#ranting nonsense don’t worry about it
mareastrorum · 1 year
Irreverent ranting, don’t mind me.
I think I spent too much time on Reddit to bother with most of the curating advice like block buttons. The only time I’ve blocked anyone is for spambots because that helps keeps bots from taking over (I guess?).
Listen, my MO was to go onto Reddit and browse a curated front page of weird subreddits I subscribed to for maybe 10 minutes. 13 years of curating specific subreddits for whatever niche hells interested me. After a bit of that to ease my way back into the internet, I was ready to dive into the unhinged shitfest of /r/all for the rest of the day.
/r/all is like going into Tumblr’s trending page with 0 moderation and staff to prevent the unsavory bits from getting there. All that mattered was upvotes. I saw the most absurd shit. Getting to the top 100 of /r/all was considered an accomplishment, of course, except for the people that rushed to post breaking political news ASAP for an easy ride to the top. But I didn’t stop at top 100. I kept digging with RES endless scrolling because I am a hater. I wanted to be outraged. I wanted to see things that made me think “why would you post that?” and “why did people upvote this?” and weird crap I would have never otherwise encountered in my life. I was there for the two broken arms AMA. I was there when Victoria was kicked out of /r/IAmA. I was there when /r/bestof decided to exclude the default subs and again when they added them back in years later. I was there for the Ellen Pao revolt and sexist horseshit that came with volunteering to be the sacrificial lamb. I was there for the /r/jailbait debate and ban and aftermath, and for each ban wave after that. I was there when Grumpy Cat became a thing. I was there for the WSB GameStop insanity became a DFV cult and watched the subreddit turn into a conspiracy theory sub instead of the loss porn gambling with your life savings sub.
And if I needed time to chill the fuck out, I went to /r/law because at least there some of the takes were reasonably educated and thought out, usually eviscerating the dumbasses that came in with some political agenda. Oh man, 2016-2021 was an ERA of STRIFE, and I loved my time there. The insanity, the drama, the intrigue.
I never really encountered the DNI stuff until coming here. It’s just like, what? Do haters listen to that? Like, I am a silent hater, I’d flag people with RES to track bad faith asshats so I knew not to waste too much time on replies to them, but I didn’t stalk or block people on Reddit. I guess that’s how people do on the blog website? Here, I follow several people I don’t agree with because I don’t think that is an important part of my internet experience. I’m an attorney, I literally read and write things I vehemently disagree with as part of my every day. What would my life be if I didn’t? Fucking boring. Hell no.
When I started a Tumblr blog a few months ago, it was just to follow specific fandom stuff because the subreddit for it was surprisingly sparse. I laughed at the “hellsite” moniker because man, I would award that to Something Awful, not this place. Tumblr has issues, but meh.
So yeah, anyway, to all the redditors: if you’re like me, ignore the bullshit about block buttons, and just don’t be rude to OP if you want to avoid getting mass blocks. Getting blocked means you get to do less from that blog, but of course, you could always make a new one. Reblogs don’t work like a subreddit, they work like posting to someone’s personal sub and the OP gets all the updates of people responding to YOU. That’s kinda shitty, so it’s a nono. Same thing with the tags. Just be aware that OP sees them just as much as a direct reply comment would.
I’m off to douse myself in someone’s drama bullshit again, woohoo.
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the-trans-dragon · 2 years
I found a documentary series with an episode titled “The Next Pandemic” from November 7, 2019.
Really bonkers to watch. Various professions talk about their biggest concerns and priorities. Bill Gates gives his opinions a couple times.
I’m going to bed 💜
#the show is called Explained. on Netflix#I don’t really wanna advertise for Netflix so… idk.#that kinda broke my brain. I’m halfway howling in anguish and ranting in frustration—and halfway utterly speechless#what is there to say? ‘wow I wish anti-vaxxers let us utilize our technology.’#did it occur to anyone to put funding into public education? did anyone worry about the way capitalism doesn’t allow us to trust products?#did anyone think all their hard work would be useless because people didn’t believe in the plague?#I hate the anti-vax movement with so much passion; but I understand the logic of it and how irrefutable that logic can be#some of it is just nonsense conspiracy theory but some of it is legitimate fear. we are suffocated with advertisements. ‘you need this!’#‘buy this blender or you’ll never be healthy!’ ‘buy this purse or you’ll never have friends!’ ‘use our shampoo or you’ll kill the planet!’#‘buy our pain meds because they’re safer!’ ‘use these bandaids or you’ll get infections!’ ‘wear these shoes to prevent permensnt foot damage#‘get this vaccine or you might get sick!’ like…#something something automimicry. something something boy who cried wolf.#99% of the time it IS a scam when someone tells you that you need something. and how do you establish trust in a society like that?#I know the data and I know how vaccines work and I know the risks because I’ve studied it extensively#but I haven’t studied cars at all. and if a mechanic said ‘buy this or your car will explode’ I don’t think I’d take his word for it.#sigh… okay bed time for real now.#sorenhoots
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ive-been-timebombed · 15 days
Part one
Danny is the daddy! And king- same thing.
Summoning rituals are the absolute worst. It happens too often and always ends up with one too many bruises.
Red Hood shifted on his knees and pulled at the rope that held his arms behind his back. He looked to Nightwing who was to the right of him in a similar situation only with more rope and tighter knots, he kept escaping so the cultists improvised. Red Hood looked back to the main excitement in the room and rolled his eyes at the idiotic scene.
A big circle of intricate lines and displays of many items. There were five displays, which Jason can only assume were offerings, one had a bag of food that looked similar to batburger. The second had what looked like a child’s school project on the solar system. The third held a map and a.. baby’s doll.? Jesus, what is this idiot summoning? The fourth was of a bright green liquid... Lazarus Pits? It was brighter than the actual pits and looked cleaner. Not to mention the bubbling was also missing from the vile of the pits. The last was a plant and a bag of sand... Jason gave up on trying to understand whatever the hell the fugly dude was trying to summon.
Speaking of.. the man that was scurrying around the circle looking at it making sure everything was good. He looked insane, with almost bright blue skin, black hair, and cultist-type robes. Not to mention the slight transparency of the man. Jason decided his name was gonna be Wickham.
“Oh finally! I’ll get to summon my king to this blasted world” Wickham stepped back from his summoning circle with a wicked grin, “If only my king didn’t have such strange needs to be summoned..” Wickham looked over to the vigilantes and moved in front of them his hands folding behind his back
“I guess you guys don’t know what I’m summoning do y’all?” Oh great.. he’s about to go on a rant.. “Don’t worry! You’ll find out soon!” Wickham turned to his circle again and stood in front of it. He got down to his knees bowing his head and bringing his hands together. He started to speak, a language Jason had never heard, and by the sounds of it neither had Dick.
The circle started to glow the Lazarus green. Jason felt like he couldn’t breathe. The weight of the ritual was suffocating, and despite feeling like he could grasp Wickham's words, they remained nonsensical.
Strangely enough, Jason couldn’t understand what he was feeling. It felt like longing for something that he never had.. like a warm hug from his father, Willis. He could feel excitement and yearning for the green to overcome the room and cover him in the comfort of.. the distant memory of singing and the cold of a rooftop.
Despite what many had assumed of Danny, he quite enjoyed the summonings. They weren’t too often and gave him an excuse to leave his boring meetings. When he felt the pull of a summons he grinned and waved to the idiot ghosts that were arguing in front of him and disappeared.
He opened his eyes seeing the usual scene of his summonings.. ignoring the strangely dressed mortals that were tied up near the wall.
“King of the Infinite Realms, Ancient of space and the unknown, Defeater of Pariah Dark, Honored of the Far Frozen, Knight of-“ The summoner listed off. Danny sighed he should really get rid of most of the titles..
“Blah- Blah- Blah. What do you want, Mortal..”Danny asked looking down at the summoner and hesitated at the end seeing the slight transparency of him..
The summoner stopped speaking and bowed further to the ground, “My King! I ask that you cleanse this cursed world and take it for your own! With me as your trust-“ Danny once again interrupted
“I’m good, already own this dimension. It’s only one of the infinite-“ Danny groaned before he froze.. this dimension.. it was his home dimension. The very same he was born in and dead. The same he protected with his undead life when ghosts invaded his town.. The same he left his child in to live in..
“My liege?” The summoner spoke up hesitantly glancing up at the halfa.
Danny didn’t bother to acknowledge the mortal. He was to distracted by the small very similar essence to his own only a few steps away. He looked to the tied up mortals and stared at the one that had a red helmet. The red helmet stared back his core begging for help and the support of its paternal core essence.
When Danny was first introduced to the idea of being king he was put in lessons by the many leaders around the realms. First was with Frostbite, the Leader of the Far Frozen, who taught him the biology and science behind ghost. Embarrassingly, he also had to sit through the sex talk once again. But from what he was taught when a ghost has a child or Ling short for Ghostling. That Ling would be connected to its parents or parent for ectoplasm as it would be to young to absorb ectoplasm on its own. The steady stream of ectoplasm would be used to power the young ghostlings core and nurture it to start absorbing ectoplasm on its own. The connection also helped the parent when they needed the location of their ling or just wanted to check up on them. The connection was like a cellphone that only connected to the child to the parent. It told them the location, needs, even if the Ling needed extra ectoplasm. It could be used for a call to come or even a scream for help.
When Danny was younger he had a kid.. the baby was an accident that he didn’t know about till it was left on his doorstep with a letter saying it was his. He called the kid his Baby JayJay short for Jason. He couldn’t feel a core inside the child so he assumed that Jay didn’t inherit his ghostly habits. So he didn’t form the connection between their cores, he didn’t want to hurt the still living soul of his baby by feeding it unneeded ectoplasm. Danny couldn’t stay in his dimension however.. due to the active laws against his kind. And he didn’t want to drag his child into something he didn’t need to be apart of. So he forced down his core wants and said goodbye to his baby JayJay. Then left for the infinite realms to be crowned and ever wondering what happened to his baby.
Jason couldn’t describe the feeling when he saw the being Wickham had summon finally appear.
It was a human body despite the many not human things. Their hair was a snow white and their eyes glowed a bright green. The clothes they wore had similarities of kings clothing it was a black with gold accents and a star covered cape. The cape floated like it went beyond gravity which Jason assume it did. The man had sharp canines and pointed ears. His hair floated similar to his cape, defying gravity. The feet of the being faded to invisible as it reached the floor. The glowing green flickering off to blue crown on the beings head drooped back a the being landed on the ground.
“King of the Infinite Realms, Ancient of space and the unknown, Defeater of Pariah Dark, Honored of the Far Frozen, Knight of-“ Wickham started before being interrupted by the being.. King Phantom?
“Blah- Blah- Blah. What do you want, Mortal..” The kings voice was echoey and smooth, Jason swore he heard the voice before.
“My King! I ask that you cleanse this cursed world and take it for your own! With me as your trust-“ Do Wickham was a stereotypical cultist. Only wanting one thing that will likely never gain. The being interrupted him again.
“I’m good, already own this dimension. It’s only one of the infinite-“ The king rolled their eyes before they froze their voice stopping with them. They were looking off into the distance so Jason could only guess the being realized something.
Wickhams voice felt muffled when Jason heard him as the being looked straight at him and Jason stared back.
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gigglesandfreckles-hp · 4 months
OH can you please do "What do you need?" "A hug." for jily <333
from this prompt list
She’s been going for 20 minutes.
“It’s fucking ridiculous!”
James nods dutifully from his place on the couch. “Absolutely.”
“And it’s not as if Slughorn has the bollocks to actually say anything. Not beyond his usual rubbish anyway which is the whole reason Mulciber has the audacity to spout his blood supremacy nonsense at the bloody dinner table.” 
“I hate that guy.”
Lily wheels around from where she’s been pacing by the fireplace. “Right? And I swear, James, he was pissed when he got to the dinner and Sluggy’s mead just made it worse. I was just sitting there, having to listen to him, as he…as he stares at me, over pudding. Because he doesn’t care that everyone knows exactly who he’s talking about. He makes my skin crawl, James.”
James takes a steadying breath and forces himself to continue to track Lily as she paces about the room, his face neutral and attentive. She’s made it clear enough times before that she won’t allow herself to go on these rants around him if she has to worry that he’ll just take them as permission to go hex the Slytherins. It’s a test of his self-control every time.
“I just wish that someone else would say something. For once! That it wouldn’t be me against the entire—”
James scoffs, his practised patience wearing thin. “I’ve told you—”
“You hate the Slug Club, James,” she interrupts with a sigh. “Don’t you remember the last time?”
Does he ever. Things had spiralled out of control at dinner, and the tension had spilled over into the corridors right after the party. Fortunately, Lily had the presence of mind to fetch Slughorn before anyone ended up needing a trip to the hospital wing. The Potions professor had quickly sent James and the Slytherins to their respective dorms, deducting only a few points from each house.
Of course, James and his friends had settled the score later that week, far from Slughorn’s watchful eye—but Lily didn’t need to know everything.
“And besides,” she continues, “I already know how you feel and it…it means everything to me, to have you on my side. But Jesus, James, you’d think at least one of the posh twats Sluggy invites week after week could at least have some sympathy.”
“Speaking on behalf of the posh twats of the world,” James begins, clearing his throat.
Lily cracks a smile, the first real win of the evening for James. “Oh, stop that,” she says, shaking her head. “We’re far too good of friends for you to fool me with that anymore.”
Friends. Good friends. Great friends!
James gives her a practised smile as she settles beside him on the couch, turning sideways to face him, knees drawn up to her chin.
“I’m sorry,” she says. “I really did mean for us to study. I—”
He shakes his head. “I’m happy to be a listening ear, Evans.”
She smiles softly, resting her chin on her knees as she watches him. The firelight dances across her face and hair, casting a warm glow that makes her look radiant. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“Rot of boredom, probably,” he quips.
“You just…” She purses her lips. “You always know exactly what to do. What to say. It’s like…it’s like you’ve read the Lily Evans Manual.”
James forces himself not to drop his gaze, not to give up and openly confess how he’s studied her so closely for the past six and a half years that he could write a Lily Evans Manual.
“You make me sound way cooler than I am,” he says, leaning on one crooked arm against the back of the couch. “Do go on.”
She laughs, the sound muffled as she buries her face behind her knees, eyes squeezed shut.  James's gaze lingers on her, absorbing every detail, as he commits the sight and sound of her to memory.
“I’m sorry you have to deal with them,” he says quietly, resisting the urge to reach across and lift her chin to meet his eyes. “It’s not fair.”
“No,” she sighs, “it’s not.”
“What do you need?” he asks. “I know hexing Mulciber is regrettably off the table for me,” (she laughs again) “but we could go get some ice cream from the kitchens or if you’d rather go ahead and start studying—”
“A hug,” she interrupts him.
His eyes widen. “From…me?”
“I mean,” she hesitates, her voice softening with uncertainty, “not if…not if it’s an inconvenience. I don’t—”
Before she can finish—before she can change her mind—he swiftly crosses the space between them on the couch and wraps his arms around her. Her knees collapse at once, falling off the couch between them, so she can press herself more fully against the solidness of his chest, her arms threading tight around his shoulders.
And they’re just friends. Good friends. Great friends! But he wouldn’t trade it for the world—not really.
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kirke-is-my-name · 1 year
Hello! Can i request headcandons of Miguel o'hara with a shy nurse reader who is constantly tired? Being nurse is a physically and mentally demanding job and i love the dynamic of hero who falls over his heels for his nurse or even being protective over her, but if u don't want to make this request i understand
I’m so sorry I just saw this! But of course let’s see what I can think of 😌
A nurse reader who is dating Miguel would honestly have a terrible sleep schedule like him.
Like poor baby is working 24,48 or 72 hour shifts at the hospital. And often times hardly sleeps so when you are home it’s time for rest and relaxation
When working those longer shifts Miguel makes it his job to arrive home at least 90 minutes before you, so he can not only prepare a bath with all your favorite soaks. But also a hot home cooked meal. Because god damn it you deserve something nice
If you need something? He will get it. You need to rant about your shift? Don’t worry he is a good listener. You need to cook dinner? Nonsense sit down and he will cook.
Two sleep deprived lovers whatever will they do!?Sleep…they sleep can only sleep if the other is in bed with them.
If you start nodding off he will carry you to the bed. And if you refuse to sleep he will sit in the bed with you and do some work or also fall asleep.
Has Lyla constantly keep watch at your hospital to alert him if anything is wrong.
Oh you haven’t eaten? You have a DoorDash under you name within the hour. Running out of medical supplies? Nonsense someone just bought some for your entire department . You had to deal with a very hard patient? Woah look at that someone sent you flowers. Someone threatened you? That’s so weird they ended up in the police station brushed and hurt…
He is whipped
Knowing he is spiderman and seeing the damage his villain can do to others really only makes you appreciate him more. Granted if an innocent person is harmed you are chewing him out. He might of gone to your work a few time as both Spider-Man and Miguel asking for your help to patch him up. The one time he tried to fix his injuries himself you scolded him at doing such a bad job that you insist on patching him up every night if you have to.
Honestly? His favorite time watching your hands move to maybe sow together a cut that’s rather deep. Or even wrapping him up, his just looks down fondly at you as patch him up and talk about whatever is on your mind. But if he is being a little shit his wrappings or thread might be pulled a bit too tight.
Both of you acknowledging the other has a difficult job, but Miguel thinks you are stronger then him in every sense. While he saves the multiverse he doesn’t personally interact with the people. You though…you talk to them and get to know the people. He saves the world but you save the people.
It gets hard losing a patient who was a kid or someone you’ve bonded with. Often times you’ve cried at their passing. But you have a job to do and as quickly as you cried, the tears vanish and you continue your job. For that alone Miguel believes you are stronger . To truck on after losing someone and still maintaining a friendly demeanor and positive attitude. Even when you know the situation won’t get better. Is something he knows he couldn’t do but you can. So when you cry and are tired he comforts you in every way he can. Because one person can only strong for a certain amount of time before it gets to them.
One time someone took a picture of Spider-Man with you in his arms. For WEEKS your coworker and patient cornered you asking if you know the masked hero. You stuck with the story “noI just patch him up really?!” Of course a villain saw that picture and though it was a bright idea to kidnap you and use you against Miguel…bad idea. Sure you are a nurse and SHOULD be helping the injured but after seeing the damage Miguel left you turned your head and said “Im off the clock so I can’t help them”
You needed new scrubs so Lyla order a spider-man themed scrubs for you. Honestly got a nice laugh out of it and you wear them at least once a week.
Another time your lunch happened to be the Miguel Burger and attached was a small strawberry also designed like Miguel. It cheered you up for sure
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jacespookiebear · 1 year
ೃ࿐ 𝙔𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙜 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙗𝙚𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙞𝙛𝙪𝙡: 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 5
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summary : you are the youngest daughter of Viserys I Targaryen and Aemma Arryn. Outlived your mother and your older twin brother, Baelon, in childbirth. You were titled as (Y/n) “The Undying” Targaryen.
pairing : jacaerys velaryon x targaryen!reader
warnings : incest, tension, sexual content, age gap (reader is about 3-4 years older), jace is about a year older in this fic, misogyny, self-harm, violence, angst, teen pregnancy, birth, meraxes is alive and thriving with vhagar :D
“Hush now, Princess,” Lysanna tried her best to console you as you kept spurting tears. You blew into the tissue she gave you. “You were only frustrated..” you were all back on Dragonstone from Driftmark, except for the Ser Laenor, who was murdered, in his own home and in his father’s hall. Not only were your nephews grieving over their father’s death but you all had just came back from the wedding ceremony of Daemon and Rhaenyra. The Old Valyria wedding put all kind of emotions on the children’s faces, especially Daemon’s daughters. You and Lysanna certainly had no clue on what to feel. But you weren’t crying about that, it has been over a few weeks since you told your step-mother a heavy lie, it had you refuse to even look or speak to your nephew, Jace, ever since.
“And what of my nephew?!” you lifted your head to face Lysanna, who frowned and could not speak another word. “He will forever curse me once he finds out! He will hate me..” you continued to sob and sneeze into the tissue. Rhaenyra was there, hearing of it all. She wasn’t mad at all, no, she was quite contented! But had worried for you, of course.
Though, she had thought it was wrongful to put yourself and her family in a bad position with Alicent. Daemon thought you were fussing over nothing. Honestly, the couple wouldn’t mind if you were to be betrothed to the eldest son, your bond with Jace reassured Rhaenyra that it would be a marriage of eternal happiness and love. “Sister, stop your cries. I had no idea you had thought of Jace as a potential suitor.” She lightly chuckled. You scoffed at her comment, but said nothing . The corners of her lips lifted and her eyes glint with wonder, “Jace would never hate you. In fact, I believe this is what he always wanted.”
You got up from your chair to circle around your lady-in-waiting and your sister, clearly getting ready to rant some more. “You don’t understand!” you choked on your tears and gave yourself another break to breathe, like what Lysanna told you to. “I said a lie..a lie that is utterly unacceptable! Jacaerys said it himself—if he was to be betrothed, it would be out of duty not out of love!” you continued as the two listens, “And I have been ignoring the poor boy..I’m the worst person to have ever lived in the Realm..”
“Stop that nonsense now, Y/n,” Rhaenyra ordered, and suddenly there was a knock on your chamber doors and it began to swing, you quickly ran out of the view and under your bed:
“It must be Jace! I can’t look at him in the eye!”
You heard Rhaenyra groan at the way you hid so quickly, Lysanna laughing at the scene. Jace entered the chambers, with a frantic look on his face.
“Mother,” he muttered, turning to look around the room and once he was done, he frowned at his unsuccess. “have you seen the Princess? I searched the entire castle for her. We have not spoken since..I am worried..” you felt your heart break at his words and tone.
“My darling boy,” Rhaenyra smiled, she and Lysanna exchanged a look to each other before continuing, “I heard she might be in the gardens..but before you go, you must answer me truthfully.“
Jace stared back at his mother and gave a slight nod, wondering what she wanted to ask. He was worried it was a question concerning the Princess, you.
“Are you upset with the Princess?”
The question made Jace blink in confusion. He wondered where did his mother get the impression that he was in distress. But to answer her, he shook his head, “No. Why would I be?” he asked, curiously. Rhaenyra only smiled in return and slightly shrugged her shoulders,
“No reason,” your sister said, “be sure to tell your aunt.” Jace nodded and pardoned himself to leave the chambers, continuing his mission to look for you before having to go back to his studies with your uncle, Daemon. Once he left, you slid out from under your bed and heard Lysanna continue her laughing fit, you gave her a glare in return.
Rhaenyra got up from her seat and had plan to leave but before she could, she turned to look over to you, “You should go to him. Talk to him—he will understand. If you want my truth, I believe Jacaerys would be the perfect suitor for you.”
Your sister gave you a smile before she walked out. You bit your lip in frustration, she was possibly right. Lysanna helped you off the floor, quickly fixing your hair before you excused her to go find the twins and Luke to play in the library like always. After some time of hesitation, you finally walked through the halls of the castle and went outside to the gardens to find your nephew. Finding him was easy as he was near Meraxes, who was laying next to the trees, resting.
Your nephew looked rather stubborn when he couldn’t see you anywhere near your dragon but his face was quickly lit up when you approached him. “Princess!” he ran up to you, Meraxes slightly lifted her head and let out a huff, it was a sign that she missed your presence.
“Forgive me, my Prince,” you fiddled with your sleeves, you gave Jace a neutral smile. He looked confused for why you were apologizing, “These past few days…I have left you in the shadows..”
Jace nodded in agreement but held no ill feelings towards you. He watched as you began to pick at your skin once again and stopped you before your skin could turn red. “You must hate me.”
“I do not,” he answered, “I have missed you.”
“What a sweet reassurance.” You dryly confessed.
“You’re troubled,” Jace noted, curiously. “I wish to help you if only you tell me.” You hesitated to speak once more but Rhaenyra’s words clouded your thoughts and you grew more confident.
You gave your nephew a genuine smile and signaled him to walk with you through the gardens. “I am to be betrothed.” Jace quickly whipped his head to the side to look at you, panic spread all over his face. He did not look happy, not one bit.
“To whom?!”
“Well—many great houses had offered their sons’ to me. Uncle certainly had enjoyment in declining every offer,” you explained, “he says no lord deserves the hand of the Realm’s Beauty.”
Jace, still not convinced, he bore an emotionless expression as you finished speaking. “Are you to marry a Martell?” he asked, you shook your head once again. You were making his head spin, then who were you supposed to marry?
“It is my duty to tell you the truth,” you begun. You let out a deep breath and took Jace’s hands into yours, “I had whispered such lies about us and for that, I am terribly sorry, my sweet nephew,” the anticipation left Jace very impatient and nervous, “I have spoken on your behalf to the Queen…we would be married..” after the long line of silence, certainly you expected a harsh shove and a angered expression but instead he tightened his grip on your hands.
“I will do my best to honor you, my Princess. I am relieved to hear you say those words.”
You shook your head at his words, surely he was only saying those out of duty. You wanted his honest feelings. “Please do not lie. It was my fault, it is not my place to speak wrongfully about you and for that I am terribly sorry.”
Jace grumbled at how you pulled away. “It does not matter,” he says, “I am quite contented to know you want us to be betrothed…are you?”
His question burned into your head, you did not know how to feel or what to say. You are happy to know that your nephew was on your side, that you do not need to marry a high lord from a great house. House Baratheon and House Lannister were amongst them and were rather desperate for your hand, your uncle tells you—from the many letters they sent and offers they bargained to the King. Rhaenyra had liked the decision of offering your hand to the new Warden of the North—Cregan Stark, he was around the same age as you and is a capable fighter. But you were happy enough to know you would marry your nephew, he would make you happy and is a noble boy who has respect and honor unlike your brother, Aegon.
“I am happy.” you insisted, truthfully. 
To your answer, Jace looked relieved and sighed happily. He gave you a smile and you both continued to walk together while he began holding onto your hand.
That settles, you thought. You will marry Jacaerys.
As times have passed, 2 years to be exact, very quickly. You had just turned ten-and-seventh and your betrothed certainly had many plans in mind for his ten-and-fourth nameday that was coming up. Rhaenyra had decided to let the celebrations be held in King’s Landing, to the King’s requests. The halls of where meetings were held, you sat in front of your sister and uncle who had continued making preparations for your wedding. Your betrothed was running late, Lysanna had informed you that he slept late last night.
“I had already requested for an Old Valyrian wedding,” you reminded for the hundredth time. Your uncle, Daemon was all on board for it, you are a Targaryen and you must stick to traditions. “I do not wish to be married under the Seven. I do not believe in the Seven. This is my marriage, remind the Queen of that.”
Rhaenyra tapped on the wooden table, she received word from the Queen that she would like to also be part of the planning of your wedding. She wished for you to have a wedding under the Seven, with all the Great Houses present, but you wanted an Old Valyrian wedding. For years, you planned for your wedding to be held under the great traditions of your house. Rhaenyra was rather frustrated to be in the middle of your quarrel with your step mother but of course, Daemon found it amusing.
Your elder sister let out a tired sigh, she leaned into her seat. Although she sided with you but the Queen had very much insisted on this matter. “I understand, sister. But I have tried to reason with the Queen. I shall talk more on the matter when we arrive to King’s Landing for Jace’s nameday.” as she finished, the doors opened and your lady-in-waiting, Lysanna, arrived with a handful of letters.
“My Princess, I brought the letters that you had asked for,” she announced and you ushered her to come closer. The letters that you had Lysanna prepare to send across to the North, to her brother, the lord of Winterfell. Letting Lord Stark know you were arriving to visit Winterfell after your wedding. You’ve been planning to have a trip in the North for years now and you made sure to also bring Lysanna. She had shown to be grateful to visit her brother after years of being apart.
“Very well, Liz,” you spoke happily, you looked over at the letters with content and they were all beautifully written. Lysanna was known to be very proud of her penmanship, since she had become learning how to write, her main duties were to write all the letters that were to be sent from Dragonstone. “Have a raven send them off. And with our preparations..let us be finished, sister, I shall retrieve to my chambers.” you wished, with a nod from your sister, you had left your seat. As you left, Lysanna stayed behind to talk with Rhaenyra and Daemon about the continued demand letters from House Lannister, it’s been years since Rhaenyra announced your betrothal to Jacaerys Velaryon and yet, House Lannister had still insisted on offering Jason Lannister’s hand.
With each step towards your chambers, you grew more irritated. Irritated towards your step-mother, who wouldn’t take no for answer. You felt yourself grow mad everyday. As though you are in Dragonstone, miles away from King’s Landing, your step-mother still found a way to have a say in every decision you tried to make.
With you occupied in your own thoughts, you suddenly felt large but strong hands wrapped around your torso and pulled you inside in a room— a room that looked to be Jace’s chambers. Letting out a loud gasp, you heard a chuckle. Once you turned, you saw your betrothed. He was dressed in his training attire. Jace had grown so much, he grown to be more taller and bigger. His looks are more defined and mature, no longer possessing those chubby cheeks you had always squished when he was younger. But Jace could say the same about you.
You always were beautiful, but still you had changed, a lot. Your hair grew more longer and fuller. The curls appeared to be tighter with the years that had passed. Certainly he had watched your breasts and hips mature as well, you no longer had the ability to wear the dresses you had owned since you were twelve. Rhaenyra had the seamstress make you a whole closet filled of gowns after your ten-and-fifth nameday. Now you mainly wear blue and purple gowns to honor your betrothed’s house. You had still worn red and black gowns from time to time, though, you missed wearing white. It was a color that suited you better than any color, everyone in the Kingdom would agree.
“Ñuha hūra qēlossās,” Jace cupped your face, with your frustrations still bubbling inside you, you moved away from his touch. Noticing on your behavior, he did not urge to touch you again, wanting to respect you. “my apologies for not arriving at the planning..”
“You said you would make an effort in attending.” you remembered. As much as you loved Jace, you couldn’t help but feel a little unsure in this betrothal. Making your way near his window sill, you could feel Jace’s presence behind you.
He sighed, sitting on the couch that was nearby instead of being right by your side. He wanted you to come to him when you were ready. “Indeed I have..promised...” he knew he screwed up. You were already so tense about the whole wedding and to make it even worse, he couldn’t show up to the preparations.
Silence covered the room, it went by slowly. Jace was impatient, he wanted you to speak. To break the silence. To break the awkward atmosphere in the room. But you continued to look out the window, you watched Meraxes fly freely in the sky, Vermax closely following behind. The two became inseparable year after year, the ill tempered dragon grew more comfortable around the company of the Silver Queen. A small memory clouded your mind, one where you had to apologize profusely to the dragonkeepers who were in charge of Vermax, receiving angry roars and scratches from him whenever forced to be separated from Meraxes. You remembered being so mad at Jace who only laughed at the situation when you explained it to him.
“It appears Vermax shares the same love I have for you, for Meraxes.” Jace had once said to you. The words stuck with you ever since, unsure how to feel or what to say. It was possibly true for a dragon to share the emotions with their dragonrider.
“She wishes for us to be married under the Seven,” you muttered, confessing what is on your mind. Lifted your head to turn to look over at Jace, “who knows what else she wishes..next she will force our children to bear names that are not suitable for Velaryons..”
Jace let out a soft laugh. The thought of your children together— makes him fill with joy, though he does not show it. “I shall agree with her,” furrowed your brows at what he had said. He continued, “our children would be Targaryens.”
“Ñuha vēzos, you are a Velaryon.”
“Not when I ascend the Iron Throne.”
He is right. Once he is crowned King, he will bear the name Targaryen, meaning your children will start bearing the name Targaryen as well. Making you remember that your firstborn would inherit the Iron Throne after Jacaerys and so would their firstborn. Even when time will pass, you still could not wrap your head around those facts,
“If it bothers you, Princess, then we can name them after dragons.” the thought of having your children be named “Balerion” or “Vermithor” made you giggled. Your mind no longer remembering your anger towards Alicent but now you were ecstatic and in a good mood— all because of your future husband.
“Even if you had forgotten about your husbandly duties,” you turned your body away from the window and moved towards Jace, “you were able to help me forget all about my troubles.” you sat on the couch and moved closer to him.
“Thank you.” you whispered into his ear. Jace gently held onto your arms and wrapped them over his shoulders for you. You breathed in his scent as a way to calm your nerves. Perhaps you were wrong. In your eyes, you made the right decision in choosing Jacaerys to be your future husband, the future father to your children.
I feel like this chapter was a little more shorter than the others😒 I’m sorry about the delays. School is rough!! I was having trouble with how the story should continue but I’m adding more and more plot cus I love this fic so much it’s like my baby right now.
taglist (woohoo!): @sigynxlokiwifelover @l-3-e @audigay @urmomsgirlfriend1 @cold-v0dka @cookielovesbook-akie @theoriginalwife000 @xoxovenusquinn(would not let me tag u:( @ghalakgx (would not let me tag:( @neenieweenie @classysassynabitsmartassy @generousbearwolflight @gariben @si1versamurai @deltamoon666 @aemondssiut (would not let me tag u:( @thelastemzy @ryantryan6969 @topazy @starogeorgina @infinitleyethereal @speedypeter @dramaroomrat @potatolady189 (would not let me tag u:(
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luzisahomosexual · 6 months
‘Dissecting’ this picture bc it gives me life.
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I love everything about this photo.
The matching bracelets, the positions they each sleep in…EVERYTHING.
Logan ~ Logan is doing his usual curl up in a ball pose, which is ofc adorable. He’s also in the corner, almost forming a wall around the ones that need the most care atm (Aiden, Ash & Tyler)
Ben ~ Ben is holding the whole group together. He’s got his arms around them all, protecting them all from anything and everything. He would do anything for them. He has his arm around Taylor and is possibly??? looking down at her, YAY BENLOR🤭 he’s also got an arm on Logan’s back, putting his arms around the whole group
Taylor ~ Taylor is leaning her head on Bens shoulder, again YEY BENLOR🤭 Tyler is lying on her lap, which I personally find absolutely fucking adorable. It’s almost like their whole childhood, they looked out for eachother but Tyler was more the protector, pushing his fears back in order to be able to comfort Taylor and be there for her, whereas now it’s almost like Taylor is pushing her fears back so that she can be there for Tyler when he needs her, he is the one being comforted for once.
Tyler ~ Tyler seems still slightly agitated wich makes sense everything considered, but he DEFINITELY needs this hug thingy (wtva u wanna call it) he’s been through so much and has always felt the need to be the person taking care of everyone else. If this happened earlier in the webcomic, Tyler would 1000% be anoyed, lying as far to the side and away from everyone as he could. He would probably be on the edge and have his back to everyone, ik he’s technically still on the edge now but he’s also not. He’s proper IN the snuggle sesh yk? Idk how else to explain it-😭🤚
Aiden ~ I love EVERYTHING about the way he’s lying. He’s on bens lap, we need more of their cousin bond😤 But he’s also protecting ASHLYN in every possible way. He’s almost suffocating her…he has his head behind hers, one arm lying across her and the other on her lap AND he’s almost acting like a caccoon (idk how to spell that word mb) the way he’s surrounding her. Also THE HAND HES GOT LYING ACROSS ASHLYNS LAP IS ALSO HOLDING TYLER??!?! this is such an adorable detail I havnt seen anyone point out😭 Aiden and Tyler have probably had the hardest time trying to get along out of everyone in the group. They are practically opposites, Aiden constantly makes jokes and laughs as a way to hide his saddness and pain, he acts almost childish, like he’s searching for the childhood he never had…where as Tyler is always serious and stubborn, he hides his pain through anger and pushes it far below, instead focusing on those who need him because he’s to afraid to face his own worries. They all bonded over the trauma they shared being in the phantom world but it’s almost like Tyler & Aiden bonded deeper due to their experiences with death. They both know what it felt like to die, the difference is that Tyler was only worried about Taylor & his mum, thinking of what would happen if he wasn’t there for them, not wanting to leave them like their dad had. Where as Aiden was almost ready to die, he’s always thought about what it would feel like so he kind of just let it happen, however when he then woke up and realised how worried Ashlyn was, all that want for death dissipated because he didn’t want Ashlyn to ever be that afraid again.
Think I went on a random nonsense rant for a while there…my bad…ANYWAY LAST BUT NOT LEASTTTTTT
Ashlyn ~ Ash is in the centre of them all. She’s being surrounded and protected by her friends. Also, she has a thing for people being to close to her but she isn’t even looking uncomfortable. I don’t have a lot to say anymore tbh cos I tired myself out w that mini rant💀 but one last thing I will point out is, SHE HAS HER LEGS OVER AIDENS. IDK I JUST FIND THAT SO ADORABLE. LOOK AT THEM. THEY R EVERYTHING.
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clangenrising · 7 months
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Month 12 - Leafbare
Sagetooth’s ear twitched irritably as she listened to Smokyrose’s proposal. “This is nonsense!” she huffed. “You want to try and make peace with these rogues?! You’d sooner teach a fox to fly!” Smokyrose tried to hide her scowl, focusing her attention back on Goldenstar. 
“I think we have to try,” she said. “And we ought to try as soon as possible. If we can put an end to the fighting before anyone else gets hurt, we should do that, right?” 
“I see what you’re saying,” Goldenstar said and Sagetooth waited eagerly for the ‘but’, “but these city cats don’t seem interested in any outcome besides getting what they want. I’m not sure there is a peaceful solution.”��
Smokyrose frowned and said, “We should do our due diligence. If we don’t, the ‘what ifs’ will weigh on our minds for the rest of our lives.” 
“Maybe for you,” Sagetooth growled, lashing her tail. “I will sleep soundly knowing we refused to negotiate with these barbarians.” 
“That kind of talk isn’t helpful,” Smokyrose pouted. “We need to empathize with our enemy, not demonize them.” Some things never changed. Smokyrose was still as self righteous as ever and accustomed to using her pretty face to win arguments. It made Sagetooth simmer with rage.
“I beg to differ,” she retorted. “There’s a reason the Code expects us to refrain from making friendships within other Clans. Too much empathy loses battles.” 
Goldenstar chirped to get the two older cats’ attention then sighed. “Look. I would love to be able to agree with you Smokyrose but I’m worried about your safety. Maybe we can find a compromise, yes?” 
“I’m listening,” Smokyrose smiled and Sagetooth rolled her eyes.
“It’s been a while since we actually ran into any rogues,” Goldenstar said. “Next time we do, we’ll ask them for a meeting and then we’ll arrange a time and location that I can feel confident you’ll be safe in. How does that sound?” 
“I guess…” said Smokyrose. Sagetooth huffed.
Goldenstar looked at her and asked, “Sagetooth, do you have any objections?” 
“No, I suppose not,” said the old healer. Aside from the fact that this clearly won’t work. She was just going to have to let Goldenstar learn the hard way. 
“Good,” Goldenstar sighed tiredly. “I’m glad we could come to an agreement.” Sagetooth and Smokyrose both frowned and shifted their weight but they didn’t protest. 
Neither of us are happy, Sagetooth thought sarcastically, the sign of a perfect compromise. 
“Thank you for hearing me out,” Smokyrose nodded, standing. 
“Always,” said Goldenstar, smiling despite her weariness. Sagetooth frowned deeper. The war seemed to be taking a heavy toll on the young cat and she didn’t like it. 
“Did you want me to bring you those sleeping herbs like we discussed?” she asked, knowing Goldenstar had been against them from the start. 
“I guess…” Goldenstar shrugged. “I… trust your judgment.” 
“Good,” Sagetooth said, standing as well. “Trust me, a night of deep sleep will do you some good.” She headed for the exit to the leader’s den but nearly collided with Smokyrose in the tunnel. She bristled, baring her teeth, and Smokyrose pulled back to let her go first. With a satisfied ‘humph’, she hobbled out of the den and back into her own. By the time she got there, a rant was starting to spill from her lips. 
“She’s got no sense,” she grumbled, “She wants to talk with them? Hah! That will go well. I’m sure everyone will toss a moss ball around and share tongues too!” 
Movement drew her attention and she snapped her gaze up to glare at the perpetrator. Sitting side by side, Aldertail and Oddstripe were refreshing the sick beds. Aldertail had fallen over, tail tucked and ears pressed back, as if instinctively apologizing for being in her way. Oddstripe winced sympathetically and smiled at Sagetooth.
“Evening, Sagetooth,” he said. “Everything alright?” 
“It’s Smokyrose,” she grouched, disregarding them as she stomped back to the herb stores. “She’s insisting we try to ‘make peace’ with the rogues. Ridiculous! She seems to think every problem can be solved if you talk about your feelings enough.” 
“Well, that is her job, isn’t it?” Oddstripe offered with a bashful laugh. “You know, as a mediator.” 
“Pah!” Sagetooth lashed her tail to toss the remark away. “Mediators! We went plenty of generations without them just fine!” She scowled in focus. She had to portion out the herbs without making a mess and her temper was not making it any easier for her achy paws to manage.
“Oh, really?” Oddstripe asked. “I just assumed mediators had been around as long as every other position.”
“Nope,” Sagetooth said. “Time was, we knew how to settle our disputes like warriors. These days all anyone wants to do is talk.” Finally, she managed to fold Goldenstar’s herbs into a little leaf for easy carrying.
“Isn’t that better?” he ventured carefully. “I mean- don’t less cats get hurt?” 
Sagetooth scoffed and turned around, the bundle of herbs in her teeth. “Youngins!” she hissed. “Too afraid of pain.” Her eyes briefly landed on Aldertail and the warrior impulsively went to lick at her paws. Sagetooth’s tail lashed again. 
“Stop that!” she ordered. 
“Sorry!” Aldertail squeaked, slamming her paw back down. 
“Stars, girl!” Sagetooth groaned, “I ought to put garlic on your legs!” 
“I-it’s alright,” Oddstripe tried, laying his tail around Aldertail’s shoulders. “She just wants you to be kind to yourself.” Sagetooth’s fur prickled. 
“Don’t put words in my mouth,” she spat. “We’re not doing her any service by coddling her. She’s a full grown cat, she should be able to take control of herself and stop tearing up her own skin any time someone looks at her sideways!” 
“I’m sorry,” Aldertail said again. “I’ll stop, I promise!” 
“You’d better,” Sagetooth growled. 
Oddstripe’s big ears turned backwards. “Sagetooth! She can’t help it!” 
“Excuses, excuses,” scoffed Sagetooth. 
Deep down, she knew she was being harsh. As much as she disliked it, Aldertail’s condition wasn’t something she had too much control over, but Sagetooth was angry and her hips hurt and it seemed like everyone had forgotten what it really meant to be a warrior and she wasn’t in the mood to keep her thoughts to herself! She also wasn’t in the mood to put up with Oddstripe’s bleeding heart at the moment and she stalked out of the den, tail arched at the base as it lashed side to side. 
“It’s okay, Oddstripe, really,” she heard Aldertail say as she left. “I know I should be better about it.” 
“Oh, you’re fine,” Oddstripe said firmly. “Why don’t you finish these nests? I’m going to have a word with Sagetooth real quick.” 
Sagetooth growled, low and long, as the sound of pawsteps quickly caught up to her. The sun was starting to set, casting the camp in a soft purple. On any other day it would have been beautiful but, today, for some reason, it was very annoying.
“Sagetooth!” Oddstripe hissed, easily keeping stride with her. “That was entirely inappropriate! I- I know you have your own way of doing things, but I-” 
“You what?” Sagetooth stopped to glare at him and his stupid, giant bat ears. 
“I-” Oddstripe recoiled under her gaze. She huffed in satisfaction which only made him more upset. “I won’t let you talk to her like that.” 
“Oh, really?” she growled, setting down the herbs. “What will you do to stop me?” 
Oddstripe squirmed but kept that annoyingly determined look on his face. “I- I don’t-” 
“Sagetooth!” a voice called out from the eastern hill. Sighing, she turned to face the patrol returning to camp with a grimace. 
“What now?” she said before she saw them and all thoughts seemed to fly from her head. 
Pantherhaze was in the lead, with Yarrowshade, Barleypaw, and Stormwhisper in tow. Each of them carried a kit about four weeks old in their jaws. Sagetooth’s eyes snapped onto Stormwhisper and he immediately wilted under her gaze. 
“There you are!” she shouted. “Where in the Dark Forest have you been?!” She stormed towards them, the herbs and her argument with Oddstripe completely forgotten. Cats started emerging from their dens to see what was going on.
Stormwhisper set the kitten down between his paws and said, “StarClan led me out past the territories where I found a pregnant queen. I helped her deliver the kits and she asked me to take them back to be raised in EarthClan so I did. I’m still not sure why StarClan set me on this path, but I assume the kits must be important somehow.” Sagetooth narrowed her eyes. His response seemed rehearsed to her and far too vague for her liking.
As he spoke, the others set the kits they were carrying next to the first and one of them, a little white and ginger tom, started to squeal hungrily. The others joined in, becoming a pitiful, sickly sounding chorus. 
“Oh, the poor things!” Oddstripe said, moving over to inspect the kittens. “They’re half starved!” 
“I’ve been trying to feed them,” Stormwhisper said, “but it’s been hard since they’re still getting the hang of food.” 
Sagetooth was still glaring. “They’re not even weaned yet and their mother sent them away with you?” 
Stormwhisper frowned and shifted his weight uneasily. “Yeah. I tried to convince her to come with me but she wanted nothing to do with them. B-besides, I figured I’d been gone long enough already-”
“You sure have!” Sagetooth hissed, tail bristling. “Oddstripe and I have been covering for your absence! There’s a war on! And you just went off for three moons, completely neglecting your duties and oaths?!” 
“A war?!” Stormwhisper reeled. “Between whom?” 
“Everyone and a bunch of bloodthirsty rogues,” Sagetooth snapped. “You’d know that if you’d stuck around.”
“Easy, Sagetooth,” Yarrowshade said, stepping forward a little. 
“He said StarClan was guiding him,” Pantherhaze added, eyes wide. “Maybe these kits are going to save the Clans some day!” 
Oddstripe whispered, “Barleypaw, would you grab me some drinking water and a bird of some kind?” Barleypaw nodded and bounded off towards the nearest stream.
“I’ll go grab the ones we cached earlier,” Yarrowshade offered.
“Thank you,” Oddstripe purred. “Stormwhisper, why don’t you help me get them to the healers’ den?” Sagetooth’s jaw hurt from the ferocity with which she was clenching it. It seemed no one there cared at all about Stormwhisper’s transgressions. She wished that she could set him on fire with her glare alone. She couldn’t, of course, and he eventually broke her gaze to smile at Oddstripe.
“Of course,” he said. Stooping down, he started nosing the kits towards the healers’ den and said, “Come on, little ones. Food is this way.” Sagetooth watched the fondness on his face, the way he gently picked up the smallest one and helped him along, and her expression darkened. The kits were skinny and weak, that much was clear, but if their mother had abandoned them at birth they would have died within the week. The situation wasn’t adding up right and it didn’t sit well with her.
That night, she watched from the back of the den as Oddstripe and Stormwhisper fawned over the kittens and tried to help them eat. They laughed together. Oddstripe shared stories about their own litter. Stormwhisper shared his names for the litter. 
They were all toms. The biggest and strongest of them, the ginger and white one, he named Bluffkit. The blue tabby he named Finchkit. The little grey-brown one with the white tail he named Erminekit. The white and grey speckled one he called Rainkit.
“You know,” he admitted to Oddstripe after he’d said it, “I always wanted a kit named Rainkit.” Sagetooth’s eyes narrowed. 
“Really?” Oddstripe purred. 
“Yeah,” said Stormwhisper. “You know, Stormwhisper. Rainkit. I thought it was cute.” 
“Oh, it is!” Oddstripe said, waving a paw around for the kittens to bat at. “I’m glad you were able to use the name, even if the kits aren’t yours.” 
“Yeah,” Stormwhisper said, falling quiet, a strange smile on his face. 
That was enough for Sagetooth. She didn’t know why or how but she was certain these kits were Stormwhisper’s. It made her sick. Still, it wasn’t a surprise. Stormwhisper had never been very committed to his duties as a healer, especially not the spiritual ones. As she saw it, a part of him had remained stuck in his time as a warrior and no amount of lectures ever seemed to get him to behave. And now he had used StarClan as an excuse to cover for his blasphemous actions. What a disgrace. What a betrayal.
“StarClan are the ones who betrayed us, Sagetooth. Wake up already.” Redleaf’s words reared their ugly heads, as they often did at the most inopportune times. Sagetooth shook her head. At least she had managed to keep Stormwhisper away from-
Her eyes widened in shock and her entire pelt bristled with unease. 
No… Surely not.
She studied the kits as they settled down against Stormwhisper’s belly to sleep. A ginger kitten was a guarantee that their mother was a tortoiseshell. The more she looked, the more she saw her old apprentice in their features, in the shapes of their faces or the pattern of their stripes.
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She shook her head again, shutting her eyes. She was imagining things. There was no way to find such a strong resemblance, not when they were this young, not when they were all toms. Still, the fear lingered with her. She wondered what had become of Redleaf. What reason would she have had to stay so close to the Clan? How would Stormwhisper have even known?
Sighing, she settled herself down for sleep. She had more important things to worry about. That didn’t stop her from worrying about this for at least another hour before she fell into a fitful sleep.
UPDATES: - Stormwhisper returns from his mysterious absence with four kits, Bluffkit, Finchkit, Erminekit, and Rainkit. They stay the night in RisingClan before returning to EarthClan.
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jesssssssssica · 6 months
another sad love triangle! ls2 & op81
authors note! i think i managed to make a gn!reader but i'm so sorry if i haven't! also rip logie bear :(
helpless op81
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Oscar remembers that night so clearly and so perfectly, as it was the night that he first met you, the love of his life.
One moment he was listening to Logan muttering on and on about how he was destined to get more points as the season went on and then the next, he felt his knees buckle as his eyes got lost in yours. 
And from that point he was helpless, fearing that if his eyes left yours for even a moment, he would lose you in a crowd of people, never to be seen again, leaving him forever looking for the mysterious partygoer.
He had never meant to find the love of his life, in fact, he was expecting anything but, having just recently come out of a relationship that he’d never thought would end, and yet here he was, fawning over a complete stranger. 
How was he meant to know that one moment he would be nodding along to the words Logan to feeling his heart repeatedly pound against his chest the moment that he caught your eye.
Slowly, he eyed the rest of the room, trying to create a mysterious persona, one that would hopefully entice you into coming over and greet him, as he found himself too scared to speak to such a beautiful person as you. Nothing could get in his way. 
Though, in the corner of his eye, he recalled catching his friends lingering eye on the one person that he desperately wanted to speak to, so in an act to protect the supposed love of his life, he leaned in and whispered with a slight pleading tone in his voice. 
“That girl over there is pretty cute, isn’t she? I think I might go and speak to her.” 
“Oh really?” 
And then Logan left, smirking as he went, wandering over to you, grabbing you by the waist and speaking to you, whilst Oscar watched in horror, praying to the heavens above that this wouldn’t go horribly, though all his worries went away when you turned and smiled at him. 
All the pain he had ever felt in the whole 22 years he’d been alive for, all went away the moment that he saw you smile at him, as if you were the person he’d been waiting for all his life.
So he watched, watched as Logan lightly directed you over to where he stood in the corner of the room, watching as Logan rambled on into your ear, which he later learned from you, was complete and utter nonsense, until finally, you were in front of his face. 
“Oscar Piastri, it’s nice to meet you.”
“I know, Y/N Y/L/N, well done on your season so far.”
He had fallen hard. 
“I guess i’ll leave you to it, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”
And then it was just the two of them left. 
And from there, their relationship bloomed, sending messages to each other nightly, whether it be silly memes or ranting about annoying coworkers, though everyday your relationship strengthened even if you were continents away from one another. 
Then he remembers, after many months of Logan’s endless teasing of how they could always open up their relationship to involve him, Oscar Piastri found himself in the living room of your parents, cracking his knuckles as his palms became sweaty, waiting anxiously to ask for the blessing of marriage. 
He remembers panicking inside as your father rose from his lounge chair, walking over to him, face stone cold, not letting any emotion through, before chuckling and clasping his hand, shaking hands with him. 
“Don’t ever let her go.”
Oscar would never do such a thing. 
And now here he was, standing across from his beautiful fiance, tears gathering in his eyes, hardly believing his luck that he’d found himself lucky enough to be stood across from his soulmate, grateful that he’d gone to that stupid party that Logan was begging him to attend.
satisfied ls2
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Logan Sargeant was happy that Oscar Piastri, his best friend of many years, was getting married to someone he deemed ‘the love of his life’ with a smitten smile on a drunken night out on the town, yet at the same time he wasn’t happy for this union. 
Yet it was too late for any objection, as now he stands with an arm raised, glass in hand, praising the couple with a strained smile on his face, desperately wishing that he was the one that got to stare into your eyes just before bed and hold you beneath the duvet but he can’t, so now he has to watch the happy couple in the shadows.
“A toast to the happy couple!” He exclaims, watching you stare into Oscar’s eyes, not noticing the pain behind the speech-giver's eyes, wishing somehow it were him. 
“A toast to the happy couple!” The guests repeat, all of them collectively cheering at the union of two people who needed each other most, naive of the spiralling best man in front of their eyes. 
“From your best friend Logan, who has always and will always be by your side.” And it’s true because no matter what, no matter how much he craves to be in your arms, he will always be the best friend first. 
“And may you always be…”, he pauses, arm still raised, thinking back to that night, the night, the night he met you, “satisfied.”
He remembers that night all too well as it was a night that he would regret for the rest of his life due to his selfless choices. 
He remembers watching the many beautiful women that would try and capture his attention, none of whom particularly captured his eye, well except for you. 
I mean how could he forget when he had just seen the prettiest person ever, standing in the same room as him, a face that would forever change his life.
Flashback to that night, where he stood at the bar, rambling on to Oscar about how this season would hopefully be filled with more points and luck than the last, when he noticed how out of focus his friend was, who instead of listening along to the rambles of his friend was staring at you. 
If there were one word to summarise how he felt when he first turned his head and looked at your face, it would’ve been enamoured. He was enamoured from first sight and he knew that he would never be completely happy if he didn’t get to know you, but he wasn’t the only one left enamoured by your bright persona, for Oscar was too. So in an act of kindness, he walked over to where you stood until he came face to face with you. 
“Hi” your meek voice said, smiling softly at him.
Oh he was gone, no longer remembering his own name, instead only focusing on your beautiful smile, but he needed to put this aside and give Oscar a chance to explore this possible connection, even if it hurt him.
“Hi now I know you don’t know me but you will, and I think there’s someone I need to introduce you to”, Logan slowly raised his hand over to where Oscar stood, watching your eyes brighten “Now he may seem like some dork, but I think you and him would really get along.”
You smile back at him, laughing slightly at the small insult made at this possible setup.
“Is that so?” 
“Well I'd like to think so.” 
For a moment you just stare at each other as if only you two knew something that the rest of the world didn’t, which technically you did. Unbeknownst to Logan, you’d also found yourself quite taken with the American man, so it came to quite a shock to you when he’d approached you, not with the intentions of setting himself up with you, but instead with the man sat by the bar.
So why was he able to give you up so easily?
How was he able to come to the conclusion that Oscar was going to give you life that you deserved from a conversation that lasted two maybe three minutes, especially when he had managed to charm you in said conversation?
He wished to just whisk you away from this place and run away with you and live a free life with you, without having to worry about anything, but then he saw Oscar’s face. 
Oscar’s face portrayed nothing more than adoration and helplessness for the stranger that stood across the room.
That’s how Logan knew that Oscar would treat her better, because no matter how much Logan tried to convince himself that he could love her and treat her better than Oscar, he couldn’t. Logan knew that Oscar wouldn’t dare find himself falling so quickly and so easily, especially on a night out that he was so reluctant to go to from the beginning, showing to him how deeply in love his friend had fallen.
Because from his face to his eyes to his mannerisms, he could tell he was helpless. 
He knew that if he had been selfish enough to take you away from Oscar, he would just leave his friend feeling lonely and depressed yet faking a smile, because he was one of the kindest people he knew. 
Which is why he knew that could and would never be able to love you in public, hence why the only time he could imagine you in his arms, was at night in the comfort of his own bed. 
But at least Oscar got to and Logan would always love you even from afar.
“So here’s to the happy couple and may they always be satisfied!”
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matty-bear · 8 months
But I’m Not Yours Pt.2 [M.S]
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type: second and final part for this short series! [HIGHLY requested] 
pairing: matt sturniolo x fem!reader
warnings: sfw, making out, suggestive (?), no smut (I'm not writing that guys sorry not sorry 😞)
summary: Matt comes into Chris’ room crying and immediately leaves when he sees you. What will happen when Chris ‘pressures’ you to follow him? And what will happen when Matt comes clean about y’all’s friendship and his feelings? 
notes: I’ve never had so many requests for a second part of a fic before y’all are insane I love yall so much. 😖💙 Hope this part two satisfies yall :3 Happy reading!
WC: 3452
You sat with Chris in his bedroom rambling about absolute nonsense for the past few hours. You've been over at his place for the majority of the day and the two of you have hopped from topic to topic over the past couple hours. You found yourself subconsciously rambling about Matt and your rambling soon turned into a small rant about the boy.
Chris has grown accustomed to you ranting to him about his brother (and other things of course) and has even given you advice on how to handle your feelings. (The advice wasn’t the best but it’s the thought that counts you know?) Today was just one of those days where you were having a crisis about the older triplet and Chris listened intently as the soft beats of Lil Skies played in the background. 
“He’s killing me Chris!” You exclaim, an exasperated sigh escaping your lips as you lay back on the said male’s bed. “I don’t know how long I can keep these feelings to myself anymore.”
“I thought you said you’d rather let a stampede of angry hippos run you over consecutively than tell Matt about your feelings for him.” Chris says as he re-positions his spot on his mattress to get a better look at you. He watches as you softly huff and shut your eyes, a single arm raising and draping over your face. 
“It’s eating me alive, Chris. I know I shouldn’t and that he has a girlfriend but bro… He’s ruining my life.” 
Chris hums softly as he takes his bottom lip in between his teeth. “I feel like if you told him you could start to somewhat act normally around him. You told me that the reason why you think y’all are becoming so distant is because of your feelings and how they’re holding you back so…” 
“Dude, I don’t know.” You turn onto your side, your eyes shutting as you heavily exhale. “I hate being in love. I don’t recommend it.” 
“I’m scared of being in relationships so you don’t have to worry about me.” A faint snort escapes you at the male’s statement and you plop a hand over your mouth as Chris glares down at you. “I still don't understand how this is so funny. It’s a genuine fear of mine.” 
“I’m not trying to laugh but you being scared of women just-“ Your own laughter cuts you off as you cover your face with both your hands to muffle your giggles. 
“Bro.” Chris lands a smack on your leg, causing you to laugh harder and roll onto your other side. 
“I’m sorry, I’ll stop.” You push yourself up on your elbows and wipe away an invisible tear from underneath your eye. As you look over at Chris, you bite back a laugh at the death glare he’s sending you. “You’re such an asshole sometimes.” 
“Oh please.” You softly shove Chris’ shoulder before you fully sit up. The moment the soles of your shoes hit the wooden floors, the faint sound of a door opening and shutting runs through your ears. You quickly whip your head around to face Chris at the sound and send him a confused expression. “Who came in?” 
“Probably Matt. He’s been out with his girlfriend all day.” 
“I thought he was here. His lights were on when I passed by his room.” 
“That kid leaves all the fucking lights on. Fucking electricity waster ass.” A soft chuckle escapes your lips as Chris shakes his head and rolls his eyes. You failed to hear the sound of footsteps approaching the room as you got up from the bed and went to grab your phone off the nightstand.
The moment you take the device of the charger and go to sit back on the bed, the room door opens. You immediately lift your head up and you feel your heart twist at the sight of Matt walking into the room and rubbing his eyes with his palms. Soft sniffles escape his nostrils as he shuts the door behind him and walks up to Chris’s bed. 
“Bro -“ Matt cuts himself off when he removes his hands from his bloodshot eyes and sees you standing on the other side of the bed. “Nevermind.” The male mumbles as he immediately turns around and starts back for the door. As he exits the room and begins walking back upstairs, you look over at Chris who has an unreadable expression on his face. 
“I think you should go after him.” Chris says as he leans back against his headboard and slips his phone out of the pocket of his sweatpants. 
“Are you serious? He left the second he saw me in here. I don't think that's a very good idea.” You say as you cross your arms. 
“Bro, get your ass up those steps and go after him.” Chris lifts his gaze up from his phone to send you a soft glare, his eyes seeming to stare daggers into your soul. 
“Alright, fine.” A soft huff escapes your lips as you drag yourself out of Chris’ room and make your way up the steps. You immediately make a beeline to Matt’s room the second you arrive upstairs and stop in front of his door. You began to anxiously play with the rings littered on your fingers as you contemplate on whether or not to go inside. Why the hell was Chris so fixed on getting you to follow Matt? Does he know something you don’t? And if so, what was it? 
After a few moments of having a small metal battle with yourself, you finally set your hand on the doorknob and walked inside Matt’s room. Your eyes immediately land on his hunched frame on the edge of the bed as the male was furiously trying to wipe the never ending stream of tears running down his face. He seemed very frustrated and you regretted your decision of letting yourself in his room when he noticed your presence and looks over at you with hooded and dark eyes. 
“What do you want?” Matt grumbles as he turns his body away to prevent you from looking at his face. 
“Just wanted to come see how you were doing. You alright?” You ask, your voice soft as you gently shut the door behind you with a soft click. 
“Why do you wanna know?” 
“Matt, don’t be like this. Come on. Is it so wrong to be worried about you after seeing you come into Chris’ room crying? Something obviously happened and I just wanna help you if possible. But if you don’t want my help or my reassurance, I’ll leave.” 
Just as you turn on your heels to leave the room, you freeze when Matt calls your name. 
“Y/N wait.” The male says. You lower your head and release your lazy grip on the doorknob before turning back around. You lift your head and you feel your heart shatter when you see Matt facing you, his eyes puffy from crying, his nose red, and his face damp with tears. 
“Oh Matt… What happened?” You ask, your legs subconsciously dragging you to go up to the male. You find yourself standing in front of Matt and you gently cup his face with a single hand, the pad of your thumb wiping away the tears on his cheeks. The male sniffles and leans into your palm, his eyes refusing to meet yours as he fixes his gaze onto the floor. 
A few beats of silence drifted between the two of you before Matt spoke up. “She broke up with me.”
The second those words registered in your head, you felt your heart skip multiple beats. “What happened? Why did she break up with you?” Matt forces his lips together and looks up at you, his blue eyes boring into yours. 
“We got into an argument. She said that I’m clearly still attached to someone else and have been oblivious about it. At first I had no idea what the fuck she was talking about but when she started explaining, it all made sense. And now I’m starting to think that I need to explain myself to this person before I lose them.” 
You suddenly feel a large lump form in your throat as you lock eyes with Matt. It seems to you like he’s in the same boat as you right now. Not exactly but y’all’s situations are very similar. But if he was in love with someone, who was is? As much as you wanted to know, you knew that it would hurt you even more if you asked. But you had to be there for him right now. 
The moment you open your mouth to question the male, Matt cuts you off. 
“Y/N I think I have some explaining to do.” Matt starts, his Adam’s Apple bobbing as he swallows dryly. 
“What?” Your voice barely comes out above a whisper as you feel your hands get sweaty. Your heartbeat begins to beat loudly in your ears and against your rib cage when the male pats the space next to him on the mattress. You hesitantly oblige and sit next to Matt, keeping a small space between the two of you. You watch silently as he wipes his eyes and face, trying to get rid of the leftover tears, before he faces you. 
The male forces his lips into a straight line as his eyes darted around to various parts of your face. Especially one place in particular. You were starting to get inpatient at this point, the suffocating silence and the way he was looking at you wanting to make you dig a hole through the floor and bury yourself alive. 
“Matt, if you're just gonna stare at me and not explain I’m gonna leave. The silence is killing me.” 
“Sorry, umm.” The male mumbles, his head falling to rest his gaze on his lap. You tilt your head to the side slightly and nudge Matt’s thigh with your knee as gently as possible to urge him to continue. You continue to watch the boy as he begins to fidget with the few rings hugging his finger. He seems anxious. Very anxious. 
“You know, you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to. I don’t wanna push you or anything.” You say softly as you raise a hand to rest it on Matt’s shoulder. 
“No, I need to tell you.” Matt shakes his head as he looks over at you. He looks into your eyes for the moment before he clears his throat and adverts his gaze to the door behind you. “Look, I know I haven’t been the best friend and I want to apologize. I’ve been centering myself around Jas and haven’t taken the time to talk to you. I know you try to talk to me sometimes but give up because I’m not giving you my full attention. I’ve been pushing you away and I’m really sorry. I’m practically throwing away our friendship that we’ve been building since freshman year of High School and I feel horrible about it. But about what Jas told me…” 
You hum softly to let Matt know you're listening and watch as he huffs and looks back down at his lap. “She told me that she thinks that the feelings that I thought I never had for you are real and I still have them. And I think I agree with her. You’ve been running around in my mind a lot recently. A lot more than I wish you would really. I even started subconsciously rambling about how much I miss you when I’m with her. At first I thought that was normal because I haven’t seen you in so long but I think there’s more to that. I know I’ve been such a dick to you and have led you on and stuff like that but I really do think I like you. I know that might be hard to believe considering how I’ve been all over Jas recently but I just think I’ve been really confused about my true feelings. But when Jas started explaining how I react when you’re brought up in conversations and how I close myself off when I’m around you due to my nervousness, I think I’m more sure of my feelings. I know this is a lot to take in and it’s fine if you don’t believe me but-“ 
Matt gets cut off by you grabbing the collar of his hoodie and smashing his lips against yours. The male was taken aback by your sudden move but as he felt your hand creeping to the back of his neck, trying to pull him closer to you, he relaxed into the kiss and shut his eyes. His hands immediately found your sides as he dug his fingertips into the thin shirt you're wearing, the action causing a muffled whine to escape you and your body to tense underneath his touch. You’ve never craved a touch like this from someone in so long.
You felt your insides turning to mush as Matt’s hands wandered around your torso. Yalls lips moved together perfectly, as though they were missing puzzle pieces that have been lost for decades and have been finally put together. The kiss was definitely a needy one, the two of you clearly wanting this as much as the other did. 
You pushed your tongue against Matt’s lips, wanting to be let in. The male didn’t hesitate to open his mouth, a sound you would never have thought you would hear escaping him as your tongue ran across the roof of his mouth. As your tongues began to fight for dominance, you found yourself pushing your palms against Matt’s shoulders, forcing the male down to lay on his back on the mattress. He went down almost immediately at your touch and you crawled on top of him, your lips not leaving his as your frame hovered over his. 
Your body has been longing for this moment for so long. To feel his lips against yours and to draw needy sounds from his lips as you remained over him. You don’t think the kiss would take this turn so quickly but you needed him. 
Your hands began to roam underneath Matt’s shirt, his body tensing underneath your fingertips. 
“Your hands are freezing.” Matt mumbles against your lips. 
“Sorry.” You reply softly, a soft grunt escapes your lips as Matt grabs onto your hips and digs his nails into your skin. “Needy aren’t we?” 
“I know you want me as much as I do. I don’t wanna hear it.” You hum softly against Matt’s lips as one of your hands slides out from underneath his shirt and digs in his hair. The moment you took a few stands in between your fingers and pulled, an ungodly sound escapes Matt’s lips and bounces around the walls. You immediately broke away from him, a string of saliva connecting y’all’s lips as your face hovered inches above his. 
“You’re a loud one aren’t you?” You tease. Matt rolls his eyes, his face flushing as he turns his head to avoid your gaze. 
“You don’t know me.” Matt mumbles, his arms crossing over his chest. 
“I’d watch what you say when you’re under me Matty boy.” Matt’s eyes shoot over to meet your lustful ones. He goes to comment on your sudden comment but his breath hitches when your hand that’s still underneath his shirt slowly slides down and stops at the waistband of his boxers that are peeking out above his pants. You give the boy a small smile before you slide your hand out and get off him. When you seat yourself down next to Matt, a shocked and heavily flustered expression is clear on his face as he hurriedly grabs for a pillow next to him and sets it over his crotch. 
“You know, Matt.” You begin, your gaze momentarily shifting over to the pillow before it lands onto your hands. “I never lost feelings for you when I first confessed to you.” 
Matt’s jaw drops at your statement and he hurriedly pushes himself into a sitting position. “So you’ve liked me for 13 months?” The male asks as he rests back against the headboard. 
“Like is quite the understatement.” Matt’s expression falls as you force your lips into a straight line. 
“Y/N… I didn’t know that.” 
“Well obviously you didn’t because I never told you. I never did plan on telling you because you were together with Jas and I didn’t wanna risk damaging our friendship because of my feelings for you but I guess I can’t keep them to myself now. And after this happened…” You lift your hand up to rub your thumb over your plump, bottom lip. “I think it’s very clear how much I love you.” 
A few beats of silence went by before you heard the muffled sound of moving fabric next to you. Matt moves as close as he possibly can next to you and gently rests his chin on your shoulder. 
“I think I’m in love with you too.” Matt says, his voice low and soft before he lands a quick kiss on your jawline. 
“You think?” You ask as you whip your head around to look over at Matt. 
“I know I do.” The boy defends, a single hand raised in the air in surrender. A soft chuckle escapes your lips before you turn forward. “Y/N?” You hum softly as you tug at the collar of your tee, the fabric suddenly feeling very tight against your skin. 
“Do you wanna be my girlfriend?” A cheesy smile spreads across your lips as you look over at Matt. A hand raises to cup the side of his face and you bend down slightly to land a kiss on his lips. He chases your lips when you pull back after a few seconds, a pout evident on his lips before you gently smile at him. 
“You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for you to ask me that.” You reply, your smile growing as Matt looks up at you with a lovestruck look in his eyes. 
“Can I get another kiss please?” 
“Lemme think about it.” You raise a hand to gently tap your pointer finger against your chin, playing a fake thinking expression on your face as you force your lips together. “Will you keep your volume down if I kiss you?” 
“I just wanted another peck but I’m down for another make out. I just need you so bad right now.” 
“Do you, now?” Matt narrows his eyes at you and sends you a glare as he removes himself from your shoulder. 
“Don’t start with that bullshit. You were all over me like five minutes ago. I never knew you were the type to top someone. Always thought you were more of a bottom type.” You shrug at Matt’s comment before you grab his shoulders and force him down in his back again. 
“I’ve been keeping my feelings in for months, Matt. You don’t understand how badly I’ve been wanting this moment to happen.” 
Matt goes to open his mouth to add onto your statement but is (yet again) cut off by you smashing your lips against his. His hands immediately found your arms as you hover over him and grab the base of his neck and pull at a few stands there. Matt whines softly at the touch, his mouth opening as he does so. You take the opportunity to slip your tongue inside his mouth and begin to start a small fight for dominance. As your tongue battles with his, your knee moves the pillow covering his crotch, Matt letting out a small sound at the move. 
“I’m not doing anything dirty, Matt. Not now that is.” You mumble against his lips as your free hand slips back underneath his shirt. 
“Freezing ass hands.” Matt mumbles, tensing yet again at your cold touch. 
“Let me warm them up, pretty boy.” Matt simply hums and allows your hand to wander around his toned torso. He mimics your actions by also slipping a hand underneath your shirt, your breath hitching and your actions halting for a moment as you feel his warm hand wander around your stomach and side. Matt smiles against your lips when you stop and takes the opportunity to grab your sides and flip you onto your back, y’all’s lips momentarily breaking apart. 
“Didn’t know that a small touch would make you break that easily.” Matt teases with a smile as he hovers over you. 
“Oh shut it and kiss me.” 
“As you wish, sweetheart.” 
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piedpiperart · 1 year
Phantom in Gotham 7
Chapter 6
In no time at all Danny found himself in a nightwing t-shirt with black and gray bat pajama pants, hair a bit damp, and sitting on a soft couch across from Alfred with a cup of warm cocoa in his hands. “I assume you have questions?” Alfred prompted after a moment, setting his teacup down on the matching plate on the coffee table. 
“Um, yeah,”Danny stammered, looking from his cup to Alfred. He sighed,”Sorry, um. I’ve never been kidnapped by a vigilante before, so I’m not exactly sure… what to do here?”
Alfred sighed, not at Danny, but he assumed Alfred hoped the Red Hood might’ve explained a bit more before dropping him off with the man. “No need to worry, Red Hood informed me of your situation, young man. You are welcome to stay here, at the very least until the snow subsides,” Alfred informed him. “Beyond that, please make yourself at home. You may find a few familiar faces around the manor, even.”
“Who? What do you mean?” Danny asked, tilting his head and reminding Alfred of a puppy. 
“You’re residing in Wayne Manor, and I am Master Bruce’s butler,”Alfred winked, and Danny’s eyes widened. “I assume you might know the many children he’s adopted from the news. Currently Masters Damian and Timothy are home, but the others may show up at a later date.”
“The Wayne Manor?” Danny repeated absently. He vaguely recalled Tucker ranting about WayneTech. “Are you sure it’s okay for me to be here? I don’t want to cause any trouble.”
“Nonsense,” Alfred waved gracefully,”You’re welcome to stay as long as you like. There are plenty of empty rooms in this place, and it’s been feeling entirely too empty since Master Jason and Dick moved out.” 
“Well… if you’re sure,”Danny relented, sipping at his mug again. “Are you the only butler here? This place is huge.”
“Quite,” Alfred inclined his head,”There are a few other hired hands, but I am in charge of most things within the manor, such as mealtimes.”
“I could help?” Danny offered, perking up. Living in the Pizzeria left little time for cooking in an actual kitchen, and his core hummed at the prospect of helping the old man. “My parents weren’t great at cooking so my sister and I did most of the cooking around the house.”
Despite no one else but Jason allowed in his kitchen, Alfred’s heart warmed at the offer. “I’d enjoy some company, if you’d care to join me,”Alfred smiled, and Danny’s core hummed happily. Danny smiled back, and Alfred could only hope the boy was better than Dick had been in the kitchen. The poor boy somehow had found a way to set a bowl of cereal on fire that one time. 
Before anyone could add anything else, a small boy about eleven years old walked past the room with an apple in hand. The boy in question halted in his tracks and approached the two on the couches. “Another one?” The boy scoffed, and Danny took a moment to take in the kid’s cat t-shirt and nightwing pajama pants. “Pennyworth, doesn’t Father have enough children? Where is he? I must talk sense into him.”
“Master Danny here was sent for us to look after by the Red Hood,”Alfred forewarned as Danny fidgeted on the couch,”He will be staying with us while the snow is hampering his living conditions. Master Danny, meet Master Wayne’s son, Damian,” Alfred added, turning to Danny. 
“H-hi,” Danny waved awkwardly, unsure of what to say to the kid whose house he’s staying in without Damian knowing. “Nice to meet you?” Danny offered.
Damian just scoffed,”Of course. I bet Hood found him on the streets, didn’t he?”
“Hey, it’s not like I wanted to be here,”Danny shot back, exasperated,”Hood threw me over his shoulder and dragged me here. I’d leave if I could but this place is so big I don’t think I’d be able to find the door.”
Damian frowned, thinking,”You wouldn’t survive the blizzard outside even if you managed to find the door. Besides, you’re here now, might as well take advantage of the manor while you can,” Damian squinted, almost like he was testing Danny.
“I’ll have you know that I would have been perfectly fine out there,”Danny sniffed, and Damian’s eyes narrowed at him. “I’d make an igloo and burrow into it like a polar bear. So don’t worry, I’ll be out of your hair in no time.”
“Tt. Your sense of self-preservation is worrying, and I doubt your ability to make a structurally sound igloo,”The kid concluded, looking out towards the windows covered in snow.“Are you implying the snow is preferable to the manor? Why do you desire a cold death out there over warmth here?”
Danny waved his concerns off,”Your giant castle is nice, I just. I had a space to hide out in, and being kidnapped to stay here was not on my list of things to do today.”
Alfred tutted,”An abandoned building with no heat or water was not adequate housing for this sort of blizzard, young man.”
Damian ignored Danny’s mumble proclaiming that he would have been fine, and stated,”I have concluded that you may be stupid or suicidal, so I will allow you to stay here until the snow lets up, if only to not have your death on my conscience,”Damian nodded, then scowled threateningly,”If you try to leave before I or Pennyworth say so, I will make sure you stay by less than pleasant means.” He stated, then turned on his heel and left the room.
Danny made a face at that, wondering if the kid was joking or not about the ‘less than pleasant means’ that he’d go through if he tried to leave. Did they have cameras here? He wondered if he’d be able to go ghost without anyone noticing. “Do not worry,”Alfred stated, standing up gracefully. “Master Damian has a soft spot for strays, you’ll be welcome here.”
“Um… okay?”Danny said incredulously. He wasn’t even sure he wanted to be welcome here, yet his core had latched on to the frail old man like a starving cat to a tuna sandwich. He knew he’d only be able to leave once he’d made sure Alfred, and possibly Damian too, were safe during the blizzard. This day just got weirder and weirder. 
“I’m sure you’re tired. If you’ll follow me, I can show you to the guest bedroom,”Alfred offered, and Danny scrambled to his feet. He wasn’t tired in the least, and he doubted he’d be able to fall asleep at all tonight given his fucked up sleep schedule and his need for less sleep than usual anyway, but he didn’t realize that Alfred was probably tired, and needed to rest for the night. 
“Uh- sure, yeah,”Danny rambled, and the two made a detour to the kitchen to put away the cups before Alfred led Danny down a corridor with some decorations and nameplates attached to some of the doors. 
“You’re right next to Timothy, who should be asleep as of now, but if you have any issues he will be able to help you,” Alfred informed him, opening the door to the biggest room Danny had ever seen (not including Vlad’s). “I shall leave you to retire for now, master Danny, but do try and get some sleep. Breakfast starts at 8am sharp, and is mandatory for all those residing in the house tonight.”
“Do you want any help making breakfast?” Danny offered sincerely. He’d try to go exploring in his ghost form, but he knew he’d be bored and restless most of the night as he decided not to go out patrolling. Might as well try to get an early start on the day, he figured. 
“I don’t see why not,”Alfred conceded. “I usually start around 6:30, but feel free to show up whenever you wake.”
“I’ll be there,” Danny smiled brightly. It’d been so long since he’d been able to cook something with Jazz, despite his lack of appetite, he’d missed it. 
“Goodnight, Master Danny,”Alfred nodded, a soft, fond smile on his face. 
“G’night Alfred,”Danny waved as he left the corridor. He sighed, making his way into the room and face-planting onto the bed. 
What a day, he thought. 
Chapter 8
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differenteagletragedy · 9 months
Swap AU or Poly AU - MC has a rough day at school/work and gets looked after by Baxter and friends or the boys. Either is fine!! (Thank you for all the wonderful writing you do!! I hope you have an awesome holiday season, however you celebrate - or don’t 😊)
Thank you friend, and you too!
-- Let's do poly!
-- Hope you're good getting smothered with attention lol
-- Cove is there with big eyes ready to listen to literally everything you want to say. Rant, rave, cry, whatever, he's going to be so attentive.
-- Derek's ready to help out, he'll put your stuff away for you, don't worry about it!
-- Do you want to change out of your work clothes? Baxter gets everyone fancy pajamas and he has yours ready to go when you get home.
-- You have a group chat obviously and so they are PREPARED.
-- Baxter's cooing your favorite dinner. Or if you'd rather have some takeout, Cove is on the case.
-- Need a massage? Derek is right there.
-- Baxter ran a bath and put some of his special bath stuff in it. Please let Cove watch the bath bomb, he just thinks they're cool.
-- Is this overwhelming? Then you probably should have thought about it before you got into a relationship with these three tbh
-- No lol, obviously if you tell them they're doing too much, like firmly tell them to relax, they will.
-- But they'll be sharing little looks, ready to jump in if it seems like you might change your mind.
-- Cove will try to get you to call in sick tomorrow/skip school. It's ok every once in a while! But if you don't want to that's fine.
-- Baxter is going to try to make you laugh any way he can. He's going to be talking so much nonsense, making stuff up, teasing Cove (Cove is the easiest to tease obviously), whatever to get you to loosen up.
-- He will also make you a hot beverage. Whenever anything feels like it might maybe go a little bit wrong for any of you, Baxter's instinct is to make a hot beverage about it.
-- Baxter has a collection of blankets, big blanket guy, he'll pick the best one for you to cozy up on the couch with.
-- But Derek will tuck you in. He's the best tucker inner. If you have babies then he's going to be the king of swaddling, but that's for another day.
-- Cuddles on cuddles on cuddles! Something like head on Baxter's lap, legs on Derek's lap, then Cove is sitting on the floor and you can play with his hair or whatever, or he can lean back so he's touching his head to your tummy. Very cozy stuff.
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vargskelegore · 2 years
heyoo!! could we get a fic where transfer student!shuri realizes u mostly eat struggle meals like ramen n the occasional hamburger helper n since you feel bad abt her taking you out to eat a decent meal everyday she learns how to cook w you 💪🏾
author's note: NO BECAUSE THIS IDEA IS SOOOO CUTE. i'm always eating a damn struggle meal so this is relatable af. ramen gang for the win tho.
cake boss, who? - hbcu!shuri x black!reader
requests: open to headcanons & imagines!
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on campus, for lunch, you usually ate ramen. no, not maruchan-- that shit was below your standards. nongshim. the more superior budget ramen. although, even that shit wasn’t really healthy for you.
it was a common experience-- being a college student and being broke since you were either unemployed, or your job paid so bad you might as well be unemployed.
you were lucky that sometimes your rich roommate would pay for you to eat because she wanted to- but since she was always gone, going on dates with random dudes on campus, it wasn’t often you ate something she got you.
honestly, shuri took you out to eat more times than you could count (AS FRIENDS.... i guess?), but you felt really bad about taking her money and food all the time. it wasn’t like they were michelin star restaurants, just stuff like ihop, waffle house, panera bread.. they were luxury to you, though.
on one of the days you were cooking shin ramyun, there was a familiar knock on your door. shuri. shuri developed this knock based off of drum beats they would do back in her home country, and it was something she did on your door to remind herself of home, and also let you know her arrival.
“the door is open!” you called out, attempting to keep the amount of smoke down because if you even had it float a little too high, that alarm was gonna get you, and your cooking in the dorm days would be over.
as soon as shuri walked in, she could smell you cooking the same thing, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms.
“every time i walk in here, not only are you cooking, it’s always that high sodium trash.” shuri looked around the room as she walked inside.
“yeah well, it’s at the local neighborhood walmart, and it’s like six bucks for a pack of them.” you shrugged as you pushed the noodles around with your chopsticks.
“..is the meals i get you not enough?” there was a hint of panic in shuri’s voice -- one thing about her was that she always tried hard, but for you, she went beyond that. she wasn’t exactly sure why she was like that.
noticing what shuri said, you cut her off so quick. “no! i love the places you take me, but.. i don’t want you to spend money on me like that..” your voice got quiet at the end, and that’s when shuri walked over to you, staring down at you.
“nonsense, it’s barely anything.. i’m willing to spend enough to keep you well fed. i think it’s stupid how american university tuition just uses up so much money that you have to live off of cheaply made factory food.” shuri could go on a rant about this, and you could tell she had been bottling that opinion up for a while.
“i don’t disagree, but this is my life, shuri.” you sighed in defeat as you turned around to drain the water.
shuri got directly behind you, hands in her pockets. when you turned back around, you were met with her being right in front of you.
“then let me try something different. let’s cook together.” there was hope in her voice as she stared down at you. your hand, which was being occupied by your ramen pot, slightly began shaking.
“i, uh..”
“please? i think you can make a good meal without using so much money, if that’s what you’re worried about.” her voice was gentle, and god, how could you say no to that voice? hell, it was practically begging.
after a moment of silence, you nodded.
shuri’s face lit up as she took the pot from your hand, pouring the sauceless noodles into the trash. you were a bit shocked that she did that so quickly.
“shuri, that was my lunch--!”
“hush, we’re gonna make a better lunch together.”
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ever since that moment, you two started making food together. learning how to cook cheap and tasty food was a bit of a challenge, but you both managed to deal with it.
you two made everything together. pasta, soup, fancy ass sandwiches, and so much more. for you, seeing shuri in an apron when you guys were baking was the cutest thing ever.
powder all over her face, squealing when a certain ingredient got all over her. it was adorable and it melted your heart.
there was nothing more you enjoyed than the company of shuri.
on one of the days you two were baking, you both decided to bake a cake this time. nobody told y'all it would take a while, but honestly, that was probably because you two were goofing off instead of baking which made it take longer.
as you were mixing the buttercream frosting mixture together, shuri sighed in annoyance.
"crap, i forgot my phone.. i'm gonna go get it, i'll be right back. don't eat the frosting. i'm serious."
you held your hands up in surrender before nodding. mentally you were smirking, because you were gonna eat it anyway.
as soon as she left, you waited about 20 seconds before sticking your finger into the bowl and taking a taste.
a few tastes turned into more tastes. and more. but it wasn't enough to make it look like it wasn't enough for icing.
as soon as you could hear shuri coming back, you immediately went back to mixing, whistling a bit as you didn't acknowledge her presence out of guilt of eating it.
"..y/n? i'm back." shuri raised an eyebrow at you as she walked back over to where she originally was.
you hummed before muttering out a quick "hi." and went back to doing what you were doing.
shuri, being the suspicious person she was, crossed her arms and just stared at you. you could feel her stare but you tried so hard to make it seem like you didn't care.
"y/n. turn around for me, real quick?"
"but i'm mixing.. i can't get distracted." you lied, realizing your once rhythm on mixing suddenly became very irregular.
shuri didn't say a word before pulling you from the mixing station and over to where she was standing. you tried covering your face, but she was quick to make you uncover.
that's when she saw it.
she brought a thumb to your face, wiping off something on the corner of your mouth, and licking it off her own thumb.
"that tastes really good, but damn, y/n, you could've lied a little better, no?" it was icing. she had a teasing grin on her face as she watched you become visibly embarrassed. all she could do was laugh as she went to grab the frosting and begin icing the cake.
you were stunned, to say the least. what were you gonna do with this girl?
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gothgirlmahi · 2 years
Feeling Faint
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Pairing: Vampire!Bucky x Anemic!Reader.
Summary: You finally convince your vampire boyfriend to take a bite out of you during sexy times. It doesn’t go so well.
Warnings: smut, anemia, worried Bucky, fluffy ending.
Word Count: 1.4K
Your evening was set to be a good one.
New perfume, new dress, new lingerie. It was your one year anniversary and Bucky was taking you out for the night. Bucky was the most romantic man you’d ever met and that showed in all of your dates. Tonight, he’d taken you to an art gallery where an exhibit by your favorite artist had just been installed. He’d listened to you rant and rave about your favorite pieces and the stories behind them.
When you got home, he prepared an amazing dinner for you. All of your favorite foods and a bottle of wine you didn’t even want to guess the price of. He’d set out the most gorgeous flowers for you along with a sweet scented candle that burned and added to the ambiance. He serenaded you with a song he wrote on the piano as you ate.
And look, you really did appreciate all of that. You did. But there was one thing you were looking forward to tonight and it wasn’t the damn wine.
Nights like this usually only ended in one way and that ending was Bucky railing you within an inch of your life.
That’s what you were excited for. Especially because of the promise he’d made you.
Your boyfriend was a vampire. The whole thing had never really bothered you. He was always sweet and considerate to you and had never given you any reason to fear for your safety or anyone else’s. As far you knew, he always got his sustenance from ethical sources, wiling donors, etc. that was all fine and great but your wish for tonight was that he would take a bite out of you.
He’d been opposed to the idea from the start. First, he said he was self conscious about you seeing him eat. You reassured him that it couldn’t have been any worse than the time he saw you devour an entire pizza. Then he expressed concern about you looking at him differently, seeing him as a monster, etcetera etcetera. You reassured him that line of thought was all nonsense because he was the sweetest man you’d ever met and the thought of him sinking his teeth into you had you wetter than a beach at high tide.
After many talks and much reassurance, he agreed that tonight would be the night. Just the thought of it had your panties ruined and clinging to your skin. You got up from your position at the table and walked over to the piano, plopping yourself in his lap.
“Hi, baby,” you leaned forward, brushing a lock of long hair from in front of his blue-grey eyes. He smiled, revealing just a bit of those gorgeous fangs you wanted to get more acquainted with.
“Hello, darling. Don’t you like your meal?” He looked over to the plate you had abandoned and you felt a little bad. The food was delicious but you had another goal in mind.
You brushed a finger down his cheek.
“I always love your cooking. But I was hoping we could skip to dessert. If you don’t mind.”
“Oh, I was going to make a crème brûlée—“
“Not that dessert. I want you to fuck me.”
Bucky’s mouth formed a little o and he nodded, gracefully picking you up and walking down the hall to the bedroom.
Bucky was truly cut from a different cloth.
You hadn’t known that sex could feel this good. Bucky’s fingers dug firmly into the flesh of your hips, bringing you back and forth onto his thick cock while he thrusted into you. Every push forward had him bumping into that soft spongy bit inside of you, leaving your legs shaking and mouth agape.
“Bucky, please, I—“
You could barely get a sentence out before changed his angle ever so slightly, which had you keening and pressing your face into the pillow. Bucky gently took your chin and made you look at him.
“Tell me what you need, princess.”
It wasn’t fair. He didn’t look half as debauched as you were sure you did, his long hair still perfect over his shoulders while that carved from stone body worked you like it was nothing.
Bucky angled your hips up and you nearly screamed, feeling yourself careening towards the edge.
“I’m—I’m gonna—“ you started to get out, cut off when Bucky leaned down brushing his nose against your neck. He stopped to lick a stripe from your collarbone to your cheek.
“Are you still sure about this, love?”
You nodded frantically, hands fisting the sheets.
“Please, please, please—“
Bucky gently unclenches your hands from the sheets, whispering in your ear.
“Relax. It’ll hurt less if you’re relaxed~”
As if you could relax with the way he was fucking your brains out. The audacity of him to even say it!
“Bite me, bite me!” you screeched. Bucky chuckled a bit in your ear before he pressed his lips to your neck. He opened his mouth and you felt him warm breath against your skin before he sunk his teeth into you.
You came. Harder than you ever had in your life. Back arched almost painfully and desperately clinging to your lover. You could barely feel the fangs in your skin.
Come to think of it, you could barely feel anything.
You felt Bucky abruptly pull away from you, with his face scrunched in concern.
“Sweetheart, are you—“
You couldn’t stay awake long enough to hear the end of that question.
The first sensation you had upon waking was a jostling around you and something strapped across your chest. As you slowly came to, you heard Bucky’s voice, speaking frantically to someone. Opening your eyes, you saw you were in his car, fully dressed while he was yelling on the phone.
“Yes, she passed out, she—no it’s wasn’t—“
“Bucky?” you asked softly. His head snapped to you before he put his eyes back on the road. His hand came to rest on your thigh.
“Oh, thank God. Are you okay? I’m so sorry. I never should have—“
You giggled. You couldn’t help it. You just fell out laughing. You felt like you were going to pass out again but it was all so funny and you weren’t sure why. Bucky looked much less amused. He looked really concerned. Especially when your head lolled back carelessly as you laughed.
“Doll, please try to stay awake. We’re on our way to the hospital, okay?”
You just nodded, turning to look out of the window.
You had no idea what the hell was going on.
The next couple minutes went by fast. Bucky was carrying you into the hospital while you stared up haplessly at the bright lights. He was speaking with someone.
Had he really fucked you within an inch of your life?
He sat you down in a room on a bed and a nurse came in, asking both of you questions. Bucky was stammering and nervous to explain. So you blurted it all out.
“We we’re having sex and I asked him to bite me and he did and I don’t know, it was good!”
The nurse’s eyebrows went up slightly and she looked between Bucky and you. She asked him to leave the room.
It was the usual stuff. Making sure this was all consensual, making sure you were safe, blah blah blah. Then they got to the root of the problem, something you didn’t even know. Apparently you were anemic and losing blood willy nilly was not ideal. Even if it was just a taste from your vampire lover.
Also, you’d heard that vampire venom made people a little woozy. It made you extremely out of it. Something else you were sensitive to.
By the time they had fixed you up and sent you on your way with iron supplements, it was nearing 2am and Bucky was waiting patiently for you with the guiltiest expression you’d ever seen taking his beautiful face.
You walked up to him and plopped yourself in his lap. He held you close but kept his gaze at the ground.
“I’m good to go. Apparently I’m anemic. Who knew?”
“I knew. As soon as I tasted it. But it was too late.”
You shrugged and pressed a kiss to his cheek.
“It’s whatever. I asked you to do it about a million times. And hey, I’m not complaining. I never came that hard in my fucking life. And besides, it gave me an idea for something else we can try.”
“What’s that?”
“Maybe next time I’ll be the one to bite you.”
“Babe. Babe, you know you can’t do that, right? Please tell me you’re joking. Doll—“
Mahi's Monster Mash
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dragonfly0808 · 1 year
Musa’s Discography Pt.2
First Full Album. Written throughout the second half of s3 and the first month of summer. Published int he summer between s3 and s4
This one again didn’t have a specific theme though I did try to go for a vibe. Like, this is Musa writing to cope with everything that’s going on whilst trying to ignore her mental health issues so there are one or two ‘darker’ songs when she couldn’t write smth happy or at least not act like everything is fine.
Not sure if I worded that correctly. Here goes:
Afterglow by Taylor Swift.
This is perfect to me as an opening track right before Rivusa have made up she writes this because well… it just fits a lot and I think it’s perfect to open an album that’s kinda Musa just trying to look at the brighter side and ignore the bad shit going on or trying to act like everything will be fine
The Louvre by Lorde.
I see Musa writing this towards the start of summer as a fun summer track to distract herself as she tries to figure out where to stay
Best Friend by Conan Gray.
This was written in bits and pieces over s2 and s3 and it’s just about the squads, I can see her basing it off of the platonic soulmates, like the final part is a super old recording of Sky when Stella told him an ex called her before s1
New Romantics by Taylor Swift.
Another fun summer song to cover up the sadness in an iconic way. I love this song way too much, it deserves more hype
Blue by Madison Beer.
Another track co-written by Helia, story-based. This is the first time the tiniest bit of darkness slips through mostly on the production
Exhale by Sabrina Carpenter.
One of few songs where Musa is fully honest and lets herself go a bit, but I still don’t really count it as one of the ‘darker’ songs. She wrote this before gaining Enchantix
Tornado Warnings by Sabrina Carpenter.
This one was one that she wrote in one night with Helia when neither could sleep and after Musa had lied to her therapist pre-Enchantix, so they just took the phrase ‘lying to my therapist’ and made up a little story as they do
Out of the Woods by Taylor Swift.
This song is peak Rivusa s3 for me, like- just both of them being so bad at relationships but wanting to be in one regardless and just UUGGGGHHHH love them
Sober by Lorde.
First slightly ‘darker’ song, was meant to be a summer bop but turned a bit darker. Here is where the album goes on a tiny spiral. I say tiny cause she won’t really go ‘dark’ till the second album
Stay Numb and Carry On by Madison Beer.
First song she wrote after gaining Enchantix. Kinda wrote a few nonsensical lyrics before pulling them together for the verses and the chorus is just how weird she felt after gaining Enchantix
Follow the White Rabbit by Madison Beer.
Another song she wrote soon after gaining Enchantix. Co-written by Helia cause that song to me is Helia-coded when he’s in a bad mental space…
Tell Em by Sabrina Carpenter.
More light-hearted, wrote it after Tecna ranted about Timmy and about how if they did started dating she’d be stressed about people knowing. Started writing it in s2 while Tecna wouldn’t shut up about Timmy. ‘Cause I’m falling down like I’m summer rain’ Idk why but to me that’s such a Tecna-coded line
idontwannabeyouanymore by Billie Eilish.
Probably the darkest Musa gets in this album, I almost see this as the mirror of Exhale. This was after she kinda processed everything that happened after gaining Enchantix and a few intense therapy sessions
Shadows by Sabrina Carpenter.
It just fits so well at first. I can see her writing this about lit the whole squad before gaining Enchantix, it doesn’t fit as much after that.
Giant by Yuqi.
This would kinda be her way to close the album in a more ‘positive, don’t worry I’m totally fine, I’ll be alright ajajaja rise up like a giant yeah…’ way. Basically she wrote it as a way to tell everyone don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine
Now, on to, the extra tracks of the deluxe version! Oh yeah we’re getting way too specific!!!
The deluxe version comes out after she’s taken in by Tecna’s family.
Deluxe version includes:
skinny dipping by Sabrina Carpenter.
Wrote this during her time at the Wujin Festival whilst the squad went backstage to chat and have fun, performed it on her last day. Little details about almost everyone ‘Oatmilk latte in your name’ is Stella. ‘Arguments in your garage’ is Riven/Timmy, ‘Shannon’s being Shannon’ imagine she said Lexie. Etc.
Bigger Than the Whole Sky by Taylor Swift.
Wrote this while Tecna was in Omega, didn’t want to publish it originally but Tecna cried when she heard it and said she should
i love you by Billie Eilish.
Written during the Rivusa fights and the reconcilation. Very vulnerable so she was hesitant to include it at first but decided to go for it
Labyrinth by Taylor Swift.
Written by Helia about Flora, it was originally a poem. Musa loved it and together they modified a line or two to make it into a song
The Best Day by Taylor Swift.
Musa wrote it whilst sobbing after the Crystal Labyrinth, she wanted to write about the good times she remembered and kinda just sing about her mom’s life instead of her death if that makes sense. Decided to include it in the deluxe version last second cause it felt so personal
decode by Sabrina Carpenter.
This is about her dad. Written after the Wujin Festival and Musa choosing to stop trying to mend their relationship.
That was a long one phew… that’s the first album!!! Yay!!!
Part 1
Winx Rewrite Masterlist
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vrisrezis · 1 year
College au, geto being an emotional drunk, slight utahime x shoko lol, reader is amab (or just masculine aligned?) and for some reason satoru knows about it, suguru is shorter than reader, suguru is subby but there is no nsfw involved here, alcohol in this one, satoru being a wingman and not being jealous? Good for him.
Not proof read . Sorry if this is ass I was very tired writing this
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Suguru and satoru often drank. You did too, it was your way of spending time with the boys and that even included utahime and shoko. You, however, had too much school work you needed to finish before this semester ended. You never liked to ask for help, but admittedly maths has been quite the never ending struggle. Suguru offered to help, many times actually. You however always rejected his help. You didn’t like the idea of relying on your friend for that, as a lot of your old friends used you a lot for school back then. Besides that, you’re kinda embarrassed to ask for help from him. It makes you feel dumb.
You already have a complex about being friends with two of the top students in your college, you don’t need to be a burden on top of that. You can do it on your own.
However, getting back to your current predicament, it isn’t often suguru gets plastered. Honestly, he handles his liquor pretty well. Unlike satoru, who ends up a complete mess after one shot of anything, thanks to his thinner frame, you assume. Not that sugurus body type is too different, he tends to wear clothing that makes him look a lot bigger than he actually is, but still. You’ve drank with him many times, he’s had at least 9 beers in the past and was completely fine.
It also isn’t often you don’t join your friends for going out to drink, but you were cooped up in your dorm room that you shared with shoko. Even her telling you suguru was gonna be there, didn’t tempt you. Which let her know that you seriously needed to get your shit finished.
However, you hear your phone ring, only to find shoko calling you.
“You having too much fun… or…?” you trail off, and she lets out a giddy laugh, clearly drunk off her ass by the sound of her voice “not too much quite yet, but suguru has certainly had enough. Need you to come get him. I’m gonna stay with utahime tonight, so can you just take suguru with you?”
And of course, who are you to say no? Though you honestly wonder why she’s staying with utahime..
Now that you think about it, you don’t actually wonder why. Those two have been having something going on, and whatever it is, it certainly isn’t straight.
You wonder why you had to take suguru with you, since him and satoru are roomies. Cant he just go with him? However, as you meet up with them, shoko explains that satoru doesn’t like sugurus loud snoring, which apparently happens when he gets drunk.
So with a sigh you drag suguru, while shoko and utahime worry about satoru, who’s giving suguru some wiggly eyebrows and a perverted smirk. As well as a thumbs up. You don’t know what that means, but as you drag suguru out of the bar you hear satoru yell “ohhh yeah! Get that dick tonight suguru!”
Your friend, suguru, would normally tell satoru to shut up before he kicks his ass. Or he’d be embarrassed and apologize for satorus behavior. Instead however, he laughs drunkly with red completing coating his cheeks. You don’t comment on it, but as you two walk side by side, his hand makes its way into yours. He grabs your arm with his other hand, leaning his head on your shoulder and squishing his cheek on it. You raise a brow at how clingy he’s being, as he typically isn’t the overly touchy type. Sure he has his moments, but never like this.
Suguru is talking absolute nonsense at this point, even after you situate him on the couch. He demands you sit with him, and he demands you cuddle him. You give into all of his demands, and wrap an arm around his shoulder as he places his arms around your mid section, cheek on your chest. He goes into a drunk rant about the movie you two and satoru saw last week, which was in fact Barbie, before he suddenly starts delving into other things. Like how he feels.
“It’s such a good movie.” he mumbles drunkly, “kinda like how you’re a good person.” it’s such a stretch, it makes you wonder if he simply just wanted to talk about you. You smile, shaking your head, and he gives you a pout. “You areeee though…” he draws out, whining as he says it. He’s annoyed you don’t understand how great you are, “you’re so sweet and selfless, you’re the best person I know.” he says, and while everything he’s saying does make you blush, it’s hard to take him seriously when he sounds like a 5 year old struggling to form words together.
“You’re such a good person.” he says, using his point finger to trace invisible words on your chest, pouting subconsciously whilst doing so. “Such a good person. Yknow I’m in love with you… right?” he says, looking up at you, right into your eyes. He manages to catch you off guard, which is something he’s never managed. He laughs, “hehe! You really didn’t know?”
You shake your head, at a loss for words. The male before you just giggles like a child, “that’s so funny. You’re so silly y/n. Of course I love you, who wouldn’t?”
He giggles a bit more, his giddy smile becomes a bit more soft the longer he stares at you. “You’re so cute up close.” he whispers, putting a hand on your cheek, his thumb running on said cheek. “I wanna kiss you.” he softly whispers, with such love and adoration in his voice despite how fucked out it sounded.
“You can’t.” you whisper back, you see the hurt flash in his eyes instantly, and you start to regret how you said that to him. “Oh…” he sadly juts his bottom lip, “okay…” he looks down, and you start to panic as you see the tears well up in his eyes.
“Hey hey hey” you say, your voice is laced with worry. “It’s okay! It’s not like I don’t want to or anything!” you try your best to calm him down, but you see the tears fall on his cheeks. “Look at me.” you say, but the male before you is too busy crying and trying to wipe his snot and tears away. You grab his wrists and putt them down, before using your thumb and forefinger, you grab his chin and lift his head up to look at you. He whimpers, “please. kiss me.” he silently begs, and you have to shake your head at him, making him cry more.
“Why!!” he practically wails, like a child. “Is it somebody else!?” he sniffles, more tears escape him, hot jealousy building up in his stomach. “Is it satoru…?” he says, lip quivering as he thinks about it.
You shake your head at him, “no, okay suguru? I just don’t want to take advantage of you. You’re very drunk right now. Please understand me.” you say, finally letting go of his chin, and he keeps his head in place. He grabs onto your shirt, gripping rather tightly. “Will you kiss me when I feel better then?” he asks, and you nod with a smile. Suguru feels more tears well up in his eyes, but he’s sure they’re happier this time.
Geto sniffles, “you’re so pretty” he says, tears falling from his eyes once again.
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