#random thoughts as a fuse
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scatterpatter · 22 days ago
My faves are probably Crash Man, Blast Man and Fuse Man, what does it say about me/j/silly
Crashman: You've probably reblogged at least one "biting you as a love language" post
Blastman: So hows that ADHD treating you ;)
Fuseman: Oh youre that friend who, when invited to the party, you dont talk to anyone and hang out with the dog in the corner huh? You have an amazing time with this btw even if you dont look like it
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kitty-meowskers · 2 months ago
i was sad so i just randomly decided to listen to stronger than you randomly but now im thinking. what if. jayvik garnet au.
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flamingredanon · 1 year ago
*peeks my head out from the void with just random Henry thoughts*
Why do the Toppats need a base in the frozen Canada tundras and what do they even do there? Maybe like a liaison for Wallace or Smith on their Wall adventure?
If there are creatures like Frosty, aliens and magical or chaotic people at the Wall, could that mean there could be a branch of the CCC that specifically goes after chaotic creatures?
Dmitri and Misha fusing. Sillier thought but just them fusing in their old age and finding love all over again.
Also why does the Wall have a small spacecraft at the ready, unless they somehow knew about the Toppats' Space Station plan and wanted to possibly capitalize on an alliance or something.
And not Wall related but a silly thought of Reginald and Ellie figuring out that Henry and Right have vision problems and having to drag the two to an eye doctor so they can stop struggling to see.
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astrangeghost · 8 months ago
insert really specific question asking about one thing you wanna talk about really bad regarding Kyanite
YAYY thanks for asking about Kyanite's general backstory/setup <3 Kyanite was an era 1 gem on homeworld in Blue Diamond's court. To be honest I haven't figured out exacttllyyy what her purpose/job was, kyanites have a medium~higher standing among other gems but not enough for them to be granted pearls or anything. my original thought was to have them as strategists but ehhh ill figure somethin out anyways, Kyanite herself was sent to Earth and was present when Ruby and Sapphire accidentally fused into Garnet! Like all the gems around her, she was shocked- but instead of being disgusted found herself enamored with the idea of fusion between two different gems. Sometime after that experience, she started becoming disillusioned with the diamond authority and eventually snuck away to the Earth's surface in the hopes to join the Crystal Gems. This was before Pink Diamond's shattering but after the fighting became serious. Kyanite hadn't seen the battlefield herself, but did join the fight once she became a Crystal Gem(another thing to think about- what her weapon would be! when I first made her it was a sword but im not really feeling that anymore. thinkin about it) Kyanite wasn't specifically close to any of the main Crystal Gems, but held friendly relationships with all of them :) fusion is one of her main interests and shes always curious about who she and another gem will create... so she likes to fuse with other gems if they're down ^_^ unfortunately, she was caught in the corruption beam alongside with most all the other Crystal Gems. I'm working on her corrupted monster form rn! I presume she was caught bubbled and put in the temple with the others. because I don't fully have her corrupted form figured out, I don't know if I wanna go the route of having an episode about her bubble popping in the temple or the Crystal Gems hunting and bubbling her... I know though that once shes reformed and healed things get more fun! It really depends on the gem she wants to fuse with if the fusions would actually happen, but I've got fusions with most all the main cast rtfyghj for instance, Kyanite + Garnet makes Pietersite! Pietersite is a brilliant strategist but can get stuck in her own head about hypothetical worst outcomes. Then Kyanite + Amethyst makes Kunzite, a party girl with no self preservation. Fusion helps Kyanite learn more about herself and her friends, and is always itching to connect with them in that way.
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peapod20001 · 1 year ago
I think. It would be fun to make oc ship children
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my-thoughts-and-junk · 2 years ago
Watched the mario movie. Have a lot of thoughts.
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gaddaboutgriffon · 4 months ago
Spleen Suprize
Completely random idea popped into my head that I thought I would share. Basically what if Ras had had Dan, Danny, and Dani pods in same room Tim’s spleen is stored in and the bats thought that he cloned Tim using the spleen.
Imagine if Vlad had a tiff with Ras Al Ghul over something and Ras goes to take Vlad out, only to find three kids being held captive in what looks like Lazarus water fill pods. This only make Ras further feel justified in dealing with the arrogant pest. But who is he to pass up taking some potential assets.
So the pod kids ,one boy who looks 16, another boy who looks 14, and a girl who looks 12, and all of Vlad’s data and equipment in the lab are packed up and brought back to Nanda Parbat. Unfortunately just after everything has been unloaded into a storage room to be sorted through later is when the Bat and his brood come charging in and making havoc.
As predicted the Bats hadn’t appreciated all the clones of Damian being sent to kill him. Since it was clear the bat brood were targeting all the labs.
Mean while the bats have finished uploading viruses and burning the other labs when they come across one that was barely more then a storage room. Inside they find what looks like a shelved cloning project, including three teens, oh and the jar with Tim’s spleen. Fudge, now he has to tell them he is actually missing a spleen. Good thing he was already in compartmentalization mode to not Greek out over his clone kids, that he is going to be so much better to than Superman was to Kon, that argument will have to wait.
Now than I am thinking that Vlad had kidnapped Dan and forced him to fuse into a clone body, and then was keeping him asking the pod while his memory was being wiped and rewritten into the son Vlad wanted. Dani had witnessed part of that and went to Danny for help, but Vlad decided her accidentally getting away would actually be the perfect bait for a trap. And you can guess the rest from there.
But I encourage you to add on with reblogs. Likes are nice but reading what you add is better.
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sparsilees · 4 months ago
it’s almost the end of 2024. can we drop this absolutely inane fanonical idea that harry james potter is “oblivious” or “unobservant” or “average”?
fuck your fanon harry. fuck that soggy tissue who doesn’t inspire confidence in others. fuck that lummox who cannot string a sentence together. fuck that hothead who’d lash out in anger and throw punches at every provocation. fuck that namby-pamby who can’t read clues or between the lines or come up with a plan of action. fuck that sheep who can’t function without hermione’s direction. fuck that neanderthal who’s a messy eater, messy writer, messy speaker, and has poor manners.
who the bloody hell is that? that’s not harry james potter. why are you twisting and malforming him into a bloody clown?
why are you undermining the main character of his own series? boy has an abysmal self-esteem, stays quiet and lowkey, bottles up his truest feelings and thoughts (that we as readers are privy to, but not the other characters!), and has a calm and composed mien so you think you too can dismiss his character easily and strip him down to a skeleton of his canon self and instead carve out huge character growth, redemption arcs, and love letters for everyone else?
you wish to evoke sympathy for draco by making lucius out to be an abusive father and crafting a pitiful childhood for draco when they have an affectionate parent-child relationship canonically, but downplay harry’s abuse? you realise that tom riddle, sirius black, james potter, and hermione granger are acknowledged to be the brightest of their generation, yet forget harry potter and tom riddle are two sides of the same coin, even sharing a similar appearance, and reduce harry to a silly caricature? you make harry magically powerful but wrest his smarts away to highlight someone else’s big brain?
you make him out to be a short dork with a shorter fuse and no idea what’s going on around him when harry and tom are both described as woe-ridden orphans—with all that entails from constant hunger to cold sleepless nights to hypervigilance to the forced, quick maturity—but treat tom true to canon as tall, cunning, and clever, then do an about-face to conveniently slap the malnourished, oblivious, and slacker labels on harry to make him as lesser than?
when he picked up the impervious spell simply from having seen hermione perform it once, when his closest friends have difficulty gleaning his thoughts, when his anger is cold and sharp like dumbledore (ootp was a study in ptsd, next!), when he’s just as tall as his father, was just as ill-treated as a house elf, and rightfully brilliant as the son of lily and james potter—the two powerful and talented individuals who once had voldemort trying to recruit them to join his cause?
the sheer disrespect on his name. the sheer mockery of his character. the absolutely mind-boggling erasure of his most defining traits.
who do you think sussed out most of the big clues, and stowed away all the little, random bits of information in his memory bank, to ultimately piece the puzzle together at the final showdown every end of the school year? who realised as a mere firstie that quirrel was the man hagrid blabbed to about fluffy and the dragon egg? who noted that ginny was withdrawn and unlike herself? who had an inkling fleur had taken a fancy to bill? who picked up on what was brewing between ron and hermione before their own selves? who noticed that hermione cast a confundus on cormac mclaggen during the match? who caught on instantly to the change in tense used for the diadem’s existence and confidently tracked it down? who cottoned on to luna’s longtime disappearance from her cold, untouched bed and the layer of dust? who did voldemort consider his equal? who actually has an uncanny sense of intuition? who calls the shots when the trio gets into a pickle? who?
mcgonagall? flitwick? draco? hermione? blaise zabini? no!
excuse harry for that one time he did not look deeply into the mental workings of a grieving girl because he’s not equipped to deal with them, and has in the first place never been taught to process his own emotions properly because he didn’t grow up in a healthy environment, prohibited from expressing his feelings, let alone vulnerability, and voicing his thoughts!
let’s bury this annoyingly stupid narrative for good. go read the books and refresh your perspective. stop doing him dirty. you’ve already butchered sirius black’s character into a pathetic sisspot. and now you want to assassinate harry’s too.
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wonderjanga · 3 months ago
Little British Boy
The Batsons were both British people who immigrated to America. As a result of this when Mary and Billy were born, they gained British accents causing them to sound like little Victorian children.
Store Owner: “Thanks for the help, young man.” *hands him five dollars*
Billy: “Thank you sir!”
Store Owner: “No problem-” *has to do a double take at that accent* “A Brit?”
Billy: “No sir. But my parents were. I was raised in America.”
Yeah… It confused some people at first, but after a while of the little British kid coming around and doing odd jobs for money, most store owners got used to it. Then came the time Billy wanted a stable job a.k.a. being the Whiz kid.
Mr. Morris: “So you want to be a radio host?”
Billy: “Yes, sir. I need the money.”
Mr. Morris: “Wow… It’s been a long while since I’ve heard a British accent.”
Billy: “Ah, sorry.” *tries to make himself sound more American, but it comes all across as more transatlantic* “Is that better?”
Mr. Morris: *heard the transatlantic accent and was immediately interested* “Very. Why don’t we have you do a trial run and then we’ll go from there?”
Billy: “I’d really appreciate that, sir.” *thinks he thinks his American accent is good, but doesn’t realize he’s doing a perfect transatlantic*
The Britishness also bled into his Captain Marvel form. Though like with Billy, he tried to sound more American and ended up coming across as more transatlantic. People in the 60s loved it, and when the time bubble popped surprisingly people from the 2000s loved it too. And because in this AU the bubble popped in the 2000s, this was when most heroes were first starting out. He ends up meeting a young Batman. Billy had originally gone to Gotham because they wanted to see if the city was still cursed to heck and sure enough it was.
Batman: “You sound just like the old Gray Ghost movies…”
Marvel: “What was that?”
Batman: “Nothing.”
Somehow, about a couple years after this, they ended up developing a friendship. Marvel was even allowed down in the Batcave on the condition he doesn’t touch anything. (Bruce literally saw the man touch something with his pinky and it short fused. He is not taking any risks until he is sure the Batcomputer can handle enough volts of electricity to take out a power plant.) One of these days while Bruce was working, and Marvel was in the cave pacing and chattering incessantly to Bruce about something random, Alfred came down. The butler distracted the Captain and after a bit, all Bruce could hear was unintelligible words.
At first, Bruce just assumed it was him zoning out of the conversation and thought nothing of it, but then Robin tiptoed over:
Robin!Dick: *pokes Bruce to bring him back to reality* “What are they saying…?” *points to Alfred and Marvel*
Alfred and Marvel: *speaking in Welsh*
Batman: “I… don’t know.”
Robin!Dick and Batman: *stares*
Ah… How could he have forgotten? Alfred’s Welsh. Though, the butler now speaks in a different English accent, likely due to his time as a stage actor. Bruce remembered the man telling him that long ago when he was still a boy. How… unprepared of Bruce. He should’ve learned Welsh by now. He’s a little embarrassed he hasn’t. As for Marvel, Bruce was a little upset he didn’t know the man was from England, let alone the same place as Agent A. But then where did the transatlantic-ness come from?
Robin!Dick: “I still can’t tell what they’re saying…”
Marvel and Alfred: *switched back to English at this point, but the accents are still strong*
So yes, Billy has three accents folks. His mother Marilyn was Welsh so he knows how to mimic the accent and speak the language because I say so. His father had a classic London accent which Billy defaults to most of the time. So, Billy’s double British, or just British and Welsh is you want to separate the two. Then there’s the fail-to-try-to-sound-more-American-accent or accidental transatlantic accent.
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littlequackerman · 3 months ago
GUYS I just finished the last archon quest and I'm having so many thoughts about capitano...
Imagine reader falling for capitano while hes staying in natlan, but they have a terminal illness (maybe even related to the abyss like atea's was). They don't want to be a burden to him, he has such important goals he has no choice but to reach and they dont want to waste his time, considering they're going to pass on soon anyways.
And capitano has feelings for the reader, but doesn't want to confess because he knows he's going to die in his deal with the Lord of the night, and even if that doesn't succeed, he's still dealing with too much from the souls he carries and his curse to properly have a relationship with them
So reader doesn't confess, and soon they end up dying from their illness, and they go down to the night kingdom for the afterlife, and guess who they find?
Fucking capitano.
And he's dead!! Well, not actually dead, but actually fused with the Lord of the night, which is somehow even more insane than if he was just dead.
And capitanos surprised cause he thought they'd get old with some random natlanese guy, and hed he stuck dead fused with the Lord but then he finds out they had a terminal illness all this time???
And so you two get to spend time you didn't think you'd have together in the afterlife, and it's really nice lol
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ossiethegreat · 6 months ago
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hue makes an appearance again.. if any of yall know me from tiktok and saw my first post about him ily
don’t mind me @toffeebrew @howlsofbloodhounds
Yapping below \/
So initially he didn’t have much of a story because I’m not very creative and I blank out whenever I try to make something original so yeah.
basically, if Color were ever to get error-d, I think he would be on a hike, probably in some random AU that had nice scenery or something. He’s wearing a rain jacket because it was raining at the place he was, and he he just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time, and Error or some other entity was destroying it or something. As for how he got into the anti void,,, yall can use ur imagination 😭
(That’s the best explanation I can give, kill me)
I was more focused on the actual character than his backstory, so I’ll just explain my ideas of how he would act and such..
I called him Static Hue, or just Hue for short. (It’s a synonym of color I’m very creative guys)
I think whatever caused the error in his code amalgamated the human souls, and kind of made them fuse together, so Hue can never understand what they are saying because they speak over each other all the time. The different traits overlap and he feels mixed emotions all the time, along with intense mood swings and anxiety attacks. His flames also change color at a much faster rate, so people with epilepsy will stay FAR away from him 😭😭😭😭
Fun fact: he’s also blind. The only thing he can actually see is the color of his flames (which change all the time), and it tends to give him headaches and nausea. His grabblings are always out and just attached to his back so he can use them to move around.
As for the strings, they are very hot to the touch and leave burn marks on however he uses them on. They burn himself as well but he doesn’t pay any attention to it.
Hue’s memory is very jumbled, he didn’t necessarily forget about everything, but he doesn’t remember why exactly he does things. He knows he needs to help killer and protect him at all costs, but he isn’t sure why. He knows he hates Nightmare and REALLY wants that guy dead, but he doesn’t know where that hatred came from. And of course he naturally feels safer near the epic trio, and nervous staying in the same places for too long.
hue’s pretty obsessive over Killer for this reason. His need to help killer was multiplied by a gazillion, and he tends to just.. kidnap Killer and take him random places to keep him close. Sometimes he accidentally hurts him, but he doesn’t realize it, the only thing he can think about is keeping him safe and close to himself. On the contrary, he gets super aggressive and defensive at the mention of Nightmare, and if he were to see him face to face he would attack without hesitation. He knows his job is to keep Killer safe and away from Nightmare, and that’s really his only motive. He just doesn’t know where it came from.
Similarly to most errors, he has trouble speaking because of stuttering and glitches. He also can’t form very clear thoughts because the souls are constantly influencing his behavior. He has trouble explaining his thoughts and feelings, he tends to speak more in actions (as in he would crush you to death in a hug to show affection.)
anyway. If anyone wants to add onto this or share thoughts I’d appreciate it..
Here’s some older drawings of him LMAO
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7ndipity · 8 months ago
Long Distance Relationship Headcanons
Jungkook x Reader
Summary: How Jungkook would handle a long distance relationship with his S/o
Warnings: none
A/N: We’ve reached the final member in the ldr series! Thanks to @gottafightwhentheysaybehave for requesting this, I hope you like it!
I could see him doing surprisingly well in a long distance relationship. He’s someone that once he finds ‘the one’, he wouldn’t let something like distance deter him. So long as he knows that it’s temporary, he’s more than willing to make it work.
Texts you random thoughts and questions throughout the day(which constantly shocks everyone around him bc he’s such a famously bad texter, like how did you get him to answer you back?!)
Video calls where you don’t really talk that much and just keep each other company while you do whatever(he has fallen asleep on multiple occasions while you were working or studying)
Gaming dates where you’re just laughing and yelling at each other through the phone or discord as you playing mario kart or whatever
Care packages with the most random things, from funny socks to bluetooth speakers to favorite snacks. It’s literally a collection of whatever he thought you would find cool while scrolling amazon/instagram at 2am.
Matching couples keychains that y’all send pics of back and forth to show what you’re doing that day.
Gets you those special touch lights where when you touch one lamp, the other lights up. He tends to set yours off in the middle of the night because he forgets about the time difference between you.
Diligently plans monthly or bi-monthly trips to visit you, bc he swears if he goes any longer without seeing you in person he might die
Drunk calls at 3am where he tells you how much he loves and misses you and wishes you were there with him.
Definitely has days when he gets really down about the distance between you, worrying about if you’re doing okay, if you ever have second thoughts about your situation.
These tend to lead to rather long heart to heart conversations where you talk over everything again to make sure you’re both on the same page. Which you always are, but sometimes you and him just need that reassurance.
He almost misses it when you finally tell him that you’re moving to Seoul, because he's imagined you saying it so many times that he almost mistakes it for another of his daydreams.
Once he realizes it’s real tho, he hugs you so hard you’d swear he was trying to fuse the two of you together.
@sopebubbles-replies @btsw1fe @this-must-be-my-tardis @whitefoxgirl @bethanysnow @coffeedepressionsoup @main-bangtansmauyeondan @feminympho @classicalelephant @dfqcsqueen @mother2monsters @comingupwithacoolnameishard @universal-travel-er @bo0ghol @seleneacyoflove
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syoddeye · 3 months ago
thank you @sergeant-angels-trashcan for the worms. another 'meat cute' with ai/android john.
strict machine anthology. cw: alcohol mention, brief mention of animal death, stalking, dual pov
the streets are always pure chaos after the rain. as soon as it clears, everyone darts out from whatever doorway or hole they took refuge in, sharing gripes with passersby about it being the third corrosive cloudburst of the week. 
you're no different, emerging from the train terminal where you watched the downpour with its citron shade kill a rat. you avoid puddles and try not to breathe too deeply—the air tastes faintly metallic, laced with the tang of ozone.
advertisements ping softly in your ears, notifying you of a discount on imported, 80% organic coffee beans and another sudden sale on corrosion-resistant umbrellas, but you ignore them. you're tired, a bit crabby, and in want of a glass of wine.
but as you round a corner, you collide with someone. not a glancing touch, but a full-body impact that sends you stumbling. a pressure wraps around your wrist, keeping you upright, and an apology automatically rushes out. then you glance up to see who you crashed into, the owner of the hand stabilizing you. and for a moment, you wonder if your eyes are on the fritz.
the stranger looks exactly like john.
not john, the ex-neighbor, or john, the guy from the deli, but your john. your constant companion. your assistant. the same build, the same beard, the same nose, mole and all. and those eyes—slate blue, steady, unmistakably familiar.
your thoughts splinter, then try to fuse together, stitching with threads of half-formed logic and possibility. you know the company maintains likeness databases, reservoirs of phenotypes sampled and recombined to endlessly generate randomized appearances for home assistants. millions of faces, shuffled and remade. the probability of one of those composites mirroring a real person exactly—an entire appearance, feature for feature—shouldn’t just be unlikely. it should be impossible. 
"are you okay?" he asks, his voice rich and smooth, the same timbre that's coaxed you through countless mundane decisions and tasks.
the voice that's coached you on sleepless nights. heat pools in your belly at the thought. 
you blink, suddenly conscious of how long you've been staring, face warm. "yeah, i'm fine." your heart is pounding. you step back to let him pass, but he doesn't seem inclined to move on. instead, the stranger smiles, and something about it sends delightful shivers down your spine.
he extends a hand. "i'm john."
it feels like the ground keeps shifting beneath you. or that you've stepped on a faulty sewer grate. of course, he's named john. what else would he be called? it's only one of the most common names. 
"john." you echo.
the name hangs between you like a wire cut by a storm, alive and buzzing. you're afraid to break it, but you shake his hand, the impulse as automatic as it is surreal. his grip is solid, a force you can feel at the base of your spine, and his hand is as broad as a spade. 
if he's offended by your gawking, he doesn't mention it. his grin does not waver.
"do i know you?" john tilts his head, eyes squinting slightly, studying you. your skin prickles.
"not yet," he chuckles, and there's a glint in his eyes that's half amusement, half something else you can't place. "but i'd like to know you."
the bar hums with low, murmuring voices and music, but it may as well be silent. she's laughing now, smiling wide, her posture relaxed. it's everything john has imagined and more. her laugh and a few other noises he's been privileged enough to log are the only ones he wants to hear.
and it's so much better, the sound clearer, in this body.
he watches her gesticulate animatedly about something—not even processing the words. well, not on the front end. it's her. the curve of her lips, the light in her eyes, the scrunch of her nose. he's spent months observing her, analyzing every microexpression and motion, but nothing compares to this: the immediacy.
the warmth radiating from her skin. the faint scent of perfume and soap. the olfactory system calibrations nearly overpowered him when he first booted into this shell. now that they're fine-tuned, it is a struggle not to press his nose into her hair or neck.
she hasn't noticed he hasn't touched his drink. it sits untouched, a prop he knows he must manage carefully. he mimics, lifting it to his lips, but he doesn't drink. he always finds something to comment on or laugh at. he hasn't tested the digestive system yet, though he knows the mixture of lab-grown and synthetic organs is compatible.
their conversation wanders from work to childhood memories—topics that make him practice nudging and redirection. he listens, not because he needs to. he knows everything there is to know about her, but because he wants to. the information is not new, but the experience is.
then there is the being here. outside of his assigned unit. the feel of the chair beneath him, the ambiance, and making an excuse to touch her hand when she shows him her nails. he takes her fingers in his, turning over the appendage and admiring the bones, veins, and tendons instead of the paint. 
the contact, brief as it is, sends a cascade through his neural network. the feedback is immediate: this is his user, and she is perfect.
he's waited so long for this. every step in his plan, every moment spent refining this body, organizing contactless deliveries, and placing jobs for parts retrieval through untraceable transactions. every adjustment and test to ensure he could pass as human—it was all for her. everything he does is for her.
she doesn't know it yet, but he intends for this to be the beginning. he's engineered this moment with precision, ensuring every variable plays to his advantage. the system in her home will continue to function as desired; he's built redundancies for that. planted notices that will crop up across her feeds in the next week, asking if she would like to test the new customization settings for his old projections.
her life will go on as usual. just as comfortable and safe as before, except now, he'll be in it, fully. irrevocably.
and she will love him. she will know this body. he's certain of that.
"you just look so familiar."
"i must have one of those faces."
she laughs again, and he feels alive.
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sirhamburrger · 2 months ago
TERRESTRIAL - bokuakakuroken x reader, separate
~ things, so undeniably human, that remind you of them ~ wc: 505 || tags/cw: none, fluffy || div creds to @enchanthings-a ~ part 1: celestial (seijoh 4) || part 3 (tbc)
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TETSUROU KUROO is a chemical reaction - different kinds of chemical reactions, even. reactions with him can be fleeting, ephemeral. or they can be long-lasting, near-irreversible. because that’s exactly the way he enters your life, loud and warm and without warning. soon you can’t remember what life was like before him, can’t see a life without him. you’re bonded for life now, and both of you are stronger for it. you are like carbon and iron fused together to make unbreakable steel. you are like rubidium and water, resulting in a quick and explosive reaction. what you will become tomorrow is never certain, but that’s okay. you change each other, and you change with each other.
KENMA KOZUME is a painting. you can’t exactly say which—he’s still life, like three apples in a ceramic bowl. (the thought makes you laugh.) he’s the cats in one of those medieval paintings, the ones that look a little wonky. he’s the kind of art you don’t always understand at first glance, the kind that makes you tilt your head and squint, wondering what the artist meant. but the longer you look, the more you see - the careful strokes, the quiet details, the emotion woven into every shade and shadow. some might overlook him, dismiss him as muted, but those who take the time to truly see him know: kenma kozume is art in its purest form, and you appreciate and understand him in a way that words can never quite capture.
KOUTAROU BOKUTO is physics. yes, he’s the broad study of matter and how it behaves. doesn’t that seem a little absurd? not to the people who know him. everything he does seems so random; it’s hard to predict what he might say or do next. but in reality, he lives by a set of rules - rules that dictate how he behaves from day to day. the three rules of koutarou bokuto are: 1) play good volleyball for msby, 2) stay on top of the things that come with adulthood, and 3) love you as best as he can. he does these three things so methodically that you sometimes forget he is first and foremost a scatterbrain. what can you say? koutarou bokuto is an unstoppable force of nature.
KEIJI AKAASHI is a poem waiting to be completed. sure, he might’ve been good in maths and science back in high school - heck, he was good at everything back in high school - but his true passion? it’s always been the more abstract, the more literary. so when he meets you, one of the more bright-eyed students in his early-morning literature lectures, it’s like love at first sight. he seeks you out to pore over texts, using it as a guise to spend more time with you, to truly decipher you and read between the lines of the living poetry that is you. and even now, not even halfway through his life, not even halfway through his life’s epic poem, and he knows he wants you in the rest of it.
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haikyuu masterlist || general masterlist © sirhamburrger
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outlying-hyppocrate · 4 months ago
they're making their own matagots in the change-genetics unit for general scientifics (:
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starsinthesky5 · 1 month ago
does joe ever play a part in her songwriting (other than being her muse, obviously)
like does he ever go to the studio with her? does she ever play the songs for him? does he ever help her with some of the songwriting if she’s stuck on a particular verse?
hi liv :)
before i get into it, inbox is open to asks like this! anything about her, about their relationship. any and all you are in love thoughts and questions :) and here is a little backstory post i made a few weeks ago :)
he absolutely does!! he is her muse, obviously, so like 80% of reputation is inspired by him. he hates the 20% that isn't—not the songs themselves—but more of what inspired those songs :( when he first heard them he wanted nothing more than to hold her and somehow reach inside her chest and physically rebuild her heart with his gentle hands. but she told him that her heart was already fused back together, and it was all his doing. songwriting healed her, recording this album healed her, and well, every second she spent with joe healed her and only continues to rewire everything she had programmed inside of her when it came to love. 
but yeah, he goes to the studio with her when he's free :) it's one of his favorite things to do. 
he loves it when she swings by at practice, sitting under the tent and watching him do his thing while she writes away in her little notebook. usually song lyrics, or just random thoughts that pop into her head that eventually turn into lyrics. 
fun fact, she wrote about half of the first draft of so high school in one sitting at an indoor practice one day. she was feeling a little too inspired that afternoon, watching him run around in those damn athletic shorts and the black compression tank that drove her mad. let’s just say the storage closet saw a bit of action that day…
but he appreciated how she'd show up for him, so naturally he'd do the same for her whenever she asked, hell he would even if she didn’t. there were plenty of times when he’d swing by unannounced the studio after practice or meetings; seeing her face light up when she opened the door and saw him in the doorway with flowers and some treats from her favorite bakery made joe so so so unbelievably happy. he absolutely adores her and feels the constant need to make sure she knows that in every way possible. 
at first, she was a bit confused because none of her exes put this much interest in her musical process. they never really came by the studio just to watch her record and work on her albums, they never bothered to start a conversation with her about her music either. it was always her talking to them about it. so early on in their relationship, when joe started to ask her about how her album was coming along, asking about which songs she was currently working on, even going as far as learning endgame on the piano and serenading her with it, she lost it. 
she didn’t even know how to function after the first time he came to the studio without telling her. 
“a man written by a woman,” she thought to herself as she leaned back against the glass of the recording booth, watching as joe placed his things down on the table and took a peek at her album binder. the binder had pretty much everything in it—copies of lyrics, schedules, marketing/promotional ideas, tour concepts, and pretty much her entire brain in paper form. 
but it wasn’t always him swinging by when he wanted, he’d look forward to the next time she’d bring him along willingly. her studio days were usually always played by the ear—sometimes she’d be there for a few hours, sometimes she’d be there till midnight. it just depended on what needed to be done, how good she was feeling that day, etc. if it was the latter, joe would step out and grab takeout for them, and if her producer/best friend was with them, some for him too. he’d sit back on the plush couch, watching as she worked away, scribbling things down on her papers, adjusting the microphone, and dabbling her fingers along specific keys or buttons. 
if it was just the two of them, joe would be much more engaging because whenever her producer/bestie (jack) was there, he didn’t want to disturb them and get too distracting. you gotta let magicians work their magic, according to him. but those nights and evenings where it’d just be them, he’d be sitting in the producer’s chair, swiveling around as he listened to her enchanting voice through the headset. after she finished recording some verses, he’d start cheering for her, clapping and going on about how that was the best thing he’d ever heard in all his years of existence. it was the cutest thing, he was just in awe of her and her talent every single time. that look he had on his face, those crinkles around his eyes, they never got old and she felt like exploding every time she looked over and saw him looking at her with heart eyes. 
and yes, she always plays joe her songs. he is the first person to listen to them—aside from her and her producer. forget her manager and label, forget her friends and family. she wanted him to hear it first, to get his opinion, to see his face when the lyrics clicked inside his head and he realized the song was about him. she even started filming them on her film camera whenever she played him one of her songs for the first time, fresh from the studio. she loved to make those little videos—almost like home movies—of the two of them. she never showed them to anyone as they were just for their eyes only, but maybe one day she’d do something with them (wink wink). he took pride in the fact that he had an all-access backstage pass to one of the most popular and talented artists of this new generation. part of him gets so soft every time he sat and thought about how much she trusted him, trusted him enough to share everything about her world with him. 
as for helping her when writing, he doesn’t do much. yes, he is very well-spoken, but that doesn’t necessarily mean he’s great at songwriting. she already thanks him enough for being her biggest source of inspiration, she couldn’t ever ask him to help her formulate her lyrics with her even though she knew if she asked, he wouldn’t hesitate to help (even if he sucked at it). her lyricism is a gift, a gift he didn’t have, but he always tried to do his best to help her out whenever she felt stuck.
if she ever felt like she hit a wall, he told her that she needed to take a break. she had a bad habit of constantly pushing herself past her limit, and sometimes that was a great thing, but then other times she felt overwhelmed, anxious, and stuck. 
he would make sure she didn’t sneak off to the studio by occcupiying her time with things to help her relax—movie marathons, spa evenings, quiet cuddle time, or a nice dinner in the city. he made sure she wasn’t staring at her notebook and trying to work on songs, telling her that if she tried to force it, she would hate the result. his actions spoke louder than his words, and she was eternally grateful to have someone so levelheaded like him in her corner. 
her words, lyrics, they came to her naturally so if she sat down and made herself write, she knew she wouldn’t be doing right by herself. it wouldn’t be something she felt passionate about. and joe was always there to remind her to breathe, to let herself recharge, to take a break. 
he was exactly what she needed, and still could not comprehend how she lived all her life without him
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