#ray holman
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always and forever thinking about this picture (thirteenth doctor costume inspiration)
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What Did Jodie Whittaker and Mandip Gill Take from the TARDIS Set?
What Did Jodie Whittaker and Mandip Gill Take from the #DoctorWho TARDIS Set?
Now that Jodie Whittaker’s time in the TARDIS has come to an end, it turns out that she continued something of a tradition among outgoing Doctors of taking home mementoes of the role. At the post-screening Q&A for The Power of the Doctor, in London in October, Whittaker disclosed that, like David Tennant and Matt Smith, she kept her sonic screwdriver. “I’ve got my costume. Ray (Holman), the…
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denimbex1986 · 11 months
'... Doctor Who remains one of the biggest TV shows in the world. First broadcast in 1963, the hit BBC series has always centred around The Doctor, a Time Lord and eccentric scientist, who travels through time and space in the Tardis (a hi-tech HQ disguised as a 1960s British police box), alongside a human companion, fighting enemies who would seek to destroy them and take over the world...it was Russell T Davies who was responsible for bringing the series back in 2005, and who has been the most influential writer and showrunner ever since.
Doctor Who has also always captured the zeitgeist – and the Time Lord's physical appearance has been central to that. Ray Holman, who created costumes for the Doctors played by Jodie Whittaker and Matt Smith, says the show is "not afraid to tap into fashion or gender – to be really current or totally surprising"...
Three special episodes mark the 60th anniversary, starring David Tennant, the 10th Doctor, returning as the 14th, in his much-loved great coat, and a new tartan-check waistcoat shrink-wrapped to his chest...
4. David Tennant (2005-2010, and also set to appear in 60th anniversary specials)
"Geek chic" is how Scottish actor David Tennant described his Doctor's look – the second in the "Revived" series (from 2005). With his manic energy and wild-eyed stare, Tennant channelled indie-rock star style of the era – think Franz Ferdinand-meets-Kaiser Chiefs, topped off with Jarvis Cocker specs. A defining accessory is his footwear: a pair of scuffed Converse trainers, easily spotted even with the logo removed, which boosted the footwear's sales no end. Louise Page, costume designer for Tennant's Doctor, tells BBC Culture: "The Converse trainers were David's idea; he'd seen chef Jamie Oliver wearing a pair with a suit." His brown-and-blue pinstripe suit was made from Gap trousers, in a fabric David loved: thin cotton, in which it was easy to move. Page was worried the slimline striped suit could make him look like a "long pencil", but she recalls that Russell T Davies responded: "Marvellous!". Tennant requested a long coat, to make him appear more "Doctorish" – probably over-egging it, as this was a role he was virtually born to play: "I grew up loving Doctor Who and it has been a lifelong dream to get my very own Tardis," he told Rolling Stone. There's another link: his actress producer wife, Georgia, is daughter of Peter Davison, the fifth incarnation (1981-1984). No surprise, then, that Tennant has been one of the most popular Doctors, if not the longest serving (that gong goes to Tom Baker)...'
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sigurism · 5 months
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Neil Burstyn & Rex Holman Panic in Year Zero Dir: Ray Milland
for @conradrasputin, with love
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circular-time · 2 years
Uh oh
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simply-ivanka · 3 months
Joe Biden and America’s Out-of-Control Spooks
The president should step aside rather than find out how the deep state would save his candidacy.
Wall Street Journal
By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.
Thursday’s catastrophic debate can be a lifesaver for America. A different kind of 2024 election is still possible, starting with a rollicking contest of impressive Democratic governors for their party’s nomination. The outcome wouldn’t merely result in replacing an invalided Mr. Biden. It would allow Democrats to hire a new standard-bearer who doesn’t need to dig America ever deeper into the pit of lawfare, media lying and intelligence meddling to get himself re-elected.
This is the real issue now.
Not exactly the bipartisan wise person I’ve been hoping for, Bob Bauer will have to do. A former White House counsel under Presidents Obama and Biden, he has a timely new book, “The Unraveling.” Our democracy, he writes, endangers itself with its free fall toward win-at-all-costs cynicism, and the trouble doesn’t begin and end with Donald Trump.
He’s right, and only missing is 75% of his case since he doesn’t mention the collusion hoax or intelligence officials lying about the Hunter Biden laptop to help Mr. Biden get elected, episodes in which his own hands may not be entirely clean.
Now he has a chance to put his money where his mouth is. I see the same descent into reckless, zero-sum politics that he does. So does fund manager Ray Dalio, who told clients this week that the behavior of our parties is “threatening the rule of law as we know it and is bringing us closer to some form of civil war.”
What I don’t see is an underlying cause or dispute, such as slavery in the Civil War, of transcendent magnitude to explain it.
The tainting of our elections itself is what’s driving Americans apart.
This is where Mr. Bauer’s moment has arrived. He played Mr. Trump in Mr. Biden’s debate prep. He’s obviously trusted by the candidate. He could point out a few things about how we got into today’s mess, starting with former FBI Director James Comey’s ill-advised meddling in the Hillary Clinton email case to help another Democratic candidate. Play history backward without Mr. Comey and everything is different now. Mr. Trump likely loses in 2016. The collusion follies never happen, profoundly damaging half of America’s faith in Washington.
Mr. Biden is playing with the same fire all over again. He had every moral and political reason not to seek a second term—his age, Hunter Biden, the intelligence community’s unseemly lying to the American public to secure his first victory over Mr. Trump.
Almost anybody in the Democratic Party was a better bet to beat Donald Trump a second time, and Mr. Biden wasn’t a good bet to beat almost any Republican who might earn the GOP nomination instead of Mr. Trump.
But Mr. Biden insisted on being the candidate anyway, and we got the bubbling up of Trump prosecutions from dutiful Democratic prosecutors around the country. Whatever their merits, the charges had an overridingly political purpose: Return Mr. Trump to center stage and give Mr. Biden the one opponent he might reasonably hope to beat.
The miscalculation is now apparent. Mr. Biden’s own deterioration makes him the opponent even a scandalized and distrusted Mr. Trump could likely beat, possibly in a landslide.
What now? Ours was already in danger of becoming a government of siloviki, to borrow Russia’s word for intelligence operatives actively manipulating domestic politics. This subject our media continues to shy away from though academics are taking it up: the revolutionary and unprecedented activities of Mr. Comey and Obama intelligence veterans James Clapper and John Brennan starting in 2016 and again in 2020 with the laptop lie.
In my view, Mr. Biden is more blundering than calculating in this mess. He foolishly indulged his son over the years, getting himself in a situation in 2020 where his campaign had to be rescued from his family-created scandal by the shockingly disingenuous intervention of intelligence officials falsely fingering Russia for the laptop.
But ask yourself: Having stumbled into a dynamic where they might need a failing Mr. Biden to hold off a Trump restoration, how will our Clapperized elite prevent the outcome they have been telling themselves and us for eight years would be the end of America? Do you want to find out?
The 2024 election is already shaping up to be a deeply souring democratic experience for millions of Americans, the third such presidential election in a row. It can get a lot better or a lot worse depending on what Democrats decide to do, with Mr. Bauer hopefully whispering wisdom in Mr. Biden’s ear.
The next few days will be telling. If Mr. Biden remains in the seat, Mr. Trump may romp to a broad, unambiguous victory and mandate. Then you’ll want to hold your breath on the morning of Nov. 6.
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13thdoctorposts · 6 months
I think it's the Tesla episode which has Yaz in that cool outfit which looks like a skirt but is actually sneaky trousers (terrible description sorry), which is my personal favourite little costuming thing and something that feels so in character for Yaz to wear.
I agree and I can’t believe we didn’t find out till Gally this year!
For anyone who missed it and is interested Ray Holman showed pic of Yazs outfit during his talk at Gally this year. The Pants 👇
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brokehorrorfan · 1 year
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Alien Outlaw will be released on Blu-ray on October 24 via Kino Lorber. Featuring reversible artwork, the 1985 sci-fi western film is spine #2 in the new Kino Cult line.
Phil Smoot (The Dark Power) writes and directs. Lash La Rue, Kari Anderson, Stephen Wineguard, Paul Holman, and Sunset Carson star.
Alien Outlaw has been newly restored in 4K from the original 35mm camera negative. Special features are listed below.
Special features:
Audio commentary by director Phil Smoot
Audio commentary by cast and crew
They Came From the Swamps - Featurette with director Phil Smoot and cast (new)
Interview with editor Sherwood Jones
Archival interview
News Conference
Home Movie
When a UFO crash lands in the Appalachian back country, it releases a squad of interstellar predators, playing The Most Dangerous Game with any Earthlings who cross their path. But these alien outlaws encounter unexpected resistance in the form of a gun-toting blonde (Kari Anderson) and her mentor (Western legend Lash La Rue).
Pre-order Alien Outlaw.
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praxeus-13 · 1 year
1, 8 and 17 for the Doctor Who ask game?
Thank you for the asks anon !!!!!!!
1) what was the first episode you watched/remember ?
Revolution of the Daleks!! Basically I actually watched Torchwood before Doctor Who, and I wasn’t going to watch DW but I wanted more Jack Harkness. RotD has just come out and it was advertised on iPlayer and Jack was there so I watched the episode!! I actually thought Thasmin was canon the whole time watching that ep sksksk. After I watched that i immediately started with season 1 of modern & now it’s my fave show!!
8) favorite outfit of the doctor’s ? why ?
13’s !!! I really love the thought put into the design, there’s a great video on YouTube where Jodie and Ray Holman talk through the different choices that they made and I love it so much. Also it was my first cosplay :)
17) what is your favorite alien species ?
Hmm would it be cliche to say Timelords? I love everything about them tbh, such a fucked up society. Very fun to come up with headcanons and explore deep lore from the EU with them! But if not Time Lords then probably the daemons from The Daemons sksks. They are such funny little creatures >:)
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whoreviewswho · 7 months
Wokeness, Responsibility and if RTD is problematic - The Regeneration Question and Davros with Legs
Is Russell T. Davies a problematic figure? Is he too woke or not aware enough? Is he doing something wrong to illicit negative responses from the progressives as well as the conservatives? Is it something in the programme, something in the marketing or is he doing nothing particularly bad at all? Well, perhaps you and I, faithful reader, can come to some sort of conclusion. Let's find out together as we take a dive into the controversial choices behind RTD2 and the mind of the man behind them.
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At the end of 2022's The Power of the Doctor, Jodie Whittaker's Thirteenth Doctor regenerates into her fourteenth body, the same as her tenth incarnation as played by David Tennant. Taken on face value, the scene is innocuous enough. Just a standard regeneration with the surprise appearance of the most popular (sorry Tom) Doctor Who ever for our next story instead of the expected Ncuti Gatwa.
Except, there was something else unusual - the Doctor's clothes regenerated with her. With the sole exception of the very first regeneration (which can be excused as a relic from before the 'rules' were decided upon), this is without precedent* and was clearly supposed to mean something. After all, Russell thinks. He is a clever man and he would never do something as bold as this without there being a reason.
Well, yes. There was a reason but a lot of fans were dismayed to learn that the reason was not built into the narrative but a consequence of real life. In DWM 584, these comments from Davies were published;
“I was certain that I didn’t want David to appear in Jodie’s costume. I think the notion of men dressing in ‘women’s clothes’, the notion of drag, is very delicate. I’m a huge fan of that culture and the dignity of that, it’s truly a valuable thing. But it has to be done with immense thought and respect. With respect to Jodie and her Doctor, I think it can look like mockery when a straight man wears her clothes. To put a great big six-foot Scotsman into them looks like we’re taking the mickey. Also, I guarantee you it’s the only photograph some of the papers would print for the rest of time. If they can play with gender in a sarcastic or critical way, they will.”
Unsurprisingly, this choice became a not insignificant talking point in the fandom in the weeks following. A particularly articulate thread was posted by tess owen’s #1 fan || (i still love you yaz dw), @_mag_lex, on November 10, 2022 summarised the discussion well when she said;
"I don’t understand how DT wearing 13’s outfit is a mockery of drag, given that it’s deliberately and definitively gender-neutral. Anyone who watches and cares about the show understands that. I also don’t understand the logic of pandering to bigots rather than catering to fans [....] You’re telling me that Doctor Who is now scared to push boundaries. That’s what this says to me. But sci fi is all about pushing boundaries. Opening minds. Why are we limited by things like this? I’m so sad."
The stance from RTD does not seem in and of itself confused. He made the decision to avoid showing a man in clothes designed for a woman based on a potential, and what he saw as a likely, media reaction. The mention of tabloids and newspapers is revealing, of course. He is a boomer. Terminology aside, though, I would agree that depicting a man in women's clothes opens the door to ridicule from the anti-woke crowd in a way that not showing it wouldn't. And, yes, they are women's clothes. With all due respect to everybody who claims otherwise, I don't think the refute that Jodie's costume is designed to be genderless really holds any water. The costume designed by Ray Holman and inspired by Jodie Whittaker's suggestion is not inherently feminine but the shape and cut and final choices were made with her, a cis woman, in mind as the wearer.
Now, what does hold some amount of water is the context of the rest of the episode. Approximately 44 minutes before David Tennant appears in his all new costume, Sacha Dhawan's Master can be seen wearing Whittaker's complete costume and he continues to for several minutes following. It is at this juncture where our second comment from Hagan feels appropriate;
"[In reference to David Tennant wearing Jodie Whittaker's costume] Dude's heart's in the right place but his head's in the fucking clouds half the time." - November 10, 2022
What many have noted, Hagan included, is that RTD inadvertently suggests here that the Master, the villain, being seen in clothes intended for someone other than of his assigned gender is perfectly acceptable but to see our leading hero in this way is something to avoid. Without the full context of the quote, we appear to have RTD shying away from doing something opposed to UK's cultural and societal norms regarding gender rather than being openly proud of the juxtaposition; we have just witnessed a gender transition which is another day in the office for our hero.
Then again, if one never came across RTD's comments in the first place, would there be as much reason to be bothered by the decision at all? Certainly, there is the valid feeling of disappointment that would have come from many fans about never seeing Whittaker's male successor in her clothes but, prior to the statement, I saw less of that online than I did excitement. Most viewers seemed to reasonably assume from the way the scene plays out that the choice to regenerate the clothes would have some bearing on the plot in future events. It stands to reason that the Doctor regenerating their clothes and regaining an old face are related. Well, we know now that they were not, at least not on-screen.
They are related in the real world but, alas, in a very perfunctory way. As I am sure RTD was well aware, the clip of Jodie turning back into David was a very popular moment and even named TV Moment of the Year at the Edinburgh TV Awards. Most significantly, the costume from the previous era was not the one seen all over the media. 
So, knowing that the costume change would not be addressed in his scripts, RTD addressed it himself in what some might call a flagrant display of moral hubris. Again, the sentiment of 'let's not give queerphobes ammunition' is in no way a problematic one but the optics of forever binding that decision to an episode that makes no display at all of the villain dressed in women's clothes are not so great and a little baffling. It is almost as if RTD had no idea what even went on in the story he was picking up from. As others such as Hagan have pointed out, there is also the notable matter of the Master as written by RTD who was last seen wearing women's clothes in multiple instances during The End of Time. While it his unfair to say his choices in 2009 and choices in 2022 directly reflect each other, it still contributes to an awkward feeling and some bad optics. 
RTD refused to give ammunition to queerphobes so he handed the fans a loaded gun and asked them to point it at him. It sounds almost noble but was it truly necessary? He could have said nothing for a much lesser reaction. In that case, nobody would have questioned his equating the art of drag performance with just men in women's clothes. This is the first of several examples in what I am attesting to be 'pre-emptive damage control'; cases of RTD identifying where audiences might have a problem and then going well out of his way to ensure that they don't at the very real risk of drawing attention to problems that may not have even been there in the first place. Or, at least, not in the way that he is envisioning. I am not refuting the suggestion that media outlets would have made jokes out of Tennant in a woman's clothes. That seems like a very real possibility. For RTD, it seems that the potential harm from that outweighed any potential strength that could be gained from depicting it in the first place. Is the best outcome for queer Doctor Who fans the one where the show seems to take no pride in depicting aspects of queer culture or make any attempt to own that choice at all? 
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A similar situation occurred a little over twelve months later with the premiere of, of all things, a Children in Need sketch. On November 17 2024, Destination: Skaro was broadcast in the UK and, eight days out from RTD2 kicking off proper, it was audience's first glimpse into what might be in store with David Tennant's Fourteenth Doctor and perhaps the general flavour of the era. At time of writing, the latter seems a little too soon to say though the nature of the short obviously lends it to being more comedic than a typic Who episode. Something that did become clear though was that the outspoken, socially-conscious thinking that informed the previous year's regeneration scene showed no signs of disappearing. 
Destination: Skaro surprised fans with the unexpected return of Julian Bleach in the role of Davros. The scene took place on the titular planet during the early stages of Dalek development and saw the Doctor accidentally influence the Daleks' design. The short was immediately notable for depicting Davros as fully-abled, not wheelchair bound or in any way disfigured. Prior to any statement from RTD regarding the choice, fans like myself appeared to conclude that this scene must be intended to take place prior to all of Davros' other appearances. Hs debut, Genesis of the Daleks, makes it clear that his chair is a life-support system and the Daleks seen there are all fully designed. So this is a prequel to the 1975 story. Easy enough to accept. But, then, RTD said this in an episode of Doctor Who Unleashed:
"We had long conversations about bringing Davros back, because he's a fantastic character, [but] time and society and culture and taste has moved on. And there's a problem with the Davros of old in that he's a wheelchair user, who is evil. And I had problems with that. And a lot of us on the production team had problems with that, of associating disability with evil. And trust me, there's a very long tradition of this... I say, this is how we see Davros now, this is what he looks like. This is 2023. This is our lens. This is our eye. Things used to be black and white, they're not in black and white anymore, and Davros used to look like that and he looks like this now, and that we are absolutely standing by."
In my opinion, there is little to object to here. Associating disability with villainy is a longstanding, harmful trope of genre fiction and something that Doctor Who has indulged in innumerable times throughout its history. Given that this short was airing within a charity event for disadvantaged youth, the optics of the decision make a lot of sense. It was a good call for RTD to contribute to the conversation about disability in a positive way. For the most part, this alls seemed to go down quite well. What some fans objected to was what was said toward the end of his comments, specifically the suggestion that this is how Davros will be portrayed moving forward.
This was met with a polarised reaction in fans, including those who are wheelchair users. YouTuber Tharries, notable among many things for being one of RTD's inspirations to depict the TARDIS as having a ramp in The Giggle, posted his reaction on November 18, 2023;
"As a disabled Doctor who fan I've always felt somewhat conflicted on Davros as a character, much as I love him he does contribute to the longstanding disabled evil man trope so to see @russelldavies63 address that meant a lot."
Tharries remains an outspoken fan of RTD and strong advocate for disability representation in the show. On the other side, were fans such as Rob Keeley who remarked on November 19, 2023;
"I've been a wheelchair user all my life and a #DoctorWho fan since the 1993 Genesis of the Daleks repeat. I don't find #Davros offensive - he's a great character. What's offensive is treating all disabled people as the same, assuming we all automatically identify with one another."
Mind you, it is probably also worth repeating Keely's review of The Star Beast from November 26 that same year for a more complete context of the man's views;
"True there was nothing very new, I still hate casual bad language in Who and the woke resolution was rubbish, but it still felt like Doctor Who more than anything in a long time."
A common outcry of detractors was that a link was never made between Davros' evil qualities and his being disabled. Dav McKenzie writing for The Spoilist on November 2023 provides an articulate quote mounting this defence but, amusingly, fails to attribute it to anybody;
"Say goodbye to Davros, one of Doctor Who’s most enduring foes. RTD has decided Davros boils down to discrimination against the disabled. He is a war-scarred cripple who is a megalomaniacal genius. His disability does not define or even restrict him as he is one of the most dangerous Doctor Who villains ever. Thanks to RTD though Davros has no injuries and is not in a wheelchair any longer. Goodbye, Davros. We had a good 40 years."
This particular line of defence never sat well with me. It was only in 2015, after all, that we saw Davros as a fully-abled child with no signs of fascist or psychotic tendencies. That depiction leaves one with little room to refute that his path to evil is in entirely unrelated to his disability.
It remains difficult to find a consensus on fan opinion at the best of times but this particular situation seems to remain a huge unknown quantity. Perhaps it will become clearer when Davros next returns to the show, if RTD even intends to do that. What was clear was that Davies wanted to make a statement about disability representation in his Doctor Who, spearhead these values with a new take on Davros right before then debut of new supporting character, Shirley.
And, again, I feel that the same question needs to be asked; would this have been a lot better received if RTD let the work speak for itself? Did he have to make such a definitive statement in Unleashed when we could see in the work that he was making that he had a strong, intelligent disabled character and no longer leaned on disability for villainy? Yes, the statements are inviting conversation and critical thinking which is always good but is RTD just virtue signalling or actually inciting change? Or is he doing both?
To be continued in part two; Rose Noble and Trans Identities in RTD2
*Tom's boots not withstanding
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evviejo · 2 years
it's funny, y'know, that rtd is excusing the decision to have the doctor's clothes regenerate with her by saying that he didn't want to make it a mockery of women.
guess, russell, who you are mocking with this sorry ass explanation?
you're mocking jodie. jodie, who specifically wanted to have the doctor's outfit be gender neutral. who specifically went to ray holman with a picture of an androgynous-looking person to show what she wanted. who actually considered the fact that she didn't know who was going to take her place. who understood the doctor's notion of gender is not as strict as most of our society's.
and clearly, she understood that way better than you do, mate.
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3,4,6,8,15 & 16 for the Doctor Who ask game!
Hehe, thank you for the ask!
3. Who is your favourite Doctor? Why?
My favourite is 13! She's just so... on the one hand quite optimistic and hopeful, on the other so terrible at communicating (I like that in a woman apparently) and broody, and she gets so much trauma, my poor skrunkly. I have a particular soft spot for her because her era made me feel properly represented a lot. Also side note, I adore her costume. But 13 is the one I also imagine in my head when I say "the Doctor". (with 12 coming close as well)
4. Who is your least favourite Doctor? Why?
Only counting those I saw, I don't particularly like Four, but the ones I enjoy least are generally Ten and Eleven. (This is gonna piss some people off) I'm trying to figure out which I like less, but it depends on my mood. Ten because I found Series 2 annoying to watch (I am at best neutral towards TenRose, don't really care and find it very annoying at worst), and Ten's treatment of Martha makes me want to bang his head against a wall. Also, he yells soooo much and I get it blah, but urgh it annoys me a lot. (Me during The Martian Invasion of Planetoid 50: Shut up Ten 🙄)
For Eleven, I think my quarrels are with some of the writing, but also Matt Smith gives me the creeps. I again don't like him shouting because uhhhh, idk men shouting is really, ready uncomfortable. I think his characterisation fell apart a bit after the Ponds left...
I feel like I have more textual things to point to with Ten (well there's SA scenes as a "joke" with both and in 12s era which I generally hate), and with Eleven it comes down to me just being creeped out by Matt Smith for no reason I can really point out.
6. NuWho or Classic Who? Why?
NuWho for the simple reason of I've actually watched all of it and it's more approachable to me (it engages my at times hyperactive brain better) plus all my favourite beloveds are from NuWho. I do hope to watch at least a few episodes of each Doctor (or companion actually) at some point!!! So far I have the very first ep, Doctor Who and the Silurians, the Infernoverse story, most of Sarah Jane, and most of Ace.
8. Favourite outfit of the Doctor's? Why?
Thirteen, definitely. I love the style she wears (recommend the video on her costume with Ray Holman!). From the wide trousers to the boots to the shirt (rainbow hellooo!), to her EARRING!!!! I'm in love with the earring!
15. What is your favourite companion outfit and why?
Uhhh... Instinctively said Yaz's PotD one! I actually have a vaguely similar yellow jacket! That being said, while I'm not a fan of Clara, her wardrobe is to die for (specifically thinking of the Under the Lake/Before the Flood outfit... I like yellow, HU XD)
16. Who's your favourite Doctor/Companion duo?
Oh, I'm torn between Thirteen & Yaz and Twelve & Bill. Am I allowed a double answer? 😂 I love Thirteen and Yaz (as Thasmin or outside of that) for the way they just immediately clicked and are so on one wavelength a few episodes in (think "Couldn't you reverse the polarity or something?" "Yasmin Khan, you speak my language."), and just their entire dynamic.
And Bill and Twelve are just soooo grandpa and granddaughter and it's so much fun (Bill deserves so much more), and Bill calling him out on his bullshit? Her calling him a penguin with his arse on fire? Delicious. (S10 was also by far Twelve's strongest season)
So yeah. I can't decide between those two.
I hope you are satisfied with these answers, and thank you for the ask againnn
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sigurism · 5 months
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Ray Milland, Rex Holman, Richard Bakalyan, Neil Burstyn Panic in Year Zero Dir: Ray Milland
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circular-time · 7 months
At Gally, costume designer Ray Holman said Jodie wanted her Doctor's outfit to be "all the colors of the sky" because the Doctor fell from the sky
and and my reaction was like
(Tumblr giggling)
Also her Mum saw the costume and said "That is SO you!"
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fuckedupinsect · 1 year
if noone's got me i know mariella's dance by ray holman has got me
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Sophie Aldred Thought Ace Would Only Be Back for a Couple of Scenes in The Power of the Doctor
Sophie Aldred Thought Ace Would Only Be Back for a Couple of Scenes in #DoctorWho The Power of the Doctor
Sophie Aldred thought that she would only be back in Doctor Who for a few scenes as Ace — but obviously, she was wrong! Aldred, who returned for Jodie Whittaker’s swansong episode as the Thirteenth Doctor, The Power of the Doctor, recalled: “I went down to Cardiff for a costume fitting with Ray Holman, and I said, ‘Yeah, but I’ll only be in a couple of scenes.’ And Ray said, ‘Not from the…
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