#raw macadamia nuts
farmerstrend · 12 days
The Macadamia Shell Controversy in Kenya
The Macadamia Shell Association of Kenya has raised concerns about the potential importation of raw macadamia nuts from other countries. The association argues that this move could negatively impact local industries that rely on macadamia shells as a fuel source. According to the association, macadamia shells are a crucial byproduct of the macadamia processing industry in Kenya. These shells are…
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morethansalad · 8 months
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Tropical Fruity Brunch Salad (Raw Vegan)
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raw1111official · 5 months
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🌺🥑🌰🌱 Crunch into "Nuts About Health: Raw vs Salted Nuts and Seeds" at RAW1111.COM! Discover which option packs the best nutritional punch for your vegan journey. 🥜 #GVWU Go Vegan With Us and elevate your snack game! 🌟🌿
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rudraagronursery · 8 months
Best Raw Macadamia Nuts Plant Supplier in India| Dial - +91-9637804575
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Rudra Agro Nursery, premier Raw Macadamia Nuts plants supplier in India. We offer high-quality Macadamia saplings for cultivation, ensuring robust growth and superior yields. Experience excellence in agriculture with us.
For more information visit us:https://www.rudraagronursery.co.in/
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mayawakening · 6 months
So since we've all decided Zeb is a Giant Space Cat, I also personally headcanon that things that are toxic to cats are also a problem for Zeb.
Chocolate: can only have white chocolate as it contains no cocoa powder.
Caffeine: maybe he only needs a very small amount, any more than like half a cup of caf makes him sick.
Grapes and Raisins: Literally would put him in the hospital, do not consume. (Kidney failure)
Milk and Dairy: Adult cats become lactose intolerant.
Garlic, Onion, Chive (Alliums): Also would put him in the hospital (breaks down red blood cells/anemia)
Uncooked potato/tomato: makes his stomach hurt really bad (gastrointestinal distress)
Alcohol: So apparently just 2 teaspoons of whiskey can put a 5 pound cat in the hospital, im gonna say Zeb is actually suprisingly a lightweight for alcohol, barely needs any to get insanely drunk.
Citrus fruits (lemon, orange, lime, etc.): Makes his stomach hurt. Also cats typically hate citrus smells, i imagine the smell of citrus makes him gag.
Tree nuts: macadamia are SUPER no go, any other tree nuts causes stomach pain.
Artificial Sweetner: hospital (liver failure)
Sushi: (can have a tiny bit) TOO much raw fish can actually cause convulsions!!
Too much animal fat: stomach ache
Avocado: (high fat content) stomach ache
What he CAN eat!!!
Any alcohol (in small quantities) that doesnt contain yeast!! (Distilled beverages) this includes brandy, gin, rum, tequila, vodka and whiskey
Cooked meats
Boiled/scrambled eggs
Peeled cucumber
Jogan/Meiloorun fruit
Waffles/ other batter based foods
Lemme know your thoughts on this!
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c1airidryl · 3 months
I love pecans I think they're one of the best nuts around. I also think that nuts are tastiest when raw, unsalted and unbaked. Like theres this awesome sweet ish flavour that comes into play with nuts when you don't do anything to them. Especially cashews, which are my number one nut followed by macadamia nuts and pine nuts.
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Chapter 25
Next chapter of life
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The phone rings as you pace nervously for the results, you see the caller ID is the doctor's office and you answer to hear the most surprising news of your life. You have been sick for three weeks now and it hasn't gotten any better so you decided to go to the doctor and get tests done, after hanging up you immediately went to the bathroom and took three pregnancy tests just to be sure and after waiting you slowly turn the alarm on your phone off and check each one crying as you hold your face in your hands with many mixed emotions only stopping when you hear a yell from downstairs "Mi vida! I'm home!" You take a deep breath as you pick a card from the small box of cards you kept for holidays, birthdays, and many other celebrations "Upstairs" you finish the card and put it on the bed while you clean your mouth out from getting sick after crying. Damian smiles as he reads the card not seeing you walk out of the bathroom walking to the other side and changing as you sit on the bed with the tests on top of the card, he kisses you when he turns and sees you on the bed noticing how flushed your face was and how your eyes were irritated "What's wrong sweetie?" you look at the card and when he follows your sight and sees the three positive tests and immediately lifts you in his arms "Oh my god this is the greatest part of my day" you both share a kiss as tears pour down your faces as you plan on announcing the news to your loved ones and immediately knew what to do starting with your mom giving her seashell that said beach grandma on it earning tight hugs from her, you then told Finn giving him sunglasses and having a smaller matching pair that had a sticky note saying "Cool uncle" making him yell in excitement, you made macadamia nut brownies for your aunt and cousin who immediately noticed how you weren't drinking wine with them and put it together, you told your sister and uncle when the four of you had lunch and gave them a small chocolate bar with the quote "One more will be here to share soon!" they look at you with smiles and hug both of you, the two of you got a shirt for Dom with the words "Sweetest bodyguard uncle" which makes him cry as he wraps both of you in his arms and kisses your forehead saying how he was excited that his brother and the sweetest woman on earth were making him an uncle, you tell your baby sister and nephew by giving them disney themed toys with the sonograms attached which makes them yell in joy and cry as they hug you and damian, finally you tell rhea by giving her a leather jacket that said "Auntie's fav small person" which makes her look at both of you before noticing the barley visible bump on your body making her laugh and cry as she puts the jacket on hugging the two of you. The two of you still went to therapy but only once a month now since overtime the two of you slowly healed not having nightmares about the jungle anymore, no constant fear or anxiety, no paranoia, and no breakdowns for months, the two of you feel a bit scared but excited and overjoyed at unexpected and wonderful next step of your life together as you prepare for parenthood side by side knowing your child and your future children would and will be raised in a home full of unconditional live, acceptance, honesty, and raw humanity for their whole lives.
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piece-of-the-pie-if · 10 months
These for everyone?
🍄 What are your OCs favourite snacks? Their favourite comfort food which always cheers them up when they’re down? Favourite meal to make? Do they enjoy baking and cooking and are they any good in the kitchen?
🌳 What is your OC’s favourite way to relax after a stressful day? Do they have a favourite book to curl up with? A hobby? Or do they have a nice bubble bath and have an early night to bed?
from this ask list.
🍄──favourite snacks...
Dylan, Dyl can't cook to save their life, which goes for baking too. However! They're quite adept at the decorating phase, especially cakes and cupcakes with stiff icing!
In true British behaviour, Shay's favourite snack is Burton's Fish'n'Chips, the strong salt and vinegar fish (and chip) shaped mini baked biscuits. He's also partial to a tube of jaffa cakes!
Kinsley loves cookie dough──whether it be cookie dough ice cream, baked cookie dough, raw cookie dough or actual cookies (white chocolate chip and macadamia nut!)
J actually has quite the sweet tooth! They're usually seen with something in their mouth, and if it isn't a cigarette it's usually a lollypop! Their favourite flavour is either grape or blue bubblegum.
Theo has a penchant for sour sweets! Their go to is a bag of sour patch kids or tangy haribo fantastics. (Their favourite colour sour patch kid is blue raspberry and their favourite tangfastic is the cherries!)
🌳──ways to relax...
It comes as no surprise that Dylan's way to relax is to get stuck in to something creative. When they want to shake off stress or anger they start throwing clay to make pottery (or just play around with it) but usually to unwind at the end of a normal day they tend to just spend a couple hours sketching the events of their day. It's usually a couple of portraits and an event but lately they've been drawing a lot of a specific few people...
Shay throws some hours into a video game when he can. Most of the time it's a more relaxed game like Minecraft or mobile games like Brick Out. And if he doesn't feel particularly motivated to game he, and this might be the surprising part, loves a long bubble bath!
Kinsley usually goes running to unwind, but when that's not feasible (or she just doesn't want to get sweaty) she has a little self spa session──face masks/skin care and taking some time to file her nails or paint them. If she's feeling particularly tense she'll use her face mask time to meditate/do yoga to help relax her muscles as well as her mind!
Being the (unlikely) bookworm they are, J often does read in their relaxing/free time. Lately they've taken to reading out on their balcony, reclining in one of the deck chairs squashed out there, legs resting on top of the railing with a smoking cigarette between their fingers. They stay out there, reading and listening to the street bustle until it gets too cold to stay out. (unless someone were to join them with a blanket and a book of their own? or perhaps J could tuck you under their arm and softly read aloud until both your eyes are too heavy to keep going.)
Theo is a lover of music──they like creating it at just listening. After a stressful day they'd find one of their playlists and just lay down and listen to the music with closed eyes. Sometimes they'll turn all the lights off or wear an eye mask like a pseudo sensory deprivation tank and just feel the music. (Most times Theo falls asleep with their headphones one, the wires getting tangled or the bulky frames digging into the side of their face when they roll over, so they're grateful when you join them in slumber after making sure they're more comfortable. Perhaps, in the future they'd skip the headphones and play the music straight from their phones speakers from between your heads.)
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deliciously-vegan · 1 year
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Papaya Cheesecake
1 cup almonds 1 cup macadamia nuts 1 cup dried papaya, diced 1/4 cup coconut flakes 1 tsp ginger 1/4 tsp sea salt
1 tbsp water 1 tbsp coconut oil, melted 1 tbsp agave
Grease a 9-inch springform pan with coconut oil.
Place the; almonds, macadamia nuts, dried papaya, coconut flakes, ginger, and sea salt in a food processor. Process until crumbly and well-combined. Add the water, melted coconut oil and agave. Process again until you have a well-combined sticky mass.
Transfer mixture to springform pan. Spread out evenly and press down firmly. Transfer to fridge while you prepare the filling.
4 cups fresh papaya 2 cups raw cashews the cream from one can of full-fat coconut milk 1/2 cup coconut oil, melted 1/2 cup agave 1 tbsp lemongrass 1 tsp rum extract 1/4 tsp sea salt
Place the; papaya, cashews, coconut cream, melted coconut oil, agave, lemongrass, rum extract, and sea salt in a high-speed blender. Blend until smooth and creamy.
Pour filling over base. Spread out evenly. Cover and transfer to freezer. Freeze overnight. In morning, transfer cake to fridge.
Serve cake cold. Store leftovers in fridge or freezer.
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arithecreatorsstuff · 2 years
Things You Cannot Tell By Looking At Her; Hard Truths About My Chronically Ill Life
With an invisible illness like my fibromyalgia, it's a whole lot harder to live a somewhat normal life. Things than no one suspects take energy can wipe me out with little regard for plans, or even my body's own needs sometimes. Here's some things you'll never suspect about how my condition affects my daily life.
When I go out to eat with my guy, we often opt for drive through. It's draining for me to be around large amounts of people for long, plus... I tend to feel like people judge me for how little I eat compared to him. My pain levels tend to make me too tired to even eat "a full meal" in one sitting, to the point I've had fast food workers swear I'm anorexic. Nope, just too tired for both a small fry and 4 piece chicken nugget.
There are times I just cannot do the thing, either due to pain levels at 9000 or brain fog. Pushing me to do the thing doesn't work. Plus, embarrasses the hell out of me. I remember going dress shopping with my stepmother, being forced to model dress after ugly dress, on my feet for hours in bad shoes, and by the end of it I was hiding in a rack of dresses and screaming for someone to just take me home, I don't even want to go to this stupid event anyway, the salepeople thought I was a freak, and one called my stepmother a monster. Surprised no one thought to arrest my stepmother for domestic abuse she treated me so awfully.
I can be having the worst flare ever, but if I'm forced out into the world while it's happening, unless I'm legit past my limits, you'll never know. I'm not the pajamas in public type, if I'm in public I'm in a dress, hair combed, face clean. While pajamas in public are fine, it's just not my jam. Truthfully, the dresses tend to be more comfortable for me anyway. Less waist pressure from the waistband.
I have a set(ish) amount of time I have before I just get too damn tired to be out in public, usually 3 hours. So, if said task (shopping) cannot be completed by that time in one trip... it gets postponed until I can focus on that one side mission. Or I shop online.
There is nothing more disheartening than making plans, feeling well enough to do the thing, and... the person I am doing the thing with just bails for no reason. Dude, bad enough my defective meatsuit is unreliable, what's your deal? At least explain why!
Explaining my condition and the way I have to adapt to it multiple times is more exhausting than to have the damn thing in the first place. The condition itself can be hell, if you don't believe me the first time I'm not explaining it again and again.
I may look like I'm not paying attention, but due to trauma and ptsd from it, I am never fully unaware of my surroundings. This is both impressive to some, but annoying to me. I'm still so amped from my shit parents it takes me hours to relax enough to fall asleep. And... the least little thing WILL wake me up.
I may not look tired, but I am. All. The. Time. I never fully recover. I've tried all manner of things to correct it, no results.
There are foods I cannot eat. It's not a true allergy, usually. Dairy and some starches don't like me back, I despise tomatoes raw but like tomato sauce, and macadamia nuts give me hives. So, I have to be a little more careful when eating out. Servers who do not take food allergies or sensitivities seriously get me angry. Sure, my issues aren't lethal, but they might kill though negligence or indifference.
I'm not faking being sick, if anything I should win an award for faking wellness.
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morethansalad · 8 months
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Tropical Kale Salad (Vegan)
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brooklynislandgirl · 2 years
Useful and Weird HCs
Tagged By: Stole it from the lovely @lediableblanc-amoureuxdechats​ Tagging: Be Fae, steal memes The Nurse Shark || Beth Riley 
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1. Can they use chopsticks?
Beth learned to use chopsticks the same time she learned how to use a fork and spoon. As a small child, she preferred to use them to stab at food in barbaric fashion and the rare occasion the Admiral joined the family for dinner, there was a lot of over-correction. Beth’s table manners are now immaculate but when she’s on her own or with deeply close friends or family, she’ll ditch utensils entirely and use her fingers. 2. What do they do if they cannot sleep?
Beth has been a lifelong chronic insomniac; partially due to sleep paralysis and night terrors, and partly a strange need to constantly move, which will actually wake her up even if she can get to sleep. She might spend the time awake in bed reading or catching up on paperwork. If she can’t get comfortable in bed, she might pad her way to the couch and try to watch something on the television {captions on} or listen to music, and knitting with either other activity. And if she has too much energy, she will paint or dance. The only times Beth really gets sleep is when she literally passes out from exhaustion. 3. What would they impulse buy at the grocery store? Beth does not cook; some sort of curse afflicts her and everything she tries tends to burn or come out raw, or too salty… She's a wreck. The only thing she can make is an irish stew in the crockpot, and it’s usually way too much for just one person. She allows her personal chef to plan menus and order groceries. She does enjoy going to farmer’s markets for the fresh fruits and vegetables that make up her primary diet, or specialty stores when she goes in search of comfort food from home: snack-nori, spam, li hui ming powder, hurricane popcorn. She will also go out of her way to procure passion fruit, guavas, and oranges, to make POG since she doesn’t see it produced in the mainland. Beth also doesn’t really eat much or with any regularity, despite having a high metabolism. 4. What order do they wash things in the shower?
Beth starts with washing her hair, back to the showerhead, before turning around and conditioning it, leaving it in for the duration of her shower. Next she washes and exfoliates her face and neck. Her arms and torso, her intimate bits, and finally legs and feet. If she’s running short on time, she’ll also brush her teeth in the shower. She doesn’t bother with shaving; she’s never been particularly hairy below from the neck down, and what little there is she waxes. She typically takes thirty minutes to shower, dry, and dress. She never skips the moisturising step because the mainland is entirely too dry for her tastes. When she has the time to indulge, she will take the longest most luxurious baths humanly possible, often submerging completely for long minutes. 5. What is their go-to coffee order?
Considering her best friend in the world owns a coffee shop, Beth typically begins her day with a quad-shot “Konachino” which is a signature drink Jay makes. It’s a coconut milk latte with four shots of espresso made from finely ground Kona coffee harvested from the slopes of her beloved Mauna Kea. It’s finished with macadamia nut syrup, whipped coconut cream, and four packets of sugar-in-the-raw. If she can’t get to Jay’s and she has to go to some other shop, she keeps it simple with a vanilla soy quad-shot latte. On hour ten or more at work, she’ll drink whatever caffeine is available so she doesn’t actually die on shift. 6. What sort of apps do they have on their smartphone?
Beth actually doesn’t have a lot of useful things on her phone as she genuinely isn’t interested in most things people can’t live without. She still has CitySourced Honolulu 311 ~where one can report broken streetlights, cracked sidewalks, abandoned automobiles and the like~ as well as GoAkamai which is traffic info for the island of O’ahu. She has all her important stored numbers, Words with Friends, and finally Reef Defender, an educational mobile game in which the good guy is a shark. She specifically does not have her instagram on there, nor does she have Tinder or any other dating app, and she absolutely doesn’t keep her phone on her when she’s on the floor. Tik-tok, especially Nurse-Tok drives her absolutely batty. 7. How do they act around children? Beth absolutely loves children, from newborns to teenagers. She treats them with love and kindness, with the same dignity and respect she would give to adults. She has vast stores of patients and will listen to them go on for as long as they are interested in interacting. She would give anything to have children of her own, even if that’s only a fantasy. She often keeps hand-knitted sea creatures or other little tokens for those who have to come through the ER and often spends what little breaktime she might get down in Pediatrics or specifically the NICU. People tend to say Beth would make an excellent mother. 8. What do they watch on TV if they’re bored and nothing they really like is on? Beth has never missed a single episode of Shark Week, and will even book vacation time to stay home and watch it, even if a lot of the time she disagrees with the information presented. She will go back and rewatch old episodes over and over again. She will also watch Forensic Crime documentaries, medical documentaries and fictional shows {{She loved how ridiculous House was, and thinks Scrubs is one of the greatest shows ever made}} but for the most part, she doesn’t really bother with television.
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rudraagronursery · 8 months
Best Raw Macadamia Nuts Plant Manufacturer in India- Call Now 9637804575
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Raw Macadamia Nuts plant Supplier in India - Rudra Agro Nursery. Quality seeds available. Call 9637804575 for inquiries. Start your Macadamia plantation today with trusted expertise and support.
For more information visit us:https://www.rudraagronursery.co.in/
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farmerstrend · 1 day
Good News to Macadamia Farmers in Kenya as Govt. Extends Raw Macadamia Nuts Export Permit
The government has extended the export of raw macadamia nuts for at least six months, offering a reprieve to farmers who were facing a crisis with the resumption of the ban just months away. The latest development comes after a push by senators, led by Senate Agriculture Committee Chairman James Murango, to extend the resumption of the ban, due on November 2, 2024. The ban on the export of raw…
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nobertsales · 17 days
National Macadamia Nut Day
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Delectable #MacadamiaNuts have a creamy buttery taste. These nuts add a subtle richness to everything they grace. Also versatile, macadamia nuts originated in Australia. They were named for the physician and chemist, John Macadam, who discovered them. Macadam also pursued furthering the cultivation of the tree in Australia, making it more abundant.
Although they are native to Australia, most of today’s world supply grows in Hawaii. Growers first began cultivating macadamia trees in Hawaii in 1921. Indonesia, South Africa, and California also grow this delicious nut commercially.
Like many nuts, macadamia may be eaten raw or roasted. Bakers particularly like to use them in baked goods, such as cookies. They pair exceptionally well with chocolate, too.
Since the macadamia is nutrient-rich, they are known for their health benefits. Macadamias are a valuable energy source, high in dietary fiber, gluten-free, high in mono-unsaturated fat. They also provide an excellent source of minerals and contain many essential B-complex vitamins.
Macadamia nuts are known as the “Queen of nuts”.
#NationalMacadamiaNutDay #FoodOfTheDay #NobertSales @NobertSales #Food #FoodSolutions #FoodService #FoodServiceSolutions #FoodSales #WeKnowFood #FoodConsultant #FoodDude 
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judgementdaysunshine · 9 months
Pairing: Stephanie McMahon x Fem reader
Description: You and Steph make cookies together spending your first holidays together
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A warm smell flows throughout your shared apartment as your girlfriend Steph walks from lunch with her parents and brother smiling when she walks around the corner to see you baking in the kitchen. "I thought we'd make some cookies as part of your new tradition and our first Christmas together" her heart melts at the action and thought before taking off her heels and jacket washing her hands as you check on the chocolate chip cookies in the oven and take out the adorable christmas shaped cookies decorating them, some brownies, and small cupcakes spending the evening laughing, listening to music, and dancing before the two of you were cuddled in bed watching movies until you both were passed out waking up the next morning with smiles getting ready and having breakfast before leaving and heading to the arena for Raw placing the baked sweets out near all the locker room enjoying a small bite of chocolate when you see Chyna and Billy Gunn who were dear friends to you laughing as they hug you before grabbing a cupcake and cookie telling you to please make more baked goods laughing as they walk away turning when you hear a familiar yell turning to see Jericho who hands you a tequila sunrise laughing with a confused smile when you hear him say that he managed to get The undertaker to make some drinks after finding out that he was into quite a bit of bar mixology. As you sip on the beverage from jericho and talk to Lita outside the Hardy's locker room you hear a big conversation at the snack table turning to see Bradshaw and Farooq, The brood, Jacqueline, Test, Albert, and Trish Stratus surrounding the table laughing as Edge jogs to you "Oh my god you need to bring these on our longer days and our parties, plus they remind me of my mom's baking" your heart swells at the endearment giggling as edge lifts in a hug not seeing steph take a picture of the moment while she talks with Hunter and X-pac before the two of you were in your locker room with some chocolate chip cookies and caramel macadamia nut brownies leading to sharing to a extra sweet soft kiss between the two of you before your match against Ivory winning the match for the women's intercontinental championship match against Trish Stratus feeling over the moon as you change and head home sharing takeout dinner with steph along with a joint and champagne before making more cookies the rest of the night together.
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