#ram jack systems
foundationsolution · 2 months
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repairfoundation · 1 month
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witchthewriter · 1 year
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𝑨𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒚 𝑳𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒔!
First Lesson: Sun🌞
Second Lesson: Moon🌙
Third Lesson: Rising/Ascendant💫
Fourth Lesson: Venus 💛
Fifth Lesson: Mars ⚠️
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Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and its orbit around the Sun is the fastest one we know of. This is why Mercury is associated with speed, communication, and efficiency.
○ Day: Wednesday
○ Colours: Yellow, Grey
○ Mercury rules two signs: Gemini and Virgo
○ Mercury rules the third House of Communication. Some astrologers may also refer to it as the House of Sharing.
○ Mercury Retrograde happens four times a year and it doesn't affect us all the same way every time.
○ Mercury spends about two-three weeks in each sign, but when it retrogrades, which it does three to four times a year, it can stay in one sign as long as ten weeks.
○ Mercury represents the principles of communication, mentality, thinking patterns, rationality/reasoning, adaptability and variability.
○ Mercury: Nervous system, skin, face, thyroid. It has a direct influence over mental disorders, ear problems, etc.
𝐀𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 | 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑅𝑎𝑚
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Daring, Blunt, and Deliberate
Modality: Cardinal
Element: Fire
Symbol: The Ram
Ruling Planet: Mars
Stereotypical Traits: Fiery temper, competitive, daring, adventurous, honest (sometimes brutally), brave, optimistic, warm
Ruled by Mars, the planet of action, Mercury in Aries people speak quickly and sometimes without thinking first. People with this placement are passionate in their expressions. They are honest and direct which is great in some situations, but can be harsh in others. They also come up with new ideas, express them easily, and have a talent for convincing people to see things their way. Because of this people with Mercury in Aries make great leaders and public speakers.
𝐓𝐚𝐮𝐫𝐮𝐬 | 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝐵𝑢𝑙𝑙
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Enduring, Pensive, and Practical
Modality: Fixed
Element: Earth
Symbol: The Bull
Ruling Planet: Venus
Stereotypical Traits: Steadfast, loyal, enjoys physical comfort, stubborn, reliable, grounded, logical
People with Mercury in Taurus tend to take their time considering things before they speak. They are deliberate communicators who get straight to the point, but unlike Aries, they consider everything they say before they open their mouths. Taurean Mercury placements prefer practical outlooks and solutions. They are very confident in their values, so confident that they can come across as closed-minded in certain conversations. They are not actually closed-minded though. It just takes them a little longer than other people to consider and process a new opinion before they can speak on it.
𝐆𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢 | 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑇𝑤𝑖𝑛𝑠
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Effortless, Charismatic, and Beloved
Modality: Mutable
Element: Air
Symbol: The Twins
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Stereotypical Traits: Jack of all trades, flirtatious, social butterfly, curious, charming, unpredictable
People with a Mercury in Gemini placement have an especially easeful relationship with all the Mercurian traits. This is because Mercury is the ruling planet of Gemini. People with this placement are particularly quick thinking and logical. They love to learn about the world and people around them and have a way with words in various mediums. For Mercury Gemini people, flirtation is just another way to communicate, so they do have to be careful not to lead people on. Otherwise, a Mercury Gemini placement makes for smooth communication and a life of learning.
𝐂𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫 | 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝐶𝑟𝑎𝑏
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Quiet, Sensitive, and Adaptable
Modality: Cardinal
Element: Water
Symbol: The Crab
Ruling Planet: The Moon
Stereotypical Traits: Emotional, intuitive, fiercely loyal, romantic, loves being at home, nostalgic, nurturing
People with Mercury in Cancer have a soft and emotional approach to logic and communication. They make decisions based on your feelings rather than what might seem most logical to someone else. People with this placement are great at expressing their emotions and have a way of making people comfortable with deep conversations. They don’t like small talk, which can make them put up a wall. Instead, they open up and relax when they are in the presence of other people who can go “there.” As an intuitive, sign, someone with Mercury in Cancer seems to always know the right thing to say, even in a delicate situation.
𝐋𝐞𝐨 | 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝐿𝑖𝑜𝑛
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Unpretentious, Responsible, and Sincere
Modality: Fixed
Element: Fire
Symbol: The Lion
Ruling Planet: The Sun
Stereotypical Traits: Stylish, enjoys attention, confident, creative, enjoys luxury, jealous in relationships
People with Mercury in Leo may feel drawn to become a performer or entertainer. They are great storytellers and have a way of naturally grabbing peoples’ attention even if they are just talking to friends. They are creatives who don’t enjoy paying attention to smaller details. So, they have to work with others to take care of those parts of projects. People with this placement tend to be leaders because of the way they naturally attract attention. They are also persuasive but have to be careful to allow enough room for other people’s opinions. Someone with Mercury in Leo can easily take up all the air in the room and forget about everyone else if they are not careful. However, in general people with Mercury in Leo are popular and make friends wherever they go.
𝐕𝐢𝐫𝐠𝐨 | 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑀𝑎𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑛
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Intelligent, Productive, and Logical
Modality: Mutable
Element: Earth
Symbol: The Maiden/Virgin
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Stereotypical Traits: Nurturing, judgmental, quick thinking, logical, hard-working, intelligent, perfectionist
Like Gemini, Mercury also rules Virgo. So, to have Mercury in this sign is a beneficial and easeful placement. People with this placement are analytical and great at recognizing patterns. They are very realistic and communicate directly. Sometimes this can be a little too direct for some people. Mercury in Virgo people need to learn to add a little sweetness into their communication, otherwise, their directness paired with their love of logic can come off as constant criticism. Mercury Virgo people are very sharp and witty, but also serious thinkers. They tend to have sarcastic humor rather than being flat-out funny.
𝐋𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚 | 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑆𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑠
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Diplomatic, Resourceful, and Amicable
Modality: Cardinal
Element: Air
Symbol: The Scales
Ruling Planet: Venus
Stereotypical Traits: charming, beautiful, and well-balanced. They thrive on making things orderly and aesthetically pleasing. They also crave balance, and they can be equally as self-indulgent as they are generous. Libras are also the kings and queens of compromise, and they like making peace between others.
People with Mercury in Libra have a gift of using their words to create harmony, especially in social situations. They intuitively know the right things to say to smooth things over and can be very diplomatic. Unfortunately, they may often find themselves in the middle of conflicts because they are the ones trying to keep the peace. Mercury in Libra people are often the friend that both people in a disagreement confide in. Luckily, people with this placement are very trustworthy in this situation, because their desire to keep the peace is greater than their desire to spread gossip.
𝐒𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐩𝐢𝐨 | 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑝𝑖𝑜𝑛
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Secretive, Passionate, and Exacting
Modality: Fixed
Element: Water
Symbol: The Scorpion
Ruling Planet: Mars and Pluto
Stereotypical Traits: Emotional, intuitive, loyal, caring, jealous, moody, secretive
People with Mercury in Scorpio don’t open up easily to most people. They keep their personal and emotional information close to their chest. They only open up when they feel close to someone. Because of this, they are likely to have a few close friendships instead of a larger friend group. People with this placement are also sensitive to people who could be seen as nosy. They don’t like when people pry for information. On the flip side of this, Mercury in Scorpio people are fascinated by the unknown. They are motivated to learn as much as they can about the topics that interest them to find the true answers to life’s deepest questions.
𝐒𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 | 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝐴𝑟𝑐𝘩𝑒𝑟
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Audacious, Eccentric, and Unfiltered
Modality: Mutable
Element: Fire
Symbol: The Archer
Ruling Planet: Jupiter
Stereotypical Traits: Adventurous, confident, friendly, open-minded, can seem irresponsible, braggy
People with this placement can be quite academic. They are intrigued by learning about heady topics that open their mind even more. They may also incorporate travel with study or work. People with Mercury in Sagittarius are direct communicators. Sometimes, they can even be a little too honest for some people. However, they never have negative intentions, they trying to be helpful and are simply calling it as they see it. Socially, Sagittarius Mercury people are charming and witty. They make friends easily but their intensity in debates or arguments can be a turn-off to more sensitive people.
𝐂𝐚𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐧 | 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑆𝑒𝑎𝑔𝑜𝑎𝑡 
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Practical, Honest, and Methodological
Modality: Cardinal
Element: Earth
Symbol: The Sea-Goat
Ruling Planet: Saturn
Stereotypical Traits: Ambitious, honest, hard-working, logical, judgmental, demanding, workaholic
People with Mercury in Capricorn have a trustworthy word. When they say something, they generally mean it and they will do what they say they will, even if they don’t want to. People with this placement can feel like they know everything, or that they know the best way to do things. They can seem to speak down to people, but they are really just trying to keep things efficient as they relate to communication and learning. People with this placement can be social, but they may get annoyed if things don’t feel efficient enough for them. Mercury Capricorn people can learn to be more open-minded and accepting of people with different viewpoints and ways of doing things.
𝐀𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 | 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑊𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟-𝐵𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑟
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Masterful, Well-Rounded, and Confident
Modality: Fixed
Element: Air
Symbol: The Water Bearer
Ruling Planet: Uranus
Stereotypical Traits: Intellectual, compassionate, idealistic, unemotional, eccentric, unique, open-minded
People with Mercury in Aquarius enjoy debating for fun. They can have unconventional opinions on issues, but their arguments are never without merit. Mercury in Aquarius people have done a deep dive to learn everything they can about the issues that are important to them. They prefer to communicate about issues and facts rather than emotions. People with this placement can prefer to learn about the future rather than the past or present. They may be attracted to learning about technology, which can lead to a tech career. Socially, Mercury Aquarius people are witty, and can make you laugh!
𝐏𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐬 | 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝐹𝑖𝑠𝘩
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Storyteller, Enigmatic, and Private
Modality: Mutable
Element: Water
Symbol: Two Fish
Ruling Planet: Neptune
Stereotypical Traits: Intuitive, creative, spiritual, caring, understanding, naive, illogical, lots of daydreaming
Mercury in Pisces helps people with this placement communicate their inner thoughts and emotions. People with this placement are fascinated by the larger questions of life and may be drawn to spirituality to find out their meaning. They love talking about these deeper issues, like the meaning of life or why we exist. People with this placement can be sensitive, but that also depends on their other astrological qualities. Either way, Mercury in Pisces people are deep thinkers who want to connect with others on a profound level. They are likely to abhor small talk.
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fizziepopangel · 26 days
"Ain't the Romantic Type" Pt3
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Despite having slowed down on his drinking, after what happened with Angel, Husk woke up behind the bar, a half finished bottle of Jack in his hand and a hangover headache pounding in his temples. He slowly got to his feet with a groan, kicking aside the empty bottles as he stumbled toward his room, taking a swig from the bottle still clutched tight in his fist.
He had been drinking since Niffty left his room last night, but no matter how much he drank, he couldn’t get Angel out of his head…. And he couldn’t get that look out of his head; the fear in Angel’s eyes…. Husk took another swig from the bottle before tossing the now empty container aside, not even flinching as it shattered against the wall as he continued to stumble toward his room.
As he got closer to his door, he heard it.
Thump…. Thump… Thwack!
Husk groaned, rubbing his temples as he rounded the corner just in time to see Fat Nuggets shake himself off and back up as far as he could before letting out a mighty squeal and charging Husk’s door with all his might, the little pig’s head hitting the door with another thwack.
“The fuck..?” Husk muttered, stumbling forward and scooping up the little pig before he could back up and headbutt the door again. “What are you doin’, little guy? Gonna give yourself a concussion.”
Despite the daze from repeatedly ramming his head into the door, Fat Nuggets quickly squirmed his way out of the hell cat’s arms and scampered a few feet down the hall before looking back at the man, sealing with urgency. When Husk only moved toward his door, the small pig ran back, biting his pant leg and pulling as hard as he could, nearly toppling the man in an attempt to get him to follow him.
Although he caught himself, it did evoke the tiniest bit of rage in him. “Fuck off.” He muttered, trying to push the piggy away with his foot. But the pig came right back, trying his damnedest to get him to follow him. “Get off. Damn it, get off me!”  He continued to try to shake the little creature off, not understanding the urgency behind the pig’s actions….
“FUCK!” Husk shouted when he felt Fat Nuggets teeth sink into his ankle.
That was it. The alcohol in his system and the storm of emotions still brewing inside him after the events of last night all coming to a peak as he scooped up the demonic little animal and stormed to his boyfriend’s room…. Ex boyfriend? Husk wasn’t even sure after last night.
Husk just got to the door, ready to angrily rip the door open and give Angel a piece of his mind about his pet’s manners and maybe about the absolute fuckery that happened last night, but….
Husk stopped abruptly when he reached Angel’s door…. Angel’s opened door…. Angel never left his door fully open, even if he let Fat Nuggets out, he always left the door closed enough that no one could just look into his room; something he told Husk made him feel less ‘on display’ after the long hours he worked under Valentino’s watchful eye… But here Husk stood in front of Angel’s wide open door.
Fat Nugget’s wiggled out of Husk’s grasp once more, darting through the open door as fast as his little legs could carry him, stopping briefly to squeal at Husk, who stood there, frozen as he stared through the open door and into the almost eerie silence of the normally lively room. Although it took a moment, another squeal from Fat Nuggets brought him back to the present.
Following the pig into the room, his rage dying down a bit as he stepped into the room, still smelling the faintest smell of the dinner he had worked so hard on as it sat, cold, on the coffee table. Sadness twirled around in his stomach as he looked at the meal and the candles and the few rose petals he had strewn across the carpet.
He felt stupid for being sad about the food going to waste… But he had worked so damn hard on making the night perfect…. He couldn’t remember the last time he had even thought about putting that much effort into something for anyone else he had been with, but for Angel, it felt worth it and he hadn’t even thought twice about doing it after he heard Angel talking to the girls about wanting to be romanced. It honestly hurt hearing that he wasn’t making Angel as happy as he wanted to, and it killed him that he was the last to know that he wasn’t making him as happy as he could….
Husk had been deep in thought as he absentmindedly followed Fat Nugget’s through the room, not really watching where he was going until he stumbled on the bit of loose carpet that was just before the entrance to the bathroom. Husk had been meaning to fix that since Angel had rolled his ankle twice already tripping, but he had never quite gotten around to…
His eyes went wide and the alcohol-induced haze that had clouded his mind quickly disappeared as he saw Angel laying motionless on the floor, and a line of white powder beside a small baggie on the counter. “Shit, Angel!” Dropping to his knees beside his partner, Husk felt panic rise like bile in his throat as he tried to think of something, anything, to do. He’d never actually been with Angel when he had overdosed. 
Shit. That’s what this was, an overdose. Angel, his Angel,  had overdosed….
So many thoughts ran through his head as his body seemed to move on autopilot; how long had he been like this? How much did he take? What did he take? Did he do this on purpose? 
Husk’s blood ran cold. Did Angel do this…. Because of him?
“Angel, come on, wake up.” Husk begged quietly, running his hand through Angel’s hair in a soothing manner he had used to both wake the spider demon after a passionate night, and soothe him to sleep after a long day bled into an anxious night. He wasn’t sure when he sat on the floor, or when he took Angel in his arms, or when the tears began falling, but he sat there, a lump in his throat. “Come on, Legs, come on, baby, I need you to wake up. Just open your eyes for me.” 
Realistically, Husk knew that here in hell, sinners like him and Angel couldn’t just die, but as he looked at his partner lying lifelessly in his arms, the only thing that was real to him were the shallow breaths he could feel his lover taking. He couldn’t think straight, couldn’t register anything happening around him despite a symphony of commotion happening around him after Charlie found them sitting on the bathroom floor. He hadn’t heard Charlie call for help, or Vaggie calling his name, or Pentious and his eggs babbling about what they could and should do. Everything just moved at the speed of light around him, yet he felt as if everything was moving painfully slow.
“Husk!” Vaggie shouted, snapping him back to reality. “Are you listening?”
Charlie held up a hand, telling Vaggie that she had it, stepping forward and kneeling beside the pair, her expression soft and worried. “Why don’t we get Angel to his bed?”
Husk nodded wordlessly. He didn’t know when the others got there, but as he stood, feeling Angel shift the slightest bit as he carried him to bed, he couldn’t care less about anyone else in the moment. All that mattered was Angel.
Angel woke up slowly; his head pounding and his throat dry. He blinked slowly, sitting up with a soft groan. His head was spinning and he felt as if he had been hit by a truck.
“Careful.” Husk said softly, practically materializing beside him and gently adjusting the pillows behind him and holding a glass of water beside him, one hand gently rubbing the small of Angel’s back. “Scared me there, Legs, can’t do that to me.”
Angel was shocked to find Husk sitting at his bedside, and the fact that he was looking at him with so much love and care in his eyes. He took the water, taking a few small sips as tears came to his eyes at Husk’s gentle touch. It was too much; the soft touches, the way he was talking to him after he’d ruined their night.
“Hey, hey, don’t cry, doll.” Husk gently began wiping his boyfriend's tears away, kissing his cheek. “It’s alright, no one’s mad at ya.”
Hearing that no one was mad at him seemed to push him over the edge, sending a wave of tears trailing down his cheeks. “I’m sorry!” He sobbed, hiccuping as he practically fell into Husk’s arms. “I-I..”
Husk, taken by surprise, just sat there for a moment, Angel sobbing in his arms. “What? No, Angel, doll, you don’t have to be sorry.” He stammers quietly, sitting down on the bed and pulling Angel into his lap and gently shush-ing him. “You ain’t got nothing to worry about, dollface.”
“I-I ruined our night.” Angel sniffed.
Husk shook his head, although he was still hurt by what happened, he couldn’t stand to see the man he loved cry. “You didn’t ruin nothing. I…” He sighed, looking down as he brushed the tears off his cheeks. “It wasn’t your fault, I might have overdone it last night…. I just wanted to make the night… romantic for ya….” He felt his cheeks heat up a bit as the words left his mouth.
“You were trying to be… romantic?” Angel’s jaw dropped a little. Husk wasn’t the type to romance someone, Angel knew that when their relationship started and he had never expected any of the cutesy relationship-y stuff he saw other couples do. It was Husk; get-drunk-and-fight-a-stranger-at-the-bar Husk. And Angel loved that Husk, even if he wasn’t all that traditionally affectionate.
Husk sighed and nodded. “I heard ya talking to Charlie…. About how I wasn’t the romantic type like Vaggie.”
There was a moment of confusion as Angel thought back to that conversation. It hadn’t even been a real conversation, more of a comment in passing when the princess mentioned her and her girlfriend going out to some fancy little restaurant for their anniversary and asking Angel what romantic things he and Husk had planned for their anniversary…. Angel hadn’t even really given it a second thought when he said that Husk wasn’t the romantic type before changing the subject. He had no idea that Husk had heard that, but he hadn’t really thought about it having any affect on Husk if he had.
“It was stupid.” Husk mumbled in his usual gravelly voice. “I didn’t mean for it to set you off or nothing like that.”
Wiping his eyes, Angel shook his head. “It wasn’t you, I just…. It was a really shitty day at the club and I… I thought you were doin’ it just to get in my pants and… I don’t know, I just kinda exploded.”
The two say in silence for a moment, the air thick with tension as they both sat with what the other had said. Angel looked down at his hands, not having the courage to look into the gambling man's eyes as he voiced another thought… .
“Are ya…. done?” He asked softly, hoping he didn't sound too pathetic. “Like… with me….?”
The words seemed to take the other man by surprise. Done with him? How could Husk ever be done with him? Husk wasn't even sure he could put into words how he felt about the Italian idiot in front of him. So he didn't say a word.
Husk pulled Angel into a long, slow kiss, warning a squeak of surprise from him before he melted into his lover like ice cream under the sun. It was different than all the other times they kissed. It felt less rushed, less hungry, less heated…. It felt… it felt like heaven. Or as close to it as either sinner thought they'd ever get.
Though Angel wished the moment would last forever, the pair parted after a few moments. Angels face flushed a bit as Husk stroked his cheek tenderly. “Anthony, I don't think I could ever be done with you. You're the only addiction I don't ever wanna quit." 
Angel's eyes watered. “Baby, that might be the most romantic thing you've ever said."
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therobotmonster · 4 months
Since Hasbro's decided they don't have to manage their own core lines anymore...
I have complex feelings about that largely summed up by 'time to break up the big IP houses like Ma Bell' and the following image:
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But if we're going to be stuck in this universe, we might as well get something worthwhile out of it. So I propose that the Big H make nice-nice with their historical arch-foe Mattel, for one or more Masters of the Universe: Origins crossover lines.
For those that haven't been paying attention, Mattel's MOTU origins line is awesome, in large part because it has no pretenses about what He-Man is: Fun, and Dumb.
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They've been making (not enough, mind you) new characters, resurrecting old ones, buying compatible concepts like Sun-Man and throwing them into the mix, and when they do crossover-stuff, it isn't just two figs from the two lines packed together...
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They slam the very concepts together. I own a MOTU John Cena that is clear blue because he's 'invisible.' OF COURSE Ram-Man is going to turn into a mutant ram when they crossover with TMNT! It's the Demogorgon! And his weapon is a dice-mace.
It's a beautiful symbiosis. MOTU gets more crazy fun and reusable parts for their internal build-a-figure system and the other party involved gets a sip of what actually fun toyeticism tastes like.
So, since Hasbro's open to this kind of thing now, I propose the following:
Dungeons of Snake Mountain (D&D/MOTU Crossover)
Obvious crossover is obvious, but that doesn't mean 'bad'. In a battle with Skeletor, the planes intersect, sending the artifacts from both universes scattering into a sprawling multi-dimensional dungeon. Everyone's questing for it. Fun stuff.
Big Figure:
Granamyr - A little D&D'd up, but the classic MOTU dragon is the big boxed get for the set. To make this affordable, he's in a build-a-figure format, and his parts (minus head) are reused as build-a-figure incentives through the line to build a black dragon with a head evoking snake mountain's snake.
Every figure that does not have a build-a-figure bit comes with a bonus sidekick/familiar/little creature pulled from this list: Kowl, Madame Razz's Broom, pseudodragon-dragonblast dragon (free-standing), Zoar and Screech-colored birds that lock onto the forearm, Imp (She-Ra and D&D), Slime/ooze (one sculpt, many colors), flumph, demilich (doubles as bonus head), stirge, intellect devourer and gazer (mini-beholder).
MOTU Characters:
Bard of Power Adam - Slightly 'rockered up' and midevalized version of the classic Adam togs. Carries a 'poweraxe' anachronistic electric guitar-by-way-of-jack-kirby style lute. Short sword. Alternate "singing" head.
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Paladin of GraySkull She-Ra - In strongheart-inspired armor. Sun sword, shield, adventurer's lantern.
Dragonborn Cleric Frosta - backpack piece replicates whiplash/rattlor style tail, white dragon (obs), breath-weapon plugin, Mace of Saint Cuthbert, multiple potions.
Elf Ranger Bow - Elf version of Bow (PoP if available, OG if not), uses a version of the Dragon Blast skeletor pack (animal companion). Hank's energy-bow from the D&D cartoon. Bear traps.
Dwarf Monk Fisto - shorter 'dwarf' legs and arm buck, Gauntlets of Ogre power. torch.
Aaracocra Wizard Stratos - Has full sorceress-style wings, Arcane Grimoire, wand of magic missiles. Scroll.
Rogue Buzz-Off - Buzz-Off in rogue's gear, boots of speed (wings on them), daggers, torch.
Warlock of Orcus Skeletor - Head is a ram's skull, using the heavyset wrestler torso buck. Havoc staff, rod of Orcus.
Fighter Orchead - Pighead geared up like the stock D&D cartoon orc / orc of the broken bone figure. Mace of Terror. Torch. Shield.
Barbarian Beast-Gnoll - Bright orange gnoll, carrying beserker axe, torch, whip.
Assassin Catra - Tabaxized Catra with cloak of displacement (irridescent shiny cloth), displacer-beast themed tentacle-whips, and poisons (potion bottles).
Sorceress Yaun-Teela - Oh no, she's been snaked again. Give her a proper snakey head this time, snake-fang whip, shield, Jake the Snake's snake.
Shadow Weaver - It's just Shadow Weaver, she has the hand of Vecna (alternate), two wands (recolors of Stratos and RingleRune's) and an alternate, un-hooded lich-face.
D&D Characters:
Having found Skeletor's half of the power sword, Warduke empowers himself and a host of captive monsters, awakening them as per the awaken spell, and changing their type to monstrous humanoid.
Battle Armor War-Lord - Warduke using the battle-damage armor torso and carrying Skeletor's half of the Power Sword. Has that MOTU laser gun. Brighter, toonier colors than original.
Klaws-All the Hook-Horror - Mix of Mutant Ram Man, Andre the Giant/Krang parts, with clawful hand on one arm and a true hook on the other, new head (obviously). Chain/shackle harness and accessories in glowing or at least translucent plastic (magic bonds). Guards shaping staff.
Flarefang the Dragonborn Fighter - Classic Red Dragon. Whiplash with a new head, energy-blast plug for mouth. Very eternian looking sword/shield combo. Torch.
Hoot-zor the Owlbear - Grizzlor with bird-like face, bestial feet, and new claw-hands. Has terror-claws skeletor accessories to boot. Guards book of living spells.
Pu-Tryd the Troglodyte Queen - reuse of tailed female buck (Frosta), with troglodyte head. Carries the sword of the serpent (MOTU). has special shoulder-ports that plug in 'stink cloud' accessories (compatible with breath weapon ports).
Grotek the Duergar Artificer - Uses mostly the Extendar parts in a black knight scheme, new head. Comes with a grab-bag of techy MOTU gear and Mekaek's telescope-club. Golden disk of knowledge.
Greencleave the Troll - Uses a standard body buck with extra-long forearm and shin parts to produce a taller, gangly build. semi-translucent green, has two extra hands and 'stump parts' that those plug into, to make free-crawling troll hands out of whichever fists aren't in use. Guards masks of power.
Battle Armor Strong-Heart - Same deal as Warduke, just with the roles reversed. Has that other MOTU laser gun and He-Man's half of the power sword.
Clank-or the Warforged Scout - Roboto torso with armored knight-like arms and legs, new head. Uses roboto forearm for the weapon parts and includes mekanek's neck. Staff of Avion.
RingleRune - Reuses a lot of Eldor parts. Eldritch book of spells, wizard's staff, wand of acid arrow.
Now for the challenging part, stuff that is essential but would need major tooling excuses. This is accomplished via the introduction of a 'kid' or 'sidekick' tooling.
Wild Mage Orko and Mimic - A new sculpt for a 2005 style Orko, in green robes (allowing for later reuse as canon 2005 Orko) with an eternian-style chest that springs open to reveal fangs and eyes. inner bits can be swapped out for normal treasure (allowing for tooling reuse)
Rust Monster and Rogue Loo-Kee - Loo-Kee in adventuring gear with a little rainbow colored dagger against a rust monster.
Cursed Adam and Cu-Boid the Modron - 2005 "kid" Adam (compatible buck with Loo-Kee) and a modron quadrone with dice numbers incorporated into his body designs. Cu-Boid is a rogue modron, with a spinning Man-e-faces like feature.
Zarak the Goblin and Meteorb Dinosorb - Yes, OG Zarak was an "orc" but he was also small in stature and not a pig-man like AD&D orcs at the time, and so I'm categorizing him as a goblin. Meteorb should be designed for maximum head/tail swappage for future reuse, has energy-flare trail that plugs in via standard FX plug.
Of course, each figure would come with all the stats for themselves and their stuff.
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commodorez · 4 months
Top 5 worse computers from the 80s
While I'm sure someone could come up with a more definitive well-curated list, here's what I came up with on a whim: Sinclair ZX-81 The ZX-80 was a good, inexpensive step forward for the burgeoning UK computer market. Its successor, the ZX-81, tripped and fell rather than do anything beyond streamlining it for mass production. A real pain in the ass to type on, and notoriously flaky to do any serious work on. Localized in the US as the Timex-Sinclair 1000, it was too weak to really compete with the American market. British users seem to like them but I'd chalk up most of that to nostalgia goggles.
Apple III Apple tried and failed to make a business machine, and Jobs got his way a bit too much, and it overheated alot because he mandated that it couldn't have a fan. Ultimately, it confused people and was surpassed by better Apple II's. A weird footnote in Apple failures.
IBM PCjr The answer to a question that nobody asked. Crappy wireless keyboard, intended to be bolted to your home television. Cartridges? On an IBM? WTF is that? The expansion options are hot garbage. Eventually it was upstaged by the Tandy 1000 at its own game. Just get a PC XT. Or a Tandy.
Coleco Adam Likes to erase its own tapes if you leave them in the drive on power-up due to an electrical surge it shoves through the tape mechanism. The main system power supply is integrated into the printer, so you NEED the chonky printer to be plugged in for it to work. Has those weird phone pad + joystick hybrid controllers. Just get a ColecoVision to play your cartridge games.
Commodore Plus/4 I was going to take a stab at the MAX Machine, but Commodore did worse with the whole concept of the Plus/4. This thing was too cheap for its own good, and went in a completely bonkers direction at the behest of Jack Tramiel. It's supposed to be a cheap business machine to eat the ZX Spectrum's lunch. Why go after the little guy from the UK market? Who knows. Lame rubber chiclet keyboard, totally incompatible with existing Commodore software and most peripherals, and having 121 colors can't save it from being a dumb idea. Apparently it was a hit in eastern Europe.
Remember, pretty much every system has its fanclub, regardless of how flawed, underpowered, or limited a platform it is. So while I personally don't care for any of these machines, if you're mad at me for taking a pot shot at your favorite, do keep in mind that my favorite computer of all time is the VIC-20. You know, the one that most Commodore enthusiasts ignore for only having 5K of RAM having only 8 foreground colors, only 22 columns of screen resolution, and just not being a C64.
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mightyflamethrower · 3 months
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As Trump continues to show leads in critical swing states, as various lawfare-inspired cases against him seem to the public to be more persecutions than prosecutions, and as Joe Biden appears daily more incoherent and lost, the left on spec has resorted to warning the nation about all the supposedly catastrophic consequences of a future Trump presidency.
Ironically, the left seems oblivious to the reality that one reason Trump leads Biden in the polls is precisely because voters can compare the four-year record of the prior Trump presidency to Biden’s last 40 months.
Recently, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez warned that Trump will conspire with oil executives to spike gasoline prices. But even after Biden drained the strategic petroleum reserve before the 2022 midterms and is now again doing the same as the 2024 election approaches, gas prices have averaged only one-third cheaper than under Trump.
Trump tried to top off the reserve but was blocked by Democrats in Congress. Nevertheless, he left Biden a nearly full reservoir of 638 million barrels (about 90 percent full), which Biden has now drained by some 270 million barrels to the present 51 percent full—and the levels are falling further as voting nears.
We are warned that 77-year-old Trump looks haggard after his long hours in court. He seems sleepy, we are told. He has aged terribly, the media tell us. But polls show that concern over Biden’s dementia greatly outweighs normal worry over septuagenarian candidate Trump.
Why would any sane pro-Biden handler bring up Trump’s supposed gait or occasional forgotten word when that only reminds the public of the contrast with Biden, whose speeches seem delivered in something other than English and whose transcripts must be heavily edited to airbrush away his incoherence?
We are told that Trump will increase racial tensions. Almost daily, blacks and Hispanics are warned that Trump is a racist—even as polls show that he may well receive the highest percentage of minority votes by any Republican in modern history and has some chance of winning outright the Hispanic vote. Oddly, the media is now attacking minorities on the Marxist principle of false consciousness, as if they are deluded into voting against themselves rather than being perceptive critics of the Biden disaster of high inflation, green mania, a deluge of illegal aliens, and loss of deterrence abroad.
It was not Trump, but Biden, who, during the last election cycles, called one African-American journalist a “junkie” and warned another podcaster, “You ain’t black,” if he voted for Trump. And during his presidency, on occasion, Biden has referred to black subordinates as “boy,” uses the ossified term “Negro,” and has a long history of racist drivel and smears, from “put y’all back in chains” to referencing Barack Obama as the first “clean” and “articulate” presidential candidate to proudly reminding us that his home state of Delaware was once a “slave state.”
As Trump’s polls climbed and the Fani Willis persecution was sidetracked by her own false testimonies, conflicts of interest, and the hiring of her unqualified clandestine paramour, hysterical cries mounted that a reelected Trump would use the powers of government to go after his enemies.
As Jack Smith’s federal indictment became calcified over issues of presidential immunity, his failed efforts to ram through the prosecution before the election, and his office lying over tampering with evidence seized at Mar-A-Lago, tired warnings of Trump’s weaponization to come of the bureaucracy mounted even more.
Now that the jury is out in the Alvin Bragg fiasco and his star witness, Michael Cohen, a convicted liar, has likely again perjured himself and admitted to stealing $60,000 from the Trump organization, Trumpophobia has further peaked.
In other words, the more evidence mounts that Trump’s enemies have manipulated the court system in the manner that they previously impeached him twice, tried him as a private citizen in the Senate, sought to remove him from state ballots, rounded up ex-intelligence officers to lie about the authentic Hunter Biden laptop on the eve of the 2020 presidential debate, and were exposed concocting the Russian collusion yarn by hiring a foreign national in the 2016 campaign, paradoxically, the more the left-wing media warns America that a President Trump would do exactly what they have been doing by emulating their weaponization of the courts, the bureaucracy, and the Congress.
It gets stranger still.
The left warns the country that Trump will deport some or many of the 10 million illegal aliens that Joe Biden and his impeached Homeland Security director Alejandro Mayorkas have deliberately welcomed in.
Consider the logic: the current president destroyed a once-secure border and, for political purposes, illegally rendered immigration law enforcement null and void. But we are still supposed to fear his successor, who would resecure the border, return millions of recently crossed illegal aliens to their countries of origin, and restore the sanctity of federal law. In Orwellian fashion, the Biden administration is now suing exasperated states that are doing their part to help enforce immigration laws that Biden has deliberately shredded.
The absurdity extends to foreign policy. Team Biden and the media are issuing warnings here and abroad that another Trump presidency would tear apart the global order.
Really? Vladimir Putin has invaded neighboring nations in three of the last four administrations, but did not only during the Trump 2017-2020 years. Why?
Before October 7, even Biden National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan preened that his Middle East portfolio was “quieter than in two decades”—but only after Trump’s destroyed ISIS, took out the terrorist Iranian general Soleimani, ended the disastrous Iran deal, cut off aid to Hamas, designated the Houthi terrorists, crafted the Abraham Accords, pledged full support for Israel, our only democratic ally in the Middle East, and achieved U.S. oil independence.
In contrast, Putin invaded Ukraine and may well absorb much of its eastern half. The U.S. suffered its greatest military humiliation of the last half century in fleeing from Kabul and handing over billions of dollars in weapons to the terrorist Taliban, abandoning our NATO-allied forces, sympathetic Afghans, and American contractors.
Hamas killed more Jews in a single day than any since the Holocaust. A full-scale war rages in Gaza. Hezbollah has displaced thousands of Israelis with its daily attacks. And for the first time in history, Iran has attacked in force the Israeli homeland.
China, with impunity, sent a spy balloon across the continental US. Some 25,000 Chinese male illegal aliens mysteriously barged into the U.S. And China has helped kill 100,000 Americans a year through its fentanyl exports to the Mexican cartels.
Given all that, are we supposed to worry that “sharp as a knife” Biden’s disastrous foreign policy will be ruined by a return to the peaceful record of the earlier Trump presidency?
So, what is Trumpophobia? The syndrome displays a number of symptoms.
One, the left always projects its sins onto its opponents. It accuses Trump of doing precisely what it has done, as a way of avoiding blame for its self-inflicted disasters. And the left so vehemently projects because it knows what it would do if it were Trump and was treated as he has been by them.
Two, desperate Democrats are scrambling to find some bizarre way to depose both Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, especially should Biden have a disastrous, historic preconvention June presidential debate. As a result, the 2024 campaign has never been about comparison of 2017-2020 to 2021-2024. But rather, it has already descended into the Democratic de facto smear that “Trump is even worse than Biden.” And that fixation instills fears of what Trump might do rather than what he actually has done.
Three, the left feels Biden may do more than just lose the Democrats the presidency, Senate, and its close margin in the House. His hyperinflation seriously damaged the middle class. He turns them off with his arrogance, screaming speeches, loud, obnoxious gibberish, compulsive lying, and generally impotent appearance.
His racial condescension and pandering fool no one. As a result, Biden may well redefine the two parties as race is replaced by shared class concerns. Wealthy blacks may vote for Biden because they are black and wealthy, but more and more middle-class blacks may vote for Trump because they feel his policies benefit the middle class like themselves.
The public increasingly agrees that the Democrat Party is the party of the very rich, the bicoastal privileged, and the subsidized poor, while the lower and middle classes feel far more confident and secure with Republicans.
Four, the left fears a more organized, savvier Trump second term might hit the ground running‚ and thus rapidly and professionally instill a conservative agenda to stop the current neo-socialist revolution.
Given all that, 2024 for the left is little more than “Fear Trump or Bust.”
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disneymbti · 2 months
Can you do the Big 3 and MBTI of the Incredibles: Bob/Mr. Incredible, Helen/Mrs. Incredible, Dash, Violet, and Jack Jack?
Thanks ❤️
Hi there, sweetie! I really hope you like this a lot!
Bob Parr's MBTI Type, Big Three, Enneagram Type and Moral Alignment
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MBTI Type: ESFP [The Entertainer]
ESFPs are very outgoing and lively people. They thrive in groups and prefer not to spend too much time alone.
They are very observant, focusing closely on the details rather than the grand scheme. They think in terms of the present.
Entertainers tend to prioritize emotion when making decisions, concerning themselves more with how their decisions will affect others. They are empathetic and diplomatic.
They rely more on opportunity than rigid scheduling. They are spontaneous and playful people, with a passion for finding new adventures.
Big Three: Leo Sun, Cancer Moon and Aries Rising
Leo Sun: The Sun rules the sign Leo, which is why Leo Suns all about ego, will, and character. They’re known to be creative, playful, and bold.
Cancer Moon: The emotions of Cancer Moons have no limits, restraints, or depths. This is a cosmic placement that often leads to sweetness, kindness, emotional awareness and responsibility. 
Aries Rising: Aries ascendants are known as the go-getters of the zodiac. They don’t let anything stand in their way of achieving their personal goals.
Enneagram Type: 3w2 [The Enchanter]
Basic Fear: Enneagram type three wing twos are afraid of failing and being unworthy of love. They avoid this by setting and accomplishing goals, in order to feel successful and worthy.
Basic Desire: Their basic desire is to be admired and accepted. They seek value through accomplishment, which may push them deeper into their work.
Enchanters tend to adjust their persona to their audience, in order to feel as though they are easily liked, which may lead to playing a character rather than being themselves.
Moral Alignment: Neutral Good [The Benevolent]
These characters seek to do good, but are flexible in how they achieve it, valuing both order and freedom.
Helen Parr's MBTI Type, Big Three, Enneagram Type and Moral Alignment
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MBTI Type: ESTJ [The Executive]
ESTJ types are very high energy. They’d rather spend their time with other people than alone.
They tend to pay more attention to the details of a situation. They make decisions based on what they see right now.
Executives base their decisions on what makes sense, rather than what feels right. They listen to their head, not their heart.
They are responsible and like to plan ahead. They hold themselves accountable by making lists and following set processes and rules.
Big Three: Aries Sun, Capricorn Moon and Taurus Rising
Aries Sun: The first sign of the zodiac, Aries is ruled by action planet Mars. When placed as the sun sign, the ram can motivate themselves to face on fears and blow past hesitation.
Capricorn Moon: The Capricorn Moon is reflective and contemplative, working to build a better foundation with those they care about.
Taurus Rising: Those with Taurus risings exude grace and sophistication, and handle business with a sweet disposition.
Enneagram Type: 6w7 [The Confidant]
Basic Fear: Six wing sevens’ fear losing their support system. This may be expressed through self-deprecating humor, in which they seek affirmation and assurance from other people.
Basic Desire: Their basic desire is to feel safe and supported. They show this by being loving and supportive to others. They honor their commitments and are very loyal to their friends.
Like other sixes, Confidants defend themselves by projecting their feelings, which may lead them to misunderstanding themselves and their relationships.
Moral Alignment: Lawful Good [The Crusader]
These are characters who believe in truth, honor and order. They always strive to do the right thing, even at a great personal cost.
Dash Parr's MBTI Type, Big Three, Enneagram Type and Moral Alignment
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MBTI Type: ESTP [The Entrepreneur]
ESTP types like being around large groups of people, whether they know them or not. They prefer being out in action to being at home by themselves.
They are very observant and detail-oriented people. They are practical and realistic, focusing on the here-and-now.
Entrepreneurs make decisions based in logic. They care more about following the truth than making other people happy.
They avoid schedules, preferring to make plans as they go. They are less aware of time and enjoy being adaptable.
Big Three: Leo Sun, Aries Moon and Sagittarius Rising
Leo Sun: The Sun rules the sign Leo, which is why Leo Suns all about ego, will, and character. They’re known to be creative, playful, and bold.
Aries Moon: Lunar Aries are known to be emotionally responsive and impulsive at times, as they lead with fiery passions over than logic or reason.
Sagittarius Rising: Sagittarius risings are jovial, optimistic, and full of energy. They sparkle with confidence, and you can't help but sparkle back when you're around them.
Enneagram Type: 7w8 [The Opportunist]
Basic Fear: Seven with an eight wing fear being deprived. They want to pursue new opportunities and avoid being controlled by schedules.
Basic Desire: Their basic desire is to content and satisfied. They love experiencing the world by traveling and going to parties.
Opportunists defend themselves by justifying others’ negative actions and rationalizing away bad feelings.
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Good [The Rebel]
These characters value freedom and kindness, often challenging laws and order to achieve just outcomes.
Violet Parr's MBTI Type, Big Three, Enneagram Type and Moral Alignment
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MBTI Type: INFP [The Mediator]
INFPs value time alone or with very small groups and can often feel exhausted after spending time with large groups of people.
They tend to focus on the big picture and don’t get lost on the smaller details. They have strong intuitions and often follow their gut instincts.
Mediators tend to prioritize emotion and make decisions that feel right. They are very diplomatic and can easily understand others' emotions.
They are very flexible in their schedules. INFPs like to keep their options open and tend to be more spontaneous.
Big Three: Virgo Sun, Pisces Moon and Scorpio Rising
Virgo Sun: Governed by communication planet Mercury, Virgos are the thinkers of the zodiac. Virgos process information with diligence and use facts to solve problems. 
Pisces Moon: Pisces Moons are hyper-attuned to the needs and emotions of others. They're likely to predict what's on your mind before you even say it.
Scorpio Rising: Prone to turning heads, Scorpio ascendents ooze with magnetism and dynamism. They're not known to back away from a challenge. 
Enneagram Type: 6w5 [The Guardian]
Basic Fear: Sixes with five wings are afraid of losing their guidance and stability. This is often expressed through their skepticism of the world.
Basic Desire: They have a strong desire for security, which they tend to show by protecting themselves and others. They seek close and stable relationships.
Guardians tend to defend themselves by projecting their own feelings onto others, which can often enhance their distrust of the world.
Moral Alignment: Lawful Good [The Crusader]
These are characters who believe in truth, honor and order. They always strive to do the right thing, even at a great personal cost.
Jack-Jack Parr's MBTI Type, Big Three, Enneagram Type and Moral Alignment
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MBTI Type: ENFP [The Campaigner]
ENFP types are generally very outgoing and lively, preferring to go out rather than stay in. They love conversing with other people and generally process their thoughts externally.
They are great problem solvers and enjoy figuring out how everything is connected. They tend to focus more on the future than the present.
Campaigners like to keep the peace and avoid conflict. They care more about subjective principles than logic and fact. 
They are flexible and spontaneous, preferring to keep their options open. They dislike routines, schedules, and strict rules.
Big Three: Gemini Sun, Sagittarius Moon and Pisces Rising
Gemini Sun: Geminis are chatty and talkative, priding themselves on being in-the-know when it comes to news and gossip. Their dualistic nature allows them to see situations from a number of perspectives.
Sagittarius Moon: The Moon is considered to be lucky in Sagittarius, as it brings excitement, adventure, and abundance. However, those with Sagittarius Moons can be defensive at times.
Pisces Rising: The Pisces ascendant commits fully to their beliefs, and has an active imagination.
Enneagram Type: 7w8 [The Opportunist]
Basic Fear: Seven with an eight wing fear being deprived. They want to pursue new opportunities and avoid being controlled by schedules.
Basic Desire: Their basic desire is to content and satisfied. They love experiencing the world by traveling and going to parties.
Opportunists defend themselves by justifying others’ negative actions and rationalizing away bad feelings.
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral [The Free Spirit]
Free from societal constraints, these characters prioritize their own freedom and make choices based on their whims.
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theviridianbunny · 9 months
After an encounter with the netwatch agent Bryce Mosley- secrets are bought out into the light. Viridian must re-live a part of her past she tried so hard to run from. She must re-live the trauma and angush of being held in the jaws of the viper. Viridian centric emotional hurt and little comfort fic- featuring Victoria Crane, who belongs to @another-corpo-rat (thank you for trusting me with your beloved evil corpo rat~) This fic is intended for mature readers (18+ please!) fic can under the cut - or can be found at my A03 here
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“Mercenaries are leaving- they’ve joined the team… so, be nice. Don’t want any problems” Bryce spoke on coms to a fellow agent- then cutting the connection.  
Turning to the pair of mercs. The ex valentino and a brutal netrunner…  Jackie welles and Viridian Miller.
“Good luck to the both of you. Got a feeling we’ll be seeing each other soon…”
As the pair went  to leave the cinema -  Viridian heard Bryce cough- like he was trying to peak her attention.  She turned back to him- as he spoke - there was this gleam in his eyes- the ambient lighting catching at his keiroshi 5 implants
“Just one last thing…Viridian, are you as brutal as you were in your days at arasaka?”  
Bryce watched how Viridian’s turned on the balls of her heels. Her body language shifted oh so slightly- how her cybernetic hand reached her face- digging at a patch of skin on her jaw. 
"I  don't know what you're talking about-" she questioned- raising an eyebrow. 
 "oh really?" He asks - coldly.  He raised a cybernetic hand and snapped his fingers. 
The looping cowboy movie on the silver screen stuttered to a stop - flickering and almost ripping apart- several SYSTEM ERROR warnings popping up over and over. 
With another snap of his fingers the screen changed to CCTV footage.  
The footage was paused-  In the top right corner the arasaka logo is in bold. The time stamp reads 23:27 - the date- January 11th 2075.  
"This may refresh your memory - little rabbit "  his voice is almost coy- cocky.  
The netwatch agent snapped his fingers for the final time - and the CCTV played.  
The blood in Viridian’s veins ran cold. There was  nothing she could do now- unable to cut the recording - her internal ram frozen and depleted.  Her eyes met with Bryce’s and Viridian scowled.  She knew all too well  what was coming - she looked away - across to Jackie. His eyes were fixed on the screen. 
“Victoria Crane sends her regards” Bryce spoke over the hum of cctv static.  
He smiled and watched the colour drain from the netrunners face.  
2075 was the year of Viridian’s downfall - her smoke out of Arasaka. The year she realised just how she could snap.  Having been held in the vipers jaws for too long- Arasaka’s red rabbit finally broke free and fought back.  
What Viridian called “ the final nail in the coffin” happened After a six hour deep dive into the net. 
On January 11th 2075 , after a data  breach …. In the depths of the web-  they were sifting through data to fish for intel.  
Two of Arasaka’s best netrunners surfaced from the dive-  Viridian Miller,  the brutally efficient red rabbit, and Victoria Crane, the Viper, - Adam Smasher’s personal runner.
Golden optics pierced Viridian’s soul as she jacked out of her chair- feeling her college's piercing gaze over her..  Victoria Crane was so much taller than Viridian-  caramel skin melding with golden chrome.   A white - snakeskin embossed netrunning suit covered the majority of Victoria’s chrome.  Her gilded neck and forearms were the only visible gold- that shone so magnificently under the red lighting of the netrunners alcove.  
“I’m surprised you managed to keep up with me” Victoria poked. 
“What do you mean?”  Viridian asked - her gaze availing Victoria’s as she spoke- turning from the older woman as she stood from her chair.  
Victoria tilted her head- looking at the smaller woman as if she were dumb. She smiled ever so slightly as she pulled off her oculeset, standing , the older woman placed it down on her chair.    Stretching out her arms and neck. Her cybernetics gleaned in the light. She watched like a hawk as Viridian slung her lover's bomber jacket over her shoulders.   As Viridian reached into the inside pocket for her cigarette case- Their eyes met for just a moment as Victoria spoke. 
“Oh- You just seemed distracted before we began.” Victoria continued.  “You’ve been spending a lot of time with Valentino brute-” 
“He has a name Vic- His name is Jackie- and he’s not a brute-” Viridian cut in- inbetween grabbing a cigarette from the case . 
She furrowed her brow as she shut the case with a clack - and delicately placed it back into her pocket.  Viridian placed the neatly rolled cigarette behind her ear- to smoke once she was outside.  
Jackie was due to meet her in half an hour.   She had to get going soon. It was date night for the couple. Jackie was due to meet her- they’d have a quick smoke and then they’d catch the metro to heywood. They’d grab buck-a-slice pizza and hang out- have a cosy time together.  
“Oh really? Well he sure looks like one” Victoria laughed. Taking joy in watching Viridian’s fuse grow shorter and shorter.  
“Well he’s not. He’s not a brute. Jackie Welles is the kindest man I know”  she protested.  
Viridian watched as Victoria rolled her eyes
“Oh, 'you can lie to yourself all you want, little rabbit, but it won't change the fact that he likely doesn't even have two brain cells to rub together” 
A smile twisted onto the golden netrunner’s lips
 “Is that what you want? A dullard so you appear smarter than you actually are?” She asked,  stalking closer to Viridian. 
Sharp toothed smile over her lips as she reached to her. ... Taking a lock of the younger woman’s teal hair and tucking it behind her ear- Victoria’s cold golden fingers hovering for a microsecond before slowly tracing the smaller woman’s jawline. 
“I wonder what the man sees in you… with all this“  Victoria’s voice was as cold as her fingertips-  that Intentionally pressed down on the raw patch of acne that Viridian tried so hard not to pick at.
Victoria saw the panic rise in Viridian’s eyes as she pulled herself away from the taller woman- but found herself backed against one of the walls of the alcove.  The red lighting seemed all the brighter as Victoria closed herself in.
Viridian was trapped. 
“You do know you’re dealing with street scum, rabbit…  Valentino men don’t bother with women like you ”
“I- I don’t know what you’re talking about- what do you even mean by saying women like me-?!” She spoke- trying to project her voice.
“You know what I’m talking about, don’t be dumb.”  Her weight shifted as she slid her metal fingers down Viridian’s jaw for a final time. Removing her hand- her gaze softened as she spoke her next words.
“You’re a prude, a stuck up virgin. I’m surprised that tower of a man hasn’t fucked you into his whore and then left you to rot-. ”
As Victoria opened her mouth to continue prying her colleague- viridian cut against her.  Sharp- like the edge of a mantis blade.
Through gritted teeth grit and sharp exhale, viridian spoke with determination. Though Victoria could see the panic behind the mask. 
“Firstly- Jackie is not like that- he would never do that. -  Se-secondly- You have no right to talk to me like this Victoria- you have NEVER had the right to. “  she took a quick breath .
 “You have no right or place to comment on the relationships I have formed with others- You need to respect me- you need to respect my friends and the people I have in my life, you need to respect the relationships I have formed with others-..- for fucks sake open your mind to the idea that- I don’t know-  maybe some people don’t want to whore themselves out like yo— ” 
A golden hand clutched Viridian’s jaw- craning her head up and back. 
“What was that last part?” Anger could be heard in her voice.
“You. heard. me. But- I’ll say it again- seeing as you’re that old- '' viridian struggled under Victoria’s grip.    “you’re probably losing your hearing- -” she choked as Victoria’s grip tightened as she spat out that remark
“Maybe- some people don’t want to whore themselves out like you do- you know that getting into people’s pants isn’t the only way to make a deal-”
Viridian was cut off by her head being slammed into the wall behind her- a slam not hard enough to cause blunt force trauma- but hard enough to shock-
Victoria forced eye contact with Viridian as she spoke her next words.
“Tell me, Viridian. Tell me, what have you ever done to be worthy of my respect”
Her grip tightened.
“Go on, Tell me,- little rabbit.” she geered. 
Viridian’s kiorshi optics flickered. She reached for the knife strapped to the inside of her bomber. A gift from Jackie. Without stopping to think,  she broke free of Victoria’s grip and threw herself at the taller woman. Knocking her against one of the towering server blocks. Sparks flying and circuits breaking- 
An animalistic - guttural cry escaping the teal haired netrunner.  Something inside her had snapped. 
“You’d like to know what I’ve done-?”  Viridian’s voice strained and broke-
The knife in Viridian’s cybernetic hand cut into Victoria’s cheek.  Ripping through her perfect skin- cutting deep. It stayed static for a millisecond before it dragged deep through Victoria’s skin. 
Blood oozed to the surface of the cut- out over - down Victoria’s skin.   Victoria fought Viridian off of her- but it was no use- it just made the red rabbit madder. 
“This is what I’ve done.” She screamed.  “This is what I’ve fucking done Victoria” her voice quivering .  
Viridian’s heart was racing - adrenaline and fear rushing through her veins- pushing her on.  
Pin prick tears formed in her eyes as she watched the knife rip through flesh. 
She wanted this to hurt.  She wanted Victoria to bleed.
Viridian wanted the years of anguish and torment to be thrown back to Victoria. 
“This may not earn your respect- but it’s showing you I am no longer afraid. “ Viridian twisted the knife as it met the edge of Victoria’s lip.  “I am no longer afraid to get my hands dirty or bloody”  was all she spoke as she quickly drew the knife from Victoria’s skin. 
She spat in Victoria’s face. Then she spoke once again.
“I’m no longer allowing you to step over me- it’s all you’ve done for years.”
Bracing herself- backing away- shucking off her lover’s bomber jacket- hearing how leather and the metal of her emerald green cigarette case hit the floor.  A number of menthol scented cigarettes rolled all over the tiled flooring.  
She watched as Victoria wiped the spit from her face,- one shining hand applying pressure to the gaping wound-  gold and red melding to make such a horrible masterpiece. 
The red rabbit never stood a chance-  as the viper bore its fangs. 
“Congratulations Viridian” Victoria hissed- -  she looked utterly horrifying under the red ambient lighting. Usually a picture of elegance and beauty - the mask was peeling- the monster finally coming into the light.  
 “you’re finally capable of the barest fucking necessity of working here-”  her voice shook as a manic grin plastered her face “ oh my sweet little rabbit- I’m so so proud” these words laced with anger- malice .  
The smile turned into a snarl as Victoria took her colleague by the neck and slammed her into the side of one of the netrunning chairs- winding the smaller netrunner.  A golden fist then collided with her nose- 
An audible crunch could be heard over the ambient machinery humming-  Victoria had broken Viridian’s nose. 
“You mother fuc-fucker” Viridian swore- 
Victoria laughed. She marvelled at the pain she caused Viridian as she gasped-  Hearing how Viridian’s breath rasped over the sound of machinery. She was s o blinded by onset rage that she failed to notice the knife still gripped in Viridian's hand… 
In desperation- with brute force and ignorance - Viridian swung the knife into Victoria’s side and dragged down-  She didn’t care how shallow or how deep this cut was- she just needed to get one final blow.   
As she pulled the knife out of Victoria’s side-  she dropped it to the floor - Viridian felt the panic finally set in as she scrambled to her feet and felt the blood drip from her nose.  The cry that came out of her mouth was inhuman, as the reality of what she had done kicked in. 
Trying to focus on anything- she locked onto the sound of heavy booted foot steps - then the sound of the net running room door opening. 
Then finally- the Saka soldiers and their guns pointed at the two net runners. 
Viridian was cuffed and taken by gun point to be treated as an animal going to slaughter.
“Shit-” the teal haired merc swore under her breath.  The CCTV footage playing before her and Jackie cycled on a loop.  She heard Bryce snap his fingers and a new window opened-  the cinema screen splitting.  One half still played the cctv footage- the other showed  a trauma team medical template.  Medical illustrations of Victoria Crane’s injuries.   X Rays and clinical photography showed the extent of the damage Viridian had caused her old colleague.  
Viridian almost threw up in her mouth at the sight of the gaping open scars. For a split second- Viridian thought she could still smell the iron in the air.  Her body language tense as she turned away from the cinema screen.  Having not  seen Victoria since that day- she never truly realised the damage she had caused her.   She swallowed down what bile had come up- and glared at the netwatch agent.  
“Why are you showing me this-” she choked.  
The corners of the netwatch agent’s mouth turned up into this sly smile.  
“The viper wanted me to remind you just what you did to her….”   He stood from the table ledge he leant against and stalked closer to the teal haired netrunner.   
“Think of this as a greeting. She’ll be in touch soon…  I’m just the messenger here….”  
Viridian took two paces back as took out her pistol - aiming it at the taller man.   
“You take one step closer to me and i’ll put this bullet right between your eyes”
“Is that a threat?”
“What the fuck do you do you think-?!” Viridian cocked the gun - finger over the trigger.  
Visibly shaking now- Viridian’s breathing quickened - she felt her lover’s hand over her shoulder- pulling her back.  His other hand clutching at the pistol- Viridian automatically releasing the grip - almost submitting into the motion. 
“It’s not worth it Viri-” His gaze not on his love- but still to the cinema screen - “Come on,  let’s get out of here” His tone… unreadable to the netrunner.
She glared at her love- then to Bryce.  Biting the inside of her lip- she shucked herself free of Jackie’s hold and took one last look at the netwatch agent- before she paced as fast as she could out of the back room of the cinema.
Being  unable to read Jackie’s tone only made things worse for Viridian… Was he upset? Was he angry? Did he think his beloved was this vile monster for what she had done to her old colleague?  Viridian  couldn’t tell!!  
The trailing anxiety spiral was cut short by the feeling of  bile coming up the back of her throat again.   
Viridian threw up into the nearest empty bin she could find. Eyes screwed shut - coughing and choking.  Opening her eyes and averting her vision to the bile inside the trash can- the acidic smell and foul taste in her mouth knocking her for six.   She tried to stand back up straight- but one wrong move had her doubled over again. The content of her stomach empty- the netrunner dry heaved in between trying to breathe
At that moment she really did feel like she was going to die.  That was until she felt a large hand softly placed between her shoulder blades- rubbing gently.
Once she was able to stand up again- Viridian faced away from Jackie- unable to make eye contact the pair quickly made their way out of the mall.
Viridian stumbling and losing her footing- almost falling until Jackie caught her.
“Sit with me V-” 
The two sat down on the curb side - Viridian’s eyes to the tarmac of the empty car park.  Her attention peaked by the sound of leather and metal shucking - moving-.  She looked to Jackie- who had taken off his bomber - and was now offering it to his lover.  Viridian’s silent reply came as a subtle nod.  
The weight of Jackie’s bomber over her shoulders felt like such a comfort. Like returning home to a warm meal on a bitterly cold day.
“Thought you’d wanna wear it-” he offered his hand to Viridian - who took it and squeezed tightly “know it helps ground you…” 
Viridian nodded again- Jackie feeling how her fingers brushed and fiddled against one of his golden rings…
The two stayed sitting together - not saying words- just decompressing . 
Jackie was the one to break the silence as the sun began to set.  Letting go of Viridian’s grip- he reached to the pocket of his jacket- still draped over Viridian’s shoulders.  He grabbed the golden etched lighter and a pack of smokes from the pocket.  
“It’s ok if you don’t wanna talk about it…. But how long did you put up with that bullshit from Vic?” He asked softly- shucking the carton to grab a smoke- offering the pack to his girl.  
Viridian shook her head at the offer of a cigarette- pursing her lips.
“I-…” she began- involuntarily reaching to her jaw and starting to pick at the skin-  “I think it was… near enough five years Jac- I-… I thought I was finally free of her- but-… I thought wrong…”
The smell of Jackie’s menthol cigarette assaulting her nose- she scrunched her nostrils and wafted the smoke away from her.
“Can you put that out please?” She asked abruptly. Normally viridian did not mind the smell of menthol smoke- but at this moment it made her want to throw up again. 
“Yeah sure-” Jackie snuffed his cigarette out on the curb side and threw it into the empty car park.  He felt viridian slump herself against his shoulder - Jackie instinctively pulling her closer and holding her waist with one of his hands.. slowly massaging in small soft circles through leather and the tough fabric of her  net running suit.
Viridian stayed quiet for what felt like an eternity- before her composure began to break- a quiet sob- which then grew louder and louder- her body tensing up as each breath felt like she was in hailing chlorine. 
“I —- fucking hell- fucking hell- fu-fuck-fucking hell-... I-I’m nev-nevvv-never gonna be free of her Jac-” her voice was rushed and panicked. A frail cry escaped her- she was like a wounded animal.
Jackie held her closer.  He noticed how  Viridian balled her cybernetic hand into a tight fist as she struggled to get her words out.  
Trying again to speak- but her words just wouldn’t come out- she grit her teeth- screwing her eyes shut and punching herself in the leg-  as she went in for another punch- Jackie’s hand took hold of her balled fist. The hold was tight - but not in a threatening way. 
“Hurting yourself ain’t making things better Viridian -” his thumb brushing over metal and chrome.  
“Come on- deep breaths with me …” he spoke softly as he let go of Viridian’s balled fist - and watched it, open like a blooming flower. Taking her hand in his - he felt her pain, her anguish and heartbreak.
Jackie breathed in deeply- Prompting for viridian to mimic the pattern- albeit stuttered and unsteady- they breathed together- even as Viridian cried. She pressed herself up against Jackie’s bicep and broad shoulders.
 Everything felt like it was falling apart. Her composure finally broke into thousands of tiny pieces, as the sun set and the night drew cold.  
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applesolution98 · 24 days
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iPhone 12 (256GB)
Price $399
- 6.1-inch Super Retina HD display
- 1080 x 2536 pixels resolution
- 460 pixels per inch (PPI)
- OLED technology
- HDR10 and Dolby Vision support
- True Tone display
- Wide color gamut (P3)
- Apple A14 Bionic chip
- 64-bit, 6-core processor
- 4-core graphics processor
- Neural Engine for AI tasks
*Memory and Storage:*
- 256GB internal storage
- Dual-camera setup:
- 12MP main camera (f/1.6 aperture)
- 12MP ultra-wide-angle camera (f/2.4 aperture)
- Features: Night mode, Portrait mode, 4K video recording at up to 60fps, slow-motion video, and more
- Up to 10 hours internet use
- Up to 8 hours video playback (streamed)
- Fast charging (up to 18W)
- Wireless charging (Qi-compatible)
*Additional Features:*
- IP68 water and dust resistance (up to 4 meters for up to 30 minutes)
- Face ID facial recognition
- iOS 14 operating system
- Dual-SIM support (nano-SIM and eSIM)
- No headphone jack (Lightning EarPods included)
- Height: 150.9 mm (5.94 in)
- Width: 75.7 mm (2.98 in)
- Depth: 8.3 mm (0.33 in)
- Weight: 182 grams (6.4 oz)
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seriously-mike · 2 months
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I decided to test the new version of Stable Diffusion, called Flux. The prompt is at least similar to what I tested SDXL 1.0 with, a hippie girl wearing a t-shirt with the words "Everything Will Be Alright".
Well, shit. The thing is an absolute fucking behemoth, with a 11 GB data model and 5 GB dictionary, so it put my 8 GB video card and brand new 32 GB of DDR5 system RAM through a wringer. Rendering just one picture took about forty minutes when, for comparison, both SD 1.5 and SDXL need about a minute and a half. But it does replicate text fairly well, with minor typos if any and solid legibility. I also tried a web-based setup on the developers' site that's incomparably faster but still making typos (for example, I got a period-accurate white t-shirt with the phrase set in Cooper Black typeface, but it said "everything will be arright").
Also, from what I'm seeing, Flux not only messed up the number of fingers only once in a lot of pictures generated by multiple people, but can also, finally, draw guns correctly, something that annoyed me in Stable Diffusion for a long time. However, it's not that good at replicating art, being aggressively photorealistic no matter the prompt - I tried to ask the web-based setup for a replica of Rembrandt's style, something that the previous models did fairly well, got jack shit.
Also, a curious thing: I tried the Glurb prompt, a streak of random nonsense that returned goblins in every previous version of Stable Diffusion no matter the specific model, and the web-based setup returned something much closer to people's attempts in Midjourney instead - meaning that the entire thing was rewritten from scratch and not based on any previous version.
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foundationsolution · 2 months
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ideasarestuckinmyhead · 6 months
It's late and I have no one else to rant about these things so ur the victim<3
1:I genuinely love Charlie and finn so much. Finn was my introduction to yuuri's content, I was in love with his comp thumbnail and was like, "Hey that's cute, oh it's kinda long. Let's see how this goes ig" and then I fell in love with him. I won't lie, before Charlie, I listened to Lucien and Faust's audios first! In order it was Finn, Lucien, Faust, Charlie, Bittersweet boy's, then Jack! And in complete honesty, My favorites will always be Charlie and Finn. They're tied lmao
They're both just so.....idk I just love both their vibes and how silly and skrunkly they can be<3
2:As previously stated, Lucien was one of the first Yuurivoice boy's I listened to! And I love his design {Huge shout-out to the artist I love her sm} and I sometimes find myself thinking about his design specifically. I love demons, designed a couple myself, and I so badly wanna draw my rendition of him cuz it genuinely seems like so much fun. {Mainly has to do with giving him ram legs and all that grunge/emo/whatever genre that is, stuff}
3: Faust. Just Faust. I love that twink so much. Tbh I didn't know why at first, thought it was just his design or something, but after thinking about it for awhile, I realized why I like him so much! It's because {at least so far} you can totally view {some of} his videos as platonic/just a blooming friendship! And I LOVE that. I love the fact it doesn't just full dive into romance, I love that he has his issues, I love that he's trying to fix them, i love that about him and Charlie, i love them allllll im gonna start crying 😭😭😭
God I'm so sorry for the wall of text, plz ignore this if u don't feel like responding/reading, I just really needed to get that outta my system🫶
Bro I love when people tell me stuff like this! Yall are 10000% allowed to come into my inbox and just yap I'll listen dw
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aerodaltonimperial · 7 months
“Fuck, you’re so hot when you’re bossy.”
(💚🖤 - nsfw)
In the end, he hadn't been expecting it: not Jack Perry striding back into AEW with a baseball bat perched on his shoulder, intent to tear the whole thing down. And maybe he should have been. Maybe he should have seen this coming. Maybe they all should have, after everything, but the surprise is pretty universal backstage. Jack wants to burn the whole company down in retribution to what it did to him, and as far as he's concerned, the rest of them are just collateral damage.
But more than anything else, Darby was expecting for Jack to seek him out and push him, with absolutely no niceties, into a fucking supply closet. All Darby had said was, gee, Hollywood, guess you got an even bigger chip on your douchey shoulders now, and now he's getting shoved face-first into a fucking 2-gallon bucket of noxious cleaning solution with Jack's fingers digging into the back of his skull.
"Jesus," Darby says, a laugh catching in his throat. "You're a real pea—"
"Shut the fuck up," Jack hisses, breath hot against Darby's ear. "Is this what you want, huh? Another fucking fight?"
"Not really," Darby admits, and gets Jack's weight rammed into his lower back for his efforts. "Ow, fuckin—"
"You know," Jack says, low and menacing and there's just nothing left of him in the timber of his voice or the callous way he rolls the syllables anymore. This person, this Jack; he's not the same. He's been chewed up and spit out by the very same system that's spent the last six months lifting Darby up. Putting gold back around his waist. "You talked a big game about going against the system. About fucking everything up. Yet here you are: their fucking little golden boy. You're just like everyone else, Darby. You're just like everyone else you claimed to hate."
Darby barks out a laugh that's ragged on account of Jack's fucking fingers curling around the back of his neck. "And it pisses you off."
"It should piss you off, asshole." Jack spins him, abruptly, and Darby's elbow bangs into the shelving unit, slicing pain up into his shoulder. The only bulb over their heads is flickering and dim, but it's enough to see what he needs to when Jack grabs his chin roughly, jerking his face forward. "Is this what you are now, Darbs? Their lap dog? I thought you hated all this shit. But you sure ate it up when they dished it out to you on a silver platter, didn't you? What'd you have to do to get it, anyway?"
"Fuck off," Darby coughs. Jack's grip is tight enough to bruise; he'll probably have a ring of purpling ovals along his jaw tomorrow.
Jack leans closer, eyes flashing. "You get down on your knees for them? Unbuckle those heavy belts with your teeth?" He shakes Darby's chin, rattling his teeth. "Show me."
"Is that what you want?" Darby rasps.
"I didn't tell you that you could ask questions."
"Fuck," Darby says, a wheeze. "You're fucking hot when you're bossy."
The wrong thing to say, apparently, because Jack just kind of growls, angry. Fine, then; but before this goes anywhere...
"One, then," Darby grits out, even as Jack's fingers squeeze tight enough to ache. His temples are throbbing. "One question, and you have to tell the truth."
Jack scoffs. "And then what?"
"And then I'll get down on my knees," Darby says, slowly, with great care. "Like you told me to."
A pause. "Fine. Go."
"Did you come back for me?"
"No," Jack says, but it took a second too long to answer, a moment where his breath caught. His eyes slide to the side, where a mop is jammed up against the wall and the metal cabinet. When he rights himself, glares at Darby again, it's gone: a blip. But it's enough. It's enough to know.
Jack's hand goes to the top of Darby's head, to the short strands of hair there, to push him down, and Darby lets himself sink down to his knees. After all, as long as Darby has that little kernel of knowledge to fuel this, how bad can role-playing really be?
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kintsug1kitsune · 1 year
and in ride the daughters [cw: graphic violence]
"You aren't gettin' a single cell outta' me." The mechanic was in the middle of being loomed-over by four counts of ring muscle. She let a metal hand rest on the butt of her rail pistol; cybernetics designed for fine-tuning motors were just as good at quickdraw.
They were clad in their combat suits, fine-tailored black threads that could nonetheless stop a bullet. The one in the lead had fur trim. Faux, probably, real was rare. He just smirked, "The thing is, ma'am, you can pay with things besides money. I bet the cert for this little shop's worth at least a few thousand. Right?"
"Worth more than cleanin' up a few bodies." She spat on the ground in front of them.
"Listen." He rested a hand on his sword. "We don't want trouble. But we can sure as hells make it. Transfer the cert and you walk outta' here with your head attached."
They all stared at each other. Not a muscle moved. Any second, someone was going to draw a weapon, and blood would be all over the pavement outside her shop.
But... There was a sharp hissing starting to crest the air. The distinct sound of flight motors, ethertech cutting reality to make vehicles take flight.
It was a sound the mechanic recognized, and she smirked. "I think I'll get out fine."
"What's that--"
The ring leader's head suddenly impacted outwards as a spike rammed through it at mach speeds, white-hot, cauterizing the hole instantly and burying in the concrete.
As his body hit the ground, a fine set of flitbikes flew down from up above, wheeling by a high-rise and coming in rapidly; riding them, a pack of ten Daughters, all up in bulletproof black leather, chains and neon, cat ears on their head raised high and mighty, cat tails hackled-up as wind whipped them, hollering war cries.
The mechanic drew her pistol and skull-fucked another muscle with it; by then, the remaining two had drawn their nerves, swords with cables wiring into their bodies, jacking-up their nervous systems. No dice; from here, they'd be able to block even railgun rounds with their reflexes.
But she didn't need to fight them--the Daughters rode in, swarming the shop's exterior: one rode by and rammed a ringer with an extended polearm, impaling him and flying up to drop his body off the edge of the near walkway rail, far into the deeper city.
Two more leaped from their bikes and were immediately on top of the last muscle, metal gauntlets accentuating their natural claws and tearing through his combat suit and face, ripping him to shreds before his nerve could even strike out.
Within a minute, the bikers were parked and clustered around the mechanic, their leader coming up to check her over. "Bitch, you gettin' into trouble again?" She grinned, all sharp, carnivorous teeth, a scar on her upper lip.
The mechanic barked a laugh, "Says the girl out huntin' rings. Take it you want payment as usual, huh?"
"You know it." She looked at her expectantly, slit eyes dilated-out casually.
"Alright, alright... Dinner's on me, girls! Lemme' get my bike."
The Daughters erupted in a cheer, "Lower-city pride!" And were soon welcoming their adopted sister into the fray; flitbikes rode up into the tangle of highways and bridges, off into the unending night.
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