#raph x casey jones
writinandcrying · 4 months
Purple Dragons: Welcome to the “Fuck Turtles” Club, where we gather up to say fuck you to those dumb shreks
Y/n, whispering: This is not the club I thought it was.
2003 Casey Jones *wearing a moustache* standing up: Yeah… S-sorry, there was a misunderstanding.
Usagi, almost to the door: God, that’s embarrassing
2012 Monalisa, following him: Right? Think of another name next time, idiot!
2012 Renet, leaving from a portal: I can’t believe I fell for this.
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artsybun · 2 months
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A silly and cute April x Casey comic inspired by one of my fav 03 tmnt scenes
Gotta love protective little brothers that also make it their mission to embarrass their older sister, also i love to think Raph is constantly struggling bc Casey is his best friend too fhfbfhdnj
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notm1keyy · 11 months
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WOOOOO April introduction scene but with Raphael and Casey?!? My two boys… I absolutely LOVEE LOVE LOVE Mutant Mayhem, the movie was absolutely incredible. The only thing that could’ve made it better would’ve been.. Casey Jones LMAO but actually it was so good!! I’ve been wanting to implement my own MM!Casey and this brilliant idea popped in my head so I went with it and ran HAHA
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Here it is without the words!!!
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idiot-mushroom · 2 months
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some rasey for you starving fans out there
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sweeneydino · 6 months
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All Donnies like April, even Mura(Thank you @shyadri for the names, I love them. They are better than what i planned, and I shall yoink them /j)
I was gonna have little Purple taking apart a toaster, but then I realized I didn't really know what was inside a toaster, and I didn't want to take apart mine to find out. So uh... snuggles instead?
Nah jk I was just lazy lol
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forgetful-nerd · 7 months
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He’s crashing the wedding. Literally.
(There’s a 70% chance this would happen because of his own dumbassery. And a 30% chance it was because of Donnie)
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
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A kiss with a fist… they’re so fucking stupid, your honor.
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chibiuniverse2000 · 4 months
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Happy Valentines Day😍❤️💕 thought I’d celebrate this day by drawing my current top 3 ships I’ve been obsessed with lately!
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kito-oh-kito · 1 year
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“What’s so important youd risk your stupid life for!”
Then they kissed
(Click for better quality)
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notm1keyy · 1 year
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I love Casey Jones, he’s an idiot and defies all laws of sense and reason
Also sorry Donnie ur gonna have to take another L for ur love life, u need to stop getting crushes on people and focus on urself
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idiot-mushroom · 1 year
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My Girl <3
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Summary: Leonardo arrives in the past(present?) with no context, because this is my au, I'm the author and I get to decide what happens. And I decide that Reader and Casey get to keep their Papa.
Warnings: Swearing? Like twice. Crying ig, but happy tears! FLUFF
Requested: No? Yes? Kinda? Inbtween. Either/or
GN Reader!
Today was supposed to be a relaxing day. A day off if you will.
The city had finally returned to normal after the Kraang invasion, and life was finally calming down. You and your new family were healing.
Then Donnie's radar picked up a huge spike of mystic energy across the city. So, you, Donnie, Casey and Raph were on your way to check ot out.
Mikey and April opting to stay back at the Lair to make sure Leo didn't attempt to strain himself, considering the red-eared slider was still very much recovering from his battle with Kraang Prime.
"Alright, keep your eyes peeled. We don't know what we're walking in on. Watch eachothers backs, got it?" Raph said, and you nodded along.
Donnie was tapping away on his tech brace, and Casey was crouched right next to you. The four of you stalked around the area quietly while Donnie attempted to find the exact location of the magic spike.
You were tense, your shoulders locked up as your mind went into warrior mode. Your steps were light, unheard like snowfall.
"It should be... just around this corner." Donnie muttered, and Raph moved to stand infront of you.
You noticed this was something he did alot after the events of the invasion, he'd place himself between the supposed threat and his family.
Cautiously, you peeked around the corner, much to Raph's protest as he was no longer infront.
What you saw made you gasp in shock, your eyes widening and your weapon dropping to the ground with a loud clatter.
The man (turtle?) standing infront of you spun around at the sound of your weapon dropping. The very sight of him sending you through a roller coaster of emotions.
Joy, denial, grief, and an overwhelming sense of safety.
"Papa..?" You muttered, and you watched as his eyes lit up the same way they always had at the sight of you and Casey.
Your eyes brimmed with tears as a hopeful grin split across your face.
"Hey there, birdy." He muttered, and without a second of hesitation you launched yourself into his arms with a choked laugh.
"Are you really here? Am I dreaming?" You asked, clinging to him like a life line. As if you were scared to let go for fear he's vanish.
"I'm here. I'm real." Papa responded, setting you down and wiping away your tears with a smile, "Where's your brother?"
You turned around, and smiled at Casey, who was standing next to Raph and Donnie with tears in his eyes. Papa motioned for Casey to come over, and CJ rushed over throwing his arms around Papa as best he could.
"We missed you." Casey sniffled, and Papa hugged the two of you tightly.
"I missed you guys too." He said, pulling away, then smiled proudly, "And look at you both! You got so big! Look at you, Case', you're all muscle now! And, (Name), you've... got bandages on your knuckles... why've you got bandages on your knuckles?"
You shrugged, rubbing the back of your neck, "I- uh I got into a fight- it's a long story."
Papa chuckled lightly, taking your hand in his own, "Well then, firecracker, tell me all about it on the walk, yeah?"
You nodded, smiling widely as you looked up at the man you never thought you'd see again. Things were going to be complicated for a while, you'd need to help Papa fall into a new routine to keep him busy.
But you'd help him, the same way your family had helped you. You weren't in your timeline, but you were where it mattered.
With your family.
Hehehehehe, I told you I was on it!
I saw that comment on that one post and figured, "what the heck, im the writer, i can do what i want." And voila! It's a small thing really, but i do hope its to your liking!
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deadbeatbug · 8 months
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fabulousnessy · 9 months
Drew Rasey because yes I said so-
Screaming over these two frfrfr-
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White background version cause idk why not-
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