show that everybody seems to be watching.
Anyway, been a long time since I watched a full-length kdrama that's not a rewatch (From Now On, Showtime! in June 2023), so I hope I love it. Again, bad timing because busy with school but the thing is, it's nearly always bad timing, so here it goes I guess.
Episode 1 (Jan 19, 2024)
It's 1:30AM and I'm starting this lol, I'm gonna just watch 15 mins and go to sleep so that I have something to look forward to/be excited about when waking up tomorrow
Do all these shows always start with something bad/scary happening so that it's used as a hook? I'm just remembering Psychopath Diary starting with this guy's worst day of ever which made me stop watching lol The events with this ingredient man seem like it'll turn sour
you're not gonna show me what the father answered smh will it be revealed at a critical, heart-wrenching moment in the future?
ahhh the fuckass landlady and her fuckass child i can’t believe the kid is threatening him with eviction if they do t cheat So did Eun Gyeol erase and put his own name again afterwards? idgi
From what I know about this show, Eun Gyeol goes back in time + makes some sort of music band? So I’m gonna assume his dad actually wrote this song or smth (turning his “I feel sorry that only I can play songs like this” untrue) and he used to be able to hear?
My current bad habit is wishing we could go back to grownup Eun Gyeol so that I could look at his pretty nice face. Like brooo pause on being someone who loves to look at pretty boys and focus on the story at hand
Girl we once again have: worst day of ever. house on fire, grandpa dead/injured, flashback to when his dad said he’ll save Eun Gyeol first to help save the others
I hate this girl’s guitare case so bad idk why the shape of it gives me the ick - anyway is she the girl who saw him crying in front of grandfather’s store? and is she gonna be his love interest?
oh it’s a cello case + it’s the brother’s gf (Eun Gyeol wouldn’t steal his brothers gf right?)
wait lol what’s happening i got so confused. + the weak hero class guy intro (not park jihoon), is he the landlady's kid all grown up?
oh lol anonymous busking
Well the random watching 15 mins and go to bed didn’t quite work out bc i did go to bed but finished the ep on my ipad instead of sleeping lol it’s like 3AM now rip
As I was watching, occasionally, I’d be like Oh that’s Shinwoo from 18 Again. Slightly wrong, the name was Shi Woo, but why do I remember even that fr?
No time travelling yet but a good start.
Was looking at the r/kdrama On-Air posts and it started off with posts w 100+ comments, then 200+, then 300+, and the final one has 800+ comments lol, did it blow up after the show finished airing or was almost at the end?
Episode 2 (Jan 19)
The secondary guy and the cello girl are both annoying right now but I assume they'll both grow, get better, etc. like firstly my guy why are you following around and stalking this girl T.T if he wasn't so overwhelmingly charming/endearing and we weren't seeing his side, it'd come off much creepier. and she's obviously like being forced to be in a strict schedule because of her family or whatever (wearing the pink dress while longingly looking at the black one lol) and she'll stop being the "ice queen" as time goes on, but idk I feel like there are characters who are kinda snobby but makes you like them regardless, whereas she's not quite hitting that for me
but him getting embarrassed about his open pants zipper and running away while covering his face was cute tho
hmm this older man (Yoon Dong Jin) was in a band in high school and he's the only one of the members who still does music... was Eun Gyeol's dad in this band perhaps? and was he the one who had the big accident to make him deaf?
This new band thing for Eun Gyeol happened so fast, tbh like no camaraderie? No getting to know the band members?
broo the landlady hit the dad's car? are we joking lmao
relying on a kid for interpreting serious matters is just So Much pls just write or text amongst adults
And also the father making his son say inflammatory stuff to the landlady (or the mother to that ingredient seller beforehand) instead of writing it on their own like cmon
okay at least they mentioned that there was a professional translator for the police convo, she was late but then again, c'mon let's use some writing utensils. they texted Byeong Ho when he was a kid
girl not this Mess in this band + the Eun Gyeol spilling his guilt and guts about the fire incident
The thing is I feel no desire to watch Eun Gyeol go back to this band. I want him to follow his dreams, do music, etc but not necessarily with these people - specifically that drummer guy agh
this fawking guitar T.T I knew Grandpa left it for Ha Eun Gyeol in his will
I knewwww I shouldn't have started this episode before finishing my important, pressing university lecture. Anyway I'm stopping at 42mins for now, hope I can do homework for an hour before coming back here lol. okay I did homework for an hour :)
Oh yeah, I forgot I thought the ice cream shop guy might've been grown up landlady's son but I don't think so anymore ig since when would he have hit the father with the car? + his name's Lee Chan (update: Yi Chan). I briefly thought he was the young father maybe but like him and Eun Gyeol are connected through the cello girl
oh wait, the tiktok I saw of the deaf girl falling and getting dirty water on some pretty, popular was in the current timeline? Idk why I thought maybe it was his mom in the previous timeline or smth
oh girl this girl gave the cello girl the shirt and then leaving, fuck don't say lesbians they're not lesbians you're just gonna get your heart broken but...
plsss not the rock band t-shirt making Yi Chan think she likes bands
oh does the deaf girl like Yi Chan or something? In the poster, Eun Gyeol and cello girl (Se Kyeong) are on one side while Yi Chan and newly introduced deaf girl are in the other side hmmm
okayyy the hyung is on Eun Gyeol's side
naurrrrr is this landlady gonna take a photo of Eun Gyeol holding a cigarette? my guy already drinks while underage, let's not get into this too
oh lol pls not a photo but thinking he's doing drugs with them
ahhh and then the landlady throwing it back in the father's face like okay okay some of these are correct (well he's playing at the club... but he does drink) but yikess
wait what happened to his mask?
oh fuck (father-son confrontation)
oh fuck again (when Eun Gyeol's saying he's not his father's trophy nor an interpreter nor an alarm nor an angel)
of fuck (not his father saying you should've told be more, should've convinced me but Eun Gyeol being like how? you can't even hear like D: girl)
oh fuck Eun Gyeol leaving without even saying sorry for the last part
I get him a little bit because it really is so suffocating to live under your parents' expectations and he had sooo much responsibility thrust onto him
he was about to smash the guitar?! girl
oh magic ooh~
girl he's selling the guitar? the grandfather's guitar? well i'm assuming it'll come back to him again but oh wow this really is a 16/17 year old (18 yo in Korean age)
Okayyyy so Yi Chan really is Eun Gyeol's father as a youngster? and the deaf girl is his mother? And the cello girl is maybe the woman who is the Viva Music grandfather's daughter? Because when we saw the woman move into the house with her cello daughter, we didn't see the daughter's face. So this Se Kyeong is actually the mother from when she was younger?
Yknow early in Ep 2 when it moved from Eun Gyeol leaving the band practice to Yi Chan asking his friend for Se Kyeong's contacts + the hijinks with the cello performance, it really did seem like we went to the past/another dimension but I was like hmm maybe not.
ahhh indeed musician Yoon Dong Jin's high school band Fake First Love Memory Makers included Ha Eun Gyeol's dad Ha Yi Chan. I'm guessing the
so he really didn't know his dad could hear and speak in the past. I thought they knew
Okay, I'm glad we moved to the past! I'm excited to see how this goes.
Let's see if I can finish up my homework and other stuff for the day before I end up picking up ep 3. Hopefully the reddit on-air commentary + searching for this show's first week gifs keeps me busy for I crave the next ep.
Episode 3 (Jan 20)
lmaoo the “phone cal to Dong Jin’s gyubgeon was funny”
so Eun Gyeol is gonna take over real life Yoon Dong Jin’s identity? how will this affect the future?
lol he was running bc he needed to go to the bathroom? i thought lat ep he was being chased or smth
cryingggg i love the hijinks that happen at first when the person who time traveled or whatever doesn’t yet realize they need to act normal and go wild with the first interactions like with 18 Again turning into a teenager but claiming to be aging Shia’s father
plss Eun Gyeol staring so intently at his father
lol okay i was glad that these guys were just exceptionally dumb and being fooled by eun gyeol into believing he’s Yoon Dong Jin and that he didn’t successfully somehow fool everybody ever
ahh so true Eun Gyeol is like wtf my dad joined a band not for the music but for a girl and that girl isn’t even my mother !
I hope Yoon Chung Ah (the mother) gets some proper story as a youngin because she wasn’t there much as an adult and even when she was, it was like she just wanted the dad to be happy hmm
I fucking wish they were lesbians talking about Frida Kahlo lesbians sharing headphones
plssss his dad had told them that Eun Gyeol’s mom was his first love??? Eun Gyeol finding out so much about his father
ahh the mother keeping everything from them about her life and saying it’s a secret till they’re older
ah, Eun Gyeol talking about how he stopped being curious about his parents lives because he thought he knew enough…
oh shit he’s homeless rn
waittt so Yoon Dong Jin’s life is now changed fr since he joined a diff band and not this one
TODO: change Lee Chan -> Yi Chan
auuauauah Se Kyeong giving a ticket for the band concert she’s going to Yoon Chung Ah
how bad is the bullying/fighting gonna be for the other girls against Chung Ah? i wasn’t prepared for super bad bullying
okay Yi Chan and Chung Ah met but also Eun Gyeol and Se Kyeong met and I’m hoping nothing romantic happens between them lol and also I don’t want him to get together with Se Kyeong’s daughter either as if through some sort of transitive property
Episode 4 (Jan 20)
ohhh Se Kyeong started doing cello to impress her mother and fill in the space of her dead daughter
ohh so that the Viva Music grandfather was her adoptive father
plsss not Eun Gyeol asking young Se Kyeong why her older self didn’t come to his concert nearly 3 decades in the future with her daughter
but wait her first love was also a “bandman” um so she ended up liking Yi Chan? maybe she meant her first love (Chung Ah) was a bandman lover
omg? Chung Ah’s flashback to some ripe strangling her or smth?
simultaneously thinking that Chung Ah and Yi Chan are cute while mourning Chung Ah and Se Kyeong. The girls won’t become enemies or something later, will they? Can’t handle another True Beauty tragedy
dang, somebody else trying to fuck with Se Kyeong so she thinks Eun Gyeol was sent by them?
ohhh her biological father…
but would he be the guitarist guy since the flower man already looks p old and like he had white hair when Se Kyeong was a teen?
pls Eun Gyeol hiding behind a tree is killing me so bad
lolll Yi Chan having to team up with Eun Gyeol to escape grandma’s wrath
lol getting tested by great grandmother on math. oh yeah i forgot he was doing reeeeally well at school and was supposed to be a doctor or whatever
wait wtf sudden realization that the hyung with the long hair and bad music and Yoon Dong Jin knower pretender is maybe Mr Viva Music grandpa? but he’s supposed to be at least a decade older than Eun Gyeol’s dad + he’s not Se Kyeong’s either dad so maybe not
Eun Gyeol watching his father and great grandmother sing and dance and remembering her and wondering about his joyous dad and crying ahhh family
they sleep the same way omg - Chung Ah’s stepmother chairwoman evil
not Chung Ah setting up her crush Yi Chan with Se Kyeong bc he likes her
I can’t believe Chung Ah’s ruining my lesbian ship dreams like this like Se Kyeong is literally waiting for you at the concert?!?!
bro Yi Chan is such a fucking menace why is he yelling Se Kyeong’s name in the middle of the street girl i’m embarrassed
no like I fully understand why Se Kyeong is mad as fuck even though in this instant it’s not Yi Chan’s fault that he’s there
not Eun Gyeol showing up to have his dad’s back about the band lol
So is Se Kyeong really not impressed by Yi Chan still? good I hope her “I hate band stuff” is real and true and that she and Chung Ah don’t like the same guy (ideally they’d like each other but)
ahhh Eun Gyeol has realized The Accident that his father was in hasn’t yet happened and will happen (this year)
Also, I really do wonder about Yoon Dong Jin like his band memory forgetter whatever disbanded because a member got into a big accident but he’s not even a member anymore
I guess now Eun Gyeol will be trying very hard to prevent his father's accident.
Fun Fact: I knew about 18 Again and Twinkling Watermelon sharing actors (and having kinda similar concepts) but apparently Youth of May also comes into play
Show: Father - Son
18 Again: Lee Dohyun (young ver.) - Shi Woo/Eun Gyeol actor
Twinkling Watermelon: Eun Gyeol's dad (adult Yi Chan) - Eun Gyeol actor
Youth of May: Eun Gyeol's dad (adult Yi Chan actor) - Lee Dohyun
Episode 5 (Jan 20)
Ahh Eun Gyeol previously being like fuck they remember that I wasn't there the day of the fire and couldn't help my brother and he also remembers that there was a time he was drowning and was yelling but his family couldn't hear
The dad has already hinted twice about having his voice taken away/losing sound in his life, how did Eun Gyeol not catch on?
I know people are often into bromance (people being me. I watch half these no-romance, intense bromance shows with either it being a BL in my mind or thinking one of them likes the other romantically) but are they into this bromance or are they put off by the incest? I don't really care this time, I'm more invested in the lesbians because Se Kyeong is literally in love with Chung Ah to me
I do love Yi Chan's pretty girl mannerisms, playing at being an innocent girl being perved on lmfao
Eun Gyeol talking about how the reason he travelled to 1995 is to stop the accident from happening to his dad and hmm I'm pretty sure that's not it. My guess/hope would be he doesn't change too much from the past, the accident still happens, things still happen mostly as they would've without him, but he gets to spend time with and see and understand his parents in a new way
I'm sorry I'm really supposed to believe what Se Kyeong feels for Chung Ah is not lesbianism? Miss girl doesn't give a fuck about saying bye to her bf, is thinking about how she's never coming back to Korea when her best friend asks but is searching for Chung Ah in the airport crowds hoping she shows up?
plss "How should I learn an instrument and sing in 3 octaves in 3 days? Should I give birth to a son and bring him somehow?" and Eun Gyeol just sipping his drink
and Oh Ma Joo inadvertently insulting Eun Gyeol by insulting Yi Chan by insulting his hypothetical son
aw grandma's dream being to see Yi Chan go to college
"Why are you being so nice to me/helping me out all the time?" "Well you saved me a few times in my previous life"
bro Se Kyeong is literally writing a letter to Chung Ah, how is this not gay? At least one sided?
Eun Gyeol's cheeks just going up every time he's complimented and unable to not smile - Gunwook core tbh
auuuu Eun Gyeol eats just like Yi Chan and has the same preferences and has grandmother being like ll y'all acting like you're related ahh reminds me of that ML with mother-in-law with the beef meal scene
oh, so the Se Kyeong coming back and being rebellious wasn't a dream. Was that also how it was in the present timeline and she was lying when she said she was there from 11th grade until her dad died? Because if not and she just randomly came back this time unlike the original time hmm I feel like Eun Gyeol's existence in this timeline hasn't influenced her enough to do all that
Anyway, she seems more fun and loose now, so does she actually like bands? she did a rock guitar motion in the middle there once... so does she actually end up liking Yi Chan? or would it be Eun Gyeol or smth
waittt this random guitar store called White Night's owner is Se Kyeong's biological father and will likely become Mr Viva Music grandpa okayyy bad casting but sure
ah, Se Kyeong caught on that Eun Gyeol very explicitly doesn't want her around Yi Chan
Girl, Se Kyeong's home life exploding rn?
I remember someone on a reddit on-air thread was like maybe Se Kyeong's daughter also came back in the timeline and just looks exactly like her mother and I was wondering if this did happen but hmm, doesn't quite seem like it because she already knows everything that Se Kyeong is supposed to
nooo I get why Yi Chan feels so wronged but don't yell at Chung Ah !!
Wait... his dad met his mom at 20 after going to a sign language class... I guess in the original timeline, Chung Ah just saw Yi Chan chasing Se Kyeong (while harbouring a crush from the bookstore incident) but Yi Chan didn't know her and this time because Yi Chan was escaping from Eun Gyeol, he ran into that other PE teacher who he had to run away from and thus ran into Chung Ah closet. And I guess if that didn't happen, Chung Ah wouldn't have given that concert ticket and that whole fiasco wouldn't have happened, neither with Yi Chan and Chung Ah nor with the jam session at the concert that Eun Gyeol stepped into.
Finally Eun Gyeol meeting his mom - Chung Ah!
not the meeting of all 4 of them in front of the ice cream shop
Insane ending, straight to ep 6 oof
Episode 6 (Jan 20)
damn, they sent Cheong Ah's mother away? D:
Her fuckass dad took her mom who knows where and brought in the stepmother fucking immediately? crazy
ah, her trying to teach Cheong Ah to speak (cruelly too) instead of teaching her sign language
and isolating her as punishment helllll
wait, so Cheong Ah doesn't properly know sign language because of this?
omgggg not the party where Se Kyeong played cello and Yi Chan had his zip open being in Cheong Ah's backyard where she's not allowed to attend
This would've happened regardless of Eun Gyeol interference right? So in original timeline, the mother must've liked the father for a longass time before properly meeting
omg Yi Chan making Se Kyeong wait to go apologize to Cheong Ah
but then being a dumbass bro what
the watermelon keychain + Viva La Vida belonging to Cheong Ah? girl everybody and everyone connected in this story fr lol
no she's fr playing with Yi Chan (convincing myself she's just going through it and doesn't like Yi Chan fr and there'll be no fight or sadness between her and Cheong Ah about liking him)
she doesn't remember how he knows her address?
ah fuck so scary, Se Kyeong really has a noose in her room
You know with the guitar playing and now skating, whenever it shows the bottom half of them doing the activity without their face in frame, I wonder if that's a stunt double or whatever?
fawk, if I wasn't rooting for Yi Chan + Cheong Ah out of principle and I didn't know that Se Kyeong is really fucking going through it and mostly just messing with Yi Chan, I would've really rooted for her and Yi Chan in its current form (her being bold as hell, showing up in a motorcycle and bringing tickets for a theme park date while Yi Chan is nervous and shy despite being a very boisterous boy with a very healthy dose of ego)
Eun Gyeol doing his best to 1) make sure his dad doesn't get into an accident and 2) ruin his dad's date with another girl
Eun Gyeol and Se Kyeong antagonisms are fun
How would you react to somebody thinking you have a crush on your real father lmfao anyway brings me back to what the BL fans are making of this relationship
personally not really into fictional character incest either but otherwise, I would've actually been really into the bromance, it's so funny Eun Gyeol speedily catching Yi Chan in his arms while pushing away Se Kyeong while all the other guys go to save Se Kyeong
pls they all think they're dating or smth
and now Se Kyeong being like oh do you like me actually?
I actually really could be into Eun Gyeol and Se Kyeong too (have I said this about every single pair out of these 4 except Eu Gyeol and Cheong Ah?), they're funny in their antagonisms as I said
Also, she kinda reminds me of Beyond Evil Minjeong with this new personality
also I'm into noona romance lol but would def prefer that he's not in HIGH SCHOOL
damn, tough fight and Eun Gyeol leaving
Ah, as expected, if he goes back to 2023 now, it'd be to a very different time
oh I thought he was gonna get shocked from touching his electric guitar in the rain but mic works too
ah, so it has indeed been Se Kyeong's daughter? since the out of order phone rang? When Se Kyeong didn't know how Eun Gyeol knew her address, I was like hmmmmm but it seems too hard for her to know all the rest, so I thought no. I also thought she'd say I'm from the future when Eun Gyeol first confronted her about why she came back and he was like being like loll your reason can't be worse/weirder than mine
Episode 7 (Jan 21)
First thing in the morning, watching the next ep rip
Ah, people in the on-air thread were mentioning that the lugagge tag was Eun Yoo when she came from America in ep 3
Also, I wonder whether Eun Yoo knows that Eun Gyeol isn't supposed to be there? she's never properly met him in the present timeline. ig it'll be fun when they realize the other's from the future too? and then they'll fall in love, which is good bc I was afraid that Eun Gyeol was gonna fall for Se Kyeong here or smth and then settle for like lookalike daughter in the original present timeline who was obviously a different person
not Se Kyeong emulating her mother in a bad way toward her own daughter
hearing adult Se Kyeong talk about her first love being a bandman is so funny because like well first of all, you were in love with a girl: Chung Ah. also, it kinda makes me think that despite her saying her first love was a bandman who was bright as sunshine, cheerful, and manly, it's somehow not Yi Chan because like she mentioned the boy who started a band for her but didn't mention he's her first love. Makes me think it's Eun Gyeol or smth but they barely had any interactions fr and like I don't think adult Se Kyeong had met teenage Eun Gyeol
ah, she really is going back to stop them from getting married and getting together with somebody else instead (although... can't Se Kyeong just do the same stuff as original tl since she's in America? and even if not, her pretending to have a relationship with Yi Chan isn't gonna make it happen fr - although maybe she thinks that if she can get herself and Yi Chan in a relationship and bring Se Kyeong back, she'll get together with her first love easily)
loll the $1 bills never having been changed
okay indeed Se Kyeong's first love isn't Yi Chan
loll Eun Yoo's gonna think her first love was Eun Gyeol despite Eun Gyeol not having been there in Se Kyeong's original teenage timeline
omg Se Kyeong wrote the letter/note in the concert ticket envelope... do I go check to see what she wrote? Okay I rechecked and it's nothing super romantic, just saying she was surprised that "you" were into bands and an invitation to go to the concert with her. but guys my lesbian goggles are just...
Yi Chan and Chung Ah are really cute fr I'm like :] :D :) watching them
naurr Eun Gyeol leaving and not taking the guitar pick (do we think somebody else - Mr. Viva grandpa - gets it and gives him back to him as a child)
Se Kyeong never had a meal with Eun Gyeol or Cheong Ah, so her first love is neither of them - lesbian dreams crashing once again. but who knows, maybe there was an event at Cheong Ah's house where they snuck together to eat food
but also funny that Eun Gyeol doesn't even appear on Eun Yoo's list of who Se Kyeong liked - does she know Eun Gyeol is a future kid too?
oh lol she just thinks Eun Gyeol likes men but him liking men wouldn't mean Se Kyeong still couldn't like him.
Since they're father and son and we established they eat the same way, I'd assume Eun Gyeol can also handle spicy food since Yi Chan's eating it like it's nothing
All these fucking photos of Eun Gyeol staring at Yi Chan I'm crying, no wonder Eun Yoo is convinced that he likes him
Eun yoo saying Eun Gyeol makes her heart flutter somehow...
plss naught eun gyeol making money writing essays etc
auuuuu this is the part time to buy yi chan a guitar
oof yi chan realizing how he treated eun gyeol
naur Cheong Ah losing Yi Chan and Yi Chan getting beat up
ah, Cheong Ah and Eun Yoo meeting, in my head Eun Yoo will realize who Se Kyeong really loved is Cheong Ah
omg they really beat the shit outta Yi Chan and he's feeling so abandoned too
omg Ha Eun Gyeol going back to 2023 by trying to smash his guitar. I guess we'll see how his (+ Eun Yoo's) actions have affected the current timeline
They need to stop making the last scene of the episode sooo intriguing all the time smh I should really really really really do some homework and chores right now
Episode 8 (Jan 21)
aghhhh I'm starting ep 8 immediately, maybe I'll find some willpower in the middle there to pause and do some things I have to
Where's Eun Gyeol's bag? and he's also running away without his guitar
fuck kid don't be too happy, I don't think something good is awaiting you
oh waittt okay they're not too bad but I'm scared that the mother will not be Chung Ah...
but also in this universe, why does the dad not realize his son looks exactly like his teenage scam artist friend with the same name lmfao (ig he actually named baby Eun Gyeol after his friend who disappeared)
damn, he's even telling the story of his "dream" how is the father not being like haha. my son was my tutor back then. and is chill about it? how does he not remember?
okay I shouldn't think too much because how are Eun Gyeol and his brother born when their mother isn't the same - Se Kyeong instead of Chung Ah? And in that case, shouldn't Eun Yoo also exist?
okay, was that a dream and a glimpse into what it would be like but not fr what it's like? Anyway, does them getting married mean Yi Chan really was Se Kyeong's first love?
ohhh he's gonna meet Cheong Ah properly soon
ah Eun Yoo not remembering Cheong Ah
alskdfasl;kdfa;sdlkf jskldf ja;dklsf Cheong Ah seeing Se Kyeong-Eun Yoo be able ask for help and communicate with Yi Chan while she's not able to nooooooo
aksldjflksajflkasdfj passing by Cheong Ah and Eun Gyeol realizing just a bit too late and having guards stop him from following her as she calls her Mom
Se Kyeong's friend is Cheong Ah's step sister and theoretically Eun Gyeol's aunt. Also, what's that mom doesn't like you see the brother with the Attorny man? Is he gay?
god the evil stepmother and daughter and useless+evil stepson
auuuuu Eun Gyeol is here and signing with Cheong Ah but she doesn't know sign T.T but she does know Eomma sign lol
The father also seems evil if this has been going on for like a decade or whatever...
also is Yi Chan gonna find Eun Gyeol's guitar pick by any chance in the hospital?
stop wasting time with Yi Chan's galavant tale of 10 v 1, let me go back to Cheong Ah and Eun Gyeol
plsss "Yoon Cheong Ah found you" "Your friend Yoon Chung Ah?" "My friend Yoon Chung Ah?!" and her being like hmmm yeah! so true! we got close because she's easy to talk to! and he's like huh? isn't she hearing impaired? and Eun Yoo being like she is?!
laskdjfkl;sdfj so true Eun Yoo's dad is her mother's boyfriend (to be?) and she's pretending to be her mother T.T
Are we not seeing the Cheong Ah's dad and Eun Gyeol convo right now...
hehehhe so fun to have Eun Yoo and Eun Gyeol both thinking like oh fuck is he my mom's first love and noooo she can't marry my dad and be my mom because they don't know the other is from their own timeline. i hope they figure it out before the end of the ep
pls Eun Gyeol falling for Eun Yoo thinking she's Se Kyeong - and Eun Yoo has also had slip ups thinking of liking Eun Gyeol
auuu not Eun Gyeol being mean to Eun Yoo so that Se Kyeong doesn't end up with Yi Chan but idk what being mean to her would even do, but rip Eun Yoo getting hurt because of it
They're both such rascals, it's fun
aghhhhh Yi Chan not getting to talk to Cheong Ah (was it true she said no or did the step mother just decide) and then missing Eun Gyeol as he goes to that same house...
so is Cheong Ah's father like lowkey not evil or what? giving Eun Gyeol room and board to teach Cheong Ah sign?
also does Cheong Ah remember Yi Chan asking her if she knows someone names Ha Eun Gyeol?
oh he's a jerk nevermind fucker
Adult Cheong Ah teaching baby Eun Gyeol sign and now teenage him teaching teenage her sign
ah fuck him crying like his mom taught it to him as a child but now seeing that she didn't know how to sign when she was his age and was being treated this way by her family
pls my parents are... in another world right now
ohh Eun Gyeol basically being Cheong Ah's interpreter right now
pls the way Se Kyeong and Cheong Ah both know where Eun Gyeol is and now he's also enrolled in the other high school but the band doesn't know rip
plss Eun Gyeol going heart eyes over Eun Yoo but acting cold and mean smhhhh asshold
plsss not the fucking school band performance from first love memory makers at Eun Gyeol-Cheong Ah-Se Kyeong's school
oh wow I wish Eun Gyeol and Yi Chan weren't father-son or that I wasn't so icked out by fictional parent/child incest because this fucking I love you Ha Eun Gyeol song is crazy, it's like a confession scene
also so funny that apparently nobody has caught on that Se Kyeong is right there
lmfao I'm dying now he's like yes I'll come back to the band but you can't date Choi Se Kyeong because EYE like her
Episode 9 (Jan 21)
I took like a 30 minute break from this show to do some stuff that needed to be done before coming back here lol
aiaksdlfjaskldfjskadlf Eun Gyeol getting punched by Yi Chan instead of getting chosen omgggg
omg Eun Gyeol landing a punch on Yi Chan as well?
girl this is too much excitement for me
plsss Eun Gyeol cooing over hurting Yi Chan
This show lovessss a hair clutching fight
not the parallel running away now with En Gyeol and Eun Yoo (as Se Kyeong)
Eun Gyeol about Eun Yoo as Se Kyeong when she goes on about him using her as a shield/beard so that he doesn't have to come out about liking Yi Chan: Ajhumma was ahead of her time
Does Eun Yoo think now that Eun Gyeol probably did fall in love with Se Kyeong at first sight and maybe had smth with her mom and her mom's first love fr and is why she's easily being like okay :)
her kabadoning him so true
so true, what does somebody even make of this situation - new guy who comes in to help Cheong Ah gets in a fight with another guy from a diff school over a girl and said girl is actually supposed to be in the US
This is so funny because he's probably like I'm doing aegyo to my mom :) in his head but it comes off maybe romantic and Eun Yoo (and me...) are like aww he's cute
not the physical punishment at school
ahh Eun Yoo not knowing whether she wants him to be able to eat the food or not bc she's conflicted about whether she wants him to be the first love or not, esp because he'd be with her mother
and Eun Gyeol asking about the answer to his confessions omg
serenading Se Kyeong? who is it if not Yi Chan?
poor Eun Gyeol "Why are mom and dad both doing this to me?"
lmao now they're gonna be competing about Se Kyeong on stage - meaning they'll both serenade her? lol
paused the show to go read the ep 7&8 on-air thread and somebody mentioned Yoon Dong Jin being a possible first love for Se Kyeong and it feels really possible since he was that band's original guitarist. Other people are saying it's probably actually still Ji H wan (her bf/ex-husband) and she's just reminiscing about what it used to be like and it'll be ironic that despite trying to search for a new guy and forge a new path for her mom, she's still looking for her dad.
The fact that Eun Gyeol still thinks of Eun Yoo as Se Kyeong as Ajhumma
lol idk why I'm so endeared by Eun Gyeol and Eun Yoo
Eun Yoo being like am I your two's toy? You can just decide whatever? at being told Yi Chan and Eun Gyeol aren't allowed to see her till the festival so true
Did Eun Yoo learning sign because of Eun Gyeol's hyung?
ah, Yi Chan saw Cheong Ah's drawing of him...
Eun Yoo is so real and true about "playing" with both Eun Gyeol and Yi Chan because they also keep playing with her
Also Eun Gyeol is kinda cruel fr for asking Eun Yoo to like him back/pass him the ball while he thinks she's Se Kyeong and as a ploy to get her away from Yi Chan. I know he likes her kinda a bit but still...
Are we supposed to think that they kissed? No right, because it wasn't even an angle kiss... Just that Eun Gyeol leaned in while Eun Yoo didn't?
Episode 10 (Jan 21)
Menace Eun Gyeol breaking up with his brother's GF and making it worse T.T
waitttt Eun Gyeol was breaking off with 4 of 5 of his hyung's GFs? girl mans is too much 5???
plsss not the "you grew up well" flashback just as they were gonna kiss
oh we really did get a kiss (even if it's close lipped and stiff)
al;skdfj;askdf not only did Yi Chan ask whether Chung Ah likes him but Chung Ah answered truthfully
oh Eun Gyeol's gonna think Yi Chan said both what he said and what Se Kyeong said... I guess that's okay? idk
The Chainwoman stepmother is just too much
I need Eun Gyeol and Eun Yoo to find out that they're from the future soon pls
oh fuck Eun Yoo's friend committed suicide... why did Se Kyeong become SUCHHH a bad mother though tf telling her "don't let ppl say you became #1 because your friend committed suicide"
Ahh Eun Yoo really is in a very bad mental space
aw Chung Ah being like it's fine ik you like Se Kyeong, we can still be friends
Grandpa Choi isn't the one who's the helper that the guy sent you but he's literally Mr. Viva Music Grandpa
Dying at Eun Gyeol being alert at every mention of Helper now
alskdfj Yoon Dong Jin so funny
Oh Ma Joo the only person with braincells cuz I was like why are they running away T.T
Them getting beat up by the other band members for the 2nd time bc of Yoon Dong Jin, so funny
plsss soooo close to finding out that Eun Yoo sold the guitar to La Vida fuckkk he was even like oh could she be my helper??? aksdflaksdfj lkEun Yoo you should've saiddddd
Oh, Cheong Ah's Viva La Vida watermelon keychain comes from the painting by Frida Kahlo but I wonder how it relates to Viva and La Vida music stores
ah Yi Chan and Chung Ah so cute
ah fuck Eun Gyeol literally saying he's from the future and saying Se Kyeong's future to Eun Yoo, they musttt be getting closer to finding out about the other, right?
ahh Viva La Vida being told to Eun Gyeol by Yi Chan (adult) who was told about it by Chung Ah
It's sooo funny that Eun Gyeol approves so quick whenever Yi Chan does something for/gets something from Chung Ah. Like changing the band name and designs because Yi Chan said Chung Ah can design it. And now agreeing to watermelon stuff because he realizes Chung Ah taught Yi Chan about Viva La Vida
omg??? wait so okay the accident happened before the band festival... and the band also didn't go to the festival (meaning Se Kyeong's first love is someone else. and since Yoon Dong Jin also didn't go... probably just her Ji Hwan fr lol or she's making it up like some comments suggest)
The watermelon painting by Frida Kahlo is reminding me of Palestinian resistance as well.
Episode 11 (Jan 21)
I can seriously barely wait between watching episodes aghh
oh Kang Hyeon Yool beat up the gangsters for beating up Yi Chan, so that's how he ended up being injured too at the hospital
but what's this about Do Jin coming back... and maybe being stabbed in the back...
ohh Jindo dogs means gang members lol I thought it was a joke about him fighting with some real dogs when in fact he got beat up randomly or smth
oh damn, are these gangsters gonna try to get Yi Chan to get at Hyeon Yool('s weakness)? I'm gonna assume it wouldn't really work because it feels like it should be more ironic of an injury or smth
Not the girls urging Eun Yoo to keep Ha Eun Gyeol as a public option, as a humanitarian action lmao
plss every boy and girl falling over themselves for the same student is so silly but Eun Yoo and Eun Gyeol being those said students and dating would be a slay
lolol Eun Yoo being jealous about Eun Gyeol readily receiving the flirting/compliments/gifts with a smile and threatening him for it
ooh Eun Gyeol can't handle spice
okayyy I was wondering if Eun Yoo was also like "Eun Gyeol's an old man. An ajumma. not my first love, my mother's" the way Eun Gyeol was thinking Ajhumma about Eun Yoo as Se Kyeong
Maybe the accident isn't actually related to Yi Chan? But Kang Hyeon Yool and the Jindo dogs gang? Because of the way this info is being framed
Aw fuck, Eun Gyeol trying to stop Yi Chan going to the rehearsal which is obviously sounding ridiculous to him as expected but also Yichan saying despite Eun Gyeol pretending to have been innocent, he can sense something impure going on with him... crazy
plsss Eun Yoo convincing heself Eun Gyeol is ugly and old now and being like "Reality hit I'm so put off now" but immediately rushing to get dolled up when Eun Gyeol comes
dying, they sent Yi Chan to some fucking mountain island while they'll go on a date to the movies afterwards, menaces frrrr T.T
but also can you just figure out the future 2023 thing rn pls like quickly
mourning my Se Kyeong liking Chung Ah theories while seeing Eun Yoo and Chung Ah conversing
lmaoo Chung Ah menace as well, saying it looked like Eun Yoo liked Eun Gyeol more before going abroad
Anyway, crazy that Eun Gyeol was like ah yes, to protect my father, I will send him to a high up rocky mountain surrounded by water wtf
ah shit Eun Gyeol straight up just saying the future stuff to Yi Chan, woah
but ofc Yi Chan wouldn't believe him but maybe after something happens to Kang Hyeon Yool during the rehearsal?
girl wtf what if your father didn't know how to swim yet???? or couldn't help you by fucking jumping from a mountain be fr like why are you causing accident-prone situations to prevent accidents I'm crying. It makes me nervous that indeed it will be because of Eun Gyeol that an accident will happen that makes Yi Chan lose his hearing
oh fuck the way the lights fell on the stage and nobody got hurt... does that mean Yi Chan would've been injured or somebody else would've been but since Eun Gyeol made them come down to hear Oh Ma Joo, that other person was spared too
T.T Eun Gyeol just hugging and clutching Yi Chan while crying
Anyway, I need somebody to call Yi Chan and tell him about the incident or to see them tell him and have him realize that maybe Eun Gyeol is telling the truth
ayo why didn't they tell him about the incident at school with the lights falling on stage bruh
Eun Gyeol and Eun Yoo are just cute man
ohh I'm scared that they're legit having a rehearsal still
girl a fucking Squid Game reference and he's like hmmm ? and that's it?
girl, nawt Eun Gyeol fucking getting into a car accident on the way there tf
and yet he's still there to beat the shit out of that guy lol gj
ah fuck he thinks he prevented his dad losing his hearing but hmmmmm hm hm hm
Okay I should... finish up my 20 minute task for the day and then go to sleep. will that happen? I guess this document in the future knows better than I do right now.
Episode 12 (Jan 21)
Oof, ended up being like 40 minutes and now it's 12am but I'm a dumbass, so I'm starting next episode.
Awoo Eun Yoo waiting for Eun Gyeol but rip, can't blame him for running and not contacting her, mans got kinda run over by a car and still made it there for his father
Not only do they eat the same, they also dry themselves after bath the same
pls Eun Gyeol going back on the future thing with an excuse
I know we're supposed to be happy that the evil stepmother is being thwarted by the father but the way he treats his supposed wife is gross ew head of house blagh
oof, Eun Yoo's aversion to being a trophy and her being like you (and Yi Chan) are "hunting" and competing for me like ahhh so true, that's what I said
girl the way literally nobody wants Eun Yoo to choose Yi Chan for this contest, including Yi Chan himself even if he doesn't know it
Chung Ah's little gift ow
I can't believe Yi Chan's dream where he and Eun Yoo have a beautiful conversation while his son Eun Gyeol is ignored and pushed around is coming true lmfao
ah, so indeed it was her father who was her mom's first love
ah man Eun Yoo being mistaken as Viva Grandpa's daughter Se Kyeong and her not recognizing him...
Yi Chan changing the fucking song at the last minute I'm dead
ah Yi Chan moping about Se Kyeong but then going to see Chung Ah, yes!
ah fuck this Eun Yoo and Eun Gyeol convo - hard for me to disagree with her is the thing but also the ending with they're from "different worlds"
Viva Music grandpa again without knowing it's him
good god so much rejection and angst
The Eun Gyeol and Eun Yoo romance feels like A Lot from his side because like what are you even planning to doooo bro you're from different timeline but sure ig it's worth a romantic rain under umbrella moment
4 more episodes left ah
I'm scared to go check the tags because it'll be in November and like I don't wanna get spoiled yknow. Have to make sure to not look at a single gif after Nov 5th ig
Episode 13 (Jan 22)
They better learn about each other being from the future this episode!!!
I need to watch a noona romance one of these days is what I’ve realized. get some college kid with a noona/perhaps ajhumma fr cuz here he thinks she might be one but she isn’t and 18 Again was a fake noona romance lol
he saw the fucking luggage tagggg look harder dumbass!!
Im watching this in my bed in the dark on my ipad and the oh… the two of us are alone in this house… realization is killing me
air pod fuckkkkk find it out look at the luggage harder now that you’re taking it upstairs
is that how you’re supposed to put out fires?
im confused isn’t it a night with two moons right now? i guess not
but when is eun gyeol gonna fucking look at the anxiety meds in his pocket cmonnn
them referring to Eun Gyeol as Yi Chan’s son so funny
ahh Chung Ah saying I’ll manage it on my own, don’t you trust me? about Yi Chan to Eun Gyeol, she’s so cool
ahhhh Eun Gyeol started liking Eun Yoo after she came back from the US meaning it was her and not Se Kyeong. she’s so happy to hear it hehe
I saw gifs of Chung Ah with a cat
Yi Chan’s stalking habits never change
bro he’s just giving her back the anxiety meds? was nothing about 2023 meds suspicious
it’s Eun Yoo’s motorcycle why can’t she sometimes drive while he rides at the back
don’t throw anxiety meds away
ahhh Yi Chan confessing to and signing and singing to Chung Ah
ahh hug
finallyyyy they realize and with no help from their BRAINS just mere chance that they run into each other with their phones
Episode 14 (Jan 22)
It’s legit 3:15 I should just go to sleep but… but… they finally found out about the other time traveller
wow them finally talking about who they each are
ahh Eun Gyeol being like I already stopped the accident from happening and i think i came here to stop my dad from losing his hearing
ah the connection between them being Mr Viva Grandpa - Eun Yoo own real grandpa sekyeong’s father
cryinggg Se Kyeong just passing off BTS songs as her ideas
girl Eun Yoo learned sign language from some kid at the hospital who was charming… say it ain’t so (childhood meeting Eun Yoo and Eun Gyeol)
heheh teasing Eun gyeol about being born just fine, perhaps earlier than expected
is the evil stepmother not done omggg
i need the step mother ripped apart limb from limb and every bone in the father’s body broken for turning a blind eye for a decade
Awooo Eun Gyeol clutching and hugging his mom while crying after he finds her locked in
the grandma comforting cheong ah
Okay finally Eun Yoo has learned about Mr Choi Viva Music Grandpa Se Kyeong’s father
Ah, the hyung Eun Ho connection has come in. Eun Ho being the hospital friend is nice
still haven’t discovered the Viva Music Mr. Choi connecting you two
ah man as expected, Yi Chan’s accident hasn’t happened yet. what was the dateee is it in a few days I saw a glimpse of a gif of Eun Gyeol sitting in front of Yi Chan lying on a road
Episode 15 (Jan 22)
woke up and started this fml
dang they fought Jindo gang during rehearsal day during original tl too
brooo insane that we got to see the accident incident
also there’s always been the feeling that one of Yi Chan’s songs was the unfinished song that Viva Music grandpa gave to Eun Gyeol to finish but that seems almost certain now with him begging the guy to listen to his unfinished song and being turned away
also even in that original tl, was that Se Kyeong who came back from the US to talk to her bio dad? whose shoes were that
what did Eun Ho tell Eun Yoo that Eun Yoo didn’t understand?
ohh Eun Ho and Oh Ma Joo
aghhh this evil stepmother
Cheong Ah’s father so useless to me for real. It’s good when Cheong Ah’s slapping the stepmom, not him after having abandoned Cheong Ah to her clutches for 12 years agh
also I can’t ever tell if she’s actually a stepmom or not
pls let this be the end of stepmom it’s already middle of ep 15
not everybody leaving bc of Chung Ah’s food tasting bad but Yi Chan scarfing it down anyway
ah so nobody got hurt on the car accident. i was afraid Eun Yoo was gonna get run over instead
ahh don’t go to White Nights to see grandpa right now Ma Joo, either you’ll be injured or Yi Chan who’s gonna follow you will be injured
oh fucking fuck fuck fuck
this is both “trying to prevent the accident doesn’t mean it won’t happen” and “he’ll lose his hearing by trying to save Eun Gyeol” because it’s the same fucking car in the same place even if not the exact same time And it was to save Eun Gyeol man fuck but this is what I wanted because it’s got the irony and pain but doesn’t take away the disability
oh don’t fucking kill me, Yi Chan saying in the voice recording that Eun Gyeol lied to say he’s Yi Chan’s son but Yi Chan felt like Eun Gyeol was his father and felt fatherly love
The I’m sorry dad as he’s holding his injured, bleeding body and crying
Awoo hurts
Episode 16 (Jan 22)
Oh fuckass okay stepmom and family aren’t ever done i suppose
Also, it wasn’t same car as og timeline my bad but this time the car really was coming for Eun Gyeol and Yi Chan intercepting meant even more
Hit and run fucker hopefully Eun Yoo remembers the car number
not a fucking montage of Yi Chan’s college life and band and stuff possibilities
Aw fuck I didn’t tear up even once so far this show except this montage got me like firstly Eun Gyeol wouldn’t be here anyway even if the accident didn’t happen but yknow the accident did
It’s like in the present day, things are still good for the family and happy even if there are strains and conflict because that’s just life so it wouldn’t be too bad to go back but it hurts to know Yi Chan and the possibilities that didn’t happen in order to make the current life happen
okay so indeed Yi Chan can still speak, though he can’t hear
this fucking grandma and Yi Chan scene cryingggg
I don’t like this fucking dad but he is trying and did make Chung Ah smile laugh
girl what the hell you fuck you can’t fucking take Chung Ah away abroad without telling her i’ll fucking kill you you fucker i hated you through the whole thing and now it’s multiplied
Eun Yoo and Eun Gyeol giving some advice to Se Kyeong and grandpa respectively
Awooo Yi Chan Eun Gyeol last convo
what about Chung Ah tho like she doesn’t know about Yi Chan and is gonna be taken away
Okay I did think they were gonna be well off because of the Cheong Ah family thing now but didn’t expect them to live at that house
Ah, this future feels so unfamiliar despite everything, like everything is good and better but idk if I like it because it feels unearned and not like Eun Gyeol’s life
like he’s the only person who is himself while everyone else had much different experience and life as his original timeline yknow
okay so the dad has to kinda know now that his son really met him in the past bc he literally found the song To You Shining or whatever that he knew Eun Gyeol had
oh yeah I don’t care about Ghost9’s members rip
can you imagine if an idol in a kpop band was caught leaving his performance beforehand chants of encore and going outside to kiss a girl aldjjdkajs scandal
Eun Yoo knew the Master person was her grandpa Viva Music man but couldn’t figure out Eun Gyeol was from the future??
Ep 16 Wishlists:
longer ep, just by 20 minutes
A last Eun Gyeol and Chung Ah convo?
A Chung Ah and Yi Chan convo, cmon
A bit more of Eun Yu's life after coming back
Yi Chan having more people around him, whether be his bandmates or Chung Ah. like his grandma was there and that's good but I wanted Eun Gyeol to see that this time, he was saying goodbye to Yi Chan with more people arround him as support than the original timeline
Possibly a (coded?) convo between Eun Gyeol and Yi Chan about the time travel and the cassette or whatever. Maybe I should see if there's anything on AO3 for this because this seems more fanfiction's lane. I think I'm also okay that they don't quite seem to remember him except verrry hazy possibilities but the dad finding the voice tape is what's making me want more. At least Eun Yoo knows and is with Eun Gyeol in this not-quite-right world
Not even all necessary, at least could've fit 2-3 in. It's good that we don't get every single thing wrapped up because shows that have a bit of stuff open-ended for speculation retain audience/fans well and there's also the aspect of letting the 1995 characters live their lives on their own, trust them to succeed and make it to 2023 well, theme that goes well with us not seeing everything. But it still feels a Little empty ig
Time Travel Concept:
I guess something that's weird about time travel shows is that Eun Gyeol (and Eun Yoo) are the same people before going but with certain experiences (over the course of a couple weeks) whereas the people they have come back to have had different experiences for 28 years.
I wish they weren't famous as a family in the future. I'm glad they still had friends and I'm happy that they had money from Cheong Ah's side but... idk they're just different people when you're this rich and this influential and this famous. I wish they lived in a different house by themselves, even if a big rich people one, and that Chung Ah still did art and maybe Yi Chan could've participated in the Jinseng Instrument stuff but had his main job be something else, whether it be the restaurant or something else. There could be some influence allowed, like Chung Ah is a chaebol and a respected artist, Yi Chan somehow did smth similar to now but on a smaller scale, and Eun Gyeol as an up-and-coming band member who is recognized somewhat but not as famous to be chased down the street by a hoard of school girls.
Anyway, in the end, I'm glad Yi Chan didn't keep his hearing because in the show, it would've kind of undermined tings. Things happen, accidents happen, Yi Chan losing his hearing isn't the end of the world, he still deserves love and family and oppurtunity and for the world to accommodate his needs. The way he lost it was also good because despite Eun Gyeol's attempts, it happened that day and to save Eun Gyeol. Eun Gyeol's stint didn't change this specific aspect but it still changed a lot of things in a good way, leading to his new life in the future.
I just have to get used to these things in time-travelling shows where some people know about the magic while others don't, situations and people will be changed due to butterfly effect, etc. I guess I'm just unsettled by the fact that they have memories that Eun Gyeol does not and Eun Gyeol has ones they do not; that Eun Gyeol would've learned the guitar from somebody who is not Viva Music grandpa probably, etc. I'm trying to become less unsettled by the fact that they don't really remember Eun Gyeol because of magic and time logic or whatever and that they simply feel familiar to him.
As I was writing all this, I keep listening to You're Precious and My Song from the OST and ahh the You're Precious chorus really gets to me, feels like crying I don't get it the "ohhhh my love" literally brings tears to my eyes it has happened like 3 times now. and My Song is just so good in general.
In 18 Again, the father wanted to pursue basketball after high school but had to give up due to teenage pregnancy and the kids and came back to his teen self where (among many other things) he got to play basketball in high school with his son. In this show, the father wanted to pursue music but lost his hearing and had to give that up but his son came to the past and got the chance to play in a band with his father and got to do the school festival he originally didn't get to do.
I'm fucking obsessed with this sort of concept.
It's got a good storyline, hilarious yet touching. Light-hearted but with many moments of weight. Entertaining to watch because why did I watch eps 13 and 14 and one of the earlier eps (2?) in bed on my iPad. We got to spend time with the different characters and pairs and the friend group together and it was vry fun.
There could be many pitfalls with the time traveling and the disability rep. I won't say there aren't any because some of the time loop stuff is kinda wonky if you look closely but I think that makes sense. I was really afraid that they'd make Yi Chan's hearing come back but I'm glad it didn't; it's just something that has to happen to him for no reason the way these things just happen sometimes.
The characters were well crafted and the acting was great. I liked all of them and each had moments of humour or emotions or romance and it was good.
Also, good faces sorry to say I'm shallow. Chung Ah gorgeous, gorgeous girl. I didn't find Se Kyeong attractive but the actress is sooo beautiful and charming as Eun Yoo (I know some people found her somewhat annoying but I liked her a lot). Ryeoun was really attractive as Eun Gyeol; when I first saw him in 18 Again, he was more posed as a loser kid and I was wowed by Lee Dohyun's face but here, he's so pretty and nice to look at and at certain angles, reminded me of Cha Eunwoo's face too (and a comment in this specific tiktok makes me think that it's not because I only know like 5 actors and so draw parallels between him and CEW lol). Then there were some other good faces too like Yi Chan sooo cute and round my pretty + the Kang Hyeon Yool guy was beautiful as well.
Kinda slow paced, there were certain episodes where I was like nothing really happened and we weren't closer to completing missions or finding out info but I guess that's the point of the slice of life aspect in some cases; just watching the characters exist alone and together.
Ships: I think I liked Chung Ah & Yi Chan more earlier on while I liked Eun Gyeol and Eun Yoo more later on. I was into the ChCh romance from the get-go and thought they were sooo cute whereas EunEun were a more fun menace pair who I just liked to watch fighting before it gradually became a couple I shipped Very Much. Also a shoutout to my Se Kyeong (OG, not Eun Yoo) and Chung Ah ship, I can't believe Se Kyeong's first love was her husband instead of Chung Ah (cold ice princess girl who is curbing every guy as they fall at her feet keeps chasing the girl who isolates herself to protect herself. Se Keyong asking about the Frida Kahlo painting and trying to bond over bands despite not liking it herself).
Well crafted show, good acting, hit some feels and I expect some attachment to it (I'm rewatching and skimming certain parts as I write lol).
Rating: 7.5/10 for now, could change 0.5 higher or lower in like a month as I assess my feelings
Tiktoks & Edits:
Tiktok: the ones in the first paragraph are ones I watched before starting and then there are a few I liked today after finishing (I just went to the tag, so they're some of the more liked ones). Might be my favourite of the edits: gets the vibe of youth, coming of age, sparkling shining twinkling
Twitter: Pre-dating euneun I miss u dearly (Song: How You Get The Girl - Taylor Swift) (uhmm_j)
Twitter: #CHEONGCHAN: cutest parents (Song: Summertime - Niki) (kdramazi)
#EUNEUN : the way I loved you (@uhmm_j)
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beazt · 1 year
I didn’t want to put this on the main post bc that’d be like knocking on the devils door but really glad no one took the opportunity to yell in my notes or inbox that “this is so obvious why does it even need to be acknowledged everyone already understands this”
It does seem to be a relatively common and relatable framework of understanding but nonetheless there are several people in the tags saying “I never really thought about this before” and so many reblogs because these people felt the need to express this explicitly. im not saying it’s a perfect framework by any means but it’s worth acknowledging as one that is quite relatable to a lot of people.
if you think you have a better framework, or find flaws/troublesome implications in this one, make a post about it or otherwise bring it into dialogue. I’m encouraging this. I started the conversation with my own experience, and I’m not objected to this being, again, a conversation. but to start a conversation, the topic has to be acknowledged and talked about to begin with and I feel I’ve filled that role nicely.
I didn’t anticipate the posts reach, honestly, I figured someone might take my post as inspiration or use it as a stepping stone to something bigger but otherwise it would peter out. either way, im glad that the post is getting people thinking about this topic and their relation to it. bringing frameworks into conscious thought allows great opportunities for growth. that’s all I’d like to say on this matter i think
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stellarcat52 · 2 years
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I posted 4,698 times in 2022
97 posts created (2%)
4,601 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 446 of my posts in 2022
#empires smp - 29 posts
#alsmp - 28 posts
#fable smp - 27 posts
#fable smp spoilers - 10 posts
#fablesmp - 10 posts
#fable smp season 2 - 9 posts
#mcyt - 9 posts
#scott smajor - 9 posts
#empires scott - 7 posts
#empires season 2 - 6 posts
Longest Tag: 135 characters
#it’s more just my ‘just because they’re the main girl and guy doesn’t mean they have to be dating’ thing and less that i kept seeing it
My Top Posts in 2022:
Waking up as a vampire was the worst thing that happened to Scott. Even before any of the hunger or aggression kicked in, it was just as much as his hell as the realm he had died in was. The sun hurt, made him weak, and suddenly his food supply was useless. Sure he was strong, big, but his wings, his real freedom, were gone.
A new home was just a cage to him. It was a manor, large and beautiful in a morbid way he was now seeing as a good thing. His powers were… scary. He could hurt people now, he wasn’t just a light-loving moth anymore. 
He stared out his windows, still not used to sleeping in the daytime, and wished more than anything that he could go out there and feel the warmth on his wings just once more. He wished he could light a lantern without fearing the flame, to feel the security of the life fire he once created.
He knew it would only take a few days to get used to it all, for the hunger and nature of the lifeless to take over his soul, but he still had the heart of a mothling, he still loved the light that could now hurt him. He wanted his home to be the lantern still, he wanted the struggle of getting leathery food back just so he wouldn’t need to give up everything else.
He would let his red eyes dry of their pain brought tears before he admitted the sun and light were anything but beautiful.
103 notes - Posted March 25, 2022
Guardian angel! Afterlife Sausage who puts his wing over Oli to protect him from the rain
111 notes - Posted March 4, 2022
Empires SMP Scott Finale Spoilers
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See the full post
115 notes - Posted January 29, 2022
Okay, hear me out because I think this would be cool.
Combining the alsmp character’s life origins. Not all of them, for when they die more, just some of them. Create origin hybrids because they’d be cool.
We can get things like Raccoon-Floran Lizzie with little ears and a “mask” on her face and she would feel really at home in the end because it’s dark.
Moth-Vampire Scott (which was the original idea that sparked this) with black, dark grey, and red wings on his back that hide under his cloak until he needs to be dramatic.
I mean yeah, I at least wouldn’t be in love with every origin hybrid. Cpk would just be a giant flying fox (although that’s still cool), Fwhip would be a pillager wizard/smurf which… I’m just imagining a tiny slightly glowing blue thing with a bow yelling at people. But I still like the idea.
I want to write it.
123 notes - Posted March 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I adore how the fandom seems to agree that Pixandria was unaffected by the explosion and chaos of the finales.
And I’d like to add some things
For the rulers who remain alive, but have left. The tiny trails of smoke their candles produce will forever travel in the direction of the soul they represent.
But for the ones who have died, and this time will not return through the normal means, the candles no longer light when Pix sparks his flint and steel.
The ocean queen’s flames are dimmer now, as though her spirit remains but has gone through a magical change.
Unless taken into the nether, the candles for the Wolf Spirit point towards the nearest portal.
Pix smiles when Gem and Fwhip’s candles cause two lines of smoke to combine together, proving they’re staying by each other’s side.
Pix struggles to learn of what happened exactly to the ones who didn’t make it, or where exactly the wanderers will end up before they settle down again, or if the next time their candles stop pointing in a new direction they will simply be blown out by fate.
He’ll pack away the lightless candles, storing with them books of what they had accomplished in life, and he’ll track the paths of the remaining ones as far as the maps brought to his kingdom will allow.
But he’ll remember all of them for as long as he lives, because he’s capable of doing so when no one else is.
392 notes - Posted January 30, 2022
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runnning-outof-time · 2 years
Enough is Enough | Tommy Shelby x Reader
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Request: yes by anonymous
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x reader
Summary: A gruesome killing in the kitchen of their family home makes both (Y/N) and Tommy realize that they need to put their current lives behind them...for the sake of their children.
Warnings: blood, violence (typical to series), smoking, weapons, character death, season 4 spoilers
Word Count: 3148
A/N: I switched up the request a little bit, I hope that’s ok. Also the words that are italicized are from the show. Enjoy! :)
Let me know if you’d like to be tagged in stories similar to this one!
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It was late at night and (Y/N) had just finished tucking in her children. They were all extremely excited for Christmas morning to come, and couldn't quite get to sleep. All they wanted to do was sit up and wait to see if the cookies they'd placed out by the fire would get eaten in exchange for presents. It took a good bit of tries, but eventually they were all asleep. Now she was ready to spend some time with her husband...she just had to find him first.
The first place she looked was in his office. She was surprised when she entered it to see that his chair was empty and that no one was inhabiting the room. Then she made her way up to their shared bedroom in hopes that maybe he'd retired for the night. A frown formed on her face when she found that room to be empty as well.
Instead of going into all of the rooms Arrow House had and checking to see if her husband was occupying them, (Y/N) went down to the foyer, where Frances was, thankfully, putting some finishing touches on the Christmas decorations.
"Mrs. Shelby, you're awake rather late," she commented on the woman's presence as the lady of the house came to a stop in front of her.
"It was tough getting the kids to sleep," (Y/N) remarked with a smile before getting to the more pressing matters, "have you seen my husband, Frances?" she asked, silently hoping that she'd get an answer.
"I believe he was going to the preparation kitchens. He wanted to see how tomorrow's dinner was coming along," the older woman answered, her response making (Y/N)'s eyebrows furrow slightly. Why would he be going into the kitchen at this time of night?
"Ok. Thank you, Frances," (Y/N) nodded her head, deciding to take the lead and go investigate it rather than question the randomness of it. Sometimes you never knew what Tommy Shelby was getting up to.
"You're welcome, Mrs. Shelby," Frances nodded before going back to her previous tasks, leaving (Y/N) to make her way to the kitchen.
She walked down the corridor that led to the preparation kitchens, seeing that there was a single man sitting on a stool, working on cutting what looked to be different vegetables. She smiled politely at him and continued on her way to the main preparation area. If Tommy wasn't in this smaller area, she figured that he had to be in there.
The second she made it to the hallway that would take her to the main prep kitchen, she heard a man scream in agony. Hearing it made her heartbeat quicken. That very well could have been Tommy. But before she could take another step in the direction of the hall, an arm wrapped around her waist.
"You don't want to go in there, sweetheart," a man spoke in an Italian accent behind her. As he said his threat, (Y/N) felt something move along and settle against her throat. Upon glancing down, she saw the glint of the overheard lights coming off of what could only be a kitchen knife.
Swallowing thickly, she tried to think of what to do. She could hear Tommy yelling indistinctly through the walls, and it didn't seem like he was the one in pain. Now she had to fight to get herself free. She first tried to move against the man, but all that did was make his grip on her tighten. "You make a move and you're dead," he continued, his words sounding like they were coming through gritted teeth.
His arrogance annoyed (Y/N) and slowly but surely, she reached down so that she was able to retrieve the small knife that she kept in her low stockings for moments like this. "You really don't know who you're dealing with, buddy," she said, and in one swift motion, she brought the knife up and plunged it into what she hoped was the man's side.
The man screamed out in pain and went limp, his grip on (Y/N)'s stomach making her fall down with him. The knife he was holding in his other hand clattered as he fell to the ground, and (Y/N)'s gaze immediately fell onto it when she realized that she was still ok.
Immediately she tried squirming out of the man's grip in attempts to grab hold of the knife. The man, knowing what she was doing, also began to move in hopes that he would stop her advances. They grappled for the knife before (Y/N) was able to gain an advantage and move over top of his body with the knife in her grasp. She closed her eyes and gritted her teeth before bringing the knife down and striking the man in the chest. As she opened her eyes, she saw the man's mouth gape open, as if he was letting out a silent scream. His body then became limp underneath her as life left his eyes.
She took a couple deep breaths to steady herself before she managed to stumble off of the man's body and rise to her feet again. Her fear wasn't able to pass though, because a gunshot rang off the second she was standing. Hearing it made her heart leap to her throat before she ran into the main preparation kitchen to see what had just happened.
Upon entering, she saw Tommy letting go of a man that he was holding against a table. As he removed his hands from him, the man sunk to the ground; lifeless. Tommy tried to wipe the blood from his face, but to no avail, as he then pointed the gun in the direction of the cook cowering in the corner. (Y/N) was able to see the animalistic look in his eyes and knew that there wasn't much holding him back from shooting this man as well. So she quickly moved over to him in attempts to get the firearm out of his hands.
Tommy didn't know who had approached him because his sights were zeroed in on the cook. He was able to feel soft hands reaching out for his extended arm, but he couldn't think of who they belonged to; his brain was in survival mode. He tried to fight back against the person that was attempting to take his weapon from him, but upon turning to see who it was, his eyes fell on his wife.
"Put the gun down, Tommy," she reasoned with him, hoping her words would pull him out of the haze he was in. "No one else needs to be killed."
Listening to her words, Tommy dropped his arm and set the gun back into his holster before his eyes snapped back in the direction of the cook. (Y/N) stayed by his side as he began to address the man who was still cowering in the corner with his hands held up in surrender. "Black hand means kill or be killed. You go back to London, you tell Darby Sabini he picked the wrong side in this war. Once we've dealt with the Americans, we're coming for him..." he paused, taking a deep breath before he waved the man on towards the door. "Go on, go," he ordered, and the man needed not to be told twice before he began scrambling towards the door. But Tommy wasn't done with him yet. "Oi!" he exclaimed, pulling his gun out of its holster again so that he could point it at the cook once more; hoping that it would help get his point across, "you tell anyone else, I'll come and find you."
"Yes, Mr. Shelby," the man nodded his head vigorously before he hurried out of the kitchen, leaving Tommy and (Y/N) alone.
Tommy let out a sigh as he dropped his arm to his side. He took a few deep breaths before reaching up to try and once again wipe some of the copious amount of blood off of his face, but he was not successful. Between a few more breaths, he slotted his revolver back into its holster before finally looking over at (Y/N).
She watched as his eyes widened slightly, and within seconds, he was standing in front of her. "You've blood on you," he pointed out the obvious, making her look down to see that her light pink house dress was now stained red.
"I killed a man in the hallway. He had a knife to my throat and stopped me before I was able to come in here," she told him, her voice calm despite what had just happened in front of her. She'd grown used to things like this; having come from a family that delved into crime before marrying into, and assuming joint leadership of, the Shelby empire. "I used the knife in my stocking. Thankfully I didn't change before coming down here."
Tommy only nodded his head and breathed a sigh of relief to know that his wife was ultimately unharmed from the incident that occurred. He then stepped forward and wrapped his one arm around her neck, pulling her close to him. (Y/N) returned the embrace, uncaring of the blood that had stained Tommy's face and upper body. She knew what this was; she'd heard of the black hand before. The man who was lying dead several feet from them had been sent to their home to try and kill her husband. The man whom she encountered outside the main room could have also been someone sent with the same orders. But they were dead now, and hopefully the remaining cook had been scared into compliance.
The couple held onto each other as they came off of the adrenaline rush they were experiencing from the events that had unfolded just moments ago. They held their embrace until a soft voice came from the entrance to the room: "mum...dad...wha-what happened?" It belonged to five-year-old Matthew Shelby, their second eldest child who would often wander around Arrow House in the evening. Upon pulling away from Tommy and turning to face him, (Y/N) was able to see the fear in his eyes.
"Nothing's happened, sweetheart," (Y/N) spoke to him in a calm voice as she stepped away from Tommy and moved closer to the child, "just...just go back to your room, alright?" she tried to reason with him, but the boy stayed frozen in his spot, his eyes darting from his mother to his father and back again. "Matthew..." she tried again.
Frances came into view before (Y/N) was able to say anything more. "I'm so sorry that I let him come down here, Mrs. Shelby. He must've snuck past me in the foyer," she quickly said as she put her hands on the shocked child's shoulders so that she was able to begin walking him backwards.
"It's ok, Frances. Please make sure he gets to bed," (Y/N) responded in a calm tone, and Frances nodded her head before leading the child out of the preparation kitchen. Then (Y/N) turned back to Tommy, who had moved closer to her while she was speaking to their son. She looked up at him and blinked a few times, feeling tears starting to brim in her waterline.
"C'mere," Tommy whispered, knowing she was on the verge of a breakdown, and she listened to him. The floodgates opened as she fell into his arms, her sobs being silenced by the blood-covered fabric of his waistcoat. Still, he knew she was crying because her body was shaking. "Everything's alright, love," he told her, his one hand cradling her head against his chest.
“Everything’s not alright, Tommy,” (Y/N) said, trying to regain her composure as she pulled herself away from his body. “Our son has just witnessed the terrible side of the business that we run,” she called to attention what had just happened moments ago as she also motioned to the mess that surrounded him.
“He’s only a child. He surely won’t remember it,” he tried to reason with her, and also with himself.
“He’s five. He’ll remember a sight as gruesome as this,” (Y/N) sighed as she pinched the bridge of her nose while training her eyes on the floor. She then took a deep breath and exhaled slowly before looking up at her husband once more. “I need to wash this terrible night off of me,” she told him, sniffling slightly after she spoke. She wiped the remaining tears from her eyes before she turned and exited the kitchen area for their master suite.
(Y/N) was in the bath with her eyes closed when she heard footsteps coming into the bathroom. Her eyes snapped open, but she was able to let out a breath of relief when she saw Tommy entering the room. His face was wiped clean now, but he still had rememants of blood on his shirt. “I phoned Johnny Dogs. He’s coming to take care of the bodies,” he said as he went through the motions of stripping the clothes from his body so that he could step into the shower on the other side of the room. (Y/N) only nodded, hoping that the whole ordeal would leave her head quicker if she didn’t speak about it.
They went about their business in quiet, and only decided to talk to each other when they were both toweling off. “We have to change something here, Tommy,” (Y/N) was the first to speak as she slipped herself into the nightgown she’d chosen to wear that evening.
“We’re going back to Small Heath. The Changretta’s will find it harder to fight us there, where we control everything around us,” he laid out his plan, and (Y/N) couldn’t help but sigh when she heard what he had to say.
“That wasn’t what I meant,” she said, her eyes focusing on Tommy through her vanity mirror as he worked on getting himself ready. Instead of his sleep clothes, he was getting dressed in an outfit that he’d wear out. This confused (Y/N) slightly, but she had more important things on her mind.
Tommy stopped buttoning up his shirt when he heard what she’d said. His eyes found hers in the mirror and he held her gaze as he spoke cautiously and in a confused manner, “what do you mean?”
“We can’t continue on like this. There can’t be violence occurring in our own home; for our children to stumble upon,” she continued on with her previous concerns. “We need to make a change here,” she said as she stood from her vanity seat to move over to where Tommy was now sitting on one of the loungers, an unlit cigarette perched between his lips.
Tommy sighed, taking a moment to light the cigarette so that he’d be able to take a long drag. He finally spoke once all of the smoke was cleared from his lungs: “‘s a bit hard to step away from violence when we’ve been dealt a black hand, love,” he reminded her of the circumstances they’d found themselves in.
Just the mention of it made (Y/N)’s stomach twist up in knots. She needed to take a few calming breaths before she could think up a plan. “We’ll send the kids to my parents,” she started to explain her plan, “the Changretta’s shouldn’t know about my family, as I’ve been a Shelby for years, but in the chance that they do, they’ll still be protected there,” she paused for a moment, but continued when she saw Tommy start to open his mouth and give his reply. “I don’t want my babies around anymore violence. They don’t deserve to be dragged into this because of some careless actions of the adults in this family,” she stressed to him, her serious eyes boring into his.
Tommy nodded his head. “They won’t be around it then. I have no doubt that your parents will keep them safe,” he agreed with the plan that she laid out.
But (Y/N) wasn’t finished. “Once this vendetta is over, we are finished with this type of business. We will focus our efforts on our legitimate endeavors and throw all of the bad blood and the violence into the Cut,” she said in a definitive tone, “enough is enough, alright?” she then ended with a question, her eyebrows raised slightly.
“Enough is enough,” Tommy agreed, “the business will move its focus to legitimate endeavors and we will not have any more problems like this. I will promise you that,” he told her, his eyes not straying from hers.
(Y/N) couldn’t help but smile as she heard his words. “You’d better keep that promise, Tommy Shelby,” she said to him, leaning over so that she could nudge his shoulder with her own.
“I promise that I will always keep you and the kids safe,” he continued, a smile turning the corner of his lips upwards as he moved himself closer to her so that their shoulders were now touching. “And I will keep these promises for as long as I live,” he assured her, his voice lower now as he leaned in to close the gap and press his lips against hers. (Y/N) smiled into the kiss and savored the feeling of his lips on hers. Even after what had happened a short while ago, he still managed to make her feel safe when she was tucked in his grasp.
“I love you, Tommy,” she whispered against his lips once they’d pulled away.
“I love you, (Y/N),” he repeated the phrase, moving away to press a kiss to her forehead before they were sitting straight once more. He searched her eyes for a moment before he spoke again: “we need to wake the kids and go to Small Heath now. The Italians won’t waste a second once they hear of their failed attempts here,” he told her, and within a second, they were off the chair and grabbing what they needed.
Once everything was packed up, they managed to wake the children up and told them that they were going on a surprise trip to their grandparents house. Of course they were excited about this news; they knew nothing about the underlying reasons of why they needed to make this sudden trip.
As they drove down the dark roads and back into the city that they ‘owned’ and once called home, (Y/N) reflected on what was happening. She knew that things had to change once this war was settled. She couldn’t have her children be that close to violence ever again. Enough was enough, and soon, they’d be on the course to a new life.
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Tagged: @alreadybroken-ts @magicalxdaydream @the-anxious-youth @cloudofdisney @look-at-the-soul @golden-hoax @elenavampire21 @peaky-cillian @mrsalwayswrite @julkaamazing @evita-shelby @lilyrachelcassidy @notyour-valentine @easilyobessedbutflighty @shelbydelrey @december16-1991 @onlydeadcells @peakyswritings @just-a-blackhole
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nobody7102 · 2 years
I Don’t Hate You: Chapter 3
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Pairing: tasm! Peter Parker (Andrew) x Reader
Warnings: Alcohol Consumption
A/N: and we have chapter 3! Please let me know if you'd like to be added to the tag list.
Chapter 2. Chapter 4
Main Master-List
Series Master-List
Running water echoed through the top floor of the house as Y/N washed her face, grabbing a washcloth from the side table to dry her face, as she looked back into the mirror she saw Gwen leaning in the doorway. “Did you need something?” Y/N hummed.
“Nope just waiting to brush my teeth” she answered back, moving to the side Y/N motioned for Gwen to go ahead. Stepping forward, grabbing her toothbrush. She paused her routine turning to Y/N with a slight head tilt.
“Have you ever considered a new look?” Y/N glared a bit at Gwen as she turned to face her. “I mean, seriously” Gwen started “you could have some definite potential buried under all this…” She motioned to Y/N’s person “...hostility.”
Shaking her head, Y/N went back to focusing on herself, grabbing a moisturizer that rested on the counter. “I’m not hostile, I’m annoyed.”
“Ya know, why don’t you try being nice sometimes?” Gwen moved to grab the toothpaste, smearing it along the bristles “People wouldn’t know what to think.”
Y/N shook her head applying the moisture to her face “You forget.  I don’t care what people think.
Gwen nodded the toothbrush “Yes, you do” she chuckled, starting to brush her teeth.
Causing Y/N to shake her head once more. “No I don’t.” she hummed allowing silence to fill the bathroom for a few minutes before she spoke “You don’t always have to be who they want you to be, you know.”
Finishing brushing her teeth, Gwen placed her toothbrush back into her holder “I happen to like being adored, thank you.” she leaned over grabbing a washcloth from herself, wetting it before going over her own face. 
Shaking her head, Y/N paused as her eyes focused on the necklace Gwen wore “Where’d you get the pearls?”
“They’re mom's,” Gwen hummed.
Furrowing her brows Y/N fully turned her body to face her younger sister “ And you’ve been what?... Hiding them for 3 years?” she huffed
Gwen shook her head, setting the washcloth down “No. Dad found them in a drawer last week.”
Y/N’s eyes widened “So you’re just gonna start wearing them now?”
Gwen turned to Y/N “It’s not like she’s coming back to claim them.” she turned back to the mirror, running her finger along the string “And besides, they look good on me.”
Letting out a scoff, Y/N turned away from Gwen leaving the bathroom, heading for the stairs.
Poking her head around the corner, Gwen yelled after Y/N “If you’re still going downtown, will you get me that Book from Louis?” 
Pulling up to the storefront, Y/N rummaged around her car before grabbing her bag and dashing inside the shop looking around for the books she needed, and the one Gwen asked for. 
The trip inside took maybe ten minutes tops, maybe less but by the time she exited the store. There was Peter leaning against the hood on the driver's side. “Nice car, sweet vintage… take a lot to keep it in shape?” he asked with a smile.
“Are you following me?” she huffed crossing her arms “Because if you are, you should know that my dad is captain at the NYPD” 
Peter shook his head “Nope” popping the ‘p’ before he continued “I was just over at the laundromat when I saw your car” he motioned to the building across the street “Figured I’d come and say hi”
“Well, how charming” she paid no attention to him as she spoke. Making her way to open the driver door
He raised his brow at her “You’re not much of a talker are you?” 
“Depends on the topic.” she turned to put the book bag behind her seat “My car doesn't really whip me into a word vomit mood.”
Leaning against her open winder he smiled “You’re not afraid of me, are you?” she looked at him confused “Most people are” he explained 
“Why should I be afraid?” 
He just nodded “Well, maybe you’re not afraid of me.” he smirked “But I’m sure you’ve thought about me naked, huh?” he winked.
Y/N rolled her eyes “Am I that transparent?” she turned to him “I want you, I need you. Oh baby, oh baby.” she said sarcastically moving her car out of park and into reverse. But just as she was about to pull out of the parking spot, a car pulled up right behind her blocking her exit.
“What the fuck?” she leaned out the window looking behind her, seeing Flash leave the car. “Last I checked its not national asshole day Thompson!” she yelled before motioning back to his car “Do you mind?!”
He smiled paying no attention to her “Not at all” he hummed walking into the store.
Groaning, Y/N paused and glanced between the car and the store before letting her foot off the break and stepping on the gas. Reversing into Flash's car.
Running out after hearing the commotion, Flash’s eyes widened seeing his car “YOU BITCH” he yelled,
Y/N hummed making an over dramatic sad face “Whoops” before it turned to a smile.
As Flash freaked out over his car, Peter watched with a smile on his face, laughing.
“Whoops!” George yelled at Y/N who sat on the couch “Y/N I understand you disagree with a lot of people and that you don’t like a lot of people but my insurance does not cover PMS!” 
“Well, then tell them I had a seizure.” she looked over to George who was now covering his face as he paced.
“Is this about UCLA and MIT? Are you punishing me because I want you to stay close to home?”
Y/N crossed her arms “Aren’t you punishing me because mom left?”
George scoffed “You think you could leave her out of this?” he turned to her.
Y/N tilted her head slightly “Fine. Then stop making my decisions for me.”
“I’m your father, that's my right.” he crossed his arms right back.
Y/N shrugged “So what I want doesn't matter?”
“You're eighteen. You don't know what you want.” he motioned to her “And you won't know what you want until you're forty-five. And if you get it, you’ll be too old to use it.”
Y/N stood from her spot “I want to go to an West Coast school! I want you to trust me to make my own choices. And I want you to stop trying to control my life just because you can’t control yours!” she shouted 
“Yeah well I want-” George paused as his phone went off. Taking it out of his pocket he looked over it before pointing to Y/N “We’ll continue this later!” he walked off.
The front door slammed open as Gwen approached Y/N “Did you just maim Flash’s car?” she demanded.
Roiling her eyes she nodded “Yeah.  Looks like you’re gonna have to take the bus.” as she walked away
“Has the fact that you’re completely psycho managed to escape your attention?” Gwen yelled after her.
The next day, walking up to Peter, slamming his locker door shut. Flash huffed “When I shell out fifty, I expect results Parker.”
Peter nodded as if to say ‘I know’ with wide eyes “Yeah, I'm on it.”
Flash pointed at Peter “Watching the bitch violate my car doesn't count as a date.” Poking his chest “If you don’t get any, I don’t get any. So let’s go get some.” he started to walk up before Peter called after him.
“I just upped my price,” he yelled. Causing Flash to turn,
Peter crossed his arms “A hundred bucks a date…” he hummed “In advance.” he quickly added.
Flash shook his head “Forget it.”
“Forget her sister, then.” Peter deadpanned.
Thinking for a moment, Flash groaned pulling out his wallet handing over two fifties to Peter “You better hope you're as smooth as you think you are, Parker”
Walking through the park, Ned and Harry nervously looked around for Peter. Pausing in his tracks Harry hit Ned on the chest before pointing over to where Peter stood taking photos of the settings around him.
Stopping a few feet away Harry shoved Ned towards Peter “Go”
Ned stopped, planting his feet in the ground before hitting Harry’s shoulder “You go!” He pushed Harry back a few steps. 
Groaning Harry nodded “Fine” as he walked over to Peter with Ned trailing behind. Upon approaching Peter his mouth opened but no words came out before he decided on his words “We know what you’re trying to do, with Y/N Stacy” causing Peter to turn to them, lowering his camera.
“Is that right?” he smirked “And what do you plan to do about it?” he hummed
Harry crossed his arms “Help you out.”
“And why’s that?” Peter cocked his brow.
Ned stepped forward “The situation is, my boy Harry here has a major bone for Gwen Stacy.”
Peter shrugged his shoulders “What is it with this chick? She have beer flavored tits, with cherry flavored nips”
“Hey!” Harry started for Peter but Ned placed a hand on his shoulder to stop him.
“Listen!” He started “I think I speak correctly when I say that Harry’s love is pure.” Ned placed a hand over his heart “Purer than say….. Flash Thompsons?”
Peter shook his head “Look, I'm in on this for the cash. Flash can stick it in whoever he wants”
Harry started to Peter again as Ned held him back “Okay, there will be no sticking anything in anything!”
Shoving Harry back Ned turned back to Peter “Peter… Pete… Let me explain something to you, we set this whole thing up so Harry can get the girl” he motioned to Harry. “Flash is just a pawn.”
Peter raised his brow “So you two are gonna help me tame the wild beast”
Ned grinned, nodded “We’ll do some research.  We’ll find out what she likes.  We are your guys.”
“And he means that in a strictly non-prison-movie type of way.” Harry added
Ned clapped his hand on Peter’s shoulder “Let’s start here.” He produced a flier “Now, Friday night. Johnny Jameson is having a party, it’s the perfect opportunity.” Ned hummed
“For?” Peter raised his brow.
Ned rolled his eyes “For you to take out Y/N.”
Peter just nodded, “I‘ll think about it.” walking away from them.
Turning to Ned, Harry took the flier from him “I saw this, I thought it was a wine and cheese party”
Ned nodded smirking “Oh it is” Harry furrowed his brows “Then ho-” he paused seeing Ned’s face “Ahhh” as realization hit him.
“Just a little payback to Johnny… This is gonna be some party” Ned chuckled.
Standing next to Gwen’s locker, Flash held up two photos. “Now” he started “Which is better?” He showed Gwen two exact same photos, the only difference, the shirt in one was white and the shirt in the other was black.
Letting out a hum as she looked over the photos she bit the inside of her cheek before she spoke “Um, I think I like the white shirt better.”
Flash looked down at it nodding “Yeah… it’s more-”
“Pensive?” Gwen cut him off.
“Damn.  I was going for thoughtful…” he trailed off “It’s for the yearbook spread” gwen just nodded before Flash continued “So, you going to Johnny Jamesons thing Friday night?”
Gwen hummed, nodding “Yeah, I might.”
Flash smirked “Good, 'cause, you know, I'm not gonna bother if you won't be there.” he chuckled before walking off.
A dorky smile adorning her face, Gwen closed her locker before making her way to the library. Looking around for a few moments before spotting Harry she walked over taking her spot next to him. 
“So have you heard about Johnny Jameson’s party?” Harry started when Gwen sat down.
Gwen nodded scoffing “Yes. And I really, really, really wanna go, but I can't.” she crossed her arms leaning back into the chair “Not unless my sister goes.”
“Yeah I know.” Harry hummed “I'm workin' on that. But so far she’s not goin’ for my guy…. She's not a-” he started before Gwen interrupted 
“Nerd fan?  No. I found a picture of Jared Leto in her drawer once, so I'm pretty sure she's not a full lesbian…. She could be hiding possible bisexual tendencies though” she hummed.
Harry raised his eyebrow “Okay. So that's the kind of guy she likes? Pretty guys?”
Gwen shrugged “I don’t know. All I've ever heard her say is that she'd die before dating a guy that smokes.”
Harry nodded “Okay. All right. What else?”
Gwen’s eyes widened “You’re asking me to investigate the inner workings of my sister’s twisted mind?” She shook her head “I don’t think so.”
Harry sighed “Well nothing else has worked.”
Gwen thought for a moment “I think I know what we could do” she hummed. Leading Harry back to her house, she pulled him inside and up the stairs.
“Isn’t Y/N or your dad home?!” he looked around nervously.
Gwen shook her head bringing him into Y/N’s room “Dad works late tonight, and Y/N is at the library”
Ruffling through the papers on Y/N’s desk, Gwen handed a few loose sheets to Harry every once and a while. “Class schedule, reading list, date book…” she read as she handed pff the papers, “coffee receites, um….concert tickets.” She walked over to Y/N dresser pulling out a drawer. 
Looking over the papers in his hands Harry looked over to Gwen for a moment “Isn’t this a little…… a little too-”
“Do you wanna be able to go on a date with me Harry?” Gwen glanced over to him, watching as he nodded “Then this is necessary” she hummed before pulling something out from the dresser “Ah ha! Black panties!”
Harry raised his eyebrow “What does that tell us?”
“She wants to have sex some day, that’s what.” she looked over to Harry before putting the panties back.
“Well…” Harry started “She could just like the color…” he trailed off.
Gwen stared back at him, crossing her arms “You don’t buy black lingerie unless you want someone to see it.”
Harry just nodded pondering over the current question in his head out loud “Oh. So… uh… can I see your room?”
Gwen paused her actions looking down “No.” she hummed looking over to Harry as she set down the things in her hands “A girl’s room is very personal.”
Harry’s brows raised “oh”
Walking up to the house, Ned and Harry looked between each other before Harry leaned forward knocking on the door. As they waited they heard rustling on the inside before the door opened, revealing Peter who leaned against the door frame with a beer in hand. “What?”
“Some insight into Y/N” Harry hummed as Ned leaned over to Peter,
“Should you be drinking alcohol when you don't have a liver?” Causing Peter’s eyes to widen as he looked at Ned.
“Nothing! Never mind!” Ned redirected Peter’s attention to Harry
Harry looked over a few sheets of paper that rested in his hands “One. She hates smokers, you don’t smoke do you?” 
Peter hummed “I smoke a little weed every now and then” he paused “Are you telling me I’m an over-all non-smoker?” “Just for right now” Ned reassured him.
“And there’s another problem.” Harry bit the inside of his cheek “Gwen said that Y/N likes… pretty guys.”
At this, Harry and Ned were met with a steady silence that lasted a few minutes till Peter finally spoke “Are you telling me I’m not a pretty guy?” he asked, a little offended.
“OH no, He's very pretty! You’re a gorgeous guy.” Ned was quick to jump.
Harry shrugged “I’m sorry, I didn’t know….wasn’t sure” he mumbled before handing the sheet of paper over to Peter pointing to one “Alright.  Okay -- Likes:  Thai food, feminist prose, and "angry, girl music of the indie-rock persuasion" He pointed to another sheet “Here’s a list of CDs that she has in her room.”
Quickly reading over the lists, Peter eyed Ned and Harry “So I'm supposed to buy her some noodles and a book and sit around listening to some weird bands that I don’t know?”
The two nodded before Ned spoke “Have you ever been to The Black Cat Club? Because her favorite band is playing there tomorrow night.”
Peter immediately shook his head “I can’t be seen at The Black Cat Club, alright?”
“But she’ll be there. She’s got tickets.” Ned crossed his arms “Just assail your ears for one night.”
“She has a pair of black underwear, if that helps” Harry quickly added 
Ned nudged Peter with a wink “It couldn’t hurt right?!”
Rolling his eyes, Peter looked between the pair before sighing “Fine.” he spoke through his teeth.
Taglist: @albeeox @evermoregarden @prfctplcs @jedisstark @yutasflower
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hmspogue · 3 years
Outer Banks season 2 Official Trailer shot-by-shot rundown
A comprehensive post where I scream about analyze the entire trailer frame by frame for clues, theories, and plot. Just my own opinions and general tin foil-hatting
These are screenshots from Netflix’s trailer for Outer Banks season 2. I do not claim or own any of these.
note: this post is tagged as a long post if you wish to avoid having to scroll until your thumbs break.
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“My old man used to tell me, ‘it’s best to never say you’ve hit rock bottom’.”
(Putting all of these shots together since they’re scenes we already know but-) Holy shit, okay let’s just....start off like this I guess, damn.
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“'Trust me’, he said...”
Kiara looking back and forth between the boys like this really just feeds the headcanon I have that her form of grief this season is going to be her trying to hold it together for their sakes (and eventually just snapping).
JJ just looks fucking furious someone give these kids a hug? I already know this scene is going to ruin me.
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“You can always go...”
JJ back working at the hotel. He looks literally so angry again in this scene I could see him self destructing at work and losing his job? (Please do not be isolating yourself you beautiful son of a bitch even though I know you’re going to).
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Pope in the Twinkie (costuming wise they all are in warmer looking clothes for some of the shots, so just confirming it’s a little bit into the school year when this all takes place).
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Big John was real big into pep talks, I see. (seriously can you imagine Big John having this conversation with like 8 year old John B after he fucking dropped his ice cream cone or some shit I shouldn’t be laughing).
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I’m just-
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These poor kids, I wanna know how the police all the way down in the Bahama’s knew about them?
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Their calves....
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Are going to be so fucking jacked by the end of this season I stg.
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Fuck you.
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“The gold from the Royal Merchant....it’s here.”
For a while, I had thought that maybe they didn’t even make it to the Bahama’s at the front of the season and ended there (because everyone had been filming in there). But I guess they’re going to be making two trips.
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If I were a bird from this POV I’d shit right on that house no questions asked.
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oooooh ho hokay. Just so we’re clear. Ward Cameron not only get away with murder and about two dozen other felonies, but-
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“Half a billion.”
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Not the polo with the snap back, I just know this man has a playlist called Sad Boi Hours that is just Juice WRLD’s top 5 songs on Spotify and he tells his friends they wouldn’t know the underground artists he listens to.
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Sh, you have lost screaming privileges. Go inside and take a nap maybe.
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“John B, we are fugitives in a foreign country.”
So, previously, I was talking about how I was confused how they would still be trying to find him is everyone thought he was dead, but here the wanted poster clearly says “presumed lost at sea”. I think that will be interesting to see how the Pogues all interpret that. 
Especially because they already had a memorial for John B and everything, I wonder if there will be any part of the Pogues holding out hope that they both could still be out there OUCH.
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I’m going to circle back to this, but it looks like John B and Sarah are going to get separated for a little while in this man hunt, I could see my idiot himbo son trying to sacrifice himself so Sarah can get away but in reality just....stranding her.
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“Promise me you won’t do anything stupid?”
Oh, sweetie....
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“Well, Sarah Cameron, I do stupid things all the time without realizing it.”
The volume of his self awareness is astronomical. sir, that is your whole character summed up in your own words.
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“Hold on!”
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The complete abject terror I would feel having John Booker Routledge driving get-away and then saying the words “Hold on” while reaching fro the gear shift? The english language fails me. 
Sarah, bestie, I’m so sorry.
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I just wanna know-
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what the plan or objective was in this situation. What was the reason for being this dramatic.
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Rest in piss, bozo <3
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“Ward’s still out there...”
Okay, same conversation they were having as before. I wonder what makes them decide they need to get back to the OBX for this tho.
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“I can clear my name. This can all be over in one shot.”
It looks like Topper watching this but way more concerningly, correct me if I’m wrong but this 100% looks like....John B gets caught. And the DEATH PENALTY?! He did have a mug shot for the fliers in s1 and the one above but he was never brought in? Plus he just looks super dirty and dishevled in this one so I-
Jail break anyone?
I also still want to know if they’re going to go with a Topper redemption arc this season. like, does he know more than he should just from being around Rafe and his big fat mouth? Is he going to help out the Pogues even if it’s just for Sarah?
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This shot just suddenly made me really sad. The thought of this all started because Big John left one last thing for his son to find, his literal life’s work. And when it all started, it was just a fun adventure John B and his best friends were going on together and having fun with. Then it all got dragged to absolute shit and turned into what it did, including the remaining 3 Pogues thinking that this treasure hunt took their two best friends away from them. And it’s nothing like Big John intended it to be.
Why my eyes wet?
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Now we’re edging into what I was talking about earlier with John B and Sarah getting separated.
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“If you think there is anything I wouldn’t do...”
Once again, John B is no where to be found. Also, just in case y’all didn’t already know or forgot Ward is an actual psychopath.
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I believe this one of the new character, played by Jontavious Johnson (Stubbs). Based on the voice over it lowkey sounds like they’re implying Ward maybe hired Stubbs and Cleo to find and bring Sarah back. My theory would be I bet they do go to retrieve her, but she somehow convinces them that it would be more beneficial for them in the end to be on the Pogue’s side instead.
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Miss Girl you gotta be keeping your head on a SWIVEL. Especially when you’re a FUGITIVE of the LAW-
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“...you haven’t been paying attention.”
My guy, who are you clarifying this for?
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It’s what you deserve for monologuing.
in all seriousness, the idea of them coming to face to face with Ward in Nassau after thinking they finally escaped him is genuinely terrifying.
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It kind of looks like they’re either hiding their faces or covering their noses? I don’t know maybe it was from some tactic to get away from Ward.
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What did I literally jsut say about yelling privileges, you unhinged mother fucker?
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“I’m calling the shots now. I’m driving.”
The following progression of scenes made me actually snort-
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“I can’t drive stick.”
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Alright, so now it looks like we’re in Charleston. This is the same scene with Heyward’s truck that got leaked from BTS (read: JJ and Kie shoulder touch).
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One of the main things that stuck out to me in the following scenes which, you will see, is it lowkey looks like Pope is kind of heading up this part of the operation, or even going in alone? The following clips are just very Pope focused. 
I don’t know what it means, it’s just an observation.
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“John B was not the only one that Ward double-crossed.”
Bro, we have been hearing about this woman for literal months and I just have....so many questions? 
Who the hell is she? How is she connected to Ward? Why is she in South Carolina instead of the OBX? How do the Pogues even learn about her and how to track her down? How is she meant to “help” them? GAH I JUST WANNA KNOOOW. I already know I don’t trust her though and no I will not be offering up supporting evidence.
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Sir, that is my son please unhand him.
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“I think you know what I want.”
.......no? But feel....free to explain yourself?
The print on the paper is the same one that’s on the ceiling tiles in the following scene. Obviously, with a key on it that most likely goes to the place a few shots from now.
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Hell yeah, son, let’s get SLEUTHING.
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“The treasure belongs to the Pogues.”
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Bestie’s I’m not going to lie, I stared at this frame for a solid 10 minuets and I have no idea what it says on there I’m sorry. Someone in the comments is welcome to enlighten us.
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“We gotta find it first.”
I can’t tell if that’s just dirt or if he hurt his head? But he look GOOD right now for one thing. For another, same outfit as the one in the Twinkie from the beginning of the trailer.
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Look at her. LooK AT HER! LOOK! AT! HER! I MISSED HER SO MUCH even in that damn smiley face top that continues to haunt my waking hours she is in it so much and it stresses me out for literally no good reason I’m sorry-
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I could literally cry right now and I think that speaks volumes to how little we actually see him genuinely happy. Have I mentioned how much I love that red hat?
Also, probably not that important, but this is not from the same scene as the shots of Pope and Kiara were. This is from the next one-
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“Give me some woogity, baby!”
Yeah, this pushed me over the fucking edge, the way that they’re actually happy and laughing? The fact that they kept woogity-woogity and made it A Thing? Yes.
I am, however, going to be intentionally ignoring what appears to be the very intentional stagingof having such an obvious space between where Kiara and Pope are sitting adn where JJ sits, even including the level they’re sitting on because I don’t have the emotional capacity to face those implications right now. Thank you for your time.
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Yes yeeeeEEEEEESSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!
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before Rafe comes in and literally starts shooting because they can’t breathe for more than 7 seconds but we’ll....get to that.
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They refer to Sarah as a Pogue this season or I burn Netflix to the ground. Your move, Jonas.
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50 bucks says John B is driving the Twinkie again for the first time since being back.
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I deadass think the Pogues JUST got Sarah and John B back and they’re just having the time of their life. Kie was in her smiley face outfit when Pope was in this one a few clips ago, and I still hold to the belief that that one still they released of JJ and Kie hopping over a fence is the Pogue reunion so-
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Ward? I have no idea what he’s looking at behind the wall paper and I’ll be so honest I don’t care my eyes are only seeing Pogue content right now.
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“This is a map of the whole island.”
This fit, when will John B learn how to operate buttons, stay tuned for season 5. Also my previous theory of this being their reunion outfits and stuff because Pope is in the back in the same jacket as before.
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The plot thickens and so has JJ’s hair, Rudy drop the shampoo brand.
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Please, dear God, tell me they’re back in the sex church. For @jiaaraa sake.
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Kiara, your Madison is showing.
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Okay, I really did try but all I can make out is Something to the tomb begin something something.
You’re welcome.
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I am no expert but I do not believe boats operate on land.
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John B looks like he is in the same outfit here that is in his mug shot we saw on the TV screen so I have a sneaking suspicion this is where he gets caught. 
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“John B is back-”
Once again with the damn sexual tension that’s always between Barry and Rafe in every scene they do are we about to kiss right now?
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“-it’s him or me.”
First of all, no.
Second of all, I’m just....so very confused about this time line this season. It kind of looks like Ward and Rafe follow and find Sarah and John B in Nassau (unless those scenes by the truck were actually back in the OBX). So did they....go to Nassau, then just come right back when they did? I’m just confused.
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Put that thing back where it came from or so help me.
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Literally when will you stop at this point I am begging you. 
This looks like the same scene the Pogues were, ya know, literally just having a good time at so fuck me, I guess.
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Yeah, no, it’s going to be a no from me, I’m just going to pretend like I’m not seeing this and moving on.
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I have simply no idea what is going on here or who that is on the bike but maybe JJ? Maybe Luke even? I think that’s JJ’s bike. 
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The sewer scene. The SEWER SCENE-
For months sicne that tiktok leaked this damn scene has been genuinely all I could think about. So (obviously) it seems like they’re sending Kie down into the sewer to go do seomthing and things go horribly, horribly wrong. 
If you haven’t seen the tiktok, essentially all it was was JJ and Pope screaming and trying to lift up the man hole cover while Kie is begging for them to hurry from inside. I’m cheating a little bit as this isn’t a shot from the trailer but this picture was posted and it’s from the same scene.
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I’ll just....leave this here. Back to the trailer shots.
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Nice. Also, same shirt as mugshot.
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Hey, um, what? 
Kiara’s car, she’s driving, I can’t tell who’s in the back seat or the front.
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Holy God what is going on and how can I as an audience member put a stop to it?
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So, same scene as we will see and was in the teaser but, for some reason, they’re all jumping off of a giant ass boat into the little life raft where it looks like JJ gets hurt later but don’t you worry we’re getting to that.
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Cleo 🥵
I’m so excited to see her arc and what it brings this season you guys have no idea.
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Please for the love of God be about to get Ward Cameron’s ass like he deserves literally punt him into jail right from Tanny Hill.
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Sarah at My Druther’s with what looks like a bloody bandage on her side? Same outfit she’s wearing when they’re running from the police on the beach and she has the bandage there too so. Interesting. 
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Topper hugging who I’m pretty sure is Sarah, being a general douche because he’s clearly looking at John B like 😏 
Clips like these serve to remind me just how many of my worldly posessions I would gladly give up to be able to punch Topper Thorton in the throat one time. 
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I think this is Cleo jumping off the boat with Pope after John B and Sarah. 
Absolutely busting a lung at Pope’s form in this one.
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John B and Sarah waiting in the life raft, still Cleo and Pope coming after them. The obvious next question is where are JJ and Kiara. The scene I’m sure you all have been waiting for is coming up and clearly takes place in the life raft as well.
So, I really think JJ and Kie get left for last, something horrible happens as they’re trying to jump (my head instantly goes to JJ maybe like pushing Kie out of the way and getting hit on the head instead or even just some accident). 
And, oh my GOD a scene of him falling off the boat after it happens and Kiara diving in after him immediately, having to desperatly try to stop him from sinkingand get to the life raft holy shit-
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Girl CATCH HIM?????
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Because why wouldn’t this be Rafe’s fault. Part of me wonders if this isn’t related to JJ being hurt.
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I am going to try and unpack this as calmly as possible because behind my computer screen I am vibrating at a frequency that could shatter glass but respectfully.
Okay, so scene wise, JJ’s hit his head somehow (probably while he was jumping with Kiara) it looks like and now they’re back on the raft. 
In my opinion, this is either:
A) JJ is in really, really bad condition after getting hurt in the jump and they’re not sure he’s going to make it. So this is a “Please stay with me, stay awake, please don’t die” hug OR
B) They very narrowly just avoided a deadly situation (my first thought is JJ hits his head while jumping, passes out in the water, maybe almost drowns but Kie and the others get him onto the life raft in time) and this is more of a “Oh my God, you’re okay, you’re safe now, we’re okay” hug. 
I honestly lean more to the second one based on the little bit of Sarah’s face we saw in the background. To me, it almost looked like she was smiling thru tears, which, fits way more with the second option than the first. 
Anyways. Moving on before I burst a lung again.
(also, before anyone comes at me, no, I’m not happy JJ is hurt, obviously.  
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(Once again, arrest outfits). You can still see the bandage but it looks like Sarah’s limping now too so...good Lord give the girl a break maybe?
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Everything in this trailer just went to shit so fast I think I have whip lash, can we go back to the Pogues hanging out and being happy now pkease I liked those scenes.
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“I get it. You guys are scared.”
She’s cute but, uh, hello sewer scene outfits. Seems like them planning to do whatever the hell they were going to do in the sewers but the boys are starting to get cold feet as maybe they should but hind sight is 20/20 I suppose.
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“It’s kind of cute.”
“I’m not scared.”
“You should’ve just led with that.”
I will never be able to express how much I adore Pogue banter and general dumbassery and I have a feeling this season will not be lacking in either department
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I high key don’t think these two are actually going to be there for this scene to go down but I’ll let it slide this time because-
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They do be kinda cute.
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It both feels like I’ve been waiting for this damn show for 3 years and also like I just watched season 1 last month explain that to me. 
Either way holy shit. I missed this dumb show and these dumb kids so much it physcially hurts and WE GET THEM BACK IN T-MINUS 16 DAYS.
Also. Where The Hell Is Wheezie Cameron And When Will She Have The Rights She Deserves.
194 notes · View notes
cali-holland · 3 years
An Irregular Romance ★ Harrison Osterfield One Shot
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Pairing: Harrison Osterfield X Reader
Summary: Over five years ago, Harrison followed his heart (a.k.a. you) to drama school, and the day he asked you out was the day he discovered you had a boyfriend. He thought that part of his past was behind him, but then he was cast as Leo in The Irregulars and you were cast as Bea. Romance and shenanigans ensue as he tries to navigate the resurrection of his crush on you.
Word Count: 10k
Warnings: spoilers for The Irregulars, swearing, drinking (reader gets v drunk at one point), cheating boyfriend + “open relationship” drama
Masterlist in bio
*Gif is not mine
A/N: inspired by harrison literally saying he followed the girl he liked to drama school but she didn’t like him back; the drama school is the brit school (idk if that’s what he was talking about but age wise it works better); also darci is 18+ in this fic bc it just fits better to make her around their age; plus i had to re-post this bc the tags didn’t work so rip
also just like to say a massive thank you to @duskholland​​ for proofreading this for me :) you’re the best! this fic would be missing 90% of its commas if it wasn’t for you lmao
Harrison had been buzzing with excitement all week. While he knew for sure that he had landed the role of Prince Leo in The Irregulars, he had no idea who the other cast members were. His agent learned from Netflix that they’d announce the cast on Saturday, so now here he sat, anxiously awaiting the news as he drank another pint with his good friends.
“Anything yet?” Tuwaine asked, refreshing his Twitter timeline.
“Nope.” Harrison said with a shake of his head as Netflix’s Instagram page remained unchanged as another minute went by.
“Maybe they’re announcing it at midnight.” Tom shrugged, trying to be useful to ease his friend’s nerves.
“Everyone would be asleep.” The blond replied before taking another long drink of his beer.
“Well, congratulations whenever they officially announce it.” Harry stated, standing up with his empty glass. “Next round’s on me.”
The conversation began to wander off, and Harrison found himself deep in thought, pondering his mysterious, new castmates. Would he like them? Would they like him? Were they big names or no names? Were they people he had screen-tested with (because, truthfully, he only screen-tested with a few girls, but even then, he didn’t screen test with all of the potential actresses)? As he got stuck, trying to think of someone he’d actually liked when they screen-tested together, he was snapped out of his thoughts by Tom yelling.
“It’s up!” Tom held his phone in the middle of the table as he, Harrison, Tuwaine, and Harry, who was now back with more beer, looked over the cast. A sense of pride soared through the group at Harrison’s picture and name being on the official Netflix page for The Irregulars. Harrison read over the other names, wondering if he knew any by happenstance. Just as he recognized one name in particular, Tom spoke up.
“Y/N Y/L/N? Isn’t that the girl you fancied in drama school?” Tom asked with a smirk. His smirk seemed to widen as Harrison blushed a deeper shade of red.
“No, no, no!” Harrison grumbled, taking out his phone to look over the post for himself because maybe, if he looked from his own account, the cast would magically change. When he looked at your name and picture right beside his, realization hit him. He slumped over, putting his head down on the table regretfully.
“I’d nearly forgotten about Haz’s girl that wasn’t his girl.” Tuwaine joked.
“Wait, what girl?” Harry questioned, out of the loop.
Perhaps the stupidest but best choice Harrison had ever made in his life was following you, his biggest crush, to drama school. Why his mother even let him chase after a girl like that was beyond him; he thought she should’ve advised him against it, but with the whole “follow your heart” attitude, his mum was his biggest supporter. He did his best to impress you, to get you to notice him, but you were unfazed by him. The day that he finally got the courage to ask you out was the day that he learned you’d had a boyfriend for the past two months.
Though he didn’t get the girl in drama school, he actually enjoyed it, and look where he ended up now— a new Netflix show was on the horizon for him. Despite the fact that he was (and still sort of is) crushed and embarrassed by the fact that you (very kindly) rejected him five years ago, drama school turned out to be a blessing.
“Harrison, here,” Tom laughed as he clapped his friend’s shoulder as Harrison still didn’t lift his head from his pitiful position, “thought he’d pursue acting because Y/N wanted to be an actress. He didn’t realize that in order to get her attention, he’d have to actually talk to her.”
That was enough to make Harrison lift his head, eyeing his friend questioningly. Cutting Tom off, he defended himself, “What do you mean? I did talk to her.”
“Right— you’d have maybe one conversation with her every three weeks.” Tom turned back to his brother, “Anyway, Haz finally asked her out and, turns out, she’d been dating this other guy for months.”
“Whatever. I only asked her out because you and Tuwaine shoved me into her. Maybe she doesn’t even remember me.” Harrison pulled out his phone to check over Netflix’s Instagram, wanting to see for himself the new cast again. When he opened the app, it notified him of all the new followers he had gotten, and, with one glance at the list of names, one account stood out to him.
‘@yourusername started following you’. Harrison let out a sigh, not wanting to dwell on this any further.
“She works fast.” Harry teased, looking over the blond’s shoulder.
“We’re co-stars now. She probably followed everyone else too.”
As if on cue, a new notification came through his Instagram— ‘@yourusername sent you a message’. With bated breath, he opened it to see the message that confirmed his worst fear— you remembered him.
‘Hey stranger! How have you been?’
With every passing day, Harrison’s excitement for this new big project grew… but so did his dread about seeing you again. He wasn’t entirely sure now as to why his gut was filled with butterflies mixed with anxiety just thinking about you. You were only ever nice to him, both before and after he asked you out. It all led him back to the same conclusion that he still had a thing for you, but yet again, maybe it’s just life that your first real crush always has some power over you.
As he walked down the strangely long hallway to the conference room, he adjusted the collar of his letterman’s jacket. Today was the big day— the first table read for The Irregulars, and the first day he’d be confronted by you after all these years. Just on the other side of this door, his co-stars and the main production crew were waiting. Everything was real now; production would start in just a few days.
With one last nervous breath, he pushed open the heavy oak door and entered the room. People were chatting as they sat around the large conference table, which had small name cards at each seat. Harrison’s eyes found you almost immediately. You were locked into a conversation with your co-star, Darci, seated to your left for the table read. To your right was one of the last available seats, and Harrison’s name was on the little card on the table. All hopes of being unnoticed by you were instantaneously gone as he took his seat beside you.
“Fancy seeing you here.” You said to Harrison with a laugh, and he was instantly reminded of how that laugh basically drove him to where he was today.
“How long has it been?” Harrison asked, trying to play it cool like he hadn’t been rehearsing this day in his mind for the past several months.
“Far too long.” You smiled.
As the last few people trickled into the room, introductions flew around the table as everyone met their new coworkers. After a cold read-through of the script and a few words from the show’s creator, the table read was deemed over. Just when Harrison thought he was free to forget about your existence for a few more days, you pulled him aside.
“Hey, Darci and I were going to get drinks with McKell and Jojo. You should come.” You offered, and Harrison chanced a glance across the room to where Darci was chatting with your other two main co-stars.
“Uh, yeah, sure.” Harrison replied. He cleared his throat before giving you a definite nod that yes, that’d be a great idea.
And just like that, the five of you made your way across town to a pub. Darci had chosen the spot, explaining that it was the best place for drinks in Liverpool, and, seeing as she’d lived there her whole life, none of you tried to argue with her.
Harrison felt a strange pit in his stomach as everyone talked and laughed over some beers, as if you weren’t all strangers a few hours ago. His eyes always seemed to land on you and your contagious smile. You looked almost exactly how he remembered you, and you still were the same happy, go-lucky girl he’d fallen hard for. It was crazy to him how quickly you gave him butterflies, how effortlessly you made him feel like a silly schoolboy all over again. He couldn’t help but wonder if you thought he’d changed since his school days, too… or if you even thought about him enough to notice. So far, you’d made no indication that he was anyone besides an old friend from drama school, making him hope you didn’t remember that dreadful day.
As you and Darci excused yourself for a bathroom break, Harrison gave himself a little reminder that he was meant to be getting to know all of his co-stars right now and wasn’t meant to be focusing so intently on you. He took another sip of his beer, turning back to Jojo and McKell.
“So how do you and Y/N know each other?” McKell asked, and Jojo tried to hide his shit-eating grin behind his beer.
“Drama school, a few years ago.” Harrison replied, trying to play ignorant.
“Ah, so it’s a schoolboy crush, then?” Jojo questioned teasingly.
Harrison felt his face heat up. Jojo and McKell were practically strangers to him, and they already knew. He was cornered, “Is it that obvious?”
“A little.” McKell said while Jojo simultaneously replied, “Very.”
“Just ask her out.” Jojo encouraged.
“That’s the problem— I did.” Harrison replied, and both of their jaws dropped.
“No way. Did she let you down easy at least?” McKell’s voice was somewhere between a disbelieving, teasing, and pitiful tone.
Harrison scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, “Well, yeah? I mean she wasn’t rude about it, but it was still a bit awkward. She was dating this other guy at the time. He didn’t go to our school, though, so I had no clue about him.”
“That’s rough.” Jojo grimaced, before he gave Harrison a hopeful smile, “Maybe she’s single now.”
“I’ve been rejected by Y/N once— I don’t need her to reject me a second time.” He shook his head with a small laugh to conceal his embarrassment. He took a drink of his beer, hoping that would calm his nerves a little.
“Incoming,” McKell said quietly, nodding in the direction of the bathroom.
“What’d we miss?” Darci asked as she slipped back into her seat. You remained standing to put your jacket on, both you and Darci completely unaware of the boys’ conversation.
“Nothing, just Jojo being an idiot.” McKell joked, to which his newfound friend just punched him in the arm, taking another long drink of his beer.
“I think I might head back to the hotel.” Your words were met with a collective groan from three of your co-stars— Harrison silently frowned as he sipped on his beer.
As your head was down to collect your things, Jojo swiftly kicked Harrison under the table. Harrison looked at him quizzically, sending him a “what the hell was that for” look. When his co-star just nodded his head encouragingly towards you, Harrison got the idea.
“I’ll walk you.” Harrison said, making you look over at him. Standing up from his seat, he insisted, “I was just about to head out, too.”
“Okay,” You smiled, still completely unaware of his interaction with Jojo.
After you all exchanged phone numbers and created a group chat lovingly titled “The Irregz”, you and Harrison left the pub. You fell in step together, walking along the sidewalk in the chilly Liverpool air back to the hotel that you’d all be staying at for the next few months.
“So what have you been up to since graduation?” Harrison asked you, his hands deep in the pockets of his letterman’s jacket.
“All sorts of things, really.” You shrugged with a smile, “I got a few TV roles here and there, did some modeling, but so far none of it has really stuck, so I’m hopeful that this will be a foot in the door. What about you?”
“The same as you, really, but, instead of shows, I’ve done some short films.”
“I see you’re still best friends with Tom.” You said in a teasing tone. Harrison felt an unusual, upsetting tug on his heartstring. Not noticing any change in his demeanor, you continued with a laugh, “It’s funny. I would’ve placed my bets on you being world-famous after graduation.”
“Me?” He questioned, surprised by your words.
“Yeah, you didn’t go to LAMDA for nothing.” You playfully nudged his arm with your elbow, and he felt his cheeks heat up once more. “Don’t be modest— I’m not wrong.”
“Can’t argue with that logic.” A laugh passed his lips, any previous bashful reservations slowly fading away.
Before Harrison could say anything further, your phone began to ring. You fished it out of your pocket and barely looked at the caller ID before sending it to voicemail. Your actions were fast, but Harrison still caught the name of who was calling, Davey, followed by a red heart emoji. And that’s when it hit him— you were still with the same boyfriend from drama school, all those years ago.
And just like that, Harrison felt a tsunami wave of heartbreak from drama school wash over him.
“Hey, Y/N!” Harrison called out as he stumbled his way over to stall you from leaving school. He had one hand holding onto his book bag strap tight enough that his knuckles were turning white, and he shuffled his other through his hair.
“Hey, is everything alright?” You asked, concerned at how nervous he seemed.
“Yeah, um, well, tonight’s opening night for West Side Story, and I was wondering if you wanted to go with me? I know it’s your favorite play, and it’s one of mine too, so, yeah, I thought maybe we could go together?” He was sure that he’d never sounded so unsure of himself. Truth is, he didn’t want to ask you out right now, but Tom and Tuwaine had quite literally shoved him in your direction, physically encouraging him. He felt rushed and unprepared.
When you smiled so captivatingly and softly at him, he felt his racing heart speed up even more. Was this it? Was he really going to take you on a date? He thought to himself. His hopes weren’t up for long as you spoke up, “I can’t. I’ve already got tickets for tonight. I’m going with Davey.”
“My boyfriend.” You replied, a hint of guilt in your voice.
His heart shattered. The only reason he was here, at this school, was because of you, and now he just had all of his hopes for any future dates with you thrown out the window.
“You and Davey are still together?” Harrison wondered aloud as you two arrived at the hotel.
“Yeah,” Your response was hesitant and quiet. He knew why— there was that elephant in the room between the two of you.
Before he could stop himself from mentioning it, he blurted out, “You don’t have to feel guilty about it, you know.”
You paused, watching unsure as he ran a hand through his hair nervously. “I kinda wonder what would’ve happened if I had said yes. Davey and I didn’t even end up seeing  West Side Story, anyway, so I wonder if you and I would’ve ended up any differently.”
It wasn’t much, but his heart sped up ever so slightly— so you had thought about him, even in the dating context. Harrison couldn’t think of a response (his brain repeated “fuck Davey, ask her out again”) fast enough as you stopped at the front desk. You mumbled something about needing some towels, and Harrison took that as his cue to just continue walking. He bid you a quick farewell, wanting to escape to his room as fast as possible.
Nothing you had said tonight had been particularly flirty, but he still rewound the events in his head because maybe he missed something. As he laid down in his bed that night, his mind drifted off with thoughts of you, wondering just how he’d manage to pull off these next few months without falling for you all over again.
Over the next several weeks, his predicament only seemed to grow. Spending so much time with you (and your other three co-stars) just made Harrison wish even more that he’d asked you out sooner in drama school, and having to spend most of his screen time gawking over you added to it further. Maybe it was another school boy crush, or maybe it was intense method acting— either way, he definitely liked you.
Ever since he read the script for episode four, he knew that eventually your two characters would become romantically involved. He would’ve felt giddy over the thought (because his eighteen-year-old self would’ve died at this opportunity), but whenever he thought of the scene, he was reminded about your boyfriend. Harrison wasn’t the type of guy to hate his crush’s boyfriend, but something just didn’t seem right about Davey.
Harrison was lying on his hotel bed, reading over the episode’s script for what must have been the fifth time through that afternoon. It was Sunday, the day before you’d both film Leo and Bea’s kiss. With a beer on his side table and an array of highlighters beside it, he was set. As the words started to run together, and his glasses began to feel uncomfortable on his nose, he heard a knock at his door.
“Coming!” Harrison called out. Setting his script aside, he rolled off the bed. He was confused at who could possibly be at his door, but, figuring it was someone from set, he had the decency to slip on a white t-shirt, opting for not answering the door in nothing but grey sweats. He was thankful for his last-minute decision as he opened the door and was met with you on his doorstep. Smiling at you and leaning on the doorframe, he let out a small, “Hey.”
“Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to rehearse tomorrow’s scene.” You offered with a friendly smile on your face.
“Right now?” He asked, glancing back into his room to decipher if it was clean enough or not.
“Oh, is this a bad time?” You replied, subconsciously stepping back. “Is someone here?”
“What?” Harrison looked at you, confused before it clicked what you thought, “Oh, no, no. There’s no one here. I was just rehearsing, too.”
“So is that a yes then or-?” You trailed off.
“Yeah, come on in.” He opened his door fully, allowing you to step in. He chivalrously closed the door behind you. “Would you like water or anything?”
“Can I have a beer?” You asked, spotting the one on his nightstand.
“Sure.” Harrison nodded. While he got you a beer and grabbed his own half-consumed bottle and script, you settled on the couch with your pages in hand.
“Thank you.” You smiled as he handed you the beer, and you took a sip happily. “You know, I’m honestly so jealous of you this week.”
“Why?” He asked with a laugh, thrown off guard by your confession.
“You get to do all the palace scenes again.”
“I also throw myself off a balcony.”
“But still.” You insisted. “Leo really needs to sneak Bea into the palace just so I can have one of those extravagant ball dress scenes. I just want to feel like a princess, and I feel like it’s what Bea deserves.”
Harrison looked at you admiringly for a moment. “You are a princess.” His face dropped as soon as he realized he’d said his thoughts aloud. Coughing, he tried to cover it up, “I mean—- you were kind of princess-like in episode 3, right?”
“Smooth.” You laughed, but didn’t press the situation. Your phone began to ring, and Harrison watched as you rolled your eyes, declining the call and ultimately silencing your phone.
“Spam call?”
“More like clingy non-committal somewhat boyfriend.” You stated, rolling your eyes.
He furrowed his eyebrows, confused. You hadn’t mentioned Davey in the past few weeks— not that Harrison was complaining, but he just assumed you were private about your personal life. “I thought you and Davey were on good terms?”
“We are? I don’t know.” You sighed, taking a sip of your beer.
“If you’re not comfortable with the topic, we can just rehearse-”
“No, it’s fine. I just haven’t really talked about it with anyone. Before I came here, he asked about having an open relationship while I’m away, and I told him no. And the last time we talked, we got into an argument and that was a couple days ago. I’m not ready to talk to him, and at this point, I’d much rather talk to you than him. It’s very frustrating that he wants to have an open relationship, but he still expects me to be at his beck and call. It’s like he’s looking for someone to substitute me, but I can’t have a life of my own. He wasn’t the most supportive of me taking this job in the first place, too.” You paused, with a small shrug, “I know you’re probably thinking I should leave him, but I can’t. We’ve been together for 5 years. I don’t know anything else at this point.”
“I get it.” Harrison said softly, hesitantly resting a comforting hand on your knee. “He was your first love. It makes sense that it’s hard to move on.” He felt his own heart sink at his ironic words. After all, you were his first love.
“I wouldn’t say he’s my first love.” You said softly, placing your hand on his, squeezing it gently. “Plus, at this point, I wouldn’t even say I love him.”
A silence fell in the room. Harrison really didn’t know what to say now. He would have told you to leave him, but you already knew that, so what was the point in him repeating it? Besides, it was your relationship, and you needed to make the decision for yourself… or let Davey make it for you.
“Let’s go through the scene, yeah?” You asked, changing the topic. You dropped his hand to pick up your script again.
“Right.” Harrison mumbled to himself, flicking through the pages to the scene.
You glanced around his hotel suite for a moment, looking for something similar to a bridge rail to lean on. “Should we use the kitchen counter? As the bridge rail?”
“Yeah, that works.” He nodded. The two of you got up, scripts in hand. Harrison stood to your right, just as the stage direction had called for. There was some space between the two of you, enough room for Harrison to shuffle closer to you later, as scripted.
“You’re not on your own, Beatrice. You must remember that.” Harrison said to you, leaning on the counter but looking over to you with his icy blue eyes. “You’re very different to anyone I’ve ever met.”
“What do you mean?” You asked, looking at him curiously.
“You have something about you.” He started, awkwardly.
You cut him off, “Like a smell?”
“No, like a quality.” He chuckled softly before continuing, “I don’t know what it is, but I really like it.”
“Well, when you think of it, let me know.”
“I’ll be sure to.” He smiled at you, his confidence slowly building as the scene continued on. Harrison stepped closer to you until he was right beside you, leaning sideways on the counter. “And I’m not saying you don’t smell, by the way. I’m just saying that that’s not the thing.”
You laughed, turning your head away from him in disbelief. “You know, I was thinking of kissing you, but now I’m not gonna.”
Harrison paused, taking a moment to mentally hype himself up for what was about to happen, but also taking a moment because it was scripted for Leo to be nervous. “Well, uh, I suppose I have to kiss you then.”
You turned to him, smiling coyly. Slowly, Harrison closed his eyes and leaned in. His heart started racing faster as he felt your breath fan against his face before his lips finally found yours. It was gentle and hesitant, everything that it had been scripted to be. As much as he wanted to keep kissing you and keep tasting the sweet strawberries of your lipgloss, it had to end. He pulled away after a moment, and you seemed almost breathless as you opened your eyes to see him again.
“I meant it when I said you’re not on your own.” Harrison looked at you with more hesitancy this time, but he still kissed you with the softest passion. The script said that Leo and Bea kiss and continue to kiss for a few seconds; Harrison wasn’t counting, but he was sure this kiss was longer than it was meant to be. Again, he found himself dreading its inevitable end. If there was one thing he could do for the rest of his life, it’d be this… well, this amongst other things with you. His stomach started to stir with guilt as he remembered Davey; you were still technically in a relationship, open or not, arguing currently or not. But then it clicked with Harrison, you weren’t pulling away— no, you were fully kissing him back.
Before he could pull away and end the scene with his last few lines, a knock came from his door. Regretfully, he stepped away from you. He didn’t meet your eye as he went to answer the door while you read over the script on the counter. Flustered, he opened the door.
“Mum! You’re here.” Harrison’s eyes went wide, surprised to see his mother and his sister standing before him.
“Surprise!” She smiled, hugging him almost immediately. “We had to come and see you at your big job.”
“Are you not happy to see us?” Charlotte teased, and Harrison shook his head, pulling her in for a hug. As they all stepped into Harrison’s apartment, you waved from the kitchen.
“Hi.” You smiled, coming over to introduce yourself.
“Oh, mum, Charlotte, this is Y/N. Y/N, this is my mum and Charlotte, my sister.” Harrison introduced the three of you.
“You’re Y/N Y/L/N from drama school?” Phil said with a smile, making the connection as you shook her hand. Charlotte seemed to stifle a laugh as Harrison’s cheeks heated up.
“Yes, that sounds like me.” You laughed, brushing off any awkwardness that Harrison feared was there. “We were just rehearsing our scene for tomorrow.”
“Maybe we can come to set.” Phil suggested, sending Harrison an expectant look.
“I’ll have to ask. This is so, so last-minute, though, so I don’t know.” He replied.
“It’s a spontaneous weekend trip.” Charlotte clarified.
“We should get some dinner. We haven’t eaten much all day.” Phil told Harrison before turning to you, “Y/N, you should come, too. It’d be so lovely to get to know you.”
“Oh, I don’t know.” You trailed off, glancing at Harrison. He sent you a silent look that said ‘she seriously does want you to come… If you don’t come, I won’t hear the end of it’. “I’d love to. I just need to go change first.”
You grabbed your script off the counter, and Harrison walked you to the door. “How long do you need?”
“Like 10 minutes?” You replied, and he nodded.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know they were coming, or that they’d invite you to dinner.” He said quietly, making you laugh.
“It’s fine, but I do have to warn you, if my parents spontaneously drop by, they don’t know who you are.” You teased.
He let out an embarrassed groan, “Let’s not talk about that.”
“See you in ten.” You sent him a wink before leaving to your own hotel room. As Harrison closed the door and turned back around, he was met with the smirking faces of his mother and sister.
“So, is there anything you want to tell us?” Phil asked.
“We were rehearsing. That’s all.” Harrison insisted, going through the wardrobe to find some clothes to change into for dinner.
“Huh,” Charlotte trailed off, crossing her arms. “So, you wearing sparkly lip gloss that matches Y/N’s is a coincidence?”
“It’s a kiss scene tomorrow. We rehearsed the lines and the kisses, too.” He explained. With a pair of jeans, a clean shirt, and his red letterman jacket in hand, he made his way to the bathroom.
“Oh, multiple kisses.” She teased, making him roll his eyes.
“She has a boyfriend!” Harrison ended the conversation, closing the door to the bathroom.
Ten minutes later, you returned back to Harrison’s room, and the four of you left, making your way to an Italian restaurant nearby. You and Harrison shared anecdotes about filming so far, keeping spoilers to a minimum until the server came with your food.
“We got in so much trouble from the makeup and hair department.” You laughed as Harrison finished telling them of how you two went on the playground last week, much to the chagrin of the crew.
“It was worth it.” He added.
“Who would’ve known you’d play a Netflix prince?” Charlotte asked teasingly, but it was clear she was still proud of his achievements.
“Look at that face. He couldn’t play anything but a prince.” You joked, and he smiled smugly.
“I’ll take that as a compliment.” He stated.
“Phil, I have to say, I’ve never met someone more well suited to play a well-mannered prince.” You told her, playfully pinching Harrison’s cheek beside you.
“I remember when there was a time he was revolted at the idea of playing a prince.” Phil said, her lips growing into a smirk, and Harrison knew exactly what that meant.
“Mum, no—“ He started, but you just shushed him, wanting to hear whatever embarrassing story was about to be told.
“He watched a single Batman movie growing up— and not even a good one at that, and decided he simply had to be Batman.” She explained. “Then the Christopher Nolan ones came out, and there was no stopping him.”
“Every kid wants to be a superhero, and Batman is simply the best one.” He said as if it was obvious.
“I didn’t know you had a Batman phase.” You teased.
“Phase? He still has posters and comic books and dolls.” Charlotte added.
“Action figures.” He corrected her, making you laugh at the humor of it all.
“You know, honestly, I think I still have Catwoman action figures.” You admitted, trying to make him feel better, and Phil’s eyes lit up as she remembered another story.
“I cleaned your room a couple weeks ago, Harrison, and I was surprised to see you still Anne Hathaway as Catwoman posters.”
“Do we really have to talk about that? Does this torture not end?” He groaned.
“Fine. That’s enough for tonight.” Phil let out a defeated sigh, clearly enjoying herself.
“Y/N, if you want the really embarrassing stories, you’ve got to talk to Tom. He’s told me embarrassing Harrison stories that I can’t say in front of mum.” Charlotte laughed, and Harrison’s eyes nearly bulged out of his head at his sister’s words.
“I’ll keep that in mind.” You smiled coyly.
“Sometimes, I wonder if he forgets that I know just as much embarrassing shit that he did growing up, too.” Harrison stated, shaking his head.
The night went on with minimal embarrassment on Harrison’s end. After Phil and Charlotte went back to their hotel, you and Harrison started the walk back to your own hotel. As you walked, your hands would brush against each other’s every so often, but neither of you made any move to take it further.
“Darci’s going to be so jealous in the morning.” You said, making him laugh a little.
“Why’s that?”
“That’s her favorite restaurant in town. Plus, I just got a free meal.” You laughed. A visible shiver coursed through you as the chilly night air picked up.
“Are you cold?” Harrison asked, already taking off his letterman’s jacket.
“Thank you.” You replied, taking his offer of warmth. Your short sleeves did nothing to shield you from the cold, but he had at least been prepared enough with long sleeves. “Are you sure you won’t get chilly?”
“I’ll be fine.” He reassured you.
“I had a really nice time tonight. I’m glad your mum invited me.” You admitted happily.
“Me, too. Apart from all of the embarrassment I just went through, I enjoyed tonight.”
“I never knew you had a secret Batman fanboy side.”
“I never knew you had a secret Catwoman fangirl side.” He countered with a smile.
“Guess that means we make a good team, huh?”
“Yeah, I guess it does.”
As you smiled at him, completely content under the moonlight, he wanted nothing more than to kiss you right then, to taste the sweetness of your strawberry lip gloss again. The last bit of your walk was filled with you two arguing over Batwoman and Catwoman, two things that neither of you had ever realized you had in common before.
Harrison’s wish finally came true the next day, as you two ran through the kiss scene multiple times. It was strange at first for him, because his sister and mother were intently watching, proud to see him in action, even if it was just a kiss scene over and over again. But, with you there, he grew more and more comfortable with each take.
As a few more weeks passed by, Harrison thought that perhaps you and Davey had officially ended things, but then he heard through Darci that you had magically worked it out. Whatever magic it was, he was upset about it, and he found himself increasingly irritated at the mention of Davey.
“Ooh, we finally get to meet the Davey tonight?” Darci asked as the five of you enjoyed lunch in between shots. It had been two weeks Harrison’s mother and sister visited, and now Davey was coming, much to Harrison chagrin.
“He’s only here for two days.” You explained, taking a bite of your sandwich.
“Ah, so you’ll be very busy, then.” McKell teased, suggestively nudging your side with his elbow. You brushed off his comment with a laugh, avoiding Harrison’s eyes.
“We should get him to do that calzone challenge with us.” Jojo said to Harrison. Although Jojo and McKell had been rather supportive of Harrison’s interest in you at the beginning, they seemed to forget about it most of the time now�� for which he was actually kind of grateful.
The conversation couldn’t go any further as the director came into the room, holding the script in his hands. The look on his face told all of you that something was up. He looked between you and Harrison before speaking, “Change of plans for tomorrow. Eileen isn’t feeling well, so we’ll film Bea and Leo’s scene tomorrow instead of her scenes.”
“But tomorrow was supposed to be—“ You started, but cut yourself short, realizing there was no point in arguing. Schedules, plans, things all change, and this was just part of the job. “Never mind.”
“Well, tomorrow will be interesting.” Darci said quietly, voicing what was on everybody’s minds.
The director left with a silent nod, and the room fell silent for a moment. You and Harrison wouldn’t dare to look at each other, both of you feeling awkward suddenly. Making out with Harrison multiple times, especially with your boyfriend there, was not something either of you particularly enjoyed the thought of.
Having to film no more scenes today, Harrison went back to the hotel with Jojo and McKell. He didn’t end up seeing you for the rest of the day, but he was okay with that as he wanted to go as long as he could without meeting Davey. The director had taken some pity on the two of you, asking you to come in later in the morning instead of at 6 AM like usual.
Harrison made his way down to the hotel gym, wanting to utilize his newfound free time. Normally, he’d get his daily workout in after filming, but he didn’t see a reason to not get an early start today. He didn’t expect anyone to be up this early, but as he got closer to the gym, he could hear a voice coming from inside the room, the door cracked just slightly.
“Love, I promise I’ll be back in two days.” The stranger paused before continuing, “You know I’m only here for business, nothing else.”
Curious and trying to decide if he should even enter the room, Harrison snuck a quick glance through the crack in the doorway. He felt his blood run cold as he immediately recognized the guy sitting on the weight bench. Afterall, Harrison had looked at your social media enough to recognize your olive-skinned boyfriend, Davey.
“Bit early for you, isn’t it?” Harrison nearly jumped out of his skin at the sound of your voice from down the hall. He heard Davey mumbled something on the other side of the door, probably having heard your voice too.
“Yeah, but I just figured I’d start my pull-ups early today.” He replied before opening the door for you, acting like he had no clue that Davey had been in there.
“Hello, gorgeous.” Davey said to you, completely ignoring Harrison. He stood from his spot at the weight bench to wrap his arms around your waist and kiss you possessively.
“Davey, this is Harrison, he plays Leo. Harrison, this is Davey.” You introduced the two guys.
Davey looked Harrison up and down with his dark brown eyes and seemed to stand straighter, even though the blond was inches taller. Harrison was the first to step forward and politely outstretch a hand to the raven-haired guy before him. With a tight smile, Davey shook his hand, “Nice to meet you.”
Davey turned back to you, “Spot me?”
“Actually, I wanted to-” Your eyes drifted over to the treadmill as Harrison got in position to start his pull-ups at the bar. Davey looked at you expectantly, and you nodded, silently agreeing to stand there and spot Davey while he bench pressed.
Slipping on his headphones and turning on some music, Harrison began his workout. He played his music loud enough to block out your conversations with Davey. Not only was it none of his business, but god, Harrison really hated everything about him already. Hearing silence between you and Davey when his song changed, Harrison spared a glance over towards you. He was surprised when he found your eyes trained on him or, rather, trained on his abdomen that seemed to stick out from his tight white shirt. Still unaware of his eyes on you, your own eyes trailed up to his arms, watching as they flexed with each pull-up. Feeling flustered by your fixed gaze, Harrison faltered a little, and your eyes immediately darted back to Davey in front of you. Harrison couldn’t help the proud smile that ghosted his lips as he continued— you were checking him out.
Harrison finished his workout and decided to get cleaned up before heading to set in half an hour, leaving you and Davey in the gym. When he left, he was surprised that you were still spotting Davey, getting no work out in like you had planned. The whole time he was getting cleaned up (and brushing his teeth repeatedly to ensure he had good breath), he just kept picturing your staring in his head. He had worked very hard to get his body in this shape, and he was very proud of himself too, but he was even prouder that you’d clearly taken notice. If anything, it almost excited him that they’d be filming this scene today. There were a few times in this episode specifically in which Leo is shirtless, but none of those scenes had been filmed— and if this scene was going to be anything like it was scripted to be, then you’d definitely get a better show than in the hotel gym.
He didn’t see you again until the two of you were on set, in full costume and makeup. He had a loose shirt on, but underneath it, his chest had been painted with blues and purples to make convincing bruises. As he went to his mark, Leo’s makeshift bed on the floor of the cellar, Harrison spotted Davey across the set, looking bored and unhappy. His blue eyes drifted over to you next, and he refrained himself from smirking as he noticed your makeup artist applying chapstick to your lips.
While you gathered your prop lantern and the lights dimmed around you all, Harrison made himself comfortable under the ragged blankets. The director called out “Action!” and Harrison closed his eyes, pretending to be asleep as he waited for you to come into the shot. Hearing your footsteps, Harrison stirred, blinking his eyes open.
“Bea, is everything alright?” He asked, looking up at you as you stood over him.
“Let me see your body.” You said definitively.
“Beatrice—” He started, but you cut him off.
“Show me, Leo. I want to see it.” At your words, Harrison shifted slowly, moving as if in pain. He pulled the blankets down and went to roll up his shirt. “Take your top off.”
He paused, looking at you questioningly with a hint of fear in his eyes. Groaning a little, Harrison sat up and removed his shirt. He looked at you expectantly, and you set aside the lantern before kneeling on the blankets beside him. Your hand drifted over the painted bruise tentatively, ghosting over the same abs that you had been studying just hours earlier. Harrison waited for you to deliver your next line, knowing he was scripted to kiss you after it. It felt like ages that he was waiting for you, wanting nothing more than to kiss you right now. His mind went blank as your eyes found his and you leaned in to kiss him.
It was unscripted, and he was surprised, but he didn’t let his surprise stop him from immediately kissing you back. Your chapstick tasted of strawberries, just as it had the last time the two of you had a kissing scene, and he swore he was in love with the taste of it. He expected to hear the director yell cut, to hear him question why you suddenly improvised, but when nothing came, he just continued to kiss you. You pulled back, a shy smile on your face, “I don’t want you to hide your body from me anymore. It’s too nice to be hidden.”
His heart leapt as he leaned forward to catch your lips once more, this time scripted. His hands shuffled to your waist, pulling you down to lay beside him as he rolled onto his side, his chest leaning over yours. Your fingers tangled into his hair, and he savored the feeling.
You pulled back again, whispering up to him, “No more hiding.”
“No more hiding.” He reaffirmed. As he continued to kiss you, his hands sensually wandered down your back, keeping you as close to him as possible. Part of him wanted to pause the intimate scene and pinch himself, just to make sure it was really happening, but he was worried if he stopped kissing you now that he’d never get the opportunity to kiss you like this again.
“Cut!” The director called, and Harrison reluctantly pulled away from you. He could’ve sworn a small frown passed your lips as he looked down at you, not having shifted off of you yet.
“Spearmint— my favorite.” You teased quietly, as if it was only for the two of you to hear. As you laughed underneath him, Harrison couldn’t help but wonder what his younger self would think if he knew he’d one day get to make out with Y/N Y/L/N. Even if it was just for the show, it was a sight that he’d always want to remember.
“I’ve always enjoyed the taste of strawberries.” He replied softly, rolling away from you.
The director ran you two through a couple pointers for the scene, and, to Harrison’s surprise, he even suggested Bea kissing Leo first, just like you had improvised. You reasoned that you forgot your line momentarily, but something about the way you kissed Harrison made him feel like that wasn’t the case; no, it seemed like you’d truly wanted to kiss him.
After running through the scene a few more times, the director was satisfied. While you stayed behind on set to film more scenes, Harrison returned to his hotel room. Just as he was searching his toiletry bag for some much-needed chapstick, his phone began to ring with a Facetime call. Seeing Harry’s contact photo light up on his screen, he accepted and set his phone aside momentarily. He didn’t need to wonder what Harry (and most likely Tom, Tuwaine and maybe even Sam) were calling about— he had made the dire mistake of telling his easily-excited best friends about today’s scene.
“Why are we looking at your ceiling?” Harry asked almost immediately.
“I’m, uh, looking for lip balm.” Harrison admitted quietly and smiled to himself when he found some. He quickly put it on and then grabbed his phone, heading to his bed where he could comfortably talk to his friends.
As expected, his friends let out an incoherent chorus of excitement. Sam seemed to calm down enough first to ask (more like, shout through the phone), “How was it?”
“Does she really kiss with tongue? Remember Jack used to say-” Tom started, and Harrison scoffed, hearing the name of one of their old classmates who swears he had a summer fling with you once.
“I still don’t believe him, but no, not today at least.” Harrison was honestly a bit embarrassed to admit it. You were in a relationship… with a possibly cheating moron, but still. It just didn’t feel right to talk about you in that way.
“Not today? So there could be another time!” Tuwaine shouted encouragingly.
“Is she still with that prick?” Tom asked.
“Yes, but,” Harrison paused, and they all looked at him expectantly, waiting for elaboration, “I think he might be cheating on her.”
“What makes you say that?” Harry questioned. “Mate, just because you fancy her doesn’t mean her boyfriend’s a cheater.”
“No, I mean I heard him on the phone, and he said he was in Liverpool for business, not for his girlfriend.” He reasoned, “I’m just very suspicious of him.”
“You should tell her if you think he is.” Sam stated, “If he isn’t, then, oh no, you’re on bad terms with her boyfriend, who probably already hates you after today. If he is, well, she’d hate you if she finds out you kept it from her.”
Harrison let out a small sigh as the others nodded. “I don’t know. It’s not my place. Besides, she said something a few weeks about him wanting an open relationship. Maybe it’s that?”
“Okay, look, forget I asked about him.” Tom said, shaking his head, while the others looked at Harrison skeptically through the phone, “How was it to finally have your drama school dreams fulfilled?”
“Fucking heaven.” Harrison admitted with a laugh.
For the next week, Harrison resisted the urge to tell you about Davey. He wanted to, he really did, but whenever he’d finally be alone with you and mentally prepare himself for the conversation, you would always just seem so happy and content. He couldn’t bring himself to disturb your happiness, especially when it was Harrison making you happy. After Davey left, it’s like something changed within you, and Harrison had no clue what it was, but he enjoyed it.
‘You have to tell her.’ Harrison read over his most recent text from Tom again. He let out a small sigh, trying to get the courage to tell you as you sat across from him at the booth.
It was Saturday, and you two, along with Darci, Jojo, and McKell, had made your way to a club, wanting to celebrate another week down. With only two episodes left to film, you all knew your time together was starting to run low. You were all a few drinks in by now, happily buzzed. Jojo and McKell were off somewhere, probably attempting to be each other’s wingmen. Darci was telling you a story so wild that Harrison wondered if it was even true. He finished the rest of his drink and shuffled out of the booth.
“I’m going to grab another drink.” Harrison said to you two, and, without waiting for a response, he left. He made no move to flag down the bartender, leaning against an empty spot in the bar. Pulling on the collar of his blue shirt, he started to feel hot, unsure if he could handle this.
“What happened to getting another drink?” You asked him, stepping up beside him.
“Where’s Darci?” He replied, not wanting to answer your question.
“Found a friend in the crowd.” You laughed and turned to flag down the bartender. You ordered a round of shots, to Harrison’s surprise.
“Are you good?” He asked skeptically.
“Yeah,” You nodded, but with how your eyes were glazed over the alcohol and another unreadable emotion, Harrison didn’t quite believe you. Playfully, you nudged him, “I should ask you the same thing. You’re the one who’s been moping all night for god knows why.”
“I haven’t been moping.” He argued as a tray of four shots was placed in front of you two. You handed one to him and took one for yourself.
“Cheers to another week done.” You clinked your shot glass against his before both of you downed them.
As you went to grab your second shot, Harrison reached a hand and stopped you. Concerned, he asked, “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Davey and I broke up— for good this time.” You admitted, and his hold on your wrist softened while he looked at you pitifully. “He told me when he was here that he went through with his ‘open relationship’ plan, even though I never agreed to it, so he’s been basically cheating on me since I left for this job. Then tonight, he drunkenly texts me, and I know it’s just a booty call. He’s done it for years, but now I actually see it for what it is. So now, my shitty boyfriend is gone, I’m finally single, and my only plans for tonight is to get properly drunk. Maybe even hookup with a stranger— god knows it’s been a while since I had decent sex.” Harrison was speechless, and you continued, a smile finding its way to your face at the end of your venting. “Dance with me after this shot?”
“Do I have a choice?” He asked playfully, feeling your mood lighten once more. You winked at him, handing him a full shot glass. He made a mental note to keep a close eye on you and to keep you from drinking anymore.
After you both drank back the burning liquid, you grabbed his hand and pulled him out to the dancefloor. Harrison had felt the alcohol that was flooding his system earlier, but the colored lights, pounding music, and countless bodies around him seemed to make the alcohol hit him harder. There was a weight off his shoulders, knowing you were actually single as you danced with him, and yet he still felt strange about his current state with you— were you truly into him or was he just the first guy you could drunkenly hook up with?
You turned to face him, a small frown on your face, “Haz, you’re being a bit of a killjoy.”
It was then that he realized, while you were fully grinding on his body, he was relatively motionless. Your hands found his, and you planted one on your hip and another on the small of your back, low enough though that it teetered being on your ass. You leaned in closer to him, letting him get a whiff of your perfume. While one of your hands trailed along the hem of his shirt, daring to even dip below his shirt, the other traced through his hair.
As you planted a kiss on Harrison’s neck, not caring at all for the dancing bodies around you, you heard him let out a strangled groan of your name. Your nails light scratched over the deep V in his hips, hooking onto where his jeans met the line.
“Should we get out of here?” You asked Harrison, your lips right next to his ear as your voice dripped with seduction. He felt his heart flip with intoxicating excitement before he was immediately reminded of the gravity of the situation. You went to kiss him, but he moved back quickly, stepping out of your reach. Pouting, you asked, “Do you not want me? After all this time?”
“No, I do.” Harrison insisted. “I want you, but not like this, not when you’re drunk. You’re not in the right headspace for this. I don’t want to be your drunken rebound.”
“How can you be a rebound when it’s always been you?”
Harrison sighed. Oh, how much he’d love to hear that from you— sober. He was saved from having to reply when Darci, McKell, and Jojo found you two. They looked at the two of you skeptically, but Harrison just shook his head.
“I’m going to take Y/N back to the hotel.” He said as he stepped closer to the group so that they could hear him over the music.
“We’ll come, too.” Jojo insisted, even though, with his words slurred and his eyes glazed over, he was thoroughly drunk, too.
“Where did Y/N go?” McKell asked, realizing your sudden absence.
“Oh god,” Harrison muttered, and the four of them dispersed in the crowd to find you, tripping over the other sweaty bodies. Darci found you first, unable to stop you from having a couple more shots.
“No, no, you’re done.” She argued with you. You reached for the last shot that she had taken from you, but, in your intoxicated state, you easily lost your balance. Harrison quickly wrapped an arm around your waist to hold you up.
“I don’t think she can walk.” Jojo commented.
“What gave that away?” McKell asked sarcastically.
“Come on, let’s get you home.” With a small sigh, Harrison, as the most sober of the group (though he still felt fairly tipsy), proceeded to lead you out of the club.
Darci hailed a cab for the five of you, and while it was an illegally tight fit, you all made it work. You leaned on Harrison as he was pressed right up against you. On your other side sat Jojo. You mumbled softly to Harrison, one of your hands falling onto his knee, “Do you remember that year when they put up mistletoe at school?”
“Where are you going with this?” He asked you softly.
“I saw you kiss Vivian at the one outside of the gym, and I couldn’t walk in that area for three months without thinking of you. I was so jealous of her, and you just looked like such a good kisser, which I’m happy to report you are.”
“Babes, maybe stop with the drunk talking.” Darci said, because all of you could tell this was stuff sober you would never say.
Harrison looked at you in surprise— he barely even remembered when Vivian dragged him under the mistletoe, so the fact that you remembered and were jealous? And you said he was a good kisser, too. He felt a glimmer of pride overcome him.
“Ask me tomorrow, it’s the truth.” You shuffled in your seat, laying your head against Jojo’s shoulder, “Jojo, wanna know a secret?”
“Y/N, maybe-” Darci started, but Jojo cut her off.
“No, go on, Y/N.” He laughed, wanting to hear your drunk thoughts.
“Do you think I’d make a good Catwoman?” You asked, words slurring together as you grew tired.
“Catwoman? Like Anne Hathaway?” He questioned, and you hummed a ‘yes’. “Yeah, you’d make a good Catwoman.”
“Good. Tell Haz he needs to my Batman then.” Your voice was quiet, as if it was something just meant for the two of you to hear, but your voice wasn’t nearly as soft as you had thought it was, meaning Harrison and the rest of your friends were truly aware of your little drunken secret
“Okay, I’ll tell him.” Jojo reassured you, a shit-eating grin on his face as he glanced over your head to look at the embarrassed Harrison.
The rest of the car ride was silent, and Harrison helped you out of your seat. With the help of the others, he got you safely inside your hotel room. Everyone retreated to their own rooms, except for Harrison who stayed with you. He laid you down on your bed and went searching for your pajamas, which to his luck were stowed underneath your pillow.
“Can you change or—?” Harrison asked, holding out the clothes to you
“I’ve got it, though I wouldn’t mind you helping.” You said with a wink. As you started to change out of your club clothes, Harrison turned away from you and focused on getting out some much-needed pain reliever and a glass of water for you to have in the morning. He heard you shuffle on the bed behind him before you let out a small huff, “Hazzy, can you come here?”
Hazzy— that was a new nickname. To his surprise, you were already tucked up in bed, your previously worn clothes scattered on the floor around you. He set the water and meds on your nightstand before kneeling to your level, “What’s wrong, love?”
“Do you know why Davey wasn’t my first love?” You asked quietly, your eyes beginning to droop with sleep. You reached a hand out to tentatively run your fingers over his cheek before you cupped it, smiling softly at him.
He had a hunch, but he played along anyway, wanting to hear you say it, in case he never heard it again. “Why?”
“Because you were.” Your voice was so quiet that he barely heard you, but he was so glad that he did. He leaned forward and pressed a chaste kiss to your forehead, and you let your hand fall from his face.
“Get some sleep. We can talk in the morning.”
“Can you stay tonight? Please?”
“Of course, love.” Harrison stood to his full height, and when he looked at you again, you were already asleep. He softly readjusted the blankets on your bed to make sure you were warm enough, before he made his way over to the couch. Grabbing a throw blanket off the back of the couch, he settled into his bed for the night. Just like every other night lately, he drifted off thinking of you, but this time, there was an excited flutter in his heart.
The next day, Harrison woke up to you letting out a groan, loudly asking, “Why the fuck is it so bright in here?”
He slowly sat up from the couch to check on you. A smile crossed his face as you took the pain meds he’d left out and downed the glass of water. Your eyes seemed to bulge out of your head when you noticed his presence in the room. Laughing, he greeted you, “Good morning, sunshine.”
“Please tell me you miraculously don’t remember anything I said last night because I remember, and I don’t want to.” You said, pulling your knees up to your chest.
“Sorry to disappoint then.” He sent you a sympathetic smile.
With a sigh, you patted the spot beside you on your bed. Wordlessly, Harrison got up from the couch and came to sit beside you on the bed. He expected you to say something, but when you were silent, seemingly caught up in your thoughts, he spoke up, “Did you mean it? When you said I was your first love?”
“Yes.” There was no hesitation in your reply, and you turned to finally meet his eye, “It was a very intense schoolgirl crush, hence why I hated Vivian after that mistletoe incident, but seeing you again just made me realize that it was more than just a crush. I’ve regretted saying no to you all those years ago ever since you came back into my life.”
“Well, I thought I was over my crush on you, but turns out, there are just some things time can’t change.”
A comfortable silence overfell you two again before you finally spoke up with the words that had been on your mind for weeks, “I think I’m in love with you.”
“I think I’m in love with you, too.” Harrison sealed his words by leaning in to kiss you.
With no script to follow now, he felt fireworks as you kissed him back. One of your hands drifted to the back of his neck, silently urging him to continue kissing you. His hands snaked around your waist before he shifted to lay on his back, rolling you on top of him. You deepened the kiss, your tongue finding its way into his mouth. He moaned at first, fully enjoying himself, before his lips curved into a smile, and he started to laugh against your lips.
“What’s so funny?” You asked, pulling away from his lips. His hands wandered from your hips up to where your own hands were resting on his chest, and he casually intertwined your fingers.
“It’s nothing.” He said in an attempt to play it off, but the smile on his face told you that whatever he was thinking was hilarious to him. “You remember Jack Evans? He told everyone that you were the best french kisser in school, and, well, he’s not wrong.”
You let out a scoff before giggling to yourself, “First of all, how many girls have you french kissed from drama school and should I be jealous? Second of all, Jack was an ass who couldn’t kiss for shit, but I’ll take it as a compliment that he told everyone that.” You leaned down until your lips were just barely touching, “And thirdly, do you want to keep talking about drama school, or do you want me to keep kissing you?”
“You don’t need to be jealous, but I kinda like that you are.” He replied with a cheeky smile. “And you’re right. He was an ass.”
“And for the last one?” You asked, raising your eyebrows at him.
Harrison pretended to think about it for a second before he let go of your hand to cup your cheek, bringing your lips crashing back down to his.
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