#rant i guess ???
wemlygust · 19 days
For Danny Phantom fic writers in particular: The reason your breath comes out in a little puff of fog when you stand in the cold is that *you are warm*. The air you exhale is toasty. It also has a lot of water vapor in it. So, when you stand in the cold, you breathe out toasty warm air into the surrounding cold air. If the surrounding air is cold enough, the warm air you exhale cools rapidly once it leaves your warm body, and the water vapor in it condenses into liquid, and voila! A little puff fog. If you were breathing out cold air, this would not happen, because water would have already condensed out of it.
A supernatural being with a very low body temp might not ever experience their breath fogging. Even if their surroundings were extremely cold, and colder than the being, as long their breath was too cold to be humid/carrying much gaseous water in it, there'd be no fog breath.
It is not that humans just produce steam somehow because we are cold. Seeing a puff of foggy breath from a person means they are warm, not cold. Seeing this is not a sign of hypothermia. It's sorta similar to how you feel cold in the cold because your body is warm. And if you stop feeling cold while in a cold area, it can mean your body is actually very cold, to the point there is no temperature differential to give you the sensation of cold, and you have a problem. That said, Danny Phantom being Danny Phantom, you can 100% absolutely throw all that right out the window whenever you wish. More power to you. I encourage it.
But if you know about this then you can avoid the common pitfall of writers doing shit like having a character be so cold they're breathing fog into a warm room - which makes NO SENSE - as if this is what just normally happens when people are cold, rather than a supernatural thing that would be very surprising to see. Forgive me, I've just seen so many odd things written re. breath fogging up when it makes no sense at this point that it has become my new pet peeve. :P Again, do whatever you want, but better to do it on purpose rather than by accident.
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ash-looks-like-snow · 7 months
Here's the thing about Lisa Frankinstien that people don't understand the movie isn't meant to be realistic it's a teenage girls fantasy of I will be super fashionable/pretty,have a hot boyfriend who will do anything for me and everybody whoever hurt me will die in a horrible way
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poeticcomplex · 2 months
Do you feel a slight pang of jealousy when people around you are very evidently loved, while you keep trying to earn the love you think you don't deserve?
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beagleboytoy · 2 months
im gonna be honest for a moment
i say this as a genuine fan of helluva boss. i say this is a genuine fan of Stolas. he’s my blorbo worblo silly rabbit and i will love him until i die
that being said, i cannot fucking stand what season 2 has done to him
season 1 stolas was so FUN. the posh way he acted was FUN. the way he clearly carried himself as a royal was FUN. the demeaning way he spoke was FUN. his hypsersexuality was FUN. he was genuinely an entertaining character that i not only enjoyed but honestly related to in a lot of ways
whether intentional or not, season 2 stolitz (and by extension, stolas) feels like SUCH a fucking retcon. it genuinely feels like the narrative is trying to gaslight us into thinking that stolas was always this noble hearted and humble prince when (as many have pointed out) HE VERY CLEARLY WASN’T (AND STILL ISN’T)
that and it just feels like all of the character traits from before that made him entertaining to watch have just been replaced with Sad and Desperate. im sure there’s a way to flesh him out beyond just a Horny and Strange Prince Guy. but i just cant help but feel like this isnt the most satisfying way to do it
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takumifujiwarastan · 6 months
guys why is every megumi x reader insert a bubbly quirky sociable basic white girl im pulling my hair out someone PLEASE show some justice to the introverted and reserved girls with moody attitudes
like fr im lowkey a maki kinnie (and a megumi kinnie) why cant i find reader inserts like them>!?!?!!>.
if someone can find some blogs writers or fics with reader inserts like this PLEASE LET ME KNOW HELP A GIRL OUT
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kdjojo · 4 months
I'm watching mob psycho 100 and Serizawa looks so hot that it makes me ill
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crowleyholmes · 1 year
Guys help I think Crowley is possessing me I am very suddenly overcome by such a WAVE of love for Aziraphale????
I mean I've always loved him but Jesus Christ it just got turned up to 100 suddenly I mean he's just so GOOD isn't he???!!!
He's so kind and he's so nice and he's so PRETTY I mean have you seen him in his little outfit with the comfortable-old-couch waistcoat he refuses to ever take off and the silly little bowtie he thinks is so stylish and you know it actually KIND OF IS but ONLY on him??!?! and that beige coat that suits him so well and he just looks so well put together and also so soft and cozy at the same time like HAVE YOU SEEN HIM???
And he's so gentle and he's so full of love for everyone and everything and he always tries So Hard to do the right thing... and he's so ready to change his mind about what The Right Thing is when he is presented with new information like that is such a rare trait!
And he's so FUN, you know all his weird little hobbies I mean who collects old prophecy books and misprinted bibles ONLY this weirdo!! And he's so obsessed with silly little magic tricks that aren't even magic at all when he could very easily do real magic instead but noooo, making people think you're doing real magic when your Not Actually doing real magic is so much more fun apparently idk??? And he collects licenses (shooting guns, driving cars, literally who knows what else, at this point I wouldn't be surprised if my guy knew how to scuba dive and fly a plane), and he learned French the hard way just because?? He likes learning I guess?? And he's so bad at it, it's so silly it's Infuriating but it's also so endearing he's taking such JOY in it!!
And maybe you'd THINK that's all he is, sweet little goofball, but no!!!! Beneath all that soft exterior, this very intentionally soft and fun and kind exterior that he's carefully cultivated for millennia, he's also so incredibly brave. I think about how he was ready to face the thing he feared the most, to save three innocent kids. He was so ready to give up everything he had, fall from grace and spend eternity in hell, just so these kids could live. Just so that family would be spared the grief. Just so they could have a few more short years of human happiness. He lied to his boss for justice and he lied to GOD for justice and he somehow got away with it who does that??? AZIRAPHALE IS WHO. And he Never backs down did you see him pick up his little sword at almost-Armageddon when Lucifer himself rose from hell to end it all and my angel was ready to fight Satan Himself if he had to HELLO???
And then he blew up his halo and casually declared war on hell to save two humans and his former boss and his bookshop what a fucking badass!!?!?
And have I mentioned how pretty he is yes I have but it's worth mentioning again because have you seen his eyes?? Color of the fucking sky, they are, and his nose is so perfectly shaped and his stupid lips with his stupid cupid's bow, and his hair!! Is just so Damn soft it's and I just want to watch him be himself and do his thing but I also want to HOLD him and protect him and keep him safe from everything because if anything ever happened to him I-... UGH.
I don't KNOW.
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peace0ut-004 · 2 months
I’ve been watching too many zombie shows/movies lately, and I don’t know if it’s just me, but I always get peeved whenever I see characters walking around with their arms or legs exposed ( even though zombies tend to bite that area)
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golden-honey-bea · 2 months
scrolling through autistic Bruce Wayne in honor of me sobbing cause my phone is broken and all I have is my pc but my mom had to use it for work for over 5 hours AND its in my room(which is the only room I have to my self cause after my gndma wakes up she takes over the Livingroom(which is also the entire 1st floor of the house(she talks about when I was 6 I said I wanted a lot of babies and brings it up a lot(I have to lock my door so I don't kill her and the other people in the house(they'd be collateral damage))) also I lost one of my earbuds and still cant find it so I'm stuck with only one which makes me want to hit my head over and over and over AND the only over headphones I have only work for my pc
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isara-art · 2 months
Wtf is that leaking I have been seeing?!! Why are they so fucking desperate to shove that fucking prophecy from GoT in HotD?!!
I mean what's the fucking point?! I don't give a shit about the prince that was promised!
I am watching HotD to see the dance of the dragons, not some dreams and prophecies, I want to see plotting, people fighting and people dies and how the Targaryen Dynasty ruined and how the only thing they proud of the dragons extincted.
The others, the night king, the wildling, the wall and the long night, let it be in GoT only, I don't want anything to reminds me of that crap that happened in the show.
I know people will say "but they are related blah blah blah.." the thing is no one supposed to know about this! I mean no one!!
This is the most cheapest writing I have ever seen! They want this show to be the next GoT so bad.
But no one can touch GoT and their characters especially the first four seasons - I don't count the last shitty ones-
I had enough!
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zerberosa · 2 months
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why am i only finding abt the drama adaptation just now thru a random instagram edit!? i used to read the manga when it was ongoing and now i shall watch the drama as it is airing
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spirking-and-smirking · 2 months
i finally came to like.. this conclusion, that if I could take testosterone and have all the changes without the social consequences, I'd do it.
Absolutely. I'd do it in a heartbeat.
The only thing holding me back is when I'm older is the social consequences.
I would lose sooo many people and alienate myself from so many others. And even though my family sucks sometimes it would kill me to lose them and them no longer respect me. To have everyone around me go "why did you ruin yourself like this? You were such a beautiful strong respected woman."
And I'm bigender, so I have no problem being seen as a woman. Forget passing, that's not even the goal (though it would be nice). It would just make me so happy to have more masculine features. I would love it so much. I love myself, and I'm happy with my body, but the euphoria I'd feel if I had the changes from testerone would be crazy.
I wish i lived in like the future or smthn. Wydm my dad will literally disown me + not be able to cope if he finds out im trans. Ughhhhhhhgggg i hate that the only trans friendly people i know are trans. I want to be loved by cis people to! I want to be safe around them! I hate being just a fragment of myself.
Things that would personally bring me so much joy, would also ruin my life because I'd lose so many people who matter to me.
Also i can basically forget ever having my he/she pronouns respected. Even some trans people dont rlly get it
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colacat53 · 4 months
Mantah Corps. is the villain of Camp Cretaceous but honestly, props to them for making the only not deadly as fuck hybrid dinosaur.
Like, Wu was over here making; a horror movie monster looking dinosaur that has scorpion fish DNA and kills anything with a heat signature, a white dinosaur that managed to convince a pack of four raptors to betray the man that raised them and killed an entire field of brachiosaurus just for fun, and a third hybrid that was created by using a bone from the second hybrid and was designed to be a killing machine as a military weapon
Good on Mantah Corps. for not making a completely carnivorous hybrid. Even if part of the spinoceratops/sino-spinos DNA is most likely sourced from the JP3 Spinosaurus I'm at least hoping the Sinoceratops DNA could help them be more mellow.
Also Wu should've learned his lesson the first time when his first hybrid had completely erratic behavior and tried to kill him
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poeticcomplex · 2 months
Shout out to those individuals who always end up doing everything on their own.
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Genuine question: I know that Jewish people don’t say ‘rest in peace’, rather, ‘may their memory be a blessing’, but I watched the film Yentl recently, and they only ever said ‘rest in peace’, which I found a little odd, as it contradicted what I knew of Judaism. Do you know if this would have been cultural difference, a mistake or purposeful change on the part of the writers, or any other reason? I’m not Jewish, but I’m interested in learning about different religious and cultural practices, and I’ve been trying to learn more about Judaism recently, so it was something that stood out to me.
It's a purposeful change to make the appealing to gentiles. There's a lot of elements they changed in the movie- Jews don't call the Tanakh the "Pentateuch" in regular conversation, for example. Even the names were changed to be easier- in Isaac Bashevis Singer's short story, Hadass's name is Hodes, which is a far more common Yiddish name than Hadass. And of course the original short story is much more sexually charged and gender challenging, but Barbara Streisand specifically sanitized the film to appeal to secular audiences (in the same way Fiddler on the Roof sanitizes the original Sholem Aleichem stories). Listen I love Babs but she literally holds the copyright over the short story in English now even though she didn't write it so now in order to make an adaptation that isn't as whitewashed as the Yentl film, artists have to use only the original Yiddish story.......I love the movie but it's also deeply sanitized and whitewashed deliberately, because the only way Jewish stories can be told is if they're "cleaned up" for gentiles' consumption.
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anyone else get inexplicably annoyed by excessive baby-talk? and i mean LITERAL baby talk, like talking to a baby in a high-pitched, cutesy voice NONSTOP.
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