#random story stuff I have in my head but haven't written down
pomefioredove · 24 days
unfortunately it is my yuusona who is the funniest because she does nothing for months and then immediately betrays everyone for rollo
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copperbadge · 9 months
Supposedly, people with Anphantasia don't get scared reading scary stories, or at least not much. Is that true with you if you ever read Horror?
You know, I'd never thought about it, but I suppose it is. To an extent, anyway.
Follows a discussion of my relationship to horror prose and media; if you don't know what aphantasia is, as many people coming to this tumblr don't, I have a tag for it here that may help -- it's basically the lack of a "mind's eye", a visual imagination, so I hear/read things and don't see an image of them in my mind. If you are scoffing right now that nobody actually has a mind's eye, congratulations, you may also have aphantasia. The articles linked in the tag will be useful to you.
I have definitely been scared by prose before but it's very rare, and not much since I was a child, when the stories I found scary were preying on fears I already had. I loved the Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark books, and I think it's not unusual that I found the illustrations more frightening than the prose, but the only story that ever scared me was the one about the vampire who kept trying to grab a kid through a window -- because I had a window over my bed in my childhood bedroom and I was terrified I'd look up to see someone looking down at me through it. Likewise, as an adult, the only content in horror I find scary is what I think of as "mind horror" -- the loss of faculty or the loss of awareness of faculty (think the end scene of the novel Hannibal with the brain). Which is one of my biggest fears.
I don't read much horror because generally I get bored, which has in the past made me feel faintly appalled at myself, but which now makes more sense. Certainly I have no interest in slasher-style gore in prose, because I find it uninteresting and it goes on a really long time, while I don't watch it in movies/TV because the visual is upsetting -- so if I was getting the visual from the prose I might react more emotionally. I am a fan of Stephen King but mostly his early work where he was shorter on suspense, and I was reading it because I liked the ideas and the characters. Carrie is super interesting because of the personalities involved, not because of the violence or the horror aspects. But I've never seen a movie adaptation and I can imagine I would be deeply unsettled if not distraught by certain scenes if depicted visually. Although I didn't find the Hannibal TV series super upsetting (I mostly was put off by how bad I imagined Will smelled) so perhaps body horror just doesn't do it for me.
This may also explain my hard-no on zombie media, because I'm not scared at all of zombies, I just find them boring and gross, and that leaves the post-apocalyptic humans. My hard-no on post-apocalypse anything is an aversion to imagining the end of my world, though, which isn't visual, it's conceptual, and not scary, just upsetting.
Like, people kept suggesting Zombies Run! to me when I was taking up running and -- well, one, I needed the music to keep my pace, I didn't want it interrupted. But two, I didn't see why a bunch of random groaning noises would make me run faster. If you could see zombies chasing you in your head, yeah, that'd probably be more motivating.
It kind of explains too why I haven't written much horror. I used to be very curious about how people worked out what's "scary" in horror prose and I guess part of the curiosity came from not experiencing it myself. It's tough to know how to write a scary story when stories don't scare you.
To be clear, I definitely experience fear. Reading Stephen King's "It" didn't really scare me, but there were scary moments in the film adaptations. I startle at jumpscares. There's plenty of stuff in real life that I'm scared of. And even podcasts -- I don't get mental images during podcasts like apparently most people do, but Magnus Archives got me with the "digging into your pre-existing fears" thing once or twice, and while I didn't finish The Left Right Game (I just got bored) the hitchhiker scene definitely got me. But I think, unless it's playing on something conceptual that already existed, yeah, I don't find prose particularly frightening.
Huh. This feels like the kind of thing that could have a significant impact on my creative output if I could crowbar my way into it. Knowing that I as an aphantic don't need descriptions that other people do has already, I think, impacted my editing process, but this feels like it maybe would somehow have an effect on the whole thing -- the fact that I don't experience emotions when reading in the same way other people do because I don't get the visuals is something to meditate on.
How the fuck did I ever even become a writer. Like what's up with that.
(Ironically it was X-Files fanfic. X-Files, a show that very much did scare me, for which I wrote and read a lot of fanfic, none of which did...yikes. Well, that's something to meditate on for the weekend.)
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Writer Q&A Game
Thanks to @clairelsonao3 for tagging me!
1. What motivates you to write?
I'm not exactly sure tbh. It almost feels like a compulsion. There are days where I simply do not feel good in my body if I haven't written anything. Then there are others where I can't bring myself to write because I'm too tired or too distracted from life. Honestly the second I get a clear head and enough time to myself, I'll start writing.
2. A line/short snippet of your writing that you are most proud/happy of. If not maybe share a line of someone else's work you love (just please credit them)
This isn't from my WIP, but from a fanfic I wrote a while ago. I want to try to find a way to incorporate it into something. Not sure where though.
“I know this seems like it’s coming out of nowhere,” he said, “but promise it’s not. I’ve had a long time to think about it.  A few years, actually. I guess, I just didn’t realize how deep I was in it until about five minutes ago.”
She kept silent, but the simple fact she hadn’t told him to get out gave him the confidence to keep going. . 
“I meant it when I said I’m crazy about you. I like that you take your sugar with a drop of coffee.  I like how you sing to yourself when you’re happy.  I like that you never seem to get cold.  I like that you never lose your head under fire, but still need me to get rid of spiders. I like that you can laugh at yourself.  I like that you can laugh at me. Hell, I like that you’re perfectly willing to slap my face if the situation calls for it.
I like so many things about you Liz, and that’s just the stuff I found out on accident.  I can only imagine the stuff I’d learn if I started loving you on purpose."
3. Which OC makes you smile every time you think/talk about them and what are they like?
I really do enjoy writing Finn. The boy just makes my smile.
Close second is another OC which I wrote for fanfic who I want to save and put someplace else, Lucy. She's my softest girl who has a lot of love to give. Might figure out a way to put her in this regency setting somewhere, but who knows.
4. What process of writing do you enjoy the most?
The first draft spree. The moment when you get an idea and you have write it down as quickly as possible. It's rough and definitely will need some editing, but that rush cannot be topped. It just feels satisfying to exorcise even the smallest of scenes out of my body.
5. What part of writing do you think you are the best at? (Yes stroke your own ego it's okay)
Dialogue, hands down. It's at least the part I've gotten the most compliments on.
6. What is something in the writeblr community is most enjoyable?
I've only just started to dip my toe in, but I really do love answering asks. I like seeing other writer's process and knowing I'm not alone. It's just fun!
7. A writing tool/device you use that helps you with writing? (It could be speech to text, a writing program etc)
I've been using Scrivener and it's really helped me keep everything organized. I have a very conspiracy board way of drafting, so having all my random snippets in one place really helps.
8. A piece of worldbuilding that you like in your own story? (It could be the magic system, a particular place in the story, a law etc)
Not sure world building is my strong suit for this current WIP. I suppose I'm enjoying expanding the world of the theatre, but I admittedly need to do more research.
9. What piece of advice would you say to encourage others to write if they are having a rough patch?
Write anyway. It doesn't have to be the scene that's giving you trouble. It doesn't even have to be for the piece you're trying to focus on, just don't get out of the habit of writing. Once you lose that momentum, it takes a long time to get it back.
10. Tag some people whose works you love/have been your biggest supporters
Gotta give a shout out to @clairelsonao3 for being so welcoming in my introduction to the writeblr community. And @janec23, for being one of the few specifically romance writers to reach out.
But I really can't begin to thank all the people who have followed me from my fanfic blog over to this one. It really means so much to know people are interested in reading anything I put out there.
@flapjacques, @jo-harrington, @can-of-pringles, @handahbear, @auroramagpie, @justanothersadperson93, @sad-cat-hours, @ghostface001, @theowlwhocameback, @mattmurdocksscars, @roruna, @everything-intertwined, @sweetjedi, @arcanerazil, @vibratingbonesbis, @delirious0pandemonium, @llovelykenobi, @geek-girl7, @mixedupanddown
Know that I love and appreciate you all.
I'm also going to leave this an OPEN tag to anyone who wants to do this, and especially invite everyone who I have tagged above. (and
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chayscribbles · 1 year
Tumblr media
chayscribbles’ monthly writing update ☆ august/september 2023 double feature
words written: 4273 in august; none in september BUT that's because i did a lot of revising
projects worked on: Gemini Heist in august; Andromeda Rogue in september, then procrastinated so hard i ended up writing a few paragraphs on Third, Secret Wip
proudest accomplishment: i compiled all my AR1 beta feedback without giving in to the urge to set the book on fire and also myself
books read: Network Effect (Murderbot Diaries #5) by Martha Wells
so basically i started off august decently solid, working on gemini heist while andromeda rogue was off being torn apart by the betas. (i'm joking. it didn't get torn apart. i think you guys were being way too nice actually.)
and then all kinds of shit hit the fan in my personal life all at once in mid-august. both good and bad. it was a lot.
anyways the first half of september was spent recovering from all that, BUT i took a week off work mid-september to catch my breath and also get back into writing, and it was really good for me.
on another note! i am very seriously considering making an etsy shop for some of my art, because as much as i loathe the thought of monetizing my hobbies, we are living in a cost of living crisis, and i don't wanna be in my ice water soup era forever, ha. anyways stay tuned. (and if you think it would be a good idea/you think yourself or others would be interested in buying things PLEASE LET ME KNOW. EXPLICITLY. because otherwise i will assume no one cares and the idea will fizzle out.)
more specific wip-related comments + featured excerpt below.
☆ COMMENTS: ANDROMEDA ROGUE (draft 2 editing)
i went through all the beta comments during my week off and while i am glad it doesn't look like i'll have to do any more BIG rewrites, editing sucks and i want to give up.
☆ COMMENTS: THE GEMINI HEIST (draft 0.5. okay fine it's draft 1 but i feel better about myself if i call it draft 0.5 okay)
honestly when i was working on this feels sooo long ago i don't even remember what there is to say?
i hit 20K at some point in august. i think.
OH YEAH i "finished" act 2/7. the quotation marks are because i absolutely did not finish it, i only finished writing all the main plot-relevant scenes and skipped anything else. which means there's like a whole chapter and a half that haven't actually been written bc they're probably gonna be exposition or character building stuff that i haven't figured out yet and i'm hoping will be easier once i know what actually happens in the rest of this story. (reminder that i am a plantser.)
anyways i suspect this wip will be going dormant again for a while as i focus on getting AR ready for publishing. (sidenote it's been over a year since i started the GH draft and i feel like i've done fuck all on it besides come up with useless lore and make extremely specific playlists. world's slowest writer. the playlists slap, though.)
uh have this random snippet of Euna about to pop off!
Somewhere far, far, away, Leo was shouting, “Just get your ass out of there, Li!” but her voice seemed muffled in Euna’s ears, blocked out by the rage that had been steadily mounting ever since that guard shot her arm and ruined the fight for her. All she could hear was the blood rushing through her own ears, the buzz of the guard’s electrified gauntlets, the crackle of the electricity in her own hand. She reared her good fist back and slammed it into the guard’s face. Their nose made a sickening crunch against Euna’s knuckles. Blood flowed down over their mouth and chin as they staggered back, but Euna wasn't done. Her right arm, still spouting sparks, swung into the side of their head, finally bringing them down. Before they could get up again, Euna dropped on top of them, pinning them to the ground with her knees on their chest. She grabbed their shoulders and yanked their upper body off the floor, preparing to slam them down one last time— Purple light surrounded her. For a frightening second, she couldn’t move. Then she was thrown off the guard and dragged, upside-down, through the air towards the exit.
☆ TAGLISTS. let me know if you want to be added/removed to any of them.
general taglist:
@nicola-writes @dgwriteblr @the-orangeauthor @onomatopiya @quilloftheclouds @ashen-crest @writeblrfantasy @celestepens @stardustspiral @pepperdee @extra-magichours @avi-why @lefttigerobservation @chazzawrites @bardolatrycore @innocentlymacabre
andromeda trilogy taglist:
@bebewrites @nicola-writes @dgwriteblr @the-orangeauthor @onomatopiya @akindofmagictoo @quilloftheclouds @nora-theteawriter @ashen-crest @corpsepng @writeblrfantasy @toboldlywrite @celestepens @stardustspiral @pepperdee @cheerfulmelancholies @extra-magichours @writeouswriter @cilly-the-writer @lefttigerobservation @rose-bookblood @drowsy-quill @chazzawrites @cynic-and-chief @enchanted-lightning-aes @aesa @outpost51
gemini heist taglist:
@florraisons @akindofmagictoo @cream-and-tea @nicola-writes @memento-morri-writes @antique-symbolism @rose-bookblood @afoolandathief @pepperdee @avi-why @zonnemaagd @chazzawrites @analogued @enchanted-lightning-aes @innocentlymacabre @kahvilahuhut @celestepens @cilly-the-writer @extra-magichours @onomatopiya @outpost51
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rdng1230 · 2 months
Fic talk
tagged by @desert--moonchild
How many wips do you have currently? 8 ish? but I haven't worked on any of them since I started Ain't That a Kick in the Head. Most of them are one sentence ideas in a google doc but others are a little more fleshed out. One I would loooooooove to write is one where Buddie runs into the original Buddie aka Gage and Desoto from Emergency!, but I really need to be able to watch old episodes to get their voices down and the show isn't available anywhere except live tv reruns. I also have lots of Tommy + Deluca family shenanigans for the strings of fate series. There's some angstier stuff as well I hope to dive into.
Which one are you finding the hardest to finish? Why do you think that is? lol you can't struggle to finish something you haven't really started can you? tbh I'm putting everything on the back burner till the epilogues done and then we'll see how everything else goes :)
What does it usually look like when inspiration strikes for you? I'm not often far away from my laptop these days so usually I just plop down and type it straight into docs. If I'm out and about I'll jot it down in my notes app, maybe also text it to a friend if the idea was something I'd been whining to them about.
Do you curate playlists for each fic or is your process different? You know it's funny I love a good playlist and I love making them but because I can't really read or write when music is playing besides like instrumental stuff or lofi, I don't make playlists to set the vibe. However, I am meticulous about the music actually in the story, so I will make playlists to keep track of what music is referenced and also to give my readers an opportunity to know what the characters are listening to in those moments. I will agonize over what a character might listen to and under what circumstance. Sal's picks come to me almost immediately, he follows his heart and likes big earnest 80's gated reverb atmospheric kinda stuff. Tommy is more difficult, he's moodier, a lot more mercurial about what he listens to based on what he's feeling, he can be a tough nut to crack. The hardest part is when there's a song that is PERFECT for their situation but I know they wouldn't listen to/know about, see: A Home by the Chicks for Tommy chapter 5.
Do you go balls to the wall and write as you go or are you more organised? It is soooooo situation specific. Sometimes I sit down and just crank out a whole thing right then and there like my Young Royals Fic from a few months ago. I'm still really new to this whole thing tbh, I'm still trying to figure out what works for me. But for the longer stuff I usually know what I want out of each chapter and then when I get closer to it I write out a scene list for how that happens, sometimes what I want requires breaking things up into two chapters. chapter 6 was fun because it actually had entire conversations written before the scene list so I had a page of dialogue and had to backpedal and structure the chapter scenes around that conversation. the epilogue is literally fully written scenes followed by 5 word placeholders for next scenes, and dry templated out set up scenes, and then random lines of dialogue from the final scene, idk man its the Wild West out here. For my strings of fate series I'm keeping things vague on purpose in terms of timelines and certain details to allow for this universe to account for future ideas I may have.
np tags, I'm sure many of you have done these already and if you have just tag me I'd love to read 'em: @racerchix21 @ohlookitsthearkhamknight @cliophilyra and whoever else wants to!
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asterkiss · 1 year
- Maybe
‘we both got kicked out of our rooms because our roommates are having sex so now we’re standing in the hallway avoiding each other’ AU Have a random and quickly written thing.
'What are you doing?'
Mabel raised her head from her position on the floor, currently seated in a cold dormitory hallway with her back against the wall and legs spread out across the floor. It wasn't like she was blocking the way or anything though - people could easily step over.
In her hands she had a ball of sparkly red yarn and two knitting needles. She smiled up at the stranger, holding up a partially finished sweater. 'Knitting! Also, hi!'
The young man frowned at her energetic response, no doubt wondering how she was so upbeat this late at night.
'Alright, but why in the middle of the corridor? And at midnight?'
'Ooh, well that's a long a story that starts with me, my roomate and this guy we met in a bar three weeks ago-'
'Bye.' He began to walk off and Mabel leaned forward.
'Wait, wait! Fine, I'll give the short version!!' It was nice having someone to talk to after being out here alone so far, she didn't want him to leave. She blew air out between her lips before sighing as the guy regarded her neutrally. 'My roomate's, how should I say this?' She paused, clasping her hands together in front of her as she considered for a moment. 'She's.... enjoying some adult naptime with her friend.'
An arched eyebrow. 'You mean they're bumpin' uglies?'
She flushed. 'Um.... yeah.'
The guy snorted, leaning against the wall opposite as he folded his arms with a wry grin. 'Ditto. My roommate likes to slime the banana with his girlfriend often.'
Mabel made a face. 'Gross, gross, gross! Do you have to phrase it like that?'
'I'm sorry, I wasn't aware I was speakin' to a grandma.' His gaze dropped down to the stuff in her lap. 'Though I guess the crochet kit should have been a guess.'
'This is knitting, not crochet. There's a difference!' Mabel huffed before forcing herself to calm down. Cm'on Mabel, be the bigger person. Maybe this was guy was just having a bad day and that's why he was being an ass - he'd been kicked out of his room too, after all. Let's try this again. 'I haven't seen you around before, who are you?'
'That's cuz I spend most of my time in the science lab,' he quipped back. 'And it's Bill.'
Mabel set her knitting stuff aside and pushed herself to her feet, smiling brightly as she offered a hand. 'Nice to meet you Bill, I'm Mabel.'
The fellow student eyed her hand warily. Mabel wiggled her fingers enticingly as she grinned. 'It's okay, I don't bite. Promise.'
He seemed reluctant but eventually took her hand, giving it a brief shake. 'Do you often find yourself kicked out at night?'
'Nope! Tonight's the first time so I don't mind. I was happy to stay in the bathroom whilst they went at it but apparently I was being distracting so they kicked me out.'
'Distracting, how?'
'Well, I was just making a few sound effects to lighten the mood y'know? And then I was shouting encouraging words at the guy 'cuz it seemed he was doing a real good job from what I could hear.'
'That's god damn hilarious,' Bill said, cackling. 'Can you come do that to my roommie? He'd love it!'
Mabel cocked her head. His words were nice but why did she feel like he was being sarcastic?
As he recovered, Bill flashed her a boyish smile that made her heart skip a beat. Oh, he actually looked quite handsome when he wasn't pulling a face. She hadn't been granted the chance to notice until now.
'Mabel, was it? I'll see ya around.' He turned and began walking away and the brunette stared after him.
She rummaged in her pockets as he paused to turn back. Procuring a pink gel pen she chased after him, grabbing his arm and scribbling.
'....What are ya doin?'
She pulled back and flashed him a smile, capping her pen. 'Leaving my number.' Wink.
He stared.
She grinned back.
'Do you give your number to every guy you meet?' he asked pointedly.
'No!' Well, not anymore. A few years ago when she'd been boy-crazy she more or less had. This was the first time in five weeks she'd handed it out - that must be some kind of record!
'Hm. Well, I'll call ya if I need your services with Pine Tree.'
'My roommate,' he clarified as he swivelled around and continued walking away again.
'Oh. Well, yeah... that or, um, any other service!'
He stopped.
'Ah wait, oops, not like that!' she yelled, face turning red as she abruptly realised how that sounded and shook her hands in front of her frantically. 'I mean just like... a date or coffee or something. Ha ha.'
Bill glanced over his shoulder, blue eyes meeting hers in a scrutinising manner. She laughed nervously, rubbing the back of her head. Smooth Mabel, real smooth.
But then he surprised her with his response:
'Maybe,' he muttered before walking away once and for all. Mabel remained standing in the corridor alone, chest fluttering.
Maybe, huh?
Maybe was good. Maybe was promising. She could definitely work with "maybe"!
Ooh, she should tell Dipper about this! He'd been acting so crabby lately over his "new asshole roommate", maybe he'd feel better if she shared the good news about having a new crush.
(Probably not. Knowing Dipper he wouldn't care but hey she was using the lame excuse in her mind to boast to him about it anyway. Suck it.)
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marsupialmode · 7 months
‘Ello! My name is V, and I am new to actually posting, even though I've lurked for quite a bit on Tumblr! I write stories, worldbuild for the random worlds that pop in my head, and repost things that are important, helpful, or just make me giggle. 
Feel free to message me, send me asks, and tag me in things!
There are things I will not and will never write (Proship, taboo stuff, etc). Do not ask me to write them, or I will block you.
I am okay with NSFW. I may occasionally post it in the form of a fic. HOWEVER, there will be a warning beforehand, and it will link to my AO3. I will never directly post it here
I will not allow bigots onto my page. If you are racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, or anything else like that, you will be blocked.
I will not give out my personal information. Full stop
Now! Onto much nicer things from here on out!
Here are some fandoms that I am a part of!
Hazbin Hotel / Helluva Boss
Dungeons and Dragons
Cyberpunk 2077
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Haven't seen season 2 yet)
The Magnus Archives
Welcome to Nightvale
Some of my favorite music artists:
Will Wood
Cosmo Sheldrake
Green Day
Fleetwood Mac
Paranoid DJ
And finally, some of my favorite games
Cyberpunk 2077
Cult Of The Lamb
No Man’s Sky
I like to write! Down here, I will keep a list of past, current, and future projects as well as links to them. You will find stories I've written (and possibly some voice acting)
My Moots!!!!
I don't have many at the moment, except for the wonderful @skelebab who has helped me get used to writing on tumblr
Don't be afraid to ask if you wanna get added onto here though! I love to make new friends
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yuuugay · 1 year
Would you mind if I asked you about your OC Ner Wanless? I'm a bit curious about what could possibly drive him so far down that Caine would raise his blade at him 🕺🕺🕺 Had he left the Shepherds by then? Did he become a vigilante? Where are the other Shepherds (Blade, Chase, etc.), and if they were still around and not, you know, Dead, had they cut ties with Ner? WHAT WAS HE DOING? 🗣🗣🗣
Staring intensely at your OC. Thinking. Rotating him in my head like a microwave. But a sleepy microwave. Because it's 4am and I fear I'm about to pass out, gnight 😔💔
cringe story blurb incoming
My story is just a lil au add on to shoh :))
This story happens when the whole magic ban by the autarchy is lifted akjdjdhd. Also, in my au, nobody in the Shepherds die ajjsjd i love them all. Ner cut ties with them instead.
The Shepherds were kinda just like a passing phase for Ner
(He knew he wouldn't stay that long, and that he would leave someday. Only for the protection from the autarchy and money). It was mostly a bad choice in his part to not say anything to anyone, except Caine and Blade. To Caine, whom he left a short letter (A letter in which I have already written out kajdjjd) and his weapon too. So he became a sort of vagrant (Wayfarer, traveler ect, ect. He prefers the life of never settling down.)
Along the way, he got himself some sort of curse that forces him to kill to sate the curse's bloodlust. Nobody could lift it because it's so old and archaic. So he starts taking mercenary requests, but I like to think the curse has its periods where it's strongest that he needs to kill more. But mercenary work takes a while. Him being good at psionic magic, he could dig deep inside peoples minds to find their wrongdoings that haven't yet faced consequences. He didn't find a fault in it; it helped him, and it rid the world of someone terrible, regardless whether the killed tried to repent for it or not. So in part, yes he became a vigilante, but to an outsiders pov, he's straight up just a murderer.
Ofc, a random, dangerous Aetherai-Psionic mage killing seemingly innocents periodically would find themselves facing the Shepherds best one day. Which Ner found himself in the unlucky battle between caines team and himself. I would imagine the battle would be Ner holding back while Caine has to begrudgingly admit that his old best friend is a murderer. Ner refuses to explain himself, he thought it was probably too late anyway. He was already a bad guy to everyone. So it was a battle of *Emotional damage* Lots of stuff said, maybe a lot of cuts and cruises and blood spilled.
but the real damage done was to Ner's insides. Cause you know, he ends up dead anyway.
But ofc, this all would be irrelevant if Lena gives us the option to let MC die. I'll probably do that, but it's always nice to have my own interpretation of what could happen.
So yeah, nothing really that crazy. Just something self indulgent I thought of a while back.
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hello! do you write stuff?
I have lost the password to my first fanfiction account (and I don't intend on drawing anyone's attention towards it anytime soon-- yes, it's that bad) but I made new fanfiction.net and archiveofourown.org accounts.
I have only written a single drabble of sorts so far for the new account-- I wrote it on a whim after reading a hilarious comment on a Reddit post. It is a crack-fic (my first time dabbling in that genre) and I actually like what I wrote, even though it is super short.
Here is a link to my new accounts (I haven't gotten around to posting my story on ffn yet).
I had a story idea for a Harry/Ginny (what else, lol. My first and only One True Pairing™️) fanfic around a year ago, but I never sat down to write it. I recently started typing down the first chapter (just when I have a huge assignment at work-- yep, I'm a master procrastinator) and I have finished it now. As soon as I finish typing down the first five chapters, I'll start posting them weekly. At the rate at which stuff is going, I guess the first chapter won't be out till April.
The fanfic has one of my favourite tropes-- the betrothal contract trope, and the story is set in DH (everything prior to DH is canon compliant). I've been having loads of fun brainstorming and pestering my non-HP obsessed husband with the random plot points that keep popping into my head. I'm really excited to share it online as soon as possible!
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powertripblog · 1 year
Lore Dump: The Lampesh Mercenary Co-op
I've been showing off random pieces of backgrounds and environmental art for Powertrip for a while now, but I haven't really talked about any of the writing for the story. Since I've been head down in Scrivener writing up the story and world for Powertrip I haven't touched a drawing in a few days now. So I don't have anything to show sadly, but I can talk about something that I have written.
For today, I want to focus on one of the major antagonistic factions that will be appearing in the comic. The Lampesh Mercenary Co-op (it is not actually a co-op).
The Lampesh Mercenary Co-op, often abbreviated as the LMC is a freelance mercenary company that is mainly active in the southern half of the planet Ceres. For a fee they are willing to do just about anything for their clients. This can range from protection, extortion, robbery, sabotage, and even all the way up to assassination if the price is right. The LMC has become a massive thorn in the sides of the populace, as they are both decently skilled and well-armed enough to bully the population with almost total impunity. While communities do often have Watchmen to stand guard over them, the LMC has only seen a small amount of direct pushback towards their operations.
Not helping matters is the attitude of the mercenaries within the co-op. Ceres is a world with very socialist policies. Universal Basic Income, Guaranteed housing, Food Banks to help those who still don't quite have enough to put a meal on the table. There isn't any real reason to go into crime in this world, and as a result those that do tend to be very mean people. The larger part of the LMC is made up of narcissistic, greedy, cruel jerks who are only interested in their own personal gain at the expense of others. This attitude is not only reflected in the grunts at the bottom of the ladder, but goes all the way up to the boss of the whole operation.
The LMC was founded by two brothers, Adam and Barry Lampesh. Adam is the actual boss of the co-op, but doesn't really do a whole lot. He's become lazy over the decade that the LMC has operated and sees little issue with sitting around in his ill-gotten gains all day, with only sending out the occasional order. Adam can do work if he feels the need to, but no one has given the LMC a real challenge in years. Barry on the other hand, gets to deal with the brunt of the actual work. Both in terms of paperwork, and also going out on field missions. The lopsided arrangement and lack of respect and control is less than ideal for him, and Barry sometimes starts to think on what it would be like if he was in charge instead.
Next to talk about is aesthetics. The LMC has a very utilitarian attitude towards their look and equipment. Basically if they don't need it, they don't buy it. As a result their bases are minimalistic, with cheap construction and furniture. Their actual equipment is of much higher quality, but the mercenaries are only ever equipped with the items they will need for their current mission.
Now, to zoom out and talk about my thoughts behind the creation of the Lampesh Mercenary Co-op. The most obvious idea is to simply come up with an antagonistic faction that can be encountered multiple times. As a mercenary group, they tend to be all over the place which is important since the protagonist of Powertrip will also be frequently traveling. This means that I can have them act as a recurring presence throughout the events of the story. I don't plan on them being the only villains, or even the most important ones, but they will continue to be a grindstone that has to be dealt with during the early chapters of Powertrip. I also have some more interesting stuff planned with some of the individual characters, but that is very much spoiler content. I've already said more than I normally would like cause I tend to be very closed-mouthed with my stories.
I think that's about all I've got for this lore dump currently. I plan on doing a couple more of these since this was fun to write. If you bothered reading to this point, hopefully there was something interesting here for you.
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yume-x-hanabi · 1 year
4, 6, 12, 19 please tell us about Minah, 27, 30, 37, 49, 61 and 65 for Concubinage, and 74
4. How do you choose which fics to write?
ig it depends on how obsessed my brain is with the random plot bunnies hopping around in my head? When I start thinking up narration sentences, that's when I know a particular idea wants to be written. Doesn't mean I always do it, though (in an ideal world with infinite free time, maybe...)
6. What’s the last line you wrote?
I haven't written in so long I don't even remember 😭
Looking at one of my latest wips, probably this one because it's incomplete lmao:
The room was as dingy as the rest of the inn and smelled vaguely of stale tobacco, but at least the bed was soft and the sheets were clean. He collapsed on the bed with a sigh of relief, head swimming from all the
(wtf was I trying to say? it's a mystery 🤷‍♀️)
12. Do you outline your fics?  If yes, how detailed are your outlines?  How far do you stray from them?
Usually not, and then it comes to bite me in the ass when it's ten months since I plotted the idea and I don't remember what I was planning to do 😅
There's one fic that's an exception cuz it's a fusion AU type of thing so I'm planning carefully how it follows (or not) the original's plot. Well, idk if I'll actually write the fic actually, maybe in this case the outline will be all there is, as a fun exercise for myself XD
19. Do you enjoy creating OCs or do you prefer to stick solely to canon characters?
I love creating OCs, but like, they need a purpose. An OC just for the sake of having an OC or self-insert isn't my kind of thing (no shade to those who do, I'm just not wired that way), but depending on the story I might need to flesh out a supporting cast. And I love it when they slowly take life and develop.
Minah was a really fun case because she was supposed to be a kind of "throwaway" role, only there for a scene or two. She wasn't even planned like she turned out to be (I originally imagined her younger, for example). But then she... just happened lol. Within a few lines of her dialogue I was in love with her and she was just so fun to write, in a way she wormed her way into a bigger role than intended and I'm really glad she did because it works out so well in so many ways. Funny how things go sometimes 😂
honestly my OCs often end up surprising me in one way or another haha. rare are those who stick to the plan
(rest under cut cuz it's getting long)
27. What area of writing do you feel strongest in?
Battle scenes, apparently 8)
30. How much do you edit your fics?  Do you edit as you write or wait until you finish the first draft?
I actually... don't edit that much 😅
ig in a way I edit in my head before I write? I've always been like that tbh, even at school--what I write down (whether fic, essay, translation...) is often very close to the final version. Of course I go over it a couple times once I'm done and tweak a few things here and there, but it's usually minor stuff. Sometimes I end up redoing entire scenes/chapters because I feel something's not working, but it's rather rare when it happens.
37. What fic has been the hardest for you to write?
Probably Fractured Lives? There's a reason it's only gotten five updates in nine years so far. I have to be in a very specific mood to write it, which doesn't happen often. A pity, cuz I liked the concept...
49. What fic of yours would you say is the best introduction to you as a writer?
I'd say The Best Laid Plans. It's got my particular brand of humor, and also some kickass battle scenes :p
Another one would be Strong Currents, cuz worldbuilding (plus getting Gaius and Wingul to have emotional talks lolol)
61. In Concubinage, what’s your favorite scene that you wrote?
Probably Lin and Arst's first kiss. It's such a significant moment<3
65. If you wrote a sequel to Concubinage, what would happen in it?
I am actually vaguely planning a sequel if I can finish it. Basically it'd be the events/plot of the game, but with all the changes in settings brought about by the events of Concubinage. I'll have to think carefully about what will change, what will stay the same, and what will be a slightly different spin on things that'll still happen. I think the main difficulty will be to juggle Milla's journey with Gaius&Wingul being the main characters without them overtaking the plot. And also how close or different it should be to canon...
74. Do you have a fic you wish got a bit more love?
Among my least kudosed ones, I'd say Chaos in the Ballroom (my Tales Big Bang fic). I know it's a bit different from my usual stuff, and relies heavily on knowledge about Agria's side story, but I put a lot of thought in that one.
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combatfaerie · 11 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
Taken from the fabulous @ashleyfanfic
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
In my current account, 101. I really wish I'd broken down FLAMES differently; maybe I'd get more feedback/interest if I had. But right now, I have 100 WWE fics and one AEW.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
1,961,702. (Hopefully I'll hit 2 million by the end of the year.)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mostly WWE right now. I had another AEW House of Black one started, so hopefully I'll finish that someday. I miss writing book-based fic, but I need to find another series I really love.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Flames, The Arrangement, Lass Ride, Pack Mentality, Queens of the Underground. (Flames: Bonus Scenes was technically in third, but it's really just a collection of random additional scenes.)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I always try to. I figure if someone's nice enough to take the time to leave a comment, I can take the time to reply.
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I have no clue. Everyone defines "angst" a bit differently. I guess I'd say either THE WIND BETWEEN THE STARS or UNFIENDED.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Um.... offhand, I don't know. Common Grounds, maybe?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I got a few comments on Flames and The Arrangement. Not often, and I'm pretty sure I know who they're from.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes. I mean, I guess it's smut? I don't know. Like angst, that's a word everyone seems to define slightly differently. The ROSE & THORN stories are basically just smut.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I have, but that was for previous fandoms. I haven't written any wrestling ones yet. (Though I was tempted to try a WWE/Westworld one.)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I think so. Not any of my wrestling ones (at least not to my knowledge), but from previous fandoms.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Only once. I'm not great at it.
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
For my current fandoms, it's still Becky/Seth. Overall, probably Catwoman/Batman. (I got an early start in comics, so most of my earliest fannish stuff is comic-based.)
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Disruptors. Or the "Finn's a vampire and Becky's his donor (but not for much longer)", sadly. I just can't remember enough of what I intended for them.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I've been told "normal moments", which I guess is a nice compliment. I like "slice of life" stories, but they don't seem very common in fanfic, at least not wrestling fic.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Everything else? I know I'm not great at pacing and like most writers, I have words/concepts I overuse.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I don't mind it, in moderation. I don't agree with people who say that people don't just drop a non-English word into an English sentence. Sometimes the non-English word fits better. Sometimes it's what you're used to. Sometimes you're so mad/sad/intense/whatever that languages start getting mixed up in your head. Our actual dialogue—spoken, thought, etc.—is rarely as crisp and concise as writing makes it out to be.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
X-Men, probably.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
My fave of faves is from a different fandom. From WWE, I don't know. I'll probably always have a soft spot for THE WIND BETWEEN THE STARS (and no, that's not a thinly veiled attempt to get more people to read it). I also have a fondness for BREAKER OF RINGS and kind of wish I'd made it an original story, but c'est la vie.
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jaimistoryteller · 2 years
Hello! This is your friendly inquiry to answer this ask with whatever you'd like to talk about right now! Whether that be a story you're working on, something you're excited or worried about, or just something random you happen to know.
All the love,
~ toribookworm ❤️
*smiles* it was a pleasant surprise to see the notification for this in my email.
It got a bit long, so I put it under a read more
*blinks* An invite to babble about what I want to talk about, hmmm, *head tips* well. Lately there's a been a lot of stuff going on. Most of which hasn't been good. I've been trying not to stress, but it isn't exactly working the way I want. My insomnia has been flaring up cause of pain *sighs*.
I've been working on coloring pages for my patreon. Here's the free ones I did for Valentine's Day, the rest I've done so far are part of the $1 a month tier. Haven't had anyone sign up in a long while, but hey, I am working on getting my patreon active and stable around my health hating me.
I've also done a little bit of digital art, Stiles/Bucky for Inell's birthday and her series In the Shadows. With it, I used a few new brushes I downloaded, and some new styles I have been trying out. There's been a lot of downloading and sorting of brushes to play with.
I've also made some gimp brushes of my own, which will get added to patreon as well, depending on the brush set, they'll either be early release for my patreons and then public for free fourteen days later. Most were created to make things easier when doing art for the coloring pages.
When I have the energy, I'm gonna test all my Sims4 CC for putting on there as well. I made a lot last year for that purpose, but then couldn't figure out how to clean copy test it. I was doing some cleaning when I remembered I have my old laptop, which does run Sims4 and I can use it. I had gotten it fixed last year, after it sat dead for a long while, in case this laptop goes down again, as it has done that twice due to life going wrong.
Writing has been hard. Well, maybe hard is the wrong word. I open up a doc on the computer or touchpad to write, and the words run the hell away *grumbles and shakes head*. Yet I can hand write plenty. Just means I will have to scan it in.
My muse has been focused on a Peter/Stiles unexpected pregnancy fic *grumbles like frustrated cat*.
I have all these other projects I want to work on, but no *side eyes writing notebook and the muse*. That's the one my muse likes, to the tune of more than 30 front/back hand written college rule paper.
Then when I can physically handle it, I do little things around my house. At least they feel little over all, even if they are huge as far as my body cares. So much pain caused, but I love the progress. I'm slowly getting my house repaired and rebuilt. I hate that every little repair ends up physically costing me hours where I am passed out cause pain, or wishing I was. *sighs*.
I get tired of having to beg for help, yet that is sadly a regular thing in my world. I'm sure others get tired of seeing it. It's sadly part of since commissions and my limited amount from patreon doesn't always cover the bills. I apply for small jobs where I can, but alas, due to health, that rarely works either.
I really appreciate the message and offer to babble. Apologies if it ended up being a bit more than expected, or wanted.
How is everything for you? anything you'd like to babble on?
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messedupfan · 4 days
How do you get your books/ stories to feel so real? I’m starting to write but I feel as if comes off bland or feels like a beginner is writing it.
Hey anon,
That's a huge compliment, thank you 🥹
I took some time to consider my answer because I still feel like my stuff is bland or bad. But I sometimes have to remind myself not to be hard on myself. And you shouldn't be hard on yourself either. If you are a beginner, it's okay to be a beginner. We're not born knowing how to do everything.
Some of the things that help me write are:
Write everyday: even with writers block, just have a document to type random sentences or writing about your day or anything that comes to mind. It's still writing. Even write in a notebook if you can. Sometimes pen/pencil to paper can help break through writers block.
Edit your stories: when you feel like you've come to a good stopping point, reread everything you've written. Reading out loud can be helpful as well. But look for errors in spelling and grammar. (Sometimes you can even get inspired to add something to the story or chapter.)
Write what you know: when you're writing, don't write about anything you're not confident in at the beginning. Do as much research as you can. When you don't know, it comes out in your writing and can be confusing for readers. Or you'll have someone that does know about how wrong you could be and they'll correct you.
Talk and Listen: I'm very antisocial myself but you'd be surprised how much storytelling you can learn from just talking with people. Whether I'm at work or volunteering or at a networking event, people love to talk about themselves and they love when someone is listening. It's helpful for when you have an idea for something that doesn't feel realistic. Because sometimes an absurd scenario that you come up with feels like someone might say "that's not realistic"
Read and Study: You can learn a lot about writing from reading other people's stories. And there's one book that helped me a lot when I was starting. It's called Writing Down The Bones: Freeing the Writer Within by Natalie Goldberg. That book is possibly the best birthday present I've ever gotten because without it, I wouldn't have started posting my stories.
Let people read your work: I know it can be scary to share your work but letting trusted people read your work is so helpful. Getting any feedback can help you improve. But you have to be open to constructive criticism (it's hard, I'm always fighting the urge to defend my writing but it's very helpful to hear from other people about what works and what doesn't work.)
The Bird Scene: That being said, should you feel strongly about keeping something in because it makes sense to you or that you feel confident about your story because of the work you put into it, consider it your "Bird Scene." Which is a reference from the show Victorious. If you haven't seen it, it's a lesson that they teach the main character when she is asked to perform a scene. She does okay the first time. But fails. Then she does better the second time. Still fails. She went all out the third time and failed again because she asked the class how she did. That's when she defended her work because she didn't care what they thought, she cared about the work she knew that she put into it and she was proud of herself. So, be proud of your work when you know how much work it takes to write. Don't let anyone discourage you from writing. And don't write for people, write for yourself.
Plan: Try to plan out as much of the story as you can. It will help you a lot in the long run. It doesn't have to be too detailed and can be flexible but still know your direction of the beginning, middle, and end. Because if you don't know where your story is going, neither will anyone else.
That's all I could think of off the top of my head. I hope you find any of this helpful! I hope you gain more confidence in your writing and I hope to read something of yours one day 🫶
Have a wonderful day!
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christophimer · 1 month
Hymire Hymire
So so so i did some slight redesigning/thinking about Hymire. so now i will explain (mostly to myself)
But who is Hymire? quoth you - or rather you might, not knowing who is reading this makes it hard to know for sure so i'll explain quickly anyway -
Quickly he's a powerful evily spirit who is a nasty nasty blood bird bramble man thing. He's also the one how kidnapped thomas, made him immortal and is now kind of his parent figure?
his 'skeleton' is a woven sort of form of brambles (so very beautifully drawn). they are meant to be covered in thorns etc... i just don't want to draw them all. But it only has bramble leaves that appear at the ends of the limbs - layered almost like feathers (but if you were to press down on them there's thorns in there as well). They all sort of ooze blood from the tips of the thorns (lovely).
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This blood then layers and clots and through magicy stuff ends up looking like normal skin (although it's clammy to touch). As such Hymire doesn't actual have many 'bones' and no organs etc he's solid enough but as such he can move more boneless if needed - e.g. he can swivel his head 360 degrees. Any wounds etc will bleed mildly (brambles beginning to grow where the blood falls) and then clot-bleed-clot until the missing segement(s) are regrown (which happens very quickly).
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For some design notes, he's very short etc (he's not very physically threating more mentally so - and he often appears kind etc). He's designed ever so slightly to look like a bird (he's more of a sweet talker etc, and small birds live in hedge rows often where brambles are - he kinda lives between brambles, like a bird - so goes my thinking.) as such he has very big black eyes (he does have pupils but they're hard to make out) / meant to be kinda like half bird eye half human eye with whites of eyes idk. pointyish nose (like beak), the leaves kinda looking like feathers and bird claw type hands/feet (the claws of which are one long bramble thorn).
He's freckly because he's 99.99999% outside and although he can't freckle it makes sense in my head.
His hair is also made of blood (again it looks very soft/cotton wooly but it feels wet and nasty ... which is upsetting - as such it's also very shiny) and if cut etc it will bleed/ reform like all the other pieces of him.
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Generally he's meant to look more like a traditional plant nymph/ woodland spirit ishy type thing - which he technically is, but like a nasty blot clot kind i guess.
He wears loosish clothing/ is very light footed / wears leaves and flowers in his hair (although often with dead bird's feet woven in as well)
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"Pray tell my wandering sir, if you should be so kind as to answer - are you content? Do you wish for very little, and want for even less?
No? i suppose not. oh dear, oh dear. It is a sorry state of things indeed when contentment is rarely found. A country that one cannot be content in - is a dog's country, not fit for you and I.
When I become discontent, when there is no want or wish to keep me. nothing left for me but dogs and dust (-sigh-) I shall leave this happy home of mine and travel o'er the wandering sea.
And, I think my poor wretch, I think it is only when when I am truly gone that you shall be content.
Oh dear. oh dear. what a while that might take - you will hardly live to then. No, no. I think it might be best if we both accepted that you will die lonesome and afraid and oh so horribly far from content.
Anything else should be cruel~."
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writing dialogue stuff on the spot - hum-hum ho.
hopefully people 'like' him (i mean,,, like as a character not a person) i get all nervous sharing stuff.
I haven't written Hymire in so long i need to do more.
I'll do a nicer clean drawing of him at some point. Hymire is the main part of 'dark' in my 'telling silly stories in a dark fantasy world' and i do enjoy him for that.
ohhhhhhhhhh boy this is so long ,:}
have a random song that matches his energy/vibe as a reward.
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thatcheeseycandle · 3 months
//Random night ramble
Okay so, basically idk how to describe this "trope" but God I love it when theres like those groups where things that arent normal to us are normal to them
What do I mean? Let me just try to describe it with this
Your in a resturant, you sit at a table behind another table with like this group sitting at it. They're discussing stuff and since your close to them you can basically hear them, and this is what you hear:
"So ah, with the current situation, how are we neutralizing (name)?"
"Look, I haven't decided, besides we would have to convince (name) to allow us to do this proceedure."
"Well. I mean- You did do the process without (names)'s permission when I was planned to be blanked out."
"You were a severe case, your core was dying-"
"I remember that night, your form was fading and blasting by each minute. That morning you looked completely opposite to that."
"Ah gosh darn, I miss those days already."
"It was just like yesterday we were running and experimenting, feeling shinier than eve-"
"Can we go back to the situation at hand, please?"
And your just sat there, bewildered, like what are they doing?? Whats their story, who on earth are they, do they play an important role, are they apart of some sort of secret society, the mystery is very delicious.
Then they're just talking about it like it's a normal conversation, like bringing up the weather or like a regular topic when startimg a conversation, I like to nickname this type of trope/dynamic as the "Shrouded Society" since it's like
Whatever is going on with them, the purpose of their existence or the things they went through, it feels so dystopian to the public eye like holy heck what happened??
And yet to these groups, maybe it's happened hundreds of times like a cycle or maybe it's happened only as of recent years and they just started researching about it. This type of thing very much intrigues me whenever it's seen in media.
I love this type of trope, like take idk the mysterious tales of a band sung in a heavy enchanting symphony of odd instruments with rhymes or the strange yet mystical rank of Princesses within MLP universe
Like we don't know what the hell is going on, but they know what happens and they deal with it with stride and familiarity.
I think thats why I dont easily get interested in the books my local bookstores provide, they dont have that element of mystifying lore like the stories I read online.
I mean look even if its without like "Oh this is a group of Gods who have been watching over the mortal realm by going undercover as humans to observe them more easily after an incident" type thing, look at Castle Court, yeah they may be regular beings just like you and I but God their history just brings you in.
The tales of how they are now, what events they had to face both good and bad, etc.
It's basically the trope of "the weird kids" except more matured and with more crypticness in a way.
But yeah, just wanted to get that out of my head since it keeps screaming to be written down.
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