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Today in Hip Hop History:
Dilated Peoples released their second album Expansion Team October 23, 2001
#today in hip hop history#todayinhiphophistory#hiphop#hip-hop#hip hop#music#history#rap#hip hop music#hip hop history#hip hop culture#music history#dilated peoples#expansion team#album#emcee#mc#rapper#2001#dj babu#dj#producer#music producer#evidence#rakaa
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Which Side Are You On? (remix by Rebel Diaz, dead prez, Rakaa Iriscience)
[Intro: Pete Seeger] Which side are you on, boy? Which side are you on? Which side are you on, boy? Which side are you on?
[Verse 1: G1] See before I draw the line, I gotta welcome you close To all the folks who knew Obama sold the people a hoax Gave the money to suckas while our community's still poor Withdrew the troops but started another war Colonized and terrorized and created an oil crisis So they could make a killin' on food and gas prices Prisons is fillin', they tryna lock up the future Militarize borders and control of computers While the stupid bumping music that ain't healthy for the shawties Povertize the schools and policeman in the hallways Can't be dormant, I've awoken, rise up, be ready Brought the family with us and we hold the machete
[Verse 2: M-1] Ridin' the fence, ridin' the fence Too many people be ridin' the fence Yeah you say you're ready for war but are you convinced? I'm not convinced If you're a writer, freedom fighter, crime exciter, then let's do this We can make one big united middle finger to the U.S Gimme the bravest and the truest, fuck the hippest and the coolest We're gonna spark this revolution and cross this off our to-do list Put your foot down if you look down on this criminal system Put your book down and get shook down like my niggas in prison Don't be condemning and condoning they actions in one sentence Now keep in mind, you decide Is you a patriot or a menace to society? So riot or sit by quietly But don't pull out your flag and try to say you gon' ride with me You flip-flopping like hip-hop, I don't get locked in that trick box Get got like Big and Pac, shit's got to stop "I am the people, not the pig," I repeat after Fred So please blow my brains out if I ever forget
[Verse 3: stic.man] I'm with the independent thinkers, I'm down with the movers and the shakers And the ex-Henny drinkers, the non-smokers The health advocates, the non-voters The young bloods in the hood trainin' like soldiers I'm on the side of the tracks with the hood gardens With the little child that don't color inside the margins I don't ride the fence, I cultivate my strength 'Cause if it ain't about power, it don't make sense I've been down with Boogie Down since BDP and Brown Pride And black power make RBG a OG An OG told me choose your battles wisely In the struggle, don't forget about your children and your wifey If you don't see me on the podium, preachin' it Every day, I hope my every action is teaching it 'Cause revolution is a process, it's not a speech or a panel Don't bite off more than you can handle
[Chorus: Pete Seeger & RodStarz] Which side are you on, boy? Which side are you on? Which side are you on, boy? Which side are you on? Chi City, Palastina, Venezuela Which side are you on, boy? Which side are you on? Which side are you on, boy? To South Bronx baby! Which side are you on?
[Verse 4: RodStarz] Ay, I still rock hard like slingshots in Palestina Con todos los estudiantes por educación gratuita I'm with workers uprising and the right to unionize We ain't crossed the border, so you better legalize I'm with la Penã del Bronx, I'm still with Victor Toro 'Cause gentrification is pollutin' my borough Sold bro never, South Bronx forever Decolonize the block, make your neighborhood better I ain't down with the rich, I'm more Richie Perez Don't talk to grand juries or cooperate with feds I'm with students, doctors, janitors, teachers We need living wages but they don't believe us Manida, Baretto, Spofford, Hunts Point My point, my hood I love, we join, forces Forming RDAC-BX Taking over buildings, Rebel Diaz for the children
[Verse 5: Rakaa Iriscience] Politics the sickness, streets express symptoms Caught up with a quickness, big business pimps 'em Scholars play the simpleton, fools play with wisdom Who will stand and fight back, who will play the victim? Trials and tribulations, here's your generations Stolen history and outsourced innovation Babel tower fell, tribes are at war The battle story not represented in the score The game's fixed, most of the faces and names switched Credit stolen for art, science, religion, language Technology, philosophy, and the strangest They paid in Haitian for the knowledge of the ancients Power in words, actions, guns swords Ain't Paris, Brown Berets, young lords, pick a side One sickness, one cure, one love One blood, one world, one war
[Chorus: Pete Seeger] Which side are you on? Which side are you on? Which side are you on? Which side are you on?
[Outro: Pete Seeger] Come all of you good workers Good news to you I'll tell Of how the good ol' union Has come in here to dwell
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Sins darken your heart, they taint your soul day after day, until the easiest of worship such as thikr, praying two rakaas, fasting on a winter day… become extremely difficult on you, this dunyah is hard, and us as muslims are afflicted with many tests and many evils from the shayateen of mankind and jinn, so let us not assist these devils against us by forsaking that which grants us life, peace of mind and protection: Ibadah. Let us not become an easy prey for depression and anxiety, the shayateen of manking and jinn are always waiting for us to weaken so that they can attack and destroy this castle of eeman that we took so long to build.
stick with us in this path, do it for yourself, don’t forsake yourself, don’t help shayateen against you. If everyone abandons you, hold yourself up, Allah has not abandoned you so seek His assistance. Never make your source of happiness and motivation anyone other than Allah, get used to be consistent even when the entire world is against you, even when no one is by your side. And remember one step in Jannah will make you forget this all❤️
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occasionally i'll be browsing the ex muslim tag on tiktok, you know, to find people like me, and i swear the amount of condescending mfers in there being like: "um actually all ex 'muslims' were never actual muslims lmao, learn more and then come talk to me haha" and there's this running joke among these groups of this scenario where they will be talking to an ex muslim and ask them: "how many rakaa in wuduu?" or "how many rakaa in [insert food name]?" and the ex muslim will be like: "um...two?" or something like that and i partially find these jokes extremely frustrating because they never actually show proof of this happening, it's just them making up this scenario for an AHA GOTCHA moment so they can insult an entire group of people and invalidate their experiences like tell me you never met an ex-muslim without telling me you never met an ex-muslim i also find it annoying because it comes with the expectation of someone who left the religion needing to prove they had a good reason for leaving by showing they know every single thing about it
and lastly i always wonder what they would make of me, i have been raised muslim, my dad is an imam, i have had loads of obscure things about islam drilled into my head through my father's violence for YEARS, i go to school in a muslim country so we have religious classes and tests on said religion, and they're here telling me that my experiences are not valid, i was never a real muslim to begin with and so my leaving the religion is a good enough reason for ridicule.
also can i just say the audacity they have to use the ex-muslim tag on their videos is insane, like not only are you wrong and your joke sucks, but you're also using this tag to reach the people you're making the insulting joke about?? get tf outta here with that shit.
#ex muslim#ex islam#ex religious#leaving islam#leaving religion#religious deconstruction#deconstructing religion#deconversion#apostate
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Sins darken your heart, they taint your soul day after day, until the easiest of worship such as dhikr, praying two rakaas of Dhuha, fasting on a winter day… become extremely difficult on you.
This dunyah is indeed tough, and us as muslims are afflicted with many tests and many evils from the shayateen of mankind and jinn, so let us not assist these devils against us by forsaking that which grants us life, peace of mind and protection: Ibadah.
Let us not become an easy prey for depression and anxiety. The shayateen of manking and jinn are always waiting for us to weaken so that they can attack and destroy this fortress of eeman that we took so long to build.
Stick with us in this path, do it for yourself, don’t forsake yourself, don’t help shayateen against you.
If everyone abandons you, hold yourself up, Allah has not abandoned you so seek His assistance. Never make your source of happiness and motivation anyone other than Allah, get used to be consistent even when the entire world is against you even when no one is by your side , -this is the essence of ghurba-.
And remember one step in Jannah will make you forget this all.
Patience and perseverance. This dunyah is but an hour compared to the akhirah.
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Qubaa' Mosque is the first mosque to be built in Madinah. The one who performs wudu in his house and comes to this mosque and prays 2 rakaa here, it will be written for him as a complete Umrah.
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What's Good is live for the final Bandcamp Friday of the year, and it's chock-a-block with good stuff. New joints from andrew, VEYLS, Peter Gabriel, KNOWER, Rakaa, Mars Kumari, Chelsea Wolfe, Roy Rutto, DJ Haram, Elzhi & Oh No, and much more!
Have a few of my faves as a taster, then get over to the blog to check out the whole plate, with playlists!
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New Heat! “Silver Linings” by Black Silver feat. Rakaa Iriscience, Griffen & Mykill Miers prod. by Monsta Beats & scratches from DJ Skilz 🎤🔥
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Which Side Are You On? REMIX - Rebel Diaz ft. Dead Prez and Rakaa Irisci...
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📲 New Album: Blame One & Preed One - "Roadmap" feat. Blu, Rakaa Iriscience, DJ TMB & Paranoize
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Prière de consultation : comment et quand faire salat al-istikhara ?
Nous devenons confus à propos de beaucoup de choses. Mais vers qui nous tournons-nous et à qui demandons-nous conseil ? Peu importe à quel point nous faisons confiance à une personne, elle reste un être humain qui commet des erreurs. Mais grâce à la miséricorde de Dieu envers nous, Lui, avec Sa grandeur et Sa majesté, nous écoute à tout moment, et nous n’avons pas besoin d’un intermédiaire pour Le supplier et faire la prière de consultation.
Par conséquent, Dieu nous a prescrit l’istikhara et notre noble Messager, paix et bénédictions sur lui, nous a exhorté à la faire.
Sous l’autorité de Jabir bin Abdullah « Le Prophète, que Dieu lui accorde la paix, nous enseignait l’istikhara dans tous les domaines comme il nous enseignait les chapitres du Coran », rapporté par Al-Bukhari.
Que signifie istikhara
Istikhara c’est demander le meilleur de quelque chose, pour quelqu’un qui en a besoin.
Le mot istikhara signifie demander la bonté dans une chose. Mais la demande ici est adressée à Dieu le Tout-Puissant avec Sa Grande et sa Puissance.
Dans Istikhara, le sens de la servitude envers Dieu et de la confiance en Lui est atteint, alors que le musulman jette son fardeau sur Dieu, faisant confiance en Lui. Y a-t-il quelqu’un qui peut faire des choses aussi bien que Lui, Gloire à Lui ? Y a-t-il quelqu’un dans sa bonté et sa compassion ?
Comment prier Istikhara
Accomplir l’ablution mineure
Faire l’intention de la prière de consultation
Priez deux rakass. La Sunnah est de réciter dans la première rakaa après Al-Fatihah sourate El Kafiroun (Les Infidèles), et dans la deuxième rakaa après Al-Fatiha, sourate Al Ikhlas (Le Monothéisme pur).
Après la salutation de la prière, vous levez les mains en suppliant Dieu, en rappelant sa grandeur et sa puissance. Puis on dit la supplication de Istikhara.
Il est permis de faire la supplication Istikharah avant la salutation de la prière, c’est-à-dire après le tachahhoud, tout comme il est permis de la faire après la salutation de la prière.
Les savants ont unanimement convenu que la prière de consultation est une Sunna, et la preuve de sa légitimité est ce qu’Al-Bukhari a rapporté sous l’autorité de Jabir, que Dieu l’agrée : « Ô Dieu, je cherche ta direction avec ta connaissance. Je vous apprécie pour votre capacité et je vous demande votre grande grâce.
Supplication ou doua de la prière de consultation
D’après Jabir, que Dieu l’agrée, qui a dit : Le Messager de Dieu, que Dieu le bénisse et lui accorde la paix, nous enseignait l’istikharah dans tous les domaines, tout comme il nous enseignait une sourate du Coran en disant : Si l’un de vous est préoccupé par une affaire, qu’il s’agenouille et prie deux rakaa en dehors de la prière obligatoire, puis dit:
« Ô Dieu, je cherche ta direction à travers ta connaissance, et je cherche ta direction à travers ta capacité, et je te demande ta grande grâce, car tu as du pouvoir et je ne l’ai pas, et tu sais et je ne sais pas pourquoi, et tu es celui qui connaît l’invisible . Oh mon Dieu, si tu sais que cette affaire est bonne pour moi dans ma religion, mon gagne-pain et l’issue de mes affaires, alors ordonne-la-moi et fais-la facile pour moi. Alors bénis-moi en cela .. Oh mon Dieu, si tu sais que cette affaire est mauvaise pour moi dans ma religion, mes moyens de subsistance et l’issue de mes affaires, alors détourne-la de moi et détourne-moi de Et ordonne-moi ce qui est bon où qu’il soit, et ensuite fais-moi plaisir. (Et il nomme son besoin)
L’invocation de la prière de consultation en arabe :
« اللهم إني أستخيرك بعلمك، وأستقدرك بقدرتك، وأسألك من فضلك العظيم، فإنك تقدر ولا أقدر، وتعلم ولا أعلم، وأنت علام الغيوب، اللهم إن كنت تعلم أن هذا الأمر (ويُسميه بعينه) خير لي في ديني ومعاشي وعاقبة أمري فاقدره لي، ويسره لي، ثم بارك لي فيه، وإن كنت تعلم أن هذا الأمر شرّ لي في ديني ومعاشي وعاقبة أمري فاصرفه عني، واصرفني عنه، واقدر لي الخير حيث كان، ثم أرضني به (رواه البخاري في « صحيحه »)
L’invocation de la prière de consultation en phonétique :
« Allâhumma innî astakhîruka bi ‘ilmika wa astaqdiruka bi-qudratika wa as`aluka min fadlika al-‘adhîm, fa-innaka taqdiru wa lâ aqdiru, wa ta‘lamu wa lâ a‘lamu, wa anta ‘allâmu al-ghuyûb. Allâhumma in kunta ta‘lamu anna hâdhâ al-amra (wa yussamîhi bi’aynihi) khayrun lî fî dînî wa ma‘âchî, wa ‘âqibati amrî, faqdurhu lî, wa yassirhu lî, thumma bârik lî fîhi, wa in kunta ta‘lamu anna hâdhâ al-amra charrun lî fî dînî, wa ma‘âchî, wa ‘âqibati amrî, fasrifhu ‘annî, wasrifnî ‘anhu, waqdur liya al-khayra haythu kâna, thumma ardinî bihi ». (rawâhu l-Boukhari fi Sahîhihi)
Heure de la prière de consultation
Le Dr Mahmoud chalabi, secrétaire de la Fatwa à la Maison égyptienne de la Fatwa, confirme que le moment le plus approprié pour accomplir la prière de consultation est le dernier tiers de la nuit. C’est-à-dire avant la prière de l’aube. Parce qu’à ce moment-là, le Seigneur, Gloire à Lui, descend au plus bas des cieux, et dit : Y a-t-il un appelant auquel je puisse répondre ? Y-t-il un Moustaghfir auquel je puisse lui pardonner ? …… jusqu’à l’aube ?
Toutefois, on peut prier la prière d’istikhara à tout moment, sauf dedans ces moments :
Entre la prière de Asr jusqu’à la prière du maghreb.
Entre la prière de fajr jusqu’au lever du soleil
Environ un quart d’heure avant midi, qui est considérée comme l’heure du zénith du soleil.
L’Istikhara est prescrite et recommandée dans tous les domaines permis.
Pour connaitre les horaires des prières quotidiennes consultez le site des heures de la prière.
Maintenant que la prière d’istikharah est terminée, laissez votre affaire à Dieu, en lui faisant confiance. Celui qui cherche Istikhara ne sera jamais déçu. Soyez donc avec Dieu et Il sera avec vous. Confiez-Lui vos affaires Il choisira pour vous ce qui vous convient et réalisera vos rêves dans ce monde et dans l’au-delà.
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Beneficence & Jazz Spastiks fest Doodlebug (of Digable Planets) - Wicked & Wild
Order "Summer Night Sessions" on CD/LP: • Ill Adrenaline Records incl. very limited splatter vinyl: https://www.illadrenalinerecords.com
:: About Beneficence & Jazz Spastiks and 'Summer Night Sessions' ::
New Jersey, Brick City hip-hop legend Beneficence and UK based producer duo Jazz Spastiks unearth a timeless treasure with the release of their collaboration album "Summer Night Sessions". With a completely jazzy street feel and slick written, soothing, intellectual lyrics the Ill Adrenaline co-founder releases his 8th full length album. Over 25 years of successfully releasing independent music, Beneficence set the bar high by using lo-fi, jazzy boom-bap sounds masterfully. Following his most successful "Stellar Mind" (2021) release accompanied with a memoir ("Concrete Soul - The Memoir & Making of Ill Adrenaline Records") of his life and music journey, the close Artifacts affiliate delivers a personal collage of authentic hip-hop music with a brilliant Jazz Spastiks backdrop. Well selected guest appearances in these "Summer Night Sessions" include Skyzoo, Saukrates, Doodlebug (of Digable Planets), Awon, El Da Sensei (of The Artifacts), J-Live, Rakaa Iriscience (of Dilated Peoples), Kid Abstrakt, Shabaam Sahdeeq, and grammy nominated R&B singer Anthony David on a CD/digital only bonus track. The musical marriage between the beautiful sounds of Jazz Spastiks and the sharp pen of Beneficence is tactfully done with rich and hypnotic bangers for hip-hop lovers with an ear for certified dopeness.
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Human Nature (Now Breathe) (feat. KRS-One) · Rakaa
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Sholat Sunnah Rawatib
satu notifikasi masuk melalui aplikasi telegram di ponsel dan berisi 1 pesan berupa poster kajian. "wah kajian pertama setelah libur panjang lebaran nih" fikirku. untungnya, walau berhalangan hadir secara langsung kajian tersebut memfasilitasi secara live melalui facebook dan berikut linknya https://www.facebook.com/share/v/YUApTHGzqyWcvgoM/?mibextid=oFDknk
Beberapa poin dari kajian tersebut yang bisa aku sampaikan kembali, semoga rangkuman ini sedikit membantu.
Seperti yang kita ketahui bahwa shalat yang mengiringi shalat fardhu ini hadiahnya bukan main-main ya, bukan lagi perkara hadiah di dunia tetapi hadiahnya ialah dibangunkan rumah di surga kelak oleh Allah SWT, MasyaAllah sekali bukan?
Jika di totalkan maka terdapat 22 rakaat shalat rawatib yang dapat dilaksanakan baik yang bersifat muakad maupun ghair muakad (untuk penjelasan ini aku menyarankan untuk langsung menonton video dari link diatas karena khawatir penyampaianku sedikit keliru). Berikut rincian dari 22 rakaat shalat tersebut
Subuh : 2 rakaat sebelum subuh (muakad)
Dzuhur : 4 rakaat sebelum dzuhur dan 2 rakaat setelah dzuhur (muakad), bisa dilakukan 2 rakaat lagi setelah dzuhur dengan total 4 rakaat setelah dzuhur akan tetapi 2 rakat tambahan termasuk ghair muakad. Oh iya, untuk pelaksanan shalatnya dijelaskan oleh Ustad Abdul Rahman Mubarak bahwa 4 rakaat shalat tidak dilakukan dengan sekali salam tetapi dalam 4 rakaat tersebut dengan 2 kali salam
Ashar : 4 rakaat sebelum ashar (ghair muakad). Kenapa setelah ashar tidak ada shalat rawatib? dijelaskan oleh Ustad Abdul Rahman Mubarak pada kajian tersebut bahwa setelah ashar merupakan waktu terlarang
Maghrib : 2 rakaat sebelum maghrib (ghair muakad) dan 2 rakaat sesudah maghrib (muakad)
Isya : 2 rakaat sebelum isya (ghair muakad) dan 2 rakaa sesudah isya (muakad)
dari 22 rakaat shalat sunnah rawatib tersebut tetapi jika kita melaksanakan 12 rakaat saja (yang sifatnya ghair muakad) Allah sudah menjanjikan akan membangunkan kita rumah di surga nanti MasyaAllah, Maha baik Allah. Tetapi ada pendapat lain juga yang mengatakan bahwa dengan melaksanakan 10 rakaat shalat sunnah rawatib sudah mendapatkan ganjaran akan dibangunkan rumah di surga juga sama halnya dengan melaksanakan 12 rakaat shalat sunnah rawatib tadi. nah kalo hanya 10 rakaat lalu 2 rakaat mana yang tidak dilaksanakan? dari penjelasan Ust. Abdul Rahman Mubarak bahwa 2 rakaat yang tidak dilaksanakan pada pendapat tersebut ialah 2 rakaat sebelum dzuhur jadi total sholat yang dilaksanakan ialah 2 rakaat sebelum dzuhur dan 2 rakaat setelah dzuhur. kedua pendapat tersebut hanya berbeda kedudukan saja dimana melaksanakan 12 rakaat shalat sunnah rawatib tentu lebih utama dari yang 10 rakaat tadi.
Nah, ada penjelasan tambahan terkait pelaksanaan shalat rawatib ini dimana jika kita tidak melaksanakan shalatnya dengan alasan LUPA bukan disengaja atau ditunda maka boleh shalat rawatib tersebut dilakukan di waktu lain. Contoh:
Kita lupa melaksanakan shalat qabliyah subuh maka kita bisa melaksanakannya setelah kita melaksanakan shalat subuh
kita lupa melaksanakan shalat ba'diyah dzuhur maka bisa dilaksanakan sesudah ashar walaupun setelah ashar merupakan waktu terlarang tetapi jika kita lupa untuk melaksanakan shalat ba'diyah dzuhur tadi maka diperbolehkan.
MasyaAllah, sungguh Allah maha baik dengan segala kemudahan yang ia berikan untuk kita melakukan ibadah. Maka itulah poin-poin kajian terkait shalat sunnah yang aku dapatkan. Semoga setelah ini kita bisa semangat untuk membangun rumah kita di surga kelak Aamiin. Oh iya, terakhir terdapat beberapa pertanyaan sebelum ditutupnya kajian beserta jawabannya yang akan aku sisipkan dibawah ini
tanda berhentinya haid bukanlah sudah tidak ada darah lagi yang keluar melainkan sudah keluarnya cairan bening dari tempat keluarnya darah tersebut
puasa wajib tidak boleh digabungkan dengan puasa sunnah. Contoh: puasa syawal tidak bisa digabungkan dengan qada' puasa ramadhan yang kita tinggalkan
Note: shalat Qabliyah ialah shalat yang dilakukan sebelum shalat fardu sedangkan shalat ba'diyah ialah shalat yang dilakukan setelah shalat fardu
Pontianak, 17 April 2024
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Lesh meniish
Hasse bi wala shi
Ma fi shi bikaffe
Badde nem bas ma fiyye
Wala kaenno khallaset shi kbir
Ktir metdey'a menna, kent lah ebke liom lsoboh.
Enno yemken ma ken shi bas aanjad hasset hale kent be'ziha law eddeme enno walaw.
Rase ktir ghareeb badde etzakkar shu kent aam fakker la aaref iza ana bel rakaa lsah.
My life feels empty. I don't know why, but I also can't argue that it isn't. Just waiting for things to happen. Nothing is in my control, you know? Waiting for this to be approved, waiting for this person to reply, waiting waiting waiting. You do what you need to do but it's not enough for things to happen.
I hate this. I don't think I can live like this. I definitely cannot work like this. R
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Rakaa - The bold tiger from Tadoba National Park, eating an Indian gaur.
#tiger#tiger indian#tigerheart#tadoba#indian wildlife#wildlife photography#wildlife photographer#wildlife#nature#best indian wildlife photographer#wild#indian wildlife safari#nature photography#indian wildlife photographer
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