#raised as sith anakin
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galactic-rhea · 2 months ago
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probably the only instance ever anakin dares to talk back; as a kid dfsdfdfdsg
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stealingpotatoes · 10 months ago
Not sure if this has been asked or not, but how would canon Luke and Leia react to meeting your au versions of them?
omg I'VE BEEN WANTING TO MAKE AN INTO THE LUKE-AND-LEIA-VERSE FOR AGES thank you for kicking me into doing it
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(donation doodles! // tip jar)
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casieyfran · 1 year ago
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Sith raised anakin x padme amidala dynamic be like XD
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the-crooked-library · 7 months ago
so i'm facing a Sith in a deadly duel - and as my final blow, i slice him in half. surely he will not survive this, get robot legs, and fixate obsessively on me for the foreseeable future, pursuing me across the galaxy on his vaguely homoerotic quest for revenge.
it would be weird if it happened twice, i mean, really
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susanoosama01 · 6 months ago
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Sith!Obi-Wan is up to no good!
The fic for this art is still in my WIP folder but...
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burntblueberrywaffles · 8 months ago
The "yeah this ship is pretty bad and toxic in canon, but idk, it’s nice to take about what could’ve been in a fix-it universe :/" to "clawing at the walls, reading the most deranged fanfic ao3 has to offer" pipeline
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Weekend recommendations
This weekend I want to recommend a fic that, in my opinion, is a must read.
Needing/Getting by chapstickaddict is the unexpected, alternative, impossibly beautiful and intricate fic that has fascinated me ever since I first read it. There is so much world building, lore and incredible descriptions that it is a true pleasure to read.
Sith raised Anakin hiding from everyone with his two wonderful feral twins and his sassy apprentice Ahsoka stumbling upon and taking home Jedi Obi-Wan is just something very, very special.
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rainintheevening · 11 months ago
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Vader/Anakin & Obi-Wan — take my hand (WIP) - raised-as-a-Sith Anakin au
Hey, Adi @clawedandcute. I made another one!
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phoenixyfriend · 2 years ago
I think I deserve an AU where Heir-to-the-Sith-Empire Anakin and Second-Daughter-of-Mandalore Bo have an arranged marriage, actually
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spock-smokes-weed · 2 years ago
Watching a really scary horror thing, and then watching a comfort movie to help you calm down is like. I’ll be fine. Anakin and Obi-Wan can protect me from any vampires that try to break into my house.
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musewrangler · 1 year ago
He finished and came out into the living area just as Leia threw her puzzle ball across the room in fury.
“I HATE him!” she shrieked—-five year old rage making her small body tremble. “I don’t WANT him to be my father! I have Daddy! Why do we have to go?”
There was a beat as Luke’s blue eyes filled with tears and Sola met Firmus’s gaze over the heads of the twins.
“I’m sorry, darling,” he soothed, immediately folding her into his arms. She shook and wept.
“It’s not our fault! Why do we have to go? I HATE him!”
All around them, the room trembled.
Holy kark.
“It isn’t your fault,” Piett murmured into her soft hair as he stroked her back. “Not at all. But I am afraid that there are many things beings can do which cause…trouble for others. Even others that had nothing to do with it.”
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galactic-rhea · 2 months ago
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What's wrong, Dooku,? You look like you saw a ghost
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@batrachised inspired me to draw this <3
Also, this belongs to this au! || Next ||
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fanfictasia · 1 year ago
Angstober Day 4
“I Want To Believe You”
Spoiler: This is an excerpt from Favorless
“Cone,” Obi-Wan tells him, and he shuffles after him towards the door. Is he planning to drop it entirely? Anakin half hopes he will, though the incident speaks well of what the Jedi are really like, if that’s true.
Obi-Wan eyes him again though, once they’re out in the hall. “Before we go for training, you should get cleaned up.” Probably advisable, considering that he has numerous bruises on his face, not that he much cares for what he looks like. “And… you should know that I don’t approve of how those padawans were acting.”
Anakin just stares at him. He should probably say something, but for the first real time that he came to the Temple, he feels completely speechless. How is he even supposed to react to that? He was starting to wonder how he could even talk his way out of something like this when the Jedi are undoubtedly going to be furious at him, but Obi-Wan is just… acting as though he did nothing wrong?
Is this some kind of trap, too? Sidious could get… like that sometimes, but not as confusing as the Jedi. He didn’t make him constantly wonder and worry about what they’re doing. They’re nothing like his master, like the life Anakin is accustomed to, and he feels even more lost and lonely than he thought he could.
“Really?” he asks skeptically, disbelievingly.
“I didn’t see what happened, but that’s not how we… believe in treating those who are confined here.” 
He’d believe it more if he didn’t remember the heat of Windu’s lightsaber against his neck, from only two days ago. How he threatened to kill him, in front of Sidious. And he doesn’t really know how much he means to his master, but he knows Sidious… cares on some level, and that was…
He doesn’t understand anything about the Jedi, except that there are very few he – they’re his enemies. Why is he thinking about being friends with them? That’s ridiculous. That’s not what he and Obi-Wan are, either. Anakin is just a tool to them, and they’ll get rid of him as soon as they’re done using him.
He’ll worry about that when it comes to it, but for now, he needs to focus.
And he can’t trust Obi-Wan, even if he’s very tired of being around people he can’t trust.
He wishes he could, but… he can’t, and he needs to get used to that. He was surrounded by people he couldn’t trust for several weeks on Tatooine after his mother died – that time was really a blur to him, and Anakin doesn’t much remember it, but he survived it then. He’ll survive this, too. Somehow.
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disastertriowriting · 1 year ago
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This is our fill for "Guardian Angel". :D
Found and raised by Sidious, Anakin is on Naboo when the Jedi find him. Given an offer to help the Jedi against a rising threat greater than both the Jedi and Sith, Anakin reluctantly accepts. He's left in Obi-Wan's custody, and the two have to move past their differences to work together. Except, more and more Anakin begins to question if being a Sith is what he truly wants.
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marvelstars · 2 years ago
I believe this arc reveals a little too much about Sidious hand and future plans and I don´t think is quite ic for him to do so, he made Cad Bane kidnap those kids to raise them as sith acolytes but this revealed too much his influence on the clone wars given he keep the babies at Mustafar to raise them but I loved seeing Ahsoka and Anakin team up to rescue them.
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susanoosama01 · 1 year ago
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