#rattling around in my skull?
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mythals-whore · 12 days ago
If i had the power to draw i would draw Davrin in regency wear with his fancy tie undone and his shirt all unlaced/unbuttoned okay bye
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flawlessflesh · 6 months ago
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sometimes, yaad wonders how he became his grandfather’s brother’s keeper.
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kettle-bird · 1 month ago
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He has not heard a single word he’s said
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umbrvx · 10 months ago
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[ sword drawn over 3d model reference: unbreakable faith cc Osdias on sketchfab ]
⚪ 9158
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wiidoodles · 26 days ago
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no cold proxy on his watch
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erros429 · 2 years ago
oh my fucking god. someone really thought up yang xiao long. and then created her. and then shared her with the world. and then i was recommended the show she was in. and then i grew obsessed with her. and now i stare at a picture of her like that one wolverine meme and go, “wow. the blorbo ever.” what an INSANE series of events
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real footage of me
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chiquilines · 6 months ago
op you are the only person on this entire website feeding me Miryumi. Bless, and keeep making more jbsjhbcsbcjkdzb its so fucking gpood and ima soa hungry
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My one job is keeping the miryumi community well fed and by god am i committed
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wheredidalltheusersgo · 7 months ago
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jaggedjot · 3 months ago
“I preserve your happiness even when you don't or can't.”   “You are over this, Louis! The pain of it has left you.”  “Stop it. This is too important a moment in our story for these games.”   “He could remove them anytime he wanted to.”   “It's a human perspective of time.”  “Why are we still talking about this? This should be behind us.”   “Vampires with hobbies! Insanity.” “The first vampire capitalist. The first vampire pilot.”   “We were constantly cleaning up for them.”  “How long are we going to play games, Louis?”  “[…] a vampire of Louis' age”  “Louis can sometimes act out. I protect him from himself, always have.”  “No, I clean it up! You make the mess and I clean it up!” 
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fanaticsnail · 2 months ago
The more I look at his sad little face...
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...The more I don't think it's a beard.
What did they do to you, man? 😭.
Graphic thoughts under the cut:
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It just looks like they ripped his face off. All the way off. Stuffed his mouth and throat full of power he had no way of learning to control. Did he volunteer? Did he want it to happen? Who did it? How did they do it?
Look at his eyes: those sunken and sullen lenses stretched over his hollowed orbs. Look at his cheeks: sewn shut over what? Ignition clickers for his fire?
His face was removed completely and sewn back on.
His teeth are there, but blackened to charcoal. Can he taste his food? Is his tongue able to dampen and salivate? Is his whole existence pain?
Who did this to you, man? Who did it? 😭
Sweet baby, one day, we will learn your story...
...or I will write one for you.
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shadowed-yet-vibrant · 11 months ago
Nic doesn’t have a bed.
The Handymen don’t have much to begin with. Their office - their home - is bare-bones, just functional enough for their jobs. There are a few shirts on hooks in lieu of a closet, a barely functional kitchenette, a room just big enough for Worick to squeeze in a bed. In the first print volume we see a layout of the office and living quarters, and we see Nic’s space.
There’s no bed. It’s just a chair with enough space nearby for him to work out and train. Sure, there’s the couches in the living area, but we don’t see Nic ever use them: that’s where Alex sleeps, after all.
We only see him use the chair in his space once - when Alex brings him food - and he’s using it to work out. In flashbacks to his and Worick’s childhood, he doesn’t even sit on a chair when he’s alone. He defaults to the floor, just like the dog he’s been called so many times.
Decades later he still doesn’t have a bed. There’s no sign he ever has. The only bed he rests in throughout the series is Theo’s clinic, when he’s beaten half to death time and again. Even then he escapes, hiding away on the roof, lying on the ground beneath hanging laundry. Even when he’s wounded, even when he’s alone, he denies himself comfort. He denies himself anything that humans deserve.
Nic doesn’t have a bed. I don’t think he ever will, in this tragedy.
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murdockthenerd · 11 days ago
.....the worms are in my brain.....
I'm thinking about Phillip Graves, who goes down on reader as a calming mechanism-
Like im imagining this man being absolutely devastated after a bad op- y'know the kind... bad info, shitstorm a lotta dead shadows etc etc -and of course this sucks!! :(
it really hurts him when his Shadows get hurt or worse- killed. He cares about all of them so much, and of course he feels so guilty when things go wrong! He feels like it's his fault! like he failed them by not being good enough! It's a guilt that eats at him until he gets home to reader!
so I'm imagining him coming home to reader! after one of these bad ops. He's sluggish and quiet and nothing at all like himself, no bravado, no sarcasm or jokes. He slinks into your lap wherever you are, hands pawing at your waistband, tears in his pretty blue eyes as he looks up at you! This man for sure whines when he pull your pants down and kisses at your inner thighs, so needy so gentle... he needs this! Like he goes down on reader! so slow, a deep sigh leaves his mouth and when he looks up at you! He's totally brainless! not even caring how fast you cum 'cause he's so close to tears and can't you see how much this helps him calm down?!
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mouse-carpenter · 1 year ago
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I will always find you like it's written in the stars
Transistor AU
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tarugai · 1 year ago
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Guy who fell into the underground and guy with mommy issues that made it everyone’s problem.
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randomness-in-motion · 21 days ago
9:43 Dragon- Kingsway
"What was it like? Training under the First Talon?"
"What was your training like?"
Age: 18
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As he stood in the arena his mind was stuck on Viago chastising him yet again, this time about Enalia.
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He'd never expected to be pitted against her. She wasn't a mage, which meant this match was physical and weapon only until a kill strike. He'd looked to Viago when her name had been called, a neutral expression stared back at him, unreadable. When she walked into the arena, the knot in Asrani's stomach was ignored as his focus narrowed. The lack of surprise on her face.. she'd known.
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Thirty minutes later-
They'd been pretty balanced during the first half, he'd remained silent as he ignored her comments and attempts at goading. When the second half was called, Asrani had faltered as she pulled out her blades. Intricately carved ebony handles set with bloodstone, the ones he'd gifted her weeks ago on her birthday. The ones he'd sharpened for her just a couple of hours ago.
She'd scored a deep cut to his right shoulder and then moved to keep out of his range. Dark brown eyes watching him closely, waiting. The smirk she'd flashed him replaced by worry etching its way across her face the moment she noted his expression and the glance he gave her blade before violet eyes locked back to hers as he advanced.
He'd ducked low as he slid forward, his own blade slicing through the armor that covered her leg and tearing into flesh as he turned and then kicked her in the back "Poisons were never your strong suit, 'amica'." snarked out at her as she hissed in pain. She turned to face him as she moved away from him, and he stepped towards her "How long have you known, Ena?"
Her eyes had widened, not expecting the words nor the tone from him. Apparently deciding that there was no point in lying to him, her hands tightened around the daggers grip as he closed the space between them with a specific intent as she spit the words "A few days." and they both moved, her shifting to his side and sinking one blade into it as she turned, her other blade lifted up to take aim at his back, only to have him counter.
Rounding so he faced her, his empty hand deflected her downswing as his other came up under her chin, his blade finding that small space just between the jawbone and the throat and only stopping when the hilt met resistance. Gasps from some of the fellow compradi who had been watching caused Asrani's ears to twitch as he stared into Enalia's eyes, and the blade lit up as he sent a surge of lightning through it.
When he let go, she'd crumpled and he'd looked up at Viago as he pulled her blade from his side before he forced himself to turn and walk out. In all the trials he'd been through, he'd never been matched against someone he considered a friend...
Those few small moments from his childhood that he remembered from before his father and the Crows, the memories of kindness that came without thorns, un-bladed comforts he'd clung to for reasons he didn't understand. The sliver of hope buried deep within the never-ending layers of distrust that had been trained into him splintered. Where his father had failed in taking it from him, the Crows succeeded.
The lesson had finally been driven home..
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An hour later his side ached while the stitches itched, Enalia had missed everything important when she'd stabbed him, showing that she was just as bad with anatomy as she had been with poisons. Viago's praise, always wrapped in barbs, encouragement that simultaneously cut, Asrani's irritation flared as he paced in Viago's office, sparks flickering around him.
Asrani stopped moving, arm sweeping out as he finally yelled, interrupting Viago "She knew she'd been matched to me, Viago." half the papers on Viago's desk caught fire "She'd known for days!"
Doing his best to remain calm as he slapped at the burning papers, Viago's tone was measured as he replied "Asra, reign it in. I was not the one to tell her, if that's what you are thinking."
"Considering our last conversation before the trials was you bitching at me about her, what the fuck else am I supposed to think?"
Viago sighed as he sat down "Well it wasn't, no one is supposed to know who they're matched against. Whoever gave out the information will be dealt with once they're found."
"I've always been matched to another mage, why did you allow me to be matched to Ena?"
"We only have two other mages right now, and they're both too young for the trials."
"I was also sent in not knowing that I'd be held to different parameters."
Viago's patience was running dangerously thin "Contracts are unpredictable, it was a good way to see how well you'd adapt to something unexpected."
Asrani could only concede to that point, so he let it go. But something wouldn't let him stop pushing about having been paired against Enalia "You have a say in the matching, you allowed it."
Viago's gloved hand slammed down onto the desk "You were too attached to her, Asra!"
Asrani snapped "No, I wasn't. She was just a friend. One of several, why is she the only one you had an issue with?"
Green eyes narrowed at him "How many of the others have you slept with?"
Asrani grimaced "Qué mierda, you know I have no interest in that, Vi."
"And yet you slept with her, more than once."
"For fucks sake, Viago, are you hiding in my closet or something? She asked, I figured why not. What does it matter?"
"It matters because it changed how you reacted to her. You hesitated and were injured for it, Twice!"
Asrani fell silent for a moment, his gaze shifting to the side before he looked back at Viago, pushing the confusion away "Only the first was due to hesitation."
Viago stood slowly, voice low with anger "Asra.."
Asrani's voice was flat as he spoke "How else was I going to know for sure? It proved your lesson."
Asrani turned to leave and as he opened the door Viago snapped as he came around the desk "You wanted to prove my... What did you prove to yourself by risking your fucking life?!"
"That a Crow has no one, not even another Crow."
As the door closed with a quiet finality Viago sat back against his desk, his voice torn between anger and resignation as he muttered "That wasn't.. dammit."
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asphodeldreams · 9 months ago
something i love about engaging rvb fans on tumblr/through the survey is that now i have people confessing their rvb sins to me. like your favorite antagonist in the show is crunchbite (the alien that got tucker pregnant)? fuck yeah dude, that rules. you think the chorus trilogy is the worst story arc of the show? i am SEATED pls tell me more!!! your favorite season of the WHOLE show is season 19, the finale? WHO ARE YOU I WANNA KNOW YOUR REASONSSSS
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