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salsabee1a · 3 months ago
Attaching yourself to this life will have you lose your purpose. For your only purpose is to be a worshipper and understand that you’ve never been created to remain here. Put the seeds of righteousness into this earth, and depart from it as a stranger.
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amatu-llah · 2 months ago
Among the ad’iyah of the Messenger ﷺ:
اللَّهُمَّ أَنْجِ الْمُسْتَضْعَفِينَ مِنَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ
Allāhumma anji al-mustad’afīna mina al-muminīn
“O Allāh! Save the weak and oppressed among the Believers.”
[Sahīh Al-Bukhāri 6393]
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9amartt · 3 months ago
The sunnah is to have affection to those dear to you and to display it and not hide your Love for them, anything opposing to this is created by the perverted westerners who make everything weird and suspicious, telling your friend, -who’s your companion on your way to Allah- that you love them is no shame, for, if you didn’t love them you wouldn’t still maintain and protect your friendship. There is no shame in loving your friend and showing this to them, they’re your friends by choice, not by force, they’re your friends, not business partners.
Wallah, how many times we’ve regretted not telling our friends how we truly felt towards them, and how many times have they left before we got the chance to show them our affection. So as long as your friends are alive, tell them that you love them often, for one day one of you will stay to mourn the other, and one of you will regret not showing affection, but then it will be too late.
A really dear person to me said after I complained of how shy I would get at their compliments: “We have always seen and heard in western kaffir media how loving and caring kuffar are to their dear ones -from platonic and romantic partners- a muslim should be much better than that! We as muslims are better than them and are commanded to love each other, so we should see how they treat each other, and treat one and other even better so get used to my compliments and expect even more.”
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manhiya1 · 1 month ago
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…so you come understand the meaning of سيعود غريبا،, you look at the lives of those before you, and you wonder at them, you learn from how they threaded such a heavy path, you take them as your friends, they become you role models, they become the ones you relate to.
For it is indeed, it is very heavy to turn against your family, everything you know and choose the path of Ar-Rahman, and you just wonder how Rasulullah ﷺ did it, just how was he able to turn against his whole tribe? سبحان الله. So inspiring, so powerful.
The more you thread this path, the more the ayaat of Allah عَزَّ وَجَلَّ‎ weigh heavily on your heart, they penetrate the heart, and you visualize so much, it’s so real, all the things He says, they happen, and you can’t help but try to stay on the safe side, you don’t want to dare be on the side that earns His Displeasure. The more you thread this path, the more sacrifices you give up, the more your Imaan would increase because you see all the signs in front of you. So powerful الله أكبر
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lightup0nlight · 2 years ago
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🌟 Allah ta’ala says: ❛{Alhamdulillah | All the praises and thanks are to Allah} Who has sent down to His servant [Muhammad ﷺ] the Book (i.e. the Qur’an), and has not placed therein any crookedness.❜ [Surah al-Kahf 18 : 1]
The word {Alhamdulillah} means all praise and gratitude are to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala for everything. Sometimes in the Qur’an, Allah highlights a specific matter for us to ponder, and upon that reflection, the word that should come out from our mouth is: Alhamdulillah.
In this aayah, Allah says that there is no room for any deviation in the Qur'an. No matter how political, ideological, economy, technology, fashion, society’s values, or culture changes — one thing will not change — and that is the Qur'an. Its principles and truth are straight and clear as how it was first revealed.
When humanity dictates what is normal, the common standard will always deviate. What used to be detested and unacceptable by society, have been accepted as normal today. Allah says in another surah:
🌟 ❛If you obey the majority of those on earth, they will make you lose the way of Allah.❜ [Surah al-An'am 6 : 116]
Alhamdulillah, Allah teaches us through His Book that we are not those who keep changing our standards when the world changes.
Alhamdulillah, we are freed from slavery to worldly trends, from accepting what is filthy and corrupt in the Sight of Allah ta’ala as normal.
Alhamdulillah, Allah has removed these worldly shackles for us. True freedom is being freed from all these false attachments, and to rely solely on Allah ‘azza wa jalla. Rasulullah salla Allahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said:
🌟 ❛Islam began as something strange, and it will return to being strange (meaning, only a few believers will adhere to its teachings), so give glad tidings to the {ghuraba’ | strangers} (i.e. the ones who truly adhere to the Deen).❜ [Sunan Ibn Majah 3986 | Graded Sahih by Darussalam]
May Allah make us amongst the ghuraba’.
Your sister in Deen, Aida Msr ©
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jllhad · 8 hours ago
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estrangedraven · 8 months ago
I will go in line I'm the only soul
I won't carry memories any longer
I moved on and let go
Of all strings that pulled my heart
I will grow stronger
I will fight this battle with all my might
I will not die twice, just so you know
I've already died once when you let me go
So never mention my name
Never seek for me
Never shed a single tear
If you hear "she's gone"
I won't ever look back
I'm as cold as ice
What do you expect?
An abandoned house is no longer a home
It grows cold and dark
While it stands in silence
To be continued
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captain-price-unofficially · 6 months ago
Ghuraba al-Sham fighters trade fire in a stairwell with Syrian Army soldiers trapped upstairs, Ras al-Ain. 2012
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milatibrahiim · 1 year ago
The ghuraba are such people that they live in cities where millions of people live. But they remain lonely and misunderstood. There is only one or two of them in entire cities..."
- 𝐒𝐮𝐟𝐲𝐚𝐧 𝐀𝐥-𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐰𝐫𝐢
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muntasireen · 1 month ago
As for our brothers, may Allah protect them and grant them victory, wallahi they have not laid down their r if les in the cause of Allah, and they held a huge role in fall of this regime for they had been weakening them and exhausting them of their equipment and forces for years even though they themselves were being attacked and conspired against by 80+ nations worldwide including the same idiots who claim the victory over the regime who only fought by the orders of the enemies of our deen for their political agendas,
Those ghuraba, those covered by the blessed dust of j, those who do not fear the blame of the blamers, who roam the deserts and the valleys leaving behind their own homes and families, bearing the the wounds of their ummah, confining their own pain in their chests, continuing on the path of sacrifice to bring back glory to this deen and the muslimeen. They are the true heroes and they are the ones who we put our hope in, after putting our hope in Allah, to restore our rights and avenge us.
And if you have forgotten or are not aware, I will remind you and inform you, that our brothers gave their lives and wealth in bringing down this regime for years upon years even before the announcement of kh and up until now still they are finding the remaining of the shabbiha who are trying to flee and hide and taking the haq for the muslimeen who suffered because of this regime. Brothers have lost their limbs and lives in avenging you, Oh ummatal islam, and they haven't stopped and will not stop bi ithnillah until there is no fitna and the deen, entirely is for Allah alone. The brothers have documented and shown years and years of taking revenge from this regime and I remember specifically seeing a video where they let a sister take her haq from a soldier of nidham who ki l l e d her husband, she took revenge on him by her own hands sending him to jahannam and cooling her chest from the flames of pain of years of suffering. So don't listen to the lies of the media and instead look towards the actions of the lions themselves from their own outlets.
So tell me O muslimeen, living with those who rule over you with their man made laws and desires, who feed the same mujrimeen that caused you to suffer, shawarma after they starved your fellow brothers and sisters, and release them to live freely among you as if they did nothing, is it worth it to live humiliated once again under the nationalistic banners and so called "freedom" in which you go back to destroyed cities where the bl o o d has spilled into the rubble and rivers, while walking side by side with those who caused this and took part in it?! Not only do you live in sin and disobedience to Allah but you live in disgrace and degraded, your bl o o d will not be avenged rather it will be spilled again for the sake of nationalism and played with by the heads of kufr and their puppets, and your suffering will be forgotten once again and hidden away, neither avenged nor acknowledged.
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abdurrahmanorg · 9 months ago
“.. his reward is 50 from the companions” - The Strangers (Ghuraba) by Shaykh ibn Bāz رحمه الله
“.. his reward is 50 from the companions” – The Strangers by Shaykh ibn Bāz رحمه اللهhttps://youtu.be/JCfL743dhzM [ 1min]
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amatu-llah · 3 months ago
Rahimahu Llah.
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for-thebelievingwomen · 2 years ago
From Sufyaan ath-Thawree [رحمه الله] who said:
«استوصوا بأهل السنة خيرا فإنهم غرباء»
❝Show concern for the Ahl-ul-Sunnah with goodness since indeed they are the Ghuraba.❞
[Al-Laalkaa’iee, (1/64/49) | Translated By Abbas Abu Yahya Miraath al-Anbiyya]
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manhiya1 · 3 months ago
By Allah a lot of us are affected with الوهن! Yes there’s a nothing wrong with wanting a good life in this dunya, but not excessively especially in our times when a lot of Muslimin are under torture/imprisoned/massacred every day/other day. Ponder over the Hadith narrated by thawban رضي الله عنه:
يُوشِكُ ال��ممُ أن تداعَى عليكم كما تداعَى الأكَلةُ إلى قصعتِها . فقال قائلٌ : ومن قلَّةٍ نحن يومئذٍ ؟ قال : بل أنتم يومئذٍ كثيرٌ ، ولكنَّكم غُثاءٌ كغُثاءِ السَّيلِ ، ولينزِعنَّ اللهُ من صدورِ عدوِّكم المهابةَ منكم ، وليقذِفَنَّ اللهُ في قلوبِكم الوهْنَ . فقال قائلٌ : يا رسولَ اللهِ ! وما الوهْنُ ؟ قال : حُبُّ الدُّنيا وكراهيةُ الموتِ
The Prophet (ﷺ) said: The people will soon summon one another to attack you as people when eating invite others to share their dish. Someone asked: Will that be because of our small numbers at that time? He replied: No, you will be numerous at that time: but you will be scum and rubbish like that carried down by a torrent, and Allah will take fear of you from the breasts of your enemy and last enervation into your hearts. Someone asked: What is wahn (enervation). Messenger of Allah (ﷺ): He replied: Love of the world and dislike of death.
[Sunan Abi Dawud 4297]
Isn’t this the case of us today نسأل الله العافية ❤️‍🩹. May Allah عَزَّ وَجَلَّ‎ use us and purify our hearts and actions from Wahn آمين
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lightup0nlight · 6 months ago
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🌺 Allah says: ❛Alhamdulillah, Who has sent down to His servant [Muhammad ﷺ] the Book (i.e. the Qur’an), and has not placed therein any crookedness.❜ 【Surah al-Kahf 18:1】
The word {Alhamdulillah} means all praise and gratitude are to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. In the Qur’an, Allah often highlights a specific matter for us to internalise and ponder, and thereupon that reflection, sometimes the word that should come out from our mouth is: Alhamdulillah.
In this aayah, Allah says that there is no room for any deviation in the Qur'an. No matter how political, ideological, economy, technology, fashion, society’s values, or culture changes — one thing will not change — and that is the Qur'an. Its principles and truth are straight and clear as how it was first revealed.
Because when humanity dictates what is normal, the common standard will always deviate. What used to be detested and unacceptable before, has now been accepted as normal today. Allah says in another surah:
🌺 ❛If you obey the majority of those on earth, they will make you lose the way of Allah.❜ 【Surah al-An'am 6:116】
Alhamdulillah, Allah teaches us through His Book that we’re not among those who keep changing our standards when the world changes.
Alhamdulillah, we are freed from slavery to worldly trends, and from accepting what is filthy and corrupt as normal.
Alhamdulillah, Allah has removed these worldly shackles for us. True freedom is to truly be freed from all these false attachments, and to rely solely on our Creator. Rasulullah salla Allahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said:
🌺 ❛Islam began as something strange, and it will return to being strange (meaning, only a few believers will adhere to its teachings), so give glad tidings to the {ghuraba’ | strangers} (i.e. the ones who truly adhere to the Deen).❜ [Sunan Ibn Majah 3986 | Graded Sahih]
So as believers, do not be embarrassed for holding tightly to the Deen, and do not seek honour and success from everything else other than Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and His religion. May Allah make us amongst the ghuraba’.
Your sister in Deen, Aida Msr ©
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merangkulmakna · 2 years ago
Siapakah yang memberitahu engkau bahawa jalan ke Syurga itu dibentangi dengan bunga-bunga?
Apakah engkau tidak pernah membaca walau sedikit kisah para pendamba Syurga?
Sungguh, perjalanan mereka menuju kepada-Nya dikelilingi dengan hal-hal yang tidak disukai oleh jiwa.
Dipinggirkan, ditindas, terluka, terasing di tanah sendiri bahkan di kalangan kaum kerabat sendiri.
Jalan para pejuang Tauhid tidak menjanjikan apa-apa keselesaan dan kemewahan dunia. Sebaliknya, ia penuh dengan pancaroba. Kadang, sehingga menyesakkan dada.
Ada satu keyakinan yang mereka pegang. Keyakinan itu jugalah yang membuat mereka bertahan. Ia adalah janji yang pasti dari Tuhan. Barangsiapa yang tidak mensyirikkan Allah walau sedikit pun dan dia menjual dirinya, nyawanya kepada Allah, maka redha Allah dan Syurga sudah menantinya.
“Sesungguhnya Allah membeli dari orang-orang mukmin, baik diri mahupun harta mereka dengan memberikan syurga untuk mereka. Mereka berperang di jalan Allah, sehingga mereka membunuh atau terbunuh, (sebagai) janji yang benar dari Allah di dalam Taurat, Injil, dan Al-Quran. Dan siapakah yang lebih menepati janjinya selain Allah? Maka bergembiralah dengan jual beli yang telah kamu lakukan itu dan demikian itulah kemenangan yang agung.” (surah At-Taubah: 111)
Janji dari Rabb semesta alam itulah yang melegakan hati mereka. Walau sedahsyat manapun malapetaka itu menerpa. Sungguh, Allah tak akan sesekali memungkiri janji-Nya. Mereka percaya akan hal itu.
Jika engkau memutuskan untuk melangkah ke dunia Ghuraba ini, jangan berharap pujian, populariti, atau berharap manusia akan melayanimu bak raja atau engkau dibentangkan karpet merah. Usah bermimpi!
Bersiap-sedialah menjadi orang yang terasing.
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