#random lore dumps
deztryx · 6 months
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I was gonna make aiden and the gang the greifers but then I'm like "hmm it would be even more angsty if I used axel with his greifer team or whatever"
I'm still thinkin about it lol
Theres so many plot holes and other opportunities ITS HARD UGGHHHH
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thechaotichorselord · 2 months
He will shatter and fall like the fragile doll that he is.
TW for eye contact.
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roblogging · 1 month
i like to tell people that my break from the hp fandom was because i thought it was cringe and i've since grown to embrace the cringe, but really, back when i was like 15/16 this boy in my friend group stalked me and was really creepy and then wrote a massive long fanfiction about me (vampire au) that was pure smut and HAND POSTED IT to my house with no note or anything. and also sent it to all our friends, TOLD THEM it was about me, and my friends read a very graphic vampire smut fic about me and this guy. and also asked his english teacher to read it for feedback.
the worst part? it had no punctuation. 600 double-sided pages of robyn fanfiction printed on A4 paper and not a full stop in sight.
put me off fanfiction for a while tbh.
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Concept: Teth regularly 'lore dumps' on Daleth
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karmonysan · 6 months
I present to you herobrine, the father of all entities in the world of minecraft....
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(oh and his two attempts at copies of him xd)
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pekoeboo · 9 months
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purification is a painful, painful process.
rough sketch based on a scene in the Ravenwood RP. Antony is confronted with a situation in which he has to utilize his divine power in order to save Melvin - who had been terribly poisoned. the only one strong enough to clear the poison from his system is Antony, but the boy's abilities come with the caveat that his physical body still isn't entirely capable of handling prolonged and intense bouts of purification for any extended length of time; even despite having been reborn as a demigod.
so that power breaks him from the inside out - just as it did back in Atria. he does manage to save Melvin, but at the cost of his own life... though no one is aware that he still retains the ability to come back from the dead by that point. ends up being quite a shock for everyone when he turns back up a few days later, naturally. ><;;
tbh, some pretty awful repeat trauma for Antony. poor kid doesn't deserve it, but the angst is just too good to pass up imo :0
please do not remove caption or repost. also on deviantart
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i-can-not-art · 4 months
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Urgh I just remembered this 3 day old piece I forgot to post of my little murder woman
Her halo is usually the weird black, spikes starry shape I’ve been drawing her with, but it changes shape and or color under specific conditions (Vague because I haven’t decided really how it works yet)
It gets all red and drippy like this when she’s really irritated but like holding it in, when she lets it out it gets spiky again (but stays red)
Tbh idk what to do with her halo really, I want it to serve like 3 different functions and I just don’t think that’s a good idea
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akkivee · 6 months
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miniyellow5 · 2 years
Agent stuff cuz I think of em when going through the madness of studying
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ricopop · 8 months
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oscillo @cephalonheadquarters @superbellsubways
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Lineup of all of the characters that appear long enough to need a visual representation of them in the game lol
#I added a few people that you can randomly run into around town (like at the inn or in the forest or etc) and have very short conversations#with just to kind of flesh out the world a little more in a more natural-ish seeming way. Like nobody in the main cast would really#have much reason to talk about the actual city you're in or anything. Since most of them havent lived there that long anyway.#But if there's a ''city inspector'' that you can run into whilst he's writing up notes examining the local inn. then maybe there could be a#few dialogue options with him where you can ask about things like that. since he would know more about the area as an offical Government#Worker or etc. Optional of course. since I have to be so wary of my natural inclination to lore dump lol and am trying extra hard to make i#all stuff thats easily avoided/skipped. But for the people like ME who deliberately choose to exhaust every possible optional dialogue#option and explore every single inch of the world and try to collect as much information as possible - then there are a few extra places to#do that. Though obviously not all of them just give exposition for like 15 paragraphs blandly. Some you don't really learn anything from#and it's kind of just.. random flavor to make the non-shop map locations more ''lived in'' feeling. Like the random#little girl you can talk to in the park doesn't bizarrely start reading out the wikipedia description of some War that happened 10 years ag#or whatever. she's just complains about school a little and asks if you've tried the nearby ice cream cart treats and etc lol#ANYWAY..#some of the art is so so evil but I'm not going to spend 800 years trying to clean it up and update it. whatever the hell mess I sketched#out in 2018 or whatever is just what I'm keeping lol... it is what it is#One of the many trials of the whole 'briefly work a few months on something and then abandon it almost entirely only to pick up work#on it literally like 4 - 5 yrs later and now you must contend with trying to decipher whatever weird shit you did years ago' experience lol#Also given the population breakdowns of the world in general I think there's an unrealistic amount of jhevona in this lineup since#they're a much rarer species to just see out and about anywhere but.. it IS a global trading center type area. and the game#takes place in the north (the country of Asen. near the coast. for the maybe 2 or less people who actually keep up with my worldbuilding#enough to know where that is lol (the same continent as Navyete (where the avirre'thel live)) and there's a decent concentration#of nothern jhevona only a short ways away so... tee hee..I shall pretend it makes sense and not merely me just wanting#to represent more of that species because I think their lore is interesting lol#I MEAN also realistically there would NOT be a human here because humans are extremely isolated species that don't even know the rest#of the world exists really and human territories are extremely protected from the outside world but... of course it's like.. well we need#at least One of them to be there for the Optional Lore. Same with the Ythrili. But at least those are like.. PLAUSIBLE.. not nonsensically#outlandish. If I had a Verrucalt or something in there THEN that would be truly lore-breaking almost lol#ANYWAY.. rambling that only means anything to me because nobody else knows what I'm even referencing but hbjh#also I think my character designs are so funny in the sense that I really do just love to do the same thing over and over again ghbjh#wow... random asymmetry and belts and arm straps and high collars where the neck is completely covered?? you dont say..how novel
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writterings · 6 months
do you have any recommendations for resources re: tarot
okay so actually i have advice. don't read the literal meanings of the cards. like it can be helpful to know the intended meanings, the astrology, the numberology, and symbolism but ultimately a reading will be more accurate if you understand the tarot in your own personal way. a lot of practitioners recommend making your own personalized deck to start to understand this concept better (like, printing out a photo of a butterfly and taping it to the death card to represent death bc that symbolism hits better for you).
for example, the knight of swords was a card i associated with an ex of mine. now whenever it shows up in a reading, i can either interpret it as its literal meaning or as having something to do with the romantic partner of the person im reading. but that will ultimately depend on the message of the readings, which is up to you to interpret.
also some people use spreads. i personally find spreads pointless. you don't need them to be able to read. don't memorize them. the position of the card on the table means nothing unless it DOES mean something. but that's up to you to FEEL not formulate. so don't use spreads. unless, like, you personally vibe with them. i'm not a cop or your mom so you do you.
in terms of resources, don't bother with books unless you're looking for general history stuff or some scammer's take on the "the soul's feminine and powerful journey of the tarot" or whatever. here's what you're going to look up:
-the history of the specific deck you're using, who created it and for what reason
-occult symbology and associations
-alchemical symbology and associations
-basic classic art symbology (ie what poses mean, etc)
-astrology in general and astrology in its relationship to the tarot
-meanings of each suite
-numberology (but like numberology specific to tarot. you can take into account actual numberology but tarot has its own numberology. googling 'tarot numberology' should work)
those last two are literally just what tarot is and it's usually universal across any type of deck. for example, take five of rods. rods = fire = knowledge. five = conflict. the five of rods' literal meaning in traditional practice is either a conflict or fun challenge. so conflicts are caused by differing opinions or thoughts OR conflicts can be seen as fun brain challenges. so five of rods literally means what rods and five represent together.
finally, a note on reversals - don't read them when first starting out. reversals don't mean the opposite of the upright card a lot of the time and you'll just get confused when trying to remember them all. just read the cards like normal and then eventually start to understand what the reversals mean TO YOU.
also those pick a card tiktoks never work bc its all based on algorithm. find some on youtube though (like the hour long ones) and just listen to those readings even if you don't think their advice applies for you. hearing someone else's take on interpreted tarot can be pretty beneficial in seeing how you view it.
also practice tarot with friends when you can, it's fun. make them learn tarot too so you get readings sometime as well.
anyways hope this helps. my source is that i have been a tarot reader for 10 years now, i'm a student at a government-recognized occult temple (and technically completed my first year of ministry training but i'm prob not gonna continue to priesthood), and i have paying clients. have fun.
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teine-mallaichte · 5 months
You know what irritates me in dragon age? Ok a few things but going to focus on one thing here, the languages... so we have all these diverse places, each with heir own fashions, customes, accents, etc but everyone speaks common (or trade which although in some codexes is said to be different seems to be basically treated interchangeably in the games).
Only a few places are said to be bi-lingual, implying that their own language is still used.
Also the inherent cultural differences between places are shown or mentioned and then totally forgotten about... In every game we get a diverse group of people with differing back grounds and yet there is almost never any language barrier of cultural misunderstandings, and even when they are they seem to be glossed over. Sten is about the only one I can think of where the cultural differences are even vaguely explored.
I want to see situations where characters are totally confused by what’s happening, where they don’t understand (or misunderstand) local phrases or dialects, where they fear making social forpars due to the inherent differences in their native societies – or simply in their upbringings.
Alamarri died out in Ferelden and now everyone speaks trade and/or common, fine, ok. But in the real world when this sort of thing happens people often try to reclaim the language later, so there should be places where the language is still used, even if only for certain phrases like the elves use elvish. Or maybe there are scholars who still speak it? I used to live in Scotland, believe me although Gealic is a “dead” language people still use it in certain places and situations, same in Ireland, and in Wales there are signposts, TV channels, and radio shows in Welsh… It feels like Alamarri should definitely still exist and have some sort of presence. Ok as you may be able to tell from my user name I may be biased when it coems to this example...
But the same goes for Ander. I think Anders should have been able to speak it at the very least, and the fact that many of the Darkspawns name come from Ander should be seen as more of a thing. In a way it would make some sense for the Grey Wardens to be taught at least some Ander during training due to their history.
And Alsahiria, given the politics and history of Seheron it makes some sense for this language to be slowly dying out, but I feel it would still be spoken in remote areas and likely by members of the Fog Warriors. Some may even see the continuation of the language  as a form of rebellion and carefully hold onto it. I wouldn’t be all that surprised in a fair number of slaves in Tevinter could speak it, using it as a way to communicate in secret.
Antivan… well to be honest Antiva is just fascinating in general, but their language is under used. It considered one of the most poetic and beautiful of Thedas, and yet it mainly only spoken in the rural and poorer areas. That seems like a shame… I mean yes the Codeses do imply that the higher members of society can and do speak it, but they also imply that in the cities common is almost exclusively spoken.
Did we even hear Zevren speak Antivan? I don’t remember him doing so, but I could be wrong.
I’m going to skip Avvar for now because there is a LOT to unpack there… same for Chasind and Ciriane.
The Drawves are said to have several languages, including Trade, and the language spoken specifically in Orzammar (often incorrectly referred to as Drawven), but to be honest I don’t think we know much about any of the Drawven languages… which is a shame.
Elvish is another complex one as it makes sense why that one is essentially lost beyond a few key terms and a few phrases known by the Dalish. However, I feel like it’s one that has potentially to be, at least partly, reconstructed… there are ancient elvish ruins and artifacts, though of course as with all reconstructed languages it would never be what it once was.
Qunlat, finally an actual language that although not used much is definitely a distinct language with significance and logical usage. We even get to hear it used a few times, though only for the odd word or line it at least makes sense.
Orlesian, again a language that is referenced and appears to be in regular use. It’s said that most Orlesians are bilingual. So it makes sense that they tend to use common around the player, but it feels like the language could be utilised more.
Rivaini… You know what we know far less about Riniani than I realised when I started this mild rant… They essentially have thie rown religion, and the only peaceful Qunari settlement that I can think of, but there’s language… very little seems to be mentioned. It would make sense that it is still spoken those given their general culture and identity, it is likely that they are bi-lingual in a similar way to Olaris.
Tevene… ok this one is my main bug bear… So it’s said in the codexes that Tevene is essentially a dead language, certain phrases still exist (many swear words) and it’s used by the elite as a show of status  but everyone mainly speaks Trade – which once again is meant to be slightly different to common. But just look at Tevinter society, the idea that they don’t retain their language, or a modern variant, at least for things like ceremonies, ritual, and events seems unlikely. The most we really hear of Tevene in Fenris swearing. Which is another thing... The guy literally only has memories of being a slave and then been on the run (with a short period with the fog warriors in between) there really should be some serious cultural/social/linguistic barriers there.
This… this got away from me a little and escalated lol, but ye… this irritates me probably more than it should… and I haven;'t even ccovered ALL the lagunages. Anyway, i this I think is why I keep trying to crowbar language and cultural differences into AUs.
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thatguylucass · 28 days
guys i need to become friends with an nsfw artist so i can show them my secret nsfw art,. but like i feel like that's weird... uhhhh
so uh have this :P
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pixel lucianass
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absurdumsid · 9 months
teehee underpills was supposed to be named menheratale but then i realised it didnt fit so i made it underpills teehee
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strix-mix · 4 months
Claudette's name was originally anthony btw, she chose the name claudette after the initiation rite
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