#raine whispers angst
korkietism · 1 year
Give me TOH requests please
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navajja · 2 years
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Loving your hair
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belligerentbagel · 1 year
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so much for stardust we thought we had it all, thought we had it all
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lovemoroporo · 2 years
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the coven heads had to be coven scouts as some point right??
⭐  ig | kofi | comms | inprnt ⭐  
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jamgrlsart · 5 months
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If these heights should bring my fall
Let me be your own
Icarian carrion
I, Carrion (Icarian)— Hozier
Idk, this song makes me think of Harpy Eda carrying Raine, so have some harpy raeda angst??
Transcript of lyrics and version without lyrics under the cut.
Transcript of lyrics written in the art:
I do not have wings, Love, I never will
Soaring over a world you are carrying
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Don't think about the fact that, in this version, Raine and Darius would've seen Hunter panicking and running. That they would've heard Luz's slow change from soft sobs to gut wrenching cries to where she could hardly breath. They would see her fall, unable to hold it in any longer. The heavy guilt begin to rest on their shoulders and creep its way to their heart and stomach. And without any idea of what happened they could only ask, "what have we done to these kids?"
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the-boiling-bisles · 2 years
I haven't really had the chance to organize my thoughts and predictions on the finale yet, so I guess I'll just dump them here lmao
I'm still holding out for Eda to use Bat Queen's whistle in the finale, don't know what she would do, but I do think that it would most likely lead to a sacrifice of some sort (or maybe belos eats her and grows to full power again wouldn't that be wild)
I feel like I'm in the minority of people who don't think Luz will permanently move to the demon realm, I feel like it would be easier on Camila (and Vee too let's be honest), if there was just an open portal she could go through at any time. At the very least it's pretty obvious that the portal between the worlds will close forever afterwards, evidently from how much Luz has grown there compared to Earth
Huntlow is definitely of importance to the Belos plotline, they would've just cut it for time if it wasn't. Hunter and Willow are 100% foils to Caleb and Evelyn, and my guess when the gang is confronted by him, he'll see the two protecting each other and have flashbacks to when he killed his brother. My biggest hope for this would be a fully animated flashback, but I guess we'll just have to see
It's pretty evident that Hunter will continue the line of palismen carving, and with the seed Dell gave to Eda, I would almost say that that alludes to a future with Willow where she grows the trees and he carves the wood (definitely reading too much into it lol)
Something I don't think a lot of people have talked about is who will run the isles when Belos is dealt with? Or rather how it will be run. It would make the most sense for one of the CATS to do it (Eda, Raine, and Darius all come to mind first). Oddly specific, but in that context I could see a scene where upon everybody finding out he's a titan, they say that he should be the leader of the BI, but he insists that he isn't fit for the job or something of the likes
I think with the build up to Stringbean, there will be a big fight against Belos in the next episode, considering how well he fought in Hunter's body, who had no natural magic at the time, I think as Raine he'll be even harder to beat. A fight like that alone has me curious as to whether they'll survive or not, but considering the amount of angst between them and Eda I don't think it'll get worse (I am definitely wrong about that). There will definitely be a scene where Eda thinks they're dead though, she'll hold them in their arms and cry or whatever and then they'll have some funny quip, then they'll finally kiss
Part of me feels that Luz will have a last minute moment of doubt when deciding whether or not she'll return to the demon realm at all, which will lead to Camila mentioning the videos that Luz sent her back in S2, I still think they're going to be plot relevant, and will probably be in the last 5 or so minutes of the episode
And that brings me to something mentioned by in a post hoot on Cissy's instagram a little while ago. One of the people there asked someone if they had seen the last four minutes of the episode, and when they said no the other had a clear reaction. The last four minutes will most likely be a time skip, wedding, or maybe some sort of memorial thing for a character who died. I would be willing to bet that those last four minutes were what Sarah was talking about when she said it was the hardest she ever cried.
Sorry this was so long lmao I just wanted to get my thoughts out
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Alright so.
Thought process.
Darius curses on the Titan all the time, more than any other character despite his (unfairly) short amount of screen time. At first I wanted to dismiss this as just "he's a pompous bastard, of course he says the Boiling Isles equivalent of 'Oh Lord' constantly," but in hindsight this gives me the opportunity to drown this man in religious trauma.
Which got me thinking. Luz would probably have to explain the whole Titan business at some point, and well,
Luz: So uh, God was real this entire time, he wasn't what you all belived she was, oh and he's dead now.
Darius, stumbling backwards, gripping onto a table for support, worldview shattered: Oh tita- oh fuck, dear lor- shit- mother of ti- fuck-
Luz: Jeez, is that guy okay?
Raine: Yeah no he was raised religious, this is kind of a lot, give him a minute.
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riddlerosehearts · 2 years
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I saw you in a bright clear field, hurricane heat in my head The kind of pain you feel to get good in the end, good in the end Inscribed like stone and faded by the rain: “Give up what you love Give up what you love before it does you in...”
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bmblboop · 1 year
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sstarnights · 1 year
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"I hate you, hate you. Get out of the way".
RAEDA ANGST?? Yup. I named the title after a song lyric, hope people will get it but idk idk. Kinda like how this one came out so thats a w for me ig 🤷‍♀️ Also I am still not over the finale, never will be.
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korkietism · 1 year
Another lingering thought…
Perhaps after the events of WAD, specifically Raines possession, they fall ill.
Well, they got belos’s goop in their mouth and generally throughout their body. I doubt that is healthy, even for a strong witch. And with all the stress from the day of unity and the events following, id imagine they are beyond overwhelmed.
They’d come down with a fever out of absolutely nowhere and not tell anyone. They’d try to just function like normal but of course they feel like death. Id imagine a witch body trying to purge the belos goop from their system would not be a pleasant experience.
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stinkyeggbow · 2 years
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Eda & Raine
Inspired by "Ivan the Terrible and his Son Ivan" painting (Ilja Riepin)
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rainey-day-whispers · 2 years
If I had a nickel for every time my favourite character got possessed by belos and then given a mullet I would have two nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice right ?
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lizard-dumbass · 2 years
I think we need to consider the body horror potential with this new plot development
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(click images for higher quality)
Image description under the cut
[ID: three digital illustrations of Raine Whispers from The Owl House. Raine is in puppet form and is also possessed by Belos. The first drawing is of them from the shoulders up, there is a large sweep of dark green goop going across their face, covering their left eye. Said left eye is completely black except for the iris/pupil which is a glowing bright blue color. Raine also has dark green antlers and their hair is significantly longer, resembling a mullet. They have an angry/unhinged expression and the left side of their mouth extends further out into their face and gapes open, reminiscent of a skeleton or corpse. The part of their mouth that is open is emitting a cyan colored glow. The next drawing is a full body shot of possessed puppet Raine. Their face/head is as described. Their body is outstreched and much taller than normal, their arms and legs are unnaturally long and are made of the same dark green goop as their antlers, which is dripping off their body. They stand with a hunched over posture. In the third and final drawing, possessed puppet Raine is hunched over on the floor, gripping their head with their hands. Four large, blue, glowing eyeballs are sprouting out from their back and sides. The final image has all three drawings next to eachother with reference pictures of possessed puppet Raine, puppet Raine, Raine in their normal state, Belos in his goopy monstrous form, and Hunter when he was also possessed by Belos. End ID]
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primalmagic · 5 months
small sacrifices (you are my life)
five times raine sacrifices something for eda, and one time she gives it right back.
OR raeda through the ages.
Dating someone you've known for literally forever is an odd experience. It's fucking awesome, that's for sure, but it's odd. Like, when Eda remembers that, oh, she doesn't have to panic holding Raine's hand anymore.
She still does panic- but for a completely different reason. And that said reason is a thousand times more favorable than before.
It's a Monday, which means one of two things. One, she has to go to school. Two, she gets to see Raine. She thanks the Titans for two- it makes her absolute hatred for Hexside so much more bearable.
Eda crashes into her Locker, hair all over the place and sunken bags underneath her amber eyes.
"Woah- hey there, soldier," A familiar voice practically half-sings next to her.
"What do you want, bitch?" She grumbles.
"Hey!" Raine squawks indignantly, "That is no way to speak to your partner!" They flick Eda on the shoulder, and then frown, "You alright, though?"
"I had to wake up. Does it look like I'm alright?"
Eda loves Raine, that's a pretty well-known fact. But what she doesn't love is the fact that Raine is definitely a morning person, and it sucks for her. Like, seriously, how can one be this happy on a Monday morning?
Raine laughs, all traces of worry gone. "Good to see you too, buddy," They snort, "Hold on, it looks like a ratworm built a nest in your hair. Let me get a comb."
They shuffle through their bag before bringing out an orange, wide-toothed comb with a slightly bent top. They shrug, "This'll have to do, then."
They lean closer to Eda, leaning onto the Locker before pulling out a small lock of her hair. They brush through it lightly, plucking out a leaf in the process.
She blushes at the proximity- because Raine's so close. And then Raine looks up at her with slightly wide eyes, and they're aware of it too. Hesitantly, they reach out to touch her cheek, one firm hand still gliding through her hair.
The comb catches a tangle near her neck and breaks, and Raine rolls their eyes, "Eda... you need to comb your hair if you're going to keep it this long," They mutter.
Butterflies engulf inside the bottomless pit of what is called a "stomach" and Eda presses them down. Because they're stupid and not necessary right now.
"I do what I want," She rolls her eyes right back, but without any heat.
Raine leans in and presses a featherlight kiss on Eda's cheek. "You do you, the- SCREEEEECH."
The Locker screams at the top of its lungs, signaling the start of the school day. They both jump apart, blushing and shocked by the outburst, before starting to giggle.
"Way to ruin the moment," Eda folds her hands, and smacks the Locker for good measure. She's not actually angry, but the squeaking box doesn't need to know that.
"We should get to class," Raine grins, "See you at lunch?"
"If I don't get detention by then, absolutely," She winks and starts walking away, not before noticing Raine's amused expression, feeling so much better than she did before.
Only a few seconds later, she hears: "Oh, and by the way, you owe me a new comb!"
Eda never ends up giving Raine a new comb, which is fine, because Raine forgot about it anyway.
When Eda brings it up one afternoon while playing grudgby, a few months later, Raine snorts, "I was joking, Eda. It was practically useless anyway. Seriously, I don't mind."
Eda smiles lightly, "Thanks, then."
"Not a problem, soldier," they nod, kicking the ball with all the strength they had. It misses the goal and soars outside the field, and into the stands, causing both of them to groan. Every time this happens, they spend at least fifteen minutes trying to find it.
"On second thought, maybe I could do with a favor," Raine mumbles, "There might be a storm today and I need to find that ball soon."
"You got it, commander," Eda salutes, running towards the stands, "Last one there is a rotten slimesicle!"
They don't find the ball.
It's been an hour, and there's no sign of it anywhere. Clouds are billowing in the sky, and it's begun to drizzle. Eda shivers, mentally chiding herself for not wearing something warmer.
Raine looks up, concerned. "You can take my jacket, if you want? We can look for the ball tomorrow, let's just get home soon."
Eda is about to protest, but Raine picks up the grudgby jacket that they take with them to practice, and gently hands it over to her.
And well, she can't say no to them now, can she?
She takes the jacket, hesitantly pulling it over her arms. It's a little bit too tight and slightly short, but it couldn't have been better. And, on another note, it smells like rain.
It's kind of coincidental (or maybe not), but Raine always smells like petrichor. Petrichor in the boiling isles is... not an incredibly popular scent. But she thinks otherwise- once the acid rain disappeared, it smells pretty decent outside. Or maybe that was just Eda.
Dating Raine kind of felt like petrichor, when she thought about it. The days of giggling and blushing and getting embarrassed weren't gone, but they weren't... incredibly common anymore. Raine wasn't something new and exciting anymore- but they were something better. They were home. Not that Eda would ever say it out loud, but it was true.
They were like the feeling after the rain ended, after the excitement, after the fear. It was the peace and knowledge that the two of them were here, together, and it was enough. She was enough.
The rain begins to grow a tad bit heavier, and they duck under the bleachers. "We gotta get to dry ground," Eda mutters, because everyone knows that acid rain burns are not fun to deal with.
"No shit, Titans." Raine huffs, "C'mon, the training room should be open. It's our best bet."
They do not find the grudgby ball.
Actually, they do. Just not the next day, or the day after that, or the day after that.
Nope, they find that stupid ball four years later. They're both out of school now, with Raine starting their work with the covens, and Eda playing professional grudgby.
Eda flips her hair behind her back, trying to untangle it from her favorite jacket. Well, it's technically Raine's, but she kind of kept it a while back- and Raine didn't seem to mind that much.
They'd stitched a bright red "E" onto it only a few years back, smiling at Eda as they handed it over. "You wear it too damn much, so might as well have your name on it. You know, just in case you lose it."
Now, she's wearing it, watching the practice from the stands above. After injuring her finger in a thumb war (Why? Raine had sighed, You're an adult, Eda), she was forced to take a short break from playing.
She kicks her legs back and forth, humming to some screaming-rock music playing on the stadium's radio to keep the players upbeat. They've rented out the Hexside playing grounds for just today, since their normal practice place is infested with a very territorial slitherbeast.
Suddenly, her leg hits something soft, and she frowns. Leaning down, she pushes out a small brown ball. Someone must have lost their ball kicking it up here, she thinks, we used to do that all the time.
It's a fond memory of Raine- and one that sends a pang of nostalgia through her chest. She turns the ball in her hands, and pauses when she notices a small R + E etched into the ball's leather.
She bursts out in giggles, because what the fuck. She snorts, "Raine's would love this- after all these years, and I'm the one who finds this old thing."
Eda tucks it into her bag and waits until practice is finished. And as she walks outside, she realizes three things.
One, Raine's not waiting for her.
Two, Raine won't be waiting for her anymore.
Three, Raine and her broke up.
Four days ago. One day after her fucking birthday. Who does that? Who breaks up with someone twenty-four hours after the best day of their life?
Raine Whispers, that's who.
Eda's still wearing the bracelet Raine gave her, and she doesn't know why. She should be throwing it to the owls, but she can't bear to lose the last gift Raine gave her.
It's a white one, made out of bat silk. There are small, intricate designs on the tiny black clasp connecting it around her wrist. And in the very middle, is half of a heart. It used to be Raine's parents, and they'd given it to them as a promise. Raine has one too, and it's almost identical to hers- except that it's black.
It was for the "love of their life", Raine's parents had told them. And that bastard had given it to her, like a fucking joke, and then broken up with her.
It was kind of her fault, actually. She'd messed things up and now Raine refused to talk to her, and she was kind of- very slightly- heartbroken.
Very slightly. She didn't sob into her pillow for hours last night.
Eda turns her wrist, and lets out a self-deprecating laugh. Fitting, she thinks, That it's a broken heart.
She'll get over Raine Whispers, she knows.
She thinks.
She hopes.
Edalyn Clawthorne is an outlaw. She's fearless, she's wanted, she's famous, and she's living her dream life.
At least, that's what most elves think.
No, the real Edalyn Clawthorne doesn't even exist anymore. She's living as a facade, as the "Owl Lady" in fear of people knowing who she truly is.
It's the harsh truth, and one she hates to confront.
Damn it, the only reason she's stealing things from the human realm is to get on the coven's nerves. Because you know what? Fuck the coven. Fuck Belos. Fuck that fucking Raine Whispers.
She's swearing too much, and she knows it. But there isn't anybody to stop her, there isn't anybody that cares.
She's so, so alone.
And she hates it so much.
"Eda?" A tiny voice calls out from the living room, and Eda wills her self-pitying thoughts to disappear. She's not completely alone, because she has King. King, who she brought home one night and then just... kept.
"Yeah, King?" She calls back, "Do you need anything?"
"The King demands another glass of red juice!" He declares.
"You hated it, remember?" She sighs, "You threw it at your stuffed demons last time."
"Exactly! I must use it to torture the souls of my prisoners so they bow to my will!" He cackles an evil laugh (it's actually adorable, Eda thinks), and then she hears things being thrown around the room.
Oh well.
She forces herself to stand up and grab the broom, because Hooty obviously can't dust himself (actually, he can- but don't tell Eda that). Plus, the Owl House was beginning to look like a dump, and King was not helping.
She could get through this, one day at a time. It would get better, because she had King, and he was safe, and that was all she needed for now.
But speak of the titan, and he shall arrive. Just then, King screams, and Eda jumps to her feet and runs- alert and scared.
"King?" She panics, "You 'kay?"
She finds him in the middle of a large pile of stuffed animals, groaning and muttering unintelligible syllables to himself.
"King?" She picks him up slowly, stepping over the oversized stuffies. "Buddy, what happened?"
"I thought... it would be a good idea to make a tower of doom! And have my servants carry me up to the top... but they dropped me! And I fell," He bawls, tears springing from his bright brown eyes.
"Does anything hurt?" She asks softly.
"My arm... and my head... and my legs," King wails.
Titans, why couldn't the world just give her a break?
"We need to get you to a doc- oh no," Realization dawns on her when she realizes she can't even come close to the Boiling Isles without someone noticing her. And everyone knows she's wanted- she'd be caught immediately.
She looks at King, sniffling in her hands, and groans inwardly.
It was time to make a trip to the doctor's office, also known as the center of the Boiling Isles.
Five minutes later, she's sitting on Owlbert and flying into the city, wearing a wild magic-made black cloak, large sunflower glasses (she couldn't find anything else, okay?), and a brown rainhat.
Here's the thing: getting into the doctor's is easy- nobody suspects anything when a cloaked woman with a wailing baby enters a hospital. But inside, Eda's going to have to drop all of her magic, in case it's carrying any sort of disease or whatever. What's she going to do then?
She has absolutely no idea.
The doctor gives King a vial to drink, which, since she's spent a ton of her life in illegal activity, Eda knows doesn't work. So slams a bunch of money on the table, leaving the poor worker gaping. "You're- you're a wonderful mom, ma'am. There's a proper healing potion in the back I can give to your son, but he'll have to take it once a day for about a week." Eda nods sharply, and the doctor scuttles away.
When he comes back, Eda's magic has faded (the hospital has leeched it away from her), and the doctor's smile falls. "You're- you're the-"
She groans, and without thinking, drop-kicks the doctor and grabs the vial. "We'll be leaving now, thank you," she smirks, picking the wide-eyed King off the hospital bed and running into the hallway.
Red alarms begin to blare loudly, and Eda's smirk disappears. "They have security buttons in every room now, don't they?" she mutters.
"Yes, they do, actually," a voice replies, causing her to freeze. Something about it isn't right, and it sends shivers down Eda's spine. She whisks around, finding herself face to face with the one and only...
Fucking Titans.
...Raine Whispers.
"Ever since you've turned the Boiling Isles into your own little playhouse, Belos has taken extra measures to keep us safe from your harmful antics. Now, I ask that you hand over whatever you've stolen, and come with me to the coven court."
They're on different sides now, she remembers. They're the enemy.
"As if, get the fuck away from me." She steps back and stands taller, but Raine isn't intimidated.
"Eda-" They begin, but are quickly interrupted.
"That's Edalyn to you, thank you very much. Better yet, call me the Owl Lady." She scoffs.
Raine sighs, a flicker of hurt passing through their expression, "Don't make me do this the hard way, Edalyn."
"I haven't stolen anything!" She hisses, "King got hurt and I needed a remedy, okay? Just let me go, and I won't do anything stupid." She hesitates, "Please."
Raine looks down, like as if they've only just realized King was there, hugging Eda's leg.
"Yada, yada, yada, I picked him up on the side of the road and I'm taking care of him now. Can we go now?"
She drops the vial into her pocket, distracted and trying to find ways to get out of this forsaken place. But instead, she drops it, and it lands on her toe, spilling the remedy all over the floor.
And you know- she's stressed, and she's tired, and she's had a really long day- so it's only natural that she starts tearing up.
"Fuck off, Rainestorm," She mumbles, looking away so they can't see that she's so done right now.
She doesn't miss how Raine's eyes widen, and then flicker to King, and then to the broken vial.
"Take this."
"Take this," They mutter, handing her a similar vial from their cloak, "I use it for my wrist sometimes."
"Titans, Eda, just take the vial and go! I'll lead the guards off. Just... go."
She doesn't need to be told twice, she grabs King and the vial and Owlbert and flies out of the window immediately.
She's breathing too hard, and her heart is racing a mile a minute. It only slows down when she spots the Owl House below, and she lands shakily.
The first thing she does is tuck King to bed, whispering promises and wishes as he falls asleep. Then, she goes to her room and cries.
She hasn't cried like this in a while, like all her emotions are escaping her faster than she can keep track of them. Seeing Raine was like a knife had sliced all the wounds she was trying to close.
She's still in love with Raine Whispers, she knows.
And she hates it more than anything else in the world.
The Owl House is full of people, but sometimes, Eda still feels alone.
Luz and Amity are trying to find potion ingredients in town, King is sulking, and Willow, Gus, and Hunter are all plotting in the living room.
Unity day is soon, and they know it. It looms over them like the mist on a winter morning, like they're flying in a thousand clouds.
Eda isn't stupid- she knows this could be it.
They could lose people, and they will lose people.
But another part of her tells her that everyone will be fine, because they have to be, because she needs them to be.
It's so stupid, and so selfish. But she can't help it. If she lost Luz, or King, or even the stupid friends she keeps bringing over, it'd hurt like hell, and Eda's done with losing people. Her parents, her sister, Raine.
So she settles the score with herself and vows that she won't let any of them die before she does.
She'll fight for them, and them only.
She'll die for them, and them only.
She's cooking lunch when the doorbell rings, and she groans because she knows she's the one who'll have to open it. She lets the levitating ingredients plop back onto the table, and walks towards the door.
"Welcome back, Luz-"
Come on.
"Raine," She blinks, then regains her posture, "Can I be of any assistance?"
Raine shakes their head in a clipped and polite manner, "Can you give Luz these documents for me? They're about the Day of Unity, I managed to snag them from Belos."
This whole... thing is so weird. Raine is suddenly against Belos, and is helping Luz, and indirectly helping her. And don't forget the fact that they willingly got taken by a weird monster thing for her. And they used the song they wrote together, performed bard magic, and saved her.
Eda doesn't want to talk about that day. Because she lost Raine all over again, and she knows Raine knows it too.
Now, they're acting as if nothing ever happened.
She takes the documents from her ex's hand, and nods, "Thank you, I'll let her know when she comes back. It might not be a good idea to come here during the day, though. Someone might catch you."
"Concerned, Edalyn?" They smirk, with a look that Eda knows all too well. It fades quickly. "It's better this way, I can just say I'm going out for an errand and nobody thinks its suspicious. I'm hiding right under their nose."
"Fascinating." She deadpans, "Well, if you'll excuse me, I have lunch to make and children to help, sooo-"
"Need help?"
They fidget with their glasses, a nervous habit they seemed to have picked up during their days with the coven. "I've noticed there's a ton of people here nowadays, and it's probably stressful, so... do you need any help?"
"Is the great Raine Whispers asking if they can sacrifice their prestigious time to help me make lunch?" She asks, incredulously.
"You're working so much, Edalyn, it's the least I can do to help." There is something tender in their voice that makes her heart clench.
Titans, fuck this. "Call me Eda," A voice speaks, one that she can barely recognize as her own.
It's Raine's turn to be surprised now, "Huh?"
"Just- call me Eda. If we're working against Belos together, you're going to have to stop acting like we're strangers," She tries to sound harsh, but it comes out softer then she's expecting.
"Alright, Eda," they smile, "Can I come in now?"
The Day of Unity is over.
They're alive. They're all... okay.
But it's not over yet, because The Collector is going insane, and nobody knows how to stop him.
And King... King is trapped up there with him too. She needs to find him, and... she needs to find Raine too.
Getting up to the floating castle is the hardest part, but she manages. Flying with harpy wings is surprisingly easy. She's planning on finding King first, but as she sneaks in through the backside, she feels a familiar tug of magic pull her closer.
Raine is here, and Raine is close.
She wants to look for them- she wants to find them and take them back, but she needs to find King before anything. King is her first priority.
Finding the Collector's room isn't hard, there's a trail of stars descending towards it in ever direction.
But she isn't exactly sure how she's going to grab King. The Collector would catch her if she made a run for it, but she doesn't have too many options.
She hears King say, "Hey! What if we played over there with the stuffed animals? I'll hide in one of them, and you have to try to find me!"
There's a scuttling noise, which she assumes is King hiding.
Eda waits, and waits, and waits, and hears the Collector looking inside of each toy and chest. "KING!" He squeals, "I'm going to find you!"
The Collector is nearing the door, and she needs to get out of here soon.
Something bumps on her leg, and she looks down and...
She ignores him, and lets her fight-or-flight mode take control. She picks up King, and then she's running, running, running, away from The Collector's voice and down to Raine's chamber.
"I thought you were hiding?" She whispers, breathlessly.
"I needed the bathroom, and he wouldn't let me go," King pouts in her arms, "So I just tried to escape for a bit! Why are you here?"
"To save you guys, obviously."
King frowns, "The Collector'll be lonely though."
"Seriously?" She hisses, "You're worried about that?"
They reach the entrance, and Eda pauses. King looks up, "What's wrong?"
"Raine's here."
King looks at her for a few seconds, then flails around, "Put me down! I'll stay on guard. If The Collector comes, I can trick him or something. Go get Raine." He grins.
Eda thinks about it for a while, and then places him down, "I'm so proud of you," she murmurs, and presses a kiss on his forehead, "I'll be back before you know it. Try not to get caught."
She's running again, opening doors (The Collector isn't very good at locking things), and looking through every room she can find.
It's like a maze, and she's starting to wonder if she's going in circles.
That is, until she finds them. They're locked onto a sticky black goop, and they freeze when they see Eda.
Oh right, she's still in harpy mode.
She spots their glasses on the ground and picks them up.
"Stay away!" Raine yells, and Eda has to hold back the urge to snicker.
She comes closer, putting the glasses on their face and cupping their cheek with her hand. "Hey, Rainestorm."
"Mh hm."
"You're here?"
"I am."
"You're not just my imagination?" They ask, skeptically.
She giggles at that, "No, I'm here."
She begins working through the thick goop, one strand at a time. "How are you doing?"
"Peachy," Raine mumbles.
"Seems like it." They look so tired, with dark eyebags and new scars. But Eda has never seen them look so beautiful before. Because they're here, and they're alive, and they're okay.
They sit in comfortable silence for a while, Eda working through the goop and Raine staring at her as if she's some sort of new instrument species. If instruments have species, she doesn't know.
A scream breaks the silence, and they both freeze. "KIIING! I DON'T LIKE THIS GAME ANYMORE! LET'S PLAY SOMETHING ELSE." The Collector's upset, and he's nearing wherever they are.
"Take King and get out of here," Raine whispers as Eda breaks half of the goop, placing a small instrument in her shaking palm.
"No," she glares at them, pushing the miniature violin back. They must have used the last of their magic to turn it tiny in a desperate attempt to keep it safe. "Rainestorm, you've given me so fucking much. I'm not taking your violin. It's... it's your life."
"Eda," Their voice cuts through her protests, "You are my life. And I need you to be safe. Please."
It's a confession, and it causes Eda to take a step back, "I'm not leaving without you."
It's all she can say right now, with her mind so full of emotions and Raine.
"I left you," they look away, "You couldn't look at me without remembering how much I messed up."
She laughs, which startles them. "How much you messed up? Don't blame yourself for my mistakes, Raine. It was my fault. I get it. I would leave too, if I was stuck with someone like me," She's getting a bit too self-deprecating, plus, she doesn't like this whole game of charades, so she pulls closer.
"Raine Whispers, I'm not taking your violin with me. I'm taking you. We're going to get to the Owl House safely and I'm never, ever, going to let go of you again." She says it so decisively, with a fire in her eyes she knows Raine has never seen before.
And then there's a snap! and Raine stumbles out of their prison and into Eda's arms.
"Easy there, soldier," She smiles, and Raine returns it weakly.
"That's my line."
"C'mon," she smiles, hauling Raine up, "Let's get you home."
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