#raquel creates
notchainedtotrauma · 4 months
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Willow Smith by Adrienne Raquel
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starpay · 2 years
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soloquel · 2 years
I don't wanna be a parent, but if I were a parent, I'd want my kid to never have to worry about telling me anything. I know everybody says that, but the mere thought of being the source of anxiety / fear / etc for the life I created against its will, it just kills me. I'd legit off myself if I ever found out I'm the reason my child deals with trauma. don't know how other parents deal with it lol
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gobackimhaunted · 2 years
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Good night everyone from me and the tumblr ad frog
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boringkate · 1 year
Here’s a bunch of junk for you trans girls to watch
Update: there used to be a link to a mega folder here, but it got taken down.
///TGIRL FEATURE FILMS (alphabetical order)
Adam (2019) it's about a cis boy who's mistaken for a trans boy and rolls with it. Big cast of trans characters including a tgirl played by a tgirl who everyone wants to fuck. Directed by a trans dude. Highly legit. If you're still hung up on pre release speculation based on the novel then you're the most annoying person alive.
Assassination Nation (2018) The first half is Euphoria and the second half is The Purge. ONE OF THE BEST TGIRL MOVIES OF ALL TIME.
Bit (2019) Lesbian girl power vampire movie where the main character is a tgirl played by a tgirl. It's solid. I find it frustrating that they hint at her being trans without explicitly acknowledging it (and she's passing as fuck, so it's easy to not notice), but I know that's what some of y'all want.
Boy Meets Girl (2014) Cis dude for trans girl love story. Pretty normie, but also you see her fully naked (gock out) at the end.
Funeral Parade of Roses (1969) Extremely 60s. Cool as hell.
Lady Daddy (2010) South Korean romcom about a trans girl played by a cis girl who tries unconvincingly to back pass when she finds out she has a kid. Very cute.
Lingua Franca (2019) written directed and starring Isabel Sandoval. An undocumented trans woman immigrant in New York deals with a cis dude partner being a cis dude. Which is also the plot of The Garden Left Behind (2019).
Myra Breckinridge (1970) Raquel Welch is a trans woman and her goal is the destruction of the last vestigial traces of traditional manhood! It's Fight Club! It's Hackers! It's divisive, but it's probably my favorite movie!
So Pretty (2019) Literally the first scripted feature length (non pornographic tho it does have cock) film to feature two trans women played by trans women kissing eachother.
Something Must Break (2014) THE OTHER BEST TGIRL MOVIE OF ALL TIME. Drugs. Crimes. Gock. Slow motion pissing. Slow motion park Fucking. Genuinely the most beautiful sex scene I've seen in any movie. And she makes it to the end still alive and more sure of herself and at peace than ever.
Tangerine (2015) Groundbreaking and also a bunch of the secondary characters are real life pornstars (which I think is neat).
The Garden Left Behind (2019) This and Lingua Franca (2019) really are tgirl twin films, but (like with Antz and A Bug’s Life) the vibes and details make them distinct (I assume tho tbh I’ve never watched Antz).
Bambi (2013) about a trans girl showgirl in 50s/60s paris
Paris is Burning (1990) basically it's Pose.
Shinjuku Boys (1995) Trans dudes working in a tokyo club that caters to tboy chasing cis girls. There's at least one trans girl in the mix too.
A Reflection of Fear (1972) They raised her as a girl and it made her do murders! It drags in places, but the girl in it is so ethereal and it has ageplay vibes and daddy issues.
Memory Run (1996) A very fun direct to video scifi action flick about fighting fascism by blowing up your pre transition self with a rocket launcher + it's based on a novel written by a trans woman.
She-Man A Story of Fixation (1967) Notable for being such a cliche sissy maid fantasy while also coming out so early + it was Bob Clark's first film lol.
Sleepaway Camp (1983) A more famous version of Reflection of Fear.
Surrender Dorothy (1998) A MUST WATCH. I personally bought a physical DVD and made an ISO of it for you because I was unsatisfied with the quality of the only copy that seemed to exist online. I ALSO PERSONALLY CREATED MY OWN SUBTITLES FOR IT BECAUSE EVEN THE DVD DIDN’T INCLUDE ANY! WHICH TOOK HOURS TO DO!
The Skin I Live In (2011) A rapist is kidnapped and turned into a girl by a mournful vengeful plastic surgeon. Which was also the plot of Victim (2010). I never really vibe with Pedro Almodóvar movies, but I recognize this is the preeminent forced feminization film.
Gender Troublemakers (1993) Some 90s Toronto trans girls fucking and discoursing. Explicit tgirl on tgirl action. This is the only one on the list that I haven’t actually watched yet. I’m hyped to watch it tho. Seems mindblowingly rad af.
Happy Birthday Marsha (2018) It's about Marsha P. Johnson.
I don't Know (1971) I'm obsessed with the trans girl in this one she just keeps popping up in all kinds of early 70s stuff. Directed by Penelope Spheeris (who is the sister of the cis gf in it).
Mesmeralda (2019) AN ABSOLUTE BANGER HOLY FUCK THE VIBES ARE OFF THE CHARTS! PLS WATCH THIS! I refuse to apologize for it being 15GB. It’s worth every byte.
Pat Rocco's Changes (1970) It's that same girl again!
Queens at Heart (1967) I can't get over that hairdresser girl thinking she's back passing. Most adorably weak boymode ever.
Shangri-La (2021) Another Isabel Sandoval joint.
The Yellow Wallpaper (2021) Freshly post op girl with a supportive boyfriend goes unhinged.
Undress Me (2012) Jana Bringlöv Ekspong did a few short films. Give janabringlove a google after watching this.
Some of these would be tough to find elsewhere, but most of the movies are also watchable on fmovies and/or can be torrented in higher quality.
After you've worked your way through the folder then just start doing Google searches for trans films. Look at IMDB keywords and letterboxd lists. There are so many more out there. These are just like my personal picks.
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cameronspecial · 4 months
A New Kind Of Normal (Part 10)
Pairing: Dad!Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings: Sexual Joke, Mentions of Drugs and Being High
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 3.7K
Summary: Rafe has to make his grand gesture to get his buttercup.
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Stella sits on Rafe’s lap in the booth, colouring in the book he brought for her. “Daddy, how come you and Mommy haven’t gone on a date yet?” she interrogates. She stopped her artistic flow to look up at her dad. He pauses for a moment not sure what to say to her. “Your mommy doesn’t think we should be together, little witch. Believe me, if your mommy wanted to be with me, I would be with her in a heartbeat.” Her head refutes his statement, “That’s not true. Mommy said she was going to ask you out last week. She likes you, Daddy.” This brings a picture into focus for him. When Raquelle came over last week, he remembers seeing a blur of teal come out of the elevator for a second and then go directly back inside. The colour is one he is familiar with as it is a part of Luna’s Diner’s colour scheme. He thought it belonged to her diner’s bomber jacket, but he wasn’t too sure. Now, this brings it all together for him. It was her and she saw him with Raquelle. 
“Stella, I think Mommy saw Ms. Raquelle returning my watch to me and thought I might have been taking her out on a date,” he concludes to his daughter. A frown falls on her lips, “Oh, no. We have to show Mommy that you love her.” “We absolutely do. How can we do that though?” he agrees.
With Rafe not allowed to watch Stella by himself, he had to enlist the help of his sisters. Sarah took Y/N out for a spa day and Wheezie promised to babysit Stella so that Rafe and his daughter could get everything ready at the house. “Rafe, I think that’s too much sugar,” Wheezie notes as she watches him pour the sugar into the measuring cup over the bowl. The sugar creates a pile in the measuring cup, overflowing into the mixture below. Rafe looks a little defeated and groans at his mistake. The young girl places a hand on her father’s back, “It’s okay, Daddy. Mommy likes sweets.” Rafe’s concern softens at his daughter’s words and they continue to bake. He sprinkles some confectionery sugar onto the table, throwing a little at his baby girl, who lets out a sweet scream. 
She scoops a handful in her hand and throws it at her. He plays at being angry at her, watching her run away from him. Her giggles fill the air with joy and her father chases after her. He picks her up around the waist, flipping her over so she is upside down. “You think that was funny? Huh, little witch,” he joyfully scolds. Her body waves in his arms like an air dancer. Wheezie watches the moment with a fond smile, “Rafe, you guys have to get back to baking if you want to finish before Y/N comes back.” 
He listens to his sister, righting his daughter upright. He gives her cheek a kiss and places her on the counter beside the bowl they are using. He lets her take the pastry dough out of the bowl, helping her when she struggles with the parts sticking to the bottom. Wheezie brings over a stool for Stella to stand on so that her niece can help roll out the dough. The force of her tiny body isn’t enough to roll the dough into the shape it needs to be, but Rafe is there to help apply the pressure needed. Stella scoops some of the filling onto her spoon and attempts to eat it. His hand stops her movement, “Little witch, you can’t eat that. It has raw egg in it. You can get sick.” He puts the filling onto a cut of dough. Her tiny pout makes him feel bad, so he gets her some candy from the cupboard. Her frown turns into a smile, chewing on the chocolate Kiss. They work together to make the buttercups and put them in the tiny muffin moulds. “Good job, let's get these in the oven,” he announces, opening the hot kitchen appliance and putting the tray on the rack. 
The timer dings after thirty minutes and Rafe goes to take the lemon buttercups out of the oven while Wheezie and Stella continue to watch their movie. They wait for the pastries to cool before arranging them into the letters they need. The words start to form a sentence and now, all he needs is to wait for Y/N to come home. 
She finds the lights in her house dim and this causes a crease to form between her eyebrows. The house is unusually quiet for a house normally filled with her daughter’s words. “Stella. Rafe. Where are you guys?” she calls out to the seemingly uninhabited room. Her purse finds a place on the entryway side table and she enters the kitchen. Her hands search around for the light switch, eventually aiding her ability to see. Something on the kitchen counter catches her eye. She notices they are arranged in a special way and she approaches the surface to read what it says. I love you -R. A smile crosses her face and tears start to form in her eyes. Her hand covers her mouth, trying to hide her expression. She looks around in search of the man, who wrote her message. She finds him behind her, looking at her with hopeful eyes. “Stella clued me in on a little misunderstanding that may have happened, so I thought I’d show you how I truly feel,” he explains to her. He takes a step forward, grasping her hand into his. She follows his motion and looks up at him. 
“And what misunderstanding happened?” she asks. He moves a piece of hair behind her ear, “You saw Raquelle at my house and probably thought something was happening between us, but I promise, nothing is. She was just bringing me my watch back. She tried flirting with me, but stopped immediately when I told her how serious I am about you.” A smile starts to form on her face, warmth filling her stomach at the mention of how he feels about her. “And how serious are you about me?” 
“So so serious. I told her I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you and that’s true. I love you, Buttercup. So will you go on a date with me?” 
“I love you too, Button. Let’s go on a date.”
Their lips find their place on top of each other, working together to deepen their passion. She pulls away, gasping for air and places her forehead on his. “Where’s Stella and Wheezie?” she questions, eyes trying to find the mop of muddy blonde hair that matches her father’s. Rafe points to the door, “Wheezie took Stella back to her place. She wanted to give us some privacy. She knew our daughter’s tiny ears would be nosey.” “Ugh, our daughter is so nosey. Last week, she saw our neighbour got a package and wanted to open it to see what they got,” Y/N agrees with a small laugh. He could listen to her laughter all day, but hearing her call Stella their daughter for the rest of their lives will never be enough for him. Even if it would continue into the afterlife, he doesn’t think it is going to be enough. 
“She definitely gets it from her mama. You were nosey about my life all those years ago and look where we are now.”
“Excuse me. Last time I checked, you were the one who came to me. So if she got her noseiness from either of us, it’s you.” 
‘Okay, you might be right. How about we blame Benedict and call it a day?”
“I can work with that. He is worse than both of us combined.”
“Deal, so about that date.”
Nerves. Why is he feeling so nervous? He’s been on plenty of dates, he is so comfortable around Y/N and they’ve already had sex so it’s not like he won’t know how to pleasure her if they do end up going down that route. But for some reason, the only thing that can cause his palm to rival Niagra is going on a date with the woman he fell madly in love with. Per Stella’s advice, he is taking Y/N to paint their own pottery place. He waits for Y/N to come over, glancing at the clock every so often. He offered to pick her up, but since their daughter is being babysat at Y/N’s house, Y/N said they would feel less pressure if she met him at his house. The knock on the door has him stumbling over his own feet. He straightens out the plain black t-shirt he is wearing and tugs the cap of his dad hat down. 
With a whoosh, the door opens to reveal Y/N all ready for their date. She is wearing a pink short-sleeve ribbed shirt with a sweetheart neckline. Her black skirt shows off her perfect legs and he is mesmerized by the way it flows with her slightest movement. She is wearing a golden pendant necklace with Stella’s name engraved on it. Her hair falls in soft curls and her side bangs are pinned back. Her tan ballerina flats tie her outfit together. Rafe suddenly feels underdressed in his black shirt and tan khakis. His keys are clipped to his belt loop and he was going to tie the outfit together with his usual golden chain. He also makes a note to bring his dark blue Carhartt jacket in case Y/N gets cold. 
“You look beautiful. I think I got my outfit wrong, so I’m just gonna go changed real quick. Give me like two seconds,” he is about to go to his room when her hand catches his wrist. She shakes her head, “Don’t. I like it. It gives you such dad vibes. It suits you.” He smiles at her compliment, feeling that he is finally ready to make dad jokes and yawn as loud as a plane’s engine. “Then I’ll just stay right here,” he confirms. They stand, staring at each other for a second. He realizes they haven’t kissed yet, so he brings his lips closer to hers, giving her time to pull away. She stays there, letting him come to her before deepening the kiss. Her arms try to wrap around him, but the thing in her hand comes between their faces. They both separate to see a canvas-like fabric in front of their eyes. “Right, sorry. Stella wanted me to give you this. She wants you to wear it so you don’t stain your clothes,” she informs, handing him the kid-sized apron. He opens it to see Stella’s name scrawled at the top and the print of her tiny hands underneath. He knows it will be comedically small on him, but he is going to wear it anyway
He rolls it up and puts it in his back pocket, “I shall wear it with pride. Are you ready to go?” “I am, let’s hit the road,” she exclaims, taking his hand into hers. He really hopes she doesn’t feel the sweat lining his palm. He opens the door to the passenger side and helps her into his truck. 
“Seeing the Rafe Cameron so focused on his painting is funny to me,” she whispers, her face close to his. Her hot breath fans his face and he hopes the blush creeping on his cheeks can’t be seen. He takes a second to put his brush down, “Why? Is it because my big hands make the brushes look small?” “You wish. I wouldn’t inflate your ego that much. No, it’s because I’m pretty sure you are colour-blind and right now, you are so focused on the details of your ceramic,” she teases. He brings his face close to her ear, “If you don’t want to inflate my ego, then you might want to stop screaming so much whenever I make you cum. But I need this to be perfect, I am painting it for my little witch.” “Ugh, next time I’m just going to not make any noise if you are going to be like that. And she is going to love it, just so you know.” 
They get back to work on their own projects. Y/N can’t decide which colour to pick, so she holds up the ceramic, “What colour should I make the writing? I can make it blue to compliment the setting sun or maybe black to just stand out completely.” “I think you should do black. It will stand out more,” Rafe advises, unfurrowing his concentrated brows. She notices the smudge of paint along his jaw and giggles. Her hand reaches out to brush it off. His hand grabs hers before she can pull away, turning his lips toward her hand and kisses her on the palm. They both smile at each other and focus back on what they are doing. 
They didn’t talk much throughout the date, but that was okay. It was mostly filled with comfortable silence. They had so many opportunities to get to know each other before their first date, so it didn’t need to be the general course of conversation while they were working. Instead, they spoke softly about their week. About advice on how to improve their ceramic piece. About the most random things that come to mind. They considered going out for dinner once they left the ceramic place; however, the constant texts from Josh about Stella questioning how the date was going made them decide to order something at home with her. Even though her other uncle and her aunts offered to watch her, the youngest of the bunch was chosen because he was the one less likely to be a hyperactive puppy when they got back. The small family of three waves goodbye to Y/N’s youngest brother, closing the door once he is out of sight. 
“How was the date?” Stella inquires with an intrigued look on her face. Y/N smiles at Rafe, “It was amazing, Baby. Daddy and I had so much fun.” “Yay! Can I come on the next date?” Stella squeals while kicking her tiny legs. Rafe looks down at her in his arms, “I’m sorry, little witch, but I want your Mommy to myself for at least two more dates. Could you forgive me?” Her parents couldn’t think she could get more excited. “Yes, yes, yes! It means you really love each other. I can wait.” The adults both laugh, putting aside her cuteness to ask her what she wants for dinner. They ate dinner as a family, recounting almost every detail of the date to their daughter. After, they settled on the couch and snuggled together to watch a few episodes of Bluey per Stella’s request. As the night starts to creep on the clock, Rafe gets up to head back to his apartment. Stella is sleeping on Y/N’s chest, but Y/N still takes a second to stop him from going. “Do you want to sleep over?” she mumbles, combing her fingers through their daughter’s hair. His lips turn to a vertical point and leans down to kiss his girl on the lips, “I would love to. Let’s get this little witch to bed.” He takes his time with taking Stella into his arms, bringing her to her bedroom so they can get her changed into pyjamas. 
The family gets themselves ready for bed and intertwines their limbs together in a cuddle on Y/N’s bed. Stella lies in the middle of her two parents, enjoying the warmth they provide her. Her ears are finally no longer prying into her parents’ conversation, so they can talk about what they truly thought about the date. “You really did enjoy the date, right? You weren’t just saying that because Stella really wanted it to,” he verifies with worry dripping from his voice. She gives him a sleepy smile, “Yes, Rafe. I did love painting ceramics with you. I promise. Did you have a good time?” “Yeah. I never thought I could find such happiness in something so serene, but I did with you. I’m so thankful you showed me a calmer side to life because partying was really getting to my old creaky bones,” he jokes. They let out soft laughs. The laughter dies down and he can’t help but stare at this domestic moment. 
The light coming from the lamp, which they will leave on for the rest of the night for Stella, backlights Y/N’s hair with a warm glow. He can see the slight droop in her eyes and knows she is struggling to stay awake for him. “You aren’t that old. Just have one year on me. If you are old, then I am too and that is not allowed,” she reaffirms, her hand finding the skin of his arm to trace patterns. He leans over to give Y/N a kiss, “You aren’t old, Buttercup. We can stay young forever, together.” “Forever and Always?” she mimics the words her daughter often mutters to her father. His heart heats up at her words, “Forever and Always.”
The sun invades the room, yelling at Rafe to wake up. His arms reach out in the bed to pull his bed companions into his chest, but his hand meets the sheets. His eyes yawn open to reveal an empty bed and he can now hear the giggles of his girls coming from the kitchen. He notes the slight chill that fills the August air, going to the dresser to pull out some sweatpants to pull on. Stella and Y/N freeze when Rafe makes an appearance in the kitchen like they were caught in a crime. His eyes find a black blur at their feet and he now knows the reason for their giggles. “Salem, come here. You know Mommy and your sister aren’t supposed to be the ones feeding you. They always give you too much food,” Rafe scolds the kitten, picking him up to distance him from the food. The pet gives a small mewl, rubbing himself against Rafe’s warm and bare chest. Rafe gives the feline scratches on the head. Stella pouts up at her dad, trying to take Salem into her reach, “But Daddy, you were taking forever to wake up. Salem was going to starve to death.” “Sure, that’s the excuse you guys keep giving, but when Salem can’t walk by himself, don’t blame me,” he chuckles with a shake of his head. 
Y/N walks over to him, handing him his coffee in the mug she made for him on their first date. It has a painted silhouette of Stella on Rafe’s shoulders at the beach. They are both watching the sunset and on the other side, it reads #1 Dad. It’s his favourite mug. It has been for the past year now. “We have to be ready by twelve to help Sarah and John B set up for their gender reveal. It means we have to take a shower right after breakfast,” Y/N warns, staring Rafe dead in the eyes. He gives an offended look, “Hey! Why are you looking at me?” “Because out of Stella and me, you take the longest to shower so I don’t want you making us late. Your sister needs help and I want to relieve as much stress as I can for her,” she critiques, heading back to the food on the stove. He gives a salute, “Message heard. I shall be ready by twelve, Buttercup.” 
She gives a satisfied hum in approval and tells Stella to set the table with her father’s help. Breakfast goes rather quickly, with the five-year-old giving her parents an animated retelling of her dream. Once breakfast is cleaned up, the family breaks away to begin getting ready for the day. Rafe is returning from the laundry room with his button-up shirt in his hand and is passing by Stella’s room when she stops him. “Daddy, can you help me put on my necklace, please?” “Of course, I will, little witch,” he agrees, entering her room and going to the small ceramic jewellery box he painted for her. He helps her put it on before getting into the shower. At eleven-fifty, Stella, Y/N and Rafe are by the front door, getting their shoes on and bidding goodbye to the last member of the family who can’t come with them. Rafe helps Stella get into the car, helping her get buckled into her car seat. He gets into the driver's seat and reverses out of the driveway. His hand finds Y/N’s hand, intertwining their fingers and bringing them to the centre console. 
Through the back mirror, he watches their house fade into the distance. The house he has been living in with his two girls for eight months and with the young black cat for the past month. Moving in with Y/N and Stella has been an absolute dream. He never thought he would be a year sober with a five-year-old daughter, a two-month-old cat, and the most brilliant girlfriend ever, who is on her way to being the brightest star in Hollywood if he had anything to do with it. His life plan a year and a half ago was just to party and make his father proud, but now, he has a much better life than he ever had planned for himself. He’s been a year sober. Stella and Y/N helped him realize his father’s approval means nothing to him if it didn’t make him happy either and has finally let himself be free of that pressure. The past few months have been filled with laughter, fun and love, which has given his life true meaning. Now, as he heads to a party to determine if he is going to get a niece or nephew in the next few months, Rafe can’t help but be excited for the Forever and Always he will get with Y/N and Stella.
Taglist: @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @thepatriarchykeychain @drewsmusee @starkowswife @maybankslover @forstarkey @loving-and-dreaming @drewstarkeyswifehoe @kisstaya @magicalyoura @mp-littlebit @loverfu55ii @dark1paradise @sublimepenguinpeach-blog @alyisdead @emeloyy @js-a-writer @kisstaya @optimisticsandwichgladiator @justdamnpeachy @theoraekenslover
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south-of-heaven · 1 year
Please.. Poly!Judgement Day bringing their daughter to her first match!
Biggest little fan || The Judgement Day x Reader
Summary: Your daughter attends her first wrestling match.
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Your heart races with a unique blend of excitement and nerves as you walk down the ramp, your daughter cradled in your arms. The bright lights and electrifying energy of the arena surround you, creating an atmosphere that's nothing short of electrifying. The cheers and roars of the crowd are deafening, and as you make your way to the ringside, your gaze flits over to your partners Finn, Damian, Rhea, and Dominik, who are standing at the edge of the ring.
Your daughter's wide eyes take in the spectacle around her, her tiny fingers gripping onto your shirt with a mixture of curiosity and wonder. You offer her an encouraging smile, your voice soft as you whisper, "Are you ready, sweetheart?"
Her response is a toothless grin that melts your heart, and you continue down the ramp, her small hand resting against your chest. As you reach the ringside, you set her down gently on the ground, ensuring she has a clear view of the action in the ring.
Rhea's entrance music fills the arena, and your daughter's eyes light up with recognition. She claps her hands in excitement, her tiny voice joining the chorus of cheers that welcome Rhea to the ring. Your heart swells with pride as you watch her cheer for her mommy, her enthusiasm infectious.
As Rhea's match against Raquel Rodriguez begins, you can't help but be amazed by the way your daughter is captivated by the action in the ring. Her eyes follow Rhea's every move, her cheers and claps punctuating the excitement of the match. It's as if she knows that her mommy is a force to be reckoned with.
Beside you, Finn, Dominik, and Damian watch with fond smiles on their faces. Their usual personas as wrestlers seem to melt away in this moment as they watch your daughter experience her first wrestling match. Finn's signature grin is softened by the genuine joy in his eyes, while Dominik and Damian exchange amused glances, clearly delighted by her enthusiasm.
The match unfolds in a whirlwind of athleticism and passion, and you find yourself swept up in the energy of the crowd. But your attention keeps returning to your daughter, who's completely absorbed in the action. She claps, she gasps, and she cheers as Rhea takes on her opponent with all the determination and spirit that defines her.
When the final bell rings and Rhea emerges victorious, the cheers in the arena reach a crescendo. Your daughter's face lights up with a radiant smile, and you pick her up in your arms once more, clapping and cheering alongside her. Rhea's triumphant exit from the ring is met with thunderous applause, and you can't help but feel a swell of pride for her.
As you make your way back up the ramp, your partners join you, their smiles bright and their eyes reflecting the joy of the moment. You share a collective hug, your daughter nestled safely between all of you. The journey back to the backstage area is filled with laughter and shared excitement, and you can't help but marvel at how this moment has brought your family even closer together.
In that moment, you realize that this isn't just your daughter's first wrestling match—it's a memory that the five of you will cherish forever. It's a moment that solidifies the bond you share, not just as partners in the ring, but as a united and loving family.
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colormepurplex2 · 8 months
Did It Hurt? | Prologue: The Fall
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↳ FallenAngel!Taehyung x LostSoul!f.Reader ⤜ Fallen Angel AU, Strangers to Lovers ⤜ Rating: MA 🔞 ⤜ WC: 880 ⚠️ Violence, injury, judgement and punishment
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Taehyung, Sometime around the end of the 20th century, in the Divine Chamber of Justice, Heaven
“Why are we even bothering with this trial?” Phanuel asks, crossing his arms and giving his Brother a pitying look. “Is it fair to hold ourselves to a higher standard than the ones we protect?”
Amitiel harrumphs softly. “Of course we are to hold ourselves to a higher standard. We are Divine Protectors of the Heavens, pointedly above those we protect.”
“I think what Phanuel is trying to say,” comments Mitzrael, “is that there is nothing in the Doctrine about what Brother Taehyung did being unforgivable. If those we protect can be forgiven through Grace, shouldn’t we afford our Brother that same Grace?”
“I say we hand him over to our Fallen Brothers in Hell,” mutters Kushiel, ever the rigid purveyor of punishment.
Gabriel shifts where he sits at the pinnacle of the Judgement dias. “The spilling of one’s Holy Seed is different from that of a mortal’s seed. We all are aware of this. The creation of Nephilim has been strictly forbidden since the fall of Lucifer. Therefore, the act that can potentially create such a monstrosity should be punished to the fullest extent. After all, Taehyung may not have created a Nephilim, but to even act in pleasures of the flesh where that is a possibility is worthy enough of our ire. Imagine the destruction he would have wrought, untold devastation.”
There is a quiet murmur around the chamber, soft echoes of fear and agreement, Sarathiel loudest of them all.
“Do you have anything to say for yourself, Brother Taehyung?” Zadkiel asks, speaking over the hushed clamor.
Taehyung prostrates himself before his gathered Brothers, pressing his forehead to the smooth surface of the floor, wings splayed out behind him. Holding the position for a few precious moments, he gathers his thoughts before looking up and meeting all their gazes one by one until he’s focused on Gabriel. His Brother might not be the Angel of Judgement, but he’s the Leader of all Angels, which Taehyung knows holds far more sway over all the others than anyone else; he’s a leader for a reason.
“Brothers,” he begins, “I would not ask for forgiveness for such an unforgivable act. As Brother Gabriel has stated, what I did was careless, not just to myself but to all others. I endangered all that we hold Divine and Holy here. I endangered our home. But I would ask for your leniency, your guidance and deliverance. Treat me as one of the flock. Let me seek righteousness and serve a penance for my disgrace. Do not cast me into oblivion. Let me prove myself worthy.”
“We shall take that into consideration.” Sarathiel eyes Taehyung with a cold appraisal. Fear and pain burn hot in Taehyung’s chest. The few stolen moments he sought with–he can’t even think of their name without wanting to wail in mourning–have proven to be what might be his downfall; literally.
The Counsel gathers, cloistering themselves behind a hazy wall of silence. All Taehyung can do is watch them, trying to discern what words lips are forming and what the emotions flashing across his Brothers’ faces mean. Gabriel and Sarathiel seem to be leading the conversation. He can only hope they both remember their love for him in their hearts.
It could be hours, or just minutes, before the shield falls and noise eases back into the chamber, sounding far too loud after the silence. Taehyung thinks he might sickup on the floor if that’s even something Angels can do; he’s seemingly forgotten how to function at all.
The Angel of Justice, his Brother, Raquel, steps forward and gives Taehyung a sad, soft smile before beginning, “It is with heavy hearts that we, the Council of Grace and Purity, hereby sentence you, Brother Taehyung, to one hundred years of exile for breaking your Oath of Holy Divinity by seeking pleasures of the flesh and spilling Holy Seed. At the end of your one hundred years, if and only if you have found a soul seeking absolution and deliver them unto a path of justice and redemption, will you be granted back within the sanctity of this Kingdom and your wings restored. If you fail in your penance, you will feel the wrath of Divine Smite. May the Lord have mercy on your everlasting soul.”
Always so regal and poised, Michael steps forward, the tip of his great sword trailing just a breath above the floor. Taehyung couldn’t bear to look his brother in the eye for fear of seeing the disappointment there.
“Let it be known,” Michael whispers over Taehyung’s bowed head, “I take no pleasure in this, Brother.” With one felling sweep of Michael’s blade, Taehyung is rendered incomplete, severed from his proper form. White feathers fill the air, softening the cry that rips itself from Taehyung’s throat.
His Brothers watch as he plummets from the Heavens, entering a fiery free fall into an existence none of them envy. If only he had the Grace to keep his hands to himself. Though not all Angels are meant for the Heavens, that much is clear. They can only hope Taehyung finds his way once again, or Lucifer damn him, they’ll lose another to the darkness.
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desultory-novice · 8 months
"Like Brother, Like Sister"
Gonna try for 1-2 short, last minute Apologies AU side comics before I drop The True Ending and declare this AU (mostly) finished.
This one (the "beginning" of the White-Haired Noir AU) was already semi-complete (I had originally intended to color it) so here you go!
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Noir wasn’t the only one willing to stoop to criminal acts to save them. Alas, they are doomed to never leave the planet together…
This is basically how the Dark Matter Painter stuff comes about.
For a bit of clarity - while there wasn’t a full script for this - in the AU AU reality, Adeleine was the one responsible for “killing” the sibling’s mutual best friend, Raquelle (whose soul would go on to feed/host the future Dark Rimula) by over excitedly sharing the paintbrush’s magic with her and, in playing around with it, accidentally turned her into a (living) painting, a process she found she could not undo...
Her tormented attempts to do so anyway, pushing the paintbrush’s abilities to create/duplicate life, plus the innocent girl’s shame and desperation to hide her responsibility for taking the life of the girl who was a combined parent-sister-friend for her AND the closest person Noir had to a friend outside herself (with the gift HE got her) was too much for her, allowing Dark Matter to get a firm grasp in her.
She had just enough time to finish her picture perfect forgery pass for Noir (her own smeared into illegibility) before it consumed her.
...Noir's date of birth is March 21st, btw. (Being Dark Matter Swordsman's birthday and all)
[Apologies AU Masterpost]
...Man, between this comic, the last story, and the one coming up, it's "Not Very Fun to be Adeleine Week" on Desultory Novice. ^^;
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notchainedtotrauma · 2 years
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Keke Palmer by Adrienne Raquel
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luxe-pauvre · 7 months
In Tiqqun’s 1999 Preliminary Materials for a Theory of the Young-Girl, they argue that the ultimate tool of capital is the “living spectacle of the Young-Girl.” The Young-Girl, as they conceive of her, is not a specific person; she is not even always young, or female. She is both an untouchable entity and a ubiquitous phenomenon.  The Young-Girl craves commodities because through them, “she sees herself, only more perfect.” She never creates anything other than herself, over and over and over again. She “can only seduce by consuming,” and yet she is defined by the imperialist violence of her “delicate emptiness.” She will never truly be full. She is all-powerful, and yet insignificant, because she must always be defined by her own infantilization. A tool of the Panopticon, The Young-Girl offers ultimate proof of capitalism’s chokehold on our lives, and yet we want to become her anyway. We choose complicity, becoming active participants in our own surveillance and punishment.
Raquel Alvarado, The myopia of youth
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astridhoff03 · 1 month
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My top ten favorite Barbie movies
Like every young girl I loved the Barbie movies. These are some of my favorites. I like that they are timeless, that you can watch them in every age and still enjoy them like DreamWorks Trilogy Classics or Disney and Pixar Movies. They are still fun too watch and I am really happy the Masterpiece of the Barbie movie that Greta Gerwig created, accomplished this again with a deep meaning behind the story, which is why this movie is so great.
I also recently saw some of the new Barbie movie stuff that is animated and I have the feeling it’s no longer also for us old fans, it’s more for the younger audience. Which isn’t bad don’t get me wrong, it’s always nice to see when Barbie gets new fans, but with the old movies and the cinema version of Barbie I had more the feeling that it was for everyone. But the new Barbie dreamhouse show feels still for everyone. It’s a good show maybe not as iconic as life in the dreamhouse, which is still the best Barbie show today, but it takes another interesting turn on Barbie, her family and friends. I like that her parents got introduced, they are very nice and seem to love each other dearly, which is wonderful. Barbie herself is as always a great protagonist and I like that they tried to make her more relatable. Ken is a bit similar to his life in the dreamhouse self so he is still a dork but adorable, which suits him perfectly. They also have a Ryan and Raquelle, which are called Tammy and Tray. Which is fine but I would’ve liked if Ryan and Raquelle had a comeback in this, they were the best characters in the previous dreamhouse series.
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ravenstargames · 1 year
✦ Lost in Limbo Devlog #4 | 07.31.23
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Ahá! What is this?! Ravenstar Games' fourth devlog?! More likely than you think!
Before we start, we want to apologize once again for the inactivity and thank you for your patience. Our master degree has ended as of today, but September 15th is the day on which we must hand in everything we have done during the year. That means that technically, we still have to work until then—BUT we are back on track with Lost in Limbo and our plans for the game, and we are beyond excited!
Without further ado, let's jump right into it! 💜
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So of course our most important milestone has been finishing our first key art! Yaaay! 🎉
We'll use this piece as a header for our socials, as well as an overall banner for steam, itch.io, etc. Raquel did an amazing job as always with this piece, and I had the pleasure to assist her with a few details and post-editing! We are so so happy to finally have this in our hands, it has made us feel like FINALLY we can work on our game again! :')
There's also of course the Barbie artwork, which was in the making for a long, long time. It was a silly little thing we wanted to do since Barbie was announced, and Kayden worked super hard to finish it right on time!
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<<The Midnight Tower. It was there before our kind took its first breath, and it will be there after the last one is long gone.>>
Not really a background, but not a CG either—let's say this is a small sneak-peak of the demo! This is one of the first things you'll see while playing, and a core part of LiL's adventure; the Midnight Tower, a mysterious entity that seems to be somehow connected to you.
I'm already working on animating this piece; the inky fragments will float around, the fog will move, and you'll be able to join this little raven on his journey to the top! Special thanks to Kayden who was in charge of this one!
You can also see the tower in our key art, if you haven't noticed. It's great to see how LiL's lore and story is evolving and seeing the light slowly but surely! 💜
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This month we are happy to show you the provisional main title screen for Lost in Limbo!! 💜 As per usual, I will animate the stained glass wheel to make it spin (like the logo in our webpage, hehe), and the fog will dance around with some nice particles!
All the screens for the game are done and we are waiting for our UI artist to send the files over so we can start programming and do some screenshots. We would have liked to do this during May, June and July (the months we knew would be packed with school work) but this has not been possible as the files have not been sent over to us yet. We hope we can get them soon enough!
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These past months have been a rollercoaster thanks to our master degree, but we can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. Things have been mentally draining for us all because we wanted to work on our game, and there was always the fear of people "forgetting" about our project, (or worse, thinking we had suddenly vanished to never come back), but we had to focus on our grades.
When we started two years ago, we knew this would be difficult, but I think none of us expected the hardships to be this way. To avoid writing a wall of text, let's just say that when you create something, you want to protect it; you want people to see it bathed in the sunlight you see it under, and the fear of it being disappointing or not enough is something that has hit us hard recently because of our inability to work on it. BUT THAT'S OVER!
To end this on a happy note, we have to give our endless thanks not only to you all, for still being here ready to welcome us back, but specially to @crescencestudio (and I, Seyl, am incredibly grateful to them) for being one of our biggest supports during the past few months! We have been struggling besties and talking to them has been one of the few things keeping us sane. SO THANK YOU!!! 💜
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Against the environmental crisis, the Landless Rural Workers' Movement concluded the airdropping of 12 tons of seeds in Brazil
Sowing in partnership with the Federal Highway Police was part of a plan to curb the environmental crisis
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The Fernando de Lara Encampment, in the town of Quedas do Iguaçu, was one of the communities in the state of Paraná that benefited from the aerial sowing of juçara palm seeds on the first day of this year's Nature's Journey, on Monday (3). Raquel Viana de Araújo lives in the encampment and was touched by the power of contributing to the airdropping of seeds using a Federal Highway Police helicopter.
“It was a memorable day because I was sowing juçara palm trees in the reserve. It’s amazing to be here making part of a historic moment amid so many environmental disasters. [It’s amazing] To contribute to environmental recovery."
In the legal reserve areas of the Celso Furtado Settlement and nearby communities like that where Raquel lives, 4,000 kilos of juçara palm seeds, considered to be “the açaí of the Atlantic Forest," have been sown. The species, which is threatened with extinction, was one of the reasons for the movement to create Nature's Journey last year in Paraná.
"As I was given a plot of land where we still have a certain quantity of juçara palm trees, I felt obliged to do something for this species. So, from the first year since we started harvesting the juçara palm fruit to extract the pulp, we started sharing the seeds with neighbors, friends, who sow them,” says Josué Evaristo Gomes, from the Dom Tomás Balduíno pre-settlement.
Continue reading.
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gegesimmer · 8 months
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Child Conversions - Part One 🤍
Hey there lovelies! I received a lot of requests to convert some of the hairs I've created so I decided to start working on a few. It's not as easy as I thought it would be so I will be releasing these in between new hairs I create🤍
Download links (PUBLIC):
Kelly Hair (child) - CF | SFS
Raquel Hair (child) - CF | SFS
Naomi Hair (child) - CF | SFS
Support Me ⁝ Direct Download 🤍
Original Hairs: Raquel Hair | Kelly Hair | Naomi Hair
Any support is honestly appreciated!🤎
Thank you to everyone who likes and reblogs my content! 🤎🤎🤎
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fashionbooksmilano · 7 months
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Fifty Sparkling Years
Texts Serge Gleizes
Abrams, New York 2017, 192 pages, Hardcover, ISBN 978-1-4197-2879-2
euro 30,00
email if you want to buy [email protected]
Fashion designer Loris Azzaro embodied an era. His fashion house, founded in Paris in 1967, was known for visionary silhouettes, slinky silk jerseys, daring cut-outs, and ornate beading and embroidery.
Starting with his wife and muse Michelle, Azzaro (b. Tunisia, 1933; d. Paris, 2003) created clothes for beautiful women – among them Sophia Loren, Raquel Welch, Marisa Berenson, Isabelle Adjani, Kate Winslet, Marion Cotillard, and Nicole Kidman. His style was seductive and modern, imbued with audacity and Parisian elegance. He created both mens’ and womens’ collections, and became well known for his perfumes.
Filled with interviews with people who knew and worked with Azzaro, this sumptuous new book focuses on themes important to the designer: style, inspiration, contemporaneity, perfumes, and family. The stunning illustrations include photographs from the Azzaro archives by Helmut Newton, Guy Bourdin, and other well-known fashion photographers, as well as magazine covers from Vogue, Elle, and more.
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