#random pics and selfies (art)
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rainingincale · 7 months ago
No one:
Me: so funny how the origins of many of my tags were very random and have ended up sticking and also influencing the tags i made afterwards-
#i am continuing in the tags lmao. this is basically me just wanting to explain why i have named my tags what ive named them. probably wont#remember all but i shall do a few#anyways the 'le' in front of everything is random. when i was young id just add 'le' in front of words randomly and i wanted to have tags#*i wanted >personal< tags that were basically the same as what thet would generically be called but with something added so that it wouldnt#come up for just anyone who searched up certain tags (like personal text posts and selfie tags etc) and so 'le ____' was born#it was only for a couple things and then as time went on i just liked having my tags matching and so added it to other things#my fanart tag is 'fabart' purely because i mispelled it the first time i tried to tag 'fanart' and then kept it because i thought it was#funny cute and i liked that 'fab' kinda sounded like i was saying 'fabulous art' which is indeed what fanart is lmao#for 1d 'the boys' was pretty simple. think i along with every other stan just referred to them as that and so thats why i chose that#and then when they broke up and i was tagging ot4 i chose 'the boyz' because even though its only the 4 of them i wanted zayn still involve#somehow 😭😭😭 so adding a z to their tag it was lmao#thats all the tags i can think of for now but if i ever think of more I'll maybe rb this who knows#anyways thats enough rambling because i cant sleep from me xD#le text post#stop. i just remembered i used to have a tag for pics of harry styles when he had long hair -long hair dont care- i actually miss my 2d days#nEways im sure i have more like that but the fact i cant remember all of them drives me up the wall fhdhfh hopefully more will come 2 me
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gothamundernightlight · 8 months ago
Random Shit the Waynes Do on Social Media
- The white whale of D1 and Olympic gymnastics athletes; always stitches their stunts and challenges, executing them perfectly, but no one knows who he is or who trained him
- Shares pictures of random children, and the whole internet becomes a detective trying to figure out if Bruce Wayne adopted another kid or if his gymnastics students won another trophy
- Photo montages of Haley being the cutest, which slowly transitions into Haley in whatever cute hat the internet can send to Dick’s PO Box
- Random video of him skydiving while giving tips on what to do if your chute doesn’t deploy. He never deploys his chute doing the video and no one can tell if it’s a bit or not.
- AI Voiceover text posts providing surprisingly insightful analysis into classic literature
- A full six part rant on the Broadway adaptation of “The Great Gatsy”
- Random selfies complete with wildly made up backstories of any and every new injury he has
- Prank war on Damian specifically (this was intended for Talia but his finger slipped and now the whole internet loves it)
- Randomly goes live to do study/work/research with me sessions complete with an actually decent Lofi soundtrack that no one can find (He totally mixes it himself but won’t admit it)
- Did ONE social media vlog for WE’s marketing division and it went so viral he gets forced to do more. The dead eyed stare he gives the camera with every stupid dance the intern teaches him makes the video top-tier
- Cute couples videos with Bernard
- Skateboard tricks (and fails)
- Screenshots of text conversations between him and his siblings discussing the most random shit??
- Dance routines/pre-show/GRWM videos
- Shakily filmed videos of her kicking Dick’s ass and everyone just calls her a baddie in the comments. She doesn’t know what that means but she appreciates the love.
- Her and Steph’s late night food runs with the two of them just belting out to a song in a dark parking lot
- Posts riddles and puzzles and how to solve them. She’s really good at it. Riddler hates her.
- Apartment tour of all the purple shit she owns. She’ll never admit that the room she’s showing off is her Wayne Manor bedroom, so everyone believes she just has a moderately sized loft apartment somewhere and she just never shows the kitchenette
- Her and Cass’s late night food runs with the two of them just belting out to a song in a dark parking lot
- POV shots of her going up to the boys asking them random questions. Dick matches her energy. Jason tells her to fuck off. Tim is barely conscious. Damian always has an overly rational answer to take the fun out of it. Duke just stares blankly at her (he always comes back later with a proper answer now that he’s had time to think about it). Bruce just stares blankly at her
- Art reveals that never get many views but he’s still proud of nonetheless. Dick always comments on them to hype him up
- Accidentally recreates a popular vine that went viral and it’s just him insulting fellow GA kids under his breath but one of them says hi to him and he’s instantly polite back. His most popular video
- The multi-part experiment of him trying to Pavlov Tim, and when it actually works, Tim just chases Damian around the manor. The video cuts to black frames after Tim takes a flying launch at him
- All the pet videos. There are so many. People try to cancel him for exploiting them, but Damian clearly demonstrates that he would never force his animals to participate for views and how they will just leave if they don’t want to do something. Batcow is in the background just two-stepping unprompted
- Every morning without fail, he posts a daily sunrise pic of Gotham, with a positive affirmation caption. One day he’s sick and he wakes up to a thousand messages of people panicking because their favorite poster has disappeared. He never misses a sunrise again
- Passionate rants about local government. Will not shut up about it. He might be an anarchist, but he’s forever remain optimistic that one day the systems that define society will one day actually work for all people. Bruce has every single one saved so he can implement Duke’s ideas into reality
- Boxing videos of him training with Luke. It’s never meant to be a thirst trap…but sometimes it is
- Dumb selfies. Duke unironically loves taking them, no matter what face he pulls, what filter he uses, not even caring where he is. This gets him in trouble the one time he posts one of him leaning off the edge of a high rise roof
- Constant lectures on cybersecurity and internet safety. She teaches this at the library as a volunteer but feels she can reach a lot of people by building a platform
- Computer build stuff. Brands reach out to her for her reviews and she thoroughly discusses each product in length
- Rarely posts about her disability, but absolutely tears people to shreds when they make ableist comments about her. The only time she brings it up first is when City Hall takes over a month to fix their elevator and she calls them out on it
- Electronics repairs. She constantly takes things apart to teach people how to fix it, and this can range from toys to cars. On more than one occasion , her video has been interrupted by someone who planned to be using the vehicle she’s just taken apart
- 2 AM hair dye/maintenance sessions. She constantly gets comments from men being like “Therapy works too, y’know” or “No, you’re so beautiful? Why would you do that to yourself.” She responds to the comments with a video of a gun pointed at the camera with the sole caption being “Fuck Off.”
- Gym videos. She and Dick work out together and he’s the ultimate hype man
- Outfit montages of her getting ready for a random gala and she’s always pulling off the most masc-looking suits that look gorgeous on her
- Target practice. She does all kinds of trick shots and crazy crossbow stunts in a wide variety of outfits. Her most popular video is of her in a corset and platform heels.
- Her and Steph bonding over all things purple
- Outfit of the Day posts. The girl has expensive tastes and she absolutely shows it off.
- Occasionally does promo stuff for WE (because Tim refuses to do all of it, and their social media intern won’t back down)
- Shares absolutely wild stories from his college years that somehow always get proven to be true even when the whole comments section is just like “this seems false???”
- Kid tour. He saw one mom do it and felt sad bc he’s never get the kids to agree, but somehow they all did (Alfred bribed them.)
- Shares everything from each one of the charities he’s involved with. Has reposted every single one of their posts on his own personal channel. It raises them hundreds of followers each time.
- One of the kids posted a video montage of Bruce being Brucie and it’s so utterly humiliating? But he won’t delete it because all of the comments say he’s their favorite billionaire and that’s more than his own kids will say.
- Random Pride Month post. Every year it catches people by surprise and every gossip magazine always wonders if Bruce is coming out. He’s just being an ally (and potentially is in denial).
- Prefers not to use social media, but one of the boys filmed him doing random things to teach the internet how to do things properly, like making the bed, doing laundry, etc. Is the internet’s favorite grandpa.
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r0tting-rat · 3 months ago
Pairing: Sun & Moon x Gender Neutral Reader Warning: Slightly suggestive Words: idk Summary: Sun finds out new stuff about you
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It was 10 pm on a random Monday, it was flu season, and you were going to leave the daycare in almost an hour and a half. The day had been slow, the kids had been few, which of course meant that by 9:30 you had already finished cleaning the entire area, much to your dismay. Bored to the core, you were scribbling on a piece of paper with a pen left by the other security guard, thinking on what to do to not melt into a puddle of misery, and immediately your eyes traveled up to Sun. The bot was rearranging blocks a few feet away from your desk, probably just as bored as you, and the corners of your mouth began to rise.
-Sun?- you called him, watching with interest as his head snapped in your direction and a wide smile opened on his flat faceplate.
-Yeeeess, little constellation?- he asked, standing up with all the grace a machine could have. -Do you wanna show me your drawing?-
-Oh, no, fuck no!- you laughed, balling up the piece of paper in your hand and throwing it inside the bin under the desk, -I'd rather die. Come here.-
Sun didn't worry about your refusal, it was a common occurrence between the two of you to bicker and fight about your views on art. Sun claimed that everything made with effort had to be considered "art", while you said that your mad scribbles were not even close to a proper drawing, therefore, he had no reason to insist on seeing them.
-Language, dear,- Sun chimed, coming to stand right in front of you, -Must I remind you what happens to potty-mouths in my daycare?-
Rolling your eyes, you took your phone out of your pocket, inserting the password and entering your phone gallery.
-Yes, yes, Moon has already showed me countless of times,- you told him, -Now, look at this.-
You turned your phone around to show Sun a meme you had saved, waiting for him as he read, with your arm outstretched towards him as you tapped the surface of the desk with your other hand.
-Are you done?- you asked after a while, and at your question Sun's single brow furrowed.
-Is that your cat?- the jester asked back, still looking confused.
-No, that's just a meme, a template of a cat that became famous on the internet,- you explained, letting Sun grab your phone and hold it out in front of him, still studying the picture.
-Why does it want to put me in its basement?- Sun's voice sounded concerned, almost scared, -What did I do to be put in a basement?!-
-It's just a funny meme, Sun!- you were quick to reassure him, -It's supposed to make you laugh!-
-I don't like cats,- said Sun, looking back at you, -They rumble and make weird vibrating sounds when I pet them. I don't like basements either, they're too small for me to stand in and too dark for my taste.-
-Alright, alright, understood,- you sighed, -I just wanted to make you smile a little, but nevermind.-
You had hoped to show your animatronic coworker something new, something funny that would have surprised him and made him laugh, but worrying him wasn't part of the deal. Just as you reached to get your phone back, Sun began to scroll.
-Do you have more of these memes?- he asked, and your eyes widened.
-W-Wait, Sun, wait!-
It was too late, Sun had begun to scroll through your photos, looking through each of your pics with interest. You stood up and attempted to snatch the device away, but Sun spun his torso around to get out of your reach.
-Sun, give it back!- you screamed, grabbing his shoulders and trying to climb on his back.
-Is that me?!- Sun was saying, incredulous, -Did you take photos of me and Moonie while working?!-
Your face was burning, you were beyond embarrassed, but the attendant still refused to give your phone back to you.
-It's not what it looks like!- you whined, but at each photo Sun's eyes got bigger. A zoom-in of his face as he laughed, a close up of one of his drawing, a selfie you had taken during naptime with an unsuspecting Moon, a full body picture of Sun as he was carrying a child with a scraped knee around the daycare; warm and gentle as he always tried to be around those small and soft humans. Looking back at you, Sun found you with an adorable blush dusting your cheeks and neck.
He wondered how far down that beautiful red tint went. Cute.
-Dear?- Sun called you, crossing his arms over his chest while still keeping your phone in his hand, -Why do you have so many photos of me and Moonie in your phone?-
You didn't know what to say. How could you excuse your behavior? Technically, you weren't even allowed to use your phone during working hours. You chose to tell the truth.
-A while back, a friend of mine didn't believe me when I said that you and Moon are... terribly cute,- you spoke the last two words in a whisper, -A-And hot, v-very hot... So I started showing her pictures, you know? B-But, the more photos I took, the more... intimate it felt.-
Realizing that what you said could have been taken the wrong way, you were quick to correct yourself.
-N-Not intimate as in...! I m-mean, intimate as in private! I didn't want to share things with her anymore, but... I kept taking pictures.- Swallowing, you stared at the ground. -Sorry, I... Fuck, I don't know what came over me.-
Sun didn't say anything. For a moment, the entire daycare turned completely silent, and you waited for the robot to say something, anything at all. You were ashamed beyond comprehension.
Suddenly, you heard a loud whirring cutting the silence, along with the hiss of steam being blown out of vents. Looking up, you found Sun with his eyes closed, his face contorted into an almost pained grimaced, retracted rays, and steaming joints. His internal fans were working overtime to keep him cool, but the animatronic was visibly overheating.
-...Sun?- you attempted to say, hoping the jester wasn't too mad at you, -Are you okay?-
-No,- he hissed in response, low and angry, -I'm not okay, starbeam, at all.-
You didn't know what to do. Feeling guilty, you started to consider leaving the daycare early, to give him more space, but by the looks of it, Sun wasn't planning to let go of your phone anytime soon.
-Don't you dare to leave,- Sun suddenly grabbed you by a wrist, and you were surprised by how easily he had read your intentions. With a gentle tug, he pushed you between his arms, against his chest. -Not after all you have done to me.-
Standing so close, you could feel the heat radiating from his chassis, which warmed you up to your very core. His white eyes stared down at you—through you—making you feel uncovered, naked, observed. A smile opened on his face, and Sun giggled, happy to see you so confused and surprised.
-Do you think you could stay a bit after hours today?- he asked you, -After all, potty-mouths need to be taught a lesson, bad adults need to be punished!-
The last sentence was said in a deeper and equally familiar voice; not quite Sun anymore, but similar to the rough vocals of another animatronic. It was the end of the hour, the lights in the daycare were beginning to dim, and the blue and black hues of the daycare attendant were starting to stand out. Moon was coming out, and it looked like he was on the same note as Sun, regarding your punishment.
He giggled while you stared up at him, cast in the red light of his eyes. Beautiful, pretty, pretty, pretty.
-...Moon?- you asked, -What... What are you planning?-
-Oh, don't you worry, my star!- Moon said, holding both of your hands and beginning to spin around, dragging you in a weird dance in the middle of the darkened daycare, -You like us, right?-
Unable to lie while looking him straight in the eyes, you slowly nodded, swallowing down the knot in your throat.
-Like-like us, right?- he asked once more, and again you nodded. -Perrrrfect then.-
His purr reverbrated through your chest, down to your stomach, making your knees weak and your legs unsteady.
-I have the perfect punishment for you then, my dearest,- he said, lowering his faceplate so he could be at the same level of your ears. The moment the hot air of his hands hit your flushed skin, you flinched. -How about you tell me everything you have told your friend about us, mh? All your dreams, all the times you wanted to hold us, to touch us, to kiss us.-
You would have sworn Moon was doing that on purpose, embarrassing you minute after minute, making you feel hotter second after second. Closing your eyes, you cursed out loud, unable to keep your calm anymore.
-Such a naughty star,- Moon giggled, pulling away, finally letting you breathe, -A naughty star with a naughty tongue.-
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amymbona · 6 months ago
Soft launching a relationship with Tashi Duncan - social media au
(I couldn't find certain faceless pictures so whichever random girl u see, pretend it's y/n)
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tashiduncan thank you @.stanfordtennis for the promo pics 🎾
❤️ 6 739 💬 398 ➡️ 1624
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stanfordtennis we are glad to have you! 🙌
y/n.serves who's that sexy girl I see over there? ;)
➔ tashiduncan @.y/n.serves me??? 😇
artiedon these are good! :O when do I get my promo @.stanfordtennis?
➔ stanfordtennis @.artiedon you have to be the best
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y/n.serves just two girls playing some tennis! 😜
❤️ 2382 💬 79 ➡️ 143
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tashiduncan i wonder who's the other girl
➔ y/n.serves @.tashiduncan and who's the first one 🤨
pzweig69 y'all getting too close
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y/n.serves hard preparations
❤️ 1571 💬 152 ➡️ 324
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pzweig69 not the only thing that's hard
➔ artiedon @.pzweig69 what???
➔ y/n.serves @.pzweig69 i'm blocking u
tashiduncan couldn't u have put some filter on? :( i look silly
➔ y/n.serves @.tashiduncan shut up you're gorgeous 😡😡😡
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y/n.serves WE ACTUALLY WON GUYS!!! @.tashiduncan love u love u <3
❤️ 5 203 💬 197 ➡️ 1265
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tashiduncan we're the best!!!
tashiduncan love u y/n!!!
artiedon good job girls :) did good and looked fab!
➔ y/n.serves @.artiedon <3
pzweig69 two tennis girls bouncing on it
➔ y/n.serves @.pzweig69 perv...
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pzweig69 we kicked their ass!!! @.artiedon ure short
❤️ 2 392 💬 247 ➡️ 1875
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y/n.serves shut up
tashiduncan don't care didn't ask
pzweig69 @.y/n.serves @.tashiduncan u guys are so mean :(
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y/n.serves went to an art gallery and she started taking selfies with the paintings???
❤️ 2 835 💬 37 ➡️ 496
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tashiduncan now u can say i have a selfie with van gogh :D
➔ y/n.serves @.tashiduncan you're so stupid i love you [this comment was deleted]
➔ y/n.serves @.tashiduncan you're so stupid
artiedon the paintings are so pretty!
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tashiduncan we tried to match
❤️ 4 209 💬 271 ➡️ 1438
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artiedon so cute! :3
pzweig69 gay
➔ tashiduncan @.pzweig69 i've reported this comment and your whole account
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y/n.serves quality time ❤️
❤️ 💬 ➡️
[this post was deleted]
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tashiduncan sleepover :)
❤️ 2 340 💬 173 ➡️ 742
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y/n.serves my gorgeous wife
y/n.serves oops
y/n.serves you look good 😁
➔ tashiduncan @.y/n.serves thank u baby <3
pzweig69 two girls playing with each other at a sleepover
➔ tashiduncan @.tashiduncan kill yourself
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l3viat8an · 1 year ago
Another silly thought; MC just taking pictures of the brothers at random times to use as drawing references
Poses are painful to do so I have a ton of selfies that're just art poses, but getting every day poses would also help with art a lot tbh lmao (I do digital art, so I can just upload pictures to my drawing app or program & do pose bases/skeletons from em)
I think it'd just be silly if like.
The brothers: :just chilling:
MC: hmm.. :takes a picture: :scurries out:
The brothers: ???
& later MC has a bunch of character sketches in the same poses the brothers had been
I’ve been the victim of this lmaooo my bestie makes me do all these goofy poses so he has references and also just takes random pics-
The thing is MC can’t even point a camera at Mammon or Asmo without them actually posing. They’ve got that professional model ‘I know when a camera is pointing at me’ sixth sense lolol
Tho for the other boys it’s definitely just a ‘??? why?…’ moment- like they’ll eventually figure it out. But then it’s just not a big deal. ‘n it is just a little bit flattering to know you’ve been chosen as an artists reference 
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anshares · 6 months ago
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Another continuation art from my Cat AU from renheng week
Full plot below the cut
Ren - Slytherin House
Dan Heng - RavenClaw House
Ren and Dan Heng are both wizards but they are exes, Ren’s next class is potions which was DH last class and he stayed behind because he is still doing his extracurricular homework but Ren doesn't know that his ex is there so when he opens the door He accidentally bumped into him.
Meanwhile, Dan Heng who just finished making his special assignment potion accidentally spilled it all on Ren and it turned him into a cat. Both were shocked about the turn of events and just stared at each other for a while letting it all sink in.
They haven't met again since their break up half a year ago so this was unexpected, now Ren is giving off ominous vibes and is very angry that he got turned into a cat BY HIS EX but it's not his fault it wasn't as if he knew he would be there!
But now he is stuck as a cat. Dan heng better turn him back or else! DH apologized for the accident and said that he’ll take responsibility and turn him back to normal but all said reluctantly because he doesn't really wanna be around him after their bad break up months ago but the sooner he fixes this the sooner they go back to their separate ways.
So he goes back to the common room/lobby with Ren in tow. When his friends see Ren they all coo at him, the twins try to touch him but got clawed and March took a lot of pics (Ren hates every minute of it)
"Ommgggg he is so chonky i could squish the lil guy!!"
" hey dh did you get a familiar??"
" does the cat have a name?"
Ren: *bombastic side eye*
No way DH will tell them that the very cat was his ex that he cried over 6 months ago but they don't need to know that) so he just speed walks afterwards to his room where he will try to come up with a plan. Ren stays a cat for quite a while (a few weeks) and is being a general menace like how cats are, he is especially hostile to DH other roommates (he isn't jealous of them esp caelus, definitely not! whatever DH does afterwards isnt any of his concern they are already over but he almost clawed their eyes out tho when they try to pick him up for cuddles or selfie)
Ren is super annoyed that everyone flirts with DH altho DH doesn't notice it so Ren just attacks them suddenly. DH stops him everytime and confused what his problem is so you'll see a cat in the corner with glowing menacing eyes no one gets close to dh now except his friends ever since he got a familiar
While DH was pulling an all nighter for reversal potion and Ren was sleeping on the table where DH works. DH unconsciously pets Ren like how he did back when they were together just like how Ren likes it. Ren starts purring and leans to DH touch.
Ren opens his eyes to see DH soft smile but then he wakes up fully hisses at DH and goes to a random corner away from DH but Ren was so conflicted on why it felt good and just sulks in the corner but then over time he finally goes to DH lap for some pets but be giving off the “hmph it's not like I'm asking for pets or anything it's just warm here” and he enjoys it a lot and even falls asleep on dh lap everytime (he doesn't want to admit it but he misses DH too, he doesn't even remember why they broke up in the first place)
During his stay with DH he also overhears DH friends talk about him like how they are happy that DH is doing well now after the break up incident half a year ago and how he locked himself in his room then.
 DH seemed happier now, basically Ren finds out that he wasn't the only one affected over their break up since he only saw DH's stoic expression so he thought that DH didn't care. On the contrary he cares A LOT he just has a bad habit of bottling his emotions.
There's also one thing he is bothered about, he knows that DH is a vidyahara, one of the legendary dragon races its quite rare to see one in person and most are in hiding.
He noticed that DH doesn't let out his true form in front of his friends, he knows how uncomfortable it is to hide all his other features DH told him that when they were still together but now he is in his human disguise 24/7.
Ren wants to know how long this has been going cuz that must've been uncomfortable. Apparently the transformation potion that DH was making was for himself (he just calls it special assignment so that no one except the teacher know)
He is not very comfortable in telling people what he actually is especially since vidyadharas are still looked at with disdain due to what his ancestor did a few thousand years ago. So Ren jumped to DH shoulders and pawed at DH earrings
DH knew that he is asking on why he is hiding his form even at his own home. Its DH closely guarded secret and even if he thinks of them as family he doesn't know how they'll react to it especially with his race’s bad rep.
He doesn't want to ruin their friendship and he tells Ren not to worry he got used to it now and not as painful as before. Ren realizes that DH trusts him enough to let him know and be out in full form whenever he is in Ren’s home. Ren was guilty that the one DH trusts the most, trusts enough to be in his true self is also the one who broke his heart.
He tries to apologize by cuddling and stares at him that he didn't need to hide it in front of him so DH lets the dragon form out and they cuddle to sleep.
DH made several potions to try on Ren but all it did was either make him floofier or lengthen his claws so they have no choice but to consult professor Kafka so DH told the her about the contents of the potion and other details while Ren just chills in DH's shoulder so they find out that they just have to wait for the potion to wear off and basing from what DH said, it should wear off a few days from now!
Kafka also jokingly says that  DH could just kiss him to turn him back into a human. Ren hissed and DH refused, saying it'll be awkward so they went back to DH apartment. Since it'll be off in a few days they just spend the day like normal and while DH was sleeping on the couch since the all nighters are catching up to him.
Ren licks his face (cuz DH is too adorable he couldn't resist and his way of thanking him) DH half awake just cuddles Ren and kisses him and POOF Ren is back to human and naked. Both of them are blushing like crazy and DH roommates walked in on that scene 
March, caelus, stelle: .....
Ren and dh:...... *blushing like crazy*
Stelle: errr you know this is a public place right...?
Caelus: *slowly closing the door* aight! Well leave you guys sorry for disturbing whatever it is you are gonna do!! Byyyeee!!!
Anyway once ren is all decent he called back his roommates and explained stuff but both ren and DH has to address the elephant in the room on where do they go from here do they go back to being strangers or talk it out and see where it goes so they decided to have their long overdue talk and found out that both are miserable without each other and that they still do love each other or how they missed each other’s presence, so in the end they got back together.
- ren turned back to human not because of the kiss its because the potion wore off at that exact time
- sure he is back to human but he is still has cat ears and tail for another month
- ren still retains cat like tendecies whenever he and dh cuddle/kiss his tail wags and his ears twitch. Dh thinks its adorable
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sixknight · 1 year ago
Thinking about this post I made...
If the Brothers had a Tumblr
Lucifer- Mostly just follows Diavolo, his brothers, and MC. Uses it somewhat as a journal but also reblogs art, quotes from books, and music. Sometimes argues with Mammon in the notes.
Mammon- Reblogs a lot of those money/luck will come your way posts. Also reblogs a lot of photos of cars, jewelry, and money. Uses it as a diary for random thoughts sometimes (usually about MC or his brothers) too and likes to post selfies showing off. Gets anon hate and it's usually just Asmo trying to mess with him.
Leviathan- Anime, video games, movies, idols! It's full of fandom posts from himself and others! He also reblogs a lot of animal pics. Occasional shitpost bc he thinks they're funny. Also shares and reblogs cosplay and sewing tips. Has a nice little circle of gaming otaku mutuals that he cherishes.
Asmodeus- Reblogs and posts a lot of fashion and makeup stuff. Posts selfies/thirst traps every day. His blog also gets very n/s/f/w bc he is Horny On Main™️ (much to Lucifer's embarrassment... "Don't post that it could be on the internet forever Asmo". Complains about Mammon occasionally. Has definitely met up with some of his followers to hang out and also sleep with them sometimes.
Satan- Reblogs academia aesthetic posts. Posts and reblogs a lot of stuff about books and even gives book recommendations. Lots of cat pictures... Like, every cat picture he sees... Also uses it to vent to help him with his anger. Loves having discussions with askers over books and is down to proof read people's stories if they come to him for it.
Beelzebub- Follows soooooo many recipe blogs. Reblogs every pic of food he sees and tags them with "🤤". Reblogs pics of animals from time to time too, especially the cute puppy pictures he sees. Also reblogs workout tips. Sometimes talks about himself, MC, and his brothers on his blog, mostly about Belphie. Posts workout selfies and gains a bunch of followers from them.
Belphegor- Reblogs a lot of those memes/shitposts that are like "DJ blankie and DJ pillow in the house tonight" and "girls when they have to get out of bed". Literally every random thought he has gets tossed into this void. Also reblogs recipes and tags Beel in them. Tags MC in things that he knows they like too.
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revasserium · 2 years ago
hq headcanons with gyaru s/o?? PLS IM BEGGING tysm!!!!
ギャル! 超かわいいー (gyaru! chou kawaii ー !)
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ft oikawa; suga; bokuto; hinata; tsukki
obsessed! asks u to send pics of ur new manicure designs, knows ur manicurist by first name, sends her his love every time u go
chides you not to spend too long tanning cause the uv isn't great for your skin but loves how u look; tells u that it makes your eyes stand out and your hair look nice and has mastered the art of taking selfies from that #45degreetopdown angle
has a pic of u as his phone bk bc this man is whipped and he's not afraid to admit it; will buy you trinkets and hair clips and earrings or send u pics of cute ones sees
always holds ur hand in public and brags about u to his friends u__u
kisses you with your flavored lipgloss bc he is an agent of chaos and he likes the way he can mess you up a little; he's secretly not so secretly super happy that u have a whole string of phone charms that are just presents from him -- tiny volleyballs, bejeweled cupcakes, random little animals, a giant fluffball just cause it's soft
helps u pick out circle lenses cause he thinks they're so so pretty and can't stop staring at your eyes whenever u wear a new pair
honestly kinda fell for u the first time he saw you cause of the way you tied up ur school uniform shirt and he caught a glimpse of your bellybutton ring and thought it was like... the hottest thing ever but;;;; we don't have to talk about that
tells u every day how beautiful you are, just bc u__u
honestly doesn't rly get it but boi if he aint supportive! and he cares so much; will sit and listen intently to u when ur talking about all the different clothing brands u like or ponder out loud how ur so good with ur hands cause if he had nails like urs he'd break them immediately
would let u paint his nails in glitter tho
will tell u just to go outside w/out sunscreen if u wanna tan more (like him!!!) but after u tell him about uv and sun protection now he actively slathers sunscreen on himself before going outside and preaches it to all his friends and teammates ("akaashi! did u kno it causes premature aging of the skin!??!! wait -- what do u mean everyone knows that?!")
loves your weekend outfits so much u__u honestly he's shooketh at your eye for style, thinks you should become a fashion designer, a model, actively advertises to the world that you already are one basically; swells!!! with pride when someone on the street asks to take a pic of your outfit -- "see?!?!? told u u should be a model!!! ur pics belong in magazines!!!"
is just so so awestruck at all the sparkly/pretty things; and you're the sparkliest, prettiest of all so i mean -- that tracks!
gets just as excited as you do about new clothing lines and is super eager to spend entire weekends walking through various shops, carrying all your stuff, praising the way you look in every single outfit u try on
the blushiest!!! if u dress him up too so you guys match! holds your hand so tightly and can't stop grinning to himself so that at the end of the day his cheeks hurt but that's okay bc he got to spend the whole weekend w/ you and he wants to do it again all the time!
loves ur long nails bc it feels nice when you trail it along his arms, down his back; it makes him feel loopy and sleepy and shivery and all sorts of good, and on top of that -- they're just gorgeous to look at arent they? everything about u is gorgeous and he's so, so glad to have u
will never admit it outloud that he actually likes it; pretends it's just another level to all the "girly things" that normal girls like -- so u like more of it -- so what
but BOI if he doesn't feel his chest get all tight when you get all dressed up for your dates, when your lashes are perfectly mascaraed to set off those gorgeous new circle lenses u bought the other day that he totally, totally isn't into cause that color is just so pretty against your skin --
constantly tells u that ur nails are kind of a hassle and he doesn't understand how u get anything done with them but will wait for u outside ur salon with ur bags and grab u icecream and sigh and begrudgingly admit that the nail art is cute this time...
is secretly super fucking into the fact that u have a pic of the both of u has ur phone background and it makes him happy every single time ur phone goes off and the screen lights up; and yeah, the fact that you have a volleyball phone charm that you told him reminds you of him makes him rly, rly happy too u__u
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enoe-of-noen · 8 months ago
Went to an Anime Convention!
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The haul~ (about $200, I am broke, send help.) The most expensive thing is def the art book which was the first thing I bought
Mochi donut was yum, my friend got a Gojo one lol
We got to take a selfie with the dub va of Inosuke!!! He was so cool! We even showed him a pic of Emosuke
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And he loved it ahh!! My friend even said that I was the artist of it and ahck! Dying dude!
Me and my friends even went to the panel with Bryce Papenbrook (Inosuke) and Zach Aguilar (Tanjiro) and like the time went by so fast! But I loved it! Me and my friends were SO lucky to get seats because we were like the last dozen to get in!
It was a q&a and there was a lot of va questions lol. But dude, the random duck question was HILARIOUS HA! And like there was this one person who asked how they felt about the fandom and how people shipped Inosuke and Tanjiro and we were all like 💀
Bryce even said into the mic “they’re a great couple” haha! Omg I’ve never watched the show but like I love his energy! And they both gave such great advice.
Me and friends kept looking at the stalls and like…I have more business cards than I do merch lol. Everything was so cute and I wanted to get but like there wasn’t really anything from the shows I watch so bummer…
Anyways, yeah I loved going. Walked for like 6 hours and my shoulder and back hurts but it’s fineeee. I’ll survive.
This has inspired me to rewatch and finish Haikyuu, finally get to watching Promare, and get to watching Dungeon Meshi. Overall, 10/10 experience and my friends just made it even better 🫶
Will go next year ✨
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alchemistys · 1 year ago
how I think svt texts in the gc pt.1
seungcheol: gym bro. texts “good morning” at 8am on the dot every day. constantly sending motivational speeches. mediator and unofficial wrangler, he’s always trying to organize shit and get proper answers from people. only one who can drop a workout selfie without being torn to shreds
junhui: erratic. has periods where he’s spamming the gc 24/7, then will ignore it for a month. texts like a five-year-old. will send pictures of a random pigeon he saw while getting lunch. hao’s biggest hypeman when he drops a nice scenic shot or a new art piece.
soonyoung: too many emojis, his most used are 💯 and 🐯. types like a former high school popular girl who got caught in an mlm. viciously abusing katalk stickers. spelling isn’t too bad but he never uses punctuation (when he does it’s !!!!!). occasionally spams the chat with 20 tiger pictures in a row
jihoon: lurker. always online but never says anything. will leave you on read. once in a blue moon he will actually send a text that is the most scathing, dressing-down, earth-scorching insult you have ever seen and it’s five words long
mingyu: seungcheol-in-training (gym bro, not wrangling). very forgetful, misses important memos. always getting picked on, but he makes it so easy. misspelled a word in 2019 and they’ve never let him hear the end of it. sends gym selfies even though they’re mocked relentlessly. once dropped a cringe selca and to this day it’s used as a reaction pic
seungkwan: his spelling grammar and punctuation are perfect. has beef with everyone. along with seungcheol he’s always tying to wrangle the chat into some sense of order but is Not the guy for the job because he has a very short fuse. he’s like a customer service worker bc he’s always communicating in very polite and positive ways but you get the sense he is barely restraining himself from killing you underneath it
chan: texts normally unless he wants something from his hyungs, in which case he’ll use cutesy emoticons and stickers, lots of ~~~. second most picked on after mingyu, but gives as good as he gets, an absolute savage when he’s had enough. def this one bitch in my gc who sends a voice memo of him farting or burping once a week
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topconfessions · 14 days ago
I went through TOP's Deleted 6.000 posts (God bless whoever managed that account) and man...The pig butt tantrum really changed the game of how people see him.
Cuz his posts were mostly normal at first: just food, art he found around in the world and liked it, occasional selfie or him playing around with FaceApp(he loved that shit), candid pics of the Bigbang members that he took (like Seungri passed out sleeping at random places lol or them getting ready for shows or recordings), pics of him and his nephew, his collection of books about art (lowkey wish he showed more of that, I've always been curious if he liked to read since he spent a lot of time with his grandfather who was a writer before the man passed away), a little art made by a fan here and there...Inconspicuous things, he could've passed as just a chill guy if he kept that vibe up but he had to ruin it for himself only five months after creating his account *sighs* and then he felt comfortable enough to post even more weird shit in the months and years to come after that.
Like, dude, it's fine to be a freak – that's why I'm even on tumblr because here is the home of freaks — but not on a place like instagram, even more considering that you were from the biggest kpop group back in the day. Take Taeyang for example,his insta is managed by himself only too and he would occasionally post funky little funny stuff too but practically never something that would have people questioning his sanity. Hell, even GD too, he would posts concerning stuff sometimes, especially when he was depressed during MOTTE tour but at least he disguised it behind movie screenshots and other stuff that wouldn't leave people questioning if he was wrong in the head.
TOP really shouldn't have socials, he really wasn't cut for it. As he said it himself for years before he shot himself in the foot with that insta account, people wouldn't like nor understand the real him and in the end, he proved his own words right.
THANK YOU! you said everything I've been saying for years. Social media was the death of his career until squid game came back up. Also you forgot when he was drunk on IG live and looked disheveled, gaunt, hair untamed and he was broody in a black hoodie speaking oddly and announced he wouldn't come back to the industry & was gone.
It's not korea against him but him against himself. Period. I wish he either didn't join or just posted photos of art and himself only. Simple. And yeah, it was over for him when he posted the pig butthole spam. The timing of it being during shin minah and woobin news didnt make it better either. I unfollowed him about 3-4 times back then cause it was such a drastic headache and disturbing I had to be realistic about it at all.
The new fans have it so easy cause it was hell enduring his posts and trying to understand a fraction of what was going on
But at least hes happy and getting better now
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pixelfro222 · 10 months ago
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Some cute posters using sza artwork from various artist.
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Each swatch features random colorful posters to match the theme of each sza pic. Some art in inspired artwork and some pictures are from selfies and photoshoots
Link :p
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theinfiknight · 7 months ago
1, (post a pic of ur current favourite blorb) 4, 7, 11, 27, 35, 40, 49, aaaaaaaaaaaaand 56!
Ok ok I've put this off long enough
1) Selfie of me:
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Me with the pals (the post never specified the selfie had to be irl)
4) What are you looking forward to
Weeerrllll, I might eat some real nice spicy korean noodles tomorrow and even better, I might get to read the Avatar Roku novel next week! Yippee!
7) What was your life like last year
Hmmmmmm, kinda bad actually. I had taken a gap year from college to try and start HRT but couldn't find a single psychiatrist willing to take me seriously. I was basically just rotting away in my room while also running around the city humoring people who were trying to psychoanalyse me with an archiac and invalidating framework. Things are a lot better now in comparison.
11) Are you listening to music right now?
Yeah! It's Keiran's theme from Pokemon scarlet violet. My favourite pokemon rival since N
27) Things I hate
Hoo ok. Brace yourself.
Power outages. Hot food that's gone cold. People who are thoughtlessly mean, people hating on something you like after you told them you like it. People who live entirely inside their own heads. Random old men for some reason being allowed to decide your life. The inevitability of entropy. The fragility of human existence. Stupidly low catch rates on pokemon (whyyyyyy does magby or mantyke or sudowoodo need to be nigh uncatchable). The after effects of colonisation that define my life. Planned obsolescence. Vanilla ice cream. The fact that anything you can think of has been done better by others before you. People who spread hate and fear on an industrial scale for personal gain. Stories that treat characters as archetypes or plot devices instead of people. Random old men for some reason deciding that people on the other side of the earth need to die and then directly causing their deaths and facing no consequences for it. Comphet. The way Fushiguro is being treated in jjk. The way Sasuke and Sakura were treated in Naruto. The trivialisation of super Saiyan god immediately after it was introduced. Wasted potential. Random chance. The lack of any sort of higher justice. The fact that you have to pay separately to access Nintendo online services. Paid dlc that costs more than the base game. The short lifespan of hard drives. Too much nutmeg. The fact that you can randomly lose abilities you've had all your life. The Police. JKR. The power parents have over children. The anime pervert trope. Gender essentialism. What the main continuity Marvel comic writers have been doing to Spiderman for the last few years. The inevitable enshittification to the point of unusability of every company we rely on for society to function. The stock market. The intricacies of punctuation. The desecration and reanimation of long beloved works of art for the sake of short term profit. Monopolies. Teachers who do not see students as people. Generative AI. The incredible height of the skill ceiling of today's industry standards. The power shareholders wield over public utilities. Authors who cannot or more often do not bother to write female characters as people. People who treat real world problems like thought experiments. The fact that scissors get gradually less usable with time. Doctors who can no longer see humans as anything but cases. The disproportionate power of the USA. Having to 2D animate. Guns(sorry, I know you like those). The oversaturation of absolutely everything. Surveillance cameras. Visas. The trend of making characters who had bad parents also end up as bad parents to their kids. People's egos. Games with chairs and benches that do not allow the player character to ever sit. Organised religion. The pokemon diamond and pearl remakes. Songs that require more than two hands to properly play on the piano. Airport security. Gender segregated queues. Things that were once free, now costing money. Social media algorithms. Myself.
So yeah. You asked.
35) Favourite subject
Mildly embarrassing because I don't have very much in depth knowledge on any one subject but I have surface level knowledge of many. So my favourite subject would be maybe Pokemon or well done high fantasy. Or really just any engaging story with characters that feel organic. Bonus points for a well thought out magic system, more points if the story actually has a message, and even more points if the writing is smart, funny and well thought out. Needless to say I consider Terry Pratchett to be the absolute peak of literature.
40) Favourite memory
Ooh this is a tough one. Hmmm.
The exact moment when you defeat Giratina in Pokemon Legends Arceus and you think the battle is over and then the flatline plays and the music changes into its Pokemon Platinum theme and it turns into its Origin Form and you're just there staring at the screen and physically yelling with excitement.
Apart from that I had some pretty good times back when I lived in hostel, staying up overnight playing smash bros with my two then best friends. I miss those guys and those times.
49) Where I want to be right now
Honestly I'd be entirely satisfied being exactly where I am now, only without the uncertainty ruling my life.
56) Favourite foods:
Buldak noodles, naan and paneer butter masala, a good spicy burger with spicy mayo and jalapenos, anything chocolate based that's well thought out, chilli chipotle chicken rice bowl, nachos with salsa, a nice spicy paneer or chicken wrap, chilli mushrooms or baby corn, Lotus stem when it's prepared dry, underbaked chocolate cake with ice cream, a nice spicy salad, just chilli paneer/chicken in general. Also a decent pizza. Or a good spicy vegetable sandwich.
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wisyhana · 2 years ago
YOUR YUGIOH ART IS ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS!!! Your lines are so perfect yet expressive and the way you show dimension is just stunning!! how did you get so good at anatomy!?
Honestly I think I'm not that good at anatomy, but I can give a little description of how I got here with it.
Heads up for long reply
There are 3 things that had helped me along the way to draw bodies and art in general:
1) STUDY: I'm not talking about going to art school (even if I did, it didn't help and only got me several traumas) I'm talking about sitting at your desk and study the body. I did it in so many ways. One of my favorite was to take a bunch of fashion magazines and draw the movement line on the models (I know it by that name, I don't know if on english has another term, but is basically the line that goes through the spine), the movement line helps quite a lot to have a basic idea of how the pose will go, how the energy is distributed along the torso and limbs, etc (if you want I can give a little 'how-to-do' in another post so it can be easier to understand). Adding to it, studying actual anatomy helps a lot, to know where the muscles are, how the bones work and how the skin also does its thing. You don't have to know everything, you just need to have the idea.
2) REFERENCES: fuck pinterest, albums with 174.747.426 pics references from a random person, all you need to know is your own body. I know that people always argue to me about this topic 'but hey I don't have a jojo body, I'm not even a man, I'm a big size, I don't like taking pictures of myself, etc, etc,etc' I get it, but guys ME NEITHER! I don't have the body of the characters I draw, but if you want to understand anatomy you have to start with yourself.
It's embarrassing to admit it but most of the hands I draw are all made in base of my own selfies, and I used em for so long that I don't need to take pictures so often anymore, cos I ended up understanding how it works. Even on poses I kept using my own body as the biggest reference and I'll keep doing it.
These are some of the hundreds of pics I've taken of myself for references. Embarrassing myself only to prove my point :'D
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3) and the most important PRETEND THAT YOU KNOW: Sounds weird but back me up on this. Art is the work of the liar, the artist is the person that found a way to turn something 3 dimensional to 2 dimensional, it's the lineart that fakes reality to pretend that there's space in a piece of paper. So for that to work you have to draw pretending that you know what you're doing.
This is not a 'believe in yourself' this is a 'keep lying to yourself until others believe it'. Art is not about being loyal to reality, is about knowing the shortcuts. The majority of my drawings aren't anatomical correct, but I faked it so much that you think that it is (PSYCHE!)
I know it sounds like you only need this one point to be capable of drawing but nope nope nope! You first need to understand the reality to be capable of fake it.
There isn't a single way to draw a body, I'm pretty much against those 'DON'T DO THIS. DO THIS INSTEAD' bc it basically tells you that you don't have other option but learn that one way, basically telling you the shortcut without explaining you why or how. There are millions of ways and for you to find yours, all you need is understand the way you see the world.
This was my way of learning, it could help as much as it cannot help at all! But I hope one of the three points managed to ring a bell on someone ^^
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nihilight · 2 years ago
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hello youths! 🥰🫶🏻 story time!
the above pics are from 1997: spring (pic 1) & fall (pic 2) --
(btw -- @blackcr0wking was just over 2 yrs old & already drawing! 🥺🥺🥺)
-- & here is how we got pics of ourselves (ie: selfies; we didn't really call them anything but "OOC pics," haha) online in the 90s:
you got friends to take them (the 1st pic was taken by my friend in her car), or you used, say... a ruler to push the button on yr camera that was precariously set ~just so~ on yr dresser (pic 2.)
you wasted a LOT of film; it was embarrassing asf to bring it to get developed if you were using a standard or those one-time cameras.
then you either had a scanner, a friend with a scanner, or in my case POST-MAILED yr pics to an online friend with a scanner... and THEY got them online for you... & then mailed the OG photos back.
basically, in the 90s world of BBS's, IRC, & AOL, you were ~hot shit~ if you had photos of yrself online. 💅
ps: pic 2 is one of only TWO shots that remotely worked out, out of 16 sheets of polaroid film.
in the IRC/AOL roleplay days (WoD: VtM/WtA, MtA, VtDA, & just any medieval fantasy) we used ourselves as our char pics ...
(y'all call them PB's now & idk what that stands for? help? 🥺)
& i was playing an old-clan tzimisce vampire named nakita taktarov, lolol, & ohhh, but this was considered a banger photo back then. 😬😬😬
by like 1999 people started using fantasy art or celebrity photos for char pics/PBs, & the bottom of our IC profile page would credit artist/name celeb.
& oh yes -- those who could draw their own characters were highly envied!
& that's how selfies & PBs were in the mid to late 90s.
like, now i wanna get into how long-distance/online friendships worked in the 90s... 🤔
::sighs in autism hyperfix & drops into porch chair; half-heartedly waves random kids off with her cane.::
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zerosuitsammi3 · 1 year ago
do the thing?? ok! hi!! (idk if you can change what your ask button is or if it's random but yours is one of the most fun I've seen)
oh also amazing photo work! really inspiring I need to get better at taking pics of me in general, so it's cool seeing people making art like that! have a good one!
Haha yes you can change it 😝😝😝 and "Do the thing!" Felt fitting :333
Hehe thanks sweet pea 😝 my selfies really aren't anything special it's just angles that I like. I just fuck with how I hold the phone till it looks like a decent shot 😜😜😜
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