#raylas theme is so pretty
raylasrightbraid · 2 months
hey guys i noticed something a few weeks ago and i just feel the need to share it bc as a music nerd, it HITS 😭
so everybody knows the melody that plays during the rayllum moment in s3 on the big antler, (yk “because shes rayla”) and most people see it as “rayllum’s theme” and while it kinda is?? it also isnt 🧐
technically, its only rayla’s theme. i mean, theres a reason why you hear the full thing during “silvergrove” because its hers!!
in season 1, you can hear it when rayla let Marcos live in ep 1, and you can briefly hear it when she goes sit down on that cliff to try to cut her ribbon off. (theres more but its what i remember)
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AND callum has his own theme too!! you can hear it when he hugs harrow for the last time in s1, and of course when he saves rayla from falling in s3 (again, theres probably more but those are the ones i remember)
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sometimes both melodies play when either rayla or callum does something that impacts their character, like rayla letting marcos go, or callum getting his wings. its a melody that resembles them truly for what they are
in “because shes rayla”, it’s rayla’s theme playing because callum is describing rayla on who she is, on why she saved nyx despite the fact she betrayed them and stole zym, and its because shes rayla
and season 3 isnt the last you hear of both themes
in ep 1 of s4, when callum is outside the balcony, HIS theme is playing, but when he looks up to the moon thinking of rayla, it switches and its HER theme that plays!! very sadly and minor i might add (and that whole scene is what made me notice in the first place…. and cry too 😢)
plus you can also hear her theme play when she comes back!!
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basically what im trying to get at here, is that frederik is a muscial genius who isnt appreciated enough of his hard work 🫡
honestly one of my speculations for s6 is that when (or if 😰) rayllum reconciled fully ( as in back to their canon ways ) we get to hear a mix of both melodies playing as a musical way of saying that they really are, stronger together 🤗 and i really hope that happens because both of their songs are SO beautiful and impactful and it what makes this show so so magical 🥹
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raayllum · 17 days
me reading a post i made like 3 days before S6 came out and quaking because
Sometimes I think about the gap between the thematic perception of a theme/character versus how they themselves perceive the same thing. I think about it in regards to Rayllum a lot. For example, in their actual relationship, they’re pretty healthy. However, thematically — identity wise — they are codependent to a super intense degree, wrapped up and incredibly dependent on the other person’s construction of their sense of self
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Callum doesn’t see his relationship with Rayla as anything negative, ultimately; she’s loving and brave and she saves people, she saved him, and he saves her right back. He’d do anything not to lose her, because that’s the Right Thing to do to him, even if it’s not automatically ��the right thing’ for the rest of the world’s safety.
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We also know that Rayla fundamentally doesn’t see anything wrong with Callum, either. “It doesn’t matter” that he did dark magic before (2x07) and it likely won’t ultimately matter to her again. She has so much faith and trust in him and his ability to do the impossible that the idea of Aaravos possessing him again in an awful way is downright hard for her to fathom. 
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Book 6, Episode 3: The Frozen Ship Analysis/Commentary
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Pretty atmospheric scene. And is that...whale sounds...? Yup, there a whale sounds all throughout this scene in the background. Fits pretty well, actually.
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The Shadowpaw only breaks the ice after Callum takes Sneezles.
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"Sup, i came here so that when i faint it will be your responsibili..." thud
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"'Rayllum.' Seems like a nice name for a ship."
"I mean look at it. This ship is going nowhere!" Just wait a few episodes broski. By the end, Rayllum shippers are the only ones not sobbing like they lost their unicorn daughter.
Okay okay I'll stop with the jokes about this scene. We all get the gist.
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Where the hell he get the sponge lol? If he got a wild one we would have to like sterilize it and stuff. And he wouldn't wanna harm it. Maybe they just brought it though.
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Then we got Rayla crying over a romance novel. Seriously though, I think she relates to Skall. Like, after the two years she was gone, she felt that it was for nothing and she really just needed to be with Callum. And then...
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Condrad, if you were here-
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Yet another example of how the animators and stuff played with lighting more this season. I can't stop talking about this. They've really improved.
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"K I L L M E ."
viren in episode 8 be like--
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Okay, there is no way Damian's respiratory disease wasn't related to Soren's. Maybe it was a virus spreading throughout Katolis. Buuut he said he had been living with it his whole life, and if Soren caught it you would think Callum would too. Maybe he did and he just recovered? Or maybe certain people are more susceptible to it. OOOOOR it's genetic and Soren and Callum are actually distant cousins. Okay, okay, I'll stop.
Anyway, I find it so funny how loudly Callum is shivering. Bro is trying to guilting her into sharing the blankie without having to ask lmfao. It literally comes off like that though--
Also, the scene where they almost kiss but Callum stops because he has to reveal something totally reminds me of a certain Claudium scene from season 2. Okay, enough Rayllum fluff, time for the pain. And the addiction allegories. Hear me out.
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"I did cocaine again."
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I mean, look at this. She even uses the word "quit." DARK MAGIC = DRUGS BASICALLY. Is it just me??? WHY ARENT PEOPLE TALKING ABOUT THIS??? IT'S SO GOOOOOOD. The animation too btw, like DAYUM.
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Imagine the pearl breaks and aaravos gets out and is like "bro why are my toes on fire" shbfhdghjjkhh
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This combined with Rayla's theme playing in the background...am i a Rayllum shipper now?
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Finally, we're back to Viren and his deluded selfishness. He claims not to plead for mercy, and yet, he rambles on about how he is better than he was before. Cool shot though.
That's about it for this one. More packed than episode 2, though.
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calissarowan · 1 month
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After I did Rayla, I couldn’t resist. Her new hair is just so pretty, and it looks so good in Enchantix! I’m so happy with this design! I made her Enchantix darker, because (and season six spoilers) her Enchantix moment would be when she performed the Infantis Sanguine spell to save her father. She didn’t sacrifice her life, but we all saw what she looked like afterwards. She sacrificed a big part of herself for her father, which is what you have to do for Enchantix. Actually, this is only half Enchantix. I have a personally-headcannoed fairy form called Asperix, which is basically Enchantix, but the evil version. It’s earned by betraying someone from your home world in cold blood, with no regrets. Claudia partially earned Enchantix sacrificing her soul for her father, and partially earned Asperix when she killed Sur Spraklepuff. So she has both at the same time. The Enchantix aspects are obvious, but the Asperix aspects are the dark gloves, the sharp border on the gloves, the heels on the sandals, and the dark colours. I went with purple and grey for Claudia, since purple is her colour, and also because I didn’t want to put any black or white on the outfit. Claudia is shades of grey; nothing about her is black and white. And her left sandal is an adaptation of her prosthetic! I included the leg to an extent, but it’s all ethereal. I guess magic could fix it, but I wanted her to keep that element. Her super awesome boyfriend that is my new favourite character (how could he not be?) made her that leg, and it had to get translated into her fairy form. Also, I love her wings. They’re so beautiful. But they’re darker than you think…someone please, please pick up on it! I’m really proud of this, so I’m hoping someone gets it. And she’s got so much star detailing because of Aaravos. She has an Aaravos theme. Because why not?
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stillness138 · 7 months
for the character ask game: Vernon Roche
i gotta think about this! thank you
first impression: i actually remember this pretty well because witcher 2 was my first exposure to the franchise. i think i felt pretty much what i was supposed to feel though; "this guy imprisoned me but seems more sensible than the goons he employs". i liked his matter-of-fact but clearly proud and protective attitude towards Ves and his putting the key on the table and walking away like 'surely Geralt will manage'.
impression now: i still like him! surprisingly, cdpr writes original characters with really commendable nuance. of course, if Iorveth is to be believed word for word, Roche is responsible for carrying out hate crimes (he doesn't deny the accusations Iorveth makes, so i think that's just fact), and yet he shows time and time again that he really is more sensible than most. compare him to Rayla - also a special forces leader - and see the difference. Roche lacks the outright bloodthirst or really even the prejudice; it seems to me that he does his job and obeys Foltest without objection because he sees it as doing something worthwhile with his life, considering how he grew up. he and Iorveth contrast and parallel each other in fascinating ways.
favorite thing about him: his relationship towards Ves, because he clearly values her as an employee and as a person. his relative level-headedness. and the unpacked daddy issues that are most definitely there even if he won't talk about it. that part of him is sadly the most relatable to me. i also enjoy his humor, whether intentional or not. "emhyr var emreis, spice merchant" bursting into the elven baths while Triss is trying her hardest to seduce Geralt, fucking comedy gold.
least favorite thing about him: apart from the hate crimes? i think most of my issues that relate to him are metatextual - because the entire political landscape and plotline of witcher 3 sucks ass. maybe he could've held back the cops that beat Geralt though ngl.
favorite line/scene: "And we did. For three days. Then they smashed us into splinters." again, as much as i dislike the politics in witcher 3, this bit stands out to me. maybe also because it's punctuated by a reprise of the second game's main theme, in 3's instrumentation and a much more somber mood. good scene. that and the funny bits. "Some professional you are..."
favorite interaction he has with another character: it should be mainly credited to Letho's absolutely hilarious one-liner, but their little reunion at Kaer Morhen always gets a chuckle out of me. the entire interrogation at the beginning of witcher 2 is up there too.
a character that i wish he would interact with more: in the second game, elves in general. he mostly proves he's not completely shit-headed in context, but it would've been interesting to see him have a conversation with someone like Cedric. third game should've had Iorveth, we all know that.
another character from another fandom that reminds me of him: i know 5 things, but if i had to make a comparison... general Tullius from Skyrim? both are very capable and dedicated servants of a government despite its obvious failures and both show a noticeable sensibility or even calm you perhaps wouldn't expect. both have a badass lady as their right-hand person, too.
a headcanon about him: he hates the smell of cheap alcohol. childhood reminder. i also think he has a notable appreciation for architecture. can't remember if he actually comments on Loc Muinne in any way but somehow it feels like a thing he'd do. and i think it's pretty much canon that his hair color is towards light brown? or have i been living with fanon for far too long. either way, yeah, dirty blonde or warm light brown, super short on the sides.
a song that reminds of him: Shadowplay by Joy Division, in a way. first verse about beginning to serve Foltest, second verse about Foltest's and Temeria's fall. "but i could only stare in disbelief as the crowds all left" versus "and we did, for three days, then they smashed us into splinters".
an unpopular opinion about him: i famously dislike shipping him with Iorveth and i'm actually yet to see a good Roche ship. but the real hot take is that he doesn't need one. did i just say aroace Vernon Roche? maybe.
favorite picture: i'm sorry, but it's gotta be this one. on a more serious note, i always liked this piece of fanart a lot too. he gets to be cool.
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theredhairedmonkey · 1 year
If Callum frees Aaravos it’d have to be for a very good reason, or because he’s possessed. I’ve seen some claim his breaking the primal stone is foreshadowing him freeing Aaravos cause the prison looks sorta like a primal stone. I dunno about that though. Maybe? But it’s also possible it means nothing. But I mean people are also convinced Callum is going to stab Ezran because he made little stabby motions at him in season 5 when talking about killing Aaravos. People will take the smallest things and be like “foreshadowing”
I mean, I don’t know what the writers think, but I’m pretty sure they weren’t play six dimensional chess in having Callum break a primal stone be foreshadowing for a season they hadn’t even written for the sake of a character he wasn’t even originally supposed to fall in love with. What really harms this theory is that the writers have repeatedly stated they want to let their characters grow organically (hence why Ezran returns home in s2). So if that’s the case, they can’t possibly foreshadow Callum’s actions five seasons in advance.
On top of that, and this the more important bit for any budding writers listening to my ranting—symbolism is not foreshadowing, motifs are not foreshadowing. Symbols, motifs, and themes all service the plot, not the other way around. Which is why, as you said, it could very well mean nothing.
I’m sure Callum will be possessed next season, and this will either play into Aaravos’ release or in Callum failing to stop Aaravos from being released. But this isn’t enough for some people who want to see him debase himself and everything he stands for, for Rayla’s sake. Hence why they’re constantly on the lookout for the tiniest symbol or “foreshadowing” that Callum will suddenly become mega-Viren with wings.
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tadbitsketch · 2 months
Just finished The Dragon Prince season 6 😭😭😭😭
uhhh spoilers ahead
super major spoilers
here's my incredibly unorganized thoughts on the whole ordeal
OH BOY 😭😭😭😭😭😭
the EMPHASIS on the love between a father and daughter hit hard bc i was reminded a lot of my dad (in good ways, he's awesome)
claudia and jinx (arcane) have some fun parallels
loved the baitlings, they're such precious lil goobers
and stella being our fandom rep, we love u lil cuddly monkey creature
i actually cried when viren died, for the record
dude the voice acting this season was phenomenal, way to make me cry guys 👍
janaya (that's their ship name right) wedding was awesome
runaan and ethari reunion s7 🤞🤞🤞
rayla seeing her parents again 😭❤
dude i am an avid viren hater but this season made me hurt for him
yayyyy sol regem died
the celestial elves were so cool dude
the whole timeblind concept is so aaaaaaa
i love it
i wish i had that ability
"clarity, light, purpose"
i want those 3 words on like a shirt or something bc that is awesome
the backgrounds and establishing shots were so pretty
the frozen ship was an awesome episode
honestly the amount of depth we got on everyone and everything was just. yes.
this was a masterpiece, and it surpassed all of my expectations. there's some incredible themes in this season. the wait was so very worth it. 10/10
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d--dandelions · 1 year
wip check in time!! 🥳 thanks for the tag @chaos-monkeyy 💛 i haven't done one of these in a long time so i think i'm gonna go the route of sharing a handful of Things that i've actively been working on recently, most of which i don't think i've actually brought up... at all, ever 😂🙈 (and maybe this will force me to hold myself accountable and actually finish them 🙈) it's all witcher or witcher adjacent at the moment
practice makes perfect: actually a missing scene (or a few) from my big axii omo fic, i mentioned jaskier immediately wetting himself the first time they experimented with rapid desperation and this is. that time.
reluctant kink discovery: the immediate sequel to afternoon showers, wherein jaskier handles discovering he has a piss kink with the appropriate blend of despair and horniness XD mostly just Shenanigans
assisted watersports: vaguely based on a prompt i got ages ago, where jaskier is cursed to not be able to pee without geralt's help and kink discovery happens about it
radskier free use thing: actually an idea that hit me completely out of nowhere and then wouldn't leave me alone 🙈 it's all very porn logic but it's basically established radskier in a setting where jaskier occasionally gets brought out and fucked by anyone in radovid's court who feels like it (jaskier and i are both having fun with this one 🙈)
geraskier firewatch au: this is less a crossover and more of a fusion and less a fusion than me just blatantly stealing the setting and aesthetic of the game firewatch while ignoring pretty much all of the Plot and Themes XD 🙈 basically, geralt flees to the untamed wilderness of 1980s wyoming and he and jaskier talk via radio over the summer. it's an idea i've been picking at for ages now
thronebreaker stuff: all from the (lesser known and highly underrated) witcher game thronebreaker, i have a few vague concepts that can best be summed up as "meve/reynard/gascon threesome" "meve/rayla hatesex" and "meve/rayla public humilaition watersprots fic"
...and i think that's all the ones i've actually opened and worked on recently 🙈
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dragon prince rp request!
My rps are dead and my mind is awake.
Looking for Rayllum, I can play either but I prefer Rayla.
As for plot, I usually go for epiloguey-type rps, where we pick up at some point in the series and then write our own plot from there. I'd also be pretty interested in aus, as long as they fit within my two rules regarding plot:
I only rp in-universe
I will not rp things as they happened in the series. We have to change it somehow, even if it's just fleshing it out.
I have a few ideas, but open to hear any you do as well. I only have a couple requests of you as well
please be literate! I prefer third person literate, not as picky on length but may ask you to write more if I want more to work with
you have to be okay with dark themes. I get that it's a kids show, but there's so much potential here and rp is my main outlet for exploring it
I'm a (legal) adult, and while I don't require that you be, you have to be okay with my age
I'm happy to rp on here or on discord, dm me if you're interested :)
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watchmakermori · 2 years
yeah season 4 of the dragon prince is not getting better is it.
the pacing is so sluggish. i’m 6 episodes in and it still feels like the season is setting shit up rather than gearing up for an actual finale. this show has never been mega funny but the jokes feel particularly juvenile this season. rayla isn’t acting like herself and they haven’t explained why she left, so it just feels random and forced. the storyline with the sunfire elves is totally disconnected from everything else, and the friction between the humans and the elves feels inorganic when you consider that they’ve been living amongst one another for two years. it could be interesting, but it’s cumbersomely handled.
season 3 left off in a really exciting place and I thought that aaravos would actually be the proper antagonist of season 4, but he’s still in his prison. I don’t think anything is to be gained by them dragging it out like this. I’m also not super happy about the reveal that aaravos has basically been the mastermind behind every conflict in history, because it really undermines the complexity of the show. it’s always been pretty effective at showing how well-meaning people can do bad things, and how nobody is ever entirely good or bad. turning aaravos into a puppetmaster villain goes against all those themes
i’ll finish the seaon but I am very disappointed with what i’ve seen so far. the dragon prince has always been a ‘good not great’ show, with the potential to become something very special. but it’s not fulfilling that potential here 
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raylasrightbraid · 2 months
if you dont know what im talking about click here
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raayllum · 2 months
Sometimes I think about the gap between the thematic perception of a theme/character versus how they themselves perceive the same thing. There's not too many gaps routinely like this in TDP except for antagonists — Karim comes to mind most notably, in how he earnestly believes he's doing the right thing with no pretense while becoming increasingly hypocritical — nor are all these gaps negative, per se.
But I think about it in regards to Rayllum a lot.
For example, in their actual relationship, they're pretty healthy. Rayla in particular has struggled with open and honest communication, but they're getting there, and we see that Callum has given her an unconditional, rather than an ultimatum base, upon which for her and both of them to build upon. They can teach really good lessons about taking time for yourself so you don't yell at your partner, that you have to work on yourself and a relationship won't fix your problems, that approaching things together is good and that you should support one another, etc etc.
However, thematically — identity wise — they are codependent to a super intense degree, wrapped up and incredibly dependent on the other person's construction of their sense of self (Rayla struggling to be a good person when she's reeling in the S4 fallout, because what does she have to show for it? Callum trying in 4x07 to push them both into their worst roles if the worst comes for him). And this codependency as well as intense desire to protect one another can cause them to make dangerous or self destructive choices in the name of love (or both), like Rayla leaving to protect him and luring Sol Regem away, or Callum doing dark magic and jumping off the Pinnacle.
Thereby, playing with this push and pull, how they exist and perceive themselves vs how they exist in the narrative (and may be seen as other characters) is well, a lot of fun.
This is also true for the "Rayla as Callum's method of destruction and salvation" theme that's been running through every season of the show, with Rayla being the lynchpin to burn down his old life / understandings of self and trust, and usher in new ones.
Callum doesn't see his relationship with Rayla as anything negative, ultimately; she's loving and brave and she saves people, she saved him, and he saves her right back. He'd do anything not to lose her, because that's the Right Thing to do to him, even if it's not automatically 'the right thing' for the rest of the world's safety.
But we know, thanks to their pattern (1x03, 1x04, 2x07, 3x09, general S4, 4x07, general S5, 5x04, 5x08) that it's something that can and has routinely gotten him into trouble in the past, particularly in S2 and S5.
We also know that Rayla fundamentally doesn't see anything wrong with Callum, either. "It doesn't matter" that he did dark magic before (2x07) and it likely won't ultimately matter to her again. She has so much faith and trust in him and his ability to do the impossible that the idea of Aaravos possessing him again in an awful way is downright hard for her to fathom. To her / in her mind, Callum is sweet and nice (even on the rare instances he yells at her), caring and loving and compassionate. And he is all those things, but even when one another's worst traits come out, both have a tendency to forgive and accept.
Now, part of this is because they have a mutual basis, for lack of a better word, of lines the other would never cross that are all conveniently the lines the other could never forgive (Rayla putting Ez at risk on a whim, Callum killing Stella for dark magic ingredients) which just perpetuates this cycle of support, forgiveness, and unconditionality.
Because unconditional love is great — until it's not.
And I think this blend of "they are actively healthy and actively working on being healthier" mixed with the "oh God quarantine them and their codependent shit together elsewhere for the good of society" is why they 1) have the range that they do and 2) the subsequent appeal that they do.
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aquanutart · 3 years
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Picking moonberries. They grow on the same bush as toxic death berries, which look identical; the only difference is that moonberries glow in the light of the moon.
I know the juice is red, but I always imagined the glowing moonberries to look like small moons.
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blutopaz15 · 4 years
ahahahhah gonna get kicked in the butt by real life tomorrow, CAN’T wait!!!!!
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nautiscarader · 2 years
For something themed around Mother’s Day, could we have something featuring Rayllum?
Picture this; during a fancy party in Katolis a horny pregnant Rayla convinces Callum to slip away with her (to a balcony or a garden or something) and tells him to fill her up like he did the night he made her pregnant, this time in the flowing fancy dress she is wearing (the kind with the high slit up the leg), in the process revealing she went without undergarments.
Eager to please Callum does so. But rather then return to the party once done both simply abscond to their chambers as socializing at a fancy party is difficult when you have to mind the cum dripping down ones leg.
What do you think?
I think someone has found a very efficient way to bribe me.
Rayla had to admit, she was feeling less and less comfortable by the minute, feeling dozens pairs of eyes on her as she walked through the ballroom of the Katolis Palace. Palaces weren't her thing, neither was the elegant, but utterly impractical long dress she was wearing, and while has used to being called "Lady Rayla" ever since she and Callum started working as ambassadors between humans and elves, but for the past five months she has attracted so much attention when the two have discovered that their races are in fact compatible, and her belly started to grow with Callum's daughter.
She needed air, both literally and figuratively, as she dashed through the whole room, to the adjacent one, and then onto the balcony.
"Rayla?", she heard her boyfriend's voice behind her "Something wrong?"
"Ah...Ah just needed a moment to breathe", she answered, "Like, maybe a whole month or so"
At once he was with her, his arms coiled around her body, his lips on her, as the two embraced each other.
"Lift mah leg"
'Lift. Mah. Leg", she repeated, showing the cut in her dress. Callum swallowed, knowing that while the room was empty, the party was also taking place in the garden underneath them, and the Moon wasn't exactly hiding them-
Oh, it was the full Moon, he realised. His girlfriend has been getting hornier with each minute it was on the sky...
He slipped his hand to her ass, getting a satisfying, low moan, only to be interrupted by his sudden discovery.
"Ray- Rayla, where are your...."
"Pantuies? Dropped them laike, two rooms ago", she smiled, bringing even more consternation to his face "But you kno' they wouldn't fit me anymo',. you have made sure of that...:"
Her lifted legs gently coiled behind his back as Rayla;s skilled hands dealt with complicated layers of royal clothing, despite nagging interruptions from him.
"R-Rayla", Callum asked with trembling voice, "What-what do you-"
"Ah want you to feel me up, Callum", she answered at once, locking her eyes with him "Like six full moons ago when you bred me"
Her less-than-gentle nudge prompted him to slip himself inside her in this awkward position, receiving a pleasant growl from her.
"Re-remember that night, mah prince? You gave me so much of yer royal seed that ah looked pretty much like Ah do now..."
"R-Rayla!", Callum muttered, "D-Don't..."
"You don't want me to remind ya of that night?" her lips curled into a sly smile, "Like what you have cried in the middle of a' passion?"
"R-Rayla!", Callum cried, unable to stop his hips from buckling into her heated sex.
"Say it. Say it again..."
"Give me a child, Rayla!", the young prince cried out as he came inside her, feeling her legs tremble with her much more subdued orgasm that nonetheless seemed to have satisfied her.
"Ah shall do it, mah prince..:", she answered and gave him a kiss.
But as he slipped out of her, another problem have arrived in form of thick stream of creamy whitness pouring from her used pussy, truly reminding Callum of the fateful night from half a year ago. Except now, Rayla wasn't staining their sheets with his seed, she was painting the floor with it, as she moved towards the door.
:R-Rayla?", he huffed, closing the balcony door, "W-Where are you-"
"A; chambers, of course", she replied, "You told me to give you another child, so we better start working on you putting another one inside me".
She gave him a wink.
"Maybe then Ah won't be able to fit into any clothes at all.."
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ask-runaan-anything · 3 years
Katy Perry, what do you think of her? I’m a personal fan of “Firework” and “I Kissed a Girl”, but I’m wondering what you think .🤔 (yes I mean 🤔 in a lesbian way)
...Little shadow... if you're asking me what I think of Katy Perry in a lesbian way, I... have some unfortunate news...
Fireworks draw a lot of attention - something I deliberately avoid doing - and I have never kissed a girl in my life aside from secret little smooches on baby Rayla's head, shhh so I can only relate to the pretty tunes of these songs. "Firework" is particularly dramatic, though - a fitting theme.
If only there were a lesbian queen of all things fiery that could address this concern for you, I feel you'd be in much better hands than my own.
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