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lesser-known-composers · 2 months ago
Väinö Raitio (1891 - 1945) - Four Colour Poems for piano, Op. 22 (1923)
I. Haavan lehdet (Aspen Leaves) [0:00] II. Punahattaroita (Red Cloudlets) [1:34] III. Kellastunut koivu (The Yellowed Birch) [4:51] IV. Auringonsavua (Haze) [8:36]
Jean Dubé, piano (2018)
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grokebaby · 1 year ago
Basic ideas/refs for my Pokémon ocs (what I have of them so far at least)
• Järkäle (conkeldurr). She/her. Butch.
- Name is a word used to refer to very large rocks (boulders) but also huge things in general.
- Pondering and sentimental. Stoic on the surface but intense underneath. Extremely determined, hard headed and kinda audacious. Brave. Very compassionate and cares deeply but it's easy to forget, and she often doubts if she's a good enough person. Tries to keep her cool. Wears a pink ribbon always
• Raitio (Gurdurr). They/them mainly but he is fine. Nonbinary/questioning.
- Name is Rail-, as in railways, as in train things.
- Skittish but puts on a brave face and uses intimidation more than anything to get by. Sweet and sensitive but also moody and whiny. Fearful. Really insecure but is good at giving others a chance and forgives error from them fairly easily. Very approachable if they drop the scary face.
• Järkäle is a guardian figure and the only family of Raitio, whom she's raised since being a Timburr. They live together in the wilderness, despite their kind usually being found near urban areas due to their construction skills. They're averse to interacting with humans, Järkäle due to being very wary, and Raitio due to being fearful. They live near a railway station where Raitio hatched. Järkäle has built them a home.
• Pamela (Probopass). She/her mainly. Butch lesbian.
- Named after her good looks.
- Calm, determined and easygoing. Trusting. Usually anchors turbulent situations. Really easy to talk to, non judgmental. Has a tendency to stand still when moving on would be better, since it's hard for her to forget the past. She seems to have things figured out but she's often unsure about the big things in life. Due to her uncertainty she simply goes along when life gives her lemons.
• Taikuri (Dusknoir) she/xe or any neos. Name still pending I'm not 100% sure about it. Gendersomething lesbian.
- name means "Magician".
- Volatile and highly emotional. Depends on others heavily despite being extremely prideful. Struggles with honesty and being open, and can act brashly or too hastily. Due to often flip flopping between emotions, she gets frustrated easily but also moves on easily, and doesn't tend to hold grudges. Wants to be treated nicer but is bad at being nice herself. Way more pathetic than she lets on.
• Pamela and Taikuri are a couple, living together in an abandoned house. It's very remote but not so much so that humans wouldn't pass by semi frequently. The couple is in good graces with the locals and respected by humans. Attempting to capture them would be seen as disrespectful, though they do friendly battles with trainers sometimes. Taikuri likes making the house very spooky and has this whole show going on about being a great magician and fortune teller, though alot of it is just surface glitter and she's kind of a sham. Pamela acts as xer henchman / bodyguard / houseguard, and can usually be seen patrolling or standing outside their residence. They are trusting of the local humans, but prefer to keep their distance.
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asystemerror · 11 months ago
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Happy Birthday to this goober. I'm excited to learn more about his manor game / who all the people were (I don't remember which number is which off of the top of my head *sob* *sob*).
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fairycorewalterwhite · 22 days ago
it feels like I never have a permanent good relationship with food, I was on an elimination diet two years ago, last year no food was appetizing and now, today I forced myself to vomit just so I wouldn’t feel bad about eating a second dessert because my whole life I’ve eaten when I’m bored and I know it’s not healthy but I hate my body, I don’t have the right fat to muscle raitio so this should help and as I type this I know it’s a lie but it’s the only way to justify ehat im doing to myself and what I have been doing to myslef
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blue-village · 6 months ago
”Valiokunta ei ole selvästi ymmärtänyt, mitä EU-oikeuden etusijaperiaate tarkoittaa. Jos suomalainen lainsäädäntö on ristiriidassa EU-oikeuden kanssa, silloin kansallinen lainsäädäntö jätetään noudattamatta ja niin myös tämän lain kanssa pitäisi toimia”, Raitio sanoo valiokunnan maanantaina valmistuneen mietinnön pohjalta.
”EU-oikeuden näkökulmasta on aivan käsittämätöntä, että ajatellaan, että Suomessa voisi edes viiden kuudesosan enemmistöllä päättää, että EU-oikeus ei yhtäkkiä jossain tilanteessa pädekään. Mitä jos kaikki jäsenmaat toimisivat samoin?”
”Koko mietintö on EU-oikeudellisesta näkökulmasta täysin kestämätön ja tulkinnallisesti ilmiselvästi virheellinen. Käytännössä tämä johtaa siihen, että lakia ei pystytä tehokkaasti soveltamaan”, Leino-Sandberg toteaa.
”Yleisvaikutelma on, ettei EU-oikeuteen liittyviä ongelmia ole varsinaisesti edes pyritty ratkaisemaan, vaan ennemmin keskitytään perustelemaan, miksi laki voidaan EU-oikeudesta huolimatta säätää”, Sormunen puolestaan sanoo.
EU-OIKEUDEN näkökulmasta poikkeuslaki voisi aiheuttaa ongelmia sekä rajavartijoille että suomalaisille hallintotuomioistuimille. HS:n haastattelemien oikeustieteilijöiden mukaan rajavartijat eivät käytännössä voi soveltaa poikkeuslakia rikkomatta samalla EU-oikeutta ja Suomen kansainvälisiä sitoumuksia.
”Ja tämä päätös pitäisi tehdä itsenäisesti ja sen hyvin lyhyen vuorovaikutustilanteen aikana ennen kuin maahantulija palautetaan takaisin itärajan toiselle puolelle. Yksittäisen rajavartijan näkökulmasta tilanne on aivan todella huono”, Leino-Sandberg toteaa.
Rajavartijoiden tavoin myös tuomioistuinten tulee perustaa toimintansa lakiin.
”Jos tämä asia menisi tavalla tai toisella suomalaiseen hallintotuomioistuimeen, olen vakuuttunut, että hallintotuomioistuin noudattaisi EU-oikeutta siinä tilanteessa ja ottaisi valituksen käsiteltäväkseen laista riippumatta”, Raitio arvioi.
HALLINTOVALIOKUNNAN mietinnön mukaan EU-tuomioistuimen tähänastiset ratkaisut ”eivät ole koskeneet suoraan välineellistettyä maahantuloa, joka tehdään osana vieraan valtion vihamielistä vaikuttamista”. Leino-Sandbergin, Sormusen ja Raition mukaan tämä ei pidä paikkaansa.
”EU:n toimielimissä ja Valko-Venäjän toimien kohteena olleissa maissa tilanne on määritelty hybridivaikuttamiseksi ja välineellistetyksi maahantuloksi. Tämän on tuonut esiin sekä komission puheenjohtaja Ursula von der Leyen että Puolan, Liettuan että Latvian hallitukset”, Leino-Sandberg sanoo viitaten tuoreeseen Liettuaa koskeneeseen ratkaisuun.
Leino-Sandberg ei myöskään näe syytä sille, miksi tuomioistuimen pitäisi puhua ratkaisutekstissään erikseen hybridioperaatiosta, kun EU-oikeuden näkökulmasta sillä ei ole merkitystä yksittäisten ihmisten oikeuksien kannalta.
”Väite, että samantyyppistä tilannetta ei olisi käsitelty ei yksinkertaisesti pidä paikkaansa. Tietenkin jokainen tapaus käsitellään erikseen, mutta ei se silti tarkoita, että jäsenvaltiot voivat säätää millaisia lakeja haluavat omiin tilanteisiinsa.”
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yammoba · 1 month ago
That transmysoginy raitio blog is abelist on account spending as many letters critiquing my spelling as my "transmysoginy" also btw. I though we as a society had moved past this kind of shit, especially when im litterally using my phone's shit ass spell checker if it steers me wrong and i cant fucking tell because i have a fucking letter and number based disability. Litterally go fuck yourself if you can tell what im trying to say who cares it just reveals you have shit-all to actually complain about.
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vesku56 · 3 months ago
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bielbunny · 1 year ago
one day you will make anthro gourmond
and by that i mean today
he has and amasing chunkyness raitio
Now that's an inspired idea anon
Besides i'm flirting with the idea of making a slugcat version of my fursona anyway and they'd certainly be chunky
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djdevbutcher · 5 years ago
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#amelielens #raitio #alanfitzpatrick #techtonic #jockster #techno #technofamily #adambeyer #junction2 #carlcox #musicistheanswer #alwayshasbeen #daveclarke #giovannicarozza #sarasimonit #dubfire #garyburrows #mattsassari #TechnoMeAndYou #YoyoPalaisDeTokyo #Paris #Dixon #Solomun #Themartinezbrothers #Josephcapriati #Locodice #Richiehawtin #Panpot #Adambeyer #svenvath (at Clarksville, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3hlrvtgjAn/?igshid=aa2qaf4y75pe
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insxparablxduo · 5 years ago
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Anonymous asked: Is andrew gay?
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“I like boys, yes.”
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lesser-known-composers · 10 months ago
Vaino Raitio (1891-1945) - Prinsessa Cecilia: Nyt jouluyo on tullut taas
Hannu Jurmu
Conductor: Juha Nikkola
Orchestra: Lohja City Orchestra
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grokebaby · 1 year ago
So basically I think I'm gonna have my Pokémon characters be based on the plushies I have, and the personalities I gave them. However the key word is Based here. To give myself as much creative freedom as possible (and also bc the plushies are very personal very comfort items to me), they won't be one and the same, and the character versions will likely form into their own thing. Kinda like if these ocs were an alternate universe version of them where they're not plushies. Base personality but have their own story. Alright? Alright.
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steamedtangerine · 2 years ago
Intermezzo for Organ · James D Hicks
 Nordic Journey, Vol. 11: Nordic Anthology ℗ 2022
 Artist: James D Hicks
 Composer: Väinö Raitio
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its-ghostly-quasar · 3 years ago
L + raitio + you're a monkees fan
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yammoba · 1 month ago
I like to try to understand people
I really do
I think its valuable.
To try to understand these horrid impulses. But how the fuck does one comprehend this thought. That not eveyone involved in oppressing is acting out of unhinged disgust-malice , but then how does that square with accepting a future where thier own children have to be subjected to that kind of shit just to play some sports that 99.99% of time will have 0 direct impact on their future (in termes of rankong and performance) the gains to loss raitio is nonsensical to the rational mind.
But i am reminded of The anti-choice people having and justifying their own abortions. They are always the exception. But that also something i cant really comprehend. Outsidr of the hights of self delusion.
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jellypumpkin · 4 years ago
Width to height is a delicate ratio for burgers.
Wide burgers require a similarly wide bun, which can easily result in too high a raitio of bun to meat.
Tall burgers can be contained on a standard sized bun, but if made too tall they become difficult to eat.
Both wide and tall must be embraced in order to achieve the perfect balance.
Which is better? Burgers that are wider(having a greater diameter) or burgers that are taller(from bottom bun to top bun)?
Wider, but there are limits to everything.
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