#rav’n dance
achromatophoric · 25 days
At Nevermore’s annual Rav’N dance.
Yoko: *shouts over music* Hey babe! Wanna see a flying fish?
Divina: WHAT?
Divina: 🤨
Divina: SURE!
Yoko: Sweet. *turns* YO ENID!
Enid: WHAT?
Enid: 😐
Enid: 🤬
Enid: *storms into the crowd*
Divina: ?
Yoko: Wait for it!
Divina: *waits*
Yoko: 😁
Bianca: What THE F—
Divina: 🫢
Yoko: 😎
Bianca Flying Fish: *shrieks*
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nacho475 · 29 days
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Wavier Rav’n Dance 2025 Photo 🖤
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lovepoison9 · 1 year
My favorite moments when Hyde was a lil too close to the surface!
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Tyler talking with his Father - Hyde is a lil too angry at the moment
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Hyde looking at Wednesday at the Harvest Festival liking what he sees!
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Hyde dancing with Wednesday at the Rav’n
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Hyde knowing there was a reason he and Tyler liked Wednesday
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During their date in the crypt Hyde looking at Wednesday more smitten than before!
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hotandfunnywomen · 2 years
Scream Queen Jenna Ortega took inspiration from post-punk icons Siouxsie and the Banshees, new wave singer Lene Lovich, Bob Fosse’s ‘The Rich Man’s Frug’, goth kids dancing and the club, and the original Addams Family when choreographing her routine at Nevermore Academy’s Rav’N dance.
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beetoo · 2 years
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WENCLAIR :: catch me, if you can
links :: WATTPAD :: AO3 :: [CHAPTER 2 - '23:59']
a/n: i suck at english, it's not my first language, have mercy but not really--yell at me if a part doesn't make sense, i did not proof read because my wrist is injured :D
Chapter 1 - 00:00
“We got a tip. Lone Wolf’s next target is the Rav’n happening tonight, Nevermore’s biggest charity event.” Wednesday hears through her earpiece, as she’s going through her files in her office. “We’re unsure of who the target is, seeing as none of the guests tonight have been involved in recent illegal activity.” The woman in black picked up pictures and a handful of red yarn. She sticks one onto the board of photos and strings, creating a bigger picture of the case itself.
The Rav’n. We only have 3 suspected targets in mind, all very influential people in Jericho. It may be a small town in Vermont but it’s home to some of the most influential people of my generation at least. The first one being Bianca Barclay–CEO of MorningSong. Regarding Lone Wolf’s affixation towards killing large influential people, Barclay might just be at the top of their list. The only reason I doubt this notion is because that company recently improved due to her leadership. The illegal use of Siren song was immediately halted once she rose to power. If we’re taking that psychopath’s ego into consideration, Bianca’s the least likely target tonight.
Wednesday tacks another photo onto the wall, with a sigh. The next one could be Xavier Thrope. His dad might have put a hit on his head due to his recent publicity murals going against the ethics of his father’s company. The same idea with Barclay–it doesn’t match the killer’s intent. And Lone Wolf was never confirmed to be a hitman.
Then it only leads to one suspect left. Wednesday slowly sticks her own picture to the wall, tracing the red yarn to the case name “Lone Wolf”. Wednesday slowly steps back, taking in all the information, reminiscing on every incident and victim this murderer has produced in a span of six months. In her 26 years of life, Wednesday has never met a case that’s perplexed her. It’s like they’re teasing me. I might just fall in love. The detective couldn’t help but smile. Leaning onto the edge of her table, she couldn’t help but be mesmerized by it all. Whoever this is might just be the greatest psychopath to ever live, next to my own uncle.
The Lone Wolf case is described to be the country’s most devastating homicide in history. Lapsing for six months straight, a murder popped up in different parts of the United States at perplexing distances. Within 10 hours of a murder in California, a 51-year-old electric car tycoon to another in Florida of a 76-year-old politician–Lone Wolf was deemed a patriot-murderer and a hero. The country has split in either support or suppression of this maniac’s actions. I’ve never considered ethical murder to be something that would interest me. Wednesday traced the red string from the state of Florida and added another politician to the ‘victims’. But somehow this is unfolding so well, it’s almost satisfying seeing how their work throws the country into shambles. 
The bounty on their head is the largest since the Hussein brothers in 2003. Theirs was $30 million. Lone Wolf’s is $45 million. With politicians, CEOs, and some random people getting caught in the crossfire of Lone Wolf’s wrath–people of power need them to be put to rest so they can maintain their power.
Of course, Wednesday has no interest in bounty money. Her family has accumulated lots over years and years for turning in their own kin and busting them out. The psychopathic gene passes on but for Wednesday her thirst for outwitting a mystery outweighs even her own being. Wednesday believes she’s dancing her own tango with the Lone Wolf. No one has yet to catch a glimpse of their face nor the sound of their voice and Wednesday sleeps miserably thinking about the enigma that is her suspect.
Wednesday inhales deeply, I simply cannot wait to see what this horrible fellow has planned next.
“Alpha, do you copy? Bravo is in position.”
“Alpha here arrived at point Echo. Any sights on the targets tonight?”
“Negative. Waiting on Charlie to check in.”
Wednesday gazes through the people among the crowd, upon entrance, everything is dawned white and themed with ice and snow. Tables were garnished with silver platters and icicle decor. But in Addams fashion, Wednesday had to come in well-dressed, for a funeral. Decorated in black, the woman kept on a formal yet dashing look that caught the eyes of every woman, man, or person in the audience. Whether the attention was good or bad, that was the least of Wednesday’s worries. Finding a moment to speak with her suspected victims, on the other hand, was.
Headquarters hacked into the Rav’n’s event coordinator’s computer just in time before seating was sent out to all who was invited. With Wednesday being a town celebrity due to her detective excellence and family name, her invitation was not hard to come by at all. But sitting with this city’s biggest influencers like her current suspected victims for the night? It was a job for the professionals.
Eugene was the man behind the earpiece, alongside her brother Pugsley as Bravo and Charlie being Tyler. Tyler was a trusted source in one of Wednesday’s cases, whom she decided to keep around since he always managed to make himself useful. But today, that did not seem to prove true.
“Charlie, do you copy?” Eugene states. “Bro come on, we need you in position ASAP, Barclay is about to make her entrance.”
Wednesday turns to her attention to the entrance, as everyone did. The woman was dressed in an alluring sequin dress that complimented her complexion and eyes very well. All it took was one look and people would simply fold over her sharp eyes and cunning intellect. Wednesday enjoyed the moments she shared with Barclay. The young entrepreneur always set the bar higher for other local CEO’s, Wednesday commends her merciless demeanor. They’ve worked together some time in her career. Wednesday caught the tax frauds in her company and even helped prevent Bianca from going to jail over being framed by her own mother’s business. Though Wednesday wouldn’t call it helping–the woman had the ulterior motive of simply being curious if Bianca actually did it.
Complimenting Bianca’s right hand was Xavier Thorpe, the second suspected victim. Recently painting a mural in protest of his father’s recent activity, Xavier became an online superstar overnight. Building a measly 10 million followers on TikTok, Xavier was almost as popular as Lone Wolf. His murals that his posts that gather awareness on certain topics like Outcast slavery, drug wars, Outcast trafficking, and other things made him quite a target. Online and in-person. I suppose I should have expected his weak self to come with a companion, seeing as he does value his life.
“Yo Tyler, what is going on man? The trio is about to sit down at the front! The charity auction is about to start!” Eugene yells, causing Wednesday to wince at the sudden increase in volume. Imbeciles. What are they doing? The detective thought as she nodded at the duo while sitting down at their table.
“Oh shit–Wednesday I think they got Tyler!” Pugsley utters while looking around in his hiding spot armed with bombs and other explosive assortments. Cramped in a tiny space, Pugsley’s job was to assure offense was available. The Addams weren’t sure what kind of outcast the Lone Wolf was going to be, as the rumors of them being an actual lone wolf were never confirmed. If it were true, they would have been a wolf who’s never wolf’d out–causing their hormonal imbalances to subvert into equilibrium by making the body compensate. Meaning they would have super strength and speed, along with very enhanced senses.
If that were the case, it would be problematic for Wednesday. Pugsley’s explosives are too wide-ranged. Over time, humans grew on Wednesday. To her, the biggest feat to feed her homicidal tendencies is to purge the bad fruits while leaving the good fruit for feasting. It’s much harder. That’s why Wednesday likes it better. That’s also why Wednesday likes her case so much. Almost obsessed with it or even the killer themself. How does one manage to find moral clarity to justly kill a person? Not just one, but multiple? How Wednesday yearns to be like them. Sometimes she finds herself amused by how they do things. Though her team for tonight was prepped for the worst, it seemed like those measures were displaced protecting the wrong person. Their enemy was much more reckless than they perceived them to be–More like a joyrider than a skilled race track driver.
Lost in thought, Wednesday found herself staring at the stage, unaware a new friend has joined their table.
“Enid Sinclair? In the flesh!” Bianca booms, standing up quickly and rushing to the blonde to give her a hug. “It’s been ages! How have you been?”
Wednesday paid no mind to the blonde until she heard something that piqued her interest. “I’ve been amazing Bianca! I’ve been all over the country getting the hottest scoops for CNN! They’re eating my articles up!” All over the country? Suspicious.
“I mean I would too! If I were brave enough to write so much about the Lone Wolf, I’d pay lots for that type of tea.” Bianca replies, chuckling into her hand. “It’s so good to see you here. Yoko’s been crying about how much she misses you if only tonight wasn’t a blood moon. Ugh, she’s going to gloat the moment I tell her you were here. OMG let’s take a selfie for her!”
Enid Sinclair. I did not see her on the guest list. And she’s a journalist following Lone Wolf? I have to take a mental note to look into her later—
“You must be THE Wednesday Addams! I’ve heard so much about you and your feats! One of my coworkers actually interviewed you for the scoop on your recent outcast trafficking bust! Your work is amazing.” Enid overly gushes, her colorful getup was giving Wednesday a headache. “Where’s your partner?” The other girl asks, eerie with a smile different from the one she presented to Bianca.
The question caught Wednesday off guard since she never mentioned coming with a partner and Tyler is nowhere to be found. “I didn’t come with one.” The detective answers frankly, eyeing the colorful girl from head to toe. “What about yours?”
“He never answered my calls or texts about it, so here I am. Alone. Want to be partners instead?” So this was her game. Wednesday thought, then replied curtly. “No thank you Ms. Sinclair, I’m quite comfortable doing things alone.”
“Oh come on Ms. Addams, it will be fun! Plus it’s not a Rav’n if you aren’t here with a partner to dance with!” The blonde eggs on, looking at Bianca and Xavier for backup–who were both just watching this moment unfold.
“I would pay good money to watch the Wednesday Addams kill the floor.” Xavier responds, with Bianca adding, “Baby don’t say that, knowing Wednesday she might literally kill the floor.”
“It’ll be fun Ms. Addams! It’s not like there’s anything holding you back! It’s just an innocent little dance.” The blonde continues, standing up and stretching a hand for the girl painted black. I would rather wear pink than dance with this walking rainbow vomit. But Wednesday felt something in her stomach. She wasn’t sure if that was the corset speaking or her gut feeling–the kind that usually leads her right into death’s cold comforting arms. Either way, her curiosity was piqued. This new shiny colorful character was suspicious to Wednesday.
Little did she know, she was right on the mark.
Enid lead the other girl to the middle of the dancing scene, hand in hand they tangoed to the music. In sync, their movements argued like a married couple and complimented the other like a newly wed. The music created a romantic scene between the two, surprising each other how well they knew the other’s next step. Others around them stopped their dance only to indulge in the bewitching conversation the two spoke with no words. Just glances and the swaying of their bodies.
Unaware, Wednesday didn’t catch that Enid found her supposed partner for the night comfortable in someone else’s arms. Out of embarrassment, she couldn’t help but cut her mission short and created a plan to flee the scene as soon as possible.
Nearing the end, Enid found herself behind Wednesday, looking at her pale nape, enthralled at how vulnerable her target was, on this full-blood moon. But instead of doing her justice the way she did her last victim, Ron DeSantis, she wanted to make Wednesday suffer a little more. The way she liked it. Leaning into Wednesday’s ear, she offered the shorter woman a warning.
“You’re quite an easy target, Addams.” Enid smiles, licking the side of Wednesday’s neck and bidding her prey farewell with a kiss on the nape. And tasty too. Enid thought, licking her lips as she parted ways from Wednesday–disappearing into the crowd. She said her goodbyes to Xavier and Bianca, running out of the building like Cinderella when the clock strikes 12.
The girl in black searched for her partner, swinging her head left and right looking pink-colored hair. But Wednesday didn’t react fast enough and the wolf had already vacated the scene.. She was still perplexed by the blonde’s words and stupefied by the feeling of her tongue gliding against the side of her neck. Disgusting. She thought, but in a way she would think gutting dead animals and examining dead bodies were disgusting. The girl in black would never admit it out loud but she was enchanted tonight. She was effectively charmed by the most colorful thing she’s ever met in her life, ironically, for someone who believed the only other tolerable color was red. A dangerous stranger. Just the way Wednesday Addams likes it.
When she gained her senses, she reunited with Bianca and Xavier, who shared their condolences for the painted girl in black to have lost her partner for the night a second time. Lost in thought, Wednesday loomed through the auction, buying an antique Chinese finger trap that was put into auction by the Addams’ family themselves–only to win it back for sheer flaunt of their wealth. Towards the end of the auction, Ajax, Enid’s supposed partner auctioned off sculptures created in collaboration with Xavier Thorpe. They pitched to the crowd that the sculptures were replicas of Lone Wolf’s victims and to be smashed during an event later into the week in protest against those who’ve put a bounty on the country’s favored vigilante.
Out of the victims lined up, one, in particular, seemed unfamiliar. This to Wednesday screamed red flags because not only did she know every victim of Lone Wolf’s by heart, she now understands how she murdered them too. By sheer, brute, force. Wednesday thought as she looked at the victims’ positions they were sculpted in. The statue in question, one of Ron DeSantis, a decrepit Floridian politician, was positioned on the ground, which his back seemingly resting on something and arms covering his face that was etched with fear and distraught. This is oddly similar to the other statues. 
As the night matured, Wednesday left the event and returned home with more than enough information to keep her awake for weeks. She spent that night compiling evidence against Ajax and his suspicious sculptures and found him to now be the prime suspect for all of these murders. One especially from Enid Sinclair as she generously provided by licking Wednesday’s neck.
  Usually, her melancholic and lackluster days suited her, but tonight she was accompanied by an ever-growing hunger to outwit the enemy. She doesn’t like it when people are steps ahead of her.Wednesday slept a miserable 2 hours before she was greeted in the morning by Chief Donovan himself that his son, who was also her partner, Tyler was found dead. Headed for the scene as fast as she could, she couldn’t help but get excited over the death of her former partner. New suspects, new clues, and more work. Wednesday let out a laugh at how messy things got so quickly. I’m just dying to see what kind of mess Miss Sinclair made of Tyler.
Arriving at the scene, Wednesday greeted Donovan with a nod and was caught up with the scene assessment. No DNA samples, no footprints, and no murder weapon. She made her way toward the scene of the murder; smelling the forest musk being overtaken by the iron smell of blood. Tyler was found on the scene with all limbs broken, two of which were pulled out. The cause of death was shock due to sudden blood loss, estimated around 8 hours ago, just 2 hours after Enid left the scene. After Wednesday examined the corpse, she felt a wonderful chill in her bones, realizing just how powerful and dangerous the enemy truly was. Keeping her smile to herself, Wednesday faced one of her co-workers and asked if anything else was on left on the scene. 
“There was a note left on Tyler’s left jacket pocket, we think it’s for you.” The man said. Wednesday quickly puts on gloves and took the note from the officer’s hand and it read: “I’ll leave my tastiest meal for last. Catch me if you can, detective.”
“Cara mia, I think I’ve found the love of my life.”
a/n: updated to better suit the sequel. <3 happy reading! let me know what you think in the comments!
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singofsolace · 2 years
Okay, wait. I’m actually mad now after thinking about the logistics of Weems asking Gomez to the dance.
I understand that everyone is the hero of their own story, or the main character, or whatever, so I get that Larissa Weems sees everything that happened while she was a student at Nevermore from her own perspective, and not an objective one, but can we talk about how this unrequited love triangle would’ve appeared from Gomez’s perspective?
Gomez is in love with Morticia. They’ve been together for an unspecified amount of time by the fall semester of 1990. At the same time, the love of his life is being stalked and harassed by a boy who comes from such a powerful family, it will be near-impossible to get him arrested for terrorizing her. They’ve gone to the police, and the police have been no help, so Morticia has basically been left with no options but to continue enduring Garrett’s stalking, while Gomez watches helplessly.
Meanwhile, at the same time that Morticia is being harassed, the Rav’n dance approaches, and Morticia’s roommate, Larissa Weems, asks Gomez to the dance, despite him actively being in an established relationship with Morticia…? So, Gomez turns Larissa down, because of course he does? He isn’t single?! Of course he wants to go to the dance with his girlfriend, who is already going through a hard time, and isn’t going to break up with Morticia just to take Weems to the dance?
What was Larissa’s logic? Did she think she could successfully break Morticia and Gomez up by asking him to the dance? And if he had said “yes,” what did she think having to continue to share a room with Morticia was going to be like??
It’s a miracle Morticia seems to have taken Larissa trying to steal her boyfriend out from under her in stride, considering I don’t think I would’ve been as understanding, in her place. But the fact that Larissa then thinks she witnesses Gomez commit a murder at the dance, and instead of focusing on Garrett and Gomez, she blames Morticia because “they were fighting over her,” is so unbelievably fucked up?
tl;dr Larissa asked Gomez to the dance despite him actively already being in a relationship with Morticia, gets turned down, and then accuses Morticia of being responsible for a murder she didn’t commit, according to what Larissa saw…? How did these ladies still perform together in the solstice talent show?!? I would’ve cut all ties with Larissa immediately after she tried to steal my boyfriend and pin a murder on me…?
(Except maybe Morticia would’ve been delighted by it? Idk, it’s unclear to me the extent to which this version of Morticia would’ve enjoyed all the drama, since she definitely didn’t enjoy murdering Garrett).
Literally the only thing that makes sense to me is the idea that Larissa was in love with Morticia and not Gomez, and was just constantly trying to get her attention in the worst ways possible.
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was rewatching the rav’n dance and when the blood rain is falling behind wednesday while she’s tasting the blood you can see Enid running away while holding Yoko’s hand, probably to ensure her fangy friend didn’t have an adverse reaction to the perceived blood
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achromatophoric · 1 month
Wednesdays internal monologue (Enid brainrot). Season 2 Rave’N as she looks across the dance floor at a stunning werewolf in a pink sequin gown is…
The dyspnea is instantaneous. I am inflicted.
Heart rate, high. Pulse, audible. Pharynx, arid. Poison? Unlikely. Drugs? Possibly.
Radiant. She is the sun that spurns her throne to walk amongst us mortals. We all suffer the presence of divinity in lurid pink.
That vile raiment sears my eyes. Sclera blackens. Vitreous humour boils. Retinas reduced to char.
Yet I can’t look away.
Is this how I go blind? Staring into the sun while surrounded by hormone-addled teenagers and short straw chaperones? It would be a better method than Uncle Fester’s anti-freeze cocktails, and I am certain that she is even sweeter.
What am I even thinking?
Change in temperature noted in cheeks, indicative of increased capillary flow. Two steps left, one back, out of direct lighting.
What did she do to her hair? Was it always so lustrous? It is golden silk lit by a sunset horizon. Orb weavers would weep with envy from their multitudinous eyes. Rumpelstiltskin wishes he could spin something so glorious.
Eye contact. I am discovered.
They are so very blue. More lethal than the glow of radioactive caesium chloride. More enchanting than Prussian blue, even with its origins in Dippel’s contaminated potash. Her pupils are liken to Belize’s Great Blue Hole, and promise an intoxicating death as rapturous as nitrogen narcosis.
She is approaching. All predator-in-pink. Am I prey?
Grip compromised by accumulated perspiration. Tablecloth only successful as a temporarily solution. Prioritize anti-slip throwing knives in left thigh bandolier. Identify potential routes for escape. There are four.
Tanaka? How inconvenient. Three, then.
Two left, because of course Divina would be near her parasitic paramour.
Well-played, Barclay. That leaves one route—
Et tu, Eugene.
They are a firing squad of traitors. If this is to be my execution, then I will face it like an Addams. I am the night and my sun is dawning. Every step closer burns me away, devouring each and every shadow until I am left exposed. Vulnerable.
Here she stands before me, and I am reduced to… to what? Prey to this predator? Supplicant to this goddess? No, I am whatever she asks of me.
For I am enamored.
For I am doomed.
For I am cursed.
And I would have it no other way.
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nacho475 · 1 month
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Wednesday x Xavier Rav’n Fanfic
“It was the night of the Rav’n dance and Wednesday is going with Xavier. Enid helped pick up a dress for her it was black and looked like a bride’s dress it was just Wednesday’s style since she loves black. Enid went with Ajax and she wore a sparkly pink prom dress. “Are you ready to go?” Enid asked. “Yeah I guess” Wednesday said. They went ahead and walked to the dance together since they were best friends.”
“There was lots of music playing and lots of food and drinks and people as well. “Hey girls, you guys are looking beautiful tonight” Ms Thornhill complimented. “Thanks I’m so excited!” Enid said. Wednesday and Enid went to get a snack and a drink together and took some time to chat. “Hey darling” Ajax said then he and Enid kissed. “Where’s your date Wednesday?” Ajax asked. “He’ll be here soon” she replied. Then there was someone walking into the dance room tall and a black suit, it was Xavier here to see Wednesday he was happy and smiling. “Hey baby, you’re looking beautiful tonight sweetheart” he said picking her up then they kissed.”
“A slow dance song Smokestacks by Layla started to play and everyone started dancing with their dates including Ajax and Enid. Wednesday wrapped her arms around Xavier’s neck embracing him and he smelled delightful and they started slow dancing. I’m so sorry I denied your invite last year, if I had known before that Tyler was bad news I would’ve went with you. “It’s okay I forgive you darling” Xavier whispered and most importantly I love you, and I’m glad to spend this special night with you” I love you too Wednesday said then they both kissed and continued to enjoy their night.”
“You got eyes so azure you got blood orange skin, and there’s a spark in your centre it’s piercing me in, I got a nighttime shudder and a lion within, I got brain-tricked hunger and you’re pulling me in high above the smokestacks, throwin my soul, throwin my soul, quiet in jet black, hoping I will carry you, carry you above the smokestacks, throwin my soul, throwin my soul, takin’ our minds back, hopin’ I will carry you, carry you, carry you home” 🎵
-Layla Smokestacks Lyrics
The End🩷
Thanks for reading
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just noticed that enid, wednesday and bianca are the ones who most subvert the dress code of the Rav’n dance. Enid even makes a point of mentioning before the dance at the shopping trip that her and Wednesday will both be going against the white dress code. just thought that was interesting
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